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    The benevolence of "greys"


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    The benevolence of "greys" Empty The benevolence of "greys"

    Post  Neteru Thu Feb 23, 2012 12:57 pm

    According this information, "greys" are more benevolent than most people believe. In fact I have never seen any real evidence/report that they are anything malevolent.

    This talks about grey/human hybrids and what the phenomena entails. The human mothers are even allowed to bond and name the child. A malevolent being would not give such a mercy. This is only one place where I have found this information. It's something to think about. :)

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    The benevolence of "greys" Empty Re: The benevolence of "greys"

    Post  orthodoxymoron Thu Feb 23, 2012 1:49 pm

    I remain 'open' to everyone and everything -- but I Trust No One -- not even God. My current theory is that most or all humanoid beings possess the same kind of soul. I am uncertain regarding the nature of said soul -- but I'm leaning toward the theory that all humanoid souls are some sort of reptilian soul. I have no idea if this is really the case -- but I am attempting to think way outside of the box -- in an attempt to consider ALL possibilities regarding the most important subjects imaginable. Unfortunately, you don't make many friends doing things this way. I continue to hear horror stories concerning humans, reptilians, and greys. I think this universe might be quite the nasty place. I once read a book titled 'The Friendly Stars'. The stars might be friendly, but the beings who live on the planets which orbit these friendly stars might be just the opposite of friendly (especially toward human beings). If human beings are a Recent Subset of an Ancient Reptilian Race -- the hostility might be understandable and even expected. Perhaps a Peaceful Segregation is the best that can be expected for the next few million years. Universe Administration might have Everything to do with Solar System Administration. My proposed United States of the Solar System might be anathema and damnable heresy of a most pestilential nature -- to a Universal Theocratic Church -- which might be Predominantly Reptilian in nature. Just more speculation, mind you.

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    The benevolence of "greys" Empty Re: The benevolence of "greys"

    Post  burgundia Thu Feb 23, 2012 2:30 pm

    Yes, at this point I do not trust anyone, any info....some say all grays and reptilians are malevolent, others say only some are malevolent...there are those who say that practically most grays are benevolent....when it comes to all those different opinions - we have it all.

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    The benevolence of "greys" Empty Re: The benevolence of "greys"

    Post  Carol Thu Feb 23, 2012 4:04 pm

    Neteru wrote:According this information, "greys" are more benevolent than most people believe. In fact I have never seen any real evidence/report that they are anything malevolent.

    This talks about grey/human hybrids and what the phenomena entails. The human mothers are even allowed to bond and name the child. A malevolent being would not give such a mercy. This is only one place where I have found this information. It's something to think about. :)

    They do this because after many, many infant hybrid deaths they realized that without the human contact their hybrids failed to thrive. If they could have done it without humans they would have. They could not. The heart code is passed on from mother/parent/caretaker to child when it is held to the human chest for at least 16 to 17 hours. Aliens have no such heart code to transfer.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    The benevolence of "greys" Empty Re: The benevolence of "greys"

    Post  orthodoxymoron Thu Feb 23, 2012 4:25 pm

    I don't wish to hate anyone or any race -- ever. However, I'm presently upset with just about everything and everyone -- including myself. I wonder if 'God' (One who bodily appears to everyone) would have to change bodies when entering and leaving this solar system -- and completely change their approach, demeanor, and attitude when arriving and departing 'our' solar system?

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    The benevolence of "greys" Empty Re: The benevolence of "greys"

    Post  Carol Thu Feb 23, 2012 5:04 pm

    Oxy, I know of no "god" who bodily appears to anyone. God is not defined as a person/human. However, spirit is defined as being part of god. I once had a mystic explain this to me a long time ago. He spoke of how god exists in all things being that which is god (the divine spark/life/intelligence/consciousness) exists everywhere. You keep trying to anthropomorphize something that is not human (god) or even a thing and thus created a conundrum for yourself. What does "to be everywhere" mean to you? God would not need to alter anything as god exists everywhere (all dimensions, all universes) at all times, including outside of time.

