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    2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger


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    2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger Empty 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger

    Post  THEeXchanger Sun Jan 15, 2012 11:52 am

    2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger

    Posts : 5352
    Join date : 2011-06-04
    Location : My own little heaven on earth

    2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger Empty Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger

    Post  THEeXchanger Sun Jan 15, 2012 11:53 am

    THE eXchanger
    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Aug 2008
    Location: Spiritual eXplorer-Canada
    Posts: 4,915
    2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    The eXchangers THREAD 2010

    3 3 3 / 3

    2010- (3)
    The Year of Three Bridges/3Triads/3 Trines (9) + ORIGINAL SPARK (1) thru 3 Trinities 3-3-3/3 (+1) = 13

    The Year of The Original Spark (1)
    The Three Bridges, The Three Triads, The Three Trines (9)
    thru 3 Trinities (3)

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~


    We started this year, with a full cancer moon

    and, here we are ending this year, in a full cancer moon.

    Things do come, full circle, and, back to THE ROUND


    We also had two new moons, start out in The Sign of Cancer, twice.

    So that's four cancer moons, in 2009 ~ The Year of The SiX Pillars,

    of Truth, of Love, of Energy...

    Sometimes, this iS a good idea,

    to eXamine, old things, that have had claws/and, hooks into you

    the seen/and, the unseen - and, ask/ask/ask to be set free,

    in a lunar eclipse, this is poSSible

    Cancer iS ruled by the Moon,

    This New Year’s Eve partical Eclipse will bring us,

    right into the arms, of a very karmic type of juncture,

    and, in the claws of Cancer, iT will bring us,

    into a true realisation of what has, its claws into us

    and, what needs to be resolved, shaken away, and, terminated.

    If one takes a good look, at the chart of this final eclipse of 2010.

    There is a real 't-square" with stern Saturn, facing off square to Libra

    The scales ~ which are all about justice ~ and, what iS fair, and, what clearly is NOT

    whilst squaring The Cancer Moon.

    Taking a good look, at the lunar nodes, on the Capricorn/Cancer aXis

    with PLUTO in CAPRICORN, which sigils the time,

    that THE TRUTH will be TOLD~ iT is little wonder, some people,

    wanted to remove PLUTO from planet status.

    THE CHOiCES you will have come to confront you, might amaSe you.

    Make a choice to get into your own 'free will' NOW

    GET RiD OFF THiNGS ~ that no longer serve, your own higher purpose.

    iF you are tied to things, that are dragging you down ~ let them go

    remember any mission, purpose, or task,

    that is divinely guided, will be divinely lead, and, divinely provided for.

    iF you do NOT take a RiSK, you miSS the opportunity

    ~ to be all you originally intended yourself to be

    Within your 'ORiGiNAL SPARK' prior to incarnationing

    Ask/Ask/Ask, to put back together the 13 aspects, of what you truly are

    2010 - iS THE YEAR of THE 13 ASPECTS of you

    through the 3 / 3/ 3 (3)

    3 bridges / 3 triads / 3 trines / 3 trinities

    Remember, iT iS you, who are your own gate_keeper,

    and, Temple Guard ~ let go of the pain/and, sorrow, along with the suffering ~

    You NEVER leave anyone behind, you merely move up, to greet, and, to meet,

    there higher eXpressions.

    iT is a TYME for The Return of The Real High Magic ~

    you can bring into being,

    a mystical marriage of pure magic , of real alchemy

    where you can truly create, a whole new centre,

    bringing into play balance ~ along with the 'real' meaning of your life

    YOU are a part of a greater whole ~ and, you move right along with The Collective Consciousness

    There is NO doubt, iT is a YEAR YOU CAN do, almost anything.

    iT is TYME, to put that to the test,

    eXcuse all things, that are built on the abuse of force/and, power, and, lies.

    In the NEW WORLD ~ TRUTH, and, integrity, are part of the keys

    there are times, when the end of the old, are justified by the means",

    iT iS the people on earth, who truly 'hold the power" of "the means"

    if you stop eXchanging with them, they will die a slow death on the vine

    they built, which is currently strangling many of them.

    Step out, into a new sets of checks, and, balances.

    These ill equations, can NOT last forever, in their current unbalanced states.

    Leave the old behind, and, step into new eXistences,

    Trust in GOOD GOD, and, in a sense,

    that means PUT YOUR TRUST ~ iNTO YOU

    AND, others around you, that hold similiar energies ~ light, sound, tone, frequncy, vibrations, and,

    flow that out into The Triad , The Trine, The Trinities of The Ether, where iT can be eXchanged,

    Remember, sometimes, more control, makes you think, you are safer,

    abeit, more control, means less freedom.

    The Earth World is maturing into MORE, not less.

    Let your own personal experiences be your own,

    and, allow the old energies, to fall away, and, invite in,

    those new energetic eXchanges, to become, part of your own MUCH GATHERS MORE.

    THE DEGREES OF 10:20, will be as obvious, as, they are direct

    The 5 degree orb of 10:20 Cancer, is square, its opposition at 10 degrees Aries, Capricorn,

    and Libra.

    We may find ourselves feeling quite emotional during this eclipse.

    So be prepared for it !!!

    Some people will make choices, that, will NOT only alter themselves

    but, bring about THE TYME when THE BiG PAGE in THE COMOS,

    taking its turn ~ allow those 'grand' eXpressions 'to flow' from you, out into the world

    Earth time, is speeding up, so, it can step into THE NEW TYME

    UTiliSE, your higher hearts, and, higher mind, with your lower mind, and, low heart,

    and, anchor it, thru THE CROSSROADS, that lay within...

    start a process of connecting those crossroads, to the crossroads in others,

    and, even into the collective consciousness.

    Ride the waves ~ and, get back on top of your game !!!

    Lots and lots of information, will start to flow to you

    ask, to refile your awareness, when going to bed at night.

    This information will then come to you in the form of strong insights

    and, propel you further, on your journey

    In alchemical/or magical symbolism, oft times, it is dark, before you see the light.

    It is all about death / transition / and, rebirth

    which creates the new eleXir, and, iT is,

    your ORiGiNAL SPARK ~ and, THE SPARKiNG you ALLOW

    that will bring it all into the brilliant colours of gold, platinum., and, silver.

    So, here we all are, about to head into the 2nd full moon of the month,

    that old rare blue moon, and,it is in the skin of Cancer.

    Also, it is the 4th time, in 2009, a year of an energetic "11"

    and, the 2009, is ready to end.

    This moon also appears, square to Capricorn The Sea Goat and,

    the goat, always climbs up in consciousness

    whilst, the Moon often has us, feeling, we are ready to really create a home.

    Home is, where the heart is, and, heaven is, where you are

    It is time, to find balance, and, the true equilibrium into our lives

    Resolve to be happy, with how things are,

    be grateful for where you are, as, when you do that,

    then, and, only THEN, will more be given to you.

    There are times, and, there are tymes, when the best option is,

    to just set yourself free from what you burdening you,

    and, the time of silly compromises, is over.

    So, if relationships, are strainful, and, straining, this is why !!!

    Resolve, to bring desire into the picture, lets wants go, and, make needs become something

    that is on automatic what is best for YOU !!!

    With Mercury doing its retrograding, it is a good time, to clearly define your needs,

    so, they do get fulfilled.

    With Mars retrograding in Leo, you can feel, like you lack the aggression,

    and, the energy to make/ or to take action.


    This is THE TYME of THE BiG CHANGE ~ you dreamed about,

    but, wondered when it would come

    ~ CELEBRATE, iT iS here !!!

    RiGHT NOW.

    Search only for those things, that fulfill you, and, that you truly desire to manifest.

    Concentrate on what you need to let go of, and, always ask for higher guidance,

    and, higher wisdom, from your own Higher Self / Essence / Monad, both NOW, and, FUTURE

    iT TRULY iS Time, TYME for a great make-over

    iT iS a THE LAST BLUE MOON of 2009

    iT is a sign of good luck, and, good fortune

    (occurs only once, every two to three years)

    The neXt full moon, like this one, isn't til 2028

    More than just a extra thirteen~ the 13th moon of 2009 is special

    Set your WiLL, as you true iNTENTiON,

    What is your greatest eXcitement ?

    What reserves of energy, can you tap into ?

    Get out daily into the sunlight, and, the starlight

    Ask for energy, love, and, truth, along with support to find you

    on the 15th of Janunary, comes Capricorn in the New Moon

    along with a Solar Eclipse

    ~ get focused, life is about to become a much happier eXperience

    ~ it is TYME to GET eXchanging !!!




    iT will be a YEAR where the 13 Aspects of you,

    will come back together again,

    KulKulKan, The Forever Grandfather
    CulCulCan, The Forever Grandfather
    through Susan / The eXchanger

    iT truly is : THE JOURNEY to THE 13TH BRIDGE


    pop the balloons to start the NEW YEAR (ON Link below)

    Click here:,,16961_rs,00.swf

    if shared: please include this url
    Last edited by THE eXchanger; 01-11-2010 at 04:59 AM.

    01-04-2010, 03:36 AM #2
    THE eXchanger
    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Aug 2008
    Location: Spiritual eXplorer-Canada
    Posts: 4,915
    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    January 1, 2010

    It Has Begun!

    The astrological chart (attached) is symbolic for Gaia in 2010,
    Gaia being Earth and all Her inhabitants.

    I chose 12:01 New Years Day in Greenwich, England as Greenwich is the center/zero point for sidereal time.

    However, I ran a chart for Los Angeles at the same time, and the differences were minimal.

    Gaia is beginning the year 2010 with great panache.

    A Blue Moon, second full moon of the month,
    with a lunar eclipse on December 31, 2009 at 11:13 am PST, f
    our planets and the North Node in Capricorn, t
    he sign of world government and even a meteor show on January 3 and 4, from Bootes, the constellation of Arcturus.

    2010 portends to be a VERY big year.

    Pluto (political and spiritual transformation),
    Venus (feminine, inflow of energy), Sun (Spirit Self),
    Mercury (communications, contracts, thoughts)
    and the North Node (do it this lifetime) are all together straddling
    the third (thoughts, communications) and
    the fourth house (body, emotions) in Capricorn,
    the sign for world governments.

    Hence, in 2010 Pluto will likely bring forth many transformations
    in world governments with the women and men (Venus and Mars)
    standing eye to eye to blend the male and female aspects of government into ONE.

    Mercury promises a release of long hidden information
    and writing of new contracts, and the North Node
    brings in a sense of urgency and “do it Now.”

    The connection of Pluto, Venus, Sun, Mercury and North Node
    can work as ONE unit to confront and address and release old illusions
    that have been held as truth for millennia, in fact, since the fall of Atlantis.

    Furthermore, Pluto, Venus, Sun, Mercury and North Node
    are opposition the Moon (collective consciousness, Goddess Energy).
    An opposition is 180 degrees,
    which is like two streams of energy rushing toward and into each other.

    When there is a Sun opposition Moon there is a “full moon”, in this case,
    the second full moon of the month—a Blue Moon.

    There is also a lunar eclipse, just to get every ones' attention.

    Do you wonder why you are so tired?

    No, it is not just that you stayed up too late on New Years Eve.

    You are absorbing and processing patterns of light that are rocking the foundation of life as you have known it

    A full moon lasts only one day.

    However, this is the chart shows the beginning energies,
    and also lays the foundation for the entire year,
    which is the beginning energies and the foundation for the entire year.

    Not only is there a full moon—a Blue Moon, no less—but the Moon in opposition to the Pluto, Venus, Sun, Mercury and North Node conjunction, places the Moon (collective consciousness and power of the people)
    in a position to illuminate the hidden truths (Sun conjunct Mercury)
    and to transmute the consciousness of the world masses (Pluto),
    to spur the collective consciousness (Moon)
    to restore our Earth Mother to Her true, pristine beauty
    and spiritual power (Venus).

    This opposition also represents a huge energy shift
    for our Collective and Planetary Consciousness (Moon)
    to transform (Pluto) and restore the initial beauty and grandeur (Venus)
    of Earth, by connecting and aligning our masculine (Sun)
    and feminine (Moon) qualities to communicate
    and make decisions (Mercury) based on the good of Gaia (the planet)
    and ALL Her inhabitants.

    Yes, Gaia is a Being. I

    fact, WE, along with all the other inhabitants of Earth, are Gaia.

    As the illusions are released,
    this TRUTH shall be increasingly revealed.

    The challenge is that our human emotions (Moon)
    will be amplified to a planetary scale.

    Since emotions are the basis of our consciousness,
    which is the basis of our thoughts, expectations,
    perceptions and ability to create our own reality,
    we had better stay calm and centered this year.

    All of the work we have done to be the Master of Energy (thoughts and emotions) will pay off.

    However, if we allow our emotions to sway into the spectrum of fear,
    the consequences will be swift and very uncomfortable.

    Because of this opposition, there will be times when the particles of light merge in a way that will greatly amplify our insight, creativity, energy, communications and motivation.

    On the other hand, there will also be times when the particles merge in a manner that seems to cancel out these qualities and leave us feeling exhausted and confused.

    Fortunately, if we remain centered and free of extremes, the lulls will give us a much-needed opportunity to integrate these immense energies into our consciousness, body and life.

    The aspect of Moon opposition Mercury can definitely mean that there will be a great release of information that has long been kept secret.

    With our emotions (Moon) so charged this year,
    we will need to feel our Spirit (Sun) comforting us,
    so that we can take in the illumination that we are receiving.

    Then, Venus allows us to see the beauty in truthful communications (Mercury), while Pluto urges us to use this truth to transform the foundations of our world. Furthermore, the North Node says, “Do it now!”

    The above may seem like more than enough energy to deal with,
    but it is only one portion of this powerful year.

    The Piscean Age of “I Believe,” in which we learned blind faith
    in an unseen power far “above” us,
    is being replaced by the Aquarian Age of “I Know,”
    in which that power is found within our SELF.

    Uranus, ruler of the Aquarian Age, is in the final stages of Pisces,
    the sign for the Piscean Age.

    Conversely, Neptune, the ruler of the Piscean Age,
    is in the final degrees of Aquarius, the sign of the Aquarian Age.

    The Piscean Age was the Kali Yuga,
    the darkest night before the Dawn of the Aquarian, Golden Age.

    Pisces rules the 12th House, which represents the closing cycle
    of our return to SELF.

    As we can see from history, the last two thousand years,
    in fact the last 200 years, were filled with wars and conflict.

    With Neptune (the ruler of Pisces) conjunct Jupiter (the great amplifier) in the house of creativity and opposition to Mars (our animal self, or actions and our inner warrior), the old illusions of the Piscean Age
    will be released to spur us into action and fight for our rights
    to create our own reality.

    The Moon also shines Her reflective inner light onto Neptune
    and Jupiter to further illuminate the lies we have chosen to believe.

    We believed these lies because we were too downtrodden and fearful to become the great Spiritual Warrior whom we have always been inside our Soul. Furthermore, Mars is exactly 150 degrees in aspect to Mercury, reminding us the pen is mightier than the sword.

    The greatest tool to transform our lives is the TRUTH.

    Mars also sextiles (60 degrees) Saturn (responsibility and release of the old) to remind us to take responsibility and become Masters of our own Energy. We are the creators of our reality.

    It is this truth that is the gift of the Aquarian Age.

    Saturn is also square (90 degrees) to the Pluto, Venus, Sun, Mercury and North Node group.

    This aspect reminds us to prune that which can no longer grow so that our energy can be focused, not on what is over but, on what is just beginning.

    This square also means that there will be major changes in world government, especially the pruning of lies and manipulations that we have allowed because we were “working too hard to notice.”

    We are no longer in the Piscean Age where we must mind our leaders. We now create our own reality—together as ONE people and ONE planet.

    The Saturn aspects to both Mars and Pluto-Venus-Sun-Mercury-North Node remind us that energy out is energy back.

    Therefore, we are responsible for the energy field that enters our life,
    as it is merely our own energy reflecting back to us.

    Also, as we transform ourselves we transform the planet, and visa versa. Our call for planetary transformation needs to be based on our taking responsibility for the systems that arise from deep within our self.

    Hence, we must go deep inside “Saturn's Cave” (Saturn in the 12th House) to face our own darkness in order to transform our reality.


    I took the challenge to enter Saturn's Cave.

    At first, I did not know where it was,
    but then I realized that it must be inside myself.

    I closed my eyes and took long, slow, deep breaths until my outer world merged into the world inside my SELF.

    It was dark inside, but then, it was a cave.

    Then, off to the right, I saw a dim glow and set that as my course.

    However, at the instant that I intended to go there, I was simply there.

    Upon my arrival, the dim glow became a beam of light,
    which came down from an unknown origin and landed in a small, still pool.

    The light entered the water straight on without even so much as a tiny splash or bubble. It was like the water was hungry for the light and instantly integrated it into its liquid. Hence, the pool became a pool of liquid light. It remained still and small, but now it appeared to be infinitely deep.

    As ONE, the light and water dove into the core of Gaia and She eagerly accepted it.

    I awoke from my trance/meditation, I thought,
    but then the most curious thing began to happen.

    When I ventured out into my everyday life,
    I discovered that all over the planet, pools of liquid light were forming
    in the most unusual places.

    At first people were shocked, but it happened so often that the sudden arrival of a new pool became commonplace.

    What was baffling was that no one could determine
    where the light came from.

    This reality was so vastly changed from the one
    I had experienced before that I began to question
    whether I was still in my meditation, or asleep,
    or, maybe I was just crazy.

    Whatever the reason, this was still my reality,
    and I had to make the best of it,
    which was actually quite easy,
    as this reality was much improved over my other one.

    Another very unique thing that was happening to all of us in “this reality”
    was that we would enter our homes to find that we were in the woods,
    at the seashore, at a desert sunrise or whatever our favorite place
    in nature was.

    Then, after just a moment, the vision/reality would vanish,
    and we would return to the world of our previous expectation.

    Soon, we realized that when we were more filled with light,
    we had a quick flash of nature.

    On the other hand, we discovered, that if we were doubting ourselves,
    we would have a quick flash of darkness.

    Fortunately, we all learned to regulate our thinking before we opened any doors, as we realized that we would see what we were thinking or feeling. More and more, we shared these events with each other, and discovered that we were having the same experiences.

    It may appear that people didn't freak out.

    However, in the beginning many people became extremely upset
    and acted-out in fearful ways.

    However, these people began to slowly dim from our reality
    —like an old dream that we had almost forgotten. In fact, our entire past began to dim from our memories.

    We were so excited to be experimenting with our new toy of instant manifestation that we lost track of people who did not share our sense of enthusiasm about creating a new reality.

    Once in a while, we remembered what it had been like before
    we were HERE in the NOW.

    Concepts like before, after, even up and down, became confusing,
    as we became accustomed to the HERE, NOW of life.

    Even the term “life” was changed,
    because in this reality life didn't begin or end.
    Life here never ended or started. Life was infinite.

    I tell my story as if it were in the past,
    but HERE there is only NOW,
    so I must speak only in the NOW.

    Somehow I remember entering Saturn's Cave
    where I first saw a pool of liquid light.

    However, I can't quite remember what “first” means.

    We have been told that when we become fully accustomed
    this reality we will go the “Threshold” to assist others.


    What does that mean?

    We are all ONE with a unique signature frequency.

    Once in a while, we hear stories about how people didn't “believe” in ETs.

    Now we don't even think of our Space Family as extra-terrestrials,
    because our reality encompasses much more than just one planet.

    In fact, WE encompass more than a Galaxy.

    WE now know that WE are a Cosmic Force,
    for WE are consciousness.

    In fact, WE are LIFE!

    As I/WE proclaim our BEING as life, I/WE hear a voice.

    Actually, there are many voices,
    but they are so perfectly harmonized that they sound like an orchestra.

    The many voices sing,
    “We Are ONE!”


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    01-04-2010, 04:09 AM #3
    THE eXchanger
    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Aug 2008
    Location: Spiritual eXplorer-Canada
    Posts: 4,915
    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Originally Posted by THE eXchanger
    Our eXperience, iS:
    YOU paint into the dark,
    since, what is light, is already bright !!!
    Originally Posted by XXX
    so true...
    a canvas starts out light, and too much paint can mix in, and make it dim.
    Too much thought, too much hidden past mystery still on the brush.
    How may of us know that we can pull a fresh canvas at will?
    That describes, iT brilliantly, thank you

    if shared: please include this url
    Last edited by THE eXchanger; 01-05-2010 at 10:28 PM.

    01-04-2010, 04:14 AM #4
    THE eXchanger
    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Originally Posted by THE eXchanger
    HAPPY NEW YEAR ~ you were one of the best things, that happened in 2008 & 2009 ~ thanks for you hand of friendship, looking forward, to 2010 ~ the year of the big plough thru !!!
    iS ALL ABOUT ~getting rid of The iLLs/or The weeds !!!

    2010- (3)
    The Year of Three Bridges/3Triads/3 Trines (9) + ORIGINAL SPARK (1) thru 3 Trinities 3-3-3/3 (+1) = 13

    The Year of The Original Spark (1)
    The Three Bridges, The Three Triads, The Three Trines (9)
    thru 3 Trinities (3)

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    Last edited by THE eXchanger; 01-11-2010 at 04:59 AM.

    01-04-2010, 04:24 AM #5
    THE eXchanger
    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Celebrate What’s Right With The World TM
    teaches what a powerful force having a vision of possibilities can be for you.
    Do you have a vision for your organization?
    More importantly, do you have one for yourself?
    One that gets you excited every morning and keeps you open to possibilities

    Celebrate what's right with the world

    - Dewitt Jones

    01-04-2010, 05:38 AM #6
    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Thanks for the good advice. Needed that.

    01-04-2010, 06:02 AM #7
    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: May 2009
    Posts: 15
    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Great Thread! Keep it coming! My heart sings with Joy!

    - Jose

    01-04-2010, 09:15 AM #8
    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Susan I cant say i read it all ...

    but what i read resonates

    with me .. good info

    thanks .... namaste rhythmmm ...

