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    The Time-Quake Activity Log


    Posts : 2357
    Join date : 2011-01-27
    Age : 59

    The Time-Quake Activity Log Empty The Time-Quake Activity Log

    Post  HigherLove Wed Dec 28, 2011 9:44 pm


    ...Explanation to follow

    Joplin Tornado and Japan Earthquake Illuminate Universe's Hidden Features

    (OPENPRESS) June 1, 2011 -- As documented throughout Finishing the Mysteries of Gods and Symbols, by Seven Star Hand, and earlier books and articles, the number 11 is a pivotal numeric symbol and key that unlocks much that has been expertly hidden for millennia. The modern sciences of string/m theory and quantum physics have shown us things about our universe and reality that are far stranger than ever expected. For example, we now know there are 11 dimensions to our reality, instead of merely 4. This also proves that there are precisely seven hidden and mysterious dimensions in addition to the four of space-time. This is vitally important because the numbers 4 and 7 are widely used throughout numerous ancient symbolic texts and concepts within contexts that perfectly match the reality of seven hidden dimensions and the four dimensions of space-time.

    Observations through quantum physics have also shown that the underpinnings of this universe are far more fluid and uncertain than most modern scientists would have believed. One prominent physicist of the 20th century, David Bohm, had the foresight to see that science was proving that our universe was far more interactive than the traditional mechanistic sciences would allow for. In his breakthrough book, Wholeness and the Implicate Order, Mr. Bohm theorized that quantum physics was actually paralleling the allusions of eastern mysticism and ancient wisdom. Both were providing substantial evidence that our four dimensional reality actually emerged from a zone of collective thought and rules. After Mr. Bohm's death, string theory provided a further breakthrough by showing that there were exactly seven hidden dimensions which matched the features of Bohm's theoretical Implicate Order, as well as the details of numerous ancient sources.

    The numbers seven and four are found throughout ancient symbolic texts and concepts from before the earliest days of ancient Egypt. It is easily shown that they were fully aware of the existence of 11 dimensions and correctly split them into 4 and 7. The ancient sages and prophets that emerged from Egypt to author the Hebrew symbolic texts were also aware of the vital importance of the numbers 4, 7, and 11. From the 11 stars that bow to Joseph, the 11th son of Jacob in Genesis, to the burial of the Dead Sea Scrolls in exactly 11 caves during the 11th 360-year cycle on the Hebrew calendar, the importance of the number 11 to the ancient sages and prophets has been made redundantly clear. Even more stunning is how the Book of Revelation uses the symbolism of specific groups of stars, angels, and cycles of the Hebrew calendar to verifiably model 11 dimensions, using cycles of time.

    In recent years, the association of the number 11 with pivotal events and disasters has been accelerating. Now that were are in 2011, we have just witnessed the February 22nd Christchurch earthquake, the March 11th 9.0 quake and tsunami in Japan, the dual earthquake in Lorca, Spain on May 11th, and the May 22nd tornado in Joplin, Missouri, to name just the most obvious. The occurrence of these events on 11 and multiple of 11 dates during 2011 and in such a short period of time rules out mere coincidence. We now have another body of evidence that our universe is not as random or mechanistic as many have believed.

    When paired with science and ancient wisdom demonstrating the reality of an 11-dimension thought-based cyclic reality with a large degree of uncertainty and fluidity at the quantum level, the evidence is overwhelming that our universe operates in some ways more like mysticism and magic than purely mechanistic science
    . Though the physical rules of space-time are fairly rigid and reliably predictable, what occurs and why is determined in the seven hidden dimensions, which follow a different set of rules and priorities. The seven hidden dimensions are thought-based and precede and define space-time. Thereby, here is proof that non-mechanistic determinations are made from collective thought and other variables that frame the nature of events and outcomes before they occur in space-time.

    This is also evidence that the ancient Egyptians were correct about much of what they asserted and modeled symbolically about the nature of our reality. Our reality is cyclic and thought-based and can be manipulated in various ways. One of the pivotal variables that determines future outcomes is what has come to be known as karma. Good deeds cause good outcomes and bad deeds result in negative consequences. The simple rules for karma are described by the Doctrine of Two Spirits.

