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    A question for Mercuriel


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    A question for Mercuriel  - Page 2 Empty Re: A question for Mercuriel

    Post  devakas Mon Oct 14, 2013 2:49 pm

    as it was said by very wise. when you water one tree branch or another, there is no way the tree will be nourished. a branch is a branch and watering will not help. when you water tree roots, only then whole tree will share the fruits, all branches will be nourished all together.

    the same when we love Krishna, who is creator of all, when we love with whole our hearts, only then it is possible to love all His creation, planet and whole living beings.


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    A question for Mercuriel  - Page 2 Empty Re: A question for Mercuriel

    Post  mudra Mon Oct 14, 2013 4:46 pm

    devakas wrote:
    Sanicle wrote:
    Floyd wrote:For every wise word spent in a forum is an action wasted in the work of action or karma
    Thats what I find. Yet another pointless deed without substance.
    Harsh I know.
    In other words . Get of your arse and do something. :-)
    And here's another view for you Floyd.

    You don't really believe that 'karma' is only related to physical action do you?  I (and most others I'm sure) believe it comes about as a result of thoughts and feelings sent out also, with heart-based karma being the most important of all.  There is, therefore, a lot of good karma being generated by those who post on this site.  

    IMO sharing thoughts and feelings, of ourselves and others, that we think is worthwhile for our friends to hear and mull over, and perhaps even help and protect them in the future, is very worthy action, thus good karma.  Even more so is responding to those who post here in a caring way.  I'm sure there are many whose lives have been changed for the better as a result of being given heartfelt, loving responses to some of the opinions they've taken the time to share here in the hope for understanding and learning more about this life we live through gaining another perspective on an issue.  Energy is also sent with heartfelt thoughts shared.  Can't you feel it when it comes your way?

    Naturally commenting in belittling, sarcastic or other negative ways, would also create karma for the one so posting. But the rest of us learn a lot about the heart and mind of those who do such, so none of the lessons are wasted.  Maybe such people truly believe they are helping in their own inimitable way.

    I hope you enjoy your activities out in the world Floyd as you don't seem to enjoy much when you come here to share with us.  Or do you?  I don't know you but you come across to me as a very clever but angry young man, frustrated with those who don't agree with your views and happy to take the mickey out of them to alleviate those frustrations.  No doubt you disagree with those perceptions but it doesn't really matter what I think, does it.  And I'm going to send you a hug anyway, as it saddens me.  

    :)  very 'interesting' your thought about karma meaning.  hypocrisy if very bad karma. anything what satisfies lies, mental lust, being not truthful and etc.

    karma for example is very bad for meat eaters as they participate in animal killing of innocent consciousness experience who are also as you say spirit, in knowing also, having soul also, ant it is just to satisfy meat eater desires is bad karma. it is destruction. working for destruction, participating in destruction.  Bad karma is to know the truth and hide it.  (crazzzzzy should be advised as young person not to take mushrooms).  why mists are blind? maybe Floyd is right by saying sweet evil also exists.
    You spoke about tree spirit, photoshopped images.  how about animals?  do people speak with animal spirits before they eat them?  do they hear what they say? I am just asking. Do animals have right, do they have karma? just asking.

    when we had temporary forum mudra advised me to stop posting about vedas, now I was surprised how you mudra talk about inviting everybody and just blamed Floyd for that :). I maybe misunderstood, or ignored your not welcome message to me.  

    bottom line when we do not know whom we serving, we serving to satisfy our false ego and this it just waste of time.  emotional lust.

    I would suggest to close this forum people may move to thubans.  as it seems thubans copying everything here.
    maybe to close the forum and leave one thread where animals are slaughtered.
    I agree Floyd it is waste of precious live while living in mind lust most.

    wake up is really hard thing,  to wake up genuine love in heart when so much mind disturbance in self hypnotizing people living in illusion.

    nonsense is not healthy for any human who does not know what is karma, what is dharma, what is false ego.
    My friend you seem so upset.
    If I for one am part of your pain and offended you in any way that I know or don't know then consider forgiving me and accepting my apologies.
    For I would rather share peace with you than take the bait on argumenting.
    That question I raised on your thread regarding your guru I deleted a long time ago as I thought after all this was none of my business. That I rather would respect your devotion for him.You are the one that really does have direct experience on the matter not I .

