"...you cannot help but be about your business because you have carefully set your life up so that the issues which you felt would help you to balance the energies of love, wisdom and power would be with you throughout the incarnation.
It is not a punishment to have lessons repeat. They do not truly repeat, for you are spiraling ever onward and upward in your learning, and when the lessons come to you again, you are in a different place. You have peeled away a layer or two of the onion skin of personality, enculturation and mindlessness and you meet the repeating catalyst from a new perspective every time.
Never think that there is a judgmental Creator behind the difficulties of your life. Know that the patterns of difficulty in your life are gifts. They may seem hard to open. They may not feel blessed, but they are. They are precious. We have often talked about life in third density, and indeed life in general for those of us in other densities as well, as taking place in a refining oven...
The athanor of Earth works because you cannot see through the veil completely. You cannot know the larger picture. You cannot think your way into grasping why you chose the catalyst you chose and why you chose the patterns of important relationships and solitude and all the issues of your life as you chose them. And perhaps it is only a short cut to tell you that it was well planned and that you can trust yourself and your higher self as the planners of the incarnation you are now experiencing.
In a way, my friends, it is a shortcut. In another way it is the only way to move forward with spiritual questions. If you analyze spiritual questions, such as the purpose of your life, beyond a certain point you are attempting to build a stairway to heaven made of facts and inferences, logical deductions and analyses. Yet life bursts the bounds of logic and analysis. Life is mystery and often seems to descend into various chaoses. There are dark nights of the soul between the daylights of epiphany and transformation...
You are in the athanor of life to burn away the slag and the dross and to find the gems and the gold that are within you. We assure you that you are precious, full of gems and full of gold, but as in the world of nature, the treasure is hidden beneath the soil of living. There are some who enjoy digging for those nuggets of gold and precious gems. There are those who are content to come across them in the process of dealing with catalyst. Either way is satisfactory, for both lead to those moments when you know why you are in the furnace and what is being burned away.
We would offer you the suggestion that it matters not whether or not you feel you are doing the appropriate thing to be of service to humanity. You are being of service. You cannot help but be of service by the way you vibrate, by the frequency that you hold. If your heart is only open, the planetary heart is that much further open. What you do changes the world. What spirit does within you transforms the globe.
Never fear that you have somehow been left out of that wonderful feeling of having a purpose and being about the Creator’s business on this Earth, for you are the Creator’s eyes of love. You are the Creator’s hands of love. You are the Creator’s words of love. You are the Creator’s thoughts of love.
We would suggest to you that the very first job of all of you, because you are human, because you are part of third-density Earth, is to hold the frequency of love and allow a space for it to flow through you..
There is a reason to know and claim that all is well. It is a simple reason. The Creator is love. You are part of the Creator. And you are part of that love. Every humble task that you accomplish is also a spiritually vivid and living task. There is nothing so humble that it does not sing of the beauty of the Creator. The ways of spirit are not the ways of humans. There is no measure for service. All services are equal. If you clean the bathroom with love in your heart, it is as much a service as if you heal or channel or teach with love in your heart and indeed if one who teaches or heals does not have love in her heart, you who clean the bathroom are serving more efficiently, more efficaciously and to a higher degree of beauty.
Think of yourself as one who appreciates beauty, and appreciate it in yourself. Your desire to serve is a beautiful thing, to be nurtured and encouraged, respected and supported by you whether or not another soul appreciates or supports you and your hopes and your dreams of service.
Life’s experiences are often startling." q'uo
Mikey Bergman
Love Always