9 posters
planetary ascension teams unity field
Eartheart- Posts : 466
Join date : 2012-02-23
Age : 60
Location : surface omnidim gridpoint
Eartheart- Posts : 466
Join date : 2012-02-23
Age : 60
Location : surface omnidim gridpoint
Back on the street for a Clownperformance, back on the field for weeds and
beetles and snails, back in your mind for more Loove, back on the Lightship to
transmute dimensional status quo into Hunab Quos - yeep...
The number 10 raised to the power googol, written out as the numeral 1 followed by 10high100 zeros.
A googolplex is then googol-high-googol. Written out in ordinary
decimal notation, it is 1 followed by 10¹¹¹¹¹(actually10100) zeroes.
So 377.ooo.000 googol-plex Bovinunits we vibrated todayat any moment...
The chaptur saith, it rosefull 202.000.000 Googolplex just on one day,
feeling high or elevated allready???
Eartheart- Posts : 466
Join date : 2012-02-23
Age : 60
Location : surface omnidim gridpoint
- Post n°28
nearly50% solardimming???
Eartheart- Posts : 466
Join date : 2012-02-23
Age : 60
Location : surface omnidim gridpoint
As we observe the energetic tsunami with an surf of approaching our EVENT,
we can as well see in the Schumann freqs total offscale resonant blasts happened just around now....
B.B.Baghor- Posts : 1851
Join date : 2014-01-31
Age : 73
Location : Druid county UK
Danke sehr..... Thank you very much, Eartheart, for these cosmic event - and inner earth-updates.
I can read German, it's interesting to see these readings and logarithms, with the Schumann resonance changing.
With an energetic tsunami of some sorts. Just a while ago I found an interesting document on the SuspiciousObserver
website, sharing a post with the title "Does solar activity cause earthquakes? not sure if that's the exact title of it though.
It's bewildering and beautiful both, when I look in the mirror of the world outside and see which of those images are stored
in my world inside, that define my perceptions and conclusions. Having said that, I know well that in the presence of raw cacao
powder my starting of excersizes is useful in making chocolate of it, while grasping your attempts in that same workplace.
I can read German, it's interesting to see these readings and logarithms, with the Schumann resonance changing.
With an energetic tsunami of some sorts. Just a while ago I found an interesting document on the SuspiciousObserver
website, sharing a post with the title "Does solar activity cause earthquakes? not sure if that's the exact title of it though.
It's bewildering and beautiful both, when I look in the mirror of the world outside and see which of those images are stored
in my world inside, that define my perceptions and conclusions. Having said that, I know well that in the presence of raw cacao
powder my starting of excersizes is useful in making chocolate of it, while grasping your attempts in that same workplace.
Eartheart- Posts : 466
Join date : 2012-02-23
Age : 60
Location : surface omnidim gridpoint
hey BBB - Cacao levels have as well risen in those comercial products,
but we could do our special westeuropean brand if we wouldmeet up,
i am cooking for gods, queens and devkids with tempelkitchen quality.
If you would consider a small festivity, i can come over and run a tasty dreamstate workshop for us and friends...
The unbelievable rise of april/may measurements look like flat when compared to whats going on now!
Eartheart- Posts : 466
Join date : 2012-02-23
Age : 60
Location : surface omnidim gridpoint
supracharge 4U
Eartheart- Posts : 466
Join date : 2012-02-23
Age : 60
Location : surface omnidim gridpoint
Mighty Yoniverse, every 300++% rise, allready over 50% solardimming,
Loove beyond the 13Dim geomantic sphere, still rising like my vibes and moods into wholeness of unity, orbital changes and correspondending inner spaces expanding, flux of EM spectra and emo-core memory/motivation...
bon voyage devkids
Eartheart- Posts : 466
Join date : 2012-02-23
Age : 60
Location : surface omnidim gridpoint
“New beginnings gracefully unfold into the awareness of the enlightened One.
This may be through energetic pathways, visual or auditory pathways, in or out of the dream state – they are arising every which way.
It has become an open floodgate of energy moving through the quantum field of All-That-Is.
The awake and aware ones know what they want, and it shall be so.
As your timeline expression expands, so must your connection to it on all levels.
This brings great change in your physical vessel at the subatomic level, change that accompanies expansion and elevation to expanded expression.
All systems do adjust to this, as alignments and clearing are complete. It is an ongoing vigil, do not lose sight of the goal.
We are the Elohim and we embrace you in our fields of love.”
Eartheart- Posts : 466
Join date : 2012-02-23
Age : 60
Location : surface omnidim gridpoint
Just to show what happened with our waveform:
midsummer, totaly clouded+solarblasted, 65% solardimming,
And todays overunity chart:
Eartheart- Posts : 466
Join date : 2012-02-23
Age : 60
Location : surface omnidim gridpoint
"Let your journey be the child of freedom." (Cosmic Inbound Blasters, high like never before, get nacked soon... )
Eartheart- Posts : 466
Join date : 2012-02-23
Age : 60
Location : surface omnidim gridpoint
- Post n°37
earthfield hit by supercharged resonance
Yeah those old days of interferrence are gone, now just left is to ride the wavefronts home beyond - hold on to your holy...
See the scale at left, 7.8 Hz was the resonant earthresponds once,
so called shumann freq measured here... But as you see there are now again full freqs blasts for up to 33min, multiple off scale!
Eartheart- Posts : 466
Join date : 2012-02-23
Age : 60
Location : surface omnidim gridpoint
Hola Devkids, lets fry this matrix 4 good... those last days we had pulsewaves
multiplexing 2000-3000% daily - the solardimming is 100% on - (sphere configurations to encapsule the solarmaxxx) - but last night we had this incredible rising of 7BILLION% - uuufffss
Freqs are brighter than our earthly scale, so keep lightest food - you are what you consume??? - make Loove and leave 3 or 4Dim alone...
