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    Do All Humans Possess A Soul?


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    Do All Humans Possess A Soul? Empty Do All Humans Possess A Soul?

    Post  sjkted Mon Jun 07, 2010 3:59 pm

    Hello All,

    Some of you may remember me from PA1. I usually lurk and do my own consciousness research and experiments, but have pretty much dropped out of the forums since the great divorce.

    Now to the question: do all humans have souls? If someone had asked me this a month ago, I would have probably responded with a knee-jerk reaction: of course they do, we are all sentient beings.

    I have come across some information which seems to have convinced me this may not be the case:

    Much of this is discussed at the articles and forum at They claim that as much as half the population may be what they call Organic Portals (OPs), who integrate into society, do what they are told, but are entirely without what souled beings would call emotions. They cite the existance of psychopaths as aberrant OPs, meaning their programming has failed.

    Here's an outside article on psychopaths:

    I'm also reading the book The Mask of Sanity. If anyone is interested, I can probably find the link as it is a free download. Here's a brief synopsis of the book:

    Psychopaths are all around us and nearly everyone has encountered them in their life. They are defined as being entirely devoid of emotion and are able to fit into society by mimicing others and have learned to pretend human emotion and empathy, but are unable to feel it. Because they have no emotion, they have no qualms about deceiving and hurting others. They give off an appearance of being well-meaning, articulate, and considerate and often play the guise of a "con man". They are often surrounded by family and needy friends/lovers who continually bail them out of trouble. They are often responsible for writing bad checks, embezzlement, deceiving needy people and extracting money from them, brawling, acts of violence towards animals, childish pranks, petty theft, social engineering attacks, etc.

    When discovered, they usually admit guilt without any touch of embarrassment and then continue on. The book concludes that they are formed by nature -- that their upbringing has no effect on their condition. The ones who grow up in stable families often become white-collar criminals, lawyers, civil workers, and higher-level con men. Think of Bernie Madoff as the classic example. The ones who have poor upbringings, resort to lower-level crime.

    They are immune to therapy and actually use therapy to develop their conniving skills. They are often able to convince doctors, lawyers, and judges they are worthy of parole and being released and many of them in adulthood have been arrested 60 - 100 times and spent half of their adult life in institutions only to be released and then re-admitted.

    Now, I'm not so sure of the OPs theory, but I have run into a few psychopaths in my life. The book stipulates that it is because of the parents and supporters that we do not have different legal standards for them.

    So, the question remains, if someone is completely devoid of feeling any type of emotion, does this mean they are lacking in a soul?

    I would be interested in any responses, as I've never seen this topic covered before.


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    Do All Humans Possess A Soul? Empty Re: Do All Humans Possess A Soul?

    Post  sjkted Mon Jun 07, 2010 4:42 pm

    Much of the literature also indicates that as much as 1 out of 10 top executives may be psychopaths.

    Could this research be an indicator? Apparently, bosses are better liars in case you didn't know:


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    Do All Humans Possess A Soul? Empty Re: Do All Humans Possess A Soul?

    Post  mudra Tue Jun 08, 2010 9:33 am

    Hi sjkted ,

    Soul less persons are to be found . Not responding to any betterment therapy and entirely focused towards destruction rather than expansion .

    The proportion of half of our society falling into this category as mentioned in your post is not accurate Imo .
    The percentage is very small I believe . However the sphere of influence these people have may make everyone around them endowed with a soul go crazy or depressed . Which would account for constant ups and downs unproductive of any betterment.
    It only takes one rotten apple to contaminate the entire basket.

    Beyond this biochemical personalities are also to be found . Under the influence of certain drugs or medication people's personalities are altered . In those instances the mind is jammed and inherent soul driven nature weakened and clouded . In that case it is the chemical agent itself that acts as a virus short circuiting the entire system and leading it to possible severe unbalance.
    Try to remain in a zen state under an overdose of caffeine for example and you'll see this an impossible endeavor .

