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    Get far away from Gulf Coast, New Madrid Fault, Louisiana, West Coast and East Coast

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    Post  We Are You Wed Oct 24, 2012 4:53 am

    ← 14 Activists Arrested Protesting Coal in South Africa
    Mike Quinsey – No SaLuSa Messages till 5th Nov. →
    Sheldan Nidle – October 23, 2012
    Posted on October 24, 2012 by Laura

    1 Vote

    Sheldan Nidle – October 23, 2012
    October 23, 2012

    7 Imix, 9 Tzec, 9 Eb

    Dratzo! We return! Events, which our sacred allies have been working toward for centuries, are now about to happen which will forever change your world. The power structure that rules your globe is collapsing in on itself as the center can no longer hold together. The dark cabal has dreaded this moment ever since the Anunnaki left, at which time these off-worlders demanded that their on-planet minions return dominion of your reality to the Light. This recommendation by the Anunnaki was vetoed by a sizable majority of the groups that make up the on-planet minions of the dark; their leaders were utterly unable to fathom why they would be asked, for any reason at all, to give up what to them was their life-blood: power. Power is basically all they know. Under the aegis of their former off-world masters, the minions had run roughshod over Earth and surface humanity for nearly 13 millennia. Now they were being asked to give up, literally, their throne! To the dark ones this was unthinkable. And outrageous! No one, not even their former masters, was going to separate them from the one thing that gave them their very identity: their ‘natural’ superiority. It formed the core of their being. And for nearly 17 years they have struggled to retain the only world they know.

    Meanwhile, our sacred allies requested that we use our advanced methods of negotiation to prevent these now-woebegone dark Beings from creating another world war as a means to maintain their status as your unchallenged rulers. These ones still feel greatly ill used at being commanded to leave. However, a series of events and a chain of documents are finally ready to achieve their most necessary removal. The time comes for the final ‘swoop’ that is to drive the dark from power. Then we intend to permit our allies to detain and put on trial those who so mercilessly controlled you, and the fears that have for so long defined your lives can at last be laid aside. Released from these fetters you will be able to joyously acknowledge our existence and to begin to create a society that favors the good and benevolent over greed and manipulation. Your new governance is to smooth the way to full consciousness by, first, rolling out universal prosperity and by ending all wars! These will not be so easy to accomplish as your world has been manipulated for millennia to view competition, hate, and strife as inevitable components of existence.

    These ways of keeping you divided are to be transformed into cooperation, peace, and Love. You are to realize and be able to fulfill your innermost needs for a joyously creative life. We are here, at this right divine moment, to be reunited with you, and begin some essential personal teachings with each of you as a requisite to your return to full consciousness. Part of this will be your introduction to a great book: The Book of Understandings. It is a compilation contributed to by each star-nation from the time they first colonize their home world. Each book contains an immense amount of wisdom about humanity and physicality, and is in essence a giant compendium of history and galactic anthropology. We intend to start you off with the works compiled on Mars, Venus, and Earth around the time when the Anchara Alliance made the destructive raid on your solar system a million years ago. The history of Agartha and the book that your new star-nation begins will be added to the whole, making a complete chronicle of your astonishing odyssey and of who you really are!

    You are the wondrous Beings who have incarnated at this time to bring forth a new reality, and in consonance with this Heaven was very strict about who was allowed to embody here at this time. This is why we have come from so far afield to help, despite the fact that your world falls short of any of the usual conditions for first contact. Heaven summoned us here to use our fleets, at the divinely appointed time, to liberate you from your recalcitrant rulers. When Anchara joined the Light at the designated time, Earth’s surface humanity was to move into the Light as well. But, as mentioned earlier, these calls from both the dark and from Heaven went unheeded by the dark earth-minions, who were in no mind to relinquish their insatiable power addiction. The result is this first-contact mission. When our fleets got here, we turned your solar system into a vast ‘parking lot’ and waited patiently for the divine signal to act. This mighty decree has at last been permitted to resound throughout Heaven and physicality and this clarion call will most assuredly be answered! This is the moment for your freedom to be secured!

    Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We arrive on this day with good news! Our sacred associates have reached the stage where their many projects can finally manifest. But first, dear Hearts, we need to begin to apprise you of some of the truth of your present setup. The dark cabal planned over a decade ago to put in motion a train of events designed to lead to several wars and ultimately a global situation that would permanently enslave you. Then conditions would be introduced to drastically reduce the world’s present population to fewer than 600 million. These numbers were to be regulated by means of a series of roving plagues. This horrifying plan has been averted by the activities of our associates since the time of September 11, 2001. Our blessed ones in Heaven came and used their abilities to prevent this horror from fully manifesting. Now you are on the brink of freedom and we are ready to implement events to bring you prosperity and full consciousness.

    Prosperity is a natural state in Heaven and in physicality. Yet, on your world, you have watched the dark use its power to turn this natural state upside down, creating poverty, ignorance and hate all across the globe. These imposed conditions were used to disguise who you are. You grew up in this unnatural, artificial state and, knowing no other, you began to believe that what you saw all around you was natural. Nothing is further from the truth! Life in this universe is hugely abundant and all interrelated. You are part of a magnificent unity-a state that the Creator has graciously spread throughout the many realms comprising physicality. When you ascend, this glorious state of unity becomes the experiential basis from which you think and act. This oneness is a soul-stirring melody that flows through your very cells, birthing a never-ending sense of joy. Joy suffuses you, and becomes the wellspring of other songs that takes your bliss on to ever-greater heights.

    Heaven is preparing you for an ‘expressway’ to full consciousness which dispenses with the many lifetimes that it took us to reach our present sacred state. Heaven decreed many dispensations for you, which permits you to avail yourself of an individually tailored, sentient device that removes the many epigenetic blockages and re-knits the many DNA scramblings carried out on you in the past. This allows you to move easily into your divine-Self state. This gracious act is stipulated in the life contracts you presently possess. You will be made aware of these contracts once this rapid ascension operation is complete. So much lies ahead for you, including the beginning of your own grand Book of Understandings for your new star-nation. We will be at your side during all this, as we are here, after all, to use our collective wisdom from numerous Earth lives to guide you in your divine service as you do your part in moving this entire galaxy into the Light.

    Today, we reviewed what is happening on your world. Great events are to come which can swiftly alter your reality. This transformation is to bring you joy and a much-needed answer to your prayers for a change in the way your world operates. Be in good Spirits, and prepare yourselves for a new and joyful world! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

    Website: Planetary Activation Organization
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    Post  We Are You Thu Oct 25, 2012 3:36 am

    UFO/ET Disclosure, NESARA, Accountability, Earth Changes, Ascension, and the Golden Age

    5. 2012 FOR BEGINNERS
    8. THE 2012 SCENARIO
    12. 2012 HISTORY
    14A. MEET-UPS
    14B. MEET-UPS II

    Archangel Michael via Ron Head: Please Learn to Have As Much Faith and Trust in Yourselves As We Do
    2012 October 24
    tags: Archangel Michael, Ron Head
    Posted by Alice C
    Mountain ViewArchangel Michael via Ron Head: Please Learn to Have As Much Faith and Trust in Yourselves As We Do

    Alice C – Ron Head is featuring on the Light Agenda with Stephen Cook on November 7.

    As channeled by Ron Head – October 24, 2012

    Good morning, dearest friends. Our hearts feel great joy as each of you reach out and connect with us. May this day and every day be increasingly joyful and special for you, as well.

    As we have told you several times now, you are experiencing a continually rising state of enhanced energies. The most appropriate words to describe this, from our viewpoint, would be unconditional love. From your third dimensional perspective, it can be seen as solar flares, photon light, and other terms, as well.

    Whatever you call it, and whether you choose to acknowledge it or not, it is changing every cell, molecule, and atom in your bodies, as well as the bodies of each life form on your planet, in your solar system, and in your galaxy. Your scientists know, most of them, that all matter is interconnected. Some have not reached the full understanding that should follow from this knowledge as yet. But understand that as one change occurs in the universe, everything else changes, also. Further, as in the often quoted “As above, so below”, this is true also of your mental and spiritual being.

    Great change is occurring all around you in your solar system and galaxy. Your scientists are well aware of this. It is therefore impossible that great change should not occur to you. And as great change occurs in you, great change will be evident in all you create from this time forward. This is not a threat, nor is it a prophesy. This is an inevitable fact. Creator has decreed change. You are the instruments of change. Simple, is it not?

    We are overjoyed that you have made the choice to be the ones who experience this first and to anchor it into your lives and societies. Please do not apply judgments to yourselves nor to your effectiveness nor readiness. You are where you are. You are doing what you need to do. Should you see a better way, you will choose it. That is who you are. That is what you do and have always done. That is why you are the one there and not another. Please learn to have as much faith and trust in yourselves as we do.

    Please also learn to forgive yourselves for your perceptions of past failings. They are simply experiences that have helped to mold you into what you are this day. It is time now for you to stand up out of all that and look upon the vistas both of what you are creating and where you have been. Remember that all that you have suffered through has made you the strong warriors that you are. Again and again you have returned into the fray to bring new experiences and understandings back with you.

    Good job. Well done. Now let’s have a graduation party and get on with reality, shall we? All of this will soon be a distant, though useful memory.

    We shall continue our discussion again soon, dear hearts. Good day.

    Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

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    Post  JesterTerrestrial Thu Oct 25, 2012 8:48 am

    Are you mike quinsey? are you ron head?

    did you write this? did you read my comments? what do you think about all this NABS you are posting?

    do you have anything to say for your self or do you only double post other peoples choke onto this forum?

    Meanwhile nothing gets done and the real ground crew dose their work while those of you who are lost in the BS!!!


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    Post  magamud Thu Oct 25, 2012 3:52 pm

    An exceptional dynamic at display when knowing self.

    Warning or business as usual?

    This is normal, in these times and just more pressure to force self knowledge upon you...

