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<> 26 de julho de 2012 12:42
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Pressure from the Men in … T-Shirts and more...
In This Update...
Pressure from the Men in … T-Shirts
“You’ve Already Ascended. You Just Don’t Know It”: St. Germaine Returns to Heavenly Blessings, July 26, 2012
The Olympic Spirit: The Dark and The Light – Part 1
Archangel Michael: The Gathering of Souls
Yeshua: You Are Love, Be It!
On Ascension – Part 6/6 – Where is This Light Coming From?
St. Germaine Contrasts 3D with 5D Life
Retraction: Operation Compassion
Push Me, Pull Me
Star Sisters Phalia and Serenia Discuss Life on the Ships
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Pressure from the Men in … T-Shirts
Pat Donworth is a former managing editor of the 2012 Scenario.
UPDATE: Sgt. Clifford Stone and His Strange Visitor
Posted on July 25, 2012 by Pat Donworth, Activist Awake Stone has written an update to his “strange encounter” on July 19. Here is his post from his facebook page today.
Many of you have been concerned about me and have expressed this openly. For this, I am grateful and truly feel blessed.
However, you need to know what happened to cause my concern, so here goes:
On Thursday, July 19, 2012 at about 2:00 P.M. a young man came to my door. He appeared to be in his late 20’s or early 30’s. He was about 5’10” or 5’11”. He weighed about 145 to 150 pounds. His hair was a dark blond and he had a beard that came to a kind of go-t. He was dressed in white, torn t-shirt and blue, tattered trousers. He asked if I would mind giving him a couple of cigarettes and gave him three and said our good-byes and started to close the door.
He stated that it must really be bothersome not to have your garbage picked up. Thinking he just saw, as I did, the trash truck attempt to pick it up my trash container and then drop it back to the ground and drive away, I said yes it is. He responded by saying, that’s been going on for 5 weeks, that would made me pretty upset.
I knew this man was not from this neighborhood, so I asked him how did know that. He responded by saying, you do know you live in a bad neighborhood, drug dealing and all that; I would hate to see you get hurt by someone thinking you are police informant. You should really think about moving. You always wanted to move to Oklahoma, why don’t you move there? I told him I had lived there since 1985 and nobody was going to scare me away.
He then stated what if I was here to kill you and I had a gun? Then, he moved in toward me. I jumped back, bringing the palm of my hand up and hitting him in his nose and it started to bleed.
At this point both of my dogs were trying to come through the storm door to my defense. He immediately stated, I am not your enemy, I am just trying to prove my point. I told him he made it, got him a couple of napkins for his nose and apologized for hitting him.
Then, he started telling me I could make some people in the U.S. Government up-set by my asking too many questions about fast walkers, trying to verify information in a 1994 letter I had received and several other things I was working on. He stated talking about my experiences was one thing, but doing what I am doing now was heading into dangerous areas.
I asked him how is it he felt he knew so much about me (Of course, I knew what he was saying was true but I also, knew he had no way of knowing it). His response was, he could see things.
I asked him, when was the last time he had eaten. He said about 2 days. I made him 2 peanut butter sandwiches and gave him a bottle of juice. He thanked me and stated to leave saying as he departed, look, you should seriously consider getting out of this silly UFO business. There’s no future in it. I really don’t want to see you hurt.
As he started to leave, I stopped him and said, sir I would like for you to meet some of my friends. I pointed to my two dogs and stated this is Duchess and Princess. They are my friends and would die trying to protect me. Then I showed him my .357 magnum pistol, letting him know I wasn’t defenseless and informed him, I was a very good shot.
As he walked away, he stated think over very seriously what I have told you.
Once he turned the corner, I got in my vehicle and attempted to follow him, but he was nowhere to be found.
I truly have no idea what to make of all this. Was he just a person down on his luck? If so, how did he know so much about my activities? Was he sent here to try and scare me? If so, it didn’t work. No retreat, no surrender. I must continue my quest for the truth, no matter where that search may lead or what dangers may lay ahead.
There’s more to this story but here is where I must end it.
Now you know what happened. Since on any talk show all that will be asked is for me to tell my experiences over and over again, you also, need to know, I continue my research and this is what really appeared to concern my young visitor.
I shall try to share my research from here on, using this medium, but bear with me as using facebook is still strange and unusual for me. But I’m learning.
God Bless,
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“You’ve Already Ascended. You Just Don’t Know It”: St. Germaine Returns to Heavenly Blessings, July 26, 2012
St. Germaine was our guest through Channel Linda Dillon on last Thursday’s Heavenly Blessings show to discuss moving from the Third to the Fifth dimension and what Fifth-Dimensional behaviors and qualities look like. I thoroughly enjoyed the show and found the information he shared quite helpful.
We feature a new call-in format.
You can listen to Heavenly Blessings Thursdays 4:00 PM Pacific time and 7:00 PM Eastern time by clicking on the link below. The program will be archived as well: in number: 323-784-9797
At one point, he said, “you’ve already ascended. You just don’t know it.” He was addressing me and many listening. I didn’t know what to say. I’ve thought that, while Ascension is different for everyone, it would be marked by a great experience of joy and bliss, and that, once ascended, I’d be deeply anchored in peace and love, and I would experience the world very differently.
