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    The Quantum Naturopath


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    The Quantum Naturopath Empty The Quantum Naturopath

    Post  Carol Mon Nov 07, 2011 5:36 pm

    The Quantum Naturopath Cellfreqfields
    The Quantum Naturopath:
    Activating Quantum Healing with New Flex-o-electric Technology
    March Issue of Townsend Newsletter (for Doctors and Patients)
    Paul Yanick, Jr., Ph.D., N.D., C.N.C.

    Interwoven, energy fields govern our existence and determine how fast we heal or recover from an illness, trauma, stressor, or an infection. The quantum process describes the body's communication system as a complex network of resonance and frequency, the inability of the human body to store energy in a coherent form, so it can be mobilized throughout the system may be a critical factor in illness. Scientific evidence on electric conductivity, functional magnetic resonance imaging, and infrared imaging document existence of the quantum domain of life. I-5

    Researchers have concluded that the key to organization of the human energy field depends on the organism's ability to store and maintain coherent energy needed for self-healing and repair within its life cycles. 6-8 This unparalleled insight is based on solid research that indicates how coherent energy can be mobilized within the organism with minimum dissipation. In the quantum medical model, accelerated tissue and molecular aging is viewed as a buildup of too much incoherent energy that leads to faulty electron transfer functions, unstable molecular defenses, nutrient depletion, and oxidative stress.

    While many view stress as being solely emotional in origin, the body reacts to physical, electromagnetic, chemical, nutritional, and microbial stress in the same manner: the excessive release of stress hormones, the over activity of the sympathetic nervous system, the depletion of coherent energy, etc. all cause a great deal of wear and tear on the body. The body's homeostatic systems (autonomic nervous system, endocrine system, and meridian system) become worn out and unable to adapt or halt physiologic activities after the closure of a stressful event or a toxic exposure.

    Mainstream physicists such as Roger Penrose have reported that quantum coherence accounts for how phase-coordinated electrical activities occur in widely separated parts of the brain. 9-12 Biological rhythms controlled a quantum superposition of coherent activities, as is the flow of qi (or, Chi) in meridian energetics. Moreover, in this model the coherent energy exchanges in the body are ultra-sensitive to very weak and high frequency signals that regulate many facets of human physiology.

    Quantum Naturopath: Evoking Quantum Healing

    There is a dynamic liquid crystal continuum between the extra-cellular matrix linking directly with the DNA-meridian interface. This exquisite flexibility, sensitivity and "faster than the speed of light" responsiveness enable the organism to function as a coherent, coordinated whole when it is exposed to stressors. The liquid crystal phenomena allows genes to send light/electrical signals to one another through DNA information "superhighway" at incredible distances.13-15

    In the quantum model, physicists have discovered new information about how stressors (carcinogens or toxins) behave in the sub-molecular world. As it turns out, they are frequency scramblers and like Electro Magnetic Frequencies, they can limit the distance that biophotonic signals travel and/or stop them from reaching their destination. le result: a deficit in bio-communication and poor homeostatic regulation. Because they emit light scrambling frequencies, toxins can cause chaos within the networks of the DNA's signaling system and be powerful generators of oxidative stress. This leading edge information about the nature of oxidative stress leads to the obvious question: Should naturopathic practices include reducing oxidative stress in this main of life?

    To answer this question, let's consider that chaos also translates to immunological unresponsiveness, 16 inhibiting how the immune system is able to patrol, enforce, and attack invading microbes and to neurohormonal dysregulation. On the other hand, attempts to restore quantum coherence, allow the biophotonic, sub-molecular dynamics of DNA to orchestrate the body's defense and repair routines with amazing efficiency and accuracy. Therefore, re-establishing quantum coherence (a state of immune competence with adequate DNA repair enzymes) is an important and reasonable goal for naturopaths. But, before we consider the clinical applications, it's important to understand more about the nature of quantum coherence.

    Experiments with a photomultiplier which allows the detection and quantification of biophotons, have documented the existence of biophotons. Like miniature tuning forks, biophotons resonate together in synch, producing quantum effects that enable them to adjust the body toward a Zero Point Field (the healthiest and most desirable state of light emissions). 17

    DNA-guided biophoton signals flow throughout the body with awe-inspiring speed as they encode and transfer information. Stately simply, the magnitude of DNA's coherence, determines how quickly the patient responds to naturopathic treatment. With quantum coherence, the magnitude of inner healing is so gigantic that it renders even the best of minds helpless for exploring the endless boundaries of its power. From the naturopathic perspective, one can gain profound insights into the nature of illness and ability to evoke self-healing and regeneration in treatment-resistant cases.

    The French scientist Jacques Benveniste, M.D, echoed the biophoton vibration, documented by physicists. He documented how the signature of these signals could effectively take place of chemicals (homeopathic medicine) Homeopathy is already widely used and accepted by naturopaths as a means to regulate biophysical processes.2l The most important clinical goal of naturopaths is to insure that nutrients target and reach the cells. By establishing quantum coherence (a cooperative harmony between the cells allowing all systems of the body to work in concert with one another) boosting nutrient uptake and riding the body of harmful toxins occurs with ease. Clearly, when nutrient uptake is up-regulated, weaker physiological systems and organs are strengthened and more adequately nourished and energized. The encoding, transmission, reception and decoding of bio-information depend on quantum coherence. The fundamental issues of what empowers amazing feats of biology can be explained in the quantum world. For example, the following illustrates how it answers the most fundamental mysteries of life:

    The vastness of human memory as waves can hold more than 280 quintillion (280,000,000,000,000,000,000) bits of information. This awesome speed of transferring information, between one ten-thousandth and one-thousandth of a second, exceeds the known explanations of connections between axons or dendrites in neurons. The output, if printed, would take 100 years to read.

    The unimaginable speed of cell renewal takes place 7-10 million times per second in the body.

    The coherent and instantaneous progression of molecular and sub-molecular processes resulting in 100,000 chemical reactions per second in every cell of the body.21

    Meridian bio-regulation and circulation of qi takes place at the speed of light in a complex web of interdependent relationships. Illness is viewed as a disturbance in an individual's quantum fluctuations. I6, 22

    New Flexoelectric Technology* for Enhancing Quantum Coherence

    In the quantum world, energy transfers are mediated by exchanges of energy and the body appears to be in a constant state of re-patterning itself to stressors. .I6 According to one researcher, the stable state of matter depends on the dynamic interchange of subatomic particles with the sustaining Zero Point Field .I8 Just like cell phones can encode and carry information over great distances at 900 or 1800 megahertz, Zero Point fluctuations cause electrons to move in their orbits and allow the body to absorb external resonances and frequencies at an astounding rate. 19

    Biophotons are the driving force behind molecular coherence and at different frequencies they switch on a vast variety of biological processes. According to Dr. Fritz Alfred Popp healthy individuals emit coherent emissions near the Zero Point Field while individuals with cancer have chaotic emissions. 12, 17

    Since cellular resonance specificity can be preserved when chaos is eliminated, it makes perfect clinical sense to enhance the resonating capacity of the cellular world (molecules, atoms, protons, electron, bio-photons, etc). Breakthrough technology* is now available that may preserve this specificity in the subatomic domain where the shortest wave length or highest frequency is emanated.12, 17

    Since there are long-range forces that operate at sub-molecular physiology using frequency-dependent bio-photon transfers to regulate health and healing, any device that directs multiple frequencies and can coexist without interference may be able to influence a wide and diverse range of physiological performances. Larger molecules or polymers have crystal-like structures and behavior. And, these crystalline structures present in the cell (particularly in the extra-cellular matrix or ground regulation system) provide the interface between DNA and meridian energy flow.

    The liquid crystal state or mesophase is comprised of uniform subunit structures that are similar to natural crystals. The geometric patterns of liquid crystals, however, can be altered with curved arrays in addition to angular arrangements to gate in a wide range of oscillatory waveforms (this is dependent on the oscillation pattern superimposed in layers on the crystal as it is transformed from a liquid to a solid state). Conventional crystals are used as computer oscillators with the stimulated signal behavior referred to as piezoelectric. But, in the liquid crystal state, especially with silica or silica-like material exposed to orgone energy and high frequencies, the energy-stimulated emission is flexoelectric. The flexoelectric* optic effect is achieved by the rotation of the optic axis between the crossed polarizer's that causes a switching effect (this switching effect can change a negative right spin to a positive left spin). In addition, it is well known that the phases that liquid crystals possess can be smectic, which means there is deliberate positional ordering with the molecules forming oscillation patterns in well-defined layers. When the molecules of each respective layer are tilted, with respect to the core oscillation layer, the oscillation patterns can amplify receptive frequencies that resonate with their respective pattern or patterns.

    What does this technical jargon mean for the naturopath?

    Cellular resonance and organ specificity principles are needed in a chaotic world of never-ending foreign frequencies that are constantly stressing the human energy field to the point that it responds poorly to the correct nutraceuticals or phytonutrients. By reestablishing quantum coherence, one can surmise that the cellular resonating capacities will be expanded to achieve super fast and incredible feats of physiology, allowing repair and regeneration to take place more efficiently as the body's uptake and assimilation of nourishment is enhanced. Moreover. Flexoelectric parameters can be altered to enhance this effect with color filters (microscopic) inserted at different layers of the liquid crystal material with a fractional shift between one line of colors and the next. This breakthrough in liquid crystal technology results in a resonating capacity for high frequencies that moves the body toward the Zero Point Field no matter how large the interference is from incoherent environmental frequencies.

    For example, in the pristine natural environment there is endless free and boundless energy. And, this vast un-harnessed energy source does not pollute the crystaline structures of the body like man-made frequencies. Dynamic energy exchanges between living beings and their natural environment is critical for the regeneration of life-sustaining qi and for the maintenance of vibrant health. The flexoelectric* technology allows individuals to tap into this vast reservoir of energy while blocking out interfering wave patterns or foreign frequencies such as EMFs.

    The most exciting fact relates to the notion that the flexoelectric* optic effect appears to be contagious, moving from cells to conglomerates of cells (organs) and to the brain at lightening speeds. Already some have concluded that our higher cognitive processes result from and interaction with the Zero Point Field. 24 And, Popp has shown that biophoton emissions orchestrate all bodily processes. 17 Benveniste listened to these oscillations, noting that every molecule was playing a note that combined in unison to produce a symphony, 21 a symphony that some experts believe entwines us with nature.23

    Naturopathic medicine describes health as the ability to respond appropriately to a wide range of challenges in a way that maintains equilibrium and integrity. Sickness is the manifestation of an unstable process; a pattern of disharmonic resonances that disrupt the body's delicate and intertwined communication networks. A lack of sunlight, fresh air, clean water, and exposure to healthy resonances contributes to this unstable process. Yet, when nourished with the correct resonances, the human body knows best how to keep itself in equilibrium, and how to balance itself when that equilibrium is disrupted. More and more scientists are coming to the inevitable conclusion: The body's restorative secrets are intrinsically linked to its ability to expand and exploit its myriad resources at Zero Point Field. 28 Learning how to enhance quantum coherence can help us to be less prone to the stressor and flaws of modern day living. It can make us stronger, healthier, better.

    In summary, new flexoelectric liquid crystal technology* may be able to synchronize quantum fluctuations and create an amplified crystalline resonant field that can augment naturopathic therapies and propel nutrients deep within the cells of the body, 25-27 thereby up regulating nutrient uptake. As an added bonus, nourishing the body with healthy resonances presents a plausible scientific theory on how the body needs nourishment from healthy resonances that are woefully negligent in today's polluted environment. Finally, the naturopathic goals of enhancing electron transfer functions and stabilizing molecular defenses to reduce oxidative stress are supported in the sub-molecular realm where homeopathy has already shown us powerful methodologies to control and regulate biochemical reactions.


    Lo, Shui.yin Meridians in acupuncture and infrared imaging. Medical Hypothesis 2001,1-5... PomeranzB Scientific Basis of Acupuncture. In Stux G, ed. Basics of Acupuncture. New York, NY: Springer-Verlag, 1997:30-32
    Comunetti A. et al Characterization of human skin conductance at acupuncture points. Experientia 1995: 51:328-3J.
    Cho ZH et al New findings on the correlation of acupoints and corresponding brain cortices using functional: MRI Proc Natl Acad Sci 1998; 95:2670-73.
    La SY etal Water clusters in life. Med Hypotheses 2000; 54(6):948-53.
    Ho MW, Knight, DP The acupuncture system and the liquid crystalline collagen fibers of the connective tissue. Am J Chinese Medicine 1998;26:251-63.
    Ho:MW. The Rainbow and the Worm. The Physics of Organisms. 1998; 2nd Ed. World Scientific, Singapore.
    Ho MW et al: Organisms are polyphasic liquid crystals. Bio-electrochemistry and Bioenergetics 1996. 41:81-91.
    Penrose R Shadows of Mind, 1994 Oxford University Press, Oxford.
    Freeman WJ Societies ofBrams. A Study in the Neuroscience of Love and Hate, 1995. Lawrence ErJbaum Associates, Hove.
    Ho MW Quantum coherence and conscious expereicne. Kybennetes 1997.26,265-276.
    Popp FA et al: Advances in Bio-photon Research. 1992, World Scientific, Singapore.
    Barton J et al Chern & Biolo11999, 2:85.
    Coghlan A Electric DNA. New Scientist 1999: 2: 19.
    Yanick P Mycoplasma: It's Hidden Role in Rheumatoid Arthritis and other Clinical Syndromes, April, 2002, Townsend Letter for Doctors & Patients.
    Yanick, P The Quantum Repatterning Technique: Assessing Immunological Unresponsiveness in Prolonged Viral Illness. January, 2003, Townsend Letter for Doctors & Patients.
    Popp, FA & Chang 11 Mechanism of interaction between electromagnetic fields and living systems. Science in China (Series C), 2000; 43:507-18.
    Puthoff, H., Ground state of hydrogen as a zero-point fluctuation-determined state Physical Review D; 1987, 35:3266-70.
    Puthoff, H., Everything for nothing. New Scientist, 28 July 1990:52-5. Ta1botM Holographic Universe New York: HarperColins, 1991:18-19.
    Beneviste J. et al. The molecular signal is not functioning in the absence of "informed" water. 1999. FASEB Journal13: AI63.
    Nelson RD, The physical basis of intentional healing systems, PEAR Technical Notes, 99001, January 1QQQ
    Laslo E., The Interconnected Universe: Conceptual Foundations of Trans disciplinary Unified Theory (Singapore: World Scientific, 1995):41.
    Laughlin C.D., Archtypes, neuronosis and the quantum sea. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 1996; 10:375300
    Yanick, P. Meridian/Organ Nutraceutic Resonant Complexes: New Hope for Chronically~Sick Individuals. Townsend Letter for Doctors & Patients, May 2000, 136-39.
    Yanick, P. Quantum Medicine, Writer Service Publications, Portland, Oregon, 2000.
    Yanick, P. Boosting Nutrient Uptake in Chronic Illness,
    Townsend Letter for Doctors & Patients, December 2000.
    McTaggert, L., The Field. Harper Collins, 2001, Hammersmoth, London.
    Paul Yanick, Jr. Ph.D. Quantum Medicine Update Feb/March 2003 <92002

    Last edited by Carol on Mon Nov 07, 2011 5:39 pm; edited 1 time in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 33284
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    The Quantum Naturopath Empty Re: The Quantum Naturopath

    Post  Carol Mon Nov 07, 2011 5:38 pm

    Frequency Fields at the Cellular Level
    2006 11 14
    By Stephen Linsteadt, NHD |
    Article received from Light Eye
    In the Scalar Heart Connection technique, we use muscle checking to provide physical, mental, and emotional feedback regarding areas of coherence or incoherence. Yet, we may not fully appreciate the remarkable functionality of the body's energetic field and holographic characteristics that are producing these positive or negative energetic feedback responses.

    By expanding our awareness of the components underlying coherence, such as the absorption of light into our cells, we can take steps to move into more complete coherence, with resultant benefits to our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

    For example, Dr. Kikuo Chishima, a Japanese professor whose credentials and work will be examined in more detail below, theorized that the energetic or frequency information I the food we eat is even more important than the nutrients. Food contains molecular compounds of amino acids, complex carbohydrate chains and various chemical elements, each having their own unique frequency or vibration. It is the vibrations of the nutrients that raise the vibrations of the body's tissue. Pesticide and chemical laden fruits and vegetables, as well as animal protein contaminated with antibiotics and growth hormones, have chaotic vibratory oscillations that act to derail the high coherence of our nutritional energy needs. Thus, our food has to be in the utmost coherent energy state because that is what is taken into our cells in the form of biophoton energy. In addition, our mental state creates an energy field around us that affects the vibration of the food we are preparing or putting into our mouths.