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    Post  We Are You Thu Oct 25, 2012 6:09 pm

    JFK & The Federal Reserve Bank
    The last president who tried to end the Foreign owned Federal Reserve Bank which enslaves the U.S citizens to a nonsense private tax. This private company called the Federal Reserve has made trillions off of the average citizens.
    "June 4, 1963-JFK signs Executive Order 11110 which called for the issuance of $4,292,893,815 in United States Notes through the U.S. Treasury rather than the traditional Federal Reserve System. That same day, Kennedy signed a bill changing the backing of one and two dollar bills from silver to gold, adding strength to the weakened U.S. currency. When Kennedy signed this Order, it returned to the federal government, specifically the Treasury Department, the Constitutional power to create and issue currency- money - without going through the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank.

    President Kennedy's Executive Order 11110 gave the Treasury Department the explicit authority: "to issue silver certificates against any silver bullion, silver, or standard silver dollars in the Treasury." This means that for every ounce of silver in the U.S. Treasury's vault, the government could introduce new money into circulation based on the silver bullion physically held there. As a result, more than $4 billion in United States Notes were brought into circulation in $2 and $5 denominations. $10 and $20 United States Notes were never circulated but were being printed by the Treasury Department when Kennedy was assassinated.

    It appears obvious that President Kennedy knew the Federal Reserve Notes being used as the purported legal currency were contrary to the Constitution of the United States of America. Kennedy knew that if the silver-backed United States Notes were widely circulated, they would have eliminated the demand for Federal Reserve Notes." — com Edwin C. Roper, Samoil Tzar e Patricia Laurent de Gosse.
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    Post  We Are You Sun Oct 28, 2012 8:51 am

    Laura – Inclusion Rather than Exclusion
    Posted on October 27, 2012 by Laura

    3 Votes

    Why it that we feel there is only black and white, right and wrong sometimes? Why do we need to be excluding people, when what is most needed is to see how we reflect each other? Can we try to include others perspectives and opinions, rather than exclude them?

    Buddhists in Japan have managed to accept Shinto as part of life in Japan, it includes it in its practices. It does not reject it, nor suppresses it.

    Can we accept all our differences? All our ancestral belonging? Can we respect the wind, the air, the Muslims, the civilisations such as Indian tribes, Mayas, Egyptians, Christians, Jewish and all others? These are civilisations preceding the New World Order, who survived it and who will outlive it!

    Can we learn from each other, rather than fight each other? Can we hear and really listen to what people are actually saying rather than imagining what we think they are saying?

    Can we listen to our inner voice first of all? Can I let go of my own ideas, and accept to give a try to what someone else is saying? Can I be in my heart to feel the person behind the words? To feel the person with my heart, and go beyond the spoken word?

    Love, Laura

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    Post  JesterTerrestrial Sun Oct 28, 2012 8:56 am

    REALLY!!! OMG!!!


    It looks like your lost in life a bit are you ok?
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    Post  We Are You Sun Oct 28, 2012 9:35 am

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    Post  We Are You Sun Oct 28, 2012 11:52 am

    Andrea Scully’s Video Posts from the 2012 Scenario Conference Sedona – Days 1 and 2 and more...
    In This Update...

    Andrea Scully’s Video Posts from the 2012 Scenario Conference Sedona – Days 1 and 2
    The Song of the Soul Group
    Jesus: The Illusion is But a Trick of Your Collective Perception, Soon to be Dissolved
    Frank Schaeffer: Obama Will Triumph. So Will America.
    Saul: Whenever You Feel Attacked, You are Allowing the Unreal to Affect Your Mind
    Christianity and Hinduism are One
    DL Zeta: Navigating the New Time through Dream Downloads and Dimensional Travels – Part 1/2
    DL Zeta: Navigating the New Time through Dream Downloads and Dimensional Travels – Part 2/2
    How Are We All One?
    Seeking ET on a Full Moon at Cathedral Rock
    Miami Herald Recommends President Barack Obama over Mitt Romney
    Suzy Ward Offline for the Moment
    Suzanne Lie: Arcturians Ascension Message – Personal & Planetary Portals
    More Recent Articles

    Andrea Scully’s Video Posts from the 2012 Scenario Conference Sedona – Days 1 and 2

    Andrea Scully’s Video Posts from the 2012 Scenario Conference Sedona – Days 1 and 2

    Stephen: You just have to see Andrea’s beaming smile and hear her joy to know how good a time all of us are having here at the 2012 Scenario Conference in Sedona. As head moderator and co-owner of the 2012 Scenario Discussion Group, it has been Andrea’s thrill to meet many of the site’s readers, editors and her discussion group colleagues for the first time

    Don’t forget: we’ll have all the details here on the site on Monday for how you can view it all from your home via our just announced Live Stream from the second conference, which starts Tuesday October 30.

    Day 1:

    Click here to view the embedded video.

    Day 2:

    Click here to view the embedded video.
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    Get far away from Gulf Coast, New Madrid Fault, Louisiana, West Coast and East Coast - Page 28 Empty J.E.S.U.S. returns

    Post  We Are You Sun Oct 28, 2012 4:49 pm

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    Post  We Are You Tue Oct 30, 2012 5:28 am

    Just a quick word to say I that I could feel the effects of the storm all across the Atlantic. Not a pleasant feeling. This morning the energies around here are much more positive, and I could feel the geoengineering devices in my proximity have been stopped somehow.
    I asked my contacts to comment on the storm, all i have received was a "sorry, but not now Laura, we are all busy" message... however Nadir, my twin flame's Higher Self did say that we need to be rejoice and feel positive at the moment. He encouraged us to take part in the meditation on Monday 11am/5pm/11pm EDT.
    He said that our focus is right on target, and that we can divert the storm even if the geoengineering devices are still on. I am asked to visualize the storm dissipate, and blown back towards the Ocean. Keep on focusing on this, we are winning!! In addition to the meditation time, please visualize in your own time also, ask for your Higher Self and Guides for protection, gu
    idance and help in this task.
    I am also told that there is no need for panic and that we will be receiving some additional help. He also confirmed that the cabal system corporation feels its loss of grip on our consciousness, as fear tactics seem to no longer have effect on the majority of us. These cabal lords are doing their best to rock the boat on many fronts, and are doing all in their power to stop us from awakening as one and from working together. For in our union and collaboration lies our biggest strength. This the cabal lord particularly do not want to see.
    For this purpose they will continue their fear control tactics, their treats, their weather control manipulations. I was also told that this storm is also a diversion tactic, so that we are kept in fear, our attention focused on Sandy, while their hands are free elsewhere.. I was not told in which direction to look, but I was given a hint about some military/ political interests being at stake here at this time...

    Feedbacks and inputs on this message are welcome. Perhaps we can work out what the cabal lords are up to this time again?
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    Post  We Are You Tue Oct 30, 2012 3:51 pm

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    Post  We Are You Tue Oct 30, 2012 6:38 pm

    Laura – Channeling and News from Now On and Thank you for your Love and Support !!
    Posted on October 30, 2012 by Laura

    2 Votes

    WOW !! Thank you for your kind replies dear friends from blogs and facebook!! ! you have helped me understand a few things about my work :) !!

    I am not sure what to do right now.. i am guided to keep the news blog going with important news in any case, because of the huge amount of disinfo out there!.. and a few of messages if I like and message from me mainly instead of messages from spirit directly. Perhaps this would make people understand that channeled messages are not necessarily a direct unvarnished spoken word from spirit, but the channeler is more like an interpreter of sorts.

    There is interference from the channeler’s mind, and also it depends on his or her life plan, and life contract as to what her or his mission/ role is in this life. There is also interference from 4D STS, who are trying to push their own agenda and it is sometimes virtually impossible to know when the message is being interfered with from that level.

    As far as I am concerned, channeled messages are like looking at a painting, shall we say like looking at a Van Gogh painting for a blind person… What I mean by this is that it is impossible to relay in 3D word the feelings, impressions, love, light and images received by the channeler when he or she channels. The most important part of channeled messages is not the actual words, but the feeling of connecting with higher consciousness, and most importantly having our own higher self leading the way and guiding us.

    So I encourage all of you reading this to search for your own inner light, for your own God Spark as SaLuSa likes to put it. We all have the Divine Seed inside of us and it can grow in all of us once we feed it with love, and have peace, and all the primary needs of our body. We all have our own Higher Guidance, and all come from Source. So turn to yourself dear friends and search for a spiritual outlet more often I would say.
    Channeling has huge issues when dealing with 3d stuff.. it ain’t compatible.. I am more in favour of spirituality than online communications/ messages. It is disturbing for me to see how much some folks really take channelings too seriously… forgetting that only about 10 to 15 % of the actual message translates into words… Messages are only a souce of comfort, love and hope as well as inner guidance. You should feel empowered by a message and a channeled message should help you connect the dots for yourself at least on a subconscious level.

    I always encourage people to make contact within at first before attempting channeling. I feel one needs to follow a spiritual path and connect with higher self… once one has reached this point, your awareness expands so much you will see the truth… the bigger picture, you will connect all the dots :) !!!

    Relying on channeled messages alone is just not enough for me. I need to focus on my own life and inner world, as well as my studies/ work and private life. There are many challenges and energetic variations ahead.

    I know I have left a few months ago, but it was for different private reasons, relating to family members having been targeted and singled out. This is different in the way that this is more part of my own journey now and growth path, as I understand more is everybody else right now!! J
    I will leave myself a few days and see how I feel and what our ascended friends are saying on it in next few days/ weeks. In the meantime.. There would be no channel from myself… as I need to focus elsewhere for some time and regain balance. There is such a thing as channelling too much I believe now.
    One more point on channeling, some material is sensitive and it is hard to know for me what i can talk about online or not.. as it could interfere with ongoing operations on higher fields… So my advice to everybody would be listen to your own radio and tv broadcast!! and you will never need news or channeled messages again. I am aware of the fact that messages do bring love and light to readers and that there is a need for a balance between light news and 3D news in a blog! :)

    On a different note, for the past 2 weeks or so i get some many emails and messages on facebook, and questions that i could spend all day at computer, and people would still like to chat… and reply back with more questions…

    So in conclusion I will have to play it by ear, I will keep a minimum service of news while i am involved for the next 6 weeks with heavy duty exams and commutes, and I will write more as Laura receiving a message from Higher Consciousness rather than a channel.

    I am not here to convince anybody, to explain anything, you are your own master and you have your own free will. I am afraid I no longer can afford discussions for now, so please do your own research and validations.

    Thank you once again for your love and support.