I feel pretty good overall and feel that I’m currently embodying much of what I’d expect to be experiencing in the Fifth Dimension. Yet I still fall into old ways of being and thinking now and then, my body feels much the same (though I do have more energy and seem to heal faster), and I don’t seem to have any additional abilities, memories or universal knowledge returned to me that I would expect (however, I have noticed greater intuitive and manifesting abilities).
Am I still caught in the place of illusion that is preventing me from fully being present and knowledgeable of my ascension? Am I still holding onto the old paradigm which is keeping me from being a fully conscious and high vibrational being? I’ll be exploring this more when St. Germaine rejoins us this Thursday, and invite you to join in the conversation with your questions, comments and insights.
New call-in format: Starting this week, Linda and I will open up the show to live callers and we invite you to join us! You may already be familiar with the live call-in show Let’s Talk 2012 And Beyond with hosts Dave Schmidt and Sierra Neblina, also an InLight Radio program. While all the InLight Radio shows cover similar topics, this show will be a bit different from their live call-in show.
Dave and Sierra discuss themes posted on the 2012 Scenario, and general topics relating to Ascension, while this program focuses more on the guidance and spiritual teachings around Ascension that previous guests have shared on Heavenly Blessings. In addition, Linda adds: “Our plan is to keep the “channel” open to answer a whole variety of questions so that whoever is best to address an issue can step forward to do so. But it is also about human conversation, sharing insights, of what works and what’s still a challenge. Not the psychic hotline, but heart-centered conversation about broad issues that we are all dealing with – anger, isolation, money, fear, bliss, family, relationships, aches and pains – you name it.”
We hope you join us!
Archangel Michael: The Gathering of Souls
Archangel Michael: The Gathering of Souls
Transmitted Through Ronna Herman – July 26, 2012 masters, once again, I welcome the opportunity to blend with your higher consciousness, to fill your Sacred Heart and Soul with the Divine love of our Father/Mother God. It is always our greatest desire to inspire and comfort you and to guide you along the path of higher awareness, which eventually leads to Self-Mastery.
At this time we wish to apprise you of what is transpiring during this momentous year we are calling the year of the Gathering of Souls. My intention is to reinforce the concept of telepathic communication between you, the Star Seed, the Cosmic Council of Light and we of the Legions of Light within this Sub-Universe.
It is important that you feel with your inner senses, and validate from within your Sacred Mind and Sacred Heart, that through these messages I am truly with each of you. With your permission, I will connect with your OverSoul/Higher Self, and I will merge a facet of my Essence with yours at whatever level you are able to accommodate at this particular time.
There have been and will be many blessed gatherings of Star Seed Souls during this momentous year. My beloved messenger recently participated in a major event of great significance in Sedona AZ, via the “air waves” of the worldwide internet. She also held a small but powerful event for members of her inner group of followers in the Sacramento, California area of the United States.
For those who came from the far reaches of the planet to join with their Soul families at these events and to partake of the wisdom teachings that were offered, it was a time of harmony, joy and blending of energies. For many, it was also a time of exceptional transformation at the deepest, innermost core level.
It was a time when many layers of negative energy were dissolved, energies that had been placed around the heart in times past to protect and insulate the emotional and physical bodies from the pain and suffering of the third and lower-fourth dimensions. The floodgates of the emotional body burst open as these energies were dissolved and the precious gift of Creator Fire Light was once again allowed to take up residency within the Sacred Heart / Soul chamber.
It is a rare moment of recognition and a feeling of culmination when the facets of your Soul family begin to reunite and use the synergistic strength of common purpose for the greatest benefit of all. More and more members of your Soul family will be seeking you out as you lift your vibrations and send out a Soul Echo that they recognize. When you meet a member of your inner Soul family circle, you will know without a doubt that there is a rare and beautiful heart / Soul connection between you. When your actions are for the benefit of all, you earn the right to have a support system of like-minded, Soul-focused people.
There were Star Seed representatives from all over the world in attendance at these events, and these blessed Beings carried the Seeds of a new awareness with them as they returned to their homes. Make no mistake; those of you who are tapping into this wondrous refined energy from the heart core of our Father/Mother God in your own locale or at other gatherings around the world are and will be gifted with an infusion of White Fire Adamantine Particles of Creator Light.
As you are attuned to these higher-frequencies of Divine Light, there will be no time or space restrictions, nor barriers of any kind, for all Light Bearers who have returned to an acceptable level of harmonious frequencies of Sacred Love will begin to experience a Oneness of Spirit at many levels.
At these momentous events all will commune with the masters and will receive a blessing of Divine Creator Fire Light. Indeed, into the depths of its very core, the Earth is being bathed in a glorious beam of Divine Light Substance, and every creature upon the Earth will be blessed and acknowledged.
Remember, at one level or another, all are on the path of evolution and transcendence; none is being left behind. All humanity is being affected, either positively or negatively. It is up to each individual Soul to decide how much of the Divine gift of transformation they will accept and use.
Initiation is now a group event, not just an attainment for special, advanced Souls. You must be willing to assist those on the path behind you in some way, so that as you are lifted up, so is all humanity. The Soul has a natural inclination toward group-consciousness. It is the Soul which seeks reunification, not the personality. Advancement on the path increases Soul consciousness and group awareness.