    This article also describes the exciting research of German biophysicist Fritz Albert Popp, Ph.D., a Nobel Prize winner in physics, who investigated the relationship between coherence and the biophoton energy in our cells. Popp used highly sensitive light-measuring equipment to monitor the light emitted by living cells. He was able to confirm that living cells emit small bursts of light. He determined that cells do not just radiate light, they also absorb light. In fact, the storage time is relative to the quality of the cell. Therefore, a healthy cell will store light the longest, while an unhealthy cell will give off the light in a shorter time. He also discovered that the dying process of a cell is identical to that of a star. Shortly before its death, it will change into a supernova, whereby its radiation increases a thousand-fold, He further discovered that a healthy cell radiates coherent light, while a diseased cell radiates chaotic light.

    According to Popp, every cell in our body receives coherent light, stores coherent light, and emits coherent light.1 The most basic sub-molecular component of our body is made up of particles of light called biophotons. These biophotons, traveling at the speed of light, make up the electromagnetic frequency patterns that are found in every living organism. This matrix or field of frequency oscillations or resonance specificity provides the energetic switchboarding behind every cellular function, including DNA/RNA messengering. Cell membranes scan and convert signals into electromagnetic events as proteins within the cell's bi-layer change shape to vibrations of specific resonant frequencies.2 Every biochemical reaction is proceeded by an electromagnetic signal. Cells communicate both electromagnetically and chemically and create biochemical pathways that interconnect with all functions of the body. Dr. Kikuo Chishima, Professor of the Nagoya Commercial University, Japan, and author of a nine volume collection of his research and scientific studies called "Revolution of Biology and Medicine: A New Theory on the Life Science and Its Practical Application to Health & Disease," is best known for his studies demonstrating that the origin of red blood corpuscles is not the bone marrow but the intestinal villus, and that red blood corpuscles differentiate into all kinds of somatic cells and germ cells in accordance with their cellular resonant environmental conditions.

    Dr. Kikuo Chishima theorized that the intestinal villi act like small antennae that absorb both nutrients as well as energetic or frequency information from the food we eat. He concluded from his research that it is within the intestinal villi that the body produces red blood cells in a manner similar to how plant roots uptake nutrients from the soil and synthesizes them into plant cells. These red blood cells or erythrocytes respond to specific biophoton oscillations and aggregate, fuse, synthesize DNA and differentiate into lymphocyte or mesenchymal cells.3 The capillary system which is over 90,000 miles long is basically an open ended system that allows erythrocytes to migrate to any area of the body where they are needed. This open-ended system that connects to the lymphatic system, the meridian system and the connective tissue provides communication pathways for the flow of information and cellular instructions from the electromagnetic energy matrix.

    Dr. Chishima's work offers some insight into current day quantum physics theories that remind us that at the sub-atomic level matter does not exist. There is only energy; bits of photons with lots of empty space around them. DNA has been thought to be the center of the definition of life. At closer inspection we find that DNA is made up of molecules, which are made up of sub-atomic particles and we end up back at the level of biophotons again. DNA is found to be nothing more than loose strands of deoxyribonucleic acid, a cluster of molecules attached to proteins that make up the cell's chromatin nucleus. It is interesting to note that, although DNA goes under the name of an acid, it is actually a salt (sodium).4 Sodium, as we know, is one of the body's important electrolytes and a conductor of electromagnetism. A DNA molecule is negatively charged, with the magnitude of the charge being proportional to the chain's length. It is a linear, one-dimensional crystal.3

    The cell's inner most center is made up of ribonucleic acid and proteins (all molecules). The antenna or filament strand like configuration of DNA allows the molecules to receive and transmit electromagnetic frequency information along its nucleotide bases, creating resonance reactions within targeted genetic or nucleotide triplets that create the template for the formation of messenger RNA (mRNA). Once mRNA has formed it leaves the cell nucleus and attaches to structures known as ribosomes. Using raw material from the cell, the ribosomes produce proteins by following the sequence as instructed by the mRNA. The proteins in turn go about doing their jobs inside or outside the cell based on the original instructions passed down from the electromagnetic coding to DNA to RNA and finally to the ribosomes. This process is known as transcription and provides the means for electromagnetic frequency oscillations, the body's master conductor, to interact with the cell's command center to instruct what notes to play, when, how loud, how long, etc., etc. in order to maintain the precision and harmony of the whole body's vibratory and cellular orchestra.

    To reduce our DNA to the point of sub-atomic particles of energy may leave us wondering what is left. Our bodies have now totally disappeared into a sea of energy that is seemingly under the control of a superconscious energy field. From this vantage point we begin to see how we are interconnected with everything else. We also can begin to understand how it is possible for red blood cells to transform into tissue cells and with enough interference from poor food, stress, environmental toxins, and inner conflicts into cancerous cells. It also begins to explain how it is possible for human limb regeneration to occur without the aid of cellular mitosis.5 An interruption or distortion in the range, strength and coherency of the body's electromagnetic energy system leads to a breakdown in the body's self-healing mechanisms. Our thoughts and emotions are also frequency patterns and have a direct relationship on the integrity of our energy field. A disruption in our consciousness can create an area of stagnation or incoherence in our bodies that can derail DNA transcription, suppress T-cell and NK-cell activity, and other immune system functions and lead to chronic and degenerative illnesses, depression and other psychosis.

    Dr. Ralph Alan Dale, the director of the Acupuncture Education Center in North Miami Beach, Florida, after spending the last two decades tracking down clinical and research data from China, Japan, and Germany, has accumulated evidence of eighteen different microacupuncture holograms in the body, including one in the hands, feet, arms, neck, tongue, and even the gums. Dale feels that these microsystems are "holographic reiterations of the gross anatomy," and believes there are still other such systems waiting to be discovered. In a notion reminiscent of Bohm's assertion that every electron in some way contains the cosmos, Dale hypothesizes that every finger, and even every cell, may contain its own acupuncture microsystem.6,7

    It is this holographic characteristic of the body's energy field that provides physical, mental, emotional and spiritual feedback into areas of incoherence. Applied Kinesiology allows us to identify these non-coherent energy patterns that manifest as our emotional, relationship, or physical difficulties.8 The same feedback system is also used to identify the proper healing modality needed to activate the macro- and micro-structures of the human energy system to bring about coherence and a restoration of health and mental/emotional well-being.

    It has been documented that DNA repair can be activated using a frequency of 528hz. At this precise frequency the clustered water molecules that surround and support the DNA structure form a perfect six-sided hexagon.9,10 This demonstrates how important it is to our health and vitality to support and maintain our energetic coherence on all levels of our lives. Even the slightest deviation in resonance on the cellular level can cause the frequency that supports the beautiful and magical six-sided hexagon to become something less coherent. Since every cell encapsulates information about the entire organism, we can see how important it is to our health and vitality to support and maintain our energetic coherence on all levels of our lives.

    Chang, J.J., Fisch, J., Popp, F.A.; Biophotons, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998
    Yanick Jr., P., Professional's Guidebook of Quantum Medicine, 2000
    Chishima, K.; Revolution of Biology and Medicine, Neo-Haematological Society Press, 1972
    Frank-Kamenetskii, M.D.; Unraveling DNA, Perseus Books, 1997 Hunt, V. V., Infinite Mind: Science of the Human Vibrations of Consciousness, Malibu Publishing Co., 1996
    Talbot M. The Holographic Universe, Harper Perennial, 1992
    Leviton R. The Holographic Body, East West 18, No. 8, August 1988, p. 42
    Linsteadt, S.M., The Heart of Health; the Principles of Physical Health and Vitality, Natural Healing House Press, 2003
    Horowitz, L.G. and Puleo, J.S., Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse, Tetrahedron Publishing Group, 2001
    Lorenzen, L.; Japanese American Research Society.
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    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 33284
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    The Quantum Naturopath Empty Re: The Quantum Naturopath

    Post  Carol Mon Nov 07, 2011 5:40 pm

    The Quantum Naturopath Green%20moss%20water%20fall%20171585765745abc5470f98e
    Introducing 'Life Solutions' EnerCHIzer Co.™ Technology
    Tim Atkinson, N. D.
    Several years ago, a Doctor friend and former instructor contacted Dr. Tim Atkinson with information relating to a new technology. This technology was being used widely in Germany and in Austria in addition to Russia and the Far East. The group whose work to be studied were German Scientists. This technology involved re-vitalizing the energy of water and food making those same foods and liquids once again healthy to consume. Dr. Atkinson already had a high level of expertise with regard to "clustered water" because he'd used it in his practice for years with clients. However, this new technology was a mystery to him. Since he was already scheduled for a week long Energy Medicine Seminar in Germany, he decided to investigate this technology further.

    What Dr. Atkinson learned that week in Germany was a revelation. This new technology was beyond his wildest imagination. This new information was on target and also probably one of the most important health discoveries in the past 100 years, including this new 21st century.

    The contributors to water revitalization technology hailed from around the globe. Each researcher, in their own way, has contributed to the understanding of the properties of water. Since human beings are composed of more than 70% water, the consumption of vast amounts of water each day is important.

    Few people in the world today, would disagree with the fact that "good water" is in danger of extinction! So, for the first time in modern history, people like Victor Schauberger, Dr. Patrick Flanagan, Dr. Lee Lorenzen, Dr. Muzuro Emoto, Dr. Dean Radin and Johann Grander in addition to hundreds of others throughout history, including what Hippocrates discovered long ago, discovered was the vitally important ways Nature cleans and revitalizes one of the most important resources known to mankind, WATER!

    Subsequently, “Life Solutions” EnerCHIzer Co.™ is evaluating the different methods attributed to these Pioneers in water revitalization by continuing to improve product quality, and to bring more water cleansing to different parts of the world’s environment. Consequently, in the hope of achieving greater results with humanity, with animals, and with our ecology that is so critical to sustaining our environment, EnerCHIzer Co.™ is constantly discovering and developing enhancements, via their various EnerCHIzer “Living Water” products.

    Understanding Energy

    Energy is a fuel used in common for survival of all life, including human life on this planet. Even the earth is dependent upon energy for maintenance and sustenance. GOD said in the beginning "Let there be light." This energy is addressed as the "Life Force" in most cultures and it comes from the sun. This Biophotonic light energy is the thing that sustains every living thing on the planet earth.

    We receive the energy we require from sunlight, oxygen, food and water. The amount of energy we assimilate is in direct proportion to the level of heath enjoyed by our own cells. This relates, also to the level of toxicity to which we've been or are currently exposed in relation to the inter-cellular communication between all of the cells in our bodies.

    GOD created within every part of us, an intelligence, which continually renews and heals its’ self when there is enough energy to detoxify the body and allow the cells to communicate without obstructions. When the body is deprived of the proper energy, disease is the result.

    Discovering the Bovis Scale

    In the 1930's, A French physicist, Antoine Bovis, postulated this scale while doing research among the Great pyramids of Egypt. He discovered all substances have an energy level. The Bovis Energy Scale measures “Natural Earth Energy,” and ranges from zero to infinity. He subsequently developed a scale that measures the positive or negative charge and the levels of those charges in all things.

    Atoms registering in the negative Bovis range will spin to the right ==> or clockwise. Atoms in the positive Bovis range spin, to the left <==, or counterclockwise. For example:

    Living Organisms, including People: register 6,500 “Energy Units” or higher "0" on the Bovis Scale

    The earth: registers 7,000 to 18,000 “Energy Units” on the Bovis scale

    Fruits, vegetables, even inanimate objects: register above or below 6,500 “Energy Units”

    The Bovis Scale quantifies or measures how positively or negatively charged a substance is. For living organisms, the key reference point on the scale is found at 6,500 Bovis energy units. From 0 to 6,500 Bovis, the charge is in the NEGATIVE range, or life-detracting; while above the 6,500 Bovis point, the energy gradually becomes more POSITIVE, or life-enhancing.

    The desired minimal energy level for humans is found between 8,000 to 10,000 Bovis, or slightly positive. The Earth itself creates energy in the 7,000 to 18,000 range. This energy is also referred to as "Biophotons," which are light particles invisible to our eyes. A biophoton (from the Greek βιο meaning "life" and φωτο meaning "light") is a photon of light emitted in some fashion from a biological system. This positive energy is necessary in order to maintain a healthy living planet.

    Last edited by Carol on Mon Nov 07, 2011 7:11 pm; edited 1 time in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 33284
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    The Quantum Naturopath Empty Re: The Quantum Naturopath

    Post  Carol Mon Nov 07, 2011 5:43 pm

    The Quantum Naturopath Wave
    Structured Water
    Water consists of layers...

    What is Structured Water?

    Water is not one solid mass of liquid, but it actually consists of layers. When these layers slide by each other, such as when the waters are shaken, the surfaces of the layers are susceptible to absorbing an electro-magnetic force or energy. Whenever water is turbulent, it is affected by magnetic forces. These magnetic forces are either man made or from the earth's natural magnetic field. In nature, this occurs whenever water flows over rocks. Water also moves around sharp bends or over elevations and depressions in the river or stream’s bed. These natural occurrences cause water to become "Structured."

    The molecules in water, under the influence of "structuring,” become either “positively” or “negatively” charged. As a result, the water's natural repulsion, or attraction is greatly enhanced. The positive charge (<== left spin) is the optimum direction of the spin one would want for “structured” water. When the spin is to the left, an increased number of molecules then "stick together" and create "liquid crystal chains." These crystal chains create a remarkable positive change in the composition of the affected water. (See photos of Dr. Imoto’s water crystals.) The "structured" water then becomes quite different then normal tap water out of one’s faucet. The results? "Structured" water is transformed into "natural water." In this sense, natural water is referred to as unaffected by man-made chemicals and environmental pollution. Instead, “structured” water is in alignment with what Mother Nature intended.

    Not surprisingly, there are numerous benefits associated with "structured" water because it is what one’s own body’s' healthy water content should be. What does this mean? Simply put, our body does not have to make stressful and energy-burning transformations in the structure of "unnatural water" for our bodies to assimilate and utilize the water. Unnatural water takes energy from the body, whereas, natural "structured" water gives energy to the body.

    When the body is exposed to a constant flow of energized water, food, herbs, supplements and any other life sustaining elements or compounds, the body responds better and easily assimilates what it needs. The benefits of "structured" water are almost too numerous to count, but even stronger colloid production in addition to better plant growth for our plants are definitely part of this positive equation. Experience with "structured" water has taught us that we will see a reduction of scale buildup in pipes and equipment along with a reduction in cleaning compounds necessary for clean-up.

    "Structured" water has been used with exceptional positive results in industry in Europe and Asia for years. Very large companies have used "structured" water in the areas of medicine, for irrigation purposes, cooling towers, boilers and much more. The Volga Research Institute in Russia irrigates huge agricultural areas with "structured" water. "Structured" water has been known to produce a 28% increase in winter wheat productions, 17% increase in corn, 37% increase in cucumbers and 32% increase in tomatoes, to name a few! "Structured" water has also produced larger radishes, onions, corn and many other vegetables. This equates to a REAL increase in productivity because foods are not only larger but also are more plentiful.

    Water as Medicine

    Researchers have also discovered "structured" water is important for our health as well. Since the body is approximately 72% water, it is logical that good water is essential to our health. This has prompted a number of health care providers to use "structured" water with their clients and patients. For example, while working with technology that structures water in Brazil, John Lauffer discovered when water is at the right energy level; it strongly supports "life." Yet when water has an inappropriate energy level, it does not support life, instead, it inhibits life. Thus, water then becomes "unnatural."

    Lauffer also noted that when water was treated with a bio-magnetic catalyst, special properties were imparted to the water. The results? "Structured" water prohibits growth of pathogenic bacterium like E. Coli. This study was repeated during a six-year period, both with Lauffer and in extensive 6 years of tests at the Russian Academy of Natural Science.

    Research on "structured" water was also performed at the Adolfo Lutz Institute in Sao Paul, Brazil. Further investigation was pursued in England, and again, later in Sao Paulo, Brazil by researchers tracking swimming pools. Both results were confirmed in separate laboratory tests. The result indicated that water, in its natural form, unhampered by mankind with useless manipulations, has many surprising cleansing properties.

    Medicine is used to treat illness. One thinks of medicine as something to use to “heal” or correct a “dis/eased” state of being. And we see how the medical allopathic community is trained to treat illness using the medical and pharmaceutical health care model. Yet, perhaps the real focus needs to be on preventive medicine. EnerCHIzed water for bathing, drinking, cooking, cleaning, watering plants and cleaning structures, even on the outside, helps to detoxify the heavy metals and toxins in people’s bodies. When given healthy water, the body begins to heal itself.