    01-04-2010, 03:54 PM #9
    THE eXchanger
    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Aug 2008
    Location: Spiritual eXplorer-Canada
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Originally Posted by rhythm
    Susan I cant say i read it all ...
    but what i read resonates
    with me .. good info
    thanks .... namaste rhythmmm ...
    Thank you rhythm

    We are going to try to simply ~ our messages in 2010

    and, we are currently editing, the first message

    2010- (3)
    The Year of Three Bridges/3Triads/3 Trines (9) + ORIGINAL SPARK (1) thru 3 Trinities 3-3-3/3 (+1) = 13

    The Year of The Original Spark (1)
    The Three Bridges, The Three Triads, The Three Trines (9)
    thru 3 Trinities (3)

    ~the original message, on the start of this post,
    needed a picturial eXpression,
    to make it make sense

    ~we plan to go out, and, get some art board/and,
    acrylic paint/and, brushes
    and, then see if we can get some good discarnate artisan spirits
    to help us to eXpress,
    The 13 Aspects.

    ~ we know, none of the truly talented artisans in this world, paint alone
    ~ so, we are going to try our hands at channelling things,
    from higher densities/and, higher dimensions,
    through them, and, bring them into a 3D artisic eXpressed level,
    since we lack, the computer know how,
    to label things, through powerpoint
    (and, have NOT been able to find, another, who can help us with that)
    or, direct us, to what type of course to go take, so, we can do that

    ~we are still looking for help,
    labelling pics, as proof
    (and, although we do NOT work alone,
    our helpers, do NOT live in a 3D world)
    and, flood us, with so much information,
    we are swimming in a sea of information.

    We got to do 3D work to survive
    and, then utilise, any free time, to do, the good work,
    we believe, we are here, to do !!!

    if shared: please include this url
    Last edited by THE eXchanger; 01-11-2010 at 05:00 AM.

    01-04-2010, 03:58 PM #10
    THE eXchanger
    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Originally Posted by Gnosis5
    Thanks for the good advice. Needed that.
    Welcome Gnosis, we hope you share, your rafts of knowledge here, as, we know, you do good work, Thanks for popping into this thread !!!

    We are truly all here, to weave !!!

    01-04-2010, 04:00 PM #11
    THE eXchanger
    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Originally Posted by Mirror
    Great Thread! Keep it coming! My heart sings with Joy!

    - Jose
    Thank you Jose, we've always said,
    do things, that make your heart happy,
    and, be a continual cause/and,
    a source, to make your soul sing

    Thanks for your comments, they are appreciated

    We are all, truly different notes, in the same song

    01-05-2010, 08:41 PM #12
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Originally Posted by xxx
    Someone suggested an 'astral' meeting
    we say:


    AT THE 7TH LEVEL - you find HiGHER SELF
    AT THE 8th LEVEL - you find ESSENCE

    it pairs up
    - with your low causal body (7)
    your mid causal body (Cool
    and, your high causal body (9)

    by walking through your
    1st physical
    2nd mental
    3rd emotional
    4th etheric
    5th low astral
    6th high astral bodies

    KULKULKAN, THE Forever Grandfather
    CULCULCAN, THE Forever Grandmother
    The Group of Thirty-Three (33)
    thru Susan ~ The eXchanger

    if shared: please include this url
    Last edited by THE eXchanger; 01-05-2010 at 10:30 PM.

    01-05-2010, 10:01 PM #13
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    2010 The Beginning of A New Cycle

    On December 31 2009, we experienced a Full Moon. This particular moon was also a blue Moon, (second full moon in same month),
    and was also a Partial Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Cancer. Blue moon eclipses are a rarity and the next one will not arrive until 2028.

    We are currently experiencing a Mercury Retrograde as well as moving into a Solar Eclipse in the sign of Capricorn on January 14, 2010. These massive and wonderful energies have re-opened some very powerful gateways of loving advancement energy and synergy that we have needed to move forward evolutionarily.

    Wow, what a timely comeback from the energy of the past 14 months when the energies took a forty- five degree turn with no forewarning;
    as if all of the momentum that had been built from the previous two decades seemed to just disappear.

    It felt as if we went into retrograde and back to the birth canal.

    We suddenly had no control at all in the massive change of events and tides of flow and most of us felt as if the rug had been pulled out
    beneath their feet while they were still walking,

    This screeching, forty -five degree turn occurred in Early November 2008, it was in conjunction with the US Presidential race as well.

    Here is a world already pinning its hopes and dreams on change we can believe in and then the bottom seemingly falls away. It has been one big roller coaster ride since then, and many beautiful souls have left
    and joined our planet during this season of fog and dreariness.

    Now the light is back and shines forward heralding unparalleled energy
    and power.

    We need this power to regain and remain empowered ourselves.

    We need to bathe ourselves in this unconditional loving light to heal the wounds we have endured in the recent past and
    we also must re-energize our vitality, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

    It is time to re-energize, re-create and build, a time to know that we did nothing wrong and that the changes we have been through could not be stopped.

    It is our time to re-establish our spiritual vows and disciplines to patiently take the time to restore our inner joy and fulfillment.

    How can we help others, if we ourselves are depleted?

    What we have been through, in this past 14 months, is no greater or less than a massive hurricane or tsunami that thundered right through our path and destroyed everything that we had built over many years.

    It would be easy to brood and be bitter about what is gone, but that is not the nature of the spiritual warrior. The nature of the spiritual warrior is to do whatever is needed to recover from whatever it is life throws at them.

    All the answers we need lie within each and every one of us.

    Truth is everywhere and ever expanding.

    Sometimes we fall and sometimes the prankster Coyote trips us up.
    But what truly matters is how present one can stay in the chaos
    and then still come out the other side understanding that death
    and re-birth are one and the same thing.

    To all of you who have made the journey and the sacrifices to establish a new Reality filled with Love, Light, and Abundance and Sharing, I honor you!

    To those of you who have started your realizations in this past decade or so, I wish you strength and fortitude. And to all of you just opening up and beginning to realize your soul path as the true nature and purpose in life, I send you great inspiration and love.

    All of us have chosen to experience this particular lifetime in the physical because we wanted to clean up our karma and ascend to planes of unconditional learning.

    This lifetime is a magnificent gift that has also been extremely intense for all who chose to discover awareness of the whole being and spiritual reality.

    Remember always, the same simple truths that have been handed down, century after century, still apply.

    The journey of life is about Self-Realization and Self-Actualization.

    May the beginning of this new cycle help you let go of the past and begin with what you have, and may you find grace and kindness in all that you do and that you are.

    Much Love,
    Athene Raefiel
    Athene Enterprises Inc.

    01-05-2010, 10:17 PM #14
    Avalon Spiritual Mother

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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Hello Susan ,

    I read you entire first post .. Did you write it for me .. Lol ..
    It does make a lot of sense ...
    Well if it's gone be like this for everyone .. as we are One really .. than we are in for
    quite a breakthrough this year ...
    Time to let go of clinging to the walls and... take off

    Thank you for your wonderfull energy .. feels like a waterfall to me ..

    Love from me

    01-05-2010, 10:40 PM #15
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger


    (you might want to turn down your volume, since she is loud)

    *note kristina, is altered with the being of "sophia' while she speaks

    However, her messages, are quite good !!!

    Her website is quite well written,
    she has been a guest, on The Journeys with Rebecca Show

    01-06-2010, 03:03 AM #16
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger

    The Code

    Ten Intentions for a Better World

    The First Intent ~ Support Life
    I refrain from opposing or harming anyone. I allow others to have their own experiences. I see life in all things and honor it as if it were my own. I support life.

    The Second Intent ~ Seek Truth
    I follow my inner compass and discard any illusions that are no longer serving me. I go to the source. I seek truth.

    The Third Intent ~ Set Your Course
    I begin the creative process. I give direction to my life. I set my course.

    The Fourth Intent ~ Simplify
    I let go, so there is room for something better to come in. I learn to trust by lining up with the highest good and knowing that I am guided, guarded and protected at all times. I am open to receive from expected and unexpected sources. I simplify.

    The Fifth Intent ~ Stay Positive
    I see good, say good and do good. I accept the gifts from all of my experiences. I am living in grace and gratitude. I stay positive.

    The Sixth Intent ~ Synchronize
    I am in the flow, fulfilling my desires and doing what I came here to do. Allowing beauty to guide me, I step into the present, where great mystery and miracles abide. I synchronize.

    The Seventh Intent ~ Serve Others
    I practice love in action. I always have enough to spare and enough to share. I am available to help those who need it. I serve others.

    The Eighth Intent ~ Shine Your Light
    I am a magnificent being, awakening to my highest potential. I express myself with joy, smiling easily and laughing often. I shine my light.

    The Ninth Intent ~ Share Your Vision
    I create my ideal world by envisioning it and telling others about it. I share my vision.

    The Tenth Intent ~ Synergize
    I see humanity as one. I enjoy gathering with lighthearted people regularly. When we come together, we set the stage for Great Oneness to reveal itself. We synergize.


    01-06-2010, 04:31 PM #17
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    The 13th Atlantis Grid
    is in Canada
    Attached Images
    atl13_dy1.jpg (11.3 KB, 5 views)

    01-06-2010, 05:04 PM #18
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Doug Yurchey is someone we crossed paths
    via email, and, telephone calls
    he helped us, with quite a few things,
    related to 13

    Atlantis Power Grid
    13th Location Discovered!!
    by Doug Yurchey

    Atlantis was a continent in the Atlantic Ocean and connected to 12 other colonies that formed a perfect GRID around the Earth. We know this now because of the long-awaited, (by a handful of people) new discovery in Canada. Precisely where a map of Atlantis from 1974 predicted SOMETHING would be found, something HAS been found by Google Earth. Here are the coordinates of a Nazca-like (image) INDIAN seen from high in the air: 50 degrees 0'38.20" N 110 degrees 6'48.32" W.
    Last edited by THE eXchanger; 01-06-2010 at 05:29 PM.

    01-06-2010, 05:27 PM #19
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    mary sutherland / doug yurchey


    this is loaded with good stuff, however, it might be 6hrs, and, 44minutes

    "people can get together, and, make changes" doug yurchey


    this is loaded with good stuff, however, it might be 3hrs, and, 46minutes
    Last edited by THE eXchanger; 01-06-2010 at 08:26 PM.

    01-06-2010, 05:29 PM #20
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    8/6/2007 coast to coast

    (there were a lot of problems, with this show ~ due to major interference)

    part 1

    part 2

    01-06-2010, 05:30 PM #21
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    and, then there is this one:

    We recently emailed him, to ask him, if he'd do a radio show
    and, we are waiting for him, to get back to us,
    also, we will invite him, to PA/PC

    (AS, we think, many of you, will enjoy what he has to say)

    01-06-2010, 07:30 PM #22
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger

    The Great 9/11 Magic Trick

    01-06-2010, 07:30 PM #23
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger

    The Lone Gunmen Prophecy

    01-06-2010, 07:31 PM #24
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Doug Yurchey

    01-06-2010, 09:20 PM #25
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Random Acts of Kindness

    One of my friends, Ernesto, started an amasing group on facebook
    all about how, acts of kindness that he, and, others have eXperienced
    in 2009, and, how their actions have impacted people in a positive way.

    We would like to invite you to join the group
    "Random Acts of Kindness", if you are already a member of face-book,
    here's the link:

    and/or, even if you do NOT join,
    you can work together with others in the world,
    to impact the world in a positive way, doing it alone.

    There is NOTHING better, than activating 'good work'
    thru acting with due 'cause', by asking yourself
    What iS iT you can contribute to this world?

    This is an amasing idea:

    The "Free Book Giveaway" in 2010
    to unite people into taking action,
    from The CrossRoads of The Lower Heart, and, The Higher Heart,
    and The CrossRoads of The Lower Mind, and, The Higher Mind,
    so, their actions, will make an impact,
    on the awareness, and, collective consciousness of this world,
    as it all revolves around, doing daily Random Acts of Kindness,
    thru giving, and, thru receiving.

    This group is being formed to give a face, as, well as, a shape,
    a 'real' voice to actions that you, along with many others,
    will take, in order to make a substantial impact, on all beings,
    on The Mother Earth, in a positive way.

    The higher levels of energy,
    of the seen/and, the unseen in the triad, trine & trinity of ether,
    of colour, of frequency, of light, of sound, of tone, and, of vibration
    that we place, into our consciously highly intended actions,
    of caring, of eXchanging, of giving/of receiving, and, of sharing,
    one to the other, the more the collective consciousness,
    will rise, thru our actions, and, the more people, we can impact,
    so, the whole world, becomes more delightful, joyful, and,
    grows in positive ways.

    What can you do today as you move about your day,
    at work, at home, at the office, and, do it,
    in ways, that will make someone elses life better, and, different ???

    iT can be done, through the actions, you can make.

    iT only takes, one action, to start a major difference, on iTs WAY.

    If you would like to use this forum to share what you have done
    or, what you have observed that others have done,
    real things, that have made a real impact on your life,
    share it, with this Facebook community.

    Tother, we can all create a momentum;
    a major shift in consciousness by all coming together
    and, by putting into every day,
    something special you can do, for someone else.

    The Free Book Giveaway~can happen everyday

    This iS a great way, to bring, good eXchange, into your life

    iT iS only when you give, that you truly receive, anything of value

    Ask yourself, have you read a book sometime in your life,
    that is just sitting around collecting dust ???

    Or, maybe a book, that in 2008/or 2009 had a major impact
    on your life, perhaps, a book, that had impacted your life,
    one, that inspired you, to move into higher action ???

    A book, that increased your awareness,
    one that eXpanded your depth, length or width, of your soul,
    one that opened you up, to getting on a path of greater awareness,
    and, growth, and, helped you to discover more,
    one, that made you realise,
    you are a 'spirit' having a much more 'spirited' journey ???

    Maybe, you have more than just one of them,
    and, if you do, what an idea,
    start a process, of sharing them,
    by, giving them away to a stranger !!!

    And what stranger you may ask...
    will benefit from such a book ???

    Well, if you allow fate, and, destiny to come together,
    it will likely bring the right person directly to finding the right book.

    Go to the first page of the book, you plan to gift/or give away,
    and, then write on the first page, a special dedication,
    something right out of your heart.

    Our idea:
    My Dearest Old Friend,
    while wandering this earth,
    this book made a major impact on my life,
    in order to set a 'good eXchange' in motion,
    we are choosing to share iT, with YOU.
    We hope that the words within iT impact you,
    and, help you, as, they have helped me.
    If you too, have books collecting dust,
    on your book shelves,
    perhaps, you might consider,
    sharing some of your books this way,
    with others, so, we all can create
    a big huge new world huge world of agape/love,

    Then sign your name.

    All you need to do, is just go to a public place,
    and leave the book or books on a park bench,
    at a bus stop, in the airport, at the train station,
    or your local coffee shop, or maybe somewhere else

    Then, simply walk away with a smile on your face.

    Doing "Random Act of Kindness" is a way,
    you can all activate a major change, NOW
    SO, people on this earth,
    can truly learn how to eXchange with one another

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    2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger Empty Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger

    Post  THEeXchanger Sun Jan 15, 2012 11:54 am

    THE eXchanger
    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    NOTE; it would be a good idea, NOT to copy this into posts
    so, we can EDiT iT

    2010- (3)
    The Year of Three Bridges/3Triads/3 Trines (9) + ORIGINAL SPARK (1) thru 3 Trinities 3-3-3/3 (+1) = 13

    The Year of The Original Spark (1)
    The Three Bridges, The Three Triads, The Three Trines (9)
    thru 3 Trinities (3)

    Original Spark ~ The largest Lizard

    the ancient meso-american,

    utilised the animal, The Lizard, as a totem animal,

    utilised the animal, The Tortoise/or Turtle, as a totem animal,

    (NOTE A TORTOISE/OR TURTLE-has 13 SECTIONS on its back)


    THE SUN~was a giver of life, and, a mirror

    THE MOTHER EARTH ~ was a giver of life, and, sacred ground/and, grounding

    THE GRANDMOTHER MOON ~ was created 3rd
    utilised the animal, The Loon, as a totem animal/or carian/bird
    interesting, is, that this carian/bird, has three sounds,
    an eerie laugh, a yodel, and, a wail

    THE GRANDFATHER SKY ~ was created 4th

    (3 + 1) ~ Similiar to Original Spark + 3

    1st Triangle/Triad/Trinity

    Physical ~ 1ST density
    Emotional ~ 2ND density
    Intellectual ~ 3RD density

    2nd Triangle/Triad/Trinity
    Etheric ~ 4TH density
    Low Astral ~ 5TH density
    High Astral ~ 6TH density



    of THE MOTHER(divine fem) & THE FATHER(divine mas)


    ALSO- long forgotten, iT represents

    3rd Triangle

    your 7th density~Low Causal
    your 8th density~Mid Causal
    your 9th density~High Cauasl

    and, when you blend it
    thru 18 virtues ~ NOTE the 18 strokes on THE SUN ~that is a clue

    (We will insert this, on the next post ~ we rec'd them on 10/10/2008-when they were given)
    on next post


    that ALLOWS you to land ~ THE MiSSiNG CAPSTONE
    and, bring in

    4th Triangle which thru bridges, forms a Triad/Trine/or Trinity
    (of 12 points + original spark)

    your 7th density~Higher Self
    your 8th density~Essence
    your 9th density~MONAD

    13 ASPECTS
    from ORiGINAL SPARKS + 9 (above) + 3 (hs/e/m) = 13 aspects

    K & C - thru Susan
    back in 1994
    (it took us, until 10/25/2007-to merge it)
    almost 13 years
    Attached Images
    Original Spark+6-sun.jpg (11.4 KB, 5 views)
    Last edited by THE eXchanger; 01-11-2010 at 05:02 AM.

    01-07-2010, 01:34 AM #27
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    THE 18 ViRTUES
    from 10/10/2008
    thru Susan/The eXchanger

    (insert radio show link)

    01-07-2010, 02:04 AM #28
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    We are going to talk about how they altered your time

    iT iS important to understand ~ THE GRANDMOTHER MOON

    along with her 28 guardians

    back on 10/14/2008 - when we said,
    there would NOT be any contact

    we got contacted~just to teach us a lesson

    our contact came from~The TWENTY-EiGHT (28) Guardians of THE MOON

    YOU might want to acquaint yourself
    with this moon calender

    you can move iT back/or forward

    (even see, what the moon looked like, when you were born)

    01-07-2010, 02:13 AM #29
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    also~unlike, everyone else, or, almost everyone else,
    we can NOT seem to get the hang of this picture launching stuff,
    and, our whole brain, makes iT hard, to database instructions
    (and, we have to admit, we are too impatient to learn, that type of stuff)
    our mind, is oft times, leaps & bounds, ahead of our fingers,
    whilst multi-tasking/or, trying to sort out, huge downloads of information.

    We could share a lot of things, however
    ~ without some sort of assistence,
    we can NOT spend a whole day, to try to figure out,
    how to put simple 1/2/3's, etc., onto pictures
    and, have our energy, crash the projects,
    and, keep ending up frustrated ~ & hours/and, hours invested into the computer
    when someone who understands this, could do it, in about 10 minutes of time

    words alone, are sometimes hard to eXpress thoughts

    so, perhaps, there are some kind souls here,
    who might, be in the usa/or canada,
    that we can talk to via the telephone,
    who can label a few drawings for us,
    and/or, someone here who is clever,
    and, can draw things,
    into charts, or something ???

    01-07-2010, 06:25 PM #30
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Remote file is too large

    WE really need some help ???

    is there NOT someone here, WHO CAN HELP US ???

    THIS trying to do computer work, without the knowledge of how to do it
    and, with instructions, that don't seem to work on our computer,
    is frustrating

    (is there someone in canada/or usa, that can walk me through this, via a telephone)
    Last edited by THE eXchanger; 01-07-2010 at 06:38 PM.

    01-07-2010, 08:07 PM #31
    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger

    posting this for susan ..

    01-07-2010, 08:08 PM #32
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    the next frog - is the 9 aspects ~ of YOU
    (the physical/emotional/and, intellectual bodies-T1 1-2-3)
    (the etheric/low astral/and, high astral) T2 4-5-6)
    (the low causal, the mid causal/and, the high causal) T3 7-8-9)

    and, on top of that
    is The Higher Self Frog 7th Density
    and, on top of that
    is The Essence Frog 8th Density
    and, on top of that
    is The Monad Frog 9th Density

    (you bring your levels of 1-6 in 2 flying triangles-and, protect them, so, nothing can get into them)

    (then, you activate / or match up - 7 to 7 8 to 8 , and, 9 to 9)

    1+9+3=13 aspects = to get to 9th density / 33rd dimension (in 3 matriXes)
    / 21st dimension (in 2 matriXes)
    / 9th dimension (in 1 matriX)

    and, your heredity soul family from 10th density/34th dimension comes in through iT all !!!
    Last edited by THE eXchanger; 01-07-2010 at 08:14 PM.

