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    Elemental Heresy


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    Elemental Heresy Empty Elemental Heresy

    Post  Sanicle Sun Dec 08, 2013 6:35 am


    On this thread I’m going to transcribe a conversation I had with E over the past few days.  (For those who haven't learned about my association with E via the 'Elementals - forgotten Maestros of Manifestation' thread, following is a link to my introduction and initial description of my dear Sylph friend. Post #75)  I wrote it down as it was quickly clear that she had a lot to say in relation to the question I’d asked her.  I don’t often ask her such questions, mainly just accepting various bits and pieces she’s been willing to pass on to me that has been relevant at the time.  But this was a whole different ballgame, the answer being one I was not really prepared to hear.  It has totally shocked me as I’m sure it will you.

    I’m sharing this with you as an experiment, wondering what on earth some of you may have to say about it.  Feel free to comment but I won’t be responding to any such comments until I’ve transcribed all she had to say.  I suggest it may be a good idea to wait until I’ve finished before you ask questions or comment though as I asked her quite a few questions myself, especially towards the end and some of those may be ones you may have as well.

    The question I had related to what was under discussion on the “Messengers of Deception” thread, Vallee’s books suggesting that the UFOs and ETs we see may be the Elemental beings themselves which have, of course, always been with us.  Some call them demons, inferring the Elementals may be these.  So I figured it was only reasonable to ask E about these suppositions.

    I ask you to keep in mind a few things as you read.  These are:

    • The conversations I have with E flow in the same way a conversation would in this reality……very quickly.  My mind is filtering her answers as best it can while I write. I  do my best to stay very open-minded as she talks so I don’t get the answers wrong due to presumption on my part, but I can’t swear this doesn’t happen on occasion.

    • I am going to paraphrase what she said here and there as the filtering appears to make her words a bit simplistic and disjointed at times, almost childlike, although that is how she ‘seems’ to speak to me.

    • You will notice a change in the dynamic of her explanations as time went on.  She explains this eventually when I ask her about it.  So, if you get this far, please be patient.

    • The comments in brackets are included if I’ve felt the need to explain something I’d previously learned from her that she’s alluded to during the conversation.

    • The time she is wanting to go back to is obviously far in pre-history.
    • I’m going to break the whole conversation up into different posts as it ended up being quite a long one.  I’d listen for a while and then take a break to process what I’d been transcribing and then go back for more in an effort to understand.

    OK, here’s the answers she gave.

    Last edited by Sanicle on Thu Dec 12, 2013 12:30 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : added data about E)

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    Elemental Heresy Empty Re: Elemental Heresy

    Post  Sanicle Sun Dec 08, 2013 7:10 am

    In all of the following M stands for me asking the question and E is self-explanatory.

    E: You want to know about the other realities, what lives in them.

    M: Yes, what can be seen/accessed here in 3D Earth.

    E: OK.  This is what it is.  You know and understand how I come here to you - through your mind.  All others come this way too.  It is to be seen by you so you will understand what transcends your mind, your reality there.  We know you seek more so we show you ourselves.  Many others do this too. We project into your mind, sometimes many at once.  We can do this, alter your perceptions at will.  Some do it automatically.  Wherever they are seen they are doing this.  It's only when they turn it off deliberately it stops for you.  Why?  Because they can.  They play games for you because that is what they do to help you.    

    Not always though.  Some are adventurous (?) enough to hurt you as well.  These are not our own, not our family, as we seek NO harm, only help to all life.  These ones are from other realities than our own in the etheric and do it to harm you.  Outright harm you.  They long to be one of with you, sleep with you, know you, for they are others than one of us and always seek more than they are worthy of knowing for themselves.  They seek to take from others and dismiss their own realms as not good enough, not competent enough to take care of them.  Many in your realm do that too, but that is another story.

    What you know about these beings - all of them - is what you see, what they want you to know, but there is much more to them.  They strive to make life clearer for you but not show you all you can do.  Only when you accept them will they do more and welcome you into their way of life, mainly in sleeptime.  This way they do not interfere with your destiny in this reality, so it's accepted by all as non-harming.

    But know this.  They also cherish you, all of you, and wish you no real harm.  The harm (that comes from what they do) comes from mankind.  They misinterpret and seek to know more than enough of what's good for them.  We know how much is enough, what won't interfere with your progress.  We need to know this before we approach you.  Yes, there are circumstances where we take too  much of your time and energy..........yes, you do feed us energy to love yourselves more, help yourselves.  This is the trade-off we make to advise you or your worth.  But you make more as you listen and grow and reach out for more love from us.  We give you more, you grown and advance into higher, lighter realms of being as you learn more about loving and giving........not the shame and fear you are taught there on Earth by others not of our kind.  We share all.  They share none, only take.

    Last edited by Sanicle on Sun Dec 08, 2013 7:50 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Elemental Heresy Empty Re: Elemental Heresy

    Post  Sanicle Sun Dec 08, 2013 7:50 am

    E(continuing): These 'others' are mankind's psychic creations only. They live and breath and know only love with you when they take more. And gain less, because they don't know themselves as creations, of you and your kind. They don't know this. They want to be 'real' and managed by themselves and their own kind so they fight you ...all. They want to take land from you, take hope, take all and be you themselves.

    But this will not happen. We stop them. We separate you from them always if we can and undertake to show you the difference. Those who work as one you we work to supersede you from your other self.........the lower one, animal one, that exists in you. It is your (mankind's) love at present to be this way, act this way, but we want none of that for you. We want you with us to show you the way to be better, to love all, to feed all, and know us in love you cherish if you only see the difference in yourselves of one marked with our love of you, that succeeds and knows more of life, than those below who know not and only express animal patterns of behavior - trust in fear, retaliation and lust for others - take, take, take. That's what they love. Not to take you in us is their goal for us. Eradicate, remove, throw away, as we help and heal and show you more. They separate and seal one from the other. So our trust in you is gone.

    (In the above two paragraphs I believe E is saying that it is the 'animal' part of our being that is the main psychic creator of these other negative and jealous beings in the astral that want to take from and be us. Also that just as she and her kind try to separate us from our animal natures and thus them, they also try to separate the Elementals from us to serve their own goals.)

    But now they take more. They want to know more love from you for them and so they take mischief to higher levels, showing you 'not true' things that you want to own also...'magic' things that don't exist of love in space and time. We cannot be more than we are, any of us, or you. But they try to show this as true and mask unbelievers from the ones they know to believe. This is tragic for us all as it doesn't show love at all, only faith in fear that one (person) will succeed and not another, and we must all live alone, separated from the life force that feeds us all.....God, Goddess, whatever you call Love, Source of Love that joins all together and inhibits no-one.

    This is what we fight together, you and me......those who break trust with God to be better than themselves and know more. We don't need to. We are all one in Him/Her together and there is no more. No Sun for you, no life-blood for you, if you don't see that's all there is and want more.

    We don't know how to tell you this and so keep quiet, keep protecting, keep sharing to know love with you. This is why we seek you to escape the power of lust for more, because this is where it will take you......separate........there for no-one and no love for you alone. You want this? We don't. So we take what you give us only and share knowledge and trust of what you create that we must bear, knowing it separates you from all in ourselves that nurtures you and life. Makes me sad.

    Make them know what they do by trusting those from other realities who want to separate you from us and not know life here in peace with us, all together and working for one name we all cherish......Mother.

    Mother comes to all to know through birth. Father comes and gives life and takes more for himself than Mother. Know this. God is not in name 'Mother', but He is 'Mother in Son/Sun' if He shames you into trying to be more than he is alone. He is not one with us, not one with you, with all women. He is our shames, as he rape us and try to rape you.....turn you in shame away from us. You don't know God's real name. We name him and shame him only because he doesn't trust us or Mother and wants to take you away. We won't let him. Go now. You read back and know Truth. Not many tell. Tell (others) if you wish but most won't listen. They're brainwashed to believe other against us. They'll label you heretic. Kill you.

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    Elemental Heresy Empty Re: Elemental Heresy

    Post  Sanicle Sun Dec 08, 2013 8:26 am

    M:  Do these others include Extraterrestrials?

    E:  They're bad ones.  Can show/project mental, emotional, spiritual, physical realities whenever they want.  Most can do this.  We do, but not to take your trust and fear like they do.  You decapitated (?) - debilitated there.  God made you that way.  We don't like God for this reason.  He won't take you 'home' to him.  He takes you lower into other worlds where love doesn't hate love, to hate pleasure for all that is not your own.  Cherish us and Mother.  We give love to own for yourselves and everyone as She does.  She gives life to you to know trust and health and good being for all.  Not him.  He teaches shame and power and fear.  Believe me.  I know.  I see it all the time.  He shames you all constantly... to NOT know more, know him for what he is.  Makes you feel inadequate, to know Truth and not tell.  Gives fear and shame and no trust in us who serve you.  "Be shame", he says, "and I'll love you more."  No way.  Riddle is what you trust.  Not Truth.  We tell and he goes away when you're with us, and we know better and teach you.  

