That was beautiful. All of you but "ONE"?
Oh, these tears of joy are just too much to take.
I finally hit a good internet connection and saw more of what Horus wrote that I did not see before. I do not want to stir anything back up. This guest is on its third day and perhaps it is time to go away.
First: I know I have said it in another thread, but hush puppies folks, I just have to thank Brook and LionHawk for maintaining integrity/consistency of character with all of this...and decorum.
All about thoth and thought and the POWER of the WRITTEN WORD.
Something vital to communication, especially without face-to-face communication: People won't remember what you say but they will remember how you made them feel.
And forever is a mighty long time.
I'd like to make another observation that hopefully will help with elevating my own behavior (perhaps not at the moment):
It is great for people apologize when it is genuine. I think it BS to go back later to a post as "retract your energy". That is seriously passive aggressive and assumes a lot.
It is great for us to forgive others and ourselves, but what about those who have not forgiven us?
I remember when I was 12 it was quite the thing for kids to say something to people that was extremely hurtful and honest, then follow it up by saying, "Just kidding", and laughing. I was 12 Horus.
And Brook: Another "ROTF" - the cartouche!
It took me several days, BUTT I think I get it.
Horus can call me whatever he wants. I do not care anymore. He is not as creative as he thinks.
I once had someone call me the same word, and added in "maggot" -- in an impromptu rap song. While I figured it was a good idea to get out of there, I could not help but start laughing, because it was so creative. So, I can handle it. It's been said and done and all you are doing is connecting dots to puzzles that you have created (Enola gay? Come on).
You have become a perversion circus.
Ain't nothing attractive about that.
You would have me deny my God-Given nature for what reason? TO KEEP ME FROM REMEMBERING WHO I AM!!!!!!!!!!!
(And then Brook, he tops it all off by implying I am unhygienic. "Harumph--I didn't bite him").
All of this nonsense about butts and things in or around them, and a while back he put up an over-the-top graphic of the male and female g-spots. The male spot being the prostate.
For future reference, like the courageous and brave LionHawk, I, too, am available for questions.
Not that it matters, but you have ever so subtly tried to suck the life-force out of my friends living with HIV, but my blood is clean and so is Gregg's.
And if "it" doesn't involve the shower once or twice no matter who you are or what you are doing, then you are not doing it right.
MODS: I am done. I can move on and I will start by getting some good sleep--sleep filled with much peace.
Oh, these tears of joy are just too much to take.
I finally hit a good internet connection and saw more of what Horus wrote that I did not see before. I do not want to stir anything back up. This guest is on its third day and perhaps it is time to go away.
First: I know I have said it in another thread, but hush puppies folks, I just have to thank Brook and LionHawk for maintaining integrity/consistency of character with all of this...and decorum.
All about thoth and thought and the POWER of the WRITTEN WORD.
Something vital to communication, especially without face-to-face communication: People won't remember what you say but they will remember how you made them feel.
And forever is a mighty long time.
I'd like to make another observation that hopefully will help with elevating my own behavior (perhaps not at the moment):
It is great for people apologize when it is genuine. I think it BS to go back later to a post as "retract your energy". That is seriously passive aggressive and assumes a lot.
It is great for us to forgive others and ourselves, but what about those who have not forgiven us?
I remember when I was 12 it was quite the thing for kids to say something to people that was extremely hurtful and honest, then follow it up by saying, "Just kidding", and laughing. I was 12 Horus.
And Brook: Another "ROTF" - the cartouche!
It took me several days, BUTT I think I get it.
Horus can call me whatever he wants. I do not care anymore. He is not as creative as he thinks.
I once had someone call me the same word, and added in "maggot" -- in an impromptu rap song. While I figured it was a good idea to get out of there, I could not help but start laughing, because it was so creative. So, I can handle it. It's been said and done and all you are doing is connecting dots to puzzles that you have created (Enola gay? Come on).
You have become a perversion circus.
Ain't nothing attractive about that.
You would have me deny my God-Given nature for what reason? TO KEEP ME FROM REMEMBERING WHO I AM!!!!!!!!!!!
(And then Brook, he tops it all off by implying I am unhygienic. "Harumph--I didn't bite him").
All of this nonsense about butts and things in or around them, and a while back he put up an over-the-top graphic of the male and female g-spots. The male spot being the prostate.
For future reference, like the courageous and brave LionHawk, I, too, am available for questions.
Not that it matters, but you have ever so subtly tried to suck the life-force out of my friends living with HIV, but my blood is clean and so is Gregg's.
And if "it" doesn't involve the shower once or twice no matter who you are or what you are doing, then you are not doing it right.
MODS: I am done. I can move on and I will start by getting some good sleep--sleep filled with much peace.
Last edited by HigherLove on Sun Nov 27, 2011 1:10 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Interpreation of cartouche may have been a projection, but it still served as a pivot to the point)