Sorry for the change of subject here but I really wanted to post this and it doesn't really fit in in any particular place in the context it's written, as it's still just what I have apprehended personally, so it's only one of my threads that relate to this that it should be posted on IMO. So here it is here, for better or worse.
ABOUT CHANNELLING, TELEPATHY, ETC.After discovering what I posted above last night, I’ve been looking today at some of the Nag Hammadi texts of the Gnostics as the author of the above text stated that various different groups of the Gnostics didn’t always agree. For instance, in that above Paul was writing to the Colossians (a Gentile community) because he learned they were still being influenced by the local group of Gnostics. This group apparently didn’t believe that Jesus was incarnate and, therefore, didn’t ‘die on the Cross to absolve our sins’, unlike other groups of Gnostics. So he wrote to them warning them not to listen to this or other ‘wrong’ ideas they were being given by “men”.
I find the Gnostic views interesting as they mostly seem to be written with a Christian perspective while also holding onto beliefs about the divine feminine (Sophia) and ‘invisible’ beings created by Source, such as Angels. Reading them while holding in mind what E has said is a very interesting exercise. Maybe more about those texts later as, in this thread, I want to recount what has just occurred while I was in the shower thinking about what I might put into a further post about the Gnostic texts, as I think it could be useful to others.
The thought occurred to me that much of what the Gnostics have written must have come through some form of ‘channelling’ (used as a covering word), unless they were able to see and hear those that are normally invisible beings. How are we to know which method they used? So, “Should I use the word channelling if I mention this?” I thought, given that it’s being given such a bad name in many areas these days.
I personally think most of the terminology used in relation to communicating with those who are ‘hidden’ is not terribly clear-cut and the wrong terminology can be used to convey a method of hearing as a result. But the most often used one is channelling and I have used it myself to explain what I do/hear for the sake of simplicity, although I preferred to call it “impression” back in the day when it began (ie hearing words, through translating the energy of thought that another was impressing on/into my mind). Most people look at me blankly when I used that term however and, after looking up how telepathy is said to work (visualising the recipient of the message in your mind and then that person thinking what it is you want them to think), that didn’t seem to apply either, especially from me.
But generally speaking we have mediumship, channelling, impression and telepathy to choose from as a rule and, to my mind, they all describe, from first to last, how much the recipient is consciously aware of and in control of what is being passed. In my understanding, a medium gives his or her body over to the entity who wishes to speak, remaining completely unaware of what is being said as a result, the astral body usually leaving the body while the other inhabits it. (Yuk.) I think part of the problem (with people's perception of channelling) is that many may use the term ‘channelling’ instead of, or to describe, 'mediumship' these days, which is a good reason why it’s been given a bad rap. To my mind a channeller still has conscious awareness and control over the process and all bodies remain intact. I’ve already described what I see as impression and telepathy in the above paragraph.
Of course we also have what’s received in meditation which, to my mind is when the meditator’s consciousness becomes totally immersed in the energy perceived, mentally, emotionally and/or spiritually, that
consciousness meeting and often moving out into what's perceived rather than just staying within one's body to listen. It's a fuller merging of pure consciousness rather than astral bodies wandering off, with or without consciousness, as in mediumship. (Please correct me if I'm wrong on this. I know I'm no expert on meditation.) For all I know, that may have been the Gnostics method also. Another term bandied about these days is ‘downloading’ which, to my mind, could be being applied to any of the processes.
Anyway, this is a long and roundabout introduction to what I wish to relate that I was ‘given to understand’ earlier when thinking about channelling and impression and what the difference may be so that I could use the correct term without offending while posting, while also trying to work out again what it is that I do and have done as well and how that might compare to how others perceive. That’s when the ‘revelations’ started. I found it fascinating; as the process I’ve been taken through, beginning to end, was fully explained and I believe it can apply to others as well and possibly does.
This explanation may come across and a bit long-winded as well as putting such things into words usually does. I’ll try to be as concise as possible though. While reading the following, keep in mind a circle about three and a half inches, or nine cm, in diameter on the top of one’s head as I will be referencing it at times. For ease, I’ll refer to it merely as the circle.
For a start the impression came to me that ‘channelling’ is the right term to use but that its true meaning is not fully understood these days, including by me of course. I was then shown and heard the why and how of it, in terms of how it developed in my case and does in others. You see a link, or channel, between our minds and brains and another in the other realities needs to be formed that can be utilized by them safely in being strong and impervious to outside interference from others there. This is the safest way and, as long as you choose who you allow to use that channel wisely, you will receive clear messages if you and the other entity stick to that channel.
