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    How To Rid the Sea of An Ocean of Plastic


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    How To Rid the Sea of An Ocean of Plastic Empty How To Rid the Sea of An Ocean of Plastic

    Post  TRANCOSO Thu May 20, 2010 6:00 pm

    How To Rid The Sea Of An Ocean Of Plastic
    Mission Statement

    It is estimated that between seven and ten million tons of floating plastic garbage are polluting and choking an area the size of Texas in the central Pacific Ocean. This is one of several such areas around the world, known as gyres, where ocean currents naturally concentrate the trash. The enormity of the plastic is a seemingly insurmountable problem because it cannot be removed and taken to land for disposal. It cannot be incinerated due to the toxicity of the smoke. It cannot be ignored because the plastic is being eaten by fish, birds and mammals. Others become trapped and killed by it. The plastic will destroy the food chain. There are six times as much floating plastic as there are plankton and the plankton-eaters are consuming more and more plastic. A Styrofoam cup breaks down into little white pellets that have the appearance of fish eggs, which are swallowed by other hungry animals.

    The research, which is ongoing and was begun by Mr. Charles Moore in 1997, has revealed a deadly nightmare for organic life. Anti-littering campaigns may help in the future but millions of tons of plastic items continue to be manufactured and discarded every year. Plastic does not biodegrade. All plastic that has ever been made, that which has not been toxically incinerated, still exists and will always exist unless it is converted back to that whence it came.

    The floating plastic must somehow be cleaned up and there appears to be only one practical means to do so.

    All plastic is made from petroleum products and is made up of hydrocarbon. There is a proven process in which any hydrocarbon-based material can be converted back to high-quality light oil by a brief application of heat and pressure. This technology is known as Thermal Conversion Process and has been perfected by a New York company, Changing World Technologies, Inc. (CWT). The company has spent the past few years working with the conversion of slaughterhouse waste products into oil and is currently adding the conversion of plastic waste. We have approached CWT with our basic proposal and the company has indicated an interest in participating with us.

    Changing World Technologies, Inc. captured our imagination in 2003 with an article by Discovery Magazine describing their heroic method of converting waste back into oil, which they have been doing since 1997.

    We propose, in our pilot project, to put a CWT conversion process on a large ship, preferably with front-opening doors. The ship would, with a wide, V-shaped catcher, plow through the infested water, taking in the plastic waste onto conveyor belts that would feed the waste into the converters for heating and pressurizing. The result is light, high-quality fuel oil, some of which would be used by the ship, the bulk of which would be transferred to tanker ships for transport to the mainland. This fuel oil could be further refined and either sold at market price or distributed unrefined to help families in need of home heating oil, in addition to many other worthy programs.

    If the pilot project is successful, it would doubtless become a popular enterprise, worthy of increasing international private investment which would enjoy tax incentives for the greenest project imaginable to us. Meaningful numbers of specially-built conversion ships would be produced and employed in the several waterworld wastelands and eventually in all polluted areas.

    The nature of plastic waste indicates that cleaning the oceans and other waterways will be a permanent activity for the health of the planet and the survival of not only the sea life but possibly of humanity. We see this as the only practical, possible solution to what researchers have come to see as a catastrophe impossible to prevent or fix. But, quite possibly, the conversion of floating plastic waste will provide a much needed commodity until such time that plastics are made from biodegradable materials such as starch.

    A popular idea now is sustainability. Our proposal is based on this idea, since the ships would sustain their own work by producing fuel oil, obviating the costs of refueling so far from land.

    We foresee a hundred or more conversion ships working the waste areas of the world's oceans, around the clock, year after year. Over time, the waste areas would be cleansed. Improving technology would allow even small particles of plastic to be strained out of the water, but initially the grossest areas would be attacked and reduced to fuel oil.

