Infinite Flow Sat Jul 12, 2014 12:30 am
Some of these things might be true, but that does not take our responsability off the question. What do i mean by that? If there is something i know for sure, is that we shape our reality according to our thoughts and emotions. That has been proven many many many times in quantum physics. So my point here is, you can choose what u want to experience. Your reality doesnt have to be awful if YOU dont want it to be. How does quantum physics explain that? At the smallest level of the atom, there is WAVE, so in fact there is no matter, everything is wave. So basically "God" is just one big self conscious wave that makes up everything in existence. And the other dimensions are the same wave and particles(which are waves as well) but in different densities. We (and everything in creation) are the SAME wave, but organized differently. But we are still Wave. So, you are God, literally speaking! Your creations are only limited by your beliefs. So everyone lives a different reality (thats why we all have an electromagnetic field around us, it affects reality)But by agreement we all have a similar experience. WE ARE NOT VICTIMS IN ANY FORM, we are only victims if we believe we are, because we create our reality. So thats why we can say that "all are one", or that "I am God", or "We are God", etc. That itself explains the Law of Attraction.What you put out there comes back to you, because all are one, and all are within God's wave of consciousness or quantum vacuum (as they call it in quantum physics). Now bear with me for a moment, if there are any beings seeking to control us, or do us harm in anyway, they are real idiots, or at least they are very ignorant about how the universe works, because all they do to anyone comes back at them immediately (because all are one, and doing something to another person is the same as doing it to yourself). And about we being Dracs, IF we are, there is no problem with that, all that matters is that we seek to be loving beings, and that we improve ourselves every single day.
I hope that brought you some clarity :) Thank You.