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    Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012


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    Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012 Empty Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012

    Post  Carol Thu May 10, 2012 4:38 pm

    There are those amongst you that are now awakening to their missions, as you are approaching a most intense period of activity. These Beings have been waiting for this particular time, to be available for the masses who will need guidance to understand what is going on around them. Events are going to move quite quickly, and there will be some confusion and fear as a result. All Lightworkers can assist in such times, and we ask them to be ready to share their knowledge with others. We shall continue to assist our allies and many Starseeds will come into their own, having been carefully prepared for exactly what their experience allows. There is so much being done to ensure you make the transition with Mother Earth, and that as many of you as possible succeed. Even those that are not yet ready require help, as they too need to be made aware as to what lies ahead for them. read more at link above

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012 Empty Re: Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012

    Post  Floyd Thu May 24, 2012 8:20 am

    Thanks for that Carol


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    Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012 Empty Re: Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012

    Post  bobhardee Sun Oct 13, 2013 8:03 pm


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    Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012 Empty Re: Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012

    Post  bobhardee Sun Oct 13, 2013 8:14 pm

    10 10 2013

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    Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012 Empty Re: Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012

    Post  TRANCOSO Wed Oct 16, 2013 12:40 pm


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    Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012 Empty Re: Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012

    Post  magamud Wed Oct 16, 2013 3:26 pm

    Interesting Trancoso. You support ET thinking on one hand, but on another you can just laugh it off as ridiculous?

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    Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012 Empty Re: Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012

    Post  TRANCOSO Wed Oct 16, 2013 5:10 pm

    magamud wrote:Interesting Trancoso.  You support ET thinking on one hand, but on another you can just laugh it off as ridiculous?
    I have experienced a partially witnessed, absolutely unbelievable missing time adventure, so I'll be the last person to deny anything 'out of this world', but SaLuSa is - imo - total bs.

    btw, here you'll find the origins of LORD TRANCOSO of The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Have fun!


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    Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012 Empty Re: Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012

    Post  bobhardee Tue Oct 22, 2013 8:49 am


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    Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012 Empty Re: Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012

    Post  bobhardee Tue Oct 22, 2013 8:53 pm


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    Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012 Empty Re: Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012

    Post  Floyd Wed Oct 23, 2013 3:44 am

    TRANCOSO wrote:
    magamud wrote:Interesting Trancoso.  You support ET thinking on one hand, but on another you can just laugh it off as ridiculous?
    I have experienced a partially witnessed, absolutely unbelievable missing time adventure, so I'll be the last person to deny anything 'out of this world', but SaLuSa is - imo - total bs.

    btw, here you'll find the origins of LORD TRANCOSO of The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Have fun!

    Just salusa uberlord.
    You know the cia can kidnap people and programme them with a 'missing'
    Alien experience.

    Just one of the tricks up their sleeve

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    Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012 Empty Re: Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012

    Post  bobhardee Wed Oct 23, 2013 8:32 am

    I think that every person has to pick and choose which, if any, of the channeling material that rings true to them. I was drawn more to the older version of the SaLaSa than these newer ones.
    As it has before, it seems that the time that many of the cosmic puzzle pieces are all coming together. We are seeing a bigger sociological, political, economical, and ecological picture that may no longer be limited to our home planet. How much is true and how much is bs or nabs is what keeps us on our toes. Beside that, the SaLuSa message of being aware of what you think because that is what you will get, is not a bad message. Personally I hope that an outside force brings a new prosperity to earth that lasts 10,000 years.....and that we are allowed to play an active role our galactic council.

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    Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012 Empty Re: Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012

    Post  mudra Wed Oct 23, 2013 10:09 am

    bobhardee wrote:Beside that, the SaLuSa message of being aware of what you think because that is what you will get, is not a bad message.  Personally I hope that an outside force brings a new prosperity to earth that lasts 10,000 years.....and that we are allowed to play an active role our galactic  council.
    I would favor a world where we become aware of being awareness. for that grounds us in being, our core nature, rather running in circles in thought processes.
    From that point of conscious awareness conscious actions can then be taken.
    It is my belief an inside force to be brought forward is desirable in everyone as a vector of responsability that would allow for some positive change in the evolution of man.
    The rescue team already manifested itself through the ages and delivered the message : rise in consciousness for the truth that will be available then will set you free from limiting beliefs .
    From there saving this planet from the deep sleep and ensuing nightmares man got himself into will ensue naturally.
    That was the first assignment given to us by the sages. We haven't completed it yet.

    Love from me


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    Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012 Empty Re: Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012

    Post  bobhardee Wed Oct 23, 2013 12:16 pm

    Yes to you
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    Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012 Empty Re: Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012

    Post  mudra Wed Oct 23, 2013 2:36 pm

    bobhardee wrote:Yes to you
    What a wise quote from our African brothers.
    Thank You for sharing Bob.


    Love from me

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    Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012 Empty Re: Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012

    Post  bobhardee Thu Oct 24, 2013 7:27 am

    A New Awakening

    We of the star systems & planets of the Andromeda Council are your family & friends. We are here to let you know your planet Earth/Terra and all of your people are about to go through major changes, a major stage of growth, a shift-up in vibration, called “upliftment”. It is a completely new vibration, new higher consciousness & awareness, a new existence… for the first time in your planet’s history.

    It is a cleansing, a rebirth, a transformation. It is a transition. For you on planet Earth - it is a new beginning. Most important to understand, it is simply a natural evolutionary step.

    Though the process has already begun, somewhat. Earth is about to transform in the near future from its current 3D solid matter form existence in the 3rd dimension… into 4D crystalline fine essence matter of the fourth dimension/density reality, the vibratory rate one frequency faster than currently on Earth, as Earth's solar system and planet Earth are now crossing the galactic equatorial plane zone of the Milky Way galaxy.

    Overall, this new area of 4D, fourth dimensional, space is a place where matter has far less density & weight, an area of much faster & higher frequency energy vibration. It is also a dimension where time will no longer have a hold on Earth humans. From a 4D, fourth dimension, perspective - time doesn't exist... at least not the way Earth presently experiences time.

    In addition, this area of fourth dimensional space also has a 'black hole' with highly charged magnetic energies at its core. Earth's solar system and planet Earth will upon entry of this zone encounter the highly charged magnetic energies of this 'black hole' and feel its effects. Some of your Earth scientists, astrophysicists, call this area you are entering - an interstellar energy cloud, Galactic or Torsion Energy Wave.

    The speeding up of your solar system & its planets including Earth due to the faster & higher frequency energy vibration rate of this area - their upliftment into the fourth density resulting in continued geophysical events and additional changes to planet Earth - these changes are projected to start by mid-October 2011.

    "The more you know The more you will trust and the less you will fear"
    MEDEWIWIN PRAYER (Ojibway People)

    Time of Transition for Planet Earth
    A Time of Planet wide Earth Changes

    The official beginning of the infusion of 4D, fourth dimensional, energy, will begin to affect Earth's solar system on 11.11.11 as it begins to encounter energy from the galactic equatorial plane region - as a universe & galactic wide harmonic frequency will open and affect this whole area of space.