    Posts : 2357
    Join date : 2011-01-27
    Age : 59

    The Time-Quake Activity Log Empty Re: The Time-Quake Activity Log

    Post  HigherLove Wed Dec 28, 2011 9:45 pm

    Magnitude 6.6

    Tuesday, December 27, 2011 at 15:21:56 UTC
    Tuesday, December 27, 2011 at 10:21:56 PM at epicenter

    Location 51.858°N, 95.825°E
    Depth 6.9 km (4.3 miles)

    94 km (58 miles) E (82°) from Kyzyl, Russia
    340 km (211 miles) NE (51°) from Ulaangom, Mongolia
    361 km (224 miles) ESE (123°) from Abakan, Russia
    904 km (562 miles) WNW (303°) from ULAANBAATAR, Mongolia

    Location Uncertainty horizontal +/- 14.9 km (9.3 miles); depth +/- 6.8 km (4.2 miles)
    Parameters NST=227, Nph=227, Dmin=541 km, Rmss=0.82 sec, Gp= 36°,
    M-type=teleseismic moment magnitude (Mw), Version=7

    Magnitude: USGS NEIC (WDCS-D)
    Location: USGS NEIC (WDCS-D)

    Event ID usc0007dax

    This is in line with Solarwatcher's forecast, based on CMEs

    Last night I had a dream that we had a 9.9

    Flip that 180 degrees... 6.6

    Brook? :op


    Totally not related to this part, but also getting different effects from cannabis -- traveling out of my body until I feel I am floating and all I can see are geometric patterns, then swoosh...back to channel normal, as Graham Hancock would say.

    MAP 6.6 2011/12/27 15:21:56 51.858 95.825 6.9 SOUTHWESTERN SIBERIA, RUSSIA
    MAP 5.2 2011/12/27 11:14:28 28.058 142.840 32.2 BONIN ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION
    MAP 5.4 2011/12/27 09:04:31 31.206 140.459 94.2 IZU ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION
    MAP 4.3 2011/12/27 07:51:50 37.854 27.247 19.9 WESTERN TURKEY
    MAP 4.6 2011/12/27 07:33:35 38.266 142.138 37.9 NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
    MAP 3.4 2011/12/27 07:14:02 19.145 -68.419 55.0 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC REGION
    MAP 4.4 2011/12/27 05:59:20 37.880 27.096 10.0 WESTERN TURKEY
    MAP 3.1 2011/12/27 05:42:29 19.341 -65.886 14.1 PUERTO RICO REGION
    MAP 2.5 2011/12/27 04:37:21 63.173 -151.523 0.1 CENTRAL ALASKA
    MAP 4.7 2011/12/27 03:25:53 7.195 92.973 32.3 NICOBAR ISLANDS, INDIA REGION
    MAP 3.7 2011/12/27 01:04:40 18.310 -68.457 150.0 MONA PASSAGE, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC

    Magnitude 3.3

    Tuesday, December 27, 2011 at 17:33:57 UTC
    Tuesday, December 27, 2011 at 09:33:57 AM at epicenter
    Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones

    Location 40.359°N, 124.246°W
    Depth 27.1 km (16.8 miles)

    5 km (3 miles) NE (41°) from Petrolia, CA
    20 km (12 miles) SW (218°) from Rio Dell, CA
    25 km (15 miles) S (177°) from Ferndale, CA
    48 km (30 miles) S (188°) from Eureka, CA
    312 km (194 miles) NW (311°) from Sacramento, CA

    Location Uncertainty horizontal +/- 1.2 km (0.7 miles); depth +/- 1.3 km (0.8 miles)
    Parameters Nph= 16, Dmin=5 km, Rmss=0.13 sec, Gp=151°,
    M-type=local magnitude (ML), Version=3

    California Integrated Seismic Net:

    Event ID nc71701050

    Subduction zone.

    Just noting the increase in frequency of quakes near Juan de Fuca plate junctions over past few months.


    3.3 here

    6.6 Russia

    9.9 In my dream

    Look at the depth of the Russia quake...6.9 km

    ...I may be crazy and this may all be BS, but just in case, I have it here.

    Oh: the quake here happened at 9:33. LOL

    Mercuriel wrote:Its likely not true then and It was hype. It was probably more like a 6.6 or something. We'll just have to keep Our Eyes Peeled for Vetted Info about It...


    Indeed. I find the story about the quake to be of more interest than the quake, itself.

    Maybe it really was a 9.5, and that part of the globe is gone, or has a new portal. hehe

    By now there are surely many people capable of picking up on vibes from quakes of various natures/origins. Perhaps that is why the "news" resonated with so many (i.e. psychic vibes from earth and time quakes at the same time, with the strength of time being greater in intensity). Some of us felt a 9.5...I guess that is my point...something about it rang so true that diligent folks just ran with it.

    I suspect a "time-quake" happened at the same moment--something to do with timeline shifts (and a glitch or software bugs in the matrix, revealed as the claim that it was a 9.5: Roberta Sparrow's "Manipulated Living"). I warned about a timeline shift in my "Ordinary Guy" thread (it is in an edit comment). And I do not even know what they are. LOL

    I speculate also that a 9+ may have been prevented by said time shift...

    Just the vibes I am getting. I could be entirely wrong.

    My conflicting thoughts - lol


    3.3 6.6 9.9 9:33

    Per my clock, I posted this at 9:55. Too much (9.5....get it? hehe).

    Insanely Happy

    Starting with #544

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