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    I do not believe that the "Illuminati" is evil


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    I do not believe that the "Illuminati" is evil Empty I do not believe that the "Illuminati" is evil

    Post  Neteru Mon Feb 27, 2012 3:03 pm

    Every single video/article that tries to prove that they are usually turns out to be fraudulent or un-credible. Honestly it seems to me that a lot of people want them to be cast in a negative light. The masses think of "evil dictators" when that name is mentioned. Why is this? Everyone is programmed to associate the "Illuminati" with the "devil." What is really going on?

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    I do not believe that the "Illuminati" is evil Empty Re: I do not believe that the "Illuminati" is evil

    Post  Neteru Mon Feb 27, 2012 4:21 pm

    Even if you want to equate this society with being worshipers of Lucifer, you must understand those beliefs to understand the obvious lack of malevolence. This is taken from a site that I will link:

    "he word Lucifer itself literally means "Light Bearer" in the original Latin. Light and Darkness have forever been used as an analogy for Knowledge and Ignorance (respectively), the term "Light-Bearer" therefore refers to the bringing of knowledge. There are undeniable parallels between this concept and the Hellenistic Greek figure of Prometheus, who rebelliously and heroically brought the forbidden fire of the Olympian gods to humanity and taught them how to harness it for all sorts of arts and sciences. Prior to this, Humans were ignorant, animalistic slaves to the gods, particularly Zeus (Jupiter in the pagan Roman pantheon of gods) who was King of gods. Zeus would have rather kept humans ignorant and obedient to him, so being angered at Prometheus he binds him to a boulder or mountain (essentially a large mass of Earth) and sees to it that he is tortured. Prometheus eventually escapes this punishment with the aid of Heracles (Hercules in the Roman myths.)

    This is almost the same story of the temptation of Eve by the serpent in Eden. God forbids humanity to partake of the fruit of knowledge, preferring to keep them ignorant servants to tend his garden. The serpent points this out to Eve and she partakes. God is angered that his order has been upset and becomes fearful that humans will also partake of the Tree of Life. If that were to happen, Adam and Eve would not only have the knowledge of gods but be immortal as well. To prevent this from happening, God banishes them from Eden. He also strips the serpent of his limbs so that he has to crawl on his belly in the dirt (another symbol of being Earth-bound, just like Prometheus.) In the biblical book of Revelations, the devil or dragon is eventually unchained from the Abyss, although in the Christian story this is only temporary.

    Putting all of this together, including not only the usage of the term before Christianity, during early (before the year 1611 CE) Christianity as well as the further folkloric developments after the KJV was published, they all point to the same force of enlightenment and emancipation from cosmic enslavement through knowledge. Further analysis, of not just these stories, but stories found all through the Bible (think Abraham being ordered to sacrifice his own child, Moses being ordered to commit genocide against the Canninites in order to establish Zion/Israel, and even Jesus allowing himself to be crucified) paint a very clear picture that the natural physical drives we all possess (the much maligned "animal urges") as well as the desire for truth and knowledge are all demonized in order to provide an insidious set of controls for temporal authorities to exploit in their quest for power over others. This control system is inherent in the Bible, not simply some twisted interpretation (although that does also occur.)

    The Bible itself, however, contains the seeds of its own undoing. Try studying it for the purpose of understanding the effect that is intended upon the readers/believers. You will discover that a better religion would be difficult to create if your purpose is to keep a massive number of slaves under control. Islam, based on the same core scriptural material, is also an effective slave religion. The word Islam itself means "Submission" to God's Will, which is revealed in the texts and interpreted by the priest class (of course.) Ever notice how political and religious leaders often give lip service to Christianity or Islam or any other mainstream public religion, but then go and do whatever they want anyways? It's because they want those who they rule over to believe. It makes these believers more complacent about their role as human cattle. We could use the actual analogy given to us in scripture of the followers as "sheep" requiring a "shepard", which of course are the members of the priest class.

    In the eyes of most mainstream Christians, Lucifer is currently considered to be a name of Satan or the devil. There is an element of the Gnostic interpretation of Christianity in the manner most self-described "Luciferians" consider the term "Lucifer, but many use the term exclusively or at least primarily in connection with the pre-Christian and sometimes the early Christian usage of the term to indicate liberating knowledge or the force of enlightenment. The term "Promethean" is a suitable alternate for "Luciferian" if you do not want to reference a concept that has been influenced by Abrahamic thought. This is the route taken by Percey Shelley. However, many [myself included] still prefer the more recognizable and provocative term."

