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    The Neo-Druid Chronicles


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    The Neo-Druid Chronicles Empty The Neo-Druid Chronicles

    Post  HigherLove Mon Jan 16, 2012 7:17 pm

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    This thread MAY have bee inspired by past lives, perhaps, but not led by them (I know: plenty of weasel words).


    Also by:
    Edit: poster has since removed thread posts / content for unrelated reasons.

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    Recently I began to ask myself how a Druid from pre-history might be feeling in today's world. How does a Druid comport oneself in this madness?

    Then things just starting showing up. A lot.

    It seems my Dragon has directed me to begin at the beginning.

    Casting fear and doubt aside, I move forward as if I am one of many Druids wandering out there. My guess is many are far smarter than I, but one thing we seem to find in common is our gathering places just are not what they used to be.

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    The Neo-Druid Chronicles Druids12

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Dragon Pictures, Images and Photos"/></a>

    Last edited by HigherLove on Fri Feb 03, 2012 9:16 pm; edited 21 times in total

    Posts : 2357
    Join date : 2011-01-27
    Age : 59

    The Neo-Druid Chronicles Empty Re: The Neo-Druid Chronicles

    Post  HigherLove Mon Jan 16, 2012 7:25 pm

    Starts at #181

    shiloh wrote:
    HigherLove wrote:






    ALTHOUGH the term Druid is local, their religion was of deep root, and a distant origin. It was of equal antiquity with those of the Persian Magi, the Chaldees of Assyria, and the Brachmans of Hindostan.

    It resembled them so closely in its sublime precepts, in its consoling promises, as to leave no doubt that these nations, living so widely apart, were all of the same stock and the same religion-that of Noah, and the children of men before the flood.

    They worshipped but one God, and erected to him altars of earth, or unhewn stone, and prayed to him in the open air; and believed in a heaven, in a hell, and in the immortality of the soul.

    It is strange that these offsprings of the patriarchs should also be corrupted from the same sources, and should thus still preserve a resemblance to one another in the minor tenets of their polluted creeds.

    Those pupils of the Egyptian priests, the Ph�nicians, or Canaanites, who had taught the Israelites to sacrifice human beings, and to pass their children through the fire to Moloch, infused the same bloodthirsty precepts among the Druids. As the Indian wife was burnt upon her husband's pyre, so, on the corpses of the Celtic lords, were consumed their children, their slaves, and their horses.

    And, like the other nations of antiquity, as I shall presently prove, the Druids worshipped the heavenly bodies, and also trees, and water, and mountains, and the signs of the serpent, the bull and the cross.

    The doctrine of the transmigration of souls which formed a leading theory on the system of the Brachmans, of the Druids, and afterwards of the Pythagoreans was obtained, through the Ph�nicians, from Egypt, the fatherland of heathen mythology.

    It cannot be denied that they also honored inferior deities, to whom they gave the names of Hu and Ceridwen, Hesus Taranis, Belenus, Ogmius, and the attributes of Osiris and Isis (or Zeus and Venus) Bacchus, Mercury, Apollo, and Hercules.

    From the sandy plains of Egypt to the icebergs of Scandinavia, the whole world has rung with the exploits of Hercules, that invincible god, who but appeared in the world to deliver mankind from monsters and from tyrants.

    He -was really a Phoenician harokel, or merchant, an enterprising mariner, and the discoverer of the tin mines of the Cassiterides. He it was who first sailed through the Straits of Gibraltar, which, to this day, are called The Pillars of Hercules: who built the first ship: who discovered the mariner's compass, and the loadstone, or lapes Heractius.

    It is gratifying to learn that his twelve labors were, in reality, twelve useful discoveries, and that he had not been deified for killing a wild beast and cleaning out stables.

    As the Chaldeans, who were astronomers, made Hercules an astronomer; and as the Greeks and Romans, who were warriors, made him a hero of battles; so the Druids, who were orators, named him Ogmius, or the Power of Eloquence, and represented him as an old man followed by a multitude, whom he led by slender and almost invisible golden chains fastened from his lips to their ears.

    As far as we can learn, however, the Druids paid honors, rather than adoration to their deities,
    as the Jews revered their arch-angels, but reserved their worship for Jehovah.

    And, like the God of the Jews, of the Chaldees, of the Hindoos, and of the Christians, this Deity of the Druids had three attributes within himself, and each attribute was a god.

    Let those learn who cavil at the mysterious doctrine of the Trinity, that it was not invented by the Christians, but only by them restored from times of the holiest antiquity into which it had descended from heaven itself.

    Although the Druids performed idolatrous ceremonies to the stars, to the elements, to hills, and to trees, there is a maxim still preserved among the Welsh mountaineers, which shows that in Britain the Supreme Being was never so thoroughly forgotten and degraded as he had been in those lands to which he first gave life.

    It is one of those sublime expressions which can be but faintly rendered in a foreign language.

    "Nid dim oxd duw: nid duw ond dim." God cannot be matter; what is not matter must be God."

    [3:59:46 AM] Tonyblue: Now THIS has changed as the big dispensation Baby
    [3:59:51 AM] Tonyblue: "Nid dim oxd duw: nid duw ond dim." God cannot be matter; what is not matter must be God."
    [3:59:55 AM] Tonyblue: Higher Love's last line
    [4:00:13 AM] Tonyblue: God IS MATTER now AND the NONMATTER
    [4:00:39 AM] Tonyblue: This is why sex has become divine now
    [4:01:16 AM] Tonyblue: Technically this is the superstring modular duality replacing the old singularity
    [4:01:25 AM] Sweet Witch: Go on
    [4:01:27 AM] Sweet Witch: Yes
    [4:01:33 AM] Tonyblue: Well this is poignant
    [4:01:39 AM] Sweet Witch: I know
    [4:01:45 AM] Tonyblue: I am tempted to add this as a reply as well
    [4:01:48 AM] Sweet Witch: I'm listening
    [4:02:06 AM] Tonyblue: This is the entire Thuban cosmogony in a nutshell
    [4:02:21 AM] Tonyblue: The Healing of the most ancient 'rift' and separation
    [4:03:20 AM] Tonyblue: The Eve as 'Rib of Adam' fuc11up mirrored in the Creator 'losing' his creation.
    [4:03:32 AM] Tonyblue: The female NOT being independent from the male.
    [4:04:12 AM] Tonyblue: Why Sex and femininity became the Devil in medieval times and led to all the religious dogmas and abuse.
    [4:04:51 AM] Sweet Witch: Yeh and why witches were burned at the stake..
    [4:05:00 AM] Sweet Witch: and for what?
    [4:05:09 AM] Sweet Witch: Knowing the sacredness of the Divine!
    [4:05:12 AM] Sweet Witch: Secrets
    [4:05:21 AM] Tonyblue: Exactly
    [4:05:35 AM] Sweet Witch: Why in my life there can be no secrets.. I don't wanna get burned again.. lol

    Posts : 5352
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    Location : My own little heaven on earth

    The Neo-Druid Chronicles Empty Re: The Neo-Druid Chronicles

    Post  THEeXchanger Mon Jan 16, 2012 7:41 pm

    The name Drury in Ireland is derived from the native Gaelic Sept Mac An Druaidh
    which translates as 'son of the druid'.
    The name is most commonly found in the ancestral homeland Counties of Cavan, Roscommon and Monaghan.

    Posts : 2357
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    Age : 59

    The Neo-Druid Chronicles Empty Re: The Neo-Druid Chronicles

    Post  HigherLove Mon Jan 16, 2012 8:10 pm

    THEeXchanger wrote:The name Drury in Ireland is derived from the native Gaelic Sept Mac An Druaidh
    which translates as 'son of the druid'.
    The name is most commonly found in the ancestral homeland Counties of Cavan, Roscommon and Monaghan.

    My first name is Irish-Gaelic for "foot soldier". My last name (Burnett) is a tree in England. I joke about being bound to the earth and walking in circles.

    However, from the family coat of arms: Virescit vulnere virtus – Courage grows stronger at the wound.

    Wounded soldier?


    Anyhow, thanks for the post. I am looking for all that I can find. It seems most Druids in the U.S. are associated with freemasonry. I may need to address the matter, but I doubt they are the ancients. Of course, some could be and just not know it. brain will freeze any second again, so...


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    The Neo-Druid Chronicles Empty Re: The Neo-Druid Chronicles

    Post  Owlsden Mon Jan 16, 2012 9:24 pm

    I find it very fascinating how many people today are actually taking the time to look into their Ancestry. My Sister being one of them for the family tree. I still do not know if we will ever know our "true roots" as we as Spirits have lived many times in the lines of time. Why did we choose to live during these times with the family we are in? What was it about the lineage we chose? Are there certain familiarities and who are our Brothers and Sisters, Mothers and Fathers? Who looketh out behind the eyes of our loved ones?

    The name Burnett triggered a memory. I went to Primary School in Scotland with a Colin Burnett, I remember being 8 years old or so and I loved him very much (secretly). He did not know, I did not tell. I knew he liked another popular girl there called "Susan". I was the least popular in that class, having an assignment where we each had to go around the room and tell the Teacher our Car Plate letter. My Mother didn't drive, didn't own a car (and still she does not).. I lied and made up the letter "T".. I did not want to say "I did not have one". Anyway, this brings me forward in time to another lost love of mine. His name was Breccene Ennis (from Ireland) and I met him on a turkey plucking farm... Those were the days..

    Anyway I am Scottish with my clan being McKay and McLean... It's always good to be in contact with Brothers from the Land.

    The Neo-Druid Chronicles Mckayclan

    The Neo-Druid Chronicles Tartan

    The Neo-Druid Chronicles Mclean
    (McLean Clan)

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    The Neo-Druid Chronicles Empty Re: The Neo-Druid Chronicles

    Post  HigherLove Mon Jan 16, 2012 9:56 pm

    albino albino albino albino albino albino albino albino albino albino albino albino albino albino albino albino

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    The Neo-Druid Chronicles Empty Re: The Neo-Druid Chronicles

    Post  HigherLove Mon Jan 16, 2012 9:57 pm

    The Voynich Manuscript

    THEeXchanger wrote:The books' "code" can't be cracked, the language can't be identified, read, or interpreted by any experts and nobody really knows what it is or who made it to this day!

    The Voynich Manuscript is still unexplained to this very day.

    It's REAL and has been studied by experts. It is owned by Yale University and can be viewed in it's entirety right here:

    Is it all a hoax, a fake book of spells, potion, or alchemy? Something to do with religion, the supernatural, or astrology? Is it an elaborate uncracked code - maybe for a secret society? Is it something even more mysterious? Something alien or a lost language. Something truly beyond or lost to our understanding.

