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    David Wilcock Interviews of Corey Goode from the Secret Space Program


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    David Wilcock Interviews of Corey Goode from the Secret Space Program Empty David Wilcock Interviews of Corey Goode from the Secret Space Program

    Post  Seashore Wed Sep 23, 2015 8:48 am

    Are any members subscribers to Gaiam TV and are following the series of interviews by David Wilcock of Corey Goode?

    I hope so!

    I did a search before I started this thread, and it brought up one thread:  (Corey Goode was known as "GoodETxSG" on Project Avalon.)

    The interviews are once a week and they're going to go on for a year!  I am thoroughly fascinated, especially about the physics of the cosmos, and would love to have a member to compare notes with!

    Gaiam TV has offered Episode 1 free on YouTube:

    Published on Jul 21, 2015

    There is more going on in space than you can ever imagine. Out of sight, out of mind. That is how the greatest secrets in the history of humankind have remained hidden from the populace. For the first time ever, a 30-year insider has come forward to reveal over 70 years of humanity’s hidden history in space. Corey Goode joins David Wilcock in this inaugural presentation of Cosmic Disclosure to offer an overview of their upcoming interviews which detail the history and extent of humanity’s celestial presence.

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    David Wilcock Interviews of Corey Goode from the Secret Space Program Empty Re: David Wilcock Interviews of Corey Goode from the Secret Space Program

    Post  Seashore Sat Oct 17, 2015 5:17 pm

    Seashore wrote:Gaiam TV has offered Episode 1 free on YouTube:

    Published on Jul 21, 2015

    There is more going on in space than you can ever imagine. Out of sight, out of mind. That is how the greatest secrets in the history of humankind have remained hidden from the populace. For the first time ever, a 30-year insider has come forward to reveal over 70 years of humanity’s hidden history in space. Corey Goode joins David Wilcock in this inaugural presentation of Cosmic Disclosure to offer an overview of their upcoming interviews which detail the history and extent of humanity’s celestial presence.

    The series is now in Season 2, Episode 3.  

    Gaiam TV is the only TV I have, so I'm willing to pay for it - gladly.

    I wish it were free and on YouTube, though, so that I could post it.

    Anyway, I believe Corey Goode as a whistleblower; my intuition finds him to be very credible.  And David Wilcock is very equipped to ask pertinent questions and to connect dots from his own experience and extensive research.

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    David Wilcock Interviews of Corey Goode from the Secret Space Program Empty Re: David Wilcock Interviews of Corey Goode from the Secret Space Program

    Post  Seashore Sun Oct 18, 2015 2:48 am

    Corey Goode also has his own website:


    With all of the events occurring “Above and Below” there is a lot of “Information”, “Disinformation” and Competing “Agendas” that are all competing for fertile places in our “Consciousness” to plant their “Seeds”.

    Some people have chosen to focus on the more “Down to Earth” events and the battles over the “Financial Debt System” (Babylonian Money Magic Slave System), “Financial Resets”, “Financial Jubilee” and gifted money to the masses in “Prosperity Settlements”. There is an element of what we call “The Alliance” that is fighting the current controlling Elite (known as the “Cabal” or “Illuminati” among other names) down here on Earth at this very moment.

    This website focuses on the “Message” that was delivered by the “Blue Avians” - 1 of 5 beings: the Orb Beings, the Blue Avians, the Golden Triangle-Headed Beings and two others who have not revealed themselves to us yet. The "Orb Beings" have been visiting “Many Tens of Thousands” of people in the form of “Blue/Indigo Balls of Light” while others have been visited by the “Blue Avians” and given a “Greeting Phrase” to know one another by.

    Here is an excerpt from the transcript from the first interview, which lists five factions of the secret space program:

    DW : On your website, you've mentioned that there are five factions within the secret space program. Could you quickly delineate for us what those five factions are and just a little bit about what each one is like that makes them different from the others?

