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    Uncondtional Love 2012 and Beyond... (The Revolution of Love )


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    Uncondtional Love  2012 and Beyond... (The Revolution of Love ) Empty Uncondtional Love 2012 and Beyond... (The Revolution of Love )

    Post  Raven Fri Apr 30, 2010 10:53 am

    Uncondtional Love  2012 and Beyond... (The Revolution of Love ) Image015

    Unconditional love, do we really understand what it is? We have many pioneers in the world who have shown great examples of this such as Jesus, Buddah, Gandhi and many others, the list goes on. But what is it really and how do we practice unconditional love? How can we truely manifest this love in the world and what does it mean for us if we can all be unconditional lovers? I want to explore this idea with all of you and together lets help define it and see it for what it is and begin to practice it, BE it.

    To me unconditional love means inclusiveness, sharing without fear of loss, as well as a state of complete non-judgment of others. It's learning how to reflect the totality in ourselves back to each other. Judgment has no place in unconditional love, because if we remember, we are all ONE. So going on this premis, if we meet others who do not understand us and choose to hurt us, we must know that they are US not remembering who they really are, and help them to SEE by reflecting this truth back to them. How do we do this? Jesus said 'know thyself', and in so doing you will find the kingdom is inside you. Let's explore this circle of unconditional love together and grow in understanding of what it is and what it means and how important is is for our future...
    Loving you all as myself, Raven

    Last edited by Raven on Thu Oct 03, 2013 10:03 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Uncondtional Love  2012 and Beyond... (The Revolution of Love ) Empty The Destiny Path

    Post  SiriArc Sat May 01, 2010 2:42 am

    Uncondtional Love  2012 and Beyond... (The Revolution of Love ) MWSnap081

    The Return

    To OUR Innocence

    As IT Was

    So Shall IT BE Again

    Uncondtional Love  2012 and Beyond... (The Revolution of Love ) 2hzquyu

    I Am S/HE as YOU are S/HE

    as YOU are ME

    and WE are ALL Together

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    Uncondtional Love  2012 and Beyond... (The Revolution of Love ) Empty Re: Uncondtional Love 2012 and Beyond... (The Revolution of Love )

    Post  SuiGeneris Mon May 03, 2010 9:13 pm

    Raven wrote:
    what does it mean for us if we can all be unconditional lovers? I want to explore this idea with all of you

    Difficult topic here Raven.

    Maybe many already agree on a mental definition of how it should be, but putting it into practice is another matter altogether.

    About us all being unconditional can you love a man unconditionally say...and then fall in love with another?? Would you need to fall "out of love" from the first one first? or do you mean both at the same time? I'm confused :p


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    Uncondtional Love  2012 and Beyond... (The Revolution of Love ) Empty Torn Between Two Lovers

    Post  Raven Tue May 04, 2010 10:54 am

    I think this song answers your question dear SuiG, and I know how you love music, enjoy :) Raven
    As she sings, it's all just silly RULES!!! Let's change the rules :) Or better yet, do like Jesus did and BREAK the rules.

    Last edited by Raven on Fri Oct 04, 2013 6:25 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Uncondtional Love  2012 and Beyond... (The Revolution of Love ) Empty Re: Uncondtional Love 2012 and Beyond... (The Revolution of Love )

    Post  mudra Tue May 04, 2010 1:33 pm

    Raven wrote:

    Unconditional love, do we really understand what it is? Let's explore this circle of unconditional love together and grow in understanding of what it is and what it means and how important is is for our future...
    Loving you all as myself, Raven

    Thank you for this beautifull thread Raven .
    To me unconditional Love goes hand in hand with being who we really are.

    The awareness and experience of our core self is Love itself.
    We are Love so how can we put conditions there when we just are .
    For conditions to be put there there have to be thoughts .
    However we are not our thoughts neither are we our bodies .
    We are Love and the source of Love .. a radiant energy that pervades all
    We need to dig down deeply to the very heart of our being to
    realize this .

    Uncondtional Love  2012 and Beyond... (The Revolution of Love ) 934918

    Love from me

    SuiGeneris wrote:
    Raven wrote:
    what does it mean for us if we
    can all be unconditional lovers? I want to explore this idea with all of

    Difficult topic
    here Raven.

    About us all being unconditional can
    you love a man unconditionally say...and then fall in love with
    another?? Would you need to fall "out of love" from the first one
    first? or do you mean both at the same time? I'm confused :p

    Love just is and can't be compartimented . We each add to love a different and unique color according to our soul signature .
    Love does'nt have a beginning nor does it have an end .
    What changes is the settings through which you are manifesting the love that you are.
    Love is a constant that has the potential to rise through magnetic attraction and create symphonies .
    There is something awkward in the expression " falling " in love .
    We should reinvent it .