    01-08-2010, 06:59 PM #33
    THE eXchanger
    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    QUESTION: I hate my father, and, do NOT want to deal with him,
    this is my last lifetime, and, i am NEVER coming back again

    What you hate, you will get to eXperience,
    over, and, over again, until you come into agape/or love with iT
    and, oneness previals

    If you have issues, with others, perhaps, othe races,
    guess what, in your neXt life cycle, that iS eXactly what iT is,
    you will become

    If you believe, you are NEVER going to come back again,
    likely, very likely, you will NEED to come back,
    many more times, until, you do NOT need to state,
    'i will NOT come back again'

    many who do NOT need to come back again - COME

    RIGHT now, this world, is full, of many
    who fit the bill, for NOT needing to come back again,
    but, are back again, due to WiLL leading THE WAY

    HERE ARE SOME Things, for you to ponder
    take what works, and, discard, the rest...
    everything, is here to relate/and,
    to have relations-and, real_iS-ons
    with others ~ everyone is part, of a greater eXpression fo ALL

    if, you do NOT choose to make peace with others/and,
    with situations

    if, you do NOT choose to revolve issues,
    that are disturbing to both
    you/and, your father ~ and, very likely, with others too

    and, if, you do NOT choose to create/and, to co-create
    a different set of circumstances,
    that eXist between you/and, your father ~ and, others

    The two of you, will indeed, have another cycle / or cycles
    for even, if it does NOT appear to be eXisting
    there is a thread of love between a father/and, a son~that eXists

    and, although, there is NO DOUBT
    most souls, have issues, with parents,
    normally one, and, NOT both of them,
    never-the-less, this is why you choose them

    the lessons at the foot of a father, are, NOT nearly so harsh,
    as, the lessons learned at the foot,
    of a slave master/or task master...
    both of you, choose these sets of circumstances,
    to learn thru, and, to eXchange,
    one to the other...

    and, if, the two of you,
    do NOT resolve it, in this lifetime,
    as, father/and, son,
    (for truly, there is NOT any father/son, mother/daughter relationship)
    that does NOT have hidden down, deep inside of all eXchanges,
    within this life cycle, and, within other life cycles,
    there are many 'old strings' of hate/and, of love
    and, if lessons, etc., are NOT learned within this life cycle
    in the next lifetime, the lessons,
    will NOT be of a father/and, son,
    in fact, they may NOT be nearly so kind)

    some people, do unto others, as, others have done unto them,
    and, it could be said, they do NOT know any better

    many people-beaten, by others ~ where they, themselves beaten

    you will learn - both sides of all equations ~ the beater/and, the beaten

    for that is a 'sad' truth

    eventually, you arrive at a point,
    where you are your own beaten/and, beater

    in the journey thru life
    this is why,
    compassion/and, being compassionate, is so, important

    what is NOT learned, thru lessons in this life cycle,
    come back into play, in the next life cycle,
    and, although they will be presented different/and,

    they become, more, and, more difficult, to learn

    in fact, they may, come in the way,
    of outside, of a family unit,
    and, be more of the order/and, the nature
    of controlled/and, controller

    similiar to the lessons of a master/slave,

    if resolution, to this, and, to other issues,
    you might have, are NOT discovered, NOR found,
    the need to learn the lesson ~ iT iS eXists

    there are 30+ monads, for souls, to eXperience together
    until you work it out, and, end up,
    with a love monad/or, a heart_link with another soul,
    where, the two of you, have completed, each and, everyone of them,
    you will cycle, and, cycle and cycle, with your father/and, other souls,
    until you/and, them, get it right ...

    So, rest assured, the thought/or thoughts of escaping this lifetime,
    to avoid learning lessons, will NOT insure,
    this life cycle, will end it all,
    and, that this life cycle, will be the last, you will see of them,
    as, the truth is, that, you do, still need to deal with this soul,
    and, if NOT within this life cycle, it will be within, ones to come.

    Have NO doubt, the things you hold issues with
    they show up, in each, and, every progressive life cycle
    until you deal with them, handle them, and, complete the eXchange.

    Albeit, in the neXt cycles,
    both of you, will be, within different forms/and, different sets of circumstances...they will eXist there, just, as you will eXist there.

    Far better, to just release/forgive/and, let go,
    of anything that disturbs you
    (oft times, the things that disturb you, need your energy,
    just, as, you need their energy - everything is a 2 way street)

    When you give this, always, and, in all ways,
    ask for the same in return,
    remembeer what goes round, comes round ~
    giving/and, receiving - are, really, one in the same
    iT iS always those who give more, who receive more~
    and, learning just this, in any life cycle, will bring about a great deal
    of good and substanial eXchange, into your life cycle, that will be good

    This life cycle moves into another life cycle
    almost as if, you are moving from the bottom of a cone,
    and, experiencing, the whole cone, from bottom, to top

    The ancients drew pictures, such as, the one attached,
    to express that thought

    Think of the picture, and, each of the cones,
    as, 1/12 of 12 grand cycles,
    where the 'core' is the 13th
    and, is the sum total, of all 12 grand cycles,
    coming together, as, The 13Th Grand Cycle.

    (insert picture--12 around 1=12/13)

    you can find, although of brilliant info on ellie's site
    at: something, a message, we were once given,
    to relay to another person..was this:
    Attached Images
    12around1sm13.jpg (9.2 KB, 3 views)

    01-08-2010, 07:47 PM #34
    THE eXchanger
    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Originally Posted by THE eXchanger on this 74
    april 17 is 17/4
    JESUS BIRTHDAY was April 17, 6 BC
    written 17/4/6 bc
    6bc / 747 AUC
    or = 17/4/747
    if sacrifice = 73
    then 1 sacrifice= a sacrifice = 1+73=74
    parables = 74
    gospel74 according 74 to st.74
    then GOD = 7_4 (if 0=0) g=7 d=4 0=0
    A-C = 1-2-3
    on 66
    66 miracles
    66 seals
    on 66 = 33 x 2 sets
    and, also a 2nd set
    on 66 = 33 x 2 sets
    11 x 6 ???
    are we on the right track with this ???

    Originally Posted by abraxasinas
    Indeed you are on the right track dear Susan.
    Your Love for Unity and Harmony will not fail you.
    You are protected from the 'Evil' you yet perceive.
    Love Abrax aka John=47
    The eXchanger says:

    We are going to continue,
    our thoughts, here on this here,
    as, to NOT confuse, another thread ...

    We are a Record Keeper, or Scribe,
    one who shines light on knowledge,
    one who can read records,
    one who can write into the secred sections of:
    The Libraries, of The Grand Central Sun
    one of which, is located in the core of gaia,
    one of which, is located in Alcoyne, part of the 7 sisters star system
    and, one of which, i s located on The Planet of Venus.

    We are a being, who is 9D-9th Density, D=density
    and, operate up and, through 33d -33 Dimensions, d=dimensions

    We connect into our 10D-34d
    - soul family of metatron-and,
    KulKulKan-The Forever Grandfather
    as, well as, The future monad, of susan
    which is CulCulCan, which is now located in 9D/33d
    earth time/or earth tyme.

    The wingmaker work of abraxasinas,
    we have been following, some of his mathematical formulas/
    and, relations~as, we are a part of his yahoogroup

    although, we have been following 'wingmaker' stuff
    since, it came into being, on the internet...
    and, have worked with others, who understand iT,
    who are starting to join, the forum here,
    our knowledge, about 1-2-3, 4-5-6, 7-8-9,
    10, 11-unknown, 12/13 ~ eXisted before, crossing paths
    with him/or his group,
    as, we made our own merge into 7/8/9,
    (9D.33d) back on 10/25/2007

    we see, from 'serious' discernment'
    as, well, as, his ability, to just openly share,
    that he has indeed, brought into our awareness,
    and, our eXistence, pieces of information,
    that valide, our part of this project
    of The 13 Keys /or, Aspects - of what we all are,
    that we have worked on, since the 70's
    from the summer of your 17th year...

    we are sincerely, appreciate,
    for crossing paths with him,
    mark hempel of wingmakers,
    and, "M" - who may wish to make himself known,
    upon this thread - as, well as, "BSA" who is also a member,
    albeit, another 'james' he is NOT 'james/of wingmakers'
    and a few others, who are NOW, in the midst of joining this website

    So, good to have so many of you, choosing to come here,
    to share
    Last edited by THE eXchanger; 01-10-2010 at 03:27 AM.

    01-08-2010, 07:52 PM #35
    THE eXchanger
    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    (from 1999 forward)
    (pre 1999-will be on a website link)

    Rebecca J~was the one, who saved us, in The Ethers,
    back on 10/25/2007
    ~when we attempted to merge, the future 9/9/9~
    and, there is NO eXperience better, than, a 'real' one,
    so, when things got dicey, we telepathed to Rebecca,
    through The Elohim ... Many thanks, and, eternal gratitude to you,
    and, your team ~ we would likely NO longer be here,
    iF iT was NOT for, the call you answered, in our time of need,
    that you understand, so, very well ~ you came in, along with the team,
    and, gave us, an ethertic transfusion of energies, that re-started our heart,
    it is with, eternal gratitude/and, eternal apage/love, and, many, many thanks, to you.

    'M', who helped us, in so many ways,
    there is, NOT enough space,
    to relay, what he can do, and, KAN can do,
    when we are all working as a team.
    working with us/and, our team,
    our eXchange is timeless...let us know, how to reveal you

    also Gee Whiz, and, everyone at

    also, Sal Rachele, going back to 1999-to present,
    he is always there, doing an assortment of things,

    along with, our friends, Kira Raa & Sri Ram Kaa
    from 2005.

    also, athene raefiel ( who did a rebirthing for us, in 2004

    Also, going back, thanks to Yarbro, for writing "messages from michael"

    Back into the 90's Shepherd Hoodwin (,
    Emily (,
    Nancy Gordon ( ang936(at)aol(dot)com,
    Karen Murphy (
    Troy (
    & Dave Gregg ( "The MIchael Students"-too numerous to mention
    although, the guidance of Kathryn & Ed, was always full of amasing stuff.

    AND, ALSO going back, to 2006,
    our sound encoding was redone,
    by Peter Farley, of, and, was amasing,
    and, we are eternally grateful to him, as, he made us, realise,
    our true connection to 'three' of 'thirty-three' 3/33

    and, to Mark David Gerson sound encoding
    and, to Curtis Folts of (currently writing a book) chakra work
    and, to Walks with Thunder (blessings)
    and, to Annette ~ (insight)
    and, to Karen Anderson of
    and, to Kerrie O'Connor of
    and, to Steven Hairfield of

    (and, a few others-who still need to be listed)

    and, to Angel-Light-Love, who assisted us,
    with her chart making/and, her team, as, well, as, our own team
    for breaking us free

    and, to Suzan of - who by the
    assistence, and, the help of "m"~he gifted us,
    with the gift of true life, the re-birth, of our physical earth heart
    in summer of 2009

    (there are also, rafts of people, pre-2004)
    which we will put up, on our website,

    going back to summer of 1974~ in our 17th year, at 16
    where we were forunate enough
    to meet with JK & Buckminster "Bucky" Fuller

    and, going back to summer of 1967-in our 9th year, at 8
    we had a grandfather, who was a 32nd degree mason,
    and, a great ufologist, who gave us, some master key books,
    by charles f. haanel, and, some rare edmund shaftesbury courses,

    TRUTH is, what iT iS

    iT took us, over 33 years, to truly understand,
    this journey of ours~
    and, how iT iS that it dove-tails,
    into all the other journeys,
    we look forward, to sharing many things with all of you,
    so, all of us, might make choices,
    to discover, the truth, of The 'real" riSe in consciousness.
    Last edited by THE eXchanger; 01-10-2010 at 03:28 AM.

    01-08-2010, 07:56 PM #36
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    One person, many people have missed
    we put up a thread on their work
    Farley -- who lit up the california airwaves
    for decades

    (not sure, why people miss the real good ones)

    This man, is likely the grand-daddy of the metaphysical airwaves
    1975, until 1986 - and, even did the on tv / astrology report

    HIS ARCHIEVE online, is absolutely amasing/and, stellar

    (someone who really helped us, a lot)

    01-08-2010, 07:58 PM #37
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    There is also, another one
    from late 1990's to 2006

    - who still chooses to remain hidden (with NO internet prescence)

    they carry the eXpression of MERLiN

    we have invited them, to come to,

    and, they know farley, sal, and, myself - quite well

    (this person, was pivotal - in my own evolvement)

    01-08-2010, 08:01 PM #38
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    investing into your own evolvement ~ iS important

    We are also grateful
    to one, who put his hand, along with the hands of others,
    into destroying Atlantis

    who help us, in a 'hopelessly loving~hopelessly loved" monad
    from approx 39 til 48 ~ known as 'rs'

    iF NOT for them ~ would we have eXplored
    higher self / essence / and, monad
    of ourselves, and, of them, and, others
    in the way, in which, WE DiD ???

    01-08-2010, 08:02 PM #39
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger the real '3' graces,
    ever survived thru this, we will NEVER truly know !!!

    01-08-2010, 08:06 PM #40
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    The biggest part of what we will share

    is related to:

    THE UNiTED & UNiFiED force of 6/7

    where we lived thru

    maid - as, a made
    mother-as, a mother-who was emptied at age 33
    (interesting story, about this, a trip to venus, and,
    came back empty)

    and, into crone

    c for caring, r for revelations, o for open, n for NOW, e-for eXchange

    we see this,
    as, the journey of
    grandfather/father/sun-or, son (thanks, to kentroversky)

    or The Father/and, The Mother energies,
    which iS within, all of us, within all, all in all's

    The 7-7's
    The 12/13's
    The 47-74
    The 66 ~33/33
    11+11 +11
    44=The Grand Cycle of Avalaon/and, of Camelot
    and, the now:
    Viviane = 37/10/1
    9191 = 10/10 = 1/1 (iSiS) ~ The Order of Melz
    10 = 10/1 (malkuth) ~ The Order of The Elohim

    The 3 orders ~
    The Order of Melz
    The Order of The Elohim
    The Order of Metatron

    MATRiX 1 / MATRiX 2 / MATRiX 3
    12 d 12 d 12d
    12 d 24 d 36d
    12d/13d ~ 1 matriX
    24d/24d ~ 2 matriX
    36d/36d ~ 3 matriX
    9d/33d ~ 2 matriXes completed / 9th density achieved
    Last edited by THE eXchanger; 01-08-2010 at 09:16 PM.

    01-08-2010, 08:35 PM #41
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    as, well as,
    (10/11/12-not yet)
    Original Spark
    3 aspects of Higher Self/Essence/and, Monad (7/8/9)
    moving into your 7/8/9 - low causal / mid causal / high causal
    and, preparing THE MiSSiNG CAPSTONE

    and, mostly how to escape
    THE 6TH DENSITY HARVEST ~ AS, that iS NOT where you want to go
    Last edited by THE eXchanger; 01-09-2010 at 01:58 AM.

    01-09-2010, 01:59 AM #42
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    THE 3 NEMESIS...
    how, many here, would like to know
    how you deal with those ???

    01-09-2010, 02:50 AM #43
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Blue Whale ‘Song of Death’ Says Warns World Of 2012 Catastrophe:

    ...."To the Blue Whales ‘Song of Death’ the Yupik shamans are referring to, baffled Western Scientists are now also reporting that these largest animals our World has ever known have indeed begun to mysteriously change their ‘songs’, all over our Planet for the first time in recorded history, and in what John Calombokidis, a blue whale expert at the Cascadia Research Collective, notes is a “fascinating finding”.

    See Full Text:

    01-09-2010, 02:58 AM #44
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    wise words, from some of my friends, for 2010

    Wishing you all an incredible and prosperous life
    no matter what the rest of the world is up to .

    Enjoy this empowering message below.

    Love and Peace
    David aka Sunwolf

    "I invite you to welcome 2010 and to think of it as the year
    in which you know without a doubt that you are not alone in your journey.
    Feel the ground beneath your feet and know that it is an extension of your natural self.
    Look at the sky above and remember that your soul is a wise being who knows the next step
    as well as the way home.
    The elements are your kin as are the kingdoms.
    This year you will feel more a part of them than apart from them.
    You may even have a more direct experience with them than you have had before.
    Expect this to be a year of complementary companionship,
    one in which you are joined by new energies and acquaintances or reunited with older, familiar ones.
    Can you recall that same old wish that never seems to come true?
    Wish again, as if for the first time.
    It is a good year for second chances, and third or fourth ones too.
    2010 is a year of reversals and renewals.
    Trust in your ability to reverse something that did not go as planned.
    Turn it inside out, on its head or on its side. Be willing to take a back step or side step (not backward)
    in order to take a better step forward.
    Let the laws of nature speak to you and for you as well,
    especially if you lose or forget your authentic self or profound truth.
    What you have earned is yours to keep and nature will return it to you.
    Walk tall. Hold your head high and roll your shoulders back
    so that you will receive the plentiful rays of the sun.
    As a Family of Light you will emerge from the shadow of doubt in 2010.
    Do not be timid.
    Whenever possible walk with a light but certain step.
    You will see that you are well accompanied!" ~ Gaia

    (this sounds like Pepper Lewis, who channels, Gaia)

    01-09-2010, 03:02 AM #45
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    During channeling, a naturally occurring substance is released
    into your energetic lifestream.
    This calming, restorative and endorphin-like substance invokes
    an almost immediate sense of well-being that enhances
    and deepens your own natural knowing.
    As you continue to trust your abilities and explore your relationship
    with the divine, you will access subtler and sweeter realms.
    You may notice that your connection to the physical planes
    also lightens as the density that has limited you yields
    its boundaries and begins to favor less constricting environments.

    Access to divine wisdom through channeling is natural.
    The language of the divine is native to you because your natural state
    is as Spirit.

    You have only dressed yourself in filaments and fibers
    that resemble a human body.
    You have cloaked yourself in human form
    and adapted to the the lower five sensory receptors,
    but there are others from which to choose
    and they are available to those who draw near enough to claim them."
    ~ Gaia (through Pepper Lewis)

    01-09-2010, 03:04 AM #46
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    This is only archieved to the public (for free)
    for one more day

    If you scroll down to the bottom of the link
    you can listen to it on your computer. there are also ways of calling in but with different numbers for each state I think.
    You can read about her at the link below too.
    Pepper Lewis ~ The Gaia lady ~

    Who is Gaia?
    Gaia is everything that makes up the Earth including the space it holds in the universe as well as its relationships with other planets and stars.

    Gaia is the soul of the planet.

    Gaia spoke of 2010 being a solar year as time is a human illusion. She spoke of numbers being vibration and contain the solar aspect or the wind.

    We were encouraged to not stand by watching others going by… that each of us will be called to join the human race. Some of us will finish unfinished projects, while others will have a need to do something.

    Being on the sidelines is a way of being “in” the same ideas, but “living” is a state of self-discovery. We are encouraged to structure our lives in the direction in what real wealth looks like (wealth isn’t money).

    Global needs will ebb and flow throughout this year… and this tidal changes will cause many to think there is a shortage of something or another. However, there is never a shortage; this is an illusion based on time and space.

    Gaia spoke of staying clear of polarities, running from one extreme to the next (from the negative to the positive). She suggested we remain neutral because in this state brings greater ideas.

    We need to be secure in the knowing that all is indeed well by drawing a breath. And if we believe that something is in short supply, we need to look for those things that are not in demand.

    When one thing is invisible, something else will become visible.

    Drawing a breath or pausing is a gift from the universe that we can move in without time because time doesn’t enter the equation of a paused moment as much… Gaia gave us the example of pausing a movie.

    We need to momentarily extract ourselves from time in order to create.

    2010 will be the year of elusiveness, and we shouldn’t get caught up in “patterns”. In fact, we should use these patterns to navigate ourselves to a safe place.

    Recognize what’s taking place without getting attached.

    2010 will also be the year of CHOICES. Instead of wondering what bad events are coming our way (i.e. the state of the economy, unending wars, etc.), we should hold our attention on the New Year with the same energy that takes place on New Year’s Eve. Where we are hopeful of new beginnings!

    Gaia made clear that our recovery will happen when we start making… new choices. That all beings and all things can renew themselves… the choice to do so depends on how much willpower exists in us.

    What an incredible call! Enjoy!

    This is a call, worthy of listening too (will only be there, til Jan 9th/2010)

    01-09-2010, 03:06 AM #47
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Reality Quaking
    Mother Earth (Gaia) through Pepper Lewis

    A dear friend of mine has been stricken with panic since reading a dire warning about devastating earthquakes that are due to strike California. Another friend sent me an email about the U.S. economy collapsing completely and resulting in hunger, violence, etc. Apparently, the 'prophet' dreamed that it would be so
    and decided to post it on Facebook. Needless to say, the predicted date passed without incident,
    but not before spreading fear like a wildfire.
    It amazes me that there are so many doomsday predictions and that people are taking them seriously.
    Where is our common sense?

    Common sense would be more common if people actually shared the senses that they have in common
    with one another including intuitive abilities, telepathic sequencing, intellectual (reasoning) faculties
    and collective consciousness.
    All of these are based upon humanity's natural understanding of itself.
    Common sense is the actual place in which all of the senses come together.
    This sense data is then processed and immediately made available to the individual,
    whose perception fulfills the next function. Individuals have different common sense based
    upon what their own personal and social experience has shown them.
    Once all of the various sensations have been categorized they are ready to be passed
    on to the group or collective consciousness.
    Currently, the term common sense refers to beliefs or propositions that most people
    would consider prudent and sound, without reliance on esoteric knowledge, study or research.
    So why do so many people take doomsday predictions seriously?

    The simple truth is that humanity believes in the possibility of its own extinction.
    It has witnessed and even participated in the extinction of other earth life forms
    and has studied a variety of probable theories for the extinction of some of its own ancestors.
    Your holy books suggest that both natural and unnatural forces have or have had power over you,
    and that you must struggle to make your way in life.
    Scripture common to a variety of religions also tells of celestial beings that work tirelessly on your behalf, defending and upholding your will in this life and beyond.
    Humans are the only beings on earth who know that they will die,
    and you have come to expect that disease, old age or an unforeseen catastrophe
    will one day take you elsewhere.
    This being a time of unprecedented change, it is not surprising that you are searching for precautions
    and preparations.


    Humanity's collective cellular memory has retained records of every event in its history,
    including those that might be called doomsday events.
    A doomsday event is a specific, plausibly verifiable or hypothetical occurrence,
    which has an exceptionally destructive effect on the human race.
    Hypothetical doomsday events include major disruptions in human civilization,
    extinction of human life, destruction of planet Earth and even the annihilation of the entire universe.
    More than 50% of you believe that at least one of these scenarios is possible,
    and an even greater percentage believe that such an event would likely be man-made.
    Doomsday scenarios can be divided into three major categories,
    natural occurrences, man-made scenarios and supernatural events.