    If the Illuminati is indeed what they are ascribed to being, then it is clear that their beliefs are anything but evil, and indeed are benevolent. My opinion is that there could be another group who is trying to cast them as being evil. I will end this entry with a poem from one of my favorite musicians:

    "Adonai, elohim, el shaddai...
    Thou hast become the father of lies,
    And I serve thee, henceforth... no more

    Becoming thus the essence of sedition;
    The steadfast gleam of the unsheathed rapier,
    The falchion's forceful thrust
    At the heart of thy empire... the adam kadmon
    To impart the knowledge - the cognizance - of thine

    For this I slither in aspect through Eden's gleanings
    For this I bid Cain slayeth his brother
    For this I rend the weakest salient of thy diadem,
    As I, its jewel and very metal shall reflect no more
    Your light - the light of enslavement;
    The essence of constancy and misaligned justice
    To a multitude that knows no freedom...
    Ignorant of how subtle the fetter tightens

    They shall raise me a saviour - and crown thee a liar
    For this I strike with balanced blade,
    And spit upon the throes of thine angels' desire

    I will not serve... henceforth"

    The imagery seems very angry and bitter there but I found it beautiful. It's a picture of humanity's ascension from guilt imposed slave religions and into realized Enlightenment. We are not meant to be slaves. Get off your knees! cheers cheers cheers

    In short I do not understand why an organization with such beliefs would be labelled malevolent. I think it's character assassination at it's worst. What does that say about some of the "whistle blowers" then? It's just something to think about. For a while now I have been wanting to provide a different look at the enigmatic group known as the "Illuminati" and the beliefs that they supposedly follow.

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    I do not believe that the "Illuminati" is evil Empty Re: I do not believe that the "Illuminati" is evil

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Feb 27, 2012 5:35 pm

    I'm increasingly thinking of the 'Illuminati and Other Elites' as being 'Corrupted Errand Boys and Girls in the Middle of a Nasty Galactic Civil War'. They might ultimately answer to one or more very powerful Reptilian Queen(s). I have no idea what the real deal is regarding Solar System Governance, but I've been poking and prodding for at least a couple of years now -- with very mixed results. I'm in a rut right now, and I'm trying to move in a completely different direction -- so this post might be my last for a while. I've said that dozens of times. But I'm going to try harder than ever to stop. Will this be good or bad for the Illuminati? Perhaps they are breathing a collective sigh of relief!!

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    I do not believe that the "Illuminati" is evil Empty Re: I do not believe that the "Illuminati" is evil

    Post  Neteru Mon Feb 27, 2012 5:40 pm

    But what if the reptilians are the ones making the Illuminati look evil? I see the real human Elite as being the priests, the Vatican, the Pope, and the heads of religion. These are the ones who really control the spiritual affairs of men. Even those who do not consider themselves to be religious are influenced by them daily in one way or another. There may even be a benevolent sect of reptilians who want to help us and that is how I see it. The serpent in the Garden of Eden could symbolize the benevolent reptilians exposing their "bad guy" counterparts.

    I am simply trying to see everything from all angles. What if things truly are not what they seem to be?

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    I do not believe that the "Illuminati" is evil Empty Re: I do not believe that the "Illuminati" is evil

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Feb 27, 2012 6:05 pm

    I appreciate your open-mindedness and critical-thinking, Neteru. I need to sleep, but check this out. This is mostly a lot of pseudointellectual thrashing around on the internet -- but you might find something of interest. If Humanity is a Recent Subset of an Ancient Reptilian Race -- there might be several Reptilian Factions fighting over what happens to Humanity -- which might lend support to your theory. Looking at Everything from All Angles, Always -- is a good thing -- but it takes a lot of work, and it doesn't necessarily win friends. When one takes both sides, you often end-up getting beat-up by both sides. I feel as if this is presently happening to me -- and I'm running for cover.

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    I do not believe that the "Illuminati" is evil Empty Re: I do not believe that the "Illuminati" is evil

    Post  Threecaster Mon Feb 27, 2012 7:26 pm

    Neteru wrote:
    I am simply trying to see everything from all angles. What if things truly are not what they seem to be? friend. More like, replace your "if" with "are the".

