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    This deserves a page of its own


    Posts : 23317
    Join date : 2010-04-09
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    This deserves a page of its own  Empty This deserves a page of its own

    Post  mudra Sat Apr 12, 2014 12:45 pm

    This artist has the talent to short circuit time and to launch you straight in the realm of pure Spirit .
    That's is at least what this awesome work does for me Wink

    Enjoy  Cheerful 

    This deserves a page of its own  10171788_583832751713024_5011078335518242772_n

    Here is the english translation for you :

    Anila Quayyum Agha is a Pakistani artist who has participated in over 40 group exhibitions worldwide. His work is a mix of techniques and media , and his art explores politics, culture , mass media , society , gender equality and cultural scene . Complex , the works are full of beauty and art through training as a textile designer and experience as a teacher of drawing at Herron School of Art , Indiana and resident artist at the Center for Contemporary Craft in Houston.

    Entitled Intersections , the installation consists of a single point of light surrounded by a wooden cube of 1.98 m , fully cut with laser and suspended , Shadows of the drawings are projected on the environment and produce texture on the walls , floor and ceiling for 10 , 66m .

    In a play of light and shadow , the standard pattern mimics the geometry of Islamic and expresses the contradictory nature of the intersections and exclusions sacred spaces that are also simultaneously meeting points . It is a work that depends on the interpretation and relationship of people with the lights , shadows and environment.

    Bravo  Thubs Up 

    Love from me

      Current date/time is Sat Jan 25, 2025 10:11 am