During these times of incredible advancement in consciousness for humankind, there are many special dispensations in place for the Ascension of humanity and for the coming age of en-Lighten-ment. However, each Soul must do his/her part by taking the necessary steps to attain Self-Mastery in order to tap into these, heretofore unavailable, gifts of transformation.
A great multitude of Star Seed Souls have integrated a higher frequency mental and emotional awareness as they access new cosmic wisdom teachings. Many of you are also beginning to enjoy a sense of harmony within your innermost Self as you fine-tune and harmonize your chakra system, which is in essence seven individual memory centers within the physical body.
However, some of you still have doubts and are reticent to share your insights with others, for you fear that you will make a spectacle of yourself or you believe you will be ridiculed if you try to pass on the new concepts and higher truths which are being revealed to you.
There is a universal law that states you must not only be an example of your new enlightened state, but you must pass on the wisdom and understanding you have garnered so that you may move forward to the next higher frequency level.
You must not try to change the minds of those on the path behind you, but teach by your example, speaking your truth at their level of understanding and telling them that there are many paths back to the Oneness of the Creator. Be patient, but strong in your convictions; compassionate, but do not get caught up in their drama, their small stories of woe; stay joyful and enthusiastic so they will begin to wonder what makes you so different.
Indeed, they will notice and some day they will take heed, for you will have sown the seeds of change within their auric field and their hearts. These seeds will not be denied – they will flourish one day and burst forth and bloom into a Divine discontent, which will nudge them onto the Path of discipleship.
You are a student on the path of initiation, you are a practitioner of spiritual mastery and co-creation, and you are a teacher with a message to share. You are also preparing for a greater alignment with the many facets of your Higher Soul-Self.
Beloveds, we understand there are those of you who feel you are not making much headway, and you are experiencing very few or none of the Ascension symptoms that have been described in detail such as the rising of Kundalini Fire, positive life changes or more spiritual awareness. Please do not become discouraged. Those who are the Star Seed Wayshowers have been on the Path of Ascension for many lifetimes. If this were not so, they would not be able to bring forth the refined wisdom teachings to guide humanity toward the Light, nor could they be the living examples of these higher truths.
We have given many levels of spiritual teachings over the years, and many of you are trying to bypass the beginning stages of en-Lighten-ment in order to catch up with those who are the leaders on the Path. You are not being left behind. Each Soul’s journey is unique. Do not judge yourself by anyone else’s standards or accomplishments. Stay heart-centered and Soul-focused and you will progress in the time and manner which is best for you.
We give you a mandate to go by: focus on that which wells up within you as the most important issue of your life. Seek validation from within your Sacred Heart and from your Higher Self. Dedicate yourself to accomplishing that which you desire with all your energy – physical/mental/emotional and spiritual – until it is brought to fruition.
If you have doubts, start small, until you become proficient in using your latent abilities of co-creation. Sweep aside your doubts, and do not listen to others’ criticism or admonitions. Follow your own inner guidance; you will not be led astray, beloveds.
We have requested that our messenger share her latest experience with all of you. By doing so, she is conveying to you a heretofore secret and very ancient thought form of higher truth, and she, along with other dedicated messengers of higher truth, is helping to open the way for the next phase of the Ascension process.
The magnificent White Fire Angelic Beings have been waiting patiently to re-establish their connection with humankind. It is indeed a wondrous time for all of humanity, for no matter where you are on the Ascension PATH, the streams of rarified Creator Light radiating from these great Beings will affect all human Beings who have opened their hearts to the higher frequencies of Divine Light.
Dearest hearts, be of great courage and resolve, for you are the guiding Lights for humanity. The rarified Light frequencies and codes of Ascension must flow through you and out into the world. You are honored for your dedication and steadfastness, and you are loved profoundly.
I AM Archangel Michael
Ronna / Sacred Scribe
I wish to share an amazing experience I had during meditation in the early hours of February 25, 2012. As usual, I go outside every morning between five and six AM to pick up the morning paper from our driveway. I always spend a few minutes looking up at the sky while I do a series of infinity breaths and say my daily affirmations before coming back into my home.
The main affirmation is always the same; however, I add some variation at the end, depending on what I am feeling or what I am guided to do. I always radiate love and gratitude out into the world pyramid and to our Father/Mother God, and I always feel their loving energy pour into my body to support me and guide me for the day. I usually have an hour or so by myself in the morning before my husband, Kent, gets up. I spend that time reading and meditating.
At my seminars, in trying to explain how it feels when we learn to constantly remain in a Light Alpha State, or become a ‘living meditation,’ as Archangel Michael calls it, I say, “oftentimes, I feel as if I sit very lightly within my body whereby I have very little physical sensation. This feeling is enhanced when I am channeling Michael, for I am hardly aware of my body at all.”
That morning’s meditation was unusual, for upon going into an Alpha State, I immediately felt an intense sensation, as if my body was a hollow tube. I could move my consciousness into different areas with ease and without feeling any physical symptoms of any kind. It was as if I were pure Spirit-consciousness.
