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    Nigel Kerner interviewed by ClandestineTimelord 2342 & GLPVC The Raw Feed 2012


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    Nigel Kerner interviewed by ClandestineTimelord 2342 & GLPVC The Raw Feed 2012 Empty Nigel Kerner interviewed by ClandestineTimelord 2342 & GLPVC The Raw Feed 2012

    Post  Carol Wed Jul 11, 2012 11:07 pm
    Nigel Kerner interviewed by ClandestineTimelord 2342 & GLPVC The Raw Feed 2012
    QUOTE: Nigel has some fascinating views on The Greys, the Transhuman movement, Jesus Christ and The Shroud of Turin. In this almost 2 hour uncensored podcast with Mr Kerner, we dove into the possibilities of beings that want to harvest the Soul Energy of living species. The real reason behind the Anunnaki DNA manipulation of Hu-Man. What if the Soul is information mass at the core level? Wait until you hear about Nigels thesis on Jesus Christ blasting a hole thru the space time continuum. Whether you believe in ET's or Jesus Christ, Nigels thesis on the two subjects will certainly make you question the possibilities.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 2228
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    Location : Melbourne, Australia

    Nigel Kerner interviewed by ClandestineTimelord 2342 & GLPVC The Raw Feed 2012 Empty Re: Nigel Kerner interviewed by ClandestineTimelord 2342 & GLPVC The Raw Feed 2012

    Post  Sanicle Wed Nov 06, 2013 7:28 am

    I'm very impressed with Nigel Kerner's apparent ability to put pieces of the puzzle together re what the Bible and our DNA may be saying re alien manipulation, as he's explained his ideas generally in an interview he did with Kama One back in June 2009.  I've taken a little of it below in relation to what he has to say about the role melanin might play re the ETs.  And he makes a LOT of sense.  You really need to read the whole interview to see the full picture he's put together though.  I assure you, it's a damn good read.

    Why then is melanin a barrier to alien reach?

    Professor of Biology at the University of London Steve Jones suggests that the color change from dark skin to fair skin, that is said to have taken place when the migration out of Africa brought human beings to Europe, does not necessarily make sense when seen in terms of biological advantage.

    It is accepted generally that this change was due to the fact that a fair (or, in other words, transparent) skin would absorb more of the meager levels of ultra-violet light available in Northern climes. The absorption of ultra-violet light is necessary, we are told, to aid in the production of vitamin D, vital for the production of strong bones and teeth.

    Steve Jones says that,

       "although the idea of rickets as the driving force behind the evolution of skin color is attractive, melanin was probably not lost because of changes in vitamin balance."

    He points out that "rickets is a disease of civilization", a disease which only became common as cities grew in the Middle Ages.

    Even blacks only need two hours a week of sunlight to stay healthy.

       "At first sight," says Professor Jones, "evolution has got it wrong. If humans followed the rules that apply to other animals, who have been a lot longer on the real estate, Europeans ought to be black and Africans white," simply because dark objects absorb more of the sun’s light and heat.

    However, it is also true that blacks are able to sweat more than whites and, says Jones, this,

       "more than compensates for the effects of skin color."

    There are also the obvious advantages of a dark skin in the tropics which lie in its ability to protect the skin from the harmful effects of high levels of ultra-violet light.

    So the advantages of a fair skin, no matter what the climate, are difficult to find in evolutionary terms. However, in terms of an aid to an easy and efficient alien interception of the human genome, the advantages are, I believe, enormous.

    In almost all reports of alien contact some kind of light is described as a means they use to move, intercept, and induce, all kinds of procedures. It seems to be crucial as a means, even a mechanism, of reaching and interacting with our species.

    Melanin, as a dark pigment, absorbs light. Individuals who have a darker skin surface also have “supra-nuclear melanin caps” surrounding the nucleus of their cells. DNA that is contained in the cell nucleus is therefore protected by these melanin granules from any alien engendered effect that is expressed through the way they use light.

    Encounters with alien beings or craft have been demonstrated to take place with by far the greatest frequency at locations where there are particularly high electro-magnetic fields (power stations, military bases etc.) High electro-magnetic fields also seem to be put out by the alien craft themselves, often causing widespread power failures in the areas in which they appear.