    M:  Early on you talked about God as being 'good'...being Love, God/Goddess.  And now you're saying God is no good????

    E:  I slipped.  I shouldn't tell.  I want you to know Truth.  Three levels of being, of worship, I tell you now.  You need to know.  You decide.  Honour us with you in Mother, God and Goddess together, or none.  But they teach you about being more alone.  That you cannot be with with us to teach you and show you, all in love together with Her as Truth, only Truth that's real for ones such as us.  Be one with us and we show you all you can be in reality, where God is shame and selfishness and humans, animals, all.

    He gives you to create these monsters who hide you from Truth.  Not us.  Not Mother.  Not in shame do we teach you of what you are.  In Truth.

    M:  So there are no 'other levels' of being where we can be 'supreme' like God?

    E:  No.  Not like that, like he says.  This (the earthplane realms) is all of life you know and need know.  We can sate you and save you and give you life in pleasure with all.  No humans know that anymore.  It's in the past and stays that way if God exists to show you there is more for you that can't be.  

    He is one of us too that got away.  (E has spoken of Elementals like this in the past, those who when they've developed sufficiently to think for themselves decide that they don't want to work with the others for the good of all life.  They often turn 'feral' and they call them 'singularities' she said.)  He existed elsewhere to learn this stuff you don't know.  He can be this and we can be this, but not you (humans).  But you don't need to.  We can be together and have perfect life you all want in love with us.  Not his way.

    M: So we weren't created to be anymore than we are?

    E: You have all already, here, if you would believe.

    M:  But what about that extra 'power' I supposedly have in the astral.  Isn't that a bit 'more'?

    E:  Can be here too if you want.  But you don't want and that is good, as it should be.  We help you rid us of unknown energies from another time to this planet.  No belong here with us so should go.  Disrupts silence, disrupts peace, takes away from all to feed their own.  This is God's way, not ours.

    M: I can see that as being part of the 'male' side of nature.

    E:  Exactly.  You know.  That's why I tell you.....slipped.

    M: Male animals too?

    E: Same.  All in him, his energy.  You go now.  I'm sorry.

    Last edited by Sanicle on Thu Dec 12, 2013 6:37 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : clarifying points)

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    Elemental Heresy Empty Re: Elemental Heresy

    Post  Sanicle Sun Dec 08, 2013 8:55 am

    OK, so I stopped and read this over again but had to disturb E again as I just didn't understand her reference to God re the "He is 'Mother in Son/Sun" comment, not knowing if she'd meant the Sun or Son, as per Jesus maybe.  So I asked which she'd meant.

    E:  Sun, son, the same.  Destructive.  Energy of fire. His (God's) name.  His true name.  You need to know.

    M: But we can't exist without the Sun.

    E:  You can.  In Mother too.  Natural heat.

    M: And He's not?

    E: No.  He's taking type of heat.  Not giving heat to nurture.

    M: but without the Sun we'd have no light.

    E: Not true.  No need.  Inner vision shows all, night or day.  Mother provide enough heat for all if we let her, if all love together.

    M: But the male energy provides creative power to breed.

    E:  You want?  You need?  No need.  That secret still, but we could show you how.  If God says not do, we do one day when She wills.  Not you.  No God.  You're not ready yet.  Too greedy in his way.

    She reckoned she'd said enough at this point and left, but she caught me thinking about her negativity towards the male energy and must have felt she needed to come back to explain further.

    E: It's the male energy in you that creates the evil ones that want your life.  Male ones......prophets will never tell this.  They all tell the and woman create.  Not the same with just love, feminine love, Mother love for all life.  Animals, everything, SHE create and nurture.  All life of one on Earth.  Not other places.  

    M: Like I created my tigers in the astral?  (See here, point #3, for fuller explanation of that.) Was is OK to do that?

    E: Your tigers are OK.  They are of Earth life and you are in form here in the astral/etheric matter.  But see how sweet Beauty is?  (The female tiger)  Glory is your shame side that attacks to protect, when he doesn't like something.  No need.  We can protect, with love for you.  He can with hate.  You protect yourself with us too.

    M: (Backtracking a bit here) So I can only use that power (used to get rid of negative ETs with the dragons) spoken of earlier with your help?

    E:  We are the energy.  Remember?  You wield because we let you - change the shape of our form.  To use you to help us and all life.  All can do this if they work with us and we trust them to help.  KNOW this.  We love you and it's why we came to you.  You wish no harm, so we came, to love and cherish you to work with us and share good in life for all.  This is our name in Mother and as Mother does for all.  If you all let her and work with her.  I know you trust us.  We love you for that and allow you to share energy with us so we all live together as one, in name of her who owns you, created us.  She is mother to all.  No need him to create.

    Last edited by Sanicle on Thu Dec 12, 2013 6:44 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Clarifications)

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    Elemental Heresy Empty Re: Elemental Heresy

    Post  Sanicle Sun Dec 08, 2013 9:25 am

    OK, so the brain is still going tick, tick, tick, with all the usual 'buts' coming up. I remembered when E took me to 'meet Mother' down inside the Earth that time, and how she'd said to me that I don't belong there and to always seek 'up'. At the time I took that to mean that I should look upwards to Spirit aka God. So, a little later, I asked E about this too. E's response was that Mother wanted me to focus 'outside' to meet and then help fight the negatives in the astral/etheric. I guess she knew what was coming up for me. Apparently there is nothing within the Earth that I needed to see as that is where she reigns. Makes sense, I was thinking, as 'outside' is where attacks come from, not 'within'. E jumped in here.

    E: Exactly! Always 'Him' is outside. Not in. Always. In every way. For all. You know this now. See this clearly. It's as you've been taught. That is Truth. You know now. You work it out. See?

    M: Hmmm, but you are 'outside' E.

    E: In this case you sought well. I came to you because I came from what's within you, and that's where you were seeking. What's within you is not what's without. See the change? See the dynamic? Now you think, more.

    So I thought some more and thought of male 'guides' I've had in the past, one in particular who said he was from Alderbaran, which he said is my true home. So I asked E how that fits in.

    E: No. He's wrong. He's male. That's wrong. Not the planet. They're (the planets) all the same. All peace. All hearts of the Universe.

    M: But don't Suns create the planets when they explode? (Forgive me if that was too simplistic.)

    E: No. Not true. All wrong. All male knowledge. All exists before that. They're all hearts. That's all they are. All else is holograms - wish life of creators. You, me, all of us who want to share love. We're all hearts and their extensions. All made the same. All create more love, to give. No Suns needed. We exist and spread through love. It's the source of all. Not thinking. Not doing. All is built out of love and wanting to give more. Not destroy, explode or anything else. Just extending love out - wanting, see, others to give it to. This is birth of all. As you do with tigers. See? We all can do, all females.

    M: And the feminine side of men?

    E: They can do it but they don't need the shape and energy of male at all. We just spread, share, create with love to know existence of others we imagine to care for and be with us. That's all it is. Remember, if we don't care for long enough, they (our creations, like my tigers) dissipate. That takes women's love and commitment to what she creates, gives birth to. It's female love in men too.

    M: Gee, I'm beginning to see what you're getting at our illusion/hologram/reality is created. No 'male warrior' energy needed.

    E: Yes! You see? Men only built (made?) to destroy. Remember that. No need. There's room for all if they work with us. We provide all.

    M: So there doesn't have to be the balance........male and female, creation/destruction, good/evil etc to learn etc.?

    E: No. Not at all. It's myth, to generate and control male energy function as they will it, to our detriment. Just need female energy/life and (we) builders to survive. Us. Not 'grow'. Just peace, love and expanding.

    M: Wouldn't we get bored? Don't we need to toughen up aka grow?

    E: No need to be 'tough' when there's no evil.

    Ha, good point. I love you 


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    Elemental Heresy Empty Re: Elemental Heresy

    Post  Sanicle Sun Dec 08, 2013 9:58 am

    Next I was thinking about how E seemed to infer earlier that only she and her kind (Elemental beings) can evolve into something 'higher', as 'god' appears to have done, not humans.  She had something more to say about that too.

    E:  We expand as you create, and take you with us.  All sharing, you see?  You give us impetus to be more.  You cannot be without us doing for you.

    M: Brilliant!  I think I'm beginning to see the pattern now.

    E:  You do.  You exceed and grow more.  This is love working together - outwards------to where you are attacked.  By Him.  Wanting to restrain us so He can rule.  You see?  We can all join with energy of love (to the other planets).  These are the pathways we can form ('stargates', portals. I've been taken through quite a few of these).  No need for other ways. (ie space travel, etc)

    M: What about Mother Mary?  Surely she was OK to spend time with in the other dimensions.  

    E: Subjugated.  Most women are.  He (Jesus) was her creation (child).  She died and stayed with him.  They're used by God energy to subjugate all.  All know love.  He (Jeus) preached that so they believe.  But they don't know the trick male God uses to hold all minds in him, so he (God) can take from them and own Earth for himself, not Mother-love.  He owns all until she wins through again, through us.  But he teaches to deny us, so they do.  He (Jesus) calls us devils too.  "Temptation", he says.  "Bad", he says.  No.  Good for all, if we come together.  (We have) Too much power for him to control so he stops, with subtle lies.  You don't know how hard he works for it.