    CG : Sure. I'll start with the oldest, which is “Solar Warden”. They were started back in the late '70s, '80s, during the SDI, “Strategic Defense Initiative “- I think is what that stood for - just before and after Reagan. And then we have the ICC, the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate, which is corporations all over the world that have representatives in a super-corporate board that control the secret space program infrastructure that they have out in space, which is massive. We have Dark Fleet, which is a very secretive fleet that works mainly in the outside of the solar system. We have various BlackOps Military secret space programs that we put into one group. And then, we have this Global Galactic League Of Nations group that was somewhat of a carrot that was offered to all the other nations to have them maintain this veil of secrecy about what was going on in outer space by giving them a space program and giving them a narrative of “There's certain threats, or possible invasions, we need to come together and work together.” And at the one facility that I visited a couple times, it looked very much like the TV show "Stargate Atlantis" where you had a real laid back environment, people walking around in jumpsuits with patches from all different countries off the world. They are almost completely outside of the Solar System as well.

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    David Wilcock Interviews of Corey Goode from the Secret Space Program Empty Re: David Wilcock Interviews of Corey Goode from the Secret Space Program

    Post  Seashore Sun Oct 18, 2015 7:37 am

    Seashore wrote:Gaiam TV has offered Episode 1 free on YouTube:

    Published on Jul 21, 2015

    There is more going on in space than you can ever imagine. Out of sight, out of mind. That is how the greatest secrets in the history of humankind have remained hidden from the populace. For the first time ever, a 30-year insider has come forward to reveal over 70 years of humanity’s hidden history in space. Corey Goode joins David Wilcock in this inaugural presentation of Cosmic Disclosure to offer an overview of their upcoming interviews which detail the history and extent of humanity’s celestial presence.

    I see additionally, Episode 5:

    Published on Sep 14, 2015

    Despite the idealized existence promised by advanced technology, life in an advanced civilization would be shallow without the benefit of heightened consciousness. Members of the Sphere Being alliance know this and it is their intention to guide us through such an ascension process. But they are only guides. It is dependent upon us, individually, to enact the changes that will lead to full disclosure. Cory Goode relays the spiritual message from the Blue Avians which details the spiritual advancements that we are to make and how we can achieve them in this interview originally webcast July 28, 2015. - See more at:

    If you're not watching because you don't like David Wilcock, there is this, which includes a link to three previews that can be viewed, with full access to be acquired by a paid membership:

    Published on Sep 25, 2015

    We at Gaiam TV reached out to our community to ask what questions they had for Corey Goode regarding his new original series, Cosmic Disclosure. In return, we conducted an exclusive Skype interview with Corey Goode and Jay Weidner from Gaiam TV to get those questions answered!

    Watch the entire series of Cosmic Disclosure here:

    Identified as an intuitive empath with precognitive abilities, Corey Goode was recruited through one of the MILAB Programs (aka military abduction) at the young age of six and was in the Secret Space Program for over 20 years.

    Goode is currently in direct contact with the Blue Avians who have chosen him as a delegate to interface with multiple ET Federations and Councils on their behalf.

    Hesitant to reveal this information to the masses, Goode is taking a bold leap with us at Gaiam TV to tell this story, yet he’s here because there’s an important message that must be spread for the betterment of humankind.

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    David Wilcock Interviews of Corey Goode from the Secret Space Program Empty Re: David Wilcock Interviews of Corey Goode from the Secret Space Program

    Post  Seashore Sun Oct 18, 2015 10:22 am

    Seashore wrote:Corey Goode also has his own website:

    Here is the message, and comments from Corey, that apparently Corey is tasked to share with planet Earth, that message coming from the extraterrestrial race Blue Avians:

    Every day focus on becoming more “Service To Others” oriented. Focus on being more “Loving” and “Focus on raising your Vibrational and Consciousness Level” and to learn to “Forgive Yourself and Others” (Thus “Releasing Karma”). This will change the Vibration of the Planet, The “Shared Consciousness of Humanity” and “Change Humanity One Person at a time” (Even if that “One Person” is yourself.). They say to treat your body as a temple and change over to a “Higher Vibrational Diet” to aid in the other changes. This sounds to many like a “Hippy Love and Peace” message that will not make a difference. I assure you the “Path” they lay out in “Their Message” is a difficult one. Even on the unlikely chance that these technologies stay “Suppressed”, imagine what a world we would live in if everyone made these changes to their selves?

    The Blue Avians also gave a warning with this “Message”. They had tried to deliver this message “Three Other Times” and it had been distorted by humanity. They made it “very clear” that this information was NOT to become a “Cult or Religious Movement” nor was I to put myself (my “ego”) before the “Message” or elevate myself to a “Guru” status. Anyone who does so should be avoided and held accountable, including myself.

