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    From the 'Heart of Oneness' images so great I could fill your Eyes with Tears of Joy to going home!


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    From the 'Heart of Oneness' images so great I could fill your Eyes with Tears of Joy to going home! Empty From the 'Heart of Oneness' images so great I could fill your Eyes with Tears of Joy to going home!

    Post  horus Tue Nov 01, 2011 10:19 am

    What a waste of time, I'm out of here! Bye-Bye!

    The energy felt is like the bathroom monitor at Starship Capricorn. What a load of B.S. This material is going to blow up right into your faces and I was shown it with a planet going down hill with its own self-destruction with its lost morals. Same sex marriages, sitcoms with homosexuality, get real people, Satan walks amongst you and the Wrath of God will repeat itself. At the end of this final post, the energy shown to me, no it wasn't a nuclear bomb, it was the heat you cannot take as I deliver as the truth. Can any of you let go of 3D? I have spoken too many about phaggots, and I have full support. The energy density of homosexuality is just like talking on deaf ears about the truth. Homosexuality is just another word for phaggots. This is a world so 'arse about face' if you get my meaning. How many phaggots can you count in organized religion? How many are paedophiles are hiding behind the Church?

    Last edited by horus on Sat Nov 26, 2011 3:17 am; edited 1 time in total

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    From the 'Heart of Oneness' images so great I could fill your Eyes with Tears of Joy to going home! Empty Re: From the 'Heart of Oneness' images so great I could fill your Eyes with Tears of Joy to going home!

    Post  horus Fri Nov 04, 2011 9:27 am

    I'm out of here! Bye-Bye!

    Last edited by horus on Sat Nov 26, 2011 3:21 am; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 196
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    From the 'Heart of Oneness' images so great I could fill your Eyes with Tears of Joy to going home! Empty Re: From the 'Heart of Oneness' images so great I could fill your Eyes with Tears of Joy to going home!

    Post  horus Fri Nov 04, 2011 10:41 am

    I'm out of here! Bye-Bye!

    Last edited by horus on Sat Nov 26, 2011 3:23 am; edited 1 time in total

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    From the 'Heart of Oneness' images so great I could fill your Eyes with Tears of Joy to going home! Empty Re: From the 'Heart of Oneness' images so great I could fill your Eyes with Tears of Joy to going home!

    Post  Carol Fri Nov 04, 2011 10:04 pm

    Always a treat horus.

    From the 'Heart of Oneness' images so great I could fill your Eyes with Tears of Joy to going home! Waterdrop
    Moving from duality into singularity.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32048
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    Location : Hawaii

    From the 'Heart of Oneness' images so great I could fill your Eyes with Tears of Joy to going home! Empty Re: From the 'Heart of Oneness' images so great I could fill your Eyes with Tears of Joy to going home!

    Post  Carol Fri Nov 04, 2011 10:58 pm

    I've been thinking on this horus. Many people seek paradise and think of it as something that cannot be attained in physical form. There are moments of oneness we experience in ordinary things. Music can trigger it as well as an orgasm. For some it is the ah, ha moment of skiing really well down a mountain side or sky diving. Each of these experiences brings ones consciousness into expanded awareness. I've been in heaven realms and thought I could only handle it for so long and then got bored. I've even had the experience of singularity and then had enough and was ready to dive back down into duality. I guess what I'm attempting to communicate is that for me on a personal level is I just like to be productive... meaning doing what I can to be of service. This is not to say I wouldn't like different experiences of enjoyment (music being my most favorite) - but I'm one of those people who isn't seeking an escape from life as we know it. I enjoy being a human on this planet. However, I don't enjoy war, corruption or greed and it greatly disturbs me to be a witness to all of this including pollution on multiple levels.

    There are times it would be nice to have a rest from all of the worlds conflicts. It would be grand to witness a renaissance of humankind and an expansion of consciousness. Now to me, that would be paradise on earth. Sometimes, like many others, I'm completely overwhelmed by the level of corruption, lying and mean-spirited acts. I don't like how it makes me feel and see this as challenges for each of us. And there are times I wish I had a bat so I could hit a few people over the head to knock some sense into them. After all, I'm only human with the animal instinct of fight or flight.