    Whether people call this phenomenon a stargate or portal this area of faster higher fourth dimensional energy is real. This historic date of 11.11.11 begins the infusion of 4D dimensional energy onto your planet. It will affect Earth & its people in a positive, uplifting way like never before experienced in your planet's history.

    2012 - 2013
    The saturation of this higher frequency vibration will continue from the end of 2011, through all of 2012, reaching full strength during the time of December 21, 2012 - which will bring a completely new, even higher level frequency vibration - such that the experience & measurement of time as the people of Earth have known it... will begin to go away. It will continue to go away and perpetually diminish throughout all of 2013.

    These vibrational changes & continued geophysical earth changes... earthquakes, volcanoes going off, wave events, these will all continue to happen throughout the last months of 2012, into March 2013 [and beyond] when the final rotation of the 90 degree shift of Earth's crust begins to happen with the present day East/West orientation of the continents moving into their new North/South orientation.

    There is also expected to be a magnetic pole shift, a reversal, during this time, but will likely not cause any problems for the people of Earth. There is of course likely to be a temporary period of adjustment of Earth's electrical systems, but this is only expected to last a few hours time. It will not be problematic. If there are any difficulties at all, the biospheres of the Andromeda Council stand ready to help and will help.

    The 23.5 degree off-axis tilt of the Earth that presently exists should be corrected as well, and will be no longer. This will mean a much more temperate climate for planet Earth overall. Think of the whole planet as having a climate much like that of the Mediterranean region.

    Yes, planet Earth will likely go through continued dramatic changes to get to this new higher vibrational existence. And these events as life changing they will be to both humans and all life on the planet... these changes are normal and necessary for this process. It is transformation. It is evolution.

    During this overall time every living thing from the largest to the smallest will be offered the opportunity to change, to evolve, into 4D, fourth dimensional, life.

    Just like a woman's body changes, adjusts & expands, Earth too must go through her uncomfortable adjustments, her labor pains, and the momentary intense pain of child birth. Earth too must adjust & prepare herself for this new beginning, for her new life as a 4th density world... a far more colorful, vibrant, & beautiful 4th dimensional world.

    These earth changes are expected to settle down throughout remaining later part of 2013, and will begin the completion of this cycle by the end of October, winding down in December 2013.

    It is expected planet Earth, her people & virtually all life, will begin her new 4D higher vibrational existence, her new fourth dimensional life, in early January 2014.
    Please know that this moment of change to 4D will happen, literally, as fast as, in the 'blink of an eye'. This change to 4D life will be instantaneous. There will also be some pockets of 5D, fifth dimensional, vibration, on your new 4D Earth. But be assured, it will be an even more colorful, far more beautiful reborn world.

    Also please keep in my that 4D, the fourth dimension, is one of a journey inward toward the complete expression of love... love for each other and love of self. During the course of this evolution toward 4D, toward a life of love, remember to forgive... forgive yourself & forgive others on the way to... opening your heart.

    This journey from 3D to 4D can also be expressed as the journey from thousands of years of male/intellectual/logical energy & outward expression focused on the ways of the mind; transitioning to the more gentle expressions of female/giving/intuitive energy focused on... the ways of the heart. The ways of peace, of giving... of love.

    "A Way to Calm & Inner Peace"

    Go out into nature, quiet your mind, live from your heart, bring as much joy & love as possible into your life & into the lives of those you touch... and know you will awaken in joy to a beautiful new world.

    Home Andromeda Council Contact Cosmic Alliance Partnrs Archived Interviews The Real Back Story FAQ- Frequent Questions

    Upliftment. This painting is a metaphor for Mother Earth birthing a beautiful new world, in a new dimension.

    Introduction to Contact & Visitation

    There are Others in Our Vast Universe

    Who Truly Care about the People of Earth

    To assist and prepare all Earth humans to make the step-up, this “upliftment”, in spiritual awareness & consciousness to the 4th dimension as Earth is crossing the galactic equatorial plane -

    The Andromeda Council has committed many resources, trained people, ships, counselors, advisors in many areas of expertise, to help Earth people through the various stages of adjustment & growth. They will do this by mentoring, teaching and helping Earth humans to evolve emotionally, intellectually, physically, socially & most important spiritually.

    They will remind Earth people of the truth & reality of their own origin as sacred sparks of the Creator / of Creation... as free sovereign souls, free sovereign human beings. ​

    They will teach Earth people by example: they will use significant, specific acts of love and kindness, some seen & unseen, for the people of Earth... for their cousins, brothers and sisters on this tiny blue world.

    One example of a specific act of kindness is the number of twelve (12) Andromeda Council biospheres / ships they have committed. These ships will use their combined projected force fields to wrap & envelop planet Earth - to slow the pace of the changes to the planet as much as possible, and to help protect planet Earth, while they also minimize the adjustments, the vibrational cause and effects to this planet during its shift into becoming a 4th dimension world.

    They will share with, and remind, the people of Earth the most important, most powerful creative force in the Universe is: love.

    They will quietly visit Earth and introduce themselves, sharing what their lives are like, who they are, how they live, speaking directly with people on this planet from every walk of life. Very much a reintroduction of old friends and family.

    The time line projected for their contact & visitation:

    Now that this final undersea Reptilian base has been cleared out, shut down, cleaned-up, and is no longer operable - this final 'policing' action by the people of Procyon of the Andromeda Council has literally cleared the way for the people from the four (4) Andromeda Council planets (Ventra, Nikotae, Toleka & Ritol) to begin their formal planning to visit the people of Earth.

    To read about the "Contact" of these people with the people of the planet Earth, please go to page 3., "Contact" of this web site: .

    Also, immediately prior to their visitation, please expect to meet an advanced 'good will' & liaison team of: Ambassador Tanka Wheneh, Diplomat Maka Nahiweh, and Vice-Chairwoman Tania Piekae of the Andromeda Council - who will be sharing with the people of Earth what they can expect to learn over the extended months of their visit, the true origin of humanity on Earth, the nature of the human soul & spirit, the nature of your changing planet, Earth, and what to continue to expect as it becomes a beautiful fourth dimensional world.

    To learn more in detail about the global visits of the above three (3) people, please go to the - "Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page - FAQ - Frequent Questions - of this web site.

    This page updated: 10.23.13

    Contact: to communicate with Tolec, please write to me from your YouTube channel account, but without being connected to Google+ Log in. Once logged in, go to your account manager at the upper right hand side & find your "In-Box". Once you are in there, "Compose" a message to: TolecfromDakote.

    note: Thank you to all of you who are taking time to read this web site. Thanks for your continued - interest, cooperation, help & understanding.

    Before you ask questions - before you write in with your questions, please do your research, please do your 'homework' first.

    Please read - this web site, especially the FAQ-Frequently Questions page. I keep it updated with many critically important questions & answers.

    Should you wish to refer to the authorized "Glossary" of all of the major categories & terms used on this web site, please go to:

    This web site has no other affiliations with any other similar named Facebook, Twitter, or likewise social networking group.