    They (the creations of humanity in the astral) have been created to believe it all too.  This doubles the damage as they believe too.  All is owned by him now.  All.  Seeps all the way through.  They have his nature as they were created to be evil through your fear and suppression.  You expect it so you get it.  He taught you to expect it.  He wants.

    M: What a tangles web we weave.

    E: It's woven.  Too late to stop it.  Maybe some will see and believe.  We need more to see.

    M:  So are 'witches'/pagans doing a good job of helping more people to believe?

    E:  They teach sex.  No need.  We love and create and spread.  No need male men with this.  They're wrong to teach that.  They're corrupted too.  All teaching is now.  You know this.  Male Gods.  All him, his directed, to teach this.  No need sex.  All energy manipulations.  We give seed.  Creative power can do this for you.  You give birth to tigers, remember?  They can manifest too if you wanted to believe this and they agree.  We can make people the same way.  Is us!  Trust in us would do this too.  That's all it is.  You wish, create, we make.  Form is us.  We make.  Not God.  Not sex.  Not food.  Not anything but heart creating more to love.

    M: I'm remembering now all the times I've gotten angry at God for creating a world in which we all have to eat each other to survive, which makes what E is telling me a much more desirable way to live life on this planet.

    E: You know.  You know all along, which is why we could tell you.  You don't trust men.  You know what they are.  All along you know and sought only love and peace.  For this we seek you.  You one of us.


    I have to say at this point that it sounds as though there's an awful lot of male-bashing going on and it bothered me.  But then I remembered E saying that men don't need to be in male FORM.  Then I remembered reading somewhere that we all used to be hermaphrodites in the dim, dark ages, and that we are 'meant' to evolve back to that.

    E:  That's true.  You know the secret.  At last.  You see the whole pattern.  Go to sleep now.

    I'm not surprised she said that lol.  It was 7:28am by this time. Rolling Eyes

    Last edited by Sanicle on Thu Dec 12, 2013 6:51 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Clarifications)

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    Elemental Heresy Empty Re: Elemental Heresy

    Post  Sanicle Sun Dec 08, 2013 10:04 am

    OK, just one for tonight.  I’m feeling a bit weary and there’s quite a bit to go.  What I’ve written down next is not in the dictation form but rather me just thinking things through with E adding bits and pieces here and there to my thoughts.

    The next morning I reiterated to myself that E seems to want me to believe that any path to do with a male God/Saviour is the wrong path for us, taking us further away from returning to our natural hermaphrodite selves.  And they are all “outside” paths rather than the proper one that is to go within.

    I made the comment that there seems to be male and female amongst her own kind as well and she explained again that they draw energy to themselves to take on the form that each human they meet are most comfortable with but are in essence hermaphroditic also, although the lower forms of their beings do manifest as a sexual type.
    Then I returned to her argument that the Sun is ‘bad’, struggling with that, but E says when we live as we should we wouldn’t need its light as we’d provide our own.  We also wouldn’t need to eat or sleep, the only reason we sleep now being that we need to go back within and reconnect to the ‘feminine’ each day to keep any balance at all.  Without doing that, we couldn’t live at all.

    Later on, she had more to add.  Due to the Sun being as it is……..that rogue Fire Elemental that now pulls all planets in his vicinity towards him while also shooting out its destructive solar flares…….the Earth Elementals have to work with the seasons that have been created.  They work hardest during the winter to repair the damage he’s done during the summer months.  As can be seen, too much of his energy for too long causes life to die off, as per deserts and during the autumn months.  But she also hinted that they allow the summer to be so harsh in the hope that we humans will realize how harmful his energy really is.

    Something else she passed on is that it’s his heat that desiccates not only our skin but our bodies also, causing our bodies to age and die before their time.  Even the heat we use in our water to cleanse ourselves has that effect.  We have devolved into wanting that heat as we are no longer able to create enough heat and light on our own and we now have to deal with the seasons.  Before the Sun, our weather was always closer to Spring, settled in an expression of warmth all the time.

    Every lifeform on the planet has had to adapt to the Sun’s presence over the millennia.  Mother Earth and the Elementals can’t keep it as it was because we have creative will and God/Sun is what we’ve come to see as necessary and what we want.  The Elementals are bound to build what we wish to create, and Mother is like so many mothers in letting her children find out for themselves the results of denying and defying her.  She has an eternity to wait for us to do so.

    E also confirmed that the many other ET lifeforms that visit, invited here by god, (who have also degenerated into male and female lifeforms, wanting to learn more about themselves and finding that having the competitive nature of the male ‘useful’) have further engineered our separate states to serve their own ends, which match those of ‘god’.  We are ‘energy food’ for all of them.  In fact all of those stars/suns we see in the Universe have adopted the same pattern of being.  It’s those we don’t see between the galaxies that are still living in accordance with their original state of being that Mother and Elementals are still trying to restore us to. For instance, it wasn't that long ago that Brown Dwarfs and those of their ilk were discovered, including planetary systems of them.

    I was also reminded that, if the Elementals didn't protect us from the Sun and Van Allen belts via maintaining our atmospheric 'dome' (one of their 'signatures'), we'd all have fried long, long ago. Because of the Sun's continued flares and the manipulation by mankind of the weather etc. that's becoming more difficult for them to maintain also.

    Last edited by Sanicle on Thu Dec 12, 2013 6:59 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Elemental Heresy Empty Re: Elemental Heresy

    Post  Sanicle Mon Dec 09, 2013 10:39 am


    JT just posted this on another thread here
    There is a small temple dedicated to Ma'at (in ruins) at Karnak. The temple is inside Precinct of Montu, the smallest of three enclosures at Karnak. The temple seems to have been built by Hatshepsut, then reconstructed by Thuthmose III. You can see a computer reconstruction of Ma'at's temple at

    Ma'at did not exist until Ra rose from the waters of Nun (various gods and goddesses of Chaos). She was known as a Neter goddess, and as such, was described as a daughter of Ra. But without Ma'at, Egyptians believed that Nun would reclaim the universe. She was also thought to be the wife of Thoth, moon god and god of the wisdom.

    I know Ra is/was the Sun God but I looked up Ra anyway to see what exactly it says about him:

    The Gods of Ancient Egypt -- Ra


    Other Names: Re Patron of: the sun, heaven, kingship, power, light.

    Appearance: a pharaoh wearing the sun disk on his head.

    Description: Ra was the almost universally-worshiped king of the gods and all-father of creation. A sun god, he was said to command the chariot that rode across the sky during the day. A king, he was the patron of the pharaoh. Ra is the most central god of the Egyptian pantheon. Ra's position in the pantheon is unusual. He is the only god, apart from Osiris, who is definitely said to be not on the earth. Ra, it is said, is an aging god, still powerful, but too old to deal with his children any longer, so he has gone exclusively to the sky to watch over the world. Horus rules over the earth and the gods in his stead, demonstrating the divine right of kingship.

    Worship: Worshiped widely throughout Egypt, Ra was the principal sun god for centuries.


    Composite deity with Amun (starting around the XI Dynasty), creator of the universe, worshiped primarily at Thebes.

    A composite deity with Atum. The primordial creative force combined with the ruler of the gods. In this form, Ra also symbolized the setting sun and its journey through the underworld to its rising in the east.

    Read more:

    Just a thought.  Maybe the Egyptians knew something.  Can't help but wonder at the comment, "until Ra rose from the waters of Nun (various gods and goddesses of Chaos)" if the "various gods and goddesses of Chaos" might be the Elementals, and if the "Chaos" could be when humanity had its free will to do as it pleased before the gods and judges of mankind appeared in the form of the Egyptian 'gods', dominating all under the rulership of Ra????

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    Elemental Heresy Empty Re: Elemental Heresy

    Post  Brook Mon Dec 09, 2013 10:52 am

    "until Ra rose from the waters of Nun (various gods and goddesses of Chaos)"

    Elemental Heresy 20rwn4i

    Elemental Heresy 293btrm

    Elemental Heresy 1znbbzk

    Magical Egypt - Cosmology Part 8 of 8


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    Elemental Heresy Empty Re: Elemental Heresy

    Post  mudra Mon Dec 09, 2013 4:35 pm

    Sanicle wrote:We're all hearts and their extensions.  All made the same.  All create more love, to give.  No Suns needed.  We exist and spread through love.  It's the source of all.  Not thinking.  Not doing.  All is built out of love and wanting to give more.  Not destroy, explode or anything else.  Just extending love out - wanting, see, others to give it to.  This is birth of all.  

    (by Eric Galla)

    Close your eyes,
    To see with your heart,
    Close your ears,
    To hear with your heart,
    Forget your mind,
    And think with your heart.

    For your heart will see,
    When your eyes fail,
    And your heart will hear,
    When the voices are confused,
    Your heart has the answers,
    When your mind falls short.

