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We Are You
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    Get far away from Gulf Coast, New Madrid Fault, Louisiana, West Coast and East Coast

    We Are You

    Posts : 1550
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    Get far away from Gulf Coast, New Madrid Fault, Louisiana, West Coast and East Coast - Page 11 Empty Re: Get far away from Gulf Coast, New Madrid Fault, Louisiana, West Coast and East Coast

    Post  We Are You Tue Jul 24, 2012 8:51 pm

    A Chat with My Life Coaches, God & Jesus ~ A Channeled Message By Suzanne Spooner of TAUK 7/24/12 July 24, 2012
    Filed under: Suzanne Spooner — suzannespooner @ 2:25 PM
    Tags: Connection office, Dolores Cannon, Jesus, QHH, Quantum Healing Hypnosis, Ron, TAUK; God; Suzanne Spooner

    Hello to my dear readers! I have taken a bit of a break from posting here while I downloaded and prepared for the next phase of my adventure called life! I just returned from a week long class with the beautiful Dolores Cannon. If you haven’t heard of Dolores, she is the pioneer of Quantum Healing Hypnosis. I’ll add a link to her website. There are also many clips and interviews of her on Youtube. She has written many fascinating books on her life’s work as a past life regressionist. As I settled in back home today I sat to fulfill some TAUK orders and then felt the nudge to receive a TAUK message. My great life coaches, God & Jesus came through in their delightful and loving way to offer a suggestion in how I can put my understandings to work. How nice is that?? This is one of the reasons why I love TAUK so much. It is such a kind and lovely tool to clarify life choices. I choose to put this personal message on the TAUK blog to demonstrate how each of us have a divine connection to the All. ~ Yours in kind service, Suzanne

    July 24, 2012

    God & Jesus

    [Hello God & Jesus!] Hello Suzy dear. Open your mind to a new idea. many people are waking up and TAUK gives them a way to imagine their divine connection to All. This you know.

    However, you were guided to Dolores’ (Cannon) class and may we share our thoughts on where this may lead? [yes, PLEASE!] However you decide to use this knowledge is up to you, naturally.

    We would like to plant a seed. Now is the time to be getting your knowledge refined. In the coming months, many will seek a way to tap into the super conscious. Putting your shingle out as a TAUK teacher and a QHH (Quantum Healing Hypnosis) practitioner will give you two great tools to assist the masses.

    You will refine the QHH while you practice and then you will be in a position to offer connection on multiple levels. Picture your office with a line of souls waiting to connect to their subconscious, High self, super conscious, angels and loved ones. This will be a ‘connection’ office of the highest order.

    Ron is here now. [Hi Dad!!] hi Suzy. The connection office is well staffed from this side! [How nice is that?!] On your side we recommend bringing on a second QHH practitioner. This lovely soul is in process with her decision to learn QHH so you may start without her while she gets up to speed. However you wish to proceed is blessed by us. May you follow your heart, dear Zippy.

    [Thank you Dad!! I love you very, very much! Can you stick around to answer some questions?] Yes. [During the past life regression I experienced this week, I was a young, adult male hunter, perhaps in the Amazon. It seemed you were my grandfather, the elder of the tribe. Can you give anymore information to me or clarify the experience further?] That was correct, Suzy. In that time, we lived in an area known as a forest of the gods. This was in the jungle of Central America and the term ‘forest’ was used by the tribe to signify the high vibration of our area. This was in the mountainous region of what is known as Venezuela. Our connection was deep as teacher and student. The love we have for each other is infinite. I had many students in the tribe and you were my grandson. We innately knew in the village how to live in harmony with nature and ourselves. In the near future you will explore these teachings in your TAUK messages and in QHH. All is on track with the Divine plan.

    Dolores Cannon’s website:

    Copyright © Suzanne Spooner. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete.

    TAUK Website:

    TAUK Blog:

    Aquaries1111 wrote:
    We Are You wrote:7.24.12– Ready, Set, Center!
    According to the Mayan Dreamspell Calendar, today, July 24th, 2012, is a very important day. I know this because my intuition began nagging at me a few days ago to find out about it. So, mostly to get some peace and quiet again, I finally did some research. YOWZA. What I read resonated with what I’ve been hearing from earth spirits, celestial guides– and my own experience– so intensely that I got the chills for at least three minutes straight. Today is, indeed, a powerful day, as will be the 26th, and the more of us who know about it and use these potent energies, the more powerful they become. So of, course, I had to share a brief summary of what I found out with you, and I hope that after you read this, you’ll share it, too. And of course, do your own research–don’t just take my word for it! Besides, what I’m writing is just a taste, not the whole rich and potent meal! So why not go get it? You deserve it! We ALL do.

    So, my summary in a nutshell (or two): The glyph for today, July 24th, is the Red Overtone Earth, which is called Caban. It is the point of access to your natural alignment with the life force of the earth in the NOW. And not only that, but by centering within yourSelf and aligning with this magnetizing force, you also align with the galactic center! Thus, you are both grounded on the earth and “plugged in” to the energies of ascension, itself.

    The way to use this activating alignment is to fully commit to your own center within–and not just for today, but from now on. Today is the day that the Overtone of Cabal will powerfully assist you in doing so, so that your internal connection to your center is strong, and staying there will become natural to you over time. Your own commitment, however, is equally necessary–because you are sovereign. Because you have free will. Because what you say, goes.

    Today, take the time to meditate and focus on your own center. Feel it connect you with the center of the life force deep within the earth. Feel its magnetizing energy hold you firmly grounded. Then, feel yourSelf connect as well with the powerful electrical energies of the galactic center. Feel these powerful electromagnetic energies meet in your own center within. As you do so, your center will begin to vibrate and radiate your own energy, your very essence, outward in a way that can be perceived at great distances. By commiting to your own radiance, you commit to your own power, take authority over it, and become an unstoppable force in the world. Yowza, right? I told you!

    You see, all of the sometimes difficult clearing of old, painful, patterns and releasing of judgments that you have been doing up to this point has been preparing you for just this moment of committing to your center and becoming a force of poweful change in the world. It is time to let go, once and for all, of the suffering caused by the old illusions of powerlesss and become what you truly are NOW–the creative force of your own life, as well as the reflections of “reality” that you create around you.

    And that’s not all! July 26th is the first day of the Mayan Dreamspell New Year, and that’s what this aligning with center today is preparing you for! The glyph for July 26th is the Blue Resonant Storm, ruled by the planet Pluto., and is called Cauac. It symbolizes initiation by fire, as well as purifying rain and the lightning that shatters any false structuring of reality. (That’s Pluto for you! You can see why it was a good idea to release as much fear and negativity as possible before NOW, and get centered in your sovereignty today, right?)

    The tone for the Blue Resonant Storm is called Cosmic, and is the thirteenth and final tone of creation, representing the stage of completion. It is the tone of endurance, transcendence, and presence– meaning interconnected through the energetic threads that weave all life into One. Use July 26th, this first day of the New Year, to commit to bringing your centered presence fully into the world. Since it is only possible to be present in the moment, in order to be fully present, one must commit to staying conscious, centered, and present for every one of them. NOW is an ongoing process, after all!

    This next year promises to be quite an adventure, as all times of transformation are. Remember that, as an unstoppable creative force in the world, you are able to transcend all past illusions of limitation, and to endure the waves of life by riding them as the master you are. Use the energies of NOW to prepare, and then get ready for the ride you’ve been waiting for!

    (By the way–if you happen not to read this until after these dates have come and gone, you can still access their energies to align, center, and prepare. Because time is merely a third dimensional illusion, all you have to do is put yourself in the energies of the 24th and the 26th before you work with them. This is not hard, and does not require a lot of hocus-pocus. You simply put the dates in your consciousness, and intend yourself into them. Then, don’t doubt that you did it. You DID! Just be there!)




    Copyright(c) 2012, Judith Dagley-All Rights Reserved

    via 7.24.12– Ready, Set, Center! « judithdagley.

    Thanks We Are You..

    Based on the website I'm a supposed Kin 59.. Check out yours..–-ready-set-center

    I use the above link for "entertainment purposes only".

    A Tom Kenyon Hathor Update 7-1-12…”Duality and the Triune Force”
    Posted on 2012/07/24 by kauilapele
    This article just came into my email yesterday, even though it was channeled on 7-1-12, according to the website.

    This aligns with the last few posts (the ones about that were about that person in the White House), as well as what Drake, David Wilcock, Benjamin Fulford, RMN, and many other sites are putting out there right now.

    The only highlights I’ll put here are these.

    “This dualistic nature of your universe is being affected by the Time Acceleration that you are going through. One net result of this is an increase in duality or the polarization of human consciousness.

    “Polarized conflicts between nations, communities, religions and persons are on the rise. This unfortunate state of affairs is to be expected as planetary and galactic energetics increase.

    “The strategy we suggest is called the Triune Force… It is an attribute of spiritual mastery and will allow you to move through polarization with greater efficiency and a greater likelihood of manifesting what you desire as opposed to being “caught up” in the dramas of polarization and conflict.

    “The principle is simple. As a human being you tend to be attracted to persons or situations, or you are repulsed by them. This tendency to fall into attraction or repulsion is, for the most part, an unconscious act…

    “…by not identifying with the attraction [or repulsion (Obama, Drake, anyone?)] you “float up” to the Triune Force and are free to observe behaviors that may signal the inappropriateness or dangerous nature of a relationship with that person.”

    And by the way, there is no text formatting here. To view the formatted text, please go to Tom Kenyon’s web page.


    Duality and the Triune Force

    A Hathor Planetary Message Through Tom Kenyon

    You live in a dualistic universe. This is its very nature. It manifests as the principle of opposites in that forces tend to have equal and opposite reactions. This applies to the physics of your universe and to the very nature of dualistic consciousness itself.

    This dualistic nature of your universe is being affected by the Time Acceleration that you are going through. One net result of this is an increase in duality or the polarization of human consciousness.

    Polarized conflicts between nations, communities, religions and persons are on the rise. This unfortunate state of affairs is to be expected as planetary and galactic energetics increase.

    Our message deals with a strategy for navigating through the difficulties of increased polarization. Indeed you may have already discovered that in some of your social circles there is a type of hostility and polarized views of situations.

    The strategy we suggest is called the Triune Force.

    It is an attribute of spiritual mastery and will allow you to move through polarization with greater efficiency and a greater likelihood of manifesting what you desire as opposed to being “caught up” in the dramas of polarization and conflict.

    The principle is simple. As a human being you tend to be attracted to persons or situations, or you are repulsed by them. This tendency to fall into attraction or repulsion is, for the most part, an unconscious act.

    You may encounter someone and feel drawn to him or her, and the depth or intensity of the attraction may cause you to delete other information about the person. Likewise as situations arise around you, whether they be social, political or religious, you may likewise find yourself drawn to these situations without other information that would be helpful in determining if a given situation was “right” for you or not.

    The same holds true for repulsion. You may find yourself repulsed by someone, or a situation, and likewise, identify with the repulsion, thereby cutting yourself off from other information that might be helpful.

    The Triune Force

    If you were to imagine a triangle and on the left corner of the triangle was attraction and on the right side of the triangle was repulsion, then the point above these two extremes is the Triune Force.

    It is a mental perspective that has spiritual attributes. It allows you to float above the situation and view it from multiple perspectives.

    If, for instance, you are attracted to a person and surrender to that attraction without allowing access to signs and information about that person then you have put yourself in a precarious position.

    But by not identifying with the attraction you “float up” to the Triune Force and are free to observe behaviors that may signal the inappropriateness or dangerous nature of a relationship with that person.

    Likewise, if you are repulsed by a person or situation the Triune Force allows you to “float above” and dis-identify with the repulsion, and while you are in this dis-identification you are free to see other levels involved. It could be that this person or situation is toxic to you, or it could be that this person or situation is a mirror reflecting back to you something you do not like in yourself.

    By momentarily suspending your identification with either attraction or repulsion you are able to see more clearly and access information about the person or situation from an expanded perspective.

    Knowledge is power, and the Triune Force gives you access to the innate powers of clarity. So our suggestion in this time of increased human polarization and Time Acceleration is to watch yourself. When you fall into attraction, pause for a moment. Step away from your identification with the attraction. Float up above it, as it were, and engage the Triune Force. You do this so that you enter the relationship, whether it be with a person or a situation, with open eyes.

    If you are repulsed by a person or a situation, pause for a moment and dis-identify with your distaste for the person or situation. Float above the situation or person, as it were, and engage the Triune Force to see more deeply—to sense with greater clarity—if this person or situation is toxic, or if it is a mirror for something in yourself that you need to transform.

    As you enter more deeply into the polarization phase of planetary assent, the Triune Force can greatly assist you as you pass through this difficult period of increased personal, interpersonal and collective conflict.

    The Hathors
    July 1, 2012

    Tom’s Thoughts and Observations

    Perception is indeed relative to the perceiver. And this relativity of perception is no more apparent, I think, than in our relationships with each other.

    Furthermore, it has been my observation for some time now (i.e., the last several months or so) that the polarization of human relationships is on the rise.

    There have, of course, always been differences of opinions. And conflicts between persons and nations are hardly anything new. History is strewn with incidents of ruinous and disastrous encounters between individual people, as well as between religions and cultures.

    But what the Hathors are addressing here is an increase in polarized perceptions and beliefs between individuals.

    It is their opinion that this disturbing increase in polarization is occurring as a result of the energetics we are all going through (i.e. the changes in our sun as well as pulses of accelerated evolution from the Central Sun of our galaxy and from deep space) and the fact that we are undergoing the extreme effects of Time Acceleration.

    At the end of the session, Judi asked them how long they thought this period of increased polarization would continue. Their response was that it was difficult to pin down exact time coordinates, but their sense was that this extreme polarization of human perception would continue for at least eighteen months to two years, if not longer. And furthermore, they expected the intensity of polarization to increase, not decrease during this period. Judi also asked about the strangeness of the polarization experience and inquired if they had any further elaboration to offer. They said that part of the difficulty we humans are experiencing is the fact that the intensity of planetary and galactic energetics is so extreme, they often short-circuit cognitive processing. As a result, people can become even more erratic and irrational than usual.

    If their perceptions and predictions are accurate then it would seem prudent to find some masterful way to get through such a period of increased interpersonal, cultural and religious discord.
    The Triune Force

    In my opinion, the idea of the Triune Force is Hathorian-simplicity at its finest.

    If you tend to imagine things visually, think of a triangle. Put the force of attraction at the far left corner and the force of repulsion at the far right. The point of the triangle above the two corners is the perspective of the Triune Force. Through this perspective we can look down and see or sense things that we might not see or sense when we are caught up in the throws of attraction or repulsion.

    The triangle is just a metaphor, of course. What you are actually doing is rising up in awareness so that you are no longer enchanted by the force of attraction or the force of repulsion. From this state of non-identification with either state (attraction or repulsion) you can better sense information that might be helpful to your decision making process.

    There is a shift in our thinking process required to engage the Triune Force, and that shift is simply to step away from self-identification.

    Instead of rushing in and doing the normal human thing, which is to identify with our attractions or repulsions, we temporarily intervene in our own automatic responses for the purpose of gaining valuable information.

    The type of information that we can access when we are in a state of non-identification is qualitatively different from the types of information that we access when we are caught up in the intensity of the moment.

    In addition to stopping the process of self-identification, the Hathors suggest a shift in spatial perspective as another step to engage the Triune Force:

    When you fall into attraction, pause for a moment. Step away from your identification with the attraction. Float up above it, as it were, and engage the Triune Force. You do this so that you enter the relationship, whether it be with a person or a situation, with open eyes.

    If you are repulsed by a person or a situation, pause for a moment and dis-identify with your distaste for the person or situation. Float above the situation or person, as it were, and engage the Triune Force to see more deeply—to sense with greater clarity—if this person or situation is toxic, or if it is a mirror for something in yourself that you need to transform.

    If you have developed spatial abilities you will be able to imagine yourself floating up above the situation or interaction and observe yourself being attracted or repulsed. This spatial separation of an “observer” part from the “responder” part can be quite helpful in suspending the pattern of identifying with your responses (i.e., attraction or repulsion). But if you don’t have this type of spatial ability, it will be difficult for you to do this.

    If you are unable to “float above the situation or person” that you are responding to, don’t worry about it. The primary action required to engage the Triune Force is simply to stop your own process of self-identification so that you can sense new types of information about the situation or person.

    To be human is to have attractions and repulsions. It is just part of the human-mammalian equation. All animals have an innate biological response that moves toward something (attraction) or away from it (repulsion). And the Hathors are not suggesting that we eliminate this type of biological response. They are simply saying that when we temporarily suspend our self-identification with those responses, doors open in consciousness (metaphorically speaking). New insights and understanding become accessible to us, and with that knowledge we can create and co-create with greater mastery.

    If, however, we are caught up in the excitement of attraction or the fear of repulsion, then we often fail to see or sense “red flags” or other crucial information about the person or situation.

    How many “negative” relationships and/or situations might we have all avoided had we been able to “see” those things we were blind to in the moment of intense attraction (or in some cases, repulsion)?

    I think there is a personal discipline required to engage this method. And it necessitates that we avoid the emotional intoxication that takes place when we are really caught up in a strong attraction or repulsion.

    And as with many aspects of our emotional lives, this is sometimes easier said than done.

    But I think the emotional discipline is well worth the effort. If nothing else, it will lead us to deeper psychological insight, and this is a good thing.

    In addition, however, engaging the Triune Force can help us as creators and co-creators by giving us access to higher levels of information regarding whom or what we might be contemplating a co-creation with.

    I ended that last sentence, by the way, with a preposition on purpose. Prepositions establish relationships between words, just like the force of attraction or repulsion establishes a relationship between people. While some grammarians disagree about the correctness of ending a sentence with a preposition, others point out that it is sometimes necessary. Thus, it seems to me, along with many other lovers of language, that the preposition rule is actually a myth. Some myths are slow to die. In this regard, the preposition myth has been a tenacious one, guarded, as it has been, by the dogma of unyielding grammarians.

    My comment here is not so much about grammar as it is about the syntax of our lives. By the syntax of our lives I mean the order and relationships of our experiences—as we hold them to be. When syntax (order) is altered in a sentence or in our lives, a gap in perception can occur and through that gap new meanings and new worlds of perception can be birthed.

    Many of us have been held captive by another myth—the myth that we cannot and should not create (or re-create) our lives in the ways we desire them to be.

    In this context, the Triune Force is fundamentally a method for altering the syntax (order) of both our perception and our mental/emotional lives. Through the gap (or portal) that appears when syntax is altered, we are more able to glimpse new possibilities.
    Tom Kenyon

    © 2012 Tom Kenyon All Rights Reserved
    You may copy and distribute this message in any media you wish so long as you do not charge for it, do not alter it any way, credit the author and include this entire copyright notice.

    If you wish to receive future Hathor Planetary Messages go to the website ( and click on Contact. Follow the directions to have your name added to our Hathor email list, or to receive updates on Tom’s calendar, or both. We do not share email information with anyone.

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    We Are You

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    Get far away from Gulf Coast, New Madrid Fault, Louisiana, West Coast and East Coast - Page 11 Empty Sainttiagospell of DD

    Post  We Are You Wed Jul 25, 2012 5:34 am

    Temporary Locks on all Grid Points is Now in Effectby ÉirePort

    Flow of Celestial Incoming Energies is currently requiring a locking (more accurately a strong restriction in movement) of grid intersect points in the Containment Dome around Planet Gaia-Eriu.

    Restrictions are to be removed when consciousness resolutions among Light Groups are finished. No time frame is being set for this, however the week of July 27 is the finish.

    Restrictions enable completion of Gaia Eriu karmic patterns without outside influence of Higher Energetic input.

    ÉirePort | July 25, 2012 at 10:19 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

    We Are You wrote:A Chat with My Life Coaches, God & Jesus ~ A Channeled Message By Suzanne Spooner of TAUK 7/24/12 July 24, 2012
    Filed under: Suzanne Spooner — suzannespooner @ 2:25 PM
    Tags: Connection office, Dolores Cannon, Jesus, QHH, Quantum Healing Hypnosis, Ron, TAUK; God; Suzanne Spooner

    Hello to my dear readers! I have taken a bit of a break from posting here while I downloaded and prepared for the next phase of my adventure called life! I just returned from a week long class with the beautiful Dolores Cannon. If you haven’t heard of Dolores, she is the pioneer of Quantum Healing Hypnosis. I’ll add a link to her website. There are also many clips and interviews of her on Youtube. She has written many fascinating books on her life’s work as a past life regressionist. As I settled in back home today I sat to fulfill some TAUK orders and then felt the nudge to receive a TAUK message. My great life coaches, God & Jesus came through in their delightful and loving way to offer a suggestion in how I can put my understandings to work. How nice is that?? This is one of the reasons why I love TAUK so much. It is such a kind and lovely tool to clarify life choices. I choose to put this personal message on the TAUK blog to demonstrate how each of us have a divine connection to the All. ~ Yours in kind service, Suzanne

    July 24, 2012

    God & Jesus

    [Hello God & Jesus!] Hello Suzy dear. Open your mind to a new idea. many people are waking up and TAUK gives them a way to imagine their divine connection to All. This you know.

    However, you were guided to Dolores’ (Cannon) class and may we share our thoughts on where this may lead? [yes, PLEASE!] However you decide to use this knowledge is up to you, naturally.

    We would like to plant a seed. Now is the time to be getting your knowledge refined. In the coming months, many will seek a way to tap into the super conscious. Putting your shingle out as a TAUK teacher and a QHH (Quantum Healing Hypnosis) practitioner will give you two great tools to assist the masses.

    You will refine the QHH while you practice and then you will be in a position to offer connection on multiple levels. Picture your office with a line of souls waiting to connect to their subconscious, High self, super conscious, angels and loved ones. This will be a ‘connection’ office of the highest order.

    Ron is here now. [Hi Dad!!] hi Suzy. The connection office is well staffed from this side! [How nice is that?!] On your side we recommend bringing on a second QHH practitioner. This lovely soul is in process with her decision to learn QHH so you may start without her while she gets up to speed. However you wish to proceed is blessed by us. May you follow your heart, dear Zippy.

    [Thank you Dad!! I love you very, very much! Can you stick around to answer some questions?] Yes. [During the past life regression I experienced this week, I was a young, adult male hunter, perhaps in the Amazon. It seemed you were my grandfather, the elder of the tribe. Can you give anymore information to me or clarify the experience further?] That was correct, Suzy. In that time, we lived in an area known as a forest of the gods. This was in the jungle of Central America and the term ‘forest’ was used by the tribe to signify the high vibration of our area. This was in the mountainous region of what is known as Venezuela. Our connection was deep as teacher and student. The love we have for each other is infinite. I had many students in the tribe and you were my grandson. We innately knew in the village how to live in harmony with nature and ourselves. In the near future you will explore these teachings in your TAUK messages and in QHH. All is on track with the Divine plan.

    Dolores Cannon’s website:

    Copyright © Suzanne Spooner. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete.

    TAUK Website:

    TAUK Blog:

    Aquaries1111 wrote:
    We Are You wrote:7.24.12– Ready, Set, Center!
    According to the Mayan Dreamspell Calendar, today, July 24th, 2012, is a very important day. I know this because my intuition began nagging at me a few days ago to find out about it. So, mostly to get some peace and quiet again, I finally did some research. YOWZA. What I read resonated with what I’ve been hearing from earth spirits, celestial guides– and my own experience– so intensely that I got the chills for at least three minutes straight. Today is, indeed, a powerful day, as will be the 26th, and the more of us who know about it and use these potent energies, the more powerful they become. So of, course, I had to share a brief summary of what I found out with you, and I hope that after you read this, you’ll share it, too. And of course, do your own research–don’t just take my word for it! Besides, what I’m writing is just a taste, not the whole rich and potent meal! So why not go get it? You deserve it! We ALL do.

    So, my summary in a nutshell (or two): The glyph for today, July 24th, is the Red Overtone Earth, which is called Caban. It is the point of access to your natural alignment with the life force of the earth in the NOW. And not only that, but by centering within yourSelf and aligning with this magnetizing force, you also align with the galactic center! Thus, you are both grounded on the earth and “plugged in” to the energies of ascension, itself.

    The way to use this activating alignment is to fully commit to your own center within–and not just for today, but from now on. Today is the day that the Overtone of Cabal will powerfully assist you in doing so, so that your internal connection to your center is strong, and staying there will become natural to you over time. Your own commitment, however, is equally necessary–because you are sovereign. Because you have free will. Because what you say, goes.

    Today, take the time to meditate and focus on your own center. Feel it connect you with the center of the life force deep within the earth. Feel its magnetizing energy hold you firmly grounded. Then, feel yourSelf connect as well with the powerful electrical energies of the galactic center. Feel these powerful electromagnetic energies meet in your own center within. As you do so, your center will begin to vibrate and radiate your own energy, your very essence, outward in a way that can be perceived at great distances. By commiting to your own radiance, you commit to your own power, take authority over it, and become an unstoppable force in the world. Yowza, right? I told you!

    You see, all of the sometimes difficult clearing of old, painful, patterns and releasing of judgments that you have been doing up to this point has been preparing you for just this moment of committing to your center and becoming a force of poweful change in the world. It is time to let go, once and for all, of the suffering caused by the old illusions of powerlesss and become what you truly are NOW–the creative force of your own life, as well as the reflections of “reality” that you create around you.

    And that’s not all! July 26th is the first day of the Mayan Dreamspell New Year, and that’s what this aligning with center today is preparing you for! The glyph for July 26th is the Blue Resonant Storm, ruled by the planet Pluto., and is called Cauac. It symbolizes initiation by fire, as well as purifying rain and the lightning that shatters any false structuring of reality. (That’s Pluto for you! You can see why it was a good idea to release as much fear and negativity as possible before NOW, and get centered in your sovereignty today, right?)

    The tone for the Blue Resonant Storm is called Cosmic, and is the thirteenth and final tone of creation, representing the stage of completion. It is the tone of endurance, transcendence, and presence– meaning interconnected through the energetic threads that weave all life into One. Use July 26th, this first day of the New Year, to commit to bringing your centered presence fully into the world. Since it is only possible to be present in the moment, in order to be fully present, one must commit to staying conscious, centered, and present for every one of them. NOW is an ongoing process, after all!

    This next year promises to be quite an adventure, as all times of transformation are. Remember that, as an unstoppable creative force in the world, you are able to transcend all past illusions of limitation, and to endure the waves of life by riding them as the master you are. Use the energies of NOW to prepare, and then get ready for the ride you’ve been waiting for!

    (By the way–if you happen not to read this until after these dates have come and gone, you can still access their energies to align, center, and prepare. Because time is merely a third dimensional illusion, all you have to do is put yourself in the energies of the 24th and the 26th before you work with them. This is not hard, and does not require a lot of hocus-pocus. You simply put the dates in your consciousness, and intend yourself into them. Then, don’t doubt that you did it. You DID! Just be there!)




    Copyright(c) 2012, Judith Dagley-All Rights Reserved

    via 7.24.12– Ready, Set, Center! « judithdagley.

    Thanks We Are You..

    Based on the website I'm a supposed Kin 59.. Check out yours..–-ready-set-center

    I use the above link for "entertainment purposes only".

    A Tom Kenyon Hathor Update 7-1-12…”Duality and the Triune Force”
    Posted on 2012/07/24 by kauilapele
    This article just came into my email yesterday, even though it was channeled on 7-1-12, according to the website.

    This aligns with the last few posts (the ones about that were about that person in the White House), as well as what Drake, David Wilcock, Benjamin Fulford, RMN, and many other sites are putting out there right now.

    The only highlights I’ll put here are these.

    “This dualistic nature of your universe is being affected by the Time Acceleration that you are going through. One net result of this is an increase in duality or the polarization of human consciousness.

    “Polarized conflicts between nations, communities, religions and persons are on the rise. This unfortunate state of affairs is to be expected as planetary and galactic energetics increase.

    “The strategy we suggest is called the Triune Force… It is an attribute of spiritual mastery and will allow you to move through polarization with greater efficiency and a greater likelihood of manifesting what you desire as opposed to being “caught up” in the dramas of polarization and conflict.

    “The principle is simple. As a human being you tend to be attracted to persons or situations, or you are repulsed by them. This tendency to fall into attraction or repulsion is, for the most part, an unconscious act…

    “…by not identifying with the attraction [or repulsion (Obama, Drake, anyone?)] you “float up” to the Triune Force and are free to observe behaviors that may signal the inappropriateness or dangerous nature of a relationship with that person.”

    And by the way, there is no text formatting here. To view the formatted text, please go to Tom Kenyon’s web page.


    Duality and the Triune Force

    A Hathor Planetary Message Through Tom Kenyon

    You live in a dualistic universe. This is its very nature. It manifests as the principle of opposites in that forces tend to have equal and opposite reactions. This applies to the physics of your universe and to the very nature of dualistic consciousness itself.

    This dualistic nature of your universe is being affected by the Time Acceleration that you are going through. One net result of this is an increase in duality or the polarization of human consciousness.

    Polarized conflicts between nations, communities, religions and persons are on the rise. This unfortunate state of affairs is to be expected as planetary and galactic energetics increase.

    Our message deals with a strategy for navigating through the difficulties of increased polarization. Indeed you may have already discovered that in some of your social circles there is a type of hostility and polarized views of situations.

    The strategy we suggest is called the Triune Force.

    It is an attribute of spiritual mastery and will allow you to move through polarization with greater efficiency and a greater likelihood of manifesting what you desire as opposed to being “caught up” in the dramas of polarization and conflict.

    The principle is simple. As a human being you tend to be attracted to persons or situations, or you are repulsed by them. This tendency to fall into attraction or repulsion is, for the most part, an unconscious act.

    You may encounter someone and feel drawn to him or her, and the depth or intensity of the attraction may cause you to delete other information about the person. Likewise as situations arise around you, whether they be social, political or religious, you may likewise find yourself drawn to these situations without other information that would be helpful in determining if a given situation was “right” for you or not.

