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    Lectures by Manly P. Hall 1901-1990


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    Lectures by Manly P. Hall 1901-1990 Empty Lectures by Manly P. Hall 1901-1990

    Post  B.B.Baghor Sat Nov 29, 2014 5:06 pm

    In the attachment you will find a lecture by Manly Hall on the nature of Greek and Roman spiritual life.

    Lectures by Manly P. Hall 1901-1990 Images11
    Zeus the Greek God Lord of the sky and supreme ruler of the Gods. Thrower of lightning bolts

    Lectures by Manly P. Hall 1901-1990 Images12
    Neptune God of the Sea

    Greek and Roman Gods

    Here are the twelve Olympian gods and a brief description of each.
    The Greeks and Romans shared the same stories, but used different names.

    Greek                                               Roman

    Zeus                                                     Jupiter

    Lord of the sky and supreme ruler of the gods. Known for throwing lightening bolts.  

    Poseidon                                               Neptune

    Ruler of the sea. Brother of Zeus. Carried a three-pronged spear known as a trident.

    Hades                                                   Pluto

    Ruler of the underworld and the dead. Brother of Zeus. Had a helmet which rendered
    its wearer invisible.

    Hestia                                                   Vesta

    A virgin goddess and sister of Zeus. No distinct personality or part in myths. Goddess
    of the Hearth, the symbol of the home.

    Hera                                                     Juno

    Zeus's wife and sister. Protector of marriage, spent most of her time punishing the many
    women Zeus fell in love with. Likes cows and peacocks.

    Ares                                                     Mars

    God of war and son of Zeus and Hera. Likes vultures and dogs.

    Athena                                                 Minerva

    Daughter of Zeus alone. No mother.(?) She sprang from his head full-grown and in full armor.
    The protector of civilized life, handicrafts, and agriculture. Invented the bridle, and first to
    tame the horse. Likes Athens, olives, and owls.

    Apollo                                                  Apollo

    Son of Zeus. Master musician, archer god, healer, god of light, god of truth, sun god. A busy god
    who likes the laurel tree, dolphins, and crows.  

    Aphrodite                                            Venus

    Daughter of Zeus. Goddess of Love and Beauty. Likes the myrtle tree, doves, sparrows, and swans.

    Hermes                                               Mercury

    Son of Zeus. Wore wings on his sandals and his hat, thus was graceful and swift.

    Artemis                                               Diana

    Apollo's twin sister and daughter of Zeus. Lady of wild things and huntsman to the gods. As Apollo is
    the Sun, Artemis is the moon.

    Hephaestus                                         Vulcan

    Son of Hera, God of Fire. The only ugly and deformed god. Makes armor and weapons forged under volcanoes.

    Other Gods the names preceed the archetype or deity

    Greek                                            Roman

    Gaea                                                  Terra
    Mother Earth.

    Asclepius                                           Aesculapius
    God of medicine

    Cronus                                              Saturn
    God of the sky; Ruler of the Titans (Roman mythology: God of agriculture)  

    Demeter                                           Ceres
    Goddess of grain.

    Dionysus                                          Bacchus
    God of wine and vegetation.

    Eros                                                Cupid
    God of love.    

    Hypnos                                           Somnus
    God of sleep.

    Rhea                                               Ops
    Wife of Cronus/Saturn. Mother Goddess.

    Uranus                                           Uranus
    God of the sky. Father of the Titans.

    Nike                                              Victoria
    Goddess of Victory.
    Lectures by Manly P. Hall 1901-1990 Attachment1A - Divine Dynasty - Uranus, Cronus and Zeus.mp3
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    Last edited by B.B.Baghor on Sat Mar 21, 2015 3:53 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Posts : 1851
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    Lectures by Manly P. Hall 1901-1990 Empty Manly Hall on the nature of education

    Post  B.B.Baghor Wed Jan 28, 2015 1:43 am

    Manly Hall explains the state of education of the past and present, with a superb sense of humour and wit

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    Lectures by Manly P. Hall 1901-1990 Empty Re: Lectures by Manly P. Hall 1901-1990

    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed Jan 28, 2015 11:17 am

    Thank-you for posting this, B.B. My theory is that most of the theologies and mythologies are cover-stories for the much more complex and nasty "Real-Stories" -- yet which reveal a lot of truth to those with eyes to see -- and ears to hear.