    Then there are times when it's fun to travel OB or wake up with my consciousness someplace else (in another location). These little experiences help keep me in check with respect to being spirit in a human body and just little reminders of the human journey I volunteered for.

    Anyway... a number of years ago when my psi abilities were way out there I realized during those years that being connected to the other side in that way just increased my desire to cross over. So much so, that it was difficult to focus on the human experience because what I was seeking was to go back home as spirit. So after a few NDE, not of my doing by the way, I made a decision. I decided it was best for my earthly journey if I dropped the veil where more of my consciousness was in 3D then in astral. Basically I turned my back on years of inner work to focus instead on being "in the world" and enjoy the human experience.

    I want to share a story with you. I have this friend who has a very high IQ and a Buddhist practitioner. She is also very lazy and chooses to spend the major part of her time in bed. She reads in bed, takes all of her meals in bed, exercises in bed - when she is home, 99 percent of her time is literally spent in bed. Her behavior infuriates me. This is a very able individual who has decided "not to live life in the real world" and instead lives it in her head. Her intellectual pursuits are more entertaining then engaging in interactions with real people. What I see is someone who is emotionally fragile, well defended and outright stubborn because life is a little more then what she wishes to deal with even though she is in a sheltered environment and has been for the past 30 years.

    I'm sharing this story because there are a group of us whom I sense were all monks in other lifetimes and reincarnated together. I look around at this group and wonder what are they doing? IMPO some appear to be drop-outs and are just coasting along. Some are really hard workers with incredible challenges and are making outstanding strides in their spiritual development. Some are lost in their own craziness and refuse to do what it takes to free themselves. I don't know if they will get another chance. At lease not here, on this planet with these beings who are incarnated at this time. In fact, I know they will not get another chance because some are moving on in their expansions of consciousness and others are self-imploding. Then there are the fence sitters. I don't have a very high opinion of them. Even the ones who are self-imploding are doing "something" and have to be given credit for living in the midst of life irrespective of their circumstance. I don't think any of them are seeking paradise either. They just want an end to their self-inflicted misery.

    Choosing life and to live life on this planet was a conscious choice for me half-way through my life. Meaning I'm not seeking to escape what life presents (for the most part) and just enjoy what each days presents. Tuesday, a close friend of ours called. His son had died. A tragic accident. I remember last Christmas Eve when we were all together and this man pulled out his new guitar and sang a song he had written for us. It was beautiful. His true love was sitting next to him. In fact, four couples were there each with their twin flame. Only now, the youngest adult who was there is now gone. What a shock. Each year I wonder if the eldest member would not be with us the next Christmas but that isn't what life played out. I will forever remember all of the love in that room the evening. A father loving his son - the son loving his lady, children loving their parents - and the circle of life goes on.

    Paradise is within and always has been. Paradise is those moments when we share who we are with another. It isn't a place, a location or even another dimension. It is the eternal spark that binds us together in the moment of singularity where we know we are inter-dependent and that each little thing one does has an impact on another.

    I very much appreciate your thread horus as yet this is another opportunity to share at a deep level where we meet within the The Karen

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 547
    Join date : 2010-09-07
    Location : Belgrade, Serbia

    From the 'Heart of Oneness' images so great I could fill your Eyes with Tears of Joy to going home! Empty Re: From the 'Heart of Oneness' images so great I could fill your Eyes with Tears of Joy to going home!

    Post  Beren Sat Nov 05, 2011 9:30 am

    Carol wrote:I've been thinking on this horus. Many people seek paradise and think of it as something that cannot be attained in physical form. There are moments of oneness we experience in ordinary things. Music can trigger it as well as an orgasm. For some it is the ah, ha moment of skiing really well down a mountain side or sky diving. Each of these experiences brings ones consciousness into expanded awareness. I've been in heaven realms and thought I could only handle it for so long and then got bored. I've even had the experience of singularity and then had enough and was ready to dive back down into duality. I guess what I'm attempting to communicate is that for me on a personal level is I just like to be productive... meaning doing what I can to be of service. This is not to say I wouldn't like different experiences of enjoyment (music being my most favorite) - but I'm one of those people who isn't seeking an escape from life as we know it. I enjoy being a human on this planet. However, I don't enjoy war, corruption or greed and it greatly disturbs me to be a witness to all of this including pollution on multiple levels.