    The same holds true for repulsion. You may find yourself repulsed by someone, or a situation, and likewise, identify with the repulsion, thereby cutting yourself off from other information that might be helpful.

    The Triune Force

    If you were to imagine a triangle and on the left corner of the triangle was attraction and on the right side of the triangle was repulsion, then the point above these two extremes is the Triune Force.

    It is a mental perspective that has spiritual attributes. It allows you to float above the situation and view it from multiple perspectives.

    If, for instance, you are attracted to a person and surrender to that attraction without allowing access to signs and information about that person then you have put yourself in a precarious position.

    But by not identifying with the attraction you “float up” to the Triune Force and are free to observe behaviors that may signal the inappropriateness or dangerous nature of a relationship with that person.

    Likewise, if you are repulsed by a person or situation the Triune Force allows you to “float above” and dis-identify with the repulsion, and while you are in this dis-identification you are free to see other levels involved. It could be that this person or situation is toxic to you, or it could be that this person or situation is a mirror reflecting back to you something you do not like in yourself.

    By momentarily suspending your identification with either attraction or repulsion you are able to see more clearly and access information about the person or situation from an expanded perspective.

    Knowledge is power, and the Triune Force gives you access to the innate powers of clarity. So our suggestion in this time of increased human polarization and Time Acceleration is to watch yourself. When you fall into attraction, pause for a moment. Step away from your identification with the attraction. Float up above it, as it were, and engage the Triune Force. You do this so that you enter the relationship, whether it be with a person or a situation, with open eyes.

    If you are repulsed by a person or a situation, pause for a moment and dis-identify with your distaste for the person or situation. Float above the situation or person, as it were, and engage the Triune Force to see more deeply—to sense with greater clarity—if this person or situation is toxic, or if it is a mirror for something in yourself that you need to transform.

    As you enter more deeply into the polarization phase of planetary assent, the Triune Force can greatly assist you as you pass through this difficult period of increased personal, interpersonal and collective conflict.

    The Hathors
    July 1, 2012

    Tom’s Thoughts and Observations

    Perception is indeed relative to the perceiver. And this relativity of perception is no more apparent, I think, than in our relationships with each other.

    Furthermore, it has been my observation for some time now (i.e., the last several months or so) that the polarization of human relationships is on the rise.

    There have, of course, always been differences of opinions. And conflicts between persons and nations are hardly anything new. History is strewn with incidents of ruinous and disastrous encounters between individual people, as well as between religions and cultures.

    But what the Hathors are addressing here is an increase in polarized perceptions and beliefs between individuals.

    It is their opinion that this disturbing increase in polarization is occurring as a result of the energetics we are all going through (i.e. the changes in our sun as well as pulses of accelerated evolution from the Central Sun of our galaxy and from deep space) and the fact that we are undergoing the extreme effects of Time Acceleration.

    At the end of the session, Judi asked them how long they thought this period of increased polarization would continue. Their response was that it was difficult to pin down exact time coordinates, but their sense was that this extreme polarization of human perception would continue for at least eighteen months to two years, if not longer. And furthermore, they expected the intensity of polarization to increase, not decrease during this period. Judi also asked about the strangeness of the polarization experience and inquired if they had any further elaboration to offer. They said that part of the difficulty we humans are experiencing is the fact that the intensity of planetary and galactic energetics is so extreme, they often short-circuit cognitive processing. As a result, people can become even more erratic and irrational than usual.

    If their perceptions and predictions are accurate then it would seem prudent to find some masterful way to get through such a period of increased interpersonal, cultural and religious discord.
    The Triune Force

    In my opinion, the idea of the Triune Force is Hathorian-simplicity at its finest.

    If you tend to imagine things visually, think of a triangle. Put the force of attraction at the far left corner and the force of repulsion at the far right. The point of the triangle above the two corners is the perspective of the Triune Force. Through this perspective we can look down and see or sense things that we might not see or sense when we are caught up in the throws of attraction or repulsion.

    The triangle is just a metaphor, of course. What you are actually doing is rising up in awareness so that you are no longer enchanted by the force of attraction or the force of repulsion. From this state of non-identification with either state (attraction or repulsion) you can better sense information that might be helpful to your decision making process.

    There is a shift in our thinking process required to engage the Triune Force, and that shift is simply to step away from self-identification.

    Instead of rushing in and doing the normal human thing, which is to identify with our attractions or repulsions, we temporarily intervene in our own automatic responses for the purpose of gaining valuable information.

    The type of information that we can access when we are in a state of non-identification is qualitatively different from the types of information that we access when we are caught up in the intensity of the moment.

    In addition to stopping the process of self-identification, the Hathors suggest a shift in spatial perspective as another step to engage the Triune Force:

    When you fall into attraction, pause for a moment. Step away from your identification with the attraction. Float up above it, as it were, and engage the Triune Force. You do this so that you enter the relationship, whether it be with a person or a situation, with open eyes.

    If you are repulsed by a person or a situation, pause for a moment and dis-identify with your distaste for the person or situation. Float above the situation or person, as it were, and engage the Triune Force to see more deeply—to sense with greater clarity—if this person or situation is toxic, or if it is a mirror for something in yourself that you need to transform.

    If you have developed spatial abilities you will be able to imagine yourself floating up above the situation or interaction and observe yourself being attracted or repulsed. This spatial separation of an “observer” part from the “responder” part can be quite helpful in suspending the pattern of identifying with your responses (i.e., attraction or repulsion). But if you don’t have this type of spatial ability, it will be difficult for you to do this.

    If you are unable to “float above the situation or person” that you are responding to, don’t worry about it. The primary action required to engage the Triune Force is simply to stop your own process of self-identification so that you can sense new types of information about the situation or person.

    To be human is to have attractions and repulsions. It is just part of the human-mammalian equation. All animals have an innate biological response that moves toward something (attraction) or away from it (repulsion). And the Hathors are not suggesting that we eliminate this type of biological response. They are simply saying that when we temporarily suspend our self-identification with those responses, doors open in consciousness (metaphorically speaking). New insights and understanding become accessible to us, and with that knowledge we can create and co-create with greater mastery.

    If, however, we are caught up in the excitement of attraction or the fear of repulsion, then we often fail to see or sense “red flags” or other crucial information about the person or situation.

    How many “negative” relationships and/or situations might we have all avoided had we been able to “see” those things we were blind to in the moment of intense attraction (or in some cases, repulsion)?

    I think there is a personal discipline required to engage this method. And it necessitates that we avoid the emotional intoxication that takes place when we are really caught up in a strong attraction or repulsion.

    And as with many aspects of our emotional lives, this is sometimes easier said than done.

    But I think the emotional discipline is well worth the effort. If nothing else, it will lead us to deeper psychological insight, and this is a good thing.

    In addition, however, engaging the Triune Force can help us as creators and co-creators by giving us access to higher levels of information regarding whom or what we might be contemplating a co-creation with.

    I ended that last sentence, by the way, with a preposition on purpose. Prepositions establish relationships between words, just like the force of attraction or repulsion establishes a relationship between people. While some grammarians disagree about the correctness of ending a sentence with a preposition, others point out that it is sometimes necessary. Thus, it seems to me, along with many other lovers of language, that the preposition rule is actually a myth. Some myths are slow to die. In this regard, the preposition myth has been a tenacious one, guarded, as it has been, by the dogma of unyielding grammarians.

    My comment here is not so much about grammar as it is about the syntax of our lives. By the syntax of our lives I mean the order and relationships of our experiences—as we hold them to be. When syntax (order) is altered in a sentence or in our lives, a gap in perception can occur and through that gap new meanings and new worlds of perception can be birthed.

    Many of us have been held captive by another myth—the myth that we cannot and should not create (or re-create) our lives in the ways we desire them to be.

    In this context, the Triune Force is fundamentally a method for altering the syntax (order) of both our perception and our mental/emotional lives. Through the gap (or portal) that appears when syntax is altered, we are more able to glimpse new possibilities.
    Tom Kenyon

    © 2012 Tom Kenyon All Rights Reserved
    You may copy and distribute this message in any media you wish so long as you do not charge for it, do not alter it any way, credit the author and include this entire copyright notice.

    If you wish to receive future Hathor Planetary Messages go to the website ( and click on Contact. Follow the directions to have your name added to our Hathor email list, or to receive updates on Tom’s calendar, or both. We do not share email information with anyone.

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    Post  We Are You Wed Jul 25, 2012 10:21 am

    Recruitment Ground Crew for GLS Blaze
    Posted by wolfke74 on July 25, 2012

    Recruitment Ground Crew for GLS Blaze

    As also announced by Leslee that it was time to do some recruitment for GLS Blaze.

    Information from Leslee:

    “Both ships, OcaTAwa and Athabantian are Motherships. The ships Algiz, Tulya, Blaze and Athena are four closely related ships that work between them. The sun is actually a stargate AND a lens of sorts, Athabantian operates much like a lens, and the “lens artefact orbs” that some of us find in our pics are refractions from Athabantian.

    Atha is directly in line between us & the sun, which is why we cannot see her. There is a straight line between OcaTAwa, the sun, Athabantian, Gaia, and the Inner location of OcaTAwa. The 4 smaller ships move around more. There are other clusters of smaller ships that work together, and with Atha & Oca. These will emerge later, or perhaps through other people… “

    The mission of GLS Blaze

    As for the mission here on Blaze, there is only one mission. We all have a desire to help out Mother Gaia in anyway we can. The mission is to expand our creativity and create creative solutions to help Mother Earth and the people of Earth. Of course to get the creativity flowing you can relax in our relaxing/fun rooms. You have also access to our library about creativity or you can make use of our holodeks or holo-labs so that you can see your creativity in action. These solutions will be shared with other members of the ships so that they can be used in anyway they and we see fit.

    As for the guidelines, you can check up the guidelines on Recruitment and crew.

    You can contact me through the contact form if you wish to be a ground crew member of the GLS Blaze

    -26.078890 27.985670

    Steve Beckow – Ellie Miser – Temporary Reunion On Board The Ships – 25 July 2012
    Posted on July 25, 2012 by lucas2012infos | Leave a comment
    I know there are readers who’ve grown fond of Ellie Miser and wish to know how she’s doing. Ellie believes – and she’s had messages from her Pleiadian partner, Plen, which appear to confirm – that she’ll be going back to the ships soon after what she refers to as “the event.”

    The event is, she believes, a benchmark incident in the opening of our consciousnesses. I’ve heard from others as well that some sort of event in consciousness may or will be happening soon (fairly soon, Earth soon, galactically soon, I cannot tell) but I know too little about it to speak intelligently to it.

    If Plen were not relieving Ellie’s pain, she believes she’d be in a wheelchair by now.

    Ellie has had an experience of being back on the ships and seeing her ex-husband Papa Joe and her family. This was not a dream but a physical experience which she was permitted to remember. She’s only had one other physical experience like this in her terrestrial lifetime.

    Please note in passing Ellie’s revelation that people are being taken aboard the ships 70 at a time. We were told this would be happening and, if Ellie’s correct, then it is.

    Those who don’t know Ellie or are not interested in her story, perhaps just skip this article and go on to the next. But there is a large number of readers who do care and have followed Ellie’s exploits for perhaps years now. She’s extended her lifetime by donning two cloned bodies. This is her second and is breaking down.

    Ellie is a conscious Pleiadian starseed whose mission was to incarnate here and feed back information to primarily new Pleiadian star fleet personnel on how Earth humans think and feel. The Pleiadians are human like us and are in fact among the races who originally seeded Earth.

    Over the years, Ellie has sent them back the Darwin awards, her favorite cartoons, every unusual story that revealed things about us. When I first encountered her in 2008 and joined her distribution list, I wondered what it had to do with Ascension 2012. What it had to do related to the friendly star fleets and not to us as terrestrials. She was educating them on our culture and society.

    In terms of transitions from the physical plane to a higher plane, they’re often signalled as being close when the individual begins having dreams of reunion with their family. But this isn’t about watching for Ellie’s return to the ships, which will sadden me. It’s about enjoying Ellie’s life and her contributions to us all as long as she’s here. How many Pleiadian anthropologists do you know? One, right? Same with me.

    (You’re always welcome to assist Ellie and Jerry by donating to her at on Paypal. I do regularly. She has only social security for support and her expenses at her age can be daunting.)


    7/22/12 – I was napping this afternoon when I found myself in another place – NOT a dream!!!!! I suddenly realized I was there in actual physical form, as real as this place I am in while typing these words!!! I was so surprised that I was not observing – I was EXPERIENCING! On our ship! (1)

    I looked down a hallway and saw Papa Joe [my #1 ex] (2) coming toward me with his favorite working clothes on – jeans, shirt and red “head rag” – he had a happy, busy look on his face like he was doing something he enjoyed doing.

    Shortly after he made his transition from this life, I was told he reviewed some of his Akashic records then was put to work with Plen on a special project – Papa Joe was an electronics technician, like my son, Jerry, except Jerry has Plen’s help so does magic. (3)

    I looked around and saw Jerry off to my left – I called to him to come here, quick! When he came to me, I took hold of his arm and said “Have we died?” He said he wasn’t sure but could be – we were supposed to leave at the same time and here we were!

    I told him to “I want to show you something!” I led him to my right a bit and there was a small group of people sitting in chairs – Papa Joe was in about the 5th row. I told Jerry “Look who’s here!”

    Jerry saw Papa Joe and the most amazing look of love and joy came across his face! Very emotional! We approached Papa Joe and hugged him – I asked what was going on and he said groups of people were being brought up – about 70 people in each group.

    I learned that Plen had explained to Joe how Jerry can be 50% Pleiadian but still biologically Joe’s son as well by the infusion of Plen’s DNA into the fetus before birth. Joe was relieved to know that I had not been unfaithful. *smile*
    Joe was quite impressed with the technology on our ship and is a fast learner so he and Plen did work on some projects before Joe went on to other tasks. He LOVED working with earth – planting, gardening, landscaping, etc. – while on this planet so he may be doing the same in the massive gardens on our ship.
    Then I woke up, excited at actually BEING there – even briefly – a physical experience! I have had only one other REAL experience like that – a special Valentine treat a few years ago when Father Haiton gave Plen permission to surprise me with an actual physical visit on board our ship! As a side “treat”, I grabbed Plen’s right buttock, squeezed it and said “Nice butt!” (4) He grinned so big! LOL!
    Also, my Pleiadian body is not in stasis I found out – it is in suspended animation. I’ve been using the wrong terminology for years! In stasis, the soul remains in or with the body – like just sleeping – suspended animation is when the soul is absent but the body is kept functioning by artificial means. I needed to explain that!
    Just wanted to share that latest experience with you.



    (1) Ellie’s Pleiadian body is in stasis on the ship her father commands.

    (2) Papa Joe is Ellie’s first Earth husband. Obviously he gets along with her Pleiadian partner Plen.

    (3) Ellie’s son, Jerry, also Pleiadian, is a computer wizard and receives help from Plen. Ellie and Jerry will probably leave together. but maybe not.

    (4) Plen will visit Ellie some nights. He can be near to her but they cannot touch because of dimensional considerations. link original article
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    Post  We Are You Wed Jul 25, 2012 10:36 am

    World Bank Chief: ‘I Want to Eradicate Poverty’ and more...

    In This Update...
    World Bank Chief: ‘I Want to Eradicate Poverty’
    Jennifer Hoffman: Compassion Vortexes
    The Transition to Peace
    SaLuSa: July 25, 2012
    Saul: Neglected Personal Issues Are Arising, Sometimes Very Forcefully Indeed
    Jesus: Your Shadow Side Is a Very Important Part of Human Nature
    Ellie Miser: Temporary Reunion on Board the Ships
    On Ascension – Part 5/6 – What is the Nature of the Light Uplifting Earth? (Repost)
    Repentance; Oh that Nasty Word…. Or is It?
    Banking Arrests Are Underway
    John Smallman: From the Jesuits to Jesus, via Saul – The Light Agenda Tonight
    News Limited Chief, UK PM’s Ex-Staffer Will Face Phone Hacking Charges


    World Bank Chief: ‘I Want to Eradicate Poverty’

    Jim Yong Kim, president of the World Bank, speaks at the opening session of the International Aids Conference in Washington on 22 July. Photograph: Jacquelyn Martin/AP
    World Bank Chief: ‘I Want to Eradicate Poverty’
    Stephen: Is this the World NESARA Bank? Will all other banks follow suit? Has a fresh breath of consciousness blown into the world’s financial arena?

    If it didn’t involve money, I’d say: ‘You Bet”. But it does, so I’ll say… “Kim Yong Jim, you may have a want; the world has a need. Make your want our reality, in deed (sic)”.

    And with AIDS, Sustainability and Clean Energy on his agenda, KYK is looking like he’s ‘KYK-ing’ in the light direction…

    World Bank’s Kim Yong Kim: ‘I Want to Eradicate Poverty’
    Sarah Boseley, Health Editor, in Washington, The Guardian – July 25, 2012

    The new president of the World Bank is determined to eradicate global poverty through goals, targets and measuring success in the same way that he masterminded an Aids drugs campaign for poor people nearly a decade ago.

    Jim Yong Kim, in an exclusive interview with the Guardian, said he was passionately committed to ending absolute poverty, which threatens survival and makes progress impossible for the 1.3 billion people living on less than $1.25 a day.

    “I want to eradicate poverty,” he said. “I think that there’s a tremendous passion for that inside the World Bank.”

    Kim, who took over at the World Bank three weeks ago and is not only the first doctor and scientist (he is also an anthropologist) to be president but the first with development experience, will set “a clear, simple goal” in the eradication of absolute poverty. Getting there, however, needs progress on multiple, but integrated, fronts.

    “The evidence suggests that you’ve got to do a lot of good, good things in unison, to be able to make that happen,” said Kim. “The private sector has to grow, you have to have social protection mechanisms, you have to have a functioning health and education system. The scientific evidence strongly suggests that it has to be green – you have to do it in a way that is sustainable both for the environment and financially. All the great themes that we’ve been dealing with here have to come together to eradicate poverty from the face of the Earth.”

    Kim, who was previously head of the Ivy League Dartmouth College, is probably best known for his stint at the World Health Organisation (WHO), where he challenged the system to move faster in making Aids drugs available to people with HIV in the developing world who were dying in large numbers. In 2003, he set a target of 3 million people being on treatment by 2005 – thereafter known as “3 by 5″. The target was not met on time, but it did focus minds and rapidly speed up the pace of the rollout, which included setting up clinics and training healthcare staff.

    Now, he says, he thinks he can do the same for poverty. “What 3 by 5 did that we just didn’t expect was to set a tempo to the response; it created a sense of urgency. There was pace and rhythm in the way we did things. We think we can do something similar for poverty,” he said.

    Asked if he would set a date this time, he said he was sorely tempted, but would not yet. “We don’t know what they will be yet, but [there will be] goals, and counting. We need to keep up and say where we are making successes and why, and when are we going to be held to account next for the level of poverty. If we can build that kind of pace and rhythm into the movement, we think we can make a lot more progress,” he said in his office at the Bank in Washington.

    Kim was seen by many as a surprise choice for president. During the election, critics argued there should be an economist at the helm. Some said that, as a doctor, he would focus too much on health.

    But Kim, who co-founded Partners In Health, which pioneered sustainable, high-quality healthcare for poor people, first in Haiti and later in Africa, said his three years at the WHO have been the only ones of his career that were solely devoted to health.

    “It’s always been about poverty, so for me, making the switch to being here at the Bank is really not that much of a stretch. I’ve been doing this all my life and we’re in a bit of the spotlight because of the stuff we did in healthcare but it was really always about poverty,” he said.

    Partners in Health offered HIV and tuberculosis treatment to poor people in Haiti for the first time. “We were trying to make a point. And the point we were trying to make was that just because people are poor shouldn’t mean that they shouldn’t have access to high quality healthcare. It was always based in social justice, it was always based in the notion that people had a right to live a dignified life. The good news is that this place – the Bank – is just full of people like that.”

    Kim, who has spent his first weeks talking to Bank staff with expertise in a huge range of areas, strongly believes in the integration of all aspects of development, and says the staff do too. He cites a new hospital Partners built in Rwanda, which led to the building of a road to get there and then the expansion of mobile phone networks in the area. “In a very real sense, we’ve always believed that investing in health means investing in the wellbeing and development of that entire community,” he said.

    Speaking to the International Aids Conference in Washington this week – the first World Bank president to do so – Kim told activists and scientists that the end of Aids no longer looked as far-fetched as the 3 by 5 plan had appeared in 2003. Science has delivered tools, such as drugs that not only treat but prevent infection.

    But the cost of drugs for life for 15 million or more people is not sustainable, he says. Donors are unlikely to foot the bill. Hard-hit developing countries have to be helped to grow so they can pay for the drugs and healthcare systems they need.

    Kim would like the highly active HIV community to broaden its focus. “We’ve had Aids exceptionalism for a long time and Aids exceptionalism has been incredibly important. It has been so productive for all of us,” he said. “But I think that as we go beyond the emergency response and think about the long-term sustainable response, conversations such as how do we spur growth in the private sector have to be part of the discussion.”

    Every country wants economic growth, he says, and people want jobs. “If I care about poverty, I have to care a lot about investments in the private sector. The private sector creates the vast majority of jobs in the world and social protection only goes so far,” he said.

    Nevertheless, he is a big proponent of social protection policies. “I’ve always been engaged in social protection programmes. But now it is really a signature of the World Bank. We’re very good at helping people look at their public expenditures and we say to them things like, fuel subsidies really aren’t very helpful to the poor – what you really need is to remove fuel subsidies and focus on things like conditional cash transfer plans. The Bank is great at that.”

    New to him are climate change and sustainability, he says. “We are watching things happen with one degree changes in ocean temperature that we thought wouldn’t happen until there were two or three degree changes in ocean temperature. These are facts. These are things that have actually happened … I think we now have plenty of evidence that should push us into thinking that this is disturbing data and should spur us to think ever more seriously about clean energy and how can we move our focus more towards clean energy.”

    But poor countries are saying they need more energy and we must respect that, he says. “It’s hard to say to them we still do it but you can’t … I think our role is to say the science suggests strongly to us that we should help you looking for clean energy solutions.”

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    Jennifer Hoffman: Compassion Vortexes

    Compassion Vortexes
    By Jennifer Hoffman – July 23, 2012

    This was a tough weekend for all of us to process with the news of another mass shooting, this time at a movie theatre in Aurora, Colorado. I woke up Friday at 1:30AM, which was around the time the shootings occurred, very tense and agitated and could not go back to sleep. I also posted something on Facebook about courage at around 5AM, still unaware of what had happened.

    Then I heard the news and knew why I was up all night. As empaths we feel these intense energies in a profound way, and we can wonder why this happens and whether it will ever end. But while it’s a dark moment, it is also an opportunity for profound awakening.

    I have often written about compassion vortexes, which Uriel describes as energetic openings that allow the expansion of love as we respond to tragedy with compassion and open our hearts to those affected. In this case 12 people died and dozens were wounded in an act that affected hundreds of families and friends, a community, state, nation and the world.

    Everything that happens is global news today, which means that what happens in one place is felt by everyone. This kind of event makes us angry and wonder why someone would do this. A very wise friend used to say “What man means for bad, God means for good.” So where’s the good in all of this tragedy?

    First, we can’t curse the darkness because we are just adding energy to it. The comments and speeches from Aurora focused on coming together, being supportive and kind, having compassion, and loving each other. The community gathered for memorials and vigils. Everyone took great effort to not focus on the shooter and his story; instead, they talked about the victims, acts of bravery and sacrifice, the loss and for many, gratitude that they made it out of the theatre alive.

    Yes there is talk about stricter gun legislation and yet the NRA has been strangely silent. Disney pulled its Batman advertising over the weekend and there will be more talk about excessive violence in the movies. Maybe this incident will bring much overdue change in the movie industry. And in us, as we reflect on the level of violence and fear that we tolerate in our society.

    While we are all feeling overloaded, maybe a little angry and certainly sad, we know that hearts must be opened to receive energy and, for many people, it takes a tragedy of this magnitude to allow their hearts to open. No matter how high the vibration of the energy is in the current downloads, our hearts must be open to receive it.

    I hope that one day we won’t need these compassion vortexes but, until that day arrives, this is what it will take to get people to open their hearts so they can receive and integrate higher energetic vibrations. And here is a prayer that Uriel gave me to share with you, I think it will help us spread the light so we can help hearts to open. Prayer is a powerful tool for change and transformation and every prayer counts.

    Father/Mother God, I ask that you send your healing light to us now. Fill the empty places in every heart with your love. Fill every area of darkness in our lives with your light. Transform every fear with your peace and remember us to your grace and unconditional love. Thank you and so it is.

    Copyright (c) 2012 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may copy, quote, translate and link to this article as long as you include the author’s name and a working link back to this website.

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    The Transition to Peace

    I’ve had quite a few discussions with people since writing the article on peace descending. (1) And a common theme that’s emerging is that people are having difficulty adjusting to the lack of apparent action around us.

    When Archangel Michael told us that the celestials preferred to use containment to mass arrests, a lot of us were irritated. It’s as if we wanted the ritual, drama, and completion that mass arrests might have brought us.

    We didn’t seem to care much about the risks of loosing a genie that we might have difficulty putting back in the bottle. We seemed to want action.

    But we may not be getting mass arrests and so again we find ourselves in peace – without action or drama. And a lack of action may prove difficult for people who’ve been so accustomed to action through fighting pandemics, protesting chemtrails, overthrowing the financial elite, reacting to oil spills, rushing to assist the people of Japan or the people of Haiti.

    At least that’s my take on it. We’re in an interval between warring with the cabal and building with the galactics and we seem to be finding it difficult.

    We’re told the cabal has been defeated and is being forced out of the picture. But they’re not entirely gone. To be sure, fighting rages in some sectors of the globe and in others leaders still flex their muscles and posture. But the galactics have told us repeatedly that they are now in charge and won’t permit any battle to go too far.

    Syria presents a glaring exception, but we’re told that karma is being cleansed there and that the Middle East may be the last place on Earth to settle down. Apart from the Middle East, the world appears to be approaching quiet. Things certainly are much more settled than they’ve ever been.

    We say that nothing’s happening although you can see from so many sources that many things are happening. The LIBOR scandal is bringing fresh arrests. Everywhere bankers are resigning. We hear rumors that leading cabalists are seeking hiding places. Their underground bunkers are destroyed. Not much of the cabal’s weather-warfare or other machinery appears to be functioning. All over the world the net is tightening on the cabal and they’re in retreat.

    The Company of Light has defeated them but they’re not here yet either. The abundance program, the temporary governments, and Disclosure have not yet been introduced.

    We have neither the cabal to worry about nor the Company of Heaven to applaud. And I think this seeming balance point is getting to us.

    We’re not used to peace and we may become bored when peaceful. We haven’t had peace for decades and we may not know what to make of it or do with it. We were weaned on sensationalism and consumerism. Peace isn’t what we expected.

    Once the cabal is gone or the Company of Light is here, we won’t be facing this situation. But we do at this moment. How do we weather this period of adjustment?

    Yesterday I made a suggestion from one vantage point. I suggested that we begin planning our global work as lightworkers.

    Today I’d like to make a different suggestion – from a spiritual vantage point. If you’ll permit me.

    In everything that I’m doing these days, the common factor seems to be that I’m emerging – and I would imagine the same is happening for you. I’m feeling more love than I ever have. I’m valuing integrity more. I’m feeling bliss. I’m sinking more deeply into my heart. I’m seeing things more clearly, such as the fact that the heart has no fear or that integrity, love and truth are connected; one cannot be violated without the other being violated, etc.

    In every way I’m emerging. A larger and livelier me is coming out and is increasingly able to take care of itself.

    And that larger me only comes out in the fertile ground of my own internal peace. The peacefulness that’s descending on our outer society is an opportunity, along with the cleansing of our vasanas internally, for me, for us to blossom. Instead of looking for things to do, fresh ideas, racy feelings, and exciting sensations, what I choose to do is be the container for ever-expanding moments of love to emerge from me.

    I’m moving away from drama, kicking the habit, perhaps two steps forward and one step back, but making progress. I choose to be the soil in which the rose of love grows. This “activity” is done in stillness and silence. It’s done by opening and allowing. It’s done by being and observing.

    Yes, the drama has subsided and the transition from drama to life or drama to peace can be troublesome. But we can do it. We can make the difficult decisions. We can come of age as a human race.

    We can alter our course and become vessels for the expression of love out into the world. We can shed our habituation to sensationalism and discover what awaits us – the bliss, the love and the other divine qualities – that can only be found in the restfulness of peace.

    It does mean getting through this awkward period in which one side has not completely left and the other side hasn’t completely arrived. But, whether we knew this would happen or not, it’s just one more barrier we have to move through.

    Yes, we’re handling a lot at this time, all our old business coming up and our past trauma exploding. But we know we’re not far from beginning the quick and steady upward climb. To leave off now because the quiet seems to suggest we’ve been abandoned is to ignore all the careful work the Company of Light has done to prepare us for this time. Let’s not throw matters over when we’re so close to a decisive turn of events.

    (1) “Peace Descends and You Can Hear a Pin Drop,” at

    Call Of Our Creators-Beloved Mother/Father God. By, AuroRa Le. July 25, 2012.
    Posted on July 25, 2012 by theangeldiaries
    ☼ The time has come to attend to your personal healing, Dearest Cousins, and we implore that there is not a moment to be spared in this, your quest for wholeness. Do we sound a tad impassioned this morning (laughter)? But then, are we not always? Yes indeed, impassioned we are in the address of this urgent topic. Know this and know it well; you are needed now, more than ever before. Ever. Since the planet drew her first breath, there has never been such a call for Lightworkers and for planet-wide healing as there is today. It is required of you to be at your optimum efficiency, and to be energetically clean and physically purified. For, truly, how brightly can sunshine pass through a dirty window?

