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    Interview of an Australian MILAB


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    Interview of an Australian MILAB Empty Interview of an Australian MILAB

    Post  Sanicle Wed Mar 14, 2012 12:12 am

    Sorry, I originally posted this on the wrong thread so I've reposted it here.

    What I've posted here is part of an interview done by Eve Lorgen MA of a MILAB abductee whom she calls Lulu, an Australian girl. Her story is quite incredible and her courage remarkable. Another person advised creating protection around yourself before you read this interview as some of what's in it IS really dark but I found some things in it that rang a few bells and could in other members of the forum too. So here's an excerpt followed by the link if you wish to read further. Oh and the actual interview is about halfway downt the page as Eve goes to a lot of effort to give some background for her research.

    EL is the interviewer, LT the interviewee.

    EL: I’d like to hear more about the 2012 mind space. Ideally, what do you think they want you to be or do by that time?

    LT: The Satanists that contact me say they need my moral compass to be reversed by 2012 – which is coincidentally the Chinese year of The Dragon, or more specifically, “The Dragon In The Rain”. At that time, the forces of evil, for lack of a better description, for the time being, would like my body and mind to be taken over by a leviathan spirit, (28) a being who I prefer not to name.

    EL: Can you explain what you mean by the Moral Compass?

    LT: The reversal of the moral compass refers to the fact that the entities want to turn me from a warm-hearted compassionate person to a loathsome, hateful, psychopathic and sexually perverted person.

    EL: What is a Leviathan Spirit?

    LT: The Leviathan spirit refers to a very ancient, extremely powerful, negatively polarized reptilian entity. In order to make a comfortable ‘space’ within me for this entity, they have to first ‘turn’ me and destroy my natural God given human morality…the moral compass mentioned in the previous question. This is done by replacing ‘me’ with one of the manufactured personalities that were previously created.

    I will say though, that she’s some kind of representative of the sterile, murderous and ultimately dark side of Nature, the ancient Egyptians talked about the Dark Isis, I think that would be quite a fair comparison. They intend for this being to inhabit me in what’s known as a perfect possession scenario. Also, in that year, they want me to hook up with a particular high status person of Royalty in some fashion.

    This person’s mother warned me about him in a lucid dream I had this year, and she advised me not to believe a word he said. She told me that he would attempt to befriend me but that I should reject any such advances because in her words, “He’s already gone.” By that, I assume she means that her son is now fully possessed by some other entity. To hear a loving mother forced to speak that way about her own child was very shocking and very heartbreaking. But that’s how ethical and courageous She is…in her service to The Most High. She’ll turn aside her own blood if they’ve gone over the edge of the abyss.

    The Satanists also refer to some big-shot named The Dark Lord who, they say wants me for a trophy wife.

    EL: When did they—the Satanists– say this—regarding the change for your mind space for 2012, and how did you feel about that?

    LT: I was told that I would be the bride of some ultra big-shot “Dark Lord.” This was about 18 months ago. I was then, and am to this day; very skeptical of anything they say and remain defiant of their agenda in all its loathsome manifestations.

    All I have ever wanted is to serve The Most High in peace and love…this is my true nature and I will die a million deaths before I surrender it. I wish to bring peace between the human species and the serpent people. I feel that although there is a very bad bunch feeding on us at this time on Earth, they are themselves victims of a ‘higher’ force of malignancy. These beings are now making themselves known to those with psychic sight. They are called “The Shadows”. It is they that are the true and lasting enemies of humanity and all life on Earth and the other planets of our galaxy.

    I think The Shadows created some the Serpent People as a vehicle for their consciousness and a medium through which to manifest their insane demonic/archontic (29) group mind. One could say, therefore, that the so-called Reptilians that are messing things up on this planet are themselves possessed.

    The Shadows are the fallen ones that were imprisoned here in the far distant past. Our mother Earth is their prison cell and they have no love of her as we do. They fear the mind of Gaia as they fear the awakened human mind.

    They are parasites in a cosmic and spiritual sense–soul eaters–for want of a better term.

    Believe it or not, the reptilian/human Illuminists have asked for an amnesty. Don’t ask me why they’re asking me because I don’t know. They said that ‘The Great Shift’ can come smoothly (in a social sense) or roughly and implied that if they were granted an out of some kind they would ensure the change of power would happen with minimal disruption. I didn’t get the full details because I told them to piss off.

    What I’m saying here; is they know that they’ve lost and they’re in damage control mode.

    EL: Are others in your family also having similar experiences? Can you tell which bloodline your ancestry is, and perhaps why you are chosen for abductions?

    LT: They involved my sister and I when we were younger, and I have seen my mother on a craft or in an underground facility being operated on. A reptilian named Kuulkalzuka said he was inside my father’s body when I was conceived and my daughter is some kind of representative of the Egyptian being Nephthys.

    EL: This reminds me of the theory of Aleister Crowley’s Moonchild. The homunculus, which is a specially conceived embryo/child under influences designed to create a child full of knowledge and of the essence of which they desired (33).

