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    Perpetual Tzolkin calendar Tzolkintoy

    B.B. Baghor
    B.B. Baghor

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    Perpetual Tzolkin calendar Tzolkintoy Empty Illustrations 13 Galactic Tones of the Tzolkin Mayan calendar

    Post  B.B. Baghor Fri Aug 20, 2010 1:31 pm

    Hi there, here's a picture of my illustration work,
    the creative approach to learn about the Tzolkin
    calendar,existing of 20 Solar Seals and 13 Galactic Tones.
    13 x 20 + 260 Kin In 13 cards with descriptions of
    the energies involved.This is a tool to comprehend
    and play with the Tzolkin knowledge of the Classical
    Maya. The book of Aluna Joy Yaxkin, titled "Mayan
    astrology" is a great help. Enjoy!
    Perpetual Tzolkin calendar Tzolkintoy AttachmentIllustratie 13 Gal.Tonen Marian van der Veen
    Illustrations of the 13 Galactic Tones of the Tzolkin Mayan calendar as a means of understanding
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    Perpetual Tzolkin calendar Tzolkintoy Empty Re: Perpetual Tzolkin calendar Tzolkintoy

    Post  mudra Fri Aug 20, 2010 1:40 pm

    These are lovely Broombroom .
    First we meet I think .
    Warm welcome in the Mists cheers

    Thank you so much for sharing your work with us.

    Love from me
    B.B. Baghor
    B.B. Baghor

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    Perpetual Tzolkin calendar Tzolkintoy Empty Reply to Mudra

    Post  B.B. Baghor Fri Aug 20, 2010 2:07 pm

    Hi Mudra, I seem to remember you from the old Avalon Forum, end of 2009, am I right? Thanks for your welcome words and compliment on my illustrations. Your avatar is very beautiful and it's name as "keeper of the balance" is so appropriate!It shows itself to me. Cheers and be well!

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    Perpetual Tzolkin calendar Tzolkintoy Empty Re: Perpetual Tzolkin calendar Tzolkintoy

    Post  mudra Fri Aug 20, 2010 2:22 pm

    I joined PA end of 2008 and have stayed there till the end.
    So you probably have seen my there .
    Did you have the same avatar name in PA ?

    Love from me
    B.B. Baghor
    B.B. Baghor

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    Perpetual Tzolkin calendar Tzolkintoy Empty Question by Mudra: "Did I use the same Avatar in PA?"

    Post  B.B. Baghor Fri Aug 20, 2010 2:47 pm

    Hi Mudra, I joined the PA in september 2009 and no, I didn't use the same avatar in the PA,at that time, my username is Tintagelcave and I use a filmstill of the Star Wars trilogy, a city refuge on an island. I am member of the the PA forum and I thought that Mists of Avalon was a replacement for that Forum, I guess I am mistaken.I received an email this afternoon, with an invitation for the Mists of A. Who's initiative is this?

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    Perpetual Tzolkin calendar Tzolkintoy Empty Re: Perpetual Tzolkin calendar Tzolkintoy

    Post  mudra Fri Aug 20, 2010 5:55 pm

    I remember you now :)
    Don't you know PA has closed down and been changed to PA2
    an on invite only forum .
    Part of us gathered and opened the Mists of Avalon then .
    This is why you'll find here former members from PA.
    Some members of the Mists are on PA2 as well .
    I personnally have decided that this place is my new Home.

    Much love
    B.B. Baghor
    B.B. Baghor

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    Perpetual Tzolkin calendar Tzolkintoy Empty Reply to mudra

    Post  B.B. Baghor Sat Aug 21, 2010 12:25 pm

    Hi mudra, thanks for your message and your question about PA2, yes I know about that one and I am still part of that forum. So I am eating from 2 plates Wink as long as the postings are respectful and positive I'm fine. I love to find pieces of the puzzle of life or even myself, who knows.....I know.... As a little girl I wondered how the caterpillar changed into a butterfly and I guess I am stuck in that phase Razz I love to share information and uplifting messages, also by working in the transcript team of Project Avalon, where translations are made in quite a lot of languages now, so that more people have access to information and start to wake up. sunny
    So, mudra, I hope we will have a pleasant visits here, in the mists and I say goodbye to you with a cute hedgehog.
    Be well, mudra!
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    Perpetual Tzolkin calendar Tzolkintoy Empty Re: Perpetual Tzolkin calendar Tzolkintoy

    Post  lindabaker Sat Aug 21, 2010 5:46 pm

    Hai, BroomBroom, I remember you as Tintagelcave, most certainly. Welcome to the Mists. We have a lovely time here. Greetings to the Nederland from the US.