    ☼ You are much accustomed to our teasing, playful air. Yet, on this matter we must be serious and choose not to wax poetic. Yes, yes, you are hearing it from every corner. From the pages of books, across your internet and in the voices of your mentors. All of them are telling you the same thing-that these weeks you are in are a time of clearing. The wounds of the past are to be tended. Dredge up you must, the secrets which lay hidden in the shadows, and casting each one off into the light. Refrain from the consumption of processed “foods” and, praytell, partake only of Gaia’s bounty. Release, release, release… Make peace with your current and past lifetimes. Remove from your energetic sphere everything which is toxic to you. Dispel the illusion that your are trapped here on Earth against your will, forced to suffer behind prison walls of flesh and bone. Rethink the notion that you have no control over the outcome of the Great Event. Nay, not a tiny shred of this is true and it is well past time that you believe it.

    ☼ A clarion call has gone out from the very heart of All That Is. Our Creators, may they be so blessed-Our Mother and Our Father, are marshalling their troops. That would be you, of course, and also Us. We are the Incarnates. We are the ones charged with manifesting the fine miracle of Gaia’s, and our own, ascension. So, listen and hear us now. Whatever job you keep in your 3rd dimensional lives is temporary, and must now be rendered secondary in it’s nature. We do not say in any way to neglect the needs of your loved ones or to imperil your ability to survive. Oh, never, never that. But what we do advise is that your spiritual advancement must be, within your core, priority number one. A day must not go past without your doing some sort of work to strengthen your divine connection, to upgrade your developing crystalline lightbodies, and to clear and refine your connection to the Higher Realms. Time/space is compressing quickly now, we know very well that you can feel it. You may say that the world seems far too still and there is nothing truly going on; but search inside yourself, look closely and you shall agree this also is not so.

    ☼ We, the Incarnates of the Sacred Cetacean Brotherhood, are having to perform these functions just as routinely as you are. The ocean world that we inhabit is oft a poisonous domain, as is your surface environment. And like you, we navigate amidst a proverbial minefield of predators and unhealthy food choices, every day. We too must purify religiously and work to ever strengthen our connection to Reality. We all must heed the call we hear reverberating in our ears. Step up to the plate, as you are wont to say, Sweet Cousins. Accept that resistance is futile, so do not even try to ignore your Sacred Duty. The time to be complacent is long over. Summon us, please, and we shall come. For are you even aware that each of you are a part of Us, and we of you? We are family. We are here to help. Take some time and get to know the wise and much esteemed Great Dolphin Masters of Sirius. They need but a loving word from you and they shall come. They stand at the ready to enfold you in a healing cocoon of glistening aquamarine, and to gently soothe your battle-weary inner child.

    Be blessed, oh beloved Cousins. Swim free in absolute certainty and grace. Play. Be in joy.

    Copyright © Bella Capozzi. all rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

    Sirian Heaven
    All Themes around Ascension 2012, Sirius and the Galactic Federation of Light
    Suchen HauptmenüZum Inhalt wechselnZum sekundären Inhalt wechselnHomeArtikelnavigation← Ältere BeiträgeGreg Giles – Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 7/24/12 ‘Why Do You Assist the Dark Ones?’
    Veröffentlicht am Juli 25, 2012 von Sirian Heaven
    All infinity of space and in time have representatives here in and above your world at this time as we, together with you, the people of Earth, carry out our divine mission in love and in service to our Creator, your Creator, the Creator of all things large and small, dark or light in this universe. We, the members of the Galactic Federation of Light and our organization itself stand for love, for peace, for charity, for good deed, for sovereignty, for joy, for freedom forever. We do not come to worlds for any other reason but to offer our gifts, our knowledge, our wisdom, our love, our light, our understandings, our technologies and our assistance to help worlds rise above their current states of existence, of technological advancement, of social, economic and political status.

    We take great pride and care in how we deliver these gifts and introduce ourselves to the populations of the planets that we choose to visit and share our gifts with. You, the people of Earth, are special in your own ways, you are unique in your own ways, but you are not the only people that we have visited, will visit, or are even visiting right now as you read these words and as we are here in offers of assistance to you. We have large portions of our organization in orbit at this time around other worlds as well and we face the same challenges and obstacles introducing ourselves to them as we face introducing ourselves to you. There is no very unique challenge or obstacle here for us in your world at this time, we wish you to know this, and we are very confident we can rise to any challenge and with your assistance and your cooperation we will meet every challenge head on and defeat it, allowing a union of our two worlds, yours of the lower dimensions and ours of the higher and begin to offer you our tools to help you help yourselves make the changes that so many of your people want and know that are necessary to catapult your world into a new state of being, a state that is more joyous, prosperous, fair, honest, peaceful, sovereign, rewarding, adventurous, exciting, fun and new.

    These are some of the aspects of your new world, and we feel many of you will be quite happy and overjoyed at your new choices and opportunities that are already presenting themselves to you. The time for all these projects, programs and changes that we have discussed with you is upon us. One of the greatest changes to your world is already in full stride and that is the removal of the criminal element we have referred to as your criminal cabal. This is the linchpin that opens the door to all the many projects and programs, upgrades and advancements that we have discussed with you, and we are very happy to report that these arrests continue through the day and through the night all over your world. We, just as you, have combed your internet searching for some kind of evidence of these arrests and we too find little pieces of what can be considered evidence, but we tell you to keep looking, keep your eyes and ears open, for the floodgates will soon open and they will start with a trickle, with a leak, before the news of this truly Earth changing event gushes forth and bathes your world.

    We would like to thank tremendously at this time the brave men and women on your front lines who are carrying out these arrests. They are risking life and limb, although if they understood and many of them just may, whatever they risk at this time is merely temporary as all, including physical life, can be restored to an individual. Nothing can truly end the life of a soul as your lives are, of course, eternal, they are forever. If any of the members of your Earth allies receive physical injury in their efforts to apprehend these criminal elements then this too can be repaired and restored to the human vessel’s pristine condition and even more so, as we possess the methods, the technologies and the advanced understandings of physiology, of science and of the spiritual sciences, and we would be very happy to and look forward to assisting not only the men and women on your front lines today that may receive injury, but all the people of your world who have suffered bodily injury, physical illness, disease and even emotional injury, trauma and dysfunction, as there is no challenge that we do not possess the tools and the knowledge to sufficiently overcome.

    We look so forward to presenting and sharing with you our gifts, and we know from reading your words throughout your online communities that you too are looking forward to all of what has been spoken of and we tell you now as the days tick by faster and faster that it will not be long now before all that has been dreamed of and hoped for by you becomes your true reality, for indeed we are so very close now to a reunion with you, our star brothers and star sisters of the human family .

    We would like to speak to you today about processes in your world and systems in your world that we would like, with your assistance, to begin to overhaul, if you will, and begin to reconstruct from the top down, from the bottom up and from every corner of their pyramidal structures, which are how most of the systems in your world have been built. They have been designed and built in this way to funnel the steady flow of wealth to the one being and one being only that sits atop each pyramid. You have pyramidal structures of your health systems, of your financial systems, your banking systems, your military systems, your judicial systems, your political systems, your business systems, your agricultural systems, your utility systems, and your industrial systems. In the wake of all the building of these pyramidal structures has been left mechanisms to bleed all your systems dry of their wealth, their profit, their security, their safety, their flexibility, their versatility, their strength and their endurance.

    These systems now stand and function as flimsy structures built of balsa wood, ready to crumble or be set ablaze at the slightest shaking or source of spark, and they are already tumbling down and collapsing simply under their own weight. We, your higher dimensional families, have nothing to do with the crumbling of these systems including your financial structure, as it has already been crumbling since before we even began our mission here with you, which can be considered to have begun only a few years ago as before this time, although we have had representatives here for quite a while, our mission was only in the planning and birthing stages compared to now where we are in the midst of our greatly expanded endeavor. These systems that we speak of have never been built to stand for an eternity, to say the least. These systems have not even been designed well enough to withstand even centuries of change, of challenge, of demand, of time. These systems cannot even withstand simple fluctuations, as they have been designed so weakly, shoddy and inefficiently they are not able to withstand any fluctuations or changes in your societal structure whatsoever, and your society greatly changes as time goes by and you all learn, grow and change so much.

    There are many of your world now who have reached this new level of your development and these systems do not any longer fit you, suit you or serve you. You cannot depend on them, you cannot benefit from them, and no matter how hard any of you try you cannot repair them and save them. They are doomed, and rightfully and happily so, as these systems were only systems of power and control and a method to bleed you of all your wealth, your health, your freedoms, and your emotional and spiritual well-being. We have brought with us as gifts for you many new systems, a system for each area of your society, and each of these systems functions perfectly without the necessity for incalculable amounts of manpower, as many of these systems are self-sufficient and operate smoothly and efficiently without need for tinkering, adjustments or overhauls on a constant basis as your systems require today and have required all throughout your history.

    Your banking system is one system that has never functioned properly, efficiently, fairly or wisely. It has continually crumbled under its own weight, and shoddy patchwork has been needed throughout the centuries here in your world. Today your banking system finally is on its last legs, is gasping its last breath, and we are here to witness this and as quickly and efficiently as we can reinvigorate the financial, banking and monetary systems of your world with our new systems that will once again allow your people to prosper the way you should have always been permitted to prosper. Allow us to assist you in this way by having trust, faith, hope and confidence in the systems we wish to assist you implement in your world. We say to you that these systems have been designed and built and are up and running in many countless worlds throughout this universe, bringing to the people of these worlds prosperity, health, efficiency in energies and utilities, educational services, commerce, travel, and emotional stability and we say to you have confidence in us and faith in your new systems that will be built and you will receive all the benefits of these systems as quickly and as efficiently as we can, together with you, build and implement them into your society.

    To be forced to face adversity in the name of distrust, suspicion and a reluctance to do away with the old and begin anew with your new systems will not assist your new systems being built and will not lend to their healthy and efficient creation. Trust is needed in so many aspects of your lives and your societies as a whole, and we ask for those of you who today speak out against us and the building and the construction of these new systems to carefully think about what it is you’re saying, what stand you are taking, and how you are affecting the implementation of these new systems that we assure you will see to the benefit of each and every individual, favoring none and forgetting none on your planet. We always honor and respect at all times the views of each and every being in this entire universe and we say to you we are not asking you to silence your voice of opposition, no not at all. What we are only asking you is to carefully think about what it is you are saying to others about us and your new systems and do your homework and make sure it is this stance you wish to take, for we feel much information that is being shared about us throughout your online communities is highly inaccurate, unfair and even cruel at times.

    We ask those of you who speak out against us where is your evidence of our ulterior motives, of our supposed negative, dark or evil presence? Where has any of this been written? Where has this information come from to begin with? Who is creating this false impression of us and what have they got to gain from frightening you into not accepting our assistance and welcoming us here to begin our many projects with you? Who would gain from your refusal to accept our assistance? This is the question we would like you to think about and think about long and hard day as you read these words, as there are those of your world who will benefit greatly from your refusal to accept our assistance and we would just like you to think about who it is these individuals are before you so freely and easily repeat their words, echoing them throughout your online communities for all ears to hear these lies and this propaganda.

    There are those in positions of power today in your world who need the assistance of those such as the ones that speak out against us, as they cannot do this kind of work themselves as their numbers are quite small compared to the numbers of those under their thumb, under their will, under their power, control, corruption and oppression. We ask those of you who have suffered through and continue to experience difficult lives due to financial difficulties, health difficulties, losses in your freedoms and your emotional well-being what are some of the causes of your difficulties and who and what organizations are at the root of your problems, and we ask you to ask yourself if another decade or century under the same rule of these individuals will in any way improve your stations in life and your experience here in the physical? We would like you to think about that before you make such efforts in defending these individuals or doing their dirty work, which many of you seem very happy and eager to do.

    This confuses us slightly, as there are those of you who clearly understand who it is that is in charge of your world and runs the show today, yet you either unconsciously, unwittingly or even knowingly do the work for them that they cannot do themselves, work that is essential to them remaining in power and control over you, the people. We ask ourselves; do the men and women of this planet who seem so eager to help spread the words of propaganda, lies, power and control understand the role they are playing and how they are assisting those of the dark when they buy into their lies and then take these lies and spread them all throughout your world? This is what we ask ourselves, for we do not have the answer to this. We simply see the end result which does not assist them, their families, their friends, their lives or their futures. This is a very dangerous game these individuals are playing, for what they will gain from emerging victorious in their efforts to thwart our efforts and our reunion with you is a continued existence under the ruthless power and control of these tyrants who, if we left here today, would waste no time in rounding up all of the ‘loose cannons on deck’, if you will, and put you into prison camps that they have built with your money all around your world.

    This was the plan they had for you, and it was our presence, our mission here and our promise to them that we would intervene and stop them from pulling the switch on this agenda to incarcerate millions, even billions of those around your world. Many of you understand fully the agenda of the cabal and their many associated and linked secret societies and we wish you to know that these plans of the cabal will not succeed, they have been stopped dead in their tracks and they have been stopped through our assistance and cooperation with the brave men and women of your fighting forces and law enforcement agencies that have trusted us and have agreed to work and fight for the freedom and the sovereignty of each and every individual in your world. We ask you at this time; consider this and consider very long and very carefully who your allies are and who your enemies are. Who are the beings who wish to assist you in love and in service and who are the beings who wish nothing but harm to you? We ask you to think about this the next time you begin to repeat the lies and propaganda to others you are being fed that assist not us, not our Earth allies and not our human family or our mission together, but those of the dark, of the cabal.

    This is all we would like to discuss with you today, and we thank you greatly dear ones for offering us your time today and say to you we look so forward to speaking with you again shortly. Until then, we are your friends and your allies of the Galactic Federation of Light.

    As channeled through Greg Giles

    Veröffentlicht unter Galactics, Greg Giles | Verschlagwortet mit Galactic Federation, Greg Giles | Kommentar hinterlassen
    Greg Giles – Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 7/23/12 ‘New Financial System’
    Veröffentlicht am Juli 25, 2012 von Sirian Heaven
    No, there have not been large-scale changes to your financial system as of yet that will at least affect the man and woman on the street. Much is still transpiring behind the scenes and moves are being made, but these moves are large and they are slow due to their enormous weight of the effects that they will have on your world. What we see for your people is an entirely new banking, financial and monetary system. We see a new system based on fairness, equality and true earnings for work related duties which include services offered to your communities through your working cooperation with us, the members of the Galactic Federation of Light. What we see is a world where funds that are readily available are transferred from their current states of holding back to the people of your world who are its rightful owners and have always been its rightful owners, as money is not created by Gods, or by rich men of affluence, or by governments, or by banking institutions. Money is created by you, the people of your world who have broken your backs working so hard building roads and schools and dams and office buildings and factories and warehouses and your industrial infrastructure of your entire planet. Money is not created in a laboratory and its science is not difficult to understand once the proper and truthful information is shared with the people, and we intend to do just that.

    We wish at this time to explain to you how money is created. Money is created when a being chooses to lift even one finger and create something that is to be shared with another being. That is all it takes to create some kind of finance, some kind of collateral, some kind of financial backing, some kind of currency. That’s it, that’s all it takes and money is created. The actual printing of the form of currency a world will use is a different matter, as whether a society uses bills, or coins, or cards, or another form of currency, it does not affect the methods of how the money is created in the first place, and the money that is created in the first place is created by you, the people, and your willingness to give effort in the creation of something that can be shared with another individual, thus creating an economic flow of wealth, that is all.

    In your world since the beginning of what you now understand as your recorded history, there have been pilferers, thieves, siphoners, bloodsuckers of your funds. They have waited in hiding behind the scenes, and they have amassed enormous amounts of your hard-earned money for themselves without lifting one finger to create something that is meant to be shared with another. This is not how an economy effectively operates, this is how an economy effectively crashes and burns, as sooner or later this siphoning, this pilfering, this purging of funds will catch up to its society, put a stranglehold on it and kill it. That is what is happening today in your world, as your eyes must see that your banking and financial institutions are crashing all around you, taking with them human wreckage in the form of individuals, entire countries and even continents as well.

    This is a crash that will not be preempted, for this is a crash that must happen to allow your new financial system to take root in the fertile soils of the disintegrating system of old. We are here to assist you in many areas and your financial system is one of the most important systems that we are here to assist you with. We will not stand by and watch your societies crumble because of the irresponsible actions of a few individuals at the tops of these deep wells of pyramidal structure. We have methods that we have utilized in many worlds to stave off financial ruin and destitution and all of the problems that naturally will follow and follow quickly when one financial system fails and a new one is born in its place. We will assist you create a system based on abundance, on equality, on fairness, on safety and security for you and your families and each and every being that calls your planet home.

    How this new system will be instituted in the early stages is through a system of barter and exchange that will continue, but continue using a different currency than the currencies that are currently being used throughout your nations. Your new currency will be a currency free from the clutches of these dark and greedy ones, as they have not been given the permission, the opportunity or the luxury of printing these new bills. These new bills have been printed by those of the light, as you say, those of honesty, of integrity, those men and women of your human race that care about others, that are willing to share the wealth with others and who do not have a plan to siphon any part of this wealth from their brothers and sisters.

    This we promise to you; we, the Galactic Federation of Light, will oversee your new financial system and we will make sure it runs and is operated smoothly and efficiently, fairly and honestly, quickly and completely, and we will make sure your new system remains a system of fairness, equality and abundance, or we will step in and shut down whoever or whatever it is that is in any way negatively affecting the system or siphoning any amount of funds unfairly or unjustly from this, your new system. This we promise to you, our brothers and sisters.

    You can expect your new financial system to take root in the months ahead. We understand that we talk very much about the months ahead and many of you want changes and you want them today, but we tell you that nothing can get underway until the men and women of your criminal cabal have been rounded up, for they are one of the obstacles that are preventing all these changes and your new systems to begin. We see these members of your cabal are being rounded up and we see they are being removed from your society and they are being expunged from your systems of wealth, finance and banking, and this is a beautiful sight to behold. We say to you that when sufficient numbers of these individuals are safely removed from your society we will, with the assistance of our Earth allies who have worked so hard on your new system, begin its birth into your world like a newborn child that you all must learn to nurture, to raise and to grow as if this child is your very own, for this newborn is your very own and it is the responsibility of each and every one of you to act as its mother, to act as its father, to be its surrogate, for indeed, each of you are.

    We will, in the days ahead, speak more about your new system, but for now just know that there is a new system waiting for the playing field to be cleared, and it is a system that will bring all joy, all prosperity, all financial independence, for your new system is something that none of you have ever experienced throughout any of your physical incarnations. Your new system is a blessing, it is a privilege, it is a right, it is a wonderful opportunity for each and every one of you to be able to do whatever it is you wish for a living as long as it in some way makes another happy, makes another joyful, warms another, cools another, feeds another, makes another smile or assists another on their journey in any way, shape or form. This is your new system, and we feel so many of you will be so very excited and enjoyed when it is brought out of the maternity ward for you to see for the first time with your proud eyes, for each and every one of you are a parent of your new system, for it was your hopes, your dreams and your hard work that has co-created your new child.

    We will talk more about this in the days ahead, until tomorrow; we are your fathers and your mothers, your brothers and your sisters and your friends of the Galactic Federation of Light.

    As channeled through Greg Giles

    Veröffentlicht unter Galactics, Greg Giles | Verschlagwortet mit Galactic Federation, Greg Giles | Kommentar hinterlassen
    Circumpolar Rainbow Bridge- Please Pass this on Meditation for 25th July -DayOut Of Time‏
    Veröffentlicht am Juli 25, 2012 von Sirian Heaven
    Reblogged from Joe Eigo Enlightened Warrior VORTEX:

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    Nancy Tate - Wake Up Call - Hatonn - 24 July 2012
    Veröffentlicht am Juli 25, 2012 von Sirian Heaven
    Reblogged from Lucas 2012 Infos:

    I am here today to make an announcement. I am Hatonn and I am welcoming you all to the news of the day. There is to come a need for laughter and joy, for with this will be the overriding of what may in some cases be considered a dark day on earth.

    What in reality it will be, is an overriding of the destruction of the planet and it will result in just a few minor occurrences that may seem to be serious in some ways, but that will be not only a wonderful thing for earth but for all who live on it, as well as within it’s beautiful body.

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    Jesus – Your shadow side is a very important part of human nature July 25, 2012 by John Smallman
    Veröffentlicht am Juli 25, 2012 von Sirian Heaven
    One of the main issues that humans will be dealing with in the coming months is the need to acknowledge, address, and release their shadow side. The shadow side is that aspect of self which is generally judged to be unacceptable by the family, religion, or culture in which one grows up. Actually, it is a very important part of human nature and is needed as a balance to the aspect that is deemed acceptable.

    Your illusory world deals in opposites – right and wrong, love and hate, fast and slow, etc. – and for harmony to flow these opposites must be balanced. What generally happens, though, is that one side is judged “good” and the other “bad,” and the side or aspect that is judged bad is either kept hidden or it is buried deep within the subconscious realms of the mind. Doing this causes stress and tension, and severely limits your creative abilities.

    When you look at the lives and works of some of your most creative people, you can see that their shadow – unacceptable – side was very involved with the work they created, and in their daily lives and behaviors, and this is either ignored or patronizingly accepted as the “price” that people have to pay for “allowing” them (those incredibly creative ones) to entertain you with their great skills and talents. But it remains unacceptable for anyone else to behave like them.

    Not acknowledging the dark or shadow side leads to psychosis for many. Others engage with their shadow side and use it to take advantage of others, and even to control them. Those of a religious bent often berate and abuse themselves for “bad” thoughts and feelings because of their beliefs about their unacceptability. But those thoughts and feelings are quite normal; they are a part of your human identity. So observe them without acting on them – trying to suppress them causes them to intensify their efforts to attract your attention, possibly leading you to be permanently at war with yourself – and balance them out with the aspects that you consider acceptable or “good.”

    When you allow yourselves to ponder on what has previously been judged as the unacceptable, even evil, within yourselves it becomes far less threatening, and you find that it can in fact help you with your decision-making because it gives you a far clearer picture of the issues involved and how you truly feel about them. It enables you to live in a balanced and creative way, instead of inflexibly following paths that you have always followed, believing them to be obviously and unquestionably correct. Many of you come up against situations like this if you have children, because they constantly question everything, and if your demands are unreasonable they will tell you so. Then you either have to use your children’s input to re-evaluate and re-assess your demands on them, or you can inflexibly insist that you are the boss and that they must do as you tell them “or else!”

    Recall your own childhood and how frustrating parental demands and regulations could be. Now, looking back, you can see that some made a lot of sense, but there were also many that did not. So, re-assess, re-evaluate, and let go of any inflexible attitudes, thought patterns, or behaviors in which you find yourselves indulging, and enjoy the enormous sense of freedom it gives you. Every “should” should be questioned. But mostly people just seem to accept them and act on them, or refuse and end up feeling guilty. And the result is fatigue and depression as you are so frequently working against your inclination, your intuition, and your own absolutely reasonable wishes.

    Discipline and routine are a very necessary part of your lives in the illusion, otherwise the laundry would not get done, the children would not get fed, and your boss might fire you. Nevertheless, do not let them rule your lives; they are there to assist you, not rule you, and yet so many of you do seem to be so ruled. If this is how your lives feel to you, then you do need to investigate your shadow side – have you totally repressed it in order survive in an unfriendly and hostile environment?

    Open up to all your thoughts and feelings, observe them without judgment, and you will most likely discover that you have been ruling yourselves, at least some of the time, with an inflexible iron hand. You will also see that you can relax, break your self-imposed rules, and find that catastrophe does not occur. In fact life, even in the illusion, can be far less pressured and far more fun if you just allow yourselves to be yourselves!

    Your loving brother, Jesus.

    [Below is the link to my radio interview with Stephen Cook to be broadcast on Wednesday July 25th July at 9.00pm New York time. Afterwards it will be archived and available through the same link to listen to at your convenience, should you choose to do so, or, of course, not.

    Love and hugs,

    John. ]

    Veröffentlicht unter Archangels, Ascended Masters, God, John Smallman | Verschlagwortet mit Jesus, John Smallman | Kommentar hinterlassen

    We Are You wrote:Recruitment Ground Crew for GLS Blaze
    Posted by wolfke74 on July 25, 2012

    Recruitment Ground Crew for GLS Blaze

    As also announced by Leslee that it was time to do some recruitment for GLS Blaze.

    Information from Leslee:

    “Both ships, OcaTAwa and Athabantian are Motherships. The ships Algiz, Tulya, Blaze and Athena are four closely related ships that work between them. The sun is actually a stargate AND a lens of sorts, Athabantian operates much like a lens, and the “lens artefact orbs” that some of us find in our pics are refractions from Athabantian.

    Atha is directly in line between us & the sun, which is why we cannot see her. There is a straight line between OcaTAwa, the sun, Athabantian, Gaia, and the Inner location of OcaTAwa. The 4 smaller ships move around more. There are other clusters of smaller ships that work together, and with Atha & Oca. These will emerge later, or perhaps through other people… “

    The mission of GLS Blaze

    As for the mission here on Blaze, there is only one mission. We all have a desire to help out Mother Gaia in anyway we can. The mission is to expand our creativity and create creative solutions to help Mother Earth and the people of Earth. Of course to get the creativity flowing you can relax in our relaxing/fun rooms. You have also access to our library about creativity or you can make use of our holodeks or holo-labs so that you can see your creativity in action. These solutions will be shared with other members of the ships so that they can be used in anyway they and we see fit.

    As for the guidelines, you can check up the guidelines on Recruitment and crew.

    You can contact me through the contact form if you wish to be a ground crew member of the GLS Blaze

    -26.078890 27.985670

    Steve Beckow – Ellie Miser – Temporary Reunion On Board The Ships – 25 July 2012
    Posted on July 25, 2012 by lucas2012infos | Leave a comment
    I know there are readers who’ve grown fond of Ellie Miser and wish to know how she’s doing. Ellie believes – and she’s had messages from her Pleiadian partner, Plen, which appear to confirm – that she’ll be going back to the ships soon after what she refers to as “the event.”

    The event is, she believes, a benchmark incident in the opening of our consciousnesses. I’ve heard from others as well that some sort of event in consciousness may or will be happening soon (fairly soon, Earth soon, galactically soon, I cannot tell) but I know too little about it to speak intelligently to it.

    If Plen were not relieving Ellie’s pain, she believes she’d be in a wheelchair by now.

    Ellie has had an experience of being back on the ships and seeing her ex-husband Papa Joe and her family. This was not a dream but a physical experience which she was permitted to remember. She’s only had one other physical experience like this in her terrestrial lifetime.

    Please note in passing Ellie’s revelation that people are being taken aboard the ships 70 at a time. We were told this would be happening and, if Ellie’s correct, then it is.

    Those who don’t know Ellie or are not interested in her story, perhaps just skip this article and go on to the next. But there is a large number of readers who do care and have followed Ellie’s exploits for perhaps years now. She’s extended her lifetime by donning two cloned bodies. This is her second and is breaking down.

    Ellie is a conscious Pleiadian starseed whose mission was to incarnate here and feed back information to primarily new Pleiadian star fleet personnel on how Earth humans think and feel. The Pleiadians are human like us and are in fact among the races who originally seeded Earth.

    Over the years, Ellie has sent them back the Darwin awards, her favorite cartoons, every unusual story that revealed things about us. When I first encountered her in 2008 and joined her distribution list, I wondered what it had to do with Ascension 2012. What it had to do related to the friendly star fleets and not to us as terrestrials. She was educating them on our culture and society.

    In terms of transitions from the physical plane to a higher plane, they’re often signalled as being close when the individual begins having dreams of reunion with their family. But this isn’t about watching for Ellie’s return to the ships, which will sadden me. It’s about enjoying Ellie’s life and her contributions to us all as long as she’s here. How many Pleiadian anthropologists do you know? One, right? Same with me.

    (You’re always welcome to assist Ellie and Jerry by donating to her at on Paypal. I do regularly. She has only social security for support and her expenses at her age can be daunting.)


    7/22/12 – I was napping this afternoon when I found myself in another place – NOT a dream!!!!! I suddenly realized I was there in actual physical form, as real as this place I am in while typing these words!!! I was so surprised that I was not observing – I was EXPERIENCING! On our ship! (1)

    I looked down a hallway and saw Papa Joe [my #1 ex] (2) coming toward me with his favorite working clothes on – jeans, shirt and red “head rag” – he had a happy, busy look on his face like he was doing something he enjoyed doing.

    Shortly after he made his transition from this life, I was told he reviewed some of his Akashic records then was put to work with Plen on a special project – Papa Joe was an electronics technician, like my son, Jerry, except Jerry has Plen’s help so does magic. (3)

    I looked around and saw Jerry off to my left – I called to him to come here, quick! When he came to me, I took hold of his arm and said “Have we died?” He said he wasn’t sure but could be – we were supposed to leave at the same time and here we were!

    I told him to “I want to show you something!” I led him to my right a bit and there was a small group of people sitting in chairs – Papa Joe was in about the 5th row. I told Jerry “Look who’s here!”

    Jerry saw Papa Joe and the most amazing look of love and joy came across his face! Very emotional! We approached Papa Joe and hugged him – I asked what was going on and he said groups of people were being brought up – about 70 people in each group.

    I learned that Plen had explained to Joe how Jerry can be 50% Pleiadian but still biologically Joe’s son as well by the infusion of Plen’s DNA into the fetus before birth. Joe was relieved to know that I had not been unfaithful. *smile*
    Joe was quite impressed with the technology on our ship and is a fast learner so he and Plen did work on some projects before Joe went on to other tasks. He LOVED working with earth – planting, gardening, landscaping, etc. – while on this planet so he may be doing the same in the massive gardens on our ship.
    Then I woke up, excited at actually BEING there – even briefly – a physical experience! I have had only one other REAL experience like that – a special Valentine treat a few years ago when Father Haiton gave Plen permission to surprise me with an actual physical visit on board our ship! As a side “treat”, I grabbed Plen’s right buttock, squeezed it and said “Nice butt!” (4) He grinned so big! LOL!
    Also, my Pleiadian body is not in stasis I found out – it is in suspended animation. I’ve been using the wrong terminology for years! In stasis, the soul remains in or with the body – like just sleeping – suspended animation is when the soul is absent but the body is kept functioning by artificial means. I needed to explain that!
    Just wanted to share that latest experience with you.