Suddenly, the word “VIVEO” came into my mind very strong and clear. Then a telepathic message came forth in the way of TRI-TON, my first master teacher, who prepared me to be a messenger for Archangel Michael. There was a gentle sense of love and a slight expansion of consciousness; however, I was very aware that I was receiving energy from a higher source. When Michael comes in, there is a great surge of energy that flows throughout my body; and depending on the magnitude of energy he is radiating to me at the time, it seems as if I must stretch my upper body to accommodate his powerful Essence.
The brief telepathic message was: “I Am VIVIO, a White Fire Angel. It is now time, under the direction of beloved Archangel Michael, for me to once again OverLight you and assist you and the many Soul groups you are connected to in the process of Soul fragment integration. You have been told that you and many in your Soul family are ‘gatherers of Souls,’ and as Wayshowers and World Servers, that is the preordained role many of you are ready to assume.”
As I have always been guided to do in the past, I am sharing this with you so that you will know what can take place if you are diligent in your studies, and if you will dedicate some time to meditation and inward-focused contemplation. Eternal love and angel blessings, Ronna.
P.S. One other thing VIVEO conveyed to me was: “Look up the word ‘vivacious,’ for that is what my name means and that is the energy I will convey to you.
Vivacious: Vibrant * Effervescent * Sparkling * Animated * Alive *
Ronna / Sacred Scribe
Overlighted by Archangel Michael
VIVIO is one of a multitude of White Fire Angels whose original mission was to OverLight groups of Souls who were ready to journey out into the Universe as co-creator sons and daughters. They helped us to create and maintain our original Adam – Eve Kadmon Light Body. These wondrous Beings reside within the dimensional levels in which we first came into our individualized I AM consciousness.
After we had refracted our Soul Essence many times and moved out into the mid-fifth dimensional frequencies, our White Fire Angel withdrew, for that was the lowest level they could refract themselves into in order to OverLight us. They would await the time when we would return to the required higher frequency levels so that they could once again OverLight us in order to assist us in the acceleration of our reunion with our many Soul fragments. They would also assist in the process of rebuilding our Light Body.
In ancient teachings, which were often written in a way that the average person could not comprehend the deeper meaning of the messages, much was written about the time when a Soul reached a certain level of enlightenment / initiation, a great revelation would be given to the aspirants. Those teachings spoke of a Solar Angel, a sphere of radiant fire that would OverLight them.
It also stated that there would be a stream of Light which would emanate from the heart center of the Solar Angel to the Sacred Heart and higher brain centers of the aspirant. This fiery link would also radiate forth to connect with the many other Souls belonging to the same Soul Group.
In the past, a Solar Angel would only connect with those who were of the same God Ray. During those ancient times there were very few Souls who reached the required level of vibrational frequency patterns necessary for Ascension. However, that has changed, this is a time of mass Ascension; therefore, each Solar Angel will focus on an entire group – those who are connected to the designated Overseer of Light for a particular Soul Family Group.
In a number of past messages that Archangel Michael has given to me for people over the years, he has stated: “We would have you know that you are the ‘Overseer of Light’ for your extended Heavenly Soul Family. You and those like you agreed to go through the painful process of sinking into the deepest density so that ‘as you are lifted up,’ so are all those within your Soul Group.” This concept is a wonderful validation of the statement, “You are in the process of returning to unity consciousness.”
VIVEO told me that for those of us who are ready to accelerate the process of integrating the multiple facets of our Higher Self, his task is to adjust the frequency patterns of the incoming fragment of our Higher Self so that we are more compatible. In other words, he harmonizes our frequencies to a degree so that the integration process will not be so tumultuous. This is necessary for, in the past, the process of integrating the vibrational patterns of an OverSoul took a very long time, perhaps even several lifetimes.
There is a fail-safe to this process. Those who are attuned to and are following the teachings of Archangel Michael are understandably at many levels and stages of the en-Lighten-ment process. Therefore, the connection with VIVEO will still be made with all members of the group who are seriously striving to achieve a harmonious level of vibrational patterns. However, he will not send forth a fiery sphere of his Essence to OverLight you until you have reached and attuned to the required Soul Song Frequencies of the mid-fifth dimension.
Of course this wondrous gift and the accompanying rules also apply to the many different groups who are following the enlightened wisdom teachings of other great Beings of Light via the many dedicated messengers around the world.
It has been a somewhat uncomfortable process for me to become accustomed to revealing some of the important steps I have taken, the wondrous gifts I have been given, along with the tests, trials and advances I have experienced on the path of Ascension.
For those of us who have studied the ancient teachings and who also have many of the rules of those times firmly ingrained within our consciousness, it is difficult to reveal and share some of the details of our personal journey, both positive and negative.
As many of you are aware, before these times of mass Ascension, the wisdom teachings and the Ascension process were totally kept in secret from the masses. They were called “occult teachings,” which means they were only made available to the few initiates and disciples on the Path.
However, those rules have changed, for the Divine Blueprint for the coming Golden Age has been modified and updated. Therefore, it has been mandated that those of us who have assumed the role and responsibility of becoming a messenger for the great Beings of Light will convey to those who are “ready to listen and take heed” all of the important aspects of our journey, along with the wondrous, advanced wisdom teachings we are given to convey to the world.