Now comes a more technical explanation of how the development of this channel is perceived at our end, and to explain I need to use that circle I mentioned earlier as through using that I can explain how the development occurred for me, which is the only experience I have to pass the message across to you.
As I’ve mentioned elsewhere on the forum in the past, I initially focused in that area of the brain in which we (or I at least) hear music playing in ‘the back of our/my mind’ at times when not particularly focused on anything here. In relation to the circle, that place is at the back and downwards from it. While sitting quietly I began listening to that music which soon turned into rhyming poetry. When I realized it was telling me something interesting, I began to write it down and so the process began.
Now what I was told in the shower was that, because I was in a more feminine receptive state at the time and just a newbie (behaving instinctively), the energy that came through was of the masculine take-charge type, and so I heard it as a masculine voice and eventually saw a masculine entity in relation to it. The reason it came through as poetry was that a type of mantra was being used on me to further form, increase and strengthen the link…..a type of sound magic if you will. I reached back into that place while showering to see what would happen and, sure enough, it was a male voice I heard and, once again, poetry. The funny thing is that this poem was telling me that I’m now in the right place listening to who I should be to know the truth ie E! I’m going to do an experiment now while typing this, listening there again to see ‘what comes through’.
Know and see my child of light
That you are use and this is flight
Of given ways and given means
To know the use of hypocrisy
In all mankind that listens true
But knows not what we see and do.
You can come and know our treasure
As you of use will see my measure
In one and all if what we do
Is given use for Thee and you.
Be at peace that what you trust
Is lived of use for all of us
For we do know and see you wise.
Love of use and beauty’s time
In one for all and one of love
Who lives in you to be of trust.
OK, I think I might have lost it a bit there at the end. My typing is not as fast as the words I’m hearing, LOL. But you can see the basic rhythm that was always used in the above. Anyway, back to the story.
I learned a lot by listening to that male entity, a few of which I recorded here on the ‘Basic Truths Remembered’ thread (
here) on the forum. I noticed during that time, and after, that there was an area in my brain, to the left side of and slightly down from that circle, that was active also, in transcribing the energy received into words I later found out thanks to another entity I began listening to after I became disillusioned by that first one, as so much was repetitive.
I won’t go into all the details about who I listened to and learned from for some years after that early experience, apart from saying they were all male up until I started focusing more on Nature and the Elemental beings and trying to develop my meditational skills. During my meditations, something else occurred that does relate to what I’m trying to express here.
Before I met Quan Yin and then E, it was mainly faerie beings I saw in my mind’s eye, and they would often place small coronets on my head around the circle. These were of various different designs, some being made out of flowers, others of metals encrusted with pearls or gemstones, but always delicate and very beautiful. These were apparently so placed to further strengthen and protect the channel that had been previously formed while also altering it and me to work effectively with the feminine energies, aka E. The interesting thing is that now I can feel the energy at work at the
front of the circle, spanning my left and right brains, rather than at the back where it began.
So, masculine energy at the back and feminine energy at the front, the original channel being adapted accordingly, although there are variations in between I’m told. I was also given to know that the state of my being, in terms of masculine and feminine expression being dominant, determined who it was that I could link into during this process…….
as all in Nature is always aiming for balance. Always. That which is most opposite to one’s internal balance at the time of opening up defines the nature of which energy will come to you and it will define where it occurs. Aging makes a difference too as hormone levels change.
So to sum up, ‘channelling’ is a proper term to use for all of the different types of links we form to any being in the subtle realms for communication. It all depends how receptive you choose to be and how much of them you allow to come through that channel, maybe unconsciously, while participating in the process as to whether the results will manifest as anything from mediumship to telepathy. That link or channel is what’s needed to achieve it………..a two-way street. Most know we all form subtle (unseen) links with others we meet on this level too, to everyone we form a relationship with in this reality, although they usually operate more at a feeling level. It’s through these that we intuitively sense strong energies from those others if we’re sensitive enough, although these links can be formed all over the body, not just in the head for learning.
Ha, I used to ‘feel bad’, or think I wasted my time, doing all that initial channelling work, but now I can see it was all a necessary part of the process so I can do what I’m doing today and am grateful for all of it. And I’m no longer going to worry about using the word channelling.