I should explain. It's mostly those really high notes of a certain tone that do it to me, although the words and the music in the whole song usually set it up. What it feels like is my whole inner being is being pulled upwards with the singer's voice, feeling like it's going to exit my body through the head at 'climax', or burst out through my heart. But of course the climax....'satisfaction'....never comes. The note ends. It's always the 'almost there but not quite' feeling, although my whole chest area is just left buzzing with really intense feelings of love and joy. And then the longing comes, the deep sadness, coming I think from not uniting with those energies above that these notes seem to take me so close to 'touching', being one with. And it's when I hear the song for the first time, rarely recreated when I hear the song again. Listening again makes my heart glow with love, yes, but it also recreates the heartache mostly, the longing to be back there again.
This is the one that did it for me last night, Susan Boyle singing "Unchained Melody". (Interesting that Horus posted the Righteous Brothers version last night (my time) also on his thread, but I couldn't bear listening to it again so soon.) But here's Susan's version, that note being at the 3:00 mark. Does anyone else have the same reaction?
Another one that did it to me is this one, Sebastian Bach singing "What Kind of Animal" from the Frameshift 2 album. Incredible voice. This one hit particularly at the 5:04 mark, although a few others came close.
So, anyone else out there? Please? Maybe it's the singer's heart I'm joining with? Or is it the note they hit do you think?