    Laura/ Multidimensinoal Ocean
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    Post  We Are You Wed Oct 31, 2012 2:56 am

    Sheldan Nidle Update 10-30-12…”Your realm is to change… “in the twinkling of an eye”!”
    Posted on 2012/10/30

    “Much continues to happen around your globe. New governments are preparing their personnel, and announcements are to come quite shortly. Also, several financial institutions are busy preparing to convert the present fiat system to gold. These changes signal that a new fiscal system is ready to replace the old. Since the end of World War I in 1918, the switch to a fiat currency was introduced surreptitiously at first and then gathered increasing momentum with the huge panic of 1929. This led quickly to a massive depression that was used by those in charge around your world to foment World War II. This great conflagration was created to bring America globally to the forefront and to be the reason behind the decades-long Cold War that followed. In this way, the illuminoids and their Anunnaki masters laid the fertile groundwork that was intended to be the means to overthrow the various edicts set up by Heaven when Atlantis fell. As you now know, these dark momentums are failing fast, and Heaven is bringing in her new reality for your world.”


    New governments are preparing their personnel, and announcements are to come quite shortly.
    …dark momentums are failing fast, and Heaven is bringing in her new reality for your world.
    The last few decades have not gone as the illuminoids had so arrogantly assumed. Heaven was working incessantly to bring forth a new reality…
    As part of this goal, Heaven sent a vast first-contact fleet to this solar system and this move was then serendipitously aided by the sudden change of heart of Anchara’s dark continuum when it joined the forces of Light.
    The Light’s agenda was further favored by the multiple collapse of all alternate timelines for this planet into one, which was in essence that of the Light.
    These deepening dilemmas [for the dark ones] were further compounded by the enormous amount of wealth available to this coalition of the Light. The dark’s familiar superiority in all these areas was gone and the playing field on Earth was leveled for the first time.
    This reversal of fortune is now clear for all to see, and the dark’s ruling structures are baffled by the speed with which such a massive shift toward the Light had happened. Thus we arrive at this watershed moment in your history.
    Our many associates are busy engaged with our Inner Earth allies to manifest a new reality.
    The dark cabal and its former off-world masters, the Anunnaki, established a number of cleverly adulterated and recast belief systems intended to fractionate and permit massive manipulation of the world’s populace. Our fervent objective is to reverse this travesty
    …we have set in motion a way for us to shortly walk freely among you and teach you our truths.
    Gaia is in the throes of a most difficult series of changes and she wishes you to know that these changes are being carried out well below the optimum level of intensity required.
    This time is to be the moment when the great sword of Heaven rises up and sets to right all that has become disordered and wayward on this most long-suffering Being called Gaia and in this battle-scarred solar system!
    Your realm is to change, and to do so “in the twinkling of an eye”!


    Sheldan Nidle Update 10-30-12
    1 Lamat, 16 Tzec, 9 Eb

    Selamat Jarin! We return! Much continues to happen around your globe. New governments are preparing their personnel, and announcements are to come quite shortly. Also, several financial institutions are busy preparing to convert the present fiat system to gold. These changes signal that a new fiscal system is ready to replace the old. Since the end of World War I in 1918, the switch to a fiat currency was introduced surreptitiously at first and then gathered increasing momentum with the huge panic of 1929. This led quickly to a massive depression that was used by those in charge around your world to foment World War II. This great conflagration was created to bring America globally to the forefront and to be the reason behind the decades-long Cold War that followed. In this way, the illuminoids and their Anunnaki masters laid the fertile groundwork that was intended to be the means to overthrow the various edicts set up by Heaven when Atlantis fell. As you now know, these dark momentums are failing fast, and Heaven is bringing in her new reality for your world.

    The last few decades have not gone as the illuminoids had so arrogantly assumed. Heaven was working incessantly to bring forth a new reality, in which Earth’s humanity would be able to return to its former fully conscious condition. As part of this goal, Heaven sent a vast first-contact fleet to this solar system and this move was then serendipitously aided by the sudden change of heart of Anchara’s dark continuum when it joined the forces of Light. These events transformed the landscape and charted a new primary path for Gaia’s future. This meant that the dark cabal’s elaborate schemes for total global domination began to unravel fast. The Light’s agenda was further favored by the multiple collapse of all alternate timelines for this planet into one, which was in essence that of the Light. Predictably, the illuminoids lost no time in throwing all they had into staunching the encroaching plans of the Light. But the dark received another setback when several of the now-peaceable Anunnaki returned to offer their wisdom and assistance in service to the Light! The Galactic Federation and its allies were forming quite an effective conglomerate to counter the ongoing stratagems of Earth’s dark ruling families.

    Indeed, the end of the dark’s 13-millennia-long hegemony on Earth was looming. The major royal illuminoid families deeply believed, partially out of habit, that their latest plans to maintain dominance would succeed. However, now a series of sudden reversals had plummeted them into an angry sea which threw up one setback after another. At first this did not faze them because in the past such incidents had always been easily resolved by their major leadership. But for the first time this leadership’s skill and derring-do was not working as before and it was at a loss. Major moves were being contested and the dark’s puppet governments that usually stopped such goings-on were being challenged by a combination of spiritually oriented wealthy royals and various powerful secret societies. These forces had loosely coalesced under a leadership that had direct contact with Ascended Masters and the Inner Earth Agarthans. Also, the dark’s hitherto ‘supreme’ advanced technology was being stymied and trumped by the technology of the Galactic Federation.

    These deepening dilemmas were further compounded by the enormous amount of wealth available to this coalition of the Light. The dark’s familiar superiority in all these areas was gone and the playing field on Earth was leveled for the first time. Outmaneuvered on all fronts, it was just a matter of time before the dark was compelled to give up its ‘charges’ and let an unprecedented transformation of surface humanity take place. After all, the complex goals of the Light are under the aegis of no less a power than Heaven and AEON, and because the illuminoids had chosen to stand out against the tide of Heavenly change, their time to ‘pay the piper’ for their transgressions was at hand. This reversal of fortune is now clear for all to see, and the dark’s ruling structures are baffled by the speed with which such a massive shift toward the Light had happened. Thus we arrive at this watershed moment in your history. Our sacred allies stand poised to bring you your freedom, your sovereignty, your prosperity, and a return of your space and spiritual families.

    Blessings, dear Ones! We are your Ascended Masters! We come today with more information. Our many associates are busy engaged with our Inner Earth allies to manifest a new reality. Nearly two and a half centuries ago, a special committee was formed whose main purpose was to bring into being a variety of movements to spread the ideals of liberty and personal sovereignty around the globe. Our intent was to use these emergent momentums to create the energy for what would become a new epoch of freedom for the world. These concepts would also form the foundation of a spiritual renaissance that looked beyond ‘religion’ to a new contract between the Creator and surface humanity. Many nations have been born since this spiritual committee came into existence, and our intent remains to continue pushing forward with our broad-based tasks to produce the realm of Light so eloquently laid out by the Creator’s decrees.

    It is this requisite for a new foundation for humanity’s growing consciousness that so zestfully drives us. The dark cabal and its former off-world masters, the Anunnaki, established a number of cleverly adulterated and recast belief systems intended to fractionate and permit massive manipulation of the world’s populace. Our fervent objective is to reverse this travesty, and show by example how all of this nonsense can be returned to source and its effects quickly rectified. True spirituality leads to an acceptance of all, and to a collective will to unite with all peoples of this realm. The validity of these divine truths is what we dearly wish to communicate to you. To this end we have set in motion a way for us to shortly walk freely among you and teach you our truths. We have so much collective wisdom to share with you, and we look forward with great joy to doing this.

    Gaia is in the throes of a most difficult series of changes and she wishes you to know that these changes are being carried out well below the optimum level of intensity required. Indeed, many ‘more normal’ changes are also happening well below the level she prefers. A timetable is in effect and it is essential that certain changes be done in a more concerted and speedy manner. We have made our associates understand that these present times demand action! Heaven and we have blessed these transformations and we intend to do our part in ensuring that these prescribed changes go forward as planned. Our sacred word has been given to Gaia and to our sacred cohorts. This time is to be the moment when the great sword of Heaven rises up and sets to right all that has become disordered and wayward on this most long-suffering Being called Gaia and in this battle-scarred solar system!

    Today we brought you another weekly message, explaining what is happening on your globe. These communiqués are intended to inform you and to prepare you for what is to come. Your realm is to change, and to do so “in the twinkling of an eye”! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

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    Post  We Are You Wed Oct 31, 2012 5:41 pm

    Archangel Michael via Ron Head: The Beginning of Everything is Within Yourselves
    2012 October 31
    tags: Archangel Michael, Ron Head
    Posted by Stephen Cook
    Archangel Michael via Ron Head: The Beginning of Everything is Within Yourselves

    Stephen: Don’t forget Ron Head will be my special guest when he makes his radio interview debut on The Light Agenda on Wednesday November 7.

    As channeled by Ron Head – October 30, 2012

    As you can easily see, the events that are now happening on all sides of you could easily shake you from your centered determination. We congratulate all of you. If you are reading this, either you have not been affected, or you know well how to recover your calm and center yourselves.

    Your personal process of change continues, regardless of all the outward commotion. Unknown to many of you still, there is great progress being made in many places upon your world.

    It is unfortunate that your communications media still reports only sensational and negative events, but that situation will not last much longer. What they will soon assume are negative events, you will in fact recognize as being very positive. Remember to view the events and not the fear filled interpretations imposed upon them.

    There are only less than two months left in this very important year. The definite increase in the energies of your world has already begun. We know that many of you are able to sense this yourselves, but it is still so faint and gradual that you sometimes find yourselves in doubt. Each day now, this will increase, and it will build upon itself. There will soon be no reason for doubt whatsoever.

    Gauge these things by your own feelings and intuition. As we have always told you, the beginning of everything is within yourselves. No matter what happens outside of you, the reason, meaning and final outcome are all internal to yourselves. There would be no reason at all for any of it were it not lifting you into your higher consciousness, if you were unable to feel and understand it.

    Therefore, make it your first priority to learn to sense the state of your own and your world’s consciousness. This growing, rising, and expanding state is the entire purpose of all that is happening within you. And what is happening around you follows that as it always has and always will.

