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    ET Abductee: Hyperdimensional predatory species is threat to humanity


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    ET Abductee: Hyperdimensional predatory species is threat to humanity Empty ET Abductee: Hyperdimensional predatory species is threat to humanity

    Post  Carol Fri Oct 18, 2013 10:23 am
    ET Abductee: Hyperdimensional predatory species is threat to humanity
    Published on Oct 16, 2013
    Veteran Michael Relfe: Humanity is being targeted by a predatory hyperdimensional species

    By Alfred Lambremont Webre

    VANCOUVER, BC – Former U.S. serviceman Michael Relfe has released an Oct. 14, 2013 Open letter sent to the military leaders of many prominent nations asserting that “Previous members of the military made a grave mistake when they hid the reality of aliens from the people of earth. That mistake has been continued. That mistake could endanger the future of humanity forever. It is time to remedy this situation before it is too late.

    “This battle against predatory species cannot be won by military might and technology alone. By now you know that this scenario involves energies and technology beyond your wildest imagination. For example, how can you hope to win a battle against an enemy when the enemy possesses jump gates and mind control technologies so that any head of government can be abducted and mind controlled at any time? And how can you hope to win a battle against an enemy that can hide itself from your perception?

    “These predatory species, their technology and those humans that voluntarily serve them, can only be defeated by harnessing the cumulative might of the metaphysical and spiritual powers, as well as the intelligence, of the people of earth.”[1]

    Former U.S. serviceman Michael Relfe has authored The Mars Records, two books on the 20 years (1976-1996) he states he spent as part of the permanent armed force detail on a U.S. facility on Mars that was part of the security perimeter developed in our solar system against the attempted occupation by the predatory hyperdimensional species.

    Agenda of predatory species

    In his Open letter, Mr. Relfe states, “These predatory species work in secrecy because they are AFRAID of human beings. They are afraid of God….That is why, by subversive means, they have influenced the systems of earth to do all in their power to keep people enslaved. This includes:

    Keeping knowledge of their existence and their evil intentions hidden, until it is too late.
    Vaccinating people, which damages their metaphysical abilities.
    Genetically modified foods and nanotechnology which damage the DNA of the body, so that metaphysical abilities and reproduction are destroyed.
    Fluoride which damages the pineal gland, necessary for metaphysical abilities.
    Numerous toxins to damage the body (See the book “You’re not fat, You’re toxic).
    Lack of information of spiritual power and metaphysical abilities, so that powerful metapsychics do not develop their powers.
    ET Abductee confirms presence of predatory species

    On Oct. 15, 2013, a Vancouver, BC-based ET abductee confirmed numerous repeated abductions and electromagnetic tortures that he ascribes to a predatory hyperdimensional species that have stated their intent is to ultimately displace humanity on planet Earth.

    ET Abductee - Hyperdimensional predatory species is threat to humanity


    12 Steps to defeat predatory species

    Michael Relfe recommends 12 steps to the military leaders he addresses

    in defeating the attempted occupation by the predatory hyperdimensional species.

    “Time is running out. All governments of all countries need to:

    “1) Release all of the true information concerning alien invasion of this planet.

    “2) Release the true information concerning the ancient things found upon the moon and mars.

    “3) Release the true information concerning government developed advanced technology and its use in establishing off planet projects.

    “4) Release the true information concerning electronic medicine so long suppressed and allow people to be healed of terrible degenerative diseases.

    “5) Stop the vaccinations, which kill us and destroy our metaphysical abilities.

    “6) Stop the GMO foods, which sterilize people after 2 generations. These ‘foods’ will end civilization and you will not have anything to defend.

    “7) Stop the use of nanotechnology in food.

    Cool Stop the MSG, Aspartame and Excitotoxins that brain damage us and kill us. These chemicals are poisoning your soldiers.

    “9) Stop mind-controlling and abducting people with metaphysical abilities.

    “10) Openly recruit and employ with generous remuneration sane, ethical metaphysically gifted people to fight these predatory species.

    “11) Punish and eliminate the corporations that prey upon the population, and that help predatory species enslave us.

    “12) Remove Christians from the “terrorist” list. They are not your enemy. They are the enemy of the predatory species.