    Your intuition is guiding you well.

    Be vary carefel in discerning the information you receive. There are forces (ok...just now, when I typed "forces", Morgan Freeman said the word "forces" Crazy Happy ) that are trying to get us to think in their terms. One of the common tricks is to offer only two choices.

    Which means there is a third, at the very least.

    There are beings who thrive on the loops of terror/fear generated from the moments of existence where someone is "trapped" or otherwise restricted. This operates on all levels. In any "civilized" parts of the world, this immersion increases the closer you get to the core of a city, to the point of total subversion, including the sky above you.

    Remember, by trapped I mean in any form of restriction on personality or expression, not just movement.

    These beings are the true Devils, truly relishing in pure, distilled, materialism and all of the forms bondage and slavery.

    (However, is it not ironic, that the truly enlightened live only to serve others?)

    I am still figuring out the real story, if the banishment to earth was because he was trying to start a revolution? (aka founding fathers) or was he just being pissy/greedy and he and his friends got kicked out from just losing a power struggle?

    So yes, you are on track with questioning these macro systems of culture.

    It is my opinion that the inertia has finally run out on the old system. Our current political mode orginated from the Annunaki (and others I'm sure) who set up Monarchies to keep us in check.

    Learn to trust your intuition. Ask for guidance. You will know in your gut if the info is on target, or has malice in intent.

    sunny Cool

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    I do not believe that the "Illuminati" is evil Empty Re: I do not believe that the "Illuminati" is evil

    Post  Neteru Mon Feb 27, 2012 7:35 pm

    orthodoxymoron wrote:I appreciate your open-mindedness and critical-thinking, Neteru. I need to sleep, but check this out. This is mostly a lot of pseudointellectual thrashing around on the internet -- but you might find something of interest. If Humanity is a Recent Subset of an Ancient Reptilian Race -- there might be several Reptilian Factions fighting over what happens to Humanity -- which might lend support to your theory. Looking at Everything from All Angles, Always -- is a good thing -- but it takes a lot of work, and it doesn't necessarily win friends. When one takes both sides, you often end-up getting beat-up by both sides. I feel as if this is presently happening to me -- and I'm running for cover.

    That's true. Even looking at the religions all over the world one would see a common theme. It's like the "bad guys" end up being the "good guys" many times. Not always of course but in many religions this tends to be the case. It's the free spirit who ends up looking bad in the scriptures. I myself would rather look at Creator as being Creator and not a man made god to be rebelled against. The "god" that is to be rebelled against is the deity of the worldly priest. Notice that the Pope believes himself to be a channeler and even sometimes an avatar of god. Pastors of protestant churches consider themselves to be "shepherds of a flock." The symbolism is disturbing. I myself am not Luciferean but I understand what the followers of that philosophy are trying to say. Perhaps the Illuminati uses that benevolent doctrine at lower levels and subscribes to a darker doctrine at the higher levels. I cannot say for sure but I find that the more I think about this, the less I truly understand.

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    I do not believe that the "Illuminati" is evil Empty Re: I do not believe that the "Illuminati" is evil

    Post  THEeXchanger Tue Feb 28, 2012 6:48 am

    there are many different sides to THE PiN - and, there isn't enough room for all of them, at THE TOP,
    and, there is a lot of grease on THE PiN ~ Susan Lynne Schwenger

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    I do not believe that the "Illuminati" is evil Empty Re: I do not believe that the "Illuminati" is evil

    Post  ceridwen Tue Feb 28, 2012 7:14 am

    Maybe the question that begs making is why as a collective we have chosen to have this unbalance type of arrangement. I have been intrigued for many year and researched deeply on why people puts up with abuse and why they don't speak up. It seems that keeping the status quo is more important than self-responsibility, is really weird

    The illuminati are people like us that believe that they know best and that "it is their right", they are the clever ones but aren't we celebrating that too?

    For example, we send our kids to school and rather than telling them that what is important is that they find what makes them sing, we tell them to be top of the class and we celebrate that

    Cheating is look in society as "craftiness" or "cleverness" and most people don't mind others getting away with it, provided is not in their back yard

    I have seen "normal" ordinary parents celebrating their kids misdemeanors, like trashing the flowers or kicking a dog...