During our June seminar in Roseville, California, I told the participants about VIVEO and the role he will now play for us in our Ascension process. Everyone was so fascinated about this latest development and some were almost overwhelmed. I became quite emotional when I told them the details.
Many of the participants said they could feel VIVEO’S powerful energy and they are very excited about what the future holds. VIVEO projects a very powerful masculine Essence. Although all of the angelic Beings are androgynous, they may choose to radiate either the masculine or feminine qualities of our Father/Mother God.
Dear hearts, no matter where you are on the path of Ascension, know that you will have all the help from your guides and teachers that the universal laws will allow. Do not focus on “what you are not” but focus on this moment and the opportunities before you. Each and every Soul is precious in the sight of our Father/Mother God, and your Ascension into the higher realms is assured, so please relax and enjoy the journey.
Eternal Love and Angel Blessings – Ronna
Transmitted through Ronna Herman * Copy freely and share. However, I claim the universal copyright for this article in the name of Archangel Michael. WE OFFER ARCHANGEL MICHAEL’S MESSAGES ON OUR WEBSITE AS A GIFT; HOWEVER, WE DO APPRECIATE YOUR DONATIONS TO HELP DEFRAY OPERATING EXPENSES AND POSTAGE FEES FOR THE FREE LOVE PACKETS WE SEND AROUND THE WORLD.
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Yeshua: You Are Love, Be It!
Yeshua: You Are Love, Be It!
As channeled through Fran Zepeda – July 26, 2012 my beloveds, Beings of Love and Light that you are.
I come today to speak of Love, in its highest form.
By now you are experiencing the deeper form of Love, the all-encompassing nature of it, the powerful expansion of it, the pervading force of it.
As you take in the Light in all its present Gifts to you, you awaken to the fact that Love is not to be divided. You take it in in abundant quantities into your cells and feel the unconditional nature of it. Spreading it out to all is just a part of that, for you are discovering that everyone is you and you are everyone. You Are Love, dear beloveds.
It was always there; it never left you. You just needed to accept it and feel it and offer it freely. It is becoming second nature to you, we see. That is a beautiful thing to watch from the Spiritual Realm. You are choosing Love, Dear Ones, and you are expanded and lifted by it all the while.
As your cells accept the Light and Love being offered to you from the Spiritual and Galactic Realm, and from others just like you, you are becoming engorged with it. It is coloring your thoughts and your deeds. This is excellent, indeed!You no longer have to “try”; Love is becoming a way of life for you, dear friends. You are remembering your roots and what you were before you entered duality; what you ARE. There was always the spark that never left, but it is blossoming so beautifully now that you are awakening to your true, Divine Selves.
Take a moment now and look inward. Are there any unloving thoughts remaining? Are you loving yourselves with complete abandon? With complete acceptance, and with no judgment? Are you knowing now what Unconditional Love really is? It has no qualifications, it has no divisions, it has no barriers, dear Ones.
Are you discovering that you are perfect Divine Beings so full of Love, so deserving of Love, so capable of Love, so encompassed in Love? Are you living in it
It makes it easy, does it not, to let it spread everywhere when you feel it so deeply for yourselves? That is the key. Now is the time to throw away any judgments or any “ifs’ or “ buts” about your complete worthiness of Unconditional Love all the time. Bathe in it; shower yourselves with it. You can never get too much of it
Swim in the milieu of Love, dear friends, and greet all the others doing the same around you. For you are one and the same, born of Love and so deserving of it. Get used to it. Be LOVE
Your loving brother, Yeshua
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On Ascension – Part 6/6 – Where is This Light Coming From?
Given how many people are new to Ascension, we repost this series from 2011 to introduce new readers to aspect of Ascension.
Where is This Light Coming From?
Where is this Ascension light coming from and how long has it been coming to Earth?
Spirit teacher Matthew Ward tells us that it is coming from many extraterrestrial sources. “If only you could realize the vastness of the light coming from countless sources in the universe, your hearts would be uplifted immeasurably to hasten the moment when darkness succumbs to the brilliance, and love permeates Earth.” (1)
On another occasion, he describes its origin as “myriad extraterrestrial sources.” (2) In a third message, he refers to it as “the ever-increasing light beaming from afar,” which is “adding to that which you are generating on the planet.” (3)
SaLuSa agrees with Matthew and says: “New energies permeate the Earth, that come from outside your solar system. These are behind the personal changes you are experiencing, and are becoming more powerful each day.” (4)
Elsewhere, SaLuSa tells us that the light originates with great beings. He reveals that “many higher Beings are … focusing their Light upon Earth.” (5) He explains that: “There is so much help coming to you from many quarters, as the Universe follows the events upon Earth very closely. Your evolution is viewed as being most important, and a successful outcome is essential to the future of Mankind.” (6)
SaLuSa’s colleague, Ker-On of Venus, agrees that light “is beamed to Earth from many different sources. The Universe is playing its part in ensuring your successful completion of this cycle, and continues to send ever-increasingly powerful rays of Light.” (7)
Some sources identify a Sun at the center of the galaxy, others a black hole, which the Mayans referred to as Hunab Ku, as a major of these uplifting vibrations of light and love. For instance the ascended master St. Germain says:
“Behind everything that occurs is the motivating force of Light that comes from your Central Sun. The God Force is being given to you at such levels as you can accommodate, and your power is increasing tenfold. I see the wonderful Light that encircles the Earth, and it grows faster than ever as more souls respond to its call.” (
Intuitive David Wilcock refers to this energy source as a “galactic wave”: “The galactic wave specifically seems to be part of an intelligent design that energetically pushes us to the next level.” (9)
The spirit teacher called Saul describes this light energy in the following manner.