    In reality, even infections can be controlled with just the use of water. Once we understand the role of good water, we can begin preventing common disease. Known good water, with all of the positive characteristics in "natural occurring" water, can increase immunity.

    In addition, we are discovering how water carries specific informational codes. And we are still discovering which energies are useful for what specific purpose. As time progresses, research will continue to uncover the secrets of “energized” water.

    Swimming Pools and Spas

    By definition, swimming pools are unnatural bodies of water because the water is re-circulated and treated with chemicals. If not treated with chemicals algae and other pathogenic bacterium and other toxins from culturing in the water. If the water in pools and spas were "naturally" replenished, then the "swamp" effect would not be a problem. “Structured" water from technologically advanced equipment like the EnerCHIzer equipment, even from an energized disc or other apparatus, returns water back to its natural positive charge. EnerCHIzer technology does not stop all algae growth or even some friendly bacteria, but the body of water, even during frequent testing, has proven to be basically very clean bodies of unnatural water reacting like natural bodies of water.

    Those who use EnerCHIzer units, and similar, much more expensive equipment, find their skin is softer and tends to soothe sunburned skin within minutes of contact. It has been noted that people swimming in energized water pools sunburn less severely than those in normal chemically laden pools.

    Another interesting phenomenon with energized water is that algae may form slightly but only up to the non-visible state. The reason for this is because the water is "living water" with the positive charge energizing technology adds. Whereas, black algae or lots of algae forming in the water of a pond or pool is water which is not energized, rather, stagnant water.

    Fogden & Son Chartered Chemists in Nottingham England generated some of the most impressive results associated with Structured water. The research and testing was performed in a resort hotel. Results of testing show clearly there was a total count of about 200 colonies of bacterium. However, over 3 months, no E. Coli was detected. These same results were duplicated on a YMCA semi-Olympic pool in Lapo, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

    Last edited by Carol on Mon Nov 07, 2011 7:11 pm; edited 1 time in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 33284
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    The Quantum Naturopath Empty Re: The Quantum Naturopath

    Post  Carol Mon Nov 07, 2011 5:47 pm

    The Quantum Naturopath Waterbubbles

    By Norman deLauder Mlkesell, 1985

    Structured water is found in the cytoplasm of healthy tissue. It has a high solubility for the body’s minerals, so minerals and vitamins, which are formed with structured water, tend to go from the digestive tract and bloodstream into the tissues. Structured water can be formed using light, magnets, temperature changes, (quartz crystals, pyramids and sounds). Structured water formed with blue light or North Pole magnetic energy is slightly alkaline and has an increased surface tension. Water structured with yellow and red light, South Pole magnetic energy, or within a pyramid, is slightly acidic and has a decreased surface tension. The two types of structured water each have increased mineral solubilities and different healing effects on the body. North Pole magnetic energy and water is known to stop the growth of pathogenic bacteria and cancer tumors while South Pole magnetic energy and water enhances organ functions and endocrine excretions. The structured water research will investigate the physical, chemical and biiological characteristics of water structured under different conditions of light, temperature, magnets, quartz crystals, pyramids and sounds. The chemical changes in the pH and mineral solubilities will be correlated with the different biological actions found for each type of structure.


    All light structures water. Light centered in the blue, violet and ultraviolet and end of the spectrum will produce alkaline structured water. Examples of these kinds of light are sunlight at high noon (blue) bilirubin light (blue) and germicidal light (U.V.). Light centered in the green part of the spectrum, early morning and late afternoon sunlight, tree shade and Kiva lights structure water at a neutral pH. Light centered in the yellow and red end of the spectrum produces acid structured water. Examples of these kinds of light are incandescent light bulbs (yellow), cool white fluorescent tubes (yellow), warm white fluorescent tubes (yellow), cool white fluorescent tubes (yellow) and Gro-Lites (pink) (Bachechi, 1982 p. 14).

    North-pole magnetic energy structures water and amino acid solutions to an alkaline pH and increases water surface tension. South-pole magnetic energy structures water amino acid solutions to an acid pH and decreases water surface tension (Davis & Rawls, 1979 pp. 85-86 and Rees, pp. 26-27). A decrease in surface tension is also found with water placed under a pyramid (Schul & Pettit, 1975 pp. 91-92)

    Structured water has a higher solubility for minerals than bulk water. Water activated by Kiva lights (Bachechi, 1984), red light and electrical discharge from a neon & mercury filled vial (Gauquelin, 1969) and South-pole magnetic energy (Davis and Rawls, 1979 p.89) will dissolve calcium deposits found in hard water and boiler scale. These three types of activated water are structured to an acid pH and have an increased solubility for structure-maker ions –- ions that cause water to become more highly structured. Structures-maker ions are all multivalent ions and monovalent ions the size of socium or smaller. These are Li+1, Na+1, H3O+1, Ca+2, Ga+2, Mg+3, Al+2, Er+3, OH-1, and F1.

    Ions which are more soluble in alkaline structured water are called structure-breaker ions and include all monovalent ions, the size of potassium or larger. These are K+1, NH4-1, Rb+1, Co+1, Br-1, I-1, NO3-1, BrO3-1, IO3-1, and CIO4-1. (Mikesell 1974, pp. 2-3. These solubility differences are reflected in the cells ionic make-up. The cytoplasm of healthy tissues has a slightly basic pH and a high potassium to sodium ration while the bloodstream, nucleus and extra cellular fluid is more acidic with a higher sodium content (Mikesell 1974, pp. 5-14).

    Structured water has a decreased solubility for dissolved gases. Kiva light activated water has a decrease in the amount of dissolved chlorine gas, that remains is turned into a chloride ion (Bachechi, 1984). Magnet activated water has a decrease in the dissolved oxygen and nitrogen (Davis & Rawis, 1975 pp. 118-119). Water with 1.2 ppm dissolved nitrogen, which is exposed to either a North Pole or South Pole magnet, loses half of its dissolved nitrogen. (Davis & Rawls, 1979 p. 88).

    Structured water can be formed using lights, magnets, temperature changes, quartz crystals, pyramid energy, sounds and minerals. The effect of lights should first be studied since all laboratory experiments are done under some kind of artificial lights – usually, either cool white fluorescence, warm white flourescence or incandescent bulbs. Since these three lights are centered in the yellow end of the spectrum, all structured water data will be biased toward an acid pH condition. Therefore structured water experiments on the changes in pH, dielectric conductivity and surface tension should be done on incandescent blurbs, Gro-Lites, warm white and cool white fluorescent lights, Kiva lights, bilirubin lights and UV germicidal lights in order to find out the amount each light will bias subsequent experiments on other water structuring energies. It could be that standard lighting conditions for structured water experiments should be all cool whites, all Kiva lights or even that experiments should only be done in the dark. The activation of water by a Kiva light, because it is centered in the green, structures both the acid and the alkaline ions. The North Pole and South Pole magnetized water will structure both the acid and alkaline ions. One explanation for the decease in the dissolved gas content of Kiva lighted and sun energized water is that the acid structured water, with its deceased surface tension, open the water bonding up and allows the dissolved chlorine to escape into the atmosphere. The alkaline structured-water is more soluble for H3O+1, OH-1, NH4+1, NO3-1, Cl-1, ClO-1, and ions. The hydrogen ions and hydroxyl ions will react with chlorine to form Cl ions and Cl04-1 ions, with nitrogen to form NH4+1 and NO 3-1 and will react with nitrogen to form NH4+1 and NO3-1 and will react with oxygen to form additional hydrogen and hydroxyl ions. Dissolved CO2 will react with hydrogen ions to form carboxylic acid (HCOO-1).

    The structuring of water can be done using both light and magnetic energy. Parccardi demonstrated this by stirring a vial of low-pressure neon with a drop of mercury around in a beaker of water. The mercury, rubbing on the wall of the vial produces a slight electromagnetic current, which causes the neon to discharge a red fluorescent light. This produces acid structured water, which dissolves boiler scale (Gauguelin, 1969). The inert gases, subjected to pressure and a magnetic field, have been used on water, juice or as whole body irradiation to cure a variety of diseases (Cook, 1980 pp.1-7). Changes in temperature have been used to structure water. An increase in temperature is used in making cell salt solutions. Either raising the temperature 10 degrees Centigrade, or shaking a bottle 2/3’s full of the salt solution 40-50 times prepares each successive dilution. This forms hydration shells around each of the ions, which causes an increased separation between the ions and structures the water around the ions (Mikesell, 1974 pp 14-16). A decrease in temperature is used in structuring vortexya water. Water is vortexed, under vacuum, at 4 degrees Centigrade with CO2, O2 and trace minerals, which combined with the oxygen and with the carbon dioxide (Baumgardner pp. 5-7). This creates both acid and oxygen with carbon dioxide (Baumgardner pp. 5-7). This creates both acid and alkaline structured water with an increased solubility of trace minerals. Freshly melted snow and water, which has been boiled and quickly cooled, is degassed to the point where the water becomes structured. This kind of water is more biologically active, shows an increased surface tension, density and viscosity and a decrease in electrical conductivity. (Maugh II, 1978 p. 414)

    Minerals will structure water. Silica gel will cause an alkaline structuring of water with an increased surface tension and solubility of potassium structure-breaking type ions (Mikesell 1974, pp 7-9) Hunza water is composed of all the seawaters minerals except NaCl and has a decreased surface tension (Flanagan, 1984).

    Pyramid energy will produce acid structured water with a decrease in surface tension if water is placed inside a pyramid. The pyramid’s effect on water has been attributed to an increase in the water’s dipole moment. (Schul-Pettit, 1975 pp. 91-92 & 102-105).

    Quartz crystals structure water for several reasons. They will impart pyramid energy to water because their points are at the pyramid angle of 76 degrees. The silica dioxide will increase the water’s viscosity when water is placed between two silica plates (Peschel, G. & P. Belouschek, 1979 p. 9). Crystals have a piezoelectric energy, which varies depending upon their orientation in the earth’s magnetic field. Pierralos found a pulse rate of 9/mm. with the leading edge of crystal facing south, 6/mm. facing west, 4/mm. facing north, and 14/mm. when facing east (Pierralos, 1971 p.18). The crystal’s piezoelectric energy will also amplify the variations in pressure caused by sound while the pyroelectric energy will reflect variations in heat produced by different frequencies of light. Water treated on top of pyramids and with Ralf Bergstresser’s pyramid energized aluminum plates should be tested to see how the water is structured.

    Sound structuring of water need to be tested. Keely found that striking a resonate chord of an object in three octaves, the third, sixth and ninth of a chord scale would produce a variable effect. The sixth would cause the matter to condense while the ninth would have an expanding or levitating effect (Sykes 1964 pp. 20-21, Richards 1983 p. 2, & Richards 1984 p. 12). The structuring of water by these various means should be measured by looking at changes in pH, oxidation-reduction potential, dielectric conductivity, UV spectrophotometry, surface tension, viscosity, density, freezing temperature, ice crystal formation, dried crystal formation, mineral solubilities, biological activity and healing abilities.


    In my review of alternative healing procedures I have found four methods that will detoxify the body and cure pathogenic and metabolic diseases – Koch Therapy, Kiva Lights, Vortexya Water and the John Ray Program of minerals. They work by inducing a periodic healing crisis, which includes diarrhea and endocrine activation. The Koch therapy heals by providing two activators of cellular oxidative reactions, Glyoxyide and Coenzyme Q10 that allows the cells to remove pathogenic bacteria and viruses and reabsorb cancerous tumors (Koch 1961, p. 278 & 288). Kiva lights, when used on cooking water and food, cause the food to be properly absorbed by the body and induces the body to heal itself of cancers, Candida yeast, food allergies, arthritis, overweight and underweight metabolism. When used over the cooking water and bath water, the Kiva light remove chlorine and structure the water so mineral are more soluble and biologically active.

    Both the Koch Therapy and the Kiva Process detoxify the body in such a way that every month on the Kiva Process equals one year’s worth of toxic elimination. For example, if you had quit smoking or drinking six years ago, then after six months of Kiva food processing you would find yourself starting to eliminate nicotine or alcohol toxins from your body. This would continue in terms of months, for however many years you smoked or drank (Bachicha, 1984). With Kock Therapy, polio victims who have been paralyzed for three years require three months to recover 95% normal function, while one patient who was paralyzed for twenty years had 95% normal functioning and muscle reconstruction after two years of Koch therapy detoxification. (Koch 1961, p. 16). The John Ray Program uses a high amount of chelated trace minerals from kelp, enzymes, vitamins, acidophilus and herbs to promote good nutrition and periodic diarrhea. Acupressure points are pressed to activate the organs, the endocrine system and to remove calcifications. Colon elimination is so good that intestinal tumors and diverticuli are flushed out and cancers in other parts of the body are reabsorbed (John Ray Lecture Tapes, 1984).

    Vortexya water has the same trace minerals found in kelp. They are activated by vortexing under vacuum with oxygen and carbon dioxide at 4 degrees Centigrade. This bioactive water rejuvenates the endocrine glands, normalized intestinal elimination and heals the body of cancers, arthritis, kidney stones, gallstones and other metabolic disorders by flooding the tissues with an active form of oxygen, carbon dioxide and trace minerals. (Baumgardner, p. 5-7)


    Chemical mechanisms on Orie Bachechi’s eight-year study of the effects of full spectrum Kiva lights submitted to one for his use in grant proposals and the designing of future experiments. Kiva light removes dust and static electricity from the air while holding the humidity between 45 and 55%. This balances the positive and negative ion contents in a room. Rooms, which are dry and dusty, are depleted in negative ions while rooms that are very humid, have few positive or negative ions. The Kiva light produces highly active water molecules, which precipitate the dust (positive ions), and excess humidity (negative ions) to produce a room, which has an equal balance of, charged positive and negative ions. Negative ion studies show a balance of positive and negative ions increases oxygen absorption in man.

    The Kiva light changes the pH of water. This change comes from the light structuring or activating the water to form free radicals or highly reactive positive and negative ions within the water. These charged ions will react with other water molecules to form ionized chains of water molecules and will ionize dissolved gases and minerals. Dissolved minerals become more highly soluble because there are more water hydration shells around each mineral. This increase in the charged molecule changes the chemical strength of the dissolved minerals and changes the pH of the water. Dissolved gases become ionized in structured water. Kiva lights change dissolved chlorine gas into chloride ions by the structured water ionizing the Cl2 molecules into two Cl free radicals which then react with two H free radicals to form two HCl molecules. This reaction will change the water to a more acid pH.

    Dissolved CO2 gas will become HCOO-1 (carboxylic acid) while dissolved O2 will react with H free radicals to become two basic hydroxyl (OH-1ions).

    Kiva lights seem to inhibit several well-known free radical organic and biochemical reactions. Epoxy glue will not bond under Kiva light but will stick when placed under incandescent lights. These reactions probably need an acid environment to go from the free radical condition to the ionic or covalently bonded state. Fats and oils do not become rancid under Kiva lights so meat and vegetables do not spoil as readily with Kiva light as they do under acid causing yellow or pink lights.

    Kiva lights are modified 4 foot fluorescent Vita-Lites which when placed over the kitchen sink structure the tap water and the food prepared in the kitchen. People using these lights in this manner experience periodic detoxification reactions, which include a slight fever and diarrhea. Many diseased conditions are improved by this use of structured water including poor circulation, high blood pressure, cellulite loss, dry skin, kidney and gall bladder stones, toxicity, anemia, ulcers, diabetes, arthritis, fibroid tumors and paralysis (Bachechi, 1982).

    In the body, poor circulation, high blood pressure, arterial sclerosis and cellulite from cholesterol deposits are dissolved after KIVA activated water has been used for cooking. Also, skin becomes softer and less wrinkled. Cholesterol deposits are due to free radical oxidation while skin wrinkles are caused by free radical cross linkage of collagen molecules. A rebalancing of the calcium metabolism alleviates arthritis, kidney stones, and gall bladder stones.