    Know that I do appreciate your contributions to the Vedic thread.
    Considering the number of supporters you get there I would say the Mists is the perfect place to be for your ongoing work.

    How sad it would be to close our forum and leave only one voice to speak here. I can only wish long life to the Mists.

    Now I may not live up to your expectations, nor do the Thubans or the meet eaters and possibly many others ... But if you believe that by chasing everyone around that you think deserves it with a hammer will rally us to your cause I think you missed the point completely on what building bridges between human beings mean nor have you realized that everyone here has a life of its own and a right to find their way back to source through the avenues that suit them best.

    If you reached past false ego and found the true Heart that breeds genuine love that is wonderful.
    Wish same for everyone and let them reach it without dominion for it's only when the pupil is ready that the teacher comes. Before that he won't listen no matter how loud you speak. As a teacher then one has to be humble enough to realize this and trust God's plan. There is a little spark of the divine in everyone. In this I trust.

    Wishing your well .
    Peace on You


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    A question for Mercuriel  - Page 2 Empty Re: A question for Mercuriel

    Post  Sanicle Mon Oct 14, 2013 8:30 pm

    devakas wrote:hypocrisy rules human heart.  mental lust.  to satisfy false ego.

    devakas, you are the expert at hypocrisy on this site.

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    A question for Mercuriel  - Page 2 Empty Re: A question for Mercuriel

    Post  Carol Mon Oct 14, 2013 9:01 pm

    I've come to think of ego as the trickster whereas "balance" the goal. I suppose one of the most difficult challenges I've had in this life is to reign in my own ego and just allow folks to be. This also means to allow them to have their perspective and not be attached to my own difference of opinion. Everyday at other sites, where I'm also a member, I provide a lot of information (much different then from here at Mists, although I do bring some over from time to time). In addition I've provided pro-bono counseling for dozens of people on a regular basis and managed to stay non-attached to the ongoing incoming positive feedback. Why? Because I'm not there to get recognition or have my ego stroked. They don't even know if I'm male or female. I'm just there to provide assistance. It's as simple as that. And I learn new information along the way which is of real benefit to me personally.

    I've watched a few of the members act out at an ego level these past few months and pretty much remained silent. Other members here are helpful when they post their feelings or observations when this occurs.  And I've noticed a pattern of flouncing with a few members when, for whatever reason, they need to act out.. and have seen them return later when whatever it was (a trigger of some sort) gets worked through.

    It has always amazed me the differences along with the varied viewpoints and experiences that are expressed on this forum. Some of which I can't even relate to and some of which I can. Yet through it all - the real lesson for me personally is to remain non-judgmental. Unless of course a member gets attacked - where then, my role as admin, comes into play.

    Ironically, over the years, I've even had several different members approach me asking that another member that they don't like or are not in agreement with be banned. Those PMs tend to make me feel sad because of course it is my personal preference that everyone get along.

    in all honesty, I even enjoy some of the tifs that occur where it draws someone out and we get a glimpse of how they feel or think about something in particular.  All in all this forum is very valuable as it is one of the few places on the internet that has such varied individuals, interests and topics. It's like a little oasis. And if it were not the case we would not have the viewing traffic we get from so many countries around the globe on a daily basis.

    If members here are dissatisfied with this forum they are more then welcome to take a break and return when they feel drawn to do so. However, it is not appropriate to insist that the site be closed down due to some disgruntle personal feelings. Brook has taken a recent sabbatical. Others may or may not choose to do so as well. The bottom line is the door is open for them to return. For the rest of us - this is where we hang our hat and share what is important to us as individuals. Hadriel

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    A question for Mercuriel  - Page 2 Empty Re: A question for Mercuriel

    Post  Aquaries1111 Mon Oct 14, 2013 9:51 pm

    Very Beautiful Carol; and spoken with a pure heart.

    This video is for Brook.