    No one knows, and many scholars and experts have tried to crack this. This remains one of the, if not the most mysterious books in the World!
    News & Politics
    Real Alien book World's most mysterious STILL unexplained by experts Code Cipher Cryptology Decode Cabon Dating Voynich Manuscript Magic Mystical Language Latin Secret Society Alchemy Astrology Potion Spells Hoax News Video YouTube Ancient Codex phenomenon phenomena extraterrestrial contact communication civilization science technology

    HigherLove wrote:PDF link to the Codex (with details, better images):

    Another site with a few links:




    William F. Friedman’s Transcription of the Voynich Manuscript
    Jim Reeds
    AT&T Bell Laboratories
    Murray Hill, New Jersey 07974
    September 7, 1994

    So: What did ATT seek to accomplish?

    And a caveat:

    1. This deals only with Item 1609.

    2. Below:

    The present paper should be regarded as a contribution to the historiography — but not to
    the solution — of the Voynich manuscript. In a later paper I hope to present a statistical analysis
    of the VMS text itself, based on Friedman’s transcription.

    Posts : 2357
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    The Neo-Druid Chronicles Empty Re: The Neo-Druid Chronicles

    Post  HigherLove Tue Jan 17, 2012 9:01 pm

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    Creating Prehistory: Druids, Ley Hunters and Archaeologists in Pre-War Britain.

    The Neo-Druid Chronicles Creati10

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    A talk by Adam Stout, Friday 26th October 2007, Central London. The Great War was a seismic event that shook British self-confidence and sense of purpose to its marrow. In the decades that followed many different groups of people turned to the ancient past to find ideas of order that would help them to make sense of a chaotic present. Some turned to books like Alfred Watkins’ The Old Straight Track while others sought to re-invent and re-define prehistory, according to the new and optimistic academic discipline of archaeology. This lecture will examine these groups and consider what they found appealing and how their world-views collided.

    Adam Stout is a Research Fellow at the University of Wales, Lampeter. His book, Creating Prehistory: Druids, Ley Hunters and Archaeologists in pre-War Britain, is to be published in the New Year by Wiley-Blackwell.


    Friday 25th January 2008
    Peter Knight

    This lecture will draw on Peter's many years of research and extensive knowledge of sacred sites, especially in southern Britain, as well as the material contained in his many books, notably from his forthcoming book The Wessex Astrum, which presents an astounding new discovery of an ancient geometrical shape in the Wessex landscape involving Stonehenge, Avebury, Glastonbury, sacred hills and wells and many other sacred sites.

    Peter Knight is well known for his writing in the field of Earth Mysteries in the south of England. He is co-founder and chairman of the Dorset Earth Mysteries Group, lectures widely and leads many field trips every year to sacred sites. He is a prolific freelance writer for magazines and his previous books include: Ancient Stones of Dorset; Sacred Dorset - on the Path of the Dragon; Dorset Pilgrimages - a Millennium Handbook and 13 Moons - Conversations with the Goddess. He is also the author and compiler of a massive CD-ROM about Earth Mysteries which represents a vast labour of love and is the culmination of his findings over the last 15 years, as well as being a comprehensive overview of the latest research by other authors on this subject.

    The full list of RILKO Lectures is in our Mysteries Forum


    2007 - 2008
    Held at the Theosophical Society Headquarters
    50 Gloucester Place, London W1U 8EA
    Nearest Underground Stations: Baker Street & Bond Street
    Doors open at 6.45pm (Except on 25th April 2008: 6.30pm)
    The RILKO bookstall will be open & drinks available during these periods
    £7 (members £5)

    Friday 28th September 2007
    John Neal

    Few people understand the complexities of ancient metrology - a mere handful worldwide have more than a basic grasp. Yet, although complex, it is not complicated and taken in small steps is total simplicity. Therefore my talk is about how I came to an understanding of the subject. Too often listeners are baffled by a straightforward explanation given by a speaker; but if my motives for knowing the subject, my original misconceptions and eventual decipherment are recounted in the order that I made them, then something may be communicated. More has been learned of metrology in the last 30 years than at any comparable period in history. What has come to light are such things as that there are hard and fast values for all ancient modules; all of the ancient systems form a singularity; all are related by an elaborate arrangement of unit fractions and the overall system was worldwide. There will be time to only touch upon the structure and the application of the system, but it is hoped that an interest in the subject will be stirred.

    John Neal is the author of All Done With Mirrors an in-depth exploration of measure, proportion, ratio and number. His background is emphatically non-academic with his schooling and working life being concerned with agriculture. Yet even so agriculture repeatedly uses measurements, linear, area, weights and volumes, and the measures that John learned as a student were both practical and archaic. It was here that his interest in number was nurtured and he has been absorbed in the subject ever since. It is a tradition that simple people are the messengers of the higher powers, because they are too witless to invent it. This he humbly declares is his only qualification.

    Friday 26th October 2007
    Adam Stout

    The Great War was a seismic event that shook British self-confidence and sense of purpose to its marrow. In the decades that followed many different groups of people turned to the ancient past to find ideas of order that would help them to make sense of a chaotic present. Some turned to books like Alfred Watkins’ The Old Straight Track while others sought to re-invent and re-define prehistory, according to the new and optimistic academic discipline of archaeology. This lecture will examine these groups and consider what they found appealing and how their world-views collided.

    Adam Stout is a Research Fellow at the University of Wales, Lampeter. His book, Creating Prehistory: Druids, Ley Hunters and Archaeologists in pre-War Britain, is to be published in the New Year by Wiley-Blackwell.

    Friday 30th November 2007
    Thomas Saunders

    This lecture will challenge the popular view of the Tarot cards as a device for fortune telling and set out their true purpose, which is to provide wisdom, guidance and insight into our path through life. The Tarot deck tells an allegorical story of our quest in life, using a symbolic language of archetypal pictograms and numbers. In its truest form, the Tarot is an ancient tool for self-development and self-realisation. Saunders will decode what may be the oldest known complete deck of cards – the Ancien Tarot de Marseille – which retains the greatest integrity for their original function and explain the symbolism of the individual cards and their relationships with the other cards. He will also suggest how the wisdom of the Tarot can help us to self-awareness and the next step forward in our quest, and how the Tarot can be used as an ethical guide for political and business leaders.

    Thomas Saunders is a Tarot reader of many years standing and in the 1980s and 90s was the Tarot reader for LBC Radio and Marie Claire magazine. He is an international consultant architect, a practising dowser and a member of the National Federation of Spiritual Healers. He lectures and leads seminars in the UK and the US on the Tarot and is the author of The Boiled Frog Syndrome: Your Health and the Built Environment (2002) and The Authentic Tarot (2007).

    Friday 25th January 2008
    Peter Knight

    This lecture will draw on Peter's many years of research and extensive knowledge of sacred sites, especially in southern Britain, as well as the material contained in his many books, notably from his forthcoming book The Wessex Astrum, which presents an astounding new discovery of an ancient geometrical shape in the Wessex landscape involving Stonehenge, Avebury, Glastonbury, sacred hills and wells and many other sacred sites.

    Peter Knight is well known for his writing in the field of Earth Mysteries in the south of England. He is co-founder and chairman of the Dorset Earth Mysteries Group, lectures widely and leads many field trips every year to sacred sites. He is a prolific freelance writer for magazines and his previous books include: Ancient Stones of Dorset; Sacred Dorset - on the Path of the Dragon; Dorset Pilgrimages - a Millennium Handbook and 13 Moons - Conversations with the Goddess. He is also the author and compiler of a massive CD-ROM about Earth Mysteries which represents a vast labour of love and is the culmination of his findings over the last 15 years, as well as being a comprehensive overview of the latest research by other authors on this subject.

    Friday 29th February 2008

    Kenneth Rees

    The Jewish mystical system of the kabbalah has had a fascinating history as through inspiration and speculation it has shape-shifted to take on a variety of interpretations and expressions. It has been used and developed by Jew and Gentile, mystic and magician, alike over the centuries. This talk will focus on some of the key features in its evolution and the main traditions embodying it today.

    Kenneth Rees is a lecturer in esoteric spirituality at a number of London colleges. His teaching includes Renaissance Hermeticism, the Western Esoteric tradition, the new paganism, Gnosticism and mythology.

    Friday 28th March 2008
    Christine Rhone

    In the history of Western esotericism, the work of Jean Richer (1915-1992) makes a unique and important contribution. Recognised in France as an outstanding esotericist, Richer expanded the range of zodiacal symbolism and its interpretation in art, architecture, and landscape, from ancient Greece to eighteenth-century Europe. Applied to sacred geography, this symbolism echoes Plato’s description of the ideal city-state. This would radiate in twelve zones around a central shrine, each one corresponding to a sign of the zodiac. The plan of the city would thus mirror the heavenly order. Evidence exists that this strand of traditional thinking permeated ancient Greece on every level. From imagery on vases to locations of oracle centres, zodiacal symbolism and its cosmic harmony emerges as a great unity underlying the classical world.

    Christine Rhone is co-author, with John Michell, of Twelve-Tribe Nations and the Science of Enchanting the Landscape; the translator of Sacred Geography of the Ancient Greeks by Jean Richer, Theosophy, Imagination, Tradition by Antoine Faivre, Saint Francis of Assisi by Jacques Le Goff. She has contributed to many small press publications; is an educator; a priestess in the Fellowship of Isis and a cartoonist.

    Friday 25th April 2008
    Doors open at 6.30pm

    The RILKO AGM will be held from 6.45 to 7.15
    Followed at 7.30pm by
    The Robert Cowley Memorial Lecture
    The public is warmly welcomed to attend this lecture

    John Gordon

    Many books have been written about Atlantis. Most of them have concentrated on the issue of location or on fantastic ideas associated with supposed Atlantean technological culture. John Gordon will be talking about specific aspects of his new book, The Rise and Fall of Atlantis (due to be published by Watkins in March 200 which, whilst specifying an Atlantic location and dealing with many other ancillary issues, concentrates on the associated geophysics and astrophysics (simply explained) which caused the (several) Atlantean cataclysms and totally changed the face of what now constitutes Western Europe. The talk will also suggest an explanation why these same cataclysms tie in with the precessionary cycle. It will be supported by graphics via a Power Point presentation.

    John Gordon is a Fellow of the Theosophical Society. He is also the author of several books ranging from Ancient Egyptian philosophy and mysticism to ancient metaphysics and esoteric astrology.