    “Know that if you do the above, the people of earth will find ways to help you rid earth of alien parasites, by working in the spiritual and metaphysical realms in ways that you cannot possibly imagine.”

    Michael Relfe has sent Open Letter to Heads of the Military Regarding Defeating the Alien Presence to the “Army, Air Force, Navy and Marines of Australia, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia and Montenegro, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States of America.”

    Predatory hyperdimensional species

    Other whistleblowers from government – hyperdimensional ET liaison programs have also warned of an attempted occupation of Earth by predatory hyperdimensional species.

    One report states, “In 1964, U.S. intelligence expected a Grey/Reptilian ET takeover in 2000-2030. The current war between hostile extraterrestrial Grey/Draco Reptilian faction and humanity has been in development for a number of decades.

    “In his book, [whistleblower] Michael Prince reveals that in 1964 U.S. intelligence agencies had concluded that a Grey/Reptilian extraterrestrial alliance had a timetable for a planetary takeover of Earth sometime during the 2000 – 2030 period.

    “He writes, ‘On April 15th, 1964, two US intelligence personnel met under Project Plato with the Greys in the New Mexico desert to arrange a meeting on April 25th at Holloman air force base in New Mexico. This meeting was to renew the treaty that had started in 1934 again and was a psychological bid to buy time in order to solve the problem of the Greys and Draco reptilians. The upper levels of US intelligence now believed the Greys and Dracos had this planet time-tabled for invasion and takeover between the years 2000 and 2030.’”[2]

    Ethical hyperdimensional species

    Researchers such as Mary Rodwell have gathered replicable empirical evidence that ethical, hyperdimensional civilizations exist that are closely involved in the positive development of humanity. These include hyperdimensional civilizations of the Grey phenotype of which approximately 150 have been identified.[3]

    Contact your congressman/Member of Parliament

    A PDF of the Open letter can be downloaded at

    Michael Relfe notes, “Please send it to your congressman as is - with our name. You don't have to add your own name unless you want to.”

    [1] Michael Relfe, "Open Letter to Heads of the Military Regarding Defeating the Alien Presence", October 14, 2013,

    The Mars Records,

    [2] Alfred Lambremont Webre, "Whistleblower: WWIII, a war between hostile ETs and humanity, has started",

    [3] Alfred Lambremont Webre, "Mary Rodwell – ETs, Souls, The New Humans and a coming global Shift",

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 2228
    Join date : 2011-02-28
    Location : Melbourne, Australia

    ET Abductee: Hyperdimensional predatory species is threat to humanity Empty Re: ET Abductee: Hyperdimensional predatory species is threat to humanity

    Post  Sanicle Sat Oct 19, 2013 1:45 am

    Thanks for posting this Carol.

    One thing above all stood out to me while listening to this interview. It was when the interviewee commented that he wondered how benevolent the so-called 'benevolent ETs' that people believe they are in contact with truly are. As he said, why is it that none of these benevolent ETS make contact with those who are abducted or tormented by the negative kind to reassure and help them? It would only take them a few minutes to do so and these poor souls would know they are not alone AND could tell the rest of us so. These victims clearly have the ability to 'see' into the other dimensions if they can see the negative ones, so appearing to help them by the same means shouldn't be an issue. Maybe there would be more belief by those they try to convince as well as it would present a more balanced picture. For those that haven't listened to the interview, the interviewee's view is that all the ETs are playing something like a big game with each other and that the so-called benevolent ETs aren't really benevolent in human terms.

    I wouldn't be at all surprised if he's spot on. There's also the factor that many of those that channel these 'benevolent' ones have a faith and ego investment in believing in them, so human nature would aid these ETs in keeping their channels ignorant of their true intent. Webre was one himself who avoided listening to his view and clearly wants to believe the benevolent ones are out there helping. .

    I could go on, adding different points that back his statement up, but I'm sure those that are reading this can add their own. I love you 

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    ET Abductee: Hyperdimensional predatory species is threat to humanity Empty Re: ET Abductee: Hyperdimensional predatory species is threat to humanity

    Post  TRANCOSO Sat Oct 19, 2013 2:51 am

    Sanicle wrote:Thanks for posting this Carol.

