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    Nicolai Levashov physicist , master healer and clairvoyant


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    Nicolai Levashov physicist , master healer and clairvoyant Empty Nicolai Levashov physicist , master healer and clairvoyant

    Post  mudra Mon Aug 10, 2015 5:06 pm

    Nicolai Levashov and his work
    as seen through the eyes of a medical doctor trainee

    Did this man find the key for cracking the cosmic code and unraveling nature's most baffling secrets ?

    In response to the many queries I’ve fielded about Academician Nicolai Levashov (his official ti-tle), I’d like to share my near-decade of experience as his student, trainee, book editor, archiver of his peer-reviewed medical records, administrative assistant and author of several articles on his work which were aired in reputable alternative medical or scientific journals.

    I will rely on first hand observations I have gleaned over the years.

    What I personally witnessed surpassed anything I could have imagined or dreamed.

    Love Always
    Nicolai Levashov physicist , master healer and clairvoyant AttachmentN.Levashov and his work.pdf
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    Last edited by mudra on Mon Aug 10, 2015 5:19 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Nicolai Levashov physicist , master healer and clairvoyant Empty Re: Nicolai Levashov physicist , master healer and clairvoyant

    Post  mudra Mon Aug 10, 2015 5:12 pm

    Psychic Healing and
    The Anisotropic Universe

    By Barbara G. Koopman, MD, PhD

    Drawing on his training in advanced physics and quantum theory, together with an in-depth questioning of the latters' known inconsistencies, physicist/psychic healer Nicolai Levashov has concluded that the uni-verse is anisotropic, i.e., non-uniform in spatial struc-ture.

    This concept, while backed by serious support in the field of astrophysics, runs directly counter to the classical view that the structure of space is uniform (isotropic) — which holds that space has the same qual-ities and properties in all directions and that matter, therefore, must manifest similarly in all directions of space.

    However, Levashov, from his dual perspective of healer and physicist, believes that spatial anisotropy plays a pivotal role in all creation, both macro- and mi-crocosmic. This process unfolds through the eternal interplay of subtle and physical matter in quantized space, which, he concludes, is the cradle of all creation, and is governed by specific and quantifiable parameters resulting from spatial anisotropy. Levashov has laid out the mathematical formulation of this process

    A healer, trained by Levashov to access an ad-vanced state of consciousness and elevated energy po-tential, must draw on this understanding of the universe, in order to orchestrate the creation or dissolution of matter for healing purposes, in accordance with natural law.
    Levashov's basic training of a healer is described, along with the attendant pitfalls and challenges. The steps of the healing process itself, e.g., scanning, detox-ification, cellular ablation and regeneration, etc., are detailed in the light of Levashov's cosmological posi-tion; and two fully documented cases are presented of children with classically incurable problems, success-fully treated by Levashov.

    Psychic or «distant» healing is a venerable prac-tice, global in scope and diverse in modalities, all of which share the phenomenon of «non-locality,» its cur-rent rubric in alternative therapy literature.

    The term is borrowed from quantum physics to account for so-called «non-local» events, where things, seemingly unrelated, come together without any dis-cernible causal nexus. Such «quantum weirdness» un-derlines sharply the dilemma of modern physics where apparent randomness, manifesting below a certain order of magnitude, has supplanted the model of a predictable clockwork universe.

    The elucidation of psychic healing faces a similar challenge: how to account for what transpires during that «mysterious leap» from mind to living matter that unfolds without the help of any physical contact. Psy-chic healing modalities are legion, as are the attempts to explain how they impact living subjects (human and other species) over modest or lengthy distances.

    Such attempts include, among the vast literature we examined, the following: studies on cells, fungi, yeasts, bacteria, plants, healing experiments on humans, evaluation of subjective experiences and clairsentient diagnosis, energy transmission from healer to subject, and channeling of «spirit guides» (Benor, 1992) ; heal-ing through empathy and hypnosis (Garrett, 1943) ; evocation of a transcendent universal consciousness, practiced by several modalities including Reiki, Thera-peutic Touch, Pranic healing, and Chi Gong; practition-ers combining spiritual and energy modalities, e.g., Montgomery (1973) , Holzer (1995) , Schwarz (1980) ,Kraft (1981) , Sui (1987) , Targ and Katra (1998) ; shamanistic practices, Eliade (1964) , Mehl-Madrona (1997)  and MacManaway (1983) .