    Bachechi, Orie (1982) When Light Touches Many Changes Take Place, Kiva, Inc., 912 Broadway N.E., Albuquerque, NM 87102
    Bachechi, Orie (1984) Personal Communication, Albuquerque, NM: Kiva, Inc Baumgardner, Walter Vortexya Water, Albuquerque, NM: Energy Unlimited, p. 5-7
    Beall, Paula T. (1979) “Applications of Cell Biology to an Understanding of Biological Water” in Cell-Associated Water, Drost-Hansen, W. and James S. Clegg; Eds.) New York: Academic Press
    Bradford, Robert W., Henry W. Allen and Michael L. Culbert (1981) Phase I Research Project (The HLB Blood test), San Francisco, CA 94102
    C1egg, James S. (1979) “Metabolism and Intracellular Environment: The Vincinal-Water Network Model” in Cell-Associated Water, (Drost-Hansen, W. and James S. Clegg; Eds.) New York: Academic Press
    Clifford, J., B.S. Pethica and E.G. Smith (1968) “A Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Investigation of Molecular Motion in Erythocyte Membranes” in Membrane Models and the Formation of Biological Membranes, (Bolis, Liana and Pethica; Eds.) pp. 19-42
    Cook, Maurice B. (1980) The Inert Gases, Toronto, Canada: Marcus Books Davis, A.R. & W.C. Rawls (1975) The Magnetic Effect; Smithtown, NY: Exposition Press
    Flanagan, Patrick (1984) Hunza Crystal Water, Novato, CA: Flanagan Research LTD
    Gauquelin, M. (1961) The Cosmic Clocks, London: Peter Owen
    Koch, William F. (1961) The Survival Factor in Neoplactic and Viral Diseases, p. 16, pp. 278 & 288 Levine, S.A. and P.M. Kidd (1985) Antioxidant Adaptation: Its Role in Free Radical Pathology, San Leandro, CA: Biocurrents Div., Allergy Research Group (400 Preda St., San Leandro, CA 94577)
    Ling, G.N. (1969) “A New Model for the Living Cell: A Summary of the Theory and Recent experimental Evidence in its Support” in International Review of Cytology 26, pp. 1-61
    Maugh II, Thomas H. (1979) “The Problem of Water Structured in biological Systems” Cell-Associated Water, (edited by W. Drost-Kansen & James S. Clegg) and NY: Academic Press Mikesell, Norman (1974) “Cellular Regeneration”, pp 2-16 Peschel, G. & P. Belouschek (1979) “The Problem of Water Structure in Biological Systems” Cell-Associated Water, (edited by W. Drost-Kansen & James S. Clegg) NY: Academic Press Pierralos, J.C. (1971) The Energy Field in Man and Nature, NY: Institute of Bioenergetic Analysis, p. 18 Ray, John (September 1984) Tapes from John Ray Lectures at Boulder Colorado.
    Rees, M.L. Lambdoid, Cell Salt Line, p. 26 & 27
    Richards, Shine E.E. (1983) Earth Power spectrum and Its Potential As A Usable Energy Source, Pie Town, NM Richards, Shine E.E. (1984) Multi-Octave Harmonic Interconnections, Pie Town, NM
    Schul, Bill & Ed Pettit (1975) The Secret Power of Pyramids, NY: Ballantine books
    Sykes, Egerton (1964) The Keely Mystery, London: Markham House Press LTD.
    Szent-Gyorgyi, A. (1973) “Electrons, Molecules, Biology and Cancer” in Acta Biochem et Biophysic Academy of Science, (Hungary) 8, pp. 117-127
    Wiggins, P.M. (1972) “Intracellular pH and the Structure of Cell Water” Journal of Theoretical Biology 37, pp. 363-371

    Last edited by Carol on Mon Nov 07, 2011 7:13 pm; edited 2 times in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 33284
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    The Quantum Naturopath Empty Re: The Quantum Naturopath

    Post  Carol Mon Nov 07, 2011 5:48 pm

    The Quantum Naturopath Waterdrop
    Introducing 'Life Solutions' EnerCHIzer Co.™ Technology
    Tim Atkinson, N. D.

    Several years ago, a Doctor friend and former instructor contacted Dr. Tim Atkinson with information relating to a new technology. This technology was being used widely in Germany and in Austria in addition to Russia and the Far East. The group whose work to be studied were German Scientists. This technology involved re-vitalizing the energy of water and food making those same foods and liquids once again healthy to consume. Dr. Atkinson already had a high level of expertise with regard to "clustered water" because he'd used it in his practice for years with clients. However, this new technology was a mystery to him. Since he was already scheduled for a week long Energy Medicine Seminar in Germany, he decided to investigate this technology further.

    What Dr. Atkinson learned that week in Germany was a revelation. This new technology was beyond his wildest imagination. This new information was on target and also probably one of the most important health discoveries in the past 100 years, including this new 21st century.

    The contributors to water revitalization technology hailed from around the globe. Each researcher, in their own way, has contributed to the understanding of the properties of water. Since human beings are composed of more than 70% water, the consumption of vast amounts of water each day is important.

    Few people in the world today, would disagree with the fact that "good water" is in danger of extinction! So, for the first time in modern history, people like Victor Schauberger, Dr. Patrick Flanagan, Dr. Lee Lorenzen, Dr. Muzuro Emoto, Dr. Dean Radin and Johann Grander in addition to hundreds of others throughout history, including what Hippocrates discovered long ago, discovered was the vitally important ways Nature cleans and revitalizes one of the most important resources known to mankind, WATER!

    Subsequently, “Life Solutions” EnerCHIzer Co.™ is evaluating the different methods attributed to these Pioneers in water revitalization by continuing to improve product quality, and to bring more water cleansing to different parts of the world’s environment. Consequently, in the hope of achieving greater results with humanity, with animals, and with our ecology that is so critical to sustaining our environment, EnerCHIzer Co.™ is constantly discovering and developing enhancements, via their various EnerCHIzer “Living Water” products.

    Understanding Energy

    Energy is a fuel used in common for survival of all life, including human life on this planet. Even the earth is dependent upon energy for maintenance and sustenance. GOD said in the beginning "Let there be light." This energy is addressed as the "Life Force" in most cultures and it comes from the sun. This Biophotonic light energy is the thing that sustains every living thing on the planet earth.

    We receive the energy we require from sunlight, oxygen, food and water. The amount of energy we assimilate is in direct proportion to the level of heath enjoyed by our own cells. This relates, also to the level of toxicity to which we've been or are currently exposed in relation to the inter-cellular communication between all of the cells in our bodies.

    GOD created within every part of us, an intelligence, which continually renews and heals its’ self when there is enough energy to detoxify the body and allow the cells to communicate without obstructions. When the body is deprived of the proper energy, disease is the result.

    Discovering the Bovis Scale

    In the 1930's, A French physicist, Antoine Bovis, postulated this scale while doing research among the Great pyramids of Egypt. He discovered all substances have an energy level. The Bovis Energy Scale measures “Natural Earth Energy,” and ranges from zero to infinity. He subsequently developed a scale that measures the positive or negative charge and the levels of those charges in all things.

    Atoms registering in the negative Bovis range will spin to the right ==> or clockwise. Atoms in the positive Bovis range spin, to the left <==, or counterclockwise. For example:

    Living Organisms, including People: register 6,500 “Energy Units” or higher "0" on the Bovis Scale
    The earth: registers 7,000 to 18,000 “Energy Units” on the Bovis scale
    Fruits, vegetables, even inanimate objects: register above or below 6,500 “Energy Units”

    The Bovis Scale quantifies or measures how positively or negatively charged a substance is. For living organisms, the key reference point on the scale is found at 6,500 Bovis energy units. From 0 to 6,500 Bovis, the charge is in the NEGATIVE range, or life-detracting; while above the 6,500 Bovis point, the energy gradually becomes more POSITIVE, or life-enhancing.

    The desired minimal energy level for humans is found between 8,000 to 10,000 Bovis, or slightly positive. The Earth itself creates energy in the 7,000 to 18,000 range. This energy is also referred to as "Biophotons," which are light particles invisible to our eyes. A biophoton (from the Greek βιο meaning "life" and φωτο meaning "light") is a photon of light emitted in some fashion from a biological system. This positive energy is necessary in order to maintain a healthy living planet.

    Tips on How to Use the EnerCHIzer Card,
    Disc & Jewelry Products

    The EnerCHIzer Card, Disc and New Jewelry line by EnerCHI4Health is perhaps the most flexible energy product on the market today. Here is a partial listing of the different ways these products can be utilized.

    The EnerCHIzed Disc or Card can be placed next to, or under any drink (water, coffee, tea, soda) or under a plate of food for a period of one minute (60 seconds). It will structure the water in the substance and increase the energy anywhere from 50,000 to 150,000 bovis energy units. Water will taste better and immediately hydrate through the cell walls; coffee, and tea will be less bitter; and soda will be sweeter (diet pop will become so sweet one may not be able to drink it). The energy will be increased in the food and it will be less toxic.

    Leave the Disc on a gallon of water for 24 hours and it will become approximately the same energy and frequency of whatever is in the EnerCHIzed Disc or Card.

    For quicker results, put on the side of a blender. It takes about 8 minutes to have a high therapeutic drink.

    Put one of the EnerCHIzed water patches on a faucet. As the water passes by the Bio-EnerCHIzer Disc or water strip, it will alter the electron spin, increase the energy, and neutralize the chemicals.

    Putting a Disc, or wearing one of the new EnerCHI4Health pendants, Mala Bracelets or Key Ring, next to your body can increase energy, alleviate pain and alkalize the body.

    Put an EnerCHIzer next to a garden hose to add minerals to the plants, grass, garden, veggies, etc.

    Energize water for pets.

    Energize beauty products and remove the negative frequencies that cause aging. Use for lotions, body washes, etc., for the softest skin.

    Cigarettes energized for about 5 minutes will have a different taste, smoke smell will go away, and the burn on the lungs will be reduced. This technology is used in Germany to reverse the effects of allergies and addictions.

    Reverses the spin of harmful sugar, caffeine, etc. This can be verified with a simple muscle test. (Read: Self-Muscle Test Protocol Article)

    Thousands of people have found relief of pain, more energy and experience a general sense of well being since using EnerCHIzed products. Virtually anything with water in it can be energized. Experimenting with these tests will show that they indeed do work.

    Note: The FDA has not evaluated these products. They are not intended to cure, diagnose or treat any disease. We make no medical claims. Please consult the health practitioner of your choice for any health problems.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 33284
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    The Quantum Naturopath Empty Re: The Quantum Naturopath

    Post  Carol Mon Nov 07, 2011 5:54 pm

    The Quantum Naturopath Chi_image

    The Achieve Freedom System is a Naturopathic method of working with people to help them overcome various emotional and/or behavioral energy patterns. Utilizing one of the enerchized "Achieve Freedom" pendants, the pendant is placed on top of 11 different Accu-Points, in a specific sequence, during the session where affirmations are also utilized. This technique has proven effective in helping interrupt negative energy patterns (emotions and behaviors), and can also be used to enhance and/or improve ones personal skills. An "Achieve Freedom" Accu-Points session has been successful with diminishing and/or eliminating the following:

    Fear: height, water, spiders, war, etc.

    Weight Problems: overeating, cravings, emotional eating binges

    Addictions: smoking, alcohol, drug, sugar, etc.

    Pain: headaches, physical pain, emotional pain


    Various dis-ease state

    Athletic improvements: free throw %, golf scores

    Attitudes about money

    More success in relationships

    Results may vary from individual to individual. The products for sale on this website and other research articles are for informational and educational purposes only. We do not render medical advice or represent products we sell will achieve specific results. The information provided through this web site should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. If you have or suspect you may have a health problem, you should consult your licensed health care professional.

    Note: “Achieve Freedom” protocols and documents are only available to those who are members of Life Solutions Ener-CHIzer Co.™

    Muscle Testing Self-Protocol

    Muscle testing is a naturopathic approach to getting information from the body without the interference of the mind. Did you know that your body has brain cells that are located in various areas including your heart and your stomach? That ‘gut’ feeling or the information that comes from your heart is often instinctual information your body is trying to pass onto to you. Muscle testing is also referred to as Applied Kinesiology and is something that some Chiropractors use to find which parts of the body need adjustment. Chinese Herbalists use it to determine with herb is best for their patient and other people use it to help identify allergies. The interesting thing is that muscle testing works just as well on mental or emotional issues as on physical body parts.

    The body is not as much of a liar as the conscious mind is. It is much more likely to give an honest assessment of what is going on than the person's analytical thinking is. The body will give answers to things that are submerged and unknown to the conscious processes, and it will give answers without being biased by wishful thinking or social maneuvering.

    Sometimes the mind is filled with monkey chatter and often presents conflicting information. However, with muscle testing one can often cut through the minds monkey chatter, and find clarity to the answers of questions that the body knows the answer too, but the mind may be confused about. For example, when trying to determine which product would be best too purchase, one can read through the list and do a muscle test on each item of interest to help discover which item resonates with your body. But one can also use this process for working on freeing oneself from unwanted emotions as given in another example.

    The Quantum Naturopath 5
    The way to muscle test is to take your dominant hand/arm and hold it out straight (level to the floor) in front of you, or off to the side a bit. Make a fist with your hand with your thumb sticking out and away from the fisted fingers. Your thumb will look like a hitchhiker’s thumb.

    Next, ask a question (first start by asking yourself your name), flip your thumb over to the outside of your hand. If the fisted thumb goes all the way in the opposite direction (if right handed, thumb to the right, where the palm of the hand would be face up if the hand is open) then that is a yes. If it only goes halfway, where the thumb is pointing upwards toward the ceiling, then that is a no.

    One can use this method to ask oneself numerous questions and to narrow down what your body needs the most.

    Note: There are several other methods for self-muscle testing, however, we have found this particlar approach quite effective.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 33284
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    The Quantum Naturopath Empty Re: The Quantum Naturopath

    Post  Carol Mon Nov 07, 2011 5:56 pm

    Benefits of Drinking, Bathing in, and Using
    EnerCHIzer Structured Water

    The Quantum Naturopath Green%20moss%20water%20fall%20171585765745abc5470f98e

    • Lowers Surface Tension, creating luxurious, soft water

    • Helps dry skin, psoriasis, eczema & wrinkles

    • Enhances Hydration at Cellular level

    • Increases Oxygen to the cells

    • Helps with detoxifying the body

    • Increased absorption of vitamins and nutrients

    • Energizes the body

    • Improves inter-cellular communication through the body

    • Enables the body to heal itself

    • Enhances plant and animal growth

    Structure water is not just for drinking, but also for the whole house. By utilizing “Water Energy Transfer,” “WET,” EnerCHIzer units can be placed on the main water line of the house, or individually on showers or hot-water heaters, and/or on sinks. The water becomes soft is beneficial for people with dry itchy skin or hair. It also acts as a de-scalar, which means less maintenance on appliance and clean up and it improves the taste of water, often to the extent of both chlorine taste and smell disappearing. Soft water also means less soap is needed for dishes, clothes or people. The Living Water House System does not require professional installation. Placing these energized water patches on the water system immediately lowers the surface tension, making water softer, at about 1/3 of the cost of a softener. This makes the water molecular clusters smaller, allowing for greater hydration of the body, carrying nutrients, minerals and dissolved oxygen to the cells, and removing toxins more effectively thus making ones body healthier.

    Water is not one solid mass of Liquid, but it actually consists of layers. In the photo above is a picture of the same pond water before it was energized and after it was energized. When layers of water slide by each other, as when shaken, the surfaces of these layers are susceptible to absorbing an electromagnetic force of energy. When water flows freely over rocks, in streams and rivers it becomes “structured.” The water molecules strengthen their positive and negative charges. “Structured” water is more like the body’s own water, meaning that the body does not have to make changes to it, before it becomes useful. Pond water left to stagnate becomes unstructured. After energizing the pond water with the Agriculture EnerCHIzer, it stimulated the pond water’s frequency, which structured the water and cleared it up. This is same water, before and after being structured. Amazing, isn’t it?


    Pole beans at 3 weeks. Check 12" tall first trifoliate.
    EnerCHIzed seed-water & Bio-Zyme 22" tall Second trifoliate.
    Leaves are much bigger on EnerCHIzed seeds. This means a bigger factory.

    In an experiment between energized water and seeds and seeds that were not energized or given energized water the was a significant difference in growth patterns where the energized seeds grew 10 inches taller in the same amount of time then the seeds which were not energized. Energizing both seeds and water make a big difference in crop production.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 33284
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    The Quantum Naturopath Empty Re: The Quantum Naturopath

    Post  Carol Mon Nov 07, 2011 5:59 pm

    The Quantum Naturopath Yin-yang-energy
    Digital Image Stored in Single Molecule

    Bits of Information

    An Image composed of over 1000 bits of information can be stored in the atoms of a single molecule. (Fung, B, University of Oklahoma).

    Bing Fung and colleagues at the University of Oklahoma found that the 19 hydrogen atoms in a lone liquid crystal molecule store at least 1024 bits of information. The data are stored in the complex interaction of the protons’ magnetic moments.