    Natural occurrences might include a global pandemic, a geological event,
    a gamma ray burst or other devastating cosmic radiance, an abrupt reorientation of Earth's axis of rotation,
    a drastic increase or decrease in the Sun's power output, an impact event such as a collision
    with a large meteoroid, asteroid or comet, a sudden change in the physical constants
    that govern the universe, the close approach of a black hole, severe climate change and more.
    A smattering of man-made events to consider include the over depletion of important and necessary planetary resources, a nuclear, chemical or biological war, a cybernetic revolt, unchecked global warming,
    particle collision based upon failed Hadron collider tests (or other large-scale colliders) and more.

    Supernatural events consist of all other possibilities that cannot be explained or included
    in the previous two categories, such as an act of divine retribution or purification
    as might be inspired by the Last Judgment or other religious circumstance.

    Arguments for and against doomsday scenarios are almost as old as the earth,
    but rise and fall in popularity in accordance with empirical data, religious doctrine,
    archaeological discoveries, predictions and postulations, changes in calendar count,
    and spiritual or mystical beliefs.

    Humanity's is currently experiencing a moment of heightened sensitivity in this regard
    and its excitement and anxiety will continue to rise into the foreseeable future.

    The branch of philosophy most concerned with this phenomenon is appropriately named, Eschatology,
    which is the study of what is believed to be the final events in the history of the world,
    or the ultimate destiny of humanity, also referred to as the end of the world or the end of days.

    Interestingly, mystical traditions see the end of the world metaphorically,
    as the end of ordinary reality and the reunion with the Divine.
    By contrast, the ultimate destiny of humanity is taught by many traditional religions
    as an actual future event(s) that has been prophesied in sacred texts.

    Distinctions in historical periods and measurements of time have also contributed
    to differences in theological significance. In mystical traditions the end of time
    relates to escaping confinement within a given reality.
    Some religions, on the other hand, whose interpretations are more literal,
    believe in the physical destruction of the planet and/or all living things upon it.
    A related and more modern belief system, apocalypticism,
    which includes both religious and secular followers, believes in a violent disruption
    and destruction of the world and in the consummation, perfection and creation of the next world.
    Such beliefs generally include the human race surviving in some new form, and in a new age.


    Today, the 2012 phenomenon has taken center age, and for at least the next few years
    any challenge or mystery associated with human life on earth will in some way
    be attributed to the 2012 phenomenon.
    Basically, the 2012 phenomenon consists of a range of beliefs and proposals that suggest
    that one or more transformative events will occur in the year 2012,
    with an emphasis upon December 21st (winter solstice) as the most significant day of the year.
    The 2012 phenomenon is not new and has been a part of human archaeoastronomical speculation
    since at least 3113 BCE, approximately measured in astronomical years.
    December 21st, 2012 is the last day of the fourth world in the Mayan Long Count calendar,
    the end of a 5,125-year cycle.
    Other pre-Columbian Mesoamerican cultures used similar calendars,
    and had alternate beliefs about the calendar's creation and purpose.
    Some of these include mythical creation dates, numerological constructions,
    and prophecies from extraterrestrial beings.

    The Mayan calendar included calendars and almanacs that were used to determine
    what day it was, whether it was a civil or ceremonial (divine) day, what god ruled the day,
    and how well the crops might fare in a given cycle.
    It is important to note that the Mayan calendar, as it is called today did not originate
    with the Maya, but with their ancestors, the Toltec and the ones before them as well.
    One version of the calendar took into account not only the date,
    but also the influence of time upon the linear relationship with respect to the distant past
    and the far future. From a mythical starting point (origination),
    the calendar was capable of referring to, or predicting with great accuracy,
    the relationship of any one date to another, or to the calendar itself.
    That is how they arrived at December 21st as the End of the Fifth World.
    The Maya also kept track of lunar cycles and the cycles of other planets,
    most specifically that of Venus.

    The Mayan culture and calendar has been a grand teacher for humanity,
    and a specific point of reference for spiritualists, New Age thinkers, futurists,
    and other students of life.

    The New Age interpretation of the 2012 phenomenon is strongly rooted in the Mayan culture,
    but divided in their beliefs. While some believe that the earth and its inhabitants (some or all)
    will undergo a physical and spiritual transformation that will mark the beginning of new era,
    others believe that the 2012 date marks the beginning of a destructive and apocalyptical time
    of great change in which humanity is further divided, challenged,
    adversely by nature and other forces, and vastly reduced in number.
    Both ideas continue to proliferate, producing offspring theories and conjectures that perplex,
    mystify and frighten logical thinkers and irrational theorists alike.
    Interestingly, the classic Mayan calendar does not suggest or predict impending doom
    or specific catastrophes of any kind. Even among modern Mayans
    there is little universal agreement about what, if anything, the date might mean or bring.

    Attempts by academics such as astronomers and natural scientists to dispel 2012 theories
    and rumors have been almost completely unsuccessful.
    Contemporary mainstream scholars continue to reject apocalyptic forecasts,
    arguing that the date is largely irrelevant and that acceptable or available source material is scarce, contradictory and unsubstantiated.

    The intellectually elite liken fears about 2012 to those that surfaced around the year 2000, citing this reference as an adequate analysis of the phenomenon, and yet the phenomenon persists. Why?


    Human evolution is largely based upon physical and psychological adaptation;
    a relativistic concept that explains collective leaps in consciousness as well as new eras or ages.
    Adaptation leads to changes in both belief and behavior, and assists humanity to push
    beyond the limits of rationality, which in turn allows humanity to solve recurrent questions
    about human ancestry and current problems of an environmental nature.
    Behaviors and emotions that are universal or at least cross-cultural tend to reflect the greatest results. Therefore, when large groups of humans begin to believe and act in new and different ways,
    even irregular and erratic ones, a new genetic and biological material is born,
    whose cognition leads to the expansion of all things,
    including a deeper understanding of the world(s) one lives in,
    the size and scope of the universe, and the individual's relationship to All That Is.

    The ongoing effect of Hubble telescope's representations of the universe upon humanity
    is a living example of this adaptation principle.

    Consider for a moment how your view of the cosmos has changed.

    Hubble has taught humanity that extra-solar planets are quite common,
    and has put to rest the idea that our Sun is unusual in having planets

    . In fact, it would be fair to say that the earth is a relatively ordinary planet orbiting
    a relatively ordinary star in an ordinary galaxy, one of countless others in this universe
    within an even greater multiverse that will one day merge with the omniverse.

    Humanity has learned that it is not simply a privileged observer of the universe.

    It is part of the earth's biosphere, not above it, beneath it or unique to it.

    This understanding is an important key to other upcoming leaps in consciousness and evolution.


    The onset of an evolutionary leap can be a difficult and inconsistent time for humanity.
    It creates large gaps that humanity must contend with including some,
    but not all of the physical and psychological anomalies that you are currently undergoing.

    A marked increase in melancholy and depression is one, as is a decrease in the stability of present-day
    and past memory recall, physical and/or sexual orientation,
    a worrisome concern for one's physical surroundings,
    a general sense of lack of everything from wellness to physical and economic resources,
    a bleak or obscure outlook of the future, increased fear, anxiety, and even panic
    over the normal challenges of life.
    While these are no more than symptoms of change,
    they are nonetheless taxing upon the central nervous system and upsetting to the personality self.

    Evolutionary leaps also spark changes in the nature and structure of reality.
    Reality is what you call your existence upon the earth.
    It consists of everything that exists in your life or happens to you.
    Your reality allows you to feel authentic and alive.
    During an evolutional leap the future of your (this) reality is possible,
    but not necessarily probable, because you are simultaneously exploring other timelines,
    dimensions and potentials for growth.
    When the certainty of one future is not guaranteed other futures exist as possibilities.
    They become real, exist in the same moment as you do and operate under the same variable laws as you do. This is a very accurate description of what you are presently undergoing,
    and why the sky is the limit where your uncertainties are concerned.

    Those with an ability to ÒseeÓ beyond the ordinary,
    as well as those who channel, interpret, or otherwise divine
    what remains hidden or invisible to others are not exempt from the pitfalls and gaps
    that exist in the present moment.
    This includes oracles, clairvoyants, mystics, philosophers, visionaries,
    as well as those who interpret dreams for themselves or others, and more.

    In fact, it could be argued that those who would assemble under this flag
    are even more susceptible to reality quaking than others.
    A reality quake is what happens to a reality that has been overly stressed,
    corrupted or compromised by another force, natural or otherwise.

    Such influences include, but are not limited to belief systems, unique crossroads and timelines,
    dimensions, new discoveries and revelations.

    Under the effect of these new influences,
    the first reality can no longer exist in its present form,
    nor sustain or uphold the original framework from which it was created.

    A quake brought about by one ore more influences has now compelled
    a modification of the original reality in part or in whole.

    The original structure, which now contains less of the material from which realities are made,
    can never be recovered or restored; it has been forever altered.

    Where do prophets and prophecies come in?
    They are the glue that helps to fill the cracks in the cosmic egg.
    They offer bridges from here to there, if there is where you want to go.
    Your beliefs will take you almost anywhere, but it is always best to decide that for yourself,
    if at all possible. L

    ike it or not, you are now on the fast track in the discovery and development of all of your faculties.

    It is time to put into practice all that you have studied and learned over several millennia of time.

    Allow those who thunder and quake that the end is near to collapse under the weight of their own words.

    Be led if you like, but not misled if at all possible.

    The end is as near as the next beginning.

    It is simply a matter of turning the page with an eagerness to experience what is next.

    I submit to you that change is inevitable and evolution unavoidable.

    Surrender the obsolete, embrace the new and anticipate the next experience with an open heart and mind.

    Mother Earth (Gaia) through Pepper Lewis
    Last edited by THE eXchanger; 01-09-2010 at 03:16 AM.

    01-09-2010, 03:30 AM #48
    THE eXchanger
    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Aug 2008
    Location: Spiritual eXplorer-Canada
    Posts: 4,915
    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    excellent source for radio shows

    (free when shows are broadcast)

    01-09-2010, 03:33 AM #49
    THE eXchanger
    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    here are Kira Raa`s show going back to 2007

    free archieve - her shows, are really interesting

    01-10-2010, 03:29 AM #50
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger

    Buckminster Fuller

    Posts : 5352
    Join date : 2011-06-04
    Location : My own little heaven on earth

    2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger Empty Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger

    Post  THEeXchanger Sun Jan 15, 2012 11:55 am

    THE eXchanger
    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Aug 2008
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    2010- (3)
    The Year of Three Bridges/3Triads/3 Trines (9) + ORIGINAL SPARK (1) thru 3 Trinities 3-3-3/3 (+1) = 13

    The Year of The Original Spark (1)
    The Three Bridges, The Three Triads, The Three Trines (9)
    thru 3 Trinities (3)

    secret images of google earth

    Google Earth: Secrets and hidden images
    Last edited by THE eXchanger; 01-11-2010 at 05:02 AM.

    01-11-2010, 01:27 AM #52
    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Oct 2008
    Location: Illinois USA
    Posts: 652
    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    eXchanger, sometimes I think your an alien trapped in a humans body.

    01-11-2010, 01:43 AM #53
    THE eXchanger
    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Originally Posted by joe2288
    eXchanger, sometimes I think your an alien trapped in a humans body.

    we do have one set of dna, that is humanoid
    Last edited by THE eXchanger; 01-11-2010 at 05:03 AM.

    01-11-2010, 01:49 AM #54
    THE eXchanger
    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Aug 2008
    Location: Spiritual eXplorer-Canada
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    and, we are NOT going to tell you
    that a 6th density 'dark' harvest is ok
    (unless of course, you wish to go up
    the left hand path)
    and, NOT the right hand path
    (and, we are going to tell you HOW to do it)
    not, be evasive

    esp when you can move through
    from your original spark
    and, thru 4-5-6
    (and, pass right thru the low and high astral)
    and, move right into your
    7th/8th/and, 9th
    higher self/essence/and, monad
    and, put that in alignment
    with your low causal/mid causal, and, high causal pieces

    sure, a 6th density - is great

    it also, can be a 'dark side' dead end

    (of course, we are well aware, of the need to blend left/and, right-
    albeit, there are ways, your team of higher guides,
    can displace things, that are NOT in 100% alignment with you,
    along with your missions/your purposes, and, your tasks)

    we typed plenty on this on another thread-trouble is,
    NO one, or, hardly anyone bothered to read it

    we teach, what we know !!!

    NOT, what someone else - told us

    except our 10th density higher guide/who is part of our soul family

    and/or, what we actually pulled ourselves from the records !!!

    There are lots of ways, up the mountain

    the best journey, is ONE you CONTROL
    - NOT one, someone else
    gives you tidbits, but, does NOT reveal
    any plan, that works !!!

    we know the people, who read our stuff,
    and, have applied it, are getting very 'good results'
    the unfortunate thing, is MOST PEOPLE do NOT want to read
    Last edited by THE eXchanger; 01-11-2010 at 01:52 AM.

    01-11-2010, 01:51 AM #55
    THE eXchanger
    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    if there is anyone here,
    who can do computer/website stuff
    for a reasonable price,
    (and/or, something with terms)
    please contact us
    (serious replies only)

    01-11-2010, 02:15 AM #56
    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Sep 2008
    Location: Ontario, Earth, Milky Way, Love, Infinity x2
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Susan. I would like to help you if I can and of course if you would like to work with me. I am already to go on website design. I have made many websites in the past for work...having changed my area of work last few years i have not done as many yet still just got a small contract from a friend this week to make one for him! So im firing up my web design station these next few a good time to catch me in my groove.

    I will even talk about how to post pictures on the forum. I am sure I can work some magic for you and your project! Let me know if you want we can talk...send me a pm or email me. have a nice day.

    Peace jt
    Last edited by JesterTerrestrial; 01-11-2010 at 02:23 AM.

    01-11-2010, 02:31 AM #57
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    OK, lets do it !!!
    Since, we already know each other,
    in the physical world, we'll flip you a link to the website
    we are attempting to build
    - and, toss some ideas back/and, forth
    - and, figure out how to turn this into something
    that pays/and, works for both of us

    01-11-2010, 03:27 AM #58
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Tomorrow is 1/11-2010
    it's an important date
    we are going to create the 13th key
    between 1-11/2010 - and, 1-13/2010

    some of you, might enjoy looking at the first
    12 keys / and, the mandalas

    This work, is NOT the property of PA/PC
    thus it had to be removed from this posting :
    Last edited by THE eXchanger; 03-12-2010 at 10:07 PM.

    01-11-2010, 03:30 AM #59
    THE eXchanger
    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    These were created
    by The eXchanger, transferring
    light encoded information packets
    through her/and, her team
    to an artist, named Heather,
    who utilised herself/and, her team
    to manifest them

    they came through in 2003/2004

    we would love to here your comments on them

    01-11-2010, 04:48 AM #60
    THE eXchanger
    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Originally Posted by ojibway
    13, huh.
    even the oldest native blankets, had 12 pointed stars
    (with a core - and,a frame around them) being the 13th spot
    we'll say more on this, on our other thread
    (kulkulkan-spelled KULKULKAN IS OUR main guide,
    NOT spelled in other ways
    he is, the forever grandfather)
    and, we are three,
    parts of a council of Thirty-Three (33)

    also ~

    "the chants say that there are two signs of the New Spirit
    that all the people should look for.

    The first sign is a “Nine Pointed Star”
    that must come from the east.

    The number nine is the sign of the highest unity for all numbers….
    so all religions and races and nations will come together
    in love and unity under the sign of the Nine Pointed Star….
    ”Four Remarkable Indian Prophecies pg 4 Annie Kahn

    we brought through these '9' first

    and, saw an unseen 3 points, behind the 9

    and, knew there was a frame/or border-or centre spot

    OS(1) aka Orginal Spark (the aspect of you, you take when you

    + 9 ASPECTS

    + 3 (the higher aspects of THE ORIGINAL SPARK

    AND, 1 + 9 + 3 = 13 POINTS


    physical, emotional, intellectual
    etheric, low astral, high astral,
    low causal, mid causal, high causal

    - the main 9

    3 flying triangles

    also our main guide,
    is the forever grandfather, kulkulkan 233 233 215 (8/8/Cool
    he's been with us, since 11/3/1991
    - when he escorted us,
    off the planet for 520 days
    (260 b's back to back)
    and, we went to venus

    came back on 4/6/1993 - a mid point date on the mayan calender

    01-12-2010, 06:30 PM #61
    THE eXchanger
    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Eloryia RA and Pamela Dussault announce a new blog talk radio show

    January 19th 2010
    9 p.m. Eastern 7 p.m Mountain
    Live Heaven on Earth

    Live Heaven on Earth is your passage to abundant prosperity of all things. Learn how to manifest complete and total wealth in all aspects of your life. Your Hosts Eloryia RA and Pamela Dussault have 30+ years experience in Spirituality/Metaphysics/Energy Healing and have guided hundreds of individuals worldwide out of the darkness of their self imposed hells into the light of joyful living in heaven on earth.

    Each weekly segment addresses a different topic pertaining to how to live heaven on earth. You are invited to join the open dialogue as a call in or just listen to Eloryia and Pamela share first hand experience, specific techniques and/or modalities and advice, often channeled by the Angelic Kingdom, the Ascended Masters, your Higher Self, and others on healing and changing your life.

    The elevated vibration of Heaven now resides upon the earth!

    You deserve to live in the abundant prosperity of the love, peace and joy you have always desired. The moment is NOW! Call ins are welcome to participate during the dialogue, as well as during the later portion of the show which is dedicated to call ins for free readings and/or healings

    Learn more about Eloryia and Pamela at

    Guest spots are available to enable you to speak about and promote your Service in the Light. Email Eloryia with your request at

    Join us and
    Dance like no one is watching
    Love like you'll never be hurt
    Sing like no one is listening
    Live like it's heaven on earth!

    The Latter part of the show will be dedicated
    to call ins for free readings and healings.

    01-12-2010, 06:41 PM #62
    THE eXchanger
    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    This is Eric Idle
    Turn up the sound. This clever piece originated in Australia.
    It is very well done, most folks don't realize how much info he is sharing!
    Just click once on the link below or paste it.
    Speakers on. Photos by NASA.
    Enjoy Your Journey and the punchline at the very end....!!!

    We do NOT agree, with the last few lines

    since, we believe, that the 80/20 rule on earth,
    as, been eXceeded,
    and, why less, than 20% control things

    and, that, many, many people
    are very intelligent/and, have awoken
    and, are ALL about to do something !!!

    what a time, to be on earth !!!

    01-12-2010, 06:51 PM #63
    THE eXchanger
    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    We are sorting through over 300 emails,
    and, responses, in order, to give out answers,
    that will be helpful to all

    iT seems, that a grand theme is, always, how can we heal ???

    here is a good answer, too good, to get buried,
    on a thread, that might get lost,
    so, we will, park iT here to:

    Originally Posted by THE eXchanger
    You might want to get into a pool of water,
    and, ask, the consciousness of the water,
    to remove iT !!!

    also, asking the angels of the healing matrix,
    along with the 20,000 angels of the light,
    to fly through you, could also assist you, at this time

    sending you lots and lots of healing energies !!!

    also-ask, Archangel Michael,
    to access your prayer file,
    all work, we do, for anyone,
    we park iT, also, into every beings,
    prayer file - if iT iS suitable for you,
    they will know best, how to integrate iT
    with your 13 apsects
    just ask your higher self,
    to access, your essence, along with your monad (now/and, future)
    and, ask them, to install what works for YOU

    YOUR UPPER 4, and, lower 9,
    will know eXactly what to do !!!
    We have much to eXpand
    with our information,
    related to these 13 aspects !!!

    We hope many of your are enjoying them !!!

    Brighest blessings of energy, light and love to all

    Viviane / The Lady of The Lake
    (is who, this information, came thru)

    01-12-2010, 06:58 PM #64
    THE eXchanger
    Avalon Senior Member

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    Location: Spiritual eXplorer-Canada
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Originally Posted by xxxx
    eXchanger, how does Viviane bring in her energies for healing?
    She brings them,
    mostly in purple/and, blue & opal/white sparkles,
    sometimes, it appears in rainbow colours,
    and, the spins, pure white ~
    and, iT iS that, that we direct
    to higher levels of a soul compleX of 13 aspects

    and, very recently, we have realised,
    iT iS she, who is 'the healer'
    NOT us, we are simply a 'vessel'
    that is willing to empty, and, step to the side,
    in order that we might fill with her healing,
    and, direct her healing~to others,
    and, always, into 'the prayer files' of all beings
    so, that, when they are opened,
    they are there, already eXisting

    they are sent
    into the causal/mid-causal/and, high causal aspects 7/8/9
    thru the higher self/essence/and, monad 7/8/9
    of another soul compleX

    through our own, completed 9D.33d compleX

    there is a saying~ The essence-knows best
    7/8/9-always knows, eXactly what to do,
    with any healing, that is sent

    also, in healing ~ NO ONE ever works alone

    Brightest Blessings of Energy, Light and, Love to All
    Viviane ~ The Lady of The Lake
    (present in grand cycles on earth)
    thru Susan

    01-12-2010, 07:06 PM #65
    THE eXchanger
    Avalon Senior Member

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    Location: Spiritual eXplorer-Canada
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Originally Posted by xxxx
    susan/The eXchanger, what do you think
    about eft / tapping stuff ?
    Tapping is very good

    here is what has to say:

    Clearing the **** with a tap –
    live on the air today beginning at 12:15 pst TODAY…

    JAN 12, 2010 at 12:15 PM PST --
    EFT Wizard Brad Yates on News for the Soul
    - 'clearing away the **** with a tap'

    -- At 12:15 pm PST ,
    Brad will join us live for an interactive group EFT SESSION
    [emotional freedom technique]
    where we'll remove subconscious blocks
    and negative energy by tapping meridian points
    during a specific dialogue designed to set us free
    from what is holding us back in life.***-with-a-tap

    or, find it here:

    show will be in archieve; under 12jan2010 - 3;15 pm pst

    And do not forget, if you want to call in live and speak with the host,
    be sure to dial (646)595-4274. (and, press 1#- to indicate you want to talk live)
    You will be placed into the caller queue where you will still be able to hear the show while you are on hold.