“Planet Earth is enveloped and wrapped in the most glorious cloud of divine Energy, which is revitalizing and invigorating her and all the life forms she supports. It is most beautiful and awe-inspiring to behold. It shimmers and shines with a brilliant intensity of constantly shifting colors.” (10)
All of us are bathed in it, say the light beings speaking through Phoebe Lauren.
“This new energy that is coming to earth now is stronger and purer than any which has come before. … This is an energy of pure light and pure love. (11)
SaLuSa tells us that the light has been increasing for many decades now.
“For over a century the amount of Light being brought to bear on you has increased tenfold, and has been instrumental in lifting many of you up. This is in accordance with the Divine Plan to release you from the lower vibrations, and end the cycle whilst giving every soul the opportunity to rise up. (12)
The Group, speaking through Steve Rother, explains that the space nations that gave birth to the human race have returned to Earth to assist us through this period: “All eyes in the universe are upon planet Earth right now. The six parental races that helped you form these physical bodies that you hold right now are back again to help. The interesting part is that they are fighting over who can help the most.” (13)
For us this is a great opportunity, Diane of Sirius says.
“Now is your opportunity to awaken to your true potential, as the Light is being beamed to Earth.” (14)
“The energies you are now bringing into focus are the means of your upliftment and they will continue for quite some time.” (15)
SaLuSa also attempts to make us aware of the opportunity before us: “The Earth [is] becoming a Planet of Light. The dazzling points of Light coalesce. … So it shall continue until the lower vibrations hardly exist, and then you will be near to the end time and Ascension.” (16)
Ker-On of Venus describes its significance and tells us how to take advantage of it.
“What many thought would never come in their lifetime has suddenly arrived: The opening of a new pathway that is glowing with a Golden Light that is going to become more intense, one that beckons all who have desired the opportunity to ascend and requires only your intent to live the remainder of your life to your very highest understanding of what it means.” (17)
In our next article in this series, we’ll look at what life may be like in the higher dimensions towards which we’re headed. (I can’t guarantee I’ll be able to post the next part soon. The worldwide protests have intervened and take precedence.)
(1) Matthew’s Message, July 16, 2004, at Matthew’s Message, Oct. 6, 2004.
(3) Matthew’s Message, May 23, 2006.
(4) SaLuSa, Oct. 4, 2010, at SaLuSa, Apr. 16, 2010.
(6) SaLuSa, March 22, 2010.
(7) Ker-On of Venus, Aug. 5, 2009, at
Saint Germain, 26 Sept. 2008, at David Wilcock, interview with George Noory, Oct. 6, 2009, Coast to Coast AM, at Saul, Sept. 23, 2009, at Message from Light Beings [or Angels] through Phoebe Lauren, email from Mark Huber,, Oct. 5, 2008.
(12) SaLuSa, Feb. 20, 2009.
(12) The Group, “A New Spin to Earth,” April 15, 2010, through Steve Rother, at Diane of Sirius, Feb. 2, 2009, at Diane of Sirius, Dec. 24, 2008.
(16) SaLuSa, Jan. 17, 2011.
(17) Ker-On of Venus, 21 January 2009, at • Email to a friend •
St. Germaine Contrasts 3D with 5D Life
St. Germaine visits Graham and Linda on Heavenly Blessings to discuss the differences between life in the Third Dimension and life in the Fifth. Ordinarily I remove the initial discussion but Graham and Linda discuss the new format of their program here, which will include questions from listeners. Thanks to Mary for the transcript.
Heavenly Blessings 07-19-12 St. Germaine
Graham Dewyea: Well, hello and welcome to Heavenly Blessings with Linda Dillon, the channel for the Council of Love and author of The Great Awakening, I’m Graham Dewyea, our guest today is St. Germaine. And we didn’t have our show last week and we certainly apologize to those of you who were looking for the link, we had to cancel at the last minute. If you’d like an update on show activity I’d encourage you to go ahead and sign up to follow on the InLight Radio homepage, just click ‘follow’ and what you will get every week is an update of our shows, all of the InLight shows and you will be made aware if there are any last minute changes like last week.
We’re recording live tonight and it’s great to have you all with us. We are bringing on St. Germaine to talk about his experience moving from the 3rd dimension into the 5th dimension and to share with us what it is like living in the 5th dimension to give us a better idea about where we’re headed and what we might expect. But it’s my pleasure to welcome Linda to the show. Hi Linda.
Linda Dillon: Hi, Graham, hi, everybody and I want to add my apologies to Graham’s for last week. I was the culprit and I was just getting ready for a very intense workshop on Ascension Healing and I just couldn’t make it, so my apologies; especially because this is one of my favorite things to do in the whole wide world.
