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    Coast To Coast AM - May 21, 2015 Planet X / Planet X What Governments are Not Telling You - John Moore


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    Coast To Coast AM - May 21, 2015 Planet X / Planet X What Governments are Not Telling You - John Moore Empty Coast To Coast AM - May 21, 2015 Planet X / Planet X What Governments are Not Telling You - John Moore

    Post  Carol Sun May 24, 2015 11:35 pm
    Coast To Coast AM - May 21, 2015 Planet X & Enclosed Earth Theory
    Published on May 22, 2015

    In the first half, author and publisher Marshall Masters provided updates on Nibiru (Planet X), and touched on such topics as chemtrails, and survival communities. What's referred to as Planet X is actually a mini-constellation around a brown dwarf star in our own solar system that is on a 3,600 year orbit, he suggested. Right now, it's located on the opposite side of the sun, beyond the orbit of Jupiter, but as it reaches its closest distance to the sun it will accelerate, and cross over Earth's orbit. If our planet happens to be on the same side of the sun when that happens--- that's a worst case scenario that happened last at the time of Noah's flood, he stated.

    Interestingly, Masters believes Nibiru was actually picked up on camera during an early morning TV newscast in Sacramento, in which the reporters were perplexed by what they were seeing. The effects from Nibiru's passage could be devastating he said, with a likely pole shift, and huge tsunamis slamming the coastlines. In a corollary to Bible prophecy, as Nibiru passes between Earth and the sun, it will cause days of darkness, and literally block out the sun, he added. Regarding weather modification and chemtrails, the elite may be doing it to create a mini-ice age, in advance of Planet X, which will cause the planet to heat up, he theorized. Masters said he's working on building a survival community that will broadcast information via shortwave broadcasts after the grid is knocked out.

    Last edited by Carol on Mon May 25, 2015 8:14 am; edited 2 times in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 33282
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    Coast To Coast AM - May 21, 2015 Planet X / Planet X What Governments are Not Telling You - John Moore Empty Re: Coast To Coast AM - May 21, 2015 Planet X / Planet X What Governments are Not Telling You - John Moore

    Post  Carol Mon May 25, 2015 7:54 am
    Nibiru / Planet X What Governments are Not Telling You - Nibiru Update

    Published on Nov 9, 2014
    Nibiru / Planet X What Governments are Not Telling You - Nibiru Update
    John Moore, has conducted exhaustive interviews and studies with countless military and government individuals regarding Planet X, AKA Nibiru, who confirm that Planet X, our solar systems 10th planet does exist and will cause tremendous devastation when it next passes by earth. John lists numerous high ranking government officials who have confirmed Planet X exists, and that many coastal government agencies are building replacement headquarters much further inland to avoid having their existing coastal headquarters damaged by the impending coastal flooding. Dec 21, 2012 was a false date for Planet X, and could serve to lull the public into ignoring the real warnings when Planet X’s approach and likely devastation is imminent.

    Planet X or ‘Nibiru’, a term made popular by Sumerian tablet translators is in reality a red dwarf star that enters our solar system from the south, crosses the ecliptic plane as it travels through our solar system in a northwardly trajectory until making its perihelion around the sun and returning to outer space in its 3,600year cycle. This red dwarf is a star that has not ignited and therefore can only be seen in the infrared. But according to ancient lore, the Bible and other ancient manuscripts, ‘The Great Destroyer’ ignites and is seen as a fiery dragon covering up the sun and creating a massive effect in the solar system including the earth. These effects include the falling of meteors of all sizes that this ‘red star’ brings in with it, objects that it brought in through its outbound and inbound trajectory in the Oort Cloud.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 33282
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    Location : Hawaii

    Coast To Coast AM - May 21, 2015 Planet X / Planet X What Governments are Not Telling You - John Moore Empty Re: Coast To Coast AM - May 21, 2015 Planet X / Planet X What Governments are Not Telling You - John Moore

    Post  Carol Mon May 25, 2015 8:13 am

    Coast To Coast AM - May 21, 2015 Planet X / Planet X What Governments are Not Telling You - John Moore Esl_map

    Coast To Coast AM - May 21, 2015 Planet X / Planet X What Governments are Not Telling You - John Moore Z

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 33282
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Coast To Coast AM - May 21, 2015 Planet X / Planet X What Governments are Not Telling You - John Moore Empty Re: Coast To Coast AM - May 21, 2015 Planet X / Planet X What Governments are Not Telling You - John Moore

    Post  Carol Mon May 25, 2015 8:28 am

    This is posted from a Skype Room acquaintance, amorea13 with permission:

    Pole-Shift, Magnetic-Reversals and the 'end-times'!