    When the immune system is strong there is not room for viruses to break in and unsettle the natural balance of the body .
    As souls our immune system is our Heart . Remaining centered therein is a sure way to be able to neutralize the ill influence this small percentage of soulless entities may have .

    Love Always

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    Do All Humans Possess A Soul? Empty Re: Do All Humans Possess A Soul?

    Post  eMonkey Tue Jun 08, 2010 10:09 am

    I was having some energy work done on me this morning and Chakras opened. I asked the question about this phenomena and the reply was that we are all Gods children - even Satan. Everyone is born with a soul and these people are simply possessed by evil entities.

    OK, I thought - then it occured to me that - if the recent meta physicist researchers say that our memories are stored outside of our bodies, then where are their memories and thoughts coming? They must have an energy field corresponding to a soul as such - so without it - they could not live - no?.. I don't know really - I am quite likely being over simplistic. Do All Humans Possess A Soul? Icon_redface I have crazy ideas but no real study of the phenomenon and only really superficial knowledge. Do All Humans Possess A Soul? 216239

    Just my 2cents

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    Do All Humans Possess A Soul? Empty Re: Do All Humans Possess A Soul?

    Post  sjkted Tue Jun 08, 2010 1:58 pm

    mudra wrote:Hi sjkted ,

    Soul less persons are to be found . Not responding to any betterment therapy and entirely focused towards destruction rather than expansion .

    The proportion of half of our society falling into this category as mentioned in your post is not accurate Imo .
    The percentage is very small I believe . However the sphere of influence these people have may make everyone around them endowed with a soul go crazy or depressed . Which would account for constant ups and downs unproductive of any betterment.
    It only takes one rotten apple to contaminate the entire basket.

    Beyond this biochemical personalities are also to be found . Under the influence of certain drugs or medication people's personalities are altered . In those instances the mind is jammed and inherent soul driven nature weakened and clouded . In that case it is the chemical agent itself that acts as a virus short circuiting the entire system and leading it to possible severe unbalance.
    Try to remain in a zen state under an overdose of caffeine for example and you'll see this an impossible endeavor .

    When the immune system is strong there is not room for viruses to break in and unsettle the natural balance of the body .
    As souls our immune system is our Heart . Remaining centered therein is a sure way to be able to neutralize the ill influence this small percentage of soulless entities may have .

    Love Always

    Yes, I agree half of the population does seem high. It's not my personal viewpoint, but something I'm researching and attempting to digest. The scientific literature indicates that approximately 1 in 100 people are psychopaths, meaning they are incapable of feeling emotion. Of course, some of these people lead productive lives and others resort to criminal activities.

    The Cassiopea material indicates that psychopaths are OPs who have failed programming, meaning they are lacking in some quality such as reflection that makes them so destructive to themselves and others. I'm wondering if this is what was meant by the genetic fall in antediluvian times where there was one group of people who had individuated souls and another group who had a totem-style group soul with no individuation.


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    Do All Humans Possess A Soul? Empty Re: Do All Humans Possess A Soul?

    Post  sjkted Tue Jun 08, 2010 2:09 pm

    eMonkey wrote:I was having some energy work done on me this morning and Chakras opened. I asked the question about this phenomena and the reply was that we are all Gods children - even Satan. Everyone is born with a soul and these people are simply possessed by evil entities.

    OK, I thought - then it occured to me that - if the recent meta physicist researchers say that our memories are stored outside of our bodies, then where are their memories and thoughts coming? They must have an energy field corresponding to a soul as such - so without it - they could not live - no?.. I don't know really - I am quite likely being over simplistic. Do All Humans Possess A Soul? Icon_redface I have crazy ideas but no real study of the phenomenon and only really superficial knowledge. Do All Humans Possess A Soul? 216239

    Just my 2cents

    Another possibility is that they have a group soul, similar to animals. The idea is that each member of the group contributes to the experience and the evolution of the group soul, stacked one on top of each other. This could be what is meant by some tribes who say they access their ancestors.

