superhero Mon Sep 06, 2010 12:37 pm
starninja wrote:Superhero,
I appreciate your feedback. It is a delight to meet a true art lover with such eloquence. I love Andrew art. It is full of emotions......very sensual and romantic.
There is more.
Andrew Atroshenko
WOW! I think these two are my favorite so far - such diversity of expression in them. I can truly sense the trombone player articulating his whole being into his music - the energy of music is not difficult to imagine in this painting. The other is very sensual and elegant displaying the beauty and passion of a romantic moment. I would not call this "sexual" as some would do, for I do not view lustfully the beauty that is being portrayed.
On a side note: People that view nudity in a lustful or shameful way are missing out on a beauty that can only be beheld from a vantage point that transcends the carnal mind. Passion of the soul does not have to be - and in reality is not - about sex and lust, but rather it is about a deep appreciation of form and content and the energy that is being shared and experienced. This - to me - is what makes "great art". I can sense the passion of the artist in both of these artworks (and other posts you have here), and to me he has captured this energy perfectly.
Thank you so much for sharing all of this art. I have been out of the art loop for many years now, and your thread has been a wonderful highlight to this strange life I have been living. I was an art major in collage at one time and the History of Art and Art Appreciation class were my favorite two classes - this thread reminds me of that appreciation I had for art but became buried in my life journey, and it feels great to have that inspiration again.