    Ok – I am in UK as some may know and I get to the posts on here a little later than many and I have just read some excellent posts on 'pole-shift' and 'magnetic-reversals' etc and also john.vanooten's really interesting comment regards . . .

    “One specific date predicted for the pole-shift was May 23rd, 2002. They said it would be a catastrophic mass extinction event but not totally destroy the Earth.”

    I'd like to give some input on this from my understandings.

    There have been many dates given of impending 'doom' and destruction of this beautiful Earth of ours. Most of these dates and scenarios have been the result of dis-information and subterfuge – but almost all are based upon some multi-dimensional facts and historical 'developments' which many ancient (and original) human 'tribes' (such as the Hopi and the Mayans) have predicted.

    The date above of May 2002 is very close to the date of expectation of a doom and destruction event which was actually a 'natural' and expected multi-dimensional event arriving in May 27th 2003 and continuing into August 2003!

    This 'natural' event is known as the electric/ magnetic Hetharo/Hethalon cycle of Merkaba spin.

    Merkabas are the 'engines' which exist in every living-being and planets and stars and galaxies and these merkaba 'engines' transport eternal Source-Energy throughout the universes and every living-being through the core processing atom or 'seed' existing in every living-being.

    There is a naturally occurring 're-set' action in life-processes (an action which here on Earth has been suspended or stopped for eons of time) whereby a living-being may re-energise its natural energetic living process and have 'eternal life'.

    This is the way all living-beings were designed to exist and to 'outpicture' into manifestation within the hologram of 'life'. 'Death', destruction and pain and suffering are NOT the natural way at all – they have seemingly BECOME so within the hologram!

    The natural electrical merkaba-spin peak (or top-speed) was reached in May 2003 and the peak (top-speed) of the magnetic merkaba was reached in August 2003 and this brace of truly astounding and massively powerful events occurred for the first time in billions of years (Earth-time!) because the whole of our universe (and some others) had been threatened by an unnatural sequence of events!

    The Hetharo / Hethalon cycle is actually a natural re-setting of the Cosmic-Clock within each living-being and is a 'fail-safe' mechanism activated at the moment when a universe (such as ours) is threatened with 'unnatural' black-hole extinction.

    In March 2002 a group of very ancient 'off-planet' entities who had been collectively working to drag this universe into their unnatural electro-magnetic control-frequencies, managed to reverse the merkaba-spin of Earth's magnetic grids so that the unnatural spin was at two-thirds in the grids and the natural spin was at one-third.

    This was a potentially catastrophic event (which had been predicted by these same 'off-planet' beings and their human-hybrid 'families' down here!) and was to be the culmination of all the distortions to natural life that their actions over many thousands of years had brought about.

    These essentially anti-natural-life beings came very close in March 2002 to the success they sought but their actions triggered the 'fail-safe' Hetharo-Hethalon cycle of May / August 2003.

    This re-set cycle of the Cosmic Clock within the seed-atom of every living-being, has consistently cleared the 'reverse-currents' of the unnatural forces and has done so right up to the celebrated Mayan date of December 2012!

    They and many other ancient tribes KNEW that the unnatural forces abounding in our universe could NOT succeed because of the 'fail-safe' mechanism which would be triggered – as indeed it was.

    Because of the truly massive power of the Hetharo/ Hethalon cycle a series of 'buffer' fields had to be set-up also to protect all living-beings (including the planets and stars) from the potentially damaging effects of the vast adjustments to our seed-atoms via DNA expansions and their rapid assemblage.

    Many of these 'potentialities' have been given distorted mention in our ancient texts and stories, for example, the 'Golden Fleece' (mentioned in a Greek tale) is the name of one of these buffer-fields of force brought in to protect us and the Sun as it has been so damaged by activities of the off-planet beings and their human-hybrids on Earth that it would otherwise have expanded by now and consumed the whole of our Solar-System!

    Another result of the Hetharo/Hethalon re-set cycle has been the changing of our 'time-line' probabilities and the opportunity (through Free-Will) to move from a less 'natural' way of living to a MORE 'natural' way of living – and I believe this means a more 'enlightened' way of living and being – in accordance with the 'eternal' mechanisms for living which had originally been encoded into our seed-atoms but which had been SO distorted and damaged by the actions of those beings of 'alternative' intent.

