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    Keshe's Free Energy Technology Will Make Today's Military 'Useless'


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    Keshe's Free Energy Technology Will Make Today's Military 'Useless' Empty Keshe's Free Energy Technology Will Make Today's Military 'Useless'

    Post  Jenetta Sun Mar 10, 2013 11:40 pm


    Published on Feb 23, 2013

    21st Century Wire reporter Patrick Henningsen investigates the groundbreaking free energy science and advanced space ship technology brought forward by Iranian nuclear physicist, M.T. Keshe, head of the Keshe Foundation in Belgium. Keshe's recent lecture on Jan. 30, 2013 at Imperial College in London, revealed some incredible information about Iran's space ship program, and also about a Peace Treaty which is currently in the hands of the world's super powers, as we wait to see if the the world's 'super-powers' will continue to cover-up these new breakthroughs that allowed Iran to apprehend two US drones, applications in faster than light travel, nuclear gravity-magnetic field plasma science and advanced medical treatment for the terminally ill. The implications of what Keshe has revealed is potentially world changing.

    As Above So Below

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    Keshe's Free Energy Technology Will Make Today's Military 'Useless' Empty Re: Keshe's Free Energy Technology Will Make Today's Military 'Useless'

    Post  eMonkey Mon Mar 11, 2013 5:24 am

    Been listening to this trash for months now..

    Show me the goods.. make the tech available to the little people and ordinary folks like us..
    Non disclosures, secrecy of the details and b.s. like that just gets to the top of my flag-pole. Where and how is it free and open technology..

    Sorry, as you may see I'm a little miffed by these guys, maybe i am misinformed, or just I have misunderstood something so-far in which case I am happy to apologise, until then - no way Jose.. Hot Now I'm on fire.
    I looked at this stuff a while ago, I'm still waiting.. All hot air so far. I'm done with wishful thinking - show me something empirical.


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    Keshe's Free Energy Technology Will Make Today's Military 'Useless' Empty Re: Keshe's Free Energy Technology Will Make Today's Military 'Useless'

    Post  lawlessline Mon Mar 11, 2013 7:01 am

    eMonkey wrote:Been listening to this trash for months now..

    Show me the goods.. make the tech available to the little people and ordinary folks like us..
    Non disclosures, secrecy of the details and b.s. like that just gets to the top of my flag-pole. Where and how is it free and open technology..

    Sorry, as you may see I'm a little miffed by these guys, maybe i am misinformed, or just I have misunderstood something so-far in which case I am happy to apologise, until then - no way Jose.. Hot Now I'm on fire.
    I looked at this stuff a while ago, I'm still waiting.. All hot air so far. I'm done with wishful thinking - show me something empirical.

    Sooo true. Alice in Wonderland is a lovely story as well. Freedom for everyone or freedom for no one.

    But I understand what this whole thing is about, so does this mean the hardware or lightwave is gonna be here soon??



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    Keshe's Free Energy Technology Will Make Today's Military 'Useless' Empty Re: Keshe's Free Energy Technology Will Make Today's Military 'Useless'

    Post  Micjer Mon Mar 11, 2013 7:09 am

    There seems to be a trend in these types of inventors.

    Send money to help in research....yet no one seems to come up with the end product.

    Tesla was the only one and they shut him down. Big oil will not allow Free Energy to succeed.

    What ever happened to Greer? He has even taken down his donation link. I think he is making a "movie" or something now.

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    Keshe's Free Energy Technology Will Make Today's Military 'Useless' Empty Re: Keshe's Free Energy Technology Will Make Today's Military 'Useless'

    Post  lawlessline Mon Mar 11, 2013 7:31 am

    Heres a site that really takes Keshe to task no punches pulled. Very interesting history of Mr. Keshe.



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    Keshe's Free Energy Technology Will Make Today's Military 'Useless' Empty Re: Keshe's Free Energy Technology Will Make Today's Military 'Useless'

    Post  mudra Mon Mar 11, 2013 8:08 am

    Thanks for the reference Tom.

    These few lines taken from the responses summarizes it all I would say :

    There is no “Keshe technology”. Keshe is a story teller, nothing more. He is making announcements since about 2007, and there is still not a single credible witness who has ever seen a working “Keshe generator”, his “flying car”, or anything comparable from his long technology list. Every single announcement to tangibly show his “technology” (like the big technology demonstration announced for December 14th last year) has always been postponed or canceled.