    Uncondtional Love  2012 and Beyond... (The Revolution of Love ) 934918
    Love from me

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    Uncondtional Love  2012 and Beyond... (The Revolution of Love ) Empty Re: Uncondtional Love 2012 and Beyond... (The Revolution of Love )

    Post  Raven Tue May 04, 2010 9:09 pm

    mudra wrote:
    Raven wrote:

    Unconditional love, do we really understand what it is? Let's explore this circle of unconditional love together and grow in understanding of what it is and what it means and how important is is for our future...
    Loving you all as myself, Raven

    Thank you for this beautifull thread Raven .
    To me unconditional Love goes hand in hand with being who we really are.

    The awareness and experience of our core self is Love itself.
    We are Love so how can we put conditions there when we just are .
    For conditions to be put there there have to be thoughts .
    However we are not our thoughts neither are we our bodies .
    We are Love and the source of Love .. a radiant energy that pervades all
    We need to dig down deeply to the very heart of our being to
    realize this .

    Uncondtional Love  2012 and Beyond... (The Revolution of Love ) 934918

    Love from me

    SuiGeneris wrote:
    Raven wrote:
    what does it mean for us if we
    can all be unconditional lovers? I want to explore this idea with all of

    Difficult topic
    here Raven.

    About us all being unconditional can
    you love a man unconditionally say...and then fall in love with
    another?? Would you need to fall "out of love" from the first one
    first? or do you mean both at the same time? I'm confused :p

    Love just is and can't be compartimented . We each add to love a different and unique color according to our soul signature .
    Love does'nt have a beginning nor does it have an end .
    What changes is the settings through which you are manifesting the love that you are.
    Love is a constant that has the potential to rise through magnetic attraction and create symphonies .
    There is something awkward in the expression " falling " in love .
    We should reinvent it .

    Uncondtional Love  2012 and Beyond... (The Revolution of Love ) 934918
    Love from me
    Well said Mudra. I would add that conditions are also argreements and that we can simply agree not to have them. They are superficial things and yes, the answers lie deeper within the true heart of love. Compassion see's no judgment, it's only condition is the responsibility to care. Inclusiveness is also a facet of this diamond we call unconditional love.
    What does it mean to be inclusive vs exclusive? I believe it is an excersise that begins within, what do we choose to reflect outward to the world, the mirror of ourselves. Inwardly, if we include all without conditions, we can mirror this love to others. The practice comes in the mental realm, the thought preceeding the reality. As we practice this mentally, it reflects in all we say or do. I am reminded that when I find myself judging others, I mentally say 'it's just me not remembering who I am, we are all ONE". If do this exercise, I find my unconditional self within and without me and it's as easy as breathing.
    As I know myself, I can help others to remember themselves as WE. Not realising who we really are is the only 'evil' in the world and the illusion of separation is false. We are becoming YES, separation WITHIN unity, its all encompasing, all inclusive. God multiplying itself within its cosmic family, US, but yet surrouding us in a sphere of UNITY. Our hearts connecting in the prima matera of the universe, LOVE. Our ultimate mirror of our true reflection is this LOVE.

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    Uncondtional Love  2012 and Beyond... (The Revolution of Love ) Empty Re: Uncondtional Love 2012 and Beyond... (The Revolution of Love )

    Post  mudra Thu May 06, 2010 7:09 am

    Love is every step .
    As we take these steps from moment to moment we move into unconditional love and regain our natural state of being .
    I like this speaker's viewpoint on unconditional love and also what it is we do to slip in a state where love becomes conditional .

    Love Always

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    Uncondtional Love  2012 and Beyond... (The Revolution of Love ) Empty Re: Uncondtional Love 2012 and Beyond... (The Revolution of Love )

    Post  hippihillbobbi Fri May 07, 2010 12:25 am

    Thank you, Mudra. I love you.


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    Uncondtional Love  2012 and Beyond... (The Revolution of Love ) Empty Re: Uncondtional Love 2012 and Beyond... (The Revolution of Love )

    Post  Raven Fri May 07, 2010 1:00 am

    Great addition Mudra. I love how he talks about the LOVE tank:) He is exactly right about happiness coming from within and not giving away our power to others, as if we could hand them a remote control to our lives. He makes very valid and clear points about his journey of self discovery and how common these jewels of understanding are, for anyone who actually looks within for answers.

    Jesus was the master of unconditional love indeed, allowing him inside of our hearts as the perfect template for how to become unconditonal lovers, to me is the greatest gift of all. Allowance is the key.