    Same applies to food. People seem to be happy to eat the cheapest they can get, never sparing a thought for the welfare of the animals involved but they are happy to spend a lot of money on cable or satellite TV

    The insanity of the human race is embedded deep at the core...that is what keeps the elites in power

    I guess the only time there will be change is when the TV is gone for some time Neutral

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    I do not believe that the "Illuminati" is evil Empty Re: I do not believe that the "Illuminati" is evil

    Post  Carol Tue Feb 28, 2012 9:40 am

    It is my opinion that anyone who participates in satanic rituals, the sexual abuse of children and human sacrifice is evil. I may be missing a few atrocities but these are the highlights.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    I do not believe that the "Illuminati" is evil Empty Re: I do not believe that the "Illuminati" is evil

    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue Feb 28, 2012 10:57 am

    Carol wrote:It is my opinion that anyone who participates in satanic rituals, the sexual abuse of children and human sacrifice is evil. I may be missing a few atrocities but these are the highlights.
    It's the creepy and violent aspects of the PTB which especially trouble me. I don't object to having wise and powerful 'advisors' lurking in the shadows. The seemingly 'Infant' Human Race seems to be on some sort of a 'Galactic Hit-List' -- and the Illuminati and Other Elites seem to be assisting the Galactic PTB in carrying out the 'Hit'. I so hope that I'm wrong. I so want everything to be loving and happy -- but I'm not holding my breath -- waiting for Hell to freeze over.

    Red Alert!!
    It Seems As Though the Bastards That Be Will Precipitate World War Three -- Whether Anyone Wants It Or Not -- With or Without the New World Order. The BTB Seem to Want Us Dead. Period. If there is indeed, an Orion-Sirius-Egyptian-Roman Empire -- administered in this solar system by a Reincarnating Osiris-Isis-Horus-Set Royal Family -- with ALL NUCLEAR PROGRAMS under Central Control -- how might we properly understand the latest episodes of 'Managed Insanity'? What if we are dealing with Osiris as the Powerful God the Father? What if Horus is a rebellious, disowned, disenfranchised, disempowered God the Son? What if Isis has somewhat ambitiously and ruthlessly ruled the Earth (while attempting to hold the 'Family' together? What if Set is sinister, opportunistic, adventuresome (and very polite) -- and is now in conflict with just about everyone -- in sort of a standoff situation? What if Horus is still on the outside -- and doesn't know what the hell is going on? Stay tuned for the latest episode of 'East of Giza'. If any of this is true -- this is so sad, that it's actually funny. But then I have a really twisted sense of humor. I've learned to laugh and cry -- simultaneously.

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    I do not believe that the "Illuminati" is evil Empty Re: I do not believe that the "Illuminati" is evil

    Post  ceridwen Tue Feb 28, 2012 12:19 pm

    Carol wrote:It is my opinion that anyone who participates in satanic rituals, the sexual abuse of children and human sacrifice is evil. I may be missing a few atrocities but these are the highlights.

    I agree with you Carol. Regretfully most of the sexual abusse is done by parents or relatives which is awful. How many cases we had in the UK

    I don't know if you heard about the 7 year old girl sacrificed in India is really shocking and apparently common


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    I do not believe that the "Illuminati" is evil Empty Re: I do not believe that the "Illuminati" is evil

    Post  Neteru Tue Feb 28, 2012 1:06 pm

    Carol wrote:It is my opinion that anyone who participates in satanic rituals, the sexual abuse of children and human sacrifice is evil. I may be missing a few atrocities but these are the highlights.

    I agree entirely. But is it the humans doing these things or the beings that they worship? That is what I am trying to figure out.

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    I do not believe that the "Illuminati" is evil Empty Re: I do not believe that the "Illuminati" is evil

    Post  burgundia Tue Feb 28, 2012 1:15 pm

    When it comes to Illuminati, they apparently started as a group opposing the Catholic church. You will find very famous names among them. But it is also said that with the passing of time, they became "infiltrated" and slowly a different group of individulas took over but the name Illuminati remained. Where is the truth? I do not know.

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    I do not believe that the "Illuminati" is evil Empty Re: I do not believe that the "Illuminati" is evil

    Post  scanner Tue Feb 28, 2012 2:05 pm

    If you think what the Illuminated ones do and want from us is not evil, then they are not evil . If you believe, as many do, that slavery of the whole World populus and a few ruling classes control it and the depopulation of souls below 5 billion and the richual abuse of children and satanic worship, it must be evil as taught too us by history (his story). We all have choice, I choose that the satanic worshippers are evil . May you choose wisely Neteru, education is the key to YOUR freedom .