    Love from me

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    Keshe's Free Energy Technology Will Make Today's Military 'Useless' Empty Re: Keshe's Free Energy Technology Will Make Today's Military 'Useless'

    Post  Carol Mon Mar 11, 2013 10:13 am

    I've seen pictures of the flying car and knew someone who was involved in that particular project.


    Then there is this Keshe's Free Energy Technology Will Make Today's Military 'Useless' Volkswagen_floating_car_dtnab

    However Keshe's looks more like a flying saucer. Keshe's Free Energy Technology Will Make Today's Military 'Useless' 2Q==

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Keshe's Free Energy Technology Will Make Today's Military 'Useless' Empty Re: Keshe's Free Energy Technology Will Make Today's Military 'Useless'

    Post  Micjer Mon Mar 11, 2013 11:34 am

    I can't translate but this is interesting.

    Is it real or photoshopped?


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    Keshe's Free Energy Technology Will Make Today's Military 'Useless' Empty Re: Keshe's Free Energy Technology Will Make Today's Military 'Useless'

    Post  lawlessline Mon Mar 11, 2013 4:36 pm

    I agree with the most of what Keshe says but there is stuff on the nuclear front that I am not so sure about.But there is a fundamental problem with the way in which we tend to look at things. The flying car is the great example. When we think of that we get the classic car bolted to a set of folding wings. The problem with every single one of them, is that they use propellers. We need to get round the concept of the things we use. so we have the chichen and the egg at the very same moment. I am not sure that we will be using electricity as we understand it as of this time. I think the VW concept car will be closer to the truth.

    The new energy production will not be the same and then therefore we will not be able to run the devises we have off the new energy???? I suppose the people at apple will love that, a whole new line of goodies for the people, by the people and of all the people.

    I think these guys are caught in the cat and mouse game of countries, Iran and the US???????? Could be a playing role in the world wide red flag bizarre thing that certain wierdos get up to. But hey never did understand that old world.



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    Keshe's Free Energy Technology Will Make Today's Military 'Useless' Empty Re: Keshe's Free Energy Technology Will Make Today's Military 'Useless'

    Post  bobhardee Tue Mar 12, 2013 8:13 pm

    A retired person I know who worked with the CIA says his current contacts tell him that there is nothing real about Keshe's claims. Personnally I am not ready to write him off. When you watch and listen to some of the recent Youtube interviews, he does not appear to be someone who is lying. Proof? What about the 2 US drones that "his technology" helped to bring down. Those planes are controlled by a number of different satilites and supposely carry some high tech equipment? I would have thought they would have had a self destruck switch or something. He said that he has given this technology to Russia, China, USA and others. I hope that whoever reviews his work does a better job than MIT did with cold fusion back in the 90's. Question

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    Keshe's Free Energy Technology Will Make Today's Military 'Useless' Empty Re: Keshe's Free Energy Technology Will Make Today's Military 'Useless'

    Post  Carol Wed Mar 13, 2013 1:42 am

    Thanks for that other info Bob. It adds more credibility to what's going on here. One of the main researchers who used to speak on Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell on cold fusion died just prior to his making a break through. This was several years back so I suspect the untimely death suspicious and that cold fusion may be something the secret government already has.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Keshe's Free Energy Technology Will Make Today's Military 'Useless' Empty Re: Keshe's Free Energy Technology Will Make Today's Military 'Useless'