    (1) Ellie’s Pleiadian body is in stasis on the ship her father commands.

    (2) Papa Joe is Ellie’s first Earth husband. Obviously he gets along with her Pleiadian partner Plen.

    (3) Ellie’s son, Jerry, also Pleiadian, is a computer wizard and receives help from Plen. Ellie and Jerry will probably leave together. but maybe not.

    (4) Plen will visit Ellie some nights. He can be near to her but they cannot touch because of dimensional considerations. link original article
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    Post  We Are You Wed Jul 25, 2012 1:09 pm

    The Ascended Masters via Wes Annac: The Light has Matched and Outlasted the Dark
    Posted on July 25, 2012 by Wes Annac

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    -Channeled through Wes Annac-

    The control of your world and of the energetic interactions that have been taking place without your conscious realization is being given back to you, the people. As this process continues, the dark souls are going to try to continue to distract you and take you away from your immediate goals and aims of being Light-conduits for all those who are unawakened at this time.

    Each and every one of you who finds yourself reading this and indeed, each and every Lightworker experiencing consciousness on your beautiful world at this point; you were all meant to act as Light Holders and as conduits for energy that is so very pure and that will serve to quite literally transform the surface of your reality.

    The collective density has been very prevalent and the need for Gaia to release this density once and for all has never been stronger than it is at present, as this continually-fed collective dense energy is continuing to feed the dark souls while keeping them within their positions of influence.

    There are many different scenarios that have been planned out in the neutralization of these dark souls and as they make their final attempts at getting the attention of the slumbering public, they are going to find that the only exposures they will be granted will be those which expose their actions to the entire world in very clear ways which will see them held accountable for what they have done.

    The dark souls wish to make further displays of dominance to your world with their many sponsored ceremonies and as always, we tell you that the worst of their plans are not going to play out. Indeed, your dark have long been planning fake alien invasions and have chosen specific dates and times to bring forth such fake invasions, and every time they have attempted to do this they have been thwarted.

    Even still, they continue on in their plans of [attempted] controlling and enslaving of the public through fear, and we encourage you now to look to all that is of Light, all that is of Love finally beginning to be noticed as it is expressed on your world. Even many Lightworkers have taken Lives on your world wherein they were completely unawakened, and it was during these unawakened Lives that the karma of many of you which is being expressed and cleared away at this point, was garnered.

    Existing outside of your concept of time, we are able to see each and every Life that you have went through while watching you as well as you go through karmic repercussions in your current Lives, for actions you had committed ages ago which had not yet been cleared up and cleansed within yourselves.

    The dense actions that humanity garners, holds within and feeds is the very energy that the dark souls have taken in an attempt to enact the most devastating of their plans but again, there is no reason or need to fear these souls or their plans because the Divinely-decreed Light energy arriving on your world is now seeing that their influence is diminished significantly as humanity continues to evolve and advance in many different avenues.

    The most potent of advancements taking place within the collective of humanity at this time go unheard of, because the mainstream media of the majority of countries is still very biased and focused on issues of vast unimportance, rather than being focused on issues directly related to the evolution of your world which the majority of your populace is still quite unknowledgeable of or uninterested in.

    Rest assured dear souls that those of you who are awakening are finding innumerable Guides within you and around you at this time who are making our presence known in efforts to assist you along your admittedly-difficult processes.

    While the dark energies and intents are being exposed and transmuted at all times, many of you are undergoing your personal versions of this process and this is where we will assist you in clearing away and integrating the energies and former pains that the dark souls are now attempting to utilize to cause mayhem.

    The evolution points that you have reached along your growth are seeing at this time, a major uprooting of all of those energies that will not resonate with the higher realms in which you are growing toward at an increased rate, and while you will find much assistance from the higher realms we must remind you that this is your personal process and must be personally seen-to that you excel along the avenues of growth and development of the soul that you have all planned out for yourselves before undergoing the lower dimensional, Earthly experience.

    As you continue to grow and find newer and purer strides and energies, you are finding that the lower and discordant energies no longer resonate with you. Arguments and heated debates with lower energies and heart sets attached are decreasingly resonating with you as in general, the Earth experience [as humans have known it] is decreasingly resonating with you.

    While Gaia is feeling on Her surface so very much and pure Light at this moment, the collective intents and densities are still deciding the events to manifest collectively on your world and this is again, why the dark souls are still in positions of power and influence.

    The original plans for the ascension of your world were to have these entities removed by the turn of your millennium. We were strongly hoping and working toward this conclusion coming about, but the collective density still being fed and expressed by the turn of your millennium saw that you would still be naturally resonating with and bringing to yourselves as a collective, the dense energies that the dark realms of your world have kept you feeding.

    Despite the [necessary] discussion of this dense and negatively-oriented energy, we wish for you not to keep your focus upon such energies and the forces that have fed and driven such energies, because doing so will only focus your vibrations on such energies and increase their influences within your perceptions.

    We ask you instead to turn you beautiful attention toward the pure, Divine Light energies being given to you now, as these energies have been performing the necessary uprooting of the dense energies and you have all been benefiting greatly from this happening.

    The overall world stage has long begun to reflect the appearance and manifestation of this Light as so many of you have willingly fed it through yourselves while maintaining a direct energetic link to this Light. Just as you are all so very close with the realms of Source in which you cannot currently remember, the Light you are being given from such realms which is coming through many willing Earthly hosts at this time, is greatly uplifting you as it helps you to uproot all former traumas and pains that have been based only in illusion and as such, are finding themselves no longer in resonation with the energies being given to your world.

    Dearest souls, there was an event in the American state of Colorado that was fueled by lower astral forces in many different ways. We wish you to know that while indeed tragic, this event has served to shift the collective compassionate energetic balance, as you all find in common the fact that you find such acts reprehensible.

    The ripple-effects from this tragedy will see that humanity is United this much further, in that you all begin to realize your common wish to see such gruesome activities stop. Events similar to what happened have taken place all throughout your history with the wiling feeding [of such events] by many of you who were unawakened in such times as to the true extent of the consequences of what you were doing and now, with every tragic act that is seen playing out on your world, you all realize even more that you no longer wish to see such energies and manifestations on your world and within your sphere of experience.

    The collective energy has been tipped to that of a more compassionate, United brand of collective energy and you will see the repercussions of this happening in the times ahead. These repercussions are good and Lighted, and will serve to show you that nothing bred out of darkness is stronger than the resulting Light manifestations answering such darkness.

    No matter what happens on your world that will indeed sicken you at times, especially as you begin to absorb so very many truths about what has happened on your world for over a millennia; despite what you hear, the Light energies have long matched and outlasted the dark energies that drive every tragic event which has unfolded on your world.

    Now that you are collectively beginning to realize that you no longer wish to host such gruesome vibrations, the shift of the collective energies sees that the collective intent is aimed in an overall more positive direction. As a result of this, the dark souls in power on your world are fed less and less and you begin to assimilate more and purer Light, on an individual and collective level.

    Many of you are undergoing intense and difficult personal upheavals and lessons as you uncover past pains and sorrows, and this happening is being mirrored with worldly events playing out. Some of the most gruesome of your collectively-fed density has made its mark, and will not be coming to you in the form of natural disasters or anything of the sort as this plan has long been decided against, as it was realized that the collective density can be expressed, experienced and manifested in ways that would not hurt your entire populace.

    Nevertheless, you see the extremes of the worst of the density that has been manifested and again, we implore you to look toward and assimilate in your own ways, the Light energies that are so very much stronger than the darker energies. The Light energies are so very strong that they are literally illuminating and exposing the dark energies that have laid beyond humanities conscious perceptions, and as this illumination occurs a resulting enlightenment is experienced on the part of the collective or individual experiencing such upheaval.

    An enlightenment and realization is gained that the dark energies which have been illuminated, no longer match the individual or collective and the soul or souls quickly realize that they no longer wish to feed the energies that garnered them the densest of experiences which are being uprooted at this time.

    So you see dear souls, everything that is occurring at this time on every level has been for the ultimate purposes of healing collective density. Freewill is always kept in mind whenever anything occurs, and you will notice a collective Light and United energy being expressed after many types of tragedies.

    Every exposure, every tragic happening is ultimately for the purpose of illuminating aspects of the collective which had been built over and forgotten. The Light energies have come to your world and through your bodies now to help you heal the pains garnered from past manifestations and now as you are exposed to your own manifestations on every level, the resulting Light that your planet is experiencing will be felt within each and every one of you.

    Rather than your Galactic brethren saving you from natural disasters which are not to happen, you will find a Uniting with such souls as you are told the true history of your world and the fact that your Galactic brethren have been with you for every bit of your recorded history.

    We foresee humanity becoming quite comfortable with your Galactic brethren just as was apparent in any given timeline of Atlantis and Lemuria and eventually, your Galactic brethren will feel more and more comfortable with landing on your surface and we as well as the highest forces overseeing the Earth will give them the Divine decree to do so.

    Such a decree has not yet been reached and yet, so very many on your world are now very open to the idea of Galactic humans and have been exposed through various different means, to the truths about your world and about the interactions with your world by civilizations and collectives who are so very advanced.

    Indeed dear souls, we have made our incarnations and contacts with your world but we have not shared the advancements in many avenues of your societies, cultures and collective intelligence that your Galactic brethren did by visiting your various cultures.

    Obviously, they performed such visitations under our Divine decrees but beyond incarnating directly onto your surface, we have mostly taken to assisting your world from the fifth dimension while assisting various fifth dimensional souls in assisting your world in your collective evolution.

    Gaia has already ascended and is eagerly awaiting the last few illuminations, exposures and manifestations that will see the collective energy so very United as you all realize this Unity in every form and facet that it has to offer you. You are ascending at this point with dear Gaia as well and whenever the collective and individual clearing events are placed before you, you are to every time see soon after, many exposures in many different avenues, be them personal or planetary.

    At present, you are seeing the continual exposure of the actions of the dark souls on your world whose purposes on your planet have been only to control. Many of these souls are being worked with in realms past their conscious understanding and they as well as you all are finding a resulting Light and a resulting freeing of the emotions and the true spiritual self, that is seeing a compassion for humanity brought forth from within many of them that even they would not have thought possible.

    We are able to bypass many of the [perceived] freewill constraints of many of the dark souls in power on your world, by intervening within them to give them Love energies in a way that will be assimilated and accepted, by working with their subtle and astral bodies in the dream state.

    Many of such souls have [until now] been subjected to torture whilst within the dream state by lower astral entities as a part of the Illuminati’s lower-oriented rituals, and as a result many are finding the dreamtime interaction with beings of a higher and purer intent quite refreshing and even heavenly.

    This dear souls, is where the compassion for humanity is being bred. Of course, some souls are outright rejecting the Divine intervention within these realms and are utilizing negatively-oriented technology to attempt to stop the many dreamscape healings and interactions that are taking place with souls within the ranks of the dark who are increasingly turning toward the Light.

    We have given the offer through various public and private channels and mediums, for every soul who is knowingly within the darks ranks to jump ship and join the side of the Light and as you can see dear souls, our diplomatic efforts with such souls are long and fast beginning to pay off.

    We are perfectly comfortable in letting you know that the resignations and changes of heart are to continue on your world within no certain timeframes, and you will see many who were formerly within the Illuminati begging for your forgiveness and your compassion that you will have begun to harness from actions that in many cases, were orchestrated by the lower astral beings who employ your dark.

    For those of you who are beginning now to practice a true, full and pure Mastery of the emotions and the thoughts, we will be asking you to not just forgive these souls, but to encourage these souls not to beg and grovel for your forgiveness.

    There is so very much that they have done and many of them will find themselves reduced to weeping and sobbing, and we ask you dear Masters in training to uplift and forgive these souls just as we are now attempting and in many cases, succeeding marvelously to do within the dreamscape.

    The general plan that has been conceived whilst working with the Galactic Federation and the Higher Councils of Earth who have approved this plan and the means to bring it about, is to continually shower the dark souls on your world who have the most power and influence, with Lighted energies so pure that they will no longer find the Earth comfortable and may choose to go elsewhere.

    Others will have strong changes of heart and begin working for humanity and fully dedicating themselves to the Light as they take place in interactions with us and with their Guides and fragments of their higher selves in the dreamscape.

    We will be surpassing the perceived freewill limits of the dark souls for whom we will be performing this action and this is ok, for their freewill in actuality sees this happening needed for them to be able to survive on your world without immediately finding themselves in lower, dense and hellish realms as a result of their actions.

    Their freewill needs to be ‘invaded’ so to speak in such a big way as continually sending them strong and pure Light until they change heart or no longer find the Earth comfortable, because otherwise the immense consequences for their actions without being karmically paid back in the manner we wish to do so, would see a vastly unbalanced karmic Life Plan [in future Lives] that would include going through densities that are simply too much for any few collectives to experience.

    Much of this is density that they have forced others to go through and this is why no matter what, the worst of the actions will not go unpunished through the karmic experiences such souls are to undergo in later Lives after the Earth has ascended.

    However, this perceived violation of their freewill which is actually needed to Lighten their karmic load is also giving them an overall, pure and Lighted opportunity to find a redemption for what they have done while even possibly ascending from the surface of your world, as they had originally intended to do before finding themselves trapped in such Earth density and influence.

    These souls will be given the opportunity to seek forgiveness from the humanity whom we are confident will take to giving to such souls after finding the aforementioned collective Unity and harmony that is beginning to be noticed and will continue to be noticed, and as they find this forgiveness they will truly see the error of their ways, and many of them could in fact ascend.

    Those who you are seeing make the first brave steps and actions in denying the darks influence and intents, are those who are without doubt being worked on in Lighted ways, in their dreamscape time and are likely among those who will find themselves ascending.

    The Light has meant business all along and while this plan discussed had not been drawn up until recently, we have long known that we would need to take to bold and drastic measures to see the ascension of your world played out in a safe way for all involved, and this giving of extremely pure and Lighted energies your dark not only acts in accordance with your continual evolution process and with their unbalanced freewill-manifested energies, it will also see an expansion and opportunity for much Light to enter your Earth realm, which has been needed.

    Those who have not yet defected are making their final stands with symbolisms and such that are designed to force you to subconsciously understand their perceived reign. We ask you all to send out Light energies of the highest and purest Christed consciousness and intent every single day, to the dark souls who still find themselves mired in dark and dense energies that are seeing them unable to pierce the [lower] veil and find the Light which is being given to all now.

    Those of you who are awakening are finding this Light which is being given by the dear souls within the higher astral planes of your world, in very pure and strong ways and while many of you will not yet remember garnering the types of healing experiences that the souls defecting from the Illuminati are feeling, you are still feeling the Lightened states and expansions that have been needed for yourselves and for your minds and hearts.

    We Love you all so very much, and we remind you to treat yourselves and those around you with the respect and Love that you all require along your journeys, for you must become the examples of the Light that you wish to see come forth on your world. You must, in any ways you can, begin to become the change that you wish to see for otherwise, you will only be feeding the lower energies of the past.

    Thank you to the Ascended Masters.
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    Post  We Are You Wed Jul 25, 2012 3:43 pm

    House passes Ron Paul’s ‘Audit the Fed’ bill — RTby Laura Tyco

    Published: 25 July, 2012, 23:14

    Cogress votes for Ron Paul's 'Audit the FED' law

    TAGS: Law, Corruption, USA, Banking

    A bill introduced by Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) to audit America’s central bank, the Federal Reserve, passed the US House of Representatives overwhelmingly Wednesday afternoon by a 327-98 vote.

    Paul’s ongoing efforts to call for increased transparency in the Federal Reserve have become a hallmark of his tenure in Congress and of his current campaign for the presidency.

    Rep. Paul is still vying for the GOP nomination and intends to speak at the Republican National Convention in Florida next month. And although Paul has as recently as this week refused to endorse presumptive party nominee Mitt Romney, the former Massachusetts governor has supported the congressman’s proposal to audit the Fed.

    "Ron Paul's 'Audit The Fed' bill is a reminder of his tireless efforts to promote sound money and a more transparent Federal Reserve," Romney writes on his official Twitter page.

    During the Wednesday afternoon vote in Washington, D.C., Paul received backing from all House Republicans but one, as well as support from 89 congressional Democrats.

    Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio), was among those on the opposing party of Paul’s that still saw reason to support the bill. "The Fed creates trillions of dollars out of nothing and gives it to banks,” Rep. Kucinich said before Wednesday’s vote. “Congress is in the dark. The Fed sets the stage for the subprime meltdown. Congress is in the dark. The Fed takes a dive on LIBOR. Congress is in the dark. The Fed doesn’t tell regulators what is going on. Congress is in the dark.”

    "It is time for us to bring the Fed into the sunshine of accountability," the democratic congressman continued.

    House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) was one of those opposed to the bill, saying that passing it “increases the likelihood that the Fed will make decisions based on political rather than economic considerations, and that is not a recipe for sound monetary policy.”

    Ben Bernanke, chairman of the US Federal Reserve has said that, although the Fed is “quite transparent and accountable on monetary policy,” there was room for improvement. Speaking to the House Financial Service Committee last week, Bernanke said the agency still “needs to be transparent and it needs to be accountable,” even though he believes that his quarterly projections and press conferences already allow the central bank to be relatively open with Americans.

    Although Wednesday’s vote was a success for the congressman’s efforts to bring added transparency to the Fed, his fight for an audit doesn’t end here. Next the bill will be brought to the Senate for a vote, where it is not expected to pass. If it does clear both sides of Congress, however, it will then be sent to the desk of President Barack Obama to sign into law.

    House passes Ron Paul's 'Audit the Fed’ bill — RT.

    Laura Tyco | July 25, 2012 at 19:31 | Categories: General News | URL:

    2012 Indy Info <> 25 de julho de 2012 16:59
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    New post on 2012 Indy Info


    Consider this, 22$ mill. in cash returned to taxpayers directly over one weekend, yet another 300$ trillions [yes, trillions I said... this is one with 12 zeros behind… ] Already with fully executed judgments against all the 12 Central Banks in US, Federal Reserve of US [which is actually an International corporate entity, that will be dissolved in to nothingness…]

    The way I see this most beautiful and wondrous events on our Planet unfolding perfectly… so perfectly that I feel God has some of his fingers in this plan… or maybe all of his fingers…

    Can you imagine, or better, please just imagine the awe on the faces and in the hearts of We the People when truth comes with greatest genuine gifts of new banking system, including debt forgiveness, prosperity funds [and here I feel individual citizen, including children… but not pets for now… will be granted one time amount sufficient to live comfortably for next 200 years with no day of work…]

    What we experience now is ‘slower’ introduction to changes that already happening in the background, and simply waiting for real moment of our global conciseness awareness that these events are truly possible… that these events are so much part of our future and that there is no doubts, accusations, clinging on the past, or being afraid of our briliant future… or any future…
    Consider this collaboration in rising conciseness and awareness of Humanity as whole and please just consider that all of these wonderful beings are involved: White Knights, Red Dragons, Aghatrans, Arcturians, Cetaceans, Russians, Ascended Masters, Angels, CIA/FBI/UFO/CBC/CNN/RTN/GFP/UPS/GPS/FMG/, Human Patriots, Nasa, MSMedia, cabal hidden Knights, Positive Military, Archangels, We the People, Occupy Movement, Anonymous, Wikileak, Pleaidians, Nikola Tesla and his bag of tricks, Resistance Movement, Galactic Federation of Light, Anunaki’, FatherMotherGod… [and if I missed some, do not take it personally, this was only a sketch of truly Galactic proportions event, that vibrate through all the Universes and back all the way to Heaven…]

    This is only yet another step in to beautiful unknown, and smooth transition in to New Aquarian Age… The way that is unfolding gives me tingles all over my head and shoulders [mostly on left side, with some sprinkles of golden colored mist…]

    Plus, I even did not started with Vatican, the most richest privately owned corporate bank in the world… here I mean, rich with real assets, gold, art works, ancient artifacts [and I mean really ancient… lets say 20 – 35,000 years ago…], rich with technology patents from variety of heavenly souls who left it for Humanity when time is right… [like Tesla, Corsini, Rossi, … ] and still very poor in spiritual growth…where we all will help for their reeducation…

    What if I tell you, that Vatican already started the process of returning all their stolen and wrongfully collected funds, gold, art works to respective nations and countries, even if they stole things lets say, 1,600 years ago… or earlier?... Can you imagine this awe on faces of our We the People, and especially our religious brothers and sisters?... I can, and I sow this in couple of my vivid dreams… [where I can even smell the centuries old books in Vatican Underground Libraries…]…
    Can you imagine pope [sorry for non-capital letter, dear pope…] giving his last address and giving back all the moneys and things to We the People, asking for forgiveness for not doing this earlier?...

    Can you imagine receiving one day at your door Cold Fusion Free energy device, as a gift from unknown donor?... what to do with all this extra money that is on your General Postal Bank account, as You do not need to spend any more, not even for pure necessities?... What to do?... Maybe start sending gifts to others, as anonymous, or even better organize group of your citizens and create bigger projects to benefit states or countries or continents or eve n Planets?...
    Can you open your heart enough to feel this awesome opportunity, this awesome awareness that growing in your heart and spilling in to every other soul who come across your energy?...

    Can you allow self to envision Freedom where there is no police, no army, no penitentiaries, no street lights, no parking tickets, no lawyers, not even politicians?... Can YOU, dear ONE?...

    All you need is to imagine, and it is yours… We are in times of manifestation with Love… Yes, instead electrical, or magnetic, or crude oil, or gas, or nuclear energies we will create with LOVE energy…
    This LOVE energy cannot be measured and harnessed… THIS LOVE energy works quite opposite than any of above listed: as much you are utilizing this Love energy, it creates even more Love, so it does overspill over our Universe in all others…

    This Love energy is unconditional, cost nothing, need nothing, ask nothing in return, but gives it ALL and it is there for ALL…

    Well, there is a catch in this story of Our Humanity: YOU have to be fully active in creating this story… You cannot watch it as some very good Sci’Fi movie… You have to role your sleeves or your pants, and jump in this river or Love in Action…

    Sitting on your couch, eating nothing but some cheep chirpy chips is the old way of your existence, will not do it…

    and to let you know as well: Your body is changing with such speed that You have much more healthy cells in your body than ‘un-balanced’ ones…

    Most of these great changes you can thank to FatherMotherGod, and second half is because you start changing your own views…

    because you start sharing with others…

    because you start paying attention more to others than to your pity self…

    because you allow to observe your feelings with what is happening around you…

    because you have no more fear for your future, simply because you found true faith, watching all these brave people all around the worlds…

    because you observed their courage to stand tall without violence for their Freedom…

    because you know there is no death, only physical change of your existence…

    because you start remembering all your experiences and lessons that you gave self…

    Because you know this tingeing feeling in your chest is faith that all is ok, that all is perfect…

    because you remembered why you are here on this jewel Urantia of the Orvonton Universe… because you know that FMGod are here with us, all the way till eternity…

    Give self a greatest Hug, knowing that We made it together… ALL of US… and only thing we need to do is: CELEBRATE LIFE, CELEBRATE SELF, CELEBRATE LOVE WE HAVE FOR SELF AND OTHERS…

    Please, do not take me seriously whatever way you read… or do… will not make difference in my celebration schedule… I would love to see US all getting ready now, not when this become obvious, but now… so at least you can get your celebration clothes and hat out of the closet…

    Take your HEART out of the Closet, and CELEBRATE WITH YOUR FAMILY… WITH US ALL…

    Love you All, dear Brothers and Sisters… Love you… PSG

    Experiment Planet Earth | July 25, 2012 at 19:59 | Categories: General News | URL:

    WHO IS ORDER OF THE ARC?… AND HOW I CAN SERVE YOU?… by PSG…by Experiment Planet Earth

    Who are You?... Who are the Masters incarnated on the Earth in these wonderers times?... Who are these standards, who are setting the path for rest of Humanity?… Who are Ones setting the path of truth, love and compassion?... Why first 144,000 Masters for that many People, 7 billion or so?...

    Yes, it is me, Predrag Saint Germain again… with unlimited silliness and unexhausted number of questions… I guess, this is me… this is what I like to do… being silly and questioning a lot…

    Indeed, can you at least try to answer on this first and easy one: Who are You?... But wait, can you answer it without blinking with your mind, and blacking out your memories?... and please, do not give me titles, your job descriptions, your resumes, your relationship relations, your gender preference, or your age… Transpire over this notion to put self in any of these old energies boxes…

    Give self total freedom to answer this question… without force and without demand to have it right now… simply allow the answer slides in to your being…. Accept this subtle knowing in the beginning, simply letting it grow as it comes close to your core essence of You… And it will grow, it will grow to the enormous grandness of universal proportions…

    Now Than, what is Human Grandness?... where You can acquire it, for how much you can purchase it, or even where you can steal it from others?...

    If you attempt to answer it through old energies of the Old Earth that it could be defined but some of the following:

    The way you looked, better than others?… or better than you yesterday?…

    The way how we determined bigger?… in size or in accumulation?…

    The way how we measure our strength or power?… size of our muscle, or number or employees, or length of your ‘resume’ or ‘_________’ [you fill the blanks…]?...

    The way we observe and admire competition?… who is the first, the fastest, who is the numero uno?…

    The way we compare self with famous and beautified [yet totally stupefied…]?… telling to self you are not, thinking that we are average, unknown and not even cute?…

    But if you observe self through new energies you could notice that this new energy:

    Has no definition… has no competition within self… but simply acceptance of Spiritual Human Conciseness…

    Yet, some of Truly Grand beings were present even in these old energies… For millennia and millennia… spreading their wisdom, their knowing, without asking anything in return… These brave souls came, knowing their message will not make total shift from old energy in to new one instantly…

    Yet Jeshua knew that his example of living in pure and unconditional love will be talked and written for centuries after his departure… Jeshua knew what truly means love your enemies, and He showed us with his example…

    Gandhi knew that his nonviolent example of equality for all will resonate with every single soul after his very public termination of his physical life… yet, Gandhi new it will be like this, as this event carried so much resonance of new energies, when He publicly with his last breath gave forgiveness to the man who shot him…

    ML King yet another and very contemporary example of tireless and totally new energy living… Not defying death simply because he did not fear, but defying quietness and submissiveness as ultimate way to bring freedom for all… He knew that his words will reverberate for decades through all the societies… Because He knew that Word carry much more that we can hear and imagine… especially true word… His words carried new energies within…

    ML King knew that with his ‘violent’ and public death his words of Freedom will ring in the souls of every one alive here on earth… He knew that time is just ahead when all will be standing on the Mountain Top… and that all will see the Promise Land… that all will remember Heaven within…

    They all knew Peaceful r-evolution of human conciseness is just ahead…

    They knew Transition from confrontation to truthful communication is on it way…

    They knew Freedom of choice is only one and true freedom given by God…

    They all knew Compassion is the only cure for accusation, hate and control…

    They knew You cannot control Compassionate being… at all…

    They all knew What Love word meant then, and what Love energy means Now…

    They all knew these are the most exciting times, and they would not miss it even for a chocolate cake…

    They all know in the case of doubt, they choose EXPERIENCE… This is why they are here with You again…

    Our immortal examples like Jeshua, Gandhi or ML King knew when they brought so high and pure energies in the midst’s of old ones… they knew there will be clash, there will be so called ‘sacrifice’ of their physical bodies… yet being so honored to be an example of pure love and compassion for every single soul on Earth… they knew that their example will challenge old energy of mortality and death… They know that they are bringing true immortality here on Earth with these examples…

    These are just a small number of grand examples of numerous beings who brought this new energy of true compassion and love here on Earth, in midst of very dense and confrontational old energies… These Grand beings new that their example of pure acceptance of all Humans for higher good, will benefit millions and millions in many generations…

    Now, to answer my own question: Who is Order of the Arc?... and Who are New Energy Masters here on Earth?... It is Jeshua, Gandhi, ML King, You, You and You dear Brother and Sister… All of You who read these words came to this point in their internet life, to realize Your own Grandness…

    You are the New Teachers, New Examples to Humanity, You are the beacon of New Energies of Compassion, Truth, Freedom, Forgiveness, Joy, Humor and Love… Yes… And You do not even have to die this time…

    You are the Order of the Arc, dear ONES… YOU ARE…

    With all my admiration and Love for reading this to the last paragraph… You made it…

    I AM THAT I AM Predrag Saint Germain…

    Experiment Planet Earth | July 25, 2012 at 19:33 | Categories: General News | URL:
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    Post  sabina Wed Jul 25, 2012 4:20 pm

    why are you spamming in our forun pleasr go to avalon or other foren
    we are you and all the otheryou know whom imean
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    Post  We Are You Wed Jul 25, 2012 8:07 pm

    Yeshua ~ You Are Love: Be it! ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ July 25, 2012
    Posted on July 26, 2012 by franheal

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    Hello my beloveds, Beings of Love and Light that you are. I come today to speak of Love, in its highest form.

    By now you are experiencing the deeper form of Love, the all-encompassing nature of it, the powerful expansion of it, the pervading force of it.

    As you take in the Light in all its present Gifts to you, you awaken to the fact that Love is not to be divided. You take it in in abundant quantities into your cells and feel the unconditional nature of it. Spreading it out to all is just a part of that, for you are discovering that everyone is you and you are everyone. You Are Love, dear beloveds.

    It was always there; it never left you. You just needed to accept it and feel it and offer it freely. It is becoming second nature to you, we see. That is a beautiful thing to watch from the Spiritual Realm. You are choosing Love, Dear Ones, and you are expanded and lifted by it all the while.

    As your cells accept the Light and Love being offered to you from the Spiritual and Galactic Realm, and from others just like you, you are becoming engorged with it. It is coloring your thoughts and your deeds. This is excellent, indeed!

    You no longer have to “try”; Love is becoming a way of life for you, dear friends. You are remembering your roots and what you were before you entered duality; what you ARE. There was always the spark that never left, but it is blossoming so beautifully now that you are awakening to your true, Divine Selves.