    Please be advised: the Andromeda Council - Tolecfrom Dakote - YouTube account, &/or this web site, has: NO AFFILIATION WITH NOR APPROVAL OF the videos & messages coming from the "AndromedanCouncil" - YouTube channel.

    Copyright 2013. Tolec and the Andromeda Council.

    ANNOUNCEMENT: On June 16, 2012 a White buffalo calf was born in Goshen, Connecticut. Oglala Lakota People held a sacred naming ceremony for him on July 28, 2012. His name is: Yellow Medicine Dancing Boy.

    To listen to Native American flute song - "Dakote" click here.

    To listen to Native American flute song - "Kaehalei" click here.
    People of Earth, you are awakening and evolving.
    So too is your planet, she is transforming.
    Soon you will rediscover your true cosmic heritage as ancestral children of many human races among the stars.

    Only you can create your future, open your hearts to each other.
    As your brothers & sisters from the stars… know that we love you.
    We are all one.
    Maka Nahiweh
    __ Diplomat, Andromeda Council

    The Transformation - A New Beginning
    A Truly Beautiful Reborn Planet Earth
    New Life as Higher Dimensional Humans
    Once Earth is vibrating in the fourth dimension, Earth's remaining sentient inhabitants, including all humans, will be forever changed. The moment of change to 4D human life will happen in the 'blink of an eye', that fast. Once changed, people will manifest a variety of natural, multi-sensory abilities as never before experienced in Earth's history. These new abilities include: telepathy, telekinesis, teleportation, and levitation. For all of transformed humanity - human consciousness, human life, will make a quantum leap in evolution.

    Humans finally experience and learn first hand about the truth & reality of their own soul, about their true spiritual birth essence & origin. 4D humanity experiences a true spiritual life - complete self awareness and cognition, total memory recall, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience & greater natural harmony with others.

    This will include a complete transformation of your solar system. A complete transformation of the human race on planet Earth. You will now have crystalline bodies, healthy, light filled with virtually eternal life spans. And a beautiful way of living like you have never imagined.

    This time in Earth’s history will begin what many have described as a new age of enlightenment, literal spiritual awareness, living, being & consciousness, an age of true human renewal...
    back to the origins of what the human race was meant to become. And;
    People of planet Earth, you will determine your own destiny, you will make your own conscious choices... you will determine your future. No one else.
    But the difference is, with this evolutionary change, from this time forward, people of planet Earth, now a fourth dimensional race, you will no longer be alone.
    You will now finally truly be reconnected with your brothers, sisters and cousins across the stars in this vast universe full of sentient, intelligent life. Truly a family & community of intergalactic life.

    As you can imagine, it will be more fun for you to reconnect with family you haven't seen in a while. It should make this particular reconnection with your relatives... a once in a 'lifetime' experience, and a new beginning, as you on planet Earth start a whole new & enlightened chapter in your planet's history.
    Welcome to the greater family of humanity thriving across the universe. Mitakuye Oyas'in. All My Relations. We Are All Related. We Are All One.

    note: please look for the report, "Visiting four (4) Races of the Andromeda Council", found in "Written News Reports, & Interview Transcripts" on the Archived Interviews page of this web site for a complete description of the four (4) ET races [Ventra, Nikotae, Toleka & Ritol] of the Andromeda Council who will be making & having continual ongoing, open contact... very informally visiting with the people of Earth.

    Love, trust, faith, hope, kindness, compassion, heart. You are incredible beings of light, strength & beauty. Earth people, you already have everything you need to change your world. You.

    Just follow your hearts.

    Tania Piekae

    __ Vice-Chairwoman, Andromeda Council

    Migration Story of the Dakote Oyate

    To learn the migration story of the Dakote people to planet Earth from the Taygeta star system in the Pleiades, the Seven Sisters, their place of origin... the story of the Wicahpi Oyate... Tunkasilas... Wicahpi Hukas... the people who became the Dakota, Lakota, Nakota & many other Native People of Grandmother & Turtle Island, please go to:

    A free written transcript available for download can be found in - "Written News Reports & Interview Transcripts" on the upper left hand side of the Archived Interviews page of this web site.
    Wakan Wochekiye - for all of the Dakota, Lakota and other indigenous people who's hearts I hope this will touch, please watch & listen to: "Wakan Wochekiye - A Sacred Prayer" at this YouTube link:

    Mitakuye Oyasin. Kodas / Kolas. All My Relations. We Are All Related. We are All One. Wodakote / Wodakota / Wolakota, "peace", misukalas ki & mitaksis ki.

    Notice: Please enjoy Tolec commentary: "A Way to Calm & Inner Peace" - at these YouTube links:


    Please find this Tolec video: "Andromeda Council confirms - ships on the back side of Moon". This is an Andromeda Council confirmation of a recent 10.20.2013 report of "L" shaped ships alleged to be docked on the back side of Earth's Moon.

    You can find it at:

    Please click here for the international interviews page.

    In English: /

    Per favore, trovare - videos Consiglio Andromeda in Italiano per YouTube channel - "atlantisearth"


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    Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012 Empty Re: Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012

    Post  Floyd Fri Oct 25, 2013 7:59 am

    TRANCOSO wrote:SaLuSa?



    I agree uberlord. Salusa is quite clearly nonsense of the highest order. It goes beyond nonsense however like the MO for many alien cults.
    There are plenty where Salusa came from. The good news is not many take this seriously and yes, whilst it is a source of humour there is always the bigger picture.

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    Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012 Empty Re: Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012

    Post  bobhardee Fri Oct 25, 2013 1:20 pm

    I found this video to be somewhat more credible than the AC I posted yesterday.
    I wish it was easy.

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    Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012 Empty Re: Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012

    Post  TRANCOSO Fri Oct 25, 2013 9:21 pm

    Just in From Mike!

    Hi Friends,

    I have been overwhelmed by your kind comments and best wishes since my stroke. Fortunately I have only experienced a very mild heart attack, in fact I was unaware that I had one., but it has left me with the virtual loss of sight in one eye. Otherwise I am unscathed and understand my sight may come back. I have lost partial memory in respect of using the computer but that will come back with use and practice. My memory is otherwise still very good, and I expect to get it back in due course. I am continuing with my Radio Programs and will see how it goes, but I do not expect much difficulty.

    I am obviously having to adjust to a slightly easier way of life, and in fact because I can no longer drive a car I am having to alter my life style. But I am still able to contribute to the Light, and hope to be able to continue as usual. I will have to see how it works out.

    Thank you for all of your wishes for a healthy return to a normal life.

    In view of my condition I have decided to stop sending out SaLuSa's messages until I am sure that I have recovered from my illness. I have had a stroke that has affected my memory, and consequently my typing is slow and difficult. When I have fully recovered I hope to commence my messages again, but until then I will continue with my Radio Programs unless I find I am having difficulties. I am hoping that with time I will get back to more like my normal self. Only time will tell what level of progress can be made. Thank you for your support and assistance it has been very much appreciated. I am hoping to be able to contribute to the final return of the Light and its ultimate victory.

