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    Reincarnation stories from 9 11


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    Reincarnation stories from 9 11 Empty Reincarnation stories from 9 11

    Post  Micjer Sun Apr 01, 2012 9:15 am

    I have been following a thread on another forum in which people share their stories.

    Here is the link to the forum and thread.

    I would like to post two particular stories. Please take time to read the whole thread. It is incredible.

    Last edited by Micjer on Sun Apr 01, 2012 9:21 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Reincarnation stories from 9 11 Empty Re: Reincarnation stories from 9 11

    Post  Micjer Sun Apr 01, 2012 9:17 am

    Story #1

    9/11 Baby - baby_rn


    I've never written on anything like this before...actually makes me a little nervous but anyway...Ive been looking on the internet for someone talking about their child having past life memories from 9/11. My son has been talking about it for almost a year now...he's almost 4...He started out insisting that he doesn't just want to be a firefighter that he is one...he would get up in the morning and put on his fire outfit(his big reward for being potty trained) and tell me he's going to work. He would take his play axe and pretend to chop down the walls etc because there was fire behind them. that's how it started and the info just progressed...we were reading a curious george book about him in the big city and he said very matter of factly...bad men knocked those buildings over, pointing at the twin tower picture.(he has also never been exposed to 9/11 scenes...i am also a stay at home mom. Then he said planes broke in them and he couldn't help...he also told me there were people jumping because they wouldn't wait for him to get them...He told me he was stuck and and was trying to break thru the wall to get the people out because they were calling for them ...He has also gone on extensively about the type of trucks he was in...the color bucket on the truck and how it feels to come down from up high in the bucket...very detailed about firefighting and has stated he's not a firefighter he's fire rescue...we have no firefighters in the family but the details I could go on with forever...he also talks about his friend Mike that is also a firefighter...It has opened my eyes to a whole new husband still doesn't want to believe it but the details are far too much for a three year old to make makes me feel better some one else is experiencing this too

    ...thanks for responding to me...i'm pretty confident that what my son has been telling me is from a past life...there's no way he would know all this at his age! Also the tone of his voice is completely different and he also will laugh a lot if I ask him why are you asking me this you know i know the answers...I'm very aware not to ask him anything specific because he only tells me what he wants at that time...which is always before bed or after he wakes in the morning...tonight he told me he likes to drive thru red lights with the sirens on when he doesn't actually have to and then he laughs! His info comes in spurts though usually a whole lot at a time then a lull and then more...

    He told me that I would really enjoy the Christmas parties at his fire station...everyone always have lots of fun...he said they got a new fire truck because their old one is wrecked...he has said this several times about a new fire truck with a tv in it and maps and a boat on top...also he has tried to give me directions to his fire sation...funny coming from a three year old actually...he says you take a left then a right and his station is on the left with another across the street on the right. He told me he trains the new guys coming thru and his friend mike is with the older guys...there is so much in the last year I could go on forever...but there really has been less and less in the past few months..detail wise anyway that maybe he his forgetting already...oh he has said his friend Mike has two or three kids but one is the biggest four year old boy he's ever seen...I have written it down somewhat but this is just what I'm thinking of right now...he's a very quiet and kind child to everyone and I just hope this doesn't have some kind of lasting trauma to him...although he seems to not be bothered by talking about it on his own terms...almost seems better after he has talked about it...sorry so long winded

    I think you are the one that could help me with all the technical things he has told me about...he has said that he's also a scuba diver...he talks about his gear and air tank...but says he rescues animals??But its funny though...he received flippers and mask as a present from someone,put them on and automatiically walked backwards in them and fell into the pool backwards...then said "see this is how you do it".that's an aside but thought it was funny...This has been info he has telling me over a year so I'm going to try to pick out the technical firefighting things and see what you think...He has said he has a bucket truck and he rides in the bucket...he showed me with his hand how the bucket goes up and he said when you come down you don't just come down you bounce a little at the bottom and showed me with his hand...he told he has lots of firefighter friends and one drives his bucket.he showed me with his hands again that there are two levers one is forward for up and another for down or something like that...also something about engaging levers to spray hoses from the bucket...he thiks his bucket has a three on it?3 has come up a lot...on his truck..but he kind of waivers back and forth about the #3...he has said it's on his hat he thinks...could he have been on a ladder truck and rescue?He is also sure his hat is black with yellow stripe.he said he has a picture of a wolf with a moon in his truck and always calls it "his" truck...he rides in the front he said...but he is not chief...this may not make sense but it is what he tells me..he has said several times about an old truck getting wrecked or dying and getting a new truck...he has told me firemen follow the leader up a line in a fire and if falls off the line he uses a bright light and sometimes a camera to find them and makes them say cheese(theres the three year old talking)...something about to spray water you push the lever down for off and up for on...when talking about 9/11 (I think )
    he said people were falliing from a building because they wouldn't wait...he was on the floor with his breathing mask on and tried t get out a window but it was too small so he used his ax to break a hole so he could get the people out. To answer someones elses question about if he seems scared about its very matter of fact..just statements...although his has lined up four fire hats in my bedroom so he said we could get to them quicker if we need them..his room of course set up like a fire station everything according to where he says it goes...the funny thing is he said to me one day he needs a real air tank and a real ax for his fire staion room because the ones he has are play ones and don't work! Pretty funny!anyway let me know what you think?

    It continues on link....

