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    Project 1947


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    Join date : 2010-04-09
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    Project 1947 Empty Project 1947

    Post  mudra Wed Oct 30, 2013 3:31 pm

    Quite an extensive and all encompassing library to be found here in Project 1947 on the subject of UFOs

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    PROJECT 1947

    PROJECT 1947 is a world-wide effort to document the origins of the modern UFO phenomenon. Research for the project has yielded many early-era UFO reports via the FOIA, newspaper articles and contemporary accounts. Some of the material gathered by PROJECT 1947 is on display here.

    Project 1947 is a massive collective effort with the 1947-era UFO sighting as the principal focus. During research visits, when time permits, other areas are examined. After 1947 the priorities are the 1900-1946 period, early official and scientific interest, the early UFO era (1948-1965), and finally more recent events. I personally have visited over 120 archives, libraries, and newspapers in 36 states and provinces. Additionally, I have ordered directly or via interlibrary loan material from 50 more institutions. Over 100 individuals worldwide have screened over 1500 newspapers of 1947, contributed thousands of newspaper clippings, reports, and other items from their files, and offered their services.
    Some of these data yielded interesting hints of little-known activity for other periods. From the work of several researchers, we have found small airship waves during World War I (see Just Cause, September 1995, and Thomas E. Bullard's The Airship File, privately published).

    Please read the PROJECT 1947 Information letter and contact the PROJECT-1947 co-ordinator, Jan Aldrich, if you have any questions.

    PROJECT 1947 is an attempt to enhance the future of UFO research by establishing a solid collection of official UFO documents, newspaper articles and personal accounts from the beginning of the modern UFO era.

    The first volume of material collected by PROJECT 1947 has been published by the UFO Research Coalition as PROJECT 1947: A Preliminary Report. An extensive collection of 1947 UFO reports and newspaper accounts from the U.S.A. is supplemented by a compilation of significant sightings from Scandinavia, France, Australia and other countries.


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