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    Get far away from Gulf Coast, New Madrid Fault, Louisiana, West Coast and East Coast


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    Post  Aquaries1111 Wed Aug 29, 2012 7:44 pm

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    Post  We Are You Thu Aug 30, 2012 5:30 am

    Wednesday, August 29, 2012

    Mytre and The Arcturians

    Is It Real?

    After I ate familiar food with my crewmates, we stripped down and swam in the lake. Then, we lay down on the warm rock and talked about nothing. We told jokes, laughed and finally feel asleep on the warm rocks. When I awoke, the sun was low on the horizon and my friends were gone.

    Suddenly, I was engulfed by the deep sorrow that I had not been able to feel about leaving my beloved family. I was alone now, so I could cry like a baby, and I did. As I cried, images from being on the Mother’s land with Mytria, laughing with her, and making love filled my heart.

    Slowly, I realized that those images were stronger than the feeling of grief and I began to focus on the feel of the images. As I allowed the feeling of deep friendship, love and fun to fill my body, I began to understand what the Arcturian meant by “perceiving with emotion.”

    When my emotion was sad, all I could perceive was that I was alone on a rock that was once filled with love. However, as I gave my sorrow a voice, my perceptions began to change. In my mind’s eye I actually saw that which I was remembering. With the feeling of love filling my body, I looked out towards the setting Sun and saw my SELF.

    I don’t know how to explain how I saw myself, as I saw it with the emotion of Bliss. I had released my loneliness and deep sorrow and replaced it with the FEEL of love for another. Then, once I felt love for another, I was able to love my SELF. By SELF, I mean, the self that is ONE with the SELF that is ONE.

    At that time, that sounded like a poor sentence, but gradually I began to understand what it meant. I was creating the hologram with my thoughts, just like the Arcturian said I would. I called forth my friend and gave life to my friend who had died. I hung out with them on a sunny day because I needed to feel like a “normal” guy relaxing with his buddies. Finally, I fell asleep as I could no longer believe the fantasy that I had created.

    With the loss of my illusion, I had to face my truth. Fear and sorrow came fast, and love and happiness came in a slow, but enduring manner. When I allowed my emotions to speak to me, I could see the truth around me. Much to my surprise, that truth included the fact that my sorrow was not just for my family.

    I was mourning the loss of all that I had held to be true, honest and real. Now that I realized that my real world was an illusion, all I could perceive was the truth. With that final realization, the lake vanished, the rock vanished, the trees vanished and the setting sun revealed the door out of the holosuite.

    I knew that walking through that door was acknowledging that everything that I had ever known, done, had and experienced was an illusion. Through the door was my true SELF. Yes, of course, this SELF was within me, but through the door I would learn how to remember who I really am.

    I stared at the flat door on the empty wall for a very long time. I knew that I no longer had a choice. Once I moved our small Ship with my mind, everything changed because I changed. Then, when I left the Restoration Chamber, I began to BE my truth, which terrified me.

    I stood up and walked toward the door. With my head held high, I walked through the door and followed the awaiting Arcturian who greeted me with an open heart. No words were needed, for now I could read its mind.

    As my Arcturian friend (they don’t have names in the manner that I was used to) led me through the corridor, it started to float higher and higher above the floor. I know that it was encouraging me to do the same, but my doubts were louder than my belief in my SELF.

    With that thought, the Arcturian turned around and stared into my face. Gradually, a small golden light grew within me. In fact, it felt as if it was gently rising above the threshold of my inner doubt.

    I know that sentence does not make sense, but my doubt was not infinite. It was strong within the part of me that still held fear, the part of me that held the dark. However, this golden ball was rising above that fear and filling me with light.

    Yes, of course, this is the Sun that revealed the door out of the holosuite and into my SELF. The Arcturian read my imagistic mind and spoke to me in an image more powerful than words. I could feel tears rolling down my face, but they were tears of joy. I threw back my head and opened my heart to the growing joy within me.

    I raised my arms up and out to surrender my heart to…what? I did not know, but the sensation of surrender felt wonderful. I closed my eyes and the surrender turned into bliss and the bliss turned into a total quiet, a complete calm and a sensation of floating.

    And then the Arcturian said, “Open your eyes.”

    I did not want to open my eyes. I was concerned that if I saw the outside world I lose these marvelous, healing sensations.

    “Open your eyes now,” I heard with a sense of urgency.
    Reluctantly, I opened my eyes and saw the ceiling of the Corridor inches away from my nose.

    I was so startled that I lost my concentration and started to fall.


    Much to my surprise, my fall was halted by the Arcturians firm words. I held the feeling of command in my mind, as I repeated, “STOP” until I could lower my feet to the ground.

    With a sense of pride mixed with embarrassment, I looked up into the Arcturian’s eyes.

    “Now is the time to start your lessons,” said the Arcturian with its mind.
    Posted by Sue at 8:44 PM
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    Post  We Are You Thu Aug 30, 2012 7:50 am

    Saint Germain ~~ The many chapters of your evolution : chapter Liberation ~~ 30/08/2012 Channeled by Méline Lafont
    Posted on August 30, 2012 by melinelafont

    1 Vote

    I Am Saint Germain and I wish to speak to you about the many volumes that display your course of life and your evolution, leading up to Ascension. You can easily compare your course of life and your evolution to a book which consists of many volumes and chapters, one even heavier than the other. Humanity in general has now arrived at the chapter entitled ‘Liberation’. Everything builds around this theme and consists of many phases that all lead you to this state of liberation, a fact that is now taking place. Everything cleares itself and dissolves to make way for the gigantic worldly and personal liberation.

    The accumulation of negative thoughts and of negativity in general occur in “snapshots” and in phases to then leave your fields afterwards, giving you the impression of being pressured. It is tiresome and it can give you a feeling of being fed up with it all, you feel disenchanted and you wonder why the same things happen over and over again, you wonder how negativity can still be incurred. I can inform you that it is not always the case of negativity being incurred as you only attract what you emit in thoughts and deeds. You are all working very hard with the Light and are evolving into higher and higher Lightbeings. So this is not a matter of incurring more negativity but rather of letting it rise up from your self through your self in order to, once and for all, leave your fields definitely.

    In most cases it is a matter of personally accrued negativity which was hidden deep inside yourselves that wishes to leave your fields. But on the other hand there is also collectively accrued negativity that passes through your fields on its way out and that’s the reason why this clearing feels as an unending process as new forms of negativity can come up depending not only on the choices humanity makes but also on the astral world which dwells around you in the form of the 4th dimension. Despite all that you now have begun the phase of the definite clean-up, make no mistake about that. So be grateful and welcome it, it will liberate you and your Mother Earth, and this has to happen one way or the other. The elimination goes in phases and that’s the reason why you all, at regular intervals, are feeling and experiencing this clearing process.

    You almost have reached the end of it, my beloved ones, and from now on you will continue to work more on your Ascension process with increased positive feelings and thoughts, that is, the negativity will no longer be of a lasting nature. So focus on positive issues in your personal lives and enjoy the fun moments; do the things you love to do that bring a smile on your face and a magical feeling in your heart. Love, love, love! Love everything around you, love your brothers and sisters, love your life, love your incarnation, love your heart, love your feelings, love your thoughts. In a nutshell love all what you can love and focus on seeing everything around you through rose colored glasses. Love is all there is, Love is all you need. You already know that all too well by now and you are putting that knowing to good use. Keep on doing that, this world can use all the Love that you can give and than some more as Love is always abundantly present. Just Love all, the way that I love you, it is of enormous proportions!

    I can assure you that some projects are now coming to the front and more specifically I refer to Nesara and Disclosure. Even as they are connected in a way they are also very different. We work arduously on both of them to get them announced and applied worldwide and we have now reached a milestone in these matters. They have often been stopped in their tracks resulting in unrest and delays but now we are steadfast on our way and they will emerge triumphantly. Together with Lady Master Nada I work diligently at the Nesara project in order to round up the finishing touches which will result in its introduction into your world. Nesara is on its way and almost complete, it only needs some more time to get it introduced the easy way, and since the greatest negativity and the darkest individuals are now removed from your world we are more at liberty to bring this forward. Have faith, it will come to pass as will Disclosure. Do not forget that Disclosure implies more a personal unveiling of issues that have heretofore always remained a secret for you. You determine what will be revealed on the basis of your own creations. I have discussed this in a previous channeling of mine.

    Let me say to you, my beloved ones, that I heartily wish to guide you in this chapter about your liberation, as it is my personal task and assistance that I am most pleased to grant you. I do this wholeheartedly as I love humanity deeply. I have had many incarnations on your Earthly plane and I really enjoy meeting with you to share my wisdom and experiences with all of you. I am not out of your reach and remain at your service for ALL of you. So don’t hesitate to call me whenever you are in need of my almighty violet flame, which is at your disposal to use as you see fit. I myself am also at your disposal as the Master of the Age of Aquarius, as the Master of numerous other tests I’ve completely passed . Now it is your turn to reach the same level and that’s why I am here with you and for you to help ascend everyone, including Mother Earth, to a higher state of being. My I Am That I Am greets you and sends you much heartwarming love.

    Saint Germain

    Copyright © 2012 by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.
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    Post  Eartheart Thu Aug 30, 2012 9:09 am

    Despite the exhalted flowery bouquet in the aural feedback to sincerly M-press our emo-cores,
    this soullevel Marketing/Campaining attituede pulls a lot of strings in that negative creations,
    while here i find Looving Minds and dreaming Hearths, dreadlines droped and future fractales.

    Compare - Judge - Reflect Liquid Code

    I like yourauric envelope cleared from negativity circuits and starborn lightfields dreaming isON...

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    Post  We Are You Thu Aug 30, 2012 10:38 am

    Nancy Tate – Wake up Call: Hatonn, August 30, 2012
    Veröffentlicht am August 30, 2012

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    Wake up Call: Hatonn, August 30, 2012

    I am here today to tell you that there is something coming up that will draw the attention of a multitude of people all over the globe. It is something that will ring true through so many that it will have a lingering effect on those who have been in tune with what is taking place and even with those who have not.

    As we venture down the road to ascension it is a wide and angled road. It is dispersed with more pulling back on the part of so many of those have sought to keep all of humanity in collapse. It is a path that is often wrought with non-forgiveness and deceit. This path is not working any more, for those who would seek to keep strong in every turn of the road are finding that love is the answer for everything. Love is what keeps the Light energy alive and in a clearing mode. It keeps clearing the path to ascension and therefore it is a brighter and stronger path of Love.

    It is time dear ones to see what is coming for all of you. It is a time for all of you to stand in your power and see what it is that you can do to keep yourselves in a state of growth and sustainance for the coming times. As the world around you falls away and makes way for the new world to emerge it is well known that there is a newness coming into being.

    With this newness will come the expression of who you all are and what you are about to do with your lives. It will represent the very epitome of what it means to walk in the splendor of your power and create your world as it is meant to be. It will represent your own inner clarity of what it means to live in peace, joy and love in a harmonic way.

    Give yourselves the joy of expressing that which you love, that which gives you joy, and that which creates a sense of what it means to put love first in everything. It will make a difference in these coming times. As it continues to build your new world you will see how your part in it is adding to the completeness that you see in every moment of your life.

    It is a tremendous change that we are all seeing. We who watch and assist when we can are seeing what is taking place on all levels. It is a matter of being in the flow of change and creating the best of worlds in all ways. It is the example you create of how to accomplish that which you desire and intend in order for your lives to represent the dream you have of what it means to be in perfection.

    Enjoy the ride my dear ones for it is in an uphill flow. It is in the best of energies. What you see that does not seem to be what I speak of, is merely the last part of what was once the way of life on earth. It is now in the last closures of the old way, and now on into the new way of life. As you watch the activities that take place in the coming weeks you will all see more and more of what I am saying. Watch for the truths of what has been taking place for millennia to come forth and be recognized. See the news media begin to represent what it is meant to be, the truth finders and keepers of the planet.

    We are here for you and we send you all our love. What we can do in the background to assist you we have been doing for some time. You are doing so much, in that you believe in yourselves. You back it up with the increasing energy of self-love and love for all of life. As this strengthens it adds to the evolvement and ascension process. We commend you and support you completely in these times. As the process builds you will see changes come about that have been in the works for some time.

    As a last note in this message I report to you that a new part of this one’s life is coming into being. It is in the planning stages at this time, however there is coming a time for Nancy and her beloved Bob and Toshiro to go on the road with their dear friends, Zaraya and Quasar, who represent the Hollow Earth, and what those beings in that part of the planet represent in these times. It will be a series of events that will bring forth what is needed to come into the open in the coming weeks.

    As we get closer to the Dec 21 time we are in the last stages of what it will take to clear away all of the debris that brings this all to a climax. I will speak briefly of this at the Family Gathering Tele-Conference tonight at Nancy’s home. There will be more announced about these travels that they will be making in the coming days and weeks. Till then, all is being put into place for this to come about. Blessings and love you all. Peace, joy and harmony are yours, for you to claim.

    Thank you dear Hatonn,

    Love, Nancy Tate

    The manuscript of survival – part 188

    As the time for the final countdown draws ever closer, the forces of the dark side are getting more and more desperate, and more and more devious. We have given you this warning before, but now the time has come to repeat this message. It is not a child’s game you are all involved in, and the stakes are high, so expect the other side to pull any and all tricks they can out from their sleeves at this time. And they are nothing if not devious, and they are in fact prepared to go to any length to inveigle themselves into your lives. They can come in all shapes and sizes, but for now, they seem to prefer the look of innocence. So let us just say that never has the warning ”beware of the wolf in sheep’s clothing” been more correct. For that is exactly what they are, these devious entities masquerading as true bearers of the light. And even if their words and their actions seem benevolent enough, you can easily see through their mask of innocence, and smell the rotten core hiding behind this seemingly perfect facade.

    For facade is all they are dear ones, and it glitters and glimmers enough to fool the most easily duped amongst you to believe them and literally show them in through the door. And when they do set foot inside your space, they will not leave willingly, and they can be mightily disturbing houseguests indeed. So again, heed this warning and take extra care of what you let into your ”house” from now on, be it in the form of words or energy of any kind, as there is much pollution about trying to sell themselves off as the truest and clearest of fresh air. Nothing could be further from the truth, so keep your eyes, ears and hearts open in order to catch the whiff of their real perfume. And when you smell it, make sure to slam the door in their faces as fast as you can, and do not open it no matter how hard they implore you to do so.

    This is not a simple game dear ones, but remember, this is a match that is less than evenly set up, and the side of those dark skullduggers is not the one that has the upper hand, far from it. So do not be afraid, but be vigilant, and all will be well. You are more than capable of detecting their sulphuric smell, so we do not think you are in any danger of being duped by these puppets of the dark. But stay strong, and stay out of fear, because in fear you will have a lot more doors wide open than if you stay firmly in your light at all times.
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    Post  We Are You Fri Aug 31, 2012 5:59 am

    SaLuSa 8-31-12…”You have so much to look forward to”
    Posted on 2012/08/31


    …in the relatively short period since your present century started, you have exponentially increased the Light on Earth to defeat [the dark ones].
    They no longer have the power or support to achieve any real measure of success, and are witnessing the demise of their empire.
    What we are dealing with now is the system that they set up that still functions.
    Once Disclosure becomes officially approved, it will open the floodgates to many other aspects of our ongoing relationship with you.
    …you will then join up with us on an equal basis, and together we will serve others who are needing the type of experience that we can give. Your future will bear little or no similarity to what you have been experiencing…
    In these circumstances, there is no point in trying to persuade others to do differently, as they will not feel comfortable out of their depth.
    Whether the media care to report it or not, we are progressing very steadily and matters are building up for a grand finale.
    …we are very busy overseeing our allies activities, and the more we work together the more success we are achieving. After Ascension our relationship with you will become even more personal…
    So hold on for while longer as whatever your problems whether they be physical or otherwise they will be solved. We know that many suffer the physical ills associated with life on Earth, but rest easy in the knowledge that all of them will be put right.
    When you get to know us you will see yourselves in us, and that is because many of you came from the civilizations that are members of the Galactic Federation of Light.
    You have so much to look forward to, so do not waste your time or energy worrying what will happen to the dark Ones.


    SaLuSa 31-August-2012

    The dark Ones really thought they had won the day, and the New World order was in their reach. However, they reckoned without your resilience and determination to stand up to them, and in the relatively short period since your present century started, you have exponentially increased the Light on Earth to defeat them. They still make noises and believe that they can still interfere with the plans for Ascension, but the fact is that they are now no more than a minor irritation. They no longer have the power or support to achieve any real measure of success, and are witnessing the demise of their empire.

    What we are dealing with now is the system that they set up that still functions. It does for example stand in the way of Disclosure, but with each day that passes their obstruction is being removed. Once Disclosure becomes officially approved, it will open the floodgates to many other aspects of our ongoing relationship with you. Open contact has to be seen as a separate issue, but will take place before Ascension occurs. The way must be first prepared for such great revelations, because many people are still in denial of our existence let alone ready to receive us. However, the truth must come out as your future is very much bound up with ours, because we are All One.

    Our arrival will not signal any intent to take anything away from you, and it is quite the opposite as we have so much to give you to help you leap into the New Age. That of course is not the end of it as you will then join up with us on an equal basis, and together we will serve others who are needing the type of experience that we can give. Your future will bear little or no similarity to what you have been experiencing, and will be totally different but also very acceptable. We might say that you have not lived yet, because your lives have been served in a false reality. It is one that you were given freewill to create as you wished, but was taken over by the dark forces.

    Your freewill will not be taken away from you, and whatever you choose will be your new pathway that will commence after this present cycle ends. In these circumstances, there is no point in trying to persuade others to do differently, as they will not feel comfortable out of their depth. Furthermore, there are no such things as deadlines where your evolution is concerned. You progress at your own pace, and if souls choose to stay in the lower dimensions then quite clearly they are not ready to move on. In all probability they will not need to stay in them for very long, as like you they can call upon their earlier experiences.

    Whether the media care to report it or not, we are progressing very steadily and matters are building up for a grand finale. The new financial situation is taking shape and the necessity for great change is being accepted. It cannot therefore be very long before some announcements about it are forthcoming. It will certainly be the beginning of the end of the Illuminati. Without control of the money supply they disjointed and unable to fund their various activities. We are in any event recovering vast sums of money, bonds and valuable metals that will be returned to their rightful owners or placed into a worldwide Redistribution Fund.

    Dear Ones we are very busy overseeing our allies activities, and the more we work together the more success we are achieving. After Ascension our relationship with you will become even more personal, and you will quickly become Star Beings as you were eons of time ago. For that reason you will take to it very easily and feel at home with what you will be doing. It will all be very purposeful and aimed at bringing you fully into your new lives. How nice it will be for you to know that everyone you meet will be trustworthy and sincere in their activities. Honesty will be taken for granted, as in the higher dimensions there is no place for anything less.

    So hold on for while longer as whatever your problems whether they be physical or otherwise they will be solved. We know that many suffer the physical ills associated with life on Earth, but rest easy in the knowledge that all of them will be put right. There is absolutely nothing that cannot be remedied though our healing methods, and as a Being of energy you will find that sound and colours are very central to them. Crystals are also very much involved and can be used in ways that creates the most powerful energies for transformation and cures. In fact crystals will play a very big part in your lives in future. These concepts are by no means new to you, as many of you were in Atlantis in the periods that they were widely used.

    We believe you are beginning to understand why you are so highly thought of, because your levels of consciousness were much higher in the past. The lower vibrations of duality have made it difficult for you recall those times, and it is only recently that you have started to awaken to your true selves. Your potential is unlimited and you will soon find your true place in the scheme of things. When you get to know us you will see yourselves in us, and that is because many of you came from the civilizations that are members of the Galactic Federation of Light. When you meet your own you will know immediately that they relate to you, and what a reunion you will have. Indeed, there will be celebrations when we can openly meet you, because you will realize that we have always been close to each other. It will be the most natural coming together of souls who have worked together for eons of time.

    You have so much to look forward to, so do not waste your time or energy worrying what will happen to the dark Ones. You will certainly be informed who has been behind the plans to take over you and your world, and who has been responsible for the atrocities committed throughout your history. Naturally you will be more interested in those that have occurred in your own lifetimes. There will be many shocks as people that you may have respected will be revealed for what they really are. Let the information clear the air of the speculation that surrounds tragedies such as 9/11, but please do not use it to seek revenge against those involved. Leave those matters to the higher authorities who know exactly what to do, so that you know justice will prevail.

    I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and wish you success in preparing for Ascension.

    Thank you SaLuSa.
    Mike Quinsey.

    [Next SaLuSa message will be available on 8th September. Many thanks for your good attention.]
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    Post  We Are You Fri Aug 31, 2012 5:21 pm

    Paradigms Not Aligned to Higher Energies Have Dissolved
    by ÉirePort

    Efforts to slow the advance of Higher Energies have been discovered and neutralized. However, all such efforts are by the nature of their intent bound to fail. We encourage all to release fear about coming and or already occurring changes. Grids which have been constructed during the past months are enabling only incoming Higher Energies to infold throughout the planet via Gaia portals.

    Flame-appearing balls of energy may be visible to some. These are Lighting up shadow places and burning all dross, both within and without. Conscious partnership is desired, not required. Non-conscious participants will experience higher inner turmoil factors.

    All non-aligned-to-Higher-Energies paradigms have dissolved. Completely. Play-outs of such occur only in individual minds, not in Gaia planetary consciousness.
    ÉirePort | August 31, 2012 at 21:23 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

    Final Balancing of Gaia Energies in Process…
    by ÉirePort

    Requisite balancing of all aspects of Gaia planetary energies is being conducted. Balancing of 3D tectonics, electrics, magnetic, and radionics is in process, prior to general human consciousness rapid-shift.

    This balancing occurs in alignment with individual Hue-man unit balancing. Resistance is not at all effective in counteracting, as balancings are occurring on a Galactic scale.

    Outer effects will be noticed, but relatively minor, and measured. Those desiring grand apocalypse are seeing such. Those desiring grand cataclysmic apocalypse and massive conflicts in Gaia energies and groups will not see such.
    ÉirePort | August 31, 2012 at 21:36 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:
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    Post  We Are You Sat Sep 01, 2012 6:24 am

    Accessing the 'Dreamer's Doorway' between Worlds
    There are portals in consciousness that bring access to fifth-dimensional realities and beyond. As we perceive and recognize these portals, we are able to step through them and experience realms of love and peace beyond what we imagine possible from an earth-bound perspective. One second inside these realms heals and empowers us to the level of world servers.

    Our Future Self Guides us to Healthy and Harmonious Futures

    Perceiving portals in consciousness is a skill honed through thousands of successful nightly journeys through the dreamer's doorway between worlds. During these journeys, we meet with our future self to receive instruction on the highest and best potentials we have seeded in our fields of the future. During these sessions with our future self, we receive insight into the care of our physical body and guidance on restoring any imbalances that were created in the past. Our future self helps us cultivate and actualize futures where balance is restored to our physical system and realities containing the essence of love, peace and harmony are central to our experience.

    The Upward Spiral to Ascension

    As this plan of self-actualization moves forward, our intuitive perception expands in our present moment, allowing us to perceive and access portals in consciousness within each moment. As we perceive and work with portals in our present moment, we create the causes of more empowered and enlightened future potentials. This upward spiral is both the result and the cause of past, present and future working together toward ascension.

    Emotional and Sleep Disturbances Bind us to Physical Reality

    This is how the system is set up but there are ways it can malfunction. Emotional disturbances are the greatest obstacle to the movement into fifth-dimensional awareness as they can bind one to lower-vibrational realities. One way a person is held back from self-actualization is sleep disturbances. These most always are the result of emotional turbulence in the energetic system, firing erroneous impulses across the horizon of our nighttime journeys and preventing the deep states of relaxation needed to access the dreamer's doorway.

    In other words, emotional turbulence prevents one from letting go of physical existence sufficiently to access other realms and commune with aspects of the self that exist beyond the radar of our conscious mind. In order to visit the place between worlds in our sleep states, we must be ready, willing and able to let go of our earthly existence.

    Awakening is Based on Learning to Sleep

    It is the great paradox of life that in order to awaken we must learn to sleep well. If we don't learn to sleep well, we will not be able to enter the state that is needed to pass through the doorway between worlds. When we sleep well, we are rested and ready when the door between worlds opens. When we sleep well, we are sufficiently detached from our physical reality to venture into other realms.

    Increased Brain Activity Marks the Space between Worlds

    The door between worlds opens at a certain moment in our sleep cycle. We undergo several REM dream cycles during the night. There's a moment before the final REM state begins. This is when the doorway between worlds opens and we're able to meet with our future self. The timing of this moment and the activity that occurs can be observed by using electrodes to record brain activity during sleep. During this sleep phase just prior to the last REM cycle, increases in brain activity can be detected that are greater than than that of waking states. This is where the information exchange with our future self takes place. It happens in a flash - in a space of time less than the blink of an eye. This information is downloaded into our subconscious and filters up to our conscious mind as intuition, premonitions and other forms of higher knowing.

    This is why those who receive adequate sleep are healthier, more intuitive and self-actualized - they have cultivated the sleep states that allow them to become adept at accessing the doorway between worlds.

    For more on working with your future self, see Messages from the Future: Adopting Your Future Self as Guide and Mentor by DL Zeta
    For more on timelines, see Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation by DL Zeta
    Also see: Traveling Time to Meet a Future Self in Consciousness
    Traveling Time to Release Energetic Bookmarks: A Soul Retrieval Journey
    Posted on Friday, August 31, 2012 at 08:53PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | CommentsPost a Comment

    Blue Moon Effect on Gaia and Ongoing Ascension by Adrial- Message channeled by Laura (1Sep12)

    Good day, this is Adrial. We have noticed many of Earthlings have been experiencing much unrest yesterday during the Blue Moon phase. The effects of the Blue Moon will continue for some time into this week we are afraid. See this as an opportunity for growth. While it is true that experiencing uncertainty, deep powerful emotions, even sadness or depression, doubt, projection of negative outcome in matters of romance and love is a trying experience for you all, we recommend you not to act on these strong impulses generated or being brought to the surface by this very emotionally loaded full blue moon.


    Do not deny yourself the experiencing of what is being shown to you now, you would only be running away from your own reality now. It is possible for all of you to grow even more as a result of these emotional times. This is nourishment for your soul dear friends. What is shown now are the areas which need still you to work on in order to make it into the higher realms of consciousness. Use this raw material to perfect the Divine product that you all are.


    Stay with what is shown to you during the coming days this week. Much of what is shown to you and experienced by will appeal to your consciousness. It will show you the worst shortcomings in your entire life. All the areas you and indeed your loved ones, your partner, or your twin flame have experienced in this life time. Please do not enter the judging game of others whose actions and feelings are affecting and influencing you. This will be a strong temptation for you to act and react to much of what is shown.


    The experiences will come directly from your own higher self, or possibly your twin’s higher self. This will also bring on some additional physical pain or discomfort. On the positive side, this will also allow you a much stronger connection with your higher self, and with your twin’s higher self. Distance is no object between twin flames, which are always connected whether they know it or not.


    You have already begun working with your twin on personal issues last night for the best part of you. This morning probably came as a blessing already to you, as if a heavy load was being lifted during your sleep. Perhaps some of you will recall some of the work done with your twin last night, in order to resolve the continuing issues, and perhaps the most useful insights at this time are being revealed to you during your sleep.


    Remember that all that comes to mind now are unresolved issues; these issues exist for you on a personal level since your existence almost. These have manifested into duality in a possible way. However remember that if these issues have manifested, it is also because you needed these to come into fruition and to have your attention focused now on the remaining matters holding you back from the ongoing ascension process.


    This is the last part of the marathon before the finishing line. Perhaps this image makes you understand better, for those of you who have experienced such sporting events, what is taking place now for you. This is the hardest part of the journey, no time to sit back and smell the roses until the finish line. The unfolding of ascension on a personal level for you and for Gaia is in your hands. This Blue Moon is also affecting Mother Earth, this explaining perhaps the increase in levels of ground shaking. This is why we have been working on the tectonic plates of Mother Earth in the past weeks.


    However, we are coming head on to an insurmountable barrier, for which your help is required. By this we mean, we need human help, conscious help from your own collective. This also includes help from your governments and citizens taking action and responsibilities for their actions. Indeed, in a rather unexpected manner, all the human instability also affects your Mother Earth. Please also consider your actions, how you deal with your emotions, seek balance, meditate on unresolved issues and unfinished business for the remainder of this week and month of September.


    Together, as a united consciousness and willpower you can heal Mother Earth from the ill treatments she is the object of for generations. Together you can divert any incoming threatening object to your safe environment. Because we are not of your world, our will power, and technology have huge limitations. Physical rules dictate that this is a time when you must awaken in order to bring balance into your own home, by this we mean Lady Gaia. We are here rather like guests if you like; we cannot dictate our will on you or on Lady Gaia. She and you can only respond to what you create and manifest.

    Please consider what has been said here today. With infinite love. Adial.