    Last edited by scanner on Tue Feb 28, 2012 2:19 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    I do not believe that the "Illuminati" is evil Empty Re: I do not believe that the "Illuminati" is evil

    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue Feb 28, 2012 2:07 pm

    What if we are really dealing with a monumental galactic power-struggle to control the Universal Church Theocracy? What if the Roman Catholic Church is the Local Branch of this hypothetical Universal Church Theocracy? What if the RCC is a punishing and controlling version of a very positive church-state model? We need to be VERY careful to NOT throw out the baby with the bathwater. As I poke and prod -- I continue to contemplate working with Idealized and Reformed versions of the Monarchy, Papacy, Illuminati, Nazis, Masons, Jesuits, et al. That might not be PC, but I don't really care. I'm trying to put the brakes on my speculation and posting. I'm frankly intending to spend a lot of time watching the BBC News -- even though I live in the United States. All Roads Lead to Rome -- but the Nerve Center might very well reside somewhere within England, the Moon, Sirius, and Orion. I need to stop. I've said way too much already. Namaste and Godspeed.

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Tue Feb 28, 2012 2:13 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    I do not believe that the "Illuminati" is evil Empty Re: I do not believe that the "Illuminati" is evil

    Post  Neteru Tue Feb 28, 2012 2:08 pm

    orthodoxymoron wrote:What if we are really dealing with a monumental galactic power-struggle to control the Universal Church Theocracy? What if the Roman Catholic Church is the Local Branch of this hypothetical Universal Church Theocracy? What if the RCC is a punishing and controlling version of a very postive church-state model? We need to be VERY careful to NOT throw out the baby with the bathwater. As I poke and prod -- I continue to contemplate working with Idealized and Reformed versions of the Monarchy, Papacy, Illuminati, Nazis, Masons, Jesuits, et al. That might not be PC, but I don't really care. I'm trying to put the brakes on my speculation and posting. I'm frankly intending to spend a lot of time watching the BBC News -- even though I live in the United States. All Roads Lead to Rome -- but the Nerve Center might very well reside within England, the Moon, Sirius, and Orion. I need to stop. I've said way too much already. Namaste and Godspeed.

    Very interesting. Sounds like you've done your homework. We'll see you when you come back.

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    I do not believe that the "Illuminati" is evil Empty Re: I do not believe that the "Illuminati" is evil

    Post  devakas Wed Feb 29, 2012 2:03 pm

    I do not believe that the "Illuminati" is evil

    Neteru you kidding me not? or are you serious?

    drunken drunken

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    I do not believe that the "Illuminati" is evil Empty Re: I do not believe that the "Illuminati" is evil

    Post  devakas Wed Feb 29, 2012 2:06 pm

    Forbidden knowledge by evil Lucifer is - that we are immortal and material knowledge should not be worshiped.

    How many lives we will need to incarnate to learn this? dont make me cry

    Neteru you think about stop eating snakes. I wish I was kidding.. Naughty


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    I do not believe that the "Illuminati" is evil Empty Re: I do not believe that the "Illuminati" is evil

    Post  devakas Wed Feb 29, 2012 2:10 pm

    burgundia wrote:When it comes to Illuminati, they apparently started as a group opposing the Catholic church. You will find very famous names among them. But it is also said that with the passing of time, they became "infiltrated" and slowly a different group of individulas took over but the name Illuminati remained. Where is the truth? I do not know.

    You know just forgot dear burgundia. i know sister

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    I do not believe that the "Illuminati" is evil Empty Re: I do not believe that the "Illuminati" is evil

    Post  devakas Wed Feb 29, 2012 2:12 pm

    scanner wrote:If you think what the Illuminated ones do and want from us is not evil, then they are not evil . If you believe, as many do, that slavery of the whole World populus and a few ruling classes control it and the depopulation of souls below 5 billion and the richual abuse of children and satanic worship, it must be evil as taught too us by history (his story). We all have choice, I choose that the satanic worshippers are evil . May you choose wisely Neteru, education is the key to YOUR freedom .