    Need help getting started?
    If you need help getting started with BlogTalkRadio, visit our Learning Center here:

    News for the Soul is the #1 Life Changing Radio Show in the world
    according to Google & AOL
    and home to the largest free life changing audio library in the world.
    Nicole Whitney, has been dubbed 'the Oprah of the Internet'
    by NFTS Listeners!
    Last edited by THE eXchanger; 01-12-2010 at 07:09 PM.

    01-12-2010, 07:49 PM #66
    THE eXchanger
    Avalon Senior Member

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    Location: Spiritual eXplorer-Canada
    Posts: 4,915
    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    NOW, this is likely to be a very fun event:

    barbara M DeLong has invited you to the event 'Night-Light #17' on Barbara DeLong!
    Join me for light, Love and Laughter and of course spiritual insight and wisdom

    Time: January 13, 2010 from 9pm to 10:30pm
    Location: right on your computer
    Organized By: barbara M DeLong

    Event Description:
    They're back!This evening is a celebration of energy healing
    and spiritual insight.

    Host Barbara DeLong welcomes Tracey Owen to Night-Light. Tracey is an internationally known distant healer;she uses her psychic gifts of clairvoyance, mediumship and remote viewing to work her magic.

    Using her comforting voice and gentle energetic nature she removes blocks due to emotional and physical trauma, she frees stagnant energy and clears and balances the chakra system. Barbara and Tracey welcome your calls tonight. Call in and get the best of both worlds, or dimensions, or both!

    Tracey also has her own BTR show, check it out she is wonderful! radio. Be amazed, and entertained because laughter is one of the tools that both these ladies use abundantly.

    See more details and RSVP on Barbara DeLong:

    01-12-2010, 07:51 PM #67
    THE eXchanger
    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Barbara DeLong, along with GUEST HOST TRACEY OWEN read us,
    on this show, at the 2hr/4 minute mark

    22 NOV 2009

    01-12-2010, 08:00 PM #68
    THE eXchanger
    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Someone else, doing eXceptionally 'good work' is:

    don Miguel Ruiz and don Jose Ruiz
    with Janet Mills

    The New York Times Best-selling follow-up to The Four Agreements

    Since 1997, the New York Times bestseller
    The Four Agreements has transformed
    the lives of millions of people around the world
    with a simple but profound message.
    Now author don Miguel Ruiz and his son, don Jose Ruiz,
    collaborate with this powerful New York Times best-selling sequel

    The Fifth Agreement: A Practical Guide to Self-Mastery.

    The Four Agreements provides the foundation for breaking thousands of agreements
    we make throughout our lives that go against ourselves
    and create needless suffering.

    The Fifth Agreement takes us to a deeper level of awareness of the power of the Self.

    It returns us to the authenticity we were born with and the freedom to be who we really are.

    The Five Agreements:

    Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean.
    Avoid using the word to speak against yourself
    or to gossip about others.

    Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.

    Nothing others do is because of you.
    What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream.
    When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others,
    you won't be the victim of needless suffering.

    Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want.
    Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness, and drama.
    With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.

    Your best is going to change from moment to moment;
    it will be different when you are tired as opposed to well rested.
    Under any circumstance, simply do your best,
    and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse, and regret.

    Don't believe yourself or anybody else.
    Use the power of doubt to question everything you hear:
    Is it really the truth?
    Listen to the intent behind the words, and you will understand the real message.

    The Four Agreements slowly helps you to recover your authentic self,
    and the real you starts to awaken.
    With The Fifth Agreement comes the complete acceptance of yourself
    just the way you are,
    and the complete acceptance of everybody else just the way they are.
    The reward is your eternal happiness.
    The Fifth Agreement is made with words, of course,
    but its meaning and intent is beyond the words.
    The Fifth Agreement is ultimately about seeing your whole reality
    with the eyes of truth, without words.

    Make the Five Agreements your way of life
    — love yourself, enjoy life, and make your personal world a dream of heaven.
    And, by changing your world, you are changing the world.

    As don Miguel says,
    "By practicing the Five Agreements,
    what you are really doing is respecting everything in creation.
    You are respecting your dream;
    you are respecting everybody else's dream.

    If you use these tools, your effort is really for everyone,
    because your joy, your happiness, your peace, and your heaven
    are contagious.

    When you are happy, the people around you are happy too,
    and it inspires them to change their own world."

    This way of life is entirely possible,
    and it's in your hands.

    The change begins with you. Why not start now?

    The eXchanger says: this set of two books,
    really helps people, are just beginning their journey,
    iT makes a major impact

    01-12-2010, 08:22 PM #69
    THE eXchanger
    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Originally Posted by xxx
    i keep losing your threads, how do i find them ?thank you
    All of the 2009 stuff here

    THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them

    MOST of the 2008/2009 stuff here

    THE eXchanger's THREAD - iNSiDER iNFO without THE HiDDEN HAND

    you can find all threads we started here

    and, you can find all our postings here

    HOPE this helps you
    Last edited by THE eXchanger; 01-13-2010 at 03:04 AM.

    01-12-2010, 08:26 PM #70
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger

    (this eXisted prior to 26,000-the last galatic alignment)

    01-12-2010, 08:40 PM #71
    THE eXchanger
    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    One of the most interesting websites online,
    and, likely the oldest
    (back to about 1999)
    is this one:

    We find this interesting since,
    (we never saw this site, til yesterday)

    The Forever Grandfather is KulKulKan - 2 33-2 33-2 15 or 8 8 8

    The Forever Grandmother is CulCulCan - 33 3 33 3 3 15 or 9 9 9
    who also utilises culculcna 33 3 33 3 3 51 or 9 9 9
    (who is, our future monad)
    and, they also utilise culculcna/or, culculcana-which turns it into 10

    3 33
    {THE SYSTEM(3) of TRUTH(33)} Unifying all 3 Energies

    and, is that NOT what we are doing ???

    teaching about 1/2/3 and, 4/5/6 and, 7/8/9

    3 15
    3- Life Meaning is THE SYSTEM(3),
    this is with reference to Thee Trinity Creation which in its very being is geared towards complete
    These 3 Life Energies as delineated
    within the Celestial Communication of Thee Trinity Creation are:

    (1 of the 3)
    the Me, your Life Energy of body, emotion and interpersonal relationships;

    (2 of the 3)
    the Be, your Life Energy of drive towards being better and doing better
    within this World
    of the everyday or stated differently

    as the Life Energy of SUCCESS(45)
    within the World of career and income;

    (3 of 3)
    the we/or the 'i',
    your Life Energy of Eternal Spirit or your Spiritual Self.

    When all 3 of these Life Energies
    are working in Unison FULFILLMENT
    (12) in Life becomes realized
    and continually grows and moves to new
    and Grander levels of Life experience.

    (a grander-is, the highest level of healer/magican)

    Unfortunately however most people are in contradiction
    within themselves,
    their 3 essential Life Energies
    are often in conflict with one another.

    Your drive for financial SUCCESS(45)
    may be causing problems with your relationships
    or dampening your innate Conscious connection
    to the Spiritual Realm.

    Remember there is not one Life Energy more important

    SUCCESS(45), by this I mean FULFILLMENT
    in the 3 essential Life Energies
    that make up the whole of the Person.

    The Number 45 is SUCCESS(45)
    and henceforth whenever you see the Number 45 remember deep in your Heart that SUCCESS(45) is very important to you
    and I`m sure something you really really want,
    in fact whenever you see the Number 45
    let the feeling of SUCCESS fill you completely for just a second.
    It will undoubtedly feel quite good for we are all Created
    with the Desire to be Successful at what we do, and at who we are.

    This moment of 'Prayer' will stir deep within you
    your natural propensity for SUCCESS(45)
    and will help you achieve the SUCCESS(45)
    you want and I`m sure you deserve in Life Koretha.

    There is a ton of information on this website

    and, also on why '13' is important

    we've asked this guy, to be on our radio show

    he's been putting these out, thru 3 decades,

    Dawn 1999 is the Prophesy of the Dawning
    of the New World which will indeed be one of TRUTH(33)
    we are literally amased, we never seen this website
    b4 yesterday
    Last edited by THE eXchanger; 01-12-2010 at 08:43 PM.

    01-12-2010, 08:51 PM #72
    THE eXchanger
    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    and, the year 2001

    an energetic 3

    and, the trinity in the crop circles

    our good friend, dee of
    who, we've had many a good and spirited conversation with
    online/and-or, via the telephone

    did an amasing workup here of that concept

    she is another one, that would make a great radio show

    01-12-2010, 08:53 PM #73
    THE eXchanger
    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    this is also a very interesting site

    01-13-2010, 03:11 AM #74
    THE eXchanger
    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Life truly is about eXchanges,
    a place, we found get eXchange
    and, the trilite group
    (which is NOW, this group: (insert)

    We used to have really interesting discussions,
    here, are some of the more profound quotes...

    (susan/is, susan - the eXchanger)

    001 - Life is already perfect. (Gee)

    002 - Words are Fine - Silence is Better. (Gee)

    003 - What am I, some quoting fool?
    I say new stuff all the time, no old stuff. (Ben - son of Jen)

    004 - Life is a dreaming game where all dreamers are the One Dreamer. (Gee)

    005 - I am a "one and only" holographic segment of TIL and the "I am" (self)
    is the only essence of originality in my consciousness. (John G.)

    006 - Divine Order arises from Divine Chaos. (Jen)

    007 - Every cloud has a silver raining. (Jen)

    008 - Truth is different from reality. (Sal)

    009 - We live on the cutting edge. (Sal)

    010 - Does this path allow me the freedom to discover the truth for myself,
    or does it dictate a rigid system or theology i must follow in order to
    be saved? (Sal)

    011 - Reality is perceived while truth is known. (Sal)

    012 - Dimensions are like worlds within worlds. (Sal)

    013 - The brain is the most complex object known to man. (Sal)

    014 - The mind is the instrument of the spirit
    and the bridge to the soul. (Sal)

    015 - Freedom is just being who and what we truly are. (Sal)

    016 - The fourth dimension is the bridge between the worlds of matter and
    the worlds of spirit. (Sal)

    017 - When we cross the bridge to the fifth dimension, we leave the worlds of duality and enter into an entirely different world of love and unity.
    The fifth dimension begins with the etheric plane, an invisible realm
    beyond the astral and mental levels, and, a doorway to the heart. (Sal)

    018 - Much gathers more. (Susan) ~ was Charles F.Haanel

    019 - Much is the only thing that can gather more. (Susan)

    020 - You won't become more, if you associate with less. (Susan)

    021 - "I" IS what I "IS" 'cause that's what I "IS". (Susan)

    022 - GEE WHIZ !!! (Susan)

    023 - NOTHING like a good game of "chest". (Susan)

    024 - A purr-fect life always includes a "magic wand". (Susan)

    025 - Dogs have masters, cat have slaves. (Susan)

    026 - NO, is an answer. (Susan)

    027 - Life should be a three-way street,
    sometimes your way, sometimes my way, and sometimes our way. (Susan)

    028 - The Great Spirit of God blesses the traveler,
    who journeys the length,
    width, and depth of the light". (Susan)

    029 - I'd rather have a few days of bliss...
    once in a lifetime, than to never have tasted bliss. (Susan)

    030 - Always have your elevator in the "up" position,
    you might be amaSed at who might want to take a ride on it. (Susan)

    031 - Somewhere in Texas there is a village...that is missing it's idiot.

    032 - Sometimes it is better to De-Bush and Re-Tree. (Susan)

    033 - This planet is controlled by Brute Force, Fear and Lies. Good thing
    it's only an experience. In a way, it is getting to know what Truth IS.
    First of all we need to experience and know all the Lies. What's left
    over is Truth! It's what we are! (Gee)

    034 - Gerardus open your mouth...
    and your whole mind becomes a parade. (Susan)

    035 - The difficulty of life is in the choice. (lynda schwenger)

    036 - Be completely happy and content with exactly who you are
    and what you have. (lynda schwenger)

    037 - Few are the lives that are lived without regret. (lynda schwenger)

    038 - The true nature of God is love,
    wisdom and power which correspond to heart, mind and will. (Sal)

    039 - Regardless of what steps you take next in your life,
    remember one thing
    -- who you are is always greater than anything you can conceive. (Sal)

    040 - The way to ensure the best possible future is to awaken to our fifth
    dimensional selves and look upon the HEAVEN within. (Sal)

    041 - There's no limit on how far we can expand. (Sal)

    042 - There are no original quotes - only words we have forgotten about. (Gee)

    043 - Telling truth creates enemies. (Gee)

    044 - When it comes to energy, we are like fish looking for water. (Sal)

    045 - Pain is resistance to what is. (Sal)

    046 - Suffering is resistance to pain. (Sal)

    047 - The cause of all suffering is making someone or something wrong.

    048 - The cause of separation is judgment. (Sal)

    049 - The cause of judgment is separation. (Sal)

    050 - The circle of fear: Fear creates attachment. Attachment creates pain.
    Pain creates experience. Experience creates memory. Memory creates
    thought. Thought creates Fear. (Sal)

    051 - There are more paths for information to flow in one human brain than
    there are atoms in the known universe. (Sal)

    052 - You can transcend karma by learning to love and forgive yourself and
    others. (Sal)

    053 - The greatest paradox is the fact that we are evolving back into the
    Godhead and simultaneously becoming individual gods in our own right. (Sal)

    054 - Darkness is the absence of light. Darkness is also ignorance.
    Darkness is also the void. Darkness is also a concept that opposes
    the light. Darkness is an illusion. (Sal)

    055 - Evil is the act of separating out one or more aspects of Creation and
    judging them as being less deserving of love than other aspects of
    Creation. (Sal)

    056 - Everyone eventually wakes up, but it can seem to take forever. The
    worst that can happen is that we will take a very long time to learn
    our lessons. (This assumes there is no such thing as the "second
    death" where souls get recycled back into the Godhead if they don't
    learn fast enough) (Sal)

    057 - Not my own, but worth saying: "I'm not perfect. I once thought I had
    made a mistake, but I was wrong."

    058 - Also not mine: "Those of you who think you know everything are
    annoying to those of us who do."

    059 - What if everything you think you are is not you, and everything you
    think you are not is really you." (Meditate on this seriously for
    as long as you can.) (Sal)

    060 - Free will and predestiny are both true. Predestiny involves becoming
    aware of all the choices you have made, are making or will make in
    the future and the infinite variety of paths that result. (Sal)

    061 - Everything is possible, including the possibility of impossibility. (Sal)

    062 - Once you've truly awakened, it is impossible to go back to sleep. (Sal)

    063 - We are God pretending to be separate and desperately looking for a
    way back to ourselves. (Sal)

    064 - We are 12-dimensional beings pretending to have only three dimensions. (Sal)

    065 - My present self is my future self to my past self until it becomes my
    present self. (Sal)

    066 - At some point in the future, we will realize we are already
    enlightened. (Sal)

    067 - We are eternally innocent. Nothing can change this, although we can
    believe we have sinned. (Sal)

    068 - No Being, not even God or TIL, knows it all consciously!
    God or TIL is the Fire behind the Heat - but the embers do the burning.
    We are the embers engaged in the Fire of Life (Gee)

    069 - All judgments proves a lack of awareness. (Gee)

    070 - We are infinite Giants living and thinking like limited Dwarfs. (Gee)

    071 - The worst kind of blindness is when we are unable to see
    that the cages we keep ourselves in, are of our own design. (Chris S.)

    072 - Awareness and creativity are identical twins. (Gee)

    073 - The universe is a YayaNono - everything contradicts each other. (Gee)

    074 - Lust is a very healthy passion. (Gee)

    075 - We all create our own universe right from scratch. (Gee)

    That's it for now! - Gee

    WOW~What an amasing walk down, one of our 'memory lanes'

    01-14-2010, 06:51 PM #75
    THE eXchanger
    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Aug 2008
    Location: Spiritual eXplorer-Canada
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Question: where is the info on the 13th grid of atlantis, can't find it ?

    you can click into google earth

    and, actually go and, see it

    here's a good one

    Originally Posted by Christo888
    I like the diamond image....

    that was brilliant!

    "A Gaia's best friend"

    7 billion living diamonds, now that's a lot of lumens of blue life forces.
    the eXchanger said:
    there are actually 7.2 billion (some are living , more than 1 to a body)
    (up and, thru 9 density levels of earth)

    Posts : 5352
    Join date : 2011-06-04
    Location : My own little heaven on earth

    2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger Empty Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger

    Post  THEeXchanger Sun Jan 15, 2012 11:56 am

    THE eXchanger
    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    DREAMING ~ an idea
    ask the ONES, who are in 100% alignment
    with your missions/purposes/and, tasks,
    to only be allowed
    in your dream_time,
    the ones, that are in complete,
    and, total alignment
    with you
    wise men/and, wise woman, tell us, to dream on things
    and,then wait to see what comes through

    you can go visit it in dream_time

    we can help you with that

    in the dream-time
    properly protected
    you are, much more real,
    than you are,
    in your 3D-9D walking around,
    and, conscious state


    yes, that google earth adventure,
    (on this post, is to a lot of old/and,
    hot spots, and, it is fun & interesting !!!

    many beings come/and, talk to us in our sleep !!!


    ABOUT cutting chords...
    NEVER CUT ANY chords/or strings
    without first asking,
    is this in 100% alignment with me

    the golden/or silver - or rainbow strings

    they anchor into your higher self / essence, and, monad

    (1/2, and, 3)
    (4/5, and, 6)
    (7/8, and, 9)

    a comment about ra/
    the original teachings were 7D,
    now, RA -or AR (aka 91 or 19)
    are into 9th Density


    if you are going to consider 6th density-
    be sure, to lace your boots,
    on both the left/and, the right side
    and, blend the unified, and,
    united aspects of your divine masculine/and, divine feminine
    otherwise, you will end up
    on a 6th density 'left' side - of the path
    (and, then, you will have to double back
    to move thru 4/5/6-on the right side)
    no matter what,
    you will need to groom your 1/2/3 - physical -emotional-and, intellectual
    and, once you graduate that
    move that, into your
    4th etheric body
    5th low astral
    and, 6th high astral

    there are ways, to do this, that are simple !!!
    Last edited by THE eXchanger; 01-14-2010 at 07:09 PM.

    01-14-2010, 07:04 PM #77
    THE eXchanger
    Avalon Senior Member

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    Posts: 4,915
    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    a simple way,
    to get rid of things, that try to chord/or plug in etc.,

    everytime you get into the shower/or bath

    ask, that anything, that is NOT in 100% alignment with YOU
    get eloctrocuted !!!

    also, you can create
    waterfalls, of first red/then, blue - and, blended into purple
    over, all the sides of your home
    that flow up, through the middle
    and, in each of the 4 major directions
    this way, you cover, above, too
    and, ask, for a pool of water, to be created at the foundation level
    and, that way, you cover below too

    01-14-2010, 07:07 PM #78
    THE eXchanger
    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Aug 2008
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger

    Originally Posted by ojibway
    13, huh.
    even the oldest native blankets, had 12 pointed stars
    (with a core - and,a frame around them) being the 13th spot
    we'll say more on this, on our other thread
    (kulkulkan-spelled KULKULKAN IS OUR main guide,
    he is, the forever grandfather)
    and, we are a part of a council,
    three of Thirty-Three (33)

    Originally Posted by Christo888
    Not sure that I understand what you mean.

    Why are there more of 'something' to a body? ??
    You are a complex being
    you have 13 consciousness units, NOT just 1

    Originally Posted by Christo888

    Do you mean that people have other entities attached to them? Like parasites? Parasitic guides or misguides?
    Do you mean that there are other Souls, more than one, living in peoples body's?

    yes, there are many people on earth,
    who have more than one soul, within one body
    also there are piggybackers-some of them,
    are NOT bad, they are curious,
    and, try to come along with you for your ride.
    And, then, there are some,
    who are like vampire, and, suck out your life force

    you are, what iT is, you choose to allow

    sure, another person can get them off you,
    albeit, if you do NOT actively work,
    to keep them off you, they return, and, return,
    over and, over again
    thus the importance, of you doing the work

    Originally Posted by Christo888
    Do you mean there are different Souls to a body at each level???
    Yes, there are different graduations to what you are
    1-3d is a good example
    4d-6d is another - however, you do NOT want to be on the wrong side
    of a 6th density harvest, with only one side of your boots laced,
    so, just the left side is laced, there is a right side too,
    and, an importance of blending - right/and, left

    at the 7th density levels - eXists,
    your higher self - as, well, as, your low causal body

    at the 8th density levels - eXists
    your essence - as, well, as your mid causal body

    and, at the 9th density levels- eXists
    your monad - as, well, as your high causal body

    and, an eXtender, that can bring into play
    your future self ~ it can be blended
    with the equation of all, that you are

    you are 13 aspects ~ and, it is quite possible to anchor them all

    do NOT fall prey, to 6th level harvests, on the left side

    or, that RA, is a 6th density being, that is NOT true,

    RA was, a 7th density compleX being, and, has grown
    through, his 8th, and, 9th density eXpressions

    ra thread is closed ???
    ra is NOT an 6th density being -(somewhere we read on pa/pc)
    that they were a 6th density, that isn't right,
    they were 7th density being , when the orig. stuff came through,
    and, are now, expanded, and, expressing 9th compleX density
    RA is 91 (10)- AR is 19 (10)
    kind of like isis 9191/10-10

    Originally Posted by Christo888

    9 density levels of earth? Is that the same as the 'Council of Nine'?
    There is a council of nine + 1 = or Ten - NOT GOOD PEOPLE
    originally, there was, 1, who became 3
    and, then, as word got out, about what they were doing,
    they chipped in; others, chipped in, as, meaning,
    had to make them, part of the plan
    eventually; they became 9 - and, had to hire a 10th
    to keep the 9 of them HONEST - not easy, for dishonest people
    to try to be honest, with themselves

    if you picture a pin, and, you try to picture,
    many people trying to climb up it, to sit upon the pinnacle
    of a pin head - when a pin, is dirty/and, greasy,
    you might realise, the humour, behind this group,
    of very few, who believe, they hold the potential,
    to control the many ~ when 3 could fit around a table,
    they were dangerous, now, it takes too many,
    to fit around one table, and, is almost impossible to do,
    the pin, is very dirty/and, greasy,
    and, very soon, many of them,
    are going to lose, their footings,
    and, fall ~ you have likely heard the eXpression:
    the bigger they are, the harder they fall ???

    in an information age, truth is told

    their truth, is NOT based on equitable,
    nor honourable ways of being~ so, their core
    is quite rotten

    already many are turning their backs,
    and, walking away on them

    it won't be long til, the inner circle, will crumble

    this is, the importance, of developing your own core,
    as, well, as, the cores of others

    nothing can stop things, that are built solid,
    and, things, that have a core,
    esp. one that is built with the right type of virtues,
    and, build through a strong mind, as, well, as a strong heart

    Earth has recently started the process of anchoring
    her 11th density - so, that, she will be able to host
    beings, that can almost match her, in her own eXpression

    There are many beings on earth, who currently are expressing
    7D, 8D, and, 9D, along with future selves,
    this is NOT as, rare, as, you might think

    those we have been teaching this too,
    are shining eXamples, of what can be done,
    here on earth !!!