    Channeled by Laura
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    We Are You

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    Get far away from Gulf Coast, New Madrid Fault, Louisiana, West Coast and East Coast - Page 20 Empty Re: Get far away from Gulf Coast, New Madrid Fault, Louisiana, West Coast and East Coast

    Post  We Are You Sat Sep 01, 2012 11:05 am

    The most grueling and dangerous leg of the climb. – Michael channeled by Ron Head
    Posted on September 1, 2012 by Oracles and Healers

    2 Votes

    Today we will speak a bit about the purpose of this channel. As you are well aware, our energies are being channeled by several other very reliable persons. Each of these has a different purpose and skill set to bring to the table, as you say. Until a certain point is reached in the development of the ascension process, this channel agreed with us to help in bringing awareness and information to your world which would aid individuals to advance in their personal journeys by pointing out to them things which they were undergoing even though they might not be aware of them.

    A slight shift of attention is indeed beginning to make many aware of their own physical, mental, and spiritual development toward the promised new humanity. Each, of course has the option of not making these internal changes; but, assuming the choice has been made to do so, slight nudges in informational awareness are proving of much benefit.

    Soon this contract will be fulfilled. You and this channel will begin to notice a definite change in the source and content of these messages at that time. We trust that this will put his mind to rest.

    You are in a period now in which a very intense flow of energy is engulfing you and everyone else upon this planet. You feel almost certainly as if something huge and wonderful is about to occur. You cannot, for the life of you, begin to voice exactly what that is. Does this describe what you are feeling dear hearts? Know now that you are correct in all of that. However, when this change is complete, you still will see nothing specific. What it will do, is doing, is making it possible to absorb the next increase in intensity.

    Two weeks now of high change is upon you. You will be amazed at times at your own reactions, or lack of them, to what occurs about you. Congratulations. You will also notice increased craziness in many others. This is the difference of reaction to the same energies by the two differing minds experiencing them. You will know that the time is come for you to maintain your focus and center just as we have taught you.

    But we are sure we need not point this out to most of you. You have learned well and are making remarkable progress. If this time is bringing up any still unpleasant things for you to see from the depths of your consciousness, please do not fall into blaming yourselves. Everyone does have, has had, or will have much the same experience. All must be cleared. Some is yours, some is yours from lives you do not yet remember, and some may be things that you have agreed to clear from the DNA of your family lines. Attach no blame to these things. In fact, be proud that you have reached a point where you can release them. Just observe them, stay calm, and release them back to the universe to be transformed into the creative energy that formed them. Those cycles need not bother you again.

    One more point we would make at his time. This intense period will continue, and in fact increase, for almost two more of your weeks. At that time you will need only, and therefore will receive, a short respite to assimilate into your bodies what has been gained. It may seem as if there is no let up at all, for you have reached the base of the last and most major ascent. Every mountain climber could tell you stories of that. It is the most grueling and dangerous leg of the climb. You may approach this in dread and fear. We advise another approach. Open your hearts and stride joyfully and with cheerful intent to the summit. If you can maintain that attitude, your goal will be reached with much less real difficulty.

    That is all for today, dear friends. Peace and love be yours in each moment. Good day.

    Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

    Sep 1 2012
    Konstantinos: A synchronization and a communication

    Hello dear friends. Yesterday, I felt an inner urge to go outside, particularly to a known place of the city’s centre. I felt the gentle nudges from a group of beings who are members of my Arcturian family.

    So, while I was waiting for the bus, I was ‘hearing’ words, like ‘a big surprise’, ‘ensurance’ and some other phrases. When I got to the city’s centre, I sat to a cafeteria which was near to the city’s orchestra. They had set a stage and they were testing their violins and other musical instruments.

    At that time, these beings agreed with me to communicate with pictures of their appearance and telepathy, in order for me to make their sketches, keep notes for their features, skin and clothing colors and also write down their names. While I was trying that, the band didn’t make any noise. So, I concentrated carefully and I heard them saying as one, that six of them will be introduced to me…the names I wrote down were: AnOn, SilEsio, TherAl, MonEn, AnrAL, RAnlAn. Then, at 7:40 pm, ‘the big surprise’ came in…

    It was an amazing synchronization, a ‘sign’ from them to me. The band started playing (they were testing) a little part of the Star Wars theme. I was surprised thankfully of course. Then, at 7:45 pm they started playing wonderfully the whole Star Wars theme…it was really amazing what I heard and what I felt. After that, I needed round to 15 minutes to complete the sketches…I heard them saying that they would like a lot to be known to you. Iltheos is part of their family, though the Arcturians generally do not perceive ‘family’ as tight as 3D worlds do. They told me that when I’ll have time, they will transfer a message through me.

    When I came back at home, I drew them again and colored them. That’s their team portrait:

    That’s all for now dear friends.

    Much Love and deep Appreciation for what you do, in order for Gaia and Humanity to transmigrate to the New Age.

    Bella’s Dreamflight Update For September 1, 2012. ~ Swimming The Grids. By, Bella Capozzi.
    September 1, 2012 · by theangeldiaries · in Aurora Update, Bella's Posts. ·

    Hi Everyone!

    I just wanted to share some information that came to me yesterday, regarding tonight’s Aurora Dreamflight mission. As I’m sure you’re all aware, there are a great variety of different experiences available to you, both onboard the Starship Aurora or as a participant in one of her “on-planet” missions. My own ship-a sister ship to Aurora-will be participating with her tonight. This will be a joint endeavor to further strengthen and power up the network of undersea crystalline grids, which form a kind of intricate webbing beneath the ocean floor. If you’d like to learn more about this topic, I have a series of messages on my site by The Crystal Dolphin Pod, which may assist in your understanding of the grids and the issues currently facing our oceans and their inhabitants. I’m quite technically-challenged, and for some reason the link won’t work. So you can find the articles under the “Crystal Dolphin Pod” category, at:

    From what I’ve been told by Declan (who is now aboard my ship and is in charge of our Teams), we will meet up onboard Aurora and embark from there via smaller craft. I’ve had this experience before, and we actually dive into the ocean from a hatch on the bottom of these crafts, which are able to hover low and undetected over the surface of the water. It’s pretty amazing! Assembled into Teams, we’ll enter the ocean and make our way to the bottom, meeting up with our incarnated Sirian Brethren-The Dolphins! And then we swim. And swim. And swim…

    The purpose of all this swimming is to infuse the grid with our combined energies. (Bear in mind that you’ll still be inhabiting your higher vibrational bodies during the mission). This a way to further stabilize what is a very delicate structure (envision it looking a lot like lace). Right now, as I’m sure you know, the planet is really rocking and rumbling, and Gaia’s oceans are in need of all the loving support they can get.

    Please be kind to yourselves, and don’t be too upset if you aren’t able to remember this, or any of the other experiences you have on your Dreamflight. It’s a process, like everything else. I can assure you that one morning you’ll wake up stunned at all the cool things you remember you did while your Human body was asleep! Please trust your clairsentience (clear-feeling) implicitly, because much of what we recall comes in as emotion rather than imagery or words. A few tangible hints that you may have been a part of one of the undersea missions are:

    • An overwhelming sense of well-being. Dolphin energy is miraculously healing, and simply having an awareness of them is enough to make noticeable changes in your energy field.

    • A tightness or soreness in your shoulders or arms. Cellular memory is quite a fascinating thing, and oftentimes we take back with us the physical sensations of what we did during bilocation (dreamtime). We all are currently in the process of integrating our higher-dimensional selves with our human selves, and so this also makes physical memory possible.

    • A “feeling” of the color aquamarine. Okay, that may not make sense-but you may feel drawn to that color a lot more the next day.

    • A tremendous need to be around water. Also, you may also be more thirsty than usual.

    Another thing- do take note that you may be both experiencing as Yourself and looking at Yourself at the same time, during a bilocation experience. You may find that the “Real You” looks a bit different from the “Human You.” Know that it’s just another way your Self and your Team has of transmitting and validating information.

    Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Have a safe and happy journey!
    Bella ☀☮♥
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    Post  We Are You Sat Sep 01, 2012 2:13 pm

    Ann Albers Visions of Heaven – Messages from the Angels
    by Laura
    Saturday, September 01, 2012

    Dealing with what is

    There will always be things in your life that don't go as planned. There will always be unforeseen circumstances, people who don't act as you expect and things that don't work as you expected them to do. In life it is important not to remain stubbornly fixed upon the way life is “supposed” to look but rather to be willing to deal with the way life is. So much time is wasted on your planet in wishful thinking. Instead that time and energy can be applied creatively to say, "Ok, Here I am. Now what is the best course of action given the way things are?" The more you learn to embrace reality in front of you, the quicker you will move into the reality you want.

    Consider the captain of a sailing vessel. In his ideal world the seas would calm and there would be a smooth breeze to fill his sails. However, say a storm blows in, or the wind calms. The captain will get nowhere if he sits insisting, "The seas are supposed to be calm! The wind is supposed to be steady!" Far better to say, "The winds have become strong. How do I bring my best to this situation until I can sail into the harbor or out of the storm?" Alternately, if the wind has died down better to say, "Well, nothing is happening here. Do I wish to relax or do I wish to paddle?"

    So too in your life, the "storms" give you opportunity to bring or best self into your life, to apply more faith, more trust, more efforts, and more honesty in your life. The still spots give you opportunity to relax, to sit and ponder what you wish to create, or to decide to get going and make something happen. There is no right answer dear ones, only an honest answer.

    So in these times of incredible change and growth, do your best to stop judging what is in front of you and instead decide how to honestly deal with it. Do you want to stay in your circumstances or move away? How can you bring your best into any given situation even if your best is to be kind to yourself when you do not feel you are bringing your best. In this fashion, you will free up tremendous amounts of energy to move your lives forward into calmer waters.

    Ann Albers Visions of Heaven - Messages from the Angels.
    Laura | September 1, 2012 at 19:19 | Categories: Channels | URL:
    Your Loving, Good Vibrations ~ A Message Channeled by Suzanne Spooner of TAUK and Archangel Gabriel 9/1/2012 September 1, 2012
    Filed under: Suzanne Spooner — suzannespooner @ 2:05 PM
    Tags: Archangel Gabriel, Frequency, Gabriel, lotus flower, TAUK; God; Suzanne Spooner, vibration

    September 1st, 2012


    [Hello Gabriel!] Hello Suzy! [Your energy feels quite swirly & excited today.] It is indeed. Rest assure that all is on track with the shift. Our hearts join together with the hearts of humanity in this preparation of love and light.

    However one can bring peace into their heart, practice this often and with the knowing you are the Source. In a message for a client, she was told she was a teacher of light and that it wasn’t so much what she taught, it was that she taught.

    This message is much the same. If you are reading these words, know that it isn’t the way you obtain peace that is important, it is how your vibration shifts while in the feeling of peace that matters most.

    The vibration is then open to attracting other vibrations. The vibration that originates in peace is of a very high frequency. As the vibration spreads, it enhances other high vibrations and elevates ones that are not so high.

    The momentum then builds and before you can blink an eye, your feeling of peace has spread around the globe and into the cosmos! Yes, each and every one of you are that powerful.

    Now, I give you this beautiful visual to focus on; picture your heart as a lotus flower. As you send feelings of peace to your heart, visualize your lotus flower opening infinite petals. This is your energy to mold and experience. Dream big!

    Copyright © Suzanne Spooner. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete.

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    The Oracle Report for 1 and 2d Sept
    by Laura

    Saturday, September 1 - Sunday, September 2, 2012

    Full Moon Phase - Blue Moon in Pisces/Aries

    Saturday's energy involves dualities which can cause confusion and foggy vision. We see the parts of things, but not the entire picture. If we overthink things, the two hemispheres of our brains will go into a loop that can drive us crazy. We will naturally see two sides of situations, but we need to look beyond this and into the light. On Sunday, the tendency is to live up to the expectations of others. It is important to abide by your own spirit with this. We must reflect the path that our Source is projecting for us - not the path that others are projecting for us. If you remember, on August 23 I discussed Mars' entry into Scorpio: this is going to reform/refine our level of personal power. Scorpio is the energy of transformation! But since its ruler, Pluto, is the ruler of the Underworld, the transformation will come from a deep level and there may be other things hidden deep below that come up with it. This factor is what brings in the feelings of anxiety and fear. The hard part is standing by (letting it be) while the transformation occurs. Remember, everything is changing form now - everything - but it is leading to something better. By the time Mars enters Sagittarius on October 8, we will be much stronger individuals - physically, mentally, and spiritually. It's a spiral sort of process. This is the real thing that is happening with this weekend's energy. It serves to strengthen us. This outcome is good for our everyday lives, but more importantly, it makes our connection with Gaia/Sophia stronger. We come into closer range with her vision, making direct communication faster and easier. This is a great gift.

    In the Northern Hemisphere, this weekend is the traditional end of summer. In the Southern Hemisphere, it is the traditional end of winter. Both are causes for celebration, but Mars in Scorpio and the proximity of the Earth and the Sun to Chiron make it difficult to be light and carefree. It's heavy energy. Roll with it, knowing that the "down" times are serving the purpose of strength. Some will go deeply into the Underworld with this energy and that's ok because all journeys to the Underworld end in the hero returning with a reward.

    The Oracle Report.
    Laura | September 1, 2012 at 17:32 | Categories: Authors/ Spirituality | URL:
    We Are You wrote:The most grueling and dangerous leg of the climb. – Michael channeled by Ron Head
    Posted on September 1, 2012 by Oracles and Healers

    2 Votes

    Today we will speak a bit about the purpose of this channel. As you are well aware, our energies are being channeled by several other very reliable persons. Each of these has a different purpose and skill set to bring to the table, as you say. Until a certain point is reached in the development of the ascension process, this channel agreed with us to help in bringing awareness and information to your world which would aid individuals to advance in their personal journeys by pointing out to them things which they were undergoing even though they might not be aware of them.

    A slight shift of attention is indeed beginning to make many aware of their own physical, mental, and spiritual development toward the promised new humanity. Each, of course has the option of not making these internal changes; but, assuming the choice has been made to do so, slight nudges in informational awareness are proving of much benefit.

    Soon this contract will be fulfilled. You and this channel will begin to notice a definite change in the source and content of these messages at that time. We trust that this will put his mind to rest.

    You are in a period now in which a very intense flow of energy is engulfing you and everyone else upon this planet. You feel almost certainly as if something huge and wonderful is about to occur. You cannot, for the life of you, begin to voice exactly what that is. Does this describe what you are feeling dear hearts? Know now that you are correct in all of that. However, when this change is complete, you still will see nothing specific. What it will do, is doing, is making it possible to absorb the next increase in intensity.

    Two weeks now of high change is upon you. You will be amazed at times at your own reactions, or lack of them, to what occurs about you. Congratulations. You will also notice increased craziness in many others. This is the difference of reaction to the same energies by the two differing minds experiencing them. You will know that the time is come for you to maintain your focus and center just as we have taught you.

    But we are sure we need not point this out to most of you. You have learned well and are making remarkable progress. If this time is bringing up any still unpleasant things for you to see from the depths of your consciousness, please do not fall into blaming yourselves. Everyone does have, has had, or will have much the same experience. All must be cleared. Some is yours, some is yours from lives you do not yet remember, and some may be things that you have agreed to clear from the DNA of your family lines. Attach no blame to these things. In fact, be proud that you have reached a point where you can release them. Just observe them, stay calm, and release them back to the universe to be transformed into the creative energy that formed them. Those cycles need not bother you again.

    One more point we would make at his time. This intense period will continue, and in fact increase, for almost two more of your weeks. At that time you will need only, and therefore will receive, a short respite to assimilate into your bodies what has been gained. It may seem as if there is no let up at all, for you have reached the base of the last and most major ascent. Every mountain climber could tell you stories of that. It is the most grueling and dangerous leg of the climb. You may approach this in dread and fear. We advise another approach. Open your hearts and stride joyfully and with cheerful intent to the summit. If you can maintain that attitude, your goal will be reached with much less real difficulty.

    That is all for today, dear friends. Peace and love be yours in each moment. Good day.

    Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

    Sep 1 2012
    Konstantinos: A synchronization and a communication

    Hello dear friends. Yesterday, I felt an inner urge to go outside, particularly to a known place of the city’s centre. I felt the gentle nudges from a group of beings who are members of my Arcturian family.

    So, while I was waiting for the bus, I was ‘hearing’ words, like ‘a big surprise’, ‘ensurance’ and some other phrases. When I got to the city’s centre, I sat to a cafeteria which was near to the city’s orchestra. They had set a stage and they were testing their violins and other musical instruments.

    At that time, these beings agreed with me to communicate with pictures of their appearance and telepathy, in order for me to make their sketches, keep notes for their features, skin and clothing colors and also write down their names. While I was trying that, the band didn’t make any noise. So, I concentrated carefully and I heard them saying as one, that six of them will be introduced to me…the names I wrote down were: AnOn, SilEsio, TherAl, MonEn, AnrAL, RAnlAn. Then, at 7:40 pm, ‘the big surprise’ came in…

    It was an amazing synchronization, a ‘sign’ from them to me. The band started playing (they were testing) a little part of the Star Wars theme. I was surprised thankfully of course. Then, at 7:45 pm they started playing wonderfully the whole Star Wars theme…it was really amazing what I heard and what I felt. After that, I needed round to 15 minutes to complete the sketches…I heard them saying that they would like a lot to be known to you. Iltheos is part of their family, though the Arcturians generally do not perceive ‘family’ as tight as 3D worlds do. They told me that when I’ll have time, they will transfer a message through me.

    When I came back at home, I drew them again and colored them. That’s their team portrait:

    That’s all for now dear friends.

    Much Love and deep Appreciation for what you do, in order for Gaia and Humanity to transmigrate to the New Age.

    Bella’s Dreamflight Update For September 1, 2012. ~ Swimming The Grids. By, Bella Capozzi.
    September 1, 2012 · by theangeldiaries · in Aurora Update, Bella's Posts. ·

    Hi Everyone!

    I just wanted to share some information that came to me yesterday, regarding tonight’s Aurora Dreamflight mission. As I’m sure you’re all aware, there are a great variety of different experiences available to you, both onboard the Starship Aurora or as a participant in one of her “on-planet” missions. My own ship-a sister ship to Aurora-will be participating with her tonight. This will be a joint endeavor to further strengthen and power up the network of undersea crystalline grids, which form a kind of intricate webbing beneath the ocean floor. If you’d like to learn more about this topic, I have a series of messages on my site by The Crystal Dolphin Pod, which may assist in your understanding of the grids and the issues currently facing our oceans and their inhabitants. I’m quite technically-challenged, and for some reason the link won’t work. So you can find the articles under the “Crystal Dolphin Pod” category, at:

    From what I’ve been told by Declan (who is now aboard my ship and is in charge of our Teams), we will meet up onboard Aurora and embark from there via smaller craft. I’ve had this experience before, and we actually dive into the ocean from a hatch on the bottom of these crafts, which are able to hover low and undetected over the surface of the water. It’s pretty amazing! Assembled into Teams, we’ll enter the ocean and make our way to the bottom, meeting up with our incarnated Sirian Brethren-The Dolphins! And then we swim. And swim. And swim…

    The purpose of all this swimming is to infuse the grid with our combined energies. (Bear in mind that you’ll still be inhabiting your higher vibrational bodies during the mission). This a way to further stabilize what is a very delicate structure (envision it looking a lot like lace). Right now, as I’m sure you know, the planet is really rocking and rumbling, and Gaia’s oceans are in need of all the loving support they can get.

    Please be kind to yourselves, and don’t be too upset if you aren’t able to remember this, or any of the other experiences you have on your Dreamflight. It’s a process, like everything else. I can assure you that one morning you’ll wake up stunned at all the cool things you remember you did while your Human body was asleep! Please trust your clairsentience (clear-feeling) implicitly, because much of what we recall comes in as emotion rather than imagery or words. A few tangible hints that you may have been a part of one of the undersea missions are:

    • An overwhelming sense of well-being. Dolphin energy is miraculously healing, and simply having an awareness of them is enough to make noticeable changes in your energy field.

    • A tightness or soreness in your shoulders or arms. Cellular memory is quite a fascinating thing, and oftentimes we take back with us the physical sensations of what we did during bilocation (dreamtime). We all are currently in the process of integrating our higher-dimensional selves with our human selves, and so this also makes physical memory possible.

    • A “feeling” of the color aquamarine. Okay, that may not make sense-but you may feel drawn to that color a lot more the next day.

    • A tremendous need to be around water. Also, you may also be more thirsty than usual.

    Another thing- do take note that you may be both experiencing as Yourself and looking at Yourself at the same time, during a bilocation experience. You may find that the “Real You” looks a bit different from the “Human You.” Know that it’s just another way your Self and your Team has of transmitting and validating information.

    Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Have a safe and happy journey!
    Bella ☀☮♥
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    Post  We Are You Sat Sep 01, 2012 4:42 pm

    "I could see Armstrong bouncing on the moon"
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    Published: 21 July, 2009, 22:51
    Edited: 15 September, 2010, 11:31

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    TAGS: Space, Russia, SciTech

    Russia's prominent cosmonaut, first man to walk in space, Aleksey Leonov strongly rejects claims that Americans made up their moon mission and shares with RT his memories of Neil Armstrong walking on the lunar surface.

    RT: Your 23 minutes in outer space turned a new page in human history. What did it feel like?

    Aleksey Leonov: I can remember the first words of Sergey Korolev. They were instructional and educational. It was the year 1962, and he had invited us to his R&D bureau. We saw the assembly line and the ships under construction. One ship was different from the others, which were all “Vostoks.”

    Korolev said: “Meet Voskhod 2.” What made it different? A different engine system which added a retrorocket, and an extra 1.3-by-2.3 meter cylinder.

    Next, Korolev told us that a sailor aboard an ocean linear has to be able to swim. A cosmonaut aboard a spaceship has to be able to “swim” in space, as well as perform installation and de-installation tasks. Otherwise, we won’t be able to do anything.

    So, he looked over our team of 20, and he stared at me and said: “Hey, ace, you put on the space suit.” He told me to try doing the full routine – spaceship, airlock, outside, airlock, spaceship. “Also, submit your report to the technical command in two hours.” Of course, this was one of the most important tasks in my life. Later, I often thought whether it had been a mere coincidence or not. Why did he choose me out of these 20 guys? Gagarin was there, too. In fact, it wasn’t by accident. Korolev said a lot of good things about me at the command meeting. He had studied my CV carefully. But I only learned about it 30 years later, when I read the minutes of that meeting. This is how I made it into this program.

    Today, we don’t even pay attention when we’re told that cosmonauts go into the outer space and do extra difficult work. This is how the Hubble telescope was saved, and how they saved the second space station, when one of its docking elements got damaged. Anatoly Solovyev holds the record – he went out 16 times.

    I don't even remember my first reaction, but it has been recorded. I said: “Wow! The Earth is round.” You believe it when you are told, but when you see it for yourself, it is a unique experience.

    I am often asked about my feelings. But this is the classic idea of feelings – how you experience your surroundings. Blue Earth, bright Sun, like today, black sky, non-blinking stars. They are seen at the magnitude of 6 in space, and only at 3 on Earth. So the sky is filled with the glowing dots. And you feel the depth.

    The temperature, theoretically speaking, was around 3,000 degrees. But you don’t feel temperature in quite the same way in a vacuum, because molecules are few and far between. It’s better to think of body temperature when placed in this environment. The temperature was plus 150 degrees on one side of my space suit and minus 140 on the other. But on the inside, it always was a comfortable plus 20. Besides, when I came out, I had to do some hard physical labor, so I raised the temperature by 1.8 degrees in a very short time. If you warm up a healthy person by 2 degrees, it’s lethal.

    I only had 60 liters of air for ventilation. Today, astronauts have 360 liters! Plus, they have a heat-distributing shirt with cooling liquid flowing inside it. That’s why today you can stay in outer space for 6-7 hours. But the decision to develop this technology was made after the first command meeting, where I reported on my experience in space. One of the Soviet R&D plants was ordered to develop a new space suit which would be “one size fits all” and would have extra heat distribution. It’s so powerful that today, the guys are complaining that their feet are always getting cold! But that decision was instant and strong-willed. In five years, we got a new space suit with a metal torso and adjustable features.

    RT: You faced quite a few difficulties during the mission. You landed in taiga in the Perm region and spent more than two days in the cold. I understand that cosmonauts are strong people, but still, how did you survive?

    AL: A couple of days ago I saw Yevgeny Ryabchikov’s film. It was shot shortly before the next flight. They didn't know how to explain what was happening to us. Nothing was said about problems with entering. Apparently, everything was fine. But they commented on the critical situation, saying it was because of the “failure in sun orientation” – as if “the sun broke down.” So stupid! In reality, the automatic landing control system failed; it uses the sun as an element. It is like a solar watch which tells us where we are in relation to the sun. But the sun can’t break down! What did break down was the automated orienting system.

    So we were forced into orbit again. One circle around the orbit is 1,500 kilometers from the next one on the equator. This meant we couldn’t land where we were supposed to. Our new course went straight through Moscow, and we could land there, or in Nizhniy Novgorod, or in Perm. But we chose the landing site ourselves, without any enterprises, pipes or power lines, which we were especially afraid of – our parachutes had 50-meter-long cords. You could burn alive if you touched a power line. So we chose this remote, desolated area in taiga as a landing site, 170 km from the town of Solikamsk. For us, taiga was like a flat lawn.

    It wasn’t that difficult to find us. Before the flight, I took an administrative map and marked our circles on it. Also, I marked the spots where engines could be turned on and the respective landing spots. I didn’t have to make any calculations. I just took a photo of it and put it into the flight log journal. It was as if I knew this would happen to us.

    When it did happen, we knew we had very little room for orientation, and we couldn’t allow for making mistakes. If we went wrong, we were done for: there was not enough fuel for a second try. Plus, we turned off the automatic orienting system five minutes before we turned on the engines to save some fuel. There’s one more detail you need to know: “Voskhod 2” had a control system located at 90 degrees to the pilots’ seats. We sat along the ship’s main axis with the pilot wheel in our hands, but we had to turn our heads to the side to see the screens. We had to make adjustment for these 90 degrees for every maneuver decision we made. It was impossible to control the orientation. I had to leave my seat and go to the airlock while Pavel Belyayev was at the wheel. Also, we were afraid we’d start spinning.

    We landed 80 kilometers off the point I had marked on the map. We had a special system for measuring our location. I opened the hatch and used a sextant to make the first measurement. In theory, I had to make another one in 20 minutes to get two point coordinates. But we didn’t make it – a snow storm started outside, so we climbed back in and shut the hatch. When it stopped, we looked outside again. It was very cold, minus 25 degrees. The trees were cracking in the frost. We started freezing. I had water up to my knees in the space suit. So we took the suits off in this cold, ripped up the isolation material – nine layers of aluminized foil – and put the hard bits on the snow. This way, we could move around. When Pavel climbed out, he dipped into the snow up to his chin. The snow was 1.5 meters deep. It was in March, and the snow was soft and loose, like salt.

    We spread the space suits on the snow, so that we could stand on them. I set up the radio station and started sending a signal. I used Morse code, but no one could hear us. We were in the middle of the taiga. Neither Moscow nor Perm picked us up, but they heard us in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatski. They even heard us in Bochum Observatory, near Berlin.

    It was getting dark when we saw an AN-12 plane circling in the sky above. I later found out that the crew commander was Vladimir Kovalyov – he went on to become a member of the Soviet cosmonaut crew. Then there were more planes and helicopters. There was a plane going round and round at night – they said they used the noise from the propellers to keep away the bears and wolves. There were no bears, really, but we could see wolf footprints in the morning. This is how we spent the first night. Next day, a helicopter landed six kilometers away from us, and the landing party reached us on skis. Among them was Vadim Volkov, who later flew in my ship and died in my ship.

    RT: The first stage of Mars-500 project was completed last week. How realistic is this idea of a flight to Mars?

    AL: So far the Mars program is more of a phantom. I don’t know of any country that could say for sure that they are starting the Mars program and allocating a certain amount of money to it. This has not happened yet. Therefore you can say whatever. Sergey Korolev worked on the N-1 rocket, keeping the Mars program in mind. And that was back in 1962. We could say that we began working on the Mars program back then. But it would not be true, because it takes a definite decision to do it. One thing is clear: no individual country, like Russia, the US, Ukraine, will do it. This will be an international program.

    And the crew has to include six people minimum. And there have to be representatives of many countries – the US, Russia, the European Union, Japan for sure, maybe Mexico, Brazil, other countries.

    If we make this decision today, then count off 15 years, and in 15 years we will be able to launch the mission. We should not only create the technology, but we also need to train crews. These crews have to be different than what we have today. They have to get special psychological training. They should complement each other. Today they might be 10-11 year old boys or girls. We need to teach them to understand each other, be tolerant. They should learn languages and be able to function in different climates. Anything could happen. We ourselves ended up in taiga back in 1965. They could end up anywhere, in the Sahara, for example. These crews need to make a few flights together, work on the orbital complex.

    What do we have today? The energy carrier, we could restart its production. Secondly, we have experience with long-term life support systems. Titov was in space for a year, Yury Romanenko flew for 11 months. Sergey Krikalev, 844 days, enough to go to Mars and back. Russian life support systems are unique, no other country has anything alike, and they allow you to work in space for three to five years. Take water for example. You need three liters per person daily. So you figure out how much water you will need for two years. You can't do anything without the regeneration system. Russia has a very reliable system.