    Fung hopes the technique dubbed “molecular photography,” could one day be used to pack massive amounts of digital information into a tiny space. He admits, however, that the process is currently experimental. He goes on to say, “It’s a very, very first step toward using nuclear spins for molecular information processing,” as he told New Scientist.

    In their experiments, the researchers used a molecule to store a black and white image, 32 pixels square. The image was encoded in binary 1s and 0s that can be easily processed by a computer.

    Electro Magnetic Pulse

    The researchers fired an electromagnetic pulse containing 1024 different radio frequencies close to 400 megahertz at the molecule. Each frequency either had amplitude, representing a “1” or did not, representing a “0.” This imprinted the information on the molecule.

    The researchers were able to read the information back by firing a second pulse with slightly shifted frequencies at the molecule and measuring the consequent changes with a nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) instrument.

    Fung again states, “It may be possible to store more information using the nuclei of this type of molecule.” But he admits that the nature of the spin interactions is not well understood. “We know how they interact in simple cases, but the interaction in this molecule are extremely complicated.” he said. [Journal of Chemical Physics (Vol. 117 p 6903)]

    Can Messages be Transferred onto any Media?
    As science expands in this arena, there may be many applications of memory application unknown to mankind today.

    (1) NMR quantum computing (2) Binary information storage and processing at the molecular level.

    Last edited by Carol on Mon Nov 07, 2011 7:22 pm; edited 1 time in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 33284
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    The Quantum Naturopath Empty Re: The Quantum Naturopath

    Post  Carol Mon Nov 07, 2011 6:02 pm

    The Quantum Naturopath OrangeLight

    Biophotonic Cold Red Laser Light Therapy (BCRLLT) improves and stimulates blood circulation in the area being treated by using a concentrated red laser light beam pointed on the surface of the skin to stimulate the affected area. The light is absorbed by the skin and underlying tissues where it quickens cell activities and metabolism, promotes muscle relaxation, accelerates all natural repair mechanisms and increases blood circulation.

    BCRLLT helps eliminate toxins and by-products from the area being treated, while also stimulating blood circulation, which in turn increases oxygen to the affected area for renewal of tissue and healing.

    BCRLLT has been used in a variety of medical type settings for a number of years. BCRLLT helps stimulate blood flow, renew skin tissue and relieve pain. The principal application of this is through bio-stimulation of the cells via a pure Monochromatic Light. Light is absorbed by cell tissue. Red laser light therapy is also known to speed up cellular repair and recovery time. This method of bio-stimulation is particularly successful in the fields of Dentistry, Dermatology, Neurology and Physiotherapy.

    Cold Lasers, also know as LOW LEVEL LASERS, have been used throughout Europe for many years, Known effects of Biophotonic Laser Therapy are:

    • Endorphin release

    • Anti-Inflammatory

    • Increased Enzyme Production

    • Cellular healing

    • Increased ATP (Adenosine TriPhospate) production

    • Increased blood flow

    • Increased lymphatic flow

    Cold lasers are low powered. They do not emit heat. Most individuals will feel little or no sensation while the laser light is used on the skin’s surface.

    Biophontonic Cold Red Laser wands have been found to be effective for:

    • Acupuncture Point Stimulation

    • Facial Toning

    • Increasing the rate that soft tissue injuries and wounds heal

    • Pain relief

    • Reducing inflammation

    "Light Influences DNA"

    Professor Mester of Budapest University has conducted numerous experiments with animals and human cells so as to explore and explain the function of Light on the cell. He observed how Monochromatic Light influenced the DNA to use the lipoprotein in the area being stimulated. This resulted in an increase of the cells production of collagen and elastin. Dr. Mesters' also determined that Monochromatic Light was more effective then light’s coherence.

    "Light Diminishes Pain"

    In a study conducted at the Phototherapy Clinic of "Shmuel Harofe" Geriatric Medical Center from October 1989 to March 1990, researchers wanted to explore "the effects of Low-Power Light Therapy on pain and disability in elderly patients with degenerative osteoarthritis of the knee." Their findings were published in the January issue of the "American Geriatrics Society.” They found that "pain and disability before treatment did not show statistically significant differences between the three groups that were tested. Pain reduction in the red and infrared groups, after treatment, was more than 50%, in all scoring methods. There was an observed significant functional improvement in red and infrared-treated groups, but not in the placebo group."

    They concluded, "Low-Power Light Therapy is effective in relieving pain and disability in degenerative osteoarthritis of the knee."

    “A Synopsis of the Therapeutic Effects of Monochromatic
    Single-Wavelength Red Light”

    During the 1960's, in Europe, it was discovered that certain Monochromatic Single-Wavelength Light Beams had a significant therapeutic effect on afflicted cell tissue through "Photo-Stimulation." Various Single-Wavelengths in the red and infrared color spectrums (630 to 950 nanometers) were used extensively due to their falling within the cellular frequency range of biological tissue. The 660 nanometer red wavelength appeared to be the most effective frequency as it was closer to the actual Resonance Frequency of a healthy cell. A single Light Wave is significant as it was ascertained that cell tissues do not respond if more then one light wavelength is present.

    Depending upon whether the Light Beam is continuous or pulsed (turned on and off very rapidly), the Single-Wavelength Light photo stimulates the affected cell tissue differently. "Continuous Light" sedates the tissue, resulting in relief of pain, relaxation of tense muscles and reduced swelling. This is accomplished by an increase in cellular blood flow (which causes a warm feeling deep within the tissue) and by actual physical tissue relaxation. "Pulsed Light" stimulates the DNA within the afflicted cell, causing the cell to produce an increased quantity of protein and calcium, which results in an accelerated healing of the tissue within the range of 3 to 5 times faster than normal.

    To reach the problem areas, the Red Laser Light Beam can either be applied directly to the skin, where it penetrates about one inch into the soft tissue, or for deeper penetration into the body, it can be applied to the acupuncture points. A Single-Wavelength Red Laser Light Beam will travel through the body's acupuncture-meridian channels, like an optical fiber, to reach various internal areas within the body. The red laser light is also an effective Acupuncture-Point Stimulator Device.

    There are only two available methods of producing the desired Monochromatic Single-Wavelength Red Laser Light Beam without introducing other wavelengths or impurities. The first is with a "Laser" wand and the second is with a "Light-Emitting Diode," or L.E.D.. The choice of material used in the construction of both devices determines with specific wavelength is produced. Both devices produce a Monochromatic Single-Wavelength, but the Laser produces Coherent Light (in-phase) while L.E.D.s provide Non-Coherent Light (out-of-phase). This type of Laser uses very Low-Power, compared to the normal High-Power Lasers used in surgery and advanced technology applications. These are referred to as "soft, Cold or weak Lasers," and they produce only enough Light power to stimulate damaged cell tissue.

    Soft-Lasers have been well researched and used over the past 25 years. They are available in many clinics, hospitals and doctors' offices around the world. The most extensively published uses have been for relief of pain, accelerated healing of wounds, treatment of skin conditions, wrinkle removal and acupuncture-point stimulation. Soft-Lasers are NOT readily available for home use. They are expensive and are approved for use ONLY by Licensed Physicians, Health Professionals and Clinical Technicians. They can be harmful, if over-used or if they come into contact with the eyes. Therefore, individuals must go to a Licensed Health Practitioner, if they desire treatment with a "Soft Laser."

    Today, however, thanks to the technological development of L.E.D.s an individual may take advantage of Biophotonic Therapy in the home. L.E.D.s have changed from a simple 15 millicandle "indicator-type light," used in electronic equipment, to the 500-times brighter (8000 millicandle). Light now used in medical applications. Photo-Stimulation by an L.E.D. Unit is now 90% as effective as the "Soft Laser" unit. This means, for example, that arthritis pain, which is relieved by a "Soft Laser" in 6 minutes, would be relieved by an L.E.D. unit in about 7 minutes!

    The advantages of using L.E.D.s is tremendous. The cost of L.E.D.s is one-tenth of the cost of the "Soft Laser" and their life-expectancy is 20 times longer (l00,000 hours of use). Better yet, an L.E.D. is completely harmless, cannot be over-used, has NO side effects and can even be used on the eyes. Therefore, you can do nothing wrong with it! This allows the L.E.D. Phototherapy Unit to be used on a much wider range of problems than the "Soft Laser." The results show that when using "Photo-Stimulation" on afflicted cell tissue, it is the "Monochromatic Single-Wavelength" feature that is more important to cellular response than is the "Coherent" (Laser) or "Non-Coherent" (L.E.D.) aspect of Light.

    The following uses represent those problem areas where a significant number of researched techniques, reported testimonies and observed results have been recorded:

    Acupuncture Point Stimulation
    Energy Balancing & Stimulation
    Meridian Balancing
    Reflexology Point Stimulation
    Trigger Point Stimulation
    Eyes & Ears
    For Addictive Habit Reduction: Tobacco, Food, Drugs & Alcohol
    Food Allergies
    Stress Relief

    Accelerated Wound Healing
    Insect Stings & Bites

    Pain Reduction Relief
    Back Pain
    Muscle Sprains
    Sinus Relief
    Swelling Reduction
    Teeth & Gums

    Facial Toning (Wrinkle Reduction)
    Circulation Improvement
    Skin Condition

    The simplest way to use this "Biophotonic-Stimulation" technology is to acquire an L.E.D. Phototherapy Unit or a Cold Red Laser Light wand. Both types of equipment have allowed a very important medical technology to now be used by individuals, in their own homes, as well as in the offices and clinics of the Health Professionals.
    The Quantum Naturopath Lazerlight
    Known Contraindications:

    Never treat an area near a fetus or thyroid glad (may increase thyroid activity) and NEVER LOOK INTO ANY LASER as the latter can cause irreversible eye damage.

    Last edited by Carol on Mon Nov 07, 2011 7:15 pm; edited 1 time in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 33284
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    The Quantum Naturopath Empty Re: The Quantum Naturopath

    Post  Carol Mon Nov 07, 2011 6:10 pm

    (EMF – Electro Magnetic Field)

    The Quantum Naturopath Gasaopt-c
    by: Joe Hall
    Joe Hall is the founder of Clarus Systems in San Clemente, California. For the past 20 years, he has explored the effects of man-made electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation on human health and psychology.


    In the last six years, our research group has made a lot of breakthroughs in understanding how electromagnetic fields affect living systems, not just humans, but plants, animals, and all living systems. Electro-magnetic fields (EMFs) come from everything that uses electricity in our world today. Every light fixture generates an EMF. Fluorescent lights at work or even in your home have transformers. The three biggest sources of electromagnetic radiation in our environment are transformers, either stepping up voltage or stepping down voltage. Fluorescent lights use step-up transformers to step the voltage up because they use much higher voltage than ordinary incandescent lights. An example of a step-down transformer would be halogen lighting that use much lower voltage. The neighborhood transformers that step down voltage from the higher voltage neighborhood distribution lines that bring electricity to our homes are step-down transformers and they generate very strong electromagnetic radiation fields. Another large source of EMF's in our environment are motors. Any electric motor generates very strong EM radiation, for example an electric shaver. In fact, studies have shown that just a few minutes exposure to that kind of a field will affect you for more than 24 hours.


    EMFs are in the category of what we call extremely low frequency fields or ELFs. Generally, anything that is working off the utility grid, things you plug in to the electrical plugs in your home and office, generate extremely low frequency fields defined as 60 cycles or less alternating current. That is the classic definition of ELF. However, modern electronics, TV's, stereo systems and computers, all the electronics generate high frequency fields when they are plugged in. Appliances generate higher frequency fields as well. The other big source of very strong frequency fields is cathode ray tubes, video display terminals, TV's monitors, and all those kinds of things.


    How many of you remember your parents saying don't sit too close to the television? What do we do when we work on computers? How close do we sit? Right up next to it. Most people working in front of a computer are eventually going to become environmentally sensitive because the pineal gland is chronically stressed, not only when we are sitting in front of the computer, but all the time. We are exposed to electro-magnetic radiation every waking, sleeping moment, every moment of our lives. The only time you are not chronically exposed to EM radiation is when you are out in a wilderness area, far, far away. When you hike in the wilderness you feel different. When you camp, you sleep fantastically well, you are emotionally balanced and mentally clear.


    The most sensitive part of your body to EM radiation is your eyes and the pineal gland. The pineal gland controls all the hormonal balances in your body. One of the most important hormones it controls is melatonin. Many people have multiple chemical sensitivities, or environmental illnesses - they are universal reactors who have chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia. All these things have been closely linked to low melatonin. Melatonin is related to the day or night sleep cycle and to jet lag when we travel by plane. Some people take melatonin so their body can reset itself more easily because that is exactly what melatonin does. When the pineal gland is stressed, melatonin levels go down, and the first thing that occurs is sleep problems. In addition, our immune system's ability to target chemicals in the body and metabolize them safely out of the body is decreased because melatonin does that for us. Our exposure to chemicals in our environment is unfortunately rapidly increasing every day. The other thing that melatonin does is help the body find abnormal cell growth. There have been media reports about the relationship between EMF and cancer. We don't think there is a direct relationship, but there may be an indirect relationship because EMF's put stress on the body and reduce the immune system's ability to deal normally with abnormal cell growth.


    Examples of high frequency fields are microwave ovens, cellular phones, all wireless forms of communication, and TV and radio broadcasts. According to one top British researcher quoted in Reader's Digest 1980, who specializes in studying the negative effects of EM fields on human energy, the most rapidly growing forms of communications proliferating on this planet today are wireless, satellite, microwaves, and cellular. In the article, he stated that according to his research from 1940 to 1980, our daily exposure to electromagnetic radiation in industrialized countries has increased by a factor of 100 million times. You feel more stressed today than you did ten years ago because EMF's are still inundating us at a rapidly proliferating rate.


    The physical body becomes stressed in ways we can directly measure. If we sent 1,000 people to a wilderness area and instrumented them with electromyography (EKG sensors) to read muscle tension and stress levels in their bodies over a 15 minute period, we would find that some would be relaxed and some stressed out. If we then induced artificially made electromagnetic radiation similar to that in a properly wired suburban home (one-half to one milligauss per square meter), we would see a big jump in everybody's stress level, a direct physiological response. Then if we increased the level to three to five milligauss per square meter as we might find in an office environment with all the fluorescent lights, computers, fax machines and copy machines, all that great stuff, we will see another big jump in stress levels. Maybe that's why people don't like to work very much, and why our work is so stressful. We live in a totally different world than our grandparents did. Every new cellular phone added to the environment you live in creates more physical stress in your life, and when the physical body is stressed, the emotional body goes into tunnel vision, into survival mode.

    When we have a lot of magnetic radiation passing through us with a lot of random sub-particles, creating an enormous irritation to the limbic brain, the limbic brain perceives that as omni-directional low-grade physical threat to our survival. That invokes an adrenal response. Virtually 99% of people who live in industrialized countries have weak adrenal systems because we are constantly under assault. Do cellular phone companies care about this? Do the computer manufacturers and utility companies care about this? They should because they live in the same environment that we do. They have children who are being affected.


    Electromagnetic radiation has two components. There is a weak electrical field and a strong magnetic field. The electrical field, for example from your computer, goes out maybe one or two inches. This shows up as static, or positive ions, and attracts dust to your screen. Actually, both the electric and magnetic fields are full of random sub-particles, but the stronger field, the magnetic field travels at right angles to the magnetic field and goes out typically 10 or 20 times as far. The magnetic field affects us more strongly, and passes through virtually all materials; it goes through things like lead very easily. So if you have a screen in front of your computer to protect yourself from radiation, it's not protecting you at all from the magnetic field even though it may be called an "anti-rad" screen. It is only protecting you from the electrical field.

    If you live in an apartment, the magnetic fields from your neighbors' TV's, computers, appliances, and microwaves are right on the other side of your wall, could even be on the other side of where you sleep, going right through into your living space from above, below and from both sides. When you are in your office sitting at your desk, there could be a fluorescent fixture right below you. Telephone switching systems have huge magnetic fields. They might be right on the other side of the wall from you and may eventually cause your system to break down.


    Electromagnetic radiation is a frequency which is a perfect sine wave of energy passing through every cell of your body every second of the day. The sources of electromagnetic radiation are multiple and they are coupled. These frequencies in turn are made up of sub-particles called electrons and photons. Photons in quantum physics are thought of as packets or bits of information. They are either on or off, yes or no. They are binary. That is how they carry information. Some of these photons are coherent and some of them are random. If all the photons were coherent, your television and computer would feel incredibly good to you. This is passing through every cell in your body, and it would feel great if it were totally organized. Unfortunately the random photons have a lot of noise, or random sub-particle energy, associated with them.