    There are times it would be nice to have a rest from all of the worlds conflicts. It would be grand to witness a renaissance of humankind and an expansion of consciousness. Now to me, that would be paradise on earth. Sometimes, like many others, I'm completely overwhelmed by the level of corruption, lying and mean-spirited acts. I don't like how it makes me feel and see this as challenges for each of us. And there are times I wish I had a bat so I could hit a few people over the head to knock some sense into them. After all, I'm only human with the animal instinct of fight or flight.

    Then there are times when it's fun to travel OB or wake up with my consciousness someplace else (in another location). These little experiences help keep me in check with respect to being spirit in a human body and just little reminders of the human journey I volunteered for.

    Anyway... a number of years ago when my psi abilities were way out there I realized during those years that being connected to the other side in that way just increased my desire to cross over. So much so, that it was difficult to focus on the human experience because what I was seeking was to go back home as spirit. So after a few NDE, not of my doing by the way, I made a decision. I decided it was best for my earthly journey if I dropped the veil where more of my consciousness was in 3D then in astral. Basically I turned my back on years of inner work to focus instead on being "in the world" and enjoy the human experience.

    I want to share a story with you. I have this friend who has a very high IQ and a Buddhist practitioner. She is also very lazy and chooses to spend the major part of her time in bed. She reads in bed, takes all of her meals in bed, exercises in bed - when she is home, 99 percent of her time is literally spent in bed. Her behavior infuriates me. This is a very able individual who has decided "not to live life in the real world" and instead lives it in her head. Her intellectual pursuits are more entertaining then engaging in interactions with real people. What I see is someone who is emotionally fragile, well defended and outright stubborn because life is a little more then what she wishes to deal with even though she is in a sheltered environment and has been for the past 30 years.

    I'm sharing this story because there are a group of us whom I sense were all monks in other lifetimes and reincarnated together. I look around at this group and wonder what are they doing? IMPO some appear to be drop-outs and are just coasting along. Some are really hard workers with incredible challenges and are making outstanding strides in their spiritual development. Some are lost in their own craziness and refuse to do what it takes to free themselves. I don't know if they will get another chance. At lease not here, on this planet with these beings who are incarnated at this time. In fact, I know they will not get another chance because some are moving on in their expansions of consciousness and others are self-imploding. Then there are the fence sitters. I don't have a very high opinion of them. Even the ones who are self-imploding are doing "something" and have to be given credit for living in the midst of life irrespective of their circumstance. I don't think any of them are seeking paradise either. They just want an end to their self-inflicted misery.

    Choosing life and to live life on this planet was a conscious choice for me half-way through my life. Meaning I'm not seeking to escape what life presents (for the most part) and just enjoy what each days presents. Tuesday, a close friend of ours called. His son had died. A tragic accident. I remember last Christmas Eve when we were all together and this man pulled out his new guitar and sang a song he had written for us. It was beautiful. His true love was sitting next to him. In fact, four couples were there each with their twin flame. Only now, the youngest adult who was there is now gone. What a shock. Each year I wonder if the eldest member would not be with us the next Christmas but that isn't what life played out. I will forever remember all of the love in that room the evening. A father loving his son - the son loving his lady, children loving their parents - and the circle of life goes on.

    Paradise is within and always has been. Paradise is those moments when we share who we are with another. It isn't a place, a location or even another dimension. It is the eternal spark that binds us together in the moment of singularity where we know we are inter-dependent and that each little thing one does has an impact on another.

    I very much appreciate your thread horus as yet this is another opportunity to share at a deep level where we meet within the The Karen

    Carol you' re right and time and again everything points to this: journey within for there you will find how to create without.

    Horus makes very interesting threads and as Brook says some things aren't easily translatable into modern language.
    I realized that it's same with me and since I create poems for many years I decided through them to bring the story of my remembrance in thread "From the forgotten world into eternity"...

    It was a different dimension here on Earth but yet main characters are back again though in another form for in essence they are spirits of enormous power.