    The beaches of many islands are inundated with plastic refuse. We would use smaller boats to gather and trap this trash from shallow areas and remove it to conversion ships in deeper water for processing. This, truly, is the only way to handle plastic pollution in water, and on land as well, for that matter. It is said that a plastic bag or Styrofoam cup dropped on the ground to blow in the wind will generally wind up in the ocean, so the Thermal Conversion Process of CWT, Inc. is the only moral and practical way to deal with any plastic waste, on land or the water. It should not be buried and it must not be burned.

    Changing World Technologies, Inc. expects their plastic waste Thermal Conversion Process to be online this year (2010). We would like to install a prototype version on an LST-type ship as soon as the converter is ready and make way for the Great Garbage Area of the Central Pacific to begin the vital cleanup process.

    If this project interests you and you would like to become involved with us, please ask for more information.

    Ocean Plastic Santa Barbara County, California
    John B. Campbell
    Robbi Skye Campbell

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    How To Rid the Sea of An Ocean of Plastic Empty Re: How To Rid the Sea of An Ocean of Plastic

    Post  Carol Sat May 22, 2010 8:07 am

    What an amazing and novel way of cleaning up the seas. I truly hope this happens sooner then later where cleaning up our envionment also can be a means of employment for people while healing our planet.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Location : AMSTERDAM

    How To Rid the Sea of An Ocean of Plastic Empty Re: How To Rid the Sea of An Ocean of Plastic

    Post  TRANCOSO Sat May 22, 2010 10:56 am

    If the evening news in every country of the world would pay daily attention - 2 minutes - on enviromental problems, (instead of those daily so called feel good BS topics) people would become far more aware of the mess we're in, & maybe even start thinking about solutions.

    Clean energy is very well possible, but instead we polute the planet for economic reasons.

    Sad, sad, sad & stupid!

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    How To Rid the Sea of An Ocean of Plastic Empty Re: How To Rid the Sea of An Ocean of Plastic

    Post  Carol Sat May 22, 2010 1:44 pm

    There is the collective who do not agree with what is happening and the few who are making the decisions for greeds sake. Let's please separate the collective from the short-sighted few.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 23276
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    How To Rid the Sea of An Ocean of Plastic Empty Re: How To Rid the Sea of An Ocean of Plastic

    Post  mudra Sat May 22, 2010 3:33 pm

    Water bottles and plastics from consumer packaging rarely make it to
    the recycling bin and are the largest contributors to our landfills and
    in our waters. The pollution of plastics in the ocean not only presents
    eco-system and environmental concerns but also health risks as well.
    Larger plastics breakdown into smaller pieces in which small fish eat
    and as they are eaten by larger animals and fish, the toxicity
    concentration of the plas
    tics multiply by the time they reach our food

    The Great Pacfic
    Garbage Patch on Good Morning America

    Love Alwaysmudra

    Last edited by mudra on Sat Jul 23, 2011 7:51 am; edited 1 time in total

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    How To Rid the Sea of An Ocean of Plastic Empty Re: How To Rid the Sea of An Ocean of Plastic

    Post  mudra Thu Sep 16, 2010 10:11 am


    Help me protect the ocean from trash.

    Miles and miles of trash--that's what I saw last month when I sailed to the North Pacific Gyre, where ocean currents converge and bring unbelievable amounts of marine debris into one area.

    Or, click here to send an eCard to your friends to let them know about this global movement:

    Love Always

    Last edited by mudra on Sat Jul 23, 2011 7:51 am; edited 1 time in total

    How To Rid the Sea of An Ocean of Plastic Empty Re: How To Rid the Sea of An Ocean of Plastic

    Post  Guest Thu Sep 16, 2010 4:05 pm

    Had been wondering today about these floating rubbish dumps coming into contact with oil and solvents
    and wondered what kind of sticky toxic gooey soup that would make . Cant bear to think what that might be like
    No pale

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    How To Rid the Sea of An Ocean of Plastic Empty Re: How To Rid the Sea of An Ocean of Plastic

    Post  TRANCOSO Mon Dec 13, 2010 2:03 pm

    The Majestic Plastic Bag - A Mockumentary


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    How To Rid the Sea of An Ocean of Plastic Empty Re: How To Rid the Sea of An Ocean of Plastic

