PlenitudeIf one day you cannot find me
do not think that I have gone crazy,
but sane.
Look for me far away...
where men fly like birds over immense valleys,
where the sad beetles bathe their bodies in dew
and clothe themselves in black velvet.
Look for me far away...
where the cows give milk in abundance
and the languid sheep gather like white clouds,
where the oxen gaze with gentleness,
and the horses with peaceful tails feel the caressing of the wind,
where I lay my head down
without a watch measuring the time
— up the mountain —
towards the light, and the silence.
There you will find me...
lying in the grass
with thyme blossoms between my lips,
gazing at the condor and at the royal eagles flying...
and flying...
There you will find me...learning to live from the insects
and from the wild birds,from the domestic animals,
learning from the birds...
(I do not feel ashamed...!)
And it may be that I even learn to fly like the bees,
to sleep with the hens and to converse with the lizards...
and I will breathe freely, against the wind,through the highest peaks.
I will listen for the voice from afar of the countryman who sings
love songs to his beloved,
and the bronze bells sounding in the far village,
I will listen to the voice of the trees, of the breeze, and of the water.
I will use my new eyes for the first time to look as far as my gaze roams
where the crickets sing, where the cicadas sleep...
...And when you find me,I will kiss your breath
with human warmth,and I will tell you what they have taught me,
the wind, the day, the night, the light, and the stars...,
and we will learn together for all time to live in peace
with the flavor of the winds between our hands...
José Antonio Noguera Gimenez
Love Always