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    Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012


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    Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012 - Page 3 Empty Re: Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012

    Post  bobhardee Sat Nov 08, 2014 7:12 pm


    SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey: November 7, 2014
    Channelled by Mike Quinsey. October 31, 2014.

    There are many things happening within the levels of Authority that control your day to day lives, and these are changes that are largely brought about by the ever changing vibrations.

    They are eventually going to lift you out of the lower ones that are no longer appropriate for the New Age that has now commenced. They must change or disappear from your level of existence that is experiencing a cleansing of all that is of the old energies.

    It brings about many changes and also confusion for those who are unaware of what the future holds. On the one hand it would appear that all is collapsing, but on the other hand it reveals the cleansing that is taking place.

    You have entered a new period in your evolution, and the old ways will have to give way to the new. Before long it will become apparent that there is a Plan taking shape, that will lead you into the New Age in such a way that there will be no mistaking what is taking place.

    We of the Galactic Command will come more into prominence until we can make ourselves known to you all. Before that can happen we will have assisted you to bring into being various changes, including NESARA which will, as you might say, be the icing on the cake.

    We are fully ready to play our part, and look forward to helping you with the necessary changes that will truly bring about the predicted benefits of the New Age.

    Then you will learn of your true background and how you have been manipulated by the dark Ones for millennia of time. You have been held in a time warp and denied the advancements that have been used by them for their own power and control.

    However, they no longer have the degree of control that they reached, and it is slowly diminishing from their grasp. There will be no way back for them and they have brought about their own demise.

    At this present time life is extremely difficult for millions of people caught up in the last attempts of the dark Ones to remain in control. However, part of it is karma, and each soul is in the right place to experience whatever is needed to conclude their experiences. Consequently there are many opportunities to show caring and your loving side, for souls who might otherwise be shunned or ignored.

    Love and understanding are greatly needed so that they may be aware that they have not been deserted. Remember that you are All One in the eyes of God, and loved equally with all others. These concepts are hard for some to understand, but in time all souls will come to know the truth.

    St. Germaine has worked towards this time of change for eons of time, and prepared for the needs of those who are destined to go forward in the New Age. It is not to say that the souls who are still unable to lift up are in anyway neglected, in fact they will also be looked after where their particular needs are concerned.

    All souls are equally dearly loved and it is known that they will eventually rise up and join those who have gone before. If you can look upon others with such Love and understanding, you will be helping them to overcome the challenges that they face. All of you have faced similar situations on your journey back to the Light, and all of you have had help from those who have already Ascended.

    You are gradually becoming more aware of the truth as to what is going on around you. Your consciousness is expanding and will continue to do so until you reach a level that will have prepared you for Ascension, and that has been your goal for a very long time.

    The opportunity arises now because it has been decreed by those Higher Beings who guide and control your destiny. You can liken yourselves to young people preparing for their graduation who have the ability to succeed, but need help along the way.

    At all stages of your evolution you have had guidance, but it has never been as important as at this particular time. You could ascend at any time if your vibrations reach the necessary level, which is difficult compared to the present period when you are receiving every help.

    Furthermore, you will have been prepared for this final “push” and we would like to see as many of you as possible being successful. It is therefore necessary for you to keep your focus on your goal, and let nothing deter you from success.

    You are in a most demanding time that is sorely testing your resolve, as so much is taking place around you. However, providing you do not lose the focus on your goal you will certainly be successful, and the further you travel along your path the easier it will become.

    You have no need to concern yourselves as to what is going on around you, as it will not interfere with your progress unless you allow it to do so. By all means help others who may cross your path, with a kind word or advice. Sometimes such happenings are arranged where it is known that you can assist another soul who seeks information.

    We know many of you regularly pray for your fellow travellers, some of whom may be your friends or family. Know that at the end of the cycle, every soul will have found the place that is exactly right for them.

    Since you have been held back you have still managed to advance your evolution, and that is to your credit as you have been through an extremely difficult period. However, your needs are no longer covered by the progress you have made, as you need to take a quantum leap forward.

    Many of you are ready to ascend and take your place in the higher dimensions, and little is to be gained by remaining in the lower vibrations. Therefore you now have but a relatively short time to spend in your present dimension, but you can still gain experience from those around you. Indeed, the end of a cycle is an important period and one that is exceptional.

    I am SaLuSa from, Sirius, acting as the voice for several contacts that you have been in contact with in recent times. I can tell you that all proceeds well and whatever is happening around you, it will not alter the successful outcome.

    I leave you with Blessings and Love from all those who are part of the Ascension program.

    Thank you SaLuSa

    Mike Quinsey

    Posts : 3447
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    Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012 - Page 3 Empty Re: Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012

    Post  bobhardee Sat Dec 06, 2014 7:41 am

    12/5/2014 For what its worth.

    SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey: December 5, 2014

    We were very pleased to step aside and allow Michael to send out another message in place of our usual one. The information sent out should lift your spirits considerably, as you have waited a very long time for an uplifting message that clearly indicates the beginning of many welcome changes on Earth.

    There are many changes to come for which the preparations have already been made. It means that very little time will be lost in changing your current situation of war and disharmony, to a different condition that heralds the coming of love and peace on Earth.

    We have often told you that changes are coming, and at last you will have a clear signal of confirmation. Many will still refuse to believe what they see happening before their very eyes, but denial will not hide the fact that the new Era has started.

    If you look back you will find that we have kept out word, which has meant that the Galactic Federation has been busy ensuring that world peace is upheld. Minor wars and other uprisings will eventually cease, and there will come a time when such negative actions will be impossible to carry out. The vibrations are steadily rising and in the future will be too high for any such negative actions to manifest.

    Dear Ones, the battle between the dark and Light is almost over, and in your time you will see those responsible for your demise removed so that they can no longer delay the changes. Such actions will fulfil the promises made to you a long time ago, and we thank those who have steadfastly stood by our side and refused to be moved from their path.

    As we have already mentioned, it is your responsibility to help others through the changes and direct them onto the path of Light. We and other groups working for the Light will not cease our efforts to ensure progress is made, and we guard against interference from any source whatsoever.

    Matters are well advanced now but as always we rely on all Lightworkers to diligently carry out their tasks. Naturally, having reached such a pivotal point in the progress of the Human Race, every effort is being used to give your evolution a major step forward. Indeed it is quite apparent that many souls are aware that something is happening that is very positive, even if they are unaware as to how it will manifest.

    Regrettably your news outlets are still under the influence of the minions of the dark Ones, and you do not learn the truth as to what is happening to your world. However, good news cannot be kept concealed indefinitely and it will start to seep through regardless of the methods being used to suppress it.

    As always, part of our mission is to patrol your skies to ensure that there are no uninvited visitors, or attempts made to place weapons in Space that could be used against you. Your Earth has been in quarantine for many years, so as to ensure that no other civilisations can influence you or interfere with your progress.

    Sometimes it has been necessary to allow an approach to be made, but only to test your reactions. It has helped your understanding of the Universe and other life forms that exist all over it. Many other civilisations are way ahead of you in intelligence, but as you evolve so you too will have the opportunity to greatly increase your levels. Far from holding you back, as your Guardians we are keen to help you progress as quickly as possible, returning you to levels that you previously held.

    Where your sightings of our craft are concerned, unless you are able to identify the different sources that they come from it can be confusing. Your dark Ones are now so advanced in being able to design and manufacture craft similar to ours, that apart from the markings that appear on some of them, they can look very much alike.

    This can also lead to incidents that are thought to be caused by ET’s, when it is your own black operations at work. We know that not for the first time their thoughts have turned to creating an incident that could be blamed on us. We cannot interfere with your choice of action, unless it is of such proportions it is liable to change the plan for your Solar System. You do not however need to worry about the future as it is assured, and you are already entering the energies of the New Age.

    Mother Earth is also beginning to bring changes into being, as she also is moving into the New Age. Her work is to cleanse the Earth and restore it to its previous pristine condition and it happens over a period of time, as she also rises up through the new vibrations.

    So as you can see, there is a lot of action taking place all of which is to your advantage and ultimately for your peaceful and rewarding existence. You are leaving the lower vibrations for good and every help is being given to lift you up.

    When you set out on your journey eons of time ago, you were happy souls determined to make the most of your opportunity to experience the lower vibrations. You knew that you would never be deserted and that your progress would be carefully monitored, and when the time came you would be helped to return to the Light. That time has now arrived and already progress is being made, we have always been with you and soon it will be a reality as we meet you in person once again.