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    Reincarnation stories from 9 11 Empty Re: Reincarnation stories from 9 11

    Post  Micjer Sun Apr 01, 2012 9:20 am

    Story #2
    by the cynicalone

    Thank you for sharing your story! I have a similar story that began about the time my, now 7 year old, could talk. He insists that he was a business man who worked in a building in NY and that something happened, an explosion, above him and his office shook and got too hot very fast. He has also spoken of not being able to find a way out because the ceiling had collapsed and blocked his way to the stairs. When he was about three my sister was flipping through an old National Geographic mag in front of him and she came to a page with a NY backdrop with the twin towers. He became extremely excited and pointed to a particular window and said that's where I use to work! He has told my mother and I that he once fell with a building and was still underneath it.

    I found your wonderful post on another website and the person who posted it linked me here. He is now 7 and there are NUMEROUS things said that have made believers of our entire family. Here is what I posted in the other forum before being linked here because this morning he said something so profound to me that I am now actively seeking others like him.

    "Thank you for posting this micjer. I watch who I tell this to because people just think you're insane. My 7yr old son has been talking about his experience in the tower since he could speak and still is. We never allowed him to watch anything about 911 until this year and he said,"It really happened! It really happened! It's not just a dream. I was right about there. So that's what happened to me?" Since he could speak he has refused to go into any elevator past the 5th floor for fear of an explosion and inability to get out. He refuses to go near any tall buildings. He has obsessed over planes and likes to know their routes at all times, always has and asks about his dog a lot. We've never owned one. But he claims he got one when he was 25. He said that he remembers jumping or falling, because there was some type of explosion over him and the walls kept coming in and it was hot. Then he has always said he remembers falling with bricks and rubble and being buried in it. However he says he watched himself hit the ground from above himself and describes a pretty nasty scene.

    He has drawn pictures at school of a crashing building with a man falling with bricks and rubble, which I have gotten calls about. He has said, since he could talk that he is from NY, hated his parents who were drunks and abusive, got married early and got the hell out and moved into NY city. He also talks a lot about remembering ferry rides with friends to the Statue of Liberty and how much he loved that as a young man. This is just the short version of the very detailed information he has about that experience. He also talks about being thousands of years old all the time. This morning he woke up, after I had saged the house yesterday, and said," Honey," which he has always called me,"I need your help. I need to go to NY where the towers were and say good-bye to Robert." I asked who Robert was and he said it was him and he needs to go there and say good-bye to that life. I told him that maybe this summer I will do everything in my power to make it happen for him. He also wants to ferry ride to his favorite spot, The statue. He insists we take a plane because he said he needs to get over that too. He was in like a daze when he spoke too. Just stared right through me. I suspect he traveled and got counsel while sleeping. I thought he was the only child on earth saying these things. He also claims to have watched and chose me to take care of him before he was born. He has always called me honey like an old man. Unfortunately he doesn't mesh well with other 7 year olds and likes to go to graveyards because he said he wants to make sure that he gets to pick what happens to his body this time around. If you ever need to chat please feel free to message me. Maybe we can find other parents experiencing this same thing and meet at the towers with the kids this summer.Also, he said if we took him he'd take us to what use to be his favorite restaurant. I am just so relieved that we're not the only ones experiencing this!!! Thank you so much for sharing!!!"

    We are not alone. He speaks of other lives also and one day asked me if I could see our souls because they were bigger than the car we were driving in. He claims to be thousands of human years old and once when my eldest son was in the hospital with pneumonia, Which terrified me, my little old man said to me," Honey, I've been around this earth at least 189 times now and you what? It's always OK in the end." Sorry such a long post but so excited to not be alone in what's happening here.



    My gosh. And other children claiming to have chosen. Mine says that to me all of the time. He says he watched me from,"Spirit World" and chose me. He also asked my eldest son, who is now 17, if he remembers how he use to sit on the stairs and watch him and try to talk to him. Well, about a year before he was born my eldest son slept with me and my husband because he kept seeing a little boy sitting on the top on the stairs at night trying to communicate with him. he wouldn't even go upstairs alone. Wow. I am so happy to have found this forum.

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    Reincarnation stories from 9 11 Empty Re: Reincarnation stories from 9 11

    Post  Sanicle Sun Apr 01, 2012 11:16 am

    Thank you so much for posting that link Micjer. That's an incredible read...a real tearjerker at times. The detail of 'the ex-firefighter's' memories are amazing and so great the retired fireman could verify so many as real. I love you

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    Reincarnation stories from 9 11 Empty Re: Reincarnation stories from 9 11

    Post  mudra Sun Apr 01, 2012 6:27 pm

    This is a wonderfull find Micjer .
    It's great to see those parents are bright enough to listen to these kids with open Heart.
    It's one of these signs I would say that Consciousness is bringing to awareness that we
    are more than our human forms.
    Thubs Up

    Love for You

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    Reincarnation stories from 9 11 Empty Re: Reincarnation stories from 9 11

    Post  burgundia Mon Apr 02, 2012 1:58 am

    thanks Micjer, very intersting.

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    Reincarnation stories from 9 11 Empty Re: Reincarnation stories from 9 11

    Post  THEeXchanger Mon Apr 02, 2012 7:33 am

    thanks micjer, this is really interesting - good share

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    Reincarnation stories from 9 11 Empty Re: Reincarnation stories from 9 11

    Post  Micjer Mon Apr 02, 2012 8:50 pm

    Thanks to everyone that has taken time to read the stories.

    I truly thank the families for sharing their information also.

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    Reincarnation stories from 9 11 Empty Might Have Been Reincarnationed?