    Thank you,

    Corey “GoodETxSG” aka “Luke”

    And here is the biography for Corey Goode presented on his website:

    Identified as an intuitive empath (IE) with precognitive abilities, Corey Goode was recruited through one of the MILAB programs at the young age of six. Goode trained and served in the MILAB program from 1976-1986/87. Towards the end of his time as a MILAB he was assigned to an IE support role for a rotating Earth Delegate Seat (shared by secret earth government groups) in a “human-type” ET Super Federation Council.

    MILAB is a term coined for the military abduction of a person that indoctrinates and trains them for any number of military black ops programs.

    Goode’s IE abilities played an important role in communicating with non-terrestrial beings (termed “interfacing”) as part of one of the Secret Space Programs (SSP). During his 20 year service he had a variety of experiences and assignments including the Intruder Intercept Interrogation Program, Assignment to the ASSR “ISRV”– Auxiliary Specialized Space Research, Interstellar Class Vessel, and much more. This all occurred in a “20 and Back” agreement from 1986/87-2007 with recall work until the present day.

    Goode now works in the information technology and communications industry with 20 years’ experience in hardware and software virtualization, physical and IT security, counter electronic surveillance, risk assessment, and executive protection, and served in the Texas Army State Guard (2007-2012), C4I (Command, Control, Communications, Computation & Intelligence). The time in the Texas Military Forces was unrelated to the Secret Space Program Service.

    Goode continues his IE work now and is in direct physical contact with the Blue Avians (of the Sphere Being Alliance) who have chosen him as a delegate to interface with multiple ET Federations and Councils on their behalf, liaison with the SSP Alliance Council, and to deliver important messages to humanity.

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    David Wilcock Interviews of Corey Goode from the Secret Space Program Empty Re: David Wilcock Interviews of Corey Goode from the Secret Space Program

    Post  Seashore Tue Nov 24, 2015 1:47 pm

    Too bad these weekly discussions aren't free.

    Here is the summary of today's episode, the website for which is now "gaia":

    Cosmic Disclosure: Colonizing Mars (November 2015)
    Season 2, Episode 9

    The expansion of infrastructure on Mars begins in earnest as Corey Goode recounts the clandestine forces which conspired to create the largest secret economic and military industrial complex in order to fortify and expand their growing assets on Mars. Utilizing portal technology and reproductions of alien spacecraft, so began the greatest export of humanity’s paramount resource: the greatest minds on planet Earth. This interview with David Wilcock was originally webcast November 24, 2015.

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    David Wilcock Interviews of Corey Goode from the Secret Space Program Empty Re: David Wilcock Interviews of Corey Goode from the Secret Space Program

    Post  Seashore Thu Feb 04, 2016 4:51 am

    You can read the transcript of the latest interview, "The Grand Tour of Inner Earth," complete with illustrations, here:  Cosmic Disclosure:  The Grand Tour of Inner Earth.

    Maybe some day the inner earth will be a destination for tourism.

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    David Wilcock Interviews of Corey Goode from the Secret Space Program Empty Re: David Wilcock Interviews of Corey Goode from the Secret Space Program

    Post  B.B.Baghor Fri Feb 05, 2016 4:11 pm

    Seashore wrote:You can read the transcript of the latest interview, "The Grand Tour of Inner Earth," complete with illustrations, here:  Cosmic Disclosure:  The Grand Tour of Inner Earth.

    Maybe some day the inner earth will be a destination for tourism.

    Hello Seashore, by searching for that transcript I found the tubby with the interview that is transcribed as The Grand Tour of Inner Earth,
    the computer voice isn't very agreeable due to being inhuman. Beautiful illustrations are shown in this tubby though. I wonder why no audio
    version of the real conversation is included here. Hope you're okay with me adding this to your info on the same subject?

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    David Wilcock Interviews of Corey Goode from the Secret Space Program Empty Re: David Wilcock Interviews of Corey Goode from the Secret Space Program

    Post  Seashore Fri Feb 05, 2016 5:23 pm

    B.B.Baghor wrote: I wonder why no audio version of the real conversation is included here.

    The Cosmic Disclosure series of interviews are by subscription only.