GD: It’s great to be back and it’s great to do this with you and it’s great to have all of you with us. Before we bring on St. Germaine, we wanted to talk with our listeners about a new show format we wanted to try out with Heavenly Blessings. We recognize that there’s real value in sharing personal experiences, personal, spiritual insights and discoveries and the gifts and teachings that we’ve been exploring on Heavenly Blessings, on the show, and to that end we wanted to, starting next week, open up the phone lines so that you can join in with us, in conversation, and share your questions and share your insights and we can have more of a dialogue about all of the good stuff that we’ve been talking about on the Heavenly Blessings show, so the time will stay the same and we encourage you to join us and when you call there are instructions for how you can notify us, identify yourselves to be brought into the studio. And we really look forward to this exciting development. Linda, is there anything you’d like to add?
LD: No, I think you’ve pretty well covered it, I am really excited. This is something that Graham and I have sort of tossed around and talked about since he and I first conceived the idea of Heavenly Blessings. And the whole idea behind this show in particular was that it was going to be a complement, yes a stand-alone, but a complement at the same time to An Hour With An Angel which as you know is more of a news format and more of an interview format with Geoffrey West and Steve Beckow of the 2012 Scenerio where they will interview either Archangel Michael or one of the Ascended Masters.
And one of the things that the Council, at that time, was saying to me is that ‘it’s all very well and good that we get the information, which is critical especially at this point in time, but when they say to us, when they, the Council of Love or Archangel Michael or St. Germaine says to us “do clearing”, “do meditation” or “stay in your joy”, that sometimes we need more information, we need more of an instructional guideline as it were and a discussion.
And so that’s what we’ve been doing in discussing through the channelings and the giving of the blessings from the Masters and from the Archangels is giving you some hands-on tools. But now Graham and I want to take it a step further. Now, I want to be really clear that we aren’t opening up the psychic hotline. This isn’t about, you know, should I look out for the red sports car on Tuesday night? But really a chance for us to, for all of us as a community because that’s what we are, to get to the sum of the fundamental questions and issues that we’re all facing in terms of this time of massive change, of Transition and of Ascension. … So let’s begin.
St.Germaine: Greetings, I AM St. Germaine.
GD: Hello and welcome.
St.G: And welcome to you, welcome to each and every one of you and I am pleased to start this new format, to sit here and chat with you as we have so many times, in ancient times, in Atlantis, in Lemuria, in what you think of as Israel and the United States of America, England, Spain. The one thing you should know about me, my beloved friends, my allies, my keepers, my healers is that I love to sit and to talk, to exchange ideas, to explore the edges of what you have thought of as philosophies, belief systems. I have lived upon your planet for a very long time and often as well and I come to you this night, not only as Keeper of the Violet Flame, Keeper of the I AM Presence, I come to you not only as a column of violet but as a friend. There are so many of you who have known me throughout these incarnations and it is to you I have beckoned to step forward as healers and teachers and showers of the way. And I thank you, I thank you my beloved ones for doing so.
Now I address Graham and Linda and I say to you, perhaps you have chosen the wrong Master to speak tonight. Yes, I love to tease, I love to play, and that is also what I like to teach you, to make time for your sacred self, for your undertakings, but also to sit, to laugh, to enjoy this precious life not only that you have chosen but that you have been given, that you have been granted, that you have co-created with us. The reason why I suggest that perhaps you have chosen the wrong Master is as I have said many times “I do not choose to incarnate again”. And perhaps that is a good place for us to start.
I have lived for thousands and thousands of years, various incarnations under various names, and I know my beloved friends how difficult, how challenging and how wondrous, how absolutely sublime being alive in human form can be. It is not always easy, it is not always straightforward and that is particularly true as you rid yourself and break free of the shackles and the illusions, the bars and the prisons of the 3rd dimensional reality within which human beings have lived for so long. And you my beloved ones are doing exactly that and there are times when this can be confusing, when it can be challenging and yes even overwhelming; where you can see the new, you can taste it, you can experience it.
You live there part time and then you feel yourself dragged down, like an apple falling from the tree, as if gravity has a pull on you, back into the 3rd and you find yourself confronted not only by the collective and by the illusions and chaos, the addiction to drama that they have embraced but by your own issues, by what you still have need, yes need, to let go of. What is the key? Yes you have been given steps to Ascension and our focus so often now, when we speak to you is not even on the Ascension process, not even on the Shift, but what lies ahead.
But I, as one who has lived as hu-man, understand. It is important to glimpse what lies ahead and the magnificence of the freedom that I have worked for with you for so long and with many of the Ascended Ones, the Enlightened Beings and the Council of Love, your star brothers and sisters. But to ignore what you go through in these troughs, these peaks and these valleys would not be responsible because I have known that struggle. I have spent almost 100 years, 86 to be exact, with my brothers and sisters, the Masters in Tibet and in this we learned a great deal of letting go of illusion and truly embodying the truth of who you are because it is not simply us, it is not simply the Ascended Ones who have these capacities; it is each of you.
You were not created or incarnated, but I am speaking of original creation, without the spark of Divinity and that is all that is required. And that spark of Divinity, that God essence is love. When you are asking me, “St. Germaine, how do I do it? How do I break through?” It is very simple; it is with outrageous perseverance, determination, and the gentlest, most lenient love and acceptance of who you are.