    Post  Silver66 Wed Sep 12, 2012 3:48 pm

    do you think i might have been reincarnationed? i have images of me looking out a window and seeing only one Tower, (i might've been in the North?) and me seeing a plane coming dont know Oooyeah 1

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    Reincarnation stories from 9 11 Empty Re: Reincarnation stories from 9 11

    Post  Micjer Wed Sep 12, 2012 4:16 pm

    Sorry this is a stupid question, but how old are you?

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    Reincarnation stories from 9 11 Empty Re: Reincarnation stories from 9 11

    Post  Silver66 Thu Dec 20, 2012 7:04 pm

    im sorry for not answering, ive been to busy and i forgot all about it, and im 11

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    Reincarnation stories from 9 11 Empty Re: Reincarnation stories from 9 11

    Post  Micjer Thu Dec 20, 2012 10:21 pm

    Well coming from someone that believes in reicarnation, it certainly could be possible.

    I have read that people that die in a tragedy like this, reincarnate faster than others, as their life was cut short and still had much to learn.

    I would be interested in hearing more about what you remember.

    Thanks for posting. sunny

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    Reincarnation stories from 9 11 Empty Re: Reincarnation stories from 9 11

    Post  Silver66 Fri Jan 04, 2013 9:38 pm

    That is all i can sorry if this is too little information :/ and no problem :)

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    Reincarnation stories from 9 11 Empty Out of the mouths of babes: Extensive research indicates that reincarnation is real

    Post  enemyofNWO Sat Dec 13, 2014 5:47 am

    Out of the mouths of babes: Extensive research indicates that reincarnation is real

    Multiple researchers have thoroughly investigated cases of children who report past-life memories. In many cases, the details given by a child have been verified to correspond (sometimes with startling accuracy) to a deceased person. In other cases, the details have been more difficult to verify.

    Even in the most convincing cases, some will find a grain of doubt. Could the parents have influenced their suggestible children with a certain line of questioning? Could the children have overheard information and repeated it without their parents' knowledge? Could an overactive imagination or desire for attention have fueled the talk of a past life? Maybe probability can explain how the "memories" match up with real people or events, maybe they're just lucky guesses.

    The Psychology

    Psychologist Dr. Erlendur Haraldsson, professor emeritus at the University of Iceland in Reykjavik, studied 30 children in Lebanon who had persistently spoken of past-life memories, comparing these children to a test group of 30 other children. Dr. Haraldsson wondered whether children who associate so strongly with being another person (their past-life incarnation) are psychologically similar to people with multiple personalities.

    He tested the children to see whether they were more likely than their peers to have dissociative tendencies, for example. Dr. Haraldsson explained in his paper "Children Who Speak of Past-Life Experiences: Is There a Psychological Explanation?" published by The British Psychological Society in 2003: "The concept of dissociation has been used to describe a variety of psychological processes ranging from those that are perfectly normal, such as divided attention and daydreaming, to the appearance of multiple personalities in the same person with limited or no awareness of each other."

    He found that the children with purported past-life memories "obtained higher scores for daydreaming, attention-seeking, and dissociation, but not for social isolation and suggestibility." However, he found "that the level of dissociation was much lower than in cases of multiple personality and not clinically relevant."

    In the same paper, he referred to his field study in Sri Lanka. He found that children there who spoke of past lives would daydream more than their peers, but there was no indication that they were more likely to fabricate imaginary experiences. Nor were they found to be more suggestible. In one of his studies in Sri Lanka, he found these children to have larger vocabularies, to obtain higher scores on a brief intelligence test, and to have better school performance than their peers.

    Haraldsson cited Dr. Ian Stevenson, known for his systematic study, starting in the 1960s, of thousands of cases in which children have reported past-life memories. Stevenson followed up with many of the children and found that they almost all grew up to take their appropriate places in society and they had no outstanding psychological differences from their peers. Only one of the children Stevenson followed up with became schizophrenic in adult life.

    The Truth?

    Psychologists such as Haraldsson and Stevenson have made efforts to detect any psychological influence that may call into question the purported memories they investigate.

    In 1975, The Journal of the American Medical Association, wrote of Stevenson: "In regard to reincarnation he has painstakingly and unemotionally collected a detailed series of cases from India, cases in which the evidence is difficult to explain on any other grounds. ... He has placed on record a large amount of data that cannot be ignored."

    In 1994, Haraldsson published a paper titled "Replication Studies of Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation by Three Independent Investigators," in the Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, outlining studies that have replicated Stevenson's work.

    He summarized that: "To date Jűrgen Keil has studied 60 cases in Burma, Thailand, and Turkey; Erlendur Haraldsson 25 cases in Sri Lanka; and Antonia Mills 38 cases in northern India. ... In 80 percent of the 123 cases, a deceased person has been identified who apparently corresponded to some or all of the child's statements. ... Of the 99 solved cases, the person the child claimed to be was unknown to the child's family in 51 percent, acquainted in 33 percent, and related in 16 percent. Of the combined sample of 123 cases, only one of the cases [one studied by Mills] appeared to be on the borderline between a consciously perpetrated hoax and self-deception."

    The paper included a few examples of cases in which the details of the memories were verified. One of those cases was that of Engin Sungur, born in December 1980 in Antakya Hospital, Hatay, Turkey.

    A Boy in Turkey

    When Sungur was a young boy, he made a trip with his family away from his native village of Tavla. While traveling, he pointed at a passing village named Hancagiz and said he used to live there. He said his name was Naif Cicek. He said he'd gone to Ankara before he had died.