    It's too bad.  I wish they were free.

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    David Wilcock Interviews of Corey Goode from the Secret Space Program Empty Re: David Wilcock Interviews of Corey Goode from the Secret Space Program

    Post  B.B.Baghor Wed Apr 06, 2016 4:16 pm

    This post isn't meant to promote David Wilcock's work in the first place. Mainly it's meant to show how a Troll workstation functions.

    [size=18]David Wilcock update: The Panama Toilet Papers and the Ascension Mysteries #1!

    April 6, 2016 by Colaborama

    ......."The number one most profitable industry on earth is pharmaceuticals, with at least 11 main categories.
    Second to that is oil. Third is telecommunications. The Cabal has thoroughly locked up the pharmaceuticals and energy industries.
    Full disclosure will quickly remove the profitability of both. Technology will be released that eliminates the need for “fossil fuels” and
    almost all forms of traditional medicine.

    There will still be plenty of thriving industries, but there will also be an opportunity for many newcomers to get involved and have a fair shake.
    Ultimately, full disclosure also means the lack of need for a money supply altogether — since we can “print” anything we desire with materializers".....


    Now what follows is the article I originally started writing before I really got into investigating the Panama Papers, and put all of that content first.
    The book has done very well, thanks to your support — and that is good for everyone, considering the intel it contains.


    As I said in our last post, The Ascension Mysteries is “Full Disclosure in a Book.” I have never written anything this ambitious or far-reaching before.
    The Secret Space Program and our cosmic history is presented in a very thorough fashion, drawing on as many different insider resources as possible.
    If this book succeeds, it gets us much closer to the goal of the Star Trek / Stargate / Jetsons-type future we’ve all secretly been longing for.
    The publisher sent me a note of congratulations today about what has happened on Amazon just since our last post went up.
    The time on the email was 2:22 pm. Here is the current listing when you look up The Ascension Mysteries on Amazon:
    In case the numbers and letters are hard to see, there is a banner on the right that says “#1 Best Seller in Unexplained Mysteries.”


    You can also see from the price that pre-ordering saves you almost eight dollars and brings it to just over 20 bucks.
    I don’t know how long this deal lasts, but it is there now. If you don’t use Amazon, Barnes and Noble has a comparable deal at 25% off.
    Even when I was a desperately broke college student in the early 1990s, doing the research you will read in the book, I routinely spent more than this.
    I honestly can’t recall ever spending less than 30 bucks on a hardcover, and they still sit proudly on my shelves to this day, ready for action.
    As an added synchronicity bonus, 144 items pop up as relevant searches when you enter in “The Ascension Mysteries” on Amazon.
    That number sure seems familiar….


    After I clicked on the link and landed on the destination page, this is what I saw:

    David Wilcock Interviews of Corey Goode from the Secret Space Program Asc_m_10

    Once again we see the “ribbon” for #1 Best Seller in Unexplained Mysteries.
    I made sure to take pictures of all of this so the metrics can be proven beyond any shadow of a doubt.
    The “paid trolls” invariably try to make it sound as if no one is interested in what we are doing.
    Clearly this is not the case. You have definitely cast your vote for full disclosure, and those numbers cannot lie.


    How do we know the book hit #1 in all three topic categories it is listed in on Amazon?
    Scroll further down on the destination page and take a look at the Product Details:

    David Wilcock Interviews of Corey Goode from the Secret Space Program Asc_m_11

    We are currently sitting at #1 in Unexplained Mysteries, UFOs, and Ancient & Controversial Knowledge.
    Furthermore, you can see that we are all the way up to #464 out of all books ever written, listed and sold on Amazon —
    at least right for now. I will have to check, but I believe this is as strong as any performance we’ve had on any of our books —
    if not stronger.


    If you watched our latest Cosmic Disclosure episode on Government Troll Data Centers, you know one of Corey’s jobs was setting
    these up all over the country. This and all other episodes are available to watch and download on a full-access basis for 30 days at
    99 cents if you are a first-time subscriber.
    note by B.B." Here's your chance, seashore!" [Yep, trolls, I just did it. BOOM! How do you like me now?]

    Each technician sits in front of a matrix of six different screens, each loaded with a different battle zone — like we have here.
    They may create over 30 different alternate personalities to attack comments sections on sites just like this one.