    Maybe it's time to go back and watch the movie Avatar.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    The benevolence of "greys" Empty Re: The benevolence of "greys"

    Post  Neteru Thu Feb 23, 2012 5:17 pm

    All I know is that greys have helped me in the past. They didn't have to, they just did, and I feel like that alone at least means that certain greys care about me personally. Some people get contacted and some don't. Some people never so much as see a UFO. I can't say why ETs act a certain way towards some and then completely avoid others. I have heard that it's something to do with DNA. I could be part grey for all I know! Crazy Happy

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    The benevolence of "greys" Empty Re: The benevolence of "greys"

    Post  Carol Thu Feb 23, 2012 5:29 pm

    Thank you Neteru for sharing this. I've heard the same as well from others so you certainly are not alone in your experience.

    It wouldn't matter to me if you were part grey or not. However, for one so young you come across as wise and that's saying something. Thubs Up

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 94
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    The benevolence of "greys" Empty Re: The benevolence of "greys"

    Post  Neteru Thu Feb 23, 2012 7:51 pm

    Carol wrote:Thank you Neteru for sharing this. I've heard the same as well from others so you certainly are not alone in your experience.

    It wouldn't matter to me if you were part grey or not. However, for one so young you come across as wise and that's saying something. Thubs Up

    It wouldn't bother me either. From what I have read, hybridization is a means to protect an entire race from dying, and that's not at all something to be angry about.
    Infinite Flow
    Infinite Flow

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    The benevolence of "greys" Empty My Opinion on greys

    Post  Infinite Flow Sat Jun 28, 2014 5:47 pm

    I once saw an exoteric teacher who had contact with these beings, and he said that greys work alongside pleiedians( the human like ones) and other races.
    He also said that they belong to no race or planet, he said that their home is the universe, and that they take in many different forms and bodies according to their needs. According to him, they reside beyond the astral planes of planet earth and they assume bodies whenever they desire to come to the physical plane. So basically "greys" are just a body type that these beings of light assume when they manifest here (they can also assume pleiedian or other forms at will). According to that teacher, these beings coordinate the experiences here on planet earth, and even the organization on the astral and ascended planes. He also said that they are the ones who created the human race, so the constant abductions worldwide would be a kind of routine exams, just like when we go to the doctor, and they sometimes stop certain kinds of viruses to spread, so that it doesn't affect the evolution of the human race here on planet earth. So basically there is no difference between a pleiedian and a grey, or any other race, they are a big collective that serve the bigger picture of Source/God. The different approaches from person to person depend on the level of awareness that each of us have.

    Of course there is no way of really knowing that, but this information really resonated with me so thats my opinion for now (of course i will always remain open to all kinds of knowledge) :)
    PS: the hybrids would be beings that are being prepared to integrate on planet earth to help in the great shift coming soon.

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    The benevolence of "greys" Empty Re: The benevolence of "greys"

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sun Jun 29, 2014 8:26 am

    I think the questions asked regarding life, the universe, and everything -- should be hard and ongoing. A well-dressed and polite human might really be the biggest SOB imaginable. How is one to really know anything about anyone?? People hire people who turn out to be horror stories. People marry the 'right-one' and then find out they married the 'wrong-one'. There might be some relatively benevolent greys who are controlled by relatively malevolent draconian-reptilians!! I'm presently modeling the concept of a universe which mirrors Star Wars and Babylon 5. My political and theological innocence and idealism have been completely shattered. I'm starting to lean toward studying the violent Old-Testament to help me prepare for who knows what?! What if God is a Bad@$$ Judge-Queen, Star-Warrior, and Intergalactic-Banker (instead of the stereotypical Father, Son, and Holy-Spirit)??!! What if King David, King Solomon, and the Queen of Sheba (on a Soul-Basis) have run this solar system for a very long time??!! But what if this hypothetical-regime has recently been overthrown??!! I frankly have NO idea -- but modeling the possibilities scares the hell out of me!! I've spent several years being open and idealistic -- but that attempt is fading fast. That approach got me nowhere. I'm thinking in terms of War and Work -- Wreck-Creation and Re-Creation -- with School and Sports being Foundational. I'm not happy about this conceptual trend -- and I keep wondering if Bertrand Russell was right about 'Unyielding-Despair' being Foundational. My impression is that the Corrupt Rule the Stupid -- but what if Everyone were Smart and Corrupt?? Would that level the playing-field?? It really would not surprise me if the Dracs are in the Driver's-Seat -- and if the Greys and/or Hybrids are Middle-Management. It also wouldn't surprise me if Humans are an Experimental-Race. What if Earth is a Prison-Planet -- and the prisoners are being experimented upon by subjecting them to Human-Physicality?? What if most (or all) of us were Dragons, Dracs, and Greys from Orion in Antiquity??!! What if most of us have existed for Millions, Billions, or even Trillions of Years -- in many varieties of physicality (and lack thereof)??!! We might not like True and Complete Disclosure one little bit!!
    Infinite Flow
    Infinite Flow