    RT: You were one of the cosmonauts who were getting ready for the USSR manned moon mission. But the program was closed and Americans became the first humans to walk on the moon. How did it happen?

    AL: This is a big disappointment in my life, because three years were lost. The training was extremely difficult. We had three crews who were supposed to orbit the moon, and then two people were going to land on it. The first part was going very well. During the very first flight there was an annoying error with the engine – the positive charge was mixed up with the negative charge. So the engines began to work in the opposite direction. The ship stopped at the intermediate orbit. It is hard to imagine now something like that happening, you can't even mix charges on car engines. The rocket industry was not connected with the jet industry. And things that had been worked out in the aviation were not applied in rocket construction. We had two accidents; people were killed, because aviation technologies had not been applied.

    There were six launches under the moon orbiting program. In 1962, Kennedy announced landing on the moon was part of the national program. They didn't expect Gagarin’s flight to space and the first man in open space. Brown himself told me: “We have not even thought of that. Technology allowed us to do it, but we did not have Korolev, so we lost the momentum.” Time was crucial here. Rocket industry takes time, and you can't speed up the process. The technology is strictly time tied. And they lost the momentum, later trying to make up for it. When White went into open space, he depressurized the whole space craft, which is very dangerous.

    RT: The US is often accused of not actually going to the moon and faking the images from there. What’s your take on that?

    AL: That is ignorance, total ignorance on the part of those who say so. These people don't know anything about technology. Or they just seek popularity. Only two countries did not monitor the orbiting of the moon and landing on it. It was during the Cold War. There were systems, monitoring planes as well as rockets. Our radars monitored everything. We did not have a mission control center. There was a space communication military base in Moscow. Americans announced the start of Saturn-5 with Frank Borman as the commander. We observed the start of the rocket, Americans were transmitting it to the whole world, and only two countries were not watching – the Soviet Union and China. Out of stupidity. We saw all four adjustments. Our systems saw how a huge meteor came from the south and landed.

    One interesting fact: Frank Borman came here some time after the flight. Crowds surrounded his hotel every day. The government held a great reception for him, there was a press conference. Our people greeted Frank Borman just like they had greeted Gagarin. It was pure joy!

    We could have orbited the Moon before Frank Borman. All the tests were going great. We were asking to go on L-6. “No, let's do more tests.” Korolev had died, and Vasily Mishin took over. He was an excellent engineer, but he didn't have Korolev's strong leadership skills.

    Our engineers didn't like the risk. So they launched the sixth unmanned craft, which landed 600 meters away from the launch. Precision, all systems worked perfect, but it was unmanned. This was the most painful thing. We had all the chances to orbit the moon before Frank Borman did it. As far as landing goes… We were supposed to orbit the moon three times and then pick two crew members. Americans planned for two people to land, we planned one.

    I was the lunar team commander and in charge of the group training. We had three crews on the team altogether. So, when the Americans announced their mission, we all gathered at this military base. We sat there, holding our fingers crossed. We wished all the luck to the guys. We personally knew them, and they knew us. Radars were monitoring the whole process. When the ship landed, their external cameras began to show the surroundings. We saw it all. Then the hatch opened, the next camera turned on (they really had thought it all through). Armstrong goes down the steps. The last step was about 50 cm above the Moon's surface. He was moving his foot carefully. We all froze, waiting to see what was going to happen next. He jumped off the step, then bounced and began to walk. He had an antenna that transmitted everything to the Earth; we saw everything that they did.

    The question about the wind on the moon: There is a copy of that American flag in the museum. The flag was taken out of the case and unfolded. And this unfolding looked as though the flag was being moved by the wind.

    The rumor started when Stanley Kubrik's wife commented on her husband's work. She said that it was very difficult to make the film about Americans landing on the moon. Well, it is understandable. There are two ships left on Earth. One is at the Smithsonian museum. It is not allowed to even take pictures there, because the displays there are extremely valuable. And the second ship, the exact copy, is in Hollywood. So he did some of the shots there, things like landing, opening of the hatch. Because otherwise viewers would not get the whole picture. So that's how the rumor about the landing on the moon footage being fake started. Two people even went to prison for bearing false witness.

    When it got to our journalists, they began to spread all kinds of nonsense. There were two idiots showing pictures of the Earth taken from the moon. They said they were optics specialists, and apparently it was impossible to take such a detailed picture of the globe with all the continents and even rivers. The funny thing is we ourselves took this picture from our unmanned craft, using the camera made by one of Moscow's optical labs. We did this! How dare they say things like that! And we had two unmanned vehicles for nine months there. It is such ignorance to say that Americans were never there, but we controlled our vehicles from the Earth. It is simply impolite. But it is even more impolite that only two countries did not watch the mission – China and the Soviet Union, both Communist countries. It is just idiotic nonsense; they robbed their own people off this experience. It is like if we didn't show it, that means it never happened. Like a cat that sneaks in somewhere with closed eyes, thinking it is invisible. It was wrong for such a great country to do something like this.

    RT: Does it make sense to continue the research of the moon today?

    AL: It does not today. But it is impossible to stop the process. It makes sense to go back to the moon, even in terms of the economy. This would be a great foundation that will bring us closer to understanding the universe. It would be much easier to work there, compared to the space station. We can do all that. Of course, we can always complain about lack of finances. But we shouldn't do this alone anyway. China wants to do its own moon program, but they don't have what it takes.

    China used the Soviet technology. I presented the construction of the Soyuz space craft to two major commissions. They basically copied our ship and the rocket. They would not be able to do anything without us. They have built up some potential now, but as far as I know they don't have reliable life support systems.

    RT: You are known not only as a cosmonaut, but also as an artist. And some call you the founder of a new sci-fi style. Did your inspiration come from space?

    AL: Yes, I am a member of the Artists’ Union. I was elected head of the space art group. I was the first one to integrate science in the process. For example, I used scientific methods of calculating the size, color grade. I built a special device for it. Two years ago I received a special award from the Russian Academy of Arts.

    I have been into all that since I was a child. I regret not getting a formal education. I tried to study at the Arts Academy in Riga, but other things got in the way. A couple of months ago I had my biggest exhibit with 80 pieces. People lined up outside the exhibit hall, waiting to get in.

    The exhibit was called “Earth and Space Art.” I also had a few portraits there. I tried to draw different parts of the world that I have traveled to in recent years. My space works are in different museums. Gagarin's museum displays about ten of my paintings. One of my space works is in the Dresden Gallery, in Tashkent, Almaty, Chile.

    RT: Is it true that one of the paintings was sold at Sotheby's for $19,000?

    AL: Well, $19,000 is nothing. Of course it's true. Last year I did three pieces with the students of my old school – “Dawn”, “Sunset” and “Baltic Wave.” The children left their hand prints on the paintings. Later they were auctioned off for 1.5 million rubles. Before that, I had sold another work for 1 million rubles. I did not take any money for myself. This was a benefit for children with heart disease. We had pictures of the kids on the wall, and the money was given to these specific children right away. They all were given pacemakers. Every buyer knew about the cause. The paintings on their gallery walls reminded them about it. Each pacemaker costs 120 thousand rubles. We were able to help ten kids.

    I donated several paintings to charity. This year the Czechs asked me to give one of my works to support an orphanage. Karel Gott and Havelka also participated. My painting was not big, and it was sold for $10,000. And I gave the check to the orphanage director right on the spot. This was a good preview for the cosmonautics congress that will take place there next year.

    In 1987 we had a congress in Saudi Arabia. I exhibited some of my works there, one of them was “Alexander Nevsky Church” I think. They had to hide them right away to avoid lawsuits. I also made a couple of paintings of Saudi Arabia. We made $75,000. Our organization is poor, the state doesn't support us, so I gave away $50,000.

    RT: You were a member of the state commission investigating Gagarin's death, where there are still more questions than answers. What do you think was the cause of this tragedy?

    Yury Gagarin (AFP Photo)

    AL: Contrary to popular belief, I was not a member of the state commission. The state commission included seven people. But the state commission used the help of experts. I was among them, along with German Titov and Stepan Mikoyan. There were also different research institutions involved.

    The official version said that the crew had to maneuver rapidly to avoid crashing into a foreign object (such as a flock of geese or an aerostat), and they hit the ground and crashed.

    But I’m sure it wasn’t this way. In the 1990s there were all kinds of speculations – that they were drunk, that they were hunting moose from the plane, all kinds of nonsense. All because the published report left room for speculation. Along with Professor Belotserkovsky I was allowed by the state to pull up the documents. We did a thorough investigation, using calculation devices. We had two points to work with. The first point was the one from which the report on completing the task came.

    They were at an altitude of 4,000 meters, and they hit the next point in 55 seconds. Research and route modeling show that the only way they could make that distance in this period of time was by going into a deep spiral. So what made them go into this deep spiral? It was not a flock of geese, nor an aerostat. We know for sure that another plane, SU-15, was in the zone at that time. These were planned test flights. I myself spoke with three villagers, and we did the reenactment. Three out of the five models pointed to the SU-15. Only they saw it at about 400 meters. All three of them said that there was smoke, then fire, and then it went into the clouds. So most likely the pilot used the afterburning and left. SU-15s were flown by pilots aged 35-40. I think the pilot dipped down below the clouds to look around. It was common practice, and I used to do it, too, when we had no radar. Then, he used the afterburner and flew away. But he flew near Gagarin's plane, without seeing it, at almost the speed of sound. It flipped his plane over.

    Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15 planes had 260 liter tanks. Seregin was the one testing the plane. With his own hand he had written: “It is not allowed to pilot MIG-15 planes with 260 liter tanks, doing aerobatics, advanced aerobatics and nose-spin.” This plane had such tanks. They dipped down below the clouds, thinking they were at about 600 meters. But they actually were at 400 meters, so the plane crashed into the ground. Had they had an additional 1.5 seconds, the plane would have soared back up. MIG-15 is a two-cabin plane, there is a delay in readings. This led them astray, and they couldn't see anything because of the clouds.

    The same year, 1968, at Almaty airport, a Yak-42 took off right after an Il-76. The air flow flipped it over at 30 meters, and everybody died. So a parallel air flow from a plane will flip over another plane.

    At that time I was in Kirzhach with my lunar team. We practiced jumping with parachutes. But because of the clouds we had to wait. I myself was piloting the helicopter. We heard two sounds – the first one was the sound of the explosion itself, and the second one was the sound of a plane going supersonic. The two events happened almost at the same time. When I was in the air they asked me to radio Gagarin's plane. There was no answer. And when I landed I found out that it had been 45 minutes since they ran out of fuel and Gagarin had not come back to the base. I ran to the control tower. General Kamanin was already there and told me they were thinking the worst. They got a hold of Kirzhach and sent a helicopter there. It found traces on the ground. In two hours the search party was already there. They found Seregin's remains right away. But they only found Yury's wallet and his map board. So initially they thought that may he had catapulted. They were looking for him all night. In the morning they found pieces of his jacket. Then they knew for sure that Gagarin and Seregin had been killed.

    They found body fragments as well: a part of the arm. Also on the previous Saturday Yury and I went to a hotel barber together. Yury dragged me with him. And while the guy was giving him a fashionable hair cut, Gagarin said, "Careful with the mole," he had this little mole. “I know this mole,” said the barber. When they found the body fragments, I saw this mole. Then I knew.

    I documented all my findings, drew charts. The time between the explosion and the supersonic. But 25 years later I pulled up my documents and didn't recognize them. Everything was rewritten. They wrote on the chart 15-20 seconds instead of 1.5-2 seconds. So with the speed of 700 this would mean about 70 kilometers. This is impossible.

    So the question is: who did this? And why did they do all this? There have been many press conferences with representatives of that pilot's organization, including Stepan Mikoyan. They said it was impossible. Ok, then who did this fake? I asked them and showed my copy. They didn't know.

    “Then give us the pilot's name, you don't deny the fact that there was a pilot there, give us his name.” And they still have not given it. Igor Volk said he knew who it was. But if this happened in 1968 and he was about 35 at the time, he might not even be alive now. But no one has given the name still. And when arguments start, I ask to give me the pilot's name. Stepan Mikoyan was supposed to know who it was. But they always avoid this question.

    RT: Are you superstitious, like most cosmonauts are?

    AL: Very much so. I believe in the power of the number 13. Believe that a woman with empty buckets is bad luck. You know, Sergey Korolev did not allow women at the launch.

    One time we came out of the building, wearing our space suits, and there was a woman walking toward us. It was really strange, she didn't even let us through, we had to step aside. I told Pavel, "Everything will turn out fine in the end, but we will have lots of problems in the process." And sure enough… This woman was the director of a film studio. They were making a film there. No one knows how she ended up there. We had all kinds of issues in the 3 days. She later cried really hard, blaming herself for the problems.

    We saw her on our way to the bus. We opened the door, and there she was. We had to let her through. When I was the team leader, knowing how superstitious cosmonauts are, I would find a cute girl, dress her up, give her two full buckets of water and send her toward the cosmonauts, as they were getting out of the hotel and walking on the red carpet. Did it for good luck. They had no idea it was a set-up. We still make sure to sit down for a few moments before we leave the hotel room. Leave our signatures on the doors and go to the launch. It's like religion, if it helps, then why not? Let people live with that religion. Everyone cries “Oh God, help!” when they are scared.

    RT: Have you ever seen UFOs? Do they really exist?

    AL: Belief in UFOs is just as stupid as the claim that the Americans never landed on the moon.

    For a long time, I was doing investigations in this field, and I talked to a lot of interesting people. Whatever they say, there’s always one question left unanswered. People want it this way. Unfortunately, this is all a fraud, even the alien autopsy tapes. Its creators later confessed that it was a hoax. But it doesn't mean no one has ever been on Earth. Religion tells us that there was an enlightener and apostles. That and ascension are present in all the world religions.

    But for me, there’s still one phenomenon I cannot explain: It’s those circles in the fields. It’s not a hoax, and you can’t fake one. What is it? No one has been able to explain.

    I’m 100% sure there’s no intelligent life in the solar system. But it has to exist somewhere. The nearest planetary system to us is in the Alpha Centauri constellation. But it will take you five light years to get there. This means flying for five years at the speed of light, 300,000 kilometers per second. We cannot do that. And we won’t be able to do that for a long time. This must be traveling through a biofield or something like that.

    Someone has visited the Earth, but we have only had the written word for several hundred years. Before that it was only oral stories with many errors.

    RT: Thank you very much.

    AL: It was my pleasure.
    We Are You wrote:Ann Albers Visions of Heaven – Messages from the Angels
    by Laura
    Saturday, September 01, 2012

    Dealing with what is

    There will always be things in your life that don't go as planned. There will always be unforeseen circumstances, people who don't act as you expect and things that don't work as you expected them to do. In life it is important not to remain stubbornly fixed upon the way life is “supposed” to look but rather to be willing to deal with the way life is. So much time is wasted on your planet in wishful thinking. Instead that time and energy can be applied creatively to say, "Ok, Here I am. Now what is the best course of action given the way things are?" The more you learn to embrace reality in front of you, the quicker you will move into the reality you want.

    Consider the captain of a sailing vessel. In his ideal world the seas would calm and there would be a smooth breeze to fill his sails. However, say a storm blows in, or the wind calms. The captain will get nowhere if he sits insisting, "The seas are supposed to be calm! The wind is supposed to be steady!" Far better to say, "The winds have become strong. How do I bring my best to this situation until I can sail into the harbor or out of the storm?" Alternately, if the wind has died down better to say, "Well, nothing is happening here. Do I wish to relax or do I wish to paddle?"

    So too in your life, the "storms" give you opportunity to bring or best self into your life, to apply more faith, more trust, more efforts, and more honesty in your life. The still spots give you opportunity to relax, to sit and ponder what you wish to create, or to decide to get going and make something happen. There is no right answer dear ones, only an honest answer.

    So in these times of incredible change and growth, do your best to stop judging what is in front of you and instead decide how to honestly deal with it. Do you want to stay in your circumstances or move away? How can you bring your best into any given situation even if your best is to be kind to yourself when you do not feel you are bringing your best. In this fashion, you will free up tremendous amounts of energy to move your lives forward into calmer waters.

    Ann Albers Visions of Heaven - Messages from the Angels.
    Laura | September 1, 2012 at 19:19 | Categories: Channels | URL:
    Your Loving, Good Vibrations ~ A Message Channeled by Suzanne Spooner of TAUK and Archangel Gabriel 9/1/2012 September 1, 2012
    Filed under: Suzanne Spooner — suzannespooner @ 2:05 PM
    Tags: Archangel Gabriel, Frequency, Gabriel, lotus flower, TAUK; God; Suzanne Spooner, vibration

    September 1st, 2012


    [Hello Gabriel!] Hello Suzy! [Your energy feels quite swirly & excited today.] It is indeed. Rest assure that all is on track with the shift. Our hearts join together with the hearts of humanity in this preparation of love and light.

    However one can bring peace into their heart, practice this often and with the knowing you are the Source. In a message for a client, she was told she was a teacher of light and that it wasn’t so much what she taught, it was that she taught.

    This message is much the same. If you are reading these words, know that it isn’t the way you obtain peace that is important, it is how your vibration shifts while in the feeling of peace that matters most.

    The vibration is then open to attracting other vibrations. The vibration that originates in peace is of a very high frequency. As the vibration spreads, it enhances other high vibrations and elevates ones that are not so high.

    The momentum then builds and before you can blink an eye, your feeling of peace has spread around the globe and into the cosmos! Yes, each and every one of you are that powerful.

    Now, I give you this beautiful visual to focus on; picture your heart as a lotus flower. As you send feelings of peace to your heart, visualize your lotus flower opening infinite petals. This is your energy to mold and experience. Dream big!

    Copyright © Suzanne Spooner. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete.

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    The Oracle Report for 1 and 2d Sept
    by Laura

    Saturday, September 1 - Sunday, September 2, 2012

    Full Moon Phase - Blue Moon in Pisces/Aries

    Saturday's energy involves dualities which can cause confusion and foggy vision. We see the parts of things, but not the entire picture. If we overthink things, the two hemispheres of our brains will go into a loop that can drive us crazy. We will naturally see two sides of situations, but we need to look beyond this and into the light. On Sunday, the tendency is to live up to the expectations of others. It is important to abide by your own spirit with this. We must reflect the path that our Source is projecting for us - not the path that others are projecting for us. If you remember, on August 23 I discussed Mars' entry into Scorpio: this is going to reform/refine our level of personal power. Scorpio is the energy of transformation! But since its ruler, Pluto, is the ruler of the Underworld, the transformation will come from a deep level and there may be other things hidden deep below that come up with it. This factor is what brings in the feelings of anxiety and fear. The hard part is standing by (letting it be) while the transformation occurs. Remember, everything is changing form now - everything - but it is leading to something better. By the time Mars enters Sagittarius on October 8, we will be much stronger individuals - physically, mentally, and spiritually. It's a spiral sort of process. This is the real thing that is happening with this weekend's energy. It serves to strengthen us. This outcome is good for our everyday lives, but more importantly, it makes our connection with Gaia/Sophia stronger. We come into closer range with her vision, making direct communication faster and easier. This is a great gift.

    In the Northern Hemisphere, this weekend is the traditional end of summer. In the Southern Hemisphere, it is the traditional end of winter. Both are causes for celebration, but Mars in Scorpio and the proximity of the Earth and the Sun to Chiron make it difficult to be light and carefree. It's heavy energy. Roll with it, knowing that the "down" times are serving the purpose of strength. Some will go deeply into the Underworld with this energy and that's ok because all journeys to the Underworld end in the hero returning with a reward.

    The Oracle Report.
    Laura | September 1, 2012 at 17:32 | Categories: Authors/ Spirituality | URL:
    We Are You wrote:The most grueling and dangerous leg of the climb. – Michael channeled by Ron Head
    Posted on September 1, 2012 by Oracles and Healers

    2 Votes

    Today we will speak a bit about the purpose of this channel. As you are well aware, our energies are being channeled by several other very reliable persons. Each of these has a different purpose and skill set to bring to the table, as you say. Until a certain point is reached in the development of the ascension process, this channel agreed with us to help in bringing awareness and information to your world which would aid individuals to advance in their personal journeys by pointing out to them things which they were undergoing even though they might not be aware of them.

    A slight shift of attention is indeed beginning to make many aware of their own physical, mental, and spiritual development toward the promised new humanity. Each, of course has the option of not making these internal changes; but, assuming the choice has been made to do so, slight nudges in informational awareness are proving of much benefit.

    Soon this contract will be fulfilled. You and this channel will begin to notice a definite change in the source and content of these messages at that time. We trust that this will put his mind to rest.

    You are in a period now in which a very intense flow of energy is engulfing you and everyone else upon this planet. You feel almost certainly as if something huge and wonderful is about to occur. You cannot, for the life of you, begin to voice exactly what that is. Does this describe what you are feeling dear hearts? Know now that you are correct in all of that. However, when this change is complete, you still will see nothing specific. What it will do, is doing, is making it possible to absorb the next increase in intensity.

    Two weeks now of high change is upon you. You will be amazed at times at your own reactions, or lack of them, to what occurs about you. Congratulations. You will also notice increased craziness in many others. This is the difference of reaction to the same energies by the two differing minds experiencing them. You will know that the time is come for you to maintain your focus and center just as we have taught you.

    But we are sure we need not point this out to most of you. You have learned well and are making remarkable progress. If this time is bringing up any still unpleasant things for you to see from the depths of your consciousness, please do not fall into blaming yourselves. Everyone does have, has had, or will have much the same experience. All must be cleared. Some is yours, some is yours from lives you do not yet remember, and some may be things that you have agreed to clear from the DNA of your family lines. Attach no blame to these things. In fact, be proud that you have reached a point where you can release them. Just observe them, stay calm, and release them back to the universe to be transformed into the creative energy that formed them. Those cycles need not bother you again.

    One more point we would make at his time. This intense period will continue, and in fact increase, for almost two more of your weeks. At that time you will need only, and therefore will receive, a short respite to assimilate into your bodies what has been gained. It may seem as if there is no let up at all, for you have reached the base of the last and most major ascent. Every mountain climber could tell you stories of that. It is the most grueling and dangerous leg of the climb. You may approach this in dread and fear. We advise another approach. Open your hearts and stride joyfully and with cheerful intent to the summit. If you can maintain that attitude, your goal will be reached with much less real difficulty.

    That is all for today, dear friends. Peace and love be yours in each moment. Good day.

    Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

    Sep 1 2012
    Konstantinos: A synchronization and a communication

    Hello dear friends. Yesterday, I felt an inner urge to go outside, particularly to a known place of the city’s centre. I felt the gentle nudges from a group of beings who are members of my Arcturian family.

    So, while I was waiting for the bus, I was ‘hearing’ words, like ‘a big surprise’, ‘ensurance’ and some other phrases. When I got to the city’s centre, I sat to a cafeteria which was near to the city’s orchestra. They had set a stage and they were testing their violins and other musical instruments.

    At that time, these beings agreed with me to communicate with pictures of their appearance and telepathy, in order for me to make their sketches, keep notes for their features, skin and clothing colors and also write down their names. While I was trying that, the band didn’t make any noise. So, I concentrated carefully and I heard them saying as one, that six of them will be introduced to me…the names I wrote down were: AnOn, SilEsio, TherAl, MonEn, AnrAL, RAnlAn. Then, at 7:40 pm, ‘the big surprise’ came in…

    It was an amazing synchronization, a ‘sign’ from them to me. The band started playing (they were testing) a little part of the Star Wars theme. I was surprised thankfully of course. Then, at 7:45 pm they started playing wonderfully the whole Star Wars theme…it was really amazing what I heard and what I felt. After that, I needed round to 15 minutes to complete the sketches…I heard them saying that they would like a lot to be known to you. Iltheos is part of their family, though the Arcturians generally do not perceive ‘family’ as tight as 3D worlds do. They told me that when I’ll have time, they will transfer a message through me.

    When I came back at home, I drew them again and colored them. That’s their team portrait:

    That’s all for now dear friends.

    Much Love and deep Appreciation for what you do, in order for Gaia and Humanity to transmigrate to the New Age.

    Bella’s Dreamflight Update For September 1, 2012. ~ Swimming The Grids. By, Bella Capozzi.
    September 1, 2012 · by theangeldiaries · in Aurora Update, Bella's Posts. ·

    Hi Everyone!

    I just wanted to share some information that came to me yesterday, regarding tonight’s Aurora Dreamflight mission. As I’m sure you’re all aware, there are a great variety of different experiences available to you, both onboard the Starship Aurora or as a participant in one of her “on-planet” missions. My own ship-a sister ship to Aurora-will be participating with her tonight. This will be a joint endeavor to further strengthen and power up the network of undersea crystalline grids, which form a kind of intricate webbing beneath the ocean floor. If you’d like to learn more about this topic, I have a series of messages on my site by The Crystal Dolphin Pod, which may assist in your understanding of the grids and the issues currently facing our oceans and their inhabitants. I’m quite technically-challenged, and for some reason the link won’t work. So you can find the articles under the “Crystal Dolphin Pod” category, at:

    From what I’ve been told by Declan (who is now aboard my ship and is in charge of our Teams), we will meet up onboard Aurora and embark from there via smaller craft. I’ve had this experience before, and we actually dive into the ocean from a hatch on the bottom of these crafts, which are able to hover low and undetected over the surface of the water. It’s pretty amazing! Assembled into Teams, we’ll enter the ocean and make our way to the bottom, meeting up with our incarnated Sirian Brethren-The Dolphins! And then we swim. And swim. And swim…

    The purpose of all this swimming is to infuse the grid with our combined energies. (Bear in mind that you’ll still be inhabiting your higher vibrational bodies during the mission). This a way to further stabilize what is a very delicate structure (envision it looking a lot like lace). Right now, as I’m sure you know, the planet is really rocking and rumbling, and Gaia’s oceans are in need of all the loving support they can get.

    Please be kind to yourselves, and don’t be too upset if you aren’t able to remember this, or any of the other experiences you have on your Dreamflight. It’s a process, like everything else. I can assure you that one morning you’ll wake up stunned at all the cool things you remember you did while your Human body was asleep! Please trust your clairsentience (clear-feeling) implicitly, because much of what we recall comes in as emotion rather than imagery or words. A few tangible hints that you may have been a part of one of the undersea missions are:

    • An overwhelming sense of well-being. Dolphin energy is miraculously healing, and simply having an awareness of them is enough to make noticeable changes in your energy field.

    • A tightness or soreness in your shoulders or arms. Cellular memory is quite a fascinating thing, and oftentimes we take back with us the physical sensations of what we did during bilocation (dreamtime). We all are currently in the process of integrating our higher-dimensional selves with our human selves, and so this also makes physical memory possible.

    • A “feeling” of the color aquamarine. Okay, that may not make sense-but you may feel drawn to that color a lot more the next day.

    • A tremendous need to be around water. Also, you may also be more thirsty than usual.

    Another thing- do take note that you may be both experiencing as Yourself and looking at Yourself at the same time, during a bilocation experience. You may find that the “Real You” looks a bit different from the “Human You.” Know that it’s just another way your Self and your Team has of transmitting and validating information.

    Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Have a safe and happy journey!
    Bella ☀☮♥
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    Post  We Are You Sat Sep 01, 2012 7:50 pm

    The Council of Nine to Me – “Challenges of the Journey” – September 1, 2012, by Tazjima
    Posted on September 1, 2012

    Wallowas from N. of Joseph

    The past few days have presented many physical and emotional challenges for our scribe. However, as the month of September commences, the energies are subtly shifting and some of her physical energy returns.

    Tonight, we would like to address the matter of communication with your guides and mentors. Even during her work period, our scribe has learned to keep in nearly constant inner communication with us, her guides and her twin flame. The past week, on several mornings, our scribe has woken up to find that she was communicating telepathically with one or more of her mentors. We would encourage each of you to discover for yourself this level of inner connection as it will serve you well during the final days and months of countdown to Ascension and the resulting disintegration of the 3D illusion.

    Yes, Ascension will happen and is happening right now. As we have spoken of before, your physical bodies are undergoing a period of profound transformation as your cells, organs and other structures are changed from carbon-based to a crystalline structure. Since the physical body is the lowest vibrating of all your four lower bodies (physical, etheric, mental and spiritual) any changes are liable to come painfully to your attention. Thence the neck and shoulder tension, headaches, sinus issues, nausea and dizziness, tummy irritation / upsets, muscle aches and pains, general feeling of malaise and profound physical and sometimes mental exhaustion. Our scribe also experienced an overwhelming sense of fear and panic, which she did not quite identify with.

    Our scribe is very accustomed to experiencing periods when she is obligated to step back a bit from outer activities and commitments (outside of work obligations) in order to allow her body time to adjust to the ever increasing intensity of the energies. After all, she has been dealing with these changes for over 25 years now. Tonight, she began to write out some of her earliest experiences with health problems related to ascension energies. We are now suggesting that, in one or another, she has been dealing with these energies since taking embodiment. For our scribe has suffered long periods of illness as a child, including one period of six weeks when her body fought off a strep infection contracted while at the hospital getting her tonsils removed.

    The pollution and negative energies of this lower vibrational world have always presented a physical challenge to our scribe, as well as to other lightworkers, especially the children now being born as crystals. If it were not for a basically sound physical constitution, our scribe would have succumbed long ago and left embodiment.