    As more and more of you begin to realize and make use of these principles, the change will accelerate even more. You can measure the progress you are making by this acceleration.

    We, your angels and guides, are amazed and overjoyed. We can actually see this happening right now. Many of you can, as well. Reach out. Look around you. If you are not yet able to sense it for yourselves, you will be able to find those who can if you look for them. If you do sense it, you will be able to help those others, and in the process, reinforce your own growing happiness and joy.

    We tell you frequently that we are with you at all times. We tell you now that the ‘veil’, as you term it, is now so thin that almost all of you will feel our presence if you but try. We are at your shoulders now and will speak again shortly. Good day.
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    Post  We Are You Thu Nov 01, 2012 9:36 am

    UFO/ET Disclosure, NESARA, Accountability, Earth Changes, Ascension, and the Golden Age

    5. 2012 FOR BEGINNERS
    8. THE 2012 SCENARIO
    12. 2012 HISTORY
    14A. MEET-UPS
    14B. MEET-UPS II

    The Divine Mother: You are Ready to Come Home
    2012 November 1
    Posted by Steve Beckow

    Linda Dillon channeled a message from the Divine Mother at the second Sedona Conference on Oct. 31, 2012, which reported that we were past the tipping point for Ascension.

    My embrace is gentle and it is strong and it will fortify you for the days that lie ahead. Yes, Ascension.

    [Ascension] is my plan. It is the Divine Plan and it is what we have waited for. Your countdown is on and so is ours. Every day we take the measure of the quotient of light and love on this planet and in the collective, and, dear hearts, it is growing.

    It is not growing so that you will reach a tipping point. You are already there. You are all ready to come home. No, not to what to what you think of as the outer realms or Nirvana.

    You are ready to come home to your Fifth Dimension, to your Nova Earth, to your nova self in your magnificent form of crystalline, diamonds under pressure. That is what we have worked so diligently with you for so long. Oh, long before you were born.

    I come this day to infuse you yet again with my radiance. As you step through this portal with me, as you travel up, not going around the golden spiral, (1) but traveling up through the center of the golden spiral. Come with me, as I infuse you with joy, temperance, prudence, awe, and strength.

    I assisted anchoring you on my daughter Gaia. Whatever you need. And Michael has spoken on my behalf many times and asked you to dream big. You’re not there yet. So let me infuse you, let me gift you that as you expand your creations expand. Your being expands. And the feeling, the knowing, the anchoring of my essence within reach and every one of you expands. Let it be dear hearts, let it be.

    Allow and receive right now.

    Go with my love. Farewell.

    (1) In my discussion of my vision, I described a spiritual spiral that we follow as we complete our sacred arc from God to God. Our journey follows a spiral as well as an arc because we return again and again to the karmic lessons that we haven’t completed, which brings the same type of events to us again and again. This return to the same place lifetime after lifetime can be visualized as a spiral.

    Sage Vasistha, millennia ago, referred to this spiral as the “rise and fall in evolution” that is brought about by “the law of cause and effect.” (Swami Venkatesananda, ed., The Concise Yoga Vasistha. Albany: State University of New York, 1984, 94.) Twentieth-century Christian Master Beinsa Douno described it as a “partial rise and descent in an oscillating curve.” (“Brother of the Smallest One,” Lectures, 1 Janu

    Jesus: Peace Can Only Prevail When Peaceful Means are Employed to Obtain It
    2012 October 31
    tags: Jesus, John Smallman
    Posted by Stephen Cook
    Jesus: Peace Can Only Prevail When Peaceful Means are Employed to Obtain It

    As channelled by John Smallman – October 31, 2012


    Your Father’s Love for you is total, infinite, and constant, He never forgets even one of you for as much as an instant. You are permanently enveloped in His divine embrace, safe, secure, and at peace, needing nothing and desiring nothing because you have everything – He gave you everything when He created you.

    One of the many unfortunate aspects of your illusion is your inability to clearly perceive and understand the oneness of all that exists. Because all is one in God there is absolutely nothing to fear.

    Within the illusion things appear in a totally different light, and a seemingly defensive action against another is inevitably an attack on oneself (the word light is perhaps not the most appropriate one to use in this context). Many of you have read stories of people’s near-death experiences (NDEs), which demonstrate quite clearly that Reality is all that exists and that it is a place of total Love and Acceptance, in which you have your eternal existence.

    When your own doubts or anxieties about the truth of this arise remind yourselves of the uplifting, inspiring, and comforting NDE stories that you have read because they give you a very good overview of what to expect when you eventually choose to lay down your human bodies, as you know you will, releasing yourselves into the infinite freedom of Reality. When that occurs total comprehension will dawn on you with a sense of amazement and wonder.

    The illusion, in which you have been having such unpleasant and painful experiences for so long, is approaching its point of termination — the moment for its dissolution — because you have all become quite disenchanted with it. You have been in the process of changing your minds about it because the “dog eat dog” or “winner takes all” philosophy that has intrigued and motivated you for so long is no longer appealing, and you are finally understanding its insanity.

    As a result numerous organizations based on it are collapsing, as support is withdrawn from them and their members leave to join new ones that are forming with compassionate and loving infrastructures, designed to accommodate the needs of all on the planet.

    These enormous changes in progress are part of humanity’s awakening awareness that war and conflict — the eon’s old methods of gaining political advantage — do not work, cannot work, and need to cease. Moves have been afoot since the end of World War I to attempt to bring peace to the planet, but the old ways have been so firmly ingrained in humanity’s consciousness that it has been very difficult to bring effective changes into being.

    Fear of the “enemy,” whoever that happened to be, encouraged politicians and the military to continue developing ever more efficient killing-machines as they convinced themselves, and persuaded you, that by having the latest in weaponry they were protecting you all from the dire consequences of being caught unprepared by an enemy’s attack. And your history does seem to support that point of view.

    But of course the end result of that philosophy has been an escalation in the variety of weapons available, and an escalation in the numbers of military forces that are armed with them. An ongoing state of war has prevailed in many places because armies expect to be employed, and their commanders are always on the lookout for theaters in which to deploy them – supposedly to maintain the peace.

    Recognition is now being given to the simple fact that peace can only prevail when peaceful means are employed to obtain and maintain it. There is never a valid reason to engage in warfare. A war can never be “just” because war, by its very nature, is unjust and indiscriminate in the suffering and damage that it causes to all involved — both those who choose to take part in it and those who had no choice in the matter because they live in the area in which it is being waged.

    Nevertheless, despite the wars presently in progress on the planet, the conscious intent of the collective to cease all war and to disengage from those presently occurring is gaining a very powerful momentum.

    As Light-bearers and way-showers your expanding individual energy fields, strengthened and further empowered by their integration with the divine energy field, are having an enormous influence on the unawakened members of human society, who, like you, are here at this moment in humanity’s spiritual evolution to assist in the awakening process.

    You are all involved; you all have your place in this exhilarating and unfolding drama – Humanity’s Awakening! Attend to your spiritual intent to assist humanity to awaken with persistence and confidence, knowing, as you most certainly do, that it is God’s Will as well as yours — and that therefore success is assured.

    Your loving brother, Jesus.
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    Post  We Are You Thu Nov 01, 2012 7:44 pm

    Salusa: Meet us without fear

    November 1, 2012 by kp40 | 1 Comment

    At the end of his speech in Sedona on Wednesday at 4:00 p.m., Mike Quinsey gave an impromptu message from SaLuSa. Mike did not give it as SaLuSa speaking directly, but as Mike reporting what SaLuSa was saying to him.

    Thank you, dear ones, for coming to Sedona. I’m speaking for SaLuSa who wants to say that they’re more than grateful for people coming to Sedona. You’ve created much more light than previously which will go around the Earth and help to speed up evolution around the planet.

    The forces on the motherships and other craft are so near to us now. They’re monitoring everything that goes on around the Earth. The consciousness levels have never been as high as they are now and when they reach critical mass there’ll be an explosion of light on the Earth.

    They want us not to make the extraterrestrials superior in any way. They come as equals and when they come we’ll have a great celebration. They’ll continue to be with us after Ascension. They want us to become part of their plans for the future and they have a lot to offer us and will lift us into the higher levels they have described.

    They want us to meet them without fear. When they’ve come to the Earth, they haven’t done anything that would harm us or put people in a place of fear. But they do realize that the dark ones have always set about to bring us fear of their presence.

    They want us to evolve very quickly so that they can bring us the benefits of technology. The Sirians want to meet the Sirians among us, the Pleiadians, the Pleiadians, and so forth. After Ascension some of us will get the opportunity to return to our planets. It’s a choice we’ll make. Our real families are extraterrestrial, which we left when we volunteered to come to this plant to help with Ascension.

    They know us well. In the nighttime some of us go meet them on the ships but when we go back they close off our memories because the memories of experiencing their superior technologies and the warmth and comfort would distract us too much from our work on Earth.

    Even now they don’t want to upset the work of the end times. They’re very proud of the work that the lightworkers have done and even now they are very present with our spirit guides. They are as available to us as our guides and if they can help us in any way they will. What they do is when they are around us they try to influence us.

    They’re not very much inclined to give us dates but all will come in the very near future. They prefer that we allow things to flow and accept things as they are because all of this is in our best interests.

    SaLuSa thanks us for our warm interest. He is the voice for the original group that has come from the motherships. They don’t work separately. They work as teams. This teamwork will happen to us as well in the near future.

    Mankind has worked very hard in the past frew years to bring all races together and become one. SaLuSa does not want to be idolized. He does not consider himself to be anything special. But he does appreciate that we are helped by the messages. He appreciates that many of the messages have been repetitive but that is unavoidable.

    He can see us now. He can see our love, our light, our auras. He sees beautiful people merging together and creating a wonderful impact on the people of the world. The galactics appreciate our efforts and are coming nearer and nearer and appreciate our efforts.

    It didn’t exist some time back that people welcomed their presence. Previously fear was more prevalent than love but that has changed. The more love that comes, the easier it is for them to come.

