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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'


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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 8 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Floyd Wed Jan 25, 2012 9:54 am

    Sanicle wrote:
    Floyd wrote:
    It could be an astral spook,an auditory hallucination a connection with the higher self or an evolved consciousness of some sort.

    There is of course the possibility that there are genuine messages being delivered by beneing entities, just a lot or astral spooks to go with them to throw the message 'off line'

    These 'beings' often give out contradictory messages even if allegedly the same entity which can be confusing.

    Yeah, well that's the problem isn't it......figuring out which it is. And you really have to keep going with it until you are able to figure out if the 'source' is trustworthy or not. I still look for proof on this plane (if it's possible to give it) and am always wary if it's apparent the ego is what's being appealed to. If there is no 'proof' I'm satisfeid with and the ego is obviously being stroked, I'm out.

    See if it has a sense of humour.

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 8 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Sanicle Wed Jan 25, 2012 10:02 am

    Haha, good point. Although the 'connection' I've been dealing with on and off for the past twenty years does, very much so, and I'm STILL not sure about that one. I have to wonder too how much our own subconscious minds might play a part in all of this. Science is still not sure what it's capable of and it interests me how, when one finds out what's possible, how it can come into being for you personally. That is a very murky area though as it seems obvious (and I've been 'taught') that one cannot 'open a door' until one knows it exists.

    Sorry. I'm hijacking your thread. I'll shut up now lol. I love you

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 8 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Floyd Wed Jan 25, 2012 10:08 am

    Well as long as your friend isnt a made up front for an ultra right wing pseudo religious cult then you are off to good start Wink

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 8 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Sanicle Wed Jan 25, 2012 10:29 am

    True. Razz

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 8 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Floyd Tue Jan 31, 2012 6:45 pm

    There are many folk claiming to know St Germain.
    There are many St Germain's claiming to lead folk.

    As we have seen through this thread, from Ballardism up to Claire Prophet's I AM movement, wherever St Germain goes, there is a right wing agenda.

    The interesting thing is that from Ballard onwards and his association with fascist William Dudley Pelley, St Germain has become an icon for racial supremacy of a kind.

    We have also seen these neo ariosophical ideals promulgated by the so called contactees whose ideals stem from Pelley and others.

    What we have is two politico religious right wing phenomena. One bastardising theosophy (that had its own problems a plenty) and making the Masters fit into a white supremacist agenda, the other, replacing the notions of 'Masters' with aliens, making the notion of nordic puritanism more acceptable to a populace fascinated with stories of UFOs and people from other worlds.

    On a personnel note, I have met four people claiming contact with St Germain, two of whom I have or do know rather well. Of these four, two were holocaust deniers and anti zionist and frankly anti Jewish. ( no biggy, I guess many here are any way right?)The third was a devotee of the I AM movement who once said to me, we dont like to look other people in the eyes if we pass them on the street. For me a classic sign of a religious cult. The last (and the second to last) have no idea of the connections between the I AM movement, fascist contacteeism and white supremacy. At least I hope not.

    Michael Mau, who claims to be the true servant of St Germain recommends facist Pelleys works on his website. One of the people I spoke of above went with him underground in the catacombs of Paris to dispel Dark Forces. What Michael Mau wont tell you on his website is that he was once a member of the American Foreign Service whose remit is too promote American foreign policy abroad.

    What he also wont say is that he dug a load of tapes out a bin from a trance medium in Hawaii who was a medium for 'Masters' then sold them as course at a later date. (I have copies of the original) The guy who went to Paris with him later ripped him off selling the things himself as no copyright was claimed. The latter now promotes zetatalk on his own website, even though we all know she is firmly embedded in the full of crap files.

    The farce continues with others claiming to be under the guidance of St Germain or others.

    Like wise there is Hatonn. Another non existent nom de plume serving the ends of far right politics and its students.

    The list goes on and will change. For many who follow the so called St. Germain, they have no idea of his political connotations. They are just bored house wives purchasing crystals and angel cards.

    The astral form of this ugly persona and his minions looms large silently over them.
    Just like there are earthly psychopaths, there are unearthly psychopaths. The star wars analogy of the siths is a good one.

    Hey, but its St Germain, right?

    May the farce be with you.

    Last edited by Floyd on Tue Jan 31, 2012 9:35 pm; edited 3 times in total

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 8 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Floyd Tue Jan 31, 2012 7:05 pm

    For those who wish to check out another of St Germain's disciples, Mau's website, it is Sanctus Germanus, though I will not afford him the luxury of a link. You can also buy 2012 prophecies there if you so wish.

    He will recommend fascist Pelley's books to you though just like stormfront and combat 18 would along with countless others. Google away.