    There was indeed a Naif Cicek who had died in that village a year before Sungur was born, but Sungur's family wouldn't find that out for some time yet. Sungur's family did not immediately comply with his requests to visit the village of his past life.

    At a later date, when Cicek's daughter was in Sungur's village of Tavla, before Sungur and Cicek's family had any contact, Sungur approached her and said, "I am your father."

    Sungur's mother eventually took him to Hancagiz to meet Cicek's family. The boy correctly identified several family members, including Cicek's widow. He indicated an oil lamp in Cicek's home and said he'd made it himself. He said his son had once hit him with his own truck while backing it up.

    All of the statements Sungur made were correct, they all matched the details of Cicek's life. Some other statements he made could not be verified, but he did not make any incorrect statements.

    Dr. Jim Tucker, Stevenson's successor in reincarnation studies at the University of Virginia, recounted similar cases in which the details of a child's past-life memories could be verified, in his book Return to Life: Extraordinary Cases of Children Who Remember Past Lives. But, he noted, as for in cases that can't be verified, "At the very least, they raise the question of what could possibly lead young children to believe they remember the events some of these children report."
    Continues at the link


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    Reincarnation stories from 9 11 Empty Re: Reincarnation stories from 9 11

    Post  Micjer Sat Dec 13, 2014 6:08 pm

    Very interesting. Amazing how accurate his recollections were.  

    One thing that gets me is how skeptics love to look for one detail that doesn't seem to match and call it a hoax!

    Nice find. cheers

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    Reincarnation stories from 9 11 Empty Re: Reincarnation stories from 9 11

    Post  Micjer Wed Mar 01, 2017 6:52 am

    Another interesting story...

    The Boy That Knew Too Much

    “Mommy, I used to be a tall baseball player.”

    “Yes, you will be a tall baseball player someday.”

    With a look of exasperation, he stomped his foot and hollered.

    “No! I was a tall baseball player—tall like Daddy!”

    What was my son trying to say to me? Did he mean . . . he couldn’t mean . . . was he trying to tell me that he was a grown-up in a previous lifetime?

    At the tender age of two, baseball prodigy Christian Haupt began sharing vivid memories of being a baseball player in the 1920s and ’30s. From riding cross-country on trains, to his fierce rivalry with Babe Ruth, Christian described historical facts about the life of American hero and baseball legend Lou Gehrig that he could not have possibly known at the time.

    Distraught by her son’s uncanny revelations, Christian’s mother, Cathy, embarked on a sacred journey of discovery that would shake her beliefs to the core and forever change her views on life and death.

    In this compelling and heartwarming memoir, Cathy Byrd shares her remarkable experiences, the lessons she learned as she searched to find answers to this great mystery, and a story of healing in the lives of these intertwined souls.

    The Boy Who Knew Too Much will inspire even the greatest skeptics to consider the possibility that love never dies.

    Reincarnation stories from 9 11 CathyByrd022817a_zpseu1jt144

    Photo of Christian at Lou Gehrig’s grave when Christian was 6 years old. This marked the end of Christian’s spontaneous recollections of a life as Lou Gehrig.

    Reincarnation stories from 9 11 CathyByrd022817b1_zpsfhhzot9r
    Reincarnation stories from 9 11 CathyByrd022817c_zpslnhbqi9m

    A team photo of the 1927 Yankees. Our son pointed to Lou Gehrig and said, “That’s me!” at the age of three.
    Reincarnation stories from 9 11 CathyByrd022817d_zps90fjaspj

    A photo of Lou Gehrig’s parents Henry and Christina Gehrig, which is significant because our son was able to correctly identify their names at the age of three.

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    Reincarnation stories from 9 11 Empty Re: Reincarnation stories from 9 11

    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed Mar 01, 2017 9:43 am

    These posts are incredible, yet I never know what to believe, or how to interpret the evidence. I once spoke with a preacher in a big church about reincarnation, and he said "It's of the Devil!!" Still, I have used some aspects of reincarnation in my posting on this website, but I have discovered that reincarnation is a "Can of Worms". Once, I told a stranger that "one life at a time was more than enough to deal with". She thought more of my comment than I did, and asked me if she could use my insight. There was more to it, but I can't remember the details. I have spent a significant amount of time thinking about a "Final Judgement" and this concept becomes much more frightening (to me) if we have existed for thousands, millions, billions, or trillions of years. Someone I spoke with for several months said "I Am RA". He said we had "fought side-by-side" and that we had a "history together". They said the name 'Serqet' had a lot to do with that history. 'RA' said they had "always remained one step ahead of humanity" and that they "liked Genesis". They said they were "angry and jealous". Reincarnation could provide support for the doctrines of 'Original Sin' and 'Inherited Guilt'. In other words, there is a possibility that many (or all) of us overthrew an Ancient God of This World, Solar System, Galaxy, or Universe, and embraced another one.

    There might not be a Galactic Statute of Limitations. I get the sinking-feeling that many (or all) of us have been involved in very-nasty Ancient Star-Wars. When reincarnation is fully explored, unimaginable 'latent conflicts' might be unleashed. I'm NOT kidding when I refer to reincarnation as being a 'Can of Worms'. Demonic beings could conceivably provide people with various historical 'memories'. I have attempted to place myself in the middle of various historical events, and I only employ this practice as a research-methodology, but I often wish I hadn't. I received a strange message in my word-processor several years ago, and I don't know how it got there. I take it with a Sea of Salt, but I still use it in my research and posting (for better or worse, I know not). It is the second bold-print section below. I apologize for repeatedly bringing this up , but I'm seeking some sort of clarification and resolution in this matter. I've given it a science-fictional context. Most of the forum members stopped talking to me a long time ago, and I think I can understand why. Most everyone has stopped talking to me (or perhaps I stopped talking to them).