    Post  TRANCOSO Mon Dec 13, 2010 2:07 pm

    Man invents machine to convert plastic into oil


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    How To Rid the Sea of An Ocean of Plastic Empty Re: How To Rid the Sea of An Ocean of Plastic

    Post  mudra Wed Mar 30, 2011 6:25 pm

    Plastic-eating bacteria found in ‘ocean desert,’ scientist says
    March 30, 2011

    Scientists have found an organism that may be eating plastic in the ocean, according to a report in Nature News.

    But whether the bug is green or mean remains to be seen, a scientist told CNN on Wednesday.

    It has been proven that microbes can degrade plastic, said marine microbiologist Tracy Mincer of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts. What's significant is that the plastic is being degraded in a nutrient-poor area of the sea, an "ocean desert," Mincer said.

    The bacteria, found in a region of the North Atlantic Ocean called the Sargasso Sea, is clearly breaking down the plastic, but scientists don’t know if the byproduct is environment-friendly waste or a toxin. If the bacteria – or its waste – is consumed by larger organisms, the effects could be detrimental to aquatic life.

    Love Always

    Last edited by mudra on Sat Jul 23, 2011 7:52 am; edited 1 time in total

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    How To Rid the Sea of An Ocean of Plastic Empty Re: How To Rid the Sea of An Ocean of Plastic

    Post  mudra Fri Jun 24, 2011 10:54 am

    How To Rid the Sea of An Ocean of Plastic Plastic-bags-landfill
    Boy discovers microbe that eats plastic
    PhDs have been searching for a solution to the plastic waste problem, and this 16-year-old finds the answer.
    Fri, Jun 12 2009

    It's not your average science fair when the 16-year-old winner manages to solve a global waste crisis. But such was the case at last May's Canada-Wide Science Fair in Ottawa, Ontario, where Daniel Burd, a high school student at Waterloo Collegiate Institute, presented his research on microorganisms that can rapidly biodegrade plastic.

    Daniel had a thought it seems even the most esteemed PhDs hadn't considered. Plastic, one of the most indestructible of manufactured materials, does in fact eventually decompose. It takes 1,000 years but decompose it does, which means there must be microorganisms out there to do the decomposing.

    Editor's note: There are two high school students who have discovered plastic-consuming microorganisms. The first was Daniel Burd. The second was Tseng I-Ching (last month), a high school student in Taiwan.

    Could those microorganisms be bred to do the job faster?

    Love Always

    Last edited by mudra on Sat Jul 23, 2011 7:52 am; edited 1 time in total

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    How To Rid the Sea of An Ocean of Plastic Empty Re: How To Rid the Sea of An Ocean of Plastic

    Post  Carol Fri Jun 24, 2011 11:17 am

    This is a great thread mudra. I hope leaders and decision makers around the globe learn of this and implement these methodologies sooner then later to help our planet recover from toxic waste create by the disposal of plastic.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 23276
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    Location : belgium

    How To Rid the Sea of An Ocean of Plastic Empty Accumulating 'microplastic' threat to shores

    Post  mudra Tue Jan 31, 2012 3:17 am

    How the oceans can clean themselves: Boyan Slat at TEDxDelft

    18-year-old Boyan Slat combines environmentalism, entrepreneurism and technology to tackle global issues of sustainability. After diving in Greece, and coming across more plastic bags than fish, he wondered; "why can't we clean this up?"

    While still being on secondary school, he then decided to dedicate half a year of research to understand plastic pollution and the problems associated with cleaning it up.
    This ultimately led to his passive clean-up concept, which he presented at TEDxDelft 2012.
    Working to prove the feasibility of his concept, Boyan Slat currently gives lead to a team of approximately 50 people, and temporarily quit his Aerospace Engineering study to completely focus his efforts on The Ocean Cleanup.

    The Ocean Cleanup:Arrow

    Love Always

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