    We share your joy at the thought of meeting once again, and although we are happy too we do not experience the extremes of emotions like you do. Our feelings centre around Universal Love which allows us to feel the depth of happiness that comes with it. It is not easy to put it into your words, as they are not always adequate for the expression needed.

    However, when you come into our presence you will know beyond doubt that we are Beings of Love, and indeed you will feel it. It is a state of being that is peace and joy rolled into one, and it shall be yours when you have evolved into a fully evolved Being.

    I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and pleased to be able to expand your understanding of the times you have now entered. Enjoy them as you leave the lower vibrations behind.

    Thank you SaLuSa

    Mike Quinse

    Posts : 3447
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    Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012 - Page 3 Empty Re: Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012

    Post  bobhardee Sat Jan 31, 2015 6:50 pm


    SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey 1-30-15

    Nothing will change the predictions for the completion of this cycle, except the highest authority. Once made many Lightworkers are given the tasks of ensuring that all proceeds as required to fulfil them.

    You may therefore proceed with your life, knowing that there is a great finale to come with the end of the influence of the dark Ones. They shall find themselves unable to exert any influence on what takes place, as they will have their power taken away from them. They will also be removed from Earth to ensure that workers of the Light can go ahead with their missions.

    Until now the dark Ones have consistently interfered with your evolution, and been able to block or slow down progress. This situation is rapidly changing and will soon come under our control. You will then be able to go ahead with your tasks without fear, and make headway quicker than any previous occasion.

    Dear Ones we hear your pleas and requests for help, and soon we shall be able to assist you in a more direct manner. Have no fear at any time as the lower energies will attract a like energy, whereas you are working with the higher energies.

    The significance of the coming changes are such that they can hardly be put into words. Everything will be affected to some degree, and much of the lower energies will be either changed or removed in the course of time. The Earth will become renewed and once more be seen as a jewel in the firmament. While all this is taking place you too will be renewed as you become a fully-fledged Galactic Being.

    We tell you what lies ahead because the knowledge will help you both understand and get through the various stages of the changes. You may be overwhelmed by the thought of what the future holds, but know that we will be having a more direct contact with you. So there is no need to be concerned as the future is everything that you could wish for that would bring you peace, happiness and prosperity.

    Meantime you can carry on with your work for the Light, knowing that you have many unseen helpers around you. It is only when you realise that you are not alone on your mission that you can begin to understand why often things just seem to fall in place when you need them.

    You were aware of the arrangement before you came to Earth, but after dropping into the lower vibrations you became forgetful of your circumstances. However, with time you gradually raised your vibrations for which you deserve every praise. It is why that at this time we and others can approach you, and enlighten you as to what lies ahead.

    Your consciousness has grown and now you can accept the truth of your place in the Cosmos. The game that has been played on Earth is soon to change its course and lift you up from the challenges of the 3rd. dimension. They have well served their purpose, and you have progressed sufficiently to move further into the Light.

    You have experienced the result of Man’s interpretation of the meaning and purpose of life and it has, so to say, led you up the garden path. They have caused you to follow false creeds and believe in a Creator that is seen in Man’s image. Yet Jesus – the greatest Teacher in your time – made it clear that the Creator is All Love, and that no living creature or Being is outside of the Creator.

    The goal of every soul is to grow and progress within the Light until you once again become One with the Source. As you progress through your various life experiences, you will move further into the Light. You will become a greater Light Being with immense powers of creation, but much of this is way into your future. However, you do need to know the purpose of life. Nothing that you experience is by chance, so consider carefully why certain events in your life take place.

    People normally gravitate to those who are of a similar vibration, but for the outworking of karma you may find yourself involved with souls from all different levels. That even extends to the union of two people in marriage, or their children. Karmic experiences can be arranged before you incarnate, so you will understand that nothing happens by chance.

    Of course there are many minor experiences that are of no real consequence but you never know for example, when a chance meeting may grow to become of prime importance. Because of your freewill, you may turn down an opportunity intended to bring you necessary experiences, but when it is important to your evolution you may be sure it will come up again.

    Some people do not believe in God or that there is a purpose in life, yet both will affect the outcome of whatever experiences they choose. You cannot remove God from your life, and it will have been planned prior to your birth regardless of what you may believe.

    Naturally upon returning to the higher dimensions all is revealed to you when you review your life. No life opportunity to learn is wasted regardless of how it may appear. Indeed, you are not going to know exactly why a certain soul has elected to experience in a particular manner.

    However, when two or more people come together, each will have been aware as to what part they play. Sometimes a soul will come into life for only a very short period, simply to help create a situation that is necessary for the experiences of others. However, when you try to relate that to babies it may simply be that the soul has decided not to incarnate after all. That option is open to all but very few change their minds once the arrangements are settled.

    So as you can see, everything is not in black or white and souls do have a say in what type of life they are entering. Usually once the purpose of a life is decided and it is seen to advance the souls evolution, it is very rare for a soul to pull out. You do have many discarnate souls working with you to ensure your success.

    I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and I serve those souls who have bravely and without fear taken on an Earth life to be in service to others. However, all souls have Guides and no one, not even the dark Ones are excluded. Do not be reluctant to ask for help when it is needed, however Karma does not always allow what you request, so if your prayers seem unanswered, there will be a very good reason for it.

    I leave you with my Love and Light, and the best wishes from the Galactic Federation.

    Thank you SaLuSa

    Mike Quinsey

    SaLuSa. Channelled by Mike Quinsey. January 30, 2015.

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    Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012 - Page 3 Empty Re: Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012

    Post  B.B.Baghor Sun Feb 01, 2015 11:09 am

    Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012 - Page 3 Engel_10

    Thank you, bobhardee, for posting this, it's a lovely message and such valuable ingredient, amidst the technical stuff and star war
    like events, now happening. It's a soft cushion on a rock, after a long climb, unexpectedly present. A gift Cheerful

    Posts : 3447
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    Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012 - Page 3 Empty Re: Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012

    Post  bobhardee Sun Mar 08, 2015 6:46 pm

    March 8, 2015
    SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey: March 6, 2015

    I bring greetings from the Galactic Forces who follow your progress with great interest, having accompanied you through many lives.

    However, our involvement with you has never been more intense than it is now, as you approach the end of your experiences in the old paradigm. We have come a long way together, and we admire your determination to stick to your tasks and achieve victory over the dark Ones.

    The fact that you have effectively already won that battle does not mean you have no further work to do, and the emphasis is now upon maintaining your position in the higher vibrations. They are your future and also protection while you keep focussed on your present role assisting the Light.

    We have spoken previously about your ability to stand within your own Light, and not be affected by anything going on around you. Now that you have come this far, you have created an aura that is potentially impregnable, but it does depend on you being able to keep it intact.

    It means not being distracted or mislead by any attempts to divert your attention elsewhere. Keeping calm in the face of situations that are a test of your strength, is the challenge that you face.

    Remember that you have come through the trials and tribulations that the 3rd. dimension has thrown at you. You have won the battle yet you still have to lift yourselves up to the higher dimensions.

    The dark Ones will make their last attempts to distract you but with a little effort you should overcome them. By now your awakening should have enabled you to look beyond the programming that has tied you down, to see the deception that has been placed upon you.

    We tell you again that you are far greater than you imagine or have been led to believe. You are in reality great Beings of Light which you will again be when you merge with your Higher Self. So tell yourself that you have the full potential to be great once more, and nothing is beyond your capabilities.

    For too long you have laboured under the impression that you are lowly Beings and have suffered in consequence. Now you are beginning to understand why you have been held back through the actions of the dark Ones, but now their power has been diminished and you are regaining yours.

    While you are spreading the Light we as always keep a watchful eye on you, and will not allow any interference with your progress that will affect the outcome. We can do much to prevent any attempt to delay or intervene in your work, and often you are unaware of such attempts.

    Bear in mind that the End Times are such that a lot of karma or unfinished work is carried out. Often it is left until this period of time as when you have raised your vibrations, your ability to deal with outstanding issues is that much higher. Do not belittle yourselves as you have immense potential and by projecting such a belief you empower yourselves.

    The Law of Attraction is powerful and a true reality but works in ways that you may not realise. You must be positive at all times, as a negative attitude will attract more of the same. By making the affirmation that you can do something rather than asking for help to do it, you will advance much quicker. Results may not always happen as quickly as you would like, but will come in good time.

