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    Nicholas Culpeper rebellion against hierarchy in 17th century medical science and his succesful use of herbal remedies


    Posts : 1851
    Join date : 2014-01-31
    Age : 73
    Location : Druid county UK

    Nicholas Culpeper rebellion against hierarchy in 17th century medical science and his succesful use of herbal remedies Empty Nicholas Culpeper rebellion against hierarchy in 17th century medical science and his succesful use of herbal remedies

    Post  B.B.Baghor Sat Dec 27, 2014 5:01 am

    (Download possible through Firefox)

    With nothing to do as an obligation, on holiday in the South West of England, I've found many books and magazines on the
    use of herbs and finding edible plants in nature, specially favored here by Totnes happy hippy trippy people. This is so much
    closer to my favored way of living close to nature and my view on treatment of dis-ease. It's a balm to my heart to be in this
    part of the UK and a welcome reminder of my strong sense of purpose, to live here in the near future. Such a difference in the
    pace of life, here in the Devon county, compared to the fast increasing "pressure cooker" way of living in Holland.

    This Google book by Nicholas Culpeper, reveals his view on treatment and choice of remedies that was seen as unusual in his
    days and even burning at the stake was a threat to Culpeper's practice of healing art. I'm very happy to see this approach
    resurfacing now, by the increase of interest in natural treatment of dis-ease in a growing amount of people.
    Even in Holland, in those that are involved in alternative ways of living and healing.

    To me, it's a valuable choice to sustain myself more in this way, by living with nature and sustain myself immersed in it.
    It's becoming evident to me and irresistable, to live in nature and enjoy life, now that I'm at the end of my working life,
    within 1 year. At the same time, I feel that a natural way of living, might be the only way to survive, regarding the present
    Earth changes happening now, affecting nature and thus.... the growing of crops and a possible future chaos in high density
    population areas' infra-structure.

    I always favor the produce and use of local farmers and food, for the safety of having access
    to it, for example when transport fails and during electricity black outs. It's a common sense kind of thinking to me, to apply
    this way of living, that is as old as Methusalem and still practiced by indigenous tribes, to ensure economic and communal thriving.


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