    Despite her physical challenges, our scribe has found a place within her high heart, a refuge where she can go to rest and recuperate even for just seconds at a time. As the polarities of the three-dimensional world appear to intensify and grow apart, this ability to center within will enable our scribe and others like her to keep calm and centered while standing in the midst of challenging events outplaying in the world.

    Traverse to Angell Pass

    In part due to her physical limitations, our scribe has also long given up on taking an active part in the world. While she works full-time at a job, she does seldom goes out, preferring the solitude and relative quiet of her home. She retains good relations with her co-workers and neighbors, but retains a detached point of view, preferring to withdraw into the privacy of her solitude. Long ago, she relinquished all connection to her blood family, through a combination of circumstance and personal choice. For quite some time she has understood that she would stand alone while the world changed. This process of being in the world but not of it was necessary to allow time for working through personal and genetic karmic issues. Due to her strong commitment to her inner journey, she made choices to move away from old friends and family, to allow her to get to know herself better, alone. Although she has undergone periods of great loneliness, our scribe began to notice profound changes occurring in her consciousness and in her reactions (or lack thereof) to daily drama, in the media and in her own work and home environment. Of course, there are times when she falls into judgment, especially self-judgment, but she has learned to focus on her reactions and to release the judgment. Forgiveness and compassionate understanding have replaced judgment and anger in her world, much to her delight.

    Very early on our scribe learned to follow her heart and to listen to its messages. While she has not always been comfortable with where it has led her, she persevered and continued to trust in the ultimate destination, reunion with God.

    Understand that our scribe is a bit self-conscious with our focus on her individual process, but we use her as an example of one individual’s progress through the uncharted territory of her Underworld. In her and others like her, we see someone who has been willing to eschew “normal” human wants for material comfort and companionship for an inner journey that has taken her through pain, emotional and physical challenges and great loneliness, only to emerge finally into a period of quiet joy, balance and inner strength. Pioneers like her have carved out energetic pathways that are now allowing many other people to undergo transformation in a much shorter time period, mere days and months compared to years and decades. These seemingly miraculous awakenings are of course augmented by the ever increasing intensity of the cosmic rays hitting the planet and its alignment with the galactic core. However, much of these awakenings would not have occurred were it not for the hardy pioneers who came before.

    In this process of transformation, humanity works as one Body. The pioneers who have gone first are like white blood cells that clean up the infection and allow the red blood cells and nutrients to reach the cellular tissue in order to start up the process of rebuilding. Together the community of lightworkers, especially the awakened starseeds, are opening the way for many thousands and millions to follow in their path. Our scribe has been just one of these pioneers, one of the first wave of starseeds, embodied shortly after World War II.

    Our scribe is much wearied due to the extended length of her endeavors, so it is with great joy that we announce that she and her companions do not have long to wait until the victory celebration commences. As Gabriel told her many years ago, ascension is at the end of this phase of the story, her story, her last embodiment in the 3D world.
    Ascension is also the next step for all who read these messages. Only those who have progressed far enough along in their own path to look beyond will read these and other similar messages and be able to comprehend what is being communicated, both in words and in light codes that are held within the words. For those who have eyes, let them see; for those who have ears, let them hear.

    We encourage all of our dear readers to look at their own lives, to see how much they have changed in a matter of only a couple of years and to marvel at what miracles can be wrought with focus and intent, as more and more lightworkers awake to their missions and join together in lighted communities. Dream deeply, beloved sons and daughters of God. Love one another and especially learn to love the self as one who has willingly accepted the challenge of duality and has risen above the dense shadows to embrace Love and Light, forgiveness and compassion as their true being and goal. Cherish these last months and days in the third dimension, which will act as a stepping stone to the next journey for your soul.

    We send many blessings of joy and encouragement to all.

    Thank you, beloved Council of Nine.

    Copyright © 2012 by Elizabeth Ayres Escher. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.
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    Post  We Are You Sat Sep 01, 2012 7:55 pm

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    The Vision Alignment Project

    A Vision for Clean, Pure Waters

    A Vision for Clean, Pure Waters: One of the main principles of the Intention Process, perhaps the most important, is to see the end result from the beginning; to hold a vision in our mind of the final outcome; to see whatever we are intending as a done deal. The dynamics of how this works are simple when we have learned that our thoughts are the forerunners of our future. As we hold the thought of our desired outcome, it has to manifest for us.

    Accordingly, we are holding the template for clean waters in the Gulf of Mexico, Japan, and in all our oceans - with happy wildlife in the water and along the shoreline. Humanity has risen to the call, and we are responsible stewards of a pristine Mother Earth everywhere now and forevermore. We ask you to join us in holding this vision. And remember, you need not know the "how" or the "who" is involved in attaining the manifestation of this vision. You only need to hold it, unwavering, regardless of all the current media hype, your own parade of doubts, or any evidence to the contrary.

    For the Highest Good of the Universe, Mother Earth, the Gulf Coast, and everyone everywhere.

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    Post  We Are You Sun Sep 02, 2012 5:49 am

    Awakened Western Woman – You are the Key.
    by Laura

    Awakened Western Women are the Key. This is a sentence I have heard over and over again in the past few months, although different words and descriptions have been used. Many male spiritual leaders have spoken it, as well as many female spiritual leaders.

    But what does it mean?

    If you are reading this article you are either an Awakened Western woman, know one, or are a man who knows at least one woman.

    The concept that spiritual and social change is brought about by women is not a new one. It is well established.

    When one, just one, woman learns a method to raise her personal vibration, in other words she starts ascending in evolution, she will share it with her friends, she will teach it to her kids, and will also share with her family and partner. Or try to.

    This is why women have been the target of religious and social programming for as long as we can remember. Because it is through women, that belief systems, teachings, social rules, and reality, is spread into our human collective.

    Let's think of children and who forms them. Most teachers are female. All mothers are female. And yes, what you do in your pregnancy does affect the fetus. So even if a child is being raised by men, he or she had a big programming session for nine months inside the biological mother's womb. Most religious followers are women. Women who then take those teachings home and teach them to their kids. Or to school, where they teach it to their students. And most of this is done unconsciously, unthinking, just through actions, and emotions, and the sharing of interest.

    I have been working for two years now with Lucia Rene, who is fully dedicated in teaching women to stand in their own power. Her mission, and journey, has been met with horrendous resistance. She was even killed once for it. But she came back. For most of these two years of working with Lucia, I did not understand her passion, her unwavering stubbornness in her mission of working only with women. Yes, her teachings are available to men and women alike, but her personal work is only with women. Then I got it! I was able to experience what power a woman has, and what an unstoppable force a group of women can be, at a global scale.

    Just like Lucia Rene, there are hundreds of thousands of women out there. A few of them in the public eye, but the great majority working quietly and unanimously. Unwavering in their mission to empower other women, to empower children, and to empower men. Hundreds of thousands of women warriors, teachers, healers, speakers, mothers, sisters, daughters and friends.

    Imagine what will happen if we add a few million to the list!

    This is what we can do: we teach at least one more woman how to easily and quickly raise her personal vibration. There is no mystery, no gurus, no religion, and no qualifying characteristics on how to do raise one's vibration. Learn how to do it yourself, and teach at least one woman how to do it.

    I placed the tools I use to raise my personal vibration on the Tools menu tab of Use these, or use whatever resonates with you that you already know, but do it today:

    Awakened Western Woman - You are the Key..
    Laura | September 2, 2012 at 01:52 | Categories: General News | URL:

    Matthew Message of 9-1-12…”It’s Essential that the Obama Presidency Continues…”
    Posted on 2012/09/01

    I found this Matthew message very heartening. And it points out some key items in the schedule as we head toward the end of this year.

    In lieu of the usual Highlights, I have put what struck me as a (the) major point of this message below.

    [Hatonn] “…the new key is the November presidential election in the United States. It’s essential that the Obama presidency continues… He was born with and has retained Gaia’s vision of Earth, and he has the inspiration and qualifications to achieve it. His reelection is imperative to the plan going forward…

    “…more of the big picture… The master plan included that some individuals would cause the various kinds of suffering that gave many, many souls the chance to wind up their third density karma and balance other lifetime experiences so they could go along with Earth. When that part of the plan was completed about ten years ago, those individuals were supposed to join the light forces. They didn’t, and that’s why wars, prejudices, corruption, greed, divisiveness, terrorism and other destructive third density conditions still are going on.

    “According to the original plan, by now all of that would have been long gone. It was intended that when Obama became president, he’d have worldwide support in unifying people of all nations and leading your world into the Golden Age. The plan called for you and us to meet up ten years ago and work together to clean up the mess on your planet caused by greedy, uncaring power players.

    “Well, we’re still waiting and Obama’s efforts to get reforms going have been blocked by his foes in the Congress or the moneyed individuals who control most members. Through either death threats to his family or bloc voting, Obama has been forced into decisions that are against his conscience and his world vision. After he knew that he and his family had our protection, his mind was relieved of that deep concern, but he still has had to deal with unyielding partisanship and blatant lies or distortions of facts.

    “That’s what’s on center stage in the US right now and what should be there is how that nation will cooperate with other countries to fix the sorry state your world is in! If our making an appearance becomes pivotal to Obama keeping his position, we’ll do that in sufficient time before the election. If we see that his reelection is certain, we’ll show up soon afterwards. “


    Matthew Message of 9-1-12

    Ascension process on target; Earth’s destination fifth density; ongoing ET assistance; disclosure process; Hatonn: Obama reelection key to ET arrival, Golden Age master plan; fear deters soul evolvement

    1. With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Such excitement is in the air for all lighted souls—the countdown to the threshold of Earth’s Golden Age is months and weeks, not the decades, then years that followed the onset of her ascension!

    2. Especially among newly awakened souls, but also some long-time dedicated lightworkers, there are differing perceptions about two aspects of this accomplishment that is unique in this universe: ascension itself and disclosure. Some view these as singular, unrelated events while others consider ascension to be a process and disclosure an event. We shall speak about our perspective of these ongoing processes as the two sides of a coin, so to say.

    3. By your late1930s, economic depression had taken a heavy toll on your society and the rise of Germany’s Third Reich was leading to invasions of nearby countries. Gaia, Earth’s soul, knew what was brewing in her energy field of potential. She knew that her planetary body, which was nearly bereft of light, was too weak to survive the inevitable World War II and other savagery that would ensue due to the hold of darkness on her humankind’s consciousness.

    4. That is why—and when—she cried out for help. The immediate response was the massive infusion of light from distant civilizations that enabled Earth to jar loose from deep third density and slowly start rising into a higher, yet still very dense, energy level. That was the beginning of her ascension.

    5. Now we shall fast-forward to this year at hand. During its last days and the early days of 2013, the planet will travel through the celestial window between third and fourth densities, where the energy wisps of both densities briefly comingle, and it will enter fourth density, where Earth’s Golden Age begins.

    6. But that glorious milestone is not the end of her journey. Ascension will continue until the planet is securely within fifth density, where Gaia originated in antiquity and so did her planetary body. After eons of being in the low densities that were commensurate with the collective consciousness of successive civilizations, Gaia’s body will have returned home.

    7. Indeed, Earth’s exiting third density will be heralded throughout the lighted universe! However, knowing that this brilliant process will continue for long years to come will prevent despondency from befalling those who are expecting a dramatic event to occur on December 21st. When nothing of dynamic proportions happens that day or any other in that same narrow timeframe, how sad it would be if those who are counting on something spectacular become so depressed that they decide at soul level to join the others who also choose not to remain on the planet for different reasons.

    8. Now then, let us speak about disclosure. Because this has been tied to an official announcement about your universal family’s presence, many lightworkers feel discouraged that this close to the end of your year 2012, still no such acknowledgement has come forth.

    9. Although the Illuminati’s former power base has been shattered, they still have strong influence in some areas, and one is the media. By suppressing information they do not want known, they have prevented the majority of your populace from learning that souls from spiritually and intellectually advanced civilizations are surrounding the planet in thousands of ships or working side by side with you or living in Inner Earth. Thus, most in your world have no expectations whatsoever about meeting members of our universal family. So, in the collective consciousness there is a dearth of truthful knowledge about them and very few thoughts about welcoming them.

    10. That, combined with the dark ones’ tenacious hold on some military sectors that can pose risk to you and landing parties, continues to delay an announcement and landings in numbers. But most assuredly, this has not diminished one iota the ongoing assistance of your brothers and sisters!

    11. Essential strides in progress are continuing covertly on the ground and ships’ crews are continuing to use the technology aboard to reduce toxic pollution and block the functioning of powerful weaponry. They’re leveling out the effects of earthquakes, decreasing wind velocity and steering major storms away from heavily populated areas while still permitting the same amount of negativity to be released. Constant coordination between land and sky intelligence units is thwarting Illuminati “black ops” attempts such as organized terrorism and lengthy power outages or interruptions in communications systems.

    12. So that you won’t dim your personal light by negative feelings because there has been no “disclosure” to date, we ask you to expand its definition, exposure or revelation, to include your expression “coming to light.” That is exactly what has been happening ever since Earth started her ascension course!

    13. In those earliest years there was no evidence that anything unusual was happening, but as Earth’s journey continued and the light intensity increased, it started revealing despicable activities that formerly were known only to the malevolent perpetrators and those who were directly affected. As the long-time entrenched darkness was coming to light, without realizing that they, too, were responding to light’s vibrations, the peoples started opening their hearts and minds.

    14. Consider the worldwide change in attitudes about war. The allied forces’ unity of spirit during WWII—it is patriotic to kill and honorable to die—has evolved into global rallies and meditations for peace. Consider how much information has come to light about corruption in governments from community level to national, and in multinational corporations and financial institutions. Pedophiles have been identified in the priesthood and in organizations that at one time were considered havens for your children, and individuals once thought to be mentors or idols have fallen as their dark characteristics have been revealed.

    15. Now put those disclosures and all others into their proper context—an integral aspect of Earth’s ascension. As the planet traveled through successively higher energy planes, more and more areas of criminality and abhorrent conditions that once were hidden have come to light. This was imperative so the peoples could see how darkness was controlling their lives, and in light of that realization, they were motivated to bring about benevolent changes.

    16. The light energy of your civilization’s growing awareness, aspirations and actions has been lifting the collective consciousness all along Earth’s ascension journey. Only seventy-some years ago she was in death throes! Her transit out of deep third density to the point of imminent entry into fourth density is a universal achievement unprecedented in speed and scope!

    17. By seeing disclosure as the essential and inseparable part of the ascension process that it is, there need be no disappointment or discouragement because official recognition of our family’s presence has not yet happened. Be assured, it will! Their public reception by specific world leaders will be the crowning point of the entire disclosure process, and like you, we are eagerly anticipating that momentous day!

    18. We do understand that knowing When? is very important to you, and I have asked Hatonn if he can give us an update on that.

    [Hatonn] Thank you for asking me, Matthew. First I want to say that I concur with everything you said about disclosure and why an official welcome is still on hold. And I thank you for explaining that our crews in ships are doing whatever they can to help you while they’re waiting to land and our ground crews are holding up their end too. We’ve been in readiness for a decade to get this show on the road!

    But getting on to when we’ll be “announced,” safety still is an issue, of course, but the new key is the November presidential election in the United States. It’s essential that the Obama presidency continues. This has nothing at all to do with politics in that country or any other! It has everything to do with the Golden Age master plan!

    The plan is according to what Gaia, Earth’s soul, wants. She wants a peaceful world with everyone having a fair share and everyone respecting all of her Nature realm. The highest universal council chose as a major player a soul with highly evolved spiritual status, ancient wisdom and world leadership experience in many lifetimes. That soul is Barack Obama.

    He was born with and has retained Gaia’s vision of Earth, and he has the inspiration and qualifications to achieve it. His reelection is imperative to the plan going forward because his opponent isn’t capable of or interested in making the changes the plan requires.

    We are totally apolitical and we’re NOT belittling Mitt Romney! It’s that he and those who share his views aren’t motivated to change the status quo where money’s concerned, and that gross inequity of the few with billions and the billions with little or nothing can’t go on and it won’t. Earth will not allow that imbalance to continue.

    I think more of the big picture is needed here. The master plan included that some individuals would cause the various kinds of suffering that gave many, many souls the chance to wind up their third density karma and balance other lifetime experiences so they could go along with Earth. When that part of the plan was completed about ten years ago, those individuals were supposed to join the light forces. They didn’t, and that’s why wars, prejudices, corruption, greed, divisiveness, terrorism and other destructive third density conditions still are going on.

    According to the original plan, by now all of that would have been long gone. It was intended that when Obama became president, he’d have worldwide support in unifying people of all nations and leading your world into the Golden Age. The plan called for you and us to meet up ten years ago and work together to clean up the mess on your planet caused by greedy, uncaring power players.

    Well, we’re still waiting and Obama’s efforts to get reforms going have been blocked by his foes in the Congress or the moneyed individuals who control most members. Through either death threats to his family or bloc voting, Obama has been forced into decisions that are against his conscience and his world vision. After he knew that he and his family had our protection, his mind was relieved of that deep concern, but he still has had to deal with unyielding partisanship and blatant lies or distortions of facts.

    That’s what’s on center stage in the US right now and what should be there is how that nation will cooperate with other countries to fix the sorry state your world is in! If our making an appearance becomes pivotal to Obama keeping his position, we’ll do that in sufficient time before the election. If we see that his reelection is certain, we’ll show up soon afterwards.

    Again, this is NOT political! Once we’re there, political differences won’t be an issue in any country. The truth about us and many other situations that will be disclosed will be.

    Matthew, that’s as close as I can come to a date when we’ll be “out in the open.” Thank you for giving me this opportunity to speak.

    19. [Matthew] Hatonn, we thank you for explaining the situation so clearly and for the assurance that whether shortly before or shortly after that election day, the official welcoming of our universal family is soon! That ends our concerns that souls might choose to leave when nothing dynamic happens December 21st – the spectacular drama will come with the introduction of our “space” family!

    20. Beloved lightworkers, we know that your sense of urgency for public acknowledgement of other civilizations goes far beyond curiosity. It is your heartfelt desire for war and widespread suffering and acts of random violence to end.

    21. As we have stated in prior messages, the continuance of those circumstances is due in large part to the prevailing vibrations that are magnifying duality’s characteristics and behavior—“good” gets better, “bad” gets worse. And in keeping with what Hatonn said about timing in the master plan, it called for only “good having become better” at this point.

    22. While the extra years of darkness caused horrendous adversity to many people, the greater importance is how their souls have been affected. When a short lifetime, trauma and severe hardships were not part of persons’ contracts, divine grace gave them evolved spiritual status, and when the perpetrators’ acts were outside of their contracts, their status devolved. That is, the cycle of the eternal life of the soul was not adversely affected during those extra years of darkness, and many, many millions of souls took leaps forward spiritually and intellectually.

    23. We feel that it is important to once again speak about the needlessness of feeling fearful about anything. You have seen that concerns about terrorism during the Olympic games were for naught. We urge you to put all other fear-filled claims and predictions and reports in the same category—they will not come to pass! This does not mean that the Illuminati have no intentions of trying to cause fear. It does mean that just as their previous attempts have failed due to the intervention of our space family above and on the planet, so shall all of their other plans meet that fate until all darkness has been vanquished. And soon it shall be!

    24. This far along in Earth’s ascension, even the fears of many individuals cannot delay her steady pace or detour her course, but it can do that to the individuals’ growth in spiritual and conscious awareness. We are embracing all of you in unconditional love, that most powerful of all energies in this universe. If you will but accept this, you can be fearless about what is ahead and look forward with joyousness and excitement to the remaining days of this year and all years to come. Oh, let us “edit” ourselves here—there are no linear time designations in the continuum that you are fast approaching, so instead of years, we say all lifetimes to come.

    25. Throughout your long journey in this lifetime, we have been traveling with you in spirit, and we are rejoicing with you that each footstep brings closer your victorious entry into Earth’s Golden Age.


    LOVE and PEACE
    Suzanne Ward

    [Note from Suzy: Earth’s Golden Age—Life beyond 2012, the fifth in the Matthew Books series, will be available in a week or so in eBook for Kindle on The print edition will be out later this fall.

    Two weeks ago I had the thrill of participating in “Transformation 2012” in Pagosa Springs, CO. The 150 people at the conference added a lot of light to the planet!

    I’ll also be speaking at “Scenario 2012,” October 26-28 in Sedona, AZ. This conference will be another meeting of kindred spirits whose love-filled energy will add lots of light to Earth.

    Recently I was interviewed for “White Buffalo: An American Prophecy,” the spiritual odyssey of four brothers to discover what Turtle Island’s ancient sacred wisdom portends for America. The documentary will be released later this year. Production website: YouTube: Facebook:
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    Post  We Are You Sun Sep 02, 2012 6:17 am

    You are heading for experiences of amazing wonder and beguilement « Jesus through John
    by Laura

    September 2, 2012 by John Smallman

    Love, God, the Source of all, is infinitely powerful, comforting, uplifting, accepting, healing, and inspiring. You have been told this by mystics from various religions and cultures who have experienced and been overwhelmed by the presence of God. And your awakening will re-introduce you to this blissful state. It is your divine destiny and cannot be avoided, but only — if you so choose — be delayed.

    The illusion has seduced you most efficaciously, as was your intent when you constructed it. However, its time is past. It is being gently dissolved so that you will awaken gently into eternal joy, whereupon exquisite excitement will fully engage you. What you are to experience can neither be imagined nor satisfactorily described, as the mystics themselves have told you.

    Nevertheless, when you leave it behind, you will have no regrets of any kind; in fact, awareness of what you experienced within it will fade rapidly and miraculously from your minds. You will have no interest whatever in memories of it, because your new-found joy will engage your whole attention, and in Reality your “whole attention” is far beyond anything you can presently imagine, which is limited to things or ideas that presently interests, intrigues, fascinates, or captures it.

    You are heading for experiences of amazing wonder and beguilement, a state of intense participation in God’s ongoing creative concepts, specifically designed as eternal gifts for His beloved children. An infinitely extending Christmas, presenting surprise after surprise in an unending sequence of astounding marvels.

    What you have been undergoing within the illusion for eons — and that you most definitely wish to leave behind you permanently and forever — is coming to its well-deserved point of termination. The work you have all been doing to bring this about is quite brilliant when you consider the immense difficulties under which you have been operating. The whole scenario through which you have been feeling your way, mainly in confusion and anxiety, has been exceedingly demanding of your courage and persistence.

    You have proceeded with valor and fortitude, despite your doubts and the confusing situations in which you have found yourselves, to move forwards on your path to awakening while also helping countless others, most of whom remain unknown to you. The love that you have been practicing and demonstrating is the way out of the illusion, and many are following you because you have lighted the way so clearly.

    The Light of God is with you at all times to offer you the guidance you need to find your way Home. It can never be extinguished; your guidance is always plainly visible whenever you choose to see it. Frequently you have chosen not to see it, as the illusion has enticed you into self-centeredness and unloving ways of being. When you constructed your illusory reality you were truly enamored with the results of your creative ingenuity, but were unable to foresee the pitfalls and snares with which it could and would attempt to ambush you and then destroy you.

    Eventually, after many disillusionments, you began to understand that what you had built was, to say the least, a very unfriendly place in which to spend your time. You began to look around you for an escape. But over time, you had let go of your remembrance of your spiritual identity, and focused almost entirely on the physical environment in which you had so deeply enmeshed yourselves. Science was developed, and provided many answers to the unfriendly puzzlements that previously were thought to be magical in nature. Your understanding of your immediate environment improved and you came to believe that any problems that occurred could be dealt with scientifically.

    This belief has landed you in a situation from which it seems there is no retreat. Because you have so damaged the planet, very soon, unless you make enormous changes to your philosophy of life and to the ways in which you interact with her and with each other, she will be unable to continue supporting oxygen-breathing life forms. Once more, escape has become inviting – to other planets or star systems – but only for a very small number of you. And that small number has been the controlling authority on your planet for rather a long time as they have continually been consolidating their power base.

    However, the majority of humanity has now realized the futility and insanity of allowing this small, ferocious, and war-mongering group to continue to hold the rest of you to ransom. Their aims and agendas are beyond belief and way beyond possibility; they just cannot see that. Moves are afoot everywhere to unseat them, and will be successful. As this occurs, new ways to deal with planetary issues of toxicity, damage, and renewal will come to the fore, and humanity, as it becomes swept up into the loving energies of the divine energy field, will pursue rapid development of them as cooperation instead of dissension becomes the norm.

    You are on the verge of entering an age of peace, harmony, and abundance, the like of which has never before been seen on your lovely planet. Hold your Light on high, know that you are divinely guided and protected, and enthusiastically expect deliverance from the chaos and confusion in which you have been embroiled for so long — because it is God’s Will for you.

    Your loving brother, Jesus.

    You are heading for experiences of amazing wonder and beguilement « Jesus through John.
    Laura | September 2, 2012 at 11:11 | Categories: Channels | URL:

    You are going through a period of expert restoration and renewal « Johnsmallman’s Blog
    by Laura

    09/02/2012 by John Smallman

    Things are happening thick and fast! Great progress has been made in the awakening process. If you could see what we see, you would be absolutely astounded because so many essential changes have taken place, under the radar as it were, to bring the process ever closer to completion. Those who would prevent the awakening are pulling out all the stops in their final efforts to defeat the Light – which obviously is quite impossible. Just intensify your determination to awaken, and watch as these essential changes continue to occur.

    We are all one — humanity, your space families, and we in the spiritual realms — because All, Everything That Exists, does so in the eternal and divine field of Love that is God. There is nowhere else, and the vast majority of those apparently enveloped within the illusion – which seems so immense from within it – are working most effectively to dissolve this tiny imaginary pocket of nothingness which appears so real. The moment for its dissolution is close and cannot be avoided or prevented.

    The field of divine Love that envelops your planet, and indeed the whole strange, illusory environment that you built and continue to maintain, is strengthening and intensifying as you all come more fully into alignment with it and are able to accept and embrace its powerful and healing energies. When you entered the illusion you left behind almost all your amazing energy and power, and that has to be restored to you only gradually to ensure that you are not overloaded. Once again, using the ocean as an analogy for God’s Love, you can swim and frolic happily at the surface, but if you were to dive deeply into its depths you would be crushed because your bodies were not constructed to withstand the extreme pressure of intense Love that prevails there, waiting enthusiastically to envelop you in its eternal and sublime embrace .

    At present you are all undergoing a massive expansion and strengthening of your individual energy fields to prepare you for your return to Reality. Spending time in the illusion has enormously weakened you, a bit like becoming sick and bedridden, where you have needed to rebuild your health and strength before being able to operate normally once more. You have become unbalanced, inharmonious, out of tune, and are now going through a period of what can only be described as expert restoration and renewal, after years of inappropriate storage, or even thoughtless abuse.

    Those of you who are experiencing constant tiredness, exhaustion, or energy depletion are at the forefront of the restoration and renewal program. It is very draining and depressing for you as you struggle with the problems of making even the most simple decisions in your daily lives, things that were previously a breeze. Know that you are greatly honored, intensely supported, and dearly loved, and that this ongoing sensation of being completely alone as you force yourselves to maintain your optimism, and discount and disregard your doubts and anxieties, is akin to that very deep dark period before the dawn.

    The light is coming.

    Dawn is the renewal of the day. And the dawn that is now being heralded is the dawn of God’s eternal day, which shines with shimmering brilliance on all the infinite spheres and domains of which Reality is composed. Its brilliance is unimaginable – no other light is in any way comparable to it – and at the same time it is wonderfully soothing, inspiring, and invigorating. Within the divine, eternal day, the creative possibilities are endlessly enticing and irresistible; it is a paradise of delights that will never cease to fulfill your every whim or impulse as you wander though its deliciously fertile and fruitful gardens drinking in the spectacular array of colors, scents, and the softness with which it embraces you. It is your Home, it is where you come from, it is where you belong, and it welcomes your presence within it because you complete it.

    With so very much love, Saul.

    You are going through a period of expert restoration and renewal « Johnsmallman's Blog.
    Laura | September 2, 2012 at 11:12 | Categories: Channels | URL:
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    Post  We Are You Sun Sep 02, 2012 6:34 am


    Leadership I
    Posted on August 28, 2012

    At our recent workshop, Transformation 2012, Taugth spoke about Abiquor and its role in training Caretakers of the New Earth. I have been asked to re-publish earlier messages relating to Caretakers. The following message from Bren-Ton was published on June 15, 2009.


    I am most pleased to be with you again. This will be a series of lessons about leadership in Oneness. This type of leadership is different than any other leadership, although it bears some of the same characteristics. Once you accept the Oneness of all people, plants and animals, and the Oneness with Earth and the universe, everything changes. So it is with leadership also; everything changes.

    First a leader in Oneness will see that everyone and everything is conscious, and will treat everyone and everything in that way. Others are neither less nor more than the leader. The leader is not above others, is not better than others. The leader merely has the ability of leadership. It is talent, nothing more or less. It does not confer special privilege, rewards, or status. The leader is the leader simply because he or she possesses the talent to lead.

    Leading is seeing what needs to be done and crafting a plan to do it. This vision comes from the ability to foresee. It is intuitive within the leader to be able to foresee a way in which events will play out, to take into consideration all factors that will come into play, and to see a path through the morass. Thus we see that one aspect of the talent of leadership is vision. Not everyone has this ability. Other people have different abilities for which they are to be honored, but a true leader will have vision.