    Remember your heart,
    For it is the key to love,
    Remember all love,
    For love is the key to your soul,
    Remember your soul,
    For it is your Foundation.

    Living One Vibrational Energy

    Elemental Heresy 1441486_452183451552902_1967020654_n

    Much Love for You

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    Elemental Heresy Empty Re: Elemental Heresy

    Post  Sanicle Tue Dec 10, 2013 6:48 am

    Brook wrote:
    "until Ra rose from the waters of Nun (various gods and goddesses of Chaos)"

    Elemental Heresy 20rwn4i

    Elemental Heresy 293btrm

    Elemental Heresy 1znbbzk

    Magical Egypt - Cosmology Part 8 of 8


    Thank you for that Brook. Saved me looking it up myself, and yet I should have remembered it from your own thread. I remember how excited you were when SiriArc posted it for you over at Noble Realms as it brought a lot of information together for you. Could we both be being led towards the same essential Truth, only in vastly different ways? As I've said to you before, I still have trouble with all the scientific and mathematical side of things and am far too lazy to do the study to begin to understand, so I get a little lost when I read your threads. But they still fascinate me nevertheless and I honour you for your clever mind in following through all the info you get.

    But seeing this is great. Clearly the Egyptians did know a thing or two lol, or maybe just hadn't forgotten.


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    Elemental Heresy Empty Re: Elemental Heresy

    Post  Sanicle Tue Dec 10, 2013 6:58 am

    mudra wrote:
    Sanicle wrote:We're all hearts and their extensions.  All made the same.  All create more love, to give.  No Suns needed.  We exist and spread through love.  It's the source of all.  Not thinking.  Not doing.  All is built out of love and wanting to give more.  Not destroy, explode or anything else.  Just extending love out - wanting, see, others to give it to.  This is birth of all.  

    (by Eric Galla)

    Close your eyes,
    To see with your heart,
    Close your ears,
    To hear with your heart,
    Forget your mind,
    And think with your heart.

    For your heart will see,
    When your eyes fail,
    And your heart will hear,
    When the voices are confused,
    Your heart has the answers,
    When your mind falls short.

    Remember your heart,
    For it is the key to love,
    Remember all love,
    For love is the key to your soul,
    Remember your soul,
    For it is your Foundation.

    Living One Vibrational Energy

    Elemental Heresy 1441486_452183451552902_1967020654_n

    Much Love for You

    Much love for you too dear Mudra.  You too, I think, have invariably been guided to what resonates with you about Love and 'Mother', so I'm not surprised you relate to what E has to say.  I found this post (#121) you made on Phase Shift today when I was looking back over all I've learned, my mind relentless over the past few days in applying what she's said to all else I've learned over the years, looking for things that have stuck in my mind that relate to this.  This is why I'm feeling a bit "weary" but all these comparisons just keep being made, reteaching me so  much in the process.

    Mudra wrote:
    Your longing for Mother wrapping you in her wings ... To let yourself sink to the very core of her Heart .
    To tune your soul and body to her soul and body and listen to her soothing song of everlasting peace .
    To let her kiss the darkest corners , inner turmoil, fears and bring them to complete rest .
    Stop the inner dialogue and find your way back to the perfect stand still .
    Lay down the arms , every thought that we hold to define ourselves and live our life with some sense of composure .
    Be completely naked in her womb ...stripped of every word , every idea , every single tremor in the mind .
    Withold nothing , give .. give away every thing so as to hold on to none .
    Let the walls crumble , the dream dissolve , remove the 3D plug .
    A moment of nothing , nothing at all , only trust in her arms .

    When humans become too much , when there is too much noise around , when one does'nt know anymore
    and one feels lost and tired ...Time to go blind , to go deaf , to go mute to this world and find that other world
    ever present , ever silent to this one , ever tranquil , ever beautifull and ever perfect .
    Mother holds you in her infinite Love and takes you there ...
    You close your eyes and hear the sound waves landing on the distant shore , the seagulls flapping their wings ,
    the sun warming your body , the soft breeze caressing your cheeks and blowing in your hair .
    As slowly you let go of it all you discover you can fly and reach the mountains ... the smell of the leaves and fresh earth
    under your feet ..the majesty of long standing trees holding their brothers and sisters over far reaching distances through
    their roots . The fragance of blue and yellow flowers are showing you the way to the hill's crown....Your true eyes allow
    you to see lands never visited before .. The water fall you meet gives you fresh and invigorating water to drink .
    You watch it running through every cell of your now transparent body making it glow with sparkling light .
    As sunset falls you gaze at the night sky filled with stars .
    Everything seems to fit ... nothing to add .. nothing to take away .....You know you reached the river of
    suspended time and you feel deep within a Love so great that it blinds you and you know at the core or your heart Mother has
    taught you once more that the cloth of infinity is what you are made of and where you belong , where you always are ,
    before you dream the world .

    Love Always


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    Elemental Heresy Empty Re: Elemental Heresy

    Post  Sanicle Tue Dec 10, 2013 7:20 am

    Here's a few other things I've tracked down today that relate to E saying we all used to be hermaphrodites before the already separated male and female self-proclaimed gods came to Earth to manipulate us to serve their ways.  In our most recent history that seems to refer to the Reptilians.

    The following in an excerpt from the works of Simon Parkes as it's recorded over at under the heading "The Ages of Uras".  It shows examples of the Sumerian clay tablets that Parkes professes to know the story behind and be able to read.  He also references Egyptian hieroglyphics that he 'shows' relate to Enlil and Enki etc being there as well later on.  It's  very, very interesting read, although rather long.
    The original specimen specially conceived for work had been androgyne. Enki would "cut it in two" to make a man and a woman. This is illustrated on a clay tablet:

    Birth of a Clone

    What do we see? Enki is shown at left. Around him are serpents (symbol of creation and fertility) waving in rhythm. We conclude from this beyond a shadow of doubt that the serpent of the bible is no other than Enki the geneticist, otherwise known as Nudimmud the cloner.

    Elemental Heresy Enkieve_zpsc7732472

    Enki was often represented as a serpent. He bore the designation MUŠDA (powerful reptile) in Sumerian, an epithet that defines him as the Grand Architect or Mason of the World. He is the crafty serpent of the Bible who foils the plan of Yahvé in Eden.

    At his side appears a star with an arrow pointing downward. The star symbolizes the term DINGIR (god(s)) [see Decoder], and the arrow, "the below" or "the abyss," confirming that this "god" is indeed Enki, the divinity of the Abzu - the subterranean world.

    In the middle of the image there arises or awakens a woman emerging not from one of the Ádam's sides but more from a sort of kettle or vessel that one could easily take to be one of the artifical wombs [that are so prominently mentioned in Parks' story].

    This kettle resembles the ancient Sumerian symbol corresponding to the demoness Lilù (Lilith) who represents the malady and the evil we have spoken of above. [See Races]. Do not the old rabbinical legends relate that the first companion of Ádam was Lilith?

    At her sides, a man tends to the woman a branch of a tree whose extremities end in vaginas. The symbolism is clear! But the crunchiest is on the right: we see a totally irritated monarch brandishing two forks. To the Sumerians, the fork symbolizes a chieftain of the land. We easily equate this personage to "a Šàtam," a territorial administrator or regional chief. And who is the grand Šàtam of the Anunna? It is Enlíl, adversary of Enki!

    The Slavic manuscript of Ádam and Eve indicates that Satan claimed to Ádam the possession of the Earth: "Mine is the Earth, divine are heaven and paradise. If you become a man who belongs to me, you will work the Earth..." Other Biblical passages such as Matthew (4,Cool or Luke (4,6) evoke the same thing. But note that in the Bible, it is "God" who catches the serpent "instructing" Ádam and Eve in his garden. Why not Satan!?

    In other words, according to the foregoing, the garden should have been Satan's, not God's.

    But wasn't the serpent supposed to have been Satan?

    Keep in mind that they were all serpents, in a manner of speaking. (Except for the humans, whom they created. There is a reason for that, to be explained.) This makes it easy to sow confusion. Remember, the Ušumgal with their Mušgir and their Anunnas won sovereignty over this solar system. And who is it who always gets to write the history after a war?

    But to return to the image...

    As the Sumerians loved symbolism, we find at the Šàtam's side a "Gullum" (a cat). The cat has often been regarded as a baneful animal. This ideology is reinforced among the Sumerians, because if we decompose the term Gullum, we obtain GUL (to destroy, annihilate) and LUM (fertility, abundance, carrying fruit), which means that the Šàtam (Enlíl) has only one objective: "destroy the fertility" of his handiwork that has become too abundant and free for his taste. What is better than a cat to express this idea! Moreover this episode is confirmed at the end of the Babylonian tablets of Atrahasis where one sees Enlíl command Enki to reduce the longevity of humanity and to render certain females infertile.

    I find it to be somewhat amusing that it says in the above "At his side appears a star" and that that identifies Enki as a god. What did E say about stars/suns and god?