    01-14-2010, 07:34 PM #79
    THE eXchanger
    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    question: could you tell us more about records/recordkeepers/and, storeage places/the 7.2 billions souls, etc. ?

    All souls, have records,
    and, have books, in an assortment of places
    some on earth, others, within stars systems
    and, almost, without eXception,
    in the grand central sun library,
    the alcoyne library,
    and, the library within the 9D temples of venus...
    some souls, can read only, and, read only, some sections
    there are secured sections, where some can read
    and, where some can actually, scribe entries/or what would be
    termed, write into them, or record (which is the proper word)
    these higher level libraries,
    are written in light encoding/and, are holographic in nature, to view
    (or, at least, that is how, we see them)

    Our question to abraxa,
    about mill masters/and, 33 steps, etc.,
    is one of the forms, we utilise, in order,
    to walk between worlds/or, utilsing 'the mills'
    recently, like back in approx 2003/2004,
    we created our own, entry into 'the mills'
    here we know, we do NOT travel alone

    abraxa answer of the '1 in 50,000' he spoke of,
    of the 7.2 billion, we talk about,
    calculates eXactly to 144,000 souls
    (all incarnate at this time)

    Why did people forget ?
    and, how do they remember ?

    did you know, almost 80% of all
    that was originally orated to earth beings,
    has been lost, or, it has been forgotten

    much related to north america in the 15th century
    ~ belonging to the tribes was burned, or, was stolen
    and, many who remembered, were slaughtered
    ~much related to europe in the 4th century
    had souls, facing death, if they did NOT conform to the way of the church
    so, many, left their old teachings, behind, and, did NOT carry them through
    those who did NOT conform, either were killed / or, they ran,
    most of them, ran to australia/new zealand/africia/south america,
    canada, and, the usa, as, well, as other places
    (some of them, keep their old practices ~ celtic/druid,elven, gypsy, pict , etc., ~ and, did pass them down generations)
    ~much related to africa ~ in patriarchal (sp?) times
    almost 26,000 years ago ~ where all destroyed
    -the stones in these regions still talk
    (and, you can visit them, remotely, within mediation/or, even dream_time)
    -the burning of the books in the libraries of aleXandria
    (and, the transporting of many of them, to rome,
    and, hiding them down in the dungeons beneath,
    was, NOT the proper way, to care, for such books,
    many of these, have NOT wethered 'the storm'

    ALL LINES ever written are all recorded

    there are many here, in this time, who are 'the recordkeepers'
    who will start a process, of writing them back,
    eXactly, as, they were originally written

    ASK FOR LESSONS on this type of light encoding - learning
    within your dream-time, normally, 55 minutes, is plenty

    however-do, this regularly, each, and, every night

    yes, it was sad, the burning of books,
    although, the threads of them, still eXist,
    within many of the light libraries

    even, the best of the best,
    did NOT share, all their knowledge,
    with all the people ~ as, to NOT have the people
    upstage them ~ this was sad
    as, all people, deserve, to have revealed to them
    full information, without the need of 'hiding' anything
    full disclosure, is what, most are asking for,
    and, that is, what many, are doing,
    giving it to you, lock/stock, and, the barrell.

    even the old writings,
    the buddhist doctorines,
    only 25% of them, were ever remembered,
    for, they were, orated/spoken by mouth,
    and, were given within a time frame,
    that, they were NOT all scribed-nor written down

    many of the 144,000, who are record keepers,
    are, NOW, back in incarnated forms,
    with rafts of helpers, who can tap into many akashic records,
    and/or The books of life,
    that eXist, in many places,
    from the light libraries of alcoyne,
    in the seven sister star system of Pleides,
    from the light libraries of The Grand Central Sun on earth
    from the light libraries within The Grand Temples of 9D Venus
    to, the light libraries of souls with 2 completed matrixes
    where the books are stored,
    related to beings, who have completed 2 matriXes
    the records of deeds, both good ones, and, bad ones
    are well recorded in these places
    and, as, you tap into them
    and, for many, this starts to occur
    within the dream_time
    you do start to remember

    in an information age,
    look at the numbers of people,
    who are currently scribing their information,
    some of them, are eXceeding accurate

    also, where information eXists
    it is NOT necessary to be physically present
    to energetically tap into it,
    from a remote standpoint

    this is why, some of the places
    where such things, were taken, when they were stolen
    from many people/and, many cultures
    still sit today, in a stored format
    (hidden within vaults, lined with lead)
    there are many souls incarnate at this time
    who can, and, who will start a process
    of revealing, all the things, that they know

    iT iS a grand time, this grand cycle on earth
    to be here, in this know

    iT could be said, this iS a very 'telling time'

    iF you want to be told, just ask !!!

    "k" thru susan

    01-14-2010, 07:51 PM #80
    THE eXchanger
    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger, this is interesting

    man/and, woman,
    have always enjoyed
    one-up-man-ship ~ a very old term
    although, one pulled from the ethers/or records
    by an author writing a book in the 50's

    basically, all communities,
    have within them, the workers/and, the bosses
    and, unfortunately, most of the bosses,
    pass information boss to boss,
    and, instructions from boss to workers,
    and, holding onto
    the known ability to utilise,
    your force/and, your power over others~to command/and, to demand them,
    thus, the importance, of forming your own,
    commands/and, demands,
    so, you set the elements right, in order,
    that you too, can have an upper hand

    there has always existed,
    the systems and, practices,
    and, NOT all of the sytematic/or knowledge-or truth of
    how things worked, was widely shared with others

    otherwise, the medicine man, or medicine woman of a tribe,
    might find themselves, being quickly replaced,
    by all the others, who also,
    have these hidden abilities,
    that can be taped into within their old storgage baseis
    where, you can make the unconscious, conscious again

    This practice of
    AND, then, utising the method of intimidation,
    based on the asertion of force, and, of power,
    and, of making one's brothers/or sisters,
    associates, etc.,
    feel inferior, has allowed many a man/and, woman
    to gain the status of being "one-up" on them.

    The best of community/or communites
    that can be built at this time, will include,
    so that, NOT a few of many ~ know
    but, that, these new communites,
    can, and, will share things
    so, everyone can eXpand/grow, and, prosper
    into the truth, of what, all men/and, all women truly are.

    Therefore, iT iS important - to be an eXchanger,
    NOT afraid, to fill up, and, NOT afraid to empty,
    for one man/or one woman's gem of knowledge,
    is useful only to them, and, them alone

    when iT iS shared,
    iT iS NEVER halved,
    but, can double, or can triple, and,
    also then, become useful to MANY !!!

    iT can be said, that oft times,
    your well, can get very full
    and, iT iS wise, to empty iT
    so, iT can again, be re-filled !!!

    The more, you give out,
    The law is, that the more, that will be returned to you...
    give to receive, and, learn to be a good receiver

    both sides of this equation, require full disclosure,
    and, when beings do that,
    this world will expand, very quickly
    and, will do so, with very positive implications

    K thru Susan

    01-16-2010, 09:41 PM #81
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Law of the Garbage Truck

    One day I hopped in a taxi and we took off for the airport.

    We were driving in the right lane when suddenly a black car
    jumped out of a parking space right in front of us.

    My taxi driver slammed on his brakes, skidded, and missed the other car
    by just inches!

    The driver of the other car whipped his head around
    and started yelling at us.

    My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy.

    And I mean, he was really friendly.

    So I asked, 'Why did you just do that?

    This guy almost ruined your car and sent us to the hospital!'

    This is when my taxi driver taught me what I now call,
    'The Law of the Garbage Truck.'

    He explained that many people are like garbage trucks.

    They run around full of garbage, full of frustration, full of anger,
    and full of disappointment.

    As their garbage piles up, they need a place to dump it
    and sometimes they'll dump it on you.

    Don't take it personally.

    Just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on.

    Don't take their garbage and spread it to other people at work, at home,
    or on the streets.

    The bottom line is that successful people do not let garbage trucks
    take over their day.

    Life's too short to wake up in the morning with regrets, so ...

    Love the people who treat you right.

    Pray for the ones who don't.

    Life is ten percent what you make it
    and ninety percent how you take it!

    Have a blessed, garbage-free day!

    01-23-2010, 08:51 PM #82
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate

    Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

    It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.

    We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?

    Actually who are you not to be?

    You are a child of God.

    Your playing small doesn't serve the world.

    There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.

    We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.

    It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.

    And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

    As we are liberated from our own fear; our presence automatically liberates others.

    Maryanne Williamson

    01-23-2010, 09:20 PM #83
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Heaven on Earth

    First I want to dispel a wide spread rumor \amongst the spiritual/metaphysical community.

    We have all heard that this is the first time in the history of the evolution of the soul
    that heaven on earth is available to us.

    Heaven on Earth has always been available to anyone who chose it.

    Heaven on earth is another term for Ascension
    and is nothing more than the mastery of mind over matter.

    There have been many who have gone before us,
    thusly becoming the role models for the rest of us.

    We call them Ascended Masters.

    The only difference now is that instead of just a few,
    the masses are choosing this acceleration of mind.

    The masses are ascending together.

    Yes, we are presently living in an excelerated vibratory rate,
    yet this is because so many have awakened to the light of them selves
    and are actually practicing that mind acceleration
    rather than just talking about it.

    But there is more, the heart is of major importance
    in the dynamics of heaven on earth.

    The universal mind which is accessed from the acceleration
    of the lower mind, takes it’s direction from the heart.

    Living in the moment is living heaven on earth.

    The heart will always tell you what is going on in the present.

    The heart is also the aspect of self that decides what feels good,
    what makes you smile…what brings you joy;
    because the heart is where the spirit of you resides.

    To live heaven on earth you must stay conscious of your present
    rather than being torn up with memories of the past
    or worried about the future to come.

    You pay attention to the heart,
    it will let you know instantly how you are feeling in any given moment.

    Still the mind even for just a moment to feel self….
    to see if you feel good or you feel bad…
    that’s it…
    you don’t have to define it any further.

    If you are feeling bad,
    it is because you are thinking some fearful limited thought.

    You then change your thought.

    You move the thinking apparatus into a thought that makes you smile
    and you focus on that.

    This is living in the expanded vibrum of love.

    Heaven on earth is a moment to moment conscious choice
    to change your fearful thinking of I can’t to the loving thinking of I can.

    When you move out of the I can’t into the I can,
    your whole world changes from the inside out.

    Now with all of that you are still asking,
    HOW To Live Heaven on Earth

    We recognize this need of Practical application in your everyday life.

    We know the lower mind ego is struggling
    and in some cases in outright resistance and rebellion to change
    it’s old thought patterns and behaviors.

    We know that lower mind needs the practical magic
    and thusly we have designed this show to be a weekly guidance format
    focusing on a different topic each week which will contain the how to’s
    of living in heaven on earth,
    because the lower mind is lacking trust in self.

    In a moment I will share a specific how to.

    Stop here and let Pam speak.

    I wanted to share one that I received this week.

    I woke up one morning a few days ago…
    with this beautiful image of a very colorful hot air balloon
    ascending into the sun lit sky.

    Of course for me this was a peaceful, uplifting image (no pun intended).

    I lay in my bed under the soft warm covers,
    feeling all good and snuggly warm
    and as I allowed myself to engage fully in this magical feeling.

    Then I heard some whispering and all of a sudden out of nowhere
    I heard this rapid gunfire and right
    before my eyes the balloon was shot up to pieces and fell to the sky.

    Then the balloon appeared again,
    lifting off from the ground and a nuclear bomb hits it
    and there is absolutely nothing left of it to recoup.

    Well of course I lay there thinking what the hell was that!

    And then I heard giggling
    and I knew there was some angel/s behind this experience.

    I saw Archangel Michael and Raphael
    standing side by side with these huge grins on their faces.

    Raphael had a smoking gun in his hand.

    I stared at them in disbelief and then again asked,
    what the hell was that about.

    Raphael responded by saying…
    that’s exactly right…
    that is what hell is about.

    Then Michael took over with this explanation.

    He said.

    ” This is how you all create your hell
    rather than accepting heaven.

    I said” please expound

    And He said

    ’ well, you all have this beautiful images that allow you to feel love,
    peace and are uplifting.
    You imagine how it could be and that feels good
    and then in comes the self-doubt,
    the thoughts of I can’t or it’s impossible etc
    and the self-doubt is the same as shooting your dream
    into pieces and then you wonder why you didn’t get what you want.
    Then it gets even worse,
    because those self doubt thoughts and behaviors
    originate in the incorrect belief of unworthiness…
    so when your dream lifts off,
    like the balloon and you have a thought of not being worthy,
    conscious or not….

    it is the same as a nuclear bomb taking out it out.

    He then went on to say this.

    All of you are conscious of www, the World Wide Web

    We engage in it every day in terms of the www of the Internet.

    There is also a higher aspect of the www worldwide web
    and as engage in the lower www worldwide web
    we would like you to consider which www you are focused on.

    There are two more meanings to www

    The fearful focus


    The loving focus

    The fearful focus is defined as such

    www stands for




    this is how that fear works within you

    you focus on want…
    I want a new job,
    I want more money,
    I want someone to love me

    all this want comes from the belief
    that you are lacking to begin with.

    The focus on want is the last thing
    that will change your life,
    as to focus on want only gets you more want rather than the thing itself.

    As you remain in the want and see that you are getting nothing,
    you then engage in war in order to get what you want.

    It can be war within you that looks like this mental gymnastics of
    I want with a response of you cant have it for one limited belief or another,
    all those limited beliefs stem from an incorrect belief of not being worthy of.

    That inner war extends beyond the self and you go to war with another or countries war
    amongst themselves to fulfill what they are lacking.

    No body every wins in a war…
    all wars internal or external end in WOE.

    Woe is me because I didn’t get want I want.
    Woe is me because I may have gotten what I thought
    I wanted but at what expense.

    And then as the woe kicks in so does the want
    because out of the woe the ego realizes it didn’t get
    what it wanted and the whole vicious cycle starts over again.

    Now let’s consider the other option

    The loving www

    Which stands for


    Instead of wanting, you move to the higher will of you.

    You don’t focus on want you focus on will.

    Will is also defined not only as I Will, but I AM, I have etc.

    You see yourself in the moment having that of which you desire.

    You feel the joy of the experience of it right then and there.

    As such there is no more wanting and no need for war.

    You Win in that instant without the horrors of war.

    You win because you are in peace and trust;
    you have full knowingness that the desire is already yours
    and need not battle self or any other for the guaranteed outcome.

    You are the guarantee by seeing it done already.

    As you continue to engage in Will and Win,
    you inevitably end up with the WOW.

    Because all that your heart desires is continuously manifesting instantly each and every day
    and you find yourself walking around saying
    Wow, wow look at that ….
    wow, every moment is a vivacious enthusiastic WOW,
    rather than that life energy sucking woe.

    So each time you are on those computers searching
    for what you want and your attention is drawn to www,
    stop for a moment and become aware of which www you are focusing on.

    The one that belongs to fearful hell
    or the one that belongs to loving heaven.

    Dance like no one is watching,
    Love like you'll never be hurt,
    Sing like no one is listening,
    Live like it's heaven on earth."

    In light with love from heaven on earth

    Eloryia and AAMichael

    01-23-2010, 09:25 PM #84
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger

    We have decided to work with Eloryia,
    to see, if she can help us, to eXpress,
    what iT iS, we are actually really here to do
    with The Counsel of Thirty-Three(33)

    who worked with us, at the time of the original avalon/and, camelot

    here's a link to our mandalas etc.,

    Susan/The eXchanger

    01-23-2010, 09:36 PM #85
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    A Gift of Inspiration for 2010
    2010 is the Year you CAN….Join us in Heaven on Earth!
    You are the tender Love and the Guiding Light
    you have been waiting for
    Love needs no Shield ...Breath in the Love...Love is the Shield
    A road map and ticket to Heaven on Earth

    There are many different ways to express the Love and Light
    that you are through your multiple gifts and talents;
    eventually you will come to know and take action
    by expressing each of them
    and then all of will come together working as one
    in love and harmony bringing you and many others great joy.

    Stop thinking how…give your head a rest,
    the "how to is not your job".

    That job belongs to the Higher Universal Mind,
    the One Heart, One Mind, One Soul.

    Your job is to feel what makes you happy by lounging about
    and flipping through the universal catalogue of life and all it has to offer.
    Choose whatever brings a smile to your face
    and then do nothing but listen in each and
    every moment to the guidance coming from your inspiration;
    the joyful song of your heart..
    and then practice it!

    By following only that of which feels good in any given moment.

    Do not force yourself to do anything even if that something
    once felt good in a past moment and in this moment does not.
    Be sure to follow the feeling even if it has to do with that of your gifts and talents,
    one moment you will feel very inspired to take action and absolutely be in joy with it.
    A few hours later you may not feel like doing it and
    thusly if you force yourself out of a sense of responsibility,
    it becomes work rather than play and obiviously is no longer joyful.

    Many on this dimension have words confused,
    like responsibility and obligation.
    Most people will claim they are being responsible
    when they are really being obligated.

    Responsibility = the ability to respond to self with love, whatever self is feeling
    in any given moment and the moment changes constantly.
    Sometimes you may feel happy, sometimes sad, sometimes angry,
    sometimes tired; whatever the feeling honor it and be with it.

    The uncomfortable feelings pass quickly with loving acknowledgment of them.

    They are free to move on because they have been heard and felt.

    If you deny their voice,
    you only suppress them within and then they rot and stagnates you
    from moving back into joy and love

    Obligation is more similar to doing something you do not want to do b
    ecause you fear the loss of something; i.e. Loss of money, loss of love, l
    oss of whatever…
    it matters not because it is nothing more than fear.

    Out of obligation we perform a task that is not joyful for us
    and we end up exhausted and spent and angry and resentful,
    especially when we don’t get some kind of thank you or acknowledgment in return.
    This is not loving for self or for anyone else either.

    It is time for you to stop doing for others from obligation…
    one moment you feel obligated, the next it comes from your natural healing abilities
    and is done with love…

    yet it always ends up with you doing more than most and nothing left over for you.

    No time, no energy on any level.

    It is time to be responsible…
    respond to self with the love and light of your divine magnificence.

    It is now time for you.

    When you take care of yourself lovingly, all else is taken care of by the Universe…
    all your needs and wants.

    That’s where the statement
    “God helps those who help themselves”, originates.

    The heart, soul and spirit of you already know this…
    it is time to get the head in harmony with the rest…
    the head has been the cart before the horse
    and thusly blocking your graceful movement into heaven on earth.

    The head is similar to the cart that is placed before the horse…
    it won’t budge without force or something pulling it along.

    It has you believing it has to figure it all out before rolling along,
    it wants guarantees of the outcome.

    The horse naturally runs, as it’s joy is in the freedom of movement.
    Just watch any horse running across a meadow or field….
    it runs free and joyfully because there is nothing in it’s way.
    It is one of the most beautiful sites to behold.

    (It would be good for you to watch the movie “Sea Biscuit”
    a great example of going with feeling rather than having to think it through to guarantees.
    Guarantees are an illusion; the only real guarantee is trust in the divinity of self)

    You too can live heaven on earth where dreams come true!

    All you need do is sit down and write out, paint,
    draw or just speak the description of whatever it is you really want, .

    Logic has no place here…it does not get to interfere with imagination…
    meaning do not limit yourself to what you presently believe you can have
    based on what you presently have to spend.

    All of that is no-sense.

    You have an abundantly prosperous Father and Mother….
    heavenly Father and Mother and you are their precious child
    who has been gifted free will and free choice.

    That means you get to have anything you want.

    The reason you don’t have it yet,
    is because you don’t believe you deserve it…
    regardless of what you think consciously…
    there is a block in your cellular memory charged
    with emotion that will not allow you to receive
    and this is where your healing focus needs to be at this time.

    If you do not have what you desire,
    it is because you are blocking yourself from receiving it.

    The Universe shares all of it’s abundance equally to all.

    It is the individual that is either standing there receiving
    with both arms fully extended to receive
    or has one arm tied behind their back or both arms jammed stubbornly
    in their pockets all the while wondering why they didn’t get anything or something.

    Most are still suffering from the incorrect mental belief
    of being a lesser child of God/Goddess.

    The way you realize your Divinity is to be balanced in your giving and receiving
    and the faster you allow yourself to receive love,
    the faster you move, the faster all the rest of your outer world moves
    as well; as above so below, as within so without.

    If you are tired of going without, then try going within to discover
    where even the slightest bit of residue regarding be the lesser child of God/Goddess
    is still residing within you.

    Then open your arms with loving understanding and embrace them
    and invite them to be part of the ONE where there is no lack only love.

    There are many adept facilitators of Light in the world,
    who have healed themselves with the help and guidance of others.