    God does not play games with you but there are other Beings that for different reasons will masquerade as God and try to lead you in a different direction. Your intuitive powers should make you suspicious of such entities, particularly if you are enticed by attractive propositions. However, if you have come to terms with your ego you should recognise attempts to mislead you.

    Until you have fully returned to the Light you will encounter various obstacles on your path at different times. Be alert and know that God and the Higher Beings do not play games with you, and are all Love and you will know them by their Light.

    You may have been cut off from us, but now that the veils that have hidden the truth are being removed, you will gradually regain full understanding. Be ready to learn the greater truths about yourselves and be ready to take your place amongst us.

    Some souls are not yet ready to learn about the truth of your existence or indeed your past history, but that is not going to hold back their progress. They will be guided to a path that will take them forward and lessons will be learnt regardless of how long it takes. This is why we ask you to see the Light in all souls and never prejudge them, as you do not know what challenges they have undertaken.

    Coming out of the darkness into the Light is a powerful experience and souls doing so need compassion and help to be successful. Have you not been told by the great Teacher, Jesus, to be careful who you entertain as you will not know when you are in the company of an Angelic Being. If you treat all people with respect and kindness you will be doing the best you can for them and yourself.

    In reality life is not complicated but in your present dimension there is a continuous battle with the lower vibrations. At every turn there is the potential challenge that may catch you off guard, yet if you are strong in your beliefs they cannot cause you any harm.

    There is only the one great power that is immutable and above all else and that is Love, and all you need to sail through your experiences. Love every soul and if their demeanour is such that you find it repulsive you clearly do not have to strike up a friendship with them.

    You have a saying that “If you cannot say anything good about someone do not say anything bad” and that is a good way of life. Like will attract like, which you have surely found and you should already have a circle of friends who you are in harmony with.

    We of the Galactic Fleets are ready to arrive on Earth within a short time of being given the command. So be assured that there will be no delay on our part once the situation is such that we can safely visit you. We do not want to directly interfere with your progress, but will follow orders given to us for you betterment.

    Be assured we are here for you and look forward to meeting you in peaceful circumstances.

    I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and represent the Light forces that care for you.

    I send you Love and best wishes for a successful end to your sojourn.

    Thank you SaLuSa

    Mike Quinsey

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    Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012 - Page 3 Empty Re: Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012

    Post  bobhardee Sun Jun 28, 2015 3:59 pm


    SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey: June 26, 2015

    For those of you who keep up to date with the new messages, recent times have shown that there are many activities taking place.

    You will no doubt also be aware that the dark Ones are being closely monitored so as to ensure that they cannot continue with their plan for world rule. In fact their activities are being restricted in ways that will ensure that they can no longer disrupt the plan for your freedom.

    We can for our part confirm that the changes are speeding up and great advances are being made. There is no doubt that very soon you shall become aware of major events that are going to take you into the New Age by fulfilling some of the promises that have already been made.

    We would urge you to keep firmly on your path of Light and not allow outside activities to take your focus away from it. There are difficult times ahead but these will be short lived, and eventually it will become quite clear as to the direction that you are travelling. Be assured that we have fully anticipated the problems that will arise, and are taking steps to overcome them or at the very least lessen their impact.

    We do not wish you to take your eye off events that are taking place, but we will tell you that all is moving along in accordance with our plan for your salvation. So many welcome changes are lined up ready to be introduced, but as we have informed you on many occasions, the time must be right so that matters can go ahead unimpeded.

    Looking back to the end of 2012, we know that some of you still cannot throw off your disappointment that it did not make the impact that you expected. Yet we hope you will agree that the foundations were laid down for changes to take place that have subsequently occurred.

    Without a doubt the vibrations are lifting up and more souls are awakening to their true selves, and able to see how they have been manipulated and falsely held back. The Light is pouring down upon Earth and it is raising the vibrations, and there is no returning back to the “old days”, that will be gone forever, having no place in the higher vibrations.
    The future is Golden and holds many, many surprises that God has prepared for you. God is Love and humans lacking understanding blame God for their misfortunes. It is you alone that map out your destiny and determine through your actions what type of experiences you need to rise up again.

    Yet God is always with you and never withdraws the Love that is always present. His servants such as the Angelic Kingdom carry out the plan that will release you from the hold of the negative vibrations. They also guide you to ensure you follow your life contract which you have agreed to as one that enables your steady progress.

    Dear Ones, you have many things to learn about life beyond Earth. Your Universe of many dimensions is teeming with life, and in many instances very much like your own. However, you have been kept in the dark as to your true selves and purpose for experiencing the third dimension. It is not your natural one which is why you are now moving out of it into the higher vibrations that the dark Ones cannot enter.

    You will no doubt realise that in so doing you will live as intended, in happiness, freedom and absolute peace. Once you have become a Galactic Being, free and able to travel at will, your lives will take on a new meaning. Only you alone can change your future so follow your desires with care and know that every opportunity is open to you.

    As you might say “the end of the road is in sight” yet even as you prepare for it, the new path is opening up to reveal the promises of a New Age. In this respect you will be guided and set upon a path that will fulfil all of those promises that have been made to you.

    We will be able to openly visit Earth and even take you on journeys within your Solar System. Exactly where will depend upon your plan for further enlightenment, and in this respect your Guides will be on hand to give their advice. You will soon forget the traumas and disappointments of some Earthly experiences, knowing that they have given you a broad outlook that enables you to cope with all experiences.

    We are closer to you than ever and after many years of contact with you know that you will accept and greet us as your Brothers and Sisters. Your background coming from various star systems means that you will have met us eons of time ago.

    Bear in mind that in the higher vibrations your life span is much greater than it is now. Also, that when you have completed your experience in one body, you can literally simply step into a new one. To say the least, “death” such as you know it does not take place, and it only involves simple changes that do not entail any form of aging such as you are used to experiencing. Birth, as it is called, is also different and you do not have to go through the stages that you know as a “baby”.

    I am SaLuSa from Sirius and will confirm that all is in the “Now” and you will be able to move backwards and even forwards to satisfy your quest for experience. You will in fact take quite easily to the changes, because in reality they are not new to you.

    However, it will be exciting to become aware of familiar things, and not least of all to again meet souls who are well known to you and may have figured in a number of your Earthly lives. Even if you only consider the number of strong relationships you may have made through your many lives, you will realise that quite a number of souls eagerly await the opportunity to meet you again.

    However, you still have work to do on Earth and your concentration must be kept focussed upon your tasks. Every soul you can help now to “wake up” will appreciate your help, but many are unable to release their attachment to the lower vibrations. Yet where they come in touch with information that will help lift them up, it can result in an awakening.

    Thank you SaLuSa
    Mike Quinse

    Posts : 3447
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    Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012 - Page 3 Empty Re: Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012

    Post  bobhardee Sun Aug 09, 2015 8:18 am

    I am not as drawn to this thread as I once was and not sure why I am continuing to pass this onto MISTS. That being said, here it is. It hasn't changed much over much. It's like the same thing said 5000 different ways with little evidence to support his position.

    SaLuSa 7 August 2015

    Dear Ones, matters on Earth are beginning to take shape in such a way that before very long you will begin to see the direction that Humanity is going in. Out of confusion and uncertainty, will come positive signs that will confirm that the changes are taking shape for your betterment. You will realise that a “cleansing” is taking place and that much of what you can already see of the old regime, is being changed or removed. It is being helped by the many souls that have awakened to the truth and are demanding freedom from the shackles of the dark Ones. Your lives have been reduced to that of slaves as your birthright has been denied you. You were gifted freedom by God and it will be restored so that the New Age can deliver the promises that have been made to you. At the same time there are distinct signs that so many of you are grasping the truth of your existence and the glorious time that lies ahead. It will take time to fully manifest and we give you firm indications of the direction you are going in so that you have a positive goal in mind. Behind the scenes there will be many groups supporting your efforts, and helping you to achieve success.

    There is so much happening we can see how confusing it can be, but by focussing on the positive aspects of your future you should not be too distracted. The sheer scale of what needs to be done can be overwhelming, but we have been planning for this time for many years and matters will go speeding ahead once they can commence. Clearing the “rubbish” away means periods of discomfort for you, but we hope that by then you will have awakened to the necessity for such action. As matters stand at this time it is already apparent that the Human Race has to move on, and prepare for the upcoming changes that are for your eventual benefit. We view it as an exciting time because we can already see the outcome, and you too will do so once the situation becomes clear. We wish to keep you informed as to what is happening but we still have to be cautious until the dark Ones are truly where they can no longer interfere with your evolution.