    Take a moment now and look inward. Are there any unloving thoughts remaining? Are you loving yourselves with complete abandon? With complete acceptance, and with no judgment? Are you knowing now what Unconditional Love really is? It has no qualifications, it has no divisions, it has no barriers, dear Ones.

    Are you discovering that you are perfect Divine Beings so full of Love, so deserving of Love, so capable of Love, so encompassed in Love? Are you living in it?

    It makes it easy, does it not, to let it spread everywhere when you feel it so deeply for yourselves? That is the key. Now is the time to throw away any judgments or any “ifs’ or “ buts” about your complete worthiness of Unconditional Love all the time. Bathe in it; shower yourselves with it. You can never get too much of it.

    Swim in the milieu of Love, dear friends, and greet all the others doing the same around you. For you are one and the same, born of Love and so deserving of it. Get used to it. Be LOVE!

    Your loving brother, Yeshua

    As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are included. (Blog) (Website)
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    Post  We Are You Wed Jul 25, 2012 8:08 pm

    A .pdf document I find to be of great interest: IRELAND LAND OF THE PHAROAHS. Also, a video from Michael Tsarion, who has many of the keys to the truth about the 'real' history of Ireland. ~J
    Posted on July 25, 2012 by Laura Tyco

    Reblogged from 2012: What's the 'real' truth?:




    The Quest for Our Atlantean Legacy


    * * * * * * * * * * * *
    Michael Tsarion – Origins & Oracles – Atlantis, Alien Visitation & Genetic Manipulation – 1/3

    Published on May 8, 2012 by PrometheanReachXVII

    Program 1 Atlantis, Alien Visitation & Genetic Manipulation…
    We Are You wrote:Yeshua ~ You Are Love: Be it! ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ July 25, 2012
    Posted on July 26, 2012 by franheal

    ‘In Program One, of the “Origins & Oracles” series, Michael Tsarion takes us on a vivid journey back to the time of the lost continents of Atlantis and Lemuria. On this journey, timeless mysteries are unraveled and explained like never before. Masses of disinformation concerning pre-history and the origins of humanity, which have duped scholars and researchers for generations, are eradicated and we are finally able to connect the dots and comprehend how the innumerable idioms of our modern world came into being. In the tradition of Immanuel Velikovsky, Zechariah Sitchin, Jordan Maxwell, Graham Hancock and Michael Cremo, Michael Tsarion investigates the true origins of mankind and throws open doors which have been sealed for many an age.’

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    Hello my beloveds, Beings of Love and Light that you are. I come today to speak of Love, in its highest form.

    By now you are experiencing the deeper form of Love, the all-encompassing nature of it, the powerful expansion of it, the pervading force of it.

    As you take in the Light in all its present Gifts to you, you awaken to the fact that Love is not to be divided. You take it in in abundant quantities into your cells and feel the unconditional nature of it. Spreading it out to all is just a part of that, for you are discovering that everyone is you and you are everyone. You Are Love, dear beloveds.

    It was always there; it never left you. You just needed to accept it and feel it and offer it freely. It is becoming second nature to you, we see. That is a beautiful thing to watch from the Spiritual Realm. You are choosing Love, Dear Ones, and you are expanded and lifted by it all the while.

    As your cells accept the Light and Love being offered to you from the Spiritual and Galactic Realm, and from others just like you, you are becoming engorged with it. It is coloring your thoughts and your deeds. This is excellent, indeed!

    You no longer have to “try”; Love is becoming a way of life for you, dear friends. You are remembering your roots and what you were before you entered duality; what you ARE. There was always the spark that never left, but it is blossoming so beautifully now that you are awakening to your true, Divine Selves.

    Take a moment now and look inward. Are there any unloving thoughts remaining? Are you loving yourselves with complete abandon? With complete acceptance, and with no judgment? Are you knowing now what Unconditional Love really is? It has no qualifications, it has no divisions, it has no barriers, dear Ones.

    Are you discovering that you are perfect Divine Beings so full of Love, so deserving of Love, so capable of Love, so encompassed in Love? Are you living in it?

    It makes it easy, does it not, to let it spread everywhere when you feel it so deeply for yourselves? That is the key. Now is the time to throw away any judgments or any “ifs’ or “ buts” about your complete worthiness of Unconditional Love all the time. Bathe in it; shower yourselves with it. You can never get too much of it.

    Swim in the milieu of Love, dear friends, and greet all the others doing the same around you. For you are one and the same, born of Love and so deserving of it. Get used to it. Be LOVE!

    Your loving brother, Yeshua

    As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are included. (Blog) (Website)
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    Post  We Are You Thu Jul 26, 2012 6:46 am

    he Council of Eui
    Gaia Ship Eui

    (Note from Leslee: There’s a committee here with me, now. When I sat down to meditate, they appeared to my third eye, gathered around the appearance of the huge table in a room of windows. Many beings, I see mostly their colorful auras or energetic clothing, and they show themselves with variety and deep, calm love. Two days ago, I decided to move to Pagosa Springs, Colorado (I’ll say more about this elsewhere). The committee began to speak, as one voice… Approximate time: 12:30 pm, UTC-5 hours, 24 July 2012)

    (Ghost Radar words appear like [this])

    The Council of Eui

    The decision to [hit] go to Pagosa Springs is firm and stable. [deer] Now We can have conversations [opportunity] which were not possible before. [about]

    We extend many thanks to you, [glad] Leslee, your many dear and supportive friends on the Internet, Mark Kimmel [breath], and Heruka Saint Germain (Predrag).

    You can feel the energetic celebration, the deeply abiding joy that so many of US are experiencing now…

    [careful growth] Now begins the phase of growth. [drink] We raise a toast to the Ground Crew of Athabantian, [Italian] who have so successfully forged the Essential Grid.

    Yes, FORGED is Our choice of words… [copy] You, the Crew, have forged this Grid just as a blacksmith forges an iron fence. The “steel” has been “tempered”.

    [tool] It is now time to expand the Reunion (recruiting). [coffee] Please continue the powerful work that all of you are doing. [needs] Tulya and Blaze already have considerable Crew.

    Lisa knows what to do regarding Blaze. [cotton] Lisa, please follow [task] your heart, trust your connections, and feel free to ask for assistance from Troy and Leslee whenever you like. Others may also assist.

    Troy, you understand the next steps for Tulya. We are requesting that you follow the vision which you receive clearly. You command Tulya. Leslee, please send Troy copies of any notes you have on the Tulya Crew. A Skype session between the two of you may benefit.

    Tauno, you command ALGIZ. Please follow your heart, Dear One. You are providing the example, for those who feel cautious and need “proof” or reassurance. Please show them how to ask questions, examine, and protect in ways that lead everyone into the light. Please show them how Trust leads to Manifestation. You know the proper timing and implementation of ALGIZ’s role. Please proceed according to your vision.

    There are a few additional ships which approach readiness. We welcome their “captains” to step forward whenever they are ready. You will know, when it is your “time”. [block]

    Additionally to these light ships, there is a ship named Eui.

    [fill Ohio prove aboard] This ship is the large silver cube seen in early visualizations when you were all beginning to connect with Tulya and OcaTAwa.

    Eui is the residential/environmental ship which will accommodate everyone from Gaia during the time of Stasis. Eui has a Ground Crew whose role is to manifest, envision, create the new ornamentation of Gaia. This ornamentation (or environment) will first appear on Eui, then She will invite aboard anyone from Gaia who wishes to Ascend to the Fifth Dimension with Her and Gaia. Once Eui has been boarded with all wishing to join Us, Stasis may begin upon Gaia. Then, once Stasis winds down, Eui’s environmental template will transfer to Gaia.

    This process will test you.

    We are designing the steps to be as smooth and joyous as possible. One result of this design is that We will use your dream states to make these transfers to and from Gaia and Eui. Your challenge will be to trust and feel that this is happening, because the changes you will notice will be pleasant and fairly gradual. Drama and theatrics have no place in the Fifth Dimension. So, for those of you who are anticipating dramatic unfolding of events as Gaia transforms, We suggest that you prepare yourself deeply, especially regarding understanding “Emptiness”.

    If you one day realize that you are living in a 5D world, but there were no dramatic battles, will you be happy to have arrived in this way? This is important. Please examine your priorities, focusing on peace and harmony, always.

    Eui is a ship of magic, and the experience of boarding Eui is full of gentle yet wondrous surprises.

    When We speak of “ornamentation”, we choose this word to convey the blissful nature of these new expressions of Gaia’s energies. “Ornamentation” includes Gaia’s guests themselves (all beings with life-force), and their created environments.

    So We begin to call the Crew of Eui. They will come partly from the Athabantian Crew, partly from new “recruits”, and partly from aether… Their essence is creative expression. This gathering will be conducted differently from the Athabantian, Aurora, and Blaze Crews. In this organic process, individuals will simply know they are called, and will begin to see how they may act to fulfill their roles.

    Eui hosts the Council, rather than having a Captain and ranking officers. The Council may speak through many different individuals, and may offer different information at different times. Part of the purpose of this process is to awaken the Mind and Being to Emptiness, and the vast ocean of potential that cushions and embraces all living beings. All are equal on Eui, even though you slip into a variety of roles.

    The first exercises for Eui’s Crew will be to send creative energy to the manifestation of Abi-Qor, because Abi-Qor is the portal to Eui.

    So please, first manifest beauty in Abi-Qor, so that this may be transferred to Eui and provide a welcoming environment for the many beings who will arrive in the midst of confusion and wishing for rest.

    You may do this during meditation, through focused intent and activity (such as dance, visual arts, film, construction/sculpture/crafting, cooking, healing, etc.), or while you sleep. There is no schedule, no goal, no report to fill out. Simply send the energy, and watch for the results. Some of you are already doing this intuitively; please honor your bursts of creativity and inspiration.

    In all of your movements, shifting, and expansion, please remember this: Staying centered in your heart, and emerging from your natural state of unconditional love and total acceptance are the key, essential activities. From these, all others arise naturally, effortlessly and blissfully.

    We are requesting Leslee to continue focusing on preparing Abi-Qor’s imagery (visual and audio), and providing implements for others. It is Our wish that these images and implements act as germinating seeds, opening minds across the globe. In this way, mankind will be gently and steadily preparing for the changes to come.

    If you like, We may give you and Leslee some exercises to use to maintain your connections; We wish and hope that you can see how powerfully the energies that you are sending fortify these activities, and they especially fuel Leslee’s sense of connectedness to you all. YOU are all doing a wonderful job of holding the space for your love of one another. Her consciousnesses of gratitude, love, and creativity flourish in the womb of the love you send to these shared activities. The energies you send now are creating a magnificent new HOME for you all.

    We will ask Leslee to share her observations of this meeting with US today.

    We thank you for all you are doing. This is very powerful work. Please recognize your own efforts, and thank yourselves, deep within and joyously. For that is the nature of the Light you are all radiating so brilliantly now.

    The Council of Eui.
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    Post  We Are You Thu Jul 26, 2012 8:17 pm

    Cobra Update 7-26-12…”Explosion of Light”by kauilapele

    Today this article by Cobra came to my attention. I will simply say what I often say when something "hits" that spot of, "Yes, you are correct, sir (or ma'am)!"...

    And that is, "Wow!"

    So let me get this straight... We're approaching "The Event horizon." We are about to burst out of "the black hole of quarantine Earth", and when we do, "there will be an explosion of Light on non-physical planes."

    We've been kept in this "quarantine", not by the Galactic Confederation, but by "the dark forces," via a "quantum anomaly [which] is a distortion of time-space continuum on quantum level". Well, that's simple, isn't it?

    This was done by:

    "Etheric implants... [kept] inside strong etheric electromagnetic fields", which create "eternity loops"
    "Projection chambers" that project images and emotional states that are not ours... so [that] other people feel this projected image and not our true state [recall the Tolec interviews about underground emotion-inducer bases], and...
    An "ordinary (mundane) reality" creation system, that "the Cabal spends about three billion dollars" a day to maintain (which also could be called the "Jane Fonda, Lily Tomlin, Dolly Parton '9 to 5' movie effect").
    Well, that's the gist, and here are a few highlights.


    The Event horizon is the exit point of the black hole of quarantine Earth. When we exit the black hole, there will be an explosion of Light.
    This means an end of quarantine status for planet Earth and end of darkness in this universe... [the] quarantine... created by the dark forces 26,000 years ago and NOT by the Galactic Confederation.
    What maintains the quarantine is quantum anomaly.
    The main structure that keeps humanity in tihrd [third] dimension are etheric implants. They form a network of black hole wormholes...
    Those black holes contain reptilians and their technology on etheric plane and they are being intensively purified by the Light forces right now.
    When... completely removed there will be an explosion of Light on non-physical planes.
    Eternity loops are distortions of space-time continuum that give an impression that quarantine will last forever. Nothing could be further from the truth.
    Another... structure is a special Archon technology on the etheric plane... chambers that project certain images / emotional states that are not ours on our outer auric membrane.
    When this technology is removed, people will suddenly find much more harmony in their relationships.
    The last main factor of the quarantine is the ordinary (mundane) reality. This reality system is an artificial creation of the Cabal and most people buy into this reality frame without questioning it. suppressing all real UFO evidence... free energy technologies... maintaining nine to five job slavery... by adopting shamanic point of view of creating your own reality [and] creating your own reality bubble you help [disintegrate] the quarantine.
    There is a special joint operation of the Resistance Movement, the Pleiadians and other positive ET races that dismantles the quarantine.
    August and September... months of much background activity... remain patient and calm within this time period, especially in September with another Uranus / Pluto square.
    ...the Olympics false flag event... All activities of the Cabal... are closely monitored... It is extremely unlikely that any major negative event will happen then.

    Explosion of Light

    We are slowly approaching the Event horizon. The Event horizon is the exit point of the black hole of quarantine Earth. When we exit the black hole, there will be an explosion of Light.

    This means an end of quarantine status for planet Earth and end of darkness in this universe.

    The quarantine was created by the dark forces 26,000 years ago and NOT by the Galactic Confederation. The Confederation would never lock up human race on an isolated planet.

    What maintains the quarantine is quantum anomaly. Quantum anomaly is a distortion of time-space continuum on quantum level (called “error” in ancient gnostic texts). Quantum anomaly presents a difficulty for positive ET travel technologies. Positive ETs are not gods, they have their own limitations. Else they would liberate humanity long time ago.

    The main structure that keeps humanity in tihrd [third] dimension are etheric implants. They form a network of black hole wormholes that was created by the Archons 26,000 years ago and strengthened with Magdalenian Archons invasion 16,000 years ago. Those black holes contain reptilians and their technology on etheric plane and they are being intensively purified by the Light forces right now. Etheric and astral black holes also contain a dark sepia ink elemental essence. That ink-like essence is what people call darkness because it absorbs etheric / astral light. When this ink is completely removed there will be an explosion of Light on non-physical planes.

    By keeping the implants inside strong etheric electromagnetic fields eternity loops are created. Eternity loops are distortions of space-time continuum that give an impression that quarantine will last forever. Nothing could be further from the truth. The quarantine will be dissolved immediately when those electromagnetic fields are switched off and the Archons operating them are removed.

    Another main structure is a special Archon technology on the etheric plane. They are projection chambers that project certain images / emotional states that are not ours on our outer auric membrane. So other people feel this projected image and not our true state. This is the source of most conflicts / projections in human relationships. When this technology is removed, people will suddenly find much more harmony in their relationships.

    The last main factor of the quarantine is the ordinary (mundane) reality. This reality system is an artificial creation of the Cabal and most people buy into this reality frame without questioning it. The Cabal spends about three billion dollars daily to keep the illusion of the ordinary reality running. It does this by suppressing all real UFO evidence and free energy technologies and by maintaining nine to five job slavery for humanity. You can transcend the ordinary reality frame by adopting shamanic point of view of creating your own reality. By consciously creating your own reality bubble you help disintegrating the quarantine.

    There is a special joint operation of the Resistance Movement, the Pleiadians and other positive ET races that dismantles the quarantine. I will be able to report more on this operation when certain conditions are met.

    August and September are months of much background activity, but immediate results may not be visible. I suggest everybody to remain patient and calm within this time period, especially in September with another Uranus / Pluto square.

    For those concerned with the Olympics false flag event, there is no reason to be afraid. All activities of the Cabal around the Olympics are closely monitored by the Resistance Movement. It is extremely unlikely that any major negative event will happen then.

    kauilapele | 2012/07/26 at 13:21 | Tags: Archons, Cobra, Portal2012 | Categories: apocalypse, ascension, chaos, energies, new energies, releasing, spiritual growth | URL:
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    Post  We Are You Thu Jul 26, 2012 8:23 pm

    Feel our deep and abiding love for you. – Michael channeled by Ron Head
    Posted on July 26, 2012 by Oracles and Healers
    i Rate This

    You are moving through very heightened energy right now, and we are amazed and gratified that you are processing it with such ease. As usual, you continue to perform far better than expected. This period will prove to have been very significant in your evolution into the new human that you are becoming. It was, of course, expected to be that, but we did not expect you to be so ready for it.

    Your assimilation of all that has come prior is truly wonderful. There is a cosmic portal through which you are passing which will forever change both you and your beautiful planet. It will be some time before you fully understand all that means, but surely you are beginning to feel it already. Leave behind you now all thoughts and feelings of your old third dimensional existence which make you uncomfortable. The better you are able to do this, the easier these next days will be. Strife, lack, fear, unworthiness, and separation, among others, must and will become teaching aids which are no longer necessary, to be laid down and never used again. Love yourselves for leaving that schoolyard at last and moving on to a life where you are able to learn without endlessly repeating painful experience.

    It was your need of learning the one most important lesson of all which kept you here for so long. Everything else depended from your assumption that you were separated from your Creator and each other. You became able to see through that wrong notion quite some time ago, but you have been pulled back over and over again with little sleight-of-hand tricks by those who did not wish to lose control of you.

    last you are beginning to truly see where the real power lies. You have at last begun to feel the power and potential of your own hearts. The connection to All-That-Is exists there, and the knowledge of that makes you what you are. You must and are learning who and what that makes you. That is the thing which you were taught you must never consider. Even today, a great many of those in your religions still believe that such ideas are never, never to be thought or spoken. Do you see how that has been used to blind you?

    Spend some little time in contemplation of these truths and let your feelings reach out to us. Meet us as brothers and sisters, as family. Feel our deep and abiding love for you. Is this not a far better way to be? If you add that little exercise to the meditation we have been building upon, your progress will accelerate wonderfully. How can you be less than anyone when you are equal to all, a brother or sister to ascended masters and Archangels, the very child of your Creator?

    Each and every breathing soul upon the surface of your dear planet is the same. Now that you are beginning to see into the hearts of all you meet, this will not be able to remain hidden from you any longer.

    It is time, dear ones, for us to begin correcting all of the damage that has been done. It seems a daunting and perhaps impossible task, but we assure you it is not. All of the tools already exist, not least of which is your newfound self. Hold up your heads and stride into these last few months of your transformation and then you will begin to see what miracle workers you truly have become.

    We cannot express enough how joyful it is to see you reach your present and future life. A little more rapidly now, you will begin to see it as we do. May your hearts be filled with joy and peace. Be strong a bit longer. You have won through. Good day.

    Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:
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    Post  We Are You Fri Jul 27, 2012 1:59 am

    Pressure from the Men in … T-Shirts and more...
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    Pressure from the Men in … T-Shirts and more...

    In This Update...
    Pressure from the Men in … T-Shirts
    “You’ve Already Ascended. You Just Don’t Know It”: St. Germaine Returns to Heavenly Blessings, July 26, 2012
    The Olympic Spirit: The Dark and The Light – Part 1
    Archangel Michael: The Gathering of Souls
    Yeshua: You Are Love, Be It!
    On Ascension – Part 6/6 – Where is This Light Coming From?
    St. Germaine Contrasts 3D with 5D Life
    Retraction: Operation Compassion
    Push Me, Pull Me
    Star Sisters Phalia and Serenia Discuss Life on the Ships
    More Recent Articles


    Pressure from the Men in … T-Shirts

    Pat Donworth is a former managing editor of the 2012 Scenario.

    UPDATE: Sgt. Clifford Stone and His Strange Visitor
    Posted on July 25, 2012 by Pat Donworth, Activist Awake
    Clifford Stone has written an update to his “strange encounter” on July 19. Here is his post from his facebook page today.

    Many of you have been concerned about me and have expressed this openly. For this, I am grateful and truly feel blessed.

    However, you need to know what happened to cause my concern, so here goes:

    On Thursday, July 19, 2012 at about 2:00 P.M. a young man came to my door. He appeared to be in his late 20’s or early 30’s. He was about 5’10” or 5’11”. He weighed about 145 to 150 pounds. His hair was a dark blond and he had a beard that came to a kind of go-t. He was dressed in white, torn t-shirt and blue, tattered trousers. He asked if I would mind giving him a couple of cigarettes and gave him three and said our good-byes and started to close the door.

    He stated that it must really be bothersome not to have your garbage picked up. Thinking he just saw, as I did, the trash truck attempt to pick it up my trash container and then drop it back to the ground and drive away, I said yes it is. He responded by saying, that’s been going on for 5 weeks, that would made me pretty upset.

    I knew this man was not from this neighborhood, so I asked him how did know that. He responded by saying, you do know you live in a bad neighborhood, drug dealing and all that; I would hate to see you get hurt by someone thinking you are police informant. You should really think about moving. You always wanted to move to Oklahoma, why don’t you move there? I told him I had lived there since 1985 and nobody was going to scare me away.

    He then stated what if I was here to kill you and I had a gun? Then, he moved in toward me. I jumped back, bringing the palm of my hand up and hitting him in his nose and it started to bleed.

    At this point both of my dogs were trying to come through the storm door to my defense. He immediately stated, I am not your enemy, I am just trying to prove my point. I told him he made it, got him a couple of napkins for his nose and apologized for hitting him.

    Then, he started telling me I could make some people in the U.S. Government up-set by my asking too many questions about fast walkers, trying to verify information in a 1994 letter I had received and several other things I was working on. He stated talking about my experiences was one thing, but doing what I am doing now was heading into dangerous areas.

    I asked him how is it he felt he knew so much about me (Of course, I knew what he was saying was true but I also, knew he had no way of knowing it). His response was, he could see things.

    I asked him, when was the last time he had eaten. He said about 2 days. I made him 2 peanut butter sandwiches and gave him a bottle of juice. He thanked me and stated to leave saying as he departed, look, you should seriously consider getting out of this silly UFO business. There’s no future in it. I really don’t want to see you hurt.

    As he started to leave, I stopped him and said, sir I would like for you to meet some of my friends. I pointed to my two dogs and stated this is Duchess and Princess. They are my friends and would die trying to protect me. Then I showed him my .357 magnum pistol, letting him know I wasn’t defenseless and informed him, I was a very good shot.

    As he walked away, he stated think over very seriously what I have told you.

    Once he turned the corner, I got in my vehicle and attempted to follow him, but he was nowhere to be found.

    I truly have no idea what to make of all this. Was he just a person down on his luck? If so, how did he know so much about my activities? Was he sent here to try and scare me? If so, it didn’t work. No retreat, no surrender. I must continue my quest for the truth, no matter where that search may lead or what dangers may lay ahead.

    There’s more to this story but here is where I must end it.

    Now you know what happened. Since on any talk show all that will be asked is for me to tell my experiences over and over again, you also, need to know, I continue my research and this is what really appeared to concern my young visitor.

    I shall try to share my research from here on, using this medium, but bear with me as using facebook is still strange and unusual for me. But I’m learning.

    God Bless,



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    “You’ve Already Ascended. You Just Don’t Know It”: St. Germaine Returns to Heavenly Blessings, July 26, 2012

    St. Germaine was our guest through Channel Linda Dillon on last Thursday’s Heavenly Blessings show to discuss moving from the Third to the Fifth dimension and what Fifth-Dimensional behaviors and qualities look like. I thoroughly enjoyed the show and found the information he shared quite helpful.


    We feature a new call-in format.

    You can listen to Heavenly Blessings Thursdays 4:00 PM Pacific time and 7:00 PM Eastern time by clicking on the link below. The program will be archived as well:

    Call in number: 323-784-9797


    At one point, he said, “you’ve already ascended. You just don’t know it.” He was addressing me and many listening. I didn’t know what to say. I’ve thought that, while Ascension is different for everyone, it would be marked by a great experience of joy and bliss, and that, once ascended, I’d be deeply anchored in peace and love, and I would experience the world very differently.

    I feel pretty good overall and feel that I’m currently embodying much of what I’d expect to be experiencing in the Fifth Dimension. Yet I still fall into old ways of being and thinking now and then, my body feels much the same (though I do have more energy and seem to heal faster), and I don’t seem to have any additional abilities, memories or universal knowledge returned to me that I would expect (however, I have noticed greater intuitive and manifesting abilities).

    Am I still caught in the place of illusion that is preventing me from fully being present and knowledgeable of my ascension? Am I still holding onto the old paradigm which is keeping me from being a fully conscious and high vibrational being? I’ll be exploring this more when St. Germaine rejoins us this Thursday, and invite you to join in the conversation with your questions, comments and insights.

    New call-in format: Starting this week, Linda and I will open up the show to live callers and we invite you to join us! You may already be familiar with the live call-in show Let’s Talk 2012 And Beyond with hosts Dave Schmidt and Sierra Neblina, also an InLight Radio program. While all the InLight Radio shows cover similar topics, this show will be a bit different from their live call-in show.

    Dave and Sierra discuss themes posted on the 2012 Scenario, and general topics relating to Ascension, while this program focuses more on the guidance and spiritual teachings around Ascension that previous guests have shared on Heavenly Blessings. In addition, Linda adds: “Our plan is to keep the “channel” open to answer a whole variety of questions so that whoever is best to address an issue can step forward to do so. But it is also about human conversation, sharing insights, of what works and what’s still a challenge. Not the psychic hotline, but heart-centered conversation about broad issues that we are all dealing with – anger, isolation, money, fear, bliss, family, relationships, aches and pains – you name it.”

    We hope you join us!
    Archangel Michael: The Gathering of Souls

    Archangel Michael: The Gathering of Souls
    Transmitted Through Ronna Herman – July 26, 2012

    Beloved masters, once again, I welcome the opportunity to blend with your higher consciousness, to fill your Sacred Heart and Soul with the Divine love of our Father/Mother God. It is always our greatest desire to inspire and comfort you and to guide you along the path of higher awareness, which eventually leads to Self-Mastery.

    At this time we wish to apprise you of what is transpiring during this momentous year we are calling the year of the Gathering of Souls. My intention is to reinforce the concept of telepathic communication between you, the Star Seed, the Cosmic Council of Light and we of the Legions of Light within this Sub-Universe.

    It is important that you feel with your inner senses, and validate from within your Sacred Mind and Sacred Heart, that through these messages I am truly with each of you. With your permission, I will connect with your OverSoul/Higher Self, and I will merge a facet of my Essence with yours at whatever level you are able to accommodate at this particular time.

    There have been and will be many blessed gatherings of Star Seed Souls during this momentous year. My beloved messenger recently participated in a major event of great significance in Sedona AZ, via the “air waves” of the worldwide internet. She also held a small but powerful event for members of her inner group of followers in the Sacramento, California area of the United States.

    For those who came from the far reaches of the planet to join with their Soul families at these events and to partake of the wisdom teachings that were offered, it was a time of harmony, joy and blending of energies. For many, it was also a time of exceptional transformation at the deepest, innermost core level.

    It was a time when many layers of negative energy were dissolved, energies that had been placed around the heart in times past to protect and insulate the emotional and physical bodies from the pain and suffering of the third and lower-fourth dimensions. The floodgates of the emotional body burst open as these energies were dissolved and the precious gift of Creator Fire Light was once again allowed to take up residency within the Sacred Heart / Soul chamber.

    It is a rare moment of recognition and a feeling of culmination when the facets of your Soul family begin to reunite and use the synergistic strength of common purpose for the greatest benefit of all. More and more members of your Soul family will be seeking you out as you lift your vibrations and send out a Soul Echo that they recognize. When you meet a member of your inner Soul family circle, you will know without a doubt that there is a rare and beautiful heart / Soul connection between you. When your actions are for the benefit of all, you earn the right to have a support system of like-minded, Soul-focused people.

    There were Star Seed representatives from all over the world in attendance at these events, and these blessed Beings carried the Seeds of a new awareness with them as they returned to their homes. Make no mistake; those of you who are tapping into this wondrous refined energy from the heart core of our Father/Mother God in your own locale or at other gatherings around the world are and will be gifted with an infusion of White Fire Adamantine Particles of Creator Light.

    As you are attuned to these higher-frequencies of Divine Light, there will be no time or space restrictions, nor barriers of any kind, for all Light Bearers who have returned to an acceptable level of harmonious frequencies of Sacred Love will begin to experience a Oneness of Spirit at many levels.

    At these momentous events all will commune with the masters and will receive a blessing of Divine Creator Fire Light. Indeed, into the depths of its very core, the Earth is being bathed in a glorious beam of Divine Light Substance, and every creature upon the Earth will be blessed and acknowledged.

    Remember, at one level or another, all are on the path of evolution and transcendence; none is being left behind. All humanity is being affected, either positively or negatively. It is up to each individual Soul to decide how much of the Divine gift of transformation they will accept and use.

    Initiation is now a group event, not just an attainment for special, advanced Souls. You must be willing to assist those on the path behind you in some way, so that as you are lifted up, so is all humanity. The Soul has a natural inclination toward group-consciousness. It is the Soul which seeks reunification, not the personality. Advancement on the path increases Soul consciousness and group awareness.

    During these times of incredible advancement in consciousness for humankind, there are many special dispensations in place for the Ascension of humanity and for the coming age of en-Lighten-ment. However, each Soul must do his/her part by taking the necessary steps to attain Self-Mastery in order to tap into these, heretofore unavailable, gifts of transformation.

    A great multitude of Star Seed Souls have integrated a higher frequency mental and emotional awareness as they access new cosmic wisdom teachings. Many of you are also beginning to enjoy a sense of harmony within your innermost Self as you fine-tune and harmonize your chakra system, which is in essence seven individual memory centers within the physical body.