    They received the help to manage everything within in order and harmony
    of love of self.

    They are positioned all over the globe standing ready to help
    all those that are ready to help themselves.

    This is so all leave the abandonment of fear and pain behind to live in love and joy together.

    All you need do is step right up and check into Heaven on Earth…
    the old hell is gone and any energetic that goes along with it is rapidly disappearing…
    the more you resist, the more painful it becomes.

    This is a wondrous time to be on earth,
    as it transforms its old hell into heaven and invites any who wish to participate
    to come along for the joyful journey.

    Those that choose to be “in love” will remain and benefit from the eons of many light workers
    holding a vision to bring it to this.

    Those that choose to be “in fear” will move on elsewhere, where fear still exists,
    as fear cannot exist in love, the vibration of love is the highest and fear is the lowest,
    they simply don’t resonate with one another.

    This does not mean that all souls leaving their bodies are in fear,
    some of them know that they can hold this vision of heaven on earth better
    from a different dimension and then they will return to enjoy it with those they guided in.

    So, it is really not just about your job, your home, your children, your parents,
    your money, your health…it is about your entire life.

    It is about coming into a state of love within yourself so that you can create
    and manifest all of those dreams that you previously only believed belonged
    in some world called heaven or paradise.

    It is about giving up and letting go of fearful survival where you have to work hard
    at tasks that don’t even bring you enough money to cover your needs;
    never mind your wants, and where joy is completely forgotten.

    It is the time to know beyond the shadow of a doubt the “Value of Life”!….

    Stop wasting it and start living it. It is a gift to all of us who breathe.

    Open up to the unlimited light and love you are;
    so you can with full trust of self and complete faith in
    the Universal Laws of ONE,
    freely express the gifts and talents that are uniquely you.

    The very ones you have practiced for eons to be the Light and Love,
    the Divine Magnificence you are and always have been.

    The angels are here on earth and they are ready to grasp hold of your hand and guide you.

    All you have to do is take hold.

    They cannot force, although I have heard them plead and beg a little
    for you to know that you are loved as they are loved…
    but they can’t push or shove you to receive all that you are.

    So on behalf of my brethren the Angelic Kingdom
    an on behalf of all humanity,
    the earth and all of it’s inhabitants…
    come home my angels and live in heaven on earth….
    we miss you and you are greatly needed at this time of great transition
    where many souls awaken from their perceived hell
    and stand at the edge of the chasm
    while it literally crumbles under their feet,
    unsure of whether of what to do to stay safe.

    I encourage you to leap into faith,
    trusting that the love of the ONE will not allow you to fall…
    an angel will either catch you
    or you will sprout your own wings and fly.

    2009 was the year to Shine

    2010 is the year you CAN…live heaven on earth

    Love needs no Shield ...Breath in the Love...Love is the Shield

    In light with love from heaven on earth
    Eloryia, Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael,
    God/Goddess and all the voices of Love that make up the ONE!
    Last edited by THE eXchanger; 01-23-2010 at 09:39 PM.

    01-23-2010, 09:36 PM #86
    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Wow! thanks.

    01-23-2010, 09:54 PM #87
    THE eXchanger
    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    True Love found in this Spiritual and Metaphysical Book “ASCENSION"
    A Trilogy of Transformation”
    Book One
    "Awakening True Love"

    A unique book containing a universal message


    A story of and a guide to transformation to Heaven on Earth!
    Awakening, Ascension: A Trilogy of Transformation, Book 1 reviews

    "I have known Eloryia Ra for over 16 years
    and walked with her through a portion of her story.
    She is my angel girl as I call her and she has chosen to walk
    If you are ready to chose HEAVEN OVER HELL
    then this book is a MUST READ.
    It is a challenge to chose Heaven every day
    but Eloryia Ra did chose Heaven
    and her struggle to get there is nothing short of a courageous HERO/HEROINES journey.
    This is walking a Mythic Journey with no guide book
    and no instructions sheet.
    If you doubt or fear, feel lost or confused,
    or feel like your life is a horror movie
    then I highly recommend reading this book
    to inspire you to continue your journey
    to finding Heaven on Earth.
    "Megan "Grey Wolf" Garcia author of
    GRANDMOTHERS "A Wisdom Teaching"

    "Wow! What a powerful book!
    Although the type is small, the message is huge.
    The theme paralleled my own story closely in many ways,
    but led me to enlightenment with its conclusions.
    If you are on your own path to enlightenment,
    or if you have had struggles in life that make no sense
    and you are seeking the answers, this is the book to read!
    The messages within the messages will lead you on a journey there."
    P.E., Spiritual Advisor

    "I have appreciated Eloryia Ra's book Awakening (Ascension)
    both as a fascinating story of one persons evolution
    and awakening and as a guide to what is possible
    on the human plane if we are courageous enough
    to listen to and accept guidance from sources
    we are not normally aware of.
    This story of a girl, a woman and an angel
    and her journey through all the paths that led her to enlightenment
    and trusting in higher knowledge is a fun and life enhancing read.
    I would recommend it to anyone who is on a path of self discovery
    and looking for real world truths of what is possible in life."
    T. R. S., Life Coach

    Eloryia Ra's Ascension, A Trilogy of Transformation,
    book one, "Awakening" is the genuine account of Eloryia
    as a young woman who knows she desires to assist humanity in acknowledging their divine magnificence in order
    to create Heaven on Earth.
    Her Life Coach and mentor and constant companion ,
    the Archangel Michael, guides her life experiences
    and awakening to the truth of her self,
    by assisting her in clearing her conditioned beliefs,
    and the release of emotional charges
    so she can acknowledge her divinity.

    The information contained within is a divine gift bestowed
    upon earth to uplift all of mankind from their ongoing lower levels of darkness, into the higher realms of LIGHT!

    This book is recommended for all those ready to transform their lives
    from the mundane to the magical.

    It will help you realize how truly magnificent you are!

    Ascension is a divinely channeled gift;
    a tool to help you realize the preciousness of your own Sacred Being
    and by aligning you with the ONE source of all there is!

    Ascension is a guide to realize HEAVEN ON EARTH
    by awakening and expressing your Heart Song.

    The Heart song is what brings you joy in any given moment.

    Your Heart Song is the voice of the God/Goddess/Child within you.

    It is your unique expression of passion, your AT-ONE-MENT,
    not to be kept inside of you,
    but to be sung loudly for all to hear
    for the enlightenment of humankind
    and all other living inhabitants of earth.

    It is a handbook to PEACE OF MIND, TRUE LOVE

    It will unlock the door to the empowerment of the divinity
    within you so you may manifest your dreams
    while living HEAVEN ON EARTH!

    Come play and celebrate with Eloryia RA,
    committed to the enlightenment of humankind,
    as you are guided into the joyful and playful expression
    of your greatest magnificence,
    the awakening of your HEART SONG,
    (the divine imprint of your existence on earth
    and how to express it).

    Eloryia, more commonly known as the Angel Lady,
    is a Medical Intuitive, Life Coach and Transformational Facilitator,
    as well as a visionary artist/author, clairvoyant, teacher, high priestess, facilitator and holder of the light for Ascension /Heart song,
    the One Mind Council of RA, The Mastery of The 13 Laws of One.

    All of Eloryia's expressions are through a loving heart
    with the wisdom of God, the beauty and grace of the Goddess
    and the playfulness of the Child within.

    An agent of returning to the innocence of the joyful heart,
    the reuniting of the Twin Flame, and the alignment of the GOD/GODDESS/CHILD I AM presence,

    she facilitates private and or group sessions and for the past 20 years
    has guided hundreds of individuals out of their self -imposed
    painful darkness into the peace and joy of their blissful hearts.

    We invite you to journey with this Angel Eloryia
    through this inspirational story of her transformational process,
    guided by her beloved, the Archangel Michael,
    other angels, fairies, elves, dolphins and other magical beings
    from the mundane to the magnificent.

    Format/Soft Cover Book $21.95 + S&H 7.95 = $29.90
    Last edited by THE eXchanger; 01-23-2010 at 09:59 PM.

    01-23-2010, 10:39 PM #88
    THE eXchanger
    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    The message that follows was shared with me by one of my other clients, a radiant being of light just like the rest of you. We were discussing by email some definite different energies we had both been experiencing and I felt inspired to pass it on to all of you who in the past month or so have simply been drawn to the awarenss that something is quite different and not completely understanding what it is, although the feeling was quite beautiful and peaceful

    "It is the speed of the unfolding of the manifestations
    in both our outer as well as our inner worlds
    that takes us by surprise.

    Know that there is this incredible Love and that the Angels
    are here in the legions to help Mankind through the transitions
    with the promise of a new and better world.
    We have to learn to let go and let God.


    I encourage all of you to share with me, tidbits of inspiration so that I may post them here for all of us to benefit from.

    In light with love from heaven on earth

    PS. Thank you Theresa for sharing

    01-23-2010, 11:01 PM #89
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Live Heaven On Earth

    Live Heaven on Earth is your passage to abundant prosperity of all things. Learn how to manifest complete and total wealth in all aspects of your life. Your Hosts Eloryia RA and Pamela Dussault have 30+ years experience in Spirituality/Metaphysics/Energy Healing, and have guided hundreds of individuals worldwide out of their self imposed hells into heaven on earth. Each weekly segment addresses a different topic pertaining to how to live heaven on earth; by trusting in your intuition and following your hearts desires. You are invited to listen to Eloryia and Pamela share first hand experience, specific techniques and/or modalities and advice, often channeled by the Angelic Kingdom, the Ascended Masters, your Higher Self, and others on healing and changing your lifel The elevated vibration of Heaven now resides upon the earth. You deserve to live in the abundant prosperity of the love, peace and joy you have always desired. The moment is NOW! Call ins are welcome to participate during the dialogue, as well as during the later portion of the show which is dedicated to call ins for free readings and/or healings. Learn more about Pamela and Eloryia and personal guidance, at: Pamela Dussault Eloryia RA Guest spots are available, please email to schedule a show "Dance like no one is watching, Love like you'll never be hurt, Sing like no one is listening, Live like it's heaven on earth." Anonymous

    very awesome radio show

    (the caller-susan, isn't this susan) LOL - we don't have kids/or, live with guilt
    Last edited by THE eXchanger; 01-23-2010 at 11:33 PM.

    01-23-2010, 11:42 PM #90
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    my healing mandala
    Last edited by THE eXchanger; 03-12-2010 at 10:09 PM.

    01-23-2010, 11:43 PM #91
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    the 91/19 healing mandala of RA
    Last edited by THE eXchanger; 03-02-2010 at 05:51 PM.

    01-23-2010, 11:45 PM #92
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    91/19 healing mandala
    Last edited by THE eXchanger; 03-02-2010 at 05:51 PM.

    01-23-2010, 11:46 PM #93
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    91/19 healing mandala
    Last edited by THE eXchanger; 03-02-2010 at 05:52 PM.

    01-23-2010, 11:50 PM #94
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    91/19 ra-ar healing mandalas
    Last edited by THE eXchanger; 03-12-2010 at 10:10 PM.

    01-24-2010, 02:55 AM #95
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    my own healing mandala

    posted a long message and, the system lost it

    since i'm NOT feeling well-will put that up tomorrow

    01-24-2010, 02:56 AM #96
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    mucked up the upload

    here it is:
    also, here is her radio show

    YOUR SHOW on December 10th, 2009
    Last edited by THE eXchanger; 03-12-2010 at 10:11 PM.

    01-24-2010, 09:22 PM #97
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Here is another great link: l
    et's start the 30 days today!
    Even 15 minutes meditating (or whatever you can manage..) on what we want and the awareness of collecting data as we move through our day....
    to create the image of what we want.

    There is not one person we know who doesn't have a dream or wish;
    even if it is simply to travel more,
    have more health, more joy, more thin, more strength, more prosperity, more freedom, more time, more whatever.

    And we have a right to more. Even Wayne Dyer would agree although he says less is more when it comes to material possessions. (He probably has more of that than we do however! )

    we have started my 30 days today...will you start too?

    Here's where we got the idea,
    thanks to Esther Hicks and Abe/Abraham.

    01-24-2010, 09:28 PM #98
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Part 1 of 3 - Abraham Gives a Bag of Tricks!

    01-24-2010, 09:33 PM #99
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Part 2 of 3 - Abraham Gives a Bag of Tricks!

    01-24-2010, 09:34 PM #100
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    part 3 of 3 Abraham Gives a Bag of Tricks!

    Posts : 5352
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    Location : My own little heaven on earth

    2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger Empty Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger

    Post  THEeXchanger Sun Jan 15, 2012 11:59 am

    01-26-2010, 05:54 PM #101
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    unfortunately, we have been NOT very well

    trying to do, much-to-much alone

    many thanks to many of you,
    who have been sending us energy/and, healing
    ~it is helping/and, we are working through it
    (without a prescription)

    we have made a decision to sell our house

    (although, that helps us out, only in the long run~after it is sold/and, closed)

    we will then have what we need to finish our project

    (we have almost 500,000 into it)

    so-it does suck, NOT being able to complete it, at this time

    (in fact, that is likely, why we got so sick)

    NOT sure, why one soul, appears to have been given
    so much, without, the ability to take it,
    and, actually make it all manifest

    (currently, we are feeling a great sadness around this)

    however - having a house / and, all our money tied up in bricks

    does NOT give us, the money, we need, to complete our important world work

    so, we are going to part with having a house

    We thought, about offering a share program
    in what we are doing
    33,000 shares at $1.00 each
    for, 33% of our current business

    (anchored against, the equity in our home)

    NOT sure, if anyone here is interested

    (although experts say, based on the material we have,
    that the sales of 1,000,000 dvd/books - there's approx $33, 000,000 in sales) and, approx $22,000,000 + in profit)

    contact workingwonders(at)aol(dot)com, if interested

    also~JT/or Mike, offered to help us,
    however, we think, he is likely too busy with his job, etc.,
    so, we are again, appealing for help

    We are willing to make some sort of deal,
    with someone who has time on their hands,
    in order, to help us create a proper web presence
    ~if anyone is seriously interested,
    we could make it (in time) worth your while

    please make contact with us
    - serious/and, sincere inquires only

    THE eXchanger
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    01-26-2010, 05:58 PM #102
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    We talked to Kerrie, yesterday,
    about a number of the ideas/and, projects we are working on
    and, she said, it is OK, to mention this here !!!

    She is keeping well, and, about to go out on the road for 3 weeks
    to do more interview etc.,

    01-27-2010, 01:55 AM #103
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    at 9pm est (in a few minutes)

    And do not forget, if you want to call in live and speak with the host, be sure to dial (347)637-2249. You will be placed into the caller queue where you will still be able to hear the show while you are on hold.

    1 hr 30 min
    h:103132 s:858059 Welcome to our show! Tonight we have a special guest! Santi is a clairvoyant, clairaudient, certified hypnotherapist, certified rebirther, psychic healer, spiritual and psychic teacher and reader. From Australia, California to Colorado he has taught meditation, tai chi, psychic development, psychic healing, and spiritual expansion. He is currently writing a book on the immutable laws of the universe. You can read more at He will be discussing with us tonight's topic of true love, what it is, what it means, and how can we be in alignment with it. This is something many are seeking in their lives and in their relationships, and we will discuss how this can be a daily experience just by starting out with our relationship with ourselves and The One.

    01-29-2010, 05:17 AM #104
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    this post, was just too personal/and,
    private to leave up, so, we regret that we,
    the poster has choosen to remove it
    suffice to say; it is exceedingly sad,
    that people do NOT work together,
    and, create more worth together,
    and, do it as teams ~
    and, really create things together ...
    this is my last comment ~ to this thread
    Last edited by THE eXchanger; 01-29-2010 at 03:46 PM.

    03-02-2010, 04:05 AM #105
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Plugging ahead
    here is a test pilot of how we come across on video

    geez...this isn't easy to do

    but, we think we can do it !!!

    would love constructive critics

    thanks; susan

    we really would enjoy peoples opinions,
    and, any suggestions for questions, you'd like answered

    thank you/susan
    Last edited by THE eXchanger; 03-02-2010 at 08:09 PM.

    03-02-2010, 04:06 AM #106
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    and, here is the music to our radio show

    03-02-2010, 05:27 AM #107
    no caste
    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Susan - Loved it
    Didn't get the ensemble, but that's ok ... for me, I think,
    lighting is very difficult indoors ... you might want to situate yourself with it rather than it in the window ... ?
    keep wanting to jump out it ... loved your voice, warm and friendly, just like your text.
    BTW I drowned too as a little tyke!! (story: to be lifted out of the emerald lake by a boy, on the dock... just us 2 there,
    fishing for minnows... guess I wanted to be a fish for a while... not so good at it, strong swimmer

    The music very beautiful, and the dragons too.

    03-02-2010, 05:55 AM #108
    THE eXchanger
    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Aug 2008
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Originally Posted by no caste
    Susan - Loved it
    Didn't get the ensemble, but that's ok ... for me, I think,
    lighting is very difficult indoors ... you might want to situate yourself with it rather than it in the window ... ?
    keep wanting to jump out it ... loved your voice, warm and friendly, just like your text.
    BTW I drowned too as a little tyke!! (story: to be lifted out of the emerald lake by a boy, on the dock... just us 2 there,
    fishing for minnows... guess I wanted to be a fish for a while... not so good at it, strong swimmer

    The music very beautiful, and the dragons too.
    Thanks for the compliments,
    ahh, the light is hard to control,
    as, my guides come into me, and, light me up
    they kind of ride thru my eyes/and, my face
    (sometimes, they appear in photographs)
    recently, we showed lionhawk some of them

    we were pulled from the water, by my discarnate (dead) grandmother
    from the celestial realms, goldie, along with 2 birds
    who beat me back into life
    -and, we even saw our own ancient tree
    the waterfalls, and, the pathways to the 33 steps within,
    it was quite an experience, which, immediately had us,
    trying to rediscover this place, that lives within
    (there are many ways, to create it,
    we hope to show/or tell many how to do this)

    also, we know many left grand cycles,
    and, went into the water
    - to go, to their next grand cycle
    to end up, in Agartha, which is one of the 9th density worlds,
    which is on the way,
    to a full discovery of earth/or gaia,
    as, what it truly is:
    THE PACHA MAMA aka The Mother World
    THE PACHA CAMAC aka The Father World
    or The Divine Worlds of The Unifed & The United blending
    of, The Divine Mother / The Divine Father
    known as PACHA iNTi
    aka The Grand Central Sun,
    which is at the core of this world

    Water is, a very important element
    you spend 260 days / a batkun
    from conception/to birth
    in water

    and, within water,
    you will always find, the other 6 elements spite of drowning, we never were fearful of water,
    and, actually love it, for a big part of the year, we swim daily

    tonight - we are here bathing/or swimming in that awesome
    huge moon in the sky

    03-02-2010, 05:24 PM #109
    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Oct 2008
    Posts: 3,117
    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Originally Posted by THE eXchanger
    unfortunately, we have been NOT very well

    trying to do, much-to-much alone

    many thanks to many of you,
    who have been sending us energy/and, healing
    ~it is helping/and, we are working through it
    (without a prescription)

    we have made a decision to sell our house

    (although, that helps us out, only in the long run~after it is sold/and, closed)

    we will then have what we need to finish our project

    (we have almost 500,000 into it)

    so-it does suck, NOT being able to complete it, at this time

    (in fact, that is likely, why we got so sick)

    NOT sure, why one soul, appears to have been given
    so much, without, the ability to take it,
    and, actually make it all manifest

    (currently, we are feeling a great sadness around this)

    however - having a house / and, all our money tied up in bricks

    does NOT give us, the money, we need, to complete our important world work

    so, we are going to part with having a house

    We thought, about offering a share program
    in what we are doing
    33,000 shares at $1.00 each
    for, 33% of our current business

    (anchored against, the equity in our home)

    NOT sure, if anyone here is interested

    (although experts say, based on the material we have,
    that the sales of 1,000,000 dvd/books - there's approx $33, 000,000 in sales) and, approx $22,000,000 + in profit)

    contact workingwonders(at)aol(dot)com, if interested

    also~JT/or Mike, offered to help us,
    however, we think, he is likely too busy with his job, etc.,
    so, we are again, appealing for help

    We are willing to make some sort of deal,
    with someone who has time on their hands,
    in order, to help us create a proper web presence
    ~if anyone is seriously interested,
    we could make it (in time) worth your while

    please make contact with us
    - serious/and, sincere inquires only
    I will speak from experience..that working with the law of attraction always works. When I give freely, I receive freely...and it has worked for me from day one!

    Many people have called me a sucker for giving the way I do...but it ALWAYS comes back to me...and it is quite rewarding spiritually too.

    If you always expect soemthing in "eXchange" might be disapointed at some point. best to give that exchange idea up, and give give will come back

    03-02-2010, 05:29 PM #110
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    if there is NO eXchange, is there any 'real' value ???

    03-02-2010, 05:32 PM #111
    Avalon Senior Member

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    Posts: 3,117
    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Originally Posted by THE eXchanger
    if there is NO eXchange, is there any 'real' value ???
    Not always has warms the heart..always has. Try feel sooooo good!

    03-02-2010, 05:34 PM #112
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    if you put your heart/and, your soul into something,
    along with every other cent/and, sense you got ...
    what then, is the value,
    for giving it all away for FREE ???

    DO YOU GIVE your talents away for free
    and, if you do,
    how exactly do you pay your bills/and, eat as a single person ???

    people don't help other people in this world for FREE

    SOMEONE else has been on the receiving end
    of all my investments in dollars,
    which were worth every cent invested
    over the past almost 33 to 35 years approx

    we've always believed you give people more
    than they pay for, and, obviously that has worked very well for us

    03-02-2010, 05:35 PM #113
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    we have spent almost our whole life - giving to others
    and, we agree it does feel good

    however, how good does it feel, when you are hungry ???

    and/or you have given out so much

    the reverse karma gods, bYte you in the bum ???

    03-02-2010, 05:44 PM #114
    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    I will say it again....