Many of you know me during my lifetime as St. Germaine, as one who traveled Europe and then North America and I have had some outrageous experiences. I have sat with you and I have broken bread and drunk wine and laughed and shouted and cried with each of you. And we have talked and talked and philosophized about how we would break through the illusion of time, of space, how we would shift inter-dimensionally. And you have challenged me to do it, to become and to come to know how to do this.
And I come to share this with you; you do it by simply doing it, by going home, yes to the heart of One and filling with so much energy, with so much love that you are a powerhouse that nothing can stop you. And this is readily available to you now as it was not before. And if you do not know how to do this then come and sit with me in my Violet Flame, in my violet bonfire and torch every illusion that you have ever had especially the illusions around who controls your life. And I pose this question to you and I open it for discussion. Graham, do you wish to comment?
GD: I do and I thank you for your wisdom and I thank you for your introductory remarks. Your experience on Earth and your experience going through the Ascension process is why we were feeling that it makes so much sense to have you and I appreciate this opportunity for dialogue. And I appreciate your comment about how important it is to have a glimpse of what lies ahead. So it seems to me that there is so much value in being able to visualize where we’re going or the possibility of where we’re going and recognizing it’s a co-creative process.
If I may I posted a promotional post, if you will, on the 2012 Scenario site about the 3rd dimension and the qualities of the 3rd dimension and that we wouldn’t be experiencing some qualities of the 3rd dimension in the 5th dimension and higher. And I’m wondering if you could just check me on this…I indicated that as we get into a higher dimensional state the lower dimensional qualities such as greed, lust, revenge, jealousy, frustration, disappointment and selfishness doesn’t exist in the 5th dimension and higher. Do I have that all right?
St.G: Yes you do; lack, limitation, death, disease, destruction, despair, depression, control.
GD: OK and I hear from you that to go through the Ascension process it takes outrageous perseverance, determination and love and I really appreciate your speaking to that because to your point it is challenging or it can be very challenging this journey. At the same time I also hear your invitation to also enjoy it and that we chose this incarnation and there’s the invitation to really experience the joy and the blessing of it all.
What’s really intriguing to me is to talk about, if you would, what’s it like to be a 5th dimensional being and higher? And some of the questions that come to mind are just practical thoughts; for example, I understand that in higher dimensions that we, as a theme would be experiencing peace and love but I’m sure or I suspect disagreements still surface. So to engage in this conversation a little bit more, maybe we can go a little bit deeper there. How is conflict, for example, addressed in the higher dimensions? How does that work?
St.G: And that is why I have posed the question “Who controls you? Who controls your life, your environment, your actions, your desires?” And part of the biggest element of the Shift, because you still have many of these illusions, is coming to the conclusion that no one, no one controls you. When you have that, and I’m not just speaking skin deep, when you have that knowing, not the belief system but the knowing anchored in your bones and every fiber and corridor of your being then you also realize that conflict is an illusion as well.
The reason why you have conflict that escalates in the 3rd dimensional reality that you are in, which by the way is slightly different that the 3rd dimensional reality I occupied during my last life, it is already shifted significantly. But the reason conflict escalates where you are is because someone actually believes or feels or is throwing a mental or emotional tantrum that they need to be right, that they need to be in charge or in control.
And so if they are right then they are in control and that is one of the biggest differences as you leave the 3rd to the 5th, 6th and onward, that simply disappears. Of course, from time to time there are differences of opinions and that is recognized as what they are; they are thought patterns or emotional patterns or beliefs that perhaps one path is preferential to another. What has been realized in the higher dimensions, what is a quality that is realized is not only compassion but a deeper insight into another being.
Yes, your third and fourth eye are activated, not only your compassion but your understanding of someone else’s point of view and the understanding, the wisdom quality, the divine quality that you don’t have to agree. And that to not agree does not mean subservience and does not mean that you need to fall into alignment. Now sometimes and particularly in matters of a group, you do fall into alignment because you realize ‘we’ll give it a try’.
But there is a deeper level of understanding. Right now where you are and I do not say this, my friends, in any way that is derogatory but too often you only look to the surface of an issue or an argument and particularly a conflict. Because when there is conflict, and it does not matter whether it is between two individuals or a nation, what happens is your ire and your defense mechanism, your fear, your memory, your race memory and your individual memory is that ‘I may be destroyed, I may be killed, I may be maimed, I may be hurt if I am having a different belief or idea than others or the mainstream.’ That simply is not present. So what happens in the 5th dimension is that a diversity of ideas, what you may call conflict, is actually celebrated.
As I have told you, I love to talk, I love to break through ideas, emotions, and yes I do use the torch of my Violet Flame and often I will bring it into these discussions because it is also the Flame of Truth. Yes, Michael does not have entire purview on this, although he will often rush to the scene as well. But what happens if there is severe conflict, we always, always go the route of mediation so that whether it is through two individuals or nations or groups or galaxies, through a mediator there is a middle ground that is sought. And let me tell you, perhaps to the ‘you’ this sounds boring and wishy-washy, because I know the excitement of a good discussion and even a good fight;