    This is where SaLuSa wants to end his message but he wants to come back on Monday and we’ll continue.
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    Post  We Are You Fri Nov 02, 2012 1:43 pm

    Jesus through John
    Guidance from an elder brother


    « Peace can only prevail when peaceful means are employed to obtain it
    You have hunkered down into physical bodies that restrict you

    November 2, 2012 by John Smallman

    You are sentient energy beings of enormous power and creative abilities who have chosen for a short while to limit yourselves severely within the illusory environment in which you are presently experiencing life. You have the ability to manifest your presence anywhere you choose, and you are there as soon as you make that choice. Where you are now is the result of a choice that you made and continue to adhere to. You always have the freedom to change your mind, and you will shortly choose to awaken into Reality, leaving the illusion and all the psychic and emotional baggage that you gathered while you were there to fade away, forgotten and unnoticed.

    As you move towards this most significant and amazing event – significant and amazing, because it is totally unimaginable in your present unreal realm of unpleasant and disturbing dreams – you are releasing the bonds that tie you to your present state of limited consciousness. These bonds are any attitudes or beliefs that are in conflict with unconditional love. You have become so accustomed to judging others wrong and trying to prove yourselves to be right that those egoic distractions are very hard for you to ignore, let alone discard. But they are bonds that must and will be untied to free you from suffering and limitation.

    Because you are divine beings, one with your Father, your will is in alignment with His, and His Will is that you awaken into your fully-conscious and natural state. Therefore, you will. Presently, it is extremely difficult for you to conceive of Reality and what it means, because you have hunkered down into physical bodies that restrict you horribly in myriad ways. The real You, the Self that is one with God remains wholly connected to Source, but the egoic and embodied you is far too small to hold an awareness of that divine state, and therefore it experiences only the illusion and all the problems and issues with which that presents you in every moment. Unreal as they are, they still furnish you with a very convincing and seemingly real set of images, and it is hard for you to dissociate yourselves from them and focus entirely on your immortal spiritual being — the true You.

    When you pray or meditate you allow the guidance from your true Self to penetrate your human awareness to a greater or lesser extent, depending on how well you manage to quieten your human mind. It comes through as intuitive suggestions that prove themselves to be valid, and as feelings of upliftment, confidence, faith, optimism, and a love for all. It can be like a warm feeling of comfort and safety that is completely unaffected by whatever is going on around you. In your physical embodied state you are unable to maintain that feeling because the Light it holds is too powerful for your body to cope with for any length of time. What you do retain is the memory of it, and that strengthens your faith and helps you to continue carrying and sharing a reduced manifestation of the Light that your Father installed within you at the moment of your creation.

    That manifestation is with you permanently as you wander uncertainly through the illusion, seeking the exit, and the intuitive guidance or ideas with which it presents you are to help you find your way home — to Yourself. By finding your own way (each one’s path is precisely suited to the one who is following it, and to no one else) you help all those with whom you have any form of contact to do likewise. That is your task, and every loving thought, word, or action in which you engage moves you further along the path and therefore, closer to your awakening. There is no turning back for you because you long ago made the final choice to return to Reality. The resultant help you are receiving from your Father through your guides and angels is ensuring that no accident can befall you that would divert you from your path. So rest assured that you are protected from anything that could cause you harm. “Harm” would be failure to awaken, and that cannot occur.

    Your loving brother, Jesus.
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    Post  We Are You Fri Nov 02, 2012 6:37 pm

    Message from Matthew 10-21-12… “Obama… Accepted the Monumental Mission to Bring Peace to Your World… Neither He Nor His Mission Has Changed”
    Posted on 2012/11/02

    “Earth’s ascension course has reached a vibratory level of intensive energy surges and those are blocking the path of energy streamers with tempestuous negativity. Since those streamers can neither turn around nor go forward into fourth density, they are being forced to spend themselves fast and furiously.

    “This accounts for the tumultuousness you’re seeing, and we hasten to assure you, the current clashing will not end explosively! The light from our universal family combined with your own is far more powerful than the negativity swirling around the planet! And, a clear sign that Earth is prudently handling that is, far fewer deaths and much less property damage have resulted recently from earthquakes, her main mode of negativity release, than formerly.

    “Decisions and actions of the United States government are influential worldwide, therefore that country’s forthcoming election holds global interest. We have spoken about President Obama’ mission in the context of Earth’s Golden Age master plan, which is in accordance with Gaia’s desire of a peaceful world where all live in harmony with Nature. Her desire and the plan that embodies it transcend politics in every nation.

    “Obama, who has experienced many lifetimes in leadership positions, accepted the monumental mission to bring peace to your world, and he came in with the wisdom, vision, dedication, and moral and spiritual integrity to lead the way. Neither he nor his mission has changed.”


    Earth is a microcosm of your solar system, the system is a microcosm of the Milky Way, and your galaxy is a microcosm of this universe.
    …all of the ongoing changes on Earth and within you were set in motion seventy-some years ago when you gave energy new directions, so to say.
    The closer ones are to any energy movement, the more profoundly they are affected.
    Because your world is awash with duality’s negative components—fear, warring, divisiveness, rage, greed, deception, corruption, poverty and random violence—you are at the epicenter of dynamic quaking and shaking.
    …this is why we have urged you to focus on what you want in your lives and your world!
    The only way to stop that merry-go-round is with love, the most powerful force in the cosmos.
    …we have stressed the importance of sending light to the weakest links in our family chain of souls, those who have become captive of darkness.
    Earth’s ascension course has reached a vibratory level of intensive energy surges and those are blocking the path of energy streamers with tempestuous negativity. Since those streamers can neither turn around nor go forward into fourth density, they are being forced to spend themselves fast and furiously.
    This accounts for the tumultuousness you’re seeing, and we hasten to assure you, the current clashing will not end explosively!
    Knowing how your world became laden with negativity is essential for understanding Earth’s ascension, and an explanation cannot omit her reason: to be free of the massive negativity caused by the effects of political ideologies.
    Obama… accepted the monumental mission to bring peace to your world, and he came in with the wisdom, vision, dedication, and moral and spiritual integrity to lead the way. Neither he nor his mission has changed.
    …his efforts have been undermined by the Illuminati—those who are in Congress who are supported by those who are not.
    Soon all individuals whose actions are motivated by greed and control no longer will be around.
    Then you shall see why the highest universal council selected the soul born as Barack Obama to fill one of the most vital roles in your world today.
    With the countdown now measured in only weeks, before long you shall see current upheavals and conflicts start evolving into a unified desire for a world at peace and the onset of Earth’s Golden Age.
    Serious health conditions will change gradually rather than chronic illness ending in one fell swoop; however, once in fourth density’s vibrations, you will begin to feel remarkably refreshed in body, mind and spirit.
    Our good friend Hatonn tells us that all is in readiness [for disclosure], they are just waiting for the signal from the universal highest council, which acts upon God’s guidance.
    Customized changes in currency, banking, lending, taxes, commerce and investing will be instituted at a pace to minimize confusion, but debt forgiveness in the case of IMF loans to countries where the money never reached the impoverished masses is an economic priority…
    Quiet your mind of “3D” chatter and let your soul’s messages come as they do—intuition, instinct, inspiration, aspiration and conscience, the guidance that keeps you on track with what you chose in your soul contract.
    …regarding missions, we shall repeat what we have said about the comparative few who are needed to fill leadership positions. Most of you chose to be way-showers by radiating your light, and you are fulfilling that role simply by living as the BEing you are, one of God’s beloved children and related to all others in His family…


    Stephen [Cook]: Suzy has been one of the hugely popular speakers at the 2012 Scenario Conference Sedona – Preparing for Ascension and has only just got home in time to post this message she received from Matthew in the days leading up to October 21. She has also been eagerly awaiting her webmaster to get her back online.

    What a joy it was to have her effervescent presence with us all in Sedona. She delighted everyone with her vivacious personality, youthfulness and her humility. We love you Suzy!


    Message from Matthew 10-21-12

    With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew.

    Perhaps especially among lightworkers, who know that Earth’s exit from third density is imminent, there is concern because turmoil isn’t abating, and in some instances, seems to be increasing. We want to set your minds at ease about this by explaining why the world situation is what it is, and it starts with the Beginnings.

    Beloveds, what you differentiate as science and spirit are one and the same. There can be no separation because the origin and makeup of every thing in existence cosmos-wide is energy. This energy is the pure love-light essence of Creator, Supreme Being of the cosmos, Source, All That Is, Totality, I AM.

    At the same time that each of you is a unique, independent and inviolate soul self, in the infinite and eternal interconnectedness of All, each resident of Earth is a microcosm of the planet. Earth is a microcosm of your solar system, the system is a microcosm of the Milky Way, and your galaxy is a microcosm of this universe. Our universe is a microcosm of the cosmos, whose Beginnings were what you call the “Big Bang,” and from that moment onward, no thing exists only unto itself and anything that happens anywhere affects everything, everywhere.

    For the past several decades Earth has been on center stage in this universe because of the unprecedented swiftness and extent of changes on the planet, which are attributed to science, and within her peoples, which are attributed to spirit. Yet, all of the ongoing changes on Earth and within you were set in motion seventy-some years ago when you gave energy new directions, so to say.

    Energy is neutral, but streams of energy can be directed by their attachments of thought forms. The forms are actual substances, albeit invisible to your vision, and they are created by every thought, feeling and action of every life in existence. Thus the attachments are either positive or negative in nature, and this universe is teeming with both.

    The closer ones are to any energy movement, the more profoundly they are affected. Because your world is awash with duality’s negative components—fear, warring, divisiveness, rage, greed, deception, corruption, poverty and random violence—you are at the epicenter of dynamic quaking and shaking.

    Not only are those negative streamer attachments being generated there, they are emanating from there. Through the physics that governs life in this universe, energy generated anywhere shoots out into space, attracts and attaches itself to the nearest similar energy and, like a boomerang, returns with that reinforcement. Because Earth’s streamers at duality’s negative end are being sent out in abundance, they are attracting and bringing back exactly what they sent out. This immutable law of attraction is why your world still is steeped in turmoil.

    And this is why we have urged you to focus on what you want in your lives and your world! The many who are preoccupied with thinking about what they don’t want and their anxiety, discouragement, anger, sorrow and impatience about those situations are creating more of them in their personal lives and the world. Those kinds of thoughts and feelings are fraught with the negativity that prolongs the situations that they want ended!

