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The Khazarian Conspiracy, Part 1 of 12
Micjer- Posts : 1684
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orthodoxymoron- Posts : 13540
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This is an interesting series. I am presently interested in the Khazars and also with North Africa. What really happened in Ancient Egypt? Is there really something to the so called 'Khazarian Conspiracy'? I am very worried about all of this. What really went on in Nazi Germany? What about the alleged different types of Jews? What really happened in connection with 9/11? I tend to think that the truth about what's really been going on in this solar system is so bad, that the truth might be quite destructive to society. On the other hand, has the lie been working for us?
Micjer- Posts : 1684
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Thanks for bumping this Oxy. I had forgotten I had posted it. I am going to rewatch this.
Micjer- Posts : 1684
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orthodoxymoron- Posts : 13540
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A lot of very important information gets placed on the table -- and then nothing happens. I think this area of research might be a very important piece of the puzzle. Check this out!! http://herebedragons.weebly.com/ashina-line.html Seriously, I can't take much more of this, especially when there isn't a proper exchange of ideas and follow through. All of this reminds me of a teenager learning to drive. I just want to make it clear that I am still not anti anybody. I'm just trying to figure out what has been going on in this neck of the woods for thousands and millions of years. However, I am very interested in Sirius, Ancient North Africa, the Teutonic Knights, the Great Schism, the Khazar Jews, the Jesuits, the Nazis, the Freemasons, the Secret Government, the Secret Space Program, the Underground Bases, the Archangels, Reptilian Queens, Genetic Hybridization Experiments, etc, and et al. I think that all of this is VERY dark, deep, and complex -- and it's not surprising that we've been told lies -- for a variety of reasons. It seems that it is becoming increasingly difficult to keep the skeletons hidden in the closets and confessionals. I wasn't in a hurry to learn the truth -- even though I have been a Doubting Thomas for most of my life. But 9/11 and the internet has changed everything. I repeat, that I do not wish to hate anyone. I simply wish to understand. Obviously, I support justice, law, and order -- in a reasonable and orderly manner. No torches and pitchforks for me...
Micjer- Posts : 1684
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This is a very deep topic. One has to be careful to not lump all Jews together in thinking that they are evil. There are many many good people that are Jewish. They cannot be blamed for 9-11. All Jews were not given prior knowledge of the September event. Many Jews died in the collapse.
However to say that there are no evil, greedy Jews that may have been involved is another story. There were likely gentiles, muslims etc involved also. To pin it on all Jews is anti-semetic indeed.
To me 9-11 was an act of greed to enable the war machine to kick in, secure oil reserves and create money through construction and insurance claims. Follow the money and it will tell the story. Key words .... Halliburton Silverstein.
One cannot say that all masons are evil either. However it appears that some of the top links and groups may be. Adam Weishauf and Albert Pike come to mind.
However to say that there are no evil, greedy Jews that may have been involved is another story. There were likely gentiles, muslims etc involved also. To pin it on all Jews is anti-semetic indeed.
To me 9-11 was an act of greed to enable the war machine to kick in, secure oil reserves and create money through construction and insurance claims. Follow the money and it will tell the story. Key words .... Halliburton Silverstein.
One cannot say that all masons are evil either. However it appears that some of the top links and groups may be. Adam Weishauf and Albert Pike come to mind.
orthodoxymoron- Posts : 13540
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I'm not the type of person who gets into shouting matches on street-corners, or who carries '9/11 Was an Inside Job' signs. But, come to think of it, I once held up a huge roadside 9/11 sign, while it's owner visited the restroom. Also, I once picketed a porno shop in Hollywood, and I was even shown on the evening news! I'm pretty much in agreement with Bill Cooper. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fHmWcRZ72A I just keep exposing myself to all sorts of viewpoints and perspectives, but I try not to take any of it too seriously. There are various levels of understanding, and I think virtually all souls, individuals, races, nations, religions, and organizations have something to be ashamed of. All have sinned, and come short of the Glory of God. None is righteous. No, not one...