    In addition to foresight, a leader will put him- or herself in front of others in a public way. This is done by writing, speaking, counseling, and/or with energies. In doing this, a leader will be willing to risk criticism and revolt against what he or she is speaking about.

    A true leader will have the ability to not only speak out, but to phrase things in such a way that other will relate to what he or she is saying. What is presented will be neither too complex nor too simple to appeal to the listener. In addition, he or she will have the ability to motivate others to act. In many cases this means changing the way in which others think and behave. So a leader will be able to inspire others to change.

    Finally, a leader will be able to garner participants about him- or herself; for one cannot lead if others will not follow. The more revolutionary the path that the leader is treading will be the more difficult it will be to get others to follow him or her. So it behooves a leader to propose a path that is possible for those whom he would have follow him. It does no good to propose a seemingly impossible path for others, even if the leader sees it in this way, and may be prepared to follow that path himself.

    Contrast this with the autocratic style of the so called, “leaders,” of your corporations and other institutions. They enrich themselves at the expense of their customers and employees, both of whom they consider to be their inferiors.

    So the above are the characteristics of a leader in Oneness. It may seem rather basic, but on further reflection it will become more meaningful to consider someone who is leading participants who are all in Oneness with him and with each other.
    Leadership 2
    Posted on August 31, 2012

    As I informed you in the previous post at this site, I have been asked to re-publish earlier messages relating to Caretakers. The following message from Bren-Ton was previously published on June 16, 2009.


    It is my pleasure to share the following. A leader is to access those who are to participate with him. In them he must see their Oneness with him. He is no better than they; they are no different from him. His job is to inventory their talents and desires, and utilize them to best advantage.

    In Oneness is the ability to truly see the other as a unique expression of God. In Oneness is the ability to see each other as brothers and sisters of the same or different oversouls. In any dimension, there is a unique physical expression of the underlying soul. The leader must see this in each participant and appreciate it.

    Those who are attracted to the vision of the leader will comfortably express to him their talents and their desires. Those who would be a part of his team will show him how they will fit with him and others. It is the leader’s job to listen to each of his potential participants and to ascertain what they are saying about themselves. It will take wisdom and openness on the part of everyone involved for this process to work.

    Inherent within this is a lack of structure, yet some form of structure will be achieved to move forward. A leader will make decisions for the team, the group, the community, or the state. The participants who are closest to him will absorb his vision and make it their own. They then can convey it to others. It is through this approach of mutual appreciation, shared vision, and Oneness that a new type structure will emerge.

    If physical things or animals are to be utilized, they too will be appreciated for their Oneness with the members of the team. Rocks, plants, animals, birds, and fish are part of Oneness. Team members will come to see their Oneness and importance. If it is the task of the team to find, chop, and deliver wood, then the trees must become an integral part of the process as will the mode of chopping and delivery.

    Recruiting members for his team is the job of the leader. Volunteering to be part of the team is the job of those who would participate with the leader. Members of any team have opportunities to join with various leaders. How they select whom they wish to follow is an individual decision. It should be carried out with both deliberation and purpose. The entire process must be transparent; there must be no hidden agendas on either the part of the leader or participants.

    Note that I did not use the word, “follower,” when speaking about those who would be associated with a leader. Follower implies less than a fully conscious union. Only those who are aware can participate with a leader in Oneness.
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    Post  We Are You Sun Sep 02, 2012 7:13 am

    Archangel Zadkiël ~~ My assistance in your ascension proces ~~ 02/09/2012 Channeled by Méline Lafont.
    by melinelafont

    Greetings, beloved souls dwelling on Earth. I go by the name of Archangel Zadkiël and I wish to step forward through this scribe to communicate with you. As is generally known I am the Archangel of prophecy and of Ascension. And as this time is the golden time of Ascension and liberation, I can be called upon by all of you to assist you in your Ascension process and that of beloved Mother Earth.

    My deepest wish is to see you ALL ascend to a higher and greater vibration on which we all can meet and cooperate without being hindered by the numerous veils nor by the many hindrances which up until now have always kept us apart from each other. Those veils/hindrances are now vanishing to make way for a close cooperation and commitment between us.

    The Archangels dwell and move effectively around all of you and we never budge from your side. We take on the form of energetic beings, we are multidimensional in essence and can therefore be present everywhere in each specific moment as an energy. This implies that nobody, not a single soul, will be left without our assistance and at all times you are all surrounded by our emissaries and by the emissaries of the Divine Kingdom of the Light. We love you all so deeply!

    My biggest ambition is to see you all Ascend and join the Higher Realm together with your beloved planet and star system, which is your rightful path anyway. Duality is as good as over and has provided enough lessons to many souls among you who now have opted for the Ascension process. As to the other souls who have not yet awakened, they will be allowed to learn more lessons on duality for a while longer. They will of course receive infinitely more chances to Ascend.

    Allow me to help you pave the way and feel free to call on me when you notice yourself stumbling to release certain issues, which by themselves are rather earthbound or are depending on the illusion in which you dwell presently. Nothing or nobody has to keep you here in this illusion, certainly not yourself nor your emotions towards others. It is necessary to release all, including yourself, in order to be able to depart to a higher frequency. You have to overcome just what you have considered real during numerous incarnations, and I refer to your self image as well. Let it all go, allow me to help you all to release it all, everyone and everything included. This will help liberate you from this illusion.

    What you will now release will not only facilitate your Ascension process but will see to it that the next step will be even greater and smoother. The time has come now to work on that, this will not only improve the collective of humanity but also will have a liberating effect on yourselves. Feel free to call upon me, I will gladly step forward to assist you in this.

    I greet you all wholeheartedly,

    Archangel Zadkiël
    Copyright © 2012 by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.
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    Post  We Are You Sun Sep 02, 2012 10:28 am

    UFO ‘Secrets’ To Be Revealed In September, Says National Atomic Testing Museum
    2012 September 2
    tags: Area 51 Secrets, National Atomic Testing Museum
    Posted by Stephen Cook
    UFO ‘Secrets’ To Be Revealed In September, Says National Atomic Testing Museum

    By Lee Spiegel, Huffington Post – September 1, 2012

    In just a few weeks, some kind of UFO-related secrets will be revealed at a Smithsonian Institution affiliated museum.

    That’s the implied promise in the title of a special lecture coming up at the National Atomic Testing Museum in Las Vegas on Sept. 22.

    The secrets haven’t yet been revealed, but the players involved certainly present the potential for something intriguing to emerge from this one-night event that’s part of the museum’s ongoing Area 51 lecture series.

    View this promo for the upcoming UFO lecture at the National Atomic Testing Museum.

    “We looked at bringing in some people to talk about extraterrestrials and UFOs,” said museum CEO and executive director Allan Palmer, a highly decorated former Air Force and Navy combat jet fighter.

    “We wanted to concentrate on people who had personal stories and exposure to what they thought were real UFOs from the military side, because they might have just a little more credibility than your average Joe,” Palmer told The Huffington Post.

    Four of the participants had previous American military security clearances:

    Ret. Army Col. John Alexander: Former military insider who created Advanced Theoretical Physics — a group of top-level government officials and scientists brought together to study UFOs.

    Ret. Air Force Col. Charles Halt: Former base commander of the RAF Bentwaters military base in England and vital eyewitness to the amazing UFO-related events at Rendlesham Forest in December 1980, where he believed the observed UFOs were extraterrestrial in origin.

    Ret. Air Force Col. William Coleman: Former USAF bomber pilot, chief of Air Force public information and producer of NBC’s “Project UFO” series.

    Ret. Air Force Col. Robert Friend: Former director of the Air Force’s Project Blue Book from 1958 to 1963.

    The fifth guest at the museum’s upcoming UFO lecture is former U.K. UFO desk officer Nick Pope.

    What’s going to be different about this one-time lecture compared to previous gatherings where military personnel have stepped forward to reveal details about personal UFO experiences?

    “One of the things that is different is that you have high credibility vetted sources,” Alexander told HuffPost. “What you’re getting from this panel are people who have worked with the military, all of whom certainly agree that UFOs are real, and I think most of them would say it ought to be researched.

    “Here, you’re getting a small number [of participants], but high credibility people.”

    At the Sept. 22 lecture, Pope will speak of the similarities between how the U.K. and U.S. governments had similar UFO study groups and why both countries officially got out of the UFO business.

    “In both instances, the bottom line was that we wanted Joe Sixpack off our backs. Strip out all the mistaken sightings of weather balloons and dump all the crazies, and we might just have something worth looking at,” Pope told HuffPost in an e-mail.

    “But you can’t do that in a public UFO project, because it’s a kook magnet,” he said. “The trick is to highlight all the crazy stuff in the media, so the subject becomes a joke, pull the plug, then run the whole thing covertly. Now I’m not saying this is exactly what happened, but if an Air Force pilot sees something unusual and it’s tracked on military radar, does anyone seriously think we wouldn’t be interested?”

    While none of the participants of the upcoming lecture have offered a preview of any UFO revelation, Pope promises to disclose “some hitherto unrevealed secrets of the British government’s UFO project.”

    This isn’t the first time the Las Vegas museum has offered a provocative UFO presentation.

    Back in March of this year, the Smithsonian venue opened its doors to an ongoing exhibit called “Area 51: Myth or Reality,” providing a comprehensive look at the historic records of the most secret military installation in the country.

    Among the many items displayed are materials presented as “Authentic Alien Artifact” — samples of small objects originating from an alleged UFO crash in Russia.

    Guidance Observed
    2012 September 2
    Posted by Steve Beckow

    I’ve just had a wonderful demonstration of guidance that I want to share because I now see that we’re constantly guided and I sense a little better how that process works.

    To the best of my knowledge, all of us have guides. They may be relatives on the Fourth Dimension, or spirit guides, or galactic or terrestrial ascended masters, or angels and archangels. But all of us have them.

    Therefore we can all honestly say that we are guided, led, inspired, fed wisdom.

    Recently a guide, in a reading with Linda Dillon, said that he was talking to me often these days and I seemed to hear him more. I said I had no awareness of it and he replied that nevertheless it was so. What I saw yesterday gives me a little more insight into how this process works.

    Yesterday I was strongly guided to think of peace as “profound relaxation.”

    Ordinarily I’d simply sit down at the computer and write about a subject that comes to mind and think to myself that everything I’m saying is somehow my idea. But because of what occurred yesterday, I became aware of being guided by knowing a thought I had was not mine (at least not per se. More on that later.)

    I initially balked at the suggestion that peace could be understood as profound relaxation. I struggled with it. The reason I did was that our society doesn’t seem to value peace as profound relaxation.

    Or perhaps it’s more accurate to say our society doesn’t seem to value relaxation very much at all. If anything it seems to aspire to getting busier and busier.

    We willingly let go of white space by talking on our cellphones when we walk or listening to music on our iPods when we ride a bus. We use computers and software that annihilate downtime. And our employers willingly seem to oblige us by requiring more and more work from us with fewer and fewer breaks.

    And so for me to assert that peace is “profound relaxation” seemed like condemning myself to a hard sell. I found myself reacting to the idea with: “Excuse me?” (1)

    But then the guidance persisted. No, no, it said; assert as an hypothesis that at least one aspect of peace, that can be tested out, is its aspect as “profound relaxation.”

    Boy, am I ever going to get myself in trouble with this one, I thought. But the notion wouldn’t go away.

    My resistance gradually melted and I looked at this thing. Peace can be thought of and encountered as “profound relaxation.” Hmmmm….

    So I asserted as an hypothesis, just for the sake of testing this thing out, that peace could be encountered and understood as “profound relaxation.” I went along with the guidance provisionally and I began testing it out.

    I was at that moment acting like a spiritual scientist, explorer or interpreter, looking and reporting what I found.

    I allowed myself to profoundly relax. And what did I find? I thought of relaxing on a warm beach at Kovalam, India. I saw myself lying down in the waves, watching a little sand creature pop its antenna above the sand when the water retreated, and then I saw myself getting up and going for kalimari and a coffee milkshake (died and went to heaven) at the restaurant at the top of the beach, just a few meters away, and then going lazily back again into the surf. Profoundly relaxing.

    Or I saw myself after a ten-day meditation course. Or in a cabin on a lake in the woods.

    I’ve known profound relaxation and I felt it again and this time I did see its usefulness in allowing me to connect with a notion of peace.

    And, yes, I do see now how it certainly fits my own pre-existing ideas. I realized: Hey, I’ve have had this idea before of peace being the same as profound relaxation. I just forgot I once had it in mind.

    So this test allowed me to retrieve a way of seeing peace that I had had myself. Perhaps that’s one of the purposes of guidance.

    And then I realized in a flash how all of this was operating.

    An aspect of peace that I myself had seen and understood in some distant past and then forgot about was just fed back to me as an assertion: peace is profound relaxation. My guidance brought it to my attention again, inducing me to test it out and arrive anew at the same conclusion I had back then.

    The reminder, which I at first resisted, irritated me enough to have me break through the years of forgetting and bring to the forefront of my attention a useful idea which I never would have recovered without being led to do so.

    Most guidance I go with and so it remains invisible. But this instance, which I resisted, came to the forefront of my attention. That’s one aspect of it.

    But the other aspect of it is this supremely clever matter of putting the guidance in the form of thoughts I’d already had. Guidance fools me on so many occasions to think that I arrived at this thought. But in this particular instance, even though it drew on my own stock of thoughts, I had still been guided to it. The thought, even if my own, was still implanted by my guides.

    A day later, I’m still amazed at how this process seems to work. It’s moved me now to watch my thoughts more carefully and discern more about the process by which we’re guided or inspired to new/old thoughts, led by “outside,” invisible sources.

    (1) The reason I became aware of it as guidance was because of this sense that it was not something I myself would say.
    Suzanne Lie: Mytre and the Arcturians Part 4
    2012 September 2
    tags: Dr Suzan Caroll, Mytre from Ashtar Command, The Arcturians
    Posted by Andrew Eardley
    Mytre and The Arcturians – Signature Frequencies

    By Dr Suzan Caroll / Suzanne Lie – September 1, 2012

    When I awoke the next morning I was so excited that I couldn’t get dressed quickly enough. (Morning was a chosen cycle rather than rising of the Sun, as we were in outer space. Thus, it was always “night” outside the Ship.)

    I was in such a hurry to dress that I put my jacket on inside out and had to take even more “time” to take my jacket off and put it back on correctly. (Time was another decided event as the Arcturians live within the ever-present NOW.)

    I restrained myself from running through the Corridors to the Collective Dining Area, again not necessary for Arcturians do not eat food. When I entered the busy room I was surprised to see my two crewmates. No, my other friend was not resurrected. I walked swiftly over to them and embraced them both.

    It appears that they were waiting for me. We all went to get our food, which was an experience in itself. Since there were members of the Ship from all over our Galaxy, and beyond, we were presented with a vast array of food. I chose a simple Pleiadian breakfast dish, as did my two friends. However, the humorous discussion about our many culinary choices set a welcomed tone of camaraderie and happiness.

    My friends were very happy because they were about to take a Shuttle Craft back to our new Homeworld in the Pleiades. They expected that I would be joining them and were very disappointed to hear that I would stay with the Arcturians. I was, of course, struck with great guilt when they asked how I could stay away from Mytria and our new baby. They also wanted to know if I had clearance from our Commander to remain with the Arcturians.

    When I told them that I had gained the proper clearance, I also had to tell them that I could not share why. I hated to keep a secret from my friends with whom I had just shared a near-death experience, but how could I tell them what I was learning. Our conversation soon degraded from friendly camaraderie to uncomfortable discussion about their return and my staying.

    Finally, I had to make an excuse to leave, as the guilt of staying away from my family and my Homeworld was overpowering. Instead of the welcoming warm embraces of our first greeting, we ended with a rather stiff handshake, as I tried to slowly leave the room. “Well, so much for my first glorious day of training,” I thought as I left the room.

    A huge black cloud was over my head as I walked, face looking down, through the corridor. In fact, I was so absorbed in my self-pity that I almost ran into my Arcturian mentor. Running into a Light Being is a very unique experience, as I literally walked INTO it.

    When I did so, I was surrounded by such illumination and unconditional love that I fell onto the floor as if I had been wounded. In actuality, my wounded self fell to the floor. At the same time, I could feel another part of me, I guess it was my own Lightbody, rise up above me. I felt like two extreme polarities of one person.

    The confusion of my wounded self and the enlightenment of my Lightbody was such a unique experience that I almost passed out with the effort to expand my consciousness to these extremes. Fortunately, the Arcturian came to my assistance by reaching down and gently touching the back of the wounded one’s heart.

    Instantly, my Light SELF rushed into my physical heart and, with no effort, I stood up. When I did so, I realized that the Arcturian was floating above the ground and its face was out of vision. In fact, its face was more of a radiant light with two focus points that I imagined were its eyes.

    It was talking with me telepathically, but I could not hear. My physical distance from its heart and eyes made me believe that I could not hear its telepathic message. Of course, the thought was nonsense, but it was the thought that came into me.

    Was that thought actually the message? Then I realized that the Arcturian was telling me to levitate myself up to the level in which I could be closer to its head and heart. Yes, levitate, I told myself. I tried to remember how I did that before, but I couldn’t remember how.

    After I tried and tried, I became frustrated. No! I became angry. How can this Arcturian expect so much of me? I have only been on this infinitely huge ship a few days. I have just gotten a new body and deserted my family and my Homeworld so that they can teach me to fly!

    There was my guilt, peppered with anger. What had I done? Had I made the right decision? Was I good enough to fulfill their huge expectations of me?

    And on and on… I then heard, VERY LOUDLY, “How are you doing with mastering of your thinking?”

    Arcturian humor! They had the ability to be funny. The concept of this immense Light Being hovering over my head and making a joke set me into uncontrolled laughter.

    The laughing released the anger, released the guilt and released the sorrow, which was the foundation for the guilt and anger. The laughing became more controllable and slowly morphed into a sensation of joy.

    I closed my eyes in appreciation of the joy, which then expanded the joy into love. At this point the Arcturian touched the very top of my head, and I felt the most extreme bliss I had ever experienced. The bliss continued until I bumped my head on the ceiling of the Corridor. Did I hear the Arcturian laugh?

    I fell to the ground in a rather undignified manner and looked up to see the Arcturian smiling. It reached down to touch me, and we blinked into another area of the Ship. This means of transportation was quite exhilarating. I felt no experience of moving. I call it “blinked to another area,” because it seemed to me that I was one place, then my eyes closed for a blink of “time,” and my eyes opened to a different environment.

    In this case, I assumed it was another holosuite for we were standing on a rocky cliff looking at constellations and galaxies in space that I had never seen. “Were are we?” I asked. “Are we in another holosuite?” He instructed me to blink again, and I opened my eyes to the familiar vision of the constellations above my Homeworld in the Pleiades.

    I tried to be polite when I said, “Is this a hologram or is it real?”

    “Is there a difference?” was the response that I heard.

    I would have to think before I asked my next question. Or maybe I should not ask any questions. I had learned so far that a question answered just led to another question. Therefore, I decided to wait and allow the Arcturian to continue with whatever point it was making.

    I watched silently as many beautiful visions of constellations and galaxies filled my vision. As the beauty overtook my thoughts, I began to realize that each vision created a different sensation within my Heart.

    At that point, I again saw the first constellation that I was shown. However, this time I remembered to FEEL every sensation that filled my body, every emotion that arose from those sensations and to listen to every thought that came into my mind.

    We went through the cycle of constellations and galaxies many times. Each time, I was able to FEEL the sensations, emotions and thoughts that were initiated by each vision. It was then that I heard the word, “Signature Frequency.”

    Yes, I got it. Each world has a Signature Frequency. By then, I had recognized some of the stars, constellations and galaxies and realized how the Signature Frequency gave infinitely more informative than the titles that we had given them.

    I turned toward the Arcturian to tell it that I understood, but it was gone. However, I heard a clear message in my heart that I was to stay there until I had memorized every Signature Frequency.

    Hatonn on President Obama
    2012 September 2
    Posted by Steve Beckow

    I’m reprinting Hatonn’s discussion of President Obama to ensure that no one who has not read Matthew’s Message misses out on reading Hatonn’s part of that message about the President. Many people write me and say I like the site but I can’t go along with you on Obama. Well, I’m afraid “Obama” is an intimate part of the site and Hatonn explains why.

    Commander Hatonn is the director of multidimensional communications emanating from Earth. He told us back in October of 2010 that President Obama knew about the galactics’ protection and the Ascension timetable. Here is that comment:

    “Obama now knows we have him covered and he can proceed without fear for his family’s safety and his own. Media report what they are told, of course, but the truth is, now that he knows Earth’s ascension timetable, he’s negotiating with powers that be either personally or via safe communication channels to shut down Illuminati strongholds in his country, Europe and the Orient.” (1)

    Becoming Barack

    In March of the following year Matthew said very similar things about Obama that Hatonn said in this Sept. 1, 2012 message:

    “A few months ago Hatonn [Oct. 2010] spoke with great passion about the powerful opposition President Obama is dealing with and the need for your supportive thoughts and prayers for him and his family. Still, my mother is besieged with emails asking why the president is taking one action or another that maintains or worsens the very situations he was elected to remedy.

    “The questioners, who may be attributing more authority to the office than the constitution does, are not recognizing that this government has long been the Illuminati’s bastion and their purpose in creating the misconception about the country. Their hold on many members of Congress still is strong, and only after that control ends will Obama be able to guide his administration toward national reforms and the peaceful world he is dedicated to achieving.” (2)

    A mystique has been created around the office of the President that is unwarranted. Because the President does not sit in Congress as the leader of the largest party, as the British prime minister does, he (or she) really has very little real power to ensure that his legislative agenda passed. It would help if Obama was a member of the ruling party, but he is not. The ruling party in America is neither Democrat nor Republican. It is Illuminati.

    President Obama, despite the confusing tidal wave of propaganda launched against him, is not an Illuminati, even if he had to lay low to be elected President. I also include a video on the young Barack, which is about as much politicking as I personally plan to do … short of the last week of the campaign perhaps.

    If you’re still anti-Obama, I hear you and respect your stand. But I won’t be replying to email on the subject any more, I’m afraid. Hatonn has said it all here.

    (And while I’m on the subject, my email, with the announcement of the conference, has once again entered the area of the unmanageable. Please refrain from emailing me unless on important matters. Please use the “Contact Us” form. Thanks.)

    It’s essential that the Obama presidency continues. This has nothing at all to do with politics in that country or any other! It has everything to do with the Golden Age master plan!

    The plan is according to what Gaia, Earth’s soul, wants. She wants a peaceful world with everyone having a fair share and everyone respecting all of her Nature realm. The highest universal council chose as a major player a soul with highly evolved spiritual status, ancient wisdom and world leadership experience in many lifetimes. That soul is Barack Obama.

    He was born with and has retained Gaia’s vision of Earth, and he has the inspiration and qualifications to achieve it. His reelection is imperative to the plan going forward because his opponent isn’t capable of or interested in making the changes the plan requires.

    We are totally apolitical and we’re NOT belittling Mitt Romney! It’s that he and those who share his views aren’t motivated to change the status quo where money’s concerned, and that gross inequity of the few with billions and the billions with little or nothing can’t go on and it won’t. Earth will not allow that imbalance to continue.

    I think more of the big picture is needed here. The master plan included that some individuals would cause the various kinds of suffering that gave many, many souls the chance to wind up their third density karma and balance other lifetime experiences so they could go along with Earth. When that part of the plan was completed about ten years ago, those individuals were supposed to join the light forces. They didn’t, and that’s why wars, prejudices, corruption, greed, divisiveness, terrorism and other destructive third density conditions still are going on.

    According to the original plan, by now all of that would have been long gone. It was intended that when Obama became president, he’d have worldwide support in unifying people of all nations and leading your world into the Golden Age. The plan called for you and us to meet up ten years ago and work together to clean up the mess on your planet caused by greedy, uncaring power players.

    Well, we’re still waiting and Obama’s efforts to get reforms going have been blocked by his foes in the Congress or the moneyed individuals who control most members. Through either death threats to his family or bloc voting, Obama has been forced into decisions that are against his conscience and his world vision. After he knew that he and his family had our protection, his mind was relieved of that deep concern, but he still has had to deal with unyielding partisanship and blatant lies or distortions of facts.

    That’s what’s on center stage in the US right now and what should be there is how that nation will cooperate with other countries to fix the sorry state your world is in! If our making an appearance becomes pivotal to Obama keeping his position, we’ll do that in sufficient time before the election. If we see that his reelection is certain, we’ll show up soon afterwards.

    Again, this is NOT political! Once we’re there, political differences won’t be an issue in any country. The truth about us and many other situations that will be disclosed will be.


    (1) Hatonn to Steve Beckow through Suzy Ward, Oct. 15, 2010.

    (2) Matthew’s Message, March 12, 2011.

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    Get far away from Gulf Coast, New Madrid Fault, Louisiana, West Coast and East Coast - Page 20 Empty Re: Get far away from Gulf Coast, New Madrid Fault, Louisiana, West Coast and East Coast

    Post  We Are You Sun Sep 02, 2012 10:48 am

    Mass UFO Sighting – Cancun, Mexico – August 31, 2012 and more...
    In This Update...

    Mass UFO Sighting – Cancun, Mexico – August 31, 2012
    Suzanne Lie: Mytre and the Arcturians Part 4
    Hatonn on President Obama
    Guidance Observed
    UFO ‘Secrets’ To Be Revealed In September, Says National Atomic Testing Museum
    Saul: You Are Going Through a Period of Expert Restoration and Renewal
    Wes Annac: SanJAsKa – Your Love Energy is Very Real and Potent (Part 2/2)
    The Way of Life in the Fifth Dimension
    Jesus: You Are Heading for Experiences of Amazing Wonder and Beguilement
    Lightworkers Awakening
    Matthew’s Message – September 1, 2012
    History Channel on 2006 O’Hare Sighting

    Mass UFO Sighting – Cancun, Mexico – August 31, 2012

    Mass UFO Sighting – Cancun, Mexico – August 31, 2012

    Posted by YouTube user GammaUfoChannel – September 1, 2012. Thanks to Bighouse.

    This is rather special indeed – they fly in from the left and they just keep coming, dancing across the sky. Took my breath away.

    What I love about this video is that it’s not just a shot of one lightship flying across a darkened sky but several. And we have the perspective of what’s going on on the Earth below, too.

    As GammaUfoChannel writes: “On August 31, 2012 at 10: 30 pm there were more than 100 luminous objects flying over the sky of the hotel zone of Cancún. They were observed for 15 min approximately. This video was taken at the end, which is why only some of them are seen. An impressive spectacle!”


    Click here to view the embedded video.

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    Suzanne Lie: Mytre and the Arcturians Part 4

    Mytre and The Arcturians – Signature Frequencies

    By Dr Suzan Caroll / Suzanne Lie – September 1, 2012

    When I awoke the next morning I was so excited that I couldn’t get dressed quickly enough. (Morning was a chosen cycle rather than rising of the Sun, as we were in outer space. Thus, it was always “night” outside the Ship.)

    I was in such a hurry to dress that I put my jacket on inside out and had to take even more “time” to take my jacket off and put it back on correctly. (Time was another decided event as the Arcturians live within the ever-present NOW.)

    I restrained myself from running through the Corridors to the Collective Dining Area, again not necessary for Arcturians do not eat food. When I entered the busy room I was surprised to see my two crewmates. No, my other friend was not resurrected. I walked swiftly over to them and embraced them both.

    It appears that they were waiting for me. We all went to get our food, which was an experience in itself. Since there were members of the Ship from all over our Galaxy, and beyond, we were presented with a vast array of food. I chose a simple Pleiadian breakfast dish, as did my two friends. However, the humorous discussion about our many culinary choices set a welcomed tone of camaraderie and happiness.

    My friends were very happy because they were about to take a Shuttle Craft back to our new Homeworld in the Pleiades. They expected that I would be joining them and were very disappointed to hear that I would stay with the Arcturians. I was, of course, struck with great guilt when they asked how I could stay away from Mytria and our new baby. They also wanted to know if I had clearance from our Commander to remain with the Arcturians.

    When I told them that I had gained the proper clearance, I also had to tell them that I could not share why. I hated to keep a secret from my friends with whom I had just shared a near-death experience, but how could I tell them what I was learning. Our conversation soon degraded from friendly camaraderie to uncomfortable discussion about their return and my staying.

    Finally, I had to make an excuse to leave, as the guilt of staying away from my family and my Homeworld was overpowering. Instead of the welcoming warm embraces of our first greeting, we ended with a rather stiff handshake, as I tried to slowly leave the room. “Well, so much for my first glorious day of training,” I thought as I left the room.

    A huge black cloud was over my head as I walked, face looking down, through the corridor. In fact, I was so absorbed in my self-pity that I almost ran into my Arcturian mentor. Running into a Light Being is a very unique experience, as I literally walked INTO it.

    When I did so, I was surrounded by such illumination and unconditional love that I fell onto the floor as if I had been wounded. In actuality, my wounded self fell to the floor. At the same time, I could feel another part of me, I guess it was my own Lightbody, rise up above me. I felt like two extreme polarities of one person.