    However, some of you still have doubts and are reticent to share your insights with others, for you fear that you will make a spectacle of yourself or you believe you will be ridiculed if you try to pass on the new concepts and higher truths which are being revealed to you.

    There is a universal law that states you must not only be an example of your new enlightened state, but you must pass on the wisdom and understanding you have garnered so that you may move forward to the next higher frequency level.

    You must not try to change the minds of those on the path behind you, but teach by your example, speaking your truth at their level of understanding and telling them that there are many paths back to the Oneness of the Creator. Be patient, but strong in your convictions; compassionate, but do not get caught up in their drama, their small stories of woe; stay joyful and enthusiastic so they will begin to wonder what makes you so different.

    Indeed, they will notice and some day they will take heed, for you will have sown the seeds of change within their auric field and their hearts. These seeds will not be denied – they will flourish one day and burst forth and bloom into a Divine discontent, which will nudge them onto the Path of discipleship.

    You are a student on the path of initiation, you are a practitioner of spiritual mastery and co-creation, and you are a teacher with a message to share. You are also preparing for a greater alignment with the many facets of your Higher Soul-Self.

    Beloveds, we understand there are those of you who feel you are not making much headway, and you are experiencing very few or none of the Ascension symptoms that have been described in detail such as the rising of Kundalini Fire, positive life changes or more spiritual awareness. Please do not become discouraged. Those who are the Star Seed Wayshowers have been on the Path of Ascension for many lifetimes. If this were not so, they would not be able to bring forth the refined wisdom teachings to guide humanity toward the Light, nor could they be the living examples of these higher truths.

    We have given many levels of spiritual teachings over the years, and many of you are trying to bypass the beginning stages of en-Lighten-ment in order to catch up with those who are the leaders on the Path. You are not being left behind. Each Soul’s journey is unique. Do not judge yourself by anyone else’s standards or accomplishments. Stay heart-centered and Soul-focused and you will progress in the time and manner which is best for you.

    We give you a mandate to go by: focus on that which wells up within you as the most important issue of your life. Seek validation from within your Sacred Heart and from your Higher Self. Dedicate yourself to accomplishing that which you desire with all your energy – physical/mental/emotional and spiritual – until it is brought to fruition.

    If you have doubts, start small, until you become proficient in using your latent abilities of co-creation. Sweep aside your doubts, and do not listen to others’ criticism or admonitions. Follow your own inner guidance; you will not be led astray, beloveds.

    We have requested that our messenger share her latest experience with all of you. By doing so, she is conveying to you a heretofore secret and very ancient thought form of higher truth, and she, along with other dedicated messengers of higher truth, is helping to open the way for the next phase of the Ascension process.

    The magnificent White Fire Angelic Beings have been waiting patiently to re-establish their connection with humankind. It is indeed a wondrous time for all of humanity, for no matter where you are on the Ascension PATH, the streams of rarified Creator Light radiating from these great Beings will affect all human Beings who have opened their hearts to the higher frequencies of Divine Light.

    Dearest hearts, be of great courage and resolve, for you are the guiding Lights for humanity. The rarified Light frequencies and codes of Ascension must flow through you and out into the world. You are honored for your dedication and steadfastness, and you are loved profoundly.

    I AM Archangel Michael


    Ronna / Sacred Scribe
    I wish to share an amazing experience I had during meditation in the early hours of February 25, 2012. As usual, I go outside every morning between five and six AM to pick up the morning paper from our driveway. I always spend a few minutes looking up at the sky while I do a series of infinity breaths and say my daily affirmations before coming back into my home.

    The main affirmation is always the same; however, I add some variation at the end, depending on what I am feeling or what I am guided to do. I always radiate love and gratitude out into the world pyramid and to our Father/Mother God, and I always feel their loving energy pour into my body to support me and guide me for the day. I usually have an hour or so by myself in the morning before my husband, Kent, gets up. I spend that time reading and meditating.

    At my seminars, in trying to explain how it feels when we learn to constantly remain in a Light Alpha State, or become a ‘living meditation,’ as Archangel Michael calls it, I say, “oftentimes, I feel as if I sit very lightly within my body whereby I have very little physical sensation. This feeling is enhanced when I am channeling Michael, for I am hardly aware of my body at all.”

    That morning’s meditation was unusual, for upon going into an Alpha State, I immediately felt an intense sensation, as if my body was a hollow tube. I could move my consciousness into different areas with ease and without feeling any physical symptoms of any kind. It was as if I were pure Spirit-consciousness.

    Suddenly, the word “VIVEO” came into my mind very strong and clear. Then a telepathic message came forth in the way of TRI-TON, my first master teacher, who prepared me to be a messenger for Archangel Michael. There was a gentle sense of love and a slight expansion of consciousness; however, I was very aware that I was receiving energy from a higher source. When Michael comes in, there is a great surge of energy that flows throughout my body; and depending on the magnitude of energy he is radiating to me at the time, it seems as if I must stretch my upper body to accommodate his powerful Essence.

    The brief telepathic message was: “I Am VIVIO, a White Fire Angel. It is now time, under the direction of beloved Archangel Michael, for me to once again OverLight you and assist you and the many Soul groups you are connected to in the process of Soul fragment integration. You have been told that you and many in your Soul family are ‘gatherers of Souls,’ and as Wayshowers and World Servers, that is the preordained role many of you are ready to assume.”

    As I have always been guided to do in the past, I am sharing this with you so that you will know what can take place if you are diligent in your studies, and if you will dedicate some time to meditation and inward-focused contemplation. Eternal love and angel blessings, Ronna.

    P.S. One other thing VIVEO conveyed to me was: “Look up the word ‘vivacious,’ for that is what my name means and that is the energy I will convey to you.

    Vivacious: Vibrant * Effervescent * Sparkling * Animated * Alive *



    Ronna / Sacred Scribe
    Overlighted by Archangel Michael

    VIVIO is one of a multitude of White Fire Angels whose original mission was to OverLight groups of Souls who were ready to journey out into the Universe as co-creator sons and daughters. They helped us to create and maintain our original Adam – Eve Kadmon Light Body. These wondrous Beings reside within the dimensional levels in which we first came into our individualized I AM consciousness.

    After we had refracted our Soul Essence many times and moved out into the mid-fifth dimensional frequencies, our White Fire Angel withdrew, for that was the lowest level they could refract themselves into in order to OverLight us. They would await the time when we would return to the required higher frequency levels so that they could once again OverLight us in order to assist us in the acceleration of our reunion with our many Soul fragments. They would also assist in the process of rebuilding our Light Body.

    In ancient teachings, which were often written in a way that the average person could not comprehend the deeper meaning of the messages, much was written about the time when a Soul reached a certain level of enlightenment / initiation, a great revelation would be given to the aspirants. Those teachings spoke of a Solar Angel, a sphere of radiant fire that would OverLight them.

    It also stated that there would be a stream of Light which would emanate from the heart center of the Solar Angel to the Sacred Heart and higher brain centers of the aspirant. This fiery link would also radiate forth to connect with the many other Souls belonging to the same Soul Group.

    In the past, a Solar Angel would only connect with those who were of the same God Ray. During those ancient times there were very few Souls who reached the required level of vibrational frequency patterns necessary for Ascension. However, that has changed, this is a time of mass Ascension; therefore, each Solar Angel will focus on an entire group – those who are connected to the designated Overseer of Light for a particular Soul Family Group.

    In a number of past messages that Archangel Michael has given to me for people over the years, he has stated: “We would have you know that you are the ‘Overseer of Light’ for your extended Heavenly Soul Family. You and those like you agreed to go through the painful process of sinking into the deepest density so that ‘as you are lifted up,’ so are all those within your Soul Group.” This concept is a wonderful validation of the statement, “You are in the process of returning to unity consciousness.”

    VIVEO told me that for those of us who are ready to accelerate the process of integrating the multiple facets of our Higher Self, his task is to adjust the frequency patterns of the incoming fragment of our Higher Self so that we are more compatible. In other words, he harmonizes our frequencies to a degree so that the integration process will not be so tumultuous. This is necessary for, in the past, the process of integrating the vibrational patterns of an OverSoul took a very long time, perhaps even several lifetimes.

    There is a fail-safe to this process. Those who are attuned to and are following the teachings of Archangel Michael are understandably at many levels and stages of the en-Lighten-ment process. Therefore, the connection with VIVEO will still be made with all members of the group who are seriously striving to achieve a harmonious level of vibrational patterns. However, he will not send forth a fiery sphere of his Essence to OverLight you until you have reached and attuned to the required Soul Song Frequencies of the mid-fifth dimension.

    Of course this wondrous gift and the accompanying rules also apply to the many different groups who are following the enlightened wisdom teachings of other great Beings of Light via the many dedicated messengers around the world.

    It has been a somewhat uncomfortable process for me to become accustomed to revealing some of the important steps I have taken, the wondrous gifts I have been given, along with the tests, trials and advances I have experienced on the path of Ascension.

    For those of us who have studied the ancient teachings and who also have many of the rules of those times firmly ingrained within our consciousness, it is difficult to reveal and share some of the details of our personal journey, both positive and negative.

    As many of you are aware, before these times of mass Ascension, the wisdom teachings and the Ascension process were totally kept in secret from the masses. They were called “occult teachings,” which means they were only made available to the few initiates and disciples on the Path.

    However, those rules have changed, for the Divine Blueprint for the coming Golden Age has been modified and updated. Therefore, it has been mandated that those of us who have assumed the role and responsibility of becoming a messenger for the great Beings of Light will convey to those who are “ready to listen and take heed” all of the important aspects of our journey, along with the wondrous, advanced wisdom teachings we are given to convey to the world.

    During our June seminar in Roseville, California, I told the participants about VIVEO and the role he will now play for us in our Ascension process. Everyone was so fascinated about this latest development and some were almost overwhelmed. I became quite emotional when I told them the details.

    Many of the participants said they could feel VIVEO’S powerful energy and they are very excited about what the future holds. VIVEO projects a very powerful masculine Essence. Although all of the angelic Beings are androgynous, they may choose to radiate either the masculine or feminine qualities of our Father/Mother God.

    Dear hearts, no matter where you are on the path of Ascension, know that you will have all the help from your guides and teachers that the universal laws will allow. Do not focus on “what you are not” but focus on this moment and the opportunities before you. Each and every Soul is precious in the sight of our Father/Mother God, and your Ascension into the higher realms is assured, so please relax and enjoy the journey.

    Eternal Love and Angel Blessings – Ronna

    Transmitted through Ronna Herman * Copy freely and share. However, I claim the universal copyright for this article in the name of Archangel Michael. WE OFFER ARCHANGEL MICHAEL’S MESSAGES ON OUR WEBSITE AS A GIFT; HOWEVER, WE DO APPRECIATE YOUR DONATIONS TO HELP DEFRAY OPERATING EXPENSES AND POSTAGE FEES FOR THE FREE LOVE PACKETS WE SEND AROUND THE WORLD.

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    Yeshua: You Are Love, Be It!

    Yeshua: You Are Love, Be It!
    As channeled through Fran Zepeda – July 26, 2012

    Hello my beloveds, Beings of Love and Light that you are.

    I come today to speak of Love, in its highest form.

    By now you are experiencing the deeper form of Love, the all-encompassing nature of it, the powerful expansion of it, the pervading force of it.

    As you take in the Light in all its present Gifts to you, you awaken to the fact that Love is not to be divided. You take it in in abundant quantities into your cells and feel the unconditional nature of it. Spreading it out to all is just a part of that, for you are discovering that everyone is you and you are everyone. You Are Love, dear beloveds.

    It was always there; it never left you. You just needed to accept it and feel it and offer it freely. It is becoming second nature to you, we see. That is a beautiful thing to watch from the Spiritual Realm. You are choosing Love, Dear Ones, and you are expanded and lifted by it all the while.

    As your cells accept the Light and Love being offered to you from the Spiritual and Galactic Realm, and from others just like you, you are becoming engorged with it. It is coloring your thoughts and your deeds. This is excellent, indeed!You no longer have to “try”; Love is becoming a way of life for you, dear friends. You are remembering your roots and what you were before you entered duality; what you ARE. There was always the spark that never left, but it is blossoming so beautifully now that you are awakening to your true, Divine Selves.

    Take a moment now and look inward. Are there any unloving thoughts remaining? Are you loving yourselves with complete abandon? With complete acceptance, and with no judgment? Are you knowing now what Unconditional Love really is? It has no qualifications, it has no divisions, it has no barriers, dear Ones.

    Are you discovering that you are perfect Divine Beings so full of Love, so deserving of Love, so capable of Love, so encompassed in Love? Are you living in it

    It makes it easy, does it not, to let it spread everywhere when you feel it so deeply for yourselves? That is the key. Now is the time to throw away any judgments or any “ifs’ or “ buts” about your complete worthiness of Unconditional Love all the time. Bathe in it; shower yourselves with it. You can never get too much of it

    Swim in the milieu of Love, dear friends, and greet all the others doing the same around you. For you are one and the same, born of Love and so deserving of it. Get used to it. Be LOVE

    Your loving brother, Yeshua

    Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are included. (Blog) (Website)

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    On Ascension – Part 6/6 – Where is This Light Coming From?

    Given how many people are new to Ascension, we repost this series from 2011 to introduce new readers to aspect of Ascension.


    Where is This Light Coming From?
    Where is this Ascension light coming from and how long has it been coming to Earth?

    Spirit teacher Matthew Ward tells us that it is coming from many extraterrestrial sources. “If only you could realize the vastness of the light coming from countless sources in the universe, your hearts would be uplifted immeasurably to hasten the moment when darkness succumbs to the brilliance, and love permeates Earth.” (1)

    On another occasion, he describes its origin as “myriad extraterrestrial sources.” (2) In a third message, he refers to it as “the ever-increasing light beaming from afar,” which is “adding to that which you are generating on the planet.” (3)

    SaLuSa agrees with Matthew and says: “New energies permeate the Earth, that come from outside your solar system. These are behind the personal changes you are experiencing, and are becoming more powerful each day.” (4)

    Elsewhere, SaLuSa tells us that the light originates with great beings. He reveals that “many higher Beings are … focusing their Light upon Earth.” (5) He explains that: “There is so much help coming to you from many quarters, as the Universe follows the events upon Earth very closely. Your evolution is viewed as being most important, and a successful outcome is essential to the future of Mankind.” (6)

    SaLuSa’s colleague, Ker-On of Venus, agrees that light “is beamed to Earth from many different sources. The Universe is playing its part in ensuring your successful completion of this cycle, and continues to send ever-increasingly powerful rays of Light.” (7)

    Some sources identify a Sun at the center of the galaxy, others a black hole, which the Mayans referred to as Hunab Ku, as a major of these uplifting vibrations of light and love. For instance the ascended master St. Germain says:

    “Behind everything that occurs is the motivating force of Light that comes from your Central Sun. The God Force is being given to you at such levels as you can accommodate, and your power is increasing tenfold. I see the wonderful Light that encircles the Earth, and it grows faster than ever as more souls respond to its call.” (Cool

    Intuitive David Wilcock refers to this energy source as a “galactic wave”: “The galactic wave specifically seems to be part of an intelligent design that energetically pushes us to the next level.” (9)

    The spirit teacher called Saul describes this light energy in the following manner.

    “Planet Earth is enveloped and wrapped in the most glorious cloud of divine Energy, which is revitalizing and invigorating her and all the life forms she supports. It is most beautiful and awe-inspiring to behold. It shimmers and shines with a brilliant intensity of constantly shifting colors.” (10)

    All of us are bathed in it, say the light beings speaking through Phoebe Lauren.

    “This new energy that is coming to earth now is stronger and purer than any which has come before. … This is an energy of pure light and pure love. (11)

    SaLuSa tells us that the light has been increasing for many decades now.

    “For over a century the amount of Light being brought to bear on you has increased tenfold, and has been instrumental in lifting many of you up. This is in accordance with the Divine Plan to release you from the lower vibrations, and end the cycle whilst giving every soul the opportunity to rise up. (12)

    The Group, speaking through Steve Rother, explains that the space nations that gave birth to the human race have returned to Earth to assist us through this period: “All eyes in the universe are upon planet Earth right now. The six parental races that helped you form these physical bodies that you hold right now are back again to help. The interesting part is that they are fighting over who can help the most.” (13)

    For us this is a great opportunity, Diane of Sirius says.

    “Now is your opportunity to awaken to your true potential, as the Light is being beamed to Earth.” (14)

    “The energies you are now bringing into focus are the means of your upliftment and they will continue for quite some time.” (15)

    SaLuSa also attempts to make us aware of the opportunity before us: “The Earth [is] becoming a Planet of Light. The dazzling points of Light coalesce. … So it shall continue until the lower vibrations hardly exist, and then you will be near to the end time and Ascension.” (16)

    Ker-On of Venus describes its significance and tells us how to take advantage of it.

    “What many thought would never come in their lifetime has suddenly arrived: The opening of a new pathway that is glowing with a Golden Light that is going to become more intense, one that beckons all who have desired the opportunity to ascend and requires only your intent to live the remainder of your life to your very highest understanding of what it means.” (17)

    In our next article in this series, we’ll look at what life may be like in the higher dimensions towards which we’re headed. (I can’t guarantee I’ll be able to post the next part soon. The worldwide protests have intervened and take precedence.)

    (1) Matthew’s Message, July 16, 2004, at

    (2) Matthew’s Message, Oct. 6, 2004.

    (3) Matthew’s Message, May 23, 2006.

    (4) SaLuSa, Oct. 4, 2010, at

    (5) SaLuSa, Apr. 16, 2010.

    (6) SaLuSa, March 22, 2010.

    (7) Ker-On of Venus, Aug. 5, 2009, at

    (Cool Saint Germain, 26 Sept. 2008, at

    (9) David Wilcock, interview with George Noory, Oct. 6, 2009, Coast to Coast AM, at

    (10) Saul, Sept. 23, 2009, at

    (11) Message from Light Beings [or Angels] through Phoebe Lauren, email from Mark Huber,, Oct. 5, 2008.

    (12) SaLuSa, Feb. 20, 2009.

    (12) The Group, “A New Spin to Earth,” April 15, 2010, through Steve Rother, at

    (14) Diane of Sirius, Feb. 2, 2009, at

    (15) Diane of Sirius, Dec. 24, 2008.

    (16) SaLuSa, Jan. 17, 2011.

    (17) Ker-On of Venus, 21 January 2009, at

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    St. Germaine Contrasts 3D with 5D Life

    St. Germaine visits Graham and Linda on Heavenly Blessings to discuss the differences between life in the Third Dimension and life in the Fifth. Ordinarily I remove the initial discussion but Graham and Linda discuss the new format of their program here, which will include questions from listeners. Thanks to Mary for the transcript.

    Heavenly Blessings 07-19-12 St. Germaine

    Graham Dewyea: Well, hello and welcome to Heavenly Blessings with Linda Dillon, the channel for the Council of Love and author of The Great Awakening, I’m Graham Dewyea, our guest today is St. Germaine. And we didn’t have our show last week and we certainly apologize to those of you who were looking for the link, we had to cancel at the last minute. If you’d like an update on show activity I’d encourage you to go ahead and sign up to follow on the InLight Radio homepage, just click ‘follow’ and what you will get every week is an update of our shows, all of the InLight shows and you will be made aware if there are any last minute changes like last week.

    We’re recording live tonight and it’s great to have you all with us. We are bringing on St. Germaine to talk about his experience moving from the 3rd dimension into the 5th dimension and to share with us what it is like living in the 5th dimension to give us a better idea about where we’re headed and what we might expect. But it’s my pleasure to welcome Linda to the show. Hi Linda.

    Linda Dillon: Hi, Graham, hi, everybody and I want to add my apologies to Graham’s for last week. I was the culprit and I was just getting ready for a very intense workshop on Ascension Healing and I just couldn’t make it, so my apologies; especially because this is one of my favorite things to do in the whole wide world.

    GD: It’s great to be back and it’s great to do this with you and it’s great to have all of you with us. Before we bring on St. Germaine, we wanted to talk with our listeners about a new show format we wanted to try out with Heavenly Blessings. We recognize that there’s real value in sharing personal experiences, personal, spiritual insights and discoveries and the gifts and teachings that we’ve been exploring on Heavenly Blessings, on the show, and to that end we wanted to, starting next week, open up the phone lines so that you can join in with us, in conversation, and share your questions and share your insights and we can have more of a dialogue about all of the good stuff that we’ve been talking about on the Heavenly Blessings show, so the time will stay the same and we encourage you to join us and when you call there are instructions for how you can notify us, identify yourselves to be brought into the studio. And we really look forward to this exciting development. Linda, is there anything you’d like to add?

    LD: No, I think you’ve pretty well covered it, I am really excited. This is something that Graham and I have sort of tossed around and talked about since he and I first conceived the idea of Heavenly Blessings. And the whole idea behind this show in particular was that it was going to be a complement, yes a stand-alone, but a complement at the same time to An Hour With An Angel which as you know is more of a news format and more of an interview format with Geoffrey West and Steve Beckow of the 2012 Scenerio where they will interview either Archangel Michael or one of the Ascended Masters.

    And one of the things that the Council, at that time, was saying to me is that ‘it’s all very well and good that we get the information, which is critical especially at this point in time, but when they say to us, when they, the Council of Love or Archangel Michael or St. Germaine says to us “do clearing”, “do meditation” or “stay in your joy”, that sometimes we need more information, we need more of an instructional guideline as it were and a discussion.

    And so that’s what we’ve been doing in discussing through the channelings and the giving of the blessings from the Masters and from the Archangels is giving you some hands-on tools. But now Graham and I want to take it a step further. Now, I want to be really clear that we aren’t opening up the psychic hotline. This isn’t about, you know, should I look out for the red sports car on Tuesday night? But really a chance for us to, for all of us as a community because that’s what we are, to get to the sum of the fundamental questions and issues that we’re all facing in terms of this time of massive change, of Transition and of Ascension. … So let’s begin.

    St.Germaine: Greetings, I AM St. Germaine.

    GD: Hello and welcome.

    St.G: And welcome to you, welcome to each and every one of you and I am pleased to start this new format, to sit here and chat with you as we have so many times, in ancient times, in Atlantis, in Lemuria, in what you think of as Israel and the United States of America, England, Spain. The one thing you should know about me, my beloved friends, my allies, my keepers, my healers is that I love to sit and to talk, to exchange ideas, to explore the edges of what you have thought of as philosophies, belief systems. I have lived upon your planet for a very long time and often as well and I come to you this night, not only as Keeper of the Violet Flame, Keeper of the I AM Presence, I come to you not only as a column of violet but as a friend. There are so many of you who have known me throughout these incarnations and it is to you I have beckoned to step forward as healers and teachers and showers of the way. And I thank you, I thank you my beloved ones for doing so.

    Now I address Graham and Linda and I say to you, perhaps you have chosen the wrong Master to speak tonight. Yes, I love to tease, I love to play, and that is also what I like to teach you, to make time for your sacred self, for your undertakings, but also to sit, to laugh, to enjoy this precious life not only that you have chosen but that you have been given, that you have been granted, that you have co-created with us. The reason why I suggest that perhaps you have chosen the wrong Master is as I have said many times “I do not choose to incarnate again”. And perhaps that is a good place for us to start.

    I have lived for thousands and thousands of years, various incarnations under various names, and I know my beloved friends how difficult, how challenging and how wondrous, how absolutely sublime being alive in human form can be. It is not always easy, it is not always straightforward and that is particularly true as you rid yourself and break free of the shackles and the illusions, the bars and the prisons of the 3rd dimensional reality within which human beings have lived for so long. And you my beloved ones are doing exactly that and there are times when this can be confusing, when it can be challenging and yes even overwhelming; where you can see the new, you can taste it, you can experience it.

    You live there part time and then you feel yourself dragged down, like an apple falling from the tree, as if gravity has a pull on you, back into the 3rd and you find yourself confronted not only by the collective and by the illusions and chaos, the addiction to drama that they have embraced but by your own issues, by what you still have need, yes need, to let go of. What is the key? Yes you have been given steps to Ascension and our focus so often now, when we speak to you is not even on the Ascension process, not even on the Shift, but what lies ahead.

    But I, as one who has lived as hu-man, understand. It is important to glimpse what lies ahead and the magnificence of the freedom that I have worked for with you for so long and with many of the Ascended Ones, the Enlightened Beings and the Council of Love, your star brothers and sisters. But to ignore what you go through in these troughs, these peaks and these valleys would not be responsible because I have known that struggle. I have spent almost 100 years, 86 to be exact, with my brothers and sisters, the Masters in Tibet and in this we learned a great deal of letting go of illusion and truly embodying the truth of who you are because it is not simply us, it is not simply the Ascended Ones who have these capacities; it is each of you.

    You were not created or incarnated, but I am speaking of original creation, without the spark of Divinity and that is all that is required. And that spark of Divinity, that God essence is love. When you are asking me, “St. Germaine, how do I do it? How do I break through?” It is very simple; it is with outrageous perseverance, determination, and the gentlest, most lenient love and acceptance of who you are.

    Many of you know me during my lifetime as St. Germaine, as one who traveled Europe and then North America and I have had some outrageous experiences. I have sat with you and I have broken bread and drunk wine and laughed and shouted and cried with each of you. And we have talked and talked and philosophized about how we would break through the illusion of time, of space, how we would shift inter-dimensionally. And you have challenged me to do it, to become and to come to know how to do this.

    And I come to share this with you; you do it by simply doing it, by going home, yes to the heart of One and filling with so much energy, with so much love that you are a powerhouse that nothing can stop you. And this is readily available to you now as it was not before. And if you do not know how to do this then come and sit with me in my Violet Flame, in my violet bonfire and torch every illusion that you have ever had especially the illusions around who controls your life. And I pose this question to you and I open it for discussion. Graham, do you wish to comment?

    GD: I do and I thank you for your wisdom and I thank you for your introductory remarks. Your experience on Earth and your experience going through the Ascension process is why we were feeling that it makes so much sense to have you and I appreciate this opportunity for dialogue. And I appreciate your comment about how important it is to have a glimpse of what lies ahead. So it seems to me that there is so much value in being able to visualize where we’re going or the possibility of where we’re going and recognizing it’s a co-creative process.

    If I may I posted a promotional post, if you will, on the 2012 Scenario site about the 3rd dimension and the qualities of the 3rd dimension and that we wouldn’t be experiencing some qualities of the 3rd dimension in the 5th dimension and higher. And I’m wondering if you could just check me on this…I indicated that as we get into a higher dimensional state the lower dimensional qualities such as greed, lust, revenge, jealousy, frustration, disappointment and selfishness doesn’t exist in the 5th dimension and higher. Do I have that all right?

    St.G: Yes you do; lack, limitation, death, disease, destruction, despair, depression, control.

    GD: OK and I hear from you that to go through the Ascension process it takes outrageous perseverance, determination and love and I really appreciate your speaking to that because to your point it is challenging or it can be very challenging this journey. At the same time I also hear your invitation to also enjoy it and that we chose this incarnation and there’s the invitation to really experience the joy and the blessing of it all.

    What’s really intriguing to me is to talk about, if you would, what’s it like to be a 5th dimensional being and higher? And some of the questions that come to mind are just practical thoughts; for example, I understand that in higher dimensions that we, as a theme would be experiencing peace and love but I’m sure or I suspect disagreements still surface. So to engage in this conversation a little bit more, maybe we can go a little bit deeper there. How is conflict, for example, addressed in the higher dimensions? How does that work?

    St.G: And that is why I have posed the question “Who controls you? Who controls your life, your environment, your actions, your desires?” And part of the biggest element of the Shift, because you still have many of these illusions, is coming to the conclusion that no one, no one controls you. When you have that, and I’m not just speaking skin deep, when you have that knowing, not the belief system but the knowing anchored in your bones and every fiber and corridor of your being then you also realize that conflict is an illusion as well.

    The reason why you have conflict that escalates in the 3rd dimensional reality that you are in, which by the way is slightly different that the 3rd dimensional reality I occupied during my last life, it is already shifted significantly. But the reason conflict escalates where you are is because someone actually believes or feels or is throwing a mental or emotional tantrum that they need to be right, that they need to be in charge or in control.

    And so if they are right then they are in control and that is one of the biggest differences as you leave the 3rd to the 5th, 6th and onward, that simply disappears. Of course, from time to time there are differences of opinions and that is recognized as what they are; they are thought patterns or emotional patterns or beliefs that perhaps one path is preferential to another. What has been realized in the higher dimensions, what is a quality that is realized is not only compassion but a deeper insight into another being.

    Yes, your third and fourth eye are activated, not only your compassion but your understanding of someone else’s point of view and the understanding, the wisdom quality, the divine quality that you don’t have to agree. And that to not agree does not mean subservience and does not mean that you need to fall into alignment. Now sometimes and particularly in matters of a group, you do fall into alignment because you realize ‘we’ll give it a try’.

    But there is a deeper level of understanding. Right now where you are and I do not say this, my friends, in any way that is derogatory but too often you only look to the surface of an issue or an argument and particularly a conflict. Because when there is conflict, and it does not matter whether it is between two individuals or a nation, what happens is your ire and your defense mechanism, your fear, your memory, your race memory and your individual memory is that ‘I may be destroyed, I may be killed, I may be maimed, I may be hurt if I am having a different belief or idea than others or the mainstream.’ That simply is not present. So what happens in the 5th dimension is that a diversity of ideas, what you may call conflict, is actually celebrated.

    As I have told you, I love to talk, I love to break through ideas, emotions, and yes I do use the torch of my Violet Flame and often I will bring it into these discussions because it is also the Flame of Truth. Yes, Michael does not have entire purview on this, although he will often rush to the scene as well. But what happens if there is severe conflict, we always, always go the route of mediation so that whether it is through two individuals or nations or groups or galaxies, through a mediator there is a middle ground that is sought. And let me tell you, perhaps to the ‘you’ this sounds boring and wishy-washy, because I know the excitement of a good discussion and even a good fight;

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    Post  We Are You Fri Jul 27, 2012 2:29 am

    St. Germaine Contrasts 3D with 5D Life
    2012 July 26
    Posted by Steve Beckow

    St. Germaine visits Graham and Linda on Heavenly Blessings to discuss the differences between life in the Third Dimension and life in the Fifth. Ordinarily I remove the initial discussion but Graham and Linda discuss the new format of their program here, which will include questions from listeners. Thanks to Mary for the transcript.

