The Quantum Naturopath:
Activating Quantum Healing with New Flex-o-electric Technology
March Issue of Townsend Newsletter (for Doctors and Patients)
Paul Yanick, Jr., Ph.D., N.D., C.N.C.
Interwoven, energy fields govern our existence and determine how fast we heal or recover from an illness, trauma, stressor, or an infection. The quantum process describes the body's communication system as a complex network of resonance and frequency, the inability of the human body to store energy in a coherent form, so it can be mobilized throughout the system may be a critical factor in illness. Scientific evidence on electric conductivity, functional magnetic resonance imaging, and infrared imaging document existence of the quantum domain of life. I-5
Researchers have concluded that the key to organization of the human energy field depends on the organism's ability to store and maintain coherent energy needed for self-healing and repair within its life cycles. 6-8 This unparalleled insight is based on solid research that indicates how coherent energy can be mobilized within the organism with minimum dissipation. In the quantum medical model, accelerated tissue and molecular aging is viewed as a buildup of too much incoherent energy that leads to faulty electron transfer functions, unstable molecular defenses, nutrient depletion, and oxidative stress.
While many view stress as being solely emotional in origin, the body reacts to physical, electromagnetic, chemical, nutritional, and microbial stress in the same manner: the excessive release of stress hormones, the over activity of the sympathetic nervous system, the depletion of coherent energy, etc. all cause a great deal of wear and tear on the body. The body's homeostatic systems (autonomic nervous system, endocrine system, and meridian system) become worn out and unable to adapt or halt physiologic activities after the closure of a stressful event or a toxic exposure.
Mainstream physicists such as Roger Penrose have reported that quantum coherence accounts for how phase-coordinated electrical activities occur in widely separated parts of the brain. 9-12 Biological rhythms controlled a quantum superposition of coherent activities, as is the flow of qi (or, Chi) in meridian energetics. Moreover, in this model the coherent energy exchanges in the body are ultra-sensitive to very weak and high frequency signals that regulate many facets of human physiology.
Quantum Naturopath: Evoking Quantum Healing
There is a dynamic liquid crystal continuum between the extra-cellular matrix linking directly with the DNA-meridian interface. This exquisite flexibility, sensitivity and "faster than the speed of light" responsiveness enable the organism to function as a coherent, coordinated whole when it is exposed to stressors. The liquid crystal phenomena allows genes to send light/electrical signals to one another through DNA information "superhighway" at incredible distances.13-15
In the quantum model, physicists have discovered new information about how stressors (carcinogens or toxins) behave in the sub-molecular world. As it turns out, they are frequency scramblers and like Electro Magnetic Frequencies, they can limit the distance that biophotonic signals travel and/or stop them from reaching their destination. le result: a deficit in bio-communication and poor homeostatic regulation. Because they emit light scrambling frequencies, toxins can cause chaos within the networks of the DNA's signaling system and be powerful generators of oxidative stress. This leading edge information about the nature of oxidative stress leads to the obvious question: Should naturopathic practices include reducing oxidative stress in this main of life?
To answer this question, let's consider that chaos also translates to immunological unresponsiveness, 16 inhibiting how the immune system is able to patrol, enforce, and attack invading microbes and to neurohormonal dysregulation. On the other hand, attempts to restore quantum coherence, allow the biophotonic, sub-molecular dynamics of DNA to orchestrate the body's defense and repair routines with amazing efficiency and accuracy. Therefore, re-establishing quantum coherence (a state of immune competence with adequate DNA repair enzymes) is an important and reasonable goal for naturopaths. But, before we consider the clinical applications, it's important to understand more about the nature of quantum coherence.
