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    Essiac - Product Review Though the Eyes of Mali Klein


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    Essiac - Product Review Though the Eyes of Mali Klein Empty Essiac - Product Review Though the Eyes of Mali Klein

    Post  Arrowwind Wed Oct 31, 2012 11:05 pm

    Essiac - A Product Review Though the Eyes of Mali Klein

    By Arrow Durfee c 2012

    I had the opportunity to attend a workshop lead by the Essiac expert, Mali Klein in Missoula, Montana this past October, 2012. Mali has stood in the direct line of receivership to Rene Caisse’s papers as given to her via Sheila Snow, who worked with Rene for three years as a biographical researcher to Rene Cassie’s life history as a healer with Essiac Tea for the treatment of cancer and other serious diseases.

    Sheila Snow had access to many of the writings, notes and letters of Rene Caisse. These papers were shared with Mali due to their friendship and together they wrote several books on the work of Rene Caisse R.N. based on the information they received through these papers, as well as Sheila’s firsthand experience in personally knowing Rene. Sheila Snow passed away April 7, 2008, at the age of 79, leaving Mali to continue the work of revealing the Essiac mysteries.

    After reading and evaluating all the papers and historical accounts of Rene and her work they came to some very important conclusions that Essiac users should understand. All of these insights are recorded in their book called “The Complete Essiac Essentials.” Through their research into thousands of notes and personal writings and taped conversations of Rene with patients and associates they were able to conclude the likely reasons why the Essiac formula had changed over the years from the original 8 herb product that had been revealed to Rene by Mrs. Johnson which had cured her breast cancer. Today a four herb product is what is sold on the market by most manufactures of Essiac. Mali and Sheila believed that the current products on the market, although helpful to some patients, do not provide the essential ingredients in the proper form. The changes in the formula over the years potentially short change patients who hope for cure of cancer with Essiac. The intent of the book is to reveal these changes and to promote what they believe is likely the correct formula.

    Originally, the 8 herb formula was given to Mrs. Johnson by a Native American medicine man of unknown name and tribe. This formula had been developed for the specific condition of breast cancer. This was the formula given to Rene Caisse from which she eventually extracted the 4 basic herbs with which to treat most cancer cases. Over the years it became evident, through the collected writings, that Rene had difficulty obtaining all the herbs of the 8 herb formula as well as obtaining them in their correct form. Due to a lack of supply of proper ingredients substitutions were experimented with.

    One of the main changes made in the 4 herb formula is the substitution of the root of sheep sorrel for the leaf as the leave is more abundant and can be cut from the same roots up to three times per season. Rene was often treating up to two hundred patients at a time and sheep sorrel was considered the most important ingredient. Sheep sorrel was also processed independently from the other herbs for muscular injection purposes. In her letter to the Sloan Kettering Institute for Cancer Research dated 1975, to Dr.Stock, she stated that the root of Sheep Sorrel should always be included in the formula and that it’s the most important ingredient, with the leaves and stems no good alone. All Essiac or Essiac like formulas on the market today contain only leaf and stem.

    Based on this letter, Sheila and Mali came to the conclusion that the original 8 herb formula, and consequently, the 4 herb formula, should be made with only sheep sorrel root, not leaves. The root is more powerful and in Mali’s experimentations over the years the root based products have produced better results.

    During this workshop Mali provided for us tea samples from 7 commercially available Essiac like products to taste and consider. These are products that are easily assessable through an internet search or may be available in your local health food store. None of these products contained sheep sorrel in root form. Only one product listed the percentages of the different herbs used. Rene Caisse specified the percentages required to get the job done but only one manufacturer was willing to label what their percentages were. Most of the products contained visible herb. You could identify though simple observation leave, stems and roots. They were coarse ground, generally the best grind for making a decoction. One product appeared as a fine powder and was a deep cinnamon like color which made up to be a very dark brown, almost black, as a black tea. The color of this product did not resemble any of the other product constituents and hence its quality was subject to much scrutiny and objection by the workshop attendees. This single product was the one which bore Rene Cassie’s photo on the box with the Essiac name patented. No other product is allowed to use the Essiac name due to name patent laws. Some of the products in our observation did not provide the correct sheep sorrel according to Rene’s recipe. Some of the products in our observation did not specify the correct rhubarb root according to Rene’s recipe i.e. Rheum palmatum – Turkey rhubarb.

    Mali stressed several times throughout the workshop that if you want to be sure that the product that you are using is the best in quality with the right ingredients it is essential that you grow your own herbs, or obtain them from a known source that is dedicated to growing the correct variety of each species, under the correct conditions with the correct herbal processing techniques. At this time there is no company that mass produces such a product. There are a very few independent herb growers who offer their very limited supply to those who come to them for assistance. If herbs are sourced from outside of the United States they have been irradiated upon entry into the country. Irradiated herbs are considered inferior products and they may not hold their original herbal potency. Contact your supplier and start asking questions.

    This site offers a quality Essiac product.

    Essiac, even though it is not likely properly formulated, still often helps people with serious disease. But just consider how much better it could be if the current products offered were correctly made. Many more people would be restored to excellent health.
    If you have a serious disease that you are trying to treat you must make sure that your medicine is of superior quality. Your healthy outcome depends on it and if you have been using Essiac but have not received the benefits that you had hoped for you need to reconsider the product you are using. “The Complete Essiac Essentials” book (ISBN 978-899077-10-6) is required reading for any Essiac user. It will provide dosage instructions, planting and harvesting instructions, processing considerations, storage information and all the myths and lies that have been created over the years either by ignorance, hearsay or by conniving marketing schemes.