    This is indeed a time of truly momentous change – for the better – in our current time-line and it has been infinitely enhanced by what also occurred in May 2003; the initiation on Earth of a quantity of primal 'God-Source' Consciousness into the frequency-fields of Earth known as The Amorea Wave or '13th Pillar' of  First Creation Living Consciousness.

    This has changed everything regards how humans may 'out-picture' within the Hologram of Living.

    It has been a 'story' of truly epic proportions and even the most seemingly far-fetched and outrageous tales we have read or viewed about 'history' in our lifetimes cannot come close to what has REALLY been happening with us all here on Earth.

    Since May 2003 everything has begun to change – for the better – for those who so choose in their new, developing time-line!

    Last edited by Carol on Mon May 25, 2015 12:54 pm; edited 1 time in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 267
    Join date : 2012-02-13

    Coast To Coast AM - May 21, 2015 Planet X / Planet X What Governments are Not Telling You - John Moore Empty Re: Coast To Coast AM - May 21, 2015 Planet X / Planet X What Governments are Not Telling You - John Moore

    Post  ceridwen Mon May 25, 2015 8:45 am

    As far as I have read all the Ashayana Deane stuff failed which is why they went on to the Krystal River group?

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    Coast To Coast AM - May 21, 2015 Planet X / Planet X What Governments are Not Telling You - John Moore Empty Re: Coast To Coast AM - May 21, 2015 Planet X / Planet X What Governments are Not Telling You - John Moore

    Post  Carol Mon May 25, 2015 12:52 pm

    I'm not sure what you're referring to ceridwen.

    Published on Jan 3, 2015
    Planet X Nibiru Last Update 2014 - Researcher Says Prepare Now for Devastating Weather
    This planet x / nibiru video hopes to shed some light on some extreme weather events that have made the news and yet the 'whole' story was not told in order to keep the public from connecting the dots to the ongoing Polar Shift and ultimately Nibiru Planet X.

    Many people have been wondering why the presence of the Nibiru Planet X planetary complex would be kept from the public's awareness, this is done for the purpose of control.

    The Powers That Be fear what the public's reaction will be to the news that not only is there a large planet in our solar system but that it has been here for at least TEN years and is responsible for not only 'Global Warming', but 'Climate Change' as well.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Location : The Matrix

    Coast To Coast AM - May 21, 2015 Planet X / Planet X What Governments are Not Telling You - John Moore Empty Re: Coast To Coast AM - May 21, 2015 Planet X / Planet X What Governments are Not Telling You - John Moore

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon May 25, 2015 12:56 pm

    I'm almost to the point of skipping the predictions of future murder and mayhem -- and simply focusing upon the historical murder and mayhem -- such as the World Wars -- especially imagining what it might've been like to live in the middle of those events (on all sides -- and at all socio-economic levels). Hindsight is 20/20. On the other hand, I am presently living within a United States of the Solar System delusional-system, wherein I am imagining that this hypothetical governance modality already exists -- even though it probably never will. What if most all of the planets, moons, and larger-asteroids within this solar system are piloted??!! What if Nibiru and its Satellites are piloted??!! Dudes on Ludes shouldn't post on the internet!!

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    Coast To Coast AM - May 21, 2015 Planet X / Planet X What Governments are Not Telling You - John Moore Empty Re: Coast To Coast AM - May 21, 2015 Planet X / Planet X What Governments are Not Telling You - John Moore

    Post  ceridwen Mon May 25, 2015 12:59 pm

    I am refering the amorea13 post

    What is there belongs quite rightly to 2003 but Ashayana Deane said that had failed because there was not enough people. Hence there are no portals to Tara and the Hall of the Amenti fell as well as the Eiyani.

    Then Ashayana Deane came with a new Guardian Alliance group called the Krystal River. They stopped using their Merkabas after 2003

    That is what I meant

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    Coast To Coast AM - May 21, 2015 Planet X / Planet X What Governments are Not Telling You - John Moore Empty Coast To Coast AM - May 21, 2015 Planet X / Planet X What Governments are Not Telling You - John Moore

    Post  Jenetta Mon May 25, 2015 9:34 pm

    Well if we're into possible doom, gloom and destruction this video below will fit right in...I'll be just getting off a ferry...I hope the ferry will be on time.

    Global Coastal Event on May 28, 2015

    Published on Apr 29, 2015

    On May 28, 2015 towards the end of the day UTC time(4PM PST), and continuing on May 29, there will be a series of very critical planetary alignments whereby Venus and Mercury are really being charged up on the North-America / Pacific side.

    As it is below; so it is above

      Current date/time is Tue Jan 21, 2025 7:01 am