Blueglas bottle for solardrinking water...
Eartheart- Posts : 466
Join date : 2012-02-23
Age : 60
Location : surface omnidim gridpoint
- Post n°39
Tzunami on all freqs
Remember loovly devkidinsight you,
connect to your HS, eat lightly,
drop the old 3Dim chains of duality,
dock off the systems and be Unity with
your teams...
We gone back to write the exponent, to many zeros everyday, more Bovin Units than particle in this solarsystem daily rising, ready to surf your wave
beyond harvestfears and NABS theories...
Eartheart- Posts : 466
Join date : 2012-02-23
Age : 60
Location : surface omnidim gridpoint
repent for the sins of your nations parasitic mindframeusers, ask your spirit to take soul/guardianangels and relations to source and be on call ready...
Eartheart- Posts : 466
Join date : 2012-02-23
Age : 60
Location : surface omnidim gridpoint
ongoing Loove tzunami-wave rising freqs and alignment unprecedented...
Eartheart- Posts : 466
Join date : 2012-02-23
Age : 60
Location : surface omnidim gridpoint
our IONs spinning more andmore, electronshells reaching plasmastate???
Saturation when you decide!!! Aktivate twineflame bridge and quantumtunnel effective now. This will be final call...
orthodoxymoron- Posts : 13536
Join date : 2010-09-28
Location : The Matrix
I appreciate your work, Eartheart -- but could someone please provide an interpretation of this entire thread in plain English?? I'm often a ready and willing student of even the Thuban stuff -- but most of the time, there is no bridge between my frame of reference -- and what I'm being bombarded with. I've tried to be open-minded about so many things -- but in retrospect I have to ask why I even bothered?! My quest has left me quite disillusioned. Sound reasoning and questioning gets ignored and ridiculed. One brand of mumbo-jumbo gets replaced by another version of mumbo-jumbo. Whether it's traditional religious mumbo-jumbo or new-age double-talk -- the common-denominator often seems to be "Screwing Humanity and the Earth". I'm almost to the point of just reading a couple of New York Newspapers, while listening to Sacred-Classical Music -- and calling it "good".
Eartheart- Posts : 466
Join date : 2012-02-23
Age : 60
Location : surface omnidim gridpoint
100 billion % of the giant value of yesterday, this flips:
Oxydoki: this are geomaants on the old continent, trained by yeshuato make radioasthetic-
say geomantic measurments of the lifeforce vibe of gaya since before 2012 to document
the real mumbosience, like schumanresonant changes (now above 34Hz!!! from 9.7) and
so called lifeforce of LooveShakti freqs measuredd globaly in Bovin units... So even if most cant comprehent the math of the exponents, just see the graphs shows the wave of agitation coming from SagA and HunabQuo to release the status quo from parasitic mindframes and phire up our plasmabody transfiguration or what ever you planed for yourself/soul/HS - like reading the eastcoast akasha and call it good
the level 60 corespondents to a star with60 spikes blown into multidim
and spherical aligned as self...
Eartheart- Posts : 466
Join date : 2012-02-23
Age : 60
Location : surface omnidim gridpoint
On this autuum/spring break Yeashua suggested multiple measurements,
which understandable showed 3 incredible freqs-changes in 24h, then from
8am til 17pm a rise of 3350 Zero's till level 71 - wich is half the divine shell,
which will be reached at level 144 - energetically pure divine...
Eartheart- Posts : 466
Join date : 2012-02-23
Age : 60
Location : surface omnidim gridpoint
Feels wholehearthedly enlightened now and ready for enspacement too,
like one leg through the doorless doors and the other leg in Lotospose...
How are you dear holy child???
Eartheart- Posts : 466
Join date : 2012-02-23
Age : 60
Location : surface omnidim gridpoint
level 100 at 20% and in combo with your joy and funqy peace we've reachhed equilibrium - saturated harmonix - energetic optimisation and destructive interference for 3D patterns build on polarity...
bliss inn Carol!
Eartheart- Posts : 466
Join date : 2012-02-23
Age : 60
Location : surface omnidim gridpoint
bouncing out of scale??? Magnificent solarstorm blasting vibe & freqs,
agitating wavepatterns on molecular level to rearrange and transmorph...
orthodoxymoron- Posts : 13536
Join date : 2010-09-28
Location : The Matrix
Eartheart- Posts : 466
Join date : 2012-02-23
Age : 60
Location : surface omnidim gridpoint
Our devkids saved us this WEnd during the "inaugiration" of this now
divinely ordained timeline and alignment, which will be our main for the next 2000++ cycles around the sun, the astralrealm and our dreamtimes will rearrange and adjust till newmoon, awaiting the splitting and our Events...
So screw your tight DNA MF3D slave or blast into freedom beyond
all polarity - meet you on the 7Dim pure energetic planes of mistfree avalon...
May this Loove be with you...
» Meditation mantra: The time is now for planetary unity: Gather Your Crystals
» The Galactic Confederation of Worlds
» Planetary and climatic changes on the footsteps of a magnetic field reversal
» Global Mass Ascension Sept. 28th, 2015 as Wave-X Bombards the Earth & The Ascension Process in Progress [video]
» Magnetic field anomalies and signs of further field declination
» The Galactic Confederation of Worlds
» Planetary and climatic changes on the footsteps of a magnetic field reversal
» Global Mass Ascension Sept. 28th, 2015 as Wave-X Bombards the Earth & The Ascension Process in Progress [video]
» Magnetic field anomalies and signs of further field declination