    Post  bobhardee Wed Mar 13, 2013 7:35 pm

    Here is some of the stuff going on with cold fusion. For more information check out
    General Cold Fusion
    Report from the Swedish "Defence Materiel Agency" (FMV) - The Swedish Defence Materiel Administration, FMV has therefore financed some very rudimentary experiments with nickel and hydrogen, trying to experimentally reproduce the excess heating power clashed by Andrea Rossi and Sergio Focardi and described e.g. in the Swedish technical newspaper Ny Teknik. (Feb. 22, 2013)
    Swedish Hydrogen-Nickel Powder Experiments Produce Null Results - Here's a link to a report about recent nickel-hydrogen experiment performed by a Swedish team of researchers. The funding for the experiments was funded by The Swedish Defence Materiel Administration with the goal of trying to reproduce reports of excess power claimed by Rossi and Focardi. (PDF of the report is in the... (E-CatWorld; February 23, 2013)
    NASA Cold Fusion Update - NASA: A Nuclear Reactor To Replace Your Water Heater. (NASAWatch; Feb. 25, 2013)
    NASA: A Nuclear Reactor To Replace Your Water Heater - This reactor does not use fission, the process of splitting atoms into smaller elements employed by every commercial power reactor currently operating on earth. And it does not use hot fusion, the union of hydrogen atoms into larger elements that powers the sun and stars. (Forbes; February 22, 2013) (And oilprice; and; and; and; and
    NASA's cold fusion tech could put a nuclear reactor in every home, car, and plane - The cold fusion dream lives on: NASA is developing cheap, clean, low-energy nuclear reaction (LENR) technology that could eventually see cars, planes, and homes powered by small, safe nuclear reactors. (ExtremeTech; February 22, 2013) (And
    NASA's LENR Article "Nuclear Reactor in Your Basement" - (NewEnergyTimes; February 22, 2013)
    NASA on LENR, Again - There have been a number of articles showing up on various blogs this week talking about NASA's work on LENR — specifically the work of Joseph Zawodny. I had been trying figure out why the story was showing up all of a sudden, and a kind reader pointed me to an article on NASA's... (E-CatWorld; February 23, 2013)
    NASA says ... but do not believe and do not believe me, believe only those who say that it is impossible! - Well, I admit, reading the article published last February 22 by Forbes on LENR research in progress at NASA - thank our reader Gio reported bringing this - I felt like a handful of pebbles uscirmi out of the shoes. (22Passi; March 5, 2013)
    NASA: A Nuclear Reactor in Your Basement - NASA's LENR research efforts are in the news once again. Steven Krivit reports that the recent attention was triggered by a story published on PhysOrg. He notes that the story was commissioned by the media relations department at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. There is not much new in this story other than NASA Langley Researcher… (LENR-ColdFusion; February 25, 2013)

    Media Finally "Discovers" NASA LENR Experiments - The mainstream media or at least tech media has finally picked up on the low energy nuclear reaction (LENR) or cold fusion work being done at NASA and some of its implications. At least three stories about Joseph Zawodndy's work at the Langley Research Center in Virginia are floating around online. (ColdFusion3; February 22, 2013)

    Cold Fusion: pending E-cat, come forward NASA and a company 'Swedish - E-cat. Other competitors coming from Sweden and the United States, in particular by NASA, have long interested in LENR processes . A company of the Nordic country, the Climeon, has filed a patent that could worry Andrea Rossi, while the U.S. space agency itself as a nuclear reactor water heater that does not work either fission or fusion hot. (; February 26, 2013)

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    Keshe's Free Energy Technology Will Make Today's Military 'Useless' Empty Re: Keshe's Free Energy Technology Will Make Today's Military 'Useless'

    Post  bobhardee Mon Jul 22, 2013 7:10 pm


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    Keshe's Free Energy Technology Will Make Today's Military 'Useless' Empty Re: Keshe's Free Energy Technology Will Make Today's Military 'Useless'

    Post  Floyd Thu Jul 25, 2013 6:48 am

    eMonkey wrote:Been listening to this trash for months now..

    Show me the goods..  make the tech available to the little people and ordinary folks like us..
    Non disclosures, secrecy of the details and b.s. like that just gets to the top of my flag-pole. Where and how is it free and open technology..  

    Sorry, as you may see I'm a little miffed by these guys, maybe i am misinformed, or just I have misunderstood something so-far in which case I am happy to apologise, until then - no way Jose.. Hot Now I'm on fire.
    I looked at this stuff a while ago, I'm still waiting.. All hot air so far. I'm done with wishful thinking - show me something empirical.

    Like all the others his dates have come and gone with nothing.

    If you want something emperical emonkey you may pay him a deposit of several thousand euros, its actually 8.000 euros (full price 50,000 euros) to secure a place on one of his spaceship flights to the moon in 2016. You cant get more solid than a fist full of dollars.

    You can pay the 8,000 euros deposit by paypal. You would probably be safer booking with Branson's near orbit flight as that is actually going to happen.
    "Accommodation for living and all foods and non-alcoholic drinks are included in the price (Option of food preference has to be booked in advance)"....I kid you not.

    Some good reading here.

    Last edited by Floyd on Thu Jul 25, 2013 7:27 am; edited 2 times in total

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    Keshe's Free Energy Technology Will Make Today's Military 'Useless' Empty Re: Keshe's Free Energy Technology Will Make Today's Military 'Useless'

    Post  Floyd Thu Jul 25, 2013 6:51 am

    Micjer wrote:  Big oil will not allow Free Energy to succeed.