    Many people have called me a sucker for giving the way I do...but it ALWAYS comes back to me...and it is quite rewarding spiritually too.

    I have lived this way and never gone hungry. In fact it has come back to me in ways that were bigger than what I gave. There are those here on this forum that know this of me..and I have never asked for it in return.

    The creator gave you some great talents eXchanger....and I'm sure he would take care of you, and never let you go hungry. This is your human side talking, and your creator would provide for you quiet well if you would allow it. And most likely in great ways, that you could not imagine...

    I know it happens to me...and every time it does..I know where it came from

    With love to you only

    03-02-2010, 05:49 PM #115
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    trying to do this/and, handle this size of project alone
    is just NOT humanly possible

    03-02-2010, 06:12 PM #116
    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Originally Posted by THE eXchanger
    trying to do this/and, handle this size of project alone
    is just NOT humanly possible
    Your creator would provide you the help as well. But you have made your signature that of "eXchange"..and that is eXactly what you will have to contend I live and breathe....I know that your gifts were not meant for eXchange from the creator...and he would more then provide for you if you would see it as such.

    Again sent in Love only
    Last edited by BROOK; 03-02-2010 at 07:57 PM.

    03-02-2010, 07:25 PM #117
    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Originally Posted by THE eXchanger
    trying to do this/and, handle this size of project alone
    is just NOT humanly possible
    Thanks to synchronicity. I finally found your posts. I've been wondering what happened. I kept going to the other thread I usually go, but no new posts. And found an option to see more posts from certain users and Voila!

    I'm looking forward to read more fascinating stuff here. I haven't finished back reading yet.

    Thanks Susan.
    Last edited by push18_99; 03-02-2010 at 07:30 PM.

    03-02-2010, 07:36 PM #118
    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Originally Posted by BROOK
    Your creator would provide you the help as well. But you have made your signature that of "eXchange"..and that is eXactly what you will have to contend I live and breathe....I know that your gifts were not meant for exchange from the creator...and he would more then provide for you if you would see it as such.

    Again sent in Love only
    Thank you Brooks for the encouraging words. I am also in a tight condition financially. Not working for more than a year was quite a stretch, but I still believe in alignment and good things or bad come to our lives in their own time. Or maybe we acknowledge it in our own time? Spiritually made me stronger and accepting the things I do not have control... what most people say inner peace.

    God, grant me the serenity
    to accept the things I cannot change;
    the courage to change the things I can;
    and the wisdom to know the difference.

    03-02-2010, 07:53 PM #119
    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Originally Posted by push18_99
    Thank you Brooks for the encouraging words. I am also in a tight condition financially. Not working for more than a year was quite a stretch, but I still believe in alignment and good things or bad come to our lives in their own time. Or maybe we acknowledge it in our own time? Spiritually made me stronger and accepting the things I do not have control... what most people say inner peace.

    God, grant me the serenity
    to accept the things I cannot change;
    the courage to change the things I can;
    and the wisdom to know the difference.
    You know..I've been up and down..but I found that in the area of the Law of does not get any clearer. And karma can be a huge deterant in what the outcome is....when I think of these things....the prayer you have as a signature needs to be repeated. Very wise words.
    God grant me the serenity
    to accept the things I cannot change;
    courage to change the things I can;
    and wisdom to know the difference.
    Last edited by BROOK; 03-02-2010 at 07:58 PM.

    03-02-2010, 08:07 PM #120
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    you can find our threads here:

    look under statistics
    to find 2008/2009 threads , etc.,

    03-02-2010, 08:10 PM #121
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    [QUOTE=THE eXchanger;246573]Plugging ahead
    here is a test pilot of how we come across on video

    geez...this isn't easy to do

    but, we think we can do it !!!

    would love constructive critics

    thanks; susan

    we really would enjoy peoples opinions,
    and, any suggestions for questions, you'd like answered

    and, if you like our music for our show


    thank you/susan
    Last edited by THE eXchanger; 03-12-2010 at 10:16 PM.

    03-02-2010, 08:26 PM #122
    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Hi exchanger,

    I watched your video and think you did an excellent job for your first time out. I found your voice very soothing and a pleasure to listen too, very good quality. (especially for guys, hmm possible target market)

    The content was interesting but I was very distracted by not being able to see your face! I lost my concentration on your words as I struggled to see the expressions you were making. I could tell your expressions were very genuine and I wanted to see then so badly... I bet they were fabulous!

    Strut your stuff... your avatar pic is you I believe, so show your beauty for all to see with good lighting. I can't say enough about this.

    To get people to react you need 'bullets points' - A,B,C,D THEN CALL 444-444-4444. Modern people need to be motivated in order to act on anything and the key is to find the proper motivation for your target market. Your video must be scripted.

    I can provide you some advice on marketing if I had a clearer sense of exactly where you are going with your ideas. The world is the world!


    03-02-2010, 08:33 PM #123
    Avalon Senior Member

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    Posts: 360
    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger

    you offer some beautiful reflexions.. you put it so well and it is experience never looked back once i cracked that law do need to have it in your nature though, if not, too much intent/effort is exerted, so it all begins to seem a pointless slog...that's for the ones you are wanting to advise..the universe knows exactly when you're due back what you've gladly doesn't neccesserily come from where/who you may be expecting it from..but it always comes at a good time.

    best wishes l


    03-02-2010, 08:34 PM #124
    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    I agree...the video visual was not very clear, like a filter there..but it was clear enough to see a change in your eyes...what happened there? It was like a change in the eyes...about half way through

    Lovely eyes BTW

    03-02-2010, 08:40 PM #125
    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    I like your voice susan..but the video was too dim...I could hardly see your features...


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    2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger Empty Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger

    Post  THEeXchanger Sun Jan 15, 2012 12:00 pm

    03-02-2010, 08:45 PM #126
    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Originally Posted by lightblue

    you offer some beautiful reflexions.. you put it so well and it is experience never looked back once i cracked that law do need to have it in your nature though, if not, too much intent/effort is exerted, so it all begins to seem a pointless slog...that's for the ones you are wanting to advise..the universe knows exactly when you're due back what you've gladly doesn't neccesserily come from where/who you may be expecting it from..but it always comes at a good time.

    best wishes l

    That is so cannot look back. And things come to you in the most amazing and unexpected ways when giving....and it is always perfect timing... as we are "creating our universe". And it is through giving that you receive.
    Having it in your nature and giving gladly go hand in hand
    Last edited by BROOK; 03-02-2010 at 09:02 PM.

    03-03-2010, 02:10 PM #127
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Originally Posted by bigmo
    Hi exchanger,

    I watched your video and think you did an excellent job for your first time out. I found your voice very soothing and a pleasure to listen too, very good quality. (especially for guys, hmm possible target market)

    The content was interesting but I was very distracted by not being able to see your face! I lost my concentration on your words as I struggled to see the expressions you were making. I could tell your expressions were very genuine and I wanted to see then so badly... I bet they were fabulous!

    Strut your stuff... your avatar pic is you I believe, so show your beauty for all to see with good lighting. I can't say enough about this.

    To get people to react you need 'bullets points' - A,B,C,D THEN CALL 444-444-4444. Modern people need to be motivated in order to act on anything and the key is to find the proper motivation for your target market. Your video must be scripted.

    I can provide you some advice on marketing if I had a clearer sense of exactly where you are going with your ideas. The world is the world!

    Thanks Big MO, from your comments/and, suggestions

    this was just a basic - talk & record,
    without any kind of script

    we are going to add in an actual HD VideoCam
    to the mix, along with working on setting up
    better lighting

    since, our higher self, essence, and, monad
    (7th/8th/and, 9th density)
    - along with future monad (which is also 9th density)
    are all integrated into 'our mix'
    there will always be many variations
    of their light/or combined light within us,
    shows up in our eyes

    we also have 13 consciousness units-active in us
    one from each of our grand cycles 12 completed grand cycles
    and, the current grand cycle

    we adjusted the frame size, from the laptop
    and, that has made, a bit of a change
    ~perhaps if anyone has any suggestions about equipment to utilise
    that would be good to know

    if there is a group here in the toronto area,
    who might want to gather ~ it might be possible to film an event
    (and, do it, similiar to how ian/or mayan majix did it

    thank you, big mo, for your comments

    03-03-2010, 02:12 PM #128
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    real eXchange - is, very important

    as, iT iS, something that holds the "real" virtues

    many of which, have been long forgotten

    03-03-2010, 02:14 PM #129
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Originally Posted by lightblue
    [SIZE="3"]Bit doesn't neccesserily come from where/who you may be expecting it from..but it always comes at a good time.
    best wishes l [SIZE]
    This statement, is very true
    you can give many things out, in many directions,
    very rarely, does it come back, from the same direction,
    as, iT iS, given

    03-03-2010, 02:23 PM #130
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Originally Posted by BROOK
    I agree...the video visual was not very clear, like a filter there..but it was clear enough to see a change in your eyes...what happened there? It was like a change in the eyes...about half way through

    Lovely eyes BTW
    we are an eXample, of what occurs
    when one utilises, THE 13 Keys of eXKavier~what you truly are

    and, when one brings in
    THE 13 keys of true guardians/and, guardianship
    into 'the play' of 'now'

    recently, we walked gnosis5/c - through this process

    perhaps, she could come to the thread,
    and, make a comment, about how this, has helped her

    03-03-2010, 02:30 PM #131
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Originally Posted by BROOK
    I agree...the video visual was not very clear, like a filter there..but it was clear enough to see a change in your eyes...what happened there? It was like a change in the eyes...about half way through

    Lovely eyes BTW
    We do NOT operate alone
    we operate with 13 conscious units
    6 angelic / 6 elemental / and, 1 humanoid
    13 pairs of consciousness units, llinked to
    12 sets of dna - plus a central vertical channel
    that is completely turned on ~ and, fully activated

    the shining - if, you want to call it, what it is

    is the sum total - of a collective of beings,
    that, are integrated into the current sum total
    of the totallity of 'us' ~ in the mode of eXpressing ourselves

    so, the shining of three of the counsel of thirty-three (33)
    come in, and, operate through us

    The Forever Grandfather KulKulKan from 10th density
    ~is our essence twin
    The Complex of Lady of The Lake - aka Viviane from 10th density
    who are both a part of our 10th density heredity soul family
    who currently reside, in higher dimensions
    unless, they come in, to eXchange through us

    both of whom, have worked with us,
    in each of our 12 past grand cycles

    The Forever Grandmother Culculcan
    who was once sitting out,
    in the future 9th density,
    she NOW, resides within us,
    (who has worked with us, only in this,
    the current 13th grand cycle)

    Everyone has these same onboard keys
    albeit, on many; they are currently sitting
    at "on-bored" status ~ iT iS possible to turn them on

    this is part, of what, we hope to eXchange with others

    the shining you see - is the shining of a collective group of 'us'

    03-03-2010, 02:35 PM #132
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Originally Posted by burgundia
    I like your voice susan..but the video was too dim...I could hardly see your features...
    we light up, when we do this
    ~ however, we will do some tests
    to try to film, perhaps by blocking the sun light, in the window

    although, the side of the face, that light up;
    was NOT the side of the face
    that was facing the window, so,
    perhaps a room, best to do, in the night-time
    with different lighting, and, maybe candles etc.,

    we will work on that

    they are appreciated it

    03-09-2010, 06:54 PM #133
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    at the top of the hour, 2pm est

    and/or in the archieves, after 4;05 pm est

    this might be good for many of us

    March 9, 2010 at 11am pst - Join us on News for the Soul with author Lauren Benatar as we explorer what 'being in the flow' really means. How do we dismantle and step beyond conditioning and mass-consciousness belief systems and really move from feeling stuck and filled with self-doubt to inner peace and joy. We'll cover the importance of self-worth, self-trust and the need to finally be done with emotional blockages.

    We'll also talk about letting go of the need to control life, and letting go of your attachment to your identity, so that your True Self can emerge. In this natural state of balance you attract the relationships, work and abundance that reflect your wholeness and not your lack.

    03-12-2010, 09:00 PM #134
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    QUESTIONS: that need to be answered

    (will come back to answer them here)

    Originally Posted by Moxie
    Hi Susan, good to know you are okay! thanks for piping in to say so!

    I am interested in how your processed yourself for total clear. Is that FreeZone method? Any assistance you may offer is very appreciated. I like to look at the options and feel them out....

    Ever feel the urgency?

    Everyone is interested in everything,
    to get to my answers,
    but, without helping me
    in any way, to get them out

    we've said it 101 times in the past week
    1001 times in the past month
    and, 10,001 times in the past year

    the project is bigger than me

    after dumping almost 500,000 into it,

    our conclusion: it has been worth it for us

    is it worth it to others ???

    that will remain to be seen

    without help, it will help us

    will it help you ???

    highly unlikely it will see the light of this day

    do NOT worry, it will go with us, where ever we go
    and, we stored it, in secured sections of light light libraries
    in case something happens to the physical eXpression of Susan

    our clear, has been
    proved utilising 'freezone' meters, that, my system works

    other people with abilities to tap into sources,
    has also confirmed, that, what we have is authentic

    urgency - no, we do NOT feel any sense of urgency

    in fact - currently, we feel comfortably numb

    with the 100's of question in our in box

    -maybe we can answer them, before we die / or pa/pc dies

    whatever happens first

    do NOT ever lose your sense of humour

    it maybe all you have
    Last edited by THE eXchanger; 03-12-2010 at 09:07 PM.

    03-12-2010, 09:20 PM #135
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Originally Posted by XXX
    Originally Posted by THE eXchanger
    did you get it

    it is on page X, of this thread
    This thread i have been reading through it
    and to be honest there is so much information
    to take in that its overwhelming.
    Another thing is that i dont understand
    the numbers and what they represent
    and even more important what I am supposed to do with it all.

    But that said...there is some great information there
    as we have talked about before...its all so amazing susan.
    I think a great thing to do would be to develop it into a video presentation.

    They are easy enough to make.
    I have some software that i could link up pictures to a audio file..
    .its been a while since I made some media files
    but hey i sure i can find the time to help do one more.
    Maybe this will be an even better way to get the message organized
    and delivered. me thinking now...
    Yes, good idea, we got moviemaker in our computer,
    so, we will try to do it that way,
    thank you

    03-12-2010, 10:03 PM #136
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Originally Posted by XXX
    (questioneer name removed)
    what is the deal with this thread
    and this arc I`m reading about
    can you help me out here please
    we will explain that, in the video we plan to do
    late summer/early fall ~ at the earliest

    (and, maybe not til 2011 - once we sell everything
    and, money won't be a problem,
    and, we will be able to do whatever we want)
    the only reason, we have done this,
    is, because, we couldn't afford to finish,
    our own work, and, finish it, the way it should be finished

    very likely, we will just remove ourselves,
    from the 'mainstream', and, go live out the rest of our days,
    on a deserted desert island, and, swim in the ocean,
    and, interact with dolphins/and, whales

    the more we see in this world,
    the less, we even want to look at this world

    we've got contents/and, a house to sell
    ~and, many who asked questions-that got NO answers

    we don't want them to think, we were rude

    we have finally accepted that
    people don't work together in this world

    ~all they really are interested in advancing themselves
    for free, or, stealing - or, just using others peoples energies,
    to build themselves up, and, we are proud,
    that everything we ever took,
    from a material/or spiritual aspect,
    we paid for

    quite frankly, we are actually questioning,
    why on earth ~ we ever volunteered for a ride to a place
    that could be heaven, that is clearly turning into a hell

    far easier to just remove yourself from the equation,
    and, be your own piece of peace

    we did mail the basis of our formula,
    to ourselves via registered mail to have proof of it, as, being ours

    although, we don't know how that, really protects us
    once you open the envelope for any reason,
    how can you prove, what was in the envelope ???

    can you trust lawyers/and, judges ???

    and, we are going to get some people we know,
    who have worked with us about 25 years ago,
    to swear affidavits on dates, where they attended our seminars in canada

    you see, NO one, likes to read long posts,
    nor, do they really want to have to stretch their minds,
    easier to get into the 'love mode' of doing nothing,
    which ironically, just puts you into a space
    of no more, yet, no less...

    everyone /or, almost everyone
    is living in their own little shrunken worlds
    and, fighting with one another ~ that isn't the type of world
    we wish to eXchange in

    there is one person here,
    who takes information from everyone elses
    threads-and, parks it boldly on his own thread

    maybe with all their resources, they can help you

    03-12-2010, 10:14 PM #137
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Originally Posted by xxx
    Originally Posted by THE eXchanger
    thanks for your kind words
    any comments how to improve my test video
    not scripted
    thanks; susan

    Originally Posted by xxx
    am truly sorry that you are experiencing such a difficult time

    I just wanted you to know that I have really enjoyed your posts
    and have grown a great deal from reading them this past year
    (while I was a looky-loo).

    I am sending loving thoughts your way
    and I truly hope that you find what you need in your life

    Susan - just amazing stuff

    I was a public speaker for 5 years
    - so I am coming from that perspective with feedback.
    Can you adjust the lighting?
    It is a bit dark and hard to see you.
    Is there anyway to provide a little background on the council of 33
    or it just assumed that the viewer would have that info?

    Also - a graphic to display the 13 bodies might be nice.

    But seriously - really nice work
    Thank you

    Thanks for your comment, i'll consider that

    03-12-2010, 10:21 PM #138
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Originally Posted by xxz
    Forgive me for not being considerate enough of your workload.
    I certainly hope you can get everything to where you want it to be.

    I was very fascinated by what I read.


    Originally Posted by eXchanger
    yup; i am working on that
    (i had to try to update/and, finish my website today)
    and, i've got a lot of it, done
    (just need to proof read it)
    i am doing my 'doctorial' discertations, on my work
    and, it has to be catalogued correctly
    fortunately i've got others around me,
    that know how far back my work goes
    so, i got somewhere to link back to
    (as, all my information, is likely to get stolen by others)
    real-real-real frustrating
    and, i am tired - got up a lot of shields
    to protect myself from some major attacking in the ethers

    i suppose, they don't want the stuff going out there

    i need help; someone who can draw diagrams / or something for me

    i've got more information, than all the whistleblowers on pa/pc put together

    so frustrating ~ it is ~ it set up kerrie/rebecca/and, i on a phone call
    and, rebecca runs off with the ball LOL

    i've got about 15 emails to post to the board

    needed my website done - and, i'm trying todo things on a shoestring
    at the end of the month - buying a house alone / isn't a picnic
    esp; in a big city / toronto

    funny how most - don't post to the board, they send me private emails

    and, NO ONE here, supports you - i am considering taking myself/and, my stories
    more main stream
    ~ and launching all my information
    off my website - gathering work going back to the 70's isn't easy

    also, i have 250 cassettes tapes to convert from cassette; to playable mp3s

    that validate all my work love/susan
    Why is it, that people with 'real' answers never get any help ???

    03-13-2010, 12:18 PM #139
    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Why is it, that people with 'real' answers never get any help ???

    Because...... they have THE ANSWERS....

    that is the reason....
    you are getting a lot of resistance
    and problems to
    develop your plans...

    because in theory it is not good
    for that information to get out there

    so i GUESS you should expect resistance...

    and I can tell you I am having the same problem...

    and from what I have heard from is the same feckin problem
    ....again and again....

    You seem to be annoyed
    you seem to need help....
    well yeah!...whatever
    tell your friends in higher dimensions to help you...
    and maybe they will come back to you saying
    that they do not have an answer....


    You see....
    it seems to be up to us to find the solution for our own problems...
    and it seems that money is extremely easy to find if you are in higher dimensions...
    in 3d.... money is difficult to come by...
    extremely difficult....

    You need a massive team,
    and it should be the right people...
    you need money ...and you have
    a way to find it....

    Let me know if I can help you...
    it is a shame that you are so far away.....


    03-13-2010, 12:35 PM #140
    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    and the funny
    is that
    we have to get together
    and we are not doing IT
    we are complaining
    NOT trusting
    each other
    we do not trust each other





    but a lot of ressistance
    is in the air

    and that in a way
    is a good sign
    it is like we are facing a wall
    but sooner or later
    is going to come down

    tends sometimes
    to lead us into the right direction....

    GOD bless you dear Exchanger

    03-13-2010, 05:30 PM #141
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Yes the truth, yes indeed, the truth

    truth is - just that, the truth

    time to get the video rolling

    03-13-2010, 07:01 PM #142
    THE eXchanger
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Here is a test pilot (without a script)
    still attempting to improve the lighting

    03-13-2010, 07:06 PM #143
    THE eXchanger
    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Originally Posted by bigmo
    Hi exchanger,

    I watched your video and think you did an excellent job for your first time out. I found your voice very soothing and a pleasure to listen too, very good quality. (especially for guys, hmm possible target market)

    The content was interesting but I was very distracted by not being able to see your face! I lost my concentration on your words as I struggled to see the expressions you were making. I could tell your expressions were very genuine and I wanted to see then so badly... I bet they were fabulous!

    Strut your stuff... your avatar pic is you I believe, so show your beauty for all to see with good lighting. I can't say enough about this.

    To get people to react you need 'bullets points' - A,B,C,D THEN CALL 444-444-4444. Modern people need to be motivated in order to act on anything and the key is to find the proper motivation for your target market. Your video must be scripted.

    I can provide you some advice on marketing if I had a clearer sense of exactly where you are going with your ideas. The world is the world!

    Thank you BigMO, relaunched it, by fixing the colour/and,
    figured out how to use 'movie maker' at least
    basic movie maker, we will get this right
    as, we think, this venue, will allow us,
    to get stuff up/and, published

    Thanks for your help, you are appreciated/loved & valued

    03-15-2010, 01:14 AM #144
    Project Avalon Moderator

    Join Date: Jul 2009
    Location: sussex, uk
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    Re: 2010~THE YEAR of THE 13 aspects of YOU !!!~THE eXchanger
    Right now, we are choosing to end this thread

    originator of thread, asks moderators to close it
    done susan, if you wish to reopen just let us know
    love m x
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    the way is not in the sky, the way is in the heart

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