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    Nicolai Levashov physicist , master healer and clairvoyant Empty Re: Nicolai Levashov physicist , master healer and clairvoyant

    Post  mudra Mon Aug 10, 2015 5:19 pm

    The Levashov Method

    Nicolai Levashov is a Russian-born master-healer, clairvoyant, and theoretical physicist, who lived in San Francisco for 15 years before recently returning to Moscow. His work is best understood from reading articles in English. The following serves as a brief introduction to his work.

    According to Levashov our universe is made up of 7 “primary matters”, which in the process of spontaneously merging create various “bodies”. When all 7 meld it results in the creation of mass, of which our planet, Earth, would be an example. When less than 7 primary matters meld it results in “spheres” which surround and interdigitate with the Earth. These spheres, which consist of the melding of one to 6 primary matters, have specific functions with respect to the Earth, which Levashov describes in some detail in his various books. On the basis of a natural law, which Levashov also describes in great detail in his books, living bodies on Earth also have so-called, invisible (except to clairvoyants) bodies that interact with the physical substance of the body. Knowledge of this relationship is essential for anyone using Levashov’s method of psychic healing.

    This method utilizes highly magnified conscious intention to systematically restructure the patient's subtle bodies. This spontaneously results in changes toward health in the anatomy and physiology of diseased tissue and organs on the physical level. The Levashov Method of healing is a complex, sophisticated, precise method of healing with conscious intention that can be utilized to treat most illnesses.

    Cells, organs, and the physical body as a whole have other bodies or structures that can usually only be seen by healers or "sensitives" with clairvoyant abilities. The subtle bodies function in unity with the physical body to provide information and energy and act as repositories of thought and emotion. In states of health the physical and subtle bodies work in balance and harmony to facilitate the development and realization of the potential of man's spirit: in disease there is imbalance and disharmony and the spirit cannot flourish.

    Among Levashov's contributions to the science of healing is his delineation of the biophysical interaction between the subtle bodies and the physical body. One cannot successfully heal utilizing his method without a clear understanding of this interaction. This knowledge coupled with intensified conscious intention provides the experienced healer with the ability to consciously and precisely change structure and function on anatomic and physiological levels and thus effect definitive cures of even the most serious degenerative disorders.

    According to Levashov there are many factors that can cause physical disease and disharmony between the various bodies. Depending upon individual makeup, these include karmic (past life), genetic, constitutional, emotional, mental, and environmental factors. Invariably, however, one physical problem affecting nearly all people, are sub-clinical, chronic, bacterial or viral infections and their toxins in the cerebral spinal fluid of the spine and brain. These are transmitted from the mother to the fetus through the placenta in utero. While usually of minor significance throughout early life, these infections can acquire major importance in the initiation and maintenance of chronic disease later in life when the immune system becomes compromised by environmental stresses and toxins. At such a time toxins in the cerebral spinal fluid start to infiltrate nerves originating in and transiting the cord and brain, and thence move via the nerves to various organ systems, where they induce pathological changes.

    The first task of the Levashov-trained healer is to "scan" the body psychically and through a detailed systems analysis develop a comprehensive plan of treatment. Treatment is effected through the healer's use of exceptionally heightened conscious intention to intervene in the subtle bodies. Depending on the problem, most interventions will involve elimination from the body of pathological growths, infectious elements, and toxins followed by the regeneration or rebuilding of damaged tissue.

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    Love Always

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    Nicolai Levashov physicist , master healer and clairvoyant Empty Re: Nicolai Levashov physicist , master healer and clairvoyant

    Post  mudra Tue Aug 11, 2015 12:10 pm

    Robert Ginsburg healing with the Levashov system

    Robert Ginsburg healer - 02 the knowledge

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    Nicolai Levashov physicist , master healer and clairvoyant Empty Re: Nicolai Levashov physicist , master healer and clairvoyant

    Post  mudra Sat Aug 29, 2015 4:34 pm

    I just completed Volume 1 of Nicolaï Levashov's biography " The mirror of my Soul ".
    An outstanding reading!

