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    Aqyaponics Gardening


    Posts : 4104
    Join date : 2010-04-16

    Aqyaponics Gardening Empty Aqyaponics Gardening

    Post  Floyd Sun Jul 25, 2010 3:43 am

    This is the website of some friends who have an aquaponics farm down the road from us.

    Their website is:
    Aqyaponics Gardening Prawn1small
    grow your own shrimp

    Aqyaponics Gardening SCSSmall
    growing fruit and vegetables

    Aqyaponics Gardening Tilapia1
    grow your own fish

    is a sustainable food production system that combines aquaculture
    (raising fish in tanks) and hydroponics (growing plants in water) so
    that both grow better.

    Aquaponics uses less than 2% of the water that traditional farming does.
    Aquaponics is energy-efficient: it uses one-third of the energy conventional farming does!
    Aquaponics has eight to ten times more vegetable production in the same area and time.
    Aquaponics is fully scalable from backyard family systems to full commercial systems.
    Aquaponics is pure, clean, and natural: USDA Certified Organic and Food Safety Certified.
    Aquaponics is easy to learn and operate: anyone can do this!
    contrast to hydroponics systems, where the aim is to have a sterile
    system to avoid disease outbreaks, aquaponics systems are teeming with
    life. They are miniature human-made ecosystems: there are mosquito fish,
    prawns, tilapia, water fleas, and little red worms in our systems.
    Those are just the things visible with the naked eye; there are also
    myriad smaller creatures and bacteria, all of which contribute to the
    incredible health, dynamic strength, and stability of these systems.

    Posts : 4104
    Join date : 2010-04-16

    Aqyaponics Gardening Empty Re: Aqyaponics Gardening

    Post  Floyd Sun Jul 25, 2010 3:44 am

    WOW !

    That sure looks intresting, i have been quite conservative what comes
    to the methods of growing ones own food ..Means i usually prefer growing in "dirt"..
    But this must be investigated...thanks for the tip..
    SK Aqyaponics Gardening Mistsofavalon_thumbsup

      Current date/time is Tue Jan 21, 2025 8:34 pm