Experiments with a photomultiplier which allows the detection and quantification of biophotons, have documented the existence of biophotons. Like miniature tuning forks, biophotons resonate together in synch, producing quantum effects that enable them to adjust the body toward a Zero Point Field (the healthiest and most desirable state of light emissions). 17
DNA-guided biophoton signals flow throughout the body with awe-inspiring speed as they encode and transfer information. Stately simply, the magnitude of DNA's coherence, determines how quickly the patient responds to naturopathic treatment. With quantum coherence, the magnitude of inner healing is so gigantic that it renders even the best of minds helpless for exploring the endless boundaries of its power. From the naturopathic perspective, one can gain profound insights into the nature of illness and ability to evoke self-healing and regeneration in treatment-resistant cases.
The French scientist Jacques Benveniste, M.D, echoed the biophoton vibration, documented by physicists. He documented how the signature of these signals could effectively take place of chemicals (homeopathic medicine) Homeopathy is already widely used and accepted by naturopaths as a means to regulate biophysical processes.2l The most important clinical goal of naturopaths is to insure that nutrients target and reach the cells. By establishing quantum coherence (a cooperative harmony between the cells allowing all systems of the body to work in concert with one another) boosting nutrient uptake and riding the body of harmful toxins occurs with ease. Clearly, when nutrient uptake is up-regulated, weaker physiological systems and organs are strengthened and more adequately nourished and energized. The encoding, transmission, reception and decoding of bio-information depend on quantum coherence. The fundamental issues of what empowers amazing feats of biology can be explained in the quantum world. For example, the following illustrates how it answers the most fundamental mysteries of life:
The vastness of human memory as waves can hold more than 280 quintillion (280,000,000,000,000,000,000) bits of information. This awesome speed of transferring information, between one ten-thousandth and one-thousandth of a second, exceeds the known explanations of connections between axons or dendrites in neurons. The output, if printed, would take 100 years to read.
The unimaginable speed of cell renewal takes place 7-10 million times per second in the body.
The coherent and instantaneous progression of molecular and sub-molecular processes resulting in 100,000 chemical reactions per second in every cell of the body.21
Meridian bio-regulation and circulation of qi takes place at the speed of light in a complex web of interdependent relationships. Illness is viewed as a disturbance in an individual's quantum fluctuations. I6, 22
New Flexoelectric Technology* for Enhancing Quantum Coherence
In the quantum world, energy transfers are mediated by exchanges of energy and the body appears to be in a constant state of re-patterning itself to stressors. .I6 According to one researcher, the stable state of matter depends on the dynamic interchange of subatomic particles with the sustaining Zero Point Field .I8 Just like cell phones can encode and carry information over great distances at 900 or 1800 megahertz, Zero Point fluctuations cause electrons to move in their orbits and allow the body to absorb external resonances and frequencies at an astounding rate. 19
Biophotons are the driving force behind molecular coherence and at different frequencies they switch on a vast variety of biological processes. According to Dr. Fritz Alfred Popp healthy individuals emit coherent emissions near the Zero Point Field while individuals with cancer have chaotic emissions. 12, 17
Since cellular resonance specificity can be preserved when chaos is eliminated, it makes perfect clinical sense to enhance the resonating capacity of the cellular world (molecules, atoms, protons, electron, bio-photons, etc). Breakthrough technology* is now available that may preserve this specificity in the subatomic domain where the shortest wave length or highest frequency is emanated.12, 17
Since there are long-range forces that operate at sub-molecular physiology using frequency-dependent bio-photon transfers to regulate health and healing, any device that directs multiple frequencies and can coexist without interference may be able to influence a wide and diverse range of physiological performances. Larger molecules or polymers have crystal-like structures and behavior. And, these crystalline structures present in the cell (particularly in the extra-cellular matrix or ground regulation system) provide the interface between DNA and meridian energy flow.