    R.I.L.K.O. A Charitable Educational Trust Number: 266677 Founded in 1969

    Lecture Organiser - R.Stephenson

    Druids in pre-Roman Britain

    English History


    In simple terms the Druids were the priests of the Celtic tribes in Britain. But to state that fact does not convey the breadth of their influence in Celtic society. The Druids were a sort of super-class of priests, political advisors, teachers, healers, and arbitrators among the Celtic tribes.

    They had their own universities, where traditional knowledge was passed on by rote (i.e. memorized). Druids had the right to speak ahead of the king in council, and may in some situations have held more authority than the king. They acted as ambassadors in time of war, they composed verse and upheld the law. They were a sort of glue holding together Celtic culture.

    We know that the Druids used both animal and human sacrifice, and that many of their observances centred on oak groves and water. The Isle of Anglesey, in present-day Wales, was a centre of Druidic practice.

    The Druids as we know them today exist largely in the words of the Romans. The trouble with the reports of the Romans is that they were a mix of reportage and political propaganda. It was politically expedient for the Celtic peoples to be coloured as barbarians and the Romans as a great civilizing force.

    Certainly the Romans seem to been genuinely horrified by the instances of human sacrifice among the Druids. In 61 AD the Romans exterminated the Druids of Anglesey, effectively destroying druidism as a religious force until a form of druidism was revived in the 19th century.

    This is after all of the perversion came in. Going to have to dig deeper for Druids of Antiquity.

    The Llewellyn Encyclopedia
    Neo-Druidism Since the 1700s

    This article was written by Tadhg MacCrossan on February 25, 2003

    posted under Druidism

    The last vestiges of the Filídhecht schools were stamped out in the 1600s as Elizabethan English conquered and destroyed most of Ireland’s remaining Gaelic culture. The "plantations" of Ulster, and the extension of the Pale beyond Leinster into Munster and all the way to Connacht wiped out the old Gaelic aristocracy and most of it’s culture. Later came Cromwell, who sent many Irish leaders off to "Hell or Connaught!"

    In Scotland, a few Bards and Vates were left in the Gaelic areas of the Hebridean islands, but the old Gaelic order was in for more English oppression. Ironically, it was the English who first took an interest in the Druids of antiquity in the 1700s. William Stukeley fancied that they were the builders of Stonehenge and other megalithic monuments. Naively, the English Masons invented mock orders of Druidism incorporating various speculative ideas with flights of fancy. Welshmen such as Edward Davies took off with these new fads during the Age of Enlightenment when Romanticism was growing as a movement against the Age of Reason. The pendulum swung, and when the Romantic era began, Edward Williams dubbed himself "Iolo Morganwg," invented his own form of Druidism (or "Bardism"), and forged documents which he attributed to a Welshman named Llywellyn Sion.

    He wrote his forgeries in Welsh and had them published with his own English translations as the Iolo Mss by the Welsh Manuscript Society in the early 1800s. Two posthumous volumes of forgeries, edited by John Williams were published together in 1862 as the Barddas. This was at first proudly hailed as a book of ancient Welsh mysticism, but as early as the late nineteenth century was suspected as fraudulent. In the twentieth century, it was conclusively proven to by G. J. Griffiths to have been a forgery.

    Trying to establish a great bardic tradition for South Wales to compete with North Wales, Iolo Morganwg falsified an historical account indicating Druidism had survived into the 1600s. He claimed that the information he presented had come from earlier bards such as Llywellyn Sion.

    While Morganwg did help to establish a southern Welsh eisteddfod (eye-stedh-vod) tradition, his phoney neo-Druidism reflects Deism, Unitarianism, neoplatonic ideas. His doctrines of reincarnation involved a place of punishment known as "Annwn." "Abred" for this world, "Gwynfyd" for heaven, and "Ceugant" for God, reflect Platonic and Aristotelian metaphysics, as well as Deism.

    Morganwg invented the coelbren y Beirdd, a primitive version of the modern Welsh alphabet of Latin letters designed for carving in wood. He also created the motto Y Gwir yn erbyn Y Byd, "The truth against the world," and four "Albans" (Hefin, Elfed, etc.) The three vertical lines called a trilithon, (also known "as rays of Awen") are his creation as well. Other concepts include the dasgubell rhod, the Hirlas horn, the Gorsedd and the mistransliteration of Uates as "Ovates."

    Morganwg must have been well-read in the classical commentaries, but unfortunately he knew nothing of Irish tradition, which had better preserved Druidic ways. The Gorsedd of Bards, "Ovates," Druids at Welsh eisteddfodau and the organizations which spawned English Druidic Orders (such as those run by Thomas Maughan and Ross Nichols) all incorporated the pseudo-Druidry of Morganwg (Williams) into their degree workings.

    Later, ideas from Gardnerian Wicca were incorporated, as well as the usual Hermetic and Cabalistic grimoire magic. Sadly, and ironically, it seems that neo-Druidry made up for its lacking in authentic Druidism by borrowing materials from various other systems. Druidism is Celtic, and would naturally be better represented in a Celtic country such as Ireland or Scotland than England; unfortunately Wales had been more dominated by English culture than Ireland.

    Celtic culture blossomed in Ireland’s late nineteenth century literary renaissance. Even Anglo-Irish writers such as W. B. Yeats and Douglas Hyde, became enthralled with Ireland’s Celtic past. Renewed interest in folklore and folk custom set the scholars, philologists, folklorists and musicians off collecting materials in Ireland’s Gaeltachts (gayl-tokhts), where people still spoke Irish Gaelic as an everyday language.

    Great medieval Irish books were finally getting translated and published. Renowned scholars such as George Calder, Robin Flowers, Lady Gregory, R. A. Stewart Macalister, Rudolf Thurneysen, Osborn Bergin, Myles Dillon, T. F. O’Rahilly and Sean Delargy made seminal contributions to the study of Irish historical and literary antiquity, in the process influencing Ireland's great modern day bards and poets.

    In the highlands of Scotland, a great Celtic renaissance was also spreading. Indeed, interest in early Celtic folklore had begun in Scotland soon after the James MacPherson forgeries were exposed. MacPherson had claimed to have collected ancient Celtic lays from the Fenian cycle, although he himself had composed them in the original Gaelic. In Mack’s Fenian tales, Finn Mac Cumhail was called "Fingal," and Oisín (usheen) was called "Ossian" (awshin). This Fenian material was so influential that the Romantic movement’s passion for medieval literature spread because of the popularity of his literary creations. Even symphonic music was composed under the inspiration of MacPherson’ s Fingal and Ossian stories, and it was very popular on the continent.

    In the latter half of the nineteenth century, Alexander Carmichael began collecting Highland material from folklore. It is still being published long after his death, but his eight-volume collection Carmina Gadelica remains a greater source for those interested in late forms of Celtic folk magic.

    In the United States, the Druidic movement began somewhat hazily through North American versions of the Druid Orders of England. Later, during the time of Irish emigration, in the twentieth century, interest in Irish romanticism grew but Irish- and Scottish-Americans’ Celtic interest was still limited. (Unfortunately, many Welsh-Americans had also forgotten their Welsh roots, since their ancestors had come over in the 1700s.

    In Great Britain, though, a full-fledged revival was brewing. From London, the late Colin Murray ran an organization called the G.S.O. (Golden Section Order) and published a beautiful, hand-colored, illustrated newsletter called the New Celtic Review. In Scotland, the Keltic Research Society was formed by J. A. Johnston. ("Kaledon Naddair"), who published the Inner Keltia journal, reprints of folktales, and The Pictish Shaman. He set up a College of Druidism in the early 1980s out of Caer Aedin, or Edinburgh, teaching Cabalah and Iolo Morganwg’s Barddas tradition, as well as some genuine Celtic lore.

    Pristine Celtic religion seems to be the main interest of only a few groups today; most of them are focused on Mother Goddess worship or pan-European mixed with neopagan Wicca. There are several "groves" and other covens of Dianic Wicca, most of which are devoted to Mother Goddess worship and to Robert Graves’ The White Goddess. Except for a few scattered Celtic groups around the English-speaking world, comardia Druuidiacta Bitons, headquartered in America, is one of the few purely Celtic spiritual and cultural movements to be found. It has spread from Australia to Quebec and France. Druidiactos is not just another neopagan organization, but a postmodern Celtic renaissance movement starting at the grass roots level. The Breton Druids’ organization (allied with Druidiactos) is called Comardiia Druuidiacta Aremorica. It publishes materials in French which authentically represent a revival of the Druidic or Celtic religious system. Their Ver-Druis (Chief Druid) is called Esunertos, and their Allio-Ver-Druis (Assistant Chief Druid) is Gobannogenos.

    I have led Comardia Druidiacta Bitons and Uxsello-Druidiaxton (the Druidic college). To my Breton colleagues I am known by their translation of my first name into Gaulish: Tasgos (Gaulish for Tadhg). The Allio-Ver-Druis is Uindoderuos (M. G. Boutet) of Quebec. The Celtic spiritual path is Druidism, which is the magic of the Druidecht (modern Irish draíocht) of the Druids, the Filídhecht (modern Irish, filíocht) of the filídh, and the Celtic magic of the whole Celtic culture and mythology.

    Not everyone is a Druid in the Celtic path of Druidiactos anymore than all Hindus are Brahmans, all Christians are priests, bishops or ministers, or all Jews Rabbis. The Druid is the priest of the people of the Celtic path. His or her job is to direct ceremonies, make sure mistakes are not made in ritual, organize gatherings, and to help others. The Celtic path also involve Warriors, the martial arts traditions, chivalry, manners and etiquette.

    Druidiacta is also very much a cultural organization devoted to studying the Celtic ways, past and present, and preserving ancient Celtic heritage. Much of this work is being done in the Gaeltachts of Ireland, Scotland, and many areas of Wales, Brittany and Cornwall. Celtic heritage can also be found intact in Nova Scotia, the Appalachian mountains, and many large cities around the United States and Canada. There are Celts in Australia and New Zealand who are preserving their heritage for these nations as well.

    Druidism is not Iolo Morganwg’s Bardism, nor the British-Israelite faith, nor Cabalism, nor neo-platonism, nor Pythagoreanism, nor Wiccans nor is it feminist Mother Goddess worship. It is the cultural and spiritual heritage of the Celtic peoples, a polytheistic religion descendant from the archaic proto-Indo-European past. It was carried into western Europe by Indo-European who spoke the Celtic dialects.

    The Celtic folk—kings, mothers, druids, warriors, milkmaids, farmers and herdsmen, settled and conquered western Europe and taught the Stone-Age people there to use bronze, to speak Celtic, and of the magic of Druidism.