    We oversee all that is happening on and off your Earth, and continue to ensure that your progress is not interfered with by monitoring all visitors that wish to either observe you or make contact. Exactly what that means is relative to the karma resulting from your previous actions, and “like attracts like” which have to allow. We cannot usurp the Universal Law or escape the consequences of doing so. Yes, we can give advice but the final decision is yours to take. Over long periods of time freewill has been given to you by The Creator, and it is this factor that has made your Race of particular interest to others. We have mentioned in the past that the experience you will all have gained will greatly benefit you in your future work, and where you can share it will save such souls from having to go through it themselves. You will find that “sharing” is a feature of all advanced Races and goes hand in hand with assistance given on your evolutionary path.

    At present much of what we have informed you of is way above most souls understanding, but you need to carry the seeds of knowledge ready for when you experience evolutionary expansion. Many of you are already beginning to grasp the truth and this has opened your eyes to your true potential. Hitherto, you have been deliberately kept back but now there is so much information being released, that it can no longer be kept back. You are far greater than you can imagine but that will change in the near future as your consciousness expands. The dark Ones had hoped to hold you back until they could completely enslave you, but it is now too late and there is no chance of their recovery. They may remain as a thorn in your sides but their influence is in decline and destined to disappear.

    False flag attacks are still taking place on Earth but they will not be allowed to interfere with your progress and are more karmic in nature. Your greatest threat at present is the pressure being applied to your currencies and turmoil is always near to taking place. We can try to help in the decision making but ultimately it is yours that count. Certainly changes are inevitable as it is apparent that your old monetary system is lopsided and only really benefits those at the top in the banking world. A fair system of distribution will be introduced and banks will be re-organised to a more manageable size that will be accountable to the people. Many needed changes are so to say “in the pipeline” as we have long identified the cause of your problems. Be assured that in the final reckoning no one will be missed out when it comes to the re-distribution of your monies. However, all this is to gradually move you towards a new way of life where money systems are no longer required, but do not worry about it as it is somewhat in your future.

    We know that many of you understand that in reality everything is in the Now and that when you reach a certain level by the power of thought, you will be able to move either backwards or forwards in time. The dark Ones have individuals that can operate at such a level and given some thought it is not too difficult to imagine why that would be of interest to them. Even so, they are not allowed to travel wherever they wish and their activities are continually monitored, and they do not have the freedom they imagine to do as they like. As we have technologies that can see through solid matter you will understand why we are confident that there is no hiding place for them.

    You must be careful as to what you conclude after seeing craft in the skies, as the dark Ones now have many of their own that carry little in the way of identification. It means that incidents could be attributed to us and are in error. You will of course know that over the many years that we have been in your skies, noting had taken place that could be described as threatening or harmful to you. We have never given you cause to fear us and are careful to not take actions that would distress you. Indeed, over a period of time we have occasionally taken action that has helped you out of a problem that may not have been part of your karma. One day not too far into the future you shall see us and meet us as the friends we are, and we shall go together into a beckoning future that promises so much.

    I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and always pleased to be in contact and I look forward to revealing the exciting times that lay ahead, and help in the preparations regarding your future that shall arrive in most of your lives. One day not too far away we shall meet openly and then we can directly work together, when you shall return to your previous level of attainment. For so long you have toiled and worked hard to find your way back to the Light. Now you are on that path and nothing can prevent your fulfilment and we of the Galactic Federation shall be with you.

    Thank you SaLuSa.

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    Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012 - Page 3 Empty Re: Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012

    Post  B.B.Baghor Sun Aug 09, 2015 9:40 am

    Thank you, bobhardee, for keeping us updated with SaLuSa's messages, although they may not read as updates to you Wink
    I appreciate your continued posting of these message by SaLuSa, for they're beautiful in their energy, to me. Many parts
    of this message resonate with my views and views of those reporting on cosmic affairs in much change. Like those of Simon
    Parkes and Stephen Greer, to name a few. These type of messages keep challenging our human grasp-and-chew skills, in
    repetitive ways. Repetition is a tool in teaching, the practice of new muscles needs repetition too. I'm often watching the
    cows, grasping and chewing the grass in the fields I'm walking through, where I live now. My imagination may be hard to
    follow at times, but to be clear, I choose this grasping and chewing in a metaphorical sense only. We're not our cows Cheerful

    The part of this message, warning us for possible wrong conclusions, when crafts are appearing in our skies, hasn't been
    mentioned in earlier messages by SaLuSa, if I am right. Reading this "At present much of what we have informed you of is
    way above most souls understanding, but you need to carry the seeds of knowledge ready for when you experience
    evolutionary expansion." makes me think of the thread presented by mudra, with views on the possible expansion of planet
    Earth. Expansion may even be part of newly awakening creative abilities in us, seeing our outer world responding to that
    which is our creation. Interesting thought, isn't it? Much closer to HOME than we ever could think of, until now, I think.

    Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012 - Page 3 Foodsc10

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    Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012 - Page 3 Empty Re: Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012

    Post  bobhardee Sat Aug 15, 2015 4:22 pm

    This one is worth the read.

    SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey: August 7, 2015

    As many of you are aware, this September is a pivotal point when the vibrations shall substantially increase. How it will affect you depends on your existing level, but the net result will be such that many will experience upliftment. The overall effect will mean a noticeable change that will bring a more peaceful outlook, and a general expression and desire for a cessation of warlike actions. Indeed, the desire for peace will grow substantially, and those in authority will be bound to implement the changes that will bring it about. There will be no going back to the old ways and as the influence of the Illuminati has been curtailed, the people will be released from their control. The desire for change has been growing for quite some time, and the point has been reached when it can no longer be denied. Many souls are ready to leap into action when it is safe to do so, and that time has almost arrived. They will be supported by groups who are of the Light who will ensure that their actions are allowed to go ahead without interference. As you can imagine, there are ones who are deeply engaged in keeping things as they are, and loathe to give up their rich lifestyle for a fairer distribution of wealth. However, no one can prevent the changes from manifesting, so face the changes with faith in the future, as given time all the promises made to you will manifest. Allow adequate time for the changes to be implemented that should come quite quickly once the “ball starts rolling”.

    So much goes on behind the scenes, and you have been kept in the dark and denied your right to share and enjoy the advances that would have benefitted all people instead of the privileged few. However, that situation is beginning to change and when those who are holding you back are no longer able to dictate how you live, the changes will start to be introduced. Over a long period of time you have been given ideas of what that will mean to you from which you will know that a tremendous upliftment awaits you. For example, many new advances have been blocked and shelved by the Illuminati, but soon there will be nothing to stop them from being released. They are such that you will eventually become very independent and not held to ransom for the necessities of life. Even now there are inventions waiting to be introduced that will make your lives so much easier, but those in the greatest need must be uplifted first.

    Those of you who are aware of the present situation on Earth are in a great position to help your fellow man to keep calm and so to say “ride the storm”. As there will be difficult times for some of you depending on where you live, and who currently governs your country. The right people are known to us and they will be installed as soon as possible, but that requires a diplomatic and lawful approach. As you are beginning to grasp, there is much to do to change the set up that has held you for so long in the grips of the dark Ones. However, we emphasise that their time has passed and in the course of the next few years they will become less and less able to exercise their influence. So you can plan for the future knowing that you are going to return to your rightful place as free souls.

    Meantime we maintain our “policing” of your solar system to ensure that no unwelcome visitors are allowed to interfere with your final return to the Light. There are other civilisations that would like to contact you, but until the time is right they will have to keep their distance. Most contacts come in peace and are eager to share their knowledge with you, but some have ulterior motives. Be assured we are here to ensure you complete your journey as you desire, and eventually return to the freedom given you by becoming Galactic Beings once again. In reality you can never stand still as all around you evolution continues and as God “Breathes In” you enter higher and higher vibrations. The 3rd dimension as you know it has finished its course and that is why changes are taking place all around you.

    For you who are ready to move into the higher dimensions it is more than ever necessary to keep focussed on your path ahead. Some of you could be distracted by what is going on around you, so try at all times to allow negative situations to pass you by. At this stage you must allow others to follow their own path, but by all means offer help to those who approach you first. When the time is right your knowledge will be called upon and it is wise to only release it where it can benefit others. Bear in mind that your Guides are impressing you with sensible ideas that will ensure you complete this lifetime as you have planned. In can involve finding a useful source of information, or meeting up with a contact who can advise you the best path to take. Any deviation will mean that some lessons may have to be re-learnt, but in that event it should always be easier the second time around.