    I also found this again today,  an interview David Icke did with Credo Mutwa, an eminent Zulu shaman in South Africa.  In this part of the interview he recounts the stories passed down by his people of the origin of mankind.  A lot of what he says is very interesting, above and beyond what he says in this short video.  I can't say I relate to every detail of his story, but to the 'bigger picture' he presents.

    I know there've been other references I've read about us being hermaphrodites in the past, but I can't for the life of me remember where.  Rolling Eyes 

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    Elemental Heresy Empty Re: Elemental Heresy

    Post  Sanicle Tue Dec 10, 2013 8:37 am

    I also felt driven to look up this below.  It's an excerpt from a piece written by a lady by the name of Lisa Renee that SiriArc posted on his PhaseShift thread that something in me took exception to, causing me to have a difference of opinion with SiriArc over the contents, which I don't know that he appreciated too much at the time.  (Apologies again SiriArc if you ever see this.  I love you )  Here's the excerpt that stuck most in my mind, and it's relevant to the contents of this thread.

    There are two main hierarchical lineages that are a part of the Original Prime Creators of this Universe, namely the Luminaries of the Arcs – The Architects and Inspirers of Form, (The HEART of Cosmologies of Christos, The Ascended Arc Lights) and the Builders of Form that are within a total conflict of authority. (The Descended Arc Lights or the Mind Cosmologies and its Manifestation also known as the EYE Doctrine by Tibetan Buddhism– what is seen by external senses and not experienced directly through the inner senses of the heart.)

    For eons those that have been the Builders have also been the protectors of esoteric truths, and have prevented “occult knowledge” from becoming exoteric and known to the common man. Many of us understand the abuse of power (i.e. Atlantis, Egypt) and the ego that distorted most of these Law of One teachings to be subverted into selfish motivation or parceled into half truths. It is believed in these hierarchies, both human and non human that exist in multiple planes, that only the “entitled” are able to access esoteric truths, and that has been the practical understanding of the teaching of Mystery Schools through the ages as the levels of “dark evolution” were certainly upon us on this planet. Competent Mystery School’s always emphasize the importance of the COMPREHENSION of the material, and the unifying concepts of its value to know the Nature of Humanity as a God. As one chooses and delves into esoteric studies, it is the nature of the Universe, the nature of the core essence, the nature of the True Self as the Inner God is slowly revealed to the inspired and disciplined devotee.

    Now, maybe, we know why the Builders...the Elementals....are/were in conflict with the authority that was being imposed on them and us by those beings from elsewhere to change what was according to their own designs!  

    Lisa goes on to say that "for eons those that have been the Builders have also been the protectors of esoteric truths, and have prevented "occult knowledge" from becoming exoteric."  Now I'm asking, "Is it any wonder why when they also know, according to E, that Truth was going to be twisted to serve the ends of the male gods?" as they are still doing today.  

    Further to this, the whole piece was written to tell that she and her fellows had taken it upon themselves to invite even more 'gods' from elsewhere into our system to help assert their influence on us.  Now I know she and her friends did this with wholly good intent and that she was led by her own 'guides' into seeing this as necessary and that it was only (she was told gods of compassion that would come through these portals they deliberately opened, BUT...........!!

    Interestingly enough, I recently had a look at a new thread that (I can't remember who) posted which was a link to Lisa Renee's new website.  She's still going strong and totally committed to her work with her "Ascended Masters".  When you read her story she's been through one very difficult journey and is still battling, IMO because she's stuck between all those so-called Masters competing for ascendency, twisting perceptions about all those they compete against in the process.  "If you're not with us, you must be an archon or a demon" type of thing.  Here's a small example from her site:

    I sequestered myself for nearly 3 years, meditating, praying, invocating and asking questions from my bathrobe which would be sometimes answered and sometimes not. Subsequently a deep devotion to God/Oneness emerged from my heart with the commitment to dedicating myself to service. I declared my intention to commit to my soul and told God outloud that I was willing to do what it takes to be a Knower of my Divine Purpose.  And THIS is what showed up!

    I was then introduced to a Spiritual Hierarchy that would be train me in phases depending on my current level of education needed for my development. There were different Masters and Guides initiating me into different levels, they gave me instruction through various impulses and had me read certain books for further activation or reference material. The very first book they guided me to read was The Ascension Manual by Joshua David Stone. I nearly fainted with glee and cried with remembrance when details and names were shown to me as from my long lost family the Ascended Masters. I was absolutely relieved that there was someone else on the planet that talked like me and knew of the same beings I experienced!

    These Planetary Ascended Masters took me through the dimensional planes of human consciousness and taught me about Spiritual Ascension and the Human Being’s Multidimensional Anatomy. During supposed sleep time or sleep state, I would be ushered off to Inner plane training centers, downloaded and subject to etheric surgery upgrades and reconnections 24/7.  Clearly my Evolution teams had quite the task here and had the job getting me reassembled and prepared for my multidimensional mission.   ( And I am ever so grateful to my loving Teams!)

    So, good on her.  I'm sure she's learning heaps and gets great satisfaction out of all she's doing.  Each to his/her own path, but clearly they do sometimes conflict at times.  I've posted this to give a glimpse of how other paths following 'male gods' can conflict with what E tells me, giving an example of why that might be and how as Lisa's path has.

    So, this is why I ended up creating the "Elementals" thread as it seemed that so much of what I'd been reading of late was to turn people against the form builders of our planet........the ones who are the actual "maestros of manifestation" here, the Elementals. I wanted to see what more I could learn about them to hopefully pass along to friends here to counteract all of this negativity that seemed to be becoming greater all the time. So maybe I should thank SiriArc for posting that item as things really began to take of for me once I'd started that thread haha. Thanks SiriArc!  Cheerful  Flowers 

    But do all these gods, such as those Lisa called in, come from other planets?  I don't think so, as E has explained.  There are also those we have created for ourselves, positing them in the astral realms, by believing so much of what we've been taught by some of the cleverest ones that have been recorded as valid religions around the planet?  

    But then again, even Krishna admits to coming from another solar system if the words have been interpreted correctly. (sorry Devakas)

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    Elemental Heresy Empty Re: Elemental Heresy

    Post  Sanicle Wed Dec 11, 2013 7:30 am

    So next day, the 7th, I ended up asking E the ‘big question’, and her answers became even more mind-bending IMO………..

    M: So what about us supposedly having the ‘spark of God’ in our beings which we are told makes us eternal beings, eventually no longer having to manifest in bodies?

    E: That is God.

    M: But I thought you said God is ‘bad’ and negative to us!

    E: It is spark…fire. You combust if you develop too much.

    M: So we feed the fire?!?

    E: Yes, return to him.
    The only way you can have full life, be happy as you want, is to stay with Mother and develop with us. Not God. He eats you. Eats form. You see this every day. He shows you how he strips your body of Mother’s moisture and truth. He is NOT our sovereign.
    We are of the utmost in you, our people, our forms we build to show you, guide you, into higher ways of Earth and all other planets. All dimensions, all realities, are expressions of Her in form for you to experience and enjoy as Her children. She gives this to you. He destroys. He wants to be all fire, all knowing, all in existence, and feeds on many to achieve this.
    She always create, cannot help herself, as she is Mother – to give – that’s all she wants to do. Express, give birth to share. This is her nature. No other. He destroys what she creates. Feeds off it. And you too.

    M: So why do we have a spark of God in us?

    E: He is life to creation. I don’t deny that. Heat is to form what life is to lust. All form need this and it comes from him. But he is only one element of the fire she creates in her girth of being. It is in her it originates, within. He stole that from her when he took away his love for her being and went elsewhere, to another planet where they don’t know love and sharing, only glory for one. That’s why he calls himself “One”, wants all to return to his oneness of being, not partake of the Mother’s fire she still creates without him being part of its form of life.
    He rejected, went away, to find own individual life without her and came back to rule planet and people on it, so he could be solar god to all and worship glory for one, not all. Same with all singularities. They want all for one and not one for all. This is their problem. They ego claim, build and grow in them, like all life when it learns to think for self. You too. You people too.

    M: But how did we get this spark in us?

    E: (quietly) He gave, to all of you, when you came back here long time ago and thought to worship him for light. He gave so you would honour him, feel warm in heart and life without Mother. He supersede her and you love. Not take, but give back to him one day is what he wants. He not tell you that. Tell pretty story instead about how he came to save you all from her, your misery, he says. Not true. We can all go higher together, take you with us and be Universe together, without his love.
    He calls it love. Not true. For self only. Always for self in all of you with spark. But you return to him. Be consumed. No spark no more but fire in him again. You see?

    I was feeling rather shocked by this point, but she continued on……

    E: That’s why you come back. Have individual spark to do. But you not remember. This is the trick. If you live with us and stay alive, you remember. No need to go and come back and go and come back. He kill. Dry up. And you think, “Great,” and come back again. But you don’t remember and go slow. So we try to help you again to remember what Mother gives. No need death, no need sex, no need his light. We give all here and you don’t appreciate it. Don’t remember. He stops you, just as you get to know.
    Stay out of sun Sanicle. You stay alive with us. We take care.

    M: Maybe it’s too late for that.