    The body has an energy field - more accurately, the bio-energy field has a body. That bio-energy field is a field of light encoded information. In the ancient Celtic tradition they had a word for photon called "lutz" or light encoded information. You can think of that bio-energy field as a holographic image of yourself. There is a holographic image of yourself for every cell in your body, every molecule in your body, and one for all of you. We relate to this physical body as reality just as we relate to this table as reality. Literally they are holographic morphogenic images of energy. There is a vast distance in between every nucleus of the atom and its electrons, and in between there is just vacuum, space, nothing else. That is what physical reality is made up of. So literally, our bodies are really holographic images. Holographic images of reality are held together by photons that carry information that tell everything above them, the electrons and the atoms, and everything below them where they need to be and what they need to do. Photons remember where everything is. They have memory and they have information carrying potential.


    The solution to electromagnetic radiation is very simple. It is basically getting the photons to make up their minds, to realize who they are, linking the photons to their higher self, organizing them. This would allow the photons to have a frequency waveform that is infinitely coherent and infinitely small passing through you transparently. These coherent fields make everything more of what it is. It is not creating any specialized effect one-way or the other. Everything is more defined. Everything works better. Our research group stumbled upon this theory through a series of interesting accidental discoveries.

    We have the ability to create fields in crystals and in circuit boards that have a lot of crystalline material in them like silicone, and cause these devices when they are plugged in to create fields that are non-Hertzian subtle energy fields that literally polarize random photons. They potentiate them and accelerate them one way or the other to produce a coherent energy field instead of a random energy field. We discovered that when you add a quartz crystal oscillator to the circuit, it starts polarizing to your unique bio-energy field signature. Crystals have the property of being able to stabilize and amplify our energy fields or any energy fields. That is why tiny chips of crystal are used in computers. That is why quartz clocks are based on quartz crystals, so that when you apply an electrical charge to them, they amplify it or they oscillate at a very specific frequency.


    The human body grounds electromagnetic radiation in the environment because of the electrical conductivity of our body. It is attracted to us. All living systems are based on electromagnetic energy. Every cell in your body is generating an electromagnetic field, every plant, every rock, the planet itself, the whole universe is made up of energy. It is true that man-made electromagnetic radiation is not the only source of random photons in the environment, but the problem is these frequencies which we have never encountered before are a whole different spectrum of frequencies than the living system uses.

    The Quantum Naturopath Cellularsafepic1
    The area of the head exposed to this radiation in this "first" photo clearly shows up red, covering almost the entire side of the head where the cell phone is next to, from the top of the skull, down along the side of the face and throat areas. Most of the heat is generated in the ear canal, which directly affects the brain.

    The Quantum Naturopath Cellularsafepic2
    In the "second" photo, while holding a cell phone with a Cellular Safe Patch placed on either the outside or inside of the phone, the same person showed a significant dissipation of heat-induced stress to the skin and blood cells after only a few moments. Most of the red areas were gone from the top of the head face and neck, except for a strip of red in the area over the ear where the cell phone was still placed up against the head.

    The Quantum Naturopath Cellularsafepic3
    In the "third" photo, the subject, continuing to hold a cell phone with the Cellular Safe Patch to the affected area removes almost 100% of the stress in the cells. The green and blue colors indicate cool tissue. The Cellular Safe unit did indeed neutralize the potentially harmful microwaves that can affect the brain.

    Thermal Imaging: FDA Approved Test Conducted By: Gail Research Lab, Scottsdale, Arizona

    A Cellular Safe Patch is an EMF Neutralizer that can be placed inside the battery pack of a cell phone. This patch puts a positive energy field around the phone, neutralizing potentially harmful radiation. It can also be attached to computers, portable phones, digital watches or any other device that gives off negative Electro Magnetic Frequencies. In a series of colored heat Thermography photos it was clearly demonstrated how the radiation given off by cell or cordless phones stresses the skin (and significantly heats the blood at the cellular level) just from a few minutes of cell phone exposure.

    Last edited by Carol on Mon Nov 07, 2011 7:19 pm; edited 1 time in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 33284
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    The Quantum Naturopath Empty Re: The Quantum Naturopath

    Post  Carol Mon Nov 07, 2011 6:16 pm

    The Quantum Naturopath Radiohead
    Are Cell Phones Affecting Your Brain?

    It's always by your side, and when it's not, you are chatting away with it by your ear. Cell phones have made keeping in touch much easier, but what are they doing to your health?

    A new study by Italian researchers finds that the electromagnetic fields emitted by cell phones may not be as innocuous as they seem, but they may not be all that harmful, either. Ultimately, it seems, cells phones do change your brain's activity, but whether this helps or harms is still not understood.

    For the study, researchers fitted 15 men between the ages of 20 and 36 with a specialized helmet that contained a cell phone near the left ear. While wearing the helmets, the cell phone was turned on for a period of 45 minutes without the knowledge of the participants. The helmet measured the brain activity of the participants both while the phone was turned on and while it was off.

    While the phones were on, there was increased brain activity in the cortical region of the left side of the brain, which is responsible for movement and language. This region of the brain remained in the excited state for as long as one hour after the phones were turned off.

    It is common for cell phone users to use their phones for a similar length of time, certainly over the course of the day. But it is not known whether this increased brain activity would be beneficial or harmful to a person.

    Electromagnetic fields, such as those emitted by cell phones, have been used by doctors in the past to treat migraines and even depression. But there has also been some connection between electromagnetic fields and an increased number of seizures in people with epilepsy.

    "Theoretically, it might be both dangerous in all those conditions in which cortical excitability is [already] enhanced, like in epilepsy, or it might be beneficial in all those conditions with a need for higher excitability, as in post-stroke recovery or Alzheimer's disease," said Dr. Paolo M. Rossini, professor of neurology at the University Campus-Bio-Medico in Rome, Italy

    If there is a risk to using cell phones, Rossini states that more research is needed to determine which people should limit their use and who should maybe avoid cell phones altogether.

    "More research is needed in order to produce safety guidelines, particularly for 'at risk' populations like people with different kind of brain damage, children etc.," said Rossini

    Published/Last Reviewed: September 14, 2006

    Note: The cellphone carrier frequency is a resonant with DNA's vibration rate. The DNA acts as an antenna and begins to vibrate faster; enough to break.

    Nerve Cell Damage in Mammalian Brain after Exposure to Microwaves
    from GSM Mobile Phones

    Journal article by Arne E. Brun, Jacob L. Eberhardt, Lars Malmgren, Bertil R.R. Persson, Leif G. Salford; Environmental Health Perspectives, Vol. 111, 2003

    Journal Article Excerpt

    Nerve cell damage in mammalian brain after exposure to microwaves from GSM mobile phones.

    by Leif G. Salford , Arne E. Brun , Jacob L. Eberhardt , Lars Malmgren , Bertil R.R. Persson

    The possible risks of radio-frequency electromagnetic fields for the human body is a growing concern for our society. We have previously shown that weak pulsed microwaves give rise to a significant leakage of albumin through the blood-brain barrier. In this study we investigated whether a pathologic leakage across the blood-brain barrier might be combined with damage to the neurons. Three groups each of eight rats were exposed for 2 hr to Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) mobile phone electromagnetic fields of different strengths. We found highly significant (p < 0.002) evidence for neuronal damage in the cortex, hippocampus, and basal ganglia in the brains of exposed..

    Some Interesting Facts About Cellphones

    Did You Know?

    • That up to 60% of the radiation emitted by a typical cell phone, (enough to cause heating), will be
    absorbed by the user’s head?

    • That multiple independent tests have measured up to four times the radiation coming out of the
    earpiece of a cellular phone, than out of the antenna?

    • That a similar amount of radiation comes out from the keypad and the mouthpiece as well?

    • That recent studies are showing serious bioeffects at exposures far below the current exposure

    • That many phones cannot even meet these arguably inadequate standards?

    • That manufacturers could make the phones so less radiation would escape into the user’s head,
    but most are unwilling to do so, apparently because to do so would decrease their profit, and
    acknowledge the potential risk?

    • That different brands and models of phones have widely different levels of emissions?

    • That Lloyd’s of London recently refused to underwrite cellular manufacturers against possible
    future claims of microwave health damage?

    Leakage, Standards, and Excessive Exposure

    To a first approximation, four times the radiation is going into the side of your head than is actually being used to transmit a signal to the cellular tower. Four times. This level of leakage is disturbing. In one test, 3,000 µW/cm2 has been measured coming out of the ear-piece of a Motorola Micro TAC phone.

    In another test, three times that much was measured, and the data for the following graph was collected:

    Unshielded maximum radiation level at the given lattitude (in mW/cm2) vs. distance along the vertical axis of the phone (cm) [NOTE: the emissions from the body of the phone were highest near the midline, and in the antenna region they were highest, of course, over the antenna]:

    Why all the leakage? It has been postulated that fundamentally, this is about keeping production costs low, that the source of the leakage is poorly matched transmitters, feeds and antennas. It is also related to the techniques used to measure the fields, and the protocols involved. Secondarily, it is about lack of shielding in the phone case.

    Because the FCC is primarily concerned with making sure Cellular Phones do not interfere with other devices, they are willing to ignore what is happening in the immediate vicinity of the phone, the so-called near-field, where your head is. In a letter to FCC Chairman, Mr. William E. Kennard, Dr. David Nghiem, Ph.D, and CEO of USA Wireless, describes how none of the phones they tested met the Emissions Mask Requirements of the FCC specification.

    Your Cellphone is licensed to operate at a certain frequency; however it also emits radiation at other frequencies as well. The FCC probably due mostly to it's focus on interference, sets a gain measured in decibels, for the harmonics. The third harmonic is supposed to be 1/10,000 of the fundamental frequency, but in testing, USA Wireless discovered none of the phones they tested met this Emissions Mask Requirement.

    Because of all this leakage, and the proximity of the antenna, a disproportionate amount of radiation is absorbed directly into the user’s head.

    In a test performed for the October 20, 1999 ABC News 20/20 segment on Cellphone Safety by IMST in Germany, they found that four out of five of the phones they tested exceeded the standard in at least one testing position. They determined that a phone would pass or fail the safety standard based upon what angle the phone was held at during the test. The standard was reportedly entirely ambiguous in this respect, allowing phone manufacurers to simply re-orient their phone until it passes the test. One popular model exceeded the standard in both positions tested, and would only pass when a remote earpice was used.

    In the ABC test, all phones were tested in Analog mode. They report testing in two positions; one, referred to as the "touch position" yielded lower SARs.

    In a follow-up, ABC News says the FCC thinks the ABC test results "warrant closer scrutiny", and the FDA says the industry should design phones to minimize the radiation exposure to users.

    Testing has shown a wide range in radiation exposure to the user of various brands and models of cellular phones. Cellular manufacturers aren’t very happy about this, and the manufacturer of the lowest emitting phone in one test was reportedly barred from using that fact to promote their product.

    Note: Different methodologies were used to arrive at the figures in the three tables above, that accounts for the widely different figures. The important thing to note is that within each test, the models were tested in the same way, and the relative output still differs over a very wide range.

    Recent studies are showing more significant bio-effects at lower and lower power densities. Dr. Henry Lai has reportedly seen DNA single and double strand breaks at levels below the current FCC exposure standard. Magras & Xenos have reported irreversible sterility in mice after 5 generations of exposure to 0.168 to 1.053 microwatts per square centimeter in an "antenna park." Note that the current, applicable US exposure standard would be 579 microwatts per square centimeter, -- 500 times higher! -- and that this very low exposure level would relate more to a person living near a Cellular Tower, than a phone user.

    An underwriter for Lloyd’s of London recently made international news when he refused to underwrite cellular manufacturers against future claims due to cellular health effects. Lloyd’s took a beating on asbestos, and it looks like they are going to play it safe on this one. Lloyd’s stays in business by playing the odds, and by doing it well. That they are taking this seriously, is an indicator that we should be taking it seriously as well.


    • ABC News 20/20 Segment on Cellphones -
    Their web-site has video clips, but not the full information from the show, which aired Oct 20, 1999.

    It featured interviews with Dr. George Carlo, Dr. Ross Adey, and others.

    • BBC News - Mobile phone cancer study "flawed."

    • Kuster - Prof. Kuster, project overview.

    • Studies - Recent compilation of studies showing potentially serious bioeffects.

    • Personal communications with Roy Beavers, Bill P. Curry, Emil DeToffol, Libby Kelly, Chris Reuss,
    et. al.

    • University of Victoria Applied Electromagnetics Group - Source of the cellphone and head image above.

    Cell Phones
    Experts investigating biological effects of cell phone radiation asked to shut up or quit jobs

    One of the most widely publicised cases of electrosensitivity is that of former Norwegian Prime Minister and now World Health Organisation Director-General Gro Harlem Brundtland, who is also a medical doctor by profession. Brundtland says she is electrically sensitive to cell phones and computers and does not own a mobile phone but says that there is not yet enough scientific evidence to prove the devices are dangerous.

    An interview in March 2002 with the Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet has put the WHO Director-General on the top of the list of persons known to be sensitive to HF EMF - low-intensity but high-frequency electromagnetic fields - as reports accumulate that researchers who question the health aspects of the rapidly escalating multi-billion-dollar industries in mobile phones, computers and related technological marvels are being gagged, muzzled and being pressured out of their jobs.

    In Spain - reported the Cellular Phone Taskforce's information-crammed No Place to Hide newsletter for June - a judge ordered 49 cell phone antennas removed from a rooftop in downtown Valladolid, the second time a Spanish court has ruled antennas should be removed for health reasons.

    "This time the fight was led by parents of children at Garcia Quintana Primary School, where three children had contracted acute lymphoblastic leukemia and one Hodgkin's lymphoma since the antennas were installed," reported the newsletter.

    Indeed, reported Arturo Soria y Puig, who provided information for both the Taskforce and Spain's influential El Mundo newspaper: ". . . (T)he popular response to the rapid and chaotic installation of some 30.000 mobile phone antennas in Spain has been impressive. Because of judicial rulings (in a few cases) and because of pressure on municipal authorities (in the majority of cases) the mobile phone providers have had to disconnect and dismantle 2.000 already-installed antennas."

    In Switzerland, an initiative to amend the Swiss Constitution and called "Moratorium on Mobile Telephone Antennas" would stop the construction of antennas particularly for "mobile telephony" as long as "the harmlessness of pulsed non-ionizing radiation, and of pulsed magnetic or electromagnetic fields, taking into account their non-thermal effects, has not been demonstrated." The signature-gathering deadline is Sept. 12, 2003.

    In Oregon, Dr. William Morton, a professor at Oregon Health Sciences University (OHSU) who pioneered studies into multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS) and their apparent relationship to porphyria and became one of a handful of physicians with experience in diagnosing and documenting electrical sensitivity (ES) chose to give up his medical license on Jan. 19 rather than continue to face a raft of complaints and allegations of misdiagnosis and further investigation by the Oregon Board of Medical Examiners. The Task Force noted that the widely respected physician and researcher will continue teaching at OHSU School of Medicine and continue to do research into MCS and ES.

    In France, Dr. Robert Santini, a veteran researcher in "bioelectromagnetics", said he had been forbidden by the director of the government laboratory with which he has long been associated from speaking to journalists, politicians and other researchers about "cellular phone and base station bio-effects."

    On March 6 and at the request of two senators, he told the Parliamentary Office for the Evaluation of Science and Technology Choices: "We are witnessing today the development of pressure aimed at discrediting, within their institutions, certain researchers and their findings. These campaigns of moral and professional harassment are orchestrated, in particular, by certain cell phone providers, public health bodies and elected officials. Some scientists who work on the problem of the biological effects of cell phones and relay stations have recently been made the object, following these pressures, of discriminatory measures on the part of their institutions: firing, professional change, change of research topic, blockage of career, loss of collaborators, ban on speaking."

    He referred to three examples of noted scientists in France and the case of Claudio Gomez Perretta MD in Valencia, Spain, who on Feb. 25 - four days after he wrote a letter to the Valencia Medical Assn. Expressing his concern that the Spanish equivalent of the American Medical Association had taken no position on the matter of HF EMF problems - was notified that he must discontinue his work on electromagnetic fields immediately.

    In his letter he reminded the local medical body: "Let us remember that there were once commissions that denied the dangers of tobacco, asbestos, and therapeutic X-rays."

    In Sweden, a group of victims of electromagnetic sensitivity asked the prime minister and the prestigious Karolinska Institute not to proceed with threats to close down Karolinska's Unit for Experimental Dermatology, whose Prof. Olle Johansson has produced some of the most riveting scientific questioning of the safety of cell phones and related devices.

