NANUXII wrote:Susie Bellier speaks truly. She is a good egg.
Thank you for the invitation to this thread BB Baghor ,
this was my original post
Your post in the thread "Posting news articles"
"Hi All , this is sort of news that was shared with me , Monday 21st and Tuesday 22nd are astrologically aligned to the central race if we have a clear line to their energetic belt. The benefit of this is that you can send out and manifest during this time , the gap is listening and you can put intention directly into the belt.
So make a wish or two !
its a great time !
My reasoning is this , the devil has organised spectacles to distract us from unifying at this time as we have a clear line to creation , its not masked , say your prayes of frutiful prospects now !
the cental race are the prime creators of our galaxy however they reside in sine wave analog form , its the original scource code , we are under a binary system which does not interface readily , its hard to communicate with them unless we have some help , this belt of allignment is just that , ignore the naughty ones , tell them to go play on the street ..
Manifest now your wishes ! be powerful and en-masse over whelm these selfish children ! ( im hearing the words of Kahn right now lol )
i got more to come but its time for my beetroot soup !
woo hoo !
Yes, thank you NANUXII, I fully agree with you. Interesting, your view on Susie Beiler: "She's a good egg......"
Who's hatching that egg? I like it when Susie Beiler says "Each of you will be in your own heaven, once the Event has
taken place" which is said, as I understand it, in this context that each of our states of being-ness will define our own
experience of Heaven and not a HEAVEN where angels have aligned many rows of clouds in front of God's throne, with a harp,
a hammock and a beaker with mead, and manna-cookies, for each cloud-sitter. With angels patiently winging it, waiting for
The Event, with a list of names ready and Petrus at the door.
The way I perceive the Event happening, to me it's already in process now, it's not about a fixed outcome and a "disclosure"
happening "en masse". No grande theatre, no dramatic event of huge proportions, taking away people's power to choose.
It's becoming so clear to me that manifestation of my desires, is present in the unfoldement of the moment and not a
ceremony with abacadabra, visualization and plans with step A, B, C, in linear thinking of past, present and future.
In between all my human acrobatics with emotional reactions etc. I'm quickly aware of who I am in that and what my choice is,
now often very clear. To me, it's an awareness in which the old Earth paradigm exists in entwinement with the new Earth paradigm,
like 2 images in a slideshow are projected simultaneously.
The separation of these two Earths will evolve slowly but surely, in a silent and smooth way, not in disasters of a material nature,
but purely on levels of consciousness, perceived with eyes that are ready or not yet ready. To each comes a time, to each his own.
An awakening will gradually unfold without drama or disaster. Unless we choose for that, when our attention follows that scenario.
I don't know if you can relate to this, but to me it seems that a syrupy substance is beginning to dissolve, from within the place of
where my awareness is present or rather... present in a "becoming". It's not a static position. In a way it seems that veils of mist are
dissolving and time is beginning to lose its grip on that and the manifestation of what is intended. The gap of time between a choice
and the result of that choice, seems to close more rapidly. It's as mundane as significant, it's as personal as non-personal. Foremost,
as I perceive it, it's wise beyond words and beautiful, for never before, has love shown such gentle nudging in a welcoming way
Last edited by B.B.Baghor on Sat Sep 26, 2015 5:39 pm; edited 1 time in total