    The Neo-Druid Chronicles 51bmw710

    by David Rankin

    ANNE ROSS. Druids. 191 pages, 72 figures, 24 colour plates. 1999. Stroud & Charleston (SC): Tempus; 0-7524-1433-X hardback [pounds sterling]19.99 & US$32.50.

    We have information about the Druids, but little knowledge.

    We have headings covering their interest in cosmology, divination, sacrificial rites (including human sacrifice), the immortality of the soul, judicial powers, social and political regulation. The inner structure, the integrated content of their thought, remains unknown. Their teaching methods were oral. The Coligny Calendar, a complex achievement, suggests impressive intellectual capability. Druids were an Indo-European learned sacral caste, one of several in the Celtic domain, and some of their ideas may have been rooted in pre-Indo-European customs and beliefs. Greeks could be reminded of Pythagoreans or even Stoics. In our own times, they have been compared to Shamans, a notion which gains colour from archaic elements fossilized in the Irish literary tradition and the recurrent bird theme and head cult in Celtic religion. Irish references to Druids are rich and varied; but they do not resolve the central problem, even though they show Druids having precedence in speech over kings and surviving to coexist with Christian former opponents. However, insular sources often may be contaminated by Christian hostility, and, gathering through time, clouds of ignorance about Druidic character and teaching of Druids.

    The earliest mention of Druids in antiquity seems to occur in a lost Peripatetic 3rd-century BC essay called the `Magikos'. Not long after, Sotion of Alexandria classified them with Chaldean mystics, Persian Magi, Greek Pythagoreans and Indian `Gymnosophistai', all given to enigmatic philosophical and theological modes of expression. So Diogenes Laertius tells us in his variably useful biographical history of the philosophers. Much later, in the 3rd century AD, emperors-in-waiting, Alexander Severus, Diocletian and Aurelian are reported to have received obscurely hinting prophecies from female Druids. Perhaps we should suspect propaganda. In the 4th century AD, Ausonius, poet and professor in Burdigala, refers to relatives and friends with druidic connections. But the great period of druidic influence was long passed. The women who spoke to the emperors probably resembled `wise women' of the later Celtic world more than philosopher statesmen like Divitiacus, the friend of Cicero's brother Quintus and of Julius Caesar. The latter's disingenuously objective account of the Druids in his Commentaries reveals his opinion of their potential as opponents of his designs on Gaul, and consequently on Rome. Augustus banned them, and Claudius `rooted them out'. In their more fundamentalist mode, as wild maenads, they inspired resistance in the wars following the Boudiccan revolt (60/61 AD). They also supported the revolt of Civilis (71 AD). Although Ireland, and presumably its Druids, were affected by continental influences before Patrick's mission (428 AD), his arrival surely signals the decline of their greater influence together with the last significant infusion of `Roman' culture into an alien country.

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    The Neo-Druid Chronicles Untitl18

    The Neo-Druid Chronicles Untitl19

    From page 44:

    One of the most elaborate
    examples of this distinction occurs in Philo. Philo describes
    “the true magic” as “the scientific vision by which the facts of
    nature are presented in a clearer light”, and says that it is held in
    such reverence that no one may become Great King of the Persians
    unless he has mastered this lore.

    Last edited by HigherLove on Wed Jan 18, 2012 1:32 am; edited 7 times in total

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    The Neo-Druid Chronicles Empty Re: The Neo-Druid Chronicles

    Post  HigherLove Tue Jan 17, 2012 10:16 pm

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    Some Clarifications for Today's Druids

    1. Real Druids do not engage in bloody sacrifices of any kind.

    2. Real Druids are capable of being friends with / friendly to any benign being (e.g., be it Dragon or Feline).

    3. As follows from #2: Druids stand for equality amongst all beings;

    4. As follows from #3: Druids must deactivate self-defense codes* in the presence of malevolence as a means to disarm;

    5. As follows from #4: Druids must surrender to higher power, and call forth brethren of all that is Holy from the Ancients (more on this as it comes -- I am trying to get the major points down fast enough.

    6. Druids of today: those of you reborn of the ancients: Refrain if possible from establishing any formal ties with religion or religious groups.

    7. Druids of today: Remember the ways without HIERARCHY.

    8. Druids of today: Remember the Holy Ancients who paved the way for Jesus of Nazareth!

    9. Druids of today: Remember your skills: the "holy" works have been perverted, but you can see through**

    10. True magic is the scientific vision by which the facts of nature are presented in a clearer light.

    From page 44:
    One of the most elaborate examples of this distinction occurs in Philo. Philo describes “the true magic” as “the scientific vision by which the facts of nature are presented in a clearer light”, and says that it is held in such reverence that no one may become Great King of the Persians unless he has mastered this lore.

    * This involves both the Druid and the Being in Error

    **Explaining "how you do it" will be quite difficult. The goal is harmony. There is no need to convert anybody to the Druid way of "Life of the Ancients".


    reverence for nature
    druid amnesia
    getting lost in past lives
    we are co-creating a vision to invite the wisdom of the ancients into our hearts/minds
    who the ancients were may not be known to us at this time
    much value to be found
    this will all make sense some day
    akashic records
    sacred texts
    circumventing spacetime gap from "them" to "us": all available in Timespace!

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    Last edited by HigherLove on Sat Jan 21, 2012 6:24 pm; edited 4 times in total

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    The Neo-Druid Chronicles Empty Re: The Neo-Druid Chronicles

    Post  HigherLove Wed Jan 18, 2012 7:16 am

    Ancient Druidism

    However, the Order of Druids is ageless, having existence in the dim mists of antiquity. The Druidic Order is perhaps the oldest fraternal organization in the world. The first traces of Druidism dates 6000 years before the birth of Christ or the Christian Era and far beyond the scope of written history. There seems to be no time era when evidences of their ancient existence cannot be found.

    Students of antiquity find in the ancient ruins evidence in stone of that which we today call Druidism. That which marks them as Druidic is the pattern in which these stones are laid which show that their builders used certain stars and the sun as points of reference. Such monuments are found in Europe, Asia, South America and the United States. Everyone connects the ancient Druids with the British Isles. However, history reveals that the British Isles were only the last great stronghold of the brotherhood, particularly in Ireland and Wales. They also were numerous in Brittany and Normandy in France, where their monuments are still to be seen covering acres of land in geometric formation.

    The members of the Ancient Brotherhood of Druids were the most learned men of their time. They were the physicians, astronomers, mathematicians, musicians, poets, philosophers, legislators and judges of the people as well as their educators in the matter of religion and learning. They were held in such esteem that the Kings sent their sons to be educated by them. In the matters of learning and government their authority was absolute.

    Because of their intellect the Druids were feared by the Romans. Julius Caesar found the Druids in the way when he attempted to subdue the Britons. He nearly exterminated them, and wrote concerning them. Augustus Caesar followed and succeeded in driving their remnants to a little island called Mona, now called Aglesey.

    The Ancient Druids were marvels of intellectual grasp, profound thought and clear expression. The ancient records, as handed down, throw an illuminating light on the character and customs of our forefathers. When Caesar invaded Britain, 55 B.C., Druidism was the prevailing philosophy. Its cardinal points were “Belief in Supreme Power of the Universe,” and “Belief in the Immortality of the Soul.” In the Ancient Druidic state the Druid was teacher of truth and the dispenser of justice. As teachers they taught that the light of intelligence destroys the darkness of superstition and ignorance, hence the first precept of Merlin, the great Druidic teacher, “Labor diligently to acquire knowledge for it is power....”


    Eight Points In Favor of the Druidic Order

    Because it is the oldest Order in the world.
    Because it is based upon sound and universal principles.
    Because its object is to unite men together irrespective of nationality or creed.
    Because through a well regulated system of dues, it affords protection in sickness and in death.
    Because it cares for the widows and orphans of deceased members.
    Because it believes in the universal brotherhood of mam and as such does not interfere with religion or politics.
    Because if you travel, you will find Druids always willing to help you in business or otherwise.
    Because Druidism advocates absolute respect to the flag and obedience to the laws of the country under which you live. If you will join the American Druids (a branch of the United Ancient Order of Druids of the world), you will be a better citizen.


    Druidry and Hinduism are seemingly at opposite ends of both the religious and geographical spectrums. Extraordinary connections between the two cultures belie the split between East and West. Linguistic, archaeological and genetic evidence support the theory of common ancestry. In addition, similarities in beliefs, spiritual practices, myths, symbols, laws and customs, traditions, holidays, and astrology all point to a link between the two spiritual practices and their members. This compelling data warrants further scientific investigation.

    Interesting information, but fellow newbies can probably see that we are sort of on our own, it seems.

    Honoring flag and country? That was NEVER a requirement.

    The hallmark of a Druid is their acts of service in the world, not their allegiance to any government, state, country, system, or planet (although many are here now because of the desperate state of Gaia).

    This is a gross 3D distortion of ancient practices that defy 3D understanding and compassion.

    It was not for "us" to establish grand meeting places in America to perpetuate the grotesque twisting of our history / way of being!

    IMPORTANT: The Druid tradition has long been an oral one; however, there was a time when learning things this way by rote was easier to accomplish.

    It may appear that we have been left out due to a lack of writings, but keep in mind that all of us have access to the ONE universal mind, just as the ancients.


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    The Neo-Druid Chronicles Empty Re: The Neo-Druid Chronicles

    Post  HigherLove Sat Jan 21, 2012 7:44 am

    A thread name change, in honor of Brook...

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    ...and all of the hard work that she did here.

    In honor of all of those of the ancient times, who were giving us facts and not simply telling stories.

    So, Cheers! to ancient Egypt, and The Druids of pre-history who honed their skills while there...

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    The Neo-Druid Chronicles Empty Re: The Neo-Druid Chronicles

    Post  HigherLove Sat Jan 21, 2012 2:53 pm

    Moving forward in time takes us backwards, again. Just for a bit. Gotta get some stuff in here on perverted practices that entered freemasonry....

    The Ancient Mysteries and Secret Societies
    Which Have Influenced Modern Masonic Symbolism

    WHEN confronted with a problem involving the use of the reasoning faculties, individuals of strong intellect keep their poise, and seek to reach a solution by obtaining facts bearing upon the question. Those of immature mentality, on the other hand, when similarly confronted, are overwhelmed. While the former may be qualified to solve the riddle of their own destiny, the latter must be led like a flock of sheep and taught in simple language. They depend almost entirely upon the ministrations of the shepherd. The Apostle Paul said that these little ones must be fed with milk, but that meat is the food of strong men. Thoughtlessness is almost synonymous with childishness, while thoughtfulness is symbolic of maturity.