    But thing is that WE are Souls of THE power - Creator's .
    Hence this struggle of ones who wants us enslaved and us who are on the another path unlike fear based souls...

    Eventually all will return to Creator in one way or another.
    Important thing is for all here to speak their word on behalf of truth and it will set all free.

    We're cleaning the house now , later we will create anew.


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    Location : Hawaii

    From the 'Heart of Oneness' images so great I could fill your Eyes with Tears of Joy to going home! Empty Re: From the 'Heart of Oneness' images so great I could fill your Eyes with Tears of Joy to going home!

    Post  Carol Sat Nov 05, 2011 4:59 pm

    Ahh Beren, I was just thinking of you when I saw this video my sister-in-law emailed me. I loved it and thought of the various members here you would appreciate it.

    Here's a little present.


    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 547
    Join date : 2010-09-07
    Location : Belgrade, Serbia

    From the 'Heart of Oneness' images so great I could fill your Eyes with Tears of Joy to going home! Empty Re: From the 'Heart of Oneness' images so great I could fill your Eyes with Tears of Joy to going home!

    Post  Beren Sat Nov 05, 2011 5:14 pm

    Carol wrote:Ahh Beren, I was just thinking of you when I saw this video my sister-in-law emailed me. I loved it and thought of the various members here you would appreciate it.

    Here's a little present.


    Thank you Carol , you`re such a heart !
    Now here`s one Karen for you

    The Karen


    Look at this jewel here, from the book of Colossians

    "You will also thank the Father, who has made you able to share the light, which is what God’s people inherit."

    Again what is it that we inherit???
    Very Happy


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    From the 'Heart of Oneness' images so great I could fill your Eyes with Tears of Joy to going home! Empty Re: From the 'Heart of Oneness' images so great I could fill your Eyes with Tears of Joy to going home!

    Post  Carol Sat Nov 05, 2011 5:39 pm

    The Karen Candle in the Wind The Karen

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 3497
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    Location : Walking the Path...

    From the 'Heart of Oneness' images so great I could fill your Eyes with Tears of Joy to going home! Empty Re: From the 'Heart of Oneness' images so great I could fill your Eyes with Tears of Joy to going home!

    Post  Mercuriel Sat Nov 05, 2011 9:28 pm

    "The Blood is the Light"

    Pardon the Pun... Heh heh


    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

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    Location : on the other side of the mirror

    From the 'Heart of Oneness' images so great I could fill your Eyes with Tears of Joy to going home! Empty Re: From the 'Heart of Oneness' images so great I could fill your Eyes with Tears of Joy to going home!

    Post  malletzky Sun Nov 06, 2011 4:14 am

    Carol wrote:Ahh Beren, I was just thinking of you when I saw this video my sister-in-law emailed me. I loved it and thought of the various members here you would appreciate it.

    Here's a little present.


    Great cheers , thanks a lot Carol for sharing this cute video.

    Much respect

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    From the 'Heart of Oneness' images so great I could fill your Eyes with Tears of Joy to going home! Empty Re: From the 'Heart of Oneness' images so great I could fill your Eyes with Tears of Joy to going home!

    Post  mudra Sun Nov 06, 2011 11:29 am

    Thank You Horus .
    Your thread is creating loving ripples in the Heart.

    Love for You

    The Karen


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    From the 'Heart of Oneness' images so great I could fill your Eyes with Tears of Joy to going home! Empty Re: From the 'Heart of Oneness' images so great I could fill your Eyes with Tears of Joy to going home!

    Post  horus Mon Nov 07, 2011 7:26 am

    I'm out of here! Bye-Bye!

    Last edited by horus on Sat Nov 26, 2011 3:26 am; edited 1 time in total

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    From the 'Heart of Oneness' images so great I could fill your Eyes with Tears of Joy to going home! Empty Re: From the 'Heart of Oneness' images so great I could fill your Eyes with Tears of Joy to going home!

    Post  horus Mon Nov 07, 2011 11:48 am

    I'm out of here! Bye-Bye!

    Last edited by horus on Sat Nov 26, 2011 3:28 am; edited 1 time in total

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    From the 'Heart of Oneness' images so great I could fill your Eyes with Tears of Joy to going home! Empty Re: From the 'Heart of Oneness' images so great I could fill your Eyes with Tears of Joy to going home!