    Volume 2 as well as other books from Levashov are downloadable for free from his website:


    Love from me
    Nicolai Levashov physicist , master healer and clairvoyant AttachmentBiography.the mirror of my soul 1pdf.pdf
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    Nicolai Levashov physicist , master healer and clairvoyant Empty Re: Nicolai Levashov physicist , master healer and clairvoyant

    Post  mudra Sat Aug 29, 2015 4:56 pm

    Nicolai Levasho's legacy : 2 healing sessions are downloadable for free on his website:

    Here you can find 2 video sessions for absolutely free downloading. They provide an improving and restorative effect on the physical body of a viewer. These video sessions are not a panacea for all troubles, certainly. However, they are intended for those my readers who have certain problems with their health but do not have the possibility to pay for the individual treatment.

    Being susceptible enough for the influence of my recovering video session, they can get rid of many problems with their health just simply viewing it. For those my readers who have low level of their sensitivity I recommend to view my sessions repeatedly until an expected effect occurs (see Rules). Please, read the Rules before viewing and do not forget to observe them.


    Recovery session 1

    You have an opportunity to download a Recovery Session 1 absolutely free. It will help you to feel better and to improve your general state of health. The Session 1 is not intended for the treatment of any particular disease. However, in many cases it will help you to get rid of many problems with your health.

    It is earnestly recommended to view the session once a day only. Please, read the Rules before viewing and do not forget to observe them. After downloading only the first ten viewings will be accompanied by the recovering effect of the session. Then it will dissapear.

    The duration of the session is about 6 minutes.

    Recovery session 2

    You have an opportunity to download a Recovery Session 2 absolutely free. It will help you to feel better and to improve your general state of health. It is highly recommended to start viewing the Session 2 after tenfold viewing of the Session 1. The Session 2 will give a positive effect in itself too. However, the influence of the Session 2 will be less effective without a tenfold viewing of the Session 1.

    It is earnestly recommended to view the session no more than once a day. Please, read the Rules before viewing and do not forget to observe them. After downloading only the first ten viewings will be accompanied by the recovering effect of the session. Then it will dissapear.

    The duration of the session is about 6 minutes.

    Love Always


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    Nicolai Levashov physicist , master healer and clairvoyant Empty Re: Nicolai Levashov physicist , master healer and clairvoyant

    Post  mudra Thu Sep 03, 2015 1:30 pm

    The Levashov Method

    Nicolai Levashov is a Russian-born master-healer, clairvoyant, and theoretical physicist, who lived in San Francisco for 15 years before recently returning to Moscow. His work is best understood from reading articles in English. The following serves as a brief introduction to his work.

    According to Levashov our universe is made up of 7 “primary matters”, which in the process of spontaneously merging create various “bodies”. When all 7 meld it results in the creation of mass, of which our planet, Earth, would be an example. When less than 7 primary matters meld it results in “spheres” which surround and interdigitate with the Earth. These spheres, which consist of the melding of one to 6 primary matters, have specific functions with respect to the Earth, which Levashov describes in some detail in his various books. On the basis of a natural law, which Levashov also describes in great detail in his books, living bodies on Earth also have so-called, invisible (except to clairvoyants) bodies that interact with the physical substance of the body. Knowledge of this relationship is essential for anyone using Levashov’s method of psychic healing.

    This method utilizes highly magnified conscious intention to systematically restructure the patient's subtle bodies. This spontaneously results in changes toward health in the anatomy and physiology of diseased tissue and organs on the physical level. The Levashov Method of healing is a complex, sophisticated, precise method of healing with conscious intention that can be utilized to treat most illnesses.

    Cells, organs, and the physical body as a whole have other bodies or structures that can usually only be seen by healers or "sensitives" with clairvoyant abilities. The subtle bodies function in unity with the physical body to provide information and energy and act as repositories of thought and emotion. In states of health the physical and subtle bodies work in balance and harmony to facilitate the development and realization of the potential of man's spirit: in disease there is imbalance and disharmony and the spirit cannot flourish.