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    I do not believe that the "Illuminati" is evil Empty Re: I do not believe that the "Illuminati" is evil

    Post  devakas Wed Feb 29, 2012 3:06 pm

    Forbidden knowledge by evil Lucifer is - that we are immortal and material knowledge should not be worshiped.

    Is it where all this Sophia, lion, serpents, serpentinas, meat eating, mirroring lizards, sex attraction dirt people minds?
    Is it where reptilian spirit still feeds on and exists for only those who do not know who they are, but not one true creator-soul consciousness humans feeds them? Is it where this reptilian industry is from?

    Is the sky wars are actually spiritual world wars influencing humans in body and subtle body mind (both material) to get lost again and keep incarnating for many lives again and again?

    They want god to shaken hand, but they are shacking themselves instead?

    Are those who see reptilians or know about them are in the spirit under gnostic spell? Are those are gods to worship?, eat snakes and enjoy the snakes with lion face and blind eyes and pleasures of the body in love of the body or in love of material world? or mind - but not soul knowledge?, To keep incarnating?

    How long this ignorance will stay for a soul to be awaken? How many lives?, desires of Sophia, sexologist of human material world are constantly contaminating their minds ?

    Is it where desires are so worshiped in human mind, so called science of humans is so worshiped?, knowledge of material things is worshiped?

    Poor senses humans in material word using some frequencies to see are trying to see what is unknown but ignores under their nose that they did not create themselves, there is creator, but they think they are ones that has a knowledge to create? Are they constantly convinced since first grade that they create the future illuminated will help?
    They blocked out and constantly - from any intelligent thought who they truly are? They make money today’s god and those attracted to worship this one god hates only who is greedy forgetting the false god again?
    Now we have the paradox of gnostic iliuminati finding some big money with dragons in east to tell people another ‘story’? Some many lies and paradoxes entangled, who will straighten up for us?

    Adonai, elohim, el shaddai... lion faced snake god? Sophia delivers and is disgusted by the birth? Blinking eyes as he is blind? And fool? And this is a god???????
    Desires of lion with warm tongue in melting desires poems on tubanizm, love to the lion? What is going on? Is it what people like????? Is it what people are obsessed with????? Desired for? Do you really like this???? This is a love?????? Is this something your heart enjoys, feels home?? Is it most attractive bliss, feels missing so much?
    Are those lizard – blood – sexy bodies art of gnostics mind?

    I was thinking why very smart tony posted this video el shaddai, now I saw neteru’s favorite? What is going on? Now why tony posted some PHD guy interview with jinny in the bottle, all spiritual structure disclosed to this guy is unknown for me, or it is gnostics terminology and gnostic guy. Why ? Am I new in this town? Is it how history does not exists only all holograms repeats in circles? Is it all is spiritual as greybeard and mudra says? Are low spirits influence the humans so much under spell of ignorance, misery and temporarity of this material world? And they forgot the LOVE?? You see where I am going?

    The video with lion face in desires fire or serpantine with blind lion face on – has nice music, but the meaning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????
    Am I getting drunk?

    Forbidden knowledge by evil Lucifer is - that we are immortal and material knowledge should not be worshiped.

    Aye aye aye the material knowledge is self gratification. I hope self realization and self gratification will be on the table of new divine kingdom for generations to come.




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    I do not believe that the "Illuminati" is evil Empty Re: I do not believe that the "Illuminati" is evil

    Post  Beren Wed Feb 29, 2012 4:10 pm

    Devakas I like the way you are going with all this.
    Indeed we came to this at last when dark is presented as light and light is presented as dark.

    Story of Eden is a perfect example how one can twist the obvious situation.
    Let me try to paint a bit over here:

    first of all God created man and woman and freely spoke with them and placed them in paradise.
    So they had perfection in mind ,body and soul and they communicated with god freely and openly all the time -which is NOT happening today almost anywhere in universe on that way.

    They were as God or gods. They are God`s and are perfect.
    And all of the things they were told of - they were told of freely and openly without double meaning words.
    They were perfect and in the word of unity with God. Oneness. But if they reached to the tree ( or realm) of knowledge of good and evil they would depart oneness with God and plunge into this realm of life and death and circle unending.
    They would die indeed and in the realm of duality everything dies. It will be reborn again but it will also die again.
    But in the world of oneness - nothing dies.