    The confusion of my wounded self and the enlightenment of my Lightbody was such a unique experience that I almost passed out with the effort to expand my consciousness to these extremes. Fortunately, the Arcturian came to my assistance by reaching down and gently touching the back of the wounded one’s heart.

    Instantly, my Light SELF rushed into my physical heart and, with no effort, I stood up. When I did so, I realized that the Arcturian was floating above the ground and its face was out of vision. In fact, its face was more of a radiant light with two focus points that I imagined were its eyes.

    It was talking with me telepathically, but I could not hear. My physical distance from its heart and eyes made me believe that I could not hear its telepathic message. Of course, the thought was nonsense, but it was the thought that came into me.

    Was that thought actually the message? Then I realized that the Arcturian was telling me to levitate myself up to the level in which I could be closer to its head and heart. Yes, levitate, I told myself. I tried to remember how I did that before, but I couldn’t remember how.

    After I tried and tried, I became frustrated. No! I became angry. How can this Arcturian expect so much of me? I have only been on this infinitely huge ship a few days. I have just gotten a new body and deserted my family and my Homeworld so that they can teach me to fly!

    There was my guilt, peppered with anger. What had I done? Had I made the right decision? Was I good enough to fulfill their huge expectations of me?

    And on and on… I then heard, VERY LOUDLY, “How are you doing with mastering of your thinking?”

    Arcturian humor! They had the ability to be funny. The concept of this immense Light Being hovering over my head and making a joke set me into uncontrolled laughter.

    The laughing released the anger, released the guilt and released the sorrow, which was the foundation for the guilt and anger. The laughing became more controllable and slowly morphed into a sensation of joy.

    I closed my eyes in appreciation of the joy, which then expanded the joy into love. At this point the Arcturian touched the very top of my head, and I felt the most extreme bliss I had ever experienced. The bliss continued until I bumped my head on the ceiling of the Corridor. Did I hear the Arcturian laugh?

    I fell to the ground in a rather undignified manner and looked up to see the Arcturian smiling. It reached down to touch me, and we blinked into another area of the Ship. This means of transportation was quite exhilarating. I felt no experience of moving. I call it “blinked to another area,” because it seemed to me that I was one place, then my eyes closed for a blink of “time,” and my eyes opened to a different environment.

    In this case, I assumed it was another holosuite for we were standing on a rocky cliff looking at constellations and galaxies in space that I had never seen. “Were are we?” I asked. “Are we in another holosuite?” He instructed me to blink again, and I opened my eyes to the familiar vision of the constellations above my Homeworld in the Pleiades.

    I tried to be polite when I said, “Is this a hologram or is it real?”

    “Is there a difference?” was the response that I heard.

    I would have to think before I asked my next question. Or maybe I should not ask any questions. I had learned so far that a question answered just led to another question. Therefore, I decided to wait and allow the Arcturian to continue with whatever point it was making.

    I watched silently as many beautiful visions of constellations and galaxies filled my vision. As the beauty overtook my thoughts, I began to realize that each vision created a different sensation within my Heart.

    At that point, I again saw the first constellation that I was shown. However, this time I remembered to FEEL every sensation that filled my body, every emotion that arose from those sensations and to listen to every thought that came into my mind.

    We went through the cycle of constellations and galaxies many times. Each time, I was able to FEEL the sensations, emotions and thoughts that were initiated by each vision. It was then that I heard the word, “Signature Frequency.”

    Yes, I got it. Each world has a Signature Frequency. By then, I had recognized some of the stars, constellations and galaxies and realized how the Signature Frequency gave infinitely more informative than the titles that we had given them.

    I turned toward the Arcturian to tell it that I understood, but it was gone. However, I heard a clear message in my heart that I was to stay there until I had memorized every Signature Frequency.

    • Email to a friend •

    Hatonn on President Obama

    I’m reprinting Hatonn’s discussion of President Obama to ensure that no one who has not read Matthew’s Message misses out on reading Hatonn’s part of that message about the President. Many people write me and say I like the site but I can’t go along with you on Obama. Well, I’m afraid “Obama” is an intimate part of the site and Hatonn explains why.

    Commander Hatonn is the director of multidimensional communications emanating from Earth. He told us back in October of 2010 that President Obama knew about the galactics’ protection and the Ascension timetable. Here is that comment:

    “Obama now knows we have him covered and he can proceed without fear for his family’s safety and his own. Media report what they are told, of course, but the truth is, now that he knows Earth’s ascension timetable, he’s negotiating with powers that be either personally or via safe communication channels to shut down Illuminati strongholds in his country, Europe and the Orient.” (1)

    Becoming Barack

    In March of the following year Matthew said very similar things about Obama that Hatonn said in this Sept. 1, 2012 message:

    “A few months ago Hatonn [Oct. 2010] spoke with great passion about the powerful opposition President Obama is dealing with and the need for your supportive thoughts and prayers for him and his family. Still, my mother is besieged with emails asking why the president is taking one action or another that maintains or worsens the very situations he was elected to remedy.

    “The questioners, who may be attributing more authority to the office than the constitution does, are not recognizing that this government has long been the Illuminati’s bastion and their purpose in creating the misconception about the country. Their hold on many members of Congress still is strong, and only after that control ends will Obama be able to guide his administration toward national reforms and the peaceful world he is dedicated to achieving.” (2)

    A mystique has been created around the office of the President that is unwarranted. Because the President does not sit in Congress as the leader of the largest party, as the British prime minister does, he (or she) really has very little real power to ensure that his legislative agenda passed. It would help if Obama was a member of the ruling party, but he is not. The ruling party in America is neither Democrat nor Republican. It is Illuminati.

    President Obama, despite the confusing tidal wave of propaganda launched against him, is not an Illuminati, even if he had to lay low to be elected President. I also include a video on the young Barack, which is about as much politicking as I personally plan to do … short of the last week of the campaign perhaps.

    If you’re still anti-Obama, I hear you and respect your stand. But I won’t be replying to email on the subject any more, I’m afraid. Hatonn has said it all here.

    (And while I’m on the subject, my email, with the announcement of the conference, has once again entered the area of the unmanageable. Please refrain from emailing me unless on important matters. Please use the “Contact Us” form. Thanks.)

    It’s essential that the Obama presidency continues. This has nothing at all to do with politics in that country or any other! It has everything to do with the Golden Age master plan!

    The plan is according to what Gaia, Earth’s soul, wants. She wants a peaceful world with everyone having a fair share and everyone respecting all of her Nature realm. The highest universal council chose as a major player a soul with highly evolved spiritual status, ancient wisdom and world leadership experience in many lifetimes. That soul is Barack Obama.

    He was born with and has retained Gaia’s vision of Earth, and he has the inspiration and qualifications to achieve it. His reelection is imperative to the plan going forward because his opponent isn’t capable of or interested in making the changes the plan requires.

    We are totally apolitical and we’re NOT belittling Mitt Romney! It’s that he and those who share his views aren’t motivated to change the status quo where money’s concerned, and that gross inequity of the few with billions and the billions with little or nothing can’t go on and it won’t. Earth will not allow that imbalance to continue.

    I think more of the big picture is needed here. The master plan included that some individuals would cause the various kinds of suffering that gave many, many souls the chance to wind up their third density karma and balance other lifetime experiences so they could go along with Earth. When that part of the plan was completed about ten years ago, those individuals were supposed to join the light forces. They didn’t, and that’s why wars, prejudices, corruption, greed, divisiveness, terrorism and other destructive third density conditions still are going on.

    According to the original plan, by now all of that would have been long gone. It was intended that when Obama became president, he’d have worldwide support in unifying people of all nations and leading your world into the Golden Age. The plan called for you and us to meet up ten years ago and work together to clean up the mess on your planet caused by greedy, uncaring power players.

    Well, we’re still waiting and Obama’s efforts to get reforms going have been blocked by his foes in the Congress or the moneyed individuals who control most members. Through either death threats to his family or bloc voting, Obama has been forced into decisions that are against his conscience and his world vision. After he knew that he and his family had our protection, his mind was relieved of that deep concern, but he still has had to deal with unyielding partisanship and blatant lies or distortions of facts.

    That’s what’s on center stage in the US right now and what should be there is how that nation will cooperate with other countries to fix the sorry state your world is in! If our making an appearance becomes pivotal to Obama keeping his position, we’ll do that in sufficient time before the election. If we see that his reelection is certain, we’ll show up soon afterwards.

    Again, this is NOT political! Once we’re there, political differences won’t be an issue in any country. The truth about us and many other situations that will be disclosed will be.


    (1) Hatonn to Steve Beckow through Suzy Ward, Oct. 15, 2010.

    (2) Matthew’s Message, March 12, 2011.

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    Guidance Observed

    I’ve just had a wonderful demonstration of guidance that I want to share because I now see that we’re constantly guided and I sense a little better how that process works.

    To the best of my knowledge, all of us have guides. They may be relatives on the Fourth Dimension, or spirit guides, or galactic or terrestrial ascended masters, or angels and archangels. But all of us have them.

    Therefore we can all honestly say that we are guided, led, inspired, fed wisdom.

    Recently a guide, in a reading with Linda Dillon, said that he was talking to me often these days and I seemed to hear him more. I said I had no awareness of it and he replied that nevertheless it was so. What I saw yesterday gives me a little more insight into how this process works.

    Yesterday I was strongly guided to think of peace as “profound relaxation.”

    Ordinarily I’d simply sit down at the computer and write about a subject that comes to mind and think to myself that everything I’m saying is somehow my idea. But because of what occurred yesterday, I became aware of being guided by knowing a thought I had was not mine (at least not per se. More on that later.)

    I initially balked at the suggestion that peace could be understood as profound relaxation. I struggled with it. The reason I did was that our society doesn’t seem to value peace as profound relaxation.

    Or perhaps it’s more accurate to say our society doesn’t seem to value relaxation very much at all. If anything it seems to aspire to getting busier and busier.

    We willingly let go of white space by talking on our cellphones when we walk or listening to music on our iPods when we ride a bus. We use computers and software that annihilate downtime. And our employers willingly seem to oblige us by requiring more and more work from us with fewer and fewer breaks.

    And so for me to assert that peace is “profound relaxation” seemed like condemning myself to a hard sell. I found myself reacting to the idea with: “Excuse me?” (1)

    But then the guidance persisted. No, no, it said; assert as an hypothesis that at least one aspect of peace, that can be tested out, is its aspect as “profound relaxation.”

    Boy, am I ever going to get myself in trouble with this one, I thought. But the notion wouldn’t go away.

    My resistance gradually melted and I looked at this thing. Peace can be thought of and encountered as “profound relaxation.” Hmmmm….

    So I asserted as an hypothesis, just for the sake of testing this thing out, that peace could be encountered and understood as “profound relaxation.” I went along with the guidance provisionally and I began testing it out.

    I was at that moment acting like a spiritual scientist, explorer or interpreter, looking and reporting what I found.

    I allowed myself to profoundly relax. And what did I find? I thought of relaxing on a warm beach at Kovalam, India. I saw myself lying down in the waves, watching a little sand creature pop its antenna above the sand when the water retreated, and then I saw myself getting up and going for kalimari and a coffee milkshake (died and went to heaven) at the restaurant at the top of the beach, just a few meters away, and then going lazily back again into the surf. Profoundly relaxing.

    Or I saw myself after a ten-day meditation course. Or in a cabin on a lake in the woods.

    I’ve known profound relaxation and I felt it again and this time I did see its usefulness in allowing me to connect with a notion of peace.

    And, yes, I do see now how it certainly fits my own pre-existing ideas. I realized: Hey, I’ve have had this idea before of peace being the same as profound relaxation. I just forgot I once had it in mind.

    So this test allowed me to retrieve a way of seeing peace that I had had myself. Perhaps that’s one of the purposes of guidance.

    And then I realized in a flash how all of this was operating.

    An aspect of peace that I myself had seen and understood in some distant past and then forgot about was just fed back to me as an assertion: peace is profound relaxation. My guidance brought it to my attention again, inducing me to test it out and arrive anew at the same conclusion I had back then.

    The reminder, which I at first resisted, irritated me enough to have me break through the years of forgetting and bring to the forefront of my attention a useful idea which I never would have recovered without being led to do so.

    Most guidance I go with and so it remains invisible. But this instance, which I resisted, came to the forefront of my attention. That’s one aspect of it.

    But the other aspect of it is this supremely clever matter of putting the guidance in the form of thoughts I’d already had. Guidance fools me on so many occasions to think that I arrived at this thought. But in this particular instance, even though it drew on my own stock of thoughts, I had still been guided to it. The thought, even if my own, was still implanted by my guides.

    A day later, I’m still amazed at how this process seems to work. It’s moved me now to watch my thoughts more carefully and discern more about the process by which we’re guided or inspired to new/old thoughts, led by “outside,” invisible sources.

    (1) The reason I became aware of it as guidance was because of this sense that it was not something I myself would say.

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    UFO ‘Secrets’ To Be Revealed In September, Says National Atomic Testing Museum

    UFO ‘Secrets’ To Be Revealed In September, Says National Atomic Testing Museum

    By Lee Spiegel, Huffington Post – September 1, 2012

    In just a few weeks, some kind of UFO-related secrets will be revealed at a Smithsonian Institution affiliated museum.

    That’s the implied promise in the title of a special lecture coming up at the National Atomic Testing Museum in Las Vegas on Sept. 22.

    The secrets haven’t yet been revealed, but the players involved certainly present the potential for something intriguing to emerge from this one-night event that’s part of the museum’s ongoing Area 51 lecture series.

    View this promo for the upcoming UFO lecture at the National Atomic Testing Museum.

    Click here to view the embedded video.

    “We looked at bringing in some people to talk about extraterrestrials and UFOs,” said museum CEO and executive director Allan Palmer, a highly decorated former Air Force and Navy combat jet fighter.

    “We wanted to concentrate on people who had personal stories and exposure to what they thought were real UFOs from the military side, because they might have just a little more credibility than your average Joe,” Palmer told The Huffington Post.

    Four of the participants had previous American military security clearances:

    Ret. Army Col. John Alexander: Former military insider who created Advanced Theoretical Physics — a group of top-level government officials and scientists brought together to study UFOs.

    Ret. Air Force Col. Charles Halt: Former base commander of the RAF Bentwaters military base in England and vital eyewitness to the amazing UFO-related events at Rendlesham Forest in December 1980, where he believed the observed UFOs were extraterrestrial in origin.

    Ret. Air Force Col. William Coleman: Former USAF bomber pilot, chief of Air Force public information and producer of NBC’s “Project UFO” series.

    Ret. Air Force Col. Robert Friend: Former director of the Air Force’s Project Blue Book from 1958 to 1963.

    The fifth guest at the museum’s upcoming UFO lecture is former U.K. UFO desk officer Nick Pope.

    What’s going to be different about this one-time lecture compared to previous gatherings where military personnel have stepped forward to reveal details about personal UFO experiences?

    “One of the things that is different is that you have high credibility vetted sources,” Alexander told HuffPost. “What you’re getting from this panel are people who have worked with the military, all of whom certainly agree that UFOs are real, and I think most of them would say it ought to be researched.

    “Here, you’re getting a small number [of participants], but high credibility people.”

    At the Sept. 22 lecture, Pope will speak of the similarities between how the U.K. and U.S. governments had similar UFO study groups and why both countries officially got out of the UFO business.

    “In both instances, the bottom line was that we wanted Joe Sixpack off our backs. Strip out all the mistaken sightings of weather balloons and dump all the crazies, and we might just have something worth looking at,” Pope told HuffPost in an e-mail.

    “But you can’t do that in a public UFO project, because it’s a kook magnet,” he said. “The trick is to highlight all the crazy stuff in the media, so the subject becomes a joke, pull the plug, then run the whole thing covertly. Now I’m not saying this is exactly what happened, but if an Air Force pilot sees something unusual and it’s tracked on military radar, does anyone seriously think we wouldn’t be interested?”

    While none of the participants of the upcoming lecture have offered a preview of any UFO revelation, Pope promises to disclose “some hitherto unrevealed secrets of the British government’s UFO project.”

    This isn’t the first time the Las Vegas museum has offered a provocative UFO presentation.

    Back in March of this year, the Smithsonian venue opened its doors to an ongoing exhibit called “Area 51: Myth or Reality,” providing a comprehensive look at the historic records of the most secret military installation in the country.

    Among the many items displayed are materials presented as “Authentic Alien Artifact” — samples of small objects originating from an alleged UFO crash in Russia.

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    Saul: You Are Going Through a Period of Expert Restoration and Renewal

    Saul: You Are Going Through a Period of Expert Restoration and Renewal

    As channeled by John Smallman – September 2, 2012

    Things are happening thick and fast! Great progress has been made in the awakening process.

    If you could see what we see, you would be absolutely astounded because so many essential changes have taken place, under the radar as it were, to bring the process ever closer to completion.

    Those who would prevent the awakening are pulling out all the stops in their final efforts to defeat the Light – which obviously is quite impossible. Just intensify your determination to awaken, and watch as these essential changes continue to occur.

    We are all one — humanity, your space families, and we in the spiritual realms — because All, Everything That Exists, does so in the eternal and divine field of Love that is God. There is nowhere else, and the vast majority of those apparently enveloped within the illusion – which seems so immense from within it – are working most effectively to dissolve this tiny imaginary pocket of nothingness which appears so real. The moment for its dissolution is close and cannot be avoided or prevented.

    The field of divine Love that envelops your planet, and indeed the whole strange, illusory environment that you built and continue to maintain, is strengthening and intensifying as you all come more fully into alignment with it and are able to accept and embrace its powerful and healing energies.

    When you entered the illusion you left behind almost all your amazing energy and power, and that has to be restored to you only gradually to ensure that you are not overloaded. Once again, using the ocean as an analogy for God’s Love, you can swim and frolic happily at the surface, but if you were to dive deeply into its depths you would be crushed because your bodies were not constructed to withstand the extreme pressure of intense Love that prevails there, waiting enthusiastically to envelop you in its eternal and sublime embrace .

    At present you are all undergoing a massive expansion and strengthening of your individual energy fields to prepare you for your return to Reality. Spending time in the illusion has enormously weakened you, a bit like becoming sick and bedridden, where you have needed to rebuild your health and strength before being able to operate normally once more.

    You have become unbalanced, inharmonious, out of tune, and are now going through a period of what can only be described as expert restoration and renewal, after years of inappropriate storage, or even thoughtless abuse.

    Those of you who are experiencing constant tiredness, exhaustion, or energy depletion are at the forefront of the restoration and renewal program. It is very draining and depressing for you as you struggle with the problems of making even the most simple decisions in your daily lives, things that were previously a breeze.

    Know that you are greatly honored, intensely supported, and dearly loved, and that this ongoing sensation of being completely alone as you force yourselves to maintain your optimism, and discount and disregard your doubts and anxieties, is akin to that very deep dark period before the dawn.

    The light is coming.

    Dawn is the renewal of the day. And the dawn that is now being heralded is the dawn of God’s eternal day, which shines with shimmering brilliance on all the infinite spheres and domains of which Reality is composed. Its brilliance is unimaginable – no other light is in any way comparable to it – and at the same time it is wonderfully soothing, inspiring, and invigorating.

    Within the divine, eternal day, the creative possibilities are endlessly enticing and irresistible; it is a paradise of delights that will never cease to fulfill your every whim or impulse as you wander though its deliciously fertile and fruitful gardens drinking in the spectacular array of colors, scents, and the softness with which it embraces you. It is your Home, it is where you come from, it is where you belong, and it welcomes your presence within it because you complete it.

    With so very much love, Saul.

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    Wes Annac: SanJAsKa – Your Love Energy is Very Real and Potent (Part 2/2)

    Wes Annac: SanJAsKa – Your Love Energy is Very Real and Potent (Part 2/2)

    Alice C: This is a continuation of yesterday’s message from SanJasKa. You can read Part 1 here:

    Channelled through Wes Annac – August 30, 2012

    You are able to transcend any method of keeping you dear souls back; be it physically, mentally or emotionally, and this includes being able to transcend the propaganda regarding us and many other subjects that has been manifested for quite a long time on your world.

    The dark have utilized propaganda to convince and sway the public subconsciously on so very many issues that they have wanted to hold you back in the avenue of so that you did not garner the awareness that sees you breaking the chains and limitations that they had planted you in, with the help of your own collectively-manifested and freewill-based density.

    Despite many awakened souls having been exposed to propaganda about us through films and television shows that portray only negative races with harmful intents in an effort to display us in such a Light, only benevolent and Loving Galactic races will be making contact with your world.

    The types of negative races displayed in your movies and television shows are very thin and far between, but such races still exist and have indeed wished to utilize your world for Her resources, with a prime example being the Annunaki.

    However, any race with negative intents is not allowed near your world because it is vastly against the collective freewill and Life plan of humanity for you to be subjected to such a negative will so close to your collective ascension. We ask you, dear souls, would that make any sense?

    As it will be explained just how controlled the thoughts and feelings of much of humanity have been [as humanity fed such control], you will find a resulting collective breaking-away from such controls once and for all as you find a clear and understood contact with us and as you begin to understand as well, our wish to assist you in reaching pure states of consciousness.

    You are to see and feel how the dark souls have long wished to keep you down and hold you back by fabricating your realities and getting much of the collective to line up under false doctrines, distortions and sheer lies about your reality.

    You will notice, dear souls, how controlled your mainstream outlets and those who follow them truly seem to be. You will notice distractions in every avenue of your Lives from your higher dimensional growth and understanding, and we say that the dense energies given through television and movie screens are quite literally meant to twist your [auric energies] and developing higher dimensional selves, while covering up your chakras with residue which is astral and mental in nature.

    You are constantly repeating throughout various vestiges of your mind, aspects of a television show or movie [or commercial] that you have watched or even been subjected to hearing, and this is because the energy that you are given through television and even through radio frequencies on which your music is purposefully played along; this energy serves to stick itself to your chakras, mainly your pineal gland, while filling your mind with distraction and chatter that sees it much harder for many of you to break through such mental barriers and find a resulting calm that will lead to balance, enlightenment and ascension.

    The dark souls on your world do not wish to see your collective ascension play out, and assuming themselves to be smarter than you, have come up with very clever ways to try to keep humanity inside of predetermined and pre-Created boxes and shells of existence. Now that you are breaking through these shells quite marvelously and we are finding an easier ability to communicate to and through humanity, these souls are quite shocked.

    They did not perceive of this future coming about as they had only believed in their future which even their advanced technology for looking into such a future told them wasn’t going to happen. Even still, they have forged on and assumed themselves still to be able to enact the most devious of the plans that those generations before them in their bloodlines had set out for them and they are again, quite stunned at the rapid awakening of humanity which has indeed been taking place for longer than your 1960s.

    The dark souls had assumed that with the invention of their propaganda and the creation of lower frequency-manifesting devices which would be and have been meant to fill the heads and hearts of humanity with subconscious chatter which is hard to break through; they had assumed that this would keep humanity contained and they are instead now finding many of themselves contained, within a bubble of auric Light that is [and will be] seeing many of them no longer feel in resonation with the plans in which many of them had formerly invested all of themselves in.

    The dark heads are the most resistant to this Light energy but nevertheless, we are continuing in [the Ascended Masters’] plans of sending this energy to them and you dear souls can aide in this process quite supremely.

    If you dear souls wish to, we wish for you to make routine practices and efforts of blessing each cabal member and cabal head on your world with the strongest and purest Light energies that you can muster up at any given time. We note happily when very many of you anchor Love unto yourselves and unto dear Gaia and we ask you to direct this Love energy you are giving out wonderfully, to the dark souls on your world because these souls and the families they have forced into their dark ways, all need this Love energy quite strongly.

    This energy is very real, very potent and will serve to have very important effects upon the dark souls you would be sending them to. If you wish to think of yourselves as warriors for the Light, than imagine this Light and Love energy as your perceived sword and shield, because your gifting of this energy in as pure of a form as you can muster up to the dark souls, will see them totally disengaged and will as well see our energies reaching them in much easier and purer ways.

    Our [and your] actions of giving these souls Love combined with your actions of giving these souls forgiveness will see the future you have all been waiting to manifest, brought about quite supremely.

    This is one potent option of helping to bring forth change on your world that has been suggested. As always, it is very important that you dear souls do the work yourselves that is needed to see the uprooting of the dark heads whose acts mirror the uprooting of your own personally-maintained and deeply-held densities.

    [In the overall plan] the dark souls have only intended to act as a measure of the quite unbalanced karmic negative energy that you dear souls have manifested for yourselves in abundance, though such souls had underestimated the difficulty of breaking away from the greed that they knew they were to undertake by playing the biggest ‘abuser’ role on your world that has ever been filled, all in an effort to get the collective to realize their manifested density and work through it as a result.

    In this avenue, they have been quite successful as many souls are now awakening to their actions and are beginning to understand that their actions have been willingly and unwillingly fed and accepted by the majority of humanity.

    These souls are and have been working with all of themselves to block your knowledge and remembrance of your collective ascension and your ability to break free from physicality and evolve to realms much purer, but the original intent of their incarnation was to help you realize the worst of what you have committed for so very long.

    Many souls will find it difficult to understand that even the cabal heads with the darkest of hearts at present, actually incarnated on your world to fill the positions that they are filling for positive purposes and intentions. There is a strong need to forgive such souls so that you can realize your own inner and deeply-held mind and heart sets that caused and continued to feed the actions and the mere intents of these souls.

    This is why we express to you that their intentions were originally positive but that they have clearly deviated from what they set out to do as they found the money and power getting to them. A very key and crucial aspect of sending these dark souls as much and as pure Light as you can, is being able to forgive these souls fully and purely and to no longer hold pains and hates within toward these souls for you will only feed them when holding such feelings within.

    They have played upon violence and hate as well as physical lust in your media and this is apparent to anybody who is not directly susceptible to such propaganda. Even many dear awakened souls still find trouble breaking through the spell that the cabals have casted upon the collective in various different avenues, and many do not understand the sheer work that the cabals have put in to running every aspect of your predetermined Lives while attempting to keep you within such Lives rather than having you see out your collective evolution.

    These souls will no longer find the energy or the willingness to perform such actions as they will literally find themselves ‘drained’ by the Light energies they will receive.

    This is because while these Light energies will supremely uplift even the average ‘unawakened’ soul, the dark souls strongly do not resonate with the pure [Light] energies at the moment and as a result, would find quite an imbalance within them of the physical, mental and astral bodies that may likely see many of them simply leaving your world because of the sheer nature in which they could not handle such an imbalanced flow of energies throughout their bodies.

    Many of the dark heads and even many figureheads are already experiencing this as they are being sent this Light and, while trying with all of themselves to resist it, are finding it coming through anyway and are finding a resulting difficulty in continuing on in their plans of enslavement of your world and of keeping you from realizing ascension.

    As we do not wish to burn out our dear scribe, we will temporarily close this line of communication and leave you all to ponder what has been given in this communication. Search within and ask yourselves, how do you feel about the cabals at this moment? Many of you wish their activities to come to the screeching halt that they are now coming to and we ask you, how are you going to feel upon hearing the worst of what the cabals have done? Will you be able to find and feel forgiveness?

    We can feel that many of you already know the answer to this question while many of you assume one way or another in regards to such a question. Some of you think that you will never be able to forgive such souls for what they have done, but are to find an upliftment in the period ahead that will see you wanting to forgive such souls, if only simply to serve them in their evolution. Some of you are very sure that you will be able to find forgiveness for such souls, but have not yet realized much of the lower nature in which they have worked with lower forces to maintain control on your world.

    We ask you simply to ponder the balance that you will be able to employ in the immediate, telling period ahead as you begin to find an enlightenment that will see each and every one of you able to access the supreme and uplifting energies of forgiveness and Love, which you have always been able to access as such energies have long been a part of your very soul structure.

    Thank you to SanJAsKa.

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    The Way of Life in the Fifth Dimension

    A tabular overview of the differences between the Third, Fourth and Fifth Dimensions.

    Click here to view the embedded video.

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    Post  We Are You Sun Sep 02, 2012 6:18 pm

    Hi Guys! I have had an intersting conversation with a friend of mine. I have asked my twin flame's Higher Self a few question on Ascension.. and I think it is worth publishing it, as I have never had so clear answers on this before. Please note that my twin is incarnated on Earth at this time.