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    A question for Mercuriel  - Page 2 Empty Re: A question for Mercuriel

    Post  Sanicle Mon Oct 14, 2013 10:55 pm

    Yes, well said Carol. Hopefully this will calm the waters. I love you 

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    A question for Mercuriel  - Page 2 Empty Re: A question for Mercuriel

    Post  mudra Tue Oct 15, 2013 10:41 am

    Sanicle wrote:Yes, well said Carol.  Hopefully this will calm the waters. I love you 
    I second that
    Thank You Carol. There is nothing to add really. You expressed it beautifully.


    Love for You

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    A question for Mercuriel  - Page 2 Empty Re: A question for Mercuriel

    Post  mudra Tue Oct 15, 2013 3:46 pm

    My personal philosophy of life is : Have no expectations, don't wait for others to fill your needs, cultivate your inner garden so well that you may at all times be happy and at peace with yourself, make it a heaven so that when the hurricane comes there is so much flourishing around that the place won't take devastation.
    It's not easy to get along with human beings at times .If you want someone to truly love you unconditionnally and compasionnately get yourself  the company of a dog and learn about love from him.
    And then  pay it forward and share it onwards whenever and wherever you can.

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    For what would we do without dogs my friends. They can't speak and yet they are one of the best teachers I met when it comes to love, absence of judgement ,forgiveness, fidelity,caring, joy, playfulness, humor, trust and kindness Wink 

    Love from me

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    A question for Mercuriel  - Page 2 Empty Re: A question for Mercuriel

    Post  Floyd Wed Oct 16, 2013 3:43 am

    I prefer dogs to humans.
    Dogs are oblivious when they crap all over the planet
    But humans are fully conscious whilst they do so.

    In relation to what someone said about karma
    Karma from the sanskrit simply means action, or what one does

    Ie. someone walking the dog is using action.

    To be an 'activist' is karma too. Action

    Watching people on an ego level as if to be somehow without ego or opinion is also karma.

    They idea as westerners have put it is
    What goes around comes around
    Or for every action there will be a consequence.

    To rid the earth of destructive corporations and injustice one generally has to take action or karma
    Even if it is just a simple thing.

    Actions speak louder than words.

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    A question for Mercuriel  - Page 2 Empty Re: A question for Mercuriel

    Post  magamud Wed Oct 16, 2013 7:15 am

    Im curious being that we are on an internet board. Are not actions and words the same?

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    A question for Mercuriel  - Page 2 Empty Re: A question for Mercuriel

    Post  Sanicle Wed Oct 16, 2013 11:10 am

    Floyd wrote:

    In relation to what someone said about karma
    Karma from the sanskrit simply means action, or what one does

    I didn't know that. Thanks for explaining Floyd. Cool 

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    A question for Mercuriel  - Page 2 Empty Re: A question for Mercuriel

    Post  mudra Wed Oct 16, 2013 12:01 pm

    devakas wrote:now I was surprised how you mudra talk about inviting everybody and just blamed Floyd for that :)

    If you think I was blaming Floyd for founding the Mists you misinterpreted my words devakas.
    On the contrary I thanked him for having so many colorful people gathering around the campfire.

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    A question for Mercuriel  - Page 2 Empty Re: A question for Mercuriel

    Post  TRANCOSO Wed Oct 16, 2013 12:37 pm

    Sanicle wrote:

    And thank you Floyd for apparently being the one to make that possible by starting the Mists.

    Yes, when PA1 was hijacked by Holy Bill, Kerry, Richard and Celine, out of the blue Lord Floyd set up The Mist.

    And all together we turned this forum into a library of knowledge.

    study Beer 

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    A question for Mercuriel  - Page 2 Empty Re: A question for Mercuriel

    Post  mudra Tue Oct 22, 2013 5:43 pm

    Ooh .. I Love that Thubs Up 

    Words of Wisdom from an Old Farmer

    An old Farmer’s Words of Wisdom we could all live by.
    The last quote fits everyone…I don’t care who you are.

    Your fences need to be horse-high, pig-tight and bull-strong.

    Keep skunks and bankers at a distance.

    Life is simpler when you plow around the stump.

    A bumble bee is considerably faster than a John Deere tractor.

    Words that soak into your ears are whispered!….not yelled.

    Meanness don’t just happen overnight.

    Forgive your enemies; it messes up their heads.

    Do not corner something that you know is meaner than you.

    It don’t take a very big person to carry a grudge.