    The problem I have with possession as a diagnosis is psychopaths are not capable of emotion. Studies have been done and it seems to be a problem from infancy through adulthood. Some of them have killed their children and then sat down to eat a meal without even the slightest amount of concern. How could this be possible in a souled being? Even in animals, one would think some type of maternal instinct would kick in. It would basically mean they are being possessed from cradle to grave.

    I think what's really interesting about this topic is that in addition to diversity of race, nationality, language, and soul origin, we may be very diverse on a soul level as well. Not just in our experiences and qualities, but in different methods of evolution and structure.


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    Do All Humans Possess A Soul? Empty Re: Do All Humans Possess A Soul?

    Post  mudra Tue Jun 08, 2010 6:23 pm

    sjkted wrote: I'm wondering if this is what was meant by the genetic fall in antediluvian times where there was one group of people who had individuated souls and another group who had a totem-style group soul with no individuation.


    As a soul expands in consciousness the more it sees it's connection to all that is. Individuation then would rather be a sign of lack of awareness. Genetic manipulation is part of human history . The soul however is the driver not the car itself.

    Love from me

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    Do All Humans Possess A Soul? Empty Re: Do All Humans Possess A Soul?

    Post  E.T. Tue Jun 08, 2010 8:27 pm

    But why. Do all humans posses DNA ? By definition, yes they do. I'm not saying that 'soul' is DNA, it's more like all of DNA in you joined together to a matrix of intelligent awareness .
    The matrix is a copy of the original information. Not more than a copy. It can create as many patterns of its own as it wishes. Some are rather simple, others complicate.

    Now, if you observe this kind of definition closely you may find out that while we start early in life with very pure and simple view of life , all what we arrive at later is getting more and more complexity, complication in another sense of word.

    If you ever meet with any more advanced intelligencies than humans, you may observe that they are far complicater than that and that their 'soul' , existence and intelligence is like a denser net 'matrix', of information .

    That's why they are also more integral . Since our human sense of integrity is shifted for big part to 'earthly manifestation', that of physical human body, and those bodies are dying and being born in quick succession,

    human beings don't have much time during their lives to build the net of their intelligence so have to pass the flag to their next generations..

    So they evolve Do All Humans Possess A Soul? Icon_albino

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    Do All Humans Possess A Soul? Empty Re: Do All Humans Possess A Soul?

    Post  Carol Wed Jun 09, 2010 8:43 am

    What an interesting topic sjkted as I had been wondering if ET humanoid
    clones have souls more specifically the Ummite CTR clones who seem left
    brain oriented and lacking in conscious. This is based on what I
    have been reading in Mass Contacts by Stephano Breccia. There are
    also biological humanoid robots who from others reports don't have
    souls... but from some of my discussions with hybrids, it appears they
    do. As for the psychopaths, in truth, I can say I've met a few
    along the way and wondered but never thought about it the way you
    presented here. One could almost identify the CTRs as psychopaths
    and that makes me wonder just how many of them are populating the earth
    right now and how many may actually be CEOs. It certainly a
    subject worth exploring.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Do All Humans Possess A Soul? Empty What is Reality?

    Post  eMonkey Wed Jan 19, 2011 7:02 am


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    Do All Humans Possess A Soul? Empty Re: Do All Humans Possess A Soul?

    Post  Nela Wed Mar 02, 2011 11:33 am

    sjkted wrote:
    mudra wrote:Hi sjkted ,

    Soul less persons are to be found . Not responding to any betterment therapy and entirely focused towards destruction rather than expansion .

    The proportion of half of our society falling into this category as mentioned in your post is not accurate Imo .
    The percentage is very small I believe . However the sphere of influence these people have may make everyone around them endowed with a soul go crazy or depressed . Which would account for constant ups and downs unproductive of any betterment.
    It only takes one rotten apple to contaminate the entire basket.

