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    Some Uses Of The Kukui Nut Tree


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    Join date : 2010-04-16

    Some Uses Of The Kukui Nut Tree Empty Some Uses Of The Kukui Nut Tree

    Post  Floyd Sun Jul 25, 2010 3:52 am

    Kukui Tree
    Some Uses of the Kukui Tree: (Note: Tapa is a local cloth made from the bark of the paper mulberry, breadfruit, and other trees)

    Husks: Pierced, sometimes carved and worn in traditional leis
    (garlands) or carved into pendants. They have also been mounted in gold
    and used in finer jewelry.


    1. Medicinal: Strong
    purgative. In combination with other plants, used to treat skin ulcers,
    rheumatic joints, and deep bruises and wounds. There is some evidence
    that small amounts of the roasted nut reduce blood pressure.

    Food: The nut is slightly poisonous, but the toxin is removed by
    roasting. Small amounts of the roasted, chopped nuts are flavored with
    salt and sometimes chili peppers and eaten as the condiment Inamona.

    3. Soot from burned nut: Used to dye tapa, for tattoos, and to stain surfboards.

    Crushed roasted kernels: Spread out on the sea surface, allow one to
    peer into the deep, as it acts like a lens. The Hawai'ian proverb "When
    the kukui nut is spat on the water, the sea is smooth" is equivalent to
    "pouring oil on troubled waters."

    5. Oil extracted: Used to
    varnish and preserve wood, to waterproof fishing nets and paper, as a
    paint oil, in soapmaking, as a substitute for rubber products, and as an
    insulating material. In the early 19th century up to as 10,000 gallons
    (37,850 l) were exported, principally to the Russians in Alaska as a
    substitute for linseed oil.

    6. Burned for illumination: On a palm leaf rib, as mentioned above, but also in stone lamps and torches.

    Flowers: Strung into garlands. Parents chew the white flowers to use to heal mouth sores (thrush) of children.

    Leaves: Strung into garlands representing Moloka'I, whose color is silvery green.

    Sap: Used for moth sores, chapped lips, cold sores, and mild sunburns. Also a strong purgative.

    Inner bark: Yields a dark red dye used for tapa and fishnets; tannin in the dye strengthens nets and preserves them.

    Strengthens tapa. The Hawai'ian proverb "The gum sticks to the
    candlenut tree" refers to a parasite or a child clinging to its mother.

    Trunk: Made into canoes and fishing net weights.

    Is it any wonder the Polynesians brought it along?

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