    In Love and Light Mike Quinsey

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    Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012 Empty Re: Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012

    Post  TRANCOSO Fri Oct 25, 2013 9:40 pm

    The Recent History of Negative ETs in the US
    by Elizabeth Trutwin
    January 15, 2010

    The United States Government first learned of German scientists working on copies of Alien Technology when they invaded Germany during WW II. In 1936 Germany had recovered a crashed UFO. In the 1940's there was a great increase in extraterrestrial activity. The single most important event was probably the Roswell crash. The Roswell crash occurred on July 7, 1947 near Roswell, New Mexico. A UFO crashed and the bodies of four dead extraterrestrials were found. These four were Zeta Reticulans. There was a Zeta Reticulan Scientist named Sanni Seto on that Craft and she survived and is fine. The radar the U.S. used then caused the Craft to go off course and crash. Between 1947 and 1952 the United States Government obtained at least 16 crashed or downed UFO crafts and 65 extraterrestrial bodies. One live extraterrestrial was recovered.

    A UFO was found on February 13, 1948 on a Mesa near Aztec, New Mexico. Another craft was located on March 25, 1949 in White Sands, New Mexico. It was over 100 feet in diameter and a total of 17 extraterrestrial (ET) bodies were recovered from the two crafts. Of even greater significance was the discovery of a large number of human body parts stored within both of these vehicles. This was coded as ‘Ultra Top Secret’ because of the perceived panic that might occur if this information leaked out to the general public. The United States Air Force and the CIA controlled the Extraterrestrial Secret. The CIA was originally formed by Presidential Executive Order for the Singular Purpose of dealing with this ET situation. What they didn't say is, those running the CIA were indeed time travelers, ETs in human bodies, who came here from the 24th Century. The live ET that was found had been found wandering in the desert from the 1949 Roswell crash and was named ‘EBE’. EBE stands for Extraterrestrial Biological Entity. EBE had a tendency to lie and would only give answers to questions that he desired to answer.

    In 1951 EBE became ill. American doctors had no idea how to medically deal with EBE because his system was chlorophyll based and processed food into energy much the same as plants do. On June 2nd, 1952 EBE died. In an attempt to save EBE and to gain favour with this technologically superior race.

    President Truman had been keeping our allies, including the Soviet Union, informed of the developing ET problem. This had been done in case the ETs turned out to be a threat to the human race. During Dwight Eisenhower's first year in office, which was in 1953, at least 10 more Star Ships were recovered along with 26 dead and 4 live ETs. Eisenhower did not reveal the secret to the Congress. His friend, and fellow member of Council of Foreign Relations, (Secret Government) Nelson Rockefeller. The Secret Government (CIA) began covertly planning a Secret Group to supervise this ET situation. This group became known as the MJ12.

    The Movie 'Close Encounters' was a fictionalized version of a meeting with US government officials when an ET Ambassador stayed behind in a pledge with the President and the Secret Government to make a Treaty. In 1953 astronomers discovered large Mother Ships in orbit around Earth. Project SIGNA intercepted alien radio communications. Project SIGNA, through radio communications using the computer binary language, was able to arrange face to face landings and contact with ET Beings from another planet. This initial group of ETs were from Zeta Reticuli and have often been referred to as the Greys. They are very small in stature, about four or five feet tall. They looked nothing like human beings of the Adam Kadmon style as we are used to. They had big heads, more almond shaped eyes and long arms.

    A race of human ETs landed at Homestead Air Force Base in Florida, and successfully communicated with the US Government. This group warned us of the Greys that were orbiting the equator. They were warning us of the Greys, and a reptilian extraterrestrial race from Orion. The reptilian race have a reptilian looking head with a human looking physical body.

    The Galactic Federation offered to help us with all our technological and spiritual problems, however they had a requirement. They demanded that we dismantle and destroy our nuclear weapons. Our Secret Government refused.

    A third landing occurred at Edwards Air Force Base in 1954. The base was closed for three days and no one was allowed to enter or leave during that time. Eisenhower arranged to be in Palm Springs on vacation. On the appointed day he was spirited off to the base. The excuse was given to the press that he was visiting a dentist. Five UFO craft landed, and Eisenhower met with the ETs. All these landings were filmed. This alien group again was from Zeta Reticuli. During this time, the Galactic Federation was trying to help, but the Secret Government refused to end the proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. The Cabal, those human looking ETs from the future, the Fallen Angels, had no intention of giving up their power and control of Earth. They were interested in not only conquering Earth, but many other Planets as well. To this day, President Obama is meeting with positive ETs from the Galactic Federation. The most recent 'excuse' was an injured child during his Christmas trip to Hawaii. It is easier to hide his comings and going when vacationing in Hawaii, 'The Rock'.

    A Formal Treaty between the Zeta Reticulan Star Nation and the United States government was signed. We officially received our first ET Ambassador from Outer Space who was the same Being who stayed in the first landing. His name and title was his 'Omnipotent Highness Krill'. The treaty, basically stated that the ETs would not interfere in our affairs and we would not interfere in theirs. We would keep their presence on earth a secret. They would furnish us with our advanced technological development. They would not make any treaty with any other nation on earth.

    The treaty included a selling of Souls. The Zeta Reticulans were granted, by this treaty, permission to abduct humans on a limited and periodic basis for the purposes of medical examination and monitoring of our development. There was a stipulation that the humans would not be harmed, and would be returned to their point of abduction, and that they would have no memory of the event. The Zeta Reticulan Ambassadors would remain on Earth. The human 'guests' would go to their planet, and then return and then an exchange would take place. This was re-enacted in the movie 'Close Encounters'. It was also agreed that bases would be constructed underground in the United States for the use of the Greys and that two bases would be constructed for joint use of the Greys and the Secret Government. Exchange of technology would occur in the jointly occupied bases. These ET bases would be constructed under Indian Reservation in the four corners area of Utah, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona, and one in the Mojave Dessert near Yucca, California.

    A secret military fund was put together to build 75 deep underground facilities. The excuse was that these were needed in case of Nuclear War!

    It became obvious by 1955 that the Greys had deceived Eisenhower and broken the treaty. The Secret Government had basically sold out the American people without their permission. Abductions were occurring at hundreds of times the rate agreed upon. There were reports of human mutilations occasionally happening also, although this was much rarer. It was also suspected that all abductees had not been returned.

    The Soviet Union were also working with The Greys and were using humans and animals for a source of glandular secretions, enzymes, hormonal secretions, blood plasma and genetic experiments, including hybrid pregnancies and babies. The Greys said that this was necessary for their survival.

    They stated that their genetic structure had deteriorated and that they were no longer able to reproduce. They said that if they were unable to improve their genetic structure, their race would soon cease to exist. The Greys were also found to be impregnating human females and somehow causing an early termination of the pregnancies to secure a hybrid infant. They were also implanting humans on earth with both mechanical and non-mechanical implants for biological monitoring and tracking purposes.