enemyofNWO- Posts : 1471
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orthodoxymoron wrote:I'm not the type of person who gets into shouting matches on street-corners, or who carries '9/11 Was an Inside Job' signs. But, come to think of it, I once held up a huge roadside 9/11 sign, while it's owner visited the restroom. Also, I once picketed a porno shop in Hollywood, and I was even shown on the evening news! I'm pretty much in agreement with Bill Cooper. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fHmWcRZ72A I just keep exposing myself to all sorts of viewpoints and perspectives, but I try not to take any of it too seriously. There are various levels of understanding, and I think virtually all souls, individuals, races, nations, religions, and organizations have something to be ashamed of. All have sinned, and come short of the Glory of God. None is righteous. No, not one...
I agree with the first part of that statement but not with this " All have sinned, and come short of the Glory of God. None is righteous. " Sorry to disappoint you we have a difference of opinions . I never sinned and I am righteous . The sin concept is an invention of the religions to make people feel guilty so that control can be exercised . I deny the existence of sin and I know that all religions are FRAUDS . Because I am righteous I believe in the pitchforks and the
reintroduction of the guillotine . I have knowledge that would improve the old device to make it a one button job and much easier to operate . The problem with the mankind experiment is that it has too many people
that are ignorant apathetics that expect a superman or deus ex machina would solve humanity problem . Those problems will never be resolved by apathy , non cooperation , dialogue, threats or general strikes . The PTB are so used to control and manipulation that they will never give up . They have been in charge here on this planet for hundreds if not thousands of years . The only way to make them give up is EXTERMINATION of those individuals and their extended families . After all I am arguing for the extermination of the psycopaths that are destroying the planet . The number of those enemy of humanity is very small . On the other side of the argument those criminals are intent at reducing the world population by at least 50% . So my option is much , much better .
orthodoxymoron- Posts : 13540
Join date : 2010-09-28
Location : The Matrix
If there is no sin, then the New World Order, the Powers That Be, and All Religions are guilty of nothing. Right? But you seem to be standing in judgment against others, including me. Perhaps the Rockefellers and Rothschilds think they are righteous, and that they have never sinned. Indeed, they seem to be able to hob-nob with the gods. On what basis of judgment would you chop someone's head off??enemyofNWO wrote:orthodoxymoron wrote:I'm not the type of person who gets into shouting matches on street-corners, or who carries '9/11 Was an Inside Job' signs. But, come to think of it, I once held up a huge roadside 9/11 sign, while it's owner visited the restroom. Also, I once picketed a porno shop in Hollywood, and I was even shown on the evening news! I'm pretty much in agreement with Bill Cooper. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fHmWcRZ72A I just keep exposing myself to all sorts of viewpoints and perspectives, but I try not to take any of it too seriously. There are various levels of understanding, and I think virtually all souls, individuals, races, nations, religions, and organizations have something to be ashamed of. All have sinned, and come short of the Glory of God. None is righteous. No, not one...
I agree with the first part of that statement but not with this " All have sinned, and come short of the Glory of God. None is righteous. " Sorry to disappoint you we have a difference of opinions . I never sinned and I am righteous . The sin concept is an invention of the religions to make people feel guilty so that control can be exercised . I deny the existence of sin and I know that all religions are FRAUDS . Because I am righteous I believe in the pitchforks and the
reintroduction of the guillotine . I have knowledge that would improve the old device to make it a one button job and much easier to operate . The problem with the mankind experiment is that it has too many people
that are ignorant apathetics that expect a superman or deus ex machina would solve humanity problem . Those problems will never be resolved by apathy , non cooperation , dialogue, threats or general strikes . The PTB are so used to control and manipulation that they will never give up . They have been in charge here on this planet for hundreds if not thousands of years . The only way to make them give up is EXTERMINATION of those individuals and their extended families . After all I am arguing for the extermination of the psycopaths that are destroying the planet . The number of those enemy of humanity is very small . On the other side of the argument those criminals are intent at reducing the world population by at least 50% . So my option is much , much better .
enemyofNWO- Posts : 1471
Join date : 2010-04-10
Location : Trieste ,Italy
On the basis of CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY and destruction of the EARTH .