    Can we allow ourselves to let Jesus and his perfect mirror of God, into our hearts? What would that mean for the world if we ALL actually did?

    Thank you for contributing your heart and insight to this thread dear sister. Loving you as myself, Raven

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    Uncondtional Love  2012 and Beyond... (The Revolution of Love ) Empty Re: Uncondtional Love 2012 and Beyond... (The Revolution of Love )

    Post  Nebula Mon May 17, 2010 12:12 pm

    Great Thread Raven! Unconditional Love Means, those lions won't eat you when they get hungry :)

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    Uncondtional Love  2012 and Beyond... (The Revolution of Love ) Empty Re: Uncondtional Love 2012 and Beyond... (The Revolution of Love )

    Post  mudra Mon May 17, 2010 2:37 pm

    Indeed Nebula cheers

    The True Story Of A Vegetarian Lion

    Once upon a time, in 20th century America, there lived a lion who refused to be violent. Those who cared for her tried to train her to behave in a way they thought was dictated by nature—but she refused. Instead, she taught her keepers that man's idea of what constitutes "natural" animal behavior, is not necessarily what God created the animals to be.

    The Prophet Isaiah told of a millennial world in which the "lion would lay down with the lamb." For most people this is a promise so improbable it seems as if the very nature of animals must undergo a drastic change before that prophecy can be fulfilled. It seems they must metamorphose into different creatures; that although their outward appearance may remain the same, their inner structure must somehow be altered. Because, ultimately, we believe that biology is destiny.But the story of Little Tyke, a lioness who lived at Hidden Valley Ranch in Washington, gives evidence to the contrary.

    Born to a mother who had been caught in the wild and imprisoned in a zoo-cell for many years, it seemed unlikely that Tyke would survive her birth. Impregnated five times in seven years, the fierce mother had destroyed each of her previous cubs before zoo-keepers could get near her. This behavior only added to the mother's reputation as a particularly ferocious animal: a born-killer. Yet in the wild, lions have been observed wailing in agony over a still-born cub. Perhaps this "killer" lion destroyed her cubs to prevent them from having to live out the horror of her own existence. She could not prevent her captors from having her impregnated, but she could thwart their plans to imprison her offspring.

    But although the mother managed to badly maul the new cub, Little Tyke was rescued from her and sent to Hidden Valley Ranch. She lived there with Georges and Margaret Westbeau for the rest of her life.

    During that time she taught the Westbeaus, and the thousands who came in contact with her, that much of what we believe about the nature of animals is the result of the way in which we have treated them. Animals have learned to fear, dread and attack the human beings who torture, imprison and kill them-- without compunction or remorse for the enormous amount of pain and suffering they inflict on God's other creatures.

    But at Hidden Valley Ranch, Little Tyke was raised with great love and kindness. The story of her life was later chronicled by Georges Westbeau, in a book he wrote about the gentle lioness. (Information about where to purchase this book is provided at the end of this article.)

    The numerous photos in his book show Little Tyke living with lambs, dogs, cats, chickens and deer, in happy companionship. And the stories that Westbeau relates about life on the Ranch make fascinating reading. But beyond the fascination and wonder of this narrative is the deeper sense of the "rightness" that the peacefulness and nonviolence at Hidden Valley Ranch evokes. It is a sense that the relationship between humans and animals can—and should—be different than it is.

    But in order for this to happen, men and women must alter their behavior: it is the savagery of the human heart that must change. We do not have to wait until God changes "savage" animals into different kinds of beings in order for them to live in peace and harmony with mankind. And nothing in Westbeau's book makes this clearer than the report of Tyke's lifelong insistence on a vegetarian diet.

    It was an insistence that her caretakers tried to overcome for four years. Convinced by scientific findings that the lion would die if she did not eat meat, the Westbeaus tried every possible subterfuge in order to get her to become a carnivore. But Tyke would not. And in spite of the fact that science had declared a lion's system was programmed to eat flesh, and would die without it, Little Tyke lived on.

    Not only did she survive, she thrived on her vegetarian diet, becoming as healthy a lion specimen as anyone had ever seen. Still, it took four years for the Westbeau's to stop trying to find ways to get her to become a flesh-eating creature. And, eventually, it was a quote from the Bible that put their mind at rest about Tyke's health and her diet.

    It came about after yet another expert had been asked if he knew of some formula which contained meat, that the lion might be persuaded to eat. Westbeau writes that the man he spoke to "turned to look at me with serious eyes, then asked 'Don't you read your Bible?' I admitted I didn't read it as much as I probably should. He continued, "Read Genesis 1:30 and you will get your answer."