    One thing above all stood out to me while listening to this interview.  It was when the interviewee commented that he wondered how benevolent the so-called 'benevolent ETs' that people believe they are in contact with truly are.  As he said, why is it that none of these benevolent ETS make contact with those who are abducted or tormented by the negative kind to reassure and help them?  It would only take them a few minutes to do so and these poor souls would know they are not alone AND could tell the rest of us so.  These victims clearly have the ability to 'see' into the other dimensions if they can see the negative ones, so appearing to help them by the same means shouldn't be an issue.  Maybe there would be more belief by those they try to convince as well as it would present a more balanced picture.  For those that haven't listened to the interview, the interviewee's view is that all the ETs are playing something like a big game with each other and that the so-called benevolent ETs aren't really benevolent in human terms.

    I wouldn't be at all surprised if he's spot on.  There's also the factor that many of those that channel these 'benevolent' ones have a faith and ego investment in believing in them, so human nature would aid these ETs in keeping their channels ignorant of their true intent.  Webre was one himself who avoided listening to his view and clearly wants to believe the benevolent ones are out there helping. .

    I could go on, adding different points that back his statement up, but I'm sure those that are reading this can add their own. I love you 
    Sanicle, as a benevolent ET, would you feel the urge to solve the problems of a divided, warmongering, psychologically unreliable species?

    How do you think Afghan Warlords react to a non-believer ET, telling them how to live their lives?

    Fighters Beer 

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    ET Abductee: Hyperdimensional predatory species is threat to humanity Empty Re: ET Abductee: Hyperdimensional predatory species is threat to humanity

    Post  Sanicle Sat Oct 19, 2013 6:07 am

    I'm not actually talking about ETs trying to sort out the problems of the world generally Trancoso.  I'm talking about the specific people, who may or may not have metaphysical abilities, that the negative ETs apparently target and torment.  Or those that try to warn others about them actually and they are often considered to meet unusual deaths far too often.  I don't know if the NWO and the neg ETs are working together to target these people or not but, if the 'benevolent ETs' really are benevolent, I myself think that helping these few (compared to the world population) deserve to know that they are supported by good ETs and that not all are bad.

    Incidentally, I think it's possible that the 'excuse' that we are all just soooo bad and unworthy of being helped by the benevolent ETs is possibly part of the brain washing/conditioning that has been put forward by 'both'/all sides of those who try to condition us into thinking fearfully and negatively about ourselves as well so that we 'give in' more easily to being controlled by these others.  That that is just ONE aspect of the brainwashing we are fed to keep us repressed.  And that 'opinion' of us all often comes through the channeled messages of the so-called benevolent ETs as well.

    The interviewee, "George", brought this point up and it just rang bells with me, seemingly drawing a whole lot of parts of the jigsaw together in my mind.  I posted here to see if anyone else may have had the same or similar reaction. I love you

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    ET Abductee: Hyperdimensional predatory species is threat to humanity Empty Re: ET Abductee: Hyperdimensional predatory species is threat to humanity

    Post  Carol Sat Oct 19, 2013 9:13 am

    Similar to the various human races from the various reports from numerous contactees and abductees their ET experiences are different. Dr. Greer and other personal friends of mine have had positive experiences with their group of ETs, whereas most of the abductees have negative experiences, which somehow seem related to one faction of the secret military government.

    It had been reported that the greys were abducting humans for years using them for their hybrid program. You don't hear too much of that going on now but for many ET contact does continue at one level or another.

    Then there are the ET human looking clones which basically are sociopathic (left brain technologically oriented, non-spiritual) who have also infiltrated government and business.

    There are other ET groups like the "Whites" in the California desert who do their own thing and do interface with the military.

    ETs use earth as a travel way station and also for its resources. It also appears that different groups of ETs are also in conflict with one another, just as different cultures on earth are in conflict with one another.

    I suspect the greys and reptilians came through from another dimension as a result of the Philadelphia project back in the early 40s and because of their ability to time travel have gone back in time to affect the course of humanity establishing themselves along multiple earth timelines.