    Post  horus Tue Nov 08, 2011 7:45 am

    I'm out of here! Bye-Bye!

    Last edited by horus on Sat Nov 26, 2011 3:31 am; edited 2 times in total

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    From the 'Heart of Oneness' images so great I could fill your Eyes with Tears of Joy to going home! Empty Re: From the 'Heart of Oneness' images so great I could fill your Eyes with Tears of Joy to going home!

    Post  Owlsden Tue Nov 08, 2011 8:32 am

    I was beginning to really enjoy your posts Horus. Each person reads and sees something different in your postings. I wouldn't overly concern myself with the negative - there is always going to be that as well as the positive.

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    From the 'Heart of Oneness' images so great I could fill your Eyes with Tears of Joy to going home! Empty Re: From the 'Heart of Oneness' images so great I could fill your Eyes with Tears of Joy to going home!

    Post  horus Tue Nov 08, 2011 9:22 am

    I'm out of here! Bye-Bye!

    Last edited by horus on Sat Nov 26, 2011 3:34 am; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 459
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    From the 'Heart of Oneness' images so great I could fill your Eyes with Tears of Joy to going home! Empty Re: From the 'Heart of Oneness' images so great I could fill your Eyes with Tears of Joy to going home!

    Post  Owlsden Tue Nov 08, 2011 9:40 am

    What is your website address?

    Posts : 485
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    From the 'Heart of Oneness' images so great I could fill your Eyes with Tears of Joy to going home! Empty The Origin of Knowing

    Post  Lionhawk Tue Nov 08, 2011 4:29 pm

    First off, forgive me for not posting in the recent past. Ever since the site was threatened and the Barry King act, I have been withdrawn from posting. My reasons still stand as long as this forum is under the control mechanisms it is currently under. I am speaking of the current platform and the ones who control this space on the Net. I am not speaking of the ones who have Admin status. That all being said, I would like to take the time right now to speak about some things that have caught my attention. Some might disagree and that is fine, but at least I will have said my "peace".

    For the time being I am going to forget the idea this is a forum.

    Here we go..... After going through this thread, I went and sat outside on our back deck with coffee in hand. So many thoughts hit me all at once. I guess what bothered me the most was the distinction of those who remember who they are and those who don't or those that sit on the fence stuck in the wondering of which is it? I love what you wrote Carol in your post. All of it! I can so relate to the push, pulls, of either staying or the desire to go home. Of having to weigh and measure two worlds, one in which you are in complete harmony with and the other, dealing with all the lower disharmonious disruptions of this World.

    If I can offer any free advise, it is to remember thy self. "He who would know everything, but fails to knows himself, misses the knowledge of everything." As quoted by Jesus. I know Brook has posted this up many times, but I have to wonder if the many have taken this quote very seriously. Have given it a serious thought. I have concluded there are really only two types of people. The ones that know who they really are and the ones that still have amnesia. Each type will look like a sore thumb to the other. Comments will fly. Labeling and so on. For me it is difficult to see this occur anywhere I go. What also shows is how sensitive one may become. The reason is because someone might be putting their heart out there for all to see and end up being ravaged by someone who doesn't remember who they are. The ones that don't remember lash out with their pain. In that remembrance, the knowing of oneness is realized and it is often very difficult to understand why one might be attacked instead of being received. It isn't because of fear. It is because of the Love one might not experience from those that don't remember who they are. For if they did, they would know all is connected and there is no separation and Love is the answer. It isn't just a word. It is a state of being when one is awake. "THE POWERS THAT BE" don't want you to remember who you are. We know this.

    Now I have to say, it is very difficult to share once you remember. I have to also applaud all those who have shared their story. It is a big risk and it takes a lot of courage to do so. It takes a lot of work. Inner work. Outside of all the copy and pasted crap that is out there, where folks hijack the work of others, there really isn't the volume of original work being displayed that you would think. When you find such work, someone's testimony of remembrance, it should be considered a spiritual treasure. A gift to the World. I would like to think it should also be embraced and treasured, just for the sheer courage it takes to face the memories of past. You will also know if the testimony is true by listening with your heart and you also can re experience that testimony because of that true connection of oneness.