    I trained with Arcturus on his Medical Ships. We have taken some of my Healing Clients there. He has shown me the surgical scars made by the Greys during their surgeries. This was meatball surgery and all experimental. Arcturus and I have gone in and done Light Surgeries healing the wounds. He has taken me back in time to the moment of the surgeries so I could watch how the Greys did their work. They did heart and lung surgeries and bone and muscles surgeries. I also saw many Clients who had hosted pregnancy implantations from the Greys. I went back to the time of the induction to take the baby, with Arcturus. Archangel Michael always accompanies us as well. I have seen a place where these orphans go to be adopted within the Grey Community. There are many children in this Group who were implanted and inducted. They are considered outsiders in their Own Society and they all live in an area together, where there is a community of these Ones living happy lives. Often when I tell my Client the information about their experience, they are angry, sad, and do not believe me. I explain to them what Arcturus told me. These Ones are hybrids themselves and agreed to these things before they incarnated into human bodies.

    There is no judgment here. It is time to forgive and move on into an Attitude of Love. These horrific things are not happening now. The last negative ET was removed in November 2009 and nothing like this will happen on Earth again.

    Over 18,000 Greys lived at the Dulce, New Mexico underground base alone. Some of the technology in these bases was provided by the Greys and is far beyond the understanding of the Secret Government. There were terrible sciences practiced here, remnants of Atlantis, experiments included mixing human and animal genetics. Over the years the Reptilians and Greys became more and more bold in destroying life for their own purpose. The Secret Government has had over 70 species of ETs trying to contact us. We have obtained and have in our possession over 40 flying Star Ships, many of which have been reproduced and are testing and flying ourselves. We have over 100 bodies of dead ETs. The Secret Government at this time, in partnership with the Soviet Union, worked with these Negative ETs in the colonization of the Moon and Mars. They launched their equipment for this from a portal in the Indian Ocean at Diego Garcia. This happened long before our first official public landing on the moon by astronaut Armstrong. Another plan of the Secret Government was the use of nuclear devices to blast holes in the stratosphere to let the greenhouse heat and pollution escape. The Earth Cooling and poison with pollution was to depopulate the Earth's population. As part of this plan there was the implementation of birth control, sterilization, and the introduction of deadly microbes to slow the growth of the Earth's population, including AIDS. The plague of AIDS was created by the Secret Government with the Negative ETs as a form of bacteriological warfare. It was purposely given to specifically selected targeted populations including Blacks, Hispanics and homosexuals. One of the ways they did this was to lace hepatitis vaccines with the virus.

    The Secret Government (CIA) and Politics
    The One President that wasn't under the hold of the Secret Government was John Kennedy. When he found out about a lot of the Secret Government activities, he cooperated with the Galactic Federation. President Eisenhower had approved 13 Million dollars for the Negative ETs to install Nuclear Weapons in Cuba. They worked in alliance with Nikita Kruchev. The 13 Families, time traveling ETs, were trying to control the Planet. They were using nuclear weapons to make false reasons for arms and war. They used this backdrop of staged Wars as they continued to look for Star Gates. The Galactic Federation thwarted the nuclear missiles in Cuba. It was his cooperation with the Galactic Federation, that had the Secret Government remove him and his brother, Bobby. President Kennedy is with the Galactic Federation now and will return with landings scheduled this year.

    One of the main ways the Secret Government has financed all their projects is through drugs money. George H.W. Bush was one of the original people that was approached to help the CIA start their program of selling drugs. His former Secretary of State, James Baker is even higher up in the Secret Government ladder than George H.W. Bush was. George H.W. Bush, as you know later became the head of the CIA. The fact that these men and the entire corrupt staff have been voted out of office marked the beginning of a great awakening for the American people, and the beginning of the end for the Dark Brotherhood's reign of control.

    The Secret Government, or Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission were in complete control of the ET Technology before last summer when Mark and I with Rama worked with the Galactic Federation on the Ops to clear the Planet of the Negative ET technologies, their Ships, and the remaining reptilians and Dragons. These ones are less than 100 individuals controlling our Planet, they and their families are also connected into 35 other Planets. This is the reason WHY the Galactic Federation is involved. This problem effects our entire Local Galaxy. We are a Galactic Society. What happens here effects Ones on several local Planets. There have been reports that we will 'soon' with the new telescope 'See Earth-like Planets that are inhabited'. This is not joyous news. This is a realization that the Secret Government has HIDDEN our Family from us. The arrests of these individuals are in their absolute final days. Ashtar announced on January 12, 2010 the arrests are complete.

    Our Work with The Galactic Federation Secret Forces
    Mark and I work with Captain Ashtar, the Supreme Commander of the Galactic Federation, and the Admiral, Sananda Kumara with the Secret Forces to clear this problem. We work with the Secret Forces of the Galactic Federation which include Commander Hatonn from the Protection Forces and Commander Korton with Monk Ka from Mars and King of Swords (KOS) on Earth. Our communications are coordinated by Commander Soltec from Alpha Centauri. We work with Tom the Ringtail Cat Paschat. Our Ops are coordinated with Mother Sekhmet and her Paschats. Rama worked with us on all of these Ops. We coordinated several Ops from June until November of 2009 to remove the Negative ETs. Because of our work and successes we were targeted by negative ETs. We worked with Metatron and Archangel Michael, and with Tom the Ringtail Cat Paschat to make electromagnetic light shields around our homes. These were designed to keep the negative ETs out. There were infiltrations. We received our intel from the KOS and he coordinated efforts between us and the Secret Forces. We have participated in several Ops we have never spoken of. These were the Ops we spoke of that cleared the Planet of the reptilian race, the Greys, their labs, underground experiments and extensive network of destruction. Mark and I trained individually for years before we met. We were both trained by the Secret Forces independently before coming together for the final Ops. There have been many attempts to keep us apart and keep our joint work hidden. We chose to broadcast our Ops on the internet and on radio. Mark finally mentioned the Op where one of the last Mother Ships of the Zeta Reticulans was removed in November. I was in a Craft with Tom the Ringtail Cat Paschat and I was beamed from the Mother Craft. I had extensive injuries, but these improved in a matter of days. I had several treatments from Arcturus which healed me quickly. Mark was so concerned, he spoke publicly of it. This surprised me and I was too concerned to comment, but did recover in a few days. Mother Sekhmet took out that final Negative ET Craft which was very, very large. (Miles wide). (*1) We were told a few days later all Negative ETs have been removed from Earth [Nov 2009]. It was that final Op that made it possible for the work that is being done now. Now the arrests of the Secret Government agents, Negative ETs, themselves, are now complete. The Spiritual Awakening of Earth has been the final key marking the end. The Galactic Federation, with the Secret Forces, with Soltec and Korton, and others, have worked together and stopped the Negative ETs from controlling other Planets in our Local Galaxy. We are now able to Image more of Space and the Truth is being revealed more each day. The mass decloakings and disclosure are key and will begin with the United States President, Barack Obama, the Sirian Commander.

    The Time For Peace Is Now.


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    Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012 Empty Re: Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012

    Post  TRANCOSO Fri Oct 25, 2013 9:49 pm

    9 years ago...