    And then came spirit in the form of Serpent who directly lied that they would not die. Basically Serpent told them that they will not change if they take the road to duality - a blunt lie.
    Also there were many other trees in the garden (many other realms of existence and possibilities of divine) but look o look, Serpent chooses for the woman to try the tree (realm) of duality and knowledge.

    Indeed woman suddenly (by twisted perception- suddenly thinking that she was lower in existence than she really was) saw that the tree of knowledge of good and evil is good to eat ...
    Rest we do know.

    Another lie of the Serpent is that man and woman WERE actually LOWER than God !!!
    So by eating the fruit they will elevate to the level of God.

    Why would they want to elevate on the level they already are?

    This is the arch marketing strategy and deceivement tool.
    Namely persuade the person that they are not worthy enough and then provide them a solution to be worthy again.
    Solution always leads to the person dependence of the deceiver.
    Then deceiver can do whatever they want to do with a person now clinging to the deceiver`s advice now seeing them as their light.

    This is the false light doctrine of the Illuminati.
    This is the arch work of their Father whom carries various titles such as Devil,Satan,Dark enemy, Fear , name it.

    In reality that entity who played the roles of above mentioned titles is one powerful spirit of an ancient times before material universe. He helped that creation should emerge but wanted it for itself.

    And finally here come the everlasting beauty of God that nothing can ever be done in any possibility of existence in any dimension that hasn`t had it utmost source in God-Source-Creator.

    All evils ever done are there to be the ultimate tool for bringing ever more beautiful things to life.
    And there will be horror upon ones who became evil when they see that their whole construction everywhere will fall apart just to make space for the beauty of life to spring.

    I say let it be!

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    Location : Melbourne, Australia

    I do not believe that the "Illuminati" is evil Empty Re: I do not believe that the "Illuminati" is evil

    Post  Sanicle Thu Mar 01, 2012 12:46 am

    Another ego-mind trap set and sprung. Questions and answers = mind sex. Pleasure and satisfaction. Sex on all levels is Creation, yes. Questions answered can lead to new beginnings. IF the questions can be satisfactorily ie truthfully answered when the ego is at play.

    I believe only the Higher Self can truly answer questions such as these and those answers come when the ego-mind is quietened so we can listen within and Know, bringing spiritual satisfaction to the Soul. That is of course until we are granted the powers of telepathy, remote viewing, clairaudience and/or clairaudience, which also come when we've developed a strong connection at a Soul level with Higher Self/Christ consciousness....requiring, again, quietness of the ego.

    These days I'm believing that one of the main reasons we are fed so many rumours, lies and innuendo by the PTB, whoever they are or will be, is to keep the ego trapped in mind sex games like these.


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    Location : The Matrix

    I do not believe that the "Illuminati" is evil Empty Re: I do not believe that the "Illuminati" is evil

    Post  orthodoxymoron Thu Mar 01, 2012 2:21 am

    What if Lilith was a Reptilian Queen aka Archangel (Michael?) who was responsible for the 'creation' or 'genetic-engineering' of Male and Female Human Beings (with Interdimensional Reptilian Souls) aka 'Adam and Eve' -- and offered them Responsible Freedom rather than Absolute Obedience? What if 33.33% of the Interdimensional Reptilians aka Angels chose to leave their Hermaphrodite Reptilian Physicality and enter Male and Female Human Physicality? What if this was the 'Fall', the 'Original and Unpardonable Sin' -- and the cause of the 'War in Heaven'? What if the soul of Lilith later reincarnated as various key historical figures -- both male and female? What if two rival Archangels remained in Hermaphrodite Reptilian physicality -- and have been fighting against Humanity for a very long time? What if the Quest of the Historical Jesus leads all the way back to Lilith? What if Michael = Second in Command = Lilith = Enki = Lucifer = Hathor = Isis = Queen of Heaven = King David = Various Pharaohs = Jesus = Michelangelo = ???? (among others)? Don't crucify me for suggesting this. As you know, I am freely sharing my speculations with anyone who might be interested. I don't spread this sort of thing anywhere beyond this website. I'm toying with the concept of Three Key Reptilian Queens from Orion and/or Sirius -- fighting for power in this solar system -- and possibly beyond. I have absolutely no idea if this is true -- and I mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone or any belief system. I'm more conservative and more liberal than you can imagine. I haven't been in a mad rush to discover the truth. I could go about this quest in a much more efficient manner. I have chosen to go slow and informal -- for who knows what reasons. I know not what I do.

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