    It would simply become big free energy. Strange as it seems.

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    Keshe's Free Energy Technology Will Make Today's Military 'Useless' Empty Re: Keshe's Free Energy Technology Will Make Today's Military 'Useless'

    Post  Carol Thu Jul 25, 2013 6:39 pm

    Good to see you post Floyd. Missed you.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Keshe's Free Energy Technology Will Make Today's Military 'Useless' Empty Re: Keshe's Free Energy Technology Will Make Today's Military 'Useless'

    Post  eMonkey Fri Jul 26, 2013 6:33 am

    Floyd wrote:
    Like all the others his dates have come and gone with nothing.

    If you want something emperical emonkey you may pay him a deposit of several thousand euros, its actually 8.000 euros (full price 50,000 euros) to secure a place on one of his spaceship flights to the moon in 2016. You cant get more solid than a fist full of dollars.

    [snip ..]

    Some good reading here.

    I agree still nothing. This is just a scam that the spooks have picked up on and used it as a distraction.. A red-herring.
    Kesh has been influenced - I have no doubt and he seems to be suffering Prima-Donna syndrome with egotistical and whimsical fantasies, fuelled by bad influences behind the scenes. I've had my own experiences with spooks with even just a little bit of Field Propulsion research, I still do to some extent. He is all B.S.  

    What is sad to me at the minute is another free energy researcher (Dollard) who fell on hard times is now his own worst enemy.. He has some promising looking stuff too. He's once again fallen on his own sword.

    As with many free energy inventors, they get visions of making alot of money and the Universe has other ideas and so the conditions are then setup for their demise by either their own hand or from the spooks. Karma plays a hand in all of this and perhaps psychic attack. So why has Kesh managed to get so far without all of this? Because it's all B.S. people, f**$king wake up.. Geez..
    My mentor once taught me about this Karma thing, before he was disposed of as a pain in the ass to some powerful people. I learned a lot from him. R.I.P.  

    Oh yeah, I'm in fire about this subject.. cos I see many sheep misled.

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    Keshe's Free Energy Technology Will Make Today's Military 'Useless' Empty Re: Keshe's Free Energy Technology Will Make Today's Military 'Useless'

    Post  Brook Fri Jul 26, 2013 10:21 am

    Common sense tells me if this guy Keshe and his work had any validity he would have all kinds knocking on his door for various reasons.

    1) To pay him off and stop the work via Big Oil company's.

    2) Philanthropist's who wish to see free energy would research and seriously fund his work/research....Which they have not as I can tell.

    Either way he would either be dead or very rich and actually progressing with it. I'm not seeing that. I have watched and noticed a trend from his site when he first surfaced.

    What I did see was the "circuit" of Conference attendance at a very high "asking" price. In all of these conferences certainly he would have progressed further if his work had, as I said in the beginning any validity as to an actual working model. We are still waiting Mr. Keshe....

    What's it gonna be?


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    Keshe's Free Energy Technology Will Make Today's Military 'Useless' Empty Re: Keshe's Free Energy Technology Will Make Today's Military 'Useless'

    Post  Floyd Tue Jul 30, 2013 4:34 am

    eMonkey wrote:
    Floyd wrote:
    Like all the others his dates have come and gone with nothing.

    If you want something emperical emonkey you may pay him a deposit of several thousand euros, its actually 8.000 euros (full price 50,000 euros) to secure a place on one of his spaceship flights to the moon in 2016. You cant get more solid than a fist full of dollars.

    [snip ..]

    Some good reading here.

    I agree still nothing. This is just a scam that the spooks have picked up on and used it as a distraction.. A red-herring.
    Kesh has been influenced - I have no doubt and he seems to be suffering Prima-Donna syndrome with egotistical and whimsical fantasies, fuelled by bad influences behind the scenes. I've had my own experiences with spooks with even just a little bit of Field Propulsion research, I still do to some extent. He is all B.S.  

    What is sad to me at the minute is another free energy researcher (Dollard) who fell on hard times is now his own worst enemy.. He has some promising looking stuff too. He's once again fallen on his own sword.