    The HEART never lies. If it does, know there is no soul within it.

    So here I am sitting on the back deck, looking at members here and asking how am I connected to you? It isn't something you put into words. It is an actual connection that you KNOW. You can feel it because it is a connection that connects to your heart. Also it helps to know the reasons. Those reasons are always unfolding as it would seem. As with some of you, I am honored to have known you in the present and in the past. What I do know is that we are all striving to achieve certain goals pertaining to the Planet in the now and tomorrow and that we planted ourselves here through our free agency gift. We did that a long time ago. The Creator sent his/her best. Now that might sound arrogant to some and SO BE IT! But he/she did and you can't argue with the Proof. You can if you choose to but you'll stick out like a sore thumb. You, those that don't remember, will use every trick in the book to discredit the testimony of those who do remember simply because you fear the reflection in your mirror. That's the oldest trick in the book that the darkside employs. So just know when you do that, you are really validating that testimony of the person you are trying to discredit. If you need an example, I will just mention the name of Jesus.

    I guess what one of the points I am trying to make here is, is that it comes down to choice. It wasn't that long ago that I had amnesia. A year ago February. In my life I always felt as though half of me was awake and the other half was asleep. That turned out to be very true. It also turned out that I had set this all up. For security reasons is the why. Timing was key. When someone called me by my true name everything changed that instant. I even broke down and cried. Even warriors cry. Probably more so. In any event, many answers came there after and still continue to come.

    I also want to present what I am about to present, not as a defense, but as a testimony to how Horus and I came to know one another. I am not here writing all this out of the fear of what might be directed or said to either of us. I am just going to tell it like it is with the full knowing that I am only sharing that knowledge. I leave it to those who choose to be a sore thumb to do so at your own peril. Degrading comments are just that. Degrading.

    Horus and I met in 2005 on another forum. Starship Crapicorn we like to call it. That forum had 4 embedded trolls in it that were anchored in there with chains. They were also very ruthless as to having any kind of spiritual conversation. So there were a lot of battles going on. It was like watching TV ratings. The number of views were like a commodity as to what thread was battling what. Horus battled very well and did it with real Love. You couldn't help but like him. When it was all said and done, many of us got out before being sucked down that black hole. Horus and I knew we were connected but were at a loss as to how, but decided that we would figure that out someday. We did last year. It was a passed life connection as it turns out. So pay attention to those you may run into wherever you go. There are no mistakes.

    Now many might think that someone claiming to be Horus is a joke and a total fabrication. Or anyone claiming to be anyone as a joke. Mind you there are many impostors out there claiming this and that. The weeding process can be quite overbearing. But in this case, I WILL STAKE MY LIFE ON THE LINE HERE, that the Horus that has posted here is the Horus that came to be. How do I know this? I experienced it in that past life. He was a child when I first encountered him. When my true name was spoken to me, these past life memories came forth. Like opening a door. Also mind you that I was not under any kind of state, such as hypnosis, when my name was spoken to me. I was wide awake. All that being said, the real story is the one that the PTB keep trying to suppress and the parts some of us played during those times. When one realizes the part they played and the price they paid, you can't blame them for being a little sensitive when someone comes across as an idiot with degrading remarks.

    Also whether anyone here can realize it or not, and I know there are those here who are more than capable of doing that, can appreciate what efforts that have been sacrificed through these roles that some of us have played. Horus paid a great and very dear price and I was a witness to that. Mind you when Reptilians have you in their noose, the torture and pain along with the duration will be and is far worse than having a human inflicting you. Especially when you deprive them from getting something, like a step of power. He suffered for many years under their treatment. I will also state that he was in service to all of creation in this role.

    So I see this as an honor of knowing him. I can't stress that enough. For others it might not be for them to know him. Or get to know him. As Horus knows I have also had my rough times of understanding him and his incredible gifts to the table. He is a Master at what he does and if you think about it, it makes total sense to me how he does what he does. It's all about frequency. If you can hang, you'll learn to understand him and if you can't hang, you're on your own and C'est la Vie.