    Beyond this biochemical personalities are also to be found . Under the influence of certain drugs or medication people's personalities are altered . In those instances the mind is jammed and inherent soul driven nature weakened and clouded . In that case it is the chemical agent itself that acts as a virus short circuiting the entire system and leading it to possible severe unbalance.
    Try to remain in a zen state under an overdose of caffeine for example and you'll see this an impossible endeavor .

    When the immune system is strong there is not room for viruses to break in and unsettle the natural balance of the body .
    As souls our immune system is our Heart . Remaining centered therein is a sure way to be able to neutralize the ill influence this small percentage of soulless entities may have .

    Love Always

    Yes, I agree half of the population does seem high. It's not my personal viewpoint, but something I'm researching and attempting to digest. The scientific literature indicates that approximately 1 in 100 people are psychopaths, meaning they are incapable of feeling emotion. Of course, some of these people lead productive lives and others resort to criminal activities.

    The Cassiopea material indicates that psychopaths are OPs who have failed programming, meaning they are lacking in some quality such as reflection that makes them so destructive to themselves and others. I'm wondering if this is what was meant by the genetic fall in antediluvian times where there was one group of people who had individuated souls and another group who had a totem-style group soul with no individuation.


    To me it doesn't seem improbable that there might be half of population without individualized souls (Gurdjief address two types of people as adamic and pre-adamic men). According to his theory and also what Cass. material mention, there is a race that represents a bridge between animals and souled humans. They have a group soul, while souled humans are carriers of individualized soul. And this should not be mixed with psychopaths because that is a whole other issue. Organic Portals as they are called in Cass material are part of normal evolution, but since they lack higher energy centers can and are easily used by Matrix to promote illusion and deception and keep souled humans from achieving their souls purpose for this incarnation. It is not because they are bad per se, but they are easily manipulated because they are not able to understand or perceive anything but illusion.

    Also, it is very logical if we take into consideration that incarnation and birth of a souled human probably involves making many agreements and "contracts" on the soul level before birth with other souls- those who would be parents, teachers or provide mayor catalysts for the learning process. Now, at this times, social conditioning is so all pervasive, that many people are creating families not because they feel a soul calling to do that, or not when it's their real time to do it, but solely because it is "accepted and approved" path, schedule and timing in life- finish school, get a job, get married, have 2.5 children, house and a dog... Social pressure placed on those who do not follow this path is so strong, many women feel guilty for not wanting to have children...
    And when you give birth only because you are pressured to do so, maybe there's no soul available to marry genetics of that body...

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    Do All Humans Possess A Soul? Empty Re: Do All Humans Possess A Soul?

    Post  lawlessline Wed Mar 02, 2011 12:47 pm

    I think a clarification should be made as to what is being discussed.

    In my view a person has a spirit which is part of a soul. So do every human have a soul? NO Your guides are just spirits that are part of your soul. A soul consists of 6 spirits.
    1 Here on earrth.
    2 Guides with you
    2 In the departure and arrival lounges that we would deem as heaven or even the half way house.
    1 Anchor spirit which resides at the centre of all energy.

    This is why, when speaking of ets, outer dimensionals we should remember that they are no more inteligent or superior or advanced than us, just they are at different stages of the same thing.
    We need to be at this stage for them to be at their stage. If we are not they are not.

    The hybrids are fragments of the souls of the beings that created them. Therefore they need us to believe in their system for them to exist. If we don't they return to source to collect and then are sent back out. But the difference for the fragmented soul is that takes a very long time and they will find themselves at the bottom of the pile.

    So does every human have a soul. Yes , but rather they are part of a soul.


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    Do All Humans Possess A Soul? Empty Re: Do All Humans Possess A Soul?

    Post  Carol Wed Mar 02, 2011 1:00 pm

    Woah Tom, what a great explanation! I've never thought of that this way before although I have personally experience it... just never had the words to explain it.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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