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    The benevolence of "greys" Empty some light in our minds :)

    Post  Infinite Flow Sat Jul 12, 2014 12:30 am

    Some of these things might be true, but that does not take our responsability off the question. What do i mean by that? If there is something i know for sure, is that we shape our reality according to our thoughts and emotions. That has been proven many many many times in quantum physics. So my point here is, you can choose what u want to experience. Your reality doesnt have to be awful if YOU dont want it to be. How does quantum physics explain that? At the smallest level of the atom, there is WAVE, so in fact there is no matter, everything is wave. So basically "God" is just one big self conscious wave that makes up everything in existence. And the other dimensions are the same wave and particles(which are waves as well) but in different densities. We (and everything in creation) are the SAME wave, but organized differently. But we are still Wave. So, you are God, literally speaking! Your creations are only limited by your beliefs. So everyone lives a different reality (thats why we all have an electromagnetic field around us, it affects reality)But by agreement we all have a similar experience. WE ARE NOT VICTIMS IN ANY FORM, we are only victims if we believe we are, because we create our reality. So thats why we can say that "all are one", or that "I am God", or "We are God", etc. That itself explains the Law of Attraction.What you put out there comes back to you, because all are one, and all are within God's wave of consciousness or quantum vacuum (as they call it in quantum physics). Now bear with me for a moment, if there are any beings seeking to control us, or do us harm in anyway, they are real idiots, or at least they are very ignorant about how the universe works, because all they do to anyone comes back at them immediately (because all are one, and doing something to another person is the same as doing it to yourself). And about we being Dracs, IF we are, there is no problem with that, all that matters is that we seek to be loving beings, and that we improve ourselves every single day.
    I hope that brought you some clarity :) Thank You.

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    The benevolence of "greys" Empty Re: The benevolence of "greys"

    Post  mudra Sat Jul 12, 2014 4:31 am

    I enjoyed your post Infinite Flow.Very well expressed.
    Realizing we are the creator of our own reality we restore Love.

    Love from me

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    The benevolence of "greys" Empty Re: The benevolence of "greys"

    Post  RedEzra Sat Jul 12, 2014 12:00 pm

    Infinite Flow wrote:So thats why we can say that "all are one", or that "I am God", or "We are God", etc.

    Are you sure about this ? Because if you are wrong and the Bible is right then you will find out the hard way that you are not God.
    Infinite Flow
    Infinite Flow

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    The benevolence of "greys" Empty Re: The benevolence of "greys"

    Post  Infinite Flow Fri Jul 25, 2014 5:51 pm

    To mudra: Thank you! I am grateful that more and more people are waking up to the fact that we create our reality, i feel that the shift in the collective consciousness of humanity is getting closer and closer, and with that, the universe will open itself to us :)

    To RedEzra: I understand and respect your point of view. You don't need to change your belief if you don't want to. But if you just consider what i said for a moment, if you believe that what the bible says is true, then you will experience your reality according to what the bible says, so if you say: "I've had experiences that prove that what the bible says is true". Then i just gave you the answer in the lines above. If you allow yourself to believe that you are creator, imagine the wonderful possibilities that you can experience.

    I encourage you to ask yourself the following questions:

    1- Am I really satisfied, or, am i really happy with what the bible says?

    2- Am i WILLING to change my beliefs?

    As for myself, i am absolutely sure that i create my reality and that i am god. But i also respect all beliefs, because i understand that ALL of them are true. You see, there is not just ONE truth that out there. all beliefs are true, because as god, we manifest them in our reality.And truth is not "out there". It is inside of us. Thank you!

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    The benevolence of "greys" Empty Re: The benevolence of "greys"

    Post  mudra Fri Jul 25, 2014 6:31 pm

    You are welcome Infinite Flow

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    Forever and Always

    Love from me

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