Floyd wrote:Whilst its good that people discover new philosophical concepts, even if its a copy and paste job, ontological insecurity is particularly interesting when understanding religious cults. Leaders of cults find those who happen to find themselves in this disassociated state ripe for the picking. Espescially catastrophic niburu or older end of the world cults.
It fills a gap. Provides a solution.
Thanx buttercup.
Yes there are cults out there and followers of these cults. But those pointing them out may be oblivious ( and I think this is'nt your case Floyd ) that we are living on this Earth in a cultic society at large.
The taxes we pay are our offerings on the alter of our leaders and our hard labor reflects the sweat of our devotion to them although most of us don't even know their true faces.We work for them until we can't any longer and when retirement comes we are thanked with little left to survive decently on.
Their school programs teach us how, when and what to think and television is a daily mantra that does the rest.
The air we breathe ( chemtrails ...) , the food we eat ( Monsanto and the chemical industry), the water we drink ( fluorization ), the energy we use ( gas ,petrol, electricity.. ) are in their hands.
Our health physical and mental is in their hands too ( pharmaceuticals) .
They keep record of all their " devotees ".From the moment we are born we are given an ID and this will be used through our entire life. Escaping the system isn't such an easy thing to do although attempts are being made to change things here and there ( permaculture, organic food, new currencies , homeopathy, naturopathy ... ) which would tend to indicate we are waking up. For there is no " waking up " I believe without constructive actions taken along a new state of consciousness.
These " gurus " consider they own the Earth and we are renting her from them at high costs.
They decide what is right and what is wrong and create laws accordingly. On a worldwide basis that translates as boycot , threats or the start of a war.
When we come up with our own ideas or solutions that go against theirs or when we don't obey by the rules we are punished by fines, imprisonment, black propaganda or worse our bodies conveniently removed from circulation and further nuisance hence avoided. It's not so easy to leave the system completely would we want to do so .
I think our own ignorance is a craving for those types of abuses.The
disassociated state you mention Floyd is rampant on this planet. It is the one thing that needs to be fixed I believe. That people realize who they really are and give their own power back to themselves and that includes the leaders of this world as well. The power of fully awakened beings capable to be their own master and whose open Heart creates harmony around them.Organizing ourselves is'nt a bad thing if we want to live with one another but giving our own power entirely away to organizations that then decides of every one of our moves is a lack of discernment and cultivates blindness.We are feeding other determined power by not using our own.
Love from me