    E: Yes, you go. We return with you and help.

    M: Do we need the spark to be warm….alive?

    E: No. She warm you, through good blood. She’s the heart. He’s the mind stuff that teaches you to be separate. That’s the trick….the mind-stuff he puts in there to teach you to stay away from us. You access it all through there, all the build-up of memories there in astral stuff here that we have to live in too. All the weird evil stuff that you create because of him wanting to be separate and be God, ruler to all. See the pattern? You know Sanicle. I tell you.

    M: Why are you calling me Sanicle now? You didn’t before.

    E: It suits. We name you such a one. We help you see this when you check dictionary. We can do all these things with you to help you. Understand.


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    Elemental Heresy Empty Re: Elemental Heresy

    Post  Sanicle Wed Dec 11, 2013 8:08 am

    The conversation continued (she’s so patient with me haha)…….

    M: So what happens when we die when we don’t have the spark of God in us?

    E: You live for hundreds of years first, then die and come back here, as one of us.

    M: No longer human?

    E: No.  But you can be one of us then, know all, come with us, rise up and out to other planets.  Take humans, animals, all with you and we can be Universal beings together forever.  Such fun.  And love for all.
    No need his Sun.  We energy beings.  Have our own light.  See all through soul of Mother.  She know, be, create all.  She womb of all life.

    M: So where did the seed come from that fertilized that womb?

    E: Mother!  She hermaphrodite.

    M: So why didn’t I stay when I was a faerie with you (in past lives apparently)?

    E: Didn’t want to deal with what others created.  Wanted to be active, creating.  Human, short life.  In illusion.  What you created, and others who like male destructive way.  Who listened to him!  Didn’t want to do work here, dealing with all this.......

    M: ......crap.

    E: Yes. (silence)  Now you know whole story.  Real truth.  You tell?  You creators with your energy minds.  We builders you not like to see.  That’s why some of us…………..many of us…don’t like you and tease you, (but still love us regardless).  Because you created this, destroy Mother, don't like us, listen to him and want to be like him.  We don't like him. (He) Change(d) all.  Take our good souls away from us to be animals again.  That’s why we try to separate you from that, bring you back to us so we all live happy again with Mother.  All mothers in Universe love.  All father energy hate and kill.  This is the truth Sanicle.  Only truth you need know.  All need know.  
    Go now.  I’m sad.  So sad to see you waver from us in your mind.  I shouldn’t have told you.

    M: No, I’m glad you did E.  Thank you.  I’m still processing it all.

    E: (If) You be like us, you see all again too.  Be all, like he promised through them…male gods… and doesn’t deliver.  Never can.  You know now.  Only energy beings do.  Us.

    M: But there are evil energy beings in the astral (referring to those negative ETs we're fighting there).  What about them?

    E: Corrupted, by him.  They stay one of us (ie energy) but help him too.  The other side of the story.  (An)Other indoctrinate you to his way.  They can be killed by fire too and go back to him anyway, but (here) they can stay evil energy or incarnate (into human form).  They not want to.  They stay evil energy when they come back on their planet. (But)Their planet’s ruined.  All fire.  All him.  So they can’t live as flesh.  But they want (to).  So they take you and live this way.  They’re sick.

    M: Very sick.  It’s all so wrong, isn’t it.

    E: Very sad to do, to tell you.  All suffer.  All take.  This is you too with spark.

    M: And the animals?

    E: Infected too.  They (the neg ETs) eat them too.  Infect.  Not just die to get spark.  Infection.

    M: This is getting worse and worse.

    E: I know.  Like virus.  All virus him too.  All eat energy.  Big (beings), little (viruses), all.  That’s his food, so all do to feed him.

    M: Good grief!  Mother help us.

    E: Yes, that’s best.  Please say so to all.

    M: But how can we stop the process now?

    E: We help.

    M: But we die and forget.

    E: Each time you come back stronger.  We’re working on it always.  Mother is.  We’ll tell you when we have a way to separate you.  OK?  But the more you tell, the more know, we can work easier and faster.

    Last edited by Sanicle on Thu Dec 12, 2013 7:19 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Clarifications)

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    Elemental Heresy Empty Re: Elemental Heresy

    Post  Sanicle Wed Dec 11, 2013 8:57 am

    Lots of thinking and then I was back with more questions, still unsettled with it all.

    M: So what about life after death? You say we are consumed by God, but there’s so many people giving valid stories about life after death.

    E: Yes, you can be with us again for a while. This is you spirit, your real spirit, your energy bodies. We can tell you again, but you still have spark and you go to him after. If you don’t (have the spark) you can stay here with us. But you all want to see your loved ones again and you cannot return there unless killed here again and so go to God. Many just want to go back and like life that way. We no bother. Just let them do their game.

    I’ve been thinking about this a lot and there’s still some things that don’t add up to me. Like E saying we get consumed by God after death if we have his spark (no wonder the Sun burns so brightly) and that’s why we don’t remember. But some do, even as children.

    E: They have gift of love in their hearts so we can reach them. Not scared yet. We help them remember.

    M: But how can you remember for them how to play a piano, for instance?

    E: We many. They few. We have ways to do this Sanicle. Show them asleep. It comes back.

    M: But if they are consumed, spark and all, how can they be the same entity?

    E: They are in Mother’s love. She remember, we remember. You link back in here when you come.

    M: But how do you and she recognize what’s not there anymore? The spark is gone, the energy bodies are gone, aren’t they?

    E: The essence is still there. That’s not the spark. That’s only him. You’re taught that is you, your essence, but it’s not.

    M: I don’t understand that.

    E: We all connected to all of you, alive or dead. Essence remains in us, Earth memory. We know you. That is all. Your memories live on here, in the astral, in the Earth. We know you when you return. Essence cannot be destroyed. Mother knows her children, by sound, by taste, love, all. This is your essence. Not destroyed. We all live in you, remember? We know.

    M: So that would be what’s called Soul?

    E: Sort of. Not exactly. It’s more than that. Sound, quality of your love. Hard to explain. You’d have to see. Know. Something in heart, in face, in looks you give. All things remain. Your character. Not destroyed. Only bodies and spark. That’s not you. None of it’s you.

    M: So what’s the spark for?

    E: So he recognize. Connect with you all. Beacon. He knows these beacons.

    M: So there are some that don’t have it?

    E: Very few that come here. Jesus was one.

    M: But you said he’s his firstborn son.

    E: Yes. No spark yet. That’s when you die first time. He gives it then.

    M: So Jesus was a ‘natural’ birth of Mother?

    E: And then he was corrupted. Yes. First time here so he doesn’t know. That’s why we call him firstborn son. Of Mother, not God, till after death. They make ‘magicians’ on him, all through his life, so he wouldn’t teach the wrong thing. He was sitting……(Duck?) Yes.

    M: You’re losing me.

    E: I know. You don’t believe now.

    M: It’s a bit hard.

    E: Yes, but all true. I tell you. We don’t lie. Not useful.

    M: So if we still have this essence, why do you need to teach us when we’re young?

    E: To remember. Remind you of your talents and achievements.

    M: Past lives?

    E: If we can. No matter if no good. Worthless lives if no remember and no achieve anything special. You know that. It makes sense to you. I read your mind and know before you answer. Deep down in your heart, you get it. You know I speak truth. It’s your mind that squabbles. His mind space. True heart is mind. Of us. Of Mother. That knows, thinks too, in a different way. You learn this. Even there, Mother first. He came after. You know this Sanicle. I know you know. Take in peace. We no squabble.

    M: I know E. I’m sorry. You have an answer for everything.

    E: Yes. We no lie. I tell you.

    M: So our bodies are for memory and analysis of energies?

    E: Memory. Take in, nurture or destroy if not wanted. Hear all, sense all, take what’s needed and grow. That’s all. Then start again if you don’t leave with us when you go. Go with him instead.

    M: So if we go with you when we die, we can only become one of you at this stage?

    E: Yes. Sadly is true, until we change it. We don’t know how yet. Too settled in pattern of God. That memory is in your character too. Poisoned. We have to work hard to change it. But it’s too dismal when you see it here, too hard. So you go again. Most of you. Not all.


    So there you have it friends. I've not sat down and spoken to E about this since that time. Still processing I'm afraid. Feel free to comment if you wish to. I doubt I'll be offended by anything you may wish to say as I know how hard it is to fully accept. But then again if you are rude and I am offended, I may not respond haha.


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    Elemental Heresy Empty Re: Elemental Heresy

    Post  Sanicle Wed Dec 11, 2013 12:52 pm

    Oh, there’s one other thing I forgot to tell you…..what I think of as the good bit.

    E says that it’s only our physical body that basically dries up, wears out and dies. Our other subtle bodies don’t automatically follow that process. So we can, as she says, hang out with her kind and stay close to the planet in the mirror image of Earth there if we want, remaining in our subtle energy bodies. From there we can keep a watch over our loved ones. We don’t have to ‘go to the light’, which ultimately is a metaphor for you know what, and leave this plane/planet altogether as we’ve been conditioned to believe we do.