    I don't trust people or gods!! I don't even trust myself!! In my youth, I thought I might like to be some sort of an evangelist, but I got so disoriented and disillusioned, that I went downhill, and remained at the bottom of the hill (at the bottom of a cliff)!! What if there are very-real gods and goddesses who create very-fake gods and goddesses (along with puppet politicians and preachers)??!! Even if every word of the Bible were absolutely true, things would still be a HUGE mess!! No matter how one attempts to create theological-foundations, they are always wrong, and then one is left with defending the indefensible (if one wishes to retain fame, fortune, and power)!! But this might be exactly what the real gods and goddesses want!! My current theory is that a good-god was deposed by a bad-god (in antiquity) because the people the good-god created were too stupid to see through the lies (and that they remain too stupid to see through the lies)!! My theory is that the reality of our predicament is something no-one wishes to honestly deal-with!! I'm presently studying a somewhat scholarly Bible-Commentary, along with a somewhat scholarly History of European and American Democratic-Developments!! I've almost completely abandoned attempting to keep-up with the madness!! I'm re-watching Independence Day today!!

    GEORGE ZEBROWSKI was born December 28, 1945, in Villach, Austria, of Polish parents. He grew up in England, Manhattan, the Bronx and Miami, and he is one of an extremely small group of authors who have achieved literary success in a second language. He attended Harpur College and the State University of New York at Binghamton, majoring in philosophy, and he brings his interest in this field to his writing-several of his science fiction stories utilize philosophical concepts.

    He is a member of the World Future Society, Science Fiction Writers of America, and the SFWA Speakers' Bureau. He has reviewed books for Craw daddy, Science Fiction Review and Riverside Quarterly,- has been a reader for Dell Books; has sold fiction to The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, If, Infinity and to several forthcoming collections of original stories. Currently he lectures in science fiction at SUNY-Binghamton, edits the SfWA Bulletin and writes. His two forthcoming novels are The Omega Point and Macrolife.

    The story "Heathen God" was a 1971 Nebula Award finalist.
    . . . every heathen deity has its place in the flow of existence."

    The isolation station and preserve for alien flora and fauna on Antares IV had only one prisoner, a three-foot-tall gnome like biped with skin like creased leather and eyes like great glass globes. His hair was silky white and reached down to his shoulders, and he usually went about the great natural park naked. He lived in a small white cell located in one of the huge. block like administration modules. There was a small bed in the cell, and a small doorway which led out to the park. A hundred feet away from the door there was a small pool, one of many scattered throughout the park. It reflected the deep-blue color of the sky.

    The gnome was very old, but no one had yet determined quite how old. And there seemed to be no way to find out. The gnome himself had never volunteered any information about his past. In the one hundred years of his imprisonment he had never asked the caretaker for anything. It was rumored among the small staff of Earthmen and humanoids that the gnome was mad. Generally they avoided him. Sometimes they would watch his small figure standing under the deep blue sky, looking up at the giant disk of Antares hanging blood red on the horizon, just above the well pruned trees of the park, and they would wonder what he might be thinking.

    The majority of Earthmen spread over twelve star systems did not even know of the gnome's existence, much less his importance. A few knew, but they were mostly scholarly and political figures, and a few theologians. The most important fact about the alien was that sometime in the remote past he had been responsible for the construction of the solar system and the emergence of intelligent life on Earth.

    The secret had been well kept for over a, century. In the one hundred and fourth year of the alien's captivity two men set out for Antares to visit him. The first man's motives were practical: the toppling of an old regime; the other man's goal was to ask questions. The first man's political enemies had helped him undertake this journey, seeing that it would give them the chance to destroy him. The importance of gaining definitive information about the alien was in itself enough reason to send a mission, but combined with what they knew about the motives of the man they feared, this mission would provide for them the perfect occasion to resolve both matters at the same time. In any case, the second man would bring back anything of value that they might learn about the gnome.

    Everything had been planned down to the last detail. The first ship carrying the two unsuspecting men was almost ready to come out of hyperspace near Antares. Two hours behind it in the warp was a military vessel-a small troop ship. As the first vessel came out of nothingness into the brilliance of the great star, the commander of the small force ship opened his sealed orders.

    As he came down the shuttle ramp with his two companions, Father Louis Chavez tried to mentally prepare himself for what he would find here. It was still difficult to believe what his superiors had told him about the alien who was a prisoner here. The morning air of Antares IV was fresh, and the immediate impression was one of stepping out into a warm botanical garden. At his left Sister Guinivere carried his small attaché case. On his right walked Benedict Compton, linguist, cultural anthropologist, and as everyone took for granted, eventual candidate for first secretary of Earth's Northern Hemisphere. Compton was potentially a religious man, but the kind who always demanded an advance guarantee before committing himself to anything: Chavez felt suspicious of him; in fact he felt wary about this entire visit to Antares IV.