    I recall listening to Alex Collier who talked about how some of the other "beneficial" ET groups saw a "universal" problem originating with earth from the negative ETs and these beneficial off-worlders came to help humanity and our planet. And in one conversation with an ET negotiator he did mention that 9/11 was the result of a negative/failed ET negotiation. He also mentioned how some of these ET groups (Annunaki) were in battles as to who was going to have control over humanity. From my observations of what is going on within the US it appears the group with the Lucifarian

    Since there are so many different groups of off-worlders visiting or living on earth among humans it just depends on which group one comes into contact with as to what their experience is. This also seems to be verified by Michael Relfe whose contact is military related and primarily with the grays (who in many situations reported by other abductees, lie).

    The grays, reptilians and Nordics appear to be associated with one another with their own agenda using humans and not to humanities benefit.

    Alex Collier, Dr. Steven Greer's off-worlder's contacts have been positive.. the complete opposite of Michael Reife. They have numerous stories of contact - all positive. However, Stefano Braccia had both positive experiences with the off-worlders in Italy and negative experiences with their ET clones left behind who were attempting to kill him. So, in examining the different reports of ET contact from numerous folks one just has to look at the type of personal experience they have had to sort out which is a positive or negative intention from the off-worlder or inter-dimensional being one has been in contact with.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    ET Abductee: Hyperdimensional predatory species is threat to humanity Empty Re: ET Abductee: Hyperdimensional predatory species is threat to humanity

    Post  Sanicle Sat Oct 19, 2013 10:27 am

    Thanks for the long reply Carol. I've read as much myself before. But I still would like to know why the good ETs don't do anything (seemingly) to help the poor souls who are traumatized by the negative ETs. No-one has come up with an answer for that as yet.

    I guess some would give another line I hear quite often from those who are supposedly in contact with benevolent beings......that they are not allowed to interfere with an individual's free will. To that I'd say I'd be mightily surprised if those under attack don't ASK for help. That's, supposedly, all that's needed to remove the free will issue.

    I don't mean to sound argumentative. I'd just like to know if someone out there has a valid answer to this question that has puzzled me for some time. I love you 

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    ET Abductee: Hyperdimensional predatory species is threat to humanity Empty Re: ET Abductee: Hyperdimensional predatory species is threat to humanity

    Post  magamud Sat Oct 19, 2013 11:44 am

    "But I still would like to know why the good ETs don't do anything (seemingly) to help the poor souls who are traumatized by the negative ETs. No-one has come up with an answer for that as yet. "

    This is because angels and demons are under Jesus and the Father.  This is the missing component everyone denies.  Jesus is then connected to us, mortals who work in equality with ET's.  This is what Jesus is trying to tell us.  Trying to explain truth and how energy flows through consciousness.  Your evidence is how this timeline is held together through free will and what is meant by the beginning and an ending.  So in a sense, like the bible explains, the Devil and his legion are free for certain amount of time, then locked up and then released again.  Negative et's in general are sold a ponzie scheme by the devil that the Son of god is not true.  And its easy to sell.  A mortal being the King of Consciousness?  And some negative et's dont even care and just exploit while they can.  Well this is the example of the power, justice, and amazement of the Father.  This is the catalyst of the universe...

    The demons exploit us to the point of not waking up the collective.  Certain individuals are moved into cosmic due to their desire and then live between worlds.  These are just signs of the awakening.  The kingdom works indirectly with us in many the same ways, but any true benevolent "et" will not go ahead of Jesus will as that would create a co dependence.  So they work in the shadows as well or they just deal with the Karma.  This is what Jesus was trying to explain with you are much more important then sparrows.

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    ET Abductee: Hyperdimensional predatory species is threat to humanity Empty Re: ET Abductee: Hyperdimensional predatory species is threat to humanity

    Post  Sanicle Sun Oct 20, 2013 12:34 am

    Thank you Magamud!  You are brilliant. sunny That's exactly what I needed to hear........a reminder of what I learned early on is the THE most important lesson/rule/truth of inner development, along with a realization that I've fallen into thinking of help needed and evolution in planetary terms rather than universal truths, ie us here vs every being in existence.  Talk about come full circle.  I can see the spiral now.

    Double Thumbs Up Hugs

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