    Among Levashov's contributions to the science of healing is his delineation of the biophysical interaction between the subtle bodies and the physical body. One cannot successfully heal utilizing his method without a clear understanding of this interaction. This knowledge coupled with intensified conscious intention provides the experienced healer with the ability to consciously and precisely change structure and function on anatomic and physiological levels and thus effect definitive cures of even the most serious degenerative disorders.

    According to Levashov there are many factors that can cause physical disease and disharmony between the various bodies. Depending upon individual makeup, these include karmic (past life), genetic, constitutional, emotional, mental, and environmental factors. Invariably, however, one physical problem affecting nearly all people, are sub-clinical, chronic, bacterial or viral infections and their toxins in the cerebral spinal fluid of the spine and brain. These are transmitted from the mother to the fetus through the placenta in utero. While usually of minor significance throughout early life, these infections can acquire major importance in the initiation and maintenance of chronic disease later in life when the immune system becomes compromised by environmental stresses and toxins. At such a time toxins in the cerebral spinal fluid start to infiltrate nerves originating in and transiting the cord and brain, and thence move via the nerves to various organ systems, where they induce pathological changes.

    The first task of the Levashov-trained healer is to "scan" the body psychically and through a detailed systems analysis develop a comprehensive plan of treatment. Treatment is effected through the healer's use of exceptionally heightened conscious intention to intervene in the subtle bodies. Depending on the problem, most interventions will involve elimination from the body of pathological growths, infectious elements, and toxins followed by the regeneration or rebuilding of damaged tissue.

    Of critical importance in this process is the establishment of harmony and balance:

    between damaged organ systems and organ systems that co-function with them in maintaining homeostasis in the body.
    between organ systems and the brain.
    between organ systems and their subtle bodies.

    If balancing is not done relapse will occur since, in chronic illness, the organism-as-a-whole exists in a state of pathological homeostasis.

    This is the reason why definitive, lasting cures of chronic illnesses treated by most healing modalities are so rare.

    It is important to understand that healing is a process, not an instantaneous, miraculous cure or an "energy boost" that may make the patient feel well momentarily, only to have him relapse after a few days. There is often a delay between the healers beginning work on the subtle bodies and the manifestation of the work on the physical level. Sometimes the effects are instantaneous, at times it may take weeks before the patient realizes that changes are taking place. Because of the need to rebuild or regenerate tissue and balance out all organ systems in chronic illnesses it is necessary to conduct the healing work several times a week for months to years to effect a definitive, lasting cure.

    The Levashov Method is not, however, a panacea for all problems: Of great importance is the degree of damage to the organism. If this is too severe, there is little or no health in the body to support the healing work. If the organism can support the healing effort, however, much can be accomplished.


    Levashov, Nicolai 2000 The Final Appeal to Mankind,, Koopman, Barbara, M.D., PhD. and Blasband, Richard, M.D. 2003 Psychic Healing and the Anisotropic Universe Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine, Vol 14:2.


    Love Always

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    Nicolai Levashov physicist , master healer and clairvoyant Empty Re: Nicolai Levashov physicist , master healer and clairvoyant

    Post  Seashore Thu Sep 24, 2015 11:34 am

    It’s fascinating that Robert Ginsburg used to be an attorney – a former District Attorney.

    I’ve downloaded and saved the two Barbara G. Koopman .pdf’s.  

    Nicolai Levashov's work looks to be quite a find.  How did you come across it?


    What a resource!

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    Nicolai Levashov physicist , master healer and clairvoyant Empty Re: Nicolai Levashov physicist , master healer and clairvoyant

    Post  Seashore Thu Sep 24, 2015 11:54 am

    mudra wrote:read on:
    At the end of the .pdf "Psychic Healing and the Anisotropic Universe" there is a website for Barbara Koopman

    But the server is not found.

    Do you know what her present status is?

    I don't see anything for her on YouTube.  I would love to see an interview of her.

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    Nicolai Levashov physicist , master healer and clairvoyant Empty Re: Nicolai Levashov physicist , master healer and clairvoyant

    Post  mudra Thu Sep 24, 2015 3:05 pm

    Seashore wrote:
    mudra wrote:read on:
    At the end of the .pdf "Psychic Healing and the Anisotropic Universe" there is a website for Barbara Koopman

    But the server is not found.