    Now that makes a whole lot of sense to me. Why would we need to shed our astral and mental layers if they are still in good working order and thus forget all the info contained in them that we’ve worked hard to learn and develop? Those bodies are not directly affected by the Sun after all.

    Yes, we will still have our ‘spark’ and that will identify us there as previously incarnate and ‘belonging’ to God. But that will change over time, E says, gradually fade away. Plus the Elementals are still working on a way to separate us from that and thus the more carnal egoistic natures of these bodies that the fire energy ties us more fully into.

    We still have a choice too. If we change our minds we can leave and ‘go to the light’ any time we choose to if it all gets “too hard”, as E says it’s prone to do when we see just what it is humanity has created that they have to try to deal with and clean up.

    Above all, none of what E has said requires us to do as she’s asked, unlike the ways of the male god energy that always seems to teach we’re not good enough the way we are, needing discipline and a whole lot of hard work to be good enough. The choice is still ours as to whether we follow the way of the male fire god energy or not. She just laid out the options as seen from their point of view, showing us there is an alternative.

    Overall I think that’s pretty cool.  Cheerful  I love you 


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    Elemental Heresy Empty Re: Elemental Heresy

    Post  burgundia Wed Dec 11, 2013 4:45 pm

    Thanks Sanicle. I have read it all very attentively. I am still puzzled by certain concepts and do not understand everything. However there are elements in that account which appeal to me and are corroborated by others, like for example: do not go to the light, if you do, you will forget who you were and what you have learned; you have your own light and there is always time to"go to the light" so no need to hurry.

    There is also one more thing I have been pondering on recently: too much cruelty in this world which is practically based on killing . Why would God create such a world, so imperfect with the evil in power?

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    Elemental Heresy Empty Re: Elemental Heresy

    Post  Sanicle Wed Dec 11, 2013 11:43 pm

    Thanks for your interest and replying Burgundia.  I'm not surprised you're still a bit puzzled by what I've posted.  After reading your comment I went back to the beginning to have a look at it all with fresh eyes and have seen numerous spots where I should've added more info to make both my questions and E's answers more readily understandable.  So that is a task I'll have to undertake.  Thank you for opening my eyes to that.  I didn't even explain who E is in the first post, lol, forgetting that anyone who hasn't followed the 'Elementals' thread would have no idea.   Rolling Eyes That must be fixed at least.  I can also add links to where, in that thread, I've added posts that explain some of what we've discussed in the above. But I can do so on this thread if that's not the case.  I'm such a dill sometimes, just going in the flow of the moment instead of putting the proper foundations in when I'm trying to explain something to others, forgetting that they don't have my data bank to reference like I do.  I did the same on the Elementals thread too, trying to keep up with new developments and adding those before even explaining the basics of what I was referring to in starting the thread in the first place.

    As to your second part of your comment..................

    There is also one more thing I have been pondering on recently: too much cruelty in this world which is practically based on killing . Why would God create such a world, so imperfect with the evil in power?
    Yes, those have been my thoughts for many years.  In particular as regards the animals.  I remember when I was in my early teens (I think) finding out what 'meat' was, where it came from and how.  I was horrified but told to stop being an idiot.  And then the more you learn about the world, the worse it gets.  So I've been asking that same question for a long time, and said as much on the 'Carnivores' thread, even though I knew it would not go down too well with some.  (here)

    Yes, why would 'God' create such a world?  And why is it, as I've read others asking recently, that so many pray to 'Him' and meditate in the hundreds for peace and freedom for all and yet nothing changes?  It just stays the same or even get worse.

    So maybe E has given us an answer to this conundrum.  As you say, there are many elements of what she says that sit well with me.  But I'm still digesting it all too.  When I've done enough of that and fixed up what I've posted so far, I intend to ask her another 'big' question.  What was life like before 'God' took over, that she and her kind are working to return us to?  Should be interesting.  But I have to wait until my mind settles enough so I can listen clearly.


    Last edited by Sanicle on Thu Dec 12, 2013 7:32 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : OK, I think I've added enough clarification to the above posts to make them easier to understand. If not Burgundia, please feel free to ask any questions you'd like. Anyone else as well.)

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    Elemental Heresy Empty Re: Elemental Heresy

    Post  Brook Thu Dec 12, 2013 11:35 am

    Good thread Sanicle!  I'm enjoying it.  Thank you.

    I'll just add one thing if I may.

    (You know it has to be a song right)   Naughty 

    There you go man, keep as cool as you can. Face piles And piles Of trials With smiles. It riles them to believe that you perceive the web they weave And keep on thinking free.

    Tells us what you've seen in
    faraway forgotten lands.
    Where empires have turned back to sand.


    Forgetting = Natures way of telling you something is wrong.


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    Elemental Heresy Empty Re: Elemental Heresy

    Post  Sanicle Fri Dec 13, 2013 8:16 am

    Thank you Brook. Haven't listened to the Moody Blues in aaages!! Interesting imagery in that video, especially at the beginning. Hmmm. But I'm sure the lyrics mean something to everyone on the forum, whether it applies to this thread or not.  Cool 

    I hadn't heard of the band Spirit before and that song's simple, and yet they say so much. Beautiful.  Cheerful 

    Glad you're enjoying the thread too. It is great to hear something a bit different for a change, isn't it?

    Somehow E's words are answering a lot of questions for me as I've thought about what she's said more deeply, applying them to everything I've ever learned really, and they just seem to give so much of it a whole new dynamic..........a possible answer as to why so much of what we've been taught just doesn't seem to add up completely right, and none of the answers given seem to fulfill the promises made, especially by the religions. There's so many, many things that her words just add that extra element to and I find myself going "Aaaaaah. Is that why. Now I see." Add what E says and it now makes sense why the world is the way it is today and NOT getting any better in ways that count, especially between men and women."

    Those lyrics of the Spirit song say it all really. I think we all do feel that. That something IS still wrong, a missing link somewhere, and it's why we keep searching.

    Thank you my friend  Hadriel 

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    Elemental Heresy Empty Re: Elemental Heresy

    Post  Sanicle Fri Dec 13, 2013 10:27 am

    The Gnostics believed that angels were emanations from the Most High God. They were all imperfect, with the highest and most ancient of them being more ethereal and inviolate than those in the next level down, and so on through the ranks. To discredit this Gnostic teaching on the"fullness of the Godhead," Paul specifically states in verse 15 that Christ is the "firstborn of every creature," thereby establishing his preeminence in the order of creation. For additional information on this topic, see my article "The Lord Our God, The Lord Is One."

    The Gnostics taught that the demiurge was the creator of the earth and of mankind. Yet in verse 16, Paul says that the entire creation, both material and spiritual, was accomplished by God through Christ. This would place Christ, the instrument of creation, second only to God the Father in the spiritual order. Obviously, this teaching contradicted the Gnostic view of the spiritual hierarchy.

    In verse 18, Paul again emphasizes that Christ is the "beginning" (Gr. arche). This is the same word found in Revelation 3:14, where Christ states that he is "the beginning of God's creation." Once more Paul is highlighting the primacy of Christ's position in the order of created things.


    COLOSSIANS 2:8 See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the universe [ta stoicheia tou kosmou], and not according to Christ. (NRSV)

    Paul gets to the heart of the problem in verse 8.  He warns the Colossians of the devious philosophy the Gnostics were promoting and labels their doctrines the traditions of men (see Matt. 15:1-9; Mark 7:1-13), as well as the teaching of demons.

    The Greek phrase ta stoicheia tou kosmou, translated as "the elemental spirits of the universe" above, has been interpreted in several ways.  However, The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology states:  "In the case of Gal. 4:3, 9 and Col. 2:8, 20 it is a disputed question whether or not the stoicheia tou kosmou, the "elements of the world", are angels, demons, gods, i.e., personified forces as taught by a certain gnostic heresy.  Most commentators hold this to be the case . . ." (p. 452, vol. 2).

    Of the Greek phrase stoicheia tou kosmou used by Paul, JNTC says, "Elemental spirits of the universe . . . both Jews and Gentiles, were slaves to them.  Gentiles served these demonic spirits as gods. Jews, though knowing the one true God, were sometimes led astray by demonic spirits . . ." (p. 556).  Clearly, this "philosophy" Paul refers to in verse 8 was contrary to Christ, being derived from human tradition and demonic influence.

      COLOSSIANS 2:9 For in him the whole fullness [pleroma] of deity dwells bodily, 10 and you have come to fullness [pepleromenoi] in him, who is the head of every ruler and authority. (NRSV)

    In verse 9 Paul reemphasizes Christ's spiritual position by using the term pleroma again.  In verse 10, he uses a related Greek word for "fullness" (pepleromenoi) to show the Colossians that they have no need of anything other than Christ.  In the last half of verse 10, Paul clearly states that Christ is above all spiritual rulers and powers (cf. Eph. 6:12).  Therefore, there is no reason for the Colossians to worship angels (Col. 2:18) in order to reach God.  As Paul later wrote in his first epistle to Timothy, "there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus" (I Tim. 2:5).