    On Earth the religio-philosophic system was a blend of evolutionary Chardinism and Christianity, an imposing intellectual structure that had been dominant for some two hundred years now. The political structure based its legitimacy and continuing policies on it. Compton, from what he had learned, had frightened some high authorities with the claim that the gnome creature here on Antares IV was a potential threat to the beliefs of mankind. This, combined with what was already known about the alien's past, was seemingly enough to send this fact-finding mission. Only a few men knew about it, and Chavez remembered the fear he had sensed in them when he had been briefed. Their greatest fear was that somehow the gnome's history would become public knowledge. Compton, despite his motives, had found a few more political friends. But Chavez suspected that Compton wanted power not for himself, but to do something about the quality of life on Earth. He was sure the man was sincere. How little of the thought in our official faith filters out into actual policy, Chavez thought. And what would the government do if an unorganized faith-a heresy in the old sense-were to result from this meeting between Compton and the alien? Then he remembered how Compton had rushed this whole visit. He wondered just how far a man like Compton would go to have his way in the world.

    Antares was huge on the horizon, a massive red disk against a deep blue sky. A slight breeze waved the trees around the landing square. The pathway which started at the north corner led to three block like administration buildings set on a neat lawn and surrounded by flowering shrubs and fruit-bearing trees. The buildings were a bright white color. The walk was pleasant.

    Rufus Kade, the caretaker, met them at the front entrance to the main building. He showed them into the comfortable reception room. He was a tall, thin botanist, who had taken the administrative post because it gave him the opportunity to be near exotic plants. Some of the flora came from worlds as much as one hundred light-years away from Antares. After the introductions were over, Kade took the party to the enclosed garden which had a pool in its center, and where the gnome spent most of his time.

    "Do you ever talk with him, Mr. Kade?" Father Chavez asked. The caretaker shook his head. "No," he said. "And now I hope you will all excuse me, I have work to do." He left them at the entrance to the garden path. Compton turned to Father Chavez and said, "You are lucky; you're the only representative of any church ever to get a chance to meet what might be the central deity of that church." He smiled. "But I feel sorry for you-for whatever he is, he will not be what you expect, and most certainly he will not be what you want him to be."

    "Let's wait and see," Chavez said. "I'm not a credulous man."

    "You know, Chavez," Compton said in a more serious mood, "they let me come here too easily. What I mean is they took my word for the danger involved with little or no question."

    "Should they have not taken your word? You are an important man. You sound as if you didn't quite tell them everything."

    They walked into the garden. On either side of them the plants were luxurious, with huge green leaves and strange varicolored flowers. The air was filled with rich scents, and the earth gave the sensation of being very moist and loosely packed. They came into the open area surrounding the pool. Sister Guinivere stood between the two men as they looked at the scene. The water was still, and the disk of Antares was high enough now in the morning sky to be reflected in it.

    The gnome stood on the far side, watching them as they approached, as if he expected them at any moment to break into some words of greeting. Father Chavez knew that they would appear as giants next to the small figure. It would be awkward standing before a member of a race a million years older than mankind and towering over him. It would be aesthetically banal, Chavez thought.

    As they came to the other side of the pool Compton said, "Let me start the conversation, Father."

    "If you wish," Chavez said. 'Why am I afraid, and what does it matter who starts the conversation?' he thought.

    Compton walked up to the standing gnome and sat down cross-legged in front of him. It was a diplomatic gesture. Father Chavez felt relieved and followed the example, motioning Sister Guinivere to do the same. They all looked at the small alien. His eyes were deep-set and large; his hair was white, thin and reached down to his shoulders. He had held his hands behind his back when they had approached, but now they were together in front of him. His shoulders were narrow and his arms were thin. He wore a one-piece coverall with short sleeves. Chavez hoped they would be able to talk to him easily. The gnome looked at each of them in turn. After a few minutes of silence it became obvious that he expected them to start the conversation.

    "My name is Benedict Compton," Compton said, "and this is Father Chavez and Sister Guinivere, his secretary. We came here to ask you about your past, because it concerns us."

    Slowly the gnome nodded his head, but he did not sit with them. There was more silence. Compton gave Chavez a questioning look. "Could you tell us who you are?" Chavez asked. The gnome moved his head sharply to look at him. It's almost as if I interrupted him at something, Chavez thought. There was a sad look on the face now, as if in that one moment he had understood everything-why they were here and the part he would have to play. Chavez felt his stomach grow tense. He felt as if he were being carefully examined. Next to him Compton was playing with a blade of grass. Sister Guinivere sat with her hands folded in her lap. Briefly he recalled the facts he knew about the alien-facts which only a few Earthmen had been given access to over the last century. Facts which demanded that some sort of official attitude be taken. The best-kept secret of the past century was the fact that this small creature had initiated the events which led to the emergence of intelligent life on Earth. In the far past he had harnessed his powers of imagination to a vast machine, which had been built for another purpose, and had used it to create most of the life on Earth. He had been caught at his experiments in cosmology, and exiled. Long before men had gone out to the stars he had been a wanderer in the galaxy, but in recent years he had been handed over to Earth authorities to keep at this extraterrestrial preserve.

    Apparently his people still feared his madness. This was all they had ever revealed to the few Earthmen who took charge of the matter., It was conjectured that the gnome's race was highly isolationist; the gnome was the only member of it that had ever been seen by Earthmen. The opinion was also held that his culture feared contact with other intelligent life, and especially with this illegitimate creation. Of the few who knew about the case, only one or two had ever expressed any disbelief. It was after all, Chavez thought, enough to make any man uneasy. It seemed safer to ignore the matter most of the time. Since that one contact with Earth, the gnome's race had never come back for him and had never offered further explanations. A century ago they had simply left him in Earth orbit, in a small vessel of undeniably superior workmanship. A recorded message gave all the information they had wanted to reveal. Their home world had never been found, and the gnome had remained silent. Benedict Compton had set up this meeting, and Chavez had been briefed by his superiors and instructed to go along as an observer.