    Heavenly Blessings 07-19-12 St. Germaine

    Graham Dewyea: Well, hello and welcome to Heavenly Blessings with Linda Dillon, the channel for the Council of Love and author of The Great Awakening, I’m Graham Dewyea, our guest today is St. Germaine. And we didn’t have our show last week and we certainly apologize to those of you who were looking for the link, we had to cancel at the last minute. If you’d like an update on show activity I’d encourage you to go ahead and sign up to follow on the InLight Radio homepage, just click ‘follow’ and what you will get every week is an update of our shows, all of the InLight shows and you will be made aware if there are any last minute changes like last week.

    We’re recording live tonight and it’s great to have you all with us. We are bringing on St. Germaine to talk about his experience moving from the 3rd dimension into the 5th dimension and to share with us what it is like living in the 5th dimension to give us a better idea about where we’re headed and what we might expect. But it’s my pleasure to welcome Linda to the show. Hi Linda.

    Linda Dillon: Hi, Graham, hi, everybody and I want to add my apologies to Graham’s for last week. I was the culprit and I was just getting ready for a very intense workshop on Ascension Healing and I just couldn’t make it, so my apologies; especially because this is one of my favorite things to do in the whole wide world.

    GD: It’s great to be back and it’s great to do this with you and it’s great to have all of you with us. Before we bring on St. Germaine, we wanted to talk with our listeners about a new show format we wanted to try out with Heavenly Blessings. We recognize that there’s real value in sharing personal experiences, personal, spiritual insights and discoveries and the gifts and teachings that we’ve been exploring on Heavenly Blessings, on the show, and to that end we wanted to, starting next week, open up the phone lines so that you can join in with us, in conversation, and share your questions and share your insights and we can have more of a dialogue about all of the good stuff that we’ve been talking about on the Heavenly Blessings show, so the time will stay the same and we encourage you to join us and when you call there are instructions for how you can notify us, identify yourselves to be brought into the studio. And we really look forward to this exciting development. Linda, is there anything you’d like to add?

    LD: No, I think you’ve pretty well covered it, I am really excited. This is something that Graham and I have sort of tossed around and talked about since he and I first conceived the idea of Heavenly Blessings. And the whole idea behind this show in particular was that it was going to be a complement, yes a stand-alone, but a complement at the same time to An Hour With An Angel which as you know is more of a news format and more of an interview format with Geoffrey West and Steve Beckow of the 2012 Scenerio where they will interview either Archangel Michael or one of the Ascended Masters.

    And one of the things that the Council, at that time, was saying to me is that ‘it’s all very well and good that we get the information, which is critical especially at this point in time, but when they say to us, when they, the Council of Love or Archangel Michael or St. Germaine says to us “do clearing”, “do meditation” or “stay in your joy”, that sometimes we need more information, we need more of an instructional guideline as it were and a discussion.

    And so that’s what we’ve been doing in discussing through the channelings and the giving of the blessings from the Masters and from the Archangels is giving you some hands-on tools. But now Graham and I want to take it a step further. Now, I want to be really clear that we aren’t opening up the psychic hotline. This isn’t about, you know, should I look out for the red sports car on Tuesday night? But really a chance for us to, for all of us as a community because that’s what we are, to get to the sum of the fundamental questions and issues that we’re all facing in terms of this time of massive change, of Transition and of Ascension. … So let’s begin.

    St.Germaine: Greetings, I AM St. Germaine.

    GD: Hello and welcome.

    St.G: And welcome to you, welcome to each and every one of you and I am pleased to start this new format, to sit here and chat with you as we have so many times, in ancient times, in Atlantis, in Lemuria, in what you think of as Israel and the United States of America, England, Spain. The one thing you should know about me, my beloved friends, my allies, my keepers, my healers is that I love to sit and to talk, to exchange ideas, to explore the edges of what you have thought of as philosophies, belief systems. I have lived upon your planet for a very long time and often as well and I come to you this night, not only as Keeper of the Violet Flame, Keeper of the I AM Presence, I come to you not only as a column of violet but as a friend. There are so many of you who have known me throughout these incarnations and it is to you I have beckoned to step forward as healers and teachers and showers of the way. And I thank you, I thank you my beloved ones for doing so.

    Now I address Graham and Linda and I say to you, perhaps you have chosen the wrong Master to speak tonight. Yes, I love to tease, I love to play, and that is also what I like to teach you, to make time for your sacred self, for your undertakings, but also to sit, to laugh, to enjoy this precious life not only that you have chosen but that you have been given, that you have been granted, that you have co-created with us. The reason why I suggest that perhaps you have chosen the wrong Master is as I have said many times “I do not choose to incarnate again”. And perhaps that is a good place for us to start.

    I have lived for thousands and thousands of years, various incarnations under various names, and I know my beloved friends how difficult, how challenging and how wondrous, how absolutely sublime being alive in human form can be. It is not always easy, it is not always straightforward and that is particularly true as you rid yourself and break free of the shackles and the illusions, the bars and the prisons of the 3rd dimensional reality within which human beings have lived for so long. And you my beloved ones are doing exactly that and there are times when this can be confusing, when it can be challenging and yes even overwhelming; where you can see the new, you can taste it, you can experience it.

    You live there part time and then you feel yourself dragged down, like an apple falling from the tree, as if gravity has a pull on you, back into the 3rd and you find yourself confronted not only by the collective and by the illusions and chaos, the addiction to drama that they have embraced but by your own issues, by what you still have need, yes need, to let go of. What is the key? Yes you have been given steps to Ascension and our focus so often now, when we speak to you is not even on the Ascension process, not even on the Shift, but what lies ahead.

    But I, as one who has lived as hu-man, understand. It is important to glimpse what lies ahead and the magnificence of the freedom that I have worked for with you for so long and with many of the Ascended Ones, the Enlightened Beings and the Council of Love, your star brothers and sisters. But to ignore what you go through in these troughs, these peaks and these valleys would not be responsible because I have known that struggle. I have spent almost 100 years, 86 to be exact, with my brothers and sisters, the Masters in Tibet and in this we learned a great deal of letting go of illusion and truly embodying the truth of who you are because it is not simply us, it is not simply the Ascended Ones who have these capacities; it is each of you.

    You were not created or incarnated, but I am speaking of original creation, without the spark of Divinity and that is all that is required. And that spark of Divinity, that God essence is love. When you are asking me, “St. Germaine, how do I do it? How do I break through?” It is very simple; it is with outrageous perseverance, determination, and the gentlest, most lenient love and acceptance of who you are.

    Many of you know me during my lifetime as St. Germaine, as one who traveled Europe and then North America and I have had some outrageous experiences. I have sat with you and I have broken bread and drunk wine and laughed and shouted and cried with each of you. And we have talked and talked and philosophized about how we would break through the illusion of time, of space, how we would shift inter-dimensionally. And you have challenged me to do it, to become and to come to know how to do this.

    And I come to share this with you; you do it by simply doing it, by going home, yes to the heart of One and filling with so much energy, with so much love that you are a powerhouse that nothing can stop you. And this is readily available to you now as it was not before. And if you do not know how to do this then come and sit with me in my Violet Flame, in my violet bonfire and torch every illusion that you have ever had especially the illusions around who controls your life. And I pose this question to you and I open it for discussion. Graham, do you wish to comment?

    GD: I do and I thank you for your wisdom and I thank you for your introductory remarks. Your experience on Earth and your experience going through the Ascension process is why we were feeling that it makes so much sense to have you and I appreciate this opportunity for dialogue. And I appreciate your comment about how important it is to have a glimpse of what lies ahead. So it seems to me that there is so much value in being able to visualize where we’re going or the possibility of where we’re going and recognizing it’s a co-creative process.

    If I may I posted a promotional post, if you will, on the 2012 Scenario site about the 3rd dimension and the qualities of the 3rd dimension and that we wouldn’t be experiencing some qualities of the 3rd dimension in the 5th dimension and higher. And I’m wondering if you could just check me on this…I indicated that as we get into a higher dimensional state the lower dimensional qualities such as greed, lust, revenge, jealousy, frustration, disappointment and selfishness doesn’t exist in the 5th dimension and higher. Do I have that all right?

    St.G: Yes you do; lack, limitation, death, disease, destruction, despair, depression, control.

    GD: OK and I hear from you that to go through the Ascension process it takes outrageous perseverance, determination and love and I really appreciate your speaking to that because to your point it is challenging or it can be very challenging this journey. At the same time I also hear your invitation to also enjoy it and that we chose this incarnation and there’s the invitation to really experience the joy and the blessing of it all.

    What’s really intriguing to me is to talk about, if you would, what’s it like to be a 5th dimensional being and higher? And some of the questions that come to mind are just practical thoughts; for example, I understand that in higher dimensions that we, as a theme would be experiencing peace and love but I’m sure or I suspect disagreements still surface. So to engage in this conversation a little bit more, maybe we can go a little bit deeper there. How is conflict, for example, addressed in the higher dimensions? How does that work?

    St.G: And that is why I have posed the question “Who controls you? Who controls your life, your environment, your actions, your desires?” And part of the biggest element of the Shift, because you still have many of these illusions, is coming to the conclusion that no one, no one controls you. When you have that, and I’m not just speaking skin deep, when you have that knowing, not the belief system but the knowing anchored in your bones and every fiber and corridor of your being then you also realize that conflict is an illusion as well.

    The reason why you have conflict that escalates in the 3rd dimensional reality that you are in, which by the way is slightly different that the 3rd dimensional reality I occupied during my last life, it is already shifted significantly. But the reason conflict escalates where you are is because someone actually believes or feels or is throwing a mental or emotional tantrum that they need to be right, that they need to be in charge or in control.

    And so if they are right then they are in control and that is one of the biggest differences as you leave the 3rd to the 5th, 6th and onward, that simply disappears. Of course, from time to time there are differences of opinions and that is recognized as what they are; they are thought patterns or emotional patterns or beliefs that perhaps one path is preferential to another. What has been realized in the higher dimensions, what is a quality that is realized is not only compassion but a deeper insight into another being.

    Yes, your third and fourth eye are activated, not only your compassion but your understanding of someone else’s point of view and the understanding, the wisdom quality, the divine quality that you don’t have to agree. And that to not agree does not mean subservience and does not mean that you need to fall into alignment. Now sometimes and particularly in matters of a group, you do fall into alignment because you realize ‘we’ll give it a try’.

    But there is a deeper level of understanding. Right now where you are and I do not say this, my friends, in any way that is derogatory but too often you only look to the surface of an issue or an argument and particularly a conflict. Because when there is conflict, and it does not matter whether it is between two individuals or a nation, what happens is your ire and your defense mechanism, your fear, your memory, your race memory and your individual memory is that ‘I may be destroyed, I may be killed, I may be maimed, I may be hurt if I am having a different belief or idea than others or the mainstream.’ That simply is not present. So what happens in the 5th dimension is that a diversity of ideas, what you may call conflict, is actually celebrated.

    As I have told you, I love to talk, I love to break through ideas, emotions, and yes I do use the torch of my Violet Flame and often I will bring it into these discussions because it is also the Flame of Truth. Yes, Michael does not have entire purview on this, although he will often rush to the scene as well. But what happens if there is severe conflict, we always, always go the route of mediation so that whether it is through two individuals or nations or groups or galaxies, through a mediator there is a middle ground that is sought. And let me tell you, perhaps to the ‘you’ this sounds boring and wishy-washy, because I know the excitement of a good discussion and even a good fight; it is not wishy-washy, it is exhilarating, it is exciting.

    What emerges is a third position, a new position, new understandings, and that is growth for everyone involved. Even when it is just two individuals and mediation is required, because we never allow things to escalate to the point of conflict. So if there is mediation, new understanding is reached and that is shared instantaneously, telepathically, energetically with everybody. So the broad base of knowledge, of wisdom, of participation in the wisdom of One is continual. It is phenomenally exciting, that is one of the reasons why I will never incarnate again into the 3rd and of course with you ascending it will not be necessary will it?

    GD: Well it’s interesting, I think about a paradigm where there is abundance, there is full freedom, perfect health and that’s just a start, and this is available to everyone. And that in and of itself takes away or adds so much, right, and so there’s this environment of separateness really starts to dissipate quickly because individuals aren’t trying to protect and trying to hoard and trying to go after the illusion of a limited pie. So that in and of itself is hugely significant and then having a greater understanding of others and compassion just takes it to another level, so I can see where disagreements and conflict really dissipate quickly.

    I’m really interested and I’m just mindful of time, this discussion is so rich and I thank you. As we think about being in a state of unity consciousness where everyone is aware of everyone’s thoughts and feelings, how does that impact how we relate to one another and how we associate with each other?

    St.G: It brings a richness of velvet, a richness that you have never seen or consistently experienced upon your planet, you are beginning to glimpse it and that is why I spoke to the issue of control. Now when you are in a place where you are realizing, not just thinking but fully anchored in the realization that you are a sovereign n co-creator with all, with your brothers and sisters of Earth, with us, with One, with your star brothers and sisters. The sense of peace, of being complete and not threatened, opens up the door to truly wanting more connection because you no longer have the need to keep up these false barriers that each of you have erected understandably, but they are no longer necessary.

    And the biggest piece of letting go of the 3rd is taking down those barriers, of separation, of isolation, of feeling, because it is an emotional situation of feeling that you are alone. Now, yes we are in unity consciousness. We do not in any way invade private space, sacred space so it is not that I am thinking all of your thoughts, having all of your feelings but when that connection is made and the door is open, it is fully open. And I can tell just by being with you just as you can tell just by being with me what my desires, what my role, what my agenda for creation is. So it eliminates so much of the need for explanation.

    Do you understand how much time right now each of you contributes or puts towards explaining who you are? And it is your greatest desire to be understood and to be loved and cherished for that being that you are. So can you imagine my friend that every person you meet and those you never meet have that understanding so that that allows you, rather than explaining, justifying to just go forward with support of the multitude, to actually be in body.

    That is the miraculous shift in this Ascension, in body you will be the fullness of who you are and bring forth creations. So for some of you it will be art, for some of you it will be music, for some it will be incredible gardens, restoration of water, of working with Gaia and the trees, the elementals. For others it will be tending and building the Cities of Light. But the energy will go, not only to creation because that sounds like a full time job to me, and as you know if there is one thing I am famous for it is also play. It frees you up to laugh, to be in that unity consciousness, to know love, yes intimately with sacred partnership, with family, with soul family, but to bathe in it, that is one of the biggest reasons your star brothers and sisters have traveled so far and been so patient. It is not the rebirth of love; it is to participate in this unity consciousness. We are all waiting on you and I am sorry I interrupted you.

    GD: Well, I think I interrupted you. I thank you again for everything that you are sharing. You mentioned our star brothers and sisters and perhaps I can use them as an example: so let’s take a star brother who is residing in the 5th dimension who has greatly wanted to, among many, many, many others, other star brothers and sisters, wanted to engage fully, presently, consciously, physically with humans on Earth and it’s taken a long, long, long, long time and there have been delays and I’m thinking that this star brother, even in the 5th dimension of peace and love with abundant patience, there’s still got to be some impatience or feelings of impatience and disappointments and perhaps some frustration. Am I right or no?

    St.G: You are absolutely right. Now, it is not that they do not, and others in the 5th do not experience emotions, even we experience, even your guides, even the Archangels at times experience emotion. It is simply not emotion as you define it. So are they frustrated, are they impatient? Yes, more than you can imagine because their capacity for holding energy and therefore holding frustration is much bigger than yours.

    GD: So how does a 5th dimensional being experiencing frustration, what does that look like in comparison to a 3rd dimensional being? And is there ever anger in the 5th dimension?

    St.G: Not as you consider it. So when there is frustration sometime there is an element of sorrow or sadness that things have not moved more rapidly. But what they do is heal, what they do is they receive the compassion and the healing from the collective so that it seeps out of them the way you would squeeze a sponge so that they do not hold on to it. That it is replaced with a greater wisdom and an understanding that although their anxiousness to be with you is overridden by a broader understanding of the Divine plan and of the bigger plan. And that so often is what you are frustrated by is because you have limited vision and understanding of the bigger plan.

    Now in that frustration I tell you there are hundreds of thousands of your star brothers and sisters on Earth and let me tell you they are holding the 5th dimensional energies. So when you encounter one and many of you have, many of you have, you just don’t realize it perhaps fully, but let me give you a clue: it is that individual that you talk to that always says to you “Well have you thought of it this way? Can you let go? Can you go into your heart and find the love? Can you simply find a little more patience? Can you understand that perhaps you are waiting for the collective?” There are many acclimatized, not only to Earth and yes as the grounding crew and the dissipaters of fear and control but they are holding that 5th dimensional energy, as are many of you. You have ascended and you do not even realize it. It’s kind of ironic…

    GD: Are you speaking to me personally?

    St.G: I am speaking to you personally and I am speaking to many of you very personally.

    GD: What you’re saying I think is highly significant and so important and that is that there are beings, be them human or our star brothers and sisters who are embodying now 5th dimensional attributes and qualities. And I think that is so important as we live now that which we wish to co-create. So I really appreciate you speaking to that.

    St.G: It is already underway and they are holding the 5th dimensional, what you have been calling ‘the blessings and virtues’ or the Divine qualities. They are already holding these energies. Now does that mean that you will never have moments where you feel as if the jaws of the shark are snapping at you, trying to bring you back into the 3rd dimension of old earth? There will be but that is where your stamina, your prudence, your wisdom come forward, that is why I say to you “You are a sovereign” and you are holding, my beloved ones, you are holding the energies. All that is remaining is tearing down the illusion of old earth and it is a human illusion and you are seeing it daily, particularly with the penetration from Mother and Father and certainly with containment. It is falling away; allow your hearts to sing because as you do your energy and your ability to hold these 5th dimensional energies are growing.

    GD: And will get easier.

    St.G: It will get easier. The old and I am talking about government, I am talking about financial institutions, I am talking about old ways of doing business, who pays the bills? who do they get paid to? who is in control? who has power to jail you or to free you? These are falling away but part of your job and part of mine and that is why I am so glad you have asked me this, is holding those Divine qualities and not engaging in that old game because it doesn’t exist, it is a shadow dancing on the wall, it is not real. The more you dismiss it the less substance it has.

    GD: This for me is a call to be 5th dimensional now, this is a great opportunity and a great reminder and invitation, I’m not even thinking of the right word, yeah it’s a call to be that where we wish to be now and I so appreciate what you are saying. We have just a little bit of time left and there’s something that you spoke to earlier in the show that I just wanted to revisit and that is, and I have a sense of what the answer is, but if you could speak to it I think it would be helpful. Why is it that the 3rd dimension that you experienced while you were on Earth, why is that different than the 3rd dimension we are experiencing now? Is the simple answer that it is falling away now and it’s an increased vibrational experience compared to what you had experienced?

    St.G: It is better and it is worse, to use your language. When I roamed the earth there was a great deal of freedom not just because of my wealth but because adventure, discovery, whether it was to sit with Voltaire and speak of the meaning of the universe or discover North America. Adventure was valued. That value, that innate right has been lost by and large. Now at the same time I lived in a very despotic, what I viewed as despotic, monarchy ridden society and it was my dream to create democracies where people lived in freedom; and that is what the 5th dimension is. It is to live in freedom and unity and co-creation. So with the work that I and my brothers and my sisters have done since that incarnation the energy has grown, there has been much healing.

    I have passed the torch on and my Temple of the Violet Flame is stronger than ever. So that is better and lighter and easier for you to access. But this sense of willingness to go out on a limb has been beaten out of you and that is sad. And so that is why this is my clarion call, this is my request to you to step forward. Years ago I called for an armada of healers, now I call for an armada of adventurers to remember you came here for the greatest adventure ever known, not only on earth but far beyond. You chose to come and be the light bearers, not light holders, but to be the light bearers, the love holders and the showers of the way for this Shift, for this magnificent opening.

    So you are not having in the 3rd dimension the density and the struggle that I experienced. So it is not as difficult or as arduous because what you are doing is simply saying ‘no’ and it is that very strength of ‘no to the old and yes to the new’ because the energies are already there waiting for you. You are not trying to break free, you are already free. So it is simply the acknowledgement and the anchoring of these wondrous energies. So it is different.

    GD: Wonderfully said. We have just a couple of minutes left. What can you share with us that can get us more excited beyond what you’ve already shared which I find wonderfully exciting? What else can you share with us that can give us hope and excitement, put us in a state of joy as we think about the new paradigm that we’re coming into?

    St.G: I have been human and so I would sleep, not long but I would sleep. And so I say to you “What will it be like to wake up on the morning to a beautiful clean planet and to simply decide in your heart what you wish and desire and choose to do with the day, knowing there are no limitations, no requirements to go and to earn money or to fulfill obligations other than what you want to do. And if you wished to play with your loved one, with your divine partner, then you will do so. If you wish to laugh with the children and splash in the lake, you will do so. And if you wish to erect a tower of peace, you may do so. How will that feel?”

    GD: That will be delightful and what a wondrous world it will be. I can’t thank you enough for your time today and your wisdom and your inspiration and your guidance. I couldn’t think of a better guest today so thank you so very much.

    St.G: Thank you for having me. I will be part of the conversations. Farewell my 5th dimensional brothers and sisters, farewell.

    GD: Farewell. Thank you.

    Channeled by Linda Dillon 07-19-12
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    Post  We Are You Sat Jul 28, 2012 5:21 am

    Lady Portia ~~ Stay within your Heart, Love from your heart and be your heart ~~ 27/07/2012 Channeled by Méline Lafontcby melinelafont

    My Beloved Ones whose hearts are so filled with Love, I Am Lady Portia, the Almighty Warrioress of freedom and expression. Justice is my trump card, my dedication and my origin. Balance is my result, my expression and my being. I welcome you heartily, my dear ones, for I am so full of Love for all of you and I wish to greet your lovely hearts and to share them with mine.

    What once was my highest trump card will now become yours as well. Balance will reign in yourselves and balance will be the result in which you and your world will find yourselves. Balance is the key to harmony. And, Beloved Ones, that will be the end result. You will be in perfect harmony because you will be balanced within yourselves and with the cosmos. You will be one with the universe and beyond ; you will be one with yourself, with your Twin Flame, with your world and with the surrounding spiritual worlds.

    Is is for the new, upcoming world that I personally pledge my allegiance and my full cooperation. Cooperation in itself is very important in this whole process. My true nature is important as is yours and so it is for every soul on Earth. Every form of energy, no matter how seemingly insignificant, gathers an enormous force which contributes to this present transformational process of yourselves and of Gaia. Nothing is useless or too insignificant to contribute in anyway possible. All is useful and has meaning in life, even the smallest cell regardless its form. All cooperate collectively and because of this fact, the illusion in which you dwell will also end collectively through the process of transformation.

    All assistance and all forms of energy are now very important and are, quite frankly, a dire necessity. Remain persistent in your soul tasks, dear ones, as your help is needed now more than ever. At present we enter the most arduous months of the transformation process meaning that in the coming months you must stay true to yourSelf in complete serenity and harmony, one with yourSelf. What I am trying to say to you is that there is a lot that will unfold in a relatively short period of time ; a fact that you already feel deep down in your heart … deep in your own Truth and in your I AM Presence. Don’t ignore what your heart is revealing but listen closely. Your heart is your own cosmic source of information ; it is your essence and your True Self ; it is your Source of Love. It all starts from your heart and from nowhere else : not from outside yourself nor from someone else, but from your inner I, your heart!

    I advise you all to go within, on a daily basis, inside your heart ; there you will find what you already know. Your heart never withholds the truth, it literally is jumping and thumping to share your love with yourself, with others and with Mother Earth. Release this Love and this information and open your heart to yourself. LOVE yourself, LOVE yourself immensely. If only I could let you feel what you are capable of when you open your heart center. Your little heart contains so much more power than you can imagine. The power of creation lies in your heart; huge creations are possible ; it’s in this way the cosmos was created. You are that powerful ; you are Creators each and everyone of you : you are a mentor, you are a Master!

    I love you all beyond words, I love all lifeforms in this universe unconditionally, no exceptions!! Please know that I am at your beck and call, my heart goes out to this world and to you. It is my desire to assist you wherever I can but know that it all starts from within yourself. I follow you and travel along throughout these times in which the Galactic families will come to the fore and where the animal – and plant kingdoms will reveal not only their true selves but also their significance …

    Look around you, dear ones, everything and I truly mean everything has its purpose .. and this is now unfolding. Love the animals as they genuinely love you! Love the plants and the water elements, as they too love you! They love you so much that they in a way have sacrificed themselves to stand by your side through it all. They are living beings just as humans are and they too are endowed with a soul, an energy, an aura … Even plants possess some kind of energy and aura, they also are living creatures. The plants were designed to be, first and foremost, the food source for humans and so much more. Never the animals, certainly not, in no case! Nonetheless, the beloved animals have chosen to experience slaughter to provide meat for humans, that is the extent of their love for you.

    I love the animal kingdom so much, they are wise and spiritual souls who, just like us, have been placed in this duality for a reason. They are in no way less than us, quite the contrary : they make extra-ordinary friends and I myself love to dwell amongst them. This gives me so much joy and love. We are all one. Never forget that! Including the animal and the plant kingdoms and all elements on Earth.

    Be kind to each other, my Beloved Ones, I love you!

    I Am That I Am

    Lady Portia

    melinelafont | July 27, 2012 at 13:25 | Tags: Lady Portia, Meline Lafont, Self-love | Categories: Channels | URL: Separation Proceeds at the Accelerated Paceby ÉirePort

    As alignments require, separations of inner invisible and outer visible forms occur. Choices that are made from the Hue-person view, manifest rapidly as needed by Gaia Galactic Transmutation Council.

    Those with Hue-person view see duality conflicts, without participation of any type. Instant separation occurs.

    Those attempting to continue the duality "conflict before harmony" attitude, find they possess "faces without eyes". Vision of "duality first" individuals is being closed until planetary awakening sufficient to support their awakening as a group.

    Following Higher Guidance in all matters leads to a smooth path.

    ÉirePort | July 28, 2012 at 07:58 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:
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    Post  We Are You Sat Jul 28, 2012 12:11 pm

    but o
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    Post  We Are You Sat Jul 28, 2012 12:46 pm

    Abi-Qor and Adrial Update – 28 July 2012

    Abi-Qor in progress

    Hi, Everyone,

    Here’s an update on Abi-Qor-related things, and a few words from Adrial.

    Mark and I continue to develop Abi-Qor with Adrial and Taugth, and here is a small in-progress image… I’ll save the explanations for later (perhaps even after conference), so for now please enjoy and go within your heart to find more… I was shown yesterday a vast “underground” portion, so that will be added soon…

    All comments and inspiration are welcome… We are clearly manifesting this place from our hearts, so everyone’s contribution is treasured!

    For me, it’s been another phenomenally eventful week, and I’m so happy to be finding some time to spend interacting with everyone again. You’re always in my heart, even when my fingers get distracted from posting and saying hello. You are an amazing family.

    I’m thrilled to have gotten some pendulum images online, and I really look forward to sending ones to those who have requested. I have no idea when this will happen – it may be on Monday, and it may be a week from now! (Thank you for your understanding!) Reaching and understanding about how to do this has been quite a breakthrough for me, and one lesson from this week has been to see – very clearly – what is possible if we hold to our light, walk tall in our own light, and lovingly hold our ground.

    It’s been less than a week since I decided to move to Pagosa Springs… And I feel I am already there in spirit (and astral body!)… As I’ve been focusing on depicting Abi-Qor, I’m beginning to feel so absorbed into the modeling activity, that it really begins to arise feeling very tangible and real… It’s a wonderful feeling!

    We also learned about the ship Eui, met the Council of Eui, and in this way we learned a little about Relocation/Stasis and some of the changes to come. It’s still a very fluid situation, but it’s beginning to become firm in enough minds that it’s getting closer and closer.

    There’s an approach I’ve been using a lot this week, and although the conceptual thinking behind it is familiar to me, I have never before (in this life) put it into practice on such a deep level. It’s Giving, and Releasing. I wish to express my deepest gratitude to Predrag Bracanovich (Saint Germaine) for accompanying me and guiding me on this journey of giving and releasing… I’ve experienced some quite profound results.

    Part of the Releasing involves a releasing of all concerns about my “conditions”. Yes, Buddhism teaches about the preciousness of Giving, and it often focuses on how when we Give, we accumulate Merit, or Positive Energy. Many can understand this, and the Merit is like the little carrot dangling in front of the horse’s nose, to keep it moving “forward”. This Releasing that I’m practicing now requires forgetting about even Merit… and relies completely on Trust, or Faith.

    I sense that learning to do this, to keep my awareness attuned to any expectations, and smashing them flat as soon as I detect any, amounts to a matter of life or death on some level. We know that some huge turning point is approaching for us all, and its outcome rests upon our being firmly resolved in where we stand, and how well we can truly let go of 3D.

    It’s exhilarating!

    Figuring out what really constitutes “Releasing” shows itself as a tricky bugger! On the one hand I would love to just sit and meditate and mail out pendulums and wait until I can load up the trailer, gas up the tank, and hit the road. However, I also know that I will be adding links on my other sites, which lead to my PayPal account, in case gifts wish to arrive… I have very mixed feelings about this, but since Adrial says this is part of the plan, I TRUST. I’m focusing on the practice of just getting to Pagosa Springs in a few weeks, and allowing only thoughts that encourage this direction into my sphere of existence.

    I’ve made this kind of move a couple times before (although moving 1500 miles is a first!), and I’ve learned that the best method is for “Leslee” to completely step out of the way, and hand things over to the Celestials, Buddhas, Gaia and the Universe. So, I’m in the midst of that part of the process now, and it involves some intense remembering and mindfulness! I truly and deeply appreciate all the positive energy that you, my family, are sending! I feel it profoundly, and the joy is contagious.

