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    Mars Curiosity Rover and the Great Wall of China


    Posts : 57
    Join date : 2012-06-13

    Mars Curiosity Rover and the Great Wall of China Empty Mars Curiosity Rover and the Great Wall of China

    Post  MartinTimothy Fri Nov 30, 2012 12:09 am

    Mars Curiosity Rover and the Great Wall of China 3ff0b7f8871f

    Mars Curiosity Rover has been decried as fake since day one, the landing resembled the Houston Space center pics, broadcast with the alleged first Moon landings, dudes behind batteries of compu screens at both events, were subsequently identified as actors.

    Mars Curiosity Rover and the Great Wall of China First-image-of-Mars-300x225

    The first shots from Curiosity were hazy dusty affairs, that some have said were filmed on location in an Arizona parking lot, nor was live footage of the landing filmed from the surface of Mars, despite numerous operational Rovers and Robots that have been sent there over the years, nor from orbit despite the fleets of space craft that circle the planet, whereas NASA and JPL should have been able to arrange for them to film the whole affair!

    Mars Curiosity Rover and the Great Wall of China Aef189cf0551

    The Pyramid rock appears to be part of the Great Wall fortifications..

    Mars Curiosity Rover and the Great Wall of China Hd-mars-2

    While the large frame was released by NASA JPL, and is allegedly of an area of Mars called Mount Sharp, that looks to be a composite that has parts of the Western Great Wall, process the image to see the outlines of buildings and walled enclosures!

    Last edited by MartinTimothy on Tue Dec 04, 2012 2:51 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 57
    Join date : 2012-06-13

    Mars Curiosity Rover and the Great Wall of China Empty Re: Mars Curiosity Rover and the Great Wall of China

    Post  MartinTimothy Fri Nov 30, 2012 2:27 pm

    108 Towers in Qingtong Gorge

    Mars Curiosity Rover and the Great Wall of China Scenery_qingtongxia_qingtongxiapagoda108_l

    Update: The shot above appears to be the 108 Pagodas referred to above, means we still have to locate the right field, so we can find better shots of the Mars Pyramid Tower ..

      Current date/time is Wed Dec 11, 2024 10:42 pm