    Chavez remembered how the information had at first shaken and then puzzled him. The tension in his stomach grew worse. He wondered about Compton's motives; but he had not dared to question them openly. On Earth many scientists prized the alien as the only contact with a truly advanced culture, and he knew that more than one young student would do anything to unlock the secrets that must surely exist in the brain of the small being now standing in front of him. He felt sure that Compton was hoping for some such thing. Suddenly the small figure took a step back from them. A small breeze waved his long white hair. He stopped and his small, gnarly body took on a strange stature; his face was grief-stricken and his low voice was sad. It wavered as he spoke to them. "I made you to love each other, and through yourselves, me. I needed that love. No one can know how much I needed it, but it had to be freely given, so I had to permit the possibility of it being withheld. There was no other way, and there still is not."

    Chavez looked at Compton for a reaction. The big man sat very still. Sister Guinivere was looking down at the grass in front of her feet. Chavez felt a stirring of fear and panic in his insides. It felt as if the alien was speaking only to him--as if he could relieve the thirst that lived behind those deep-set eyes in that small head. He felt the other's need. lie felt the deprivation that was visible on that face, and he felt that at any moment he would feel the awesome rage that would spill out onto them. This then, he thought, is the madness that his race had spoken about- All the power had been stripped from this being, and now he is a beggar. Instead of rage there was sadness. It was oppressive- It hung in the air around them. What was Compton trying to uncover here? How could all this benefit anyone? Chavez noticed that his left hand was shaking, and he gripped it with the other hand.

    The gnome raised his right hand and spoke again. Dear God, help me, Chavez prayed. Help me to see this clearly. "I rebelled from the hive mind which my race was working toward," the gnome said in a louder voice than before. `"They have achieved it. They are one entity now. What you see in this dwarfed body are only the essentials of myself-the feelings mostly. They wait for the day when the love in my children comes to fruition and they will unite, thus recreating my former self which is now in them. Then I will leave my prison and return to them to become the completion of myself. This body will die then. My longing for that time is without limit, and I will make another history like this one and see it through. Each time I will be the completion of a species and its moving spirit. And again they will give birth to me.  Without this I am nothing."

    There was a loud thunderclap overhead, the unmistakable sound of a shuttle coming through the atmosphere. But it was too early for the starship shuttle to be coming back for them, Chavez thought. Compton jumped up and turned to look toward the administration buildings. Chavez noticed that the gnome was looking at him. Do your people worship a supreme being? Chavez thought the question. Do they have the idea of such a being? Surely you know the meaning of such a being.

    I don't know any such thing, the thought spoke clearly in his head. Do you know him?

    "It's a shuttle craft," Compton said. "Someone's coming to join us."

    Chavez got to his feet and went over to Compton. Sister Guinivere struggled to her feet and joined them. "What is it?" she asked.

    "I-I don't know who it could be," Compton said. Chavez noticed the lack of confidence in the other's voice. Behind them the gnome stood perfectly still, unaffected by the interruption.

    "They've landed by now," Compton said. "It could only be one thing, Father-they've found out my plans for the gnome." Compton came up to him and spoke in a low voice. "Father, this is the only way to get a change on Earth-yes, it's what you think, a cult, with me as its head, but the cause is just. Join me now, Father!"

    Then it's true, Chavez thought. He's planning to bypass the lawful candidacy. Then why did they let him come here?

    There was a rustling sound in the trees and shrubs around the pool area. Suddenly they were surrounded by armed men. Twenty figures in full battle gear had stepped out from the trees and garden shrubs. They stood perfectly still, waiting.

    Antares was directly overhead now, a dark-red circle of light covering twenty percent of the blue dome that was the sky. Noontime.

    Compton's voice shook as he shouted, "What is this? Who the devil are you?"

    A tall man immediately on the other side of the pool from them appeared to be the commanding officer. He wore no gear and there were no weapons in his hands. Instead he held a small piece of paper which he had just taken out of a sealed envelope.

    "Stand away, Father, and you too, Sister!" the officer shouted. "This does not concern you." Then he looked down at the paper in his hand and read: "Benedict Compton, you have been charged with conspiracy to overthrow the government of the Northern Hemisphere on Earth by unlawful means, and you have been tried and convicted by the high court of North America for this crime. The crime involves the use of an alien being as your coconspirator to initiate a religious controversy through a personally financed campaign which would result in your becoming the leader of a subversive cult, whose aim would be to seize power through a carefully prepared hoax. You and your co-conspirator are being eliminated because you are both enemies of the state." The officer folded the paper and put it back in its envelope and placed it in his tunic. Chavez noticed that Sister Guinivere was at his side, and he could tell that she was afraid. Compton turned to Chavez.

    "Father, protect the gnome, whatever he is. Use what authority you have. They won't touch you."

    "The execution order is signed by Secretary Alcibiad herself!" the tall officer shouted.

    Chavez was silent.

    "Father, please!" Compton pleaded. "You can't let this happen." Chavez heard the words, but he was numb with surprise. The words had transfixed him as effectively as any spear. He couldn't move, he couldn't think. Sister Guinivere held his arm. Suddenly Compton was moving toward the gnome.


    The lasers reached out like tongues. The little figure fell. And the thought went out from him in one last effort, reaching light-years into space. I loved you. You did not love me, or each other. They all heard the thought, and it stopped them momentarily. Compton was still standing, but his right arm was gone, and he was bleeding noisily onto the grass.