    As time progresses you will learn a lot about your journey through the matter, and why it has involved the experiences you have had. As a result you have evolved much further and quicker than you would otherwise have done, and will pass your knowledge on to others. When the time is right for a step forward you are always helped to make it, although you may prefer another path which you will be helped to find. However, you will be encouraged to follow the most rewarding one so as to avoid wasting time. However, no matter what options you choose, all souls eventually find the Path of Light. Your gift of freewill is always honoured and as a result you are always learning in a way that is sure to aid your personal evolution.

    Slowly but surely you are being given information about other life forms as you will soon meet other types of Beings, some of whom are quite different to your human form. They will nevertheless be similar in some respects, but most importantly are intelligent Beings that in many instances are much more evolved than you are. However, not all older species are necessarily more evolved than you, as some have devoted more of their time on personal evolution as opposed to spiritual evolution. As you progress into the higher dimensions you will eventually find that you have less need for a permanent body. Yet when you are going to need it, you bring it into being with your power of thought. As you evolve spiritually you will find quite a few differences to your earthly experiences as the lower vibrations tend to hold you back.

    I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and pleased that so many souls on Earth are now awakening to the truth. Sometimes it is difficult to discard beliefs that prove to be incorrect, but if you are to evolve you cannot afford to be too rigid. Always be ready to accept the greater truth if you wish to grow with your experiences. No one can stand still for long, particularly in your present circumstances when changes are happening all around you. However, caution must be exercised as misinformation is still spread to confuse you, so trust your intuition as far as possible. I wish you every success in your ventures and my love goes with you as always.

    Thank you SaLuSa.

    Mike Quinsey.

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    Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012 - Page 3 Empty Re: Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012

    Post  bobhardee Sun Aug 30, 2015 1:06 pm


    SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey: August 28, 2015

    People of the Earth, you are in turmoil as your systems are breaking down proving once again that they are inadequate to maintain a decent and sustained standard of living. Regrettably it has to be that way, as you are the Masters of your own destiny having been graced with freewill. It could have been so different had you accepted that you are your Brother’s keeper, and that you are All One within the Human Race. Greed and self-aggrandisement have prevented souls from equally sharing the wealth of the planet, and that has led to an unbalanced society. We do not condemn those involved as the Human Race has accepted what amounts to a free for all. However, the experience has given all concerned an insight into life without love, and without God, and shown that Man lacks the know how or will to be his Brother’s Keeper. So no experience is without its positive side, in teaching lessons that have speeded up your evolution.

    You have had many lives where different approaches to life have been tried, and apart from the occasional high points it has been very much a hard lesson about life. Certainly as you have experienced many different approaches to life’s challenges and problems, you have nevertheless continued to evolve and many of you have advanced sufficiently to be able to ascend. It now remains to seen when you can raise the vibrations sufficiently for Ascension to take place. It will certainly occur as that is your destiny and indeed for the whole Universe. It cannot be otherwise and has been decreed by the higher forces that oversee the evolution of the Human Race.

    Every soul is given the same opportunity to ascend, and much help is given them subject to their freewill. Some are so entrenched in the lower vibrations that they find it difficult to move on, but be assured that every help is given to help them rise up. However, there comes a point when a cycle has run its course and a new one begins, and it is this interim period that causes you so many problems. There is a grand sorting out that at this time is elevating all aspects of the Light. There will come a time quite soon, when the Light has risen to such a level that it literally leaves the lower vibrations behind. It means that any soul that has not ascended will move to another cycle that continues to meet their needs. All works out perfectly in the end so there is no need to worry about the future of any particular soul. Dear One’s, give thought to the fact that God dwells in a state of complete and utter Love and Perfection, and God’s plan for Man is perfection incarnate.

    Before you volunteered to experience duality and dropped down into the lower vibrations, you knew that it would be a trying time but were confident that you could overcome the challenge. You knew that all along your journey you would be helped to rise up again, but also that with freewill you could experience every aspect of duality. So you travel at a speed that suits your particular requirements, which is why some souls are “lagging” behind. Those who feel a strong link with the Human Race, will return after their Ascension desiring to help lost souls to find their way out of the darkness and back to the Light. At a higher level of vibration the Oneness of all souls is truly understood, and in Brotherly/Sisterly love some will stay in service to them. As you are no doubt beginning to realise, the energy of Love is the most powerful force in the Universe.

    In such changing times, our advice to you is to simply keep your goal in mind, and try as far as possible to ignore what is going on around you. None of you at your level will truly understand what is really happening behind the scenes, but however it appears remember that all actions taken by the Light are ultimately for your benefit. You would consider the tasks we face are too enormous to deal with in short time. However, we emphasise once again that we have enormous forces of Light ready to go into action. Plus our methods are far in advance of what you are already aware of and we can make relatively short work of whatever tasks we face, as we have unlimited resources at our disposal. Our main concern as always is your safety and we will move you into another area if the necessity arises, but do not worry as we do not visualise any major need for such drastic action.

    You are still getting visitors from other civilisations, but often these are for no more than cursory visits where information is being collected regarding the changes in your planet. You are in a very unique situation as your personal Ascension is attracting a lot of interest, as it is the first time it will have been achieved with your existing physical bodies, that even now are being affected by the higher energies. You may not “feel” it occurring but will possibly sense the change within self, as you will ultimately become more at ease and in harmony with all else. You can of course help yourselves by keeping calm and focussed on the Light. You may read of many frightening occurrences around the world but that is inevitable when cleansing is taking place. Plus the fact that the Press enjoys exaggerating conditions by using very emotive words. The dark Ones also enjoy creating fear, as the energy feeds their lower energies and draws more people into them.

    Every soul if not already there, is gradually moving into position to experience the end times while at the same time completing their karmic needs. Some of you are already past them and are preparing yourselves for Ascension. Forget what is going on around you as it is a most exciting time, although some who are more involved with actions on Earth may not believe it. One day in the future you will look back at this period and be glad you were part of that history. You of the Light have served the people on many occasions and are acclaimed for what you have achieved. We are not surprised at your success, as you were initially chosen for the task due to your vast experience.

    The Galactic Federation is at the ready for instructions to round up the dark Ones, who are no longer the force they were. They are now very restricted in what they can do and are unable to proceed with their plans to take over the Earth. Indeed, we monitor and control what takes place thus preventing any actions that would cause widespread damage and loss of life. It can be confusing at times as by your understanding there will still be attacks on civilians, but these are not always what they seem. Remember that the Illuminati have infiltrated many Institutions, and their minions still carry out their secret operations that we are already aware of.

    I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and pleased that more and more souls are awakening and beginning to realise that something big is taking place on Earth. Soon events will occur that will indicate what is coming. Know that each of you have many Dear Ones with you giving guidance, so I will leave you with those thoughts and my love.

    Thank you SaLuSa,
    Mike Quinsey

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    Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012 - Page 3 Empty Re: Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012

    Post  bobhardee Sat Sep 12, 2015 12:09 pm


    SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey: September 11, 2015

    All of sudden after waiting for some considerable time for positive news about Ascension, you are finding that a number of sources are receiving positive information. You are now repeatedly being informed that the 28th. September is the high point of the month, as the day on which the photon energies peak. Not only that, but to a level that has not been previously experienced. If you ever had any doubts about the progress being made towards Ascension, they have surely now been removed. You will now begin to realise that so much has been happening “behind the scenes” that you were not aware of previously. As you have often been told, that has been in the interests of keeping our plan secret for as long as possible. Different civilisations have been involved in the action, not least of all the Shelves from the 6th. dimension who have suddenly made themselves known to you. They are of the Light and will ensure that you succeed in making your way through to Ascension, and they will not allow the dark Ones to carry on interfering with your progress. As you look back you will realise that since 2012 there has been steady progress made, until suddenly you have found your place in the New Age and nothing can stop your completion.