    • QUESTION #1 Will there be an Earth Split ?

    o ANSWER 1- Everybody on Mother Earth will ascend provided critical mass is made. This is the delay we know now.. waiting for critical mass to be achieved. No split as such, or rather not a permanent one. It is possible that what u and others are seing are temporary Earth frequency variations. by this i mean that the Earth will not make it in one go, and same is true for her inhabiting species.. There willl be a temporary period of flux, of in between states, as a matter of fact we are in this period right now.
    o This period is a temporary transition when EARTH and indigenous life switch from 3d to 5d and back again a few times
    o until 5d can be retained permanently.
    o Once all are in 5d, there will be no sheeple
    o a certain level of candor and innocence is welcome in 5d also
    o once the souls have purified themselves form past karma, and stains, they are allowed rejoining their mother ship of origine
    o and they can chose whether it is best for them to prolong the 3d experience in order to facilitate loved ones transitions
    o or wheter they wish to regain their original 5d bodies permanently
    o and return home
    o on the ships, access to all possible futures, and parallel lives realities are shown, considered
    o all options are carefully analysed
    o nothing is left to chance.
    o so there will be a temporary split
    o but it is only in order to facilitate final permanent transition in 5d
    o the New Earth is currently already born
    o However, as a new born
    o it will take her time to adapt, grow and funtion on her own in 5d
    o some of u visit the new earth while in your dreams, on Aurora
    o and Inner Earth is already all 5d ascended environemnt
    o but both dimensions can coexist
    o under certain conditions and circumstances
    o i hope it is clear now ?
    QUESTION #2 Is 12/21 going to be just another day. Same old stuff? Or will we have a big burst of light and ascend fast. Total change?
    o ANSWER 2- is already answered in 1 more or less..
    o no real sudden change, the energies are permanently recveived
    o and increasing in magnitude
    o however when the tiping point or critical mass have been achieved
    o all will be sudden from then on
    o we are in the slow build up to critical mass now
    o but once this is acheived, all will transform suddenly
    o there is no precise date as such ...
    o it is all in your own making as creators
    o and how far you can envisage and create the changes needed
    o 21 12 12 is yet another portal, and once can chose to ascend on that day indeed
    o however, there will be no focing anybody towards ascension
    o people will have to decide for themselves ultimately
    o many of u can ascend when ever they decide if ready after 21 12 12
    o it is just another gate opening
    o whether you chose to walk through it is an individual decision
    o once enough have gone through the gate/ portal critical mass can be achieved
    o and the entire Earth can go through the portal
    o those who wish to remain in 3d will be redirected on to other 3d planets once they have ascended temporarly
    o they will have some "time" (althoguh no such thing as time exists in 5d) to decide for good whether 5d is right for them or not
    o If they prefer not to ascend, they will be relocated
    o and all their 5d memories will be naturally erased through the birthing process usually taking place on all planets when one incarnates.
    o QUESTION#3: Are the airlifts true, or is my team directing me to this info just to keep my mind occupied?
    o ANSWER 3: Not really such thing i am afraid
    o perhaps for Ashtar's crew only
    o lightworkers are needed on Earth to bring about the much need critical mass
    o just think of it rationally..
    o if lightworkers are removed.. who will help Mother Earth ascend??
    o We can all visit New Earth, that is 5D Earth when in sleep or deep meditation, or even better when we are in touch with our light within
    o New Earth already exists inside of us all.
    o Here and Now, it exists. look for it within your heart and you will see it
    o Don't forget that we are all multidimensional beings, just by our birth right as human
    o Once Mother Earth Ascends, of course, there will be many who will be indeed be picked up by their original star families and starships
    o 3 waves of lifting up? perhaps a lot more, but only once critical mass is achieved and ascension has taken place.
    o once again, i do hope it helps
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    Post  We Are You Mon Sep 03, 2012 7:23 am

    Karmic and collective soul links – My own story. | judithkusel
    by Laura

    Life on this planet has always had a will and unfolding of its own. It has been different from the other planets in this solar system, in that it was an EXPERIMENT, to which 866 000 souls aspired to, and to which they did sign soul contracts. In this they pledged themselves to be volunteers to see how human and human-like beings from other star systems and galaxies would adjust to such a dense and physical planet as this – although in the beginning she was in the 7TH dimension.

    In the meantime, through various reasons, she, through the misdoings of human kind, is the only planet in the whole solar system who has managed to fall from the 7th dimensional state into the 3rd. It is this error, or rather deliberate misjudgement which needs to be rectified now, and is in the process of being adjusted as we are collectively evolving into the 5th and back into the 7th dimensional state.

    Most of the souls, barring a handful who have never incarnated onto this planet ever before and have no links with it, have been involved with this planet in one form or another, have incarnated here at one stage, and thus, during those lifetimes, have added karmic personal soul links and then also COLLECTIVE karmic links to this planet.

    Most of karma is accumulated via the breaking of the Divine Cosmic Laws and the most important of all of these, then is Law of CAUSE and Effect. It is basically – what you sow … you reap. Thus is you murder someone, in the next life you are the one who will get murdered. That is how it is supposed to be under the baser understanding of the law, yet the Law of Grace and under forgiveness and unconditional Love, a lot of the karmic ties and links may be resolved.

    At this time, particularly the karmic ties and links from other lifetimes will come to haunt us. As we are moving up in the dimensional scale, these links are pulling and tugging at us, and we cannot move forward into a higher state of evolvement and being, if we are being pulled back by unresolved issues which have come over lifetimes.

    There are TWO aspects coming to the fore now: The one is the PERSONAL LOVE RELATIONSHIPS, which involved SEXUAL ties, and then family cords and ties. The second is then the COLLECTIVE ties, which involved the TRIBAL connections, or the people of a country or region. If these ties link us to a place where mass exterminations and crimes to humanity were committed, then these now need to be COLLECTIVELY cleared and let go of.

    I will relate my own story to you today, and it is the first time ever that I am sharing this. However, as I am picking up more and more souls in my own soul readings, who are going through similar experiences and have to cut and confront these karmic links, I will now speak openly about what has happened to me in the past 4 to 7 years and what I have had to deal with, in order to be free to truly step up into the higher states of consciousness and to find inner peace, serenity and contentment.

    As long as I can remember, (even when working in the Library) I have had a fascination for France. Yet, having been born in Africa, and coming from German Pedigree Stock (nor quite that, for via my mother Celtic), I had little to do with the French and France. Later on, working in the Library, I found that for some or other reason, though; I shuddered when I picked up picture books of France…. Indeed, I could quite happily look at pictures of Paris, but the minute I got to a certain part of France, cold shivers would have me fleeing – literally running away.

    It so happened that during these last years, a man, much younger than me, wanted to have a love relationship with me. I was okay with his friendship – albeit luke-warm, but I was not interested in the way he wished this to be. It so happened, that one day, we had an argument, in that instant he attacked me – and as he did so, his face changed, and something deep inside of me was triggered. For some reason, as he had taken my car keys, I remained calm, calling in my Angels, and then he backed off, threw me my car keys and left.

    I was shaken by that incident, and that night I had a terrible dream. I saw myself, being tied to a stake with 5 Knights Templar’s, recognizing one of them as my brother in this lifetime, and then, I saw that the man who had just attacked me, in the brown habit of a Priest, standing there, with the Bishop at his side, chanting ,praying and reading from the Bible in his hands, while I and the 5 Templar’s were being burnt on the stake. This vision subsequently changed my whole life! I wanted to know what this was all about, and then, I realized that in that lifetime this same man had wanted me, and in the end fanatically burnt me, because of something that I and the others had, that the church wanted.

    Slowly but surely, as vision, after vision arrived, the whole story of that lifetime started coming back to me. I have subsequently met quite a few of those with whom I was involved and family member from that lifetime and my ex-tutor and lover. That lifetime was in Languedoc, as the youngest daughter of the Raymond Roger, Count of Foix, whose sister Esclaremonde of Foix, was a pioneer – highly educated who became a Cathar Parfait and who opened up the first shelter for women, schools and boarding establishment in Dur in the Pyrenees. It was this same family who held Monsegur and had to see their own people burnt en masse at the stakes, with 22 000 people burnt alive in Bezier and at other places, by Simon de Montfort and his crusading army, while priests where cheering them on.

    As memory, after memory bank was triggered, there was intense pain – pain such as I had never experienced before. I remembered how I had to safeguard the hidden secrets of my people, while the men were at war…. How I was hunted down in the end, like an animal, often having to take refuge in the high mountains of the Pyrenees…. feeling immensely lost and alone. In the process I lost my lover, my three children, and most of those I loved dearly.

    With the memory banks being cleared and released, one by one, I suddenly understood why a lot of my life in this lifetime had taken a certain pattern or path. It was there, at Monsegur, in one moment of utter despair and pain, that I cursed those who did this to my people and I vowed that I would never marry, nor allow children to be born via my own womb, as long as men had forgotten who they are and wreak trauma and death in amidst my beautiful and beloved mountains and the people dear to my heart and soul.

    In this lifetime, I have never married and cannot have children. I had to release those vows and curse, and I have had to extensively work at opening my heart to my ex lover, forgiving him – understanding at last that he had not forsaken me, but had seen that our children were brought to safety in his own country, in Leon and Aragon, and that our daughter got to Ireland. One son became the Count of Foix as my brother claimed him as his own son, and the other later married and became King.

    My lover, with the help of the Templars, took valuable manuscripts from my father’s Library to Italy and that later became of course, the Renaissance. The did the same, with the aid of the Templars, and often had to do some of it on my own. However, most of it was never written down and was handed on verbally.

    All of this lead me to do extensive research. I would not rest until I had proof that what I remembered, was true and fact, and then when I found the evidence, I would often burst into tears, knowing that in this lifetime I would be called upon to bring a lot of the Ancient Knowledge and Teachings back to this planet – but this time, I chose to be born in Africa, far away from the Pyrenees, but linking up with my first soul links to this Planet, and the continent of Elysium. This is essentially what my soul is doing now.

    During this whole process, I have started to understand that we have to work through the trauma of past lives, especially if we died violent deaths and if there was great pain involved there. I know for instance that I felt no pain, for I had a ring with poison in it which I drank before going to the stake. It was the pain INSIDE of me, which was greater than the pain of the flames

    . As I started remembering, I would write it down, research and then I would find the next would arrive. Yet, with each one, I could now release the pain, learn to let go, and learn to release the pain and let the soul free.

    With my lover, this has been a journey in itself, and I have finally gotten to the stage, where I know that our love is eternal, and has been a massive lesson in unconditional love – but greater and more profound than ever before.

    The strange thing though, is that I am picking up more and more souls coming to me for soul readings, who have had such karmic links, trauma and pain in their past lives and relationships. Funnily, a lot of them were Cathars and with it, the confirmation has come, that as these memory banks are now opened up and released, there were vows and prophesies make, that the Cathars would rise again and that Languedoc would be cleared.

    This is certainly happening, for the collective will now have to truly work at releasing the trauma in that region, as this is region is ancient and is linked via its Pyramids, to the oldest civilization on Earth, sunk under the sea; Elysium/Avalon and Atlantis. The Ancient Ones have held the Light steady for thousands of years in the Pyrenees and they desire that this now happens and that the Divine Mother is honoured in her desire there for Love to return.

    There is no easy journey through something like this. Past Life Practioners can help you, but in the end it is for you to find that deep and abiding love from within your soul, to release the souls and then to find the space of unconditional love. Most of this can only be done by asking Archangel Michael and Raphael to assist you and then to lay it upon the inner altars of the Divine Source – and ask for the trauma, pain, etc. to be transmuted and then to bring in healing love as healing balm to the soul

    . What stands for the individual, stands for the collective too. When we truly desire to be healed, then healing does come and then the karmic ties and links do get lifted, because the Lords of Karma, are now willing to release these – as we have to be free to move into a totally different way of life – and cannot bring all this accumulated baggage into the higher dimensions into which we are moving.

    I have found, that when I remembered, and could understand what had happened, then I could deal with the issue and then release it. However, I do not know how I will react when I ever go back to France in person, and especially to the Bishops Palace in Urgell, Andorra, where I was burnt with those 5 Knight Templar’s – men who could have gone free, but refused to, because of their loyalty to me and my family and their own higher calling.

    I also do not know what could happen when I see my beloved Foix once more, the castle where I grew up in and most of all – my beloved mountains.


    Karmic and collective soul links – My own story. | judithkusel.
    Laura | September 3, 2012 at 09:48 | Categories: Authors/ Spirituality | URL:
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    Post  We Are You Mon Sep 03, 2012 12:47 pm

    UFO/ET Disclosure, NESARA, Accountability, Earth Changes, Ascension, and the Golden Age

    5. 2012 FOR BEGINNERS
    8. THE 2012 SCENARIO
    12. 2012 HISTORY
    14A. MEET-UPS
    14B. MEET-UPS II

    Angela Peregoff: Being Inspired By Self
    2012 September 3
    Posted by Vina

    For those who have been gaining heightened extra sensory capabilities and expanded consciousness, this week’s update will be a welcoming and resonant affirmation that we are getting used to our new multidimensional software.
    Angela Peregoff: Being Inspired By Self

    September 3, 2012

    “Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power. ” ~ Tao Te Ching

    August ends more with a whimper than a bang.

    Compare this fairly mellow week with the nerve shattering, cosmic blitzkrieg of late July and early August and you’ll sense you’re in “vacation” energy.

    It is almost shocking to realize how the celestial councils organized that virtual tension-plagued dynamic for so many weeks in a row – first the financial markets downturn, the US crop failures and devastating wild fires, and then the slew of horrible public mass killings beginning with the midnight movie-goers in Colorado.

    This week will be filled with a quiet aliveness that shifts you into revelatory vibrations.

    A very powerful and exciting month is at hand as September gets ready to unlock a doorway to Higher Light as we are pushed to make the fundamental changes that support the Age of Light that is upon us. Are you up for sneaking a peek at the “forgotten ancient secrets” of your own Soul? At last settling in the center of the Inner Self and living from a state of mind that is based on “intuitive knowing” rather than the 3-D model that is based on a “belief” state of mind. Now greater-than-normal clarity comes from relying on an inner knowing.

    Haven’t you found that you can automatically know whether information is true or false based on how the information resonates?

    How about being able to increase your psychic abilities, your manifestation awareness, and inert wisdoms? Wouldn’t it be great to more fully appreciate the kaleidoscope of 5-D uniqueness that you are? Well September is bringing in some on-the-edge energies that will make possible all of the above. This is one of those rare months when there are very few impediments to forward progress. Don’t be surprised if brainstorms and rare insights inundate your consciousness. Keep your journal close at hand to transcribe the wisdom and key tasks that come in over the next few weeks. As a collective we are standing smack dab in the middle of a massive planetary overhaul and we’ve got to find out what we are truly capable of and then live from that space. September is going to gift all of us with what we need not to repeat our own disempowering history. You owe it to yourself and all of humanity to wake up every day and get close to your Soul.

    If the days begin to feel like a roller coaster ride, slow down and focus on the importance of self-centeredness this month. Become the picture of self-kindness; eat comfort foods, spend extra time meditating, and make sure to get exercise and sleep. This extreme adventure of planetary mass rearrangement has millions awakening to their soul heritage and this month can bring in another revelatory activation within your design of form and texture.

    That is as long as you can keep your mindset disconnected from fixed ideologies, media turmoil, and the collective disillusionment (hard for the US since we are programmed by corporate media to react to every whim of their creating). Just remember that when the breath of Ancient Mysteries is whooshed into our domain it is very often disguised by chaos so that only the True Master can claim their prize. Be ready friends and don’t say I didn’t tell you it was coming.

    September = Sacred Sanctuary. Some of the first potent vibrations are already pulsing the Light Body and awakening a wise part of you with a remembrance that saturates your entire being with all the roles ever played and all choices of light acted on that comprehend the bigger picture that is at work beyond the senses of your conventional daily living. You need to be willing to allow this aspect of the eternal Soul self to anchor into the physical body and stabilize your multidimensional presence here.

    September will have the ability to leave you dizzy from the quickness and vastness of what is occurring. Utilize conscious grounding in order that you have the instinctual wisdom to move forward as one who sees and knows their designed journey and lives life accordingly.

    You are literally entering a time when your internal eyes are opening up and you are now able to see the hidden entrances to the Ascended Self. And as one’s eyes are drawn into this new world of vision nothing can keep you from being led, or rather irresistibly drawn, to your perfect place of Soul expression sitting at a higher apex of Light. So powerful is this new creational maturity that all shall Light bend to unleash a magnitude of abundance that fills every crack of your personal universe with what needs to be seen.

    Also getting out her message this month will be God’s handmaiden, Virgo. Pay attention to the glow of her season for she opens the gates to celestial riches with the equinox on September 22nd . Equinoxes unlock the entrance to the ethers and multidimensional realms. Virgo encourages sincerity and attentive listening. Because of these two it’s my guess that humanity will be liberating patterns, blocks, and beliefs from the collective deeper mind in order that we adopt some new empowering principles by the end of the month.

    Remember it is always a personal choice whether or not to wear this new energy so do not wait on those who still ponder and putter in their humanness. Not everyone will be ready for the rearrangement of brain waves, readjustment of thinking patterns, and disbursement of beliefs that have kept them hostage. Instead, as you move into enlightenment assist others to see the beauty of their own Light, of their life and of their choices.

    There is no race to heaven’s gate, just an alignment -
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    Post  We Are You Mon Sep 03, 2012 4:33 pm

    by Laura

    Ute Posegga-Rudel
    Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012

    Please also read update from 21.8.12
    Dear Ones, we are the Arcturians!

    It is good that you rest more! Everybody should! The incoming energies are very high and your bodies are not used to it!

    There has not been such a high frequency on earth, and your collective physical consciousness is not familiar with such strong currents of electromagnetic waves.

    They enter deep into your physical vehicle and are changing the biology of your cells and the structure of your body.

    Many of you are already familiar with this fact, but most of you do not really deal with this profound change or unknown process that is altering your body.

    You all must make sure to give your physical body enough space and quiet to adapt. Stress and a life that continues to be very busy is what does not serve your well-being. And if you have stress you do not allow the evolutionary process to take place as it should.

    This change on all levels requires basically a contemplative life at best.

    But your life is mainly just busy, and the controllers are actually keeping you busy by non stop blasting useless information and the compulsive requirements of a controlled society at you.

    If you are still in the midst of this world that is a creation of the controllers, we ask you to look for options and to see how you can step out of this machine of life, that keeps you busy for the sake of being busy. This is of course intended. Because busy people cannot really become conscious in a way that is natural to them by birthright.

    There are many things that are unnecessary, but of which you think they are “normal” and cannot be released, because you are used to it and everybody does it, but which are just part of a non-sense life-style, which has nothing to do with being simply human.

    Human beings are naturally contemplative beings, and if they are not, something has happened that disturbed this capability. Most of humanity in the Westernized countries are so overwhelmed with constant activities, that they have forgotten what true life is, and what they themselves are: spiritual beings who would under normal circumstances create their life from the point of stillness within. Instead everybody is driven by external signals of a society that lost its center of Being and that pursues hectically a life to fulfill unnatural consumer dreams and its compulsive activities. And these dreams are becoming more and more bizarre!

    It is important, that you pause and overcome the urge to being busy. If you look closely at your daily program you will discover that there are things, which you can just drop as not necessary requisites of your life.

    As soon as you start to become quiet from deep within you will be able to participate consciously in the change of your whole being, physically and spiritually. Even if you are already participating in spiritual activities your life might be even then too busy! The mind is it which keeps you busy, activities included! It is understandable but it is also important to step back and merely to Be. Take every day at least 30 Minutes in the morning and evening for yourself, contemplating and meditating, better 1 hour.

    Dear ones, it is so necessary, because in these quiet times you are opening yourself up fully for the process of change and true growth. If you do this, you allow your consciousness being changed to become profound, which in return serves the ascension process of earth and all humanity, as you consciously open up for the light to enter you.

    The Ascension process is not only a process that is accelerated by certain appropriate thinking patterns, but also a process that goes much deeper and wider, namely when the brain is relaxed and thereby your physical and subtle bodies too. The more they are relaxed and open the more they are able to receive the light, which blesses you with deeper revelations of what you truly are.

    This process is ultimately about you and your true identity, which is Divine. This Divinity can only be fully embraced and recognized in its depths when you become still. It is not understood with the mind, but in your unlimited feeling, which pervades and surrounds your body-mind. If you allow this space to unfold and become conscious, you allow unconditional Consciousness to arise.

    This is the evolution of humanity, and the more you unite with unconditional Consciousness, the more the total body of humanity will awaken to it, igniting like wildfire every soul of your human family.

    The vast and unlimited field of consciousness is humanity’s heritage and sign. In it love flowers boundlessly and abundance is natural.

    This state of Being is where you are drawn to and which is your destiny. Envision it and ask yourself whether your present life style is already moving into this direction. It will help you to recognize the necessary changes you need to make to invite New Earth and New Humanity into your life.

    With Blessings!

    We Are the Arcturians!

    Message conveyed by Ute

    Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
    Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

    Laura | September 3, 2012 at 20:44 | Categories: Channels | URL:
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    Post  We Are You Tue Sep 04, 2012 5:22 am

    Light Input from Higher Realms Expands During 9-6 to 9-12 Window…
    by ÉirePort

    Dissolved patterns may briefly arise in consciousness as Light input from Higher Realms expands during the 9-6 to 9-12 window. These patterns become visible only in thought at lower levels and will dissipate after the 9-12.

    This applies to individual and planetary thought patterns.

    Higher Dimensional Light grids have stabilized and are now allowing beams from the Inner Light Gaia to flow outward to the so-called surface of the planet. Previously "released" dark shadow concepts are illuminated, and thus appear, then dis-appear, in consciousness thought only.

    Reaction and response to the appearance of these former patterns are not desired. Only observation, and non-attachment.

    Current Higher Gaia Grid structure supports this final pattern unveiling and dissolving. Many patterns of old paradigms will be exposed, and dissolved.
    ÉirePort | September 4, 2012 at 08:01 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:
    Melchizedek ~~ Your choices: where there’s a will, there’s a way! ~~ 04/09/2012 Channeled by Méline Lafont.
    by melinelafont

    Where there’s a will, there”s a way. This saying is most appropriate these days! What you earnestly want to bring to manifestation will be the way to your personal Ascension process. So continue on with creating your thoughts, and certainly continue persevering in this regards. The road is being cleared more and more in such a way that only tiny hindrances remain, so do not let the ones remaining deter you or delay you from reaching your goal. These are mere distractions and dirty games which are unfair, so don’t invest your energy in them, they are not worth your while.
    Focus primarily on yourself and your inner world, on your beautiful spark full of colours and love and give your world that particular personal colour. Send it out, scream it out if need be and fight against the very last illusions which are still trying to get you distracted. You are defenders and warriors of the Light; keep your light torches high and enlighten the whole world ; don’t let even the smallest particle escape from your loving and warm embrace. Indeed, you are Lightbeings, your are Uppergods, Masters, Angels, Starseed, Stars, Suns, Love, Lightenergies …. You are all incarnated with just one purpose : your Ascension! So let’s get on with the show and let’s do the things you came here to do ; join hands in cooperation as this is the way to go. We are all One, never forget that.
    Humans and souls, splendidly beautiful creations in which the spark of Love has extinguished, will all be reignited in an effort to lead them to full awakening. We anxiously await the reactions that will come about with the present intense energies and what the endresult will be. Will there be a mass awakening or not? That is the big question for us in these days. Many souls have already found their way back to the Light and many will follow, that’s what we foresee and it brings us much joy. Let’s focus more specifically on yourself as the inner evolution and the inner changes will have an impact on the outer world that surrounds you. This is your personal approach and contribution for this world : to simply be Love and Light.
    Certain souls, with specific tasks pertaining to them, are now receiving the knowledge so that afore-mentioned tasks can be performed. The first of these souls have already begun and many more are to follow. The soul tasks have everything to do with raising the vibrations of this world. We wish to give you a pat on the shoulders and a warm hug as a way of saying thanks for your choice to be here in this present moment and to represent the Light. Certainly no easy task, as you know by now, but for you it was an easy choice when this question was asked to you. Without a shadow of a doubt, most souls made the choice to return bringing you to where you are now on this planet.
    What is happening now is historic in scope and you are all part of it. This is much appreciated not only by the numerous galactic civilizations, to which many of you belong, but also by the Masters of the Spiritual Hierarchy as well as by all of the Lighted Realms. Together we are strong and as one unit we are going to cooperate. The veils between our worlds have thinned considerably and you can now more easily see and feel us which will facilitate our cooperation. Get used to this change, you are all most welcome, you are loved deeply. Very soon all will return to the original state of being and your assistance and experiences on this planet of duality will become a thing of the past. We welcome you very soon now in our higher world and embrace you all with arms of Love and Light.
    I Am Melchizedek of the Great White Brotherhood and I thank you cordially for the opportunity to share this message. Namaste.

    Copyright © 2012 by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.
    melinelafont | September 4, 2012 at 10:01 | Tags: Ascended master, Melchizedek, Meline Lafont | Categories: Channels | URL:

    Sananda ~ Be With and Of the Creator ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ 3 September 2012
    by franheal


    Greetings, beloved Lightworkers. I come before you today to speak of more assistance in your ascension process.

    You are all progressing very nicely in your process. The last energy surge and influx was instrumental in bringing more and more of you on-line. Now you are processing what you have received. The influx continues but you are more prepared and ready to receive than before.

    You all are unique in your process but all contain the seed of Divinity that is ever growing in strength as you progress.

    Take a moment now to ponder and assess your Light Body. Are you feeling more aware of it? Are you feeling more energy surges throughout your body as we speak, a kind of pulsing and expansion that is ongoing? Excellent. Allow that, dear Ones.

    As you pull your awareness away from your thoughts and more into your Heart, it is becoming more and more your World. It is self-sustaining and nurturing and nourishing. Let that become your complete focus from now on, what you build in your Heart, as you allow more Light and Love to infiltrate your Being, as you become engorged with it.

    For all intents and purposes, you have changed your focus a great deal as you allow Love to be who you are. It rules your actions now more than ever. Things around you naturally fall in line and rhythm because of it.

    The frequency of Love is building in all and is affecting all around you, including Mother Earth. Your body is transforming to house it in greater capacity, as you embark on this new path of your ascension which is becoming more streamlined and potent.

    Let go of your pre-conceived ideas of what ascension is, and just experience it as your Heart fills up in greater capacity. You naturally let it flow out to the universes and everything is caught up in the raising of frequency.

    Beloveds, it is not necessary for you to grasp everything on an intellectual level anymore. Allow the surge of Light to envelop you and transform you and rejoice in the wonderful feeling of Joy that is part and parcel of this transformation.

    Be the Love in your Heart; allow it to influence everything you do and say. Accept the vibration of the Creator to the fullest every moment of your life. Let it overtake you, let it rule your thoughts, let it Be your thoughts, from now on into eternity, dear Ones.

    Accept that you are not the same as you were yesterday. Accept that you are so much more than you ever dreamed - so full of Love, of Divinity, that you are becoming it once again, not just for a moment in the day or for the time you devote to meditation, but let it rule your World.

    Create from that, dear Ones; create from that growing Love in your Heart and you will be surrounded by miracles in a constant flow. Now is the time to let that appear in your lives. Now is the time to surrender to the Creator’s essence that is you.

    Now is the time to surrender to who you really are, not just the outer casing of you that was designed for experience, but the strong Light of Love and Divinity, which is your true Essence.

    Roll up all those experiences and negative thoughts and fears into the Love you are allowing to build in you and release them like you would a butterfly from the tip of your finger. Shine the Light on the remaining limiting beliefs and issues that still inhabit your psyche and love them and release them. Now is the time to soar with the newfound Lightness you are gaining.

    May you continue to experience peace through this process. You are encountering the last leg of your journey so do not let a moment go by without attending to it.

    I stand ready to lend you assistance. I am Sananda, at your service.

    As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are included. (Blog) (Website)
    franheal | September 4, 2012 at 02:51 | Tags: Ascension Process, Be With and Of the Creator, Divinity, Fran Zepeda, Frequency of Love, heart, Joy, light body, Lightworkers, Mother Earth, Peace, Sananda, September 3 2012, Spititual Transformation, World | Categories: Channels, General News | URL:

    ~The Galactic Free Press Update~ The Energies Will Continue Intensifying~ | The Galactic Free Press
    by Laura

    Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~

    Greetings Love Beings, We have shared and many others as well, the energies will continue to intensify more each Moment. This will make way for a Smooth Transition from the old to The New Paradigm. The Light Will continue to grow exponentially and there is no where to go for those who would like this Planet to remain the same. This Planet is forever changed because of the Efforts of Love Beings Awake Across the Planet and there is Only Up from Here.

    The Arcturian Group ~ Marilyn Raffaele "Much is coming to fruition at this time and we see the light of your dear planet earth becoming intense and awakened. Much is soon to manifest as a result of your hard work dear ones, so do not be surprised as you witness many traditions begin to crumble. It is a time of transition and shifting to new ways of seeing, being, and living. You will be pleasantly surprised when the world finally realizes that there is no need for war, separation, cruelty, and extreme power held by a few. These concepts are remnants of an energy that is now completing for those of you choosing to move forward.

    This new world[Planet][ is represented through new ways of living and yet, it is not new at all, for you are simply now awakening to the realization that you are and always have been, One. All living things are connected by virtue of their being in and of the One omnipresent, One omnipotent, and One omniscient Consciousness. As the manifestation of Source, you are also one with every Divine Idea within Divine Consciousness. Think upon that dear ones–you are actually one with Divine ideas of abundance, joy, peace, intelligence, completeness, wholeness, and much more. These Divine ideas are held in place by law..." End of Quote

    Sunspot 1560 poses a continued threat for Earth-directed M-flares. Credit: SDO/HM

    The Sun has Been Active again, and we have a Strong Chance for M Class Flares. Earlier today we entered a Geomagnetic Storm which is now subsiding. We have had alot of Earthquake Activity today. None of these Large quakes produced any reported damage or tsunami's.