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    Lectures by Manly P. Hall 1901-1990 Empty Re: Lectures by Manly P. Hall 1901-1990

    Post  malletzky Thu Jan 29, 2015 3:29 am

    orthodoxymoron wrote:Thank-you for posting this, B.B. My theory is that most of the theologies and mythologies are cover-stories for the much more complex and nasty "Real-Stories" -- yet which reveal a lot of truth to those with eyes to see -- and ears to hear.

    Oxy, I agree with you - the majority of the humanity has been deliberately deceived to 'believe' that the theologies (religions) and mythologies should be considered as real events, which of course is not true (or only partly). But as you said, it is revealed to those with eyes to see and ears to hear - or to those few "chosen ones" belonging to some circles...

    Much respect

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    Lectures by Manly P. Hall 1901-1990 Empty Re: Lectures by Manly P. Hall 1901-1990

    Post  B.B.Baghor Mon Feb 02, 2015 6:38 am

    This tubby ties in with the nature of those explaining the nature of an electric universe,
    which are posted by bobhardee now, with the daily 5 minutes "weatherforecast".
    It's also addressing the nature of magnetism, by the ideas and hypothesises of Mesmer,
    Paracelcus and Arabic philosophers. Called "a mysterious fluid substance" and earthquakes were
    explained as the act of "rocking the boat" meaning an influence on that mysterious fluid substance.
    The sun was considered as radiating a magnetic field influencing the atmosphere of our
    solar system. This lecture by Manly Hall is may be useful as an extra flavor to the "menu of the day".



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    Lectures by Manly P. Hall 1901-1990 Empty Re: Lectures by Manly P. Hall 1901-1990

    Post  B.B.Baghor Thu Mar 19, 2015 11:41 am

    To me, the subjects discussed in this lecture, by Manly Hall, are relevant to the truth disclosure within
    and without, happening in the time we live now, anno 2015.

    Last edited by B.B.Baghor on Sat Mar 21, 2015 3:50 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Lectures by Manly P. Hall 1901-1990 Empty Transcript part Manly Hall - Esoteric Alchemy - Transformation of Attitudes

    Post  B.B.Baghor Sat Mar 21, 2015 3:39 pm

    This is part of the lecture "Manly Hall - Esoteric Alchemy - Transformation of Attitudes". I've  extracted it, for I see the awareness of the soul as the mediator in making aquaintances, when we find ourselves in challenging situations "of the 3rd kind". Naturally, the first step is in making aquaintances with our true selves and with others, on the wild and tame side of life.

    The wayshowers to that awareness are present in the minute details of our daily life and potentially visible to our own soul's eyes only. In other words, it's about minding our own business and finding truth, outside the realm of judgment. I don't suggest to study hard, follow instructions of some sort, or stand on our head, finding that awareness. We're the vip-guest and director of our own life-circus. Possibly the lion tamer and clown too  Lolerz A sense of reality superior to thought is a profound point of view to me and the capacity to excersize all these roles in our circus
    is exactly that sense of reality, as I see it: the creation of an extract derived from a variety of life-experiences, in time fitting and almost taken for granted, like a lifelong well-worn stola wrapped around one's body as a second skin. In short, a sense of reality enjoyed in comfort.

    Lectures by Manly P. Hall 1901-1990 All_on10w

    A unique way of using machines, a train decorated by human bodies, no safety rules attached,
    just common sense, trust, support and probably a nonchalance to losing a leg or one's life?


    Last edited by B.B.Baghor on Sun Oct 18, 2015 3:11 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Lectures by Manly P. Hall 1901-1990 Empty Re: Lectures by Manly P. Hall 1901-1990

    Post  B.B.Baghor Sun Oct 18, 2015 2:52 pm


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    Lectures by Manly P. Hall 1901-1990 Empty Re: Lectures by Manly P. Hall 1901-1990

    Post  B.B.Baghor Thu Apr 21, 2016 6:52 am

    An excellent presentation about the nature of the pyramids and how death was experienced and dealt with.
    "The book of the dead" isn't the proper title of that book of Egypt, left with wisdom about this subject.

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