    But as he has said, it leads to no where. I understand that all to well as that is also where I am at. Ready to go home. It's the waiting that makes it rough. Everything has been said and everything has been done. Now we wait for Gaia and this Universe to transform. Everything else and all this 3D crap is what it is. A major distraction.

    On that note, Horus knows I love him dearly. We are family and we are Brothers. How fortunate we are for that. At least we remembered and can share that with each other. Many others are not so fortunate because certain individuals can't get out of their own way to self discover their own truth. As with the title of this post, do you know where you came from? Or who you are? You deserve to find out.

    I would like to thank Carol for not hitting me on the head with a ball bat.Flowers
    I would like to thank Merc for not being intolerable to mistakes that link. Thubs Up
    I would like to thank Beren for not being a simple poem maker. Naughty
    I would like to thank Floyd for not being a complete sad sack. Cow
    I would like to thank Mudra for all the things you do to cheer everyone up. Double Thumbs Up
    I would like to thank Brook for completing my life. The Karen
    I would like to thank Horus for all the light that you shine. Spiritual
    I would like to thank all else for putting up with my take on things. Jenneta



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    Location : Walking the Path...

    From the 'Heart of Oneness' images so great I could fill your Eyes with Tears of Joy to going home! Empty Re: From the 'Heart of Oneness' images so great I could fill your Eyes with Tears of Joy to going home!

    Post  Mercuriel Tue Nov 08, 2011 8:20 pm

    Always know Dear Friends that there is a place by My Fire at which You are always Welcome...

    Until next Time(s)...



    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

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    From the 'Heart of Oneness' images so great I could fill your Eyes with Tears of Joy to going home! Empty Re: From the 'Heart of Oneness' images so great I could fill your Eyes with Tears of Joy to going home!

    Post  mudra Wed Nov 09, 2011 1:10 pm

    Lionhawk I have'nt felt you so much at peace for a long long time .
    Feels like home ... before it all begun.


    The Karen

    Love for You


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    Age : 69
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    From the 'Heart of Oneness' images so great I could fill your Eyes with Tears of Joy to going home! Empty Re: From the 'Heart of Oneness' images so great I could fill your Eyes with Tears of Joy to going home!

    Post  mudra Wed Nov 09, 2011 1:12 pm

    Horus , in the Mists or without you are part of the family .

    Love for You

    The Karen


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    Location : Belgrade, Serbia

    From the 'Heart of Oneness' images so great I could fill your Eyes with Tears of Joy to going home! Empty Re: From the 'Heart of Oneness' images so great I could fill your Eyes with Tears of Joy to going home!

    Post  Beren Wed Nov 09, 2011 4:15 pm

    There comes a time
    where a soul must find its tide
    for to ride the lightening
    takes courage ,heavy fighting...

    A fight within yourself
    and glance in mirror of life
    images and words
    painted before you.

    Hail to God!
    an echo of words that some say
    and when you sail through all seas
    you find-that`s the only way...

    Lift up your gaze ,
    and raise your spirit- Love!
    Bless the day that unites
    and ride the lightening forever now!

    Posts : 562
    Join date : 2010-04-09
    Age : 55
    Location : on the other side of the mirror

    From the 'Heart of Oneness' images so great I could fill your Eyes with Tears of Joy to going home! Empty Re: From the 'Heart of Oneness' images so great I could fill your Eyes with Tears of Joy to going home!

    Post  malletzky Thu Nov 10, 2011 1:07 am

    To Brook, Horus and Lionhawk:

    from the sacred place in my 'heart of oneness'...and if you realy decided to leave, I wish you a joyful ride, and I won't say goodbay, as we will soon be 'seing' each other, anyway.

    Much respect

    Posts : 196
    Join date : 2011-01-01
    Location : Australia

    From the 'Heart of Oneness' images so great I could fill your Eyes with Tears of Joy to going home! Empty Re: From the 'Heart of Oneness' images so great I could fill your Eyes with Tears of Joy to going home!

    Post  horus Thu Nov 10, 2011 5:40 am

    I’m out of here, Bye-Bye!

    Last edited by horus on Sat Nov 26, 2011 3:45 am; edited 2 times in total

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