    Here is a reconstruction of what it looks like based on Corey’s firsthand testimony of setting these up:
    David Wilcock Interviews of Corey Goode from the Secret Space Program Troll-10
    Troll Workstation

    If you sneak up behind this guy and give him bunny ears, I honestly would not be offended. Just in case anything we have been
    discussing here could even possibly be true, it should be a no-brainer that we have a tremendous problem with these guys.


    In 2001, I was in contact with a major video game designer who wrote and sold huge books on how to program games like a professional.
    Once you added it all up, he only made 25 cents a copy off the sale of books that were going for 30 bucks.
    The book market is so flat that you can hit a NYT best-seller for only a few thousand copies or less, depending upon when you release it.
    So anyone who thinks these rankings add up to “big bucks,” has no idea what they are talking about — paid trolls or otherwise.
    In today’s world, you write books because you love it and you want the information out — not because you expect to get rich from doing it.
    It is truly sad that the Cabal has completely wiped out the survivability of the arts in general — music, journalism, writing, acting, painting,
    sculpture, you name it.

    Furthermore, in case I ever do actually make significant profits, I will turn them around and use them for the good of humanity —
    as I have always done.


    I want to thank you for stepping up, spending the 20 bucks and making this happen, because it truly can make a difference.
    The amount of “full disclosure” in this one book will literally make it like an Ascension experience for its readers.
    I am very excited to see what happens when open-minded “newbies” dive in and get the full dose of knowledge this book contains.
    I spent my entire life going through many profound cycles of awakening to get the intel that is now distilled down into this one volume.
    Furthermore, as I wrote in “Just Say No to Partial Disclosure!,” the amount of personal suffering I have gone through to get all this data is almost unimaginable.

    Skype Interview with Corey Goode, Gaia Staff
    September 25, 2015

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    David Wilcock Interviews of Corey Goode from the Secret Space Program Empty Re: David Wilcock Interviews of Corey Goode from the Secret Space Program

    Post  B.B.Baghor Thu Apr 21, 2016 1:15 pm

    David Wilcock Interviews of Corey Goode from the Secret Space Program Image-10

    "A Future Beyond Our Wildest Dreams.

    Since the dawn of self-awareness on earth, we have been inexorably driven to ask the “big questions”: Who am I?
    Where did I come from? How did I get here—and where am I going? Various teachers have come along who claimed
    to have the answers—and the differences of opinion on these overwhelmingly profound concepts have led to many
    of the greatest sorrows and atrocities in recorded history. Nonetheless, consistent themes emerge in almost all
    spiritual traditions— including the idea that the Universe is not made of “dead” and inert matter, but is rather a
    living, conscious Being. This superintelligence, we are told, has woven the strands of space, time, energy, matter,
    biology and consciousness together in Its own image. Despite the vastness of the Universe, we all apparently have
    a personal connection to this majestic Identity—and we will live on long past the death of our physical bodies".


    Posts : 1887
    Join date : 2015-04-24

    David Wilcock Interviews of Corey Goode from the Secret Space Program Empty Re: David Wilcock Interviews of Corey Goode from the Secret Space Program

    Post  Pris Thu Apr 21, 2016 5:15 pm

    B.B.Baghor wrote:This post isn't meant to promote David Wilcock's work in the first place.

    Lol That's 'subtle', B.B.!  Gawd... I sure hope not.  Is it just me or is he getting more and more pathetically desperate?  Unbelievable.  All his fans must be dropping off...

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    David Wilcock Interviews of Corey Goode from the Secret Space Program Empty Re: David Wilcock Interviews of Corey Goode from the Secret Space Program

    Post  B.B.Baghor Fri Apr 22, 2016 2:48 am

    Pris wrote:
    B.B.Baghor wrote:This post isn't meant to promote David Wilcock's work in the first place.

    Lol That's 'subtle', B.B.!  Gawd... I sure hope not.  Is it just me or is he getting more and more pathetically desperate?  Unbelievable.  All his fans must be dropping off...