    LT: My mother’s blood is native Irish Catholic. The significant name there is Murphy, which is from the west of Ireland. According to another lady by the name of Murphy who did the ancestral research I couldn’t afford, the Murphy clan is linked with the Howard family, the surname of the former Australian Prime Minister, which flows back all the way to Charlemagne of France.

    My best girlfriend Christine and I are related through this line–something we only realized a few years back.

    It is through my mother that a little Koori (Australian Aboriginal) blood flows also, although it’s a family secret and no one will talk about it. I also have a very strong feeling that the native Irish blood goes all the way to the Tuatha (30).

    On my father’s side (and this is where the family demon resides, I think) is the link with the Vikings and with Oliver Cromwell. My ancestor was Cromwell’s right hand in the Scots Protestant army that invaded Ireland in the sixteenth century.

    Note: EL: There are other milabs who have memories (which usually surface as dream flashbacks) of famous people for example, Gloria Hawkers, Diary of an Alien Abductee, (31) Brice Taylor’s memories (10), and anonymous SRA/MPD/DIDs.

    EL: Based on your experiences and memories returning to you, do you believe that milabs, MK-Ultra projects, and trauma based mind control are related to certain ET factions, and if so, which ones?

    LT: These projects are connected with the Draconian ET faction that has been on the surface of the planet for thousands of years. BUT, because of the evil of Jack Parsons and L. Ron Hubbard’s “The Babylon Working”(34), a doorway was opened and through it came many beings that were not here before 1947. This act of black magic, like so many others, was all about releasing those who were never meant to walk among men. It’s almost biblical when you think about it.

    EL: Wow, this reminds me of the former activities of a certain ex-UFO cult member, [Colleen Johnstone, (32)] and channeller whose “light beings”—malevolent entities disguised as beings of light–guided them to do exercises which she was told later, led to portals being opened in various areas of the earth so that hordes of supposed light healing entities could flood into our realm.

    EL: Have you ever seen or interacted with alien-human hybrids in your abduction experiences? What are they like? Can you tell if one was walking amongst us who looks perfectly human?

    LT: You’re talking to one. You see one when you look in the mirror.

    EL: So you’re basically saying all of humanity is a hybrid of some sort?

    LT: I think that’s very likely, yes. Some people have more non-human blood than others however.

    Yes, there are extremes though—changelings–if you will, the serial killers, the monster banksters/politicians/public servants who have no conscience or empathy whatsoever, the high level Satanists–MANY of which rule our religions…and I mean all our religions. All of these types are very much a chimera kind of creature, and being such, they’re very open to what is known as perfect possession. An example of this would be an evil priest or Cardinal or Pope.

    EL: This sounds reminiscent of some of David Icke’s assertions based on the reptilian shape shifting hybrids that are supposedly overshadowed or even hosted by 4th density interdimensional reptilian creatures. They—the reptilians– are believed to control these bloodlines and our world and manipulate their hybrids like one would manipulate puppets.

    EL: Have the ET’s or military ever told you why they have chosen you for their programs?

    LT: Yes, but different stories from different groups. One story is that the Leviathan from the void, the original Virgin Queen– El wants me as her next ‘vessel’. Another is that I’ve been promised to Prince XXXX (as his mistress if you will) who has been taken over by someone they refer to as The Dark Lord.

    Another version is that I’m some kind of conduit for cosmic energy, and if I’m at one place at a certain time, then great things will come through me and yet, if I’m in another place at the same time, then something very bad will happen.

    EL: Is this what they want to do with you – to make you vulnerable to a type of possession?

    LT: Yes, they want to wear me down with the constant harassment and manipulation so that I give in and become a negative person, who can then be taken over by another entity.

    EL: Can you tell me how being a conduit or vessel works?

    LT: To be a vessel is to be perfectly possessed. A conduit is a kind of electromagnetic circuit, if you will, a living dynamo that can be powered up during certain rituals – through the use of black ceremonial sex magic. This happened when I was a child, I’m virtually certain it’s still happening in the present – on occasion and is intended to happen on a more dramatic level in the future.

    I love this bit too...

    EL: What constitutes a spiritual warrior?

    LT: A spiritual warrior is one who RESISTS any and all attempts at the corruption of their mind/soul matrix. A spiritual warrior does not follow the flow of the turbid stream of mediocrity, homogenization and annihilation. A spiritual warrior defends to the bitter end– individuality, humanity, innocence, truth, beauty and decency. This world is in dire need of more people who are willing to go to their grave for these principles. Sadly, way too many abductees and milabs are deluded, cowardly and or narcissistic.

    But yes, there are true spiritual warriors out there, more every year actually. We achieve a great deal when we’re in our astral states–that’s why the perpetrators mess with us so much – as a distraction–among other things. Know this and rejoice in it–our enemies greatly fear us.


      Current date/time is Mon Oct 07, 2024 12:44 am