    The only way to stop that merry-go-round is with love, the most powerful force in the cosmos. Love—the very same energy as light, only expressed differently—is what light beings throughout this universe have been beaming with intensity to Earth for more than seven decades. The initial infusion of light saved her life and gave her the strength she needed to jar loose from deep third density and start on her ascension course.

    With that in-pouring of light, Earth had more to offer to all of her residents, the microcosms of her Being, and her peoples who opened their hearts and minds received it and generated their own light, their very life force, more abundantly. We have rejoiced with and for each of them! Not only have their lives been uplifted in spiritual and conscious enlightenment, but their response created positive energy streamer attachments that further benefited Earth and her other receptive souls.

    Because we love every soul in your world, it is sad for us that some still are refusing the light that would replace their fear and anguish with healing and joyousness. As long as the dark ones were in control of your world, they felt powerful. When their control started eroding some years back, fear set in. By now, the Illuminati are desperate as their last few tattered remnants of influence—the media and segments of military forces and the economy—are disappearing. Tyrannical rulers also are running scared because their counterparts in some other countries have been overthrown by the citizenry. And many millions are living in fear because of those dark ones’ activities.

    Fear is a magnified emotion that sends forth the most potent negativity. Although that which is generated on Earth has effects universally, as we said, it most profoundly affects all life on the planet. Think how often we have stressed the importance of sending light to the weakest links in our family chain of souls, those who have become captive of darkness.

    Creator’s law of free will gives them the right to deny themselves light, but they cannot stop its cosmic forcefulness. Earth’s ascension course has reached a vibratory level of intensive energy surges and those are blocking the path of energy streamers with tempestuous negativity. Since those streamers can neither turn around nor go forward into fourth density, they are being forced to spend themselves fast and furiously.

    This accounts for the tumultuousness you’re seeing, and we hasten to assure you, the current clashing will not end explosively! The light from our universal family combined with your own is far more powerful than the negativity swirling around the planet! And, a clear sign that Earth is prudently handling that is, far fewer deaths and much less property damage have resulted recently from earthquakes, her main mode of negativity release, than formerly.

    We have stated that the purpose of our messages is to enlighten, encourage and offer spiritual guidance during this unprecedented time in universal history. Also we have said that we are apolitical—like all other spiritually evolved beings, we have progressed far beyond a political aspect in our nature.

    So why do we even speak about politics? Knowing how your world became laden with negativity is essential for understanding Earth’s ascension, and an explanation cannot omit her reason: to be free of the massive negativity caused by the effects of political ideologies.

    Political decisions affect the lives of the populace—civil rights, laws, education, employment, kinds of information disseminated, cultural practices, economic conditions, taxation, voting, medical care, religious orientation and designation of “enemies.” The bedrock of most of your world’s governments has long been war, corruption, deception and oppression of one kind or another, and all of that has produced rampant negativity.

    Throughout the ages, combative ruling bodies have caused the endless blood-shedding that almost killed your planet. That is why Gaia, Earth’s soul, chose to have her body leave third density, where darkness flourishes, and journey into higher densities where bitterly polarized political ideologies and their tragic results do not exist.

    Decisions and actions of the United States government are influential worldwide, therefore that country’s forthcoming election holds global interest. We have spoken about President Obama’ mission in the context of Earth’s Golden Age master plan, which is in accordance with Gaia’s desire of a peaceful world where all live in harmony with Nature. Her desire and the plan that embodies it transcend politics in every nation.

    Obama, who has experienced many lifetimes in leadership positions, accepted the monumental mission to bring peace to your world, and he came in with the wisdom, vision, dedication, and moral and spiritual integrity to lead the way. Neither he nor his mission has changed.

    However, throughout his term in office, his efforts have been undermined by the Illuminati—those who are in Congress who are supported by those who are not. An example of their combined handiwork that you will recognize is the oft-berated “Obamacare,” which is but a broken skeleton of Obama’s intention. To get any of the reforms he wanted for the people of his country, he had no option but to change some provisions and add or eliminate others so that Congress would enact the Affordable Healthcare Bill.

    Soon all individuals whose actions are motivated by greed and control no longer will be around. Then you shall see why the highest universal council selected the soul born as Barack Obama to fill one of the most vital roles in your world today. This would have been evident throughout his presidency had it not been for the tenacity of the dark ones.

    Despite their ability to delay major progress of reforms, Earth with her vanguard of lighted souls has continued moving apace toward fourth density. With the countdown now measured in only weeks, before long you shall see current upheavals and conflicts start evolving into a unified desire for a world at peace and the onset of Earth’s Golden Age.

    Let us speak about the very earliest stages of life in that Age. In our last message we enumerated the priority projects that will be undertaken. Now we shall describe what you can anticipate insofar as the general nature of society.

    As we have stated before, not all the glories of the Golden Age will be on its doorsill. Neither will a completely different or enlightened society arrive there. Both Earth and Nirvana will continue to be excellent schoolhouses for souls to evolve into androgynous beings—those who have ideally balanced feminine and masculine energies—and what needs balancing most of all are emotions because they influence attitudes and choices of action and reaction.

    Simply entering Nirvana doesn’t change a person’s nature and simply entering the Golden Age won’t either. We are not speaking about adherence to a soul contract—any who seriously deviated from their contracts, ignored the guidance of conscience and willfully chose dark ways, won’t be around—but rather your personality traits, interests, ideas, standards, aspirations, skills and talents.

    For example, a pessimist won’t become an optimist, nor will someone who tends to be lazy suddenly be industrious. Shy individuals won’t become gregarious or vice versa. Someone who analyzes a situation at length won’t start acting spontaneously and a person accustomed to doing a mediocre job won’t be a perfectionist. Baseball and soccer enthusiasts won’t switch to embracing the arts, nor will artists start training for the Olympics. Farmers won’t change their occupation and neither will teachers, nurses, mechanics, shopkeepers, chefs, architects, carpenters, computer programmers or anyone else whose work is fulfilling.

    In short, your characteristics, aptitudes, jobs, hobbies and so forth—everything that comprises the unique individual that each of you is—aren’t going to be different until you so choose. We wish to qualify that a bit: Individuals who enjoy hunting and fishing will rapidly change from those forms of recreation to other equally satisfying pastimes that honor all life in Nature’s realm.

    The grand difference that all will welcome is a willingness to start seeing situations from others’ perspectives, to adopt attitudes that lead to harmonious discussions and resolutions, and to proceed in ways that best serve everyone’s needs. You will be living in the love-light vibrations that engender those approaches and inspire actions accordingly.

    The “like attracts like” law of physics also connects persons who are kindred spirits energetically. Relationships—in families, workplaces, community activities or national organizations—that are based on that foundation will endure, those that are not, won’t. With the understanding that the goal of all souls is to grow in spiritual and conscious awareness, there can be amiable agreement when parting ways offers opportunities for that advancement.

    Serious health conditions will change gradually rather than chronic illness ending in one fell swoop; however, once in fourth density’s vibrations, you will begin to feel remarkably refreshed in body, mind and spirit. For many years you have been assaulted by a multitude of toxins that have taken a severe toll on the populace. None of those toxic elements is in fourth density, and as you continue moving into its higher, stronger vibrations, bodies will be restored to perfection.

    We know how eager you are to hear when our space family members among you and in your skies will be officially welcomed. Our good friend Hatonn tells us that all is in readiness, they are just waiting for the signal from the universal highest council, which acts upon God’s guidance.

    Is the economy really stabilizing or are the Illuminati manipulating that illusion? The global economy, which is a product of smoke and mirrors, to use your term, is irreparable. The foundation of the new system has been slid under the old so that when its collapse comes, the new foundation will be well established. That will enable the transition from the old system to the new to come about without the dam breaking, so to say.

    Customized changes in currency, banking, lending, taxes, commerce and investing will be instituted at a pace to minimize confusion, but debt forgiveness in the case of IMF loans to countries where the money never reached the impoverished masses is an economic priority and so is providing the essentials those many millions require. Remedying your bleak employment, homelessness and refugee situations also are priorities.

    To you dear souls who send my mother questions of personal nature—such as where and when to relocate, your missions, is your light sufficient to physically go along Earth, can your illness be cured—we don’t have the answers you are seeking. But you do—everything that is important for you to know is within your soul!

    In many messages we have urged you to stop relying on external sources to provide answers and instead, go within. Quiet your mind of “3D” chatter and let your soul’s messages come as they do—intuition, instinct, inspiration, aspiration and conscience, the guidance that keeps you on track with what you chose in your soul contract.

    However, regarding missions, we shall repeat what we have said about the comparative few who are needed to fill leadership positions. Most of you chose to be way-showers by radiating your light, and you are fulfilling that role simply by living as the BEing you are, one of God’s beloved children and related to all others in His family—all of Earth’s humankind, animals, the plant kingdom and the invaluable souls in the Devic realms.

    It is important to be discerning about information of world events, too, because disinformation still abounds in mainstream media, private publications and the Internet, including channeled messages. Again, go within and pay attention to the sensation that comes. If the information at issue flows easily, very likely it is truth; if you feel any resistance, very likely it is false. The lower consciousness level of a closed mind, however, will cause the person to reject all information that doesn’t support her or his rigid beliefs.

    Above all, do not get drawn in by any fearful information—there is nothing to fear! This is a time to feel joyful, excited and victorious! You are but a tiny segment of linear time away from the finish line of the greatest triumph ever seen in this universe, and in the continuum you have passed the finish line, you already have triumphed!

    We honor you for your valor and steadfastness in the light. We honor you for your perseverance and ingenuity in overcoming all roadblocks set in your way by the darkness and for your patience with delays. We honor you for leading your world into the new era of love, peace and harmony with all of Nature. Please honor yourselves as we do!

    LOVE and PEACE
    Suzanne Ward
    We Are You

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    Post  We Are You Sat Nov 03, 2012 4:32 am

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    Ascended Master Lanto ~ Awakening to Oneness ~ As Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~ Received November 1, 2012

    Ascended Master Lanto:

    Greetings, all. I am Master Lanto, here to bring you tidings and Love from all the Spiritual Realm. It is not ever that I have appeared through this channel, but find it necessary to bring my words of encouragement for your Ascension through her today, my dear ones.