Micjer- Posts : 1684
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My two cents here. I believe sin, and hell for that matter, is made up religious dogma to keep control over their flock also.
I also believe strongly in kharma. What you put out in this world, you get back either in this lifetime or the next. I try not to judge others, even the evil ones because we are all here to learn lessons, and some are on a very different path than I try to follow.
Interesting that past life studies by doctors have found, for example, that someone that may have hated Jews in their past life, may presently be a Jew in this life.
What goes around comes around.
I also believe strongly in kharma. What you put out in this world, you get back either in this lifetime or the next. I try not to judge others, even the evil ones because we are all here to learn lessons, and some are on a very different path than I try to follow.
Interesting that past life studies by doctors have found, for example, that someone that may have hated Jews in their past life, may presently be a Jew in this life.
What goes around comes around.
orthodoxymoron- Posts : 13540
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I agree, and I would call this SIN. Carl Menninger wrote a book, a few years ago, titled 'Whatever Happened to Sin?' Just because Churchianity screwed everything up, doesn't mean there is no such thing as SIN. The church learned how to make people miserable and make money off of it. They put a price-tag on SIN. They came up with the concept of 'Salvation For Sale'. I would call THAT a SIN. The world presently seems to be a sort of Purgatory, and we seem to be on the verge of descending into Hell. I keep trying to conceptualize idealistic modalities of politics and religion which might result in the elevation of humanity into a sort of Heaven or Utopia. Hope springs eternal -- but don't hold your breath, waiting for Paradise. The Human Race might have to go to Hell before it gains enough sense to go to Heaven. Here's Alex Jones's take on the Khazarian Question. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0anicc7Pd3Q&feature=related (several parts) I continue to admire this man's memory and quick thinking, but I'm still not into the bullhorn thing. Perhaps the elites reincarnate as mere commoners on the wrong side of the tracks! An 'elite' once called me a 'commoner'. I kid you not!!enemyofNWO wrote:On the basis of CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY and destruction of the EARTH .
Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Sat Sep 17, 2011 9:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
enemyofNWO- Posts : 1471
Join date : 2010-04-10
Location : Trieste ,Italy
orthodoxymoron wrote:I agree, and I would call this SIN. Carl Menninger wrote a book, a few years ago, titled 'Whatever Happened to Sin?' Just because Churchianity screwed everything up, doesn't mean there is no such thing as SIN. The church learned how to make people miserable and make money off of it. They put a price-tag on SIN. They came up with the concept of 'Salvation For Sale'. I would call THAT a SIN. The world presently seems to be a sort of Purgatory, and we seem to be on the verge of descending into Hell. I keep trying to conceptualize idealistic modalities of politics and religion which might result in the elevation of humanity into a sort of Heaven or Utopia. Hope springs eternal -- but don't hold your breath, waiting for Paradise. The Human Race might have to go to Hell before it gains enough sense to go to Heaven. Here's Alex Jone's take on the Khazarian Question. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0anicc7Pd3Q&feature=related (several parts) I continue to admire this man's memory and quick thinking, but I'm still not into the bullhorn thing. Perhaps the elites reincarnate as mere commoners on the wrong side of the tracks! An 'elite' once called me a 'commoner'. I kid you not!!enemyofNWO wrote:On the basis of CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY and destruction of the EARTH .