    As with many free energy inventors, they get visions of making alot of money and the Universe has other ideas and so the conditions are then setup for their demise by either their own hand or from the spooks. Karma plays a hand in all of this and perhaps psychic attack. So why has Kesh managed to get so far without all of this? Because it's all B.S. people, f**$king wake up.. Geez..
    My mentor once taught me about this Karma thing, before he was disposed of as a pain in the ass to some powerful people. I learned a lot from him. R.I.P.  

    Oh yeah, I'm in fire about this subject.. cos I see many sheep misled.

    I would simply say keshe is a scam artist, although there is the possibilty of him being a misinformation agent of some description in the process.

    The universe does offer us many possibilities and should such technology appear in a feasable manager it should not be sold. It has the word 'free' in for Christs sake. ohh did I just blaspheme. Lighting bolt etc. It may well be appropriated by large corporations which would  make the term free energy somewhat futile. That is one of the problems of the free market.
    No genuine pioneer would operate in the way that this scammer (Keshe) has but then again he was heavily promoted on Project Profitalot I mean Camelot. Say no more.

    Did anyone pay him 50,000 euros for his spaceship ride to the moon?

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    Keshe's Free Energy Technology Will Make Today's Military 'Useless' Empty Re: Keshe's Free Energy Technology Will Make Today's Military 'Useless'

    Post  magamud Tue Jul 30, 2013 10:32 am

    God floyd do I have to hear you hypersensitivity toward religion every time you speak. Are you so repressed by it? Floyd why dont you just put a disclaimer that you debunk all free energy ideas until its delivered to your playpen with a bow on it. If we want any short term solution we just move over to Solar energy. Eliminate fossil and nuclear energy. Free energy exists with teslas narrative but no one can get any support or infrastructure from our all powerful govt, less support any passion or imagination to it. So we have all these pioneers going it alone asking for help and money to try and prove their thesis. WTF is wrong with that? We should just be a troll under the bridge and discount everything, because there are Con artist amongst our species? But I get it, Floyd is here to save the people who cant think for themselves. Who will get trapped in such deception. Give me a break. Pretty soon no one is going to try and make their dreams because there is so much dissent.


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    Keshe's Free Energy Technology Will Make Today's Military 'Useless' Empty Re: Keshe's Free Energy Technology Will Make Today's Military 'Useless'

    Post  bobhardee Tue Jul 30, 2013 8:38 pm

    There is no question that what he claims seems to good to be true.
    That said, this is a well educated man whose claims are so outrageous and fly into the face of science that we must stop and take notice. To discount him without investigation would be no different than the church discounting Galileo.
    Here is the info on a conference held this spring.
    Bob H.

    VARNA, BULGARIA (3-5.05.2013)

    We offer to your attention information about the visit of Mr. Mehran Keshe in Bulgaria and in particular at the Festival and Congress Centre in Varna for International Conference, subject “Space and Health Technologies” developed by the Keshe Foundation . The conference will be held from 3 to 5 May 2013 as a public lecture will be available on May 4.

    Some more information on who is a world-renowned scientist engineer Mehran Keshe. He is the founder and director of The Keshe Foundation - the organization which provoked huge interest around the world in the last 3 years due to claims that have already found solutions regarding climate change and environmental pollution, lack of food, water and energy resources , expensive and not environmentally friendly energy production, the treatment of many diseases, including severe restrictions on space travel.
    The essential thing is the fact that these new opportunities and technologies are provided freely and free of all the peoples on the face of the earth with one main goal - to finally defeat the hunger line incurable diseases, lack of electricity, light, water, and failure to travel easily accessible to the planets in our system and other neighboring stars.

    For example, one of the works of Mr. Mehran Keshe is the creation of so-called. "Oasis units", which are universal and independent of solution conditions for basic human needs: the provision of drinking water, food, electricity, heat and light.

    Another development of the scientist is to create a new type of aircraft that provides movement not through outdated technologically rocket motors based on chemical principle, the so-called. Magrav generators ("magrav generator" is an acronym derived from the phrase magnetic gravity generator). This contributes to both move with great speed and creating the conditions necessary human body to withstand accelerations occurred.

    In this context, the foundation of Mr. Mehran Keshe is the main aim of the trips in deep space in a few years, such as it is made available to anyone wishing to explore our satellite - the moon, Mars, the moons of Jupiter and Saturn, and many other sites our solar system.
    As it may sound fantastic, these developments are at an advanced stage of development, because dozens of international teams around the world work freely granted patents by implementing progressive Magrav generators that produce plasma state of matter.