    "The original and primitive inhabitants of Britain, at some remote period, revived and reformed their national institutes. Their priest, or instructor, had hitherto been simply named Gwydd, but it was considered to have become necessary to divide this office between the national, or superior, priest and another whose influence [would] be more limited. From henceforth the former became Der-Wydd (Druid), or superior instructor, and [the latter] Go-Wydd, or O-Vydd (Ovate), subordinate instructor; and both went by the general name of Beirdd (Bards), or teachers of wisdom. As the system matured and augmented, the Bardic Order consisted of three classes, the Druids, Beirdd Braint, or privileged Bards, and Ovates." (See Samuel Meyrick and Charles Smith, The Costume of The Original Inhabitants of The British Islands.)

    The origin of the word Druid is under dispute. Max Müller believes that, like the Irish word Drui, it means "the men of the oak trees." He further draws attention to the fact that the forest gods and tree deities of the Greeks were called dryades. Some believe the word to be of Teutonic origin; others ascribe it to the Welsh. A few trace it to the Gaelic druidh, which means "a wise man" or "a sorcerer." In Sanskrit the word dru means "timber."

    At the time of the Roman conquest, the Druids were thoroughly ensconced in Britain and Gaul. Their power over the people was unquestioned, and there were instances in which armies, about to attack each other, sheathed their swords when ordered to do so by the white-robed Druids. No undertaking of great importance was scatted without the assistance of these patriarchs, who stood as mediators between the gods and men. The Druidic Order is deservedly credited with having had a deep understanding of Nature and her laws. The Encyclopædia Britannica states that geography, physical science, natural theology, and astrology were their favorite studies. The Druids had a fundamental knowledge of medicine, especially the use of herbs and simples. Crude surgical instruments also have been found in England and Ireland. An odd treatise on early British medicine states that every practitioner was expected to have a garden or back yard for the growing of certain herbs necessary to his profession. Eliphas Levi, the celebrated transcendentalist, makes the following significant statement:

    "The Druids were priests and physicians, curing by magnetism and charging amylets with their fluidic influence. Their universal remedies were mistletoe and serpents' eggs, because these substances attract the astral light in a special manner. The solemnity with which mistletoe was cut down drew upon this plant the popular confidence and rendered it powerfully magnetic. * * * The progress of magnetism will some day reveal to us the absorbing properties of mistletoe. We shall then understand the secret of those spongy growths which drew the unused virtues of plants and become surcharged with tinctures and savors. Mushrooms, truffles, gall on trees, and the different kinds of mistletoe will be employed with understanding by a medical science, which will be new because it is old * * * but one must not move quicker than science, which recedes that it may advance the further. " (See The History of Magic.)

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    Last edited by HigherLove on Sat Jan 21, 2012 5:26 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    The Neo-Druid Chronicles Empty Re: The Neo-Druid Chronicles

    Post  HigherLove Sat Jan 21, 2012 3:05 pm


    I just went searching for more "expert" advice. I renamed this thread TODAY. My search words: "druids of antiquity and Egypt".

    This is what came up:

    The Neo-Druid Chronicles Untitl21

    Great. I am now my own doggone expert. We could be in trouble.

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    The Neo-Druid Chronicles Empty Re: The Neo-Druid Chronicles

    Post  HigherLove Mon Jan 23, 2012 11:17 pm


    That was like coming out of the closet again and being rejected.

    Huge Grin

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    The Neo-Druid Chronicles Empty Re: The Neo-Druid Chronicles

    Post  mudra Tue Jan 24, 2012 6:50 am


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    The Neo-Druid Chronicles Empty Re: The Neo-Druid Chronicles

    Post  HigherLove Tue Jan 24, 2012 7:37 am

    mudra wrote:The Neo-Druid Chronicles Druids16

    Our noble lineage
    Love Always

    Bless you, mudra!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I really don't know what to say...just...well...I love ya, doggone it! (Now who could walk away from this, eh?).

    I still need you and all of the others.

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    The Neo-Druid Chronicles Empty Re: The Neo-Druid Chronicles

    Post  HigherLove Tue Jan 24, 2012 10:25 pm

    mudra wrote:

    Our noble lineage

    Druids: The Seers of True Wisdom part 1


    Druids: The Seers of True Wisdom part 2


    Druids: The Seers of True Wisdom part 3


    Druids: The Seers of True Wisdom part 4


    Love Always

    Again dear mudra, thank you so much.

    There are no coincidences.

    After enjoying a wonderful reunion lunch today with a friend, she suggested that we walk past this really cool bookstore (locally owned and operated, just as was the restaurant where we dined).

    They have a great barter system at the book store. After reading any purchased books, customers can simply bring them back and exchange them for others. So, it is basically buy the book, or get on a rental plan (i.e. lifetime book rentals for only one, initial payment).

    It is like a store on Diagon Alley in Harry Potter. hehehe

    Between she (my friend) and I, with Gregg getting books on gardening and raising chickens (to assist us with getting off of the grid), the books about Druids both recent and ancient jumped off of the shelves. As did Celtic history, related to everything.

    I have not looked yet, but on the forum that shall not be named, it seems there may be also an extensive library, along with others who have studied this far longer than I.

    The Rebirth of Druidry: Ancient Earth Wisdom for Today
    Philip Carr-Gomm

    The Druids
    Peter Berresford Ellis

    The above books deal with antiquity. These below are to assist with understanding what happened after things got a bit twisted (and to see if there are still any golden nuggets in there):

    Walking the Maze: The Enduring Presence of the Celtic Spirit
    Loren Cruden

    Druid Magic: The Practice of Celtic Wisdom
    Dr. Maya Magee Sutton
    & Nicholas R. Mann

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    The Neo-Druid Chronicles Empty Re: The Neo-Druid Chronicles

    Post  THEeXchanger Wed Jan 25, 2012 1:08 pm

    google - drury traitors to queen of england

    - about 1,590,000 results

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    The Neo-Druid Chronicles Empty Re: The Neo-Druid Chronicles

    Post  THEeXchanger Wed Jan 25, 2012 1:27 pm

    you might also find the exact opposite too

    some of them, aligned with churches etc., to live safely Wink

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    The Neo-Druid Chronicles Empty Re: The Neo-Druid Chronicles

    Post  THEeXchanger Wed Jan 25, 2012 1:35 pm

    The Order of White Dove and The Order of White Rose
    ~ Book of One Life~The story of the dove.
    Restoration of incorruptible white magic aka high spirit magic aka 360 aka circum ferre to man/ or woman or child ~ The Order of The White Rose

    orig. there were 144 Root Races 144 Reflections Toltec Nagual

    however, now there is 432 root races, and, 432 reflections to Toltec Nagual
    past 16 dec 2013 at sun set

    144 / 288 / 432

    there are also 111 notes of separation + / - 111, from 432 Wink


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    The Neo-Druid Chronicles Empty Re: The Neo-Druid Chronicles

    Post  HigherLove Fri Jan 27, 2012 5:22 pm

    THEeXchanger wrote:you might also find the exact opposite too

    some of them, aligned with churches etc., to live safely Wink

    Thanks, Susan. Very good point / points.

    I will keep this in mind.

    Apparently there are other Druids on will be interesting to see what is going on, there.

    Everything I post about A1 is public (provided one agrees to be nice to others, first). I am NOT publishing private information.

    Oh: MOA and A1 are the only forums I follow / post on.

    I am not a refugee.

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    The Neo-Druid Chronicles Empty Re: The Neo-Druid Chronicles

    Post  HigherLove Fri Jan 27, 2012 5:29 pm

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    Post  THEeXchanger Sun Jan 29, 2012 8:35 am

    Druid Magic lecture notes:

    (Basically, this is the GOG’s version of the ADF Druid ritual from a magician’s point of view, and some of the magickal philosophy behind it)
    by Edwin Chapman, for Crucible Convention, June 2003, Secaucus, NJ

    (with stuff taken from “Recreating the Cosmos in Grove of the Other Gods, ADF Druid Ritual” by Ed, Norma Hoffman, Erica Friedman, and Pattie Lawler, Imbolc, 2002. Also inspired by Druid’s Flame and Druidheachd: Symbols and Rites of Druidry, by Ian Corrigan.)

    Hi, my name is ed, and I’m you’re friendly urban metropolitan idol-worshiping treehugging New Jersey Druid. I belong to Grove of the Other Gods in New Brunswick, NJ, and we are associated with Ar nDraiocht Fein, a large international NeoPagan Druid organization that can trace its history back to the dawn of time - about 1963. I’ve been a member of Ar nDraiocht Fein since January, 1990, and a member of Grove of the Other Gods since Samhain, or halloween, 1990.
    If you grab a book list after the lecture, it’ll have our grove’s website and our national web site, so you can check us out. ADF also has a Magician’s Guild in case you really want to get into this stuff.

    Short Meditation
    .... after meditation:

    In the well flow the waters of wisdom. Sacred well, flow within us. (pour water)
    We kindle the sacred fire in wisdom. Sacred fire, glow within us. (light fire)
    From the depths to the stars spans the world tree. Sacred tree, grow within us. (rap staff)
    Druid ritual can be done with the dew on the grass for the well, the sun in the sky for the fire, and any tree or plant or stick that’s nearby. It doesn’t require a lot of tools.
    Some of the tools and props you might see at our rituals, tho, include but are not limited to:
    Sickles for consecrating and blessing, Staves to ward, knives to cut, hammers and forges to protect and create, wicker baskets to collect things, distribute things, and to burn things in, ribbons to bind things, joss paper to offer gold and silver to the gods, or send messages to them, matches, compasses, cauldrons, costumes, mirrors, handcuffs, body piercing tools, giant puppets, hobby horses, bottles of whiskey, skulls, bones... all depends on the ritual and what we’re trying to do. Grove of the Other Gods likes ritual drama and pageantry. For the summer solstice we’ll be walking around New Brunswick in a colorful parade to honor the city itself and her human and nature spirits.
    Our national group, Ar nDraiocht Fein, or ADF, encourages Druids to rely on scholarly information about our religion, rather than romantic notions, and to investigate how our lore survives in folklore, old stories, and songs. So we try to weave a lot of old weird stuff into our rituals. We also keep an eye out for new articles on archeological and anthropological material concerning the old Druids. We believe that that helps us to be honest about what the old Druids actually did - because, quite frankly, there isn’t a lot known about what the old Druids actually did, at least in ritual.