    If you are going to take the time and money to use Essiac learn to do it right. Hopefully over time market pressure will force companies to come to terms with the truth and to inspire them to create the highest quality products for those suffering from serious disease.


    Please feel free to take this article to other forums. Do not change its content. Below is a video made by Mali Klein that walks you through making Essiac Tea


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    Essiac - Product Review Though the Eyes of Mali Klein Empty Essiac - Product Review Through The Eyes Of Mali Klein

    Post  Jenetta Sat Nov 03, 2012 3:20 am

    Thanks Arrowwind...too late for my friend...she died Sunday night at 11 pm, October 28th/2012. Refused to consider any alternatives except chemotherapy for all this past year...I'm glad she looked peaceful at the end.


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    Essiac - Product Review Though the Eyes of Mali Klein Empty Re: Essiac - Product Review Though the Eyes of Mali Klein

    Post  malletzky Sat Nov 03, 2012 3:29 am

    Jenetta wrote:Thanks Arrowwind...too late for my friend...she died Sunday night at 11 pm, October 28th/2012. Refused to consider any alternatives except chemotherapy for all this past year...I'm glad she looked peaceful at the end.


    Essiac - Product Review Though the Eyes of Mali Klein 992990

    I am so sorry to hear about your lost Jenetta, may she rest in peace and find her way back home. My sincere condolences to you.


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    Post  Arrowwind Sat Nov 03, 2012 6:44 am

    Im sorry too, Janetta.

    Im sorry for all the countless millions who cannot find their way through this devastating disease.

    I live in a very small community. My town has only about 500 people. Since I've moved here about 3 years ago Ive seen 5 people die of cancer, and one other suffer from it but still manages to go on.

    None chose alternative therapies, believing or hoping every step of the way into their decline that somehow a medicine that would not work for them would somehow change and suddenly start working

    Insanity is defined as doing the same thing every day and expecting a different result than what you've been getting.

    I have watched hundreds die of cancer as a hospice nurse. When I went into hospice I went not only with an interest in the dying process but also to avoid a nursing work that damaged people...for after all, what more could you do to these poor people but to alleviate their suffering and make for a peaceful passing? Conventinal medicine had already done all the ill that it could possibly do and I could keep my hands clean of that part anyway.




    After 6 years of hopsice work I clearly started to see, as my undertanding of alternative medicine was developing, that at least a third of the people who walked into the hospice door could turn around and walk back out if they had been correctly advised. If they had had a knowledge base that is here in this world, a system of medicine, a system of belief, a system of support, that healed and nurtured instead to poisoning and destroying, but that they have had no access too.

    Yes, even for those in hospice it was till possible to turn back and walk out of that hospice door.

    I greive for them and for their families. I greive for those who's life is cut short because of ingornace and fear and power control and corporate rule of our medical belief system. By the time they enter hospice they have fallen fully under the crushing spell of belief systems that they can no longer pry themselves from even when it all leads them to their death.

    Of course cancer is just one disease, there are so many others that could have been reveresed, and possibly still could be reveresed even when so deteriorated as to merit hospice.

    But we are starting to wake up as individuals and as a collective people. We must not stop resisting, we must not stop educating one another, we must never stop seeking and speaking the truth. We must continue on until we all can find our way to a natural death from old age, not a disease created and maintained in our physical bodies by the powers that be until they finally drive us into the ground

    It is our birthright to live long and healthy and the theft of it starts with our first vaccinaiton and ends with our last drop of morphine.

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    Essiac - Product Review Though the Eyes of Mali Klein Empty Re: Essiac - Product Reviews Through The Eyes Of Mali Klein

    Post  Jenetta Sun Nov 04, 2012 1:06 am

    Thank you Mal and Arrowwind for your kind words. As you say cancer afflicts millions and it is a scourge on our human and animal species when it doesn't have to be...I've learned of so many possible cures and so it makes me angry when those closest to me die needlessly from its effects because of their refusal to believe in other medical belief systems.

    It is one of the greatest shames of our modern society today when known cures have been suppressed. Just tonight I read that lemons with their peel in water, if drinking regularly, have strong anti bacterial, anti viral properties boosting the immune system as well as lemon pectin. Apple pectin is known for this too.

    This is very simple and very basic knowledge as many other cures are yet it is not used and utilized when cancer strikes.


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    Essiac - Product Review Though the Eyes of Mali Klein Empty Re: Essiac - Product Review Though the Eyes of Mali Klein

    Post  Arrowwind Tue Nov 06, 2012 10:25 am

    In regards to cancer... the alternative methods will never be recognized because TPTB in medicine repress the fact that cancer is largely caused by damages from a pathogen and an over burdened detox system.
    Pathogen influence is only recognize in a handful of cancers, when in fact it is all cancers, pathogens from microscopic to large, like tapeworm. Even cancer with a root cause of radiation has huge pathogen issues.... then also, heavy metals promote the nurturing of many pathogens. Combine this with an over burdened detox system in the body and there you have it.

    This error in thinking must be corrected first.

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