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    Slim Spurling creator of Life Light Tools


    Posts : 1851
    Join date : 2014-01-31
    Age : 73
    Location : Druid county UK

    Slim Spurling creator of Life Light Tools Empty Slim Spurling creator of Life Light Tools

    Post  B.B.Baghor Fri Feb 13, 2015 3:49 pm

    A series of videos, with Slim Spurling, creator of Life Light Tools.
    Slim was a remarkable man, very modest and humble about his abilities.
    Drunvalo shared stories about him, having seen him casually waving his hands
    over a person who suffered from a dis-ease, sending healing energy through them.

    Slim Spurling creator of Life Light Tools All20t10

    Slim moved on to the higher realms on 12th November 2007, he will be greatly
    missed by all those who knew him. He has left us great gifts in these Light Life Tools,
    that are helping to change the World for the better. His wife Katharina is carrying on
    his work.

    Posts : 9
    Join date : 2010-08-20
    Location : West Coast

    Slim Spurling creator of Life Light Tools Empty Slim Spurling

    Post  lilac Sat Feb 14, 2015 7:41 pm

    Back in the 90s, I bought a harmonizer and 2 rings from Slim. These days I have them set up on an alter that includes The Maharic Seal, orgone generators and crystals. In the growing season, I play one of Slim's sound cassette tape's called "Clearing". My altar is placed over a spot in my home where 2 ley lines cross. I have found that my garden, and certainly the birds are very responsive. Thanks for this post. Spring approaches and time to revive these energies. flower

    Posts : 1851
    Join date : 2014-01-31
    Age : 73
    Location : Druid county UK

    Slim Spurling creator of Life Light Tools Empty Re: Slim Spurling creator of Life Light Tools

    Post  B.B.Baghor Sun Feb 15, 2015 4:09 am

    lilac wrote:Back in the 90s, I bought a harmonizer and 2 rings from Slim. These days I have them set up on an alter that includes The Maharic Seal, orgone generators and crystals. In the growing season, I play one of Slim's sound cassette tape's called "Clearing". My altar is placed over a spot in my home where 2 ley lines cross. I have found that my garden, and certainly the birds are very responsive. Thanks for this post. Spring approaches and time to revive these energies. flower

    Yes, to that, lilac, thank you! I'm happy to hear these tools work with you and for you as well as for the garden and the birds.
    It's as I feel too.... springtime sunny The presence of nature in all forms, grows stronger in an open invitation to join in that budding.

    Posts : 1851
    Join date : 2014-01-31
    Age : 73
    Location : Druid county UK

    Slim Spurling creator of Life Light Tools Empty Prageet's Stargate

    Post  B.B.Baghor Fri Feb 20, 2015 5:29 pm

    This is part of the Prepare for Change Project newsletter I received last night.
    About the stargate in this tubby:

    "Prageet has found an extra-dimensional doorway where those who allow it, can feel energies coming into your own space.
    Intention is what activates the Stargate. In our experience, we felt the energies of the earth from below and then the Angelic
    beings and then the Ascended Masters and later the Plieadian and Arcturian energies were felt in a tangible manner.

    Cobra agreed on the PFC Radio show interview that the Stargate is one very good way to connect with the higher dimensions
    and star beings. This process coaxes dormant DNA patterns into activation through transmissions given through the Stargate,
    dissolving past Karma, with the intention to awaken and evolve, become more of who you are.


    The Stargate is an inter-dimensional doorway, entrusted to and created by Prageet in 1989. It is a conscious geometric form
    containing several layers of sacred geometry, which creates a strong, multi-dimensional energy field. This benevolent energy
    field works in a very unique way. Each individual in the Stargate's presence is recognized and assisted in the most appropriate
    way for them in the moment. This can include healing and balance for the physical body; clarity of understanding and major
    insight for the mental body; and deep relaxation and stress removal for the feeling (emotional) body. Personal karma can be
    removed, psychic and healing abilities can be activated, and past life recall can be triggered.

    Here is Stargate International Website. I highly suggest you take a look and attempt to experience this.

    In conclusion, Cobra has stated we are in a window for the possibility of the event to
    happen by March 17, one month from today. Be sure as always to keep your eyes to the skies. Aloha wishes!"

    My own view on these geometric forms is, without looking at them as not done or not useful,
    that all of these geometric forms are in our energetic field, when our MerKaBah field is activated.
    This is done by meditation and mudras, as far as I've learned to do it through the Flower of Life knowledge.
    In this timeframe of 2015, we probably are pretty much switched on, regarding that activation of the field.
    Her majesty planet Earth is bathing in that activated field with us, once it's all connected as one body.

    We're able to manifest this stargate by our intention and attention, without any material substance.
    As much as it can be done by a material one, such as in this tubby. It's of course pretty impressive
    and a bit magical in vibes. I know of the years, end of the ninetees, when a structure of a star tetra-
    hedron was created in a geometric form, built from metal poles, a transparant structure, similar as
    the one in the tubby.

    This was done by Flower of Life fascillitators, in order to help in understanding the energetic field
    of the MerKaBah around our physical body. Anybody could enter this structure of a Startetrahedron
    and stand in it. This was meant to offer a clearer sense and measuring, of what we actually create,
    while in the MerKaBah meditation, activating that field.

    A Startetrahedron is a 3d triangle of 4 facets, with a point up and another similar one with a point down,
    both interlocking at two-third of the length in the vertical lines of the edges. The male structure is with
    the corner of the upper tetraeder pointing down, resembling the skirt with pleas, of Egypt, with a hori-
    zontal line of the lower tetraeder in front. The female structure is with the corner of the lower
    tetraeder pointing up and a horizontal line on front of the upper one. There's a lot of images online.

    The structure of a dodecahedron below, in the image, is showing the size of its sibling above, part of
    the Platonic solids family, which members are all interwoven with each other. Only this one is based
    on a 5 pointed pentagram, with connecting lines between the points of it, forming a facet. When
    multiplied and connected into a 3D form they form a dodecahedron.

    The dodecahedron structure in the picture below, was created by Rudolf Steiner, in the early 20th century.
    He studied Goethe and the Platonic solids and knew of Blavatsky's work, having been her favorite pupil for
    a while. He was sensitive to the geometric nature of the Universe, as a visionary person.

    Slim Spurling creator of Life Light Tools Expo_r10

      Current date/time is Wed Sep 18, 2024 5:44 am