    They had an oral tradition, and much of the stuff that was written about them was written by their enemies, particularly the Romans, or written by christian scribes hundreds of years after they were gone. We don’t discount that information, but we remember that the story we get is always tainted in some ways. In addition, in ADF, we rely on the Gods, ancestors, and nature and the land to let us know what works and what doesn’t here and now. Our Druidry is very much a living religion for the modern world that is inspired, informed and impelled by the ancient Pagan world.

    To complicate the problem we have about knowing what the Druids actually did, there’s a lot of spurious stuff printed about the Druids that has its roots in British nationalism and the romantic Druid movements of the 1700s and 1800s. These are the Druid groups that William Blake and Winston Churchill belonged to: essentially quasi-Masonic organizations. Something akin to the Lions Club. The British were trying to contrive a romantic history, a mythology commensurate with their new naval power and new role in the world. There was tallk of the Druids being the 13th tribe of Israel, talk of Britain being the site of Christ’s birth, all sorts of nonsense, just as some Druid groups today will tell you the Druids came from Atlantis.

    And, of course, in recent years we’ve seen all sorts of books published on Celtic Magic that are really just, what one of our Druids calls “Wicca for Leprechauns”; in other words, a rehash of basic Wicca with a Celtic spin. Our advice is to go as close to the primary sources as you can (and when in doubt, ask the tree in your backyard).
    Now, this is a lecture about Druid Magic, and I’ll be getting to that shortly. Real shortly, as we only have an hour, and a typical Druid ritual takes about 45 minutes. And I want to go through and explain the ritual to you, because our magical structure, which reflects Druid cosmology, is quite a bit different from that of Wicca or Ceremonial Magic, systems some of you might be more familiar with. This is going to a very information-dense lecture, but I’ll post the notes at our website, so if you’re really interested you can go back over some of this.

    Before I get into the ritual tho, I need to tell you who the Druids really were. The Druids were the intellectual class of their day - they were the political consultants, the doctors, the judges, the lawyers, and much of the entertainment industry. They were the spin doctors. They advised tribal chiefs, and they controlled a lot of the trade. The King’s Druid spoke before he did. They were a very powerful class of people.
    Oh, and there were female Druids as well as male. Anyone who tells you that the Druids were only male just hasn’t read the literature.
    The Druids were also the ones who knew how to use the local herbs, and knew the magical properties of the local trees. There’s an old Druid runic-style alphabet called oh-m, sometimes pronounced og-ham, that was used for magic and divination. PW Joyce says that in the Irish countryside “The Gaelic word for Druidical is almost always applied when we should use the word Magical” - to spells, incantations, and metamorphosis.

    Much of the magic they did was in the service of the Tribe, the clan. Magict was a big part of their 24-7 job. When two tribes were fighting (and this is Ireland, it happened all the time), the Druids would use their magical arsenal to help their particular tribe win. And, of course, the Druids of the other tribe were doing the same thing. They could utter incantations to weaken the opposing army. They could protect their people by creating magical “Druid fences” and “Druid knots”(1) and could fly up and engage each other in battle in the air. (2)
    Druids could turn people into animals, or shapeshift themselves into animal form. They could drive someone crazy by throwing a “madman’s wisp” in his face. The Druid satirists were feared because they could diss someone so well that they’d fall over dead.

    As seers, they were responsible for oracular pronouncements. Much of their work was in divining the future, divining who would be the tribal chief, or the king, divining the appropriate time for battle or for a festival. (We still do this today - if some of you are familiar with the Pagan Wheel of the Year, the solstices and equinoxes and the four “fire festivals” inbetween - you might find it curious that in our Grove, we don’t time our fire festivals according to the Julian/Gregorian calendar. We look around at nature to see when these festivals should happen, as our ancestors did. Of course, we also try to time them for available weekends. But our ancestors might have done that, had they had weekends.) The Druids also had a number of methods of trance divination, as well as ways of divining from natural sources: bird flight, the movement of animals, the directions of the prevailing wind. They could also casting the ogham, that we mentioned before, or read entrails from sacrifices. We’ll talk about Druid sacrifices later.
    For an oral tradition, there’s really a lot of information in the old stories of what kind of magic the Druids did. More than I can go into in 45 minutes, at any rate. Check out the book list, and be wary of anyone who starts with the four elements and tells you to cast a circle.

    Now I’d like to briefly talk about the kinds of magic you find in the old Pagan stories.
    Magic in the old days was primarly about love, revenge, binding, and money. Most of the magic that I’ve seen done by Pagans these days is about love, revenge, binding, and money. It’s about passion and desire, it’s not about turning the lights on and off by twitching your nose. If you read the old stories, if you read the records of the inquisition, if you look at what has survived in folklore, those are the kinds of things people were doing. The Druid magicians were no different. They worked their magic for very practical reasons, and reasons that were informed by desire.
    Our ArchDruid Emeritus, Isaac Bonewits, likes to say that each of us has enough magickal ability to get us through our lives. I’d like to add to that by saying that half of magic is paying attention. We work magic all the time, all of us, but most of it is unconscious. Most of the black magic I’ve seen people do, they’ve done to themselves, without even knowing it. Most of the good magic, too. Pay attention to what you say to yourself. Pay attention to the little rituals you do to get you through your day.

    The core of modern Druid ritual is about forming alliances- it’s about “power with” rather than “power over.” We don’t order our deities around, and we don’t pick a deity just because they’re associated with a particular thing, call them down, tell them what we want them to do, and say goodbye. We are all about building strong relationships, and most of the time we don’t do magic. We honor our kindred, our Goddesses and Gods, nature spirits, land spirits, ancestors, and we praise them, and we get to know them and they get to know us. When we need to do magic, they’re there for us, and in a big way.
    When I talk about ADF ritual, I’m going to talking about a large group ritual, but our grove has done this with anywhere from 3 people to a hundred and sixty. Usually we have between twenty and thirty, with fifteen or so taking parts in the ritual. I’ve been involved in Druid rituals at festivals where we had over 3 hundred people. But you can do this alone. You lost some of the power, but what you lose in power you gain in focus. We have grove members who use this as a meditation, and one who goes through the ritual in her head whenever she has to have an MRI scan, because it really helps her get through it.
    And, I want to add, as a Grove, we mostly don’t script our ritual parts, we don’t script our rituals at all most of the time. The parts all follow in order, but the invocations themselves are frequently off-the-cuff. This way we leave ourselves open to the otherworlds for inspiration. The flip side is that sometimes we also leave ourselves open to standing there and going “buh”. But that’s the breaks when you keep things fresh and alive.
    And, also, we readily mix the profane and the sacred. Nothing, really, is profane. Some things are inappropriate at certain times, but nothing is profane, or blasphemous. And, we’re not afraid of humor in ritual. In fact, we encourage it.

    MAGICKAL SPACE (use flip cards)
    Now, finally, let’s get into how a Druid sets up his magickal space.
    A comprehensive pre-ritual briefing always precedes the ritual. This gives the ritual ringmaster a chance to go over the ritual briefly with the participants and gives newcomers an idea of what to expect. We talk about nearly everything we’re going to do- nothing is hidden unless it has to be hidden for the purposes of ritual drama.

    First, a clear opening. Let the universe know that the ritual is starting. Let the participants hanging around know that the ritual is starting. This can be done with a piercing chime, blowing a conch shell, a procession to the ritual space, a drum beat - the point is to get everyone to stop talking, socializing, or daydreaming, to get everyone’s attention, and to get the attention of the spiritual world as well, which is probably also talking, socializing and daydreaming. This fixes our time boundary: we are now out of everyday clock time and in ritual time.
    The Senior Druid (or whoever else is leading the ritual) will fill the silence after the chime with the line “We are here to honor the Gods”. This line, traditional in old ADF liturgy, is much like the beginning of a story told by a storyteller. “We are here to honor the Gods.” It’s like “once upon a time.” We make a well of silence and then we drop that pebble into it and the ripples practically cast a circle around the listeners, especially if they’ve been to a few rituals.
    But we don’t cast a circle- and that’s a big difference between Druid magic and Wiccan or ceremonial magic. Not casting a circle is going to have some interesting implications as we continue. Our boundaries are going to be more permeable. Stuff can get in more easily. Stuff can get out. Keep that in mind as we continue.

    Next we honor the Earth Mother, or Mother Earth, the very planet we stand on, the source of all the life here. A rather large ally. Sort of our magical base camp, literally our foundation.
    Now, there are people who acknowledge the spiritual world, and people who believe that the material world is the only one there is. Materialists believe that the spiritual world doesn’t exist. There are a lot of spiritual people who believe that the material world is just a pale reflection of the spiritual one. Most Druids don’t buy either view. We tend to believe that the material world is spiritual, and the spiritual is just as real and material as the material one. We really don’t distinquish between the two. There are different rules to follow in each world, but one is no more valuable than the other.
    Consequently, our first duty is to honor perhaps the most material of our allies, Mother Earth. We invoke her, and we smudge some dirt on our foreheads, or put our fingers in a bowl of dirt, or maybe go down and kiss the ground if we’re outside. We let her know we’re here, and we’re honoring her. This is done right before a meditation in which we connect to her power underground, and connect to the powers in the sky above us. This positions us on our planet and in the food chain and puts us in a thankful mood. And, on a practical level, this tends to make folks who are new to Druid ritual comfortable- everybody can relate to the Earth. The Earth Mother invocation also puts people in the present: in the here and now, and on the Earth that’s immediately under their feet.

    We follow with a typical Druid meditation. Most frequently, we close our eyes, we send our roots down into the earth. We entangle our roots with those of the others in our grove. We relax and shake off the cares of the mundane world, the tensions of getting to the ritual, we just let that all go for the space of the ritual. We raise our metaphysical branches into the air and connect with the powers above us. We take deep breaths and slow our breathing. We prepare ourselves for the ritual.
    The meditation should center the participants in the quiet of their own bodies and relax individual body parts and root everyone in the earth and connect them to the powers of the heavens. That’s all. And that’s quite a bit.
    If the meditation works, we are also in the here and now in the ritual space and not thinking about getting to the ritual or who these weird druids might be.

    When we come out of the meditation, the Druid who is in charge of the ritual will talk for a short while on purpose of the ritual. Are we here for a holiday? Are we here to do magic? This puts everybody on the same page.