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    Perpetual Tzolkin calendar Tzolkintoy Empty Re: Perpetual Tzolkin calendar Tzolkintoy

    Post  lindabaker Sat Aug 21, 2010 5:49 pm

    BroomBroom, there are several sites that people can log on and find their birth sign and chart on the Tzolkien. Which is your favorite? and, thanks. I really, really, really like your illustrations. They speak to my heart.
    B.B. Baghor
    B.B. Baghor

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    Perpetual Tzolkin calendar Tzolkintoy Empty Reply for Linda

    Post  B.B. Baghor Sun Aug 22, 2010 3:15 am

    Hi Linda, thanks for your message and compliment! I am happy to share these illustrations because they are meant to be enjoyed, energetically. I chose an appletree as the subject for going through the 13 transformations towards ripening. In the last one, the 13th card, you see the seeds falling from the apple onto the Earth. Once I had a very wise comment from a woman on this, she said "You may ask how many apples are on the tree or you may ask how many apples are in the seeds?"

    C:\Users\marian\Desktop\Tzolkin calculator.mht Here is a link to a Tzolkin calculator, I am not sure if you can open it, but Google can help you also I think. You can type in any date and this calculator will show you the Solar Seal and Tone of the day, plus the number of Kin in the cycle. Today, Sunday, is the Yellow Rithmic Warrior Kin 136 the sixth Tone and the 16th Solar Seal of the 20 Solar Seals that form the Tzolkin (20 Seals x 13 Tones = 260 Kin) An interesting fact is, that the gestation period of humans is 260 days, during which the foetus lives under the influence of the whole Tzolkin cycle. The Classic Maya called these "the 260 faces of the Sun".After completing this cycle the baby is ready to be born.

    Here's a picture of the Tzolkintoy I invented and made, a piece of art and atool to comprehend and enjoy the cycle of the Tzolkin. It's a perpetual calendar that shows all the facets of the Tzolkin-calendar in one overview.
    Since 1996 I study the Classic Maya, based on the work of Jose Arguelles, an initiate and shaman. He is presenting a lecture "The Time of the Sixth Sun" you can find it with the help of Google. This is not at all about the destruction of Earth or humankind. It's a shift in consciousness. He has written the history of planet Earth in his book Dreamspell, which is part of a set of tools to understand the Tzolkin. There are a lot of other calendar cycles that were used by the Classic Maya, such as the Venus calendar. The Tzolkin is a Holy Moon calendar, based on the 13 Full Moons that occur in a Solar year.(13 when taking into account that the Earth is turning and moving, like all celestial bodies, and the knowledge based on calculations that are made from outside the earth).

    The year 2012 isn't the end, it's the end of time as we know it. So, Linda, if you want me to make a Maya horoscope you are welcome, the info that I need for that is your date of birth and the time of the day/night, if possible. I made quite a long story out of this, but I always tend to be elaborating in order to be clear......((:> Enjoy your day and be well, Linda.

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    Perpetual Tzolkin calendar Tzolkintoy Empty Re: Perpetual Tzolkin calendar Tzolkintoy

    Post  lindabaker Sun Aug 22, 2010 7:01 am

    BroomBroom: I have found my birthdate/Mayan sign before, but then when I used another site, it came up different so I'm looking for confirmation. (I also think Arguelles has the correct calendar.) But, anyway, I would be so happy to see what you find: December 14, 1953...10:30 am Eastern Standard time.