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 8 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Floyd Tue Jan 31, 2012 7:16 pm

    An essential watch


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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 8 Empty Fascist Contactee William Dudley Pelley

    Post  Floyd Tue Jan 31, 2012 7:45 pm

    William Dudley Pelley.. The first fascist contactee (and enemy of humanity)


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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 8 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Sanicle Wed Feb 01, 2012 8:06 pm

    Floyd wrote:
    An essential watch

    I found that expose a little disappointing actually. Why didn't the guy spend some time with the lady and ask her some questions himself? I'm sure she would have appreciated the company. He may have learned all sorts of things. Couldn't help but think he was being a bit paranoid about the helicopter that happened to be flying overhead too lol. He also failed to mention if any of the staff had contacted the I Am movement to see if they would come and take her to look afer her.

    It is an interesting story though, given that the following is written on their website........

    "The "I AM" Activity is spiritual, educational and practical. There are no financial schemes behind it; no admission is ever charged. It takes no political stance in any nation. The parent organization is Saint Germain Foundation, with worldwide headquarters located in Schaumburg, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago. It is represented throughout the world by 300 local groups termed "I AM" Sanctuary®, "I AM" Temple®, "I AM" Study Groups®, or "I AM" Reading Room®. Saint Germain Foundation and its local activities are not affiliated with any other organization or persons."

    And yet, when one examines the website more fully, it's clear they hero-worship the one and only Guy Ballard. Not good.

    Not too happy/impressed with the words that are said to be those of St Germain himself on the website either, specifically those highlighted in part of his statement shown below......

    ""The hour strikes in the evolution of every planet and its humanity when they must express the full peace, harmony, Perfection and the Divine Plan of the system to which they belong. When that hour strikes, humanity either moves forward and fulfills that plan, or whatever portion will not come into alignment with the new Activity removes itself to another school room of the Universe, until those personalities learn obedience to life. . .

    "Human beings are the only creator of 'hell'. They can accept and obey the Law of Life and enjoy every good thing of the 'Kingdom' or they can disobey and be broken as a reed before the storm, by their own self-generated discord."

    Learn broken as a reed? Smells like the old 'fear and control speak' once more.

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 8 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Floyd Thu Feb 02, 2012 3:24 am

    Greetings Earthling.

    Yes the helicopter thing was slightly paranoid but I think this guy does other stories too. It's an essential watch inasmuch, to the non informed he is linking fascism to Ballard and St Germain. Its good he mentions the book Psychic Dictatorship in America to which fittingly I have provided a link earlier in this thread.

    Its entry level stuff for those who are none the wiser about the right wing history of St. Germain. Not everyone will be aware to what extent St. Germain and his cronies have influenced 'new age' and extreme right wing thought.

    Them (I AM) saying they take no political stance in any nation is a blatant lie. Blacks and coloureds were banned from their meetings which was only amended in the 1980's. Ballard, like fascist Pellet were both obsessed with the white house and the installation of a conservative right wing American government run under the auspices of super beings.

    After the I AM movement came The Bridge to Freedom, Summit University, The Church Universal and Triumphant, The Hearts Centre,The Temple of the Presence and others. All focus around St Germain as presented by Ballard. Others with extreme right wing tendencies are claiming contact with St. Germain as we know. There have been testimonies of people involved in Claire Prophets CUT of disciples making raised right arm salutes to portraits of an Aryan looking St. Germain. We know that one of her leading theologians was involved in a right wing political think tank promoting the US star wars programme. It is true that her group is also pro American and right wing.
    In a similar fashion, the UFO religions replace the figure of Germain with alien aryan contacts.
    Often they share much in common with the Germain groups though and it would not be unusual for people to follow both ideologies.

    Any poltico religious cult expecting obedience, as you pointed out in your post, from its members whilst being watched from the gazing Aryan blue eyes of St. Germain comes as no surprise to me.


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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 8 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Floyd Thu Feb 02, 2012 12:35 pm

    Another servant of the Nazified St Germain( he seems rather fond of white supremacists) was a chap called Julian Origas who was a former gestapo officer.

    He was founder of the Renewed Order of the Temple along with 'Angela' of the St Germain Foundation and were proclaimed as living Masters. Origas himself was closely associated with white supremacist and neo nazi groups from across Europe, including the St Germain Foundation in Marseille (not the same one as Ballard's fraudulent activity in the States)

    This group was to be the inspiration for Luc Jourets's infamous Solar Temple Cult that committed mass suicide.

    Jouret, founder of the doomed Solar Temple Cult was the co founder of the nationalist Parti Communautaire Européen in France along with
    Jean Thiriart,who was a leading member of the neo nazi Jeune Europe.