    The Galactic Federation of Light 'First contact'
    (Summary of Sheldan Nidle’s Messages)

    - Mike Quinsey

    First Contact is an operation that began in 1990 as a simple directive from the Sirian Regional Council; its scope was expanded when the Main Federation Council approved this action in 1991.

    ’First Contact’ will start when a special series of major announcements are made by the world’s major governments, which will be almost simultaneous. They will announce that E.T’s are here and benevolent, and will acknowledge the part the Galactic Federation has played, in assuring the new reality manifests according to the divine plan. Once the series of formal announcements and the global delivery of your abundance are complete, we will begin our own proceedings. These will include a series of daytime flyovers. We will accompany them with an announcement of who we are and what we are doing. The next step will be a number of small landings. At this point, we will permit you to inspect our craft and choose a few individuals to take a brief ‘joyride’ in or ships. ‘First Contact’ would also take place, to land en masse if requested by the Spiritual Hierarchy. Special, planet sized command ships from the Scientific and Exploration fleets will serve as the main command ships for the First Contact mission. Fifty human star-nations are involved in ‘First Contact’. Our mission is divine and our aim will be to manifest many important projects, to promote world peace, alter social, cultural and economic structures, and permit Mother Earth to transform herself. As a final step, we will introduce you to your local Spiritual Hierarchy, and re-unite you with your brethren in the Inner Earth. There will be an ongoing series of announcements by the Ascended Masters that will help resolve certain cultural power struggles and make possible cross cultural co-operation. Each one will step forward and explain the origins and histories of your many cultures and religions, and radical changes will take place in your religious struggles. Our Earth allies are acutely aware that the moment of formal ‘First Contact’ will end the many millennia in which the ‘divide and conquer’ rule ran this reality. It will also proclaim that we will no longer tolerate the greed and arrogance of your present cabals. The announcement of ‘First Contact’ will encourage full disclosure of the now super-secret UFO government files. The area of so-called UFO studies requires a spiritual arm. This segment enables us to look beyond the technology and realise that advanced, enlightened societies are primarily spiritual in nature.

    The inner ‘Sun’s (core) is changing, Mother Earth is preparing to make rapid changes in her existing appearance. Her ability to sustain her Eco-web is shrinking, because of life threatening effluents produced by your industrial society. The Eco-system is gripped in crisis. You need to embrace the tasks inherent in the guardianship of Mother Earth and her fragile Eco-system. The cetaceans and the Inner Earth society of Agartha are most eager to act as your mentors in these matters. We too are ready to offer assistance if needed. To this end, we have organised a series of scientific liaison teams that specialise in advanced ecological techniques.

    The changing nature of Mother Earth has a time frame by which Heaven has permitted her to change completely into her new self. Once this transformation begins, you will no longer be able to live on her surface. You will have to be re-located swiftly to our ships, or the extraordinary dwellings we have built in Inner Earth for this purpose. Look upon them as surrounded by force fields, holographic technology and loving resolve. There you will be quickly changed into your fully conscious selves. The Earth’s flora and fauna will be evacuated to special environments on Mother ships.

    Masters of both this world and Sirius have joined together, they will appear before you. Direct contact personnel hail from the Pleiades Star League, Constellation of Andromeda, Lyra, Perseus and Aries, as well as the Sirius Star Nation. They will act as guides and teachers for your coming transitional period. Ships from many different human galactic societies will welcome you into the Galactic League of Light. The first ring of ships, surrounds Mother Earth and your artificial Moon. This fleet contains over one million ships. Our first reporters will be liaisons and chosen from our several primarily human off-world galactic societies. Liaison teams will make a series of global broadcasts; two programmes are planned to introduce us. We will train small units of two to six ships each. These ships will land enabling the local populace the opportunity to view them. For a short time the Galactic Federation teams will leave their ships to instruct you regarding this technology, and explain your responsibility as Physical Angels. We will begin a programme to allow you to visit our Motherships. There will be vast flyovers by scout ships, which will occur before mass landing.

    We will release secret technologies, and even more wondrous devices, including many energy and transportation related inventions, that have been produced around your world during the past century. Your secret governments suppressed this technology, along with many other environmental innovations, out of deep-seated fear that such discoveries could result in their downfall. We will also introduce more workable technology, and allow each of you to obtain information and to contact one another with ease. The rise of a post-Internet environment, which we have initiated, will introduce you to new options in communication and entertainment. Simple handheld or easy to wear devices, will provide instant information, and enable you to contact freely anyone else on your world. Using small organic computers, you will become globally recognisable by your body’s true frequency. These devices inter-phase with your mind, providing a 3D holographic picture that contains data, images etc. The commercial system will be 3D full colour telepathic holography. Anyone who wishes to communicate can simply visualise a person and their computer will contact them. It will include a universal translator and a special frequency dialling system, that is closely linked to your unique physical signature. Each household will receive a device that converts light energy into matter to provide clothing and food. Remember that abundance programmes will allow you to have all the financial resources you need. Our Earth allies have consented to many agreements even more powerful than NESARA. These provisions are not to be released to the general public, until the first set of agreements has been publicly announced. Only then will the second and third waves of actions be revealed and made public law.

    We will introduce you to technology will allow you to travel more freely. You will be provided with a new form of transportation, and your new personal vehicles will levitate a few feet off the ground, and. are capable of speeds up to 500 miles (800 kilometres) per hour. Aircraft as you know them will disappear and be converted to a ‘magnetic lifter’ technology, with Mach 8 capabilities, as well as providing primitive craft that resemble ours. A teleportation system will be available for long range emergency trips. We will also use this technology to build a fully automated highway system.

    An extensive training programme for medical practices that are not harmful to health will be introduced. It will align your medical services more closely to ours. You will absorb an enormous amount of new information, and to help assimilation of the vast quantities of knowledge, we will provide a technology that can ‘download’ it directly into your brain’s memory and recall systems. You will develop your Science and expand your philosophies in ways yet unheard of, resulting in a glittering union of these now contradictory elements. We will introduce you to the wonders of ‘artificial intelligence’. We will supply a system of technologies that with your manifested abilities, will reverse the pollution that now fouls your air, land and water on Mother Earth, in less than six months. Our second objective will be the factories, offices, homes, power generating stations, air, water and land vehicles that spew out most of the pollution. Free-energy devices will be introduced that can be mass-produced quickly. Using our technology, we can vaporise and fully erect buildings in a matter of days, and will re-tool your manufacturing network in less than a week. Moreover, we can fully automate it. Technological gadgets will allow you to end your dependence upon manufactured materials. You will be able to construct your own dwellings and collectively plan your cities. Your rural areas will be returned to their original condition of unspoiled forests and meadows. A number of our technologies can convert living Light into food, clothes and other uses, thus ending your long dependence on agriculture and the lumber industry. Remember that technology is a tool, provided by consciousness, to create as pleasurable an environment as possible. You need to make the next grand ‘leap’ - that is, to grow from a planetary society to a galactic one. Never forget, dear Ones, that you are mutating into ‘Homo Galactica’, A more integrated version of you, this galactic human, possesses the ability to hold open, meaningful dialogue with your true self.