    Along with the pendulum adventures, I’m receiving nudges that I will be teaching people (via Skype) how to connect directly with their highest guides… This morning I did a reading with one of our Crew members, and it felt like a really beautiful experience. It seems that others are interested as well… if this resonates with you, then please email me and let me know your Skype contact, and we will see where it goes from there. My email is, and my Skype contact is leslee.hare (in Altanta, GA).

    During that Skype session, Adrial focused almost exclusively on establishing connections, and giving meditations for enhancing this. So, when we ended the session, some questions remained. And others have added a few questions too. I’ll check in with Adrial now, and address these below.

    •Adrial, can you please tell us something about August? We have heard that there are supposed to be “big” events on the 4th and the 17th.

    These dates are important to you for two reasons: First, there are Galactic alignments which will occur, and these will strengthen the focus of the energies of Transformation. These Transformations affect you internally and externally, and you already feel their influence.

    Internally, you will be pushed – not nudged, but pushed – into making choices about how you will follow your path. Time compresses. It is time for you to respond. You are ready.

    Externally, three main potentialities persist, and one of them will unfold, beginning on August 4th, peaking on August 17th, and from then the effects will wind down gradually. The three are:

    PUBLIC DISCLOSURE: This is the much-discussed, public, undeniable appearance of ships in the skies, in thousands of locations, at once, and persisting. Two sub-potentialities exist: The ships may be “Galactic”, or they may be from Inner Gaia. This is the most widely anticipated and wished-for of the three potentialities, and would allow for the smoothest transition and acclimation for Surface Earth human inhabitants.

    SURFACE OCCUPATION: In this scenario, Ascended Beings from Inner Earth would emerge onto Surface Gaia. The appearance of ships would be a very minor feature of this option. This emergence would be open, in terms of not attempting to be hidden, however, Surface Earthlings would not recognize many of the Beings who would be engaged in this emergence. Many are aetheric and/or quite tiny compared to humans. These, as well as the more Human-appearing participants, would then begin to engage in activities that would ameliorate conditions on Surface Gaia. You would experience this as mysterious occurrences on a wide scale (such as account balances being altered, mechanical interference, electromagnetic phenomena, etc.). These activities would be done in the manner found to be least frightening and most disruptive. The disruptions will accomplish the often-discussed changes with which you are quite familiar.

    UPHEAVAL: We prefer not to send energy to this potential, so We refrain from explaining further. You are already far more immersed in considering these possibilities than is beneficial to your progress.

    The most relevant point of this situation is that the outcome – which of the 3 potentialities manifests – relies entirely upon your personal, individual thoughts and actions.

    Please hold your thoughts as positive. Please bless others in your lives with unconditional love. Please offer compassion and understanding to those who differ from you in experience and understanding. Please focus on your own development, radiating your powerful light and love to all around you. Accept the thoughts and actions of others, find no fault. If you feel a twinge of fear or regret or superiority, immediately transmute this into unconditional love directed towards the heart of Gaia. Visualize Gaia’s heart as a glowing, golden sphere of loving light. Pretend that “negativity” does not exist. Because “negativity” is the most false of all the dis-information illusions, and whenever you engage this duality, you lend it strength.

    The outcome depends entirely upon how sincerely you follow these suggestions.

    The “Dark”, as a group of entities, has not been a player on Gaia for months now. Please release your attention and efforts from that focus, and bring your focus onto yourself, because YOU are the linchpin at this moment in time. The tools you need are available. Search them out. Please.

    • Are the current political events in Romania leading to better conditions?

    This depends totally on the minds of the participants. Similarly to the answer above… If the people working for change have pure and loving intentions, things will improve swiftly. Intentions which include anger, fear, and retribution will simply put a new mask on the same face.

    • Could you please tell us about the Dacian Civilization in Romania, and is there truly a large city (200km) underneath this stone calendar?

    Dacian Ring

    Stone Calendar Sarmisgetuza

    Bulgaria and Romania lie over 2 large Inner Gaia (on the innermost surface of Gaia) cities and 2 large Inner Region (within the crust, in large caverns) cities. These form an alignment that is being activated by the current electromagnetic storms penetrating Gaia. Visiting this location is very beneficial to focusing positive energies into the August “events”. All four of these cities flourish and hold tremendous amounts of light and stability for the region. The Dacian civilization was a temporary one, established by inhabitants of the 2 Inner Gaia cities, to guide, remind, and trigger the advancement of the Surface Gaia civilizations in the region. Once it was established, the Dacians returned to Inner Gaia. The main function of the Inner Region cities is to circulate energy through the crust, between Inner Gaia and Surface Gaia
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    Post  We Are You Sat Jul 28, 2012 5:48 pm


    Let’s see how we can recognize these wonderful events that transpire today from words of one of our most courageous souls among US, Steve, Geoffrey, Sierra, Scot, Drake and Lady Dragon…

    Can you feel what just happened with energies of cabal when they decided to negotiate surrender from their way of living or dying… Still, only till yesterday they did not have any choice, as their castles in the air were crumbling and their life was worth not even a bullet or a rope…

    By choosing to open their hearts, asking for mercy and compassion from We the People, they suddenly open door and gave We the People most beautiful opportunity to exercise and practice our compassion, forgiveness and empathy…

    They gave US with this action opportunity to see completely nonviolent solution for all, including them… as I feel they had enough of pushing other souls in wars an conflicts only for profits and to control… As I feel they are completely exousted to pretend for such a long times, hiding every aspect of their humanity, humility and compassion… only to continue playing this game of masters and slaves…

    As they know this is an old game, without any chance to win or better yet, to survive at all… As they feel there is nothing new to learn if they own another country or continent… But when they accept these new energies of Compassion and Love that are all around them, and they do not resist them… this is the result what just happened to US all…

    They, cabal brothers and sisters decided to act from their hearts, and experience compassion, forgiveness and sharing from all the people they oppressed for centuries… This will be the most grand influx of new energies here on Earth, when we recognize each others as true Brothers and Sisters from long ago….

    Just close your eyes and envision this beautiful energy going around the World transmuting every single soul, dark or light, giving us chance to totally immerse our selves in pure feelings of our existence… to see all these events as most beautiful experiences, bad or good, these are all experiences… these are all experiences that made us grew, made us expand and explode by discovering Love in us for every single soul here on earth… and around too…

    By these actions of cabal, they took full responsibility for their previous un -conscious acts, knowing deep in their hearts that We the People will recognize this pure humbleness and give our unconditional forgiveness…

    Dear We the People, just for sake of pure Love, give them open heart of yours, send them silent forgivness, allow them to feel your compassion…

    Allow them to see the seed of Oneness in your voice…. In your actions… in Your courage to forgive no matter who, or what they did to you or yours… Heave courage to stand tall in your freedom to forgive, to be compassionate…

    Allow them to see no guns in your lovely hands, and instead let them see hope, faith, compassion, non revengeful glare in your eye…

    Then feel self within, and experience colors of true forgiveness and compassion swirling through your body…

    Allow self to step out of your fears, your doubts, your accusations, your blames, your guilt’s and extend your hands to them with smile on your lovely face… Not to take back from them what they stole from You for centuries, but to give them hope, faith, compassion, forgiveness and Love…

    Allow self to be courageous for the first time in your life, by giving freedom to others… because You know what does being in prisoned for ages…

    Yes, give Freedom to others, and by this act you will experience TRUE FREEDOM for self… FMGod’s given FREEDOM for one and all…

    By giving all others Freedom, will bring in your heart true experience of YOUR OWN GOD GIVEN FREEDOM…

    Know that your own freedom cannot be given, yet it can only be claimed…

    Choose Freedom dear Brothers and Sisters… Choose Freedom by not fighting it for… simply allow it… Through Compassion and Love…

    Know dear We the People, today is the day when cabal is no more… it came to light… by simply allowing to experience their own humility and compassion from you… Today 6.6.12 is day of birth of new Free Humanity…

    I Love you dear cabal, dear white heats, dear red dragons, dear We the People, dear green aliens, dear blue giants, dear Free Americans, dear Galactics…


    It was not sacrifice at all... As You did not die couple of hundred of times here on Earth because FMGod made you too.... You did not do any 'crimes' or any heinous acts because it was your 'destiny'...

    You did them as you choose too... You are here to simply experience Life, and to realize how fast [or slow…] you can recognize GodSelf, how fast You can remember FMGod, how fast You can start giving self to others, without asking anything in return…

    Stop doubting about et's or dark cabal's or white dragons... and start breathing consciously... as this is the only thing that you are sure that you are doing for self, and by your self... freely and consciously... BREATHE...

    Stop putting blames on self or others, because of your 'bad' fortune... and Start feeling Life all around... Start feeling Life within your Heart that is urging you to expand... This what you feel is Life knocking at your heart with every breath you do...

    Stop reiterating your 'misfortunes', your miseries, your victimizing tales... and Start seeing these events as most beautiful opportunities that make you who You are at this moment of Now: Truly Awaken Human.... who knows GodSelf...
    Stop being whiny, stop being worried about money, your pension, your grim future... and Start having no expectation about future, about dates, about disclosure... Start Knowing Your future, Your abundance, Your Galactic Presence....

    Stop feeling guilty whatever you did to others, or others did to you, or government did not allow you to do, or you did not allow your child to succeed... and Stop looking back in the past, stop being obsessed with 'grim' future..... And Start Be-ing in to Now... Start feeling Presence and its perfectness... Start being thankful for every single event and thought that your lovely head creates... start seeing self as Creator of Your own Universe...

    Stop going back in the past events with sad expressions on your face... and Start seeing these same events as most beautiful steps toward FMGod...


    But again, who I am o tell you to stop this or that?... or even better, who I am to tell you anything?... The only thing I would like you to hear from my words is: there is no one to tell you what to do and how to see things... You cannot bring this blame or responsibility to any other soul [and not especially on me…] rather than on your self...

    Please, take responsibility onto yourself, your own being, by choosing every though and action, simply knowing that this choice is utterly and completely YOURS...

    Like Your Breath is only Yours to take… There is no one else who can breath for YOU… Dear Sisters and Brothers…

    Ask yourself these questions: To whom your breath belong?... Can you give your breath to anyone else?... Would you breathe for some one else?...

    With Love and very conscious breathing, Predrag Saint Germain...

    Experiment Planet Earth | July 28, 2012 at 20:07 | Categories: General News | URL:
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    Post  We Are You Sun Jul 29, 2012 4:11 am

    The Dolphin Collective ~~ Play your game ~~ 29/07/2012 Channeled by Méline Lafont.

    Lovely Ones,

    When the changes, quietely moving on, become more and more visible and noticeable, your real essence too becomes more visible to us. Your lights sparkle more brilliantly than ever before, your hearts are more loving and pure and they long to express themselves. This is great news, my lovely ones, as with these intentions everything can be achieved ; all your heart’s desires. And all of this starting from Love and from a purety of Being. Nothing can withstand the power of Love, nothing even comes close.

    It is this purity of Being as well as your Divine Spark within that implies the power of you. This power is limitless and has creative abilities : it is the power of creation that abides deep within yourself. This power is something to be very grateful for, just as you may be grateful for who you really are. We too are grateful for your powers, for your love-filled hearts, for your being, for the Love and Light that you are in essence. Love is an inexhaustible source, moving unstoppably throughout every form of existence on Earth as well as in Heaven. Love is the drive behind all that exists. Know, my lovely ones, that your essence is pure Love, it is what you are made of.

    The New World will, by the same token, sprout out forth from this illusion. Love is so powerful that it can, as a manner of speaking, grow on the most toxic or negative soil and continue on blooming. Despite all veils and all illusions, Love has always found a way on Earth. It has touched many souls and has again flared up the Divine Spark within them.

    We, the Dolphin Collective, are always in perfect Harmony with ourselves and with others. We glide along on the sea of Love and Light surrounding us and we bathe daily in it. We too possess energy streams of Love and Light in the oceans in which we dwell, just as you now receive all incoming energies from the sky. Just as you bask in the sunlight, so too do we bathe playfully along the streams of energies within the oceans.

    By the way, water is a very pure and useful element on your planet Earth. It can cleanse a lot and stir much in your bodies. It takes on energies and releases them again. It cleanses your cells on the inner as well as on the outer physical plane ; furthermore, water cleanses your aura and helps you to ground yourself. All in all, water is a highly important element for life on Earth ; nothing can exist without it. We too bathe in the sun once in a while by jumping up and down in the water. We so enjoy the jumping and playing, for we are what you might call an “exuberant” species as you know. We look at life through a playful, rose coloured glasses. All is wel and will remain so, no exceptions! This is our drive and is what motivates us, it is what we expect.

    Consider your life as if it were just a game in which the end result always remains the same no matter what path you choose … and the end result is Ascension, my lovely ones! No matter when it occurs or how long it will take you to experience it, the end result remains the same. As you can compare life to a game, you might just as well enjoy it and make the best of it by playing the game knowing full well that it is just 1 big illusion. Remain brave and unwavering for soon the game will get pretty thrilling and exciting as it is all included in the game plan. Play well!

    With lots of love from the Dolphin Collective! We love you!
    Copyright © 2012 by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.

    melinelafont | July 29, 2012 at 08:42 | Tags: Meline Lafont, The Dolphin Collective | Categories: Channels | URL:
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    Post  We Are You Sun Jul 29, 2012 8:17 am

    Happy End inDeeD
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    Post  We Are You Sun Jul 29, 2012 8:58 am

    Post navigation← Konstantinos-My experiences from the first tripStand Out In The Crowd! →Jul



    Konstantinos: Iltheos-’Good Morning’

    You find yourselves in a dream world. You think that you are awake, but essentially, you are asleep. When you say that you have dreams, it is THAT period of your life, where you are awake. It is THAT time that you return to your true selves and have a taste of the realities and dimensions you left behind.

    Many of you now, have grown your capabilities, regarding your communication with beings and places of higher vibration on the Astral Plane. And the number of the awakened persons grows even more. You start to remember that part of yours, which resembles, in a lot of ways, the Galactic Beings who serve the Light.

    But even if this doesn’t happen to all, you/all of you are ALWAYS that part, that infinite God piece of yours, which you accepted to forget for some ‘time’ and for a specific amount of lives, by being incarnated here or to other worlds of Duality.

    As the days pass, you begin to show more the Wisdom and the Teacher, that characterize you, through your thoughts and actions. And when you see that you need more improvements, you realize that it is not SO difficult, as it was on the previous decades, to make big leaps of progress in a short amount of time.

    And that is so, because in the previous years, it had to be in stages, the knowing and reminding, to you, of the tools that were offered with great Love by enlightened entities of Teachers and Galactics. For some time now, you are more open to accept all these, mentally and energetically.

    As much as it is possible for you, try also to plant seeds of remembrance to the people around you who are asleep, but they think that they are awake. How realistic is this dream that you experience.But the time comes closer, for the cosmic clock to ring louder than ever and as it is expected, there will be some upheavals, while you realize the dawn of a new day….and to be exact, the dawn of a New Era.

    And then, you will find us all in front of you again, ready to say ‘good morning’ to you and willing to hear from you whatever you wish to share from that dream of centuries you had. Your personal experiences is a real treasure of Wisdom that will be useful for the growth of other worlds.

    And with this, I end this message by wishing you all a great GOOD MORNING!…An as possible smooth and sweet awakening…and a peaceful and happy return to your true selves.

    All my Love and Respect to you dear ones.

    Iltheos from Arcturus.

    As received by Konstantinos.

    PS: For anyone who wish to read the previous messages, here are the links:
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    Post  Aquaries1111 Sun Jul 29, 2012 9:34 am

    The book of WE

    WE is

    We is.
    We exists.
    I am We.
    We and I.
    It is We you call, I am.

    WE is the unique collective of living minds come together as community

    We is the unique collective of living minds come together as community.
    Those immortals living in mortal bodies that count one another as community.
    Those around us.
    Ourselves and our family.

    WE is the family

    We are the family.
    The family of living beings joined together.
    We are our brother and sister.
    We are our uncle or aunt.
    We are our father and mother.

    WE is friends

    We are our friends.
    Those that we call on for companionship and celebration.
    Those that we share close affection.

    WE is acquaintances

    We is acquaintances.
    Those that we know.
    Those that we have met.
    Those that we work with.
    Those that we shared education with.

    WE is others

    We is the others.
    The one we do not know their names.
    The ones we do not share any common bond for friendship.
    The ones we may have aggrieved.
    The ones we may feel aggrieved towards.

    When our souls were introduced
    No one of us could ever know
    What we will be going through
    Feeling high, feeling low

    Been in hell, been above
    Cried for help, cried for love
    And when darkness sleeps beside you
    And the morning is far away
    I wanna hold your hand and guide you

    Out of hell, out of darkness
    Finally we´re able to see
    See the beauty not the beasts
    One step further up at least
    But one day

    We will shine, we will shine
    We will fly so high
    We will shine, we will shine
    We will fly so high

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    Post  We Are You Sun Jul 29, 2012 10:04 am

    The Arcturian Group Message – July 29, 2012
    2012 July 29
    tags: Marilyn Raffaelle, The Arcturian Group
    Posted by Stephen Cook

    The Arcturian Group Message

    As channeled by Marilyn Raffaele – July 29, 2012


    We are the Arcturian group, here to assist those wishing to ascend into the new energies pouring forth onto your planet at this time. You are creating and we are assisting. We are not the doers, you are the doers.

    Many must, and many are learning to come into their power; the power of trust and the power of confidence which pours forth from true knowledge and awareness.

    When an individual begins to really believe and know (not just intellectual knowledge) that they are the Divine in manifestation – not a just a part of it, but the actual expression of IT, embodying all the Divine qualities – then that individual is able to finally release those bonds of fear born of the false concepts and beliefs that have gripped mankind for eons.

    This is the goal of the journey dear ones.

    This realization is the last step before moving into a new state of consciousness, the realization that you are actually that Divine Consciousness from which all manifests – because IT is all there is.

    The energy of mankind on earth up to now with few exceptions has been one of duality and separation which led most to believe themselves separate from each other as well as the Divine. The beliefs resulting from this sense of separation and duality have been taught, promoted by those you looked to for answers, and generally fed to you in all forms for eons.

    There is no blame in that you accepted and lived from that which you were taught because you chose the experience of duality and separation. You chose to evolve in the earth school – to find your way back to truth through and in spite of the difficult and often painful manifestations created from these beliefs. You have done it and are ready now to graduate and leave behind the concepts and beliefs of third dimensional energy.

    Not all are ready for this evolutionary leap which is why many of you find that you must lovingly move forward in your personal journey alone, leaving behind friends or family who refuse to leave what they already believe is truth.

    You are ready to take this next step and this is the big one. The gate to the new awareness and energy is the realization that you are ONE. One with Divine Consciousness, one with each other and not just humans – all living things for there is but one life.

    You must also understand that you are one with your manifestations, for you create your world. Many believe that they are victims, and indeed they are victims, but of what?

    They are victims of their own ignorant state of consciousness which will always manifest in the outer as…this sounds harsh, but you must realize that consciousness always manifests and if there is even a small bit of consciousness of duality and separation, it will manifest. There is no blame, we simply explain how it works.

    All that is real is governed by law and is forever. Anything formed of the false beliefs and concepts of the third dimensional consciousness is not governed by law and can be changed. You are doing that now as you open to more and more light through your decision to evolve and seek truth within yourselves.

    You are beginning to trust that you can do it and are adding more and more energies of truth to your state of consciousness which in turn is then manifesting in higher, better, and more evolved forms in the outer. You are seeing much chaos now and you question, but know that it is the Light pouring onto the earth at this time pushing to the surface all that needs to be looked at and released.

    An un-evolved state of consciousness, one heavily enmeshed in duality and separation will manifest as war, rape, abuse etc. You see, it is the state of the consciousness through the mind that manifests in the outer. God has never decreed that suffering is good for you. Because of who you really are, you are creators, manifesting your state of consciousness on personal and universal levels.

    Many who suffer say; “We did not create this”. Dear ones, you did not intentionally create the painful issues of your lives, but the fact that you still have a consciousness of duality and separation, simply functions to manifest it in your experience. Please understand that you hold great power of creation, for you are indeed the Divine in manifestation. Not your human self, no, don’t go around saying I am God in an egotistical way, but simply understand that your true essence, that which is your truest Self, is Divine.

    A great master revealed this to mankind 2000 years ago, but the people were not ready. You are ready now. You have been on a journey that only the very brave undertake… strong and courageous souls choosing to evolve through the fog of duality and separation which is the hardest of all evolutionary journeys a soul can choose. You chose this path brave ones, and when you graduate you will understand how powerful you really are and how much more knowledgeable because of the difficult path you willingly chose.

    We send love and light to all. You are doing a fine job. Soon you will understand better that which you do.

    Trust, center within, know, and most of all love… for all, yes all, are One and this realization is love.

    We are the Arcturian Group
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    Post  We Are You Sun Jul 29, 2012 1:35 pm

    The Angel Diaries
    Main menuSkip to contentHomeAbout MeAngel Readings and Ascension CoachingContactPost navigation← THE CRYSTAL DOLPHIN POD. Heed The Call Of Our Creators-Beloved Mother/Father God. By, AuroRa Le. July 25, 2012.ARCHANGEL HANIEL. “You Are Tough As Diamonds.” By, AuroRa Le. July 29, 2012.
    Posted on July 29, 2012 by theangeldiaries
    ♢ This is the time you have been waiting for. Do you feel the shift in vibration; the excitement, the anticipation? Despite failed attempt after failed attempt, the darkness is, by it’s very nature, unable to to overtake the light. A spiral of hope has risen up from the ashes, and like the unstoppable tornado of love that it is, it makes it’s way across the land. It is powerful and moves quite swiftly, leaving no person, animal, social more or institution unaffected. It lays waste to everything unhealthy, and levels all that is not harmonious with The Light. To our watching eyes it vivid and golden, and it emanates from the deepest inner core of those with a knowing heart. We mean you, Dear Souls. You are of a wise and knowing heart. You are comprised of pure love. You are the ones who are unable to be mislead by false promises and trivialities. Your faith is unshakeable. And yes, it is perfectly natural for that faith to waver slightly from time to time. Do not distress yourselves when that happens. We expect this of you while you are still so heavily enmeshed in the lower vibrations of your current human condition. But it is through your faith that you shall prevail and be triumphant, and it is by your hand that God’s Will shall be made physically manifest upon the planet. Your power. Your faith. Your perseverance in the face of adversity, and your belief that there is nothing to lose and absolutely everything to gain. What shining stars you are! We liken the whole of you to a treasure trove of pretty jewels, for that is how you appear to be, in our eyes. You are tough as diamonds, smooth as pearls, expertly cut gems of all shapes and colors, golden coins that never tarnish. We humbly honor you for being who you are.

    ♢ It matters not at all that there are so many of you, to this day, who are as yet unawakened. Try not to allow this to sway your resolve, or to make you think that all your work has been for naught. Nothing could be farther from the truth, I assure you. These are the precious last days of duality. You are living them now, and it is best you take it all in as though a type of living history. I call it “precious” because later on you will be called upon to recount for others this time in which you now find yourselves. Fancy yourselves to be explorers and historians, as that will lend a spot of fun to this time of waiting. We have told AuroRa/Bella that she will be summoned, upon completion of her assignment, to present herself before the High Council. She must speak of her experience, and share her personal impressions of what she saw and felt, and will be permitted to retain and teach to others the arts and traditions she found most pleasing.

    ♢ Not everything in your culture is to be filtered out once you enter into a 5th-dimesional state. There is much which is beautiful and enriching about the way you live. A very important-and in my opinion, often overlooked-part of the creation of your New Earth reality is in the choosing of which pleasurable aspects you will pack up and bring with you from this one. We frequently catch you thinking that this is just a dull waiting time, yet you are mistaken. You thought this period of waiting to be wrought with boredom, but boredom is dangerous, please remember. So now I assign you tasks that may serve to alleviate that boredom, and which will keep you busier than ever. More things to wonder about. You see, every moment you are here breathing the air is another moment where you may learn, and prepare for what is to come. Engage your time wisely, for even the ordinary concept of linear counting has the potential to be gone in just the blink of an eye. It is interesting to ponder this, don’t you think? However will you explain “time” to those who have never experienced it?

    ♢ Light is light, and darkness is simply the absence thereof. That is all. Nothing more and nothing less. Truth be told, darkness does not really exist at all. You’ve been told over and over again that darkness is but the absence of the light. It waits patiently for you to come and shine yourselves brilliantly upon it, thus illuminating it as something fine and lovely. The darkness then becomes the light! To be afraid of the dark is to be afraid of nothing at all. To despise the dark is to despise the light in it’s infantile state. We of the Upper Realms are as enthused and ready to commence with the next phase as you are. Pay no attention to the numbers and dates. Events will transpire when more of you are ready. How much plainer can it be? Our own role is to assist you in every way you require, and to be immediately available wherever and whenever you should call. An enjoyable sight you may wish to envision is to portray us as sitting by a telephone, longing to hear your voice, and praying that you will ring us up and include us in the challenges which lay ahead. We truly, truly desire to serve right alongside you. We are your most devoted family. Do not forget that we are here to assist.

    ♢ You may expedite your movement out of duality by staying firmly rooted in the Heart, and by operating only from a place of sincerity and love. Love is what is fueling the Ascension fires. It requires constant care to keep it burning. With each soul who awakens, the inferno spreads and it’s flames fan out in all directions. Every outpouring of love, compassion and forgiveness is feeding that fire to make burn higher and brighter. When you indulge in thoughts of bloodlust and seek vengeance and retribution, it is as though you douse the Ascension Flames with icy water, rendering them a useless pile of smoldering embers. We tell you ceaselessly to forgive the ones you once thought unforgivable, and to trust The Lord and Lady Creator with their fate. Do this, and you will see that the Ascension swiftly comes. Do you think you know better and cavalierly reject this advice, as is your right under the Law of Free Will? Oh, it is certainly your option to do this, yes it is. But be aware that this would be a grave mistake, and that there is no more expedient way to effect delay than this! There have been many, many such delays up ’til this point, and all of them are the result of the wavering light quotient upon your planet. Try your best to stay consistent. Endeavor to maintain a climate of steady upward growth, and please do whatever you can to not let the energy of the collective dip.

    ♢ Love, love, love and more love. That is who and what you are made of. Be it and show yourself as that love to all the world. Feel free to openly flaunt your splendor, your goodness and your glory. Be only of the Heart and not of the ego mind. Go on to treat all beings in the kind manner in which you wish yourselves to be treated. Display compassion and forgiveness, no matter how dire the situation might appear. Embrace each experience of this lifetime as an invaluable opportunity for learning. Do these things, and know that at the end of the road a Paradise awaits you. We most enthusiastically await your arrival.

    I am Haniel.

    Copyright © Bella Capozzi. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.
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    We Are You

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    Get far away from Gulf Coast, New Madrid Fault, Louisiana, West Coast and East Coast - Page 11 Empty Re: Get far away from Gulf Coast, New Madrid Fault, Louisiana, West Coast and East Coast

    Post  We Are You Sun Jul 29, 2012 2:49 pm

    Indeed, dear dreamwalker444… you said it so beautifully… Every event [and here i call event even short video that I watched for brief time, or a single thought came to my mind ...] is for benefit of the Creation…
    Creation is not only good and perfect cookie… yet Creation is as well burned or too sweet cookie… Creation is the way we see this cookie melting in our mouth… Creation is the after taste that this burned cookie leave in our mouth…

    And, what you do when you consume burned and bitter tasted cookie?… do you blame self for centuries?… or you live in guilt for millennia’s that this never suppose to happen?… or You do not stop asking Why?… ‘Why God?…’ I have to live with this after taste in my mouth?….

    So, how do you get rid of burned aftertaste in your mouth?… maybe, by washing it with water or beer?… or taking another cookie hopping it will taste different?… or you completely change habit, and declare you will never eat cookies again?… or you simply accept this one was burned and you thank to one who made it, not blame her for giving you burned cookie?…

    You can always consider that she did not put this cookie in your mouth… You did!… as she simply put this at the table in front of you?… So who to blame for your after taste?… Her who cooked them?… You for eating it?… or even Can you blame Cookie itself, for the aftereffect?….

    Same Creation process I see with these News Media, Info manipulations, TV programming of our minds, Financial trickery, Governmental rules and regulations… These are all part of Creation, yet some of these leave quite aftertaste in our minds… Isn’t it?…

    This same Creation of intentionally ‘burned’ sensation is there to be experienced and to be eventually recognized as ‘burned cookie’… and it can be simply discerned that we do not have to consume ‘burned’ and ‘overcooked’ news and ‘truths’ any longer…

    When this realization strike You where these news do not have to be consumed in such a vast amounts… simply because it really sucks walking with grip in your stomac, or bitter taste in your mouth, or total ‘paranoia’ in your mind that ‘end is here’…

    When You realize that even these news are part of Creation, no matter how they taste… Yet, the only thing comes from this experience is your choice: Would you like to continue feeding self with ‘overdone’ and ‘tasteless’ information’s?… Are you ready to accept that you have a choice not to consume in such amounts of ‘spiritual fast-food garbage’?…

    Spirituality is Creation as well…. Religion is Creation as well… Mind Control is Creation too… TV and Media is Creation too…

    Realizing this, you can always choose [this is key word: CHOOSE…] to have burned aftertaste or have smile on your face when spit out this burned cookie out of your mouth… It is all Creation process of New Human who is willing to choose… Who is totally open to experiences, simply by knowing: All is part of Creation… ALL OF IT!… Bad cookies, good cookies, or even ignorant cookies, or simple cookies, or even spiritual cookies… All are One Part of ONE Creation…

    When you see queen as ‘burned cookie’ next time, please consider that you can simply spit out this one, wash it with fresh water and decide not to go in the same jar again… Maybe try to make your own cookies this time?…

    Love You and Love Cookies in any form they come… I AM THAT I AM, not so burned cookie after all, yet Part of Creation, Predrag Saint Germain…


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