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    Perpetual Tzolkin calendar Tzolkintoy Empty Re: Perpetual Tzolkin calendar Tzolkintoy

    Post  lindabaker Sun Aug 22, 2010 7:25 am

    Jose Arguelles at Tipping Point Conference January, 2010.
    B.B. Baghor
    B.B. Baghor

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    Perpetual Tzolkin calendar Tzolkintoy Empty Mayan horoscope

    Post  B.B. Baghor Sun Aug 22, 2010 8:31 am

    Hi Linda, lucky you! I am online and I have butterflies on my screen who warn me when a message arrives.....Razz
    Here's your Mayan horoscope, Linda, it's not the same as the Western Zodiac horoscope, this is a general description of the energies om your birthday. So it is up to you, if and where you can recognise these elements in yourself, you see? There's nothing in here that you should conform to, or become. It's a kind of blueprint of the 14th of december 1953, for anybody who is born on that day.

    Solar Seal : Chicchan, which is Maya for Snake, 5th Seal in the cycle of 20 Solar Seals
    Color : Red, direction East, initiative
    Galactic Tone: Spectral or Eleven
    Kin : 245 towards the end of the cycle, leaning towards the future Very Happy
    Wavespell : Blue Eagle, vision
    Guide : same as Solar Seal
    Castle : green, the castle of enchantment, the central castle that is surrounded by the red,
    white, blue and yellow castle
    The snake is an animal that symbolises raw life force and survival skills, it shuns the light, it loves warmth and sheds its skin, so there is a strong element of transformation here, the ability to transform I mean and heal. The snake is in the staff of Hermes, the symbol of the medical world. It is the symbol of Kundalini in India, the life force energy spiraling upwards through the chakras, the balance of female and male energy into union, bringing heaven and earth together. The snake is found all over the world: the Ouroboros is the snake that bites his own tail, symbolising ever moving life force in cycles and even our Annunaki ancestors supposedly had/have scaly skins.... I don't know if you have gone into the origin of our existence on Earth?

    The spectral tone is illustrated in my cards as a storm that chases the apples out of the tree, when they are ripe.
    So it's the tone of letting go, to allow new beginnings and space, processes.
    The color red in the Seal is helpful: the color of initiative.

    According to Ariel Spilsbury & Michael Bryner, in their book "The Mayan Oracle return to the path of the stars"
    the snake qualities are vitality, passion, sensing body wisdom, motivation, desire, instinct, creativity, kundalini, integration, purification and intimacy.

    Its essence is "I am the flint and tinder of the sacred fire"

    All named qualities exist in their light- and shadow part, for example body wisdom can have it's shadow component in being to much attached to the body and towards body issues, or intimicacy can be obsessive or shunned.
    This is for every human body to find out and known, if chosen.

    The colors stand for directions, like red is east, white is north, blue is west and yellow is south. Also the colors stand for the 4 root-races of the earth, red as Indians, white as Caucasian, blue was black first, but because of printing difficulties blue was chosen, but it's the African people, yellow is the Chinese people.

    So, this is an explanation of your Maya horoscope, Linda. If you like to go further into it, there is a very useful book by Aluna Joy Yaxkin called "Maya Astrology" She's got a website too, but you have to use our friend Google for that, okay? Oh, I remember I told you about Jose Arguelles video lecture and the one I actually meant is called "Signs". Just Google his name and the name of the lecture, it's on You Tube.
    Let me know how you received this information, Linda, maybe we should choose a private exchange here?
    Anyway, all the best, Linda and see you in the Mists of Avalon another time, cheers!


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    Perpetual Tzolkin calendar Tzolkintoy Empty Re: Perpetual Tzolkin calendar Tzolkintoy

    Post  lindabaker Sun Aug 22, 2010 9:01 am

    Thanks, so I am a Tone 11 Snake. Yow! Previous Mayan Calendar birthdates I found were not the same, and I think yours fits me much better. I do not pay much attention to the Western Solar studies have been with the Magi astrology brought forth by Campbell. It is Lunar astrology, and the charts are simple and easy to understand, although it takes a long time to understand all of the ramifications. There are four basic soul paths: Hearts, (obvious); Spades, which are Health and Career; Clubs, which are intellect, knowledge, and understanding; and Diamonds, which are Values and money. Even numbers are balance, and odd numbers represent a movement, or a need for movement, or a challenge. The higher the number, the more intense the gift or challenge. The Royalty cards, Jack, Queen, and King, are the ultimate for the lessons. We have 52 day periods in each year with a card attached to it, planetary aligned. For instance, in the 52 day period that your chart says 2 of hearts (union) or 10 of Hearts, or Queen of Hearts, would mean that you would find your true love, or marry, or both.