The liquid crystal state or mesophase is comprised of uniform subunit structures that are similar to natural crystals. The geometric patterns of liquid crystals, however, can be altered with curved arrays in addition to angular arrangements to gate in a wide range of oscillatory waveforms (this is dependent on the oscillation pattern superimposed in layers on the crystal as it is transformed from a liquid to a solid state). Conventional crystals are used as computer oscillators with the stimulated signal behavior referred to as piezoelectric. But, in the liquid crystal state, especially with silica or silica-like material exposed to orgone energy and high frequencies, the energy-stimulated emission is flexoelectric. The flexoelectric* optic effect is achieved by the rotation of the optic axis between the crossed polarizer's that causes a switching effect (this switching effect can change a negative right spin to a positive left spin). In addition, it is well known that the phases that liquid crystals possess can be smectic, which means there is deliberate positional ordering with the molecules forming oscillation patterns in well-defined layers. When the molecules of each respective layer are tilted, with respect to the core oscillation layer, the oscillation patterns can amplify receptive frequencies that resonate with their respective pattern or patterns.
What does this technical jargon mean for the naturopath?
Cellular resonance and organ specificity principles are needed in a chaotic world of never-ending foreign frequencies that are constantly stressing the human energy field to the point that it responds poorly to the correct nutraceuticals or phytonutrients. By reestablishing quantum coherence, one can surmise that the cellular resonating capacities will be expanded to achieve super fast and incredible feats of physiology, allowing repair and regeneration to take place more efficiently as the body's uptake and assimilation of nourishment is enhanced. Moreover. Flexoelectric parameters can be altered to enhance this effect with color filters (microscopic) inserted at different layers of the liquid crystal material with a fractional shift between one line of colors and the next. This breakthrough in liquid crystal technology results in a resonating capacity for high frequencies that moves the body toward the Zero Point Field no matter how large the interference is from incoherent environmental frequencies.
For example, in the pristine natural environment there is endless free and boundless energy. And, this vast un-harnessed energy source does not pollute the crystaline structures of the body like man-made frequencies. Dynamic energy exchanges between living beings and their natural environment is critical for the regeneration of life-sustaining qi and for the maintenance of vibrant health. The flexoelectric* technology allows individuals to tap into this vast reservoir of energy while blocking out interfering wave patterns or foreign frequencies such as EMFs.
The most exciting fact relates to the notion that the flexoelectric* optic effect appears to be contagious, moving from cells to conglomerates of cells (organs) and to the brain at lightening speeds. Already some have concluded that our higher cognitive processes result from and interaction with the Zero Point Field. 24 And, Popp has shown that biophoton emissions orchestrate all bodily processes. 17 Benveniste listened to these oscillations, noting that every molecule was playing a note that combined in unison to produce a symphony, 21 a symphony that some experts believe entwines us with nature.23
Naturopathic medicine describes health as the ability to respond appropriately to a wide range of challenges in a way that maintains equilibrium and integrity. Sickness is the manifestation of an unstable process; a pattern of disharmonic resonances that disrupt the body's delicate and intertwined communication networks. A lack of sunlight, fresh air, clean water, and exposure to healthy resonances contributes to this unstable process. Yet, when nourished with the correct resonances, the human body knows best how to keep itself in equilibrium, and how to balance itself when that equilibrium is disrupted. More and more scientists are coming to the inevitable conclusion: The body's restorative secrets are intrinsically linked to its ability to expand and exploit its myriad resources at Zero Point Field. 28 Learning how to enhance quantum coherence can help us to be less prone to the stressor and flaws of modern day living. It can make us stronger, healthier, better.
In summary, new flexoelectric liquid crystal technology* may be able to synchronize quantum fluctuations and create an amplified crystalline resonant field that can augment naturopathic therapies and propel nutrients deep within the cells of the body, 25-27 thereby up regulating nutrient uptake. As an added bonus, nourishing the body with healthy resonances presents a plausible scientific theory on how the body needs nourishment from healthy resonances that are woefully negligent in today's polluted environment. Finally, the naturopathic goals of enhancing electron transfer functions and stabilizing molecular defenses to reduce oxidative stress are supported in the sub-molecular realm where homeopathy has already shown us powerful methodologies to control and regulate biochemical reactions.
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Paul Yanick, Jr. Ph.D. Quantum Medicine Update Feb/March 2003 <92002
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