orthodoxymoron Wed Aug 28, 2013 11:08 pm
Thank-you for posting this, mudra. I keep wondering how intertwined the medical-industrial complex is with the military-industrial complex -- especially as they might relate to the secret space program, and such?! Perhaps there is a need for all of the high-finance and high-technology to be able to fight off the Dracs, Greys, and who knows who else?! I don't know. Obviously, we could all be a lot happier and healthier for a helluva lot less money, pain, and suffering. Disease and Disaster are Big Business. Prevention is Bad for Business. I have settled on the term Purgatory Incorporated. Perhaps the bottom-line for Paradise Incorporated or Hell Incorporated are not as appealing to Megalomaniacs Anonymous!! Thinking of this solar system as being one big business -- with a CEO -- makes thinking about the madness a lot easier. And really, I don't have a problem with the solar system being a big business -- as long as it's Paradise Incorporated aka the United States of the Solar System!! But I just remembered -- I've taken each and every proposal off of the table -- until I determine what is REALLY going on in the world, solar system, galaxy, and universe AND until I find out who I REALLY am on a Soul-Basis. Perhaps I shouldn't have made this post -- but I just couldn't resist!!