    Remember, that this knowledge was used unwisely, and was used for gambling, etc. Therefore, this information has only been re-released by the Magi in recent times.


    4 Clubs birth card
    6 Diamonds planetary ruling card.

    I seek knowledge, seek to understand under the 4 of Clubs;

    I seek balance in values and money under the 6 of Diamonds. 6 is the card of karma, the payment of good deeds in this position. Funny how I never like to owe anyone any money. This truly speaks about me.

    I can look up your Magi chart, for anyone interested.

    Thanks, from Tone 11 Snake. Yow! Good thing I do not think that snakes are negative. They represent seeking knowledge. Apropos:

    "I have only come here seeking knowledge.
    Things they would not teach me of in college...
    Mephistopheles is not your name,
    But I know what you're up to just the same.
    I will listen hard to your tuition,
    And you will see it come to it's fruition." The Police

    B.B. Baghor
    B.B. Baghor

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    Perpetual Tzolkin calendar Tzolkintoy Empty We've got quite a pace in exchanging, hu?

    Post  B.B. Baghor Sun Aug 22, 2010 10:08 am

    Hi again, Linda, thanks for the link to Jose Arguelles tipping point presentation, I just found it.
    Thanks for your explanation of the cards astrology, Joseph Campbell is recorded in 4 audio-lectures on several topics, like the Meaning of Myth and the Hero for example. I found these interviews on several torrent sites, where people can upload and download all kind of stuff. They are very big files, to difficult to download them here. I can burn them on a CD and send it to you, if you want them. But I guess you know these lectures already.
    Could you tell me what the cards say about my birthday 01-01-1951? Born at 5 o'clock in the morning.

    By the way, I meant to tell you about my Maya horoscope: it's the Cosmic Yellow Star, Kin 208.
    Tone 13 and the 8th Seal in the 20 Solar Seals. In essence it's the challenge to live the beauty of the stars on Earth, enduring hardship and wisdom ripening, many times it's an old soul that carries these energies.The Cosmic Tone 13 is the tone of transformation, the urge to end systems that are blocked and start new beginnings and movements, often difficult to enjoy the harvest and the moment of fulfillment. People around me have to remind me often to point at what I have accomplished. Although I am becoming less strict to myself, now that I am nearing the age of 60 sunny

    I also meant to tell you Linda, that the wavespell is a cycle of 13 tones that repeats itself throughout the Tzolkin. Your cycle of 13, where you are positioned at the 11th place, begins with the Blue Eagle, number 1, Kin 234. That energy is leading throughout the wavespell and it's the energy of vision.
    The eagle is allowed an overview from his high position in the sky. So it's the ability to detach oneself, in order to see things clearly. The tones 1, 6 and 11 have themselves as guides, for example all days with tone 11 contain your guiding energy. Remember, every Solar Seal goes through each tone of the 13 tone cycle, so every 14 days the tone 11 returns. Don't be alarmed when you're not following this, Linda confused Just take your time to figure it out, it helps enormously when you use graphics to comprehend the cycles. Well, thanks for this exchange Linda! Till next time, cheers and enjoy your day,Linda, it's 17.05 here in Holland Cheerful

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    Perpetual Tzolkin calendar Tzolkintoy Empty Re: Perpetual Tzolkin calendar Tzolkintoy

    Post  mudra Sun Aug 22, 2010 11:46 am

    Here is a good link to find your Mayan Sign .

    And here is the dreamspell calculator that goes along with it :

    (Scroll down to the point where you can enter your birtday date and the calculator will lead you to your Mayan Sign)

    Thank You for this thread Broombroom.

