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    Honey on Tap: A New Beehive that Automatically Extracts Honey without Disturbing Bees


    Posts : 23317
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    Honey on Tap: A New Beehive that Automatically Extracts Honey without Disturbing Bees Empty Honey on Tap: A New Beehive that Automatically Extracts Honey without Disturbing Bees

    Post  mudra Thu Feb 19, 2015 3:29 pm

    Honey on Tap: A New Beehive that Automatically Extracts Honey without Disturbing Bees

    Honey on Tap: A New Beehive that Automatically Extracts Honey without Disturbing Bees Honey-1

    Honey on Tap: A New Beehive that Automatically Extracts Honey without Disturbing Bees Honey-4

    The Flow Hive is a new beehive invention that promises to eliminate the more laborious aspects of collecting honey from a beehive with a novel spigot system that taps into specially designed honeycomb frames. Invented over the last decade by father and son beekeepers Stuart and Cedar Anderson, the system eliminates the traditional process of honey extraction where frames are removed from beehives, opened with hot knives, and loaded into a machine that uses centrifugal force to get the honey out. Here is how the Andersons explain their design:
    The Flow frame consists of already partly formed honeycomb cells. The bees complete the comb with their wax, fill the cells with honey and cap the cells as usual. When you turn the tool, a bit like a tap, the cells split vertically inside the comb forming channels allowing the honey to flow down to a sealed trough at the base of the frame and out of the hive while the bees are practically undisturbed on the comb surface.
    When the honey has finished draining you turn the tap again in the upper slot resets the comb into the original position and allows the bees to chew the wax capping away, and fill it with honey again.

    read on: Arrow

    Love Always

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    Location : Hawaii

    Honey on Tap: A New Beehive that Automatically Extracts Honey without Disturbing Bees Empty Re: Honey on Tap: A New Beehive that Automatically Extracts Honey without Disturbing Bees

    Post  Carol Thu Feb 19, 2015 9:25 pm

    This is awesome!

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 1851
    Join date : 2014-01-31
    Age : 74
    Location : Druid county UK

    Honey on Tap: A New Beehive that Automatically Extracts Honey without Disturbing Bees Empty PDF book "A timeless way of building" by Christoffer Alexander

    Post  B.B.Baghor Wed Mar 04, 2015 3:33 pm

    Thubs Up This book, included in the attachment, has been a must read, for students of architecture, in the
    8th decade of last century. During my stay at YHA Fanore's hostel in the Burren of Ireland, I found this
    book and almost couldn't put it down. The wisdom and simplicity of the writer's view on "pattern language"
    a timeless way of looking at how people create places to live together, struck a chord in me. In 1989.
    As soon as I was home I've ordered the book and it's on my shelve with books "for keeps".

    Review of the book:
    "Timeless Way of Building" is the introductory volume in the Center for Environmental Structure series,
    Christopher Alexander presents in it a new theory of architecture, building, and planning which has at its
    core that age-old process by which the people of a society have always pulled the order of their world from
    their own being.

    Alexander writes: "There is one timeless way of building. It is thousands of years old, and the same today
    as it has always been. The great traditional buildings of the past, the villages and tents and temples in which
    man feels at home, have always been made by people who were very close to the center of this way. And as
    you will see, this way will lead anyone who looks for it, to buildings which are themselves as ancient in their
    form as the trees and hills, and as our faces are."

    The book is present in the attachment as a pdf document, 165 pages with text and illustrations.
    For those of you who're into architecture and creating a space to live, by hands or on the drawing table,
    it's well worth having a look into its content of timeless value. Enjoy Thubs Up
    Honey on Tap: A New Beehive that Automatically Extracts Honey without Disturbing Bees AttachmentAlexanderPresentation.pdf
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    Posts : 1851
    Join date : 2014-01-31
    Age : 74
    Location : Druid county UK

    Honey on Tap: A New Beehive that Automatically Extracts Honey without Disturbing Bees Empty Vertical Urban Forest

    Post  B.B.Baghor Sat Mar 14, 2015 11:36 am

    Honey on Tap: A New Beehive that Automatically Extracts Honey without Disturbing Bees Verde_10

    Vertical Forest: An Urban Treehouse That Protect Residents from Air and Noise Pollution
    by Kate Sierzputowski on March 10, 2015

    Thubs Up
    "A potted forest of trees and branching steel beams disguise this 5-story apartment building in Turin, Italy.
    Designed by Luciano Pia, 25 Verde brings plants up off the ground in an attempt to evade Turin’s homoge-
    neous urban scene and integrate life into the facade of the residential building.

    The undulating structure creates a transition from outdoors to in, holding 150 trees that absorb close to
    200,000 liters of carbon dioxide an hour. This natural absorption brings pollution protection to its residents,
    helping to eliminate harmful gasses caused by cars and harsh sounds from the bustling streets outside.
    The trees’ seasonal progression also creates the ideal microclimate inside the building, steadying temperature
    extremes during the cold and warmer months. The plants’ full foliage block rays of sun during the summer
    while letting in warm light during the winter".

    Posts : 1851
    Join date : 2014-01-31
    Age : 74
    Location : Druid county UK

    Honey on Tap: A New Beehive that Automatically Extracts Honey without Disturbing Bees Empty Re: Honey on Tap: A New Beehive that Automatically Extracts Honey without Disturbing Bees

    Post  B.B.Baghor Sat Mar 14, 2015 12:03 pm

    Honey on Tap: A New Beehive that Automatically Extracts Honey without Disturbing Bees Weavin10

    Despite Agenda21 and other attempts to control life on many levels, regulating and prescribing,
    I believe the tide of global consciousness has turned irresistably for the better. Here's one of many
    visions of the future, shared on the page in the link below:

    “The collapse of the old economic paradigm happened a lot faster than we thought it would, in part because the divestment movement on campuses across the country really accelerated, and universities were looking to move millions and millions of dollars into different kinds of investments, which helped catalyze the idea that there was a scalable future in some of these kinds of investments. Seeing this take off over the last five years, cities understanding this is a much better way of doing economic development than just handing money to corporations. Anyone looking at economic policy could have seen that the old approach—lobbing suitcases of money at big corporations and hoping they created a few jobs—was ridiculous and a massive race to the bottom.”

    ~John Duda, Democracy Collaborative

    Posts : 33302
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    Location : Hawaii

    Honey on Tap: A New Beehive that Automatically Extracts Honey without Disturbing Bees Empty Re: Honey on Tap: A New Beehive that Automatically Extracts Honey without Disturbing Bees

    Post  Carol Sat Mar 14, 2015 2:01 pm

    We definitely have to get one of those flow hives!

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

      Current date/time is Sat Jan 25, 2025 10:01 am