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    2 billion-year-old African nuclear reactor proves that Mother Nature still has a few tricks up her sleeve


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    2 billion-year-old African nuclear reactor proves that Mother Nature still has a few tricks up her sleeve Empty 2 billion-year-old African nuclear reactor proves that Mother Nature still has a few tricks up her sleeve

    Post  Carol Wed May 27, 2015 6:44 pm

    2 billion-year-old African nuclear reactor proves that Mother Nature still has a few tricks up her sleeve 1432733269_oklo-3

    2 billion-year-old African nuclear reactor proves that Mother Nature still has a few tricks up her sleeve 1432733268_oklo-2-300x205
    2 billion-year-old African nuclear reactor proves that Mother Nature still has a few tricks up her sleeve

    Researchers believe that this ancient nuclear reactor is around 1.8 billion years old and operated for at least 500,000 years in the distant past.

    We tend to think that humans are the only possible source of complex machinery on Earth. Leaving aside the exquisite complexity of biologically evolved organisms, it does seem to be true that the Earth creates less complexity than its human inhabitants. Yet, in the 1970s, nuclear excavators discovered a form of natural technology that not only humbled nuclear scientists with its simplicity, but which actually predated their achievements by several billion years. The startling discovery has supported decades of research, but its depths are still producing lessons for US regulators.

    The objects in question are called the Oklo reactors, naturally occurring nuclear reactors named for the West African region of Gabon in which they reside. They’ve been dead for a very long time, probably over 1.5 billion years, but the evidence of their prior action is unmistakable. Sometime a bit less than 2 billion years ago, and lasting for about 300,000 years, the Oklo reactors held a series of stable nuclear fission reactions.

    Oklo 2Upon their discovery, the central question about these reactors was simply: How could they possibly work? One early hypothesis was that the fundamental physical constants that restrict nuclear reactions today may have been different 2 billion years ago. Analysis of the wastes at Oklo, running all the way up to this very month, suggest that the physical constants have indeed been constant all along. That means the reactor would have needed a fissionable isotope in the same concentrations we require today.

    Protection of nuclear enrichment technology is one of the defining international issues of our time. Many political theorists say that nuclear enrichment in Iran is the most likely cause of any future World War. If we have such trouble making raw uranium usable in stable fission reactions, how could an inanimate planet possibly do it?

    Well, it didn’t. Back when these Oklo reactors first fired themselves up, Earth was barely half as old as it is today. That means that less time had passed since its initial formation from bits of galactic dust and rock. As a result, fewer radioactive half-lives had played out, and unstable isotopes were found in much higher concentrations. The most useful uranium isotope for nuclear power is uranium-235, which today accounts for just 0.7202% of any given natural sample of uranium. When the solar system first formed, that number would have been more like 17%, falling steadily until it reached the modern day value.

    Read more at link above.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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