    Do you know what her present status is?

    I don't see anything for her on YouTube.  I would love to see an interview of her.

    Here is Barbara Koopman's website dedicated to Nicolai Levashov Seashore
    Loads to study ... I am still in the early stages of it.
    From the Nicolai Levashov fan page on facebook I read Barbara Koopman died.

    Love from me

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    Nicolai Levashov physicist , master healer and clairvoyant Empty Re: Nicolai Levashov physicist , master healer and clairvoyant

    Post  Seashore Thu Sep 24, 2015 5:20 pm

    mudra wrote:Here is Barbara Koopman's website dedicated to Nicolai Levashov
    Thanks, but I don't see anything about her.

    mudra wrote:From the Nicolai Levashov fan page on facebook I read Barbara Koopman died.
    I would not be at all surprised if her death was under suspicious circumstances.

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    Nicolai Levashov physicist , master healer and clairvoyant Empty Re: Nicolai Levashov physicist , master healer and clairvoyant

    Post  Seashore Fri Sep 25, 2015 6:26 am

    I'm struck by the similarity in terms between the Russian Nicolai Levashow's work, "New Knowledge," and the German Ryke Geerd Hamer's work, "German New Medicine," aka "New Medicine."

    I wonder whether the two men knew of each other.  Dr. Hamer is still alive but I see that Nicolai Levashow is not, and was apparently killed:

    From what I can gather, however, Barbara Koopman lived to be at least 92 (per

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    Nicolai Levashov physicist , master healer and clairvoyant Empty Re: Nicolai Levashov physicist , master healer and clairvoyant

    Post  Seashore Fri Sep 25, 2015 11:26 am

    mudra wrote:Nicolai Levashov physicist , master healer and clairvoyant Pdf10

    From page 4 of the pdf:

    Nicolai Levashov physicist , master healer and clairvoyant Wow10

    mudra, how did you discover the work of Nicolai Levashow?  cheers

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    Nicolai Levashov physicist , master healer and clairvoyant Empty Re: Nicolai Levashov physicist , master healer and clairvoyant

    Post  B.B.Baghor Sat Sep 26, 2015 9:25 am

    That's quite a rare and large story of a healer's life, you found, mudra.
    While reading through the documents, after having a brief look into the first healing session,
    to me, this is an example of how a soul, like the one in this Russion man called Nicolai Levashow,
    enters planet Earth and expresses its abilities and knowledge, giving it all and jumping into many
    actions, while healing, teaching and possibly saving the planet and us from annihilation or disasters.
    I understand how he experienced oppression and man-made obstacles, nevertheless ongoing in
    great strength and courage, witnessing the death of the physical body it used to embody.

    As is often the case with that huge Russian spirit of Light, it seems this man's work has been silenced
    and hidden quite successfully. Now you've found this man's work, mudra and present it to us here.
    Regarding these 2 healing sessions on video, for free, I like to give warning if that's appreciated.
    I'm aware of the many ways humans carry their ability to heal and work wonders, although they're
    explainable in scientific ways now more than ever before. I very much love and appreciate the work
    done by people, to build bridges between spiritual and scientific worlds.

    Receive this post as some food for thought, not as instructions please. This warning of mine isn't belittling
    or discussing the abilities, love and intentions of Nicolai Levashow. In my learning years and experiences with
    energy work, healing and reading on energetic levels, there's been one golden rule and that's this one:

    Whenever information shows up, regarding another person's state of health, physical, emotional or mental,
    and when that person asks for healing, always the higher self of that person needs to be consulted by the healer.
    If the healer receives confirmation for working with healing energy or whatever methods, the work may proceed.

    However, the outcome is never fixed, for the true healing is done by the receiver, on an inner plane, by finding
    insights and discernment, accepting a process of change that may involve pain, bliss, or both. The healer works
    as a channel, or empty vessel, for the healing energy to flow through him/her and to be used to the effect,
    that the receiver may benefit of it. There shouldn't be an emptiness in awareness in both people at work though.