    Melanin has been found to have a capacity to conduct electric fields. The conducting properties of melanin would allow it to act like a Faraday cage, conducting electric fields away from the nucleus of the cell and thus preventing alien procedures from reaching the DNA in the nucleus.

    If high electro-magnetic fields are a vehicle through which these aliens can reach humanity, then it may indeed be the case that dark-skinned people have a natural barrier to that reach.

    Jacqueline Barton's group at the California Institute of Technology and her colleagues have suggested that DNA itself is a conducting molecular wire.

    According to Cees Dekker (Department of Applied Physics and DIMES, Delft University):

       “The unique assembly properties of DNA together with its unparalleled recognition, optical characteristics, stability and adaptability suggest that DNA may become one of the most important species in the general area of molecular electronics.”

    Barton’s group measured the fluorescence produced by an excited molecule and found that it no longer emitted light when attached to a DNA molecule.

    Their results suggested that this "fluorescence quenching" was due to the charge on the excited donor molecule leaking along the length of the DNA to a nearby acceptor molecule. In other words, they suggested that DNA was a conducting molecular wire. If this is the case then alien genetic interception through the use of both light and electric fields to manipulate DNA with its electrically conductive and light absorbing properties will be easily achieved in those who do not have melanin protection.

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    Nigel Kerner interviewed by ClandestineTimelord 2342 & GLPVC The Raw Feed 2012 Empty Re: Nigel Kerner interviewed by ClandestineTimelord 2342 & GLPVC The Raw Feed 2012

    Post  Sanicle Wed Nov 06, 2013 7:40 am

    Oh and that video above has been made "private" Carol, so here's Part 1 of an interview he did with Red Ice Radio on the same subject.  Hopefully it includes all he said in the interview you posted above.  I'm about to watch them all now. Very Happy  Edit: I've now found out after listening to further parts that he doesn't exactly, but it's still interesting listening nonetheless.

    Last edited by Sanicle on Wed Nov 06, 2013 9:10 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Location : Melbourne, Australia

    Nigel Kerner interviewed by ClandestineTimelord 2342 & GLPVC The Raw Feed 2012 Empty Re: Nigel Kerner interviewed by ClandestineTimelord 2342 & GLPVC The Raw Feed 2012

    Post  Sanicle Wed Nov 06, 2013 8:12 am

    I love this guy!  He's very believable and has really tried to work through all he's done in a scientific and systematic way, primarily to answer his 12 year old son's questions about UFOs.  So I'm going to post the following parts of the interview as well after listening to them.  Hope you enjoy them as much as I am.

    PART 2

    PART 3

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    Nigel Kerner interviewed by ClandestineTimelord 2342 & GLPVC The Raw Feed 2012 Empty Re: Nigel Kerner interviewed by ClandestineTimelord 2342 & GLPVC The Raw Feed 2012

    Post  Sanicle Wed Nov 06, 2013 8:37 am

    PART 4

    PART 5

    Posts : 2228
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    Location : Melbourne, Australia

    Nigel Kerner interviewed by ClandestineTimelord 2342 & GLPVC The Raw Feed 2012 Empty Re: Nigel Kerner interviewed by ClandestineTimelord 2342 & GLPVC The Raw Feed 2012

    Post  Sanicle Wed Nov 06, 2013 9:07 am

    OK, Mr Kerner got a bit sidetracked talking about what he believes is the origin of the Universe and where we and Greys fit into that rather than getting to the juicy stuff he's worked out about what they are doing to us and why.  And what the evidence for that is in our DNA.  Much of it is in that interview I posted a link to in Post #2, so I suggest you read that first.  He did, apparently go into those things with Redice Radio, but you have to be a member to hear the rest of it ie it's not on You Tube.

    So my intention is to see if I can find another interview in which he does go into that, although naturally you can go on to find and listen to Parts 6 & 7 on You Tube if you want to hear the rest of Nigel Kerner's views on the Universe that I haven't posted here. I love you

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