    As many of you may have already found out, the Shelves have arrived in your Solar System with their “home planet” that is now helping to deflect some of the powerful energies reaching you. Otherwise some of you may become overwhelmed by the full force of such powerful energies. These are all signs of the progress being made on many fronts that will soon lead to Ascension. Which souls ascend is entirely due to the level of their vibrations, so it is essential that you apply yourselves to keeping your focus on your goal. It is natural that you will be concerned about your loved ones, but be assured that all souls will find themselves exactly where they are intended to be. The cycle that has just ended unlike earlier ones, will not end in disaster but in success as all of you that are ready will move on and no longer be held back.

    Some souls will ask how they will know if they are ready to ascend and the fact that they have made efforts to be ready for such an occasion, suggests that they have successfully prepared themselves for it. Continue as you have done previously and do not worry about your future, as many Guides that travel with you will ensure that you find yourself exactly where you are intended to be. Some souls will continue at their present level in a similar dimension to the present one, where they will continue to experience the challenge of the 3rd. dimension. Mother Earth is also ascending and will no longer be tied to the lower vibrations. A beautiful Earth will arise out of the ashes of the old one where peace and love reside. No longer shall you be subject to those who carry the negative energies, or their actions that bring down the higher vibrations of the Light. Simply put, they cannot survive in the higher vibrations that are for souls who have moved past the need for further experience at that level.

    Wherever you are in the world the new energies will change the old ones, and Ascension will give the same opportunities to all souls regardless of their background. It has been the same ever since your journey started eons of time ago. All souls have been assisted through their various lives, even if they have been unaware of the presence of their Guides. As the vibrations rise some souls will begin to have an awareness of them and ultimately are able to converse with them. Bear in mind that many of you leave your sleeping bodies each night and meet them, when your needs are discussed and help given to you if so desired. You are never left alone to fight your battles through life, although it may seem like it when the odds seem stacked against you. We would remind you that you agreed to life’s tests before you incarnated, having accepted the need to learn certain lessons to further your evolution.

    If you had a waking memory of your previous lives, you would be amazed at the rapid progress you have made. Indeed, there is not a quicker way available to you even in the next dimension. Be assured that all of you at present on Earth have been chosen because of your particular needs, and your previous experience. However, it is also necessary to have souls from all levels to create a complete society that gives all of them the experiences needed to evolve. Life may seem to be mixture of experiences that seem to have little purpose, but we can assure you that they are carefully planned and carried out by your Guides. As you might understand, at this particular time it is a matter of tying up the loose ends to ensure you are completely prepared to ascend. You have no doubt had the experience to find that some souls have no interest whatsoever in Ascension, because they have not raised their consciousness to a sufficient level to understand what it means. However, as we often point out, it does not matter in the greater scheme of things as all will eventually complete their lessons in the 3rd. dimension.

    You now stand at the beginning of another grand adventure, but this time you will choose the path you wish to follow. After all the experiences you have gone through you can sit back and enjoy the changes as they come along. Clearly there is still work to be done and patience needed whilst the old energies are played out. You in the know can be of great service to those who are awakening and need help to understand what is happening. As you can imagine, the truth will come as a shock to most people, but the changes are to be welcomed as they take you to a level where love and peace reign. Any remnants of the old vibrations will gradually disappear or be removed, as the benefits of the higher dimension lift you up.

    We believe that many of you will begin to feel the benefits of the rise in vibrations, and it should bring a peace of mind and a happy feeling that at last you can fully enjoy the Light that is increasing all of the time. Life is to be full of purpose and uplifting and the old days of chaos and uncertainty will fade into the background having served their purpose in helping you evolve. The journey back to the higher vibrations has been long and arduous, but every effort put in will have been well worth it. At some stage you will be able to review your many lives and history, and then you will have a full understanding of your experiences. They will help you in your choice of further opportunities to take your evolution to the next step.

    I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and always please to address you particularly at such an important time. Your understanding of life has moved forward in leaps and bounds and it will continue to speed up as the greater truths are made known to you. Until you truly understand your remarkable achievements you will be unable to grasp exactly how great they are, and why you are looked up to by other civilisations who have followed your progress.. I leave you as always with my love and blessings, and trust you will find the strength to see the goal ahead of you that is now so near.

    Thank you SaLuSa
    Mike Quinsey.

    For those of you interested in some of the sources of information on Ascension, I list below links that will help you:

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    Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012 - Page 3 Empty Re: Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012

    Post  bobhardee Sun Sep 20, 2015 7:13 pm


    SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey: September 18, 2015

    You are getting proof of the changes that are in progress and although you have had your disappointments in the past, many of you are now feeling the benefits of them. By comparison you should now be able to feel the different energies that are around you that have been substantially lifted up. It has been a slow but positive build up over the last few years which is just about to peak, bringing with it a noticeable upliftment. The overall effect will be one that awakens more people to the truth, so that they can break away from the influence of the dark Ones. Dear Ones, the Light has achieved a victory over them and no longer can they enslave the Human Race. Changes will come quite quickly that will lead towards the establishment of a new era, when freedom will be restored and a quantum leap forward taken to introduce those benefits that have been denied you. It is all prepared and will be given to you as soon as circumstances permit. Have patience as some changes are monumental, and time has to be allowed for them to be introduced. The most important matter at present is to remove the dark Ones and so put a stop to their activities that deliberately interfere with your future.

    One day when you are looking back you will realise that the lives you have had in duality have raised your level of consciousness in a profound way. You may have been severely tested in the fires of life, but you have risen again like the Phoenix. You are on the way to becoming the great Being that you were when you started your journey eons of time ago. It has been tough and even now some souls are still clearing old karma as they complete their journey home. Know that every one of you volunteered for the experience, so there should be no recriminations against the Hierarchy. They have in fact stood by you at all times, and have ensured that you were given every opportunity for success. You are loved beyond measure and are far greater than you could possibly imagine at present. So hold your heads up high and see out the last of the old energies with thanks for their place in your evolution.

    As we have mentioned recently, as souls that have reached an advanced point of understanding you can do much work in helping those who are just awakening to the truth. They will hear of changes that are taking place, and some will be frightened by the prospect of things being taken away that are familiar to them. You can placate them and assure them that not only are the changes in the best interests of everyone, but will advance them very quickly to a more pleasurable and easy life. The Creator has acknowledged the hard work that has been put in to achieve success, and has promised that from hereon you shall enjoy the fruits of your labours.

    Slowly but surely you shall learn of your true history and your exalted place in the Universe. The end times are being watched with admiration by many, many civilisations that are waiting to meet you and show their love, and give their thanks for your achievements. You have carried out a service that will benefit many souls and speed up their evolution. In time you will fully understand, but at present it would be too much to comprehend all at once. At all times “love” has been the key word to your success, and Universal Love is your ultimate gaol. Where possible rest easy now and take everything in your stride, and we know it is easier said than done. Your worries will soon be a thing of the past when you will be able to fully enjoy your life.

    You may be sure that no intrusion or attempts by others to interfere with your progress will be allowed. As we have mentioned before, the Earth is quarantined but also being protected by many Starships, in such a manner that you are assured of completing your journey quite safely. The end times have already been decreed to be a success, so positive predictions for that period will come to fruition. At the right which is way off at present we will be able to safely land on Earth and start the celebrations that are already planned. By then you will be completely free from the attentions of the dark Ones or indeed any other uninvited visitors. There are great times ahead that will go some way as a “thank you” for your hard work and great achievements.

    We know that some of you with children worry about their future, and we wish to assure you that they will be well looked after. Some have incarnated from the higher dimensions especially for the period that is coming up. They are advanced souls that have a lot to offer and will be of immense help when their knowledge is required. Indeed, some are born leaders and their psychic abilities and other qualities will be welcomed. As you move further into the New Age you too will start to develop and claim your special abilities, and as you evolve you will also extend your chakra system. Evolution never stops and so life progresses to better and better things. For example some of you are already telepathic, but in time that will become a normal feature for everyone.

    Think big as the only thing that can now hold you back is yourself. You help create your future by your thoughts and desires, and by attracting them to yourself. So it is imperative that you do not dwell upon negative thoughts, as this way you can attract the very things you do not want. It will of course become easier as the vibrations rise up, until you reach the stage where you will not encounter negativity. For many souls, duality has honed your character and temperament to the point where you are in complete control. On Earth there has been so many challenges to overcome that it is not surprising that you have found it difficult to make progress. However, you are never alone and your Guides are continually by your side to give help. Call upon them when you need help and you will surely get a response. However, there are times when you need to go through experiences for karmic reasons when they have to stand back.