    There's a reason for this golden rule and that's this: each human being chooses an agenda, with life experiences
    that flow along that self-made agenda, so that they may offer insights and understanding, even compassion and
    more relatively new capacities that were forgotten, in some way, depending on the choice of paths in life and more
    lives. I smile about myself, for I try to clarify something of which no general description exists. In essence, it's
    about the free will in a human being that needs to be honored in going through experiences of all sorts.

    Like I said earlier in a reply to Evisnam today: "I think that the concept of karma and karmic lessons can be understood
    when we step outside of the concept of "right and wrong". No one can judge others in this realm, for in essence each
    of us is "The One and Only Who Knows Best" when honesty and truth are welcome companions". The soul always knows.

    The soul also knows if certain experiences are needed to be experienced in that person's lifetime, with which the soul
    is connected. These experiences don't look always pretty and beneficial to us, but to that person it may hold a valuable
    lesson to learn, potentially. What I mean to convey is that love should be accompanied by wisdom, so that no forms
    are necessary to express love, as in proof of love, but that moving from love, becoming an instrument for love as in
    BEing in a state of love and moving from there, are ways of healing that are willingly received by those that are ready
    for it. That's the law of "like attracts like" as I've come to understand it.

    I think that Nicolai Levashow learned a great lesson by walking here on this planet, by experience. There are and have
    been many who come and came to this place, with extraordinary skills and knowledge unfamiliar to us in the present
    world. The capacities Nicolai Levashow held in his heart and hands, pun intended, are those that are available to us all,
    for they're present in the ether always. We're all constantly bombarded with particles of the Big Bang, of the effects of
    radiation and electro-smog and all sorts of particles, present in the eons of time between the first and last moment of
    our existence on this planet.

    These abilities to work miracles are found when our physical body embodies our soul fully, which may be the nature of
    The Event happening right now. It may have been this way for Nicolai Levashow, that he felt he had to offer gifts of
    love for having abused them before in previous lifetimes, who knows? The inclusion of karmic lessons, just as an
    example here, for I cannot say for sure what this man's destiny is, shows how balancing of energies aka karmic
    clearing is outside the realm of "right and wrong" too, in order to be fully understood and grasped. But more
    importantly and valuable is this, as I feel it, that we can be present in all that occurs, in this pandemonium of life,
    with a compassionate heart imbued with wisdom. I'm reminded of that, by reading this thread and sharing my view.

    Thank you The Karen

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    Nicolai Levashov physicist , master healer and clairvoyant Empty Re: Nicolai Levashov physicist , master healer and clairvoyant

    Post  mudra Sat Sep 26, 2015 6:08 pm

    Seahore and BB thank you for coming along this thread I appreciate it.
    I am undergoing quite a challenging time in life at the moment that requires all my attention.
    Therefore I am rarely on the forum these days,

    Seashore I just happen to stumble on Nicolai Levashov's work by chance I would say.w
    Thank you for your research rdgarding Barbara Koopman I have no time to investigating
    fully  wether she is dead or alive.

    BB the sessions are Recovery sessions not healing sessions per se this is explained on the website. I appreciate your comments. Thank you.

    Much Love for you both


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    Nicolai Levashov physicist , master healer and clairvoyant Empty Re: Nicolai Levashov physicist , master healer and clairvoyant

    Post  B.B.Baghor Sat Sep 26, 2015 7:31 pm

    mudra's words:
    "BB the sessions are Recovery sessions not healing sessions per se this is explained on the website.
    I appreciate your comments. Thank you".

    Yes, thank you mudra, point taken. I felt my post here going a bit too much in a serious tone, later today.
    Meanwhile, in this for you challenging time, here's a token of friendship for you, be well soon mudra Hugs

    Nicolai Levashov physicist , master healer and clairvoyant Viewer10

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    Nicolai Levashov physicist , master healer and clairvoyant Empty Re: Nicolai Levashov physicist , master healer and clairvoyant

    Post  Seashore Sun Sep 27, 2015 3:29 am

    mudra, I'm reading the biography now.

    I just read on page 13 about the mistake made by a physician that resulted in the problem that Nicolai Levashow had with his right eye.