    You cannot unsay a cruel word.

    Every path has a few puddles.

    When you wallow with pigs, expect to get dirty.

    The best sermons are lived, not preached.

    Most of the stuff people worry about, ain’t never gonna happen anyway.

    Don’t judge folks by their relatives.

    Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.

    Live a good and honorable life,
    then when you get older and think back,
    you’ll enjoy it a second time.

    Don’t interfere with somethin’ that ain’t bothering you none.

    Timin’ has a lot to do with the outcome of a rain dance.

    If you find yourself in a hole,
    the first thing to do is stop diggin’.

    Sometimes you get, and sometimes you get got.

    The biggest troublemaker you’ll probably ever have to deal with,
    watches you from the mirror every mornin’.

    Always drink upstream from the herd.

    Good judgment comes from experience,
    and a lotta that comes from bad judgment.

    Lettin’ the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier
    than puttin’ it back in.

    If you get to thinkin’ you’re a person of some influence,
    try orderin’ somebody else’s dog around.

    Live simply, love generously, care deeply,

    Speak kindly, and leave the rest to God.

    Don’t pick a fight with an old man.
    If he is too old to fight, he’ll just kill you.

    And, finally…………………………………..

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    A question for Mercuriel  - Page 2 Empty Re: A question for Mercuriel

    Post  mudra Sat Nov 02, 2013 8:10 pm

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    A question for Mercuriel  - Page 2 Empty Re: A question for Mercuriel

    Post  Mercuriel Tue Dec 24, 2013 8:11 pm

    Whoa - I bow to the wonder of You all...



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    A question for Mercuriel  - Page 2 Empty Re: A question for Mercuriel

    Post  mudra Fri Apr 11, 2014 4:28 pm

    When I search for my thread " Did you know it " in the Mists search engine it says : No topics or posts met your search criteria

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    A question for Mercuriel  - Page 2 Empty Re: A question for Mercuriel

    Post  Mercuriel Sat May 24, 2014 12:21 pm


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    Post  mudra Sat May 24, 2014 12:27 pm

    Well it seems to be working for you dear brother but not for me.
    I just tried again and the MOA search engine can't find it ... Bizarre scratch 

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    A question for Mercuriel  - Page 2 Empty Re: A question for Mercuriel

    Post  Mercuriel Sat May 24, 2014 12:34 pm

    It isn't working for Me either through the Search function. I just used the "See All Posts" Link for You and found it that way.

    Hmmm. Investigating...


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    A question for Mercuriel  - Page 2 Empty Re: A question for Mercuriel

    Post  mudra Sat May 24, 2014 12:49 pm

    Thank You Mercuriel.
    Something else I noticed the other day the button " today's active topics " when pressed did'nt show all the posts of the day. I nearly missed those that went missing.

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    A question for Mercuriel  - Page 2 Empty Re: A question for Mercuriel

    Post  Mercuriel Sat May 24, 2014 1:04 pm

    Is it working today for You - The Button You reference above that is ?


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    A question for Mercuriel  - Page 2 Empty Re: A question for Mercuriel

    Post  mudra Sat May 24, 2014 2:07 pm

    Mercuriel wrote:Is it working today for You - The Button You reference above that is ?

    " Today's active topics " shows 22 posts to me.
    I guess it's working allright today  Cheerful 

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    A question for Mercuriel  - Page 2 Empty Issue with logging in and out

    Post  Aquaries1111 Wed Jun 11, 2014 8:32 pm



    Do you know why, when I log in, I am automatically logged out and still show as logged in? Do you know why I logout and still show as logged in? Do you know why I try to log in and cannot? Do you know why I changed my password and still cannot log in? Then, after trying and trying I get logged in, and once I log out, I still show as being signed on? I wonder why there may be a hi-jacking going on - on this website? Who in the world would want to hi-jack Aquaries1111?


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    A question for Mercuriel  - Page 2 Empty Re: A question for Mercuriel

    Post  Mercuriel Thu Oct 30, 2014 12:46 pm

    FYI - When a Member is Logged in - Even though You may Log out right away - They will still show as Logged in for IIRC - 15 Minutes or so.

    Additionally - It seems as If You are able to Log in now. No ?



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