    I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and feel quite close to you having “shared” your lives for some time now. I am not of course the only one around you and at times when you need special help, there are others to call upon. Be assured we are always just a call away and do receive your messages, and where possible let you have a response to them. When we can uncloak our craft you see them for a brief time and we know that many of you find that re-assuring. We enjoy our service to Humanity and get so much joy when we can see how well you are progressing, and especially at this time when you are so near to completing your journey. It is not long now before your travels on Earth will be over and the celebrations can begin, and that is a measure of how much you are respected and admired for your remarkable achievements over eons of time.

    Thank you SaLuSa.
    Mike Quinsey

    NOTE: My apologies as my message of 11 September 2015 referred to the “Shelves” and should have read “Sphere Alliance

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    Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012 - Page 3 Empty Re: Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012

    Post  bobhardee Sun Oct 04, 2015 11:25 am


    SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey: October 2, 2015

    You have just passed the 28th, September, a significant date because a number of events were either coming to a conclusion or reaching a peak. It did not impact itself upon you but in general terms has as you say ”raised the bar”, but as time passes many of you will begin to notice significant changes. Clearly the higher vibrating energies cannot help but bring changes about. Although your Press is controlled and you do not get to read all of the important news, you will nevertheless note that the awakening of Humanity is spreading. You now question what is taking place on Earth rather than automatically accept what is placed before you. You are beginning to awaken to the truth of your existence, and see beyond the lies that are often presented to you as the truth. There are great souls on Earth working for the Light and they are coming forward to give you truthful accounts of your past, and what the future holds. We will never tire of telling you that you are great Beings of Light who are about to enjoy the awakening. Some of you will be shocked and find it hard to believe how you have been duped for so long. However, the advice from us is to quickly move on and spend your precious time promoting positive changes. The dark Ones have sealed their own fate and will have much to learn if they are to return to the Light. Certainly every encouragement will be given to them, as no soul is considered to be beyond salvation.

    Beings of Light from our dimensions draw closer to you ready to play their part in bringing the truth to you. You have been brow beaten for so long you have doubted your value to the Light. We can assure you that you are held in great esteem and applaud you for your achievement in bringing the Light back to Earth. You are now emerging from the darkness and into the Light and many souls are waiting to greet you and help you past the final obstacles. We know you are eager to lift up but there are still matters to be dealt with for which you are all needed. You would not be here on such an occasion unless you had something to contribute, no matter how small it may be. You are a wonderful team selected because of your proven abilities. So do not be concerned if you find it difficult to know how you fit in, your time may be yet to come.

    The old regime is on its last legs, so dramatic things will happen and be unavoidable. All you need remember is that we are waiting to meet you, and we will ensure that it arrives as soon as possible and with the least fuss. The dark days are almost a thing of past, but whilst you have to walk alongside the dark Ones you can never be sure of what may happen, as they may lash out in fury having lost the battle for your souls. They will need a lot of Love and Light if they are to rise up out the darkness they have created. Pushing them back down helps no one, and only the Light can awaken them to the truth. Remember the saying that “but for the Grace of God there go I” as at present you have little idea if any of your past lives. All of you have experienced both sides over millennia of time as part of your evolution, and have evolved remarkably quickly.

    It is worth reminding you that many souls who are discarnate who have links with you follow your progress, and wait for you to return to the higher dimensions where they can meet you again. Although many of you meet them during your sleep period, few of you bring back waking memories with you. So you have much to look forward to once you rise up. There will be celebrations galore and many a tear shed in joy at such reunions. Some souls have come from even higher realms, and certainly one as great as St. Germain who has led Humanity through many periods of history. He has obviously been known by several names that are familiar to you. Even now he is leading the Awakening and is helped by other souls that share his love for humankind.

    There is so much happening that is going to bring the Awakening about, that you would be hard put to keep up with it. Matters are speeding up and each day now brings the promise of more exciting news. Changes are taking place and all will ultimately be for your advantage. The New Age is arriving quickly and we have many exciting projects to make you aware of when the time is right. Because we have these in hand and ready to go ahead, the new technologies can be introduced very quickly and put into action. You have things to catch up on that have been denied you that in the normal circumstances would already have been in use. There will come a time when you will look back and wonder how you coped without the new technologies. They will make life so easy and enable you to have all the free time you need to follow your own desires. You have not really experienced true freedom but that time is getting nearer and will come to be.

    Ascension is such an important event that it has aroused much interest in the Universe. Consequently it has also brought the “Shelves” into action and they have placed themselves in such a position that they have completely surrounded the Earth. Their purpose is to keep the Solar System free from any outside interference, and thus ensure that the end times proceed unhindered. We hope you are beginning to appreciate that you are in an extremely important time, and much depends on the successful completion of your Ascension. You are the last ones to do so, thus releasing other civilisations to carry on following their own paths.

    When you get to learn the truth of your experiences in the lower dimension, you will become elated and full of joy and eager to make up for lost time. There are so many opportunities that will open up for you, and as an ascended being will be free to follow your chosen path. You have come from a number of planets for the unique experiences that the Earth can give you. There will be times when they will serve you well when you will meet beings from other planets who have heard about the Earth ascending. We in our ships have followed your exploits for hundreds of years, and that has been possible because our life span runs into a few thousand years. Because the Earth has a low vibration you can only have short life spans, but each one is normally packed with opportunities to evolve. Thank Mother Earth for her willingness to offer herself to the Human Race, knowing that they have little understanding of the importance of treating her with respect.

    I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and I sometimes look back at your progress in this century, and congratulate you for the way you have kept to your path, and managed to bring in important changes. The Light has grown in spite of the obstructive actions of the dark Ones, and their disregard of people’s needs. You have proved your loyalty to the Light and the souls that tread the path through duality. Your time has all but arrived to be released from your responsibilities, and we say “very well done”. You have travelled far in your different incarnations, but now it is nearly time to return home. Many await that time and send their love to you all.

    Thank you SaLuSa.

    Mike Quinse

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    Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012 - Page 3 Empty Re: Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012

    Post  bobhardee Sun Oct 04, 2015 11:37 am


    Obviously this is not SaLuSa. It is William Henry and somewhat touches on what was posted above.


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    Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012 - Page 3 Empty Re: Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012

    Post  bobhardee Wed Oct 14, 2015 6:39 pm


    SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey: October 9, 2015

    So much is occurring on Earth that it is difficult for you to determine exactly what is happening. Karma is being played out whilst at the same time the Light is progressing to bring through more of the higher energies. More and more people are beginning to understand how they have been manipulated by the Illuminati, and rightly feel angry that they have been misled for so long. Not only that, but the way in which you have been denied many of the advances that they have kept to themselves. The truth is that you also knew before you incarnated, that you would experience a strong challenge to take away your freedom and your rights. However, you might not have been aware that you were chosen because of your background and experience. A few may fall by the wayside but it was known that the vast majority would rise up against the dark Ones. Consequently you have been able to withstand their actions, so much so that they can no longer be sure of fulfilling their own agenda. So we can say that the Light has won the fight against them and although they will fight to the bitter end, they cannot win.

    We are unable to determine the exact manner in which events will turn out, and cannot therefore predict when Ascension will take place. However, progress should now move even faster and we are helping you on your way. At times it may seem that matters stagnate but be assured that all goes well, and we will not allow you to be held up. Indeed, where we are permitted we will always help you, and that is often a matter of advising you the correct or best time to take action. We do this by subtle means or when we meet you during your sleep period. The challenge that you face is one that you have to deal with, but we are nevertheless allowed to assist you. Having almost gone through the toughest part of your evolution, we know that you will emerge victorious. Clearly some souls will lose their lives during these volatile times but that is their agreed karma from which they shall benefit. Indeed the end times offer you many great opportunities to clear old karma for once and for all.

    The end times also give great opportunities for everyone’s karma to be cleared, and certainly if you are following Ascension it is necessary to do so. You cannot take it with you, but we must add that you can be released from it if the circumstances permit. What a lovely thought that you can wave goodbye to any further karma, once you reach a certain point of evolution. If you think for a moment, when the vibrations are raised there is a point where you can only speak the truth, and that in itself will avoid many karmic situations. Man has got used to speaking half- truths so often that it becomes the normal way of life. Part of your problem is that telling the truth can lead to trouble for you or others, so you tend to cover up. Be assured that in the higher dimensions, you will not face the same problems and life is so happy and trouble free.