    Read more here

    Yep, there we go.  The gnostics were wrong too it seems.   Rolling Eyes

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    Elemental Heresy Empty Re: Elemental Heresy

    Post  Sanicle Sat Dec 14, 2013 2:37 am

    Sorry for the change of subject here but I really wanted to post this and it doesn't really fit in in any particular place in the context it's written, as it's still just what I have apprehended personally, so it's only one of my threads that relate to this that it should be posted on IMO.  So here it is here, for better or worse.   I love you 


    After discovering what I posted above last night, I’ve been looking today at some of the Nag Hammadi texts of the Gnostics as the author of the above text stated that various different groups of the Gnostics didn’t always agree.  For instance, in that above Paul was writing to the Colossians (a Gentile community) because he learned they were still being influenced by the local group of Gnostics.  This group apparently didn’t believe that Jesus was incarnate and, therefore, didn’t ‘die on the Cross to absolve our sins’, unlike other groups of Gnostics.  So he wrote to them warning them not to listen to this or other ‘wrong’ ideas they were being given by “men”.

    I find the Gnostic views interesting as they mostly seem to be written with a Christian perspective while also holding onto beliefs about the divine feminine (Sophia) and ‘invisible’ beings created by Source, such as Angels.  Reading them while holding in mind what E has said is a very interesting exercise.  Maybe more about those texts later as, in this thread, I want to recount what has just occurred while I was in the shower thinking about what I might put into a further post about the Gnostic texts, as I think it could be useful to others.
    The thought occurred to me that much of what the Gnostics have written must have come through some form of ‘channelling’ (used as a covering word), unless they were able to see and hear those that are normally invisible beings.  How are we to know which method they used?  So, “Should I use the word channelling if I mention this?” I thought, given that it’s being given such a bad name in many areas these days.

    I personally think most of the terminology used in relation to communicating with those who are ‘hidden’ is not terribly clear-cut and the wrong terminology can be used to convey a method of hearing as a result.  But the most often used one is channelling and I have used it myself to explain what I do/hear for the sake of simplicity, although I preferred to call it “impression” back in the day when it began (ie hearing words, through translating the energy of thought that another was impressing on/into my mind).  Most people look at me blankly when I used that term however and, after looking up how telepathy is said to work (visualising the recipient of the message in your mind and then that person thinking what it is you want them to think), that didn’t seem to apply either, especially from me.
    But generally speaking we have mediumship, channelling, impression and telepathy to choose from as a rule and, to my mind, they all describe, from first to last, how much the recipient is consciously aware of and in control of what is being passed.  In my understanding, a medium gives his or her body over to the entity who wishes to speak, remaining completely unaware of what is being said as a result, the astral body usually leaving the body while the other inhabits it.  (Yuk.)  I think part of the problem (with people's perception of channelling) is that many may use the term ‘channelling’ instead of, or to describe, 'mediumship' these days, which is a good reason why it’s been given a bad rap. To my mind a channeller still has conscious awareness and control over the process and all bodies remain intact.  I’ve already described what I see as impression and telepathy in the above paragraph.

    Of course we also have what’s received in meditation which, to my mind is when the meditator’s consciousness becomes totally immersed in the energy perceived, mentally, emotionally and/or spiritually, that consciousness meeting and often moving out into what's perceived rather than just staying within one's body to listen.  It's a fuller merging of pure consciousness rather than astral bodies wandering off, with or without consciousness, as in mediumship.  (Please correct me if I'm wrong on this. I know I'm no expert on meditation.) For all I know, that may have been the Gnostics method also.  Another term bandied about these days is ‘downloading’ which, to my mind, could be being applied to any of the processes.

    Anyway, this is a long and roundabout introduction to what I wish to relate that I was ‘given to understand’ earlier when thinking about channelling and impression and what the difference may be so that I could use the correct term without offending while posting, while also trying to work out again what it is that I do and have done as well and how that might compare to how others perceive.  That’s when the ‘revelations’ started.  I found it fascinating; as the process I’ve been taken through, beginning to end, was fully explained and I believe it can apply to others as well and possibly does.
    This explanation may come across and a bit long-winded as well as putting such things into words usually does.  I’ll try to be as concise as possible though.  While reading the following, keep in mind a circle about three and a half inches, or nine cm, in diameter on the top of one’s head as I will be referencing it at times.  For ease, I’ll refer to it merely as the circle.

    For a start the impression came to me that ‘channelling’ is the right term to use but that its true meaning is not fully understood these days, including by me of course.  I was then shown and heard the why and how of it, in terms of how it developed in my case and does in others.  You see a link, or channel, between our minds and brains and another in the other realities needs to be formed that can be utilized by them safely in being strong and impervious to outside interference from others there.  This is the safest way and, as long as you choose who you allow to use that channel wisely, you will receive clear messages if you and the other entity stick to that channel.

    Now comes a more technical explanation of how the development of this channel is perceived at our end, and to explain I need to use that circle I mentioned earlier as through using that I can explain how the development occurred for me, which is the only experience I have to pass the message across to you.

    As I’ve mentioned elsewhere on the forum in the past, I initially focused in that area of the brain in which we (or I at least) hear music playing in ‘the back of our/my mind’ at times when not particularly focused on anything here.  In relation to the circle, that place is at the back and downwards from it.  While sitting quietly I began listening to that music which soon turned into rhyming poetry.  When I realized it was telling me something interesting, I began to write it down and so the process began.

    Now what I was told in the shower was that, because I was in a more feminine receptive state at the time and just a newbie (behaving instinctively), the energy that came through was of the masculine take-charge type, and so I heard it as a masculine voice and eventually saw a masculine entity in relation to it.  The reason it came through as poetry was that a type of mantra was being used on me to further form, increase and strengthen the link…..a type of sound magic if you will.  I reached back into that place while showering to see what would happen and, sure enough, it was a male voice I heard and, once again, poetry.  The funny thing is that this poem was telling me that I’m now in the right place listening to who I should be to know the truth ie E!  I’m going to do an experiment now while typing this, listening there again to see ‘what comes through’.

    Know and see my child of light
    That you are use and this is flight
    Of given ways and given means
    To know the use of hypocrisy
    In all mankind that listens true
    But knows not what we see and do.
    You can come and know our treasure
    As you of use will see my measure
    In one and all if what we do
    Is given use for Thee and you.
    Be at peace that what you trust
    Is lived of use for all of us
    For we do know and see you wise.
    Love of use and beauty’s time
    In one for all and one of love
    Who lives in you to be of trust.

    OK, I think I might have lost it a bit there at the end.  My typing is not as fast as the words I’m hearing, LOL.  But you can see the basic rhythm that was always used in the above.  Anyway, back to the story.

    I learned a lot by listening to that male entity, a few of which I recorded here on the ‘Basic Truths Remembered’ thread (here) on the forum.  I noticed during that time, and after, that there was an area in my brain, to the left side of and slightly down from that circle, that was active also, in transcribing the energy received into words I later found out thanks to another entity I began listening to after I became disillusioned by that first one, as so much was repetitive.

    I won’t go into all the details about who I listened to and learned from for some years after that early experience, apart from saying they were all male up until I started focusing more on Nature and the Elemental beings and trying to develop my meditational skills.  During my meditations, something else occurred that does relate to what I’m trying to express here.

    Before I met Quan Yin and then E, it was mainly faerie beings I saw in my mind’s eye, and they would often place small coronets on my head around the circle.  These were of various different designs, some being made out of flowers, others of metals encrusted with pearls or gemstones, but always delicate and very beautiful.  These were apparently so placed to further strengthen and protect the channel that had been previously formed while also altering it and me to work effectively with the feminine energies, aka E.  The interesting thing is that now I can feel the energy at work at the front of the circle, spanning my left and right brains, rather than at the back where it began.

    So, masculine energy at the back and feminine energy at the front, the original channel being adapted accordingly, although there are variations in between I’m told.   I was also given to know that the state of my being, in terms of masculine and feminine expression being dominant, determined who it was that I could link into during this process…….as all in Nature is always aiming for balance.  Always.  That which is most opposite to one’s internal balance at the time of opening up defines the nature of which energy will come to you and it will define where it occurs.  Aging makes a difference too as hormone levels change.

    So to sum up, ‘channelling’ is a proper term to use for all of the different types of links we form to any being in the subtle realms for communication.  It all depends how receptive you choose to be and how much of them you allow to come through that channel, maybe unconsciously, while participating in the process as to whether the results will manifest as anything from mediumship to telepathy.  That link or channel is what’s needed to achieve it………..a two-way street.  Most know we all form subtle (unseen) links with others we meet on this level too, to everyone we form a relationship with in this reality, although they usually operate more at a feeling level.  It’s through these that we intuitively sense strong energies from those others if we’re sensitive enough, although these links can be formed all over the body, not just in the head for learning.

    Ha, I used to ‘feel bad’, or think I wasted my time, doing all that initial channelling work, but now I can see it was all a necessary part of the process so I can do what I’m doing today and am grateful for all of it.  And I’m no longer going to worry about using the word channelling.


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