    Said the Association for the Electrically Sensitive in Orebro County, Sweden, last Oct. 3 on hearing of a cut-off in funds for Prof. Johansson: "We see the lack of research funding and space as an affront not only to a scientist in whom we have great confidence but also to us and the handicapped organization to which we belong".

    In Germany, veteran medical physicist and researcher Dr. Lebrecht von Klitzing of the Medical University of Lubeck was forbidden by the University dean to address the German Bundestag (parliament) on the medical effects of cell phones, claiming such a presentation would damage the university's reputation.

    The Task Force reported that von Klitzing, forbidden to do any more research on his own, resigned from the university in March in order to continue his research.

    In England, Dr. Gerald Hyland, University of Warwick, took early retirement in March following high-level pressures against his research into the biocompatibility of magnetic fields with the human organism.

    In Bangkok, Thailand, the English language Nation newspaper reporting May 24 on the near-ubiquity of mobile phones among Thai teenagers ("many teens today are utterly devoted to their mobiles, even to the extent that they regard them as an extra limb") accompanied its in-depth coverage with the following recitation of health risks known to be associated with the omnipresent gadgets.

    A study published in the UK (in April) suggested mobile phone use may be as addictive for teenagers as smoking.

    A recent British study reported that phone driving is more dangerous than drunk driving. The Transport Research Laboratory found reaction times for those driving on the phone was 30 percent slower than those driving drunk and nearly 50 percent worse than someone sober and not using a cell phone.

    The (Thai) Ministry of Public Health in 2001 recommended that people under 12 should not use a mobile phone, while studies on health risks - particularly the links to brain cancer - are underway by the World Health Organization.

    In 2000, a study by Action on Smoking and Health in London found a number of common traits, including the desire to rebel, prevalent among smokers as well as young cell-phone users.

    A recent study by the Physicists Association in Japan warned of the harm of using mobile phones in passenger trains. Researchers said, "Passengers might be harmed by microwaves emitted from phones, which reflect on the train's metal structure and accumulate on the passengers." The researchers suggested there should be a ban on the use of mobile phones in trains, busses and elevators.

    In her March 9 interview. WHO Director-General Gro Harlem Brundtland MD, a former prime minister who said she has never owned a mobile phone herself and that there now is reason to be cautious about the technology, told Dagbladet's Aud Dalsegg: "In the beginning I felt a local warmth around my ear. But the problem grew worse, and turned into a strong discomfort and headaches every time I used a mobile phone."

    At first she tried to avoid the pain by cutting her calls short, but this did not work. Nor was it sufficient to stop using the phones herself, because everyone around her, including at her workplace at the WHO in Geneva, used them. "I gradually understood that I had developed a sensitivity to this type of radiation," she said, "and in order not to be suspected of being hysterical - that someone should believe that this was only something I imagined - I have made several tests: People have been in my office with their mobile phone hidden in their bag or pocket. Without my knowing whether it was off or on, we have tested my reaction. I have always reacted when the phone has been on - never when it is off. So there is no doubt."

    As for wireless home phones, Brundtland said: "I get an instant reaction if I touch such a phone."

    She also spoke about her reactions to computers: "If I hold a laptop in order to read what is on the screen it feels as if I get an electric shock up through my arms. So I must keep portable computers away from me. I have a regular desktop computer in my office, but only the secretary uses it. I have not noticed the same symptoms near it, but I turn it off as soon as I come in". The headaches she gets from mobile phone radiation subside about a half hour to an hour after the exposure stops, she said.

    Last year, the ICHF reported (ICHF V:2, 2001) on 20 years of Western-suppressed research from the former East Bloc which suggests the "micro blitzing" of the human race by what was variously described as low-intensity but high-frequency electromagnetic fields or radiation (HF EMF, HF EMR) coming from cell phones, computers, television, antennas and a wide range of electrical marvels.

    Research primarily from Russia and the Ukraine connected such radiation to immune disorders, environmental diseases, cancer, neurological impairment and even a physically based addiction syndrome to computer use. "It can be proposed that the current increase in electromagnetic pollution of the environment exceeds human adaptation capacities," warned Ukrainian researchers Nikolai Nikolaevich Kositsky, Aljona Igorevna Nizhelska and Grigory Vasil'evich Ponezha.

    Where to learn more:

    (Important information in this area is available from the Cellular Phone Taskforce, PO Box 1337, Mendocino CA 95460 - not available through the internet. Its publication No Place to Hide is must reading. Other resources include:

    Chemical injury Information Network, Cynthia Wilson, Director, PO Box 301, White Sulphur Springs MT 59645.

    The Electromagnetic Research Foundation, c/o Dr. Duane Dahlberg, 1317 Sixth Ave. N., Moorhead MN 56560.

    Disability Council of the White Mountains, c/o Susan Molloy, PO Box 483, Snowflake AZ 85937.

    EMR Network, Janet Newton, President, PO Box 221, Marshfield VT 05658.

    Heavy Metal Bulletin: international forum focusing on immunotoxic effects of dental fillings and related disorders, Monica Kauppi, Editor, Lilla Aspuddsv. 10, S-12649 Hagersten, Sweden.

    Electromagnetic Radiation Task Force Canada, Milt Bowling, Director, 3570 Corsica Way, Vancouver BC, V5S 4J3, Canada.

    Council on Wireless Technology Impact, Libby Kelley, Executive Director, PMB 206, 936-B 7th St., Novato CA 94945.

    - MLC

    This article was found in ICHF (International Council for Health Freedom)
    Newsletter Vol. VI, Nos. 3-4 published by ICHF, 5580 La Jolla Blvd, PMB429, La Jolla Ca 92037.

    Tel. (619) 702-1282.
    Web contact:
    Original title: Cell phones, etc: industry muzzles and punishes those who dare say they
    are dangerous to health

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 33284
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    The Quantum Naturopath Empty Re: The Quantum Naturopath

    Post  Carol Mon Nov 07, 2011 6:19 pm

    The Quantum Naturopath Cellphone02
    Study: Mobile Phones Affect DNA

    Researchers say results aren't necessarily transferable to human beings.

    John Blau, IDG News Service

    Radio frequency radiation from mobile phones can damage DNA in laboratory conditions, European researchers say in a recent study.

    The study, called REFLEX, which stands for Risk Evaluation of Potential Environmental Hazards from Low Energy Electromagnetic Field Exposure Using Sensitive in vitro Methods, was a four-year, $4 million-plus research project majority-funded by the European Union. Results of the research project, which ended in May, were published on the Internet earlier this month.

    "We have proven that electromagnetic fields--in high and low frequencies--damage cells in individual cell systems," says Franz Adlkofer, executive director of the Munich-based Verum Foundation for Behavior and Environment, which coordinated the REFLEX research project. "But these results can't be readily transferred to human beings. Isolated cell systems are something entirely different from complete organisms."

    If, however, similar findings are ever achieved in living organisms such as rats or mice, "then we have a big problem," Adlkofer says.

    More people own mobile phones today than they do fixed-line phones, with the gap growing larger every year.

    Broken Strands

    After being exposed to electromagnetic fields similar to those produced by mobile phones, the isolated cells showed a significant rise in single and double-strand DNA breaks, according to a summary of the final report. The cells were not always able to repair themselves.

    DNA carries genetic information about an organism. It is organized on chromosomes located in the nucleus of a cell.

    For their study, researchers used radiation levels between a SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) of 0.3 and 2 W/kg (watts per kilogram), according to the report. Most mobile phones emit radio signals at SAR levels of between 0.5 and 1 W/kg.

    SAR is used to measure the rate of radio energy absorbed by body tissue. The SAR limit recommended by the International Commission of Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection is 2 W/kg, according to the group's Web site.

    Adlkofer called for further research, in particular into the impact of electromagnetic fields on mice and rats.

    Several brain-cancer suits have been filed against U.S. mobile phone companies, but judges have dismissed most of them for lack of scientific evidence.

    Cell Phone Article

    A Swedish study links mobile phones to brain damage
    Popular Science Magazine, February 2004

    Neuroscience: A Swedish study links mobile phones to brain damage.
    In rats, anyway.
    by Elizabeth Svoboda
    February 2004

    Researchers at Sweden's Lund University say these rat-brain cross-sections show first-ever evidence of brain damage from cellphone radiation.

    While the controls (example, top) appear healthy, the test subjects (bottom), which were exposed to a 2-hour dose of cellphone radiation of varying intensities, are heavily spotted with proteins (dark patches) leaked from surrounding blood vessels, and show signs of significant neuronal damage.

    The safety of cell phones has been called into question, again. This time the scientific community is paying very close attention.

    Last summer neurosurgeon Leif Salford and colleagues at Lund University in Sweden published data showing for the first time an unambiguous link between microwave radiation emitted by GSM mobile phones (the most common type worldwide) and brain damage in rats. If Salford's results are confirmed by follow-up studies in the works at research facilities worldwide, including one run by the U.S. Air Force, the data could have serious implications for the one billion plus people glued to their cell phones.

    The findings have re-ignited a longstanding debate among scientists and cell phone manufacturers over cell phone safety.

    Many of the hundreds of studies performed during the past decade suggest cell phone use may cause a host of adverse effects, including headaches and memory loss. Other studies, however, have shown no such effects, and no scientific consensus exists about the effect of long-term, low-level radiation on the brain and other organs. A comprehensive $12 million federal investigation of cell phone safety is currently under way but will take at least five years to complete.

    Meanwhile, the research world is scrambling to replicate Salford's surprising results. His team exposed 32 rats to 2 hours of microwave radiation from GSM cell phones.

    Researchers attached the phones to the sides of the rats' small cages using coaxial cables -- allowing for intermittent direct exposure -- and varied the intensity of radiation in each treatment group to reflect the range of exposures a human cell phone user might experience over the same time period. Fifty days after the 2-hour exposure, the rat brains showed significant blood vessel leakage, as well as areas of shrunken, damaged neurons. The higher the radiation exposure level, the more damage was apparent. The controls, by contrast, showed little to no damage. If human brains are similarly affected, Salford says, the damage could produce measurable, long-term mental deficits.

    The cell phone industry so far has been quick to dismiss the data, saying emissions from current mobiles fall well within the range of radiation levels the FCC deems safe (body-tissue absorption rates of under 1.6 watts per kilogram). "Expert reviews of studies done over the past 30 years have found no reason to believe that there are any health hazards whatsoever," says Mays Swicord, scientific director of Motorola's Electromagnetic Energy Programs. Dr. Marvin Ziskin, chair of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers' Committee on Man and Radiation, is similarly skeptical. "The levels of radiation they used seem way too low to be producing the kinds of effects they're claiming."

    Salford is the first to admit that it's too early to draw any conclusions, but contends the unusual results deserve a closer look. "The cell phone is a marvelous invention; it has probably saved thousands of lives," he says. "But governments and suppliers should be supporting more autonomous research." Meanwhile, Salford advises users to invest in hands-free headsets to reduce radiation exposure to the brain.

    Mobile phones boost brain tumor risk by up to 270 percent on side of brain where phone is held
    Thursday, February 22, 2007 by: M. T. Whitney

    (NewsTarget) Using a cell phone regularly – even a modern one – raises the risk of developing a brain tumor for many users, a new Finnish study published online in the International Journal of Cancer. The study, done by a collection of researchers from many universities and led by Anna Lahkola of the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority in Finland, found firm corollary evidence that using a cell phone causes the risk of getting a brain tumor called a glioma to rise by 40 to 270 percent on the side of the head preferred for using the phone.

    What you need to know - Conventional View

    • The study compared 1,521 cellular phone users who received a glioma to 3,301 control participants without tumors.

    • For people who have used a modern cellular phone for more than 2000 hours in their lifetime, the risk of getting a brain tumor rose by 270 percent.

    • The study is considered the second that firmly correlates cell phone usage with an increased risk of developing certain brain tumors.

    • The risk was highest among people under the age of 20.

    • Older-style analog cell phones already have been shown as a source of brain tumors, but even with the development of digital cellular phones, the risk is still there.

    • According to a scientist associated with the web site, the study results should not make readers assume that ten years of cell phone use will correlate to an immediate tumor, but that the tumor will show up later than that.

    What you need to know - Alternative View

    • Mobile phone manufacturers have tried to suppress the dangers of mobile phones by funding their own distorted research that concludes the phones are perfectly safe.

    • All people -- but children and teens especially -- should be warned against using mobile phones due to the increased risk of brain tumors.

    Bottom line

    • Cell phone usage is shown to increase your risk of a brain tumors.


    World Wide Press - EMF and Cell Phone Radiation issues:

    All of this information is available in streaming video at the following website:

    • Wi-Fi's Electric Shock (NOW Toronto News, March 15, 2006)
    According to stats, about 2 or 3 per cent of the population suffers from potentially debilitating electro-hypersensitivity, or EHS. Over a third of us are a little electro-sensitive and just don't know it.
    • Radiation Bureau Cautions Cordless Phone Users (M&C News, February 13, 2006)
    People who use cordless phones should keep their conversations to a minimum, Germany's federal bureau for radiation protection recommends.
    • New Cordless Phones Danger (News of the World, February 5, 2006)
    Having a cordless phone in your house can be 100 times more of a health risk than using a mobile, according to Swedish researchers.
    • Teddy Bear Mobile 'Puts 4-Year Olds at Risk from Radiation' (Telegraph News, November 29, 2005)
    A teddy bear-shaped mobile phone targeted towards four- to 10-year-olds was launched amidst concerns by experts about the potential hazards of radiation for children.
    • Distress Signals (Toronto Star, November 11, 2005)
    Another excellent report on electrosensitivity, or ES, an allergic reaction to electropollution that affects a few people out of a thousand. Expert suggests links to MS and diabetes..
    • Court Victory is a First for Cell Phone Programmers (Sun Sentinel, October 2, 2005)
    An administrative law judge who handles worker's compensation claims.grants court victory to a woman who suffered a brain tumor while working as a cell phone programmer.
    • Electrical Fields Can Make You Sick (The Sunday Times-Britain, September 11, 2005)
    A British government agency has acknowledged for the first time that electrosensitivity, a heightened reaction to electrical energy, will be recognised as a physical impairment..
    • Cell Phone Radiation May Cause Visual Damage (IsraCast Technology News, July 29, 2005)
    A study conducted by Israeli researchers found a new link between microwave radiation and the development of cataracts.
    • Kids' Cellphone Use in Spotlight (Toronto Star, July 14, 2005)
    Public calls for greater caution around children's use of cellphones are emerging as scientists raise questions about the impact of radio frequencies on young heads and bodies.
    • Limit Cell Use: Health Officer (Toronto Star, July 12, 2005)
    Canada's top public health official (equivalent to US Surgeon General) urges caution regarding cell phone use in a WHO conference address.
    • Is Her Cellphone Safe? (Toronto Star, July 10, 2005)
    Some scientists complain about corporate interests meddling with science in getting the truth out about potential risks of cell phone use.
    • Kids at Risk? (Toronto Star, July 9, 2005)
    A close look at the potential long term impact of cell phone use, especially among children and teens. Concern raised regarding the wireless industry's marketing towards children..
    • Cell Phone Safety Lawsuits Revived (Internet News, Mar 18, 2005)
    A federal appeals court ruled cell phone makers could be sued in state court over claims that wireless equipment emits unsafe levels of radio frequency radiation.
    • The Cell Phone Industry: Big Tobacco 2.0? (, Mar 8, 2005)
    Industry analysts know that any lawsuit that succeeds could start a domino effect of future lawsuits, which keeps the industry determined to maintain that the product is harmless, despite increasing evidence to the contrary.
    • Mobile Phones Tumour Risk to Young Children (London Times, Jan. 12, 2005)
    CHILDREN under the age of eight should not use mobile phones, parents were advised last night after an authoritative report linked heavy use to ear and brain tumours.
    • Mobile Phone Radiation Harms DNA, New Study Finds (Reuters, Dec. 20, 2004)
    Radio waves from mobile phones harm body cells and damage DNA in laboratory conditions, according to a new study majority-funded by the European Union.
    • Study Links Tumors to Cell Phone Use (Consumer Affairs, October 14, 2004)
    A study in the international journal Epidemiology finds that people who have used cell phones for at least 10 years may have an increased risk of developing a rare brain tumor.
    • Men and Mobiles: Calls to Take Caution (MSN, June 28, 2004)
    Mobile phones cut sperm count up to 30%, according to new research. Those who place their phone near their groin, or belt or in a pocket, are at greatest risk
    • Brain Tumours: the Silent Killer (MSN, June 7, 2004)
    A pre-eminent neurosurgeon in Australia looks at possible link between 21% increase in children's brain tumors and mobile phone use.
    • Mobile Users are Advised to Keep Their Calls Short (Evening Times London, April 30, 2004) New health warning issued by health experts after being contacted by members of the public concerned about emissions from phones and masts
    • Fresh Fears over Cell Phones (Popular Science, February 2004)
    A Swedish study links mobile phones to brain damage in rats.
    • What Cell Phones Can Do To Youngster's Brain In 2 Minutes (U.K. Sunday Mirror, London, April 1, 2004)
    Scientists have discovered that a call lasting just 2 minutes can alter the natural electrical activity of a child's brain for up to an hour afterwards.
    • U.K. Gov. Bans Cell Phones in All Schools (The Sun, UK Press November 16, 2003) TEACHERS have been ordered to ban their pupils from using their mobile phones amid rising safety fears.
    • Feds to Launch $10 million for Investigation into Cell Phones (Sun Sentinel Florida, November 16, 2003)
    The federal government is preparing to launch a multimillion dollar investigation into potential cancer-causing or toxic effects associated with the phones.
    • Mobile Phones 'May Trigger Alzheimer's' (BBC News, Feb 5, 2003)
    Mobile phones damage key brain cells and could trigger the early onset of Alzheimer's disease, a study suggests.
    • Cell Phone Radiation, a Nagging Concern (The Toronto Star, May 27, 2002)
    If Nokia can spend huge amounts of money developing colour browsers and long-lasting batteries, why not tackle the radiation issue?
    • How Cell Phones Cause Cancer (ZDNet UK, June 25, 2001)
    Researchers in Australia hypothesize that mobile phone frequencies well below current safety levels could stress cells in a way that has been shown to increase susceptibility to cancer
    • Cell Makers Eye Device as Radiation Protection (New York Post, June 12, 2001)
    The worlds big three cell-phone makers quietly have been working on protective devices to reduce the amount of radiation absorbed by the brain.
    • Scientists Link Eye Cancer to Mobile Phone (The Sunday Times: News, January 14 2001)
    Mobile phones have been linked to human cancer in a scientific study for the first time. The research suggests there is a threefold increase in eye cancers among people who regularly use the devices.
    • Hands-Free Mobile Phones "Emit More Radiation" (Yahoo.News (UK&Ireland), April, 2000)
    According to new research, some hands-free kits for mobile phones can increase radiation exposure to the brain by up to three times!