    What you see is what you get, pris. There's no hidden message, I just speak my mind in truth as much as possible.
    You and I don't have to agree on David Wilcock's integrity or other qualities. We can agree to be in disagreement.
    That's how I like it to see it become and happen more, here in the Mists and out there in 3D reality. It's a good way
    to learn and educate myself by "rubbing shoulders with worthy opponents" Cheerful

    Posts : 1887
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    David Wilcock Interviews of Corey Goode from the Secret Space Program Empty Re: David Wilcock Interviews of Corey Goode from the Secret Space Program

    Post  Pris Fri Apr 22, 2016 4:03 pm

    B.B.Baghor wrote:
    Pris wrote:
    B.B.Baghor wrote:This post isn't meant to promote David Wilcock's work in the first place.

    Lol That's 'subtle', B.B.!  Gawd... I sure hope not.  Is it just me or is he getting more and more pathetically desperate?  Unbelievable.  All his fans must be dropping off...

    What you see is what you get, pris. There's no hidden message, I just speak my mind in truth as much as possible.
    You and I don't have to agree on David Wilcock's integrity or other qualities. We can agree to be in disagreement.
    That's how I like it to see it become and happen more, here in the Mists and out there in 3D reality. It's a good way
    to learn and educate myself by "rubbing shoulders with worthy opponents"  Cheerful

    Hehe! Very Happy  Yeah, sorry... I'm not one for generally being neutral (or agreeable lol).  In a way, I'm kinda hoping Poo Poo might show his... attractive little face.

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    David Wilcock Interviews of Corey Goode from the Secret Space Program Empty Re: David Wilcock Interviews of Corey Goode from the Secret Space Program

    Post  B.B.Baghor Sat Apr 23, 2016 2:35 am

    Who's Poo Poo, Pris?

    David Wilcock Interviews of Corey Goode from the Secret Space Program Cat_dr10
    Drawing a wished for reality, but it's only an idea in the artist's mind, while drawing. Not a rule to live by, just
    an effort of a human mind trying to apply humour. But there's a wickedness in this picture too, it's very refined but present.

    In the virtual world there's illusion on one side, which is an inherent quality of that world's nature and there's intention on
    the other side, applied and acted upon while entering that virtual world aka internet, tv and holograms like those in Dubai.
    There's a powerful definition given by Aaron Schwartz in the documentary "Aaron Schwartz internet's OWN boy",
    which I recently posted here. He presents his view at the end of the video and it's exactly how I see it too.

    Hmmm, I'm a bit of a schoolteacher at times, when in communication with much younger people. On the other hand, I
    learn a great deal from you and your age group, Pris. I miss children and young adults in this village where I live. Cheerful

    Posts : 1887
    Join date : 2015-04-24

    David Wilcock Interviews of Corey Goode from the Secret Space Program Empty Re: David Wilcock Interviews of Corey Goode from the Secret Space Program

    Post  Pris Sat Apr 23, 2016 4:08 am

    B.B.Baghor wrote:Who's Poo Poo, Pris?

    David Wilcock Interviews of Corey Goode from the Secret Space Program Cat_dr10
    Drawing a wished for reality, but it's only an idea in the artist's mind, while drawing. Not a rule to live by, just
    an effort of a human mind trying to apply humour. But there's a wickedness in this picture too, it's very refined but present.

    In the virtual world there's illusion on one side, which is an inherent quality of that world's nature and there's intention on
    the other side, applied and acted upon while entering that virtual world aka internet, tv and holograms like those in Dubai.
    There's a powerful definition given by Aaron Schwartz in the documentary "Aaron Schwartz internet's OWN boy",
    which I recently posted here. He presents his view at the end of the video and it's exactly how I see it too.

    Hmmm, I'm a bit of a schoolteacher at times, when in communication with much younger people. On the other hand, I
    learn a great deal from you and your age group, Pris. I miss children and young adults in this village where I live.  Cheerful

    Wow, awesome thoughts here, B.B.

    You couldn't have picked a more appropriate image with that kitteh drawing a desired reality.  Yes, NAUGHTY kitteh.  I admit I do relate.

    You might recall this is Poo Poo, my very own pro-David Wilcock troll:

    David Wilcock Interviews of Corey Goode from the Secret Space Program 1290-52

    And, this is the thread where the UhOh Insanely Happy

    I do feel I need to listen more.  And, I do appreciate your thoughtful responses, B.B.  No matter what age we are, we're always learning, reconsidering, growing...  I'm not sure I'm in the age group you think I'm in... but I thank you for the... compliment. Big Grin 2


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