    Brilliant EarthRise Report:

    Messages from The Earth Allies:

    Quoted from Bella Capozzi" If wishes are intentions and intentions are wishes, then I wish that, finally, the people of Planet Earth could live in a state of peace and abundance. I wish that Mother Gaia could at last spread her wings, and that her children could breathe fresh, clean air; the wars and the suffering would come to an end, right now, and the land and the water would be pure, unpolluted and thriving with life. The veil of secrecy is so ridiculously obsolete, and I fervently pray that it be ripped away to expose the magnificent paradise of 5D Earth, which lay just on the other side. Yes, it’s real-honestly- and it’s there, ready and waiting. Now all that’s left for us to do is to choose the correct road to get there, check our baggage at the door and move in. The horrors we leave behind in 3D will be only a distant and incomprehensible memory; hard lessons never to be repeated." End of Quote

    All of Humanity was Ignited to Awaken in 2007 when MotherEarth=Heart and Father Sky=Sun Connected in the Physical Realm for the First Time In 19 Billion Years. Then On December 21st 2007, The Planet Entered the Photon Belt. For the last 5 Years Humanity has been Flying through Space through the Photon Belt. On December 21, 2012 Mother Earth=Heart will reach her destination to the Center of this Universe, which represents the Heart=Oneness. Those choosing to Ascend with Mother Earth=Heart are About to Take a Huge Leap Forword in Conssciousness. More and More are Now Awakening and this is Getting really exciting. The More Who awaken, the Brighter and Lighter The Planet Becomes and a Smoother Transition Will Manifest.

    Quoted from Emmanuel Dagher "We have the opportunity right this minute to hold a sacred space of love and compassion for the world as a whole to step into, even if many are still caught up in the seeming upheaval and fear mindset. Each one of us is powerful and fully capable of being able to hold this sacred space of love and compassion for the world[Planet]. I've always felt that even if there was only one person on the planet holding a consistent space of love and compassion for the masses, eventually that one person will create a domino effect allowing the whole world to match the same vibration of love and compassion that the person was able to tap into. However, thank goodness we have an abundance of radiant beings around the world[Planet] committed to holding a continuous space of love, which is allowing the collective transition to move more quickly...

    Up until the end of August, the energies had been relatively quiet. This brief pause allotted us some time to integrate with the intense energies that entered the collective consciousness back in July and first few days of August. Now, a general sense of anticipation is slowly building back up as we enter the final quarter to what has already been a paradigm shifting year....

    By now, it's no longer a secret that great personal and global changes are taking place. Some of these changes can feel blissful while others may feel the complete opposite. The key to moving through it all is to remain grounded in love." End of quote


    These Incoming energies will serve All of You In Many ways. They are cleansing Humanity of the program mind, they are bringing forward all the Lies and The More this Unfolds The More The Truth Steps forward Onto the Main Stage of Planet Earth=Heart. They are Assisting in the Clean Up of the Planet, they are Activating All Divine Decrees for Manifestation and All Divine Contracts of Service to Love, and they are Bringing in Higher Energies for Grander Experiences of Joy. Love, Loves Surprises and Love, Loves to Give Surprises. Lucky Humanity They are All Made of Love!!

    Decreed by Heaven, We are Now Spiriling Quickly Together Into The Present Moment of Now. This is the Divine Plan Manifesting Now On Planet Earth=Heart.

    Join US Live for the Internet Love Party Beginning at 10:30am Pacific Wednesday September 5th.

    ~Thank You for Spreading These Messages to Others and Keeping Your Hearts Open and Staying Tuned In~

    Just Be Present and Follow the Synchronostic Events!

    ~End Transmission in All Love is Unconditionally, We are So In Love With Humanity~

    We Love You Unconditionally~ Love, The Galactic Free Press Staff~Humanity's Earth Allies, The Company of Heaven and The First Contact Ground Crew Team.

    If You missed our Last 2 Updates here are the Links:

    Its Because of your continued Love and Support through all avenues which is bringing The Truth to the Forefront. Thank You for Honoring us, as We Honor You Every Moment in Service 24 hours a day 7 days a week. We Love You! Thank You for Keeping US Going and sharing if you can~


    Funding Goal $3000

    Total Shared $371

    Thank you Everyone for Honoring US, Supporting Us, and SHARING WITH THOSE Who Are In Daily 24 Hour Divine Service to the Love and Truth On this Planet! Thank you for allowing us to Be Here.

    Join us Live Every Saturday and Wednesday for the Internet Love Party. Beginning at At 10:30am Pacific on Wednesdays and Saturdays at 1:30 pm Pacific. Participating in these, you are participating In your role in the Divine Plan To Help Bring in the Higher Energies into the Planet. These Will Continue until Our Craft Decloak~ You can Join us Via this Link:

    If You Would Like to Submit Your Artwork and Photo's You can Download them on Our New Site Here:

    If You would Like to connect with us via an amazing Awakening Session, to answer a question Contact Us Here:

    If You would Like an Amazing Awakening Session with US You can Email us At

    ~ We are Stationed In Mt Shasta~


    Artwork Thanks to


    (Yojman Chase), Mt. Shasta is~of all Power Points here in the Northern Hemisphere~what could truly be called “Headquarters”, Mt. Shasta is many things to this planets protection and service into the Light. She is also known as Ascension Mountain.

    ~WE are Going Home~

    ~We Are the Real National Treasure. We Are not only The Heart of this Country, the United States, but Also the Very Heart of This Planet, Mother Earth=Heart. We Are The Love of the Planet, as well as the Universe Personified. We chose the United States to reside in, because We prepared this Part of the Planet, with the Constitution and Bill of Rights, for the Protection of The Truth and The Light for the Entire Planet. With this we Ensured Humanity's Complete Freedom from the illuminati minions control ~

    ~We Love You Unconditionally, US. Love, Mother and Father God Amon Ra

    WE are Here~ It's US and Your'e Stuck With US!! Eternity here we come~

    Angel Numbers Through Doreene Virtue~777 ~ The angels applaud you… “congratulations, you’re on a roll! Keep up the good work and know your wish is coming true.” This is an extremely positive sign and you should also expect more miracles to occur.

    Street~Wise Ascension

    From the Joy of Mt. Shasta


    Great Presence that You are,
    I speak in sequestered space with you,
    and through you to the many.
    I Am the Self that is Free.
    You have chosen Freedom too.
    For the many here, like you,
    have not known True Freedom as a family,
    the planet included, for far too long now.
    Those expressing True Freedom here
    have been hunted down and snuffed out for eons.
    Blah, blah… Now, here we are and we –
    the Earth Herself and people – are free,
    even though the last lingering piles
    of conflict are still appearing.
    Know this for us!

    Give Great Honor to the Younger Generation.
    They are to manifest your wildest,
    most totally Free, Field of Dreams,
    with Us or without Us.

    Never forget Who You really are – God.

    ~The Galactic Free Press Update~ The Energies Will Continue Intensifying~ | The Galactic Free Press.
    Laura | September 4, 2012 at 09:44 | Categories: Channels | URL:
    Get far away from Gulf Coast, New Madrid Fault, Louisiana, West Coast and East Coast - Page 20 AttachmentAquaries1111.jpg
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    We Are You

    Posts : 1550
    Join date : 2011-09-19
    Location : Here

    Get far away from Gulf Coast, New Madrid Fault, Louisiana, West Coast and East Coast - Page 20 Empty Re: Get far away from Gulf Coast, New Madrid Fault, Louisiana, West Coast and East Coast

    Post  We Are You Tue Sep 04, 2012 11:00 am

    Suzanne Lie: A Message from Gaia
    2012 September 4
    tags: Dr Suzan Caroll, Gaia
    Posted by Andrew Eardley
    A Message from Gaia

    By Dr Suzan Caroll / Suzanne Lie – September 3, 2012

    Dear Gaia,

    Please repeat what you told me last night.

    Dear One who has heard me,

    I am pleased to repeat what you heard during your meditative time. However, first, I will soften the blow.

    As more and more of my humans are discovering, they are not alone in this reality. They have seen movies and had visions, dreams and “fantasies” of “little green men”, a title given to the majestic Galactics to soften the fear of those who were still in denial.

    However, that denial must come to an end, or those who refuse to accept the Truth that the Galactics are coming NOW, will miss the most momentous moment I, Gaia, have experienced throughout this entire 2,000 years of the Kali Yuga. This darkest, dark before the dawn has been difficult for my SELF and for ALL my inhabitants. My planet has not known such worldwide destruction since the falls of Lemuria and Atlantis.

    Fortunately, the time of destruction is ending, and we are poised on the precipice of an entirely New Earth. I want to thank my Beloved Ones who toiled through the long dark night, hiding their true identity and presenting the Truth to anyone who would listen. You, my Beloved Leaders, have made this peaceful transition possible.

    Yes, my/our transition into New Earth will be peaceful! However, it will not be easy for those who still slumber. For my brave warriors who have fought for Truth through the many years of restriction, my return to SELF will be the most glorious experience of your myriad lives upon my earth body. Therefore, my dear friends and companions through the process of our transmutation, I speak to you, so that YOU can best speak to others.

    Beloved humanity, the Time is NOW! This is NOT another “dress rehearsal.” Therefore, open up your High Heart and Third Eye, fasten your seatbelt and shift into high gear. People are going to need your leadership and counsel, as they will be receiving truths that will rock their perception of reality. We can wait no longer for those who will not see. Therefore, they are unprepared for what is about to commence.

    You, my dear Leaders of fifth dimensional Earth, will be called upon in many ways to assist those in need and to bring order to any ensuing chaos. The Wisdom, Power and Love that you have had to keep a secret through our dark night, must now come into the Glory of our Dawning World.

    I ask you, my fifth dimensional Leaders, to take off your masks and reveal your True, Multidimensional SELF. When the newly awakening ones see that their fellow humans are of the same ancestry as those who have come from the sky, they will be greatly reassured. Then, as you assist them to understand their own multidimensional nature, they will swiftly adjust to their new world.

    However, YOU will be the vanguards of that world. YOU will be the Light of Knowledge as the revelation of the myriad lies comes into public view. YOU will counsel others through their fear and sadness when they realize that those whom they had trusted had no concern for them in return. Most important, YOU will guide them into their New World.

    My dear Leaders, I invite you into the Core of my being where you may learn more from your Lemurian family. They will advise you as to how you can best prepare others for their resurfacing into “normal society.” Of course, your society will never feel normal again.

    As your third dimensional perceptions are neurologically integrated into your Multidimensional Operating System, perceptions of your third dimensional reality will continue to dim, while perceptions of the fifth dimension and beyond will become “normal.”

    You, my dear Spiritual Warriors, have fought for me, your planet, in many ways. Through your dedication to the planet on which you live, you have expanded your consciousness into Planetary-Unity Consciousness. Now, with the landings of my inhabitants from my past and protectors of our presents, you are expanding your consciousness into Galactic-Unity Consciousness.

    As your Higher Expressions of SELF from your various Homeworlds meet you, their grounded and ascending Earthly Self, your consciousness will expand to embrace ALL the memories and information of your Multidimensional SELF. This meeting of which I speak could occur either within your consciousness and/or in a physical manner.

    Hence, just as my many plants and animals know when it is “time” to sprout leaves and grow flowers, mate and give birth, you my human ones, will KNOW that the season for change has come to you NOW.

    In return for all that you have done for me, I have come to you in this NOW to offer you my assistance. You may ask, “How can a planet assist me to transmute my form?” I will answer your unspoken question by sending each and every one of you, collectively and individually, my unconditional gratitude and unconditional love.

    Please take a moment NOW to deeply feel my gratitude for all that you have done…

    Feel how I AM embracing you, just as you might embrace one of my trees or animals…

    Feel how my gratitude spurs you on to do one more thing, to contribute one more task. Then as you absorb my gratitude, please pass it on to all those who have assisted and worked with you.

    Now, take another deep breath to absorb the unconditional love I have sent to you…

    Feel how my love lives within you as a blue sky, a clear pond, the dawning Sun shining through the forest…

    Feel my unconditional love within every molecule of your earth vessel…

    Allow this unconditional love to transmute those physical molecules into their higher expression of light…

    Experience the light coursing through your body…

    Hone in on individual cells that are having difficultly accepting my love…

    These cells are the places in your body where you have stored fear. Therefore, these molecules are the most resistant to change. Fear hates change and love embraces it.

    Hence, focus your unconditional love on these wounded components of your body…

    Send each wounded molecule your deep gratitude for having the courage to protect the rest of your body by holding the fear within its cellular structure…

    Observe as the density of fear disarticulates from each molecule…

    Now, send unconditional love to these dear living components of your earth body…

    Also, send this love into your fourth dimensional Elementals…

    Thank them for their service to your Spiritual Essence and send them your unconditional love…

    Now, feel your gratitude for the assistance of your Galactic Family…

    Send that gratitude off in a wave of unconditional love…

    Please do this exercise as often as you can. Feel free to alter it in your own creative way. Remember, my dearest humans, I AM your Mother. I have loved you through your myriad incarnations on my form. Sometimes you were a hero, and other times you were a coward. You were royalty and peasantry. You were deeply asleep and fully awakened.

    You, my Ones, have completed your journey through time and polarity and are ready to return to the NOW of the ONE. Hold on tight Beloveds. We will be moving very fast now, and YOU will be called upon to be the Doing of your Being.

    Time is ending, and the NOW is returning. Can you see my New Earth through the dimming veils of illusion?

    Yes, I knew that you could. That is why I, Gaia your Earth Mother, have called you to: Remember to BE your SELF.

    We Are You wrote:
    Light Input from Higher Realms Expands During 9-6 to 9-12 Window…
    by ÉirePort

    Dissolved patterns may briefly arise in consciousness as Light input from Higher Realms expands during the 9-6 to 9-12 window. These patterns become visible only in thought at lower levels and will dissipate after the 9-12.

    This applies to individual and planetary thought patterns.

    Higher Dimensional Light grids have stabilized and are now allowing beams from the Inner Light Gaia to flow outward to the so-called surface of the planet. Previously "released" dark shadow concepts are illuminated, and thus appear, then dis-appear, in consciousness thought only.

    Reaction and response to the appearance of these former patterns are not desired. Only observation, and non-attachment.

    Current Higher Gaia Grid structure supports this final pattern unveiling and dissolving. Many patterns of old paradigms will be exposed, and dissolved.
    ÉirePort | September 4, 2012 at 08:01 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:
    Melchizedek ~~ Your choices: where there’s a will, there’s a way! ~~ 04/09/2012 Channeled by Méline Lafont.
    by melinelafont

    Where there’s a will, there”s a way. This saying is most appropriate these days! What you earnestly want to bring to manifestation will be the way to your personal Ascension process. So continue on with creating your thoughts, and certainly continue persevering in this regards. The road is being cleared more and more in such a way that only tiny hindrances remain, so do not let the ones remaining deter you or delay you from reaching your goal. These are mere distractions and dirty games which are unfair, so don’t invest your energy in them, they are not worth your while.
    Focus primarily on yourself and your inner world, on your beautiful spark full of colours and love and give your world that particular personal colour. Send it out, scream it out if need be and fight against the very last illusions which are still trying to get you distracted. You are defenders and warriors of the Light; keep your light torches high and enlighten the whole world ; don’t let even the smallest particle escape from your loving and warm embrace. Indeed, you are Lightbeings, your are Uppergods, Masters, Angels, Starseed, Stars, Suns, Love, Lightenergies …. You are all incarnated with just one purpose : your Ascension! So let’s get on with the show and let’s do the things you came here to do ; join hands in cooperation as this is the way to go. We are all One, never forget that.
    Humans and souls, splendidly beautiful creations in which the spark of Love has extinguished, will all be reignited in an effort to lead them to full awakening. We anxiously await the reactions that will come about with the present intense energies and what the endresult will be. Will there be a mass awakening or not? That is the big question for us in these days. Many souls have already found their way back to the Light and many will follow, that’s what we foresee and it brings us much joy. Let’s focus more specifically on yourself as the inner evolution and the inner changes will have an impact on the outer world that surrounds you. This is your personal approach and contribution for this world : to simply be Love and Light.
    Certain souls, with specific tasks pertaining to them, are now receiving the knowledge so that afore-mentioned tasks can be performed. The first of these souls have already begun and many more are to follow. The soul tasks have everything to do with raising the vibrations of this world. We wish to give you a pat on the shoulders and a warm hug as a way of saying thanks for your choice to be here in this present moment and to represent the Light. Certainly no easy task, as you know by now, but for you it was an easy choice when this question was asked to you. Without a shadow of a doubt, most souls made the choice to return bringing you to where you are now on this planet.
    What is happening now is historic in scope and you are all part of it. This is much appreciated not only by the numerous galactic civilizations, to which many of you belong, but also by the Masters of the Spiritual Hierarchy as well as by all of the Lighted Realms. Together we are strong and as one unit we are going to cooperate. The veils between our worlds have thinned considerably and you can now more easily see and feel us which will facilitate our cooperation. Get used to this change, you are all most welcome, you are loved deeply. Very soon all will return to the original state of being and your assistance and experiences on this planet of duality will become a thing of the past. We welcome you very soon now in our higher world and embrace you all with arms of Love and Light.
    I Am Melchizedek of the Great White Brotherhood and I thank you cordially for the opportunity to share this message. Namaste.

    Copyright © 2012 by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.
    melinelafont | September 4, 2012 at 10:01 | Tags: Ascended master, Melchizedek, Meline Lafont | Categories: Channels | URL:

    Sananda ~ Be With and Of the Creator ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ 3 September 2012
    by franheal


    Greetings, beloved Lightworkers. I come before you today to speak of more assistance in your ascension process.

    You are all progressing very nicely in your process. The last energy surge and influx was instrumental in bringing more and more of you on-line. Now you are processing what you have received. The influx continues but you are more prepared and ready to receive than before.

    You all are unique in your process but all contain the seed of Divinity that is ever growing in strength as you progress.

    Take a moment now to ponder and assess your Light Body. Are you feeling more aware of it? Are you feeling more energy surges throughout your body as we speak, a kind of pulsing and expansion that is ongoing? Excellent. Allow that, dear Ones.

    As you pull your awareness away from your thoughts and more into your Heart, it is becoming more and more your World. It is self-sustaining and nurturing and nourishing. Let that become your complete focus from now on, what you build in your Heart, as you allow more Light and Love to infiltrate your Being, as you become engorged with it.

    For all intents and purposes, you have changed your focus a great deal as you allow Love to be who you are. It rules your actions now more than ever. Things around you naturally fall in line and rhythm because of it.

    The frequency of Love is building in all and is affecting all around you, including Mother Earth. Your body is transforming to house it in greater capacity, as you embark on this new path of your ascension which is becoming more streamlined and potent.

    Let go of your pre-conceived ideas of what ascension is, and just experience it as your Heart fills up in greater capacity. You naturally let it flow out to the universes and everything is caught up in the raising of frequency.

    Beloveds, it is not necessary for you to grasp everything on an intellectual level anymore. Allow the surge of Light to envelop you and transform you and rejoice in the wonderful feeling of Joy that is part and parcel of this transformation.

    Be the Love in your Heart; allow it to influence everything you do and say. Accept the vibration of the Creator to the fullest every moment of your life. Let it overtake you, let it rule your thoughts, let it Be your thoughts, from now on into eternity, dear Ones.

    Accept that you are not the same as you were yesterday. Accept that you are so much more than you ever dreamed - so full of Love, of Divinity, that you are becoming it once again, not just for a moment in the day or for the time you devote to meditation, but let it rule your World.

    Create from that, dear Ones; create from that growing Love in your Heart and you will be surrounded by miracles in a constant flow. Now is the time to let that appear in your lives. Now is the time to surrender to the Creator’s essence that is you.

    Now is the time to surrender to who you really are, not just the outer casing of you that was designed for experience, but the strong Light of Love and Divinity, which is your true Essence.

    Roll up all those experiences and negative thoughts and fears into the Love you are allowing to build in you and release them like you would a butterfly from the tip of your finger. Shine the Light on the remaining limiting beliefs and issues that still inhabit your psyche and love them and release them. Now is the time to soar with the newfound Lightness you are gaining.

    May you continue to experience peace through this process. You are encountering the last leg of your journey so do not let a moment go by without attending to it.

    I stand ready to lend you assistance. I am Sananda, at your service.

    As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are included. (Blog) (Website)
    franheal | September 4, 2012 at 02:51 | Tags: Ascension Process, Be With and Of the Creator, Divinity, Fran Zepeda, Frequency of Love, heart, Joy, light body, Lightworkers, Mother Earth, Peace, Sananda, September 3 2012, Spititual Transformation, World | Categories: Channels, General News | URL:

    ~The Galactic Free Press Update~ The Energies Will Continue Intensifying~ | The Galactic Free Press
    by Laura

    Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~

    Greetings Love Beings, We have shared and many others as well, the energies will continue to intensify more each Moment. This will make way for a Smooth Transition from the old to The New Paradigm. The Light Will continue to grow exponentially and there is no where to go for those who would like this Planet to remain the same. This Planet is forever changed because of the Efforts of Love Beings Awake Across the Planet and there is Only Up from Here.

    The Arcturian Group ~ Marilyn Raffaele "Much is coming to fruition at this time and we see the light of your dear planet earth becoming intense and awakened. Much is soon to manifest as a result of your hard work dear ones, so do not be surprised as you witness many traditions begin to crumble. It is a time of transition and shifting to new ways of seeing, being, and living. You will be pleasantly surprised when the world finally realizes that there is no need for war, separation, cruelty, and extreme power held by a few. These concepts are remnants of an energy that is now completing for those of you choosing to move forward.

    This new world[Planet][ is represented through new ways of living and yet, it is not new at all, for you are simply now awakening to the realization that you are and always have been, One. All living things are connected by virtue of their being in and of the One omnipresent, One omnipotent, and One omniscient Consciousness. As the manifestation of Source, you are also one with every Divine Idea within Divine Consciousness. Think upon that dear ones–you are actually one with Divine ideas of abundance, joy, peace, intelligence, completeness, wholeness, and much more. These Divine ideas are held in place by law..." End of Quote

    Sunspot 1560 poses a continued threat for Earth-directed M-flares. Credit: SDO/HM

    The Sun has Been Active again, and we have a Strong Chance for M Class Flares. Earlier today we entered a Geomagnetic Storm which is now subsiding. We have had alot of Earthquake Activity today. None of these Large quakes produced any reported damage or tsunami's.

    Brilliant EarthRise Report:

    Messages from The Earth Allies:

    Quoted from Bella Capozzi" If wishes are intentions and intentions are wishes, then I wish that, finally, the people of Planet Earth could live in a state of peace and abundance. I wish that Mother Gaia could at last spread her wings, and that her children could breathe fresh, clean air; the wars and the suffering would come to an end, right now, and the land and the water would be pure, unpolluted and thriving with life. The veil of secrecy is so ridiculously obsolete, and I fervently pray that it be ripped away to expose the magnificent paradise of 5D Earth, which lay just on the other side. Yes, it’s real-honestly- and it’s there, ready and waiting. Now all that’s left for us to do is to choose the correct road to get there, check our baggage at the door and move in. The horrors we leave behind in 3D will be only a distant and incomprehensible memory; hard lessons never to be repeated." End of Quote

    All of Humanity was Ignited to Awaken in 2007 when MotherEarth=Heart and Father Sky=Sun Connected in the Physical Realm for the First Time In 19 Billion Years. Then On December 21st 2007, The Planet Entered the Photon Belt. For the last 5 Years Humanity has been Flying through Space through the Photon Belt. On December 21, 2012 Mother Earth=Heart will reach her destination to the Center of this Universe, which represents the Heart=Oneness. Those choosing to Ascend with Mother Earth=Heart are About to Take a Huge Leap Forword in Conssciousness. More and More are Now Awakening and this is Getting really exciting. The More Who awaken, the Brighter and Lighter The Planet Becomes and a Smoother Transition Will Manifest.

    Quoted from Emmanuel Dagher "We have the opportunity right this minute to hold a sacred space of love and compassion for the world as a whole to step into, even if many are still caught up in the seeming upheaval and fear mindset. Each one of us is powerful and fully capable of being able to hold this sacred space of love and compassion for the world[Planet]. I've always felt that even if there was only one person on the planet holding a consistent space of love and compassion for the masses, eventually that one person will create a domino effect allowing the whole world to match the same vibration of love and compassion that the person was able to tap into. However, thank goodness we have an abundance of radiant beings around the world[Planet] committed to holding a continuous space of love, which is allowing the collective transition to move more quickly...

    Up until the end of August, the energies had been relatively quiet. This brief pause allotted us some time to integrate with the intense energies that entered the collective consciousness back in July and first few days of August. Now, a general sense of anticipation is slowly building back up as we enter the final quarter to what has already been a paradigm shifting year....

    By now, it's no longer a secret that great personal and global changes are taking place. Some of these changes can feel blissful while others may feel the complete opposite. The key to moving through it all is to remain grounded in love." End of quote


    These Incoming energies will serve All of You In Many ways. They are cleansing Humanity of the program mind, they are bringing forward all the Lies and The More this Unfolds The More The Truth Steps forward Onto the Main Stage of Planet Earth=Heart. They are Assisting in the Clean Up of the Planet, they are Activating All Divine Decrees for Manifestation and All Divine Contracts of Service to Love, and they are Bringing in Higher Energies for Grander Experiences of Joy. Love, Loves Surprises and Love, Loves to Give Surprises. Lucky Humanity They are All Made of Love!!

    Decreed by Heaven, We are Now Spiriling Quickly Together Into The Present Moment of Now. This is the Divine Plan Manifesting Now On Planet Earth=Heart.

    Join US Live for the Internet Love Party Beginning at 10:30am Pacific Wednesday September 5th.

    ~Thank You for Spreading These Messages to Others and Keeping Your Hearts Open and Staying Tuned In~

    Just Be Present and Follow the Synchronostic Events!

    ~End Transmission in All Love is Unconditionally, We are So In Love With Humanity~

    We Love You Unconditionally~ Love, The Galactic Free Press Staff~Humanity's Earth Allies, The Company of Heaven and The First Contact Ground Crew Team.

    If You missed our Last 2 Updates here are the Links:

    Its Because of your continued Love and Support through all avenues which is bringing The Truth to the Forefront. Thank You for Honoring us, as We Honor You Every Moment in Service 24 hours a day 7 days a week. We Love You! Thank You for Keeping US Going and sharing if you can~


    Funding Goal $3000

    Total Shared $371

    Thank you Everyone for Honoring US, Supporting Us, and SHARING WITH THOSE Who Are In Daily 24 Hour Divine Service to the Love and Truth On this Planet! Thank you for allowing us to Be Here.

    Join us Live Every Saturday and Wednesday for the Internet Love Party. Beginning at At 10:30am Pacific on Wednesdays and Saturdays at 1:30 pm Pacific. Participating in these, you are participating In your role in the Divine Plan To Help Bring in the Higher Energies into the Planet. These Will Continue until Our Craft Decloak~ You can Join us Via this Link:

    If You Would Like to Submit Your Artwork and Photo's You can Download them on Our New Site Here:

    If You would Like to connect with us via an amazing Awakening Session, to answer a question Contact Us Here:

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    ~ We are Stationed In Mt Shasta~


    Artwork Thanks to


    (Yojman Chase), Mt. Shasta is~of all Power Points here in the Northern Hemisphere~what could truly be called “Headquarters”, Mt. Shasta is many things to this planets protection and service into the Light. She is also known as Ascension Mountain.

    ~WE are Going Home~

    ~We Are the Real National Treasure. We Are not only The Heart of this Country, the United States, but Also the Very Heart of This Planet, Mother Earth=Heart. We Are The Love of the Planet, as well as the Universe Personified. We chose the United States to reside in, because We prepared this Part of the Planet, with the Constitution and Bill of Rights, for the Protection of The Truth and The Light for the Entire Planet. With this we Ensured Humanity's Complete Freedom from the illuminati minions control ~

    ~We Love You Unconditionally, US. Love, Mother and Father God Amon Ra

    WE are Here~ It's US and Your'e Stuck With US!! Eternity here we come~

    Angel Numbers Through Doreene Virtue~777 ~ The angels applaud you… “congratulations, you’re on a roll! Keep up the good work and know your wish is coming true.” This is an extremely positive sign and you should also expect more miracles to occur.

    Street~Wise Ascension

    From the Joy of Mt. Shasta


    Great Presence that You are,
    I speak in sequestered space with you,
    and through you to the many.
    I Am the Self that is Free.
    You have chosen Freedom too.
    For the many here, like you,
    have not known True Freedom as a family,
    the planet included, for far too long now.
    Those expressing True Freedom here
    have been hunted down and snuffed out for eons.
    Blah, blah… Now, here we are and we –
    the Earth Herself and people – are free,
    even though the last lingering piles
    of conflict are still appearing.
    Know this for us!

    Give Great Honor to the Younger Generation.
    They are to manifest your wildest,
    most totally Free, Field of Dreams,
    with Us or without Us.

    Never forget Who You really are – God.

    ~The Galactic Free Press Update~ The Energies Will Continue Intensifying~ | The Galactic Free Press.
    Laura | September 4, 2012 at 09:44 | Categories: Channels | URL:

      Current date/time is Sat Sep 07, 2024 7:04 pm