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    Celtic Oracle daily readings


    Posts : 267
    Join date : 2012-02-13

    Celtic Oracle daily readings Empty Celtic Oracle daily readings

    Post  ceridwen Fri Sep 14, 2012 2:37 am

    A friend of mine has started doing free daily readings from either the plant oracle or animal oracle. She is very accurate. She has also opened an online shop where she sells personal readings and mystic crystals

    I have been reading them for a week and find them very accurate so I decided to post some here. I won't promise doing it every day but I will do my best. Otherwise the links are below

    Plant Oracle reading for 14/9/2012

    The inspiration for today's reading comes from madder, a plant used to colour clothes red, used too by artists in their paintings

    Red symbolises the goddess and goodness. Like the red in our blood it gives vitality to the body and fertility to the land

    Fundamental change is a foot, whether it looks like that at the begining is unknown. This plants urges us so seek the bigger picture and to avoid rush decision that may result into negative outcomes

    Strenght and courage in all those changes, inside and outside

    Blessings in your life through out this weekend

    Energy reading for 14/9/2012

    We are again experiencing low frequency waves from a planetary harmonic (sound) quake. Planetary quakes are common when there are magnitud 6+ quakes. There is an asteroid flyby today, NASA said it can be observed with back yard telescopes.
    Otherwise is calm

    Have a nice weekend

    Her links are

    Personaly I think she might be refering to the false flag in the middle east and the push for war, that is my instinct


    Posts : 267
    Join date : 2012-02-13

    Celtic Oracle daily readings Empty Re: Celtic Oracle daily readings

    Post  ceridwen Mon Sep 17, 2012 4:38 am

    Reading from the Animal Orcale for 17 September 2012
    The inspiration for today comes from the Arctic Hare. Symbolically it represents letting go and rebirth. It is a great ally in times of change assisting you to draw from your intuition as old formulas fail. The hare brings the bounty of the harvest and the promise of the spring

    Not surprisingly the equinox is this coming Friday at 14:49

    It seems that change is inevitable. Whatever projects you are in, ask the hare to assist you in seeing the bigger picture and how can you adjust what you are doing to make it more cooperative and Earth friendly

    Mother goddess has been speaking loud an clear lately. It will be wise to pay attention and tidy that which is not aligned

    Energy reading for 17 September 2012
    While the sun has been quiet we have been receiving a lot of cosmic energy coming for gamma bursts and electrons possibly from a pulsar. The electron pulse comes normally between 2 and 4 am. We had that before this year

    Blessings for your day

    I don't know you but I have a tickling in my thymus all weekend, excess electrons perhaps?

    Posts : 267
    Join date : 2012-02-13

    Celtic Oracle daily readings Empty Re: Celtic Oracle daily readings

    Post  ceridwen Tue Sep 18, 2012 2:59 am

    Plant Oracle reading for 18 September 2012
    The inspiration for today's reading comes from Borrach (Borage)
    Sometimes being still takes more courage than reacting and fighting. Today is one of those days where we are call to reflect. If what
    is happening in the world, the pain and suffering is getting to you and is making you sad, call to the borage plant for assistance for however difficult life may be, our experiences in this world makes us strongger
    Blessings on your day

    Energy reading for 18 September 2012
    Well, it seems to be one of these days where all is quiet for now. Slight electromagnetic disturbance and increased cosmic rays but looks quite normal to me
    Enjoy the calm

    If I am reading this right, today has the potential to be a calm day if one choses to stay still and observe. Off to the woods now Very Happy

    Posts : 267
    Join date : 2012-02-13

    Celtic Oracle daily readings Empty Re: Celtic Oracle daily readings

    Post  ceridwen Wed Sep 19, 2012 3:14 am

    Reading from the Animal Oracle for 19 September 2012
    The inspiration for today comes from Draig-athar. Sometimes ideas can become obsessive and hinder us rather than propel us further
    Reflection on why we could be attached to ideas always help discerning whether those ideas are working for our good or not
    Any attachement to an idea is like a golden cage. At first it allures us in with its promise but, when we buy into it, it becomes our jail
    Standing from a point of view where we are aware that ideas come and go like fashion assist us to be here now, present and free

    Blessing for your day

    Energy reading for 19 September 2012

    Electromagnetic environment is quiet but it seems that we are still experiencing elevated electrons because the ground currents are elevated and there were auroras. I still think it may be a pulsar

    Posts : 267
    Join date : 2012-02-13

    Celtic Oracle daily readings Empty Re: Celtic Oracle daily readings

    Post  ceridwen Wed Sep 19, 2012 3:17 am

    My friend asked me to enquiry if anyone is hearing a very high pitch that sounds like a chatter?

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