    Love from me


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    Perpetual Tzolkin calendar Tzolkintoy Empty Re: Perpetual Tzolkin calendar Tzolkintoy

    Post  ClearWater Sun Aug 22, 2010 1:24 pm

    Beautiful work Broombroom, and welcome to the mists. Flowers
    I first came across this system a couple of years ago.
    I have not gone into it very deeply, but upon first finding 'my' information and reading through the description, I was struck by the accuracy of it.
    Thank you mudra for the link. I enjoyed rereading about my tone, seal, etc.
    If anyone has links to share with additional information, I would enjoy reading more. Or if anyone would like to offer their own perspectives, I would certainly appreciate that as well...
    Born 12th of November, 1974.
    Tone 13, White Cosmic Mirror.

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    Perpetual Tzolkin calendar Tzolkintoy Empty Re: Perpetual Tzolkin calendar Tzolkintoy

    Post  lindabaker Sun Aug 22, 2010 2:03 pm

    Hello, and thanks for the detailed info. Also thanks for the offer of the Joseph Campbell downloads. I will see if I can find them so you don't have to mail a CD to the states!

    I made a big mistake, though, the cards are from Robert Camp, not Campbell. As the kids say: My bad.

    I will look up your birth day...should be interesting! This takes about thirty minutes or so, and I can do this perhaps Monday morning when my brain is not so tired, I've been reading all day and I want to be careful with the easy to read crooked across the lines and make mistakes.

    It must be mid evening now in Holland, I trust you are resting well...I love Holland, lived just across the border in Deutschland for a couple of years (Not military!) and was lucky enough to visit Amsterdam last year for a whole week of re-visiting the places I came to love so much. I brought my husband for our honeymoon just so I could show him how many bicycles can exist in one city...he was amazed. His first trip across the Atlantic. Amsterdam was an excellent choice. We got out into the countryside for a day, as well. Now he understands my different perspective on many things. Now he understands, for example, my desire to live in a city without a car. Talk later...LB


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    Perpetual Tzolkin calendar Tzolkintoy Empty Re: Perpetual Tzolkin calendar Tzolkintoy

    Post  lindabaker Sun Aug 22, 2010 3:05 pm

    Clearwater, I will consult on your birthdate as well. Linda

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    Perpetual Tzolkin calendar Tzolkintoy Empty BroomBroom's chart

    Post  lindabaker Mon Aug 23, 2010 5:27 am

    Here is a summary for you, BB: This is a brief overview of your chart, and a little peek at this year. The years are divided into six sections, all of which are "ruled" by a position/planet. Mercury, Venus, Mars, etc. You have various cards mathematically falling under each section. You are in a section for about six weeks. Each year, that rotation begins again on your birthday. 52 cards in the deck, 52 weeks in the year, and up we go through the spiral of time, all numbers factors of 13...26....52...all the way to 26,000 years, and the shifting to a new era, or "Sun" just like the mayan calendar. These ancient charts seem to be very similar in many ways. As an example, if I had a 2 of Hearts falling into my Jupiter phase, I would expect a new love that would be expansive and beneficial. It could be a lover, a child, or a grandchild coming. If the 2 of Hearts came under my Saturn phase, it would be a joining in love, but with lessons attached. So, here's BroomBroom:

    Birth Card is King of Spades:

    Success is yours for the taking, but you have to stand up and claim it.

    This is the highest and most powerful card out of the 52 cards.

    Planetary Ruling Card is Five of Clubs:

    Mental restlessness, or an unwillingness to commit one’s self to any particular belief or philosophy.

    Tintagelcave: if I correctly do the math, you are presently 59 years old. This year is all about Love, Love, Love. People coming, people going. You become a grandfather if male, or find an excellent partner if female. If neither applies, it could mean just a fulfillment of a life’s work on emotional issues. You have no choice but to learn about cooperation and compromise this year. This year is Excellent for money or expansion of values. For example, you could work on a large humanitarian project, a wedding, or come into a very large sum of money. If you pledge to share the wealth, play the lottery this year. This is a very rare setup in your chart. Don’t spend it all…times are tougher in general for you after the age of 65.

    There will be significant challenges during the year you are 60. Prepare. Example: don’t have any debts.

    The way to overcome potential hardship after 65 is to have a completely spiritual outlook on life.

