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    Update from Steven Greer September 2015


    Posts : 2191
    Join date : 2010-04-14
    Age : 79
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    Update from Steven Greer September 2015 Empty Update from Steven Greer September 2015

    Post  Seashore Fri Oct 30, 2015 4:25 am

    This is apparently a recording of a webinar that just took place last month in London:

    Published on Sep 20, 2015

    You are invited to join Dr. Steven Greer- founder of the world-wide Disclosure movement and CE-5 Initiation and creator of "Sirius", the historic documentary- for an evening of amazing information on never -before heard revelations on briefings and contact initiatives in Europe.

    These include:

    - Briefings for European royal families and Government officials in the UK, Monaco, France, the Vatican and Liechtenstein

    - Senior French Ministry of Defense and Intelligence initiatives for CE-5 contact events in France and never-before seen documents from the French Government- the most important UFO documents in existence!

    - He will discuss the CE-5 Contact event in France with ET craft confirmed on radar over CE-5 Contact Site at over 200,000 kilometers per hour- and one that appeared partially materialized in the contact field

    - The future of Disclosure and Contact in Europe and the world- and how you can play a key role in the beginning of a new civilization on earth!

    Posts : 1851
    Join date : 2014-01-31
    Age : 73
    Location : Druid county UK

    Update from Steven Greer September 2015 Empty Re: Update from Steven Greer September 2015

    Post  B.B.Baghor Fri Oct 30, 2015 5:10 pm

    Seashore wrote:This is apparently a recording of a webinar that just took place last month in London:

    Published on Sep 20, 2015

    You are invited to join Dr. Steven Greer- founder of the world-wide Disclosure movement and CE-5 Initiation and creator of "Sirius", the historic documentary- for an evening of amazing information on never -before heard revelations on briefings and contact initiatives in Europe.

    These include:

    - Briefings for European royal families and Government officials in the UK, Monaco, France, the Vatican and Liechtenstein

    - Senior French Ministry of Defense and Intelligence initiatives for CE-5 contact events in France and never-before seen documents from the French Government- the most important UFO documents in existence!

    - He will discuss the CE-5 Contact event in France with ET craft confirmed on radar over CE-5 Contact Site at over 200,000 kilometers per hour- and one that appeared partially materialized in the contact field

    - The future of Disclosure and Contact in Europe and the world- and how you can play a key role in the beginning of a new civilization on earth!
    Thank you very much, Seashore, great find! cheers In sync with other pro-disclosure giants, in their talks,
    I begin to slowly witness the outlines of an actual disclosure happening. What surprises me, it's all very
    subjective of course, is that this process seems to happen in all walks of life and all that is form and formless.
     It's exactly as in when Dr. Steven Greer quotes a remark of someone he discussed pro- or non-disclosure
    with, at about 11:00 minutes in the video:

    "..because it would show the ancient connection between other civilizations and the development of intelligent
    life on Earth and that would collapse the foundations of every fundamentalist orthodox belief system of every
    religion on Earth"

    I'm following Dr. Steven Greer for about half a year now and I see him going into more confidence and humor,
    growing stronger. And I don't mean his muscles Cheerful 

      Current date/time is Mon Sep 09, 2024 7:07 pm