    Throughout the times of your growth over the ages, over the eons since your fall into duality, I have been with you, watching your progress. I now again offer my support and my encouragement on your long but illustrious journey along through Ascension.

    Many times you have wondered, as you trekked along this winding road back to Oneness, as to your value and as to your capability to succeed. Well, I am here to tell you that you are all succeeding beautifully. It was not for the weak of spirit or faint of heart to embark on this wonderful path you are all on, my dear ones. No, it took and is taking great strength and wisdom and courage to continue.

    And for this I offer you my advice this day. With each breath you take, on this your fortuitous* journey into your Ascension, abide by your beginnings as magnificent Beings of Light, that you have always been. You have tapped a great deal of that potential so far. What remains is for you to step up the pace, my dear ones.

    Your potential is limitless to absorb the Light as it is pouring in in increasing amounts and no one is immune to or incapable of accepting the increasing amounts of Light as is being readied for your acceptance and sensitivities.

    Your acceptance is key as you receive the next portal of energy, building as we speak. To be prepared, I offer you my contribution for your advancement, which is:

    Begin each day with a prayer and a visualization of your being in a vast arena of Light. Imagine it to extend out for miles. Feel the vacuum as the Light swirls in ever-increasing circles and waves of penetrating bands of Light particles as you reach deeper with each breath you take.

    Feel yourself sinking deeper and deeper with each breath, as you feel and visualize a vast column of Light forming all around you. Take it one step further and imagine that you are glowing brighter with each breath. Get adjusted to the brightness, and then take it one step further and allow yourself to breathe in even more Light as you feel your cells and body light up even more, and suddenly there is no boundary between your body and the vast column of Light you are within.

    Now, try to hold this image and feeling for as long as you can, basking in the radiant white Christ Light that you were so used to being within, and in, many eons ago. Repeat this daily if you will, for it will speed along your ascension and benefit not only your own ascension but the ascension of all Beings and of planet Earth.

    I leave you now with a prayer you may wish to include:

    “I absorb the universal white Christ Light of protection with each Divine breath I take, knowing that in doing so, I increase the magnitude of protection throughout my earthly sphere and the sphere of all the universes, of all the Beings that inhabit this earth and of all the Beings throughout the universes, forever on into eternity. I pledge my devotion to the greater good of all humanity, and of all the Beings throughout the multi-verses. I know myself now as a Multi-dimensional Being, equipped with all the elements necessary to emerge as the magnificent Divine Being of many facets that I am, and at the same time a magnificent facet of the Divine Oneness, of Creator of All-That-Is.”

    I bid you farewell, my dear ones, with my own prayer for your magnificent opening of the precious flowers that you all are, so full of promise for your grand awakening into Oneness.

    I am Master Lanto, at your service, always.

    *Note: Master Lanto is using this word ”fortuitous” in the context of “being fortunate”, not in the context of “happening by accident”.

    As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are included. (Blog) (Website)
    We Are You

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    Post  We Are You Sat Nov 03, 2012 8:22 am

    Messages from Ann and the Angels – 11/03/2012
    Posted on November 3, 2012 by Laura

    Rate This

    This little guy doesn’t worry about his next meal. Someone like me just comes along with a snack, or he finds what he needs in nature. We are cared for too.

    Red Rock Spires

    ©2012 Ann Albers, All Rights Reserved
    Photo taken in Sedona, AZ
    Visit Ann’s Photo Site for more

    heartMessage from the Angels
    My dear friends, we love you so very much.

    It is indeed a time of great movement and change upon your planet earth. This movement can either be terrifying or awe inspiring. It can create miracles in your life or if you resist the movements of your own heart, it can create great chaos. It is no longer possible to attempt to control your lives as tightly as you once did, for the energy of love upon your planet is increasing and the power that loves you, dear ones, is attempting to steer each and every one of you in your individual lives. All of nature works in a glorious dance, and so too, humanity is intended to do the same.

    You have witnessed the winds blowing and the waters rising in your recent storm, but if you are paying attention you will also feel the winds of change blowing in your heart, and the tides of emotions rising. What humanity does not acknowledge and express, Mother Nature releases for you. Pent up emotions and whirling chaos in the human hearts give rise to swirling storms. Dear ones this is an act of love. Without such outlets, so many more of you would experience physical illness. Your dear Mother Earth loves you and she responds to you as a body must respond to the cells that comprise its totality.

    So how can you embrace peace in times of chaos? Dear ones, peace comes from abiding in the lasting truth that God is in charge and if you choose to align yourselves with that love, your lives will truly be “in the world but not of it.” Pray each morning. Ask God to come into your life, to guide and guard you. A very simply prayer and a few minutes of silent reception can change your life! “Dear God, take charge of my day. Here is what I would like to accomplish, but if you have better plans, make them known to me. I surrender to your love. I open my heart to receive your love.” Then take a few minutes to sit, breathe, and receive our love and the love of your creator. Such a simple exercise will change your lives.

    For in truth it is not the storms, nor the economy, the political leaders, or others in your life who are in charge of your happiness or well being. If you align with God, then you can trust that every circumstance around you has meaning, purpose, and value. Your lives will go more smoothly. Your interactions will be more clearly guided. Your economy will be that of God’s economy.

    So rather than wasting time in worry, set your intentions to align with God, to receive the love of your angels and the Creator, and to trust that your well being never has depended on external circumstances but rather the degree with which you choose to align with love. Sit, breathe, and receive our love each and every day. Take time to pray. Take time to acknowledge all that is good, true, and beautiful within you. Focus on these simple truths dear ones. Deal with the day at hand – do your work, vote with your conscience, do what you need to do, but leave the rest to the power that coordinates the stars in the heavens. For indeed everything is in right order. You are all learning what you need to learn, but the tougher lessons will pass ever so much more quickly when you embrace them with an abiding love and trust, that you – each and every one of you – are deeply and dearly loved.

    God bless you. We love you so very much.
    –– The Angels

    heartMessage from Ann
    Hi Everyone!!

    I haven’t turned the news on in ages, so it was surprising last weekend when the urge hit. Immediately I knew why. I have a fascination with the timing of our storms, and sure enough, there was Super storm Sandy, hitting the east coast, the week before elections. We are stirred up as a country, and it is no wonder that the mass consciousness is being reflected in whirling winds and rising waters.

    I called home promptly. My folks, my brother and his family all live in Northern, Virginia, where flooding is rare but winds can do some serious damage. My mom is recovering well from hip surgery and she’s a strong woman, but in my heart of hearts, I knew she didn’t need to deal with one more thing. So I prayed, “Dear God, thank you for keeping their power on and if it must go out, assist them with grace and ease.” My mom wasn’t worried. She told me she had slept deeply listening to what she considered to be the peaceful sounds of wind and pounding rain. Dad had battened down the hatches at their home, but remained unworried. And reflecting their peaceful but prepared attitude, they were among the “lucky” ones for whom power remained on. “Luck” in my book, comes from a sincere faith, humble prayer, and a deep knowing that when trials hit, grace is at work and if you surrender to bringing love into the situation, greater good arises.

    To avoid tapping into the chaos and unrest in the world, I have been taking time each morning with God and the angels to sit in silent reception of their love. It works wonders. I feel “in the world but not of it.” I choose gratitude instead of financial fears. I choose to vote and then let it go and pray for whomever gets elected. I choose to let life happen and trust that God loves me. God does love all of us but the real question is, “Do you love yourself enough to take a few minutes a day to sit and breathe and receive love from the creator and the angels?” It takes less than ten minutes and your entire day goes more smoothly. I just sit and pray to be aligned with God’s will. I give God my to do list and ask for help, but I also surrender if my heart changes plans. My days have been flowing with grace and ease as a result. My favorite line when things don’t look as I wish is simple… “God, you know what you’re doing! I know you love me! I can’t wait to see the magic that comes from this!” And then I wait for my miracles with absolute faith.

    Living this way, they always come.

    Have a beautiful week, and if you are affected by the storm you are in our heart and prayers,


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    Post  JesterTerrestrial Sat Nov 03, 2012 8:50 am

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    Post  We Are You Sat Nov 03, 2012 8:54 am

    We Are You wrote:Messages from Ann and the Angels – 11/03/2012
    Posted on November 3, 2012 by Laura

    Rate This

    This little guy doesn’t worry about his next meal. Someone like me just comes along with a snack, or he finds what he needs in nature. We are cared for too.

    Red Rock Spires

    ©2012 Ann Albers, All Rights Reserved
    Photo taken in Sedona, AZ
    Visit Ann’s Photo Site for more

    heartMessage from the Angels
    My dear friends, we love you so very much.

    It is indeed a time of great movement and change upon your planet earth. This movement can either be terrifying or awe inspiring. It can create miracles in your life or if you resist the movements of your own heart, it can create great chaos. It is no longer possible to attempt to control your lives as tightly as you once did, for the energy of love upon your planet is increasing and the power that loves you, dear ones, is attempting to steer each and every one of you in your individual lives. All of nature works in a glorious dance, and so too, humanity is intended to do the same.

    You have witnessed the winds blowing and the waters rising in your recent storm, but if you are paying attention you will also feel the winds of change blowing in your heart, and the tides of emotions rising. What humanity does not acknowledge and express, Mother Nature releases for you. Pent up emotions and whirling chaos in the human hearts give rise to swirling storms. Dear ones this is an act of love. Without such outlets, so many more of you would experience physical illness. Your dear Mother Earth loves you and she responds to you as a body must respond to the cells that comprise its totality.

    So how can you embrace peace in times of chaos? Dear ones, peace comes from abiding in the lasting truth that God is in charge and if you choose to align yourselves with that love, your lives will truly be “in the world but not of it.” Pray each morning. Ask God to come into your life, to guide and guard you. A very simply prayer and a few minutes of silent reception can change your life! “Dear God, take charge of my day. Here is what I would like to accomplish, but if you have better plans, make them known to me. I surrender to your love. I open my heart to receive your love.” Then take a few minutes to sit, breathe, and receive our love and the love of your creator. Such a simple exercise will change your lives.