    In general terms we have tried to give you a sense of what it is like to live in the higher vibrations, yet without actual experience of them it is difficult to find adequate words. Let us say that you will be overjoyed at the freedom given you, and enjoy the happiness and love that exists everywhere. No more drudgery, no more chores and all the time you want to satisfy your love of adventure and new challenges. Follow the Laws of One and you will enjoy your new found freedom. Sometimes the Earth can provide the most exciting challenges, but these will soon be forgotten when you have the whole Universe to experience. All the time and effort you have put in to get this far will be more than worth the effort you have put in. Not least of all remember that you can again meet your loved ones and friends, and what a glorious reunion you will have.

    We enjoy telling you of what awaits you once you ascend, and undoubtedly the freedom to fully and freely express yourselves as the loving soul that you are, is the most satisfying experience. You will be acclaimed for the experiences you have had and many souls will delight in meeting you and “hearing” all about them. Indeed, as we mentioned in an earlier message, through you other souls will not need to necessarily experience exactly what you have. Your experience can be shared to the benefit of other souls and so the learning cycle goes on. In time you will put your Earth experiences behind you, and they will become mere dreamlike, but you will always have the benefit of them. You have of course travelled the path before but as you return it will add to your experiences, and so it continues as you grow to a point where you become a Galactic Being.

    Because of the confusion and the state of the World, there will soon become a time when many people will be worried by what is happening around them. This is where you can allay their fears, but be careful that you do not overbear them with too much detail. Clearly not everyone will want to listen to what you have to say, and for some of them the truth is a step too far for them to believe. Allow them to find their own truth, but by all means speak with those who express an interest. At such times people are usually concerned as to what will happen to their family and friends. Families will generally stay together and continue to experience and evolve together. It must however be remembered that each soul has a choice at each stage of its evolution and that must be honoured.

    Bearing in mind all of the negativity on Earth it must be remembered that a life now that is very testing is not a sign of your level of spirituality, particularly now when so many are probably spending much time clearing old karmic issues. If anything it may suggest that you have undertaken to clear your karma so that you are clear to ascend. So be careful where you choose to form an opinion of a soul’s progress. You cannot really know unless you have read the Akashic records, and even then you will be unaware of what that soul has undertaken for this lifetime. We would stress that karma is not punishment but an opportunity to overcome problems that may be holding up your advancement. What may appear as punishment is simply the opportunity to put right problems that you have, often relating to other people.

    I am SaLuSa from Sirius, come as always to lift you up and ensure that you know that you never travel your soul path alone. There are always helpers and Guides following your progress, and giving you a gentle nudge when you need it. We often remind you that they are there for you, and are pleased to help when you need assistance. Regardless of what stage of evolution you have reached there are always souls who are ready to help you, and so it continues until you reach the end of your journey. Follow your intuitive feelings when in doubt as they will not let you down, and they will grow stronger as you evolve. The ego may get in the way but you may be sure that it is caring for your earthly needs, which may not necessarily be your priority.

    Thank you SaLuSa,

    Mike Quinsey

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    Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012 - Page 3 Empty Re: Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012

    Post  bobhardee Sat Oct 17, 2015 8:43 pm


    SaLuSa 16 October 2015 via Mike Quinsey

    Matters have suddenly taken a turn that signifies the end of the Cabals influence, as far as its ability to dictate the manner in which future events manifest. Their plan has been put back partly by the extraordinary response of the people, who have galvanised themselves into groups that are devoting their time to the Light of Truth. The full extent of the power of the Illuminati may not be known to them, but instead of confrontation they have realised that giving more strength to the Light, more than balances the scales. Indeed, with the help of other forces of Light they can speed ahead with the changes that are destined to ensure their victory. There is a way to go yet, but what you will see are the signs that clearly confirm the direction you are going in. The energies for change are growing all of the time and as the old ones fall away the new ones will bring about desirable. It will clearly signal that you are taking bold steps to ensure that Ascension is not delayed and continues approaching.

    With the introduction of the Plasma Reactor Unit it has so to say set the first stage of real change into action. It remains to be seen how the information will be received and if any attempts to delay it can be overcome. Certainly the manner in which it has been made public through the Keshe Foundation ensures that it will be introduced through many, many different sources. This alone will make it difficult for anyone opposed to it to, to completely halt its progress. However, now that the information has been released, it will be very interesting to see the general reaction to it. We foresee that such a life changing invention will be eagerly accepted, and be the first of many to lift the quality of your lives. So travel the rest of the way to freedom, knowing that nothing will be allowed to interfere with the path you have chosen. There are other changes being prepared, but first let us see how you cope with the present situation. Whatever problems you encounter, they cannot have any real impact on the excellent progress you are making.

    It should not take much to make you realise that the plans for your Ascension are well on track, and many Beings outside of Earth have given their support to ensure your success. So we along with the Sphere Alliance and the Blue Avians are your assurance that absolutely no interference will be able to halt the progress being made. As you must realise, powerful Beings from beyond your Earth have planned your success, and no matter what the dark Ones do to try and stop you, they will not succeed. The plan has been in place for eons of time and this cycle is now destined to end in success. You have had your disappointments in the past, but this time you will be celebrating with us and other souls who have accompanied you.

    Fear is your biggest problem, which is why we promote a happy ending to the cycle. We have often reminded you that the dark Ones live off the energy of fear, which is why it is essential that you avoid creating it. They still try to make you doubtful and fearful as they plan to fake an alien attack upon Earth. Do not fall for their tactics and know that we will handle any attempt to carry it out. This is to be your time, your success and no one can take it away from you. You have earnt it and lifted yourselves up after the most trying conditions have been imposed upon you. The most acceptable change is in your attitude and approach to the dark Ones, who can no longer intimidate you as they have done in the past.

    These are the times when you can congratulate yourselves for having come to the end of your journey. The result was never in doubt, yet at the same time success was not guaranteed but you overcame the many challenges. You never lost faith in yourselves or your many friends and co-workers from other dimensions. Until you are able to see the whole picture you will not realise the great effort you have put in, and at times how many of you worked for long periods alone. It has required immense faith on your part and you have come through with flying colours. Although you did not do it for personal reward, the fact remains that you gained much from your experiences. You will carry your experiences with you and they will serve you well in the future. No effort you put in for the Light is wasted regardless of how small it is, as you are part of a group that incarnated to act as a collective. In time you will have a full appreciation and understanding of your lifetime achievements.

    You have waited a long time for the encouraging signs that are now to be seen around you. However, you still need to be patient as signs of early success are only the start of a period of changes that will still need time to fully manifest. However, we do not wish to take away your joy and enthusiasm, but allow sufficient time for things to fully progress. The seeds have been sown and nothing can now prevent the outcome that the Lightworkers have wished for. Clearly until the Press and Television have been released from the restrictions imposed upon them, you are not going to be given full details of the changes taking place.

    The dark Ones are plotting to try and make one last attempt to stop your progress, but it will be to no avail because there is no way that they can make their plans without our knowledge. So Dear Ones, do not let them unnerve you or raise doubts in your minds as if you could see the future as we do, you would know that it is assured. The future is bright and Mother Earth is preparing for Ascension for which she is greatly thankful, particularly after many cycles that have ended in catastrophes. As we have informed you a number of times, the Universe awaits your upliftment into the higher vibrations. You may be a small speck in the Ocean of Planets but nevertheless are a very important one in its evolution.

    For you each week we may bring exciting news as you anticipate the changes that are in hand. When you look back you will realise that everything has been in the process of change for a long time, but it is only now that it is becoming obvious to you. Bear in mind that to bring in the new, the old has to be changed or removed and that may cause you temporary inconvenience but it will not last long. All matters are now quickly moving along as time continues to speed up, as many of you have noticed. Have no doubt that the old ways are no longer suitable for the new Man that is emerging out of the ashes of the old one. Already you are adapting to the new ideas and it only remains for them to fully manifest.

    I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and tell you the changes will speed up your arrival into the New Age along with all of the advantages that come with it. Our craft frequently appear in your skies and should give you a feeling of security. Be assured that we never use force, but if need be we will protect our craft if they are threatened by others. Our intent is to be a peaceful force for the good of all.

    So I leave you with our blessings and love for a safe journey to the higher dimensions that are your true home.

    Thank you SaLuSa.

    Mike Quinsey.

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    Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012 - Page 3 Empty Re: Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012

    Post  bobhardee Wed Oct 28, 2015 6:59 pm

      Current date/time is Sat Sep 07, 2024 7:46 pm