    Special World Centres will be created. A new financial system will be born. This reorganisation of your worldwide wealth is preparing the way for a new era of power on your world. This power will be ‘people based’ and lack the malevolent self-interest of your former secret rulers. Many groups, on your world and off, are co-operating with the spiritual realm to put an end to that which is preventing the manifesting of your financial abundance, and the rapid establishment of world peace. Our main objective remains a ‘safe and sane’ successful conclusion to our First Contact Mission. This process involves many different possibilities. The one we prefer is to be silent support for a swift and successful military, political and economic transition on your world. Vast sums have been re-ordered, catalogued and prepared for distribution. The funds, bank networks and list of recipients are ready. Crucial inroads in our ability to control and force a series of major resignations in a number of powerful governments are also in place. Moreover, legal documents to begin this procedure have been signed and legally adjudicated on the highest possible levels. Governments will re-form or resign, and the UN will be re-organised, and a new international mandate of human sovereignty and freedom proclaimed. The glut of self seeking Multi-Nationals will be re-structured. New rules of conduct will be implemented. The current concept of ‘Corporation’ will be legally rendered. Large electrical power plants that now fuel your cities and industries will disappear.

    We have observed the many biological projects produced in the dark cabal’s laboratories. While we have drastically curtailed these projects since the late 1990’s, several of them, introduced during the 1970’s and ‘80s, devastated your world and became major global epidemics. Our medical teams are monitoring them and can directly interfere only when First Contact occurs. Therefore, we call upon all concerned to use your spiritual and physical resources to counter these artificially created epidemics. The secret ‘closed doors’ policies of the past will be abolished.

    We have doubled the number of defence ships operating in the solar systems Earth-Moon quadrant. We have also tightened the special inter-dimensional security shield that surrounds your planet, and can prevent anyone that we have not authorised, from leaving or entering your planet. We will disarm all nuclear weaponry, and supply suitable replacements for all nuclear powered electrical generation facilities in your world. We will need to move certain divisions of our fleet closer to you. This means also that, at the appropriate time, we will shut down all adverse military communications and immediately hand over these responsibilities to our Earth allies. We are determined to assure our allies immediate success by making certain that all essential personnel now controlled by Earth’s last cabal are quickly captured. These quick incursions into the cabal’s camp will allow our Earth allies to attain their initial objectives silently and swiftly. With the cabal’s leaders under arrest, some major and indisputably positive world changes can be formally announced. Once peace is declared, we will supervise the rapid disengagement of all warring parties.

    Disclosures will also make possible the public proclamation of our existence by the new provisional governments. Moreover, they will be able to introduce our planned ‘pre-first contact’ broadcasts. Initially, these series of transmissions will clarify our role in these events and prepare Mother Earth’s peoples for ‘First Contact’.

    Our vehicles are living, organic Beings, equipped with highly advanced organic computers that are enlarged reproductions of our brains. A ship has the capacity to interconnect with us on all levels. There are long range working networks that are built into each ship, there is a smaller range network that telepathically connects all crew members to the ship. As you board one of our craft, you are immediately ‘plugged’ in to this network, which comprehensively monitors all of your body functions, thought processes and emotional states of each individual on board. This wondrous piece of technology will appear to you as a living, highly intelligent Being. One of the major abilities of this technology is interstellar travel. We can adjust a ship’s frequency in order to move it from star to star. These ‘jumps’ from one solar system to another, occur because of the way physicality is constructed.

    Originating from scout ships or large Mother Ships, we will reveal through radio, T.V. and computer networks, the true picture of the world’s history, also of conspiracies to deny you a cache of technology. Broadcasts will explain how people of the Inner Earth have looked after you. They have prepared an almost endless array of enclaves for you, Eden-like realms where you will complete your mutation into fully conscious Beings. The special places built for you are fully operational and waiting. Mass landings will be delayed until the time arrives to deliver you to your new temporary homes, in Inner Earth. Heaven has set aside a period from mere weeks to almost 14 months to serve as a transition.

    We have come from all sectors of this galaxy - also from many nearby galaxies, and vast Orders and Life-Streams of Heaven. We will start producing your Galactic Society, and you will be able to travel anywhere throughout this immense universe. Soon, you will move closer to Sirius and take your place in its multi-star system. In the year 2013, it is your destiny to join the Lion Beings of Sirius A and the human galactic societies of Sirius B and C. In a short time, Mars will bloom once more, Venus; land of abundant oceans will teem with life. Maldek will re-emerge, and the innermost planet astronomers have named Vulcan. The Moon will become your new near-Earth ‘Space Station’. You will become as familiar with Mars as you are now with your precious Mother Earth.

    Harmony and a level of global co-operation never seen before on your world will become the normal. A new system will be established that will enable you to transform the operation of your world. The Ascended Master in charge of this operation, is the Comte de Sainte Germaine. Global prosperity will have arrived and a new galactic society will be born. Your reality is in the midst of a process that is changing it forever. Underlying your present transformation, is creation of a new, fully conscious reality. Past, present and future will become one. The need to be limited, or dwell with the dark will have ended. Every collective consciousness reality, shifts only when it attains proper critical mass. When this occurs, your reality as a whole will transmute. Mother Earth on which you dwell, along with all of her inhabitants, will shift together. You will move into a state of full consciousness, and full membership in the Galactic Federation of Light. You will fulfil sacred prophecy and meet your galactic family. The new realm will be founded upon provision of the conditions that will support you in creation of your new Galactic Society. Masters Saint Germaine and Hilarion, as well as El Morya and many other Masters, intend to oversee the formation of your Galactic Society.

    Met dank aan Namreh


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    Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012 Empty Re: Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012

    Post  TRANCOSO Fri Oct 25, 2013 9:57 pm

    SaLuSa 24-February-2010

    Take care when you tread your way through the jungle of information that is around you. It grows by the day, and is sometimes misleading, if not contradictory to what you may believe to be the truth. Unless you have good reason to change, stick to your core beliefs otherwise you may end up confused. Often those that give out advice are promoting their own belief system, but are quite sincere in what they do. You have to find a source you can trust and in general accept what you are given. Whatever the truth is will stand the test of time, and in the light of revelations that are soon coming out it will be eventually understood by all. These times are for the clearing out the old but for keeping the pearls of wisdom.

    For centuries efforts have been made to bring you into the Light, but progress has been extremely slow. However, your consciousness levels have greatly increased, so that now they are at a level where you can absorb and understand the higher teachings. We are talking Dear Ones about your spiritual evolution, that does not necessarily have anything to do with religion. You are at the stage where you can take responsibility for yourselves, and indeed it is far better than consistently having to be led by others. Of course there are teachers that have reached a level whereby they can assist you, but be sure of whose help you are enlisting. Not everyone who purports to be illumined is necessarily aware of the complete truth. Your intuition will “feel” out the response you get, and if it feels right accept it.

    In time you will be gaining super-consciousness and then you will become “All Knowing”, but in the meantime you will be making steady progress towards it. Keep yourself open to new ideas and be prepared to shift your position, on any matter that pertains to the Ascension. The fact that it represents the coming of the end-times means that many notions are put forward to explain how it will come about. The details are not necessarily as important as your intent to take part in it, and that is what you are advised to concentrate on. The end of duality will come regardless of what happens in its final days. The cycles are constant and reliable, and nothing will alter their fulfilment as anticipated.