    For in truth it is not the storms, nor the economy, the political leaders, or others in your life who are in charge of your happiness or well being. If you align with God, then you can trust that every circumstance around you has meaning, purpose, and value. Your lives will go more smoothly. Your interactions will be more clearly guided. Your economy will be that of God’s economy.

    So rather than wasting time in worry, set your intentions to align with God, to receive the love of your angels and the Creator, and to trust that your well being never has depended on external circumstances but rather the degree with which you choose to align with love. Sit, breathe, and receive our love each and every day. Take time to pray. Take time to acknowledge all that is good, true, and beautiful within you. Focus on these simple truths dear ones. Deal with the day at hand – do your work, vote with your conscience, do what you need to do, but leave the rest to the power that coordinates the stars in the heavens. For indeed everything is in right order. You are all learning what you need to learn, but the tougher lessons will pass ever so much more quickly when you embrace them with an abiding love and trust, that you – each and every one of you – are deeply and dearly loved.

    God bless you. We love you so very much.
    –– The Angels

    heartMessage from Ann
    Hi Everyone!!

    I haven’t turned the news on in ages, so it was surprising last weekend when the urge hit. Immediately I knew why. I have a fascination with the timing of our storms, and sure enough, there was Super storm Sandy, hitting the east coast, the week before elections. We are stirred up as a country, and it is no wonder that the mass consciousness is being reflected in whirling winds and rising waters.

    I called home promptly. My folks, my brother and his family all live in Northern, Virginia, where flooding is rare but winds can do some serious damage. My mom is recovering well from hip surgery and she’s a strong woman, but in my heart of hearts, I knew she didn’t need to deal with one more thing. So I prayed, “Dear God, thank you for keeping their power on and if it must go out, assist them with grace and ease.” My mom wasn’t worried. She told me she had slept deeply listening to what she considered to be the peaceful sounds of wind and pounding rain. Dad had battened down the hatches at their home, but remained unworried. And reflecting their peaceful but prepared attitude, they were among the “lucky” ones for whom power remained on. “Luck” in my book, comes from a sincere faith, humble prayer, and a deep knowing that when trials hit, grace is at work and if you surrender to bringing love into the situation, greater good arises.

    To avoid tapping into the chaos and unrest in the world, I have been taking time each morning with God and the angels to sit in silent reception of their love. It works wonders. I feel “in the world but not of it.” I choose gratitude instead of financial fears. I choose to vote and then let it go and pray for whomever gets elected. I choose to let life happen and trust that God loves me. God does love all of us but the real question is, “Do you love yourself enough to take a few minutes a day to sit and breathe and receive love from the creator and the angels?” It takes less than ten minutes and your entire day goes more smoothly. I just sit and pray to be aligned with God’s will. I give God my to do list and ask for help, but I also surrender if my heart changes plans. My days have been flowing with grace and ease as a result. My favorite line when things don’t look as I wish is simple… “God, you know what you’re doing! I know you love me! I can’t wait to see the magic that comes from this!” And then I wait for my miracles with absolute faith.

    Living this way, they always come.

    Have a beautiful week, and if you are affected by the storm you are in our heart and prayers,

    We Are You

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    Post  We Are You Sat Nov 03, 2012 11:44 am

    A World of Love and more...
    In This Update...

    A World of Love
    We Won
    Ascended Master Lanto: Awakening to Oneness
    An Introduction to the Perennial Philosophy
    Archangel Michael Through Ron Head: Please Stop Jumping Up and Down
    Thank You, Everyone! Farewell, Sedona!
    Cosmic Vision News May be Delayed
    Connections from Sedona
    More Recent Articles

    A World of Love

    We’re headed for a world of love. Full stop.

    … No, full speed ahead.

    Everything else said would be extra.

    Love is the car, the driver, the road, the propulsion, and the destination.

    Love brings happiness. Love brings bliss. Bliss brings self-knowledge. Self-knowledge brings enlightenment. Enlightenment brings love.

    The purpose of life is enlightenment. Enlightenment means knowing our true nature, who we are, our essence. And that true nature that we are, that essence is love.

    God is love, works by love, and works through love.

    God is the way and the means, the origin and the end. Love is the way and the means, the origin and the end. God is love.

    Therefore the way to prepare for Ascension is to love. Where we ascend to is love. How we get there is by loving. How we know we’ve arrived is our love.

    We’re headed for a world of love. Everything else said would be extra.

    • Email to a friend •

    We Won

    Linda Dillon and admirer

    This is my personal statement only and should not be construed as binding the other conference organizers.

    Well, I’m back in the Northern temperate rainforest of Vancouver, out of the warm red-rock desert of Sedona, and I still don’t know why it is that we love our own part of the world best. Be it ever so modest (and my place is truly modest), there really is no place like home.

    I have Pachelbel switched on, I have a hot bath running, and I plan to sleep for twelve hours.

    But I wanted to review what was accomplished at the two conferences before closing down for the night. From a personal standpoint.

    I think for me the lesson is at last sinking in that love is all there is. Love is the essence of everything created, the building block, the solvent, the residuum, the ocean into which all dissolves again.

    I was surprised at the amount of love that was generated at both conferences. I still can’t quite explain it. But I know I, the rest of the speakers, and I believe I’m correct in saying those in attendance were ready to open ourselves to love in a way that we never were before.

    Yes, a great part of that is the rising energies. A great part is what Matthew Ward, Archangel Michael, and the Divine Mother called the expectation produced by the countdown. But there was something else that I’m having trouble putting my finger on and I’ll try my best to see if I can put it into words.

    Blossom channeling White Cloud

    And, in doing so, I have no interest in playing up something that isn’t there. You know I prefer the truth to positive thinking and I have no need or desire to puff or boost things. So this is not some kind of pitch. If the conference fell flat, I’d be the first to say it.

    But not only did it not fall flat; it soared. And here is one big reason, I think, that it did. And it comes from listening to you.

    You know that I heard you talk about being recovering Catholics and recovering Mormons. I heard you discuss the terrific illnesses that you’ve battled. Some of you were managing MS, chronic fatigue, chronic poverty. Others have left jobs and relationships to live in the knowledge of what is occurring.

    Mike Quinsey channeling SaLuSa

    I looked back on my own recent life as well. In the course of my musing, I remembered Archangel Michael saying in his address to the conference that Hurricane Sandy was in part aimed at removing cabalistic negativity in Washington and New York City.

    And I thought to myself that you and I and everyone at the conference have been through a war together. That’s how it showed up for me at that moment.

    As communicators and lightworkers, we’ve fought the cabal to see that no second 9/11′s could occur, that HAARP was exposed, and chemtrails, and assassinations, and thrown elections, and so on. We’ve been part of overthrowing the cabal and ending their influence on Earth.

    And we’ve risked our lives to name the criminals in the cabal and their crimes and make disclosure of our galactic family when government leaders were afraid to do so. And behind the scenes we’ve been working on NESARA and other projects that even now cannot be revealed (but soon will be).

    We’ve been through a war to end elitist control of this world, to focus on the inequity that sees efforts to create universal medicare foiled, to end unequal taxation or the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few, to prevent a nuclear Third World War, and to bring peace and harmony to the planet.

    And we’ve succeeded in that war. Certainly not without the help of the invisibles and the galactics. But we put everything we had on the line and we triumphed.

    It wasn’t a war of our making or desiring. It was a war that was thrust upon us and one we didn’t even know was transpiring until it was almost too late.

    At Sierra’s two conferences, there was a tacit recognition of what we’d all been through. How many times did I hear people call this blog and others like it, or InLight Radio, a “lifeline”? We’ve offered each other lifelines to get through a time of unprecedented restructuring of the world and we’re just weeks away from celebrating our victory.

    Los Abrigados

    I liked what Graham Dewyea said at the conference, when he asked what if all this was hogwash? He confessed that he had grown so much in recent years that it wouldn’t matter and he added that the way we’ve been leading our lives in the run-up to Ascension is the way he’d choose to live his life anyways. And I agree wholeheartedly.

    This planet has come alive in recent years. We’ve shaken off the dumbing down which the cabal perpetrated on us through chemtrails, food additives, fluoride, television transmissions, educational starvation, and every other means they knew how to employ.

    We defeated a military-industrial complex that had overwhelming force in its favor and never hesitated to eliminate its enemies. We defeated governments who resorted to such death machines as the School of the Americas and hybrid super-soldiers.

    And, without any need to punish those who would have enslaved or killed us, we stand proud of our strength today and rejoicing in the triumph of freedom, democracy and love. I say without any chauvinism, false pride or exclusivity: We did it.
    There was at the conference an unspoken recognition of what we’ve been through and that we’ve won. Without strutting, or posturing, or belaboring the point, we know we’ve won. And because we’ve won, peace has won on the planet and love and compassion. The two conferences were a celebration of love – of the power of love, of the irresistible force of love, of the healing and soothing nature of love.

    Now we have an election to win and a new economy to birth and our good friends from space to introduce to the world and then a banquet to set. And then, when the banquet has occurred, and the shift has happened, whether it occurs all at once or gradually, we can all rest and smile at each other and spend an endless time as we did at the conferences, hugging each other and cheering. We fought a war together and love has won. Peace has won. The planet has won.

    Thank you all, at home and in Sedona, for sharing our celebration with us.
    We Are You

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    Get far away from Gulf Coast, New Madrid Fault, Louisiana, West Coast and East Coast - Page 28 Empty Re: Get far away from Gulf Coast, New Madrid Fault, Louisiana, West Coast and East Coast

    Post  We Are You Sun Nov 04, 2012 7:15 am

    Balance and Grounding is Required Now – Laura/ Multidimensional Ocean
    Posted on November 4, 2012 by Laura

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    ImageI quickly wanted to share what has come through during my morning contemplative sitting.

    I was reminded that being grounded and remaining in a balanced state is extremely important now. If one is not living in a balanced, harmonious and loving space within, in other words embodying love and light, how else can one expect to spread love and light?

    Spreading love and light is not about overuse of the head, it is not about the illusion that by reading about love and light a permanent inner balance and love will come about into one’s life.

    Go out in nature, in the sun, spend time with loved ones, feel the connection with Gaia, with Higher Self, and be with what is every step of the way.

    When we live in the Here and Now, all is possible. Future and past is repaired and creation comes into play!

    Hugs, Laura
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