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 8 Empty American Indian Fascism and William Dudley Pelley

    Post  Floyd Fri Feb 03, 2012 3:31 am

    An interesting sideline in all of this is the notion of the American Indian fascist coupled with rogue elements in the American Indian movements and certain individuals falsely claiming American Indian heritage, themselves involved in extreme right wing militia groups and serving to compound the indigenous situation further.

    Our friend, fascist, virulent anti Semite white supremacist and alien contactee, William Dudley Pelley is involved once more. Along with the American German Bund, Pelley's, fascist Silver Shirt organisation funded what was known as the American Indian Foundation in 1934. It was also supported by characters such as E.A Tower who encouraged swastika wearing and anti Semite philosophy.

    Ostensibly, this was a movement to confront Roosevelt’s New Deal on reform for American Indians but to a certain extent the movement was hijacked by Nazi sympathisers. Pelley for one pandered to the Indians by saying he wanted to move then out and move the Jews into their reservations along with the possible repatriation of blacks back to Africa The American Indians were supported by Hitlers Nazi party and given 'Aryan' status by their race theorists. This though had more to do with propaganda and Hitlers obsession with Karl Mays books, a writer of stories about noble Indian warriors rather than any genuine symapthy for the plight of the Indian.. The AIF became a short lived and uncomfortable alliance with some blaming them for causing the American Termination policy that disenfranchised 109 Indian tribes plunging them into greater poverty. Historians are divided on whether or not it was a fascist movement but it certainly seems to have been hijacked by supporters of fascism. It seems the Indians themselves were less than impressed with all this interference from conspiratorial fascists.

    Then we have the controversial Little Shell Pambina group. Allegedly it is little more than an extreme right wing militia group. This group have tenuous links to the authentic Little Shell Band from the early part of the century. There is plenty of info available on them.
    They apparently consist of members feigning authentic American Indian ancestry, claiming large swathes of land in Dakota. Its members include people like Allan Aslan Heart, (Alan Becker) who claims he is (Ojibwa Indian) an anti government right winger and alleged anti Semite. He puts himself across as some earthy Indian poet but is really a nasty piece of work leaving behind him a trail of used women and self importance. He has sold a variety (or tried to) of products on the back of his 'Indian Heritage'. However if you are an extreme right winger and race hater you will like him very much. Its all about opinions.
    Many get tribal enrollment status fraudulently. The names they give themselves are so self glorifying its slightly pathetic. One good name I could think of would be Running with Bullshit

    There is a "Princess Pale Moon" AKA Rita Mae Suntz a puppet right winger, head of the so called American Indian Heritage Foundation. This is one of her famous episodes.
    Her group sent out flyers pleading for donations to help what it described as the starving Paiute Indians in the Alaskan village of Port Graham. "The icy hand of winter is already reaching for Port Graham, threatening to strangle the little ones in a death grip," ran the direct-mail appeal. But an investigation by the Anchorage DAILY NEWS charged that no one had told the village of the appeal and that it suffered from no food shortage.

    Outraged Port Graham officials pointed out that the Paiute tribe is located in Nevada, not in Alaska, and refused to accept the 1,000 lbs. of frozen beef liver that the Indian Heritage Foundation attempted to foist off on the community

    There are more of them and it is very easy to get information about these jokers.

    There is a nice website dedicated to exposing the fraudulent claims of wannabe American Indians who often have a dubious agenda. Fittingly it calls them nuage frauds. I will finish with the wise words of the websites owner and what she has to say about the Fake Indians.

    We believe in ourselves; not in their power.
    They insult our elders
    Steal our children's birthrights
    Reduce us to saleable stereotypes.
    They Pirate what is sacred
    and subject it to an evil system
    of Maximised profits.
    Always taking more than they need
    with no concern for all those they harm.
    Look at them!
    Who are they?


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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 8 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Sanicle Fri Feb 03, 2012 9:01 am

    Wow, I see Carlos Castaneda is on their list!! Shocked

    (Edit: For those only scanning this thread, Carlos Castaneda is NOT on any white supremacist list. This list is one made up by the American Indian nation of those they consider to be fraudulently claiming to have American Indian heritage.)

    Last edited by Sanicle on Sat Feb 04, 2012 8:53 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 8 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Floyd Fri Feb 03, 2012 9:16 am

    Yes. Hes a bit like T Lobsang Rampa isnt he. His authenticity is highly disputed but has sold millions of books. (rampa turned out to be a plumber from Canada I think though I enjoyed his books knowing he wasnt really who he said he was.)

    Im more interested in the pseudo Indian connections with right wing militia and fascism though and I dont think old Carlos was one of those. But you never know lol.

    I can see how the real Indians get pissed off with these pretenders though. These imposters pollute the egregore of their ancient collective wisdom in a rather foul manner.