    The author goes on to tell how he looked up this verse of scripture and "to my astonishment I read these words 'And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to everything that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat:and it was so.'" After this, Georges reports, "we didn't worry anymore about Little Tyke's diet."

    In spite of the belief that biology is destiny and that animals, in particular, behave on the basis of instincts which cannot be altered (except, perhaps, genetically) the life of Little Tyke challenges these scientific "facts." And the same chapter of Genesis which allowed the Westbeaus to accept Tyke's vegetarianism also reports that both humans and nonhumans were created to be nonviolent. It tells how God breathed the breath of life into them and later pronounced all creatures to be reflections of the goodness and love in which they had been created. "And God saw every thing that he had made and, behold, it was very good."

    But for the most part, even "believers" ignore the scriptural explanation of the nature of creation and choose to believe the scientific explanation that violence is programmed into humans as well as animals. This is a convenient belief. It means there is nothing that we who live in the present time can do to help prepare the way for a millennial world. After all, until God changes ferocious creatures into nonviolent beings, there can be no Peaceable Kingdom.

    But in twentieth century America, at Hidden Valley Ranch in Washington, there was a place in which love and compassion ruled, and because of that, the lion did lay down with the lamb. And with a host of other creatures—even that most dangerous species of all: homo sapiens.

    Little Tyke is available from the Theosophical Publishing House, 306 West Geneva Road, Wheaton Illinois, 60189. Cost: $5.95 plus $2.50 postage.

    Reprinted from the March/April 1996 issue of Humane Religion. Copyright 1996 by Viatoris Ministries.

    Love from me

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    Uncondtional Love  2012 and Beyond... (The Revolution of Love ) Empty Revolution of Love: Madonna's creative project

    Post  Raven Thu Oct 03, 2013 9:58 pm

    Matthew 7:1-3

    King James Version (KJV)

    7 Judge not, that ye be not judged.

    2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

    3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
    “I did my tour of duty this year and it feels like I have been to hell and back.”

    “I saw many things I did not like.”

    “I saw apathy.”

    “I saw intolerance.”

    “I saw discrimination and bigotry.”

    “And a kind of sinister black cloud of hypocrisy moving in on me like a curtain of despair.”

    “Yeah that’s right…I saw a lack of desire like a plague…putting everyone into a kind of a trance.”

    “I don’t sleep anymore. I have lost my appetite.”

    “I don’t feel safe. Lots of people don’t feel safe.”

    “I want to start a revolution. But this revolution won’t be available on the internet, it won’t be an app on your I-phone, you won’t be able to download it."

    “This will be a revolution of thinking for yourself. Of having your own opinion and not giving a damn what other people think."

    “I want to start a revolution of love”.

    “Jesus preached this. Buddah preached this.  Mohammed preached this… The golden rule: Love thy neighbor as thyself…ok people….GOT it?”

    Uncondtional Love  2012 and Beyond... (The Revolution of Love ) Madonna-secret-project-revolution-love-facebook

    Madonna wrote:Through Art for Freedom, she explains, "We have created this platform to give people around the world an opportunity to answer the question: 'What does freedom mean to you?' "

    "I'm encouraging other people, whether they're professionals or not, to use their creativity to express themselves, to get a conversation going, to get the party started, really," Madonna told Cooper.

    Uncondtional Love  2012 and Beyond... (The Revolution of Love ) Madonna+perfume+shoot+01

    GOSPEL OF THOMAS (Lambdin Translation) wrote:

    The power of Seven

    (1) And he said, "Whoever finds the interpretation of these sayings will not experience death."

    (2) Jesus said, "Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds. When he finds, he will become troubled. When he becomes troubled, he will be astonished, and he will rule over the All."

    (3) Jesus said, "If those who lead you say to you, 'See, the kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is inside of you, and it is outside of you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living father. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty."

    (4) Jesus said, "The man old in days will not hesitate to ask a small child seven days old about the place of life, and he will live. For many who are first will become last, and they will become one and the same."

    (5) Jesus said, "Recognize what is in your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become plain to you . For there is nothing hidden which will not become manifest."

    (6) His disciples questioned him and said to him, "Do you want us to fast? How shall we pray? Shall we give alms? What diet shall we observe?"
    Jesus said, "Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate, for all things are plain in the sight of heaven. For nothing hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain without being uncovered."

    (7) Jesus said, "Blessed is the lion which becomes man when consumed by man; and cursed is the man whom the lion consumes, and the lion becomes man."
    UFO2 Adv2 UFO2 

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