    Next, we point out the horizontal directions. What’s East of where the ritual is being held? It could be the Atlantic, it could be Brooklyn or Long Island. We’ll talk about geographic features - rivers and mountain ranges- and how they were formed. Sometimes we’ll ask “Who came from the South? Where did you come from?” and follow that around the ritual space. We are orienting ourselves in space in a very real way that everyone can understand. When we travel on highways to get to rituals we frequently don’t know where that site is located in relation to simple geographic features, or even other towns.
    We end with “Any point in an infinite space can be the center, any point on the surface of a sphere can be the center, this is now the center.” So, we’ve declared that for our purposes, this ritual space is the center of the universe. Instead of cutting a circle out of the universe for working magick, we are re-creating the center of the universe in our own ritual space.
    With the Earth Mother invocation we’ve put people in the present moment and with the meditation we’ve made people aware of their connection with others in the grove and their connection with the earth and sky, and, now, with the horizontal directions they’re aware of where they are in space in relation to the places around them.
    Note that the center is a direction by itself. 5 directions.

    The invocations of Well, Fire and Tree come next, orienting us in vertical space and in magical space. I’m not going to go into Indo-European precedents for well, fire and tree because it would take up way too much time. Suffice it say that if you read old Celtic stories, the Mabinogi, old Irish stories, Norse stuff, Greek and Roman myths, Hindu myths, you will come across magical wells, sacred trees, world trees, and sacrificial fires over and over again. There’s really no question that the old Druids used wells, sacred trees, and sacred fires in their rituals - and archeological evidence from nemetons, the sacred enclosures of the Celts, bears this out.
    These are also our Gates. Instead of casting a circle, we recreate the cosmos, and open gates.
    Obviously, the well gate goes down. It connects to visceral root stuff, it has associations with ancestors who are buried underground, with underworlds, with fecundity and fertility and with the water that sustains us. Offerings can be made into it that go down. Ribbons can be tied around it. It is the root of the Gates.
    The Fire gate goes up. It connects to the heavens, the sky Goddesses and Gods, our higher selves, and our higher aspirations. Offerings can be made into it that go up. It’s both a signal fire and a sacrificial fire. While the well absorbs, the fire transforms.
    The Tree is invoked after the Well and Fire in order to connect them. Nature Spirits run up and down the tree, which is rooted in the Well, and has its branches in the light of the sky or the stars. It’s the Norse World Tree, Yggrasil. The Druids called it the Bilé, and it’s our sacred center.
    These Gates all work with different types of energy. (Also, these three Gates are the ones we formally invite; there are other Gates in between and all around.) The Well, Fire and Tree all have the scent of folktales and fairy tales and myths- they are points of wonder and magic in the ritual. Connected, they are the axis the ritual revolves around.
    At this point, it’s really all about being the center of attention. We try to get centered in our heads and our bodies, standing on our own ground on the Earth, connected to others in our Grove, at the center of horizontal space and vertical space, between the underworlds and the heavens and connected by the tree. We have recreated the cosmos and placed ourselves at the center so all the universe above and below and around can hear us and see us. Our actions take on greater significance here. Our words mean more.

    So, now we’ve got our gates invoked. We have a well gate, a fire gate, and a tree gate. The next step is to open them. For that we invoke our Grove’s gatekeeper. We invoke him as an ally to aid us in our magic.
    Most Pagan religions have a God or Goddess who is a gatekeeper. Think of Legba. Ganesha. Janus in Rome. Our grove uses Manannan Mac Lir, the Celtic god who is the son of the God of the Sea. He’s the patron of the Isle of Man, and his three legs are still on the seal of the Isle of Man. He rides on the ninth wave, one the boundries between the worlds for the Celts. He’s a figure that appears in many Celtic stories from all over the Celtic world, almost always he’s associated with magic, or strange goings-on. In the stories, he frequently helps humans- sometimes as a trickster, but an ultimately benevolent trickster.
    We’ve been working with Manannan for a long time. Every year on the Spring equinox, we travel to Pt. Pleasant NJ, to the beach, and a few of us go in the cold ocean to collect the water from nine separate waves to honor Manannan and to replenish our magical well water. Every fall we honor Manannan with another trip to the shore to discard our old water. We have also been devoting our Spring ritual to Manannan and the various stories that he appears in.
    We have a few grove members who work with Manannan on a day-to-day basis, and we rely on their help when we invoke him. What I’m trying to say is that we want to develop serious, long-term relationships with our allies.
    So, we’ve developed a relationship that is both practical and emotional, and we’ve performed sacrifices to him, among them trucking out to the shore on a cold weekday and getting our feet in the cold ocean. Taking the time to learn his stories and develop rituals around them. In turn, when we’ve needed to do magic, he’s been there for us.

    And, Manannan has been helping us to open our gates for 13 years, and for any act of magic you want to do in this kind of ritual, you have to have the gates open. This is the first part of the ritual where we are doing magic. We are opening the gates to the otherworlds. When it happens, if you’re paying attention, you can feel it. You can see it. Sometimes, it’s dramatic. I’ve seen the wind kick up to the point where our senior druid, Norma’s, hair was blowing straight out. Sometimes it’s pretty obvious that the gates have been opened. Other times you have to sense it. At certain times of the year it’s easier than others. And there are different gates that open easier at different times of the year.
    We turn the well into a gate, the fire into a gate, the tree into a gate, and we say “Let the Gates be Open.” Loudly. So all the neighbors can hear.

    If you think of opening the gates as opening the door to a house, you immediately realize you’ve got a bit of a problem now. You live in New Jersey. You’re essentially about to hold a spiritual party. The doors are open. You’re offering the spiritual equivalent of free beer. You didn’t cast a circle of protection, because Druids don’t do that. The guys in the spiritual equivalent of a crackhouse across the street on the astral plane are going to want to crash the party.
    You deal with this by making them an offering. At this point in the ritual we make an offering to the outsiders, those entities who would not be comfortable with what we are about to do, or would want to mess up what we are about to do. We also have our gatekeeper, Manannan, to help us if we need help, but primarily we rely on honor and bribes. Many of our grove members are outsiders themselves in many ways, and we are all outsiders somewhere. By honoring the outsiders and offering them something, we get them to leave us alone for the space of the ritual. We also aren’t trying to banish them, or piss them off. Too many people try to challenge these types of spirits. Hey, you gotta sleep sometime. At some point that circle is going to be dissolved. And they’ll still be out there.
    We also make an offering to the outsider stuff in ourselves that would hinder us in the ritual: scepticism, anger, that sort of thing. These are useful things, you don’t want to banish them. You’ll need them after the ritual. You simply want to make an offering to them and set them aside so you can do what you need to do in ritual space.

    After we acknowledge and offer to the Outsiders, we invoke a Bardic deity. Here we’re invoking an ally to help make our further invocations more powerful. To sweeten our tongues, to help make our voices heard in this world and the other worlds. Our Grove patroness, Brigid, is an ancient Celtic Goddess of poetry, song and storytelling. We’ve depended on her for years, and our Imbolc, or Candlemass ritual is devoted to her. She’s also a Goddess of the healing arts, and a Goddess of smithcraft. And, as Brigantia, the Goddess of the fierce warrior tribe that the Romans called the Brigands. As with Manannan, there are members of our grove who have their own day-to-day relationships with Brigid, and we rely on their help in invoking her.

    Now, we invite the group that we call the Kindreds.
    First, those kindreds that are closest to us: our Ancestors. These are our ancestors as a general class, but also, and more importantly, our personal ancestors. Grandma who died last year, that sort of thing. We honor them in every ritual. We ask for their help and guidance. They know things that we don’t, and they can do things that we can’t. So we invite them in. People in the grove will call out the names of their departed. Blood ancestors, but also ancestors of the mind- writers, teachers, anyone who has influenced you who’s gone on into death.
    Next, Spirits of Nature and Place. This not only includes the animal kingdom, but the spirit of whatever land we happen to be holding the ritual on. And the spirits of whatever town or city we call home. If you’re wandering around looking for a parking spot, a good way to get one is to ask the city for one. Could be as simple as “Hi Secaucus, I’m Ed and I really need a place to park.” It works. It works even better when you say “thank you.” I strongly believe that working with local spirits is really important. Get to know the land you’re living on.
    As part of our Nature Spirits invocation, we also call in more inanimate objects: our computers, our cars, our houses, that sort of thing. It seems like we all turn into animists when our cars won’t start, cursing and cajoling, or when our computers bomb. Many Druids believe that there’s sentience and spirit of some sort in everything. And we honor that, as well as the four- and six-legged creatures, and creatures with wings and fins.
    We invoke the Goddesses and Gods as a general class. We invite all present at the ritual to call in their own Gods and Goddesses. We don’t discriminate by pantheon or ethnicity or age. And after we call our own patrons in, we also honor all the deities that ever were, and make an offering.
    By now, it’s pretty crowded in our ritual space.
    We’ve got our gatekeeper, our bardic deity, our ancestors, nature spirits, spirits of place, and all sorts of deities. And our outsiders are hanging outside. We’re connected to the lower worlds by the well, the upper worlds by the fire, and it’s all connected by the tree.
    We’re still not through invoking.

    We now bring in our main deity of the occasion. This depends on the occasion, and what kind of magic we intend to do. We try to make it a deity that someone in the grove has an established relationship with. The first part of the ritual has been designed in some way to lead up to invoking this deity, and, if we’re working magic, to lead up to the magical act this deity will be helping us with.
    The main deity invocation could involve a drawing-down of the deity into someone in the ritual. It could be simply calling them and asking for their presence. There have been times when we’ve called no main deity, and the kindreds sufficed to do what we needed to do.
    You can see that we are shamlessly using our allies as power sources. But, we give back to them. It’s not one-sided.

    Most magical groups that I’ve seen would start their magickal work at this point, as soon as the deity they were invoking was there. The ancient Druids would not have done that.
    An ancient Druid, were he watching one of our rituals, probably wouldn’t say that we were doing things exactly the way he did them a thousand years ago. But he would recognize the parts. He would recognize the well, fire and tree, and understand what they were for. He would understand why we honor our ancestors, why we bring in our nature spirits, why we honor the spirit of the land. He would understand invoking the Goddesses and Gods.
    But at this point, he would be asking:
    Where’s the cow?
    Where’s the cow? You know, what are you going to sacrifice? You’ve got all these spirits here, what are you going to give them?
    Now, I could go down to the Shop-Rite and buy a slab of cow and throw it on the fire. That would be easy. But I wouldn’t have raised that cow. I wouldn’t have slaughtered that cow with my own hands. And my family’s well-being doesn’t depend on that cow. Meat is too easy, these days. It’s just not much of a sacrifice.
    So what is a good sacrifice, these days? Well, a really good sacrifice is what I’m doing right now - putting my intellectual and emotional XXX on the line in front of the public and in front of the Gods. The Gods respect that. The Gods reward that. We call it, Open Stage of the Gods.