    This year, you will move to a new residence, travel a lot, or have a change of occupation or big lifestyle change of some kind.

    Here’s a summary from the book about King of Spades people:

    Very independent and strong willed. Opportunities for great success provided you supply the necessary ingredients. Chief ingredient is being willing to assume great responsibility.

    Responsibility may seem like imprisonment, so that is why so few of the King of Spades people actually achieve the greatness that is available to them.

    The Crown of the King is yours…you just have to step up to take it.

    01-01-51 prepared 08-22-10 (22-08-10)

    B.B. Baghor
    B.B. Baghor

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    Perpetual Tzolkin calendar Tzolkintoy Empty Re: Perpetual Tzolkin calendar Tzolkintoy

    Post  B.B. Baghor Sat Apr 16, 2011 5:17 am

    Clearwater: Tone 13, White Cosmic Mirror.
    Welcome Clearwater, to the Cosmic Tone energy in your life, probably you are living it. You and I share that Cosmic Tone as I am a Cosmic Star KIN 208. Recently, in Holland, we're combining the Long Count, The Tzolkin Dreamspell Count by Jose Arguelles, and the Cosmic Count. The first one is about the past, the middle one is about the present and the last one is about the future, the transition into the matriarchy of 13.000 years, starting at febr. 2012 as an influence that can be felt clearly.

    Tomorrow, the 17th of April, I will join an "experience-theatre" in Utrecht, my homwtown, to move into and express in dance, the essnce of these 3 counts, the different qualities of the 13 Galactic Tones. I will see if I can find any English text to share with you, here.

    The Cosmic Count is simply found: just count back 4 seals, like in your case the Mirror (Etznab) minus 4 is the Wind (Ik)
    Your Dreamspell Tone 11 counts forward 2 Tones, resulting in Tone 13 the Cosmic Tone.

    So, in the Cosmic Count you are a Cosmc Wind, Clearwater. Wow.....that's really powerful! Spirit soaring, from a Cosmic Source, causing transformation on lady Gaya and the release of inner capacities of your Spirit, enjoy the journey and how appropriate in this moment in time, nearing 2012 :)As time is an illusion in the 3D reality and doesn't exist in the 6th and higher dimension, we all will find that "Time will end as we know it" which is the message of the ancient Maya, in their prophecy on the year 2012.

    I love to share some of my thoughts and vision on the message of the ancient Maya, here with you, since I began to study this ancient knowledge in 1996. The Maya were able to count the cycles of celestial bodies, from a viewpoint outside of the Earth.
    This points out to interstellar travel and origin of ancestors of the Maya, in my opinion. It's a huge story and deep influence on the evolution of lady Gaia and our Solar System. The Dreamspell text, written by Jose Arguelles and his former wife Lloydine explains more about that. See if you can find it by our friend Google.

    The Centre of the Galaxy, called Hunab K'u by the Maya "our Galaxy" sends coded data through the Sun in "our Solar system" which awakens us to our true Vision and Mission, vibrations that awaken our DNA and sleeping parts of our brain.
    The Solar Flares, combined with the Earthquakes are part of this "game" of information download.
    It's all related and beautifully played out, by lady Gaia and Father Sky, the laws of nature laid out in the blueprint of our Universe. Thanks for sharing this info, be in grace, Victoria Tintagel

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    Perpetual Tzolkin calendar Tzolkintoy Empty Re: Perpetual Tzolkin calendar Tzolkintoy

    Post  ClearWater Sat Apr 16, 2011 1:43 pm

    There is a movement happening...
    From complexity to simplicity.
    From multiplicity to unicity.
    From looking to seeing.
    From becoming to being.

    This movement is echoed in the message you have shared.