    Developers of generators attending an international conference in Varna, will demonstrate their particular development or display videos on the construction of their prototypes at this stage should acquire the ability to generate electricity and power control of gravitational forces. Several Bulgarian team developing Magrav generators will present plasma in vacuum conditions (see chart at left).

    One of the main objectives of the Foundation Cache is lasting world peace and moral evolution of man, nations and humanity because, as claimed himself Mr. Mehran Keshe only when our civilization and the individual a fair world peace and inner harmony only then humanity will have the right to make full use of high technologies that will bring it out in free space. According to scientists, moral and social evolution of humanity takes precedence over technological development. For this purpose, actively conducts peace initiative aimed at all governments and peoples, as well as all public organizations and people.
    Interesting fact on the topic is the situation that Mr. Mehran Keshe received support from the Italian government. On April 21 in Brescia, Italy held an international event for the signing of a peace agreement by individuals and organizations, coupled with a scientist and important news presentation on the stage reached its developments.

    Demonstrated a new type Magrav generator that does not use radioactive materials and can produce both electricity and motion, gravity effects, or a substance from the periodic table. Currently, this generator will be intensively tested for certification. The event was broadcast on the Internet and it was attended by 92 nations. Until now, there have been reports that the Italian team developed Magrav generators has achieved something like antigravity effect.

    Mr. Mehran Keshe argues that many governments have adopted its technology freely among dozens of nations are Russia, China, India, Thailand, Brazil, Japan, South Africa, Italy, Australia and the USA. To the moment Bulgarian government has shown no interest in technologies that have the resources to provide plenty of power, light, heat, transport facilities and new materials, but at the expense of the Bulgarian people's self-organization, has developed different prototypes of Magrav generators and even now 3,4,5 May has invited Mr. Mehran Keshe to make conference, supervision of Bulgarian developed prototypes and organization of other branches of the Keshe Foundation on Balkans and specifically in Bulgarian and not elsewhere but in Varna.

    Can not pay attention to the fact that as a scholar of Iranian origin, his nation is at an advanced stage in the development of those technologies. Proof of this is the number of unidentified flying objects seen recently in the Middle East, and the fact that the Iranian army publicly demonstrated unprecedented in world military history, showing captured in the air latest model stealth unmanned U.S. reconnaissance flying apparatus, and President Obama asked the Iranian government to return captured drone.
    Not coincidentally, the Internet is widespread claims of many analysts that the country Iran has a fleet of new type of flying machines and with it the power supply derived in a new way, quite a large region of Asia. The essence of this case is the statement of Mr. Mehran Keshe made on 21th this month organized by him peace conference, "All-the-art military technology of modern humanity will become completely useless because humanity will achieve world peace through new technologies provided free of all peoples of the Keshe Foundation . "

    Web Links:
    Keshe Foundation :
    You Tube , Introduction Video:
    Video of captured drone :
    Lecture of Mr.M.Keshe/ Holand/:
    New NonNuclear Generator Demonstration/ Italy/:
    Keshe Foundation Bulgarian Group:
    Program and Registration form for Conference :
    Face Book Event :


    • 1-3 May

    Selling tickets for the Conference on May 4 at the ticket office of Festival and Congress Centre - Varna, Bulgaria. Ticket price for the conference on May 4 - 30 euros. Ticket price for the both workshops lectures on 3 and 5 May - 30 euros.
    • 3 May

    Workshop lecture of M-r Mehran Keshe for generator developers and interested in the application of technology subjects.
    • 4 May

    09:30 General presentation of the layout of the Keshe theory and space ship program. Presenting to the audience the achievements of the Bulgarian generator developers

    12:00 Lunch

    14:00 Healthcare lecture - Endocrinology, immune system

    16:30 Questions from the audience

    17:30 Press conference

    18:30 Mr. Keshe will meet the representatives of the neighbour countries

    19:30 End of meeting

    • 5 May

    Additional workshop lecture of M-r Mehran Keshe with generator developers and interested in the application of technology subjects.


    Accommodation :
    Interhotel Cherno More
    If you visit Varna to experience the sea city rhythm and to enjoy urban spirit hotel Cherno More should be your most convenient place to stay.
    Being centrally located in the heart of Varna the hotel has long ago become a landmark for the visitors and the citizens of Varna.
    The Sea Garden entrance and the beach area are only meters away from the hotel.
    A shot walking will take you to all most of the historical and cultural show places in Varna.
    And whether the purpose of your visit is a holiday on the beach or meeting with partners, we provide all necessary conditions.