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 8 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Sanicle Fri Feb 03, 2012 9:29 am

    I thoroughly agree Floyd. Good on 'em for putting up this list. cheers

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 8 Empty America the promised land

    Post  Floyd Fri Feb 03, 2012 6:54 pm

    The Promised Land of America

    Ballard's fantasy continues. St Germain educates his elite followers. Ariosophy lives. The fascist contactees would be delighted if they lived to see this

    "How do I tell you who are non Jews....I believe in the United States of America...This land can be saved from drugs rock music and Communism"

    The teachings of St Germain.

    Prophet, after suffering Alzheimers and predicting a nuclear attack on the Holy United States is now dead. Her movement continues as do the teachings of St. Germain

    His followers continue the work.

    I have to admit I thought it was a member of the Jacksons 5 delivering the sermon at first.

    This is so Xxxxxxxx awful

    Last edited by Floyd on Fri Feb 03, 2012 7:14 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 8 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Floyd Fri Feb 03, 2012 7:03 pm

    Please do help yourself to listen to more of this XXXX.


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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 8 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Floyd Mon Feb 06, 2012 8:01 pm

    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 8 Saint_10

    I AM the power to listen to ST Germain's bullshit not

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 8 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Floyd Mon Feb 06, 2012 8:08 pm

    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 8 Swasti10

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 8 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Floyd Mon Feb 06, 2012 8:31 pm

    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 8 200px-10[center]

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 8 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Floyd Mon Feb 06, 2012 8:37 pm

    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 8 Saint210


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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 8 Empty Knights Templar, St. Germain and White Supremacists

    Post  Floyd Wed Feb 08, 2012 4:40 am

    In the ongoing trial of white supremacist Anders Breivik, he claims he was guilty of no crime and was merely doing his duty as commander of the Knights Templar Norway to delete members of the population who were non white.

    The roll of his order was to be an “international Christian military order,” that “fights” against “Islamic suppression.”.
    According to Brevik, he was ordained 8th Justiciar Knight for the PCCTS

    There is a long history of Knights Templar groups in Europe and many of them.
    The precursor to the mass suicidal group of the infamous Solar Temple cult was the Renewed Order of the Solar Temple (ROTS)that was begun by Julian Origas, an alleged former gestapo officer and right wing extremist allied himself with the St. Germain Foundation Marseille where they received messages from the Masters of Agartha including St. Germain ( Agartha an underground city where great beings dwell, in Hinduism it is known as Aryavartha. This idea was popularised by Alexandre St. Yves d'Alveydre in the 19th century. He to was deeply connected to Knights Templar ideals and history.)

    Luc jouret, disciple of right winger Origas Jouret, founded the nationalist Parti Communautaire Européen in France along with Jean Thiriart,who was a leading member of the neo nazi Jeune Europe.

    St Germain as represented by Ballard, the Prophets (CUT) Origas, the Solar Temple and others is Lord of the white supremacists. I wonder what the latest group of self proclaimed group of Templar Knights allegedly working for St, Germain is called?

    The web of racial purity and fascism is weaved through Knights Templar Organisations, the Mighty I Am groups and UFO Cults, football hooliganism ,neo nazi and skinhead groups as well as right wing militia and white supremacist organisations and pseudo American Indian far right groups.

    Last edited by Floyd on Wed Feb 08, 2012 9:23 am; edited 1 time in total

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 8 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Floyd Wed Feb 08, 2012 5:16 am

    The nationalist Parti Communautaire Européen co founded by Solar Temple cult leader and student of white supremacist, disciple of St. Germain, Julian Origas modern day Templar is now called the nationalist Parti Communautaire Européen (PCN). Its leader, Luc Michel was a member of the Neo Nazi FANE party, Fédération d'action nationale et européenne.

    They were affiliated to the British League of St. George, A break away group from the Action Party founded by Oswald Mosely Britains answer to the fascist and alien contactee William Dudley Pelley, (you can see the emblem for his British Union of Fascists above).

    Last edited by Floyd on Wed Feb 08, 2012 5:23 am; edited 1 time in total

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 8 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  TRANCOSO Wed Feb 08, 2012 5:21 am

    Floyd wrote:
    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 8 Saint210


    Every time I bump into that geezer I think to myself: "Djiez! Get a bloody haircut & shave off that ridiculous beard & mustache!"

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    The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees' - Page 8 Empty Re: The White Supremacist and fascist 'UFO Contactees'

    Post  Floyd Wed Feb 08, 2012 9:06 am

    TRANCOSO wrote: "Djiez! Get a bloody haircut & shave off that ridiculous beard & mustache!"[/b]

    Apparently one of his more recent manifestations he has developed a skin condition the poor chap. I hope its not contagious bless him.

    Whatever would the neo nazis and white supremacists do without him poor things.

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