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 33284
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    The Quantum Naturopath Empty Re: The Quantum Naturopath

    Post  Carol Mon Nov 07, 2011 6:21 pm

    The Quantum Naturopath W2dlogo
    Dr. Masaru Imoto’s Hidden Messages of Water
    We had an opportunity to meet Dr Masaru Imoto and see him at a conference in Hawaii in 2005. His presentation was remarkable, along with his innovative research on how the structure of water can be altered by thoughts, words and images.

    What is even more amazing is how the molecular structure of a water crystal is altered just by a word placed on the bottle that the water is in, or how the molecular structure of water can alter just by sitting on a photograph. The majority of people have no clue as to how intention, our thoughts, go out into our vibrational field at a molecular level and ultimately affect others at a cellular level.

    Imagine what damage happens when angry and hateful words are spoken, not only to the person the words/intention are directed toward, but also how ill intentions also have a negative impact on the person thinking or expressing those negative thoughts. Perhaps you recall this words from childhood, "Sticks and stones will break my bones but words can never hurt me." Yet, now we know that this is not true. Without a shadow of a doubt, negative intention can harm those within the field of the negative thought and/or intention.

    The same can be said for the positive effects of prayer and good intentions. Time after time we have witnessed the miraculous spontaneous healing of someone prayed over. Truly, our intention not only affects the molecular structure of water in a vial but it also can affect the water molecules in our blood stream.

    This is an excerpt from an article Stace Sharp wrote on Dr. Imoto’s research.

    “Miraculous Messages from Water
    How water reflects our consciousness”

    “From Mr. Emotos work we are provided with factual evidence, that human vibrational energy, thoughts, words, ideas and music, affect the molecular structure of water, the very same water that comprises over seventy percent of a mature human body and covers the same amount of our planet. Water is the very source of all life on this planet, its quality and integrity are vitally important to all forms of life. The body is very much like a sponge and is composed of trillions of chambers called cells that hold liquid. The quality of our life is directly connected to the quality of our water.

    Water is a very malleable substance. Its physical shape easily adapts to whatever environment is present. But its physical appearance is not the only thing that changes; its molecular shape also changes. The energy or vibrations of the environment will change the molecular shape of water. In this sense water not only has the ability to visually reflect the environment but it also molecularly reflects the environment.”

    We encourage those who wish to learn more to read Dr. Imoto’s books “Messages from Water, Volumes One” and “Messages from Water Volume Two.”

    Stace Sharp’s article is located at “The Wellness Goods Marketplace.”

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 33284
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    The Quantum Naturopath Empty Re: The Quantum Naturopath

    Post  Carol Mon Nov 07, 2011 6:23 pm

    The Quantum Naturopath Raymon2
    Raymon Grace
    Raymon Grace is a native of the Appalachian Mountains of Virginia and has been studying forms of healing since 1973. Since then he has treated hundreds of people from around the world for many different illnesses, both physically and emotionally. The degree of healing received depends upon the attitude and receptivity of the individual.

    He considers himself fortunate to have such teachers as:

    Rolling Thunder, a Cherokee Medicine Man
    Jose Silva, founder of The Silva Method of Mind Control
    Tom Brown, "The Tracker", founder of Tom Brown's Wilderness Survival School and author of many books on survival and Native American Philosophy
    Chief Two Trees, Cherokee Chief and world renowned healer
    Other Medicine People

    Raymon's Accomplishments Include:

    Three-time speaker at the World Convention for Silva International
    (Twice named "Outstanding Silva Method Lecturer for the United States")
    Teacher at the Ozark Research Institute o Taught mind development, self esteem and stress management for Social Service agencies for five Virginia counties.
    Guest speaker at various schools, universities, community organizations, dowsing societies and metaphysical societies.
    Taught Alternative Healing seminars throughout the country to doctors, nurses and message therapists.
    Taught wilderness survival classes for children and adults.
    Teaching Philosophy

    Raymon teaches in a "down-to-earth" A manner that characterizes his life (he doesn't own a suit and tie). His teaching is filled with stories from life experience, and sprinkled with humor. They appeal to people from many walks of life. He is presently available on a limited basis for healing seminars, private counseling, dowsing classes and instructional classes for both children and adults in mind development, promoting self esteem and wilderness survival.

    Here are some of Raymon's tips on healing:

    1. First clear the water.

    2. One can do this with a pendulum dowsing system.

    3. Remove any demonic forces, any negative thought forms, any type of negative spiritual influence, any hexes, curses, or spells, any negative energetic patterns, work at scrambling the frequency of the chemical biological, radiological pollutants and adjusting that frequency to the frequency of pure water Then invite in the spirit of the water.

    4. Next, we want to raise the energy of this water to the highest appropriate level to accomplish the greatest amount of good.

    5. For those who have pain, focus on changing the energy of this water. First hold it, and say a prayer, or affirmation, or intent that you want to go into it. Put the thought in this water of what you want it to do for you. Say to yourself, "This water is going into my body and going into every cell of my body."

    For example, if you have arthritis, visualize the water breaking up any calcification.

    6. Do not focus on the pain, focus on the goal because energy follows thought, so put energy into what you want, not what you don't want. Just create a mental picture of what you want to happen in your body. The brain tends to think in pictures, so if you want to send a picture, that would work too, and ask the water to go into your body and make those corrections for you.

    7. Do this is with more as a respectful request and within minutes the water becomes one with your body, as this is a way to send a message to the cells of the body.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 33284
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    The Quantum Naturopath Empty Re: The Quantum Naturopath

    Post  Carol Mon Nov 07, 2011 6:25 pm

    The Quantum Naturopath W2dlogo

    Profound Love Healing Code

    ➢ My body is made to self-heal. By changing my belief system I choose to remove any blocking beliefs and release all my body’s healing potential.

    ➢ I choose to release all fear and trauma from my lifetime or anyone else’s from every cell of my body. I choose to fill these spaces with the complete healing love of the Divine. I choose to view the world as a wonderful place of joy, beauty, and love.

    ➢ I am the light, love, truth, and strength of the Divine who is my Creator. I so radiate the Creator’s truth that all darkness, parasites, viruses, bacteria, molds, fungus, disease, toxins or evil entities or spirits pass harmlessly by me.

    ➢ I choose to transform any negative energy or intentions I encounter, from any source, to the frequency of perfect divine love and forgiveness and then return it to its source.

    ➢ I choose to transform any negative energies or frequencies within me to that of the Divine’s highest truth and love and then radiate this truth and love into the world.

    ➢ I choose to believe in the Covenant of Healing through my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ – “that by His stripes, I have been healed.” So body, it is okay to release all these negative things, because I am safe and have been set free.

    Every Morning Pray: Dear God, place your Shield of Amour on me and command all physical and spiritual enemies to be bound, blinded and confused away from me, my loved ones and my home and each of us as we move through our daily activities. Amen.

    Every Evening Pray: Dear God, place your Shield of Amour on me and command all physical and spiritual enemies to be bound, blinded and confused away from me, my loved ones and my home and each of us as we renew our strength while we sleep. Amen.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 33284
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    The Quantum Naturopath Empty Re: The Quantum Naturopath

    Post  Carol Mon Nov 07, 2011 7:09 pm

    The Quantum Naturopath Dreamstimeweb_1188843
    Healing Properties of Stones

    AMETHYST is associated with enhancing feelings of stability, peace, calm, balance, courage, and inner strength. It is said to help relieve headaches, insomnia, arthritis, pain, assist with circulatory system issues, endocrine system problems, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, immune system deficiencies, and aid in the overall general healing process.

    AMAZONITE is a mint green to aqua green stone associated with qualities of truth, honor, communication, integrity and trust. It is said to have spiritual healing powers of "preventive energy" associated with decreasing heart problems, benefiting the muscles, aiding the nervous system, and lessening tooth decay and osteoporosis.

    AQUA MARINE'S name is derived from the Latin terms "aqua" meaning water, and "mare" or sea. Legends say that it is the treasure of mermaids, with the power to keep sailors safe at sea. Folklore describes how aquamarine provides the wearer with foresight, courage, happiness, and increases intelligence. As a healing stone, it is described as an effective treatment for anxiety.

    BLUE TOPAZ QUARTZ is described as a balancing and calming stone that aids in the release of tension and enhances a sense of joy. Physical healing properties are described as an aid with gout, blood disorders, hemorrhages, poor appetite, tissue regeneration, tuberculosis, reverse aging and enhancing the endocrine system.

    CONNERMARA MARBLE is wonderful gift from the Emerald Isle, and is found only in the Western Mountains of Ireland. It is estimated that it is about 500 to 700 million years old, and ancient artifacts have even been found made of this wonderful mineral. Connermara Marble is actuality a combination of Serpentine and Marble, and comes in varying shades of light and dark green, often exhibiting lovely veining and has the properties of both stones. Serpentine is a powerful healing stone that aids the clearing of blocked areas, bringing the energy centers back in balance, and is particularly beneficial for the heart center. The stone is said to promote good luck and can help people reach their business and personal dreams and desires. Serpentine can be helpful in the rise of Kundalini. It stimulates the pathway that Kundalini will travel and is said to lessen the discomfort which is sometimes associated with Kundalini rising.

    FLUORITE is described as promoting spiritual and psychic wholeness and development, truth, protection, and brings peace. It is associated with protecting one psychically and in the physical realm and is said to help one meditate and learn to go past the "chatter" that our minds tend to generate when first learning to meditate. It is also said to help get rid of mental blocks and similar mental issues. Physically it is associated with improvement of general health throughout the body's main skeletal and muscular systems.

    FUSCHITE is sometimes called the "stone of health" in part because it can help access information on health. Fuschite is also associated with helping one bounce back after emotional or physical problems; enhancing friendliness, compassion, and lightheartedness; and speeding up a deep healing process. It also said to increase energy transfer when multiple stones are used for healing.

    GREEN AVENTURINE (Natural) QUARTZ is said to benefit one in all areas of creativity and imagination, as well as intellect and mental clarity. Energetically it is a gentle stone that gives a sense of calm and balance and enhances happiness; aids one in seeing alternatives and potentials in all situations, giving a positive outlook, courage and inner strength. It is also said to be a mystical stone of prosperity, brings friendship to one's life and is physically beneficial for the blood, circulatory system, headaches, general health, and sleep disorders.

    LAPIS in meditation is described as aiding in higher guidance, intuition, and connection to higher self, overview, and decisions for good of all. It is said to assist with organizeing, quieting the mind, enhanceing self-expression, writing, creativity, and dream insight. Lapis healing properties are known to relieve anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, and shyness, calm the nervous system, and to have a positive effect upon the pituitary, DNA, lymph and to lessen inflammation and pain (especially head).

    LAPIS LAZULI (Natural) is identified with the qualities of truthfulness, openness, inner power, intuition, creativity, virility and manifestation. It is associated with strengthening the mind and body as well as increasing awareness and spiritual connection/evolution; helping organize daily life, as well as organizing and quieting a busy or restless mind; and helps with insomnia, vertigo, and dizziness.

    The Quantum Naturopath 9201-A-1 LEOPARDSKIN JASPER, (Natural) (also called leopard stone) is a stone of shamanic journeying. It also associated with service to others and is said to help the wearer discover and connect with one's animal totems or "power" animals. It is identified as making it easier for one to take responsibility properly. This gemstone is sometimes referred to as India Agate.

    NEW JADE - These particular mineral frequencies are associated with enhancing endurance, rebuilding muscles, decreasing pain, and providing more energy overall.

    OPAQUE ONYX Opaque Onyx is associated with preventing the draining away of personal energy and is used for protection from such. It is also associated with promoting wound healing and increasing stamina and self-control.

    RAINBOW FLUORITE is described as promoting spiritual and psychic wholeness and development, truth, protection, and brings peace. It is associated with protecting one psychically and in the physical realm and is said to help one meditate and learn to go past the chatter that our minds tend to generate when first learning to meditate. It is also said to help get rid of mental blocks and similar mental issues. Physically it is associated with improvement of general health throughout the body's main skeletal and muscular systems. The Fluorite items we carry tend to be shades of purple, pale green, and almost clear stone. When the color is as light, almost transparent, we call it "Fluorite Crystal."

    ROSE QUARTZ is recognized as a stone of love and contentment, spreading universal love, understanding and compassion. It is said to bring calmness and clarity to the emotions and allows for the release of stress, tension and negative issues to do with self-worth, self-confidence and self-acceptance. Rose Quartz is associated with opening the mind to beautiful things and is a symbol for trust and brotherly love.

    TURQUOISE is associated with toning and strengthening the entire body; good for tissue regeneration, circulation, lungs, respiratory; aligns energy centers and enhances meditation, creative expression, peace of mind, emotional balance, communication, friendship and loyalty. Turquoise is sacred to both Native American and oriental traditions. It is associated with the sky, and bringing sky energy to earth. It is said to promote honest and clear communication from the heart, to protect against pollution in the environment, and to bring abundance. Turquoise is also said to help speed the healing process; is known as a master healer stone and is very powerful for grounding and protection.

    The Quantum Naturopath 9101-A-1 WHITE JADE contains the mineral silver, and other proprietary items which have been identified in aiding the body in killing bacteria, fungus, virus and strengthens the immune functions.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 191
    Join date : 2011-03-16
    Location : Idaho

    The Quantum Naturopath Empty Re: The Quantum Naturopath

    Post  Arrowwind Mon Nov 14, 2011 3:23 pm

    Some large agricultural farms are using structured water to enhance plant growth. It has been going on for about 10 years now. Mostly in Australia but more recently in California.
    I plan on installing a photonic water device in my home when we are done with construction. It will charge the house water as well as the water for the garden and the animals.
    I am aware that this water has caused healing benefits for some people but they have not put those stories on their website. There are several videos to be viewed here that show what is happening in agriculture.


    Posts : 1280
    Join date : 2012-06-17

    The Quantum Naturopath Empty Re: The Quantum Naturopath

    Post  magamud Wed Feb 27, 2013 8:41 am

    Stress Relief Underwater Sounds with Whales - Isochronic Tones 30:00

    Isochronic Tones With Metal Crystal Bowls 50:00

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