    Prices and booking conditions are the following:

    Renovated double room / 2 people / - 40.00lv night without breakfast
    Renovated double room / 1 person / - 40.00lv night without breakfast

    Please specify when booking guests indicate that they are participating in the conference Keshe Foundation.

    Web link:
    address : Varna 9000, Bulgaria, 33 Slivnitsa Blvd.
    phone : + 359 52 61 22 35-38


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    Keshe's Free Energy Technology Will Make Today's Military 'Useless' Empty Re: Keshe's Free Energy Technology Will Make Today's Military 'Useless'

    Post  gscraig Wed Jul 31, 2013 9:44 pm


    You lose!!
    With intent it is hoped that you question anything that carries "advancement, without boundaries, free or evolutionary" that does not have their established feel, look or support.
    If Nikola Tesla  posted his findings, work and theories on the internet today, he would receive the same treatment. Thus, his ideas would be lost...again. Comfortable Slaves we all are. "More fluoride for me please!"

    Many of today's "rogue" scientists are discovering major possibilities after applying concepts that they were not taught in their universities. Many by simply rehashing Nikola's work. Right now Chinese scientists are levitating objects with sound frequencies and flying remote controlled airplanes with thoughts. It's coming from an establishment of the education/scientific system so it's not questioned, though still quiet.

    Now, pay close attention because there is information that has been past on from ancient writings how vibrational frequencies were used to move some of the huge tons of rock used to build pyramids, temples, etc
    Our thoughts are a proven form of energy for which we cannot see. Similar to the wind. How smart are you if you were taught through a system designed to limit your brightness?

    Posts : 4104
    Join date : 2010-04-16

    Keshe's Free Energy Technology Will Make Today's Military 'Useless' Empty Re: Keshe's Free Energy Technology Will Make Today's Military 'Useless'

    Post  Floyd Fri Aug 02, 2013 4:46 am

    gscraig wrote:CHECKMATE!

    You lose!!

    Perhaps this may may true in the internal fantasy in which you are living regarding Keshe  and other alleged science you refer to. I take my water filtered thanks.

    Last edited by Floyd on Fri Aug 02, 2013 6:47 am; edited 2 times in total

    Posts : 4104
    Join date : 2010-04-16

    Keshe's Free Energy Technology Will Make Today's Military 'Useless' Empty Re: Keshe's Free Energy Technology Will Make Today's Military 'Useless'

    Post  Floyd Fri Aug 02, 2013 4:52 am

    bobhardee wrote:
    That said, this is a well educated man

    This does not exclude him from being deceitful.

    Keshe often deems himself a “physicist”. Some of his followers, impressed by the many scientific words he uses, even address him as “Dr. Keshe” or “Prof. Keshe”. Actually he has nothing more than a bachelor degree in nuclear engineering (as independently confirmed by Steve Blackwell from the Academic Registry of the Queen Mary University in London). Engineering is not physics. Keshe’s understanding of physics is not even mediocre. One of his collossal blunders:

    I would suggest followers of this man pay him 50,000 euros to go on one of his spaceships or STFU.
    That simple really.

    Posts : 270
    Join date : 2010-04-12

    Keshe's Free Energy Technology Will Make Today's Military 'Useless' Empty Re: Keshe's Free Energy Technology Will Make Today's Military 'Useless'

    Post  gscraig Fri Aug 02, 2013 10:34 am

    It's not about just Keshe or the alleged science he and many others are trying to bring forth and some have patented. It's about them trying to introduce the unbelievable to us, because we are accustomed to being told what is science and what is not by University taught and corporate paid scientist whom are also paid by companies who now indirectly force you to filter that water you drink. You see, they also help buy the patents and inventions and media that would make it possible to drink clean fluoride free water. Then they plant information to make people like you support their standards, oppose to those who offer alternatives.

    Now, this alleged science as you put it are in many cases reiterations from Tesla (yes, some are fraudulent) which is why If Tesla logged on and posted on youtube or even here his concepts today, he would experience people like you. He would be another with an internal fantasy, no?

    Usually I ignore you, but as I stated a long time ago when I was frequented this site more. I will occasionally insert your foot into your mouth and blow holes in most of your flawed and incomplete perspectives. This help removes the clutter that keeps humanity stagnant. No worries though, I won't be hanging around again, too busy, but will check in during blue moons. :-)

    Good Day all

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