    But then he says this:

    When I eventually understood that I could cure people, I restored my eye muscles, but this was not to happen until much later.

    The photograph above shows a return of the problem with his right eye.  Do you know from your reading what happened?

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    Nicolai Levashov physicist , master healer and clairvoyant Empty Re: Nicolai Levashov physicist , master healer and clairvoyant

    Post  Seashore Sun Sep 27, 2015 4:42 am

    Seashore wrote:mudra, I'm reading the biography now.

    From page 19:

    All these methods only help to “tune-in” to a specific person, to his information field (which I understand to be a field created by an individual, who has certain genetics that contains his spirit with the memory of all previous incarnations and with the imprint of all events and actions performed by this person up to the current moment and events and actions which are yet to happen). In principle, these methods of entrance are not necessary when one understands the true nature of the phenomenon. It is possible to scan a person directly without these kinds of “crutches”.

    That makes me think of Rupert Sheldrake's morphic field.

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    Nicolai Levashov physicist , master healer and clairvoyant Empty Re: Nicolai Levashov physicist , master healer and clairvoyant

    Post  mudra Sun Sep 27, 2015 3:19 pm

    B.B.Baghor wrote:mudra's words:
    "BB the sessions are Recovery sessions not healing sessions per se this is explained on the website.
    I appreciate your comments. Thank you".

    Yes, thank you mudra, point taken. I felt my post here going a bit too much in a serious tone, later today.
    Meanwhile, in this for you challenging time, here's a token of friendship for you, be well soon mudra  Hugs

    Nicolai Levashov physicist , master healer and clairvoyant Viewer10

    Thank You so much BB Hugs

    The Karen

    Much Love for You my friend


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    Nicolai Levashov physicist , master healer and clairvoyant Empty Re: Nicolai Levashov physicist , master healer and clairvoyant

    Post  mudra Sun Sep 27, 2015 3:20 pm


    But then he says this:

    When I eventually understood that I could cure people, I restored my eye muscles, but this was not to happen until much later.

    The photograph above shows a return of the problem with his right eye.  Do you know from your reading what happened?

    I am only knew to this as yourself Seashore.
    I don't remember him mentioning anything about this so far.
    Little time to read these days as I said previously.

    Love from me

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    Nicolai Levashov physicist , master healer and clairvoyant Empty Re: Nicolai Levashov physicist , master healer and clairvoyant

    Post  mudra Sun Sep 27, 2015 3:21 pm

    Seashore wrote:

    From page 19:

    All these methods only help to “tune-in” to a specific person, to his information field (which I understand to be a field created by an individual, who has certain genetics that contains his spirit with the memory of all previous incarnations and with the imprint of all events and actions performed by this person up to the current moment and events and actions which are yet to happen). In principle, these methods of entrance are not necessary when one understands the true nature of the phenomenon. It is possible to scan a person directly without these kinds of “crutches”.

    That makes me think of Rupert Sheldrake's morphic field.

    Yes so it seems Seashore.

    Love from me

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    Nicolai Levashov physicist , master healer and clairvoyant Empty Re: Nicolai Levashov physicist , master healer and clairvoyant

    Post  nilalin Wed Oct 12, 2016 3:39 pm

    Hello everybody!

    6 Years after your last post I suddenly discover this topic.

    I read some of his books but i still have to reread them a few times to really get all the information.
    I absolutely appreciate his work. It changed my life a lot.

    So, how are things going? Did you keep studying his work?

    Best wishes

    Posts : 23280
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    Nicolai Levashov physicist , master healer and clairvoyant Empty Re: Nicolai Levashov physicist , master healer and clairvoyant

    Post  mudra Thu Oct 13, 2016 3:57 pm

    Warm welcome in the Mists nilalin cheers
    And thank you for your interest in this thread.
    I didn't complete my study of Nicolai Levashov's work.
    I think I would have loved to meet the man though.
    I think he is one of these beings that made a difference
    in his own time and unfortunately left us too soon.

    I am wishing a good journey amongst us.

    Love from me

      Current date/time is Wed Sep 18, 2024 6:23 am