    The Lightworkers upon Earth are moving towards an epic achievement, that will start a series of events that will be unstoppable. At last the real and needed changes will commence and you will see the results in front of you.

    Life is going to change very much from what you are used to now. If it is chaotic for a while, you will be more than compensated by the upliftment you will experience. All that lies ahead is necessary to create the final pathway to Ascension. You and the Earth will be lifted up and your new beginning in the higher dimensions will have commenced. Unbelievable changes will even exceed your expectations, and it will be the speed of change that will take your breath away.

    The Illuminati are no longer the force that they were, but we have yet to disable them sufficiently to stop all interference in our plans. However, their influence is also falling away, and many who were recruited to do their work are leaving the sinking ship. Not everyone involved with them is necessarily in favour of what they are doing, and with a heightening level of consciousness even their hearts are yearning for the Light to enter their lives. This will happen to many all over the Earth, and souls are awakening to their Higher Selves. No longer can negative acts be carried out without the perpetrator feeling some level of responsibility. The Light is all-powerful and there will no place for those of the dark forces to hide. Each and every soul will at some stage face their past actions, and judge their own degree of responsibility for them. You will find that it cannot be excused because it was authorised or ordered by someone else.

    Keep calm as you get to hear of the truth behind many tragedies that have occurred in recent times. The bigger truth of how you have been kept back for millennia of time will astound you, and you will gasp at the degree to which your power has been taken away from you. The flip side of all this is that your rights will be given back to you, as originally covered by the Constitution. Yours shall be a model for the whole world, as you come together in the Oneness that marks a true sovereign civilisation. It will be based upon spiritual concepts that will elevate you to the level of Ascended Beings.

    We know that people worry about leaving everything behind when they ascend, but you should understand that in real terms you gain rather than lose. Everything created upon Earth exists in the higher dimensions, so that your favourite painting or statuette can be re-created in perfection. However, as you will be living in different circumstances, you will find that your earthly belongings will no longer have the same attraction. You will need for absolutely nothing at all, having your own powers of creation. You will in fact join together where more than individual power is required, if for example if you desired to bring a building into existence.

    Dear Ones, just allow things to manifest as it is appropriate, and know it is all orderly and planned for your happiness and satisfaction. Difficult times will be shortened by our presence and Divine permission to keep them to a minimum. There is so much being done by so many Lightworkers on and off the world, that you really have nothing to worry about. Each of you will fulfil your life plans, and for many that does mean successfully completing your Ascension. Therefore allow others to complete their path even if you would wish for something different. There will inevitably be family or friends that have a plan different to yours, so let them be their own judge as to what is best for them.

    I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and trust that with our help you become more enlightened. After thousands of years of experience in duality there is no need to rush you through the last years. However, with an ever-growing consciousness, you are ready to take in more information than any previous time. We do point you in the right direction, and trust it will help you to find your own dedicated path.

    Thank you SaLuSa.

    Mike Quinsey.



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    Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012 Empty Re: Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012

    Post  TRANCOSO Fri Oct 25, 2013 10:25 pm

    The above is a message SaLuSa has send over 3 years ago.

    'The Lightworkers upon Earth are moving towards an epic achievement, that will start a series of events that will be unstoppable. At last the real and needed changes will commence and you will see the results in front of you.'

    'Unbelievable changes will even exceed your expectations, and it will be the speed of change that will take your breath away.'

    The Galactic Federation of Light?


    The Galactic Federation of Lies!

    There's absolutely NO (scientific) proof, for the reliability of channeled messages.


    In fact, all that's needed for a 'channeler' to appear trustworthy is vivid imagination and a group of followers to confirm this.

    The SaLuSa messages, on the surface SEEM positive and enlighten, but they mainly lure you into a sekterian belief system.


    UFO2 Beer 

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    Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012 Empty Re: Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012

    Post  bobhardee Sat Oct 26, 2013 10:40 am

    Very interesting information. Thank you for the posts. And regarding your last of the posts, even people who channel will question other channelers.

    In the lower section of my right lung is a piece of metal that looks like a fish hook. It is at least 1 1/2 to 2 inches in size so this is not small. I have no scars where it appears like anything was implanted. I have no memory of such. It was first discovered by an x-ray tech in 1995. Every time, my chest gets x-rayed, the doctor will ask how did that get there. After three or four times of saying I don't have any idea....or just once of saying maybe aliens put it there, the doctor will quit asking. I found the first piece written by Elizabeth Trutwin interesting because it is the first time that I have seen any reference to implanting anything in the lungs. She stated "

    I trained with Arcturus on his Medical Ships. We have taken some of my Healing Clients there. He has shown me the surgical scars made by the Greys during their surgeries. This was meatball surgery and all experimental. Arcturus and I have gone in and done Light Surgeries healing the wounds. He has taken me back in time to the moment of the surgeries so I could watch how the Greys did their work. They did heart and lung surgeries and bone and muscles surgeries."

    There are many false reports out there but do you ever wonder if they aren't laced with half truths and it is sort of a game that we are supposed to figure out as to what to believe and what not? If you have any information on how a fish hook looking piece of metal can get put in someone's lung, please let me know.
    Bob H.

    Posts : 4104
    Join date : 2010-04-16

    Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012 Empty Re: Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012

    Post  Floyd Sat Oct 26, 2013 9:09 pm

    Its quite simple. Certain governments arse about with people to prop up the fact that there are aliens doing it.
    Its discusting.

    Posts : 23276
    Join date : 2010-04-09
    Age : 69
    Location : belgium

    Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012 Empty Re: Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - May 9, 2012

    Post  mudra Sun Oct 27, 2013 10:21 am

    bobhardee wrote:Trans

    There are many false reports out there but do you ever wonder if they aren't laced with half truths and it is sort of a game that we are supposed to figure out as to what to believe and what not?  If you have any information on how a fish hook looking piece of metal can get put in someone's lung, please let me know.
    Bob H.
    Bob I will not be as radical as Floyd as saying there couldn't have been an alien hand behind that piece of metal in your lung. On that matter I really don't know and remain open enough to believe life exists on other planets than our own and that we possibly have brothers in outer space. Some of them even amongst us. This current life isn't our first one. Where have we dwelled before ? The cosmos is vast .

    However a subject I know a little about is Mind Control to which I devoted a thread here in the Mists.
    If you go over my latest postings there you'll see they are an interesting read and will open your eyes on hidden deeds that are being performed by men of our own kind on the Earth population of which implants as a means of control are part. The ways to alter the human mind and it's perceptions have been thoroughly studied and extensively tested here on Earth using drugs, electromagnetic waves and other means to enslave men. It's not a nice story and wasn't performed by the best intended people. As a matter of fact this is still going on today. If you are not yet aware of this it's worth studying Imo.


    Love from me

      Current date/time is Sat Sep 07, 2024 7:43 pm