    Thank You, Victoria!
    Enjoy your dance!
    B.B. Baghor
    B.B. Baghor

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    Perpetual Tzolkin calendar Tzolkintoy Empty Re: Perpetual Tzolkin calendar Tzolkintoy

    Post  B.B. Baghor Sat Apr 16, 2011 6:56 pm

    Thank you, clearwater, this speech by Charley Chaplin reflects also the meaning of your words. Your avatar is soooo funny, it reminds me so strongly to keep a sense of humour! Sirius business, humour :)Be in grace, Victoria Tintagel.
    B.B. Baghor
    B.B. Baghor

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    Perpetual Tzolkin calendar Tzolkintoy Empty Re: Perpetual Tzolkin calendar Tzolkintoy

    Post  B.B. Baghor Thu Apr 28, 2011 6:07 pm

    Linda: Birth Card is King of Spades:

    Success is yours for the taking, but you have to stand up and claim it.

    This is the highest and most powerful card out of the 52 cards. Oops? VT

    Planetary Ruling Card is Five of Clubs:

    Mental restlessness, or an unwillingness to commit one’s self to any particular belief or philosophy.

    Tintagelcave: if I correctly do the math, you are presently 59 years old. This year is all about Love, Love, Love. People coming, people going. You become a grandfather if male, or find an excellent partner if female. If neither applies, it could mean just a fulfillment of a life’s work on emotional issues. You have no choice but to learn about cooperation and compromise this year. This year is Excellent for money or expansion of values. For example, you could work on a large humanitarian project, a wedding, or come into a very large sum of money. If you pledge to share the wealth, play the lottery this year. This is a very rare setup in your chart. Don’t spend it all…times are tougher in general for you after the age of 65.

    There will be significant challenges during the year you are 60. Prepare. Example: don’t have any debts.

    The way to overcome potential hardship after 65 is to have a completely spiritual outlook on life.

    This year, you will move to a new residence, travel a lot, or have a change of occupation or big lifestyle change of some kind.

    Here’s a summary from the book about King of Spades people:

    Very independent and strong willed. Opportunities for great success provided you supply the necessary ingredients. Chief ingredient is being willing to assume great responsibility.

    Responsibility may seem like imprisonment, so that is why so few of the King of Spades people actually achieve the greatness that is available to them.

    The Crown of the King is yours…you just have to step up to take it.

    01-01-51 prepared 08-22-10 (22-08-10)

    Hey Linda, just found your post, how on Earth did I miss this one?
    In a way it's impact is most appropriate now, because so much of this card meaning is true or becoming true. I found great love, on my 59th year, no fulfillment of it. A big lifestyle change, an excellent year for money or expension of values.... all of that is exactly happening, Linda. Except big money... ha ha.

    I am thinking about living without it, see if the universe is willing to treat me generously, I simply state that my life has reached a point where I deserve to be taken care of. I accept responsibility on all levels, struggling to keep focussing on what I choose to create in my life, in every situation and condition.
    No shame, no's the new paradigm, now that we near 2012.

    Working on a big humanitarian project, well...who knows, now that the travel itch has found me? Thanks very much, Linda, I am happy with this cardsetting.
    Be in grace, Victoria Tintagel

    Posts : 1851
    Join date : 2014-01-31
    Age : 74
    Location : Druid county UK

    Perpetual Tzolkin calendar Tzolkintoy Empty Re: Perpetual Tzolkin calendar Tzolkintoy

    Post  B.B.Baghor Tue Mar 17, 2015 8:08 pm

    This link offers a chance to see which famous names share your Galactic Signature with you.
    If you're interested to find your Galactic Signature, this is possible to calculate on that same website.
    I've found this "Galactic Hall of Fame Record" on the Law of Time website, didn't know of it until today.

    Because I've figured out both Vladimir Putin's and Edward Snowdens' Hall of Fame company, I found out.
    It's neatly done and offers information of a Signature imprint in non-linear ways, if you know what I mean.

    My birthday Galactic Signature is Yellow Cosmic Star Kin 208 (January 1 1951)and Marcel Marceau is one of
    the famous names, sharing that space with me, in the 260 Kin Tzolkin round. He was in his career a marvelous
    mime-actor and played a phenomenal role in one of my favorite movies, an old black and white French production.

    Now I understand why and even more so, for having performed on stage, for photo-shoots, in white make up long ago.
    And for having copied Marcel Marceaus' stage costume, when I watched the movie and marveled at his performance in it.

      Current date/time is Sun Jan 19, 2025 6:09 am