    We encourage people to offer praise to the kindreds: songs, poems, stories, dance, vows, artwork, as well as offerings of stones, garden vegetables they’ve raised, that sort of thing. All depending on the holiday, or the magical purpose of the ritual. Sometimes, when we’re doing something that’s doesn’t need to be particularly potent, we’ll let people go one by one with their praises. Other times, we send the praises all at once in one great rush of energy that can only be compared to, maybe, two dozen people simultaneously speaking in tongues. So the praise goes only to the otherworlds, and this world doesn’t get to partake at all. It all depends on what we’re trying to do in the ritual, what we’re trying to accomplish with the energy.
    When this is done, we offer a main sacrifice, usually something physical that represents all of our praises and offerings. This could be a flower, a branch cut with a sickle, an apple, or a cup of whiskey in the fire.

    Are we there yet? Not quite.

    We’ve given to the spiritual world, now we need to know if our offering was acceptable. We want the otherworlds to talk back to us. We take an omen on whether we should continue, or for what guidance the kindreds have for us before we perform our magic. If we get a bad omen, then we don’t do the magic. We shut down the ritual. Sometimes the omen justs asks us to modify what we’re doing. Sometimes it clearly refers to something completely outside of the ritual. One time the omen was clearly telling us to hurry up the ritual because a thunderstorm was moving in. This gives us information on how the otherworlds feel about the magic we’re going to do. This is useful. If the omen is acceptable:

    The catechism of the waters, the next part of the ritual, involves taking the energy that’s been generated and putting it into water, and passing that water to the people in the grove to empower them. You’re literally drinking in the ritual. The Hallowing of the Waters is, after the opening of the gates, the second real magickal act in the ritual. You can liken it to a Catholic priest turning wine and bread into the blood and body of Christ, except we’re not cannibals.

    Now, finally, the Druids are ready to perform whatever act of magick they’ve intended. This could be imitative magic, sympathetic magic, folk magic of all sorts, a protection working: whatever is required. Usually, we have a fairly large group, and this both limits and expands the kinds of magick you can do. Writing things on joss paper and having each person offer the joss paper (which is covered with a thin layer of gold and silver) to the Godesses and Gods in a fire offering works well for us. It’s an echo of the gold the Druids sent to the Gods in wells and fires.
    The magickal working could be a blessing of magickal tools, or a blessing of mundane tools, like the traditional spring “blessing of the plough.”
    This spring we did a trance ritual that had us blessing the five senses of everyone there to increase their talents. We based it on, among other things, the old Irish story of Cormac’s Cup.
    We did a very serious and powerful protection magickal act on the Samhain after Sept. 11th, where we channeled all the anger and fear in the grove toward the gates that opened in NY in order to drive whatever came through those gates back and close those gates. We did this in conjunction with a number of area covens and groves that Samhain.
    We don’t do magick every ritual, tho, most of our stuff is celebratory. We’re content with honoring our kindreds in the otherworlds, and this one, without asking for anything but their love.
    Also, I should add that we also do a lot of folk magic that doesn’t require a long, involved ritual. We sing to fruit trees and wassail them in the winter so they survive and to make them more fruitful in the spring.
    At dawn on May 1st we’re in Princeton helping Morris dancers “wake up the earth” with a number of very old ritual dances and dramas. This year, we were all out there in the pouring rain as the sun came up. And we had 50 people standing there watching us at dawn in the pouring rain. Because someone has to do the magic that brings in the spring.

    After the magickal working we meditate, briefly, and ground again. We might take another omen, if we feel we need one. Usually, it’s clear whether it’s worked or not.
    Then, because we’re civil, because we’re polite, we thank the deities we’ve invited, we thank the nature spirits, the spirits of place, we thank our ancestors, we thank our Bardic deity. We close the ritual, and with the help of our Gatekeeper, we close the gates. Then we thank our Gatekeeper. We wind down, return everyone to the material world, and clearly end the rite.
    We believe that having a real relationship with the land, the gates, the kindreds and individual deities and having a real connection to the other worlds is the heart and soul of ADF Druid ritual. If we don’t have that real connection to the other worlds, we’re not a real religion, we’re a cargo cult. - we’re just dressing up and calling ourselves by funny names and pretending we’re a religion, or pretending we’re magicians.

    You can see that our philosophy is all about asking rather than demanding. It’s about working with the natural world, and the natural otherworlds, rather than exploiting those worlds the way mankind has exploited this one. We try to use our spiritual resources wisely, and we clean up whatever psychic pollution we’ve left.

    It’s a fairly complicated ritual. If you really want to get an idea on how this plays out, go to our website, where we have a dozen or more writeups of various rituals we’ve done, and read through a few.

    Also, check out our calendar, and come see what we do in person. We’re open and public.

    Book List:
    Druid Magic Reading List
    Grove of the Other Gods, Ár Draíocht Féin Druidry

    Basic Info:
    THE DRUIDS, Peter Berresford Ellis, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan, ISBN 0-8028-3798-0. This is the book to start with if you want to know about the ancient Druids.

    Books on Druid Magic:
    DRUIDHEACHD: SYMBOLS AND RITES OF DRUIDRY, by Ian Corrigan. A small chapbook by ADF’s former acting ArchDruid and Preceptor, now head of the Magic Guild. Good explanation of the ADF liturgy, Druid magical tools, inner work, brief rites and spells. Contact for info.

    CARMINA GADELICA, Hymns and Incantations Collected in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland in the 1800s by Alexander Carmichael, Lindisfarne Press, Hudson NY, ISBN 0-940262-50-9. Old Pagan charms and invocations, some with Christian interjections, spells for various ailments, fairy spells, auguries, songs for dying wool, churning butter, etc... just as you would have found them if you’d been hiking around Scotland in the 1800s. With a bit of imagination, there’s a lot here that could be ‘reclaimed’ by modern Druids. There are wonderful stories in the notes at the end of the book. I can personally vouch that some of these charms still work.

    THE MABINOGION. I recommend the one translated and introduced by Jeffery Gantz, Penguin Books, Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England, ISBN 0-88029-039-0. Welsh tales written down in the 13th century from older oral tradition. A lot of magic, otherworld encounters.

    TALIESIN, by John Matthews, The Aquarian Press, 1991, ISBN 1-85538-109-5. . Bills itself as “Shamanism and the Bardic Mysteries in Britain and Ireland,” but Matthews is a respected NeoPagan author, and there’s a great deal of magickal information here from all sorts of old stories. I’ve found this very useful on many occasions.

    GLAMOURY by Steve Blamires. St. Paul MN, Llewellyn Publications (2000) Not the best of the lot, but not the worst by far. At least his magickal system is based on solid sources rather than modern Celtic fantasy. Like everything else in life, chew it before you swallow it.

    REAL MAGIC by Isaac Bonewits. 1989, Samuel Weiser, Inc., York Beach, Maine. ISBN 0-87728-688-4. This is a classic text by the founder and ArchDruid Emeritus of ADF. It’s not a “Druid” book per se, but a basic text on magic by someone who has been involved in dozens of magickal groups for many years. Isaac is responsible for much of the original ADF Druid liturgy. Isaac also holds the first (and only) B.A. degree in Magick and Thaumaturgy bestowed by the University of California at Berkely. Isaac's website, click here.

    On Ogham Divination
    WHAT DO WE KNOW ABOUT THE OGHAMS?, by Skip Ellison, current ArchDruid of Ár nDraíocht Féin. Order from Just the facts, ma’am, on divination by tree runes. The individual ogham, their meanings, use in ancient texts, variations on Ogham.

    Modern Pagan Druids:
    THE DRUID TRADITION, Philip Carr-Gomm. Element Books (Part of the “Elements of...” series), Rockport, Mass., ISBN 1-85230-202-X. Good overview of ancient and modern Druidry, by the Archdruid of the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids.

    THE DRUID RENAISSANCE, edited by Philip Carr-Gomm. Thorsons (Harper Collins), London, England. ISBN 1-85538-480-9. Information on the modern Druid revival, by various authors in different traditions.
    Druid Sources:

    THE DRUID SOURCE BOOK; THE CELTIC SEERS SOURCE BOOK; THE BARDIC SOURCE BOOK. Compiled and edited by John Matthews. Blandford Press, London, England, ISBN 0-7137-2572-9. 3 collections of excerpts from source material from ancient times through modern times, along with a bit of explanation. Excerpts are out of context, still it teases you to read some of these... beware romantic ideas and speculation.

    IRISH FOLK AND FAIRY TALES, edited by Sean Kelly. Galley Press, (The Rutledge Press) New York, NY, ISBN 0-8317-5001-4. Old Irish stories of Gods and Goddesses, Druids and Warriors.

    THE GODS OF THE CELTS, Miranda Green, Alan Sutton. Gloucester, England & Barnes and Noble Books, Totowa, NJ, ISBN 0-389-20672-5. Guide to Celtic religion in Britain and Europe covers Gods, ritual customs, cult objects and sacred places. Professor Green, Research Fellow at the centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies, University of Wales, is a well-respected Celtic scholar.
    Cool Book:

    THE LIFE AND DEATH OF A DRUID PRINCE. Anne Ross and Don Robins, A Touchstone Book (Simon and Schuster), New York, NY, ISBN 0-671-7422-5. Ross and Robins speculate that ‘lindow man’, a 2000 year old body discovered in a peat bog in the English midlands in 1984, was a high-ranking Druid who was voluntarily sacrificed in a Druid ritual. Dr. Ross is a consultant for National Geographic in the U.K. and a well-known Celtic scholar, Dr. Robins is on the faculty of the Institute of Archaeology at the University of London.

    Authors writing about modern Pagan Druidry that you can trust most of the time:
    John and Caitlin Matthews, Philip Carr-Gomm, Ellen Evert Hopman, Ian Corrigan, Erynn Darkstar and Taíne Bwca, John King.
    Major Modern Pagan Druid Organizations that you can trust most of the time:
    Ár nDraíocht Féin; The Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids; Keltria.

    WEB SITES: (our local grove site) and (our national site).

    Posts : 2357
    Join date : 2011-01-27
    Age : 59

    The Neo-Druid Chronicles Empty Re: The Neo-Druid Chronicles

    Post  HigherLove Sun Jan 29, 2012 9:19 am

    Thanks, Susan. What a great resource library being built up, here!

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    Posts : 2357
    Join date : 2011-01-27
    Age : 59

    The Neo-Druid Chronicles Empty Re: The Neo-Druid Chronicles

    Post  HigherLove Sun Jan 29, 2012 2:24 pm

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

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