    "Shoot!" The order went out again. Again the lasers lashed out. Compton fell on his back, a few yards from the gnome. Sister Guinivere fell to the grass on her knees, sobbing. She began to wail. The soldiers began to retreat back to their shuttle craft. Father Chavez sat down on the ground. lie didn't know what to do. lie looked at the two bodies. There was smoke coming from Compton's clothing. The gnome's hair was aflame. The tall officer now stood alone on the other side of the pool Chavez knew that his orders had probably been sealed, and he only now felt their full force. After a few moments the tall officer turned and went after his men. The alien knew this would happen, Chavez thought. He knew, and that was why he told us everything.

    When the great disk of Antares was forty-five degrees above the horizon, Rufus Kade came out to theca. He put the two bodies in plastic specimen bags. Sister Guinivere was calm now and was holding Father Chavez's hand. They both stood up when Kade was finished with the bodies. "They had an official pass from way up," Kade said. "I even checked back on it." He walked slowly with them to the administration building. The shuttle to the starship was ready.

    Thirty hours out from Antares, Father Chavez sat alone in his small cabin looking at the small monitor which showed him where he had been. Soon now the brilliance of the stars would be replaced by the dull emptiness of hyperspace. Antares was a small red disk on the screen. Momentarily Chavez resented the fact that he had been a creation to the gnome. In any case the alien had not been God. His future importance would be no greater than that of Christ-probably less. He had been only an architect, a mere shaper of materials which had existed long before even his great race had come into being. But still-was he not closer to God than any man had ever been? Or would be? The completion for which the gnome had made man would never take place now. The point of mankind's existence as he had made it was gone. And the alien had not known God. If there was such a being, a greatest possible being, he now seemed hopelessly remote . . .

    'O Lord, I pray for a sign!' Chavez thought. But he heard only his thoughts and nothing from the being who would surely have answered in a case like this. And he had stood by while they killed the gnome there in the garden by the poolside, on that planet circling the red star whose diameter was greater than the orbit of Mars. Despite all his reasoning now, Chavez knew that he had stood back while they killed that part of the small creature which had loved humanity.

    But what had he said? The rest of the gnome's being was humanity, and it still existed; except that now it would never be reunited with him. "Do not fear," the holy Antony had said three thousand years ago, "this goodness as a thing impossible, nor its pursuit as something alien, set a great way off. It hangeth on our own arbitrament. For the sake of the Greek learning men go overseas.. . but the city of God is everywhere . . . the kingdom of God is within. The goodness that is in us only asks the human mind." What we can do for ourselves, Chavez thought, that's all that is ours now: goals.

    He took a deep breath as the starship slipped into the nothingness of hyperspace. He felt the burden of the political power which he now carried as a witness to the alien's murder, and he knew that Compton's life had not been for nothing. He would have to hide his intentions carefully, but he knew what he would have to do.

    In time, he hoped anew, we may still give birth to the semblance of godhood that lives on in mankind, on that small world which circles a yellow sun.

    You were Incarnate 2000 Years ago and let Us also say that You brought the Prime Creator's Message to the People (Big "G"). After You had been exiled to the far east in those times - A Usurper (Jesus Cesarian) was set up to draw others away from Your Message and to corrupt It. 300 Years Later - The Council of Nicea was convened by a Roman Emperor (Constantine) to reduce the understandings You'd brought to the People - From approximately 37 Books down to 5. Under the Tutelage of these Controller's - Classical Christian Religion was enacted and forced upon the People over the next 1700 Years...The True Teachings of Yeshua are being held in the Vatican Archives so that They can remain on Top as Controllers (See Stigmata: We need no Men or Buildings to reach the Prime Creator was the Thrust of the Teachings kept secret - The Path within). Does this then mean that the Man  that originally brought the Message was trying to deceive Us? Or is It rather that the Controller's perverted the Understandings that You'd brought Us previously on Purpose? Simply put - I would say - The Later...This is the Crux and one They have worked hard to convolute...

    mudra wrote: As I read this I thought this could well be Oxy's biography Wink

    Love from me
    Thank-you mudra. As most of you know, I model various concepts and personalities, which do not necessarily reflect who I am in "real-life". I have been given various hints at who I might be on a soul-basis, by various individuals of interest, but I have no idea where the truth ends, and the BS begins. This whole thing often feels like a set-up. If this story did apply to me in some way, shape, or form, that might be a VERY Bad Thing!! The so-called "Ancient Egyptian Deity" I spoke with for several months (in 2010-11) made various suggestions to me, about who I might be, and what my role might be, but they seemed to HATE Me (while being very polite and charming)!! I don't wish to repeat what we discussed, but it scared the hell out of me!! Notice what George Zebrowski said about what "Holy Antony" said 3,000 years ago!! Compare that with the strange message I found in my word-processor (regarding me supposedly writing in antiquity)!! 1,100 BC to AD 100 is of particular interest to me. If someone of note was deposed 5,000 to 6,000 years ago, they might've written various things from time to time (if they remained in this solar-system)!! I'm still looking for a missing 32-37 book commentary on a Pre New-Testament World. I don't trust history!! Not Knowing is Driving Me Crazy!! But Knowing Might Drive Me Even Crazier!! Knowing What I Think About Would Drive Everyone Crazy!! I mostly play internet-games on this website!! This is just a fishing-expedition!! BTW, have you ever heard of the Human Gnome Project??!! Someone who knew someone on the Human Genome Project told me they had learned how smart I was (even though I had never exhibited significant intelligence in their presence). Could this have had something to do with Zebrowski's story?! Probably not, but sometimes I wonder as I wander!!

      Current date/time is Tue Sep 10, 2024 4:48 pm