First of all , I would like to say to you that I consider you a very intelligent considerate and gentle person , therefore you do not fit in my description of " ignorant and apathetic people " , you don't find them here at the Myst . You find plenty of those characters at the football club or at the pub . So forgive me for my harsh words that are not directed at you . There is a lot of talk about people waking up , we see some of it in demonstration but it is not near enough what it is really needed.
I call them crimes against humanity and you call them SINS . No problem . You mention above " reincarnation " , at this very moment I doubt everything , including Karma , that I equate to the Christian original sin . According to Karma we have to make amend for SINS in past lives . This is a Buddhist version of the original sin . So , even though some case of reincarnation have been proved , it doesn't need that karma exist . I take my chance by been a skeptic .
Thanks for the Alex Jones link about the Khazarian question , I will watch it soon .
orthodoxymoron- Posts : 13540
Join date : 2010-09-28
Location : The Matrix
I mostly agree with you. The mumbo-jumbo is everywhere. Old Age. New Age. You Name It. Most of it seems like BS to me. However, I still think that theology, philosophy, psychology, ethics, comparative governments, and comparative religions should be studied exhaustively. I respect a Skeptical Bible Scholar a lot more than an Illiterate Drunk at the ball game who yells 'religion is a load of crap!' I simply support the peaceful disempowerment of the 'bad' guys and gals -- rather than global rioting and civil wars. I guess I like the Peaceful Warrior model of changing the world. I really try not to empty my mind and sing kumbaya. What I really worry about is who controls the WMD's and Advanced Technology throughout the solar system. Trench Warfare might result in the end of us all. I thought this short video was cool. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FspfOI_YRU&feature=related What would really be cool is to have a video similar to this one, which would show the power structure of the entire solar system, going back at least a couple of million years. I'm sure one exists, but I doubt we'll see it on the internet anytime soon...
Micjer- Posts : 1684
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I found some information on a place in KAZAKHSTAN, that I was not aware of.
It is called ASTANA, KAZAKHSTAN......the next Dubai.
Check out this link for more information.
It is called ASTANA, KAZAKHSTAN......the next Dubai.
Check out this link for more information.
Kazakhstan, or KazakhSatan, as more and more people are referring to it, interestingly the land of Borat, the home of its first leader, President Nursultan Nazarbayev, and the site of their new capital at Astana, the first world capital built in the Twenty-first Century. And what a curious building project it is, and one that makes even Dubai pale in comparison. Needless to say, it has all stirred up a great number of Global Urban Legends revolving around the Satanic, One World Government, the New World Order, Paganism, the Occult, and the Antichrist.
Micjer- Posts : 1684
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Jenetta- Posts : 1978
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- Post n°17
Re: The Khazarian Conspiracy
Thanks for posting the pics Micjer as the Link produces an error...total blackout with mumbo jumbo error readings at top/page. Satanic forces at work perhaps?
Micjer- Posts : 1684
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Mercuriel- Admin
- Posts : 3497
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Before World War II - The Compostion of the Jewish People Worldwide was ;
10% Khazari and AshkeNAZI...
90% The remaining Tribes of Judah...
After World War II...
90% Khazari and AshkeNAZI...
10% The remaining Tribes of Judah...
Holocaust in Hebrew means - Burnt Offering and a Burnt Offering is also known from Antiquity in definition as a "Sacrifice"...
Hitler was the Bastard Grandson of Salomon Rothchild and the Rothchilds are - Yep You guessed It...
10% Khazari and AshkeNAZI...
90% The remaining Tribes of Judah...
After World War II...
90% Khazari and AshkeNAZI...
10% The remaining Tribes of Judah...
Holocaust in Hebrew means - Burnt Offering and a Burnt Offering is also known from Antiquity in definition as a "Sacrifice"...
Hitler was the Bastard Grandson of Salomon Rothchild and the Rothchilds are - Yep You guessed It...
Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...
Micjer- Posts : 1684
Join date : 2010